fall retreat - Yoga at Ladaka


fall retreat - Yoga at Ladaka
FALL RETREAT Exploring the Deeper Practices of Yoga and Ayurveda
October 2-­‐4, 2015
Cost: $350 or $375 after Sept. 5
with Cynthia Hoss and Marti Jeffs Certified Kripalu Yoga Teachers
Lodging at the Watervale Resort, Arcadia Michigan www.watervaleinn.com
Cynthia and Marti invite you to journey inward and explore the deeper yoga
practices as you relax with friends in the beautiful setting of Watervale Inn &
Resort. This fall we will journey into the quieter regions and reflect on the heart of
yoga through the 10 moral codes of conduct called the Yamas and Niyamas. The
Yamas (restraints) guide us to live in harmony with ourselves and other beings.
The Niyamas (observances) teach us to cultivate our highest self potential. This
weekend you will begin to develop clarity, direction, and understanding of how to
apply these principles to enhance your relationships with self and others. Allow the
seasonal Ayurvedic practices of Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing
techniques), Meditation, and Self-Care to support you moving towards freedom
and bring contentment to your body, mind and heart! A calming, grounding, and
transformational retreat!
Weekend Includes:
• 4 yoga sessions
• 2 nights lodging
• 2 full breakfasts, 1 lunch and 2 fabulous dinners
• 2 hr. workshop on the Yamas and Niyamas
• Free time for hiking, biking, journaling, or massage
For more information contact:
Cynthia: 269-352-7323 / Cynthia@DownDogYogaCenter.com / DownDogYogaCenter.com
Marti: 231-838-5171 / Marti@YogaAtLadaka.com /YogaAtLadaka.com
Register online at downdogyogacenter.com/special-events or make checks payable
and mail to Cynthia Hoss, 3362 Old Savannah Dr., Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Name: ________________________________Phone_____________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Yoga Experience: _________________________________________________
Emergency Contact and Phone: _____________________________________
Request for rooming/housing with a friend: ____________________________
**Note: Please contact Cynthia directly if you wish to schedule a massage.