Buyers Guide 2014
Buyers Guide 2014
800.386.5830 - 800.386.6741 Plum & Associates – Regional Brokerage Ingredients Plus – Nationwide Distribution – IQF Fruits and Vegetables We offer strategic sourcing and local warehousing Representing manufacturers of quality food ingredients since 1990 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Alpha Exhibitor (Broker) Booth Number AAK/AarhusKarlshamn (Wallis & Barcinski) 306 abelei flavors 318 Activ International (Integra Ingredients, LLC) Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients 265 314 Barry Callebaut Basic Food Flavors (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Batory Foods (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Beck Flavors Booth Number 282 184 226 348 142 Bell Flavors & Fragrances (Haile Resources) BENEO Inc. Berkshire Dairy (FM Lewis Co.) BI Nutraceuticals Bio Springer (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) BIORIGIN (Integra Ingredients, LLC) Blue Diamond Growers Blue Planet Foods (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Bluegrass Dairy and Food (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) BORGES/NATIONAL (Wallis & Barcinski) BORGES/NATIONAL (Wallis & Barcinski) Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 302 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 219a Brolite Products 172 202 Bruce Foods (Haile Resources) 209a 120 Bunge Oils Butter Buds Inc. (Jones Neitzel Company) C&P Additives (Dien Inc.) C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. California Garlic Company (LA Ingredients, LLC) Carlyle Cocoa Company Carmi Flavor & Fragrance Cereal Ingredients, Inc. Ceutical Labs Inc 194 Addison Transportation 344 ADM ADM | Matsutani, LLC Advanced Biotech Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) 124 123 153 AEP Colloids (Haile Resources) 212 Agridient Inc 259 Agropur Ingredients 273 AIC 286 Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 All American Foods, Inc. (NewStar Food Ingredients) Almendra Americas, LLC American Fruits & Flavors (Wallis & Barcinski) American Food Ingredients (Jones Neitzel Company) Ampak Company (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) AmTech Ingredients Exhibitor (Broker) 356 272 Analytical Food Laboratories 281, 292 Aria Foods Group B&D Nutritional Ingredients 229 290 B&G Foods (Ward Hughes Co.) 385 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. Balchem Encapsulates Ballard & Wolfe Co., Inc. Barrington Nutritionals 144 206 313 164 242 369 326b 130 331 264 240 224 186a 305 307 284, 285 235 198 165 389 316 234 400 399 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Alpha Exhibitor (Broker) Chesapeake Spice Co. (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) CHS Inc.-‐ Protein Food Group (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Ciranda, Inc. Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc. Colony Gums Inc. Colony Gums Inc. Comax Flavors Commercial Creamery Company (Ward Hughes Co.) Consumer Science Corbion Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc. (Haile Resources) Culinary Farms, Inc DairiConcepts L.P. (LA Ingredients, LLC) Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Dakota Specialty Milling (Ward Hughes Co.) David Michael & Co., Inc. DDW Del Rey Packing Company (Haile Resources) Dempsey Corporation Didion Milling Dipasa USA (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) Doc Hale Nutrition Dole International (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Dongsheng Foods USA (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Downs Food Group (LA Ingredients, LLC) Draco Natural Products, Inc. (Haile Resources) DSM Food Specialties DSM Food Specialties USA, Inc DSM Nutritional Products DSM Nutritional Products E. A. Weber & Company Booth Number Exhibitor (Broker) Booth Number 191 Earth Circle Organics (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) 199 332 Ecom Food Industries (Dien Inc.) 201 293 178 261 262 297 Elite Spice, Inc Enzyme Development Corporation Farbest Brands FDP USA a BCFoods Company First Choice Ingredients 231 394 391 322 319 381 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 158 377 Flavor House, Inc. Flavor Producers 217 135 207b Flavorchem Corporation 230 215 Florida Food Products 146 392 FMC Corporation 323 359 Food Ingredient Solutions (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) 203 384 Food Safety Net Services 315 379 309 Foran Spice Company Fox Scientific, Inc. Franklin Baker (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Freeze-‐Dry Ingredients (Dien Inc.) Fruit Crown Products Corp. FRUTAROM Fuchs North America Ful-‐Flav-‐R Food Products (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) 114 362 183 G.C. Solutions 295 393 Garuda International, Inc. 133 245 Genpak 267 155 274 275 276 248 Glanbia Nutritionals Global Agri Trade Corporation GNT USA, Inc. Gold Coast Ingredients (Dien Inc.) 141 176 253 398 208b 157 321 197 101 182 180 196 312 166 258 339 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Alpha Exhibitor (Broker) Booth Number Graceland Fruit, Inc. (Haile Resources) 208a Grain Processing Corporation 257 Grande Custom Ingredients Group 287 Great Plains Analytical Laboratory 121 Gum Technology Corporation (Jones Neitzel Company) H.B. Taylor Co (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 219b Exhibitor (Broker) Innova Flavors Integra Ingredients (Integra Ingredients, LLC) International Dehydrated Foods, Inc. International Fiber Corporation (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) International Food Products Corporation Booth Number 325 308 192 256 296 190 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 376 298 Harten Corporation 254 Henningsen Foods (FM Lewis Co.) 328b Herbstreith & Fox Hilmar Ingredients Hormel Foods Corporation (Ward Hughes Co.) Horn Company 159 266 J.M. Huber Corporation Jasper Wyman & Son (Haile Resources) Jeneil Biotech, Inc. (Haile Resources) JF Hydrocolloids Inc JM Swank 382 JM Swank 189 363 Kalsec Kellogg Food Ingredients Group (Ward Hughes Co.) Knouse Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 280 378 Kraft Food Ingredients 368 154 Lab Support 134 Huber Engineered Materials 299 ICL Food Specialties 149 ICOF America 288 IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) IFT Alamo Section 137 Illes Seasonings and Flavors 372 Illes Seasonings and Flavors 373 Ingredient Partners (Ward Hughes Co.) Ingredients Solutions, Inc. Ingredion Incorporated Innophos, Inc. 387 129 291 263 Lakeside Foods (Jones Neitzel Company) Lee Kum Kee (USA) Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Leiber GmbH (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) Lochhead Manufacturing (Wallis & Barcinski) Louis Dreyfus Commodities -‐-‐ Imperial Sugar Company 210 244 122 188 383 349 247 220a 337a 187 304 168 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Alpha Exhibitor (Broker) Major Products Co., Inc. (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Malt Products (Wallis & Barcinski) Manchester and Associates, Inc. Marukome USA, Inc. (Ward Hughes Co.) McIlhenny Company TABASCO Brands (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Mercer Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth Number Exhibitor (Broker) 303 367 Oregon Potato Co./Dickinson Frozen Foods (LA Ingredients, LLC) OSF Flavors Pacific Farms 370 Par-‐Way Tryson Company 181 338 350 214 232 329 Paramount Farms (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Parker Products, Inc. (Wallis & Barcinski) Penford Food Ingredients Peppers Unlimited of LA (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Pipeline Packaging Booth Number 390 294 205 160 225 301 218 334 260 Morton Salt Company 396 Mother Murphy's Flavors 128 National Raisin Company Naturex Inc. Neil Jones Food Companies (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) New Mexico Green Chile Co. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. (NewStar Food Ingredients) Nexira Inc. Nikken Foods USA, Inc. Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc Northwest Naturals (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Northwestern Extract Novozymes Inc. NP Group, LLC Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) NutraGenecs TechniChef Nutsco, Inc. (Haile Resources) 360 278 Pompeii Products (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Prayon Inc. -‐ Phosphates & Phosphoric Acid Precise Food Ingredients Precise Food Ingredients 336 Presto X 395 352 Primordial Nutrients 170 270 Prinova 343 241 252 139 Proliant Meat Ingredients PROVA Inc. Provitas (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) QualiTech, Inc. (Jones Neitzel Company) Red Arrow Products Company LLC Richards Packaging Richardson Milling Rio Valley Chili Inc. (Jones Neitzel Company) Riviana Foods Inc. Roha USA Roto Rooter Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Services S&P Marketing, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) SALTWELL 380 162 200 222a 126 310 320 300 388 213 Ohly Americas (Haile Resources) 246 Olds Products Company 156 337b 233 345 401 238 161 268 163 237 136 283 371 335 147 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Alpha Exhibitor (Broker) Sargento Foods Inc. Savoury Systems International, Inc. (Southwest Ingredients/ Industrial Commodities) Schreiber Foods (FM Lewis Co.) Schreiber Foods International, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Seneca Foods Corporation (Haile Resources) Sensient Colors Sensient Natural Ingredients (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Sensient Savory Flavors Sethness Products Company (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Silesia Flavors, Inc. Solvay Aroma Performance Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Booth Number Exhibitor (Broker) Booth Number 277 Synergy Flavors, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) 340 151 Syracuse Sausage Company (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) 351 327b Target Flavors 204 355 Tate & Lyle 125 209b Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 239 Texas Food Processors Association 347 357 Texas Woman's University 102 216 Texture Technologies Corporation 127 354 The PROgram (Haile Resources) 207a 251 143 The Wright Group TIC Gums Traina Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Tree Top (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) 324 193 152 333 222b Sovereign Flavors 255 Specialty Food Ingredients (Haile Resources) 211 Ungerer and Company 365 SPI Group 342 185 Spice World (Jones Neitzel Company) Unified Food Ingredients (Tisdale Food Ingredients) 220b Unique Ingredients 249 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 United Salt Corporation (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) 150 236 Univar 148 Stratas Foods (Jones Neitzel Company) Stryka Botanics Sue Bee Honey (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Sun Valley Raisins, Inc. (NewStar Food Ingredients) Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 140 US Highbush Blueberry Council 366 330 US Niutang Chemical Inc. 311 SunOpta 279 SupHerb Farms (FM Lewis Co.) SupplyOne 328a 138 269 289 Valdez Spice (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Van Drunen Farms Vegetable Juices Inc. (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Ventura Foods (FM Lewis Co.) 353 250 223 327a LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Alpha Exhibitor (Broker) Booth Number Exhibitor (Broker) Booth Number Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC (Ward Hughes Co.) 386 White Oak Frozen Foods (FM Lewis Co.) 326a Virginia Dare 227 Whitehall Specialties, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) 358 228 Wixon 119 Vision Processing Technologies, Inc. Vita-‐Pakt Citrus Products Co. (Haile Resources) W.A. Cleary Products Watson Western Pacific Oils,LLC (NewStar Food Ingredients) Western Packaging, Inc. 346 221 Yamasa USA (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) Yeastock Co. LTD (Dien Inc.) Your Pest Control Company 271 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 243 145 186b 195 364 341 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Broker Broker Exhibitor Batory Foods | Massey Fair Batory Foods Blue Planet Foods International Fiber Corporation Northwest Naturals Paramount Farms Tree Top Vegetable Juices Inc. Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC Bluegrass Dairy and Food Leiber GmbH Yamasa USA Dien Inc. Ampak Company (Dien Inc.) C&P Additives Dipasa USA (Dien Inc.) Earth Circle Organics (Dien Inc.) Ecom Food Industries Food Ingredient Solutions (Dien Inc.) Freeze-‐Dry Ingredients Gold Coast Ingredients Provitas (Dien Inc.) Yeastock Co. LTD FM Lewis Co. Berkshire Dairy Henningsen Foods Schreiber Foods SupHerb Farms Ventura Foods White Oak Frozen Foods Haile Resources AEP Colloids Bell Flavors & Fragrances Bruce Foods Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc. Del Rey Packing Company Draco Natural Products, Inc. Graceland Fruit, Inc. Jasper Wyman & Son Jeneil Biotech, Inc. Nutsco, Inc. Ohly Americas Booth Number 226 224 256 222a 225 222b 223 186a 187 186b 202 198 197 199 201 203 196 398 200 195 326b 328b 327b 328a 327a 326a 212 242 209a 207b 208b 245 208a 210 244 213 246 LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Broker Broker Exhibitor Haile Resources cont. Seneca Foods Corporation Specialty Food Ingredients The PROgram Vita-‐Pakt Citrus Products Co. Hanks Brokerage, Inc. Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc. Bio Springer CHS Inc.-‐ Protein Food Group Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. Ful-‐Flav-‐R Food Products Knouse Foods Lee Kum Kee (USA) Inc. McIlhenny Company TABASCO Brands Mercer Foods Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods Neil Jones Food Companies New Mexico Green Chile Co. Peppers Unlimited of LA Pompeii Products S&P Marketing, Inc. Schreiber Foods International, Inc. Sensient Natural Ingredients Sethness Products Company Sue Bee Honey Synergy Flavors, Inc. Syracuse Sausage Company Traina Foods Valdez Spice Whitehall Specialties, Inc. Integra Ingredients, LLC Activ International BIORIGIN Integra Ingredients Jones Neitzel Company American Food Ingredients Butter Buds Inc. Gum Technology Corporation Lakeside Foods QualiTech, Inc. Rio Valley Chili Inc. Spice World Booth Number 209b 211 207a 243 356 331 332 359 339 349 337a 338 350 329 336 352 334 337b 335 355 357 354 330 340 351 333 353 358 265 264 308 219a 235 219b 220a 238 237 220b LIFT Suppliers’ Night 2014 - Exhibitor Listing by Broker Broker Exhibitor Jones Neitzel Company cont. Stratas Foods LA Ingredients, LLC California Garlic Company DairiConcepts L.P. Downs Food Group Oregon Potato Co./Dickinson Frozen Foods NewStar Food Ingredients All American Foods, Inc. NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. Sun Valley Raisins, Inc. Western Pacific Oils,LLC Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Chesapeake Spice Co. H.B. Taylor Co Savoury Systems International, Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities United Salt Corporation Tisdale Food Ingredients Basic Food Flavors Dole International Dongsheng Foods USA Franklin Baker Major Products Co., Inc. Unified Food Ingredients Wallis & Barcinski AAK/AarhusKarlshamn American Fruits & Flavors BORGES/NATIONAL BORGES/NATIONAL Lochhead Manufacturing Malt Products Parker Products, Inc. Ward Hughes Co. B&G Foods Commercial Creamery Company Dakota Specialty Milling Hormel Foods Corporation Ingredient Partners Kellogg Food Ingredients Group Marukome USA, Inc. Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC Booth Number 236 389 392 393 390 272 270 269 271 191 190 151 152 150 184 182 183 180 181 185 306 302 305 307 304 303 301 385 381 384 382 387 383 370 386 Batory Foods | Massey Fair 400 Interstate North Parkway, Suite 1030 Atlanta, GA 30339 Contact: Bianca Marks Phone: 1-‐800-‐282-‐3101 Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC 510 S. Cherokee Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74003 Contact: Jed Dreisker Phone: 918-‐336-‐0322 Fax: 918-‐336-‐0324 Email: Website: Dien Inc. 3510 Pipestone Road Dallas, TX 75212 Contact: Earnie McNickle Phone: 214-‐634-‐3436 Email: Website: FM Lewis Co. 4304 Airport Freeway, Suite 104 Ft. Worth, TX 76117 Contact: Dax Petty Phone: 817-‐838-‐2300 Fax: 817-‐838-‐2301 Email: Haile Resources 2650 Freewood Dr. Dallas, TX 75220 Contact: Chris Beninate Phone: 972-‐835-‐7338 Email: Hanks Brokerage, Inc. 1808 Monetary Lane, Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 Contact: Greg Hanks Phone: 972-‐242-‐1832 Fax: 972-‐242-‐6920 Email: Website: Integra Ingredients, LLC 3413 Emerald Cove Dr. Flower Mound, TX 75022 Contact: Craig Brazier Phone: 972-‐499-‐4539 Email: craig@integra-‐ Jones Neitzel Company 12850 Spurling Dr, Suite 114 Dallas, TX 75230 Contact: Robert Baker Phone: 469-‐682-‐1957 Fax: 214-‐522-‐0091 Email: LA Ingredients, LLC P. O. Box 6143 McKinney, TX 75071 Contact: Leigh Anne Hansen Phone: 214-‐697-‐0618 Fax: 972-‐529-‐1785 Email: NewStar Food Ingredients 3327 Winthrop Ave, Suite 255 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Contact: Greg Newman Phone: 817-‐737-‐4444 Fax: 817-‐737-‐0999 Email: Website: Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 2501 Ave J, Suite 102 Arlington, TX 76006 Contact: Adam Frank Phone: 817-‐701-‐1966 Email: Tisdale Food Ingredients 304 S. Tennessee St McKinney, TX 75070 Contact: Bo Tisdale Phone: 972-‐542-‐8222 Email: Wallis & Barcinski 2831 Eldorado Pkwy, Suite 103-‐178 Frisco, TX 75033 Contact: Lisa Whitner Phone: 214-‐632-‐5698 Fax: 214-‐975-‐2900 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Ward Hughes Co. 10203 Plano Rd., Suite 116 Dallas, TX 75238 Contact: David Hughes Phone: 214-‐349-‐5581 Email: Website: AAK/AarhusKarlshamn (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:306 2520 South 7th Street Road Louisville, KY 40201 Lisa Whitner Phone: 972-‐238-‐1556 Fax: 214-‐975-‐2900 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ abelei flavors Booth:318 194 Alder Drive North Aurora, IL 60542 Shelley Henderson Phone: 630-‐859-‐1410 Fax: 630-‐859-‐1448 Email: Website: Activ International (Integra Ingredients, LLC) Booth:265 21 Worlds Fair Drive Somerset, NJ 08873 Peter Gollmer Phone: 732-‐805-‐0335 Email: Website: Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Booth:314 3217 Johnston Rd Gonzales, TX 78629 Ryan Heger Phone: 830-‐832-‐4459 Email: Website: Addison Transportation Booth:344 16415 Addison Road Suite 135 Addison, TX 75001-‐5331 Kevin Kokjohn Phone: 800-‐345-‐4119 Fax: 972-‐381-‐1273 Email: Website: ADM | Matsutani, LLC Booth:123 500 Park Blvd STE 1240 Itasca, IL 60143 Lex Hander Phone: 972-‐839-‐1413 Email: Website: Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:356 1808 Monetary Lane, Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 Greg Hanks Phone: 972-‐242-‐8580 Fax: 972-‐242-‐6920 Email: Website: ADM Booth:124 4666 Faries Pkwy Decatur, IL 62526 Phone: 800-‐637-‐5843 Email: Website: Advanced Biotech Booth:153 10 Taft Rd Totowa, NJ 07512 Mike Toomey Phone: (973) 339-‐6242 Email: mtoomey@adv-‐ Website: www.adv-‐ AEP Colloids (Haile Resources) Booth:212 6299 Route 9N P.O. Box 179 Hadley, NY 12835 Gary Wine Phone: 518-‐696-‐9900 Fax: 518-‐696-‐9997 Email: Website: Agridient Inc Booth:259 28580 Orchard Lake Road Suite 205 West Bloomfield, MI 48334 Michael Berman Phone: 248-‐539-‐4040 Fax: 248-‐539-‐3070 Email: Website: Agropur Ingredients Booth:273 2340 Enterprise Ave La Crosse, WI 54603 Corrie Reilly Phone: 608-‐781-‐2345 Fax: 608-‐781-‐4667 Email: Website: All American Foods, Inc. (NewStar Food Ingredients) Booth:272 121 Mohr Dr. Mankato, MN 56001 Chad Anderson Phone: 800-‐833-‐2661 Fax: 507-‐387-‐6111 Email: Website: Almendra Americas, LLC Booth:142 One West Court Square Suite 750 Decatur, GA 30030 Eric Zabin Phone: 404-‐395-‐0219 Email: Website: AIC Booth:286 135 Newburyport St Framingham, MA 01701 Michael Sayre Phone: 469-‐766-‐3833 Email: Website: Ajinomoto North America, Inc. Booth:361 1300 North Arlington Heights Road Itasca, IL 60143 Scott Backman Phone: 630-‐625-‐1604 Fax: 630-‐250-‐1031 Email: Website: American Food Ingredients (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:302 4021 Avenida de la Plata Oceanside, CA 92056 Debbie Rodriguez Phone: 760-‐967-‐6287 Fax: 760-‐967-‐1952 Email: Website: American Fruits & Flavors (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:219a PO Box 331060 Pacoima, CA 91333 Lisa Whitner Phone: 214-‐632-‐5698 Fax: 214-‐975-‐2900 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Website: Ampak Company (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) Booth:202 1890 Palmer Ave. Suite #301 Larchmont, NY 10538 Mark Bakker Phone: 740-‐274-‐0218 Email: Website: AmTech Ingredients Booth:120 573 Cty Rd A Suite 100 Hudson, WI 54016 Andrew Brudevold Phone: 715-‐381-‐5746 Fax: 715-‐381-‐5745 Email: Website: Analytical Food Laboratories Booth:281 865 Greenview Dr. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Becky Pfundheller Phone: 972-‐336-‐0336 Fax: 972-‐623-‐0055 Email: Website: Aria Foods Group Booth:229 10300 Jollyville Rd. Ste 821 Austin, TX 78758 Colleen Madden Phone: 512-‐910-‐8520 ext 512 Fax: 888-‐319-‐7246 Email: Website: Analytical Food Laboratories Booth:292 865 Greenview Dr. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Becky Pfundheller Phone: 972-‐336-‐0336 Fax: 972-‐623-‐0055 Email: Website: B&D Nutritional Ingredients Booth:290 1281 Liberty Way Vista, CA 92081 Brad Van Dyke Phone: 760-‐445-‐7839 Email: Website: B&G Foods (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:385 Four Gatehall Drive Ste. 110 Parsippany, NJ 07054 William Barrentine Phone: 417-‐369-‐2064 Email: B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. Booth:144 6000 Denton Dr. Dallas, TX 75235 Tim Marron Phone: 214-‐350-‐3320 Fax: 214-‐350-‐5265 Email: Website: Balchem Encapsulates Booth:206 52 Sunrise Park Road New Hampton, NY 10958 Chris Cook Phone: 845-‐239-‐6750 Fax: 845-‐326-‐5730 Email: Website: Ballard & Wolfe Co., Inc. Booth:313 519 Interstate 30 #102 Rockwall, TX 75189 Dennis Bruner Phone: 214-‐704-‐8451 Email: Website: Barrington Nutritionals Booth:164 500 Mamaroneck Avenue Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: 800-‐684-‐2436 Email: Website: Barry Callebaut Booth:282 600 West Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60654 Steve Levi Phone: 312-‐914-‐5994 Email: Steven_levi@barry-‐ Website: www.barry-‐ Basic Food Flavors (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Booth:184 3900 E. Craig Rd. North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Dave Wood Phone: 702-‐643-‐0043 Fax: 702-‐643-‐6149 Email: Website: Beck Flavors Booth:348 1858 Craig Park Ct Maryland Heights, MO 63146 Danielle Moore Phone: 314-‐456-‐7974 Email: Website: BENEO Inc. Booth:369 201 Littleton Road 1st Floor Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Teresa Isakson Phone: 973-‐867-‐2140 Fax: 973-‐867-‐2141 Email: Website: Batory Foods (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Booth:226 1700 E Higgins Road Suite 300 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Ken Rosco Phone: 847-‐299-‐1999 Email: Website: Bell Flavors & Fragrances (Haile Resources) Booth:242 500 Academy Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 Bob Barrera Phone: 800-‐323-‐4387 Fax: 847-‐291-‐1217 Email: Website: Berkshire Dairy (FM Lewis Co.) Booth:326b 1258 Penn Avenue Wyomissing, PA 19610 Scott Craig Phone: 610-‐378-‐9999 Fax: 610-‐378-‐4975 Email: BI Nutraceuticals Booth:130 2550 El Presidio Street Long Beach, CA 90810 Randy Kreienbrink Phone: 310-‐669-‐2101 Fax: 310-‐637-‐3644 Email: Website: Bio Springer (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:331 7475 W. Main Street Milwaukee, WI 63214 Jessica Vogel Phone: 414-‐615-‐4100 Email: jessica.vogel@biospringer-‐ Website: www.biospringer-‐ BIORIGIN (Integra Ingredients, LLC) Booth:264 8340 Cane Run Rd. Louisville, KY 40258 Bob Patti Phone: 502-‐719-‐0108 Fax: 502-‐719-‐0141 Email: Website: Blue Diamond Growers Booth:240 1802 C Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Debbie Rogoff Phone: 805-‐428-‐5466 Fax: 916-‐446-‐8332 Email: Website: Blue Planet Foods (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Booth:224 9104 Apison Pike Collegedale, TN 37315 Jaime Maner Phone: 423.396.3145 x 68550 Email: Bluegrass Dairy and Food (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) Booth:186a 606 West Main St. Springfield, KY 40069 Gary Otterbach Phone: 877-‐336-‐7643 BORGES/NATIONAL (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:305 2831 Eldorado Pkwy Ste. 103-‐178 Frisco, TX 75033 Lisa Whitner Phone: 214-‐632-‐5698 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Website: BORGES/NATIONAL (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:307 100 Philips Parkway Montvale, New Jersey 07645 Lisa Whitner Phone: 972-‐238-‐1556 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Website: Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Booth:284 704 E. Wintergreen Road Lancaster, TX 75134 Beeta Little Phone: 972-‐218-‐3500 Fax: 972-‐218-‐3501 Email: Website: Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Booth:285 704 E. Wintergreen Road Lancaster, TX 75134 Beeta Little Phone: 972-‐218-‐3500 Fax: 972-‐218-‐3501 Email: Website: Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. Booth:375 625 S. Irish Rd. P.O. Box 229 Chilton, WI 53014 Dona Leonard Phone: 847-‐422-‐3161 Fax: 920-‐849-‐4277 Email: Website: Bruce Foods (Haile Resources) Booth:209a Highway 182 West Cade, LA 70519 Cody Oliveira Phone: 901-‐737-‐2827 Fax: 901-‐737-‐7090 Email: Website: Brolite Products Booth:172 1900 S. Park Ave Streamwood, IL 60107 Jeff Nelson Phone: 913-‐314-‐5821 Email: Website: Bunge Oils Booth:194 6700 Snowden Road Fort Worth, TX 76140 Daniel J Derrington Phone: 314-‐691-‐9836 Fax: 314-‐292-‐4969 Email: Website: Butter Buds Inc. (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:235 2330 Chicory Road Racine, WI 53403 Michael Luehne Phone: 800-‐426-‐1119 Fax: 262-‐598-‐9999 Email: Website: C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. Booth:165 50 East Wesley Street South Hackensack, NJ 07606 Sal Iaquez Phone: 201-‐343-‐8425 ext. 12 Email: Website: Carlyle Cocoa Company Booth:316 23 Harbor View Drive New Castle, DE 19720 Matthew Willard Phone: 302-‐428-‐3800 Email: mattwillard@carlyle-‐ Website: Cereal Ingredients, Inc. Booth:400 4720 S 13th Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 Vance Allred Phone: 402-‐290-‐8335 Email: Website: Chesapeake Spice Co. (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) Booth:191 4613 Mercedes Drive Belcamp, MD 21017 Mel Kalka Phone: 972-‐672-‐6121 Email: Website: C&P Additives (Dien Inc.) Booth:198 950 Peninsula Corporate Circle Suite 3018 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Peter Thiele Phone: 561-‐995-‐7071 Email: peter.thiele@cp-‐ Website: www.cp-‐ California Garlic Company (LA Ingredients, LLC) Booth:389 26111 Ynez Rd C10 Temecula, CA 92591 Jeff Crace Phone: 951-‐506-‐8883 Fax: 951-‐699-‐8133 Email: Website: Carmi Flavor & Fragrance Booth:234 6030 Scott Way Commerce, CA 90040 USA Lauren Contreras Phone: 323-‐888-‐9240 Fax: 323-‐888-‐9339 Email: Website: Ceutical Labs Inc Booth:399 2300 Valley View Lane Ste 230 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 Varsha Nainani Phone: 972-‐241-‐8374 Fax: 972-‐241-‐0619 Email: Website: CHS Inc.-‐ Protein Food Group (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:332 2701 East 11th Hutchinson, KS 67501 Ron Hale Phone: 620-‐663-‐5711 Fax: 620-‐663-‐7195 Email: Website: Ciranda, Inc. Booth:293 221 Vine Street Hudson, WI 54016 Patty Gfrerer Phone: 715-‐386-‐1737 Email: Website: Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc. Booth:178 5126 West Terrace Drive Madison, WI 53718 Joe Lucas Phone: 608-‐234-‐4099 Email: Website: Colony Gums Inc. Booth:261 2626 Executive Point Dr. Monroe, NC 28110 Chris Muhlsteff Phone: 704-‐226-‐9666 Fax: 704-‐226-‐1954 Email: Website: Colony Gums Inc. Booth:262 2626 Executive Point Dr. Monroe, NC 28110 Chris Muhlsteff Phone: 704-‐226-‐9666 Fax: 704-‐226-‐1954 Email: Website: Comax Flavors Booth:297 130 Baylis Road Melville, NY 11747 Alexis Dobrasz Phone: 800-‐992-‐0629 Fax: 631-‐249-‐9255 Email: Website: Consumer Science Booth:158 4717 Fletcher Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76107 Kasturi Chitre Phone: 817-‐210-‐0166 Fax: 817-‐731-‐4170 Email: Website: Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc. (Haile Resources) Booth:207b 10695 Decker Ave. Los Molinos, CA 96055 Debbie Haile Phone: 214-‐357-‐1471 Fax: 214-‐357-‐9381 Email: Website: Commercial Creamery Company (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:381 159 South Cedar St. Spokane, WA 99201 Jeff White Phone: 847-‐204-‐3577 Email: Website: Corbion Booth:377 7905 Quivira Road Lenexa, KS 66215 Travis Larson Phone: 815-‐347-‐7880 Email: Website: Culinary Farms, Inc Booth:215 1244 East Beamer St Woodland, CA 95776 Deepak Singh Phone: 916-‐375-‐3000 ext 707 Fax: 916-‐375-‐3000 Email: Website: DairiConcepts L.P. (LA Ingredients, LLC) Booth:392 3253 East Chestnut Expressway Springfield, MO 65802 Dan Bellah Phone: 417-‐829-‐3475 Email: Website: Dakota Specialty Milling (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:384 4014 15th Ave NW Fargo, ND 58102 Mike Carter Phone: 305-‐815-‐4072 Email: Website: Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:359 9120 Technology Drive Fishers, IN 46038 Travis McMahan Phone: 317-‐849-‐8400 Fax: 317-‐849-‐8213 Email: Website: David Michael & Co., Inc. Booth:379 10801 Decatur Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 Jennifer Higdon Phone: 214-‐674-‐8157 Email: Website: DDW Booth:309 1901 Payne St Louisville, KY 40206 Jennifer Brown Phone: 502-‐568-‐5065 Email: Website: Del Rey Packing Company (Haile Resources) Booth:208b PO Box 160 Del Rey, CA 93616 Debbie Haile Phone: 214-‐357-‐1471 Fax: 214-‐357-‐9381 Email: Website: Dempsey Corporation Booth:157 47 Davies Ave Toronto, ON M4M 2A9 Canada Kurt Rothenberger Phone: 704-‐708-‐5295 Didion Milling Booth:321 501 S Williams St Cambria, WI 53923 Jeff Dillon Phone: 913-‐484-‐3452 Fax: 920-‐348-‐6203 Email: Website: Dipasa USA (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) Booth:197 6600 East FM 802 Brownsville, TX 78526 Carlos Nunez Phone: 956-‐831-‐4072 Fax: 214-‐905-‐1534 Email: Website: Doc Hale Nutrition Booth:101 1308 Teasley Dr. Ste 144 Denton, TX 76205 Dr. Clay King Phone: 972-‐948-‐9501 Email: Website: Dole International (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Booth:182 2828 Cochran St. #131 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Erich Burkhardt Phone: 818-‐297-‐8007 Fax: 818-‐874-‐6731 Email: Website: Dongsheng Foods USA (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Booth:183 355 W Olive Ave. Suite 206 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Leo Halpin Phone: 408-‐738-‐5724 Fax: 408-‐738-‐5726 Email: Website: Downs Food Group (LA Ingredients, LLC) Booth:393 54934 210th Lane Mankato, MN 56001 Greg Cook Phone: 507-‐345-‐8913 Email: Draco Natural Products, Inc. (Haile Resources) Booth:245 539 Parrott St. San Jose, CA 95112 Raymond Pung Phone: 408-‐287-‐7871 Email: Website: DSM Food Specialties Booth:155 45 Waterview Blvd Parsippany, NJ 07054 Robert Cobian Phone: 484-‐716-‐6900 Email: Website: www.dsm-‐ DSM Food Specialties USA, Inc Booth:274 3502 North Olive Road South Bend,IN 46628 Leah Roach Phone: 901-‐270-‐9632 Email: Leah.Roach@DSM.COM Website: DSM Nutritional Products Booth:275 2105 Technology Drive Schenectady, NY 12308 Jaleen Sherrange Phone: 518-‐372-‐5155 Email: DSM Nutritional Products Booth:276 2105 Technology Drive Schenectady, NY 12308 Jaleen Sherrange Phone: 518-‐372-‐5155 Email: E. A. Weber & Company Booth:248 549 Palwaukee Drive Wheeling, IL 60090 Cindy Soliday Phone: 847-‐922-‐8977 Fax: 847-‐947-‐7345 Email: Website: Earth Circle Organics (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) Booth:199 355 Crown Point Circle, Suite D Grass Valley, CA 95945 Tom Monts Phone: 877-‐922-‐3663 Email: Website: Ecom Food Industries (Dien Inc.) Booth:201 80 Telson Road Markham, Ontario L3R 1E5, Canada Tim Gulstrom Phone: 905-‐477-‐2441 Email: Website: Elite Spice, Inc Booth:231 11905 Bristlewood Cove Austin, TX 78732 Steve Simmons Phone: 512-‐426-‐4387 Email: Website: Enzyme Development Corporation Booth:394 505 Eight Avenue, Suite 1500 New York, NY 10018-‐6505 Brian Murdoch Phone: 212-‐736-‐1580 x248 Fax: 212-‐279-‐0056 Email: Website: Farbest Brands Booth:391 5500 Bolsa Ave. Ste. 222 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Liza Goya Phone: 714-‐897-‐7199 Fax: 714-‐898-‐8410 Email: Website: FDP USA a BCFoods Company Booth:322 1330 N Dutton Ave, Ste 100 Santa Rosa, CA 95476 Jon Suenram Phone: 707-‐522-‐5202 Email: Website: First Choice Ingredients Booth:319 N112 W19528 Mequon Road Germantown, WI 53022 Scott Surma Phone: 262-‐-‐251-‐4322 Fax: 262-‐251-‐3881 Email: Website: Flavor Dynamics, Inc. Booth:171 640 Montrose Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Sandy Biedermann Phone: 908-‐822-‐8855 Fax: 908-‐822-‐8547 Email: Website: Flavor House, Inc. Booth:217 9516 Commerce Way Adelanto, CA 92301 Jack Cheney Phone: 760-‐881-‐4833 Fax: 760-‐246-‐8431 Email: Flavor Producers Booth:135 28350 W. Witherspoon Pkwy Valencia, CA 91355 Janet Guzman Phone: 818-‐307-‐4062 Fax: 661-‐257-‐9650 Email: Website: Flavorchem Corporation Booth:230 1525 Brook Drive Downers Grove, IL 60515 Bert Swensen & Caesar Bello Phone: 601-‐594-‐8990 Fax: 630-‐932-‐4626 Email: Website: Florida Food Products Booth:146 2231 W CR 44 Eustis, FL 32726 Tom Brown Email: Website: FMC Corporation Booth:323 1735 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Greg Gilleland Phone: 336-‐317-‐7161 Email: Website: Food Ingredient Solutions (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) Booth:203 3009 N. Farm Rd. 213 Statford, MO 65757 Gary Morris Phone: 314-‐835-‐8207 Fax: 214-‐905-‐1534 Email: Website: Food Safety Net Services Booth:315 199 West Rhapsody San Antonio, Texas 78216 John Bellinger Phone: 210-‐308-‐0675 Fax: 210-‐525-‐1702 Email: Website: Foran Spice Company Booth:114 6131 Stapleford Circle Paul Duddleston Phone: 214-‐542-‐2212 Email: paul-‐ Website: Fox Scientific, Inc. Booth:362 8221 East FM 917 Alvarado, Tx 76009 Darrin Stevenson Phone: 800-‐369-‐5524 Fax: 817-‐783-‐3571 Email: Website: Franklin Baker (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Booth:180 60 Germantown Court Suite 210 Cordova, TN 38018 John Slade Phone: 901-‐497-‐1098 Fax: 901-‐881-‐6685 Email: Website: Fruit Crown Products Corp. Booth:312 250 Adams Blvd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Bill Weiskopf Phone: 804-‐370-‐0185 Email: Website: Freeze-‐Dry Ingredients (Dien Inc.) Booth:196 188 W. Industrial Ave Suite 200 Elmhurst, IL 60126 Steve Manassah Phone: 847-‐651-‐0403 Email: Website: FRUTAROM Booth:166 9500 Railroad Ave North Bergen, NJ 07047 Kris Watson Phone: 201-‐861-‐9500 Email: Website: Fuchs North America Booth:258 9740 Reisterstown Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 Adam Synoground Phone: 785-‐476-‐5198 Email: Website: G.C. Solutions Booth:295 PO Box 877 Allen, TX 75013 Galen Clay Phone: 972-‐727-‐4988 Fax: 972-‐359-‐1817 Email: Website: Genpak Booth:267 P.O. Box 727 Glen Falls, NY 12801 John Bowen Phone: 210-‐607-‐9699 Email: Website: Global Agri Trade Corporation Booth:176 320 Golden Shore Suite 350 Long Beach, CA 90802 Jignesh Bhatt Phone: 562-‐320-‐8550 Fax: 562-‐256-‐7551 Email: Website: Gold Coast Ingredients (Dien Inc.) Booth:398 2429 Yates Ave. Commerce, CA 90040 Michele Trent Phone: 323-‐724-‐8935 Fax: 323-‐887-‐6671 Email: Website: Ful-‐Flav-‐R Food Products (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:339 P.O. Box 82 Alamo, CA 94507 Steve Linzmeyer Phone: 559-‐434-‐2173 Fax: 559-‐434-‐2317 Email: Website: Garuda International, Inc. Booth:133 180 W Chestnut St. Exeter, CA 93221-‐0159 Bassam Faress Phone: 559-‐594-‐4380 Fax: 559-‐594-‐4689 Email: Website: Glanbia Nutritionals Booth:141 5951 McKee Rd., Suite 201 Fitchburg, WI 53719 Jaclyn Linde Phone: 608-‐316-‐8500 Fax: 608-‐316-‐8504 Email: Website: GNT USA, Inc. Booth:253 660 White Plains Rd. Tarrytown, NY 10591 Jeannette O'Brien Phone: 914-‐524-‐0600 Email: Website: www.gnt-‐ Graceland Fruit, Inc. (Haile Resources) Booth:208a 1123 Main Street Frankfort, MI 49635 Jason Whitman Phone: 231-‐651-‐9226 Email: Website: Grain Processing Corporation Booth:257 1600 Oregon Street Muscatine, IA 52761 Mindy Miller Phone: 563-‐264-‐4265 Fax: 563-‐264-‐4557 Email: Website: Great Plains Analytical Laboratory Booth:121 9503 North Congress Avenue Gretchen Stewart Phone: 303-‐774-‐8262 Email: Website: H.B. Taylor Co (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) Booth:190 4830 S. Christiana Ave. Chicago, IL 60632 Michelle Seeley Phone: 773-‐254-‐4805 Email: Website: Harten Corporation Booth:254 1055 Parsippany Blvd Suite 302 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Brian Happel Phone: 973-‐808-‐9488 Fax: 973-‐808-‐3966 Email: Website: Herbstreith & Fox Booth:159 570 Taxter Road Bruce Gubser Phone: 914-‐806-‐7597 Email: b.gubser@herbstreith-‐ Website: www.herbstreith-‐ Grande Custom Ingredients Group Booth:287 1021 Breckenridge Dr Slidell, LA 70461 Darian Fuselier Phone: 504-‐460-‐9457 Email: Website: Gum Technology Corporation (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:219b 10860 N. Mavinee Drive Suite 100 Tucson, AZ 85737 Janelle Litel Phone: 520-‐888-‐5500 x 101 Fax: 520-‐888-‐5585 Email: Website: HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) Booth:376 9507 Town Park Drive Houston, TX 77036 Jason Jing Phone: 713-‐271-‐3888 Fax: 713-‐272-‐0888 Email: Website: Henningsen Foods (FM Lewis Co.) Booth:328b 14334 Industrial Road Omaha, NE 68144 Colton Nelson Phone: 402-‐330-‐2500 x222 Fax: 402-‐330-‐0875 Email: Website: Hilmar Ingredients Booth:266 8901 N Lander Ave Hilmar, CA 95324 Nancy McGraw Phone: 515-‐327-‐0132 Fax: 515-‐440-‐3443 Email: Website: Hormel Foods Corporation (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:382 P.O. Box 44501 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Peter Hoeper Phone: 952-‐200-‐4046 Email: Website: Horn Company Booth:363 16050 Canary Ave La Mirada, CA 90638 Jim Berg Phone: 949-‐933-‐5742 Fax: 714-‐670-‐6851 Email: Website: ICOF America Booth:288 9600 Colerain Ave Suite 402 Cincinnati, OH 45251 Jesse Alexander Phone: 513-‐791-‐6813 Email: Website: IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group Booth:378 15300 Bothell Way NE Lake Forest Park WA, 98155 Dr. Jaspreet Sidhu Phone: 206-‐522-‐5432 Email: Website: Huber Engineered Materials Booth:299 3100 Cumberland Blvd Suite 600 Atlanta, GA 30339 Julia D. Williams Phone: 214-‐520-‐1334 Email: Website: IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Booth:154 1601 E. Linden Avenue Linden, NJ 07036 David Dukes Phone: 908-‐862-‐8810 Fax: 908-‐862-‐8825 Email: info@ifc-‐ Website: www.ifc-‐ Illes Seasonings and Flavors Booth:372 2200 Luna Rd. Suite 120 Carrollton, TX 75006 Curt Woods Phone: 214-‐794-‐8290 Email: Website: ICL Food Specialties Booth:149 622 Emerson Road Suite 500 St. Louis, MO 63141 Henry Kammlah Phone: 805-‐701-‐6346 Email: Website: www.icl-‐ IFT Alamo Section Booth:137 PO Box 118 San Antonio, TX 78291 Scott McCormick Phone: 210-‐351-‐6261 Email: Website: Illes Seasonings and Flavors Booth:373 2200 Luna Rd. Suite 120 Carrollton, TX 75006 Curt Woods Phone: 214-‐794-‐8290 Email: Website: Ingredient Partners (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:387 10203 Plano Rd. -‐ Suite 116 Dallas, TX 75238 David Hughes Phone: 214-‐349-‐5581 ext.3 Email: Website: Ingredients Solutions, Inc. Booth:129 631 Moosehead Trail Waldo, Maine 04915 Debbie Young Phone: 207-‐722-‐4172 Fax: 207-‐722-‐4271 Email: Website: Ingredion Incorporated Booth:291 5 Westbrook Corporate Center Westchester, IL 60154 Chris Saskiewicz Phone: 866-‐961-‐6285 Email: Website: Innophos, Inc. Booth:263 259 Prospect Plains Road Cranbury, NJ 08512 Brandon Combe Phone: 609-‐578-‐7728 Email: Website: Innova Flavors Booth:325 2505 S. Finley Rd. Lombard, IL 60148 Bob Scheidhauer Phone: 816-‐584-‐0719 Email: Website: Integra Ingredients (Integra Ingredients, LLC) Booth:308 3413 Emerald Cove Dr. Craig Brazier Phone: 972-‐399-‐4539 Email: craig@integra-‐ Website: www.integra-‐ International Dehydrated Foods, Inc. Booth:192 P.O. Box 10347 Springfield, MO 65808 George Tucker Phone: 417-‐881-‐7820 Fax: 417-‐881-‐7274 Email: Website: International Food Products Corporation Booth:296 150 Larkin Williams Industrial Court Fenton, MO 63026 Thomas Stegmann Phone: 214-‐407-‐8850 Fax: 214-‐407-‐8850 Email: Website: International Fiber Corporation (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Booth:256 50 Bridge Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Colleen Was Phone: 716-‐693-‐4040 Fax: 716-‐693-‐3528 Email: Website: J. Rettenmaier USA LP Booth:374 16369 US 131 Highway Schoolcraft, MI 49087 Curtis Rath Phone: 469-‐693-‐2490 Fax: 269-‐679-‐2364 Email: Website: J.M. Huber Corporation Booth:298 700 Kiernan Drive, Suite A Modesto, CA 95356 John Garcia Phone: 925-‐964-‐9399 Email: Website: Jasper Wyman & Son (Haile Resources) Booth:210 P.O. Box 100 Milbridge, ME 04658 Debbie Haile Phone: 214-‐357-‐1471 Fax: 214-‐357-‐9381 Email: Website: Jeneil Biotech, Inc. (Haile Resources) Booth:244 400 N Dekora Woods Blvd. Saukville, WI 53080 Terry Johnson Phone: 262-‐268-‐6815 Fax: 262-‐268-‐6820 Email: Website: JF Hydrocolloids Inc Booth:122 40 Shuman Blvd Suite 280 Naperville, Il 60563 Kim Logan Phone: 630-‐484-‐8436 Fax: 630-‐388-‐0703 Email: Website: JM Swank Booth:188 395 Herky St. Janet Adams Phone: 817-‐470-‐7381 Email: Website: JM Swank Booth:189 395 Herky St. Janet Adams Phone: 817-‐470-‐7381 Email: Website: Kalsec Booth:280 PO Box 50511 Kalamazoo, MI 49005-‐0511 Matt Cael Phone: 269-‐330-‐6089 Fax: 269-‐382-‐3060 Email: Website: Kellogg Food Ingredients Group (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:383 545 Lamont Rd. Elmhurst, IL 60126 Bob Hasse Phone: 630-‐956-‐9658 Fax: 630-‐833-‐9467 Email: Website: Knouse Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:349 800 Peach Glen -‐ Idaville Road Peach Glen, PA 17375 Jerry Labant Phone: 717-‐677-‐8181 Fax: 717-‐677-‐3633 Email: Website: Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. Booth:247 101 Williams Drive Ramsey, NJ 07446 Robin Lavengood Phone: 201-‐788-‐0333 Email: Website: Kraft Food Ingredients Booth:368 8000 Horizon Center Blvd Memphis, TN 38133 Jody Bickett Phone: 281-‐253-‐7862 Email: Website: Lakeside Foods (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:220a 808 Hamilton St Manitowoc, WI 54221 Larry Kramer Phone: 262-‐560-‐1181 Fax: 262-‐560-‐9581 Email: Website: Leiber GmbH (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) Booth:187 510 South Cherokee Ave Bartlesville, OK 74003 Jed Dreisker Phone: 918-‐336-‐0322 Email: Louis Dreyfus Commodities-‐-‐Imperial Sugar Company Booth:168 3 Sugar Creek Center Boulevard, Suite 500 Sugar Land, TX 77478 Darrell L. Gerdes, PhD Phone: 281-‐490-‐9709 Email: Website: Malt Products (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:303 2831 Eldorado Pkwy Ste. 103-‐178 Frisco, TX 75033 Lisa Whitner Phone: 972-‐238-‐1556 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Lab Support Booth:134 12750 Merit Drive Suite 850 Dallas, TX 75251 Matt Repp Phone: 972-‐934-‐1433 Email: Website: Lee Kum Kee (USA) Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:337a 14841 Don Julian Road City of Industry, CA 91746 Dan Goral Phone: 847-‐730-‐4855 Email: Website: Lochhead Manufacturing (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:304 527 Axminister Drive Fenton, MO 63026 Lisa Whitner Phone: 214-‐632-‐5698 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Website: Major Products Co., Inc. (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Booth:181 West Coast Facility 4425 Vandenberg Drive North Las Vegas, NV 89081 Kevin Dowling Phone: 800-‐222-‐1296 Fax: 303-‐753-‐0936 Email: Website: Manchester and Associates, Inc. Booth:367 6603 Avalon Ave Dallas, Texas 75214 Steve Manchester Phone: 214-‐850-‐9479 Fax: 214-‐722-‐1114 Email: stm@manchester-‐ Website: www.manchester-‐ Marukome USA, Inc. (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:370 17132 Pullman St. Irvine, CA 92614-‐5524 Tomomi Saga Phone: 949-‐863-‐0110 Email: Website: Mercer Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:350 1836 Lapham Drive Modesto, CA 95354 Stephen Kaufman Phone: 715-‐410-‐0822 Email: Website: Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Booth:232 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd., Suite 400 Dublin, OH 43017 Amber Campbell Phone: 210-‐275-‐8354 Fax: 866-‐246-‐4301 Email: Website: Morton Salt Company Booth:396 123 North Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Trip Miller Phone: 770-‐422-‐6975 Fax: 312-‐807-‐2899 Email: Website: National Raisin Company Booth:360 626 South Fifth Street Fowler, CA 93625 Joe Wengerd Phone: 330-‐433-‐9403 Email: Website: McIlhenny Company TABASCO Brands (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:338 Hwy 329 Avery Island, LA 70513 Judson Mclester Phone: 904-‐620-‐9934 Email: Website: Metarom Neotech Booth:214 4343 Viewridge Ave, Ste B San Diego, CA 92123 Jenelle Ludwig Krause Phone: 715-‐410-‐1566 Email: Website: Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:329 3732 Central Avenue Nashville, TN 37205 David Darling Phone: 972-‐406-‐3317 Email: Website: Mother Murphy's Flavors Booth:128 2826 S Elm Street Greensboro, NC 27406 Morgan Murphy Phone: 336-‐287-‐2790 Email: Website: Naturex Inc. Booth:278 375 Huyler Street South Hackensack, NJ 07606 Samuel Menard Phone: 201-‐440-‐5000 Fax: 201-‐342-‐8000 Email: Website: Neil Jones Food Companies (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:336 1701 W. 16th Street Vancouver, WA 98666 Frank Nance Phone: 800-‐291-‐3862 Fax: 360-‐696-‐3411 Email: Website: New Mexico Green Chile Co. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:352 1807 Don Lewis Drive Artesia, NM 88210 Stacy Lewis Phone: 505-‐503-‐0996 Email: Website: Nikken Foods USA, Inc. Booth:252 4984 Manchester Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110 Susan Brunjes Phone: 314-‐881-‐5844 Fax: 314-‐881-‐5861 Email: Website: Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc Booth:139 598 Airport Bvld. Suite 900 Morrisville, NC 27560 Erika Tchang Phone: 919-‐518-‐6612 Email: e.tchang@nitta-‐ Website: www.nitta-‐ NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. (NewStar Food Ingredients) Booth:270 3327 Winthrop Avenue, Suite 255 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Greg Newman Phone: 817-‐737-‐4444 Fax: 817-‐737-‐0999 Email: Website: Northwest Naturals (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Booth:222a 11805 North Creek Parkway South Ste. A-‐104 Bothell, WA 98011 Jennifer Gardner Phone: 425-‐881-‐7754 Email: Novozymes Inc. Booth:310 77 Perry Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525 Tony Leung Phone: 416-‐435-‐9011 Email: Website: Nexira Inc. Booth:241 15 Somerset Street Somerville, NJ 08876 Andrew Elias Phone: 908-‐938-‐6640 Fax: 908-‐707-‐9405 Email: Website: Northwestern Extract Booth:126 8495 Caraway Ct Orlando, FL, 32819 Franck Baumier Phone: 434-‐738-‐3338 Email: Website: NP Group, LLC Booth:320 14332 Gillis Rd Suite #100 Dallas, TX 75244 Brett Harmeling Phone: 281-‐961-‐6476 Fax: 972-‐386-‐5457 Email: Website: Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Booth:300 1851 Kaiser Avenue Irvine, CA 92614 David Corcoran Phone: 224-‐415-‐0202 Email: Website: Nutsco, Inc. (Haile Resources) Booth:213 1115 South 2nd St. Camden, NJ 08103 Paulo DeOliveira Phone: 856-‐966-‐6400 Email: Website: Olds Products Company Booth:156 10700 88th Avenue Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 Dennis Gehrke Phone: 262-‐947-‐3500 x633 Email: Website:‐products OSF Flavors Booth:294 40 Baker Hollow Rd Windsor, CT 06095 Bill Yaeger Phone: 425-‐417-‐4859 Email: Website: Par-‐Way Tryson Company Booth:160 107 Bolte Ln. St. Clair, MO 63077 Ellen Aubuchon Phone: 636-‐629-‐4545 Fax: 636-‐629-‐8341 Email: Website: NutraGenecs TechniChef Booth:388 449 5th Street HoneyGrove, TX 75446 Donna Henry Phone: 903-‐378-‐2423 Email: Website:, Ohly Americas (Haile Resources) Booth:246 35 Adams Street North Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kim Weerts Phone: 816-‐781-‐4201 Fax: 320-‐234-‐4186 Email: Website: Oregon Potato Co./Dickinson Frozen Foods (LA Ingredients, LLC) Booth:390 903 East 3000 North Sugar City, ID 83448 Frank Simmons Phone: 208-‐359-‐5033 Fax: 208-‐356-‐7154 Email: Website: Pacific Farms Booth:205 222 Juana Ave San Leandro, CA 94577 Garry Offenberg Phone: 510-‐618-‐1600 Fax: 510-‐618-‐1605 Email: Website: Paramount Farms (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Booth:225 11444 West Olympic Blvd. Suite 310 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Steve Diener Phone: 310-‐966-‐4653 Email: Website: Parker Products, Inc. (Wallis & Barcinski) Booth:301 2737 Tillar Street Fort Worth, TX 76107 Janet Adams Phone: 817-‐336-‐7441 Fax: 817-‐877-‐1261 Email: lwhitner@wallis-‐ Website: Peppers Unlimited of LA (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:334 P.O. Box 23829 New Orleans, LA 76123 Scott Millican Phone: 504-‐733-‐2402 Email: Website: Pompeii Products (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:337b 120 West Travis Street Holland, TX 76534 Tammy Ferguson Phone: 254-‐657-‐2322 Fax: 254-‐947-‐3338 Email: Website: Penford Food Ingredients Booth:218 7443 Eagle Ledge San Antonio, TX 78249 Monica De La Torre Phone: 210-‐776-‐2976 Email: Website: Pipeline Packaging Booth:260 3221 E. Arkansas Lane Ste 150 Arlington, TX 76010 Fred Schuenaman Phone: 832-‐654-‐4028 Fax: 281-‐477-‐7524 Email: Website: Prayon Inc. -‐ Phosphates & Phosphoric Acid Booth:233 1610 Marvin Griffin Road Augusta, GA 30906 Tim Yanavage Phone: 951-‐326-‐0861 Email: Website: Precise Food Ingredients Booth:345 1432 Wainwright Way, Suite 150 Carrollton, Texas 75007 Scott Miller Phone: 972-‐323-‐4951 Email: Website: Precise Food Ingredients Booth:401 1432 Wainwright Way, Suite 150 Carrollton, Texas 75007 Scott Miller Phone: 972-‐323-‐4951 Email: Website: Presto X Booth:395 2075 McDaniel Drive, Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 Edward Minier Phone: 972-‐953-‐0711 Fax: 972-‐953-‐0741 Email: Website: Primordial Nutrients Booth:170 6 Cashew Irvine, CA 92612 Eumie Jhong Phone: 949-‐354-‐7075 Email: Prinova Booth:343 285 E. Fullerton Avenue Carol Stream, IL 60188 John Ranck Phone: 817-‐516-‐0500 Fax: 817-‐516-‐0501 Email: Website: Proliant Meat Ingredients Booth:380 2425 SE Oak Tree Court Ankeny, IA 50021 Mike McGuire Phone: 402-‐733-‐5409 Fax: 515-‐289-‐5855 Email: Website: PROVA Inc. Booth:162 100 Conifer Hill Drive Danvers, MA 01923 William Graham Phone: 516-‐713-‐1075 Email: Website: Provitas (Dien Inc.) (Dien Inc.) Booth:200 5204 Blackhawk Dr. Plano, TX 75093 Mac Weber Phone: 972-‐767-‐8867 Fax: 214-‐905-‐1534 Email: Website: QualiTech, Inc. (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:238 318 Lake Hazeltine Drive Chaska, MN 55318 Stan Tinsley Phone: 312-‐231-‐0929 Email: Website: Richards Packaging Booth:268 4721 Burbank Road Memphis, TN 38118 David Martinez Phone: 901-‐360-‐1121 Fax: 901-‐360-‐0050 Email: Website: Rio Valley Chili Inc. (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:237 P.O. Box 131 Rincon, NM 87940 Stevye Lee Stanley Phone: 575-‐267-‐4636 Email: Red Arrow Products Company LLC Booth:161 PO Box 1537 633 S 20th St Manitowoc, WI 54221-‐1537 Chris Gabrels Phone: 920-‐629-‐1435 Fax: 920-‐769-‐1281 Email: Website: Richardson Milling Booth:163 4800 Main Street, Suite 501 Kansas City, MO 64112 Jason Hines Phone: 816-‐994-‐7612 Fax: 816-‐994-‐7629 Email: Website: Riviana Foods Inc. Booth:136 2777 Allen Parkway, 15th Floor Houston, TX 77019 Tim Voos Phone: 713-‐535-‐8201 Fax: 713-‐529-‐1661 Email: Website: Roha USA Booth:283 5015 Manchester Avenue St. Louis, MO 63304 Adam Olejniczak Phone: 314-‐289-‐8300 Email: Website: S&P Marketing, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:335 11100 86th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Vinod Padhye Phone: 763-‐559-‐0436 Email: Website: www.snp-‐marketing,com Sargento Foods Inc. Booth:277 One Persnickety Place Plymouth, WI 53073 Jay Mitchell Phone: 920-‐892-‐3708 Email: Website: Schreiber Foods (FM Lewis Co.) Booth:327b PO Box 19010 Green Bay, WI 54307-‐9010 Heather Wittig Phone: 830-‐228-‐5691 Fax: 830-‐228-‐5692 Email: Website: Seneca Foods Corporation (Haile Resources) Booth:209b 418 East Conde Street Janesville, WI 53546 Debbie Haile Phone: 214-‐357-‐1471 Fax: 214-‐357-‐9381 Email: Website: Roto Rooter Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Services Booth:371 3817 Conflans Irving, TX 75061 Paul Kalisz Phone: 214-‐243-‐3003 Email: Website: SALTWELL Booth:147 Ab Hanson & Möhring Box 222 301 06 Halmstad, Sweden Elin Rennerfelt Phone: 720-‐236-‐0563 Email: Website: Savoury Systems International, Inc. (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) Booth:151 PO Box 5487 Branchburg, NJ 08876 Robert Lipnik Phone: 253-‐327-‐3857 Email: Website: Schreiber Foods International, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:355 600 East Crescent Avenue # 103 Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Scott Leach Phone: 201-‐327-‐3535 Email: sleach@ambrosia-‐ Website: www.ambrosia-‐ Sensient Colors Booth:239 2515 N. Jefferson Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63106-‐1939 Cory Gegg Phone: 800-‐325-‐8110 Fax: 314-‐658-‐7431 Email: Website: Sensient Natural Ingredients (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:357 1102 S. Austin Avenue Suite 110-‐252 Georgetown, TX 78626 Dean Lenz Phone: 512-‐864-‐3361 Email: dean.lenz@sensient-‐ Website: Sensient Savory Flavors Booth:216 5115 Sedge Blvd Hoffman Estates, IL Deana Phillips Phone: 830-‐217-‐4376 Email: Website: Solvay Aroma Performance Booth:143 8 Cedar Brook Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512 Tracy Sheehan Phone: 609-‐619-‐9076 Fax: 708-‐534-‐9613 Email: Website: Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) Booth:152 2501 Ave J Suite 102 Arlington, TX 76006 Adam Frank Phone: 817-‐701-‐1966 Email: Website: Sethness Products Company (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:354 3422 W. Touhy Avenue Lincolnwood State, IL 60712 Al Roth Phone: 847-‐329-‐2080 Fax: 847-‐329-‐2090 Email: Website: Sovereign Flavors Booth:255 4020 W. Chandler Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92704 David Ames Phone: 949-‐632-‐5625 Email: Website: SPI Group Booth:342 2073 West Avenue 140th San Leandro, CA 94577 Hank Dres Phone: 214-‐507-‐8115 Fax: 510-‐352-‐5932 Email: Website: Silesia Flavors, Inc. Booth:251 5250 Prairie Stone Parkway Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Tim Castle Phone: 770-‐654-‐7405 Fax: 847-‐645-‐0266 Email: Website: Specialty Food Ingredients (Haile Resources) Booth:211 1230 South Fairmont Ave Lodi, CA 95240 Debbie Haile Phone: 214-‐357-‐1471 Fax: 214-‐357-‐9381 Email: Website: www.specialty-‐ Spice World (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:220b 8101 Presidents Dr Orlando, FL 32809 Mitch Dimarco Phone: 800-‐433-‐4979 Email: Website: St. Charles Trading, inc Booth:397 600 Smith Street Denton, TX 76205 Tim Clabby Phone: 940-‐320-‐5000 Fax: 940-‐320-‐5011 Email: Website: Stryka Botanics Booth:140 555 Republic Drive 2nd Floor Plano, TX 75074 Craig Koffler Phone: 877-‐978-‐7952 Email: Website: Sun Valley Raisins, Inc. (NewStar Food Ingredients) Booth:269 9595 S. Hughes Fresno, CA 93706 Stacy Creasy Phone: 559-‐233-‐8070 Fax: 559-‐233-‐8075 Email: Website: Stratas Foods (Jones Neitzel Company) Booth:236 7130 Goodlett Farms Parkway Memphis TN 38016 Rafael Cardenas Phone: 901-‐229-‐4697 Email: Website: Sue Bee Honey (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:330 301 Lewis Blvd. Sioux City, IA 51101 Ron Junck Phone: 712-‐258-‐0638 Email: Website: Sunland Nutrition, Inc. Booth:289 22600 Lambert Street, Unit 1206 Lake Forest , CA 92630 Michael Liu Phone: 949-‐206-‐0081 Fax: 949-‐206-‐0083 Email: Website: SunOpta Booth:279 7301 Ohms Lane Suite 600 Edina, MN 55349 Raquel Hansen Phone: 507-‐456-‐9495 Email: Website: SupHerb Farms (FM Lewis Co.) Booth:328a 300 Dianne Drive Turlock, CA 95381 Donna Bolton Phone: 949-‐496-‐7293 Email: SupplyOne Booth:138 1608 Plantation Road Dallas, TX 75235 James Bowie Phone: 817-‐454-‐8905 Fax: 214-‐819-‐5318 Email: Website: Synergy Flavors, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:340 1500 Synergy Drive Wauconda, IL 60084 Elinor Keeton Phone: 770-‐361-‐2350 Fax: 847-‐487-‐1056 Email: Website: Syracuse Sausage Company (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:351 903 N. FM 156 Ponder, TX 76259 Anthony Musacchio Phone: 940-‐479-‐2700 Email: Website: Tate & Lyle Booth:125 5450 Prairie Stone Pkwy Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Phone: 217-‐423-‐4411 Email: Website: Texas Food Processors Association Booth:347 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension 225 Horticulture/Forest Science Bldg, TAMU -‐2134 College Station, TX 77843-‐2134 Al Wagner Phone: 979-‐845-‐7023 Email: a-‐ Website: Target Flavors Booth:204 7 Del Mar Drive Brookfield, CT 06804 Paul Harrison Phone: 513-‐919-‐6119 Email: Website: Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. Booth:179 4220 Proton Rd Suite 108 Dallas, TX 75244 Jim Ransom Phone: 972-‐702-‐0147 Fax: 972-‐702-‐0156 Email: Website: Texas Woman's University Booth:102 1200 Frame Street Denton, TX 76204 Dr Rene' Scott Phone: 940-‐898-‐2608 Fax: 940-‐898-‐2634 Email: Website: Texture Technologies Corporation Booth:127 123 Stone Mill LN NW Marietta, GA 30064 Randy Koch Phone: 770-‐419-‐9420 Fax: 770-‐419-‐8434 Email: Website: The PROgram (Haile Resources) Booth:207a P.O. Box 278 Fogelsville, PA 18051 Debbie Haile Phone: 214-‐357-‐1471 Fax: 214-‐357-‐9381 Email: Website: The Wright Group Booth:324 6428 Airport Rd. Crowley, LA 70526 Shanna Morgan Phone: 337-‐783-‐3096 Email: Website: TIC Gums Booth:193 10552 Philadelphia Road White Marsh, MD 21162 Phone: 410-‐273-‐7300 x 3445 Fax: 410-‐335-‐4935 Email: Website: Traina Foods (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:333 337 Lemmon Avenue Patterson, CA 95363 Paul Walker Phone: 209-‐892-‐5472 Fax: 209-‐892-‐6231 Email: Website: Ungerer and Company Booth:365 4 Bridgewater Lane Lincoln Park, NJ 07035 Jim Santa Phone: 917-‐940-‐9993 Email: Website: Unique Ingredients Booth:249 P.O. Box 483 Naches, WA 98937 Dave Olsen Phone: 509-‐653-‐1991 Fax: 509-‐653-‐1992 Email: Website: Univar Booth:148 4351 Director Drive San Antonio, TX 78219 Karen Yurch Phone: 855-‐888-‐8648 Email: Website: US Niutang Chemical Inc. Booth:311 5181 Edison Avenue Chino, CA 91710 Laura Lear Phone: 949-‐887-‐8875 Fax: 909-‐631-‐2309 Email: Website: Tree Top (Batory Foods | Massey Fair) Booth:222b 220 E. Second Ave. PO Box 248 Selah, WA 98942 Brad Nelson Phone: 509-‐698-‐1493 Email: Unified Food Ingredients (Tisdale Food Ingredients) Booth:185 145 Vallecitos De Oro, Suite 208 San Marcos, CA 92069 Dan Stouder Phone: 760-‐744-‐7225 Fax: 760-‐744-‐7215 Email: Website: United Salt Corporation (Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities) Booth:150 4800 San Felipe Houston, TX 77056 Ron Dobbs Phone: 830-‐608-‐5128 Fax: 713-‐877-‐2609 Email: Website: US Highbush Blueberry Council Booth:366 c/o Thomas J. Payne Market Development 865 Woodside Way San Mateo, CA 94401 Tom Payne Phone: 650-‐340-‐8563 Fax: 650-‐340-‐8568 Email: Website: Valdez Spice (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:353 1808 Monetary Lane, Suite 110 Carrollton, TX 75006 Mike Hanks Phone: 972-‐242-‐7660 Fax: 972-‐242-‐6690 Email: Website: Van Drunen Farms Booth:250 300 West 6th Street Momence, IL 60954 Darrell Hanson Phone: 815-‐472-‐3100 Email: Website: Ventura Foods (FM Lewis Co.) Booth:327a 5 Aloysius Circle Cold Springs, KY 41076 Kevin McDole Phone: 859-‐781-‐6216 Fax: 859-‐781-‐6206 Email: Virginia Dare Booth:227 882 Third Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11232 Brian Kelly Phone: 718-‐788-‐1776 Fax: 718-‐768-‐3978 Email: Website: Vita-‐Pakt Citrus Products Co. (Haile Resources) Booth:243 707 North Barranca Ave Covina, CA 91723 Anthony Xavier Phone: 626-‐332-‐1101 Fax: 626-‐915-‐4107 Email: axavier@vita-‐ Website: www.vita-‐ Watson Booth:221 301 Heffernan Drive West Haven, CT 06516 Siriluck Suksujaritporn Phone: 562-‐355-‐5404 Fax: 714-‐739-‐2443 Email: siriluck.suksujaritporn@watson-‐ Website: www.watson-‐ Vegetable Juices Inc. (Batory Foods | Massey Fair Booth:223 7400 S. Narragansett Ave. Bedford Park, IL 60638 James Duncan Phone: 301-‐691-‐0073 Email: Website: Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC (Ward Hughes Co.) Booth:386 80 Red Schoolhouse Road Suite 103 Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 Greg D'Auria Phone: 201-‐236-‐3179 Fax: 845-‐358-‐1527 Email: Website: Vision Processing Technologies, Inc. Booth:228 220 24th Ave NW Owatonna, MN 55060 Jennifer Borchers, Sales Manager Phone: 507-‐444-‐3957 Email: jborchers@vision-‐ Website:‐ W.A. Cleary Products Booth:346 1049 Rt. 27 Somerset, NJ 08873 Ronald J. Elias Phone: 800-‐238-‐7813 Fax: 732-‐247-‐6977 Email: Website: Western Pacific Oils,LLC (NewStar Food Ingredients) Booth:271 5960 Corvette St. Commerce, CA 90040 Jonathan Benabou Phone: 310-‐689-‐6017 Fax: 213-‐232-‐3226 Email: Website: Western Packaging, Inc. Booth:145 2855 Exchange Blvd. Suite 101 Southlake, TX 76092 Vince Slapa Phone: 817-‐488-‐6400 Email: Website: Whitehall Specialties, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Inc.) Booth:358 36120 Owen Street Whitehall, WI 54733 Marty Lyons Phone: 705-‐538-‐2326 Email: martylyons@whitehall-‐ Website: www.whitehall-‐ Western Packaging, Inc. Booth:145 White Oak Frozen Foods (FM Lewis Co.) 2855 Exchange Blvd. Booth:326a Suite 101 2525 Cooper Ave. Southlake, Merced, T CX A 796092 5348 Vince lapa Dan SW ilkinson Phone: 817-‐488-‐6400 Phone: 209-‐725-‐9492 Email: Email: Website: Whitehall Specialties, Inc. (Hanks Brokerage, Wixon Inc.) Booth:119 Booth:358 1390 . Bolivar Ave. 36120 OEwen Street St. Francis, WI 53235 Whitehall, WI 54733 Melissa Pfennig Marty Lyons Phone: 414-‐238-‐5500 Phone: 705-‐538-‐2326 Email: Email: martylyons@whitehall-‐ Website: Website: www.whitehall-‐ Yamasa USA (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) Booth:186b 3655 Torrance Blvd Torrance, CA 90503 Katsuo Usukura Phone: 310-‐944-‐3883 Yeastock Co. LTD (Dien Inc.) Yamasa USA (Dancing Bear Ingredients, LLC) Booth:195 Booth:186b 200 Park Avenue 3655 Torrance Blvd New York City, NY 10166 Torrance, CA 90503 Ryan Branch Katsuo Usukura Phone: 212-‐878-‐4428 Phone: 310-‐944-‐3883 Email: Website: Your Pest Control Company Booth:364 3518 Roberts Cut Off Lake Worth, TX 76114 Mike Linton Phone: 817-‐624-‐9116 Fax: 817-‐624-‐9117 Email: Website: Your Pest ICngredients ontrol Company Z-‐Trim Booth:364 Booth:341 3518 Roberts Cut ff 1011 Campus DOrive Lake W orth, T X 7 6114 Mundelein, IL 60060 Mike Linton Lynda Carroll Phone: 817-‐624-‐9116 Fax: Phone: 847-‐549-‐6002 817-‐624-‐9117 Email: Email: Website: w Website: Getting the most out of our corn, giving the most back to our customers and growers. That’s the mission that has driven Didion for almost half a century... 40 Years, One Passion. 913-484-3452 Embassy Suite Hotel Dallas-Frisco 7600 John Q. Hammons Drive Frisco, Texas 75034 Conference 1st Floor - Frisco Grand Ballroom Hall A thru I Deana R. Phillips Sr. Account Manager Savory Flavors Dan Bellah DireCtor of saLes DairiConCepts, L.p. CMYK - COLOR BREAKDOWN DireCt: 417.829.3475 3253 e. Chestnut expressway fax: 210.479.1708 springfieLD, mo 65802 CeLL: 417.379.9503 www.DairiConCepts.Com C = 70 C = 58 C = 47 M = 15 M = 15 M = 11 Y = 100 Y = 83 Y = 72 K = 20 K = 10 K = 7 C = 90 M = 60 Y = 20 K =2 C = 80 C = 70 M = 50 M = 40 Y = 10 Y = 6 K =2 K =3 C =0 C =0 C =0 M = 35 M = 25 M = 16 Y = 100 Y = 85 Y = 67 K =0 K =0 K =0 Sensient Flavors, LLC 5115 Sedge Blvd Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Cell 847-345-9478 Tel 830-217-4376 Wholesale supplier of raw and organic foods from around the world! Tom Monts Account Executive, Industrial & Bulk Ingredients Office (530) 273-3663 ext. 214 Cell (803) 924-1680 355 Crown Point Circle, Ste D Grass Valley, CA 95945 Toll Free 1-877-922-FOOD Fax (530) 273-3223 Ingredients/Additives Acidulants, pH Control ADM 124 H.B. Taylor Co 190 AIC 286 149 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 BIORIGIN 264 ICL Food Specialties International Food Products Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods Pompeii Products 337b Brolite Products 172 The Wright Group 324 Corbion 377 Univar 148 Agropur Ingredients 273 141 Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 Barrington Nutritionals 164 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Glanbia Nutritionals International Food Products Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Primordial Nutrients 296 232 329 Amino Acids Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Doc Hale Nutrition DSM Nutritional Products Farbest Brands 284, 285 Prinova 101 Stryka Botanics 275, 276 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 296 232 170 343 140 289 391 Anticaking Agents ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 ICL Food Specialties 149 AIC 286 International Fiber Corporation 256 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. J. Rettenmaier USA LP Mitsubishi International Food 226 Ingredients 284, 285 NP Group, LLC 374 232 320 Grain Processing Corporation 257 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Huber Engineered Materials 299 Univar 148 124 International Food Products Corporation 296 Antifoaming Agents ADM Antifoaming Agents cont. Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Integra Ingredients 284, 285 308 Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Univar 232 148 Antimicrobial Agents AIC Barrington Nutritionals Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 164 Univar Versatile Products and Ingredients, 284, 285 LLC 286 152 148 386 232 Antioxidants Agropur Ingredients 273 149 172 ICL Food Specialties International Food Products Corporation Kalsec Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Naturex Inc. Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Brolite Products Doc Hale Nutrition 101 Stryka Botanics 140 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 DSM Nutritional Products 275, 276 The Wright Group GNT USA, Inc. 253 Harten Corporation 254 Univar Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC 296 280 232 278 324 148 386 Antioxidants, Nutritional Agropur Ingredients 273 DSM Nutritional Products 275, 276 AIC 286 Farbest Brands 391 Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 FRUTAROM 166 B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 GNT USA, Inc. 253 Barrington Nutritionals 164 254 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Brolite Products 172 Doc Hale Nutrition 101 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Harten Corporation International Food Products Corporation Kalsec Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Naturex Inc. 296 280 232 278 Antioxidants, Nutritional, cont Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) 300 Univar 148 Stryka Botanics 140 Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC 386 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Bakery Additives Agropur Ingredients 273 Blue Planet Foods 224 AIC 286 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Batory Foods 226 Brolite Products 172 Enzyme Development Corporation 394 JM Swank Garuda International, Inc. 133 343 Horn Company 363 Huber Engineered Materials IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Ingredient Partners 299 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc 154 Tate & Lyle 125 387 TIC Gums 193 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 341 Batory Foods 226 JM Swank Franklin Baker 180 Riviana Foods Inc. 136 Gold Coast Ingredients 398 Specialty Food Ingredients 211 Graceland Fruit, Inc. 208a Tate & Lyle 125 ADM 124 Dakota Specialty Milling 384 Agropur Ingredients 273 Ingredion Incorporated 291 AIC 286 Innophos, Inc. 263 AmTech Ingredients 120 Nexira Inc. 241 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 NP Group, LLC 320 Batory Foods 226 218 Brolite Products 172 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Penford Food Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities SunOpta Corbion 377 Tate & Lyle 125 188, 189 152 397 Bakery Fillings 188, 189 Bakery Mixes 152 279 Bakery Mixes cont. Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 The Wright Group 324 Western Pacific Oils,LLC 271 Banana Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Unique Ingredients 249 The PROgram 207a Van Drunen Farms 250 Activ International 265 308 Agropur Ingredients 273 AmTech Ingredients 120 Batory Foods 226 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Integra Ingredients Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods Proliant Meat Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Tate & Lyle Hormel Foods Corporation 382 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 Bases, Mixes, Stocks, Soups Illes Seasonings and Flavors 372,373 Wixon 329 380 152 125 119 Batters, Breadings AIC 286 Ingredion Incorporated 291 AmTech Ingredients 120 Innophos, Inc. 263 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 218 Batory Foods 226 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Penford Food Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 Tate & Lyle 125 Dakota Specialty Milling 384 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 ADM 124 JM Swank Bruce Foods 209a Van Drunen Farms 250 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 152 397 Beans, Legumes 188, 189 Beverage Bases, Mixes Agropur Ingredients 273 Flavorchem Corporation 230 American Fruits & Flavors 302 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 AmTech Ingredients 120 Illes Seasonings and Flavors Batory Foods 226 NP Group, LLC 372,373 320 Beverage Bases, Mixes cont. Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Parker Products, Inc. Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 300 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 301 Tate & Lyle 125 343 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 152 Wixon 119 Blueberries Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Oregon Potato Co./Dickinson Frozen Foods Stryka Botanics Graceland Fruit, Inc. 208a The PROgram 207a Jasper Wyman & Son 210 Unique Ingredients 249 National Raisin Company 360 Van Drunen Farms 250 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Naturex Inc. 278 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 241 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Nexira Inc. Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Flavorchem Corporation 230 Stryka Botanics 140 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Harten Corporation 254 Ingredion Incorporated 291 J. Rettenmaier USA LP Mitsubishi International Food 286 Ingredients 164 NP Group, LLC Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 226 Commodities 284, 285 Tate & Lyle 374 390 140 Botanicals 300 343 Bulking Agents ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 Agropur Ingredients 273 AIC Barrington Nutritionals Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Grain Processing Corporation 232 320 152 125 257 Univar 148 All American Foods, Inc. 272 Hormel Foods Corporation 382 Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. 359 Horn Company 363 Buttermilk Powders Buttermilk Powders cont. NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 270 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 152 Carob Batory Foods 226 Casein Agropur Ingredients 273 Batory Foods 226 Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Prinova Farbest Brands 391 SPI Group 232 343 342 Cereal Grains, Wheat, Corn, Rice, Barley, Oats ADM 124 ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 B&G Foods 385 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Batory Foods 226 Blue Planet Foods 224 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. International Food Products Corporation JM Swank 296 188, 189 Kellogg Food Ingredients Group Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Richardson Milling 383 136 152 400 Riviana Foods Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Specialty Food Ingredients Dakota Specialty Milling 384 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Didion Milling 321 Stryka Botanics 140 Horn Company 363 SunOpta 279 Ingredient Partners 387 Tate & Lyle 125 Batory Foods 226 Kraft Food Ingredients 368 Commercial Creamery Company 381 Sargento Foods Inc. 277 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 Schreiber Foods 327b Enzyme Development Corporation 394 Van Drunen Farms 250 Hilmar Ingredients 266 Whitehall Specialties, Inc. 358 Innophos, Inc. 263 Barrington Nutritionals 164 300 163 211 Cheese Chelating Agents AIC 286 Chelating Agents cont. Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 226 ICL Food Specialties Mitsubishi International Food 284, 285 Ingredients 149 232 Coatings, Chocolate ADM 124 Barry Callebaut 282 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Horn Company International Food Products Corporation JM Swank 363 Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc. 178 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 Dakota Specialty Milling 384 296 188, 189 Coatings, Confectionery Agropur Ingredients 273 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 Barry Callebaut 282 136 Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc. 178 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Riviana Foods Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Specialty Food Ingredients Grain Processing Corporation 257 Tate & Lyle 125 Horn Company 363 152 211 Coatings, Edible Batory Foods 226 Graceland Fruit, Inc. 208a Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Grain Processing Corporation 257 Clasen Quality Coatings, Inc. 178 Nutsco, Inc. 213 Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc. 207b Specialty Food Ingredients 211 Global Agri Trade Corporation 176 NP Group, LLC 320 Coatings, Protective Barrington Nutritionals 164 Horn Company 363 Cocoa, Cocoa Powder, Chocolate ADM 124 Ciranda, Inc. 293 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 248 Barry Callebaut 282 Batory Foods 226 Carlyle Cocoa Company 316 E. A. Weber & Company International Food Products Corporation Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova 296 300 343 Cocoa, Cocoa Powder, Chocolate cont. PROVA Inc. 162 QualiTech, Inc. 238 Tate & Lyle 125 Coconut Batory Foods 226 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Ciranda, Inc. 293 Global Agri Trade Corporation 176 Flavorchem Corporation 230 S&P Marketing, Inc. 335 Franklin Baker 180 249 Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Unique Ingredients Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC 386 Colors Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Brenntag Southwest, Inc. IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) 284, 285 Kalsec 314 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 DDW 154 280 214 309 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Naturex Inc. E. A. Weber & Company 248 Prinova 343 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Roha USA 283 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 Sensient Colors 239 Gold Coast Ingredients 398 Stryka Botanics 140 Horn Company 363 Virginia Dare 227 314 FMC Corporation 323 164 GNT USA, Inc. 253 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Herbstreith & Fox 159 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Brolite Products 172 David Michael & Co., Inc. 379 Horn Company 363 IFC Solutions (formerly International 154 Foodcraft) JM Swank 188, 189 E. A. Weber & Company 248 Kalsec 280 Farbest Brands 391 214 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients 232 278 Colors, Natural Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Barrington Nutritionals 232 Colors, Natural cont. Naturex Inc. 278 Prinova 343 Roha USA 283 Sethness Products Company Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 354 152 Confectionery Ingredients ADM 124 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Agropur Ingredients 273 Global Agri Trade Corporation 176 Batory Foods 226 GNT USA, Inc. 253 BENEO Inc. 369 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc. Dole International DSM Nutritional Products Hormel Foods Corporation IFC Solutions (formerly International 400 Foodcraft) 207b Parker Products, Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 182 Commodities 275, 276 St. Charles Trading, inc 382 154 301 152 397 FMC Corporation 323 Tate & Lyle 125 Foran Spice Company 114 Univar 148 Franklin Baker 180 Cookies, Wafers, Crackers AmTech Ingredients 120 JM Swank 188, 189 Batory Foods 226 Kellogg Food Ingredients Group 383 Blue Planet Foods 224 Riviana Foods Inc. 136 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 Cranberries Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 The PROgram 207a Graceland Fruit, Inc. 208a Unique Ingredients 249 National Raisin Company Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 360 Van Drunen Farms 250 172 Tate & Lyle 125 226 Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 152 Cultures, Starter Cultures Brolite Products Curing, Pickling Agents Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Illes Seasonings and Flavors 372,373 Curing, Pickling Agents, cont. JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients 188, 189 Univar 148 232 Dairy Ingredients, Products Agropur Ingredients 273 363 226 Horn Company IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Ingredion Incorporated International Food Products Corporation J. Rettenmaier USA LP All American Foods, Inc. 272 AmTech Ingredients 120 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Batory Foods Berkshire Dairy 326b Jeneil Biotech, Inc. 244 Bluegrass Dairy and Food 186a JM Swank Butter Buds Inc. 235 Kellogg Food Ingredients Group 383 Commercial Creamery Company 381 Kraft Food Ingredients 368 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 270 Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. 359 Farbest Brands 391 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova First Choice Ingredients 319 Sargento Foods Inc. 277 Flavorchem Corporation 230 327b Garuda International, Inc. 133 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 Schreiber Foods Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Tate & Lyle Hilmar Ingredients 266 Univar 148 Hormel Foods Corporation 382 154 291 296 374 188, 189 300 343 152 125 Dates, Figs, Prunes, Raisins Batory Foods 226 National Raisin Company 360 Del Rey Packing Company 208b Sun Valley Raisins, Inc. 269 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 Dietary Fiber and Prebiotics ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 Batory Foods 226 AIC 286 BI Nutraceuticals 130 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Farbest Brands 391 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Dietary Fiber and Prebiotics, cont. Grain Processing Corporation 257 Harten Corporation 254 Herbstreith & Fox 159 JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Prinova 188, 189 Horn Company 363 SPI Group 342 Ingredion Incorporated 291 SunOpta 279 International Fiber Corporation 256 Tate & Lyle 125 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 TIC Gums 193 Agropur Ingredients 273 ICL Food Specialties 149 AIC 286 ICOF America 288 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Innophos, Inc. 263 Batory Foods 226 232 343 Dough Conditioners Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. Brolite Products Corbion Enzyme Development Corporation Garuda International, Inc. Integra Ingredients International Food Products 284, 285 Corporation 375 JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food 172 Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 377 Commodities 394 The Wright Group 308 296 188, 189 232 152 324 133 Univar 148 172 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 Drying Agents Brolite Products Egg Replacers Agropur Ingredients 273 Batory Foods 226 Brolite Products 172 Henningsen Foods 328b Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Horn Company 363 Univar JM Swank 188, 189 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 232 300 152 397 148 341 Eggs Batory Foods 226 Henningsen Foods 328b Eggs, cont. International Food Products Corporation JM Swank NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 188, 189 St. Charles Trading, inc 296 152 397 270 Emulsifiers, Surfactants ADM 124 Ingredion Incorporated 291 Agropur Ingredients 273 308 AIC 286 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Integra Ingredients International Food Products Corporation J. Rettenmaier USA LP Barrington Nutritionals 164 Nexira Inc. 241 Batory Foods 226 Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc 139 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Olds Products Company Brolite Products 172 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Corbion 296 374 156 343 377 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Enzyme Development Corporation 394 The Wright Group 324 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Univar 148 ICOF America IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Ingredients Solutions, Inc. 288 W.A. Cleary Products 346 154 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 341 152 397 129 Encapsulated Ingredients AIC 286 B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 Balchem Encapsulates Carmi Flavor & Fragrance Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. DSM Nutritional Products JM Swank Kalsec Mitsubishi International Food 206 Ingredients 234 Naturex Inc. Nutegrity (a division of Omega 359 Protein) 275, 276 Prinova H.B. Taylor Co 190 Ingredion Incorporated 291 The Wright Group 188, 189 280 232 278 300 343 324 Enzymes Agridient Inc 259 DSM Food Specialties USA, Inc Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 DSM Nutritional Products Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Enzyme Development Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Novozymes Inc. Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Stryka Botanics 274 275, 276 394 232 310 140 Brolite Products 172 The Wright Group 324 Corbion 377 Univar 148 Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. 359 Enzymes, Nutritional ADM 124 DSM Food Specialties USA, Inc 274 Agropur Ingredients 273 394 B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Enzyme Development Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients The Wright Group Barrington Nutritionals 164 232 324 Excipients and Processing Aids AIC 286 Ingredion Incorporated 291 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Innophos, Inc. 263 Batory Foods 226 308 FMC Corporation 323 Grain Processing Corporation 257 Integra Ingredients Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Univar Huber Engineered Materials IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) 299 W.A. Cleary Products 346 314 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 361 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Batory Foods 226 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Beck Flavors 348 Harten Corporation 254 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Jeneil Biotech, Inc. 244 232 148 154 Extracts Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Ajinomoto North America, Inc. Extracts, cont. Kalsec 280 Lochhead Manufacturing 304 Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients 214 PROVA Inc. 162 232 Sensient Savory Flavors 216 Mother Murphy's Flavors 128 Naturex Inc. 278 Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Stryka Botanics Nexira Inc. 241 The Wright Group 324 Nikken Foods USA, Inc. 252 Virginia Dare 227 NP Group, LLC 320 300 343 152 140 Fat/Oil Replacers Batory Foods 226 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 FMC Corporation 323 Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Tate & Lyle Grain Processing Corporation 257 The Wright Group 324 ICOF America 288 Univar 148 Ingredients Solutions, Inc. 129 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 341 Ingredion Incorporated 291 232 152 125 Fats, Oils AAK/AarhusKarlshamn 306 Franklin Baker 180 ADM 124 Global Agri Trade Corporation 176 AmTech Ingredients 120 Horn Company 363 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 ICOF America 288 Batory Foods 226 BORGES/NATIONAL Bunge Oils Ciranda, Inc. Doc Hale Nutrition DSM Nutritional Products Par-‐Way Tryson Company International Dehydrated Foods, Inc. 192 International Food Products 305, 307 296 Corporation 194 JM Swank 188, 189 Mitsubishi International Food 232 293 Ingredients 101 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 Nutegrity (a division of Omega 300 275, 276 Protein) 160 Univar 148 Fats, Oils, cont. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Stratas Foods 152 Ventura Foods 327a 236 W.A. Cleary Products 346 SunOpta 279 Western Pacific Oils,LLC 271 The Wright Group 324 Fatty Acids Barrington Nutritionals Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Global Agri Trade Corporation 164 ICOF America Mitsubishi International Food 226 Ingredients 284, 285 The Wright Group 288 232 324 176 Firming Agents Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Corbion 226 Grain Processing Corporation 284, 285 ICL Food Specialties Mitsubishi International Food 377 Ingredients 257 149 232 Flavor Bases American Fruits & Flavors 302 Flavorchem Corporation 230 AmTech Ingredients 120 Hormel Foods Corporation 382 Ballard & Wolfe Co., Inc. 313 Illes Seasonings and Flavors 372,373 Batory Foods 226 Innova Flavors 325 Beck Flavors 348 Jeneil Biotech, Inc. 244 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 181 Brolite Products 172 Bruce Foods 209a Major Products Co., Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mother Murphy's Flavors Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Northwestern Extract 126 Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 Ohly Americas 246 Corbion 377 Parker Products, Inc. 301 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 Prinova 343 DSM Food Specialties 155 PROVA Inc. 162 E. A. Weber & Company 248 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 216 Flavor House, Inc. 217 Sensient Savory Flavors Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 232 128 152 Flavor Bases, cont. Sovereign Flavors 255 Target Flavors 204 ADM 124 Parker Products, Inc. 301 Batory Foods 226 QualiTech, Inc. 238 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 Univar 148 Horn Company 363 Flavor Bits, Chips, Crunches Flavor Enhancers abelei flavors 318 Integra Ingredients 308 Activ International 265 Jeneil Biotech, Inc. 244 Agropur Ingredients 273 Major Products Co., Inc. 181 Barrington Nutritionals 164 214 Basic Food Flavors 184 Batory Foods 226 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mother Murphy's Flavors Beck Flavors 348 Naturex Inc. 278 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 BIORIGIN 264 Nexira Inc. 241 Brolite Products 172 Nikken Foods USA, Inc. 252 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Northwestern Extract 126 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 Prinova 343 Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. 359 PROVA Inc. 162 David Michael & Co., Inc. 379 Red Arrow Products Company LLC 161 DSM Food Specialties 155 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 E. A. Weber & Company 248 Sensient Savory Flavors 216 First Choice Ingredients 319 143 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 152 Flavor House, Inc. 217 Solvay Aroma Performance Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Sovereign Flavors Flavor Producers 135 SPI Group 342 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Synergy Flavors, Inc. 340 Gold Coast Ingredients 398 204 H.B. Taylor Co 190 Innova Flavors 325 Target Flavors Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC Virginia Dare 232 128 255 386 227 Flavor Potentiators, MSG, Nucleotides Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 Beck Flavors 348 BIORIGIN 264 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 International Food Products Corporation Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Northwestern Extract Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 Prinova 343 Commercial Creamery Company 381 216 DSM Food Specialties 155 152 Flavor House, Inc. 217 Sensient Savory Flavors Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities SPI Group Flavorchem Corporation 230 Univar 148 Integra Ingredients 308 Wixon 119 296 214 232 126 342 Flavors, Essential Oils, Aromatic Chemicals, Natural, Synthetic abelei flavors 318 Kalsec 280 Advanced Biotech 153 214 Beck Flavors 348 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mother Murphy's Flavors Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Naturex Inc. 232 128 278 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Northwestern Extract 126 Comax Flavors 297 OSF Flavors 294 Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. 359 Pompeii Products 337b E. A. Weber & Company 248 Prinova 343 First Choice Ingredients 319 Solvay Aroma Performance 143 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Sovereign Flavors 255 FRUTAROM 166 Target Flavors 204 Gold Coast Ingredients 398 365 H.B. Taylor Co 190 Integra Ingredients 308 Ungerer and Company Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC Wixon abelei flavors 318 American Fruits & Flavors 302 Agropur Ingredients 273 Batory Foods 226 AIC 286 Beck Flavors 348 386 119 Flavors, Masking Flavors, Masking, cont. Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 Northwestern Extract 126 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Ohly Americas 246 Dairy Chem Laboratories, Inc. 359 Prinova 343 David Michael & Co., Inc. 379 PROVA Inc. 162 DSM Food Specialties 155 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 E. A. Weber & Company 248 Sensient Savory Flavors 216 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 143 Flavor Producers 135 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Solvay Aroma Performance Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Sovereign Flavors Gold Coast Ingredients 398 Synergy Flavors, Inc. 340 H.B. Taylor Co 190 Target Flavors 204 Innova Flavors 325 148 Metarom Neotech 214 Univar Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC 232 Virginia Dare 227 128 Wixon 119 Activ International Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 265 Corbion 377 314 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 361 David Michael & Co., Inc. 379 American Fruits & Flavors 302 Doc Hale Nutrition 101 Ballard & Wolfe Co., Inc. 313 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Basic Food Flavors 184 DSM Food Specialties 155 Batory Foods 226 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 Flavor House, Inc. 217 BIORIGIN 264 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Bruce Foods 209a Gold Coast Ingredients 398 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 H.B. Taylor Co 190 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 Henningsen Foods 328b Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 Illes Seasonings and Flavors Commercial Creamery Company 381 Innova Flavors Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mother Murphy's Flavors 152 255 386 Flavors, Savory 372,373 325 Flavors, Savory, cont. Integra Ingredients 308 Ohly Americas 246 International Dehydrated Foods, Inc. 192 Peppers Unlimited of LA 334 Jeneil Biotech, Inc. 244 Prinova 343 Kalsec 280 Proliant Meat Ingredients 380 Kraft Food Ingredients 368 Red Arrow Products Company LLC 161 Major Products Co., Inc. McIlhenny Company TABASCO Brands Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Naturex Inc. 181 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 338 Sensient Savory Flavors 216 214 342 278 SPI Group Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC W.A. Cleary Products New Mexico Green Chile Co. 352 Wixon 119 Nikken Foods USA, Inc. 252 363 232 386 346 Flavors, Sweet, Fruit, Citrus abelei flavors Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients American Fruits & Flavors 318 Horn Company 314 Illes Seasonings and Flavors 302 Lochhead Manufacturing 304 Beck Flavors 348 Major Products Co., Inc. 181 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 Metarom Neotech 214 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Northwestern Extract 126 Comax Flavors 297 OSF Flavors 294 David Michael & Co., Inc. 379 Pompeii Products 337b E. A. Weber & Company 248 Prinova 343 Flavor Dynamics, Inc. 171 Sovereign Flavors 255 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Synergy Flavors, Inc. 340 Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Target Flavors 204 Gold Coast Ingredients 398 Ungerer and Company 365 H.B. Taylor Co 190 Virginia Dare 227 372,373 Flour ADM 124 Batory Foods 226 International Food Products Corporation Richardson Milling Horn Company 363 Riviana Foods Inc. 296 163 136 Flour, cont. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 152 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Foaming Agents Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients S&P Marketing, Inc. 232 335 Formulation Aids ADM | Matsutani, LLC Barrington Nutritionals Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Grain Processing Corporation 123 ICL Food Specialties International Food Products 164 Corporation 284, 285 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 149 296 341 257 Fruit Juices, Concentrates American Fruits & Flavors 302 Neil Jones Food Companies 336 Batory Foods 226 Prinova 343 Del Rey Packing Company 208b S&P Marketing, Inc. 335 Dole International 182 Stryka Botanics 140 Farbest Brands 391 Unique Ingredients 249 Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 US Highbush Blueberry Council 366 Knouse Foods 349 Vita-‐Pakt Citrus Products Co. 243 National Raisin Company 360 Fruit Preparations Ballard & Wolfe Co., Inc. 313 Ingredion Incorporated 291 Batory Foods 226 Knouse Foods 349 Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Tree Top 222b Batory Foods 226 New Mexico Green Chile Co. 352 Dole International 182 Schreiber Foods International, Inc. 355 Horn Company 363 Seneca Foods Corporation 209b Jasper Wyman & Son 210 The PROgram 207a Knouse Foods Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods Neil Jones Food Companies 349 Unique Ingredients 249 329 US Highbush Blueberry Council 366 336 Vegetable Juices Inc. 223 Fruit, Canned, Frozen Fruit, Dried, Freeze-‐dried American Food Ingredients 219a 357 208b Sensient Natural Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Traina Foods Batory Foods 226 Del Rey Packing Company Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Unique Ingredients 249 Franklin Baker 180 US Highbush Blueberry Council 366 Graceland Fruit, Inc. 208a Valdez Spice 353 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 Van Drunen Farms 250 Mercer Foods 350 Vita-‐Pakt Citrus Products Co. 243 QualiTech, Inc. 238 152 333 Fruits and Vegetables American Food Ingredients 219a Batory Foods 226 Oregon Potato Co./Dickinson Frozen Foods Pacific Farms Dole International 182 QualiTech, Inc. 238 Dongsheng Foods USA 183 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Stryka Botanics 140 FDP USA a BCFoods Company 322 SunOpta 279 Franklin Baker 180 The PROgram 207a Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Unified Food Ingredients 185 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Unique Ingredients 249 Graceland Fruit, Inc. Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods National Raisin Company 208a US Highbush Blueberry Council 366 329 Van Drunen Farms 250 360 Vegetable Juices Inc. 223 Naturex Inc. 278 390 205 Gelatin Batory Foods 226 Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc 139 Hormel Foods Corporation 382 Prinova 343 Horn Company 363 Univar 148 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Batory Foods 226 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Dakota Specialty Milling 384 Grains Grains, cont. Garuda International, Inc. 133 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 Richardson Milling 163 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 136 Horn Company 363 Ingredient Partners International Food Products Corporation 387 Riviana Foods Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Specialty Food Ingredients 296 SunOpta 279 Activ International 265 136 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Batory Foods 226 Riviana Foods Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Bruce Foods 209a Tate & Lyle 125 Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 152 211 Gravies, Sauces Illes Seasonings and Flavors 372,373 Wixon 152 397 119 Gums, Hydrocolloids, Stabilizers ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 AEP Colloids 212 Agropur Ingredients 273 AIC 286 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Brolite Products Colony Gums Inc. FMC Corporation Ingredients Solutions, Inc. International Food Products Corporation J. Rettenmaier USA LP 129 122 164 JF Hydrocolloids Inc Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nexira Inc. 226 NP Group, LLC 320 284, 285 Penford Food Ingredients 172 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 261, 262 Commodities 323 St. Charles Trading, inc 296 374 232 241 218 343 152 397 FRUTAROM 166 TIC Gums 193 Grain Processing Corporation 257 Univar 148 Horn Company 363 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 341 Herb, Herbal Extracts Barrington Nutritionals 164 Naturex Inc. 278 BI Nutraceuticals 130 241 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 Nexira Inc. Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Primordial Nutrients Harten Corporation 254 Sensient Savory Flavors 216 Kalsec 280 Van Drunen Farms 250 Metarom Neotech 214 Wixon 119 Batory Foods 226 303 Ciranda, Inc. 293 Fruit Crown Products Corp. 312 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Malt Products Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc 397 300 170 Honey International Food Products Corporation JM Swank 296 188, 189 Tate & Lyle 232 270 152 125 Humectants Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Tate & Lyle 284, 285 Univar 232 125 148 Leaving Agents Agropur Ingredients 273 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Batory Foods 226 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. ICL Food Specialties Innophos, Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients St. Charles Trading, inc 284, 285 Univar 263 232 397 148 149 Malt Batory Foods Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. JM Swank 226 Malt Products Mitsubishi International Food 375 Ingredients 188, 189 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 303 232 270 Maltodextrins ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 NP Group, LLC 320 Agridient Inc 259 Penford Food Ingredients 218 Barrington Nutritionals 164 343 Batory Foods 226 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Ciranda, Inc. 293 Stryka Botanics 140 Grain Processing Corporation 257 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Horn Company 363 Tate & Lyle 125 JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients 188, 189 Univar 152 397 148 232 Meals, Grain Batory Foods 226 Specialty Food Ingredients 211 BI Nutraceuticals 130 SunOpta 279 QualiTech, Inc. 238 Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 152 Meat Tenderizers Batory Foods JM Swank 226 188, 189 Meat, Poultry, Fish, Seafood Batory Foods 226 Northwest Naturals 222a Hormel Foods Corporation 382 Proliant Meat Ingredients 380 Innophos, Inc. 263 Syracuse Sausage Company 351 International Dehydrated Foods, Inc. 192 Schreiber Foods 327b Milk, Condensed Batory Foods 226 Berkshire Dairy 326b Milk, Nonfat Dry Agropur Ingredients 273 Berkshire Dairy 326b All American Foods, Inc. 272 382 Batory Foods 226 Hormel Foods Corporation International Food Products Corporation 296 Milk, Nonfat Dry, cont. JM Swank Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 188, 189 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 152 Minerals AIC 286 Innophos, Inc. 263 Barrington Nutritionals 164 298 Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 J.M. Huber Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Naturex Inc. DSM Nutritional Products 275, 276 NP Group, LLC 232 278 320 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Stryka Botanics 140 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 Univar 148 ICL Food Specialties 149 252 Van Drunen Farms 250 Batory Foods 226 303 Ingredient Partners 387 International Food Products Corporation Malt Products Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients 296 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities 152 168 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 219a Nikken Foods USA, Inc. 252 Miso, Tofu Nikken Foods USA, Inc. Molasses, Liquid, Dehydrated JM Swank Louis Dreyfus Commodities-‐-‐Imperial Sugar Company 188, 189 232 Mushrooms, Truffles American Food Ingredients BORGES/NATIONAL Garuda International, Inc. 305, 307 Van Drunen Farms 250 133 Non-‐GMO Ingredients ADM 124 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Agridient Inc 259 Barrington Nutritionals 164 AIC 286 Basic Food Flavors 184 AmTech Ingredients 120 Batory Foods 226 B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Non-‐GMO Ingredients, cont. BORGES/NATIONAL 307 214 381 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nikken Foods USA, Inc. Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Penford Food Ingredients Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 Ciranda, Inc. 293 Commercial Creamery Company Corbion 377 Primordial Nutrients 170 Farbest Brands 391 Prinova 343 First Choice Ingredients 319 QualiTech, Inc. 238 FMC Corporation 323 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Sensient Savory Flavors 216 Grain Processing Corporation 257 SPI Group 342 Harten Corporation 254 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Horn Company 363 Stryka Botanics 140 ICOF America IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Ingredion Incorporated 288 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 154 SunOpta 279 291 148 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 Kalsec Louis Dreyfus Commodities-‐-‐Imperial Sugar Company 280 Univar Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC Z-‐Trim Ingredients 168 Wixon 119 ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 DSM Nutritional Products B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 Farbest Brands 391 Barrington Nutritionals 164 FMC Corporation 323 Batory Foods 226 Garuda International, Inc. 133 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Harten Corporation 254 Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 263 Corbion 377 Doc Hale Nutrition 101 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Innophos, Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NP Group, LLC Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) 232 252 300 218 386 341 Nutrients, Supplements 275, 276 232 320 300 Nutrients, Supplements, cont. Stryka Botanics 140 Tate & Lyle 125 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 The Wright Group 324 ADM 124 Nutsco, Inc. 213 Batory Foods 226 Paramount Farms 225 Blue Diamond Growers 240 Prinova 343 Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc. 207b Specialty Food Ingredients 211 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 SunOpta 279 314 Harten Corporation 254 259 363 Nuts and Legumes Organic Ingredients Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Agridient Inc Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 American Fruits & Flavors 302 Horn Company IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Ingredion Incorporated B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 Barrington Nutritionals 164 214 Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 BORGES/NATIONAL 307 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NP Group, LLC Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Cereal Ingredients, Inc. 400 Richardson Milling 163 Ciranda, Inc. 293 Riviana Foods Inc. 136 Commercial Creamery Company 381 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 Dakota Specialty Milling 384 216 Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 152 Farbest Brands 391 Sensient Savory Flavors Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities SPI Group First Choice Ingredients 319 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 FMC Corporation 323 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Franklin Baker 180 SunOpta 279 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Unique Ingredients 249 Global Agri Trade Corporation 176 Van Drunen Farms 250 154 291 232 320 300 343 342 Organic Ingredients, cont. Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC 386 Wixon 119 Pasta JM Swank 188, 189 Riviana Foods Inc. 136 Peanuts ADM 124 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 Batory Foods 226 Specialty Food Ingredients 211 Agropur Ingredients 273 Ingredients Solutions, Inc. 129 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Pectins Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. JF Hydrocolloids Inc Mitsubishi International Food 226 Ingredients 284, 285 Naturex Inc. 122 232 278 FMC Corporation 323 Prinova 343 Herbstreith & Fox 159 Univar 148 Phosphates AIC 286 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. International Food Products Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Prayon Inc. -‐ Phosphates & Phosphoric Acid Prinova 284, 285 SPI Group 296 232 233 343 342 Garuda International, Inc. 133 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Horn Company 363 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 ICL Food Specialties 149 The Wright Group 324 Innophos, Inc. 263 Univar 148 226 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 152 Van Drunen Farms 250 AIC 286 Barrington Nutritionals 164 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Batory Foods 226 Potatoes Batory Foods Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Preservatives Preservatives, cont. Corbion International Food Products Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NP Group, LLC 377 Prinova 343 296 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 232 Univar 148 320 Probiotics B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Horn Company 363 JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients The Wright Group 188, 189 ADM 124 Farbest Brands 391 Agridient Inc 259 Hilmar Ingredients 266 Agropur Ingredients 273 363 All American Foods, Inc. 272 American Food Ingredients 219a B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Horn Company Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Batory Foods 226 Proliant Meat Ingredients 380 BI Nutraceuticals 130 SPI Group 342 CHS Inc.-‐ Protein Food Group 332 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Doc Hale Nutrition 101 The Wright Group 324 232 324 Proteins DSM Nutritional Products 275, 276 Univar 232 139 300 343 148 Release Agents B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Garuda International, Inc. IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Univar 284, 285 W.A. Cleary Products 154 232 148 346 133 Salt, Salt Mixtures Batory Foods 226 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Salt, Salt Mixtures, cont. Horn Company 363 SALTWELL 147 ICL Food Specialties International Food Products Corporation JM Swank 149 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 296 United Salt Corporation 150 Morton Salt Company 188, 189 Univar 148 396 Seasonings Activ International 265 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc. 356 Illes Seasonings and Flavors American Food Ingredients 219a 280 AmTech Ingredients 120 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Kalsec McIlhenny Company TABASCO Brands Peppers Unlimited of LA Batory Foods 226 Precise Food Ingredients 345 Bruce Foods 209a Precise Food Ingredients 401 California Garlic Company 389 Rio Valley Chili Inc. 237 Commercial Creamery Company 381 357 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 152 Elite Spice, Inc 231 Sensient Natural Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Flavor House, Inc. 217 Stryka Botanics 140 Foran Spice Company 114 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 Fuchs North America 258 Valdez Spice 353 Ful-‐Flav-‐R Food Products 339 Wixon 119 372,373 338 334 397 Sequestrants Barrington Nutritionals 164 ICL Food Specialties 149 Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Univar 226 Univar 148 232 148 Solvents Batory Foods Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Soy Sauce Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 Batory Foods 226 AmTech Ingredients 120 BORGES/NATIONAL 307 Soy Sauce, cont. Flavor House, Inc. 217 Lee Kum Kee (USA) Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nikken Foods USA, Inc. 337a Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc 232 Yamasa USA 186b 337a 152 397 252 Soy, Soy Products ADM 124 Agropur Ingredients 273 Basic Food Flavors 184 Lee Kum Kee (USA) Inc. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nikken Foods USA, Inc. Batory Foods 226 NP Group, LLC 320 BI Nutraceuticals 130 343 Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Ciranda, Inc. 293 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities SPI Group Farbest Brands 391 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Flavor House, Inc. IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) International Fiber Corporation 217 SunOpta 279 154 W.A. Cleary Products 346 314 Elite Spice, Inc 231 356 Enzyme Development Corporation 394 American Food Ingredients 219a Foran Spice Company 114 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Ful-‐Flav-‐R Food Products 339 Batory Foods 226 HAO SPICE (Jascole Inc) 376 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Horn Company 363 Bruce Foods 209a California Garlic Company 389 Chesapeake Spice Co. 191 JM Swank McIlhenny Company TABASCO Brands Naturex Inc. Culinary Farms, Inc 215 NP Group, LLC 320 Dongsheng Foods USA 183 Rio Valley Chili Inc. 237 232 252 152 342 256 Spices Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc. 188, 189 338 278 Spices, cont. Sensient Natural Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Spice World 357 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 152 Valdez Spice 353 220b Van Drunen Farms 250 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 White Oak Frozen Foods 326a Stryka Botanics 140 Wixon 119 Stabilizers, Thickeners Agropur Ingredients 273 AIC 286 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals 164 International Food Products Corporation JF Hydrocolloids Inc Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nexira Inc. Batory Foods 226 Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Brolite Products FMC Corporation 284, 285 Riviana Foods Inc. Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 172 Commodities 323 St. Charles Trading, inc 296 122 232 241 139 136 152 397 Grain Processing Corporation 257 TIC Gums 193 Ingredients Solutions, Inc. 129 Univar 148 Ingredion Incorporated 291 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 341 Starches ADM 124 Agridient Inc 259 Agropur Ingredients 273 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 BENEO Inc. International Food Products Corporation JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NP Group, LLC 296 188, 189 232 320 152 369 Penford Food Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc 218 Grain Processing Corporation 257 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Ingredion Incorporated 291 Tate & Lyle 125 144 Batory Foods 226 397 Sugar B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. Sugar, cont. Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Garuda International, Inc. 284, 285 NP Group, LLC Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 133 Commodities 320 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Valdez Spice Versatile Products and Ingredients, LLC 353 International Food Products 296 Corporation JM Swank 188, 189 Louis Dreyfus Commodities-‐-‐Imperial 168 Sugar Company NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 152 386 Surface-‐Active Agents Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Univar 148 Surface-‐Finishing Agents Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Sweeteners, Nonnutritive ADM 124 Agropur Ingredients 273 Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NP Group, LLC Almendra Americas, LLC 142 Primordial Nutrients 170 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 343 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Brenntag Southwest, Inc. 284, 285 Sue Bee Honey 188, 189 232 320 152 397 330 Farbest Brands 391 SunOpta 279 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Tate & Lyle 125 Harten Corporation International Food Products Corporation 254 Univar 148 296 US Niutang Chemical Inc. 311 Agridient Inc 259 Ciranda, Inc. 293 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Batory Foods 226 Sweeteners, Nutritive Brenntag Southwest, Inc. Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. Ingredion Incorporated Louis Dreyfus Commodities-‐-‐Imperial 284, 285 Sugar Company 375 Malt Products 291 168 303 Sweeteners, Nutritive, cont. Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients NP Group, LLC Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities Stryka Botanics 232 Sue Bee Honey 330 320 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 343 Tate & Lyle 125 152 The Wright Group 324 140 Univar 148 Tapioca Agridient Inc 259 Batory Foods 226 Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Tate & Lyle 125 Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Nexira Inc. 214 JM Swank 152 397 188, 189 Texturizers ADM 124 ADM | Matsutani, LLC 123 Batory Foods 226 Brenntag Southwest, Inc. FMC Corporation Ingredients Solutions, Inc. Ingredion Incorporated International Food Products Corporation JF Hydrocolloids Inc 284, 285 Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 323 Commodities 129 St. Charles Trading, inc 232 241 139 152 397 291 TIC Gums 193 296 Univar 148 122 Z-‐Trim Ingredients 341 314 E. A. Weber & Company 248 313 Flavorchem Corporation 230 Batory Foods 226 Gold Coast Ingredients 398 Beck Flavors 348 J. Rettenmaier USA LP 374 Bell Flavors & Fragrances 242 JM Swank Carmi Flavor & Fragrance 234 Lochhead Manufacturing JM Swank 188, 189 Vanilla, Vanilla Extract Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Ballard & Wolfe Co., Inc. 188, 189 304 Vanilla, Vanilla Extract, cont. Metarom Neotech Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mother Murphy's Flavors 214 Prinova 343 232 PROVA Inc. 162 128 Univar 148 NewStar Food Ingredients, Inc. 270 Virginia Dare 227 Batory Foods 226 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Lochhead Manufacturing 304 Univar 148 Prinova 343 Virginia Dare 227 Sovereign Flavors 255 Vaillin Vegetable Juices, Concentrates American Fruits & Flavors 302 S&P Marketing, Inc. 335 Batory Foods 226 Vegetable Juices Inc. 223 California Garlic Company 389 Vegetables, Canned, Frozen Batory Foods 226 BORGES/NATIONAL 307 Oregon Potato Co./Dickinson Frozen Foods Schreiber Foods International, Inc. Bruce Foods 209a Seneca Foods Corporation 209b California Garlic Company 389 SupHerb Farms 328a Ful-‐Flav-‐R Food Products 339 Van Drunen Farms 250 Lakeside Foods Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods 220a Vegetable Juices Inc. 223 329 White Oak Frozen Foods 326a American Food Ingredients 219a Prinova 343 Batory Foods 226 357 BORGES/NATIONAL 307 Commercial Creamery Company 381 Sensient Natural Ingredients Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Culinary Farms, Inc 215 SupHerb Farms 328a Draco Natural Products, Inc. 245 Unified Food Ingredients 185 FDP USA a BCFoods Company 322 Van Drunen Farms 250 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Vegetable Juices Inc. 223 Mercer Foods 350 390 355 Vegetables, Dried, Freeze-‐dried 152 397 Vinegar AmTech Ingredients Batory Foods BORGES/NATIONAL JM Swank Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Mizkan Americas, Inc. and Border Foods 226 Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial 305, 307 Commodities 188, 189 St. Charles Trading, inc 120 232 Univar 329 343 152 397 148 Vitamins ADM 124 AIC 286 B&D Nutritional Ingredients 290 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 International Food Products Corporation J.M. Huber Corporation Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Naturex Inc. Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Doc Hale Nutrition 101 Stryka Botanics DSM Nutritional Products 275, 276 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 296 298 232 278 300 343 140 289 Farbest Brands 391 The Wright Group 324 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 Watson 221 Horn Company 363 382 Whey Barrington Nutritionals 164 Hormel Foods Corporation Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Farbest Brands 391 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 JM Swank Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities St. Charles Trading, inc Hilmar Ingredients 266 188, 189 300 343 152 397 Whey Products All American Foods, Inc. 272 Batory Foods 226 Barrington Nutritionals 164 Berkshire Dairy 326b Batory Foods 226 BI Nutraceuticals 130 Whey Products, cont. Doc Hale Nutrition 101 Farbest Brands 391 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Glanbia Nutritionals 141 Grande Custom Ingredients Group 287 JM Swank Nutegrity (a division of Omega Protein) Prinova Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities SPI Group 188, 189 Hilmar Ingredients 266 St. Charles Trading, inc 397 Hormel Foods Corporation International Food Products Corporation 382 Sunland Nutrition, Inc. 289 Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients 232 308 300 343 152 342 296 Wine AmTech Ingredients 120 BORGES/NATIONAL 305, 307 Yeast, Yeast Extracts Ajinomoto North America, Inc. 361 Integra Ingredients Basic Food Flavors 184 JM Swank Batory Foods 226 187 Bio Springer 331 BIORIGIN 264 Leiber GmbH Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients Ohly Americas Brolite Products 172 Prinova 343 DSM Food Specialties 155 Savoury Systems International, Inc. 151 Enzyme Development Corporation 394 216 Flavor House, Inc. 217 Garuda International, Inc. 133 Sensient Savory Flavors Southwest Ingredients/Industrial Commodities SPI Group 188, 189 232 246 152 342 Laboratory Equipment, Instrumentation, and Supplies Autosamplers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Balances Agropur Ingredients 273 Calorimeters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Capillary Electrophoresis Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Centrifuges Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Chemical Analyzers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Chromatographs, Gas, Liquid, Ion, Paper, Thin-‐layer, HPLC Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 362 Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Colorimeters Fox Scientific, Inc. Conductivity Meters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Coulometers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Dispensers, Pipets Agropur Ingredients 273 Evaporators Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Filters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Freeze Dryers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Glassware Agropur Ingredients 273 Pipeline Packaging 260 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Richards Packaging 268 Agropur Ingredients 273 G.C. Solutions 295 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Homogenizers Hoods Agropur Ingredients Ion-‐selective Electrodes, Meters Agropur Ingredients Microbiology Detection, Identification, Enumeration Instruments, Kits Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Microbiology Equipment, Platers, Colony Counters, Incubators Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 273 C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 G.C. Solutions 295 Microbiology Supplies Agropur Ingredients Miniature Processing Systems Agropur Ingredients Moisture Analyzers Nitrogen, Protein Analyzers Agropur Ingredients 273 pH Electrodes, Meters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Polarimeters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Refractometers Agropur Ingredients Rheometers, Viscometers Sample Preparation Systems Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Software, LIMS, Chemometric, Statistical, Graphing Agropur Ingredients 273 Spectrometers, Mass, NIR, NMR Agropur Ingredients 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Spectrophotometers, Atomic Absorption, ICP, Fluorescence, UV/VIS, FTIR Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Temperature Instruments, Thermometers Agropur Ingredients 273 Texture Analyzers Agropur Ingredients 273 Texture Technologies Corporation 127 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Genpak 267 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 SupplyOne 138 Turbidimeters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Water Activity, Relative Humidity Meters Agropur Ingredients Water Baths Agropur Ingredients Packaging Equipment and Supplies Bags Boxes, Cartons SupplyOne 138 Can-‐Closing, Sealing, Inspection Equipment Pipeline Packaging 260 Containers, Cups, Lids Genpak 267 SupplyOne 138 Pipeline Packaging 260 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 Richards Packaging 268 260 Richards Packaging 268 138 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 Agropur Ingredients 273 Richards Packaging 268 Genpak 267 SupplyOne 138 Pipeline Packaging 260 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 273 Pipeline Packaging 260 273 SupplyOne 138 Containers, Insulated SupplyOne 138 Containers, Metal Pipeline Packaging Containers, Paperboard SupplyOne Containers, Plastic Drums Agropur Ingredients Films Agropur Ingredients Films, cont. Genpak 267 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 SupplyOne 138 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 267 SupplyOne 138 Genpak 267 Richards Packaging 268 Pipeline Packaging 260 SupplyOne 138 273 SupplyOne 138 273 SupplyOne 138 Films, Edible Western Packaging, Inc. 145 Form/Fill/Seal Equipment Agropur Ingredients 273 Inspection Equipment Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Labeling/Marketing/Printing Equipment SupplyOne 138 Lables, Labeling Supplies Agropur Ingredients 273 SupplyOne 138 Liners Pipeline Packaging 260 Modified-‐Atmosphere Equipment SupplyOne 138 Package Material Genpak Packaging Systems Sealers, Carton Closures SupplyOne 138 Seamers, Lids Agropur Ingredients 273 Shipping Containers Agropur Ingredients Vacuum Packaging Machines Agropur Ingredients Wrapping/Shrinkwrapping Equipment, Supplies Agropur Ingredients 273 SupplyOne 138 Processing Equipment, Instrumentation, and Supplies Baking Equipment Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Beverage Processing Equipment G.C. Solutions 295 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 275, 276 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Blending, Batching Equipment DSM Nutritional Products Flavor House, Inc. 217 Brine Systems Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Brushes Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Buckets, Pails Pipeline Packaging 260 Richards Packaging 268 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Centrifuges, Clarifiers, Separators Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Clean Room Equipment, Supplies Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Cleaning, Sanitizing Systems, Supplies Agropur Ingredients 273 Coatings, Coating Equipment NP Group, LLC 320 Control Systems Agropur Ingredients 273 Cookers, Kettles Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Dryers, Spray NP Group, LLC 320 Equipment, Rebuilt Pipeline Packaging 260 Evaporators Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Extruders C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 Filters, Filtration Equipment Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Food Processing Instrumentation, Inline, Online C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. 247 Freezers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Heat Exchangers Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Heaters Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Homogenizers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 G.C. Solutions 295 Humidity Indicators, Controllers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Inspection Equipment Agropur Ingredients 273 Material Handling Equipment Agropur Ingredients 273 Meat/Poultry Processing Equipment Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Metal Detectors Agropur Ingredients 273 Meters Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Mixers C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 NP Group, LLC 320 Pasteurizers Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Pest Control Devices Your Pest Control Company 364 Pilot Plants Agropur Ingredients 273 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc. 165 362 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 273 Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 273 Manchester and Associates, Inc. 367 Pumps Fox Scientific, Inc. Safety Equipment, Supplies Agropur Ingredients Sanitation Equipment, Supplies Agropur Ingredients Scales Agropur Ingredients 273 Shakers Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Temperature Indicators, Controllers, Thermometers Agropur Ingredients 273 Tubing, Pipes Fox Scientific, Inc. 362 Contract Services for the Food Industry Additive/Ingredient Chemical Analysis Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Food Safety Net Services 315 399 IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group 378 Aseptic Processing/Packaging Ceutical Labs Inc Chemical Component Analysis Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Cleaning, Sanitizing Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Consulting, Education, Seminars Analytical Food Laboratories 281, 292 Food Safety Net Services 315 Aria Foods Group 229 S&P Marketing, Inc. 335 IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group 378 NP Group, LLC 320 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Contract/Custom Processing, Packaging Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients Agropur Ingredients 314 J.M. Huber Corporation 298 273 Richards Packaging 268 All American Foods, Inc. 272 S&P Marketing, Inc. 335 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Valdez Spice 353 DairiConcepts L.P. 392 Van Drunen Farms 250 Downs Food Group IFC Solutions (formerly International Foodcraft) 393 Vision Processing Technologies, Inc. 228 154 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 314 Hormel Foods Corporation 382 120 S&P Marketing, Inc. 335 Downs Food Group 393 Van Drunen Farms 250 H.B. Taylor Co 190 Contract/Private Label Manufacturing Adams Flavors, Foods and Ingredients AmTech Ingredients Food Product Replicas NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Foodservice Product, Process Development B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Stryka Botanics 140 G.C. Solutions 295 140 The Wright Group 324 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Riviana Foods Inc. 136 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 399 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Stryka Botanics 140 Riviana Foods Inc. 136 The Wright Group 324 Halal Certification Stryka Botanics Industrial Development Information, Education Ceutical Labs Inc Kosher Certification Laboratory Services Analytical Food Laboratories 281 Food Safety Net Services 315 Analytical Food Laboratories 292 Great Plains Analytical Laboratory 121 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group 378 Consumer Science 158 Prinova 343 Management Consulting NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Marketing Consulting Aria Foods Group 229 Microbiological Analysis Analytical Food Laboratories Ceutical Labs Inc 281, 292 Food Safety Net Services 315 399 IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group 378 Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 The Wright Group 324 Stryka Botanics 140 Non-‐GMO Certification Nutrient Analysis Analytical Food Laboratories 281, 292 IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Food Safety Net Services 315 378 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 375 Downs Food Group 393 Aria Foods Group 229 Richards Packaging 268 Genpak 267 SupplyOne 138 Pipeline Packaging 260 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 Organic Certification Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. Package Development Design Package Testing Analytical Food Laboratories 281, 292 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Personnel Recruitment/Placement Lab Support 134 Physical Properties Analysis Analytical Food Laboratories 281, 292 Process Development Aria Foods Group 229 G.C. Solutions 295 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Product Development Agropur Ingredients 273 NP Group, LLC 320 Aria Foods Group 229 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Prinova 343 Downs Food Group 393 Texamerican Food Marketing, Inc. 179 G.C. Solutions 295 The Wright Group 324 Novozymes Inc. 310 Professional, Scientific Societies IFT Alamo Section 137 Public Relations IFT Alamo Section 137 Quality Assurance, Control Analytical Food Laboratories 281, 292 Food Safety Net Services 315 Aria Foods Group 229 Stryka Botanics 140 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 The Wright Group 324 Consumer Science 158 399 Food Safety Net Services 315 399 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Aria Foods Group 229 G.C. Solutions 295 B.C. Williams Bakery Service, Inc. 144 Novozymes Inc. 310 Ceutical Labs Inc 399 NP Group, LLC 320 Consumer Science 158 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 Food Safety Net Services 315 Quality Audits Ceutical Labs Inc Regulatory, Legal Consulting Ceutical Labs Inc Research and Consulting Services Sanitation, Pest Control, HACCP, GMP Programs Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. 375 Presto X 395 Your Pest Control Company 364 Sensory Evaluation Analytical Food Laboratories Consumer Science 281, 292 NutraGenecs TechniChef 388 158 Sustainability Global Agri Trade Corporation 176 Novozymes Inc. 310 Toxicology, Safety Testing, Animal Testing Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Trade Assocation IFT Alamo Section 137 Training Ceutical Labs Inc 399 Transportation Addison Transportation 344 Batory Foods 226 Western Packaging, Inc. 145 University Research Facility Texas Woman's University 102 Warehousing, Storage Advanced Spice & Trading, Inc. 356 notes Knouse Foods Ful Flav R Food Products Dairy Chem International CHS, Inc. Border Foods Bio Springer Advanced Spice & Trading Sensient Natural Ingredients Schreiber Foods International S&P Marketing, Inc. Pompeii Products Peppers Unlimited New Mexico Green Chile Neil Jones Food Co. Mizkan International Wolf Canyon Foods Whitehall Specialties Valdez Corporation Traina International Syracuse Sausage Co. Synergy Flavors Sue Bee Honey Hanks Brokerage and our principals welcome you to the 2014 Longhorn IFT Supplier’s Night Event We know you have choices when it comes to ingredient suppliers and we thank you for choosing us. Lee Kum Kee Sethness Caramel McIlhenny Company 800-872-7811 or 972-242-1832
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Brenntag Pacific, Inc.
10747 Patterson Place
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670