Optimizing shavings for reduced energy
Optimizing shavings for reduced energy
Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Silvia Viforr, Rune Ziethén, Helmut Roll, Lennart Salmén Innventia Report No. 400 2013 Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 Acknowledgements Lars-Åke Hammar, Innventia, is gratefully acknowledged for the refining experiments made. The Swedish Energy Agency is gratefully acknowledged for the financial support to the project. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 Table of contents Page 1 Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 2 Background ............................................................................................................ 3 3 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 5 4 Project description................................................................................................. 6 5 Materials and methods .......................................................................................... 7 6 5.1 Wood ............................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Wood shavings ............................................................................................. 7 5.2.1 Laboratory experiments at SP ...................................................................................7 5.2.2 Pilot plant experiments at Pallmann ..........................................................................9 5.2.3 Microscopic characterization of the raw materials ...................................................10 5.3 Wood chips ................................................................................................. 11 5.4 Refining ...................................................................................................... 12 5.5 Fibre and handsheet testing ....................................................................... 13 5.5.1 Pulp tests .................................................................................................................13 5.5.2 Paper tests ...............................................................................................................13 Results .................................................................................................................. 14 6.1 Laboratory shaving tests ............................................................................ 14 6.1.1 Test 1 .......................................................................................................................14 6.1.2 Test 2 .......................................................................................................................14 6.1.3 Test 3 .......................................................................................................................15 6.1.4 Test 4 .......................................................................................................................17 6.1.5 Test 5 .......................................................................................................................18 6.1.6 Test 6 .......................................................................................................................19 6.1.7 Energy measurements.............................................................................................19 6.2 Pilot plant experiments ............................................................................... 21 6.3 Refining trials .............................................................................................. 21 6.4 Pulp properties ........................................................................................... 22 7 Conclusions.......................................................................................................... 26 8 References ............................................................................................................ 27 Appendix 1. Co-operative partners - a description ....................................................... 28 Innventia Database information................................................................................. 29 Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 1 1 Summary Chips used in the manufacturing of mechanical pulp were originally taken from chemical pulp production and still have dimensions similar to those used for the chemical pulping processes. Such chips may not be optimal for mechanical pulp production. Laboratory experiment, based on the concept of pre-deformation of wood, has also shown that by using wood shavings instead of traditional wood chips considerable savings in energy consumption may be achieved without any loss of pulp properties. Thus in order to investigate the possibilities of producing wood shavings in industrial scale with sufficient quality for mechanical pulp production this study was conducted. In order to optimise knife angles for industrial cutting a pilot disc moulder was utilised. Large difficulties with uneven production and slot jams were encountered. Using a cutting angle of 50o, with a rather large space to the chip breaker, a production of shavings with sufficiently good deformation was possible to reach. In the industrial production a flaker was used. The set up finally decided on allowed for a cutting angle of 70 o producing shavings with cell wall distortions that from a microscopic point of view looked promising. Refining turned out to be difficult due to feeding problems of the shavings. It was finally concluded that in order to handle shavings a different design of the refiner feeding system is necessary. Refining was instead made in a batch Wing refiner. As compared to wood chips no energy savings with regard to freeness or tensile strength was possible to achieve with the shavings material here used. Also light scattering properties were similar. However it turned out that the shavings produced a pulp with severe fibre cutting resulting in a substantial loss in tear strength. Probably the cutting of the shavings have under industrial conditions not been possible to be made under enough soft/moist conditions that the fibre structure itself has escaped damages leading to the fibre rupture seen in the subsequent refining. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 2 1 Sammanfattning Den flis som idag används vid TMP tillverkning är ursprungligen framtagen för kemisk massa och är inte optimerad i dimensioner för vad som skulle vara bäst för mekanisk massatillverkning. Grundläggande studier har även visat på att man förbrukar onödigt mycket energi på den första komprimeringen som sker vid raffinering varför mekaniska förbehandlingar under mer gynnsamma förhållanden visat sig vara effektiva. Tidigare laboratoriestudier har visat att om flisen mekaniskt förbehandlas i skjuvning/kompression så kan energiförbrukningen vid raffinering reduceras med ca 10 %. Om samtidigt flisutseendet förändras till deformerade spånor, ”skjuvspån”, kan energi-minskningen uppgå till hela 25 %. I syfte att ta spåntillverkningsprocessen närmare industriell tillämpning har försök gjort med att skala upp tillverkningen av skjuvspån och utvärdera dessa spånor för mekanisk massaframställning. Skjuvspånstillverkning i större skala optimerades först i en pilotutrustning för tillverkning av kutterspån vid SP-Trä i Borås. Utrustningen modifierades avseende inmatningsbord, knivhållare, knivar, mm. och olika skärvinklar hos knivarna testades. I de fall som medgav skjuvspånstillverkning utvärderades deformationen av fibrerna i spånen med mikroskopiska studier. Fullskaleförsök gjordes i en ”Flaker” hos Pallmann i Zweibrücken, Tyskland med 70o skärvinkel där skjuvspån med önskade celldeformationer kunde produceras. Försök med raffinering visade på stora matningsproblem av skjuvspånen till raffinören, så stora att det inte gick att genomföra en kontinuerlig raffinering. I stället utfördes raffinering satsvis i en Wingdefibrör där raffineringskurvor freeness mot energiförbrukning togs fram för skjuvspån respektive flis från samma granvedsparti. Vid Wingdefibreringen uppnåddes ingen energibesparing jämfört med normalflis vid raffinering till samma freeness. Styrkeegenskaper och ljusspridning var likvärdiga för de olika massorna medan fiberlängd och rivindex var kraftigt försämrade för skjuvspånen. Detta berodde troligen på de alltför torra förhållanden som rått vid skjuvspåntillverkningen vilket lett till fiberskador. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 3 2 Background Mechanical pulp of high quality requires a substantial degree of mechanical treatment and consequently a high energy input during the refining. The energy consumption is high for all mechanical pulping processes, with TMP production having an energy consumption of between 2.0 and 3.5 MWh/t to freeness levels of 120- 30 CSF to obtain suitable printing quality pulps. Due to the increasing costs of electrical energy, there is an urgent need to improve the efficiency in the mechanical treatment in the refining process and thus to reduce the energy demand. Chips used in the manufacturing of mechanical pulp were originally based on those adapted to chemical pulp production and still have dimensions similar to those used for the chemical pulping processes. Such chips may not be the optimal ones for mechanical pulp production. Considering the process conditions of mechanical pulping, the most suitable chips might be somewhat longer than those currently used to preserve fibre length, and considerably thinner to facilitate a fast heat transfer in the refining. Most of the refining energy in the production of a mechanical pulp is used to increase the flexibility and bonding ability of the fibres. This topic has for a long time been of interest for researchers. Fundamental studies on the mechanical fatigue in wood under conditions simulating refining have shown that only deformations of high amplitude are beneficial for an effective mechanical treatment (Salmén et al. 1985), and that a precompression of the chips to a high degree might be a way of reducing the energy consumption in the subsequent refining. Already in the 1960s, it was observed by Meret and Fisher at the Powell River Company that, superior pulp strength could be achieved by a pre-compression of wood blocks both parallel to and perpendicular to the long axis of the fibres (Frazier and Williams 1982). Uhmeier (1995) suggested, based on the laboratory deformation of wood blocks, that large deformations across the fibre direction could be obtained by pressing a cutting tool at a suitable angle through the wood to produce a different kind of "chips" or wood shavings. It is also known that, during veneer cutting, large compressive strains occur both in the directions parallel (mostly tangential in the case of rotary peeling) and normal (mostly radial in the case of rotary peeling) to the cutting path in the case of 0°/90° orthogonal cutting (Thibaut and Beauchene 2004) which may be beneficial with regard to refining processes. In addition, the new surfaces produced by the cutting process have been subjected to high deformation levels in the cells in contact with the tool tip, deformations that cause a delamination between fibres in the compound middle lamella. Thus, the idea based on the pre-deformation achieved in such processes was here conceived that refining of wood shavings might require less energy than the refining of conventional chips. Experimental work (Viforr and Salmén 2005), based on the concept of pre-deformation of wood, has shown that using wood shavings instead of traditional wood chips for the production of TMP in a laboratory scale refiner considerable savings in energy consumption may be achieved without any loss of pulp properties. The potential for energy savings at a given tensile index using wood shavings instead of the traditional chips was estimated to be up to 25 %. As no optimisation of the refining process of the wood shavings with respect to temperature and intensity has been performed, the potential for energy savings may be even higher. This fact has though to be evaluated in Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 4 industrial refiners where feeding and refining are somewhat different from that in small pilot scale equipment. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 5 3 Objectives The aim of the project has been to investigate the potential for reducing energy demand in TMP production to printing grade paper with 20 % by: developing an industrial manufacturing concept for producing wood shavings for TMP production in industrial scale; evaluating the energy saving potential for TMP production in a pilot refiner by comparing the use of wood shavings with that of traditional wood chips. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 6 4 Project description The project consists of the following main tasks: 1. To develop and adapt cutting knives to a laboratory cutter for obtaining wood shavings with suitable deformation. 2. Characterisation and evaluation of the deformations of the produced shavings. 3. Layout for adjustment of the knives of an industrial cutter for industrial production of wood shavings with desired deformation characteristics. 4. Pilot scale refining trials of the industrially produced shavings. 5. Evaluation of the energy savings to printing paper grade properties when using wood shavings as raw material compared to normal wood chips. The co-operation partners in this project has been two Swedish institutes (Innventia and SP) and PALLMANN - one machinery manufacturing company from Germany, see the technical profile descriptions in Appendix 1. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 7 5 Materials and methods 5.1 Wood Fresh logs of pine wood collected in southern Sweden were used in all pre-experiments for knife design adjustment. Fresh logs of spruce wood, Picea Abies, collected in Germany were used for industrial production of shavings as well as for traditional chip material for refining trials. 5.2 Wood shavings In order to find out the most suitable cutting conditions for producing industrial wood shavings with high fiber quality, pre-experiments were performed both in a laboratory equipment at SP and after that at Pallmann on a large-scale semi-industrial equipment. 5.2.1 Laboratory experiments at SP Fresh never dried pine-logs from the south-west of Sweden wee cut in pieces with approximate dimensions of 180 x 120 x 25 mm. Both the sap-wood and the heart-wood from the log were used. The wood blocks were stored in frozen conditions after sawing until they were used in cutting of the shavings. The sawing of the pieces used for making the shaving was aimed for a uniform direction of the annual rings, Figure 1. Figure 1. Typical orientation of the annual rings in the wood blocks to be used for cutting of shavings. Obviously wood gives a natural curvature to the annual rings why it was not possible to cut all wood blocks according to the outline as shown in, Figure 1. Such pieces were mainly used in the initial trials where no energy measurements were made. The equipment used at SP was a disc-moulder, Figure 2a. The diameter of the disc is 400 mm. The disc is equipped with 8 knives (Figure 2b) covering the distance between 140 mm and 380 mm from the centre of the disc. The maximum speed of the moulder is 1,000 RPM. During the project, the moulder was rebuild and equipped with a frequency control that made it possible to adjust the rotational speed. The construction of the moulder with radially placed knives implies that the cutting speed is variable depending on the distance from the centre. With a maximum speed of 1000 RPM the cutting speed is between 15 - 40 m/s. The most common rotation speed of the moulder used during the production of shavings resulted in cutting speeds between 10-20 m/s. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 8 a) b) Figure 2. a) Disc moulder used at SP; b) Detail of knifes Figure 3 shows how knifes were placed in the moulder at SP. Originally, the knifes were mounted with an angle of 45° towards the disc, giving a cutting angle equally large. The angle between the knife and chip breaker was 45° providing for a good flow of the shavings through the moulder. Cutting knife, fix mounting angle 45° Ch ip br ea ke r Disc Kn if e Disc Figure 3. Detail of the mounting of knifes in relation to the disc in the moulder used at SP. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 9 The definition of the cutting angles used in the following text is illustrated in Figure 4. Cutting knife Cutting angle Chip breaker Angle between chipbreaker and knife Figure 4. Definition of cutting angle as used in this report During the final trials for producing shavings the energy used was measured using a Fluke Power Logger 1735. The energy requirement was sampled during the production of the shavings and results were corrected with the idling energy used for keeping the moulder running at the set speed without cutting. 5.2.2 Pilot plant experiments at Pallmann At Pallmann shavings were produced from German fresh spruce wood, 96 % moisture ratio (based on absolute dry wood), in an industrial pilot flaker of type PZUL 8-300 (PALLMANN), Figure 5. In this equipment the knives are placed at the periphery of the rotating disc, see Figure 6, providing for a constant cutting speed. The wood log is moved with a constant speed towards the periphery defining the thickness of the shavings produced. After producing the shavings they were stored frozen until refining. The cutting speed was 35 m/s (rotation speed of knife ring), the feed rate 375 mm/s (log against knives) and the knife protrusion 1.5 mm. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 10 Figure 5. Flaker at Pallmann used for producing wood shavings. Figure 6. Knife and rotary disc of the Flaker at Pallmann. 5.2.3 Microscopic characterization of the raw materials Quantification of the structural and mechanical changes in the shavings being different between to normal chips, and for evaluating the effectiveness of the shavings properties, was evaluated using light microscopy. In previous work, the degree of compression of shavings and wood chips has been examined by ESEM (Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope) on cross-sections. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 11 ESEM-micrographs in Figure 7 illustrate the type of changes of the wood structure caused by the manufacture of the wood shaving to be expected. In comparison with the wood chips, the fibers in the wood shavings are considerably deformed, especially close to edges of the shavings. Sample from the edge of a shaving Sample from the middle of a shaving Sample from a chip Figure 7. Structural differences between wood chips and shavings observed on cross section using electron microscopy. Bars indicate a length of 100 m. 5.3 Wood chips Wood chips were produced in a pilot plant shipper from logs provided from Pallman. These were taken as remaining pieces from logs used for producing wood shavings and had a length of 80 cm and diameters of around 15-20 cm, see Figure 8. Chipping was made in a pilot chipper, BRUKS 982 MT, Bruks AB and screened in a Rader JB 88 1182 disc screen classifier, Rader Company Inc. The 2-8 mm chip fraction was used. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 12 Figure 8. Wood logs of spruce, Picea Abies, grown in Germany and used to produce chips for refining comparisons. 5.4 Refining Refining was originally intended using the STFI's pilot plant refiner, a Sunds Defibrator RPM300. After several initial trials were the shavings totally plugged the feeding system it was decided impossible to perform the refining in the equipment available without an extensive rebuilding and a new construction design for the feeding screw. As such trials would be rather costly and could not be motivated in the current project it was decided to refine the material in a Wing refiner instead. Both wood chips and shavings were refining using a Wing-refiner see Figure 9. The impregnated wood materials were portioned into 125 g batches 8dry mater content) and refined in the low-intensity wing refiner. The wing refiner chamber consisted of a 20 counter blade cylinder with a distance of 1 mm from 4 wing-like rotating blades to the counter blades. Three empty runs of the steam heat treated refiner were used as a blank. Chips were steam treated at a temperature of 124 °C±0.6 °C for 5 minutes, during which the 4 wing-like blades were rotated 90° every 1.25 minutes to heat the chips evenly. After 2 minutes of steaming the condensate was let out during 10 seconds. After 4 minutes and 50 seconds of steaming the valve was closed, the pulse-meter zeroed and the run started after the 5 minutes of steaming. Refining was performed for 2, 6, 7, 8 and 10 minutes respectively. The pressure in the chamber was during refining 1.9-2.6 bars with the temperature rising from about 124 °C to 136 °C; the temperature depending on how long the experiment was continued. All trials were run in singles. Unrefined/less refined wood chips/pulp between the wing refiner body and the wing refiner cap was removed. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 13 The pulps were centrifuged and freeness and DMC were recorded where after the pulps were transported to Innventia and stored in a fridge until pulp testing. Figure 9. View of the Wing refiner from the side. 5.5 Fibre and handsheet testing The pulp samples from the refining trials were tested with respect to dry solids content, freeness; Canadian Standard Freeness, fibre width, length and shape using STFI FiberTester. Laboratory sheets were tested with regard to mechanical and optical properties according to the following methods. 5.5.1 Pulp tests Dry matter content chips (DMC) Dry matter content pulp (DMC) Freeness 5.5.2 SCAN-CM 39:94 SCAN-CM 3:78 SCAN-M 4:65 Paper tests Hot desintegration Laboratory sheets Testing of lab. sheets Basis weight Structural density Tensile index Light scattering Fibre length ISO 5263-3:2004 ISO 5269-1:2005 ISO 5270:1999 ISO 536:1995 SCAN-P 88:01 ISO1924-3:2005 ISO 9416:2009 L&WFiber-Tester Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 14 6 Results 6.1 Laboratory shaving tests 6.1.1 Test 1 The first test was mainly made to serve as a reference for the original posting of the knives in the moulder at SP. The cutting angle was 45°. The angle between the knife and the chip breaker was 45°. The breaker was mounted with a distance between the breaker and the edge of the knife of about 15 mm. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 1.2±0.1 mm. Two different speeds were used a high speed 15-40 m/s and a low speed app. 5-15 m/s. 6.1.2 Test 2 After the characterization of the shavings made with the original posting of the moulder the knifes were re-sharpened with a new angle and new chip breakers were made. The cutting angle with the re-sharpened knifes was 55°. The angle between the knife and the chip breaker was 75°. The breaker was mounted with a distance between the breaker and the edge of the knife of 3 mm. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 1.2±0.1 mm. Testing conditions are given in Table 1. Table 1. Testing conditions in test 2. Sample Cutting speed Cutting direction 2:1 30 - 40 m/s Radial 2:2 30 - 40 m/s Tangential/Radial 2:3 10 - 20 m/s Tangential 2:4 10 - 20 m/s Radial 2:5 10 - 20 m/s Mixed Comments Tangential cutting direction coincide with the cutting direction used on a rotating log Figure 10. Normal shavings to the left and shavings destroyed into stick to the right side. The resulting material was severely destroyed from shavings into sticks, Figure 10. The reason was most likely a much smaller angle between the knife and the chip breaker. The mounting of the breaker very close, only 3 mm; from the edge of the knife resulted in a more affective breaking of the shavings. But it also gave a narrow opening of the Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 15 slot were the knifes were mounted. The result of that was a sever destruction of the shavings into sticks and a jam of the sticks in the moulder, Figure 11. Figure 11. Jam in the moulder due to a to narrow opening to transport the cut shavings. 6.1.3 Test 3 In test 3 the sever destruction of the shavings using was tried to be avoided. The cutting angle used was still 55°. The angle between the knife and the chip breaker was 75°. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 1.2±0.1 mm. The cutting speed was 1020 m/s. Testing conditions are given in Table 2. Table 2. Testing conditions in test 3. Sample Distance between chip breaker and knife edge Cutting direction 3:1 13 mm Tangential/Radial 3:2 7 mm Tangential/Radial Comments Material destroyed. Slots jammed with sticks. With the distance 13 mm there was a free transport of shavings through the moulder preventing that the jam crushing the shavings into sticks. The distance of 7 mm was not enough to avoid this phenomenon. The shavings produced were examined at Innventia using light microscopy. Comparing two of the cases examined, tests 2:2 and 3:1 with wood cuts with a very high angle that do not deform the wood clear differences may be seen, see Figures 12-14. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 16 Figure 12. Structure of undeformed wood shavings observed by light microscopy. Figure 13. Structure of deformed wood shavings observed by light microscopy; experiment 2:2 Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 17 Figure 14. Structure of deformed wood shavings observed by light microscopy; experiment 3:1 The light microscopy examinations revealed that shavings from both the testing 2:2 and 3:1 showed proper cell wall deformation degree pointed to that these running conditions with a cutting angle of 55° should be preferable. However the possibility to use these parameters for an economic production of shavings also has to be considered. After discussion with Pallmann where Pallmann expressed concerns about the cutting angle being too sharp and would require shorter interval between changes and sharpening a new angle was decided upon. New trials were therefore made with a cutting angle of 50°. 6.1.4 Test 4 Again the knifes were re-sharpened with a new angle. The cutting angle with the resharpened knifes was now 50°. The angle between the knife and the chip breaker was 75°. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 0.9±0.1mm. The thickness of the shavings was intended to be 1.2 mm and the previous tests had shown a compression during the cutting of about 0.3 mm. The cutting speed was 10 -20m/s. Testing conditions are given in Table 3. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 18 Table 3. Testing conditions in test 4. Sample Distance between chip breaker and knife edge Cutting direction Comments 4:1 13 mm Mainly Tangential Material destroyed. Slots jammed with sticks. 4:2 16 mm Mainly Tangential Material partly destroyed. Some slots jammed with sticks. Will cause problem if continued 4:3 20 mm Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. Material not affected. The thinner cutting thickness required a wider slot for the transportation of shavings from the moulder. A distance of 20 mm between the edge of the knife and the chip breaker was needed. However in this case the wood shavings were not affected, i.e. no sign of the desired cell wall deformation was seen. 6.1.5 Test 5 An alternative to the longer distance between the chip breaker and the edge of the knife is to open the angle. In test 5 the angle between the knife and the chip breaker was opened to 60°. The cutting angle was kept at 50°. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 0.9±0.1 mm. The cutting speed was 10 - 20 m/s. Testing conditions are given in Table 4. Table 4. Testing conditions in test 5. Sample Distance between chip breaker and knife edge 5:1 10 mm 5:2 13 mm 5:3 16 mm 5:4 20 mm Cutting direction Comments Mainly Tangential Material destroyed. Slots jammed with sticks. Mainly Tangential Material destroyed. Slots jammed with sticks. Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. Material not affected. Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. Material not affected. Also in this case the wood shavings were in some cases jammed in the moulder. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 19 6.1.6 Test 6 In test 6 the angle between the knife and the chip breaker was opened to 45°. The cutting angle was kept at 50°. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 0.9±0.1 mm. The cutting speed was 10 -20 m/s. Testing conditions are given in Table 5. Table 5. Testing conditions in test 6. Sample Distance between chip breaker and knife edge Cutting direction Comments 6:1 10 mm Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. Some sticks in the material. 6:2 13 mm Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. 6:3 16 mm Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. 6:4 5 mm Mainly Tangential No jamming in the slots. Some sticks in the material. Microscopic examination at Innventia indicated that when using the smaller distances between the chip breaker and the knife edge deformed wood shavings were possible tyo produce. 6.1.7 Energy measurements For tests 4, 5 and 6 also measurements of the energy required to cut the material was performed, Figure 15. Some comments to the test are that the most energy consuming activity was the start-up of the moulder. There were also a base level of the energy consumption to keep the moulder rotating also without any material into it. That energy has been removed from the figures for the required energy in producing shavings. From these measurements one could not see any differences between different posting alternatives. However one could observe an increased need of energy when the slots were jammed, Figure 16. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 20 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Figure 15. Energy consumption for a normal cutting. 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 Figure 16. Energy consumption for cutting with jammed slot. Table 6 below summarizes the energy consumption for trials with different angles and distances between the knife and the chip breaker. All figures are based on two runs with the same posting. The cutting angle was 50°. The knifes were posted with a cutting depth of 0.9±0.1 mm. The cutting speed was 10 – 20 m/s. Table 6. Energy needed to produce shavings from 1 000 g of pine Distance between edge of the knife and the chip breaker Angle between knife and chip breaker 80° 60° 5 mm 45° 6.0 Wh 10 mm 87.7 Wh 5.2 Wh 13 mm 17.9 Wh 16.0 Wh 5.6 Wh 16 mm 6.6 Wh 5.7 Wh 5.9 Wh 20 mm 5.7 Wh 4.4 Wh Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 21 6.2 Pilot plant experiments The knives adjustments studies made in laboratory scale where used as input for the pilot plant trials in a flaker at Pallmann. Originally the mounting of the knifes in the Pallmann flaker will give a cutting angle of 35o, see Figure 17. In Figure 18 Pictures of the original knives with an angle between the chip breaker and the knife of 30o is shown. Cutting angle 35o Cutting knife Figure 17. Schematic picture showing the cutting angle for the original mounting of knives in the flaker at Pallmann. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 22 Figure 18. The knives used by Pallmann in the first experiment where wood shavings were produced; the cutting angle was 35° with an angle between the chipbreaker and the knife of 30°. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 23 The shavings produced with the standard settings in the Pallmann flaker did not produce any deformation to the fibres of the shavings as seen from the light microscopic pictures of Figure 19. As a first step of modifying the cutting the angle between the chip breaker and the knife was changed to 80o, see Figure 20. However, also in this case the deformation of the cell walls of the fibres was rather small; see Figure 21, and not what was hoped for if energy savings should be possible to reach in the subsequent refining trials. Figure 19. Micrographs illustrating the wood cell deformation of the wood shavings produced when using knives with a cutting angle of 35° and an angle between the chip breaker and the knife of 30°. Figure 20. The knives used by Pallmann in the second experiment where wood shavings were produced; the cutting angle was 35° with an angle between the chip breaker and the knife of 80°. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 20 Figure 21. Micrographs illustrating the wood cell deformation of the wood shavings produced when using knives with a cutting angle of 35° and an angle between the chip breaker and the knife of 80°. In order to decrease the cutting angle, without affecting the mounting of the knives, a possible way is to grind the knife edge in order that it appears blunter. This strategy was chosen as sketched out in Figure 22 producing knives with a cutting angle of only 15 o. When testing knives with this cutting angle in the Pallmann flaker shavings with promising fibre deformations were produced as seen from Figure 23. Cutting angle 70o Figure 22. Schematic picture showing the cutting angle for the knives modified by grinding off the knife tip to a cutting angle of 70o with an angle between the chip breaker and the knife of 75°, for mounting in the flaker at Pallmann. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 21 Figure 23. Micrographs illustrating the wood cell deformation of the wood shavings produced when using knives with a cutting angle of 70° and angle between the chip breaker and the knife of 75°. These settings were subsequently used for the production of shavings to be tested in TMP production with respect to energy demand and property development. 6.3 Refining trials Refining experiments were carried out on the chips and shavings in a Wing-refiner at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. As of experience the refining in this equipment is highly reproducible at least from the power consumption versus time and freeness levels reached. As seen for the freeness – energy curves in Figure 24 this was also the case in these trials. Only a rather small difference in energy requirement could be seen between the pulps produced from shavings as compared to those from normal chips. At the most an energy savings of 200 kWh/t can be seen. This amounts only, at these high energy Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 22 levels in the wing refiner to an energy savings of 6 %. Due to financial restraints only single point refining trials were possible. 600 500 CSF, ml 400 chips 300 200 shavings 100 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Energy consumption, kWh/t Figure 24. Energy consumption versus time for Wing-refining of batches of chips and shavings respectively. 6.4 Pulp properties Pulp properties were evaluated for the different pulps having a freeness level between 540 and 120 in CSF as refined. Prior to paper making shives were removed from these pulps in a Metso screen also resulting in a decreased freeness of the screened pulps. As seen in Figure 25 the shaving did not result in any improved strength properties at a specific energy consumption. A similar result is apparent in viewing the tensile freeness relationship as in Figure 26. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 23 45 Tensile index, Nm/g chips 40 shavings 35 30 25 20 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Energy consumption, kWh/t Figure 25. Tensile index as a function of energy consumption in a Wing-refining of batches of chips and shavings respectively. Tensile index, Nm/g 45 40 chips 35 shavings 30 25 20 50 100 150 200 250 300 Freeness, ml CSF Figure 26. Tensile index as a function of freeness after chives removal of Wing-refined batches of chips and shavings respectively. When considering optical properties it is apparent that for both wood materials the light scattering coefficient followed a similar improvement when plotted against tensile index, Figure 27; no apparent difference between the qualities could be discerned. With respect to fibre length it was apparent that the cutting to shavings had resulted in a severe fibre shortening indicating that the industrial cutting had not been able to produce this material in an optimal way, Figure 28. This fact also resulted in a substantially lower tear index for the pulp produced from the shavings as compared to standard chip material, Figure 29. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 Light scattering coeffisient, m2/kg 24 60 chips 55 50 shavings 45 40 20 25 30 35 40 45 Tensile index, Nm/g Figure 27. Light scattering coefficient as a function of tensile index for Wing-refined batches of chips and shavings respectively. Fibre length, length weigthed mean, mm 1.8 chips 1.6 1.4 shavings 1.2 1.0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Energy consumption, kWh/t Figure 28. Fibre length as a function of energy consumption in Wing-refining of batches of chips and shavings respectively. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 25 2 Tear index, mNm /g 7.5 chips 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 1000 shavings 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Energy consumption, kWh/t Figure 28. Tear index as a function of energy consumption in Wing-refining of batches of chips and shavings respectively. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 26 7 Conclusions The possibilities of producing shavings in larger scale for industrial production of mechanical pulp using refiners have been investigated. Flakers have a design that potentially could fulfil such a requirement. However it was proven to be difficult to have knives positioned in such a way that large deformations on the wood material could be achieved still providing for a good runnability in the flaker and not providing too large wear on the knives. In the end it was shown that although deformed shavings were produced they were too much destroyed with regard to preserving the fibre length in the refining operation. Another problem encountered with the use of the shavings was that the feeding to the refiner was obstructed. Obviously if shavings or shavings like materials would be possible to be produced without fibre cutting the feeding operation has to be solved. This probably means that the feeding system to the refiner has to be somewhat modified allowing the material to be transported forward without the severe compression occurring in present systems. Due to the sever fibre cutting occurring when refining shavings it seems as the production of the shavings have resulted in fracture initiations within the material that have resulted in this destruction during the refining. In the shavings themselves no such fibre shortening was observed. It could thus be that the shaving had not been possible to produce under optimal conditions as was the case previously when producing shavings under laboratory conditions. The difficulty presumable lies in the fact that it is difficult to keep the desired climate providing for a soft flexible wood material during the industrial production. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 27 8 References Frazier W C and Williams G J (1982) Reduction of specific energy in mechanical pulping by axial precompression of wood. Pulp Paper Can., 83:6, T162-T167 Salmén L, Tigerström A, Fellers C (1985) Fatigue of Wood – Characterization of Mechanical Defibration. J. Pulp Paper Sci., 11:3, J68-J73 Thibaut B and Beauchene J (2004) Links between wood mechanics phenomena and wood mechanical properties: The case of 0°/90° orthogonal cutting of green wood. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symposium on Wood Machining, July 5-7, Vienna, Austria, pp 149-160 Uhmeier A (1995) Some aspects on solid and fluid mechanics of wood in relation to mechanical pulping. Ph. D. thesis, Royal Insitute of Technology, Div. of Paper Technology, Stockholm Viforr S and Salmén L (2005) From wood shavings to mechanical pulp – a new raw material? Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J., 20:4, 418-422 Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 28 Appendix 1. Co-operative partners - a description PALLMANN, Germany (www.pallmann.eu) is a typical, medium size family run business with a historical background of over 100 years. PALLMANN is manufacturing customer tailored size reduction machines for the plastic, food, recycling and in particular for the timber industries. The company is market leader for machines to produce wooden chips, flakes and particles and has a considerable market share in the refiner business. It has the world biggest research and development facility for many different types of size reduction machines. The machines in this facility have a semi-industrial scale. Due to its rather big size the results of customer trials and industrial developments can easily be adopted on an industrial scale. PALLMANN combines the construction and design of the machines, the complete manufacturing process of the machines and research and development on the same premises. All expertise and metal working machines and processes are in house that giving PALLMANN the best flexibility to react on technical requirements and customer wishes by ongoing iterative processes between the different departments. New developments and improvements can easily be realized by the close linkages between design department, manufacturing and research facility. PALLMANN will contribute with its expert knowledge to the project for the production of the new raw material for the TMP or CTMP process, respectively. Due to the company’s long and vast expertise and extended production and trial facilities for size reduction machines it will pool up the scientific team with industrial and practical knowledge, machine manufacturing and large scale semi-industrial production options. SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (www.sp.se) is Sweden's largest industrial research institute. SP is accredited for testing and certification of a number of wood products. The research of SP Trä covers a wide range of areas within the wood production and utilization of wood. So far the efforts of SP have been mostly connected to production and use of solid timber and wood based panel. A closer cooperation between SP and INNVENTIA will benefit all parts. The Ecobuild centre of excellence which as a goal has to increase knowledge, production and use of coefficient wood based materials and processes is coordinated from SP. INNVENTIA AB, Sweden (www.Innventia.com) is a world leader in research and development relating to pulp, paper, graphic media, packaging and biorefining. Innventia’s unique ability to translate research into innovative products and processes generates enhanced value for our industry partners. This approach is called “boosting business with science”. Having Partner Customers in several countries worldwide, Innventia is working globally, growing continually in know-how and knowledge. Innventia has an extended co-operation with other research organisations and universities, both national and international. Innventia posted revenues of SEK 330 million year 2009 and employs 270 people, based in Stockholm, Trondheim and London. Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 29 Innventia Database information Title Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Author Silvia Viforr, Rune Ziethén, Helmut Roll, Lennart Salmén Abstract Chips used in the manufacturing of mechanical pulp were originally taken from chemical pulp production and still have dimensions similar to those used for the chemical pulping processes. Such chips may not be optimal for mechanical pulp production. Laboratory experiment, based on the concept of pre-deformation of wood, has also shown that by using wood shavings instead of traditional wood chips considerable savings in energy consumption may be achieved without any loss of pulp properties. Thus in order to investigate the possibilities of producing wood shavings in industrial scale with sufficient quality for mechanical pulp production this study was conducted. In order to optimise knife angles for industrial cutting a pilot disc moulder was utilised. Large difficulties with uneven production and slot jams were encountered. Using a cutting angle of 50o, with a rather large space to the chip breaker, a production of shavings with sufficiently good deformation was possible to reach. In the industrial production a flaker was used. The set up finally decided on allowed for a cutting angle of 70 o producing shavings with cell wall distortions that from a microscopic point of view looked promising. Refining turned out to be difficult due to feeding problems of the shavings. It was finally concluded that in order to handle shavings a different design of the refiner feeding system is necessary. Refining was instead made in a batch Wing refiner. As compared to wood chips no energy savings with regard to freeness or tensile strength was possible to achieve with the shavings material here used. Also light scattering properties were similar. However it turned out that the shavings produced a pulp with severe fibre cutting resulting in a substantial loss in tear strength. Probably the cutting of the shavings have under industrial conditions not been possible to be made under enough soft/moist conditions that the fibre structure itself has escaped damages leading to the fibre rupture seen in the subsequent refining. Keywords energy consumption, mechanical pulping, strength properties Classification 1151 Type of publication Innventia report Report number 400 Optimizing shavings for reduced energy consumption in TMP production Innventia Report No. 400 30 Publication year March 2013 Language English INNVENTIA AB is a world leader in research and development relating to pulp, paper, graphic media, packaging and biorefining. Our unique ability to translate research into innovative products and processes generates enhanced value for our industry partners. We call our approach boosting business with science. Innventia is based in Stockholm, Bäckhammar and in Norway and the U.K. through our subsidiaries PFI and Edge respectively. INNVENTIA AB Box 5604, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden Tel +46 8 676 70 00, Fax +46 8 411 55 18 info@innventia.com www.innventia.com