Name = Sirolo Landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy
Name = Sirolo Landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy
Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy GEOTECHNICAL STUDY AREA G21 SIROLO LANDSLIDE, ADRIATIC COAST, CENTRAL ITALY Plate G21 Aerial view of Sirola from the south 1. INTRODUCTION The village of Sirolo, called "the pearl of the Adriatic" on account of the beauty of the natural environment surrounding it, is situated on top of a steep cliff (approximately 125 m above sea level), a few kilometres south of Ancona and Mount Conero (Figures G21.1 and G21.2). The area is strongly affected by intense seismic and landsliding activities. 2. BACKGROUND TO THE INSTABILITY PROBLEM The cliff is mainly made up of fractured calcareous marls. Three systems of subvertical joints cross the rock mass, allowing several sections to move apart and create conditions which promote mass movement. With the aim of research as well as for public saftey reasons a network of monitoring equipment was installed in order to reveal, when linked to climatic data, the piezometric response deep inside the landslide and measure the rate of deformation at several points (Angeli et al. 1990; Angeli et al. 1991; Angeli and Pontoni 1995; Angeli et al. 1996). High precision geodetic surveys were carried out (Angeli et al. 1990; Angeli et al. 1991) with the Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy aim of clearly defining stable and unstable areas. This research led to a preliminary hypothesis of the landslide mechanism and to the introduction of new measures to mitigate the displacements occurring in the cliff. Continuous adjustments of the monitoring system and the control works have been made through the period of investigation. The investigation and works were devised to mitigate the continuous subsidence of the portion of village directly facing the sea (Figure G21.3, Plates G21a and G21b). The first results of the monitoring together with some preliminary control works revealed a very large and deep-seated landslide process, which is controlled by the piezometric fluctuations inside a progressively opening crack located at the back of the rock mass (Figure G21.4). Further monitoring installations and new control works have provided the necessary information for the design of more effective control measures. As part of the LIFE project the study area contributes towards best practice on landslide management and focuses on the results obtained following the installation of high strength steel anchors and especially after the installation of three systems of extremely long sub-horizontal tubular drains. In the last few years significant leakage from the water pipes and from the sewerage system has created critical hydraulic conditions, even in the total absence of rainfall. 3. GEOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY The ridge of Sirolo consists of outcrops of the Schlier Formation occurring as strata of calcareous marls, marly limestones, clayey marls and in some places thin layers with higher clay contents (Plates G21c and G21d). Due to intense cleavage it is not always possible to identify the bedding of the material (Plate G21h). The geological structure of the area is characterized by a SE dipping monocline of 20° to 30° . This monocline is affected by several systems of faults or joints in a mainly sub-vertical direction. Steep scarps surround the eastern edge of the monocline. This creates conditions in which huge blocks (or wedges) of rock are detached along the above-mentioned system of joints and tend to slide over the bedding planes (Figure G21.5). These movements do not necessarily follow the maximum slope of the bedding planes, but can also follow extremely low slope angles. This occurs because of favourable combinations of subvertical joints with the scarp faces. There are no resources available from large aquifers in the study area, so Mount Conero is the only source of groundwater, due to its considerable elevation (about 600 m above sea level) in the vicinity of the village. Where unfavourable hydraulic conditions occur in addition to the previously described geometric situation, larger blocks can be set in motion along bedding planes, in directions almost perpendicular to the dip of the monocline and at very low angles of slope (possibly favoured by the presence of thin clayey strata). These conditions constitute the most critical process of instability for the cliff’s overall equilibrium. For this reason they should be accurately monitored and stopped wherever possible. The remedial works to stabilize the area, described below, are a successful move towards this goal. Secondary instability phenomena can be identified in the form of rockfalls caused by toppling. Over the years these rockfalls have created an enormous accumulation of debris extending as far as the sea (Plate 21f). In the early 1970s the foot of this accumulation was reprofiled and consolidated with retaining structures in reinforced concrete, built on micropiles. This reprofiling, which was carried out by the Civil Engineering Department of Ancona, also enabled the provision of several storerooms from which local fishermen operate. At present this accumulation is moving very slowly due to creep processes. The movement is completely independent of the climatic conditions shown to be critical for the main instability process. 4. GROUND MOVEMENT MONITORING Since 1990 a large number of boreholes have been drilled (eg. Figure G21.6) and equipped Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy with instrumentation for manual or automatic reading. An automatic rain gauge was installed together with a first of a series of pressure transducers for the monitoring of piezometric levels. Open standpipe piezometers, Casagrande piezometric cells, inclinometer tubes, vertical and horizontal extensometer bars of glass fibre or extensometer steel wires were installed at various times in the body of the landslide and at its boundaries. Subsequently pressure and displacement transducers were connected to the above instruments and various types of data collectors, both for reading locally and for long distance transmission, were installed. 5. EXPERIENCES, SUCESSES AND PROBLEMS WITH THE CURRENT APPROACH The remedial works carried out in the area consist of a system of pre-stressed steel anchors and sub-horizontal tubular drains (Figure G21.7). The high strength steel anchors of various lengths (60-75 m) are intended mainly as a protection against the most severe consequences of strong earthquakes, rather than a prevention against the prevailingly slow movements of the landslide mass. The anchors (at 4 m intervals) have been secured deep in the rock with 20-25m long grouted anchorage sections and with reinforced concrete beams at the surface, built on micropiles (Plate G21i. In order to minimize the environmental impact, the beams follow the contour lines of the slope. However, the subhorizontal tubular drains D1, D2 and D3, arranged radially from each location, are the principal element of the stabilization measures (Figure G21.7). They were designed with different lengths (90-150 m) and at different levels to eliminate the hydraulic thrust at the rear of the landslide body. The study shows (see Figure G21.8) the relationships between rainfall, piezometric elevation and strain, considering only a part of the instrumentation installed as representative of the entire landslide. In particular piezometer BH1 is typical of the main body of the landslide, whereas piezometers BH8 and BH11 represent the piezometric behaviour of that part of the relief not affected by instability phenomena; the extensometers BHH2 indicate the main movement whereas BHH3 represents a small lateral portion of the landslide not yet affected by control works. A1, A2 and A3 record the three different periods when the anchors were tensioned. D1, D2 and D3 show when the tubular drains, positioned at three different elevations, began to function. It is clear that the drains installed at the end of 1994 (D2) produced a significant lowering of the groundwater table and stopped ground movements. The efficiency of the drainage system D2 was also verified while the works were being carried out. When drilling the last few metres, the flow in the tubes increased from 0 to 30 litres/minute (approximately). In the course of a few days tubular drain system D2 (about 100 metres long) completely drained the reserves of water being held at the rear of the landslide body inside the main tension crack, causing the groundwater table to fall by about 4 m (Plate G21l). The reduction in water level occurred up to the elevation of the outlet of the drains. At the end of 1996 three new tubular drains about 100 m long were installed (system D3), in a location 5m lower and about 80m north of D2. A check piezometer (BH20) was also installed. When drilling the last few metres the overall flow in the first two tubes increased from 0 to about 600 litres/min. (Plate G21k). The water level in piezometer BH20 dropped several metres within 5 hours, thus giving proof of the efficiency of such control works. It is important to observe that between June and August 1995, in total absence of rainfall, an important piezometric rise took place, just before new rainfall events induced the largest piezometric peak ever recorded (see piezometer BH1 in Figure G21.9, and also Plate G21j). A similar situation was also recorded between August and October 1992. The former rise led to a general increase in the piezometric base level until the drainage (D2) installed at the end of 1994 started to work, leading to the lowest base level ever recorded. The 1992 piezometric rise Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy was interpreted as the impact of changes in the obstruction of natural drainage paths induced by the progress of landslide movements. The comparative analysis of these two events (1992 and 1995) highlighted that significant and increasing leakage from the mains water supply pipes might have occurred. Since this situation could have posed a hazard for the stability of the landslide, the local authorities were warned in good time about the danger caused by leakage water filling up the crack located at the back of the landslide mass or, in other words, by the possibility that higher than expected piezometric peaks might follow rainfall events. In spite of this, during the critical situation of August 1995 the drainage proved to be adequate to enable rapid reduction of the dangerous piezometric peak (Figure G21.9). In June 1996, after long investigations, significant leakage from the waterpipes was detected and repaired. In October 1997, at the start of the LIFE project, a microbiological analysis of the water discharge from the tubular drains showed the presence of a large coli bacillus concentration. This demonstrated the pollution of the groundwater from the sewerage system with water filling the sub-vertical landslide crack; a continuing critical situation. At the beginning of the summer of 1998 (Figure G21.10), again in total absence of rainfall, an important piezometric rise took place. Since this situation could have been a hazard in terms of stability of the landslide, the th local authorities were warned again in good time about the danger. As a result on the 28 September 1998 new significant leakage from the main water pipes was detected and repaired. The monitoring data showed that a decrease in drainage discharge took place after the repair work but in many areas in the landslide still showed high piezometric elevations. During this period significant landslide movement took place, as shown in Figure G21.10. The search for new points of leakage and a check of the integrity of the water supply and sewerage system is now in progress, following the suggestion to use the newest techniques for detection such as telecameras and a receiver of induced sound signals. The situation described above appears a paradox to scientists devoted to mitigating landslide evolution, but sadly it is a widely occuring problem in many historical villages, where their infrastructure is now obsolete due to very rapid development superimposed on to an ancient urban plan. Despite this the long-term success of the drainage systems can be summarised by the significant and permanent drop of the average water level present in the main crack at the back of the landslide body. This effect of the remedial drainage works is of great significance especially if related to the highest rainfall events which now induce piezometric peaks less dangerous than before (as an example see in Figure G21.9, the critical situation of August 1995, when two days of heavy precipitation provided a total rainfall exceeding 300 mm, which is 1/3 of the average annual total). Indeed, because the piezometric changes which follow heavy rainfall begin from a lower base level, they lead to a significant and constant reduction of the water pressure at the rear of the landslide body, resulting in the drastic mitigation of movements. 6. LESSONS LEARNT The approach adopted to landslide management in Sirolo bears some similarity to the Ventnor Undercliff (Study Areas G1 to G8). Following a geomorphological investigation a range of engineering stabilization measures were commissioned, including coastal protection, drainage, slope support and ground anchoring. At Sirolo the drainage works have been particularly successful due to the extent to which changes in groundwater levels, identified using monitoring, could be associated with leakage from main water supply and sewerage pipes, and the appropriate co-ordinated action be taken by the local authorities, utilities and the geotechnical monitors to address the problem and reduce risks. Apart from the unfavourable geological conditions at Sirolo the risks arising from seismic activity have necessitated an integrated approach to landslide management. Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy The hydrological conditions have been examined in greater detail in Sirolo than in the Isle of Wight Undercliff, where this issue needs addressing. However at both locations coast protection at the toe of the landslide was regarded as a priority. In Sirolo building damage occurred over time and as in Ventnor a number of properties were built directly against the landslide scarp faces resulting in structural damage when ground movement took place. The accompanying best practice guide produced by this LIFE project (‘Managing ground instability in urban area -A guide to best practice’) recommends that buildings should be separated from such cliff faces. A particular success of the LIFE work at Sirolo has been the monitoring of instability and groundwater movements as set out in Task two of the project. Interpretation of monitoring results by the National Research Council and its consultants is making a positive contribution to landslide management in an area where an understanding of the hydrological regime is vital; the method of presenting results is also clear and readily understandable. During the course of the LIFE project further stabilization works have been undertaken in vulnerable locations in response to the results from the monitoring programme; further new works and maintenance will be required. The authorities at Sirolo are undertaking a works programme following thorough ground investigation and monitoring. The approach is similar to that of the Isle of Wight for both locations are doing as much as possible to reduce the impact of landsliding an their communities with limited financial resources. 7. REFERENCES Nb. Please also see Reference list at the end of Study Area G22 (Grottammare). Angeli M-G., Gasparetto P. and Pontoni F. 1996. Long term monitoring and remedial measures in a coastal landslide (Italy). Proceedings of VII ISL, 17-21 June 1996, Trondheim, Vol. 3, 1497-1502. Angeli M-G. and Pontoni F. 1995. Il monitoraggio e gli interventi di stabilizzazione in una falesia di roccia fratturata. Atti del XIX Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Pavia, Italy, Vol. 3, 1-6 (in Italian). Angeli M-G., Barbarella M. and Pontoni F. 1991. Instability of a sea cliff: Sirolo landslide, Italy. Proceedings of VI ISL, 10th-14th February 1992, Christchurch, Vol. 2, 1093-1100. Angeli M-G., Barbarella M., Dramis F., Garzonio C. A. and Pontoni F. 1990. A monitoring project for the definition of the geostructural model of Sirolo landslide (Italy). Proceedings of VI ICFL, 12th September 1990, Milano, 175-186. Milan Venice Ancona Sirolo Perugia Grottammare Rome Naples 0 Figure G21.1 Location map of Sirolo and Grottammare landslides. 200 km Figure G21.2 Block diagram of the slope. Figure G21.3 Historical map of Sirolo (1850); the buildings in dark have been destroyed by successive landsliding. Figure G21.4 Geomorphological map, Sirolo. Figure G21.5 Landslide model, Sirolo. Figure G21.6 Map of the levelling surveys, Sirolo. Plate G21.7 Map of the monitoring system and control works, Sirolo. Figure G21.8 Long term recordings of rainfall, piezometric elavation and displacement, (1997-2000). Figure G21.9 Critical event of August 1995. Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21a/b Aerial views of Sirolo village showing the edge of the town square cut by landsliding Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21c Aerial view from the sea (east) Plate G21d View of Sirolo cliffs from the sea Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21e Aerial photo (USAF, 1955) Plate G21f Landslide toe, with a large debris accumulation (1920) Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21g Landslide occurred near the “Urbani Cave” Plate G21h Open joints in the rock (20-25cm) Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21i Drilling operations of the tubular drains (L=120-150 m) Plate 21j “D2” drainage system at work during the critical event of August 1995 Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21k Maximum discharge of “D3” drainage system (36m3 /hour) immediately after the drilling Geotechnical Study Area G21 Sirolo landslide, Adriatic coast, central Italy Plate G21l “D2” drainage discharge some days after the drilling