How to Protect our Health in Digital Media?
How to Protect our Health in Digital Media?
Instruction for the chidren How to protect our health in digital media? Instruction for the chidren Information Technology & Digital Media Development Center First Edition 2012 How to protect our health in digital media? Introduction As you start using digital media from childhood, it is necessary to learn the appropriate and safe way of using ICT so as to keep secured from the probable harm while enjoying the attractive environment. Therefore, the current book is dedicated to children who are extremely in danger in cyberspace unless learn how to use it correctly. Regarding the need for empowering children, promoting safe usage of ICT, and protection of the children against harmful content and activities in cyberspace, the Information Technology and Digital Media Development Center (ITDMDC) is honorable to compile and publish this book for the children around the world free of charge. ITDMDC as the specific governmental custodian for development of Digital Media in general and digital media content in particular in Iran in line with its missions implements necessary measures for the public, especially the families, with cooperation of Information Technology Organization of Iran. 4 Instruction for the chidren ITDMDC owes special thanks to Mr. Seyyed Arash Vakilian to compile the main text of the book. ITs appreciative thanks to those who assist to accomplish the task especially Ms. Leila Abbasalizadeh for simplifying the text, Mr. Alireza Noorizadeh for translation, Masoud Chatrouz , Salman Zarkoub and Mrs. Khazradoost for layout, Ali Derakhshi, Ali Safi and Bahman Abdi for drawing interesting design and caricatures ,ordered by ITDMC, which bear educational messages. ITDMDC acknowledges Mr. Seyyed Masoud Tabatabaee et al. whose sincere endeavor in procuring to hold Int'l Digital Media Caricature Fair in 2008 and 2010 resulted in the foreign caricatures of the book. Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance Information Technology and Digital Media Development Center 5 How to protect our health in digital media? Chapter 1: Rules for keeping your body healthy You should sit properly while using a computer. Often when sitting at a computer you end up sitting there for hours without moving or stretching your body. As the pictures below illustrate, there are several things to pay attention to while using a computer to guarantee proper health. 1. Never let the computer dominate all of your time or keep you from other activities. Take regular breaks, about every hour, while working with the computer. Ali Safi - Iran 6 Instruction for the chidren 2. You should maintain a distance of approximately 30 centimeters from the screen. Staring at a computer screen for a long time can cause your eyes to become tired. Make sure to give your eyes a break. 3. When using the mouse, make sure to keep your wrist straight and your elbow bent at about a 120-degree angle. Poor wrist posture can lead to carpel tunnel and other wrist problems 4. The position and height of your chair can make a big difference. The computer screen and keyboard should be at a comfortable height for you, not too high not too low. Ask your parents to help you adjust your seat to the appropriate height. Bahman Abdi - Iran 7 How to protect our health in digital media? Ali Safi - Iran 5. Once you are sitting comfortably be careful not to be sucked in. It is easy to lose track of time and to become involved to a point where you cannot tell what is going on around you. 8 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 2: Learn how to properly use the computer and Internet I hope that these tips will help you use a computer and the internet properly. Ali Safi - Iran 1. Do not trust websites, software and games that are introduced or sent to you by strangers. Before using any of these ask a parent or a teacher to check them for you. 2. Consult your parents before you buy any computer games to make sure they are appropriate for you to play. There is a tag on 9 How to protect our health in digital media? the cover of computer games that shows the content and rating of that game. This tag is called the ESRA rating. This tag can help your parents decide if the content is suitable for your age. 3. Keep an eye out for your younger brothers and sisters. Games that are suitable for you may not be suitable for them. Always keep in mind your moral standards. Ask yourself this question: would you feel ashamed to use this game or website in front of your parents? If yes, do not use them. Ali Safi - Iran 10 Yuriy Kosobukin -Ukraine Instruction for the chidren Do not be stubborn. If a website is blocked it means it is forbidden to enter, so do not use anti-proxy software to try to access it. This software is harmful as it can steal your personal information. Take care of your friends. Run a small network and introduce useful games and websites to each other. 11 How to protect our health in digital media? Sevket_Yalaz_Turkey 12 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 3: Rules for protecting private information Protect your personal and private information. Some people ask questions to obtain your family’s private information. Be alert and aware. 1. Do not give your personal information, like your real name, age, home address, E-mail address, school address and name, or any of your family photos to anyone who asks for it electronically or by telephone. Ask your parents’ permission first if it is necessary to write some information including your name or E-mail address on a website and let your parents do it for you. 13 How to protect our health in digital media? 2. Never, ever disclose the following information: • Password, your E-mail password especially. •Your parents’ banking or credit card passwords. • Any information related to family matters, including expensive things in the house, the times when parents will be in or out of the house, family and friends’ contact numbers, or their photos and videos. Ali Safi - Iran 14 Instruction for the chidren There are many thieves and swindlers surfing the Internet. Do not get caught off guard, measures of prevention are simple. Some emails ask you to enter your password promising to give you some special deals or ask you to enter your bank account number to receive a reward or to be entered into a drawing. Never trust these messages. Trayko P - Bulgaria 15 How to protect our health in digital media? 3. Never give out information you do not want others to know. Keep in mind, whether you know it or not, the information you delete is recoverable, so they can still access the information. It is worth noting that any information distributed without setting a password first is accessible via search engines (like Google and yahoo). 4. Chat rooms and video conferences cannot be trusted as others can abuse your information. There are two reasons why you should never Mohhamad saleh Razm Hosseini - Iran 16 Instruction for the chidren keep your personal information, private and family photos and recordings in our cell phone: 1. You may lose our cell phone. 2. Some people can infiltrate your cell phone via Bluetooth. Do not transfer your private files to a computer connected to the Internet because viruses can penetrate your computer and access the information. Surprisingly, your cell phone and Ali safi - Iran 17 How to protect our health in digital media? webcam recorders are active even when they are off. To print, mix, and assemble private photos and recordings taken and recorded by cell phones and digital cameras do the work yourself. Never give them to unknown people and institutions to do. Ali Safi - Iran 18 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 4: How to secure computer and cell phone How can you secure your computer and cell phone? It is clear that installing and updating a secure antivirus will help protect your computer from destructive programs and information theft. The following tips can be helpful: Ali Derakhshi - Iran 1. Do not install the software, especially the antivirus programs which themselves are 19 How to protect our health in digital media? tools of theft, if you are not sure about their security. 2. Never turn your Bluetooth on in public places, as there are people who can hack into your cell phone without your permission. Ali Derakhshi - Iran 20 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 5: useful and purposeful application Many of the things that I have shared with you today may have scared you. It is necessary, and everyone who wants to enter the information world should become familiar with these topics so that they can enjoy it to the fullest by minimizing mistakes. You know that the Internet is an ocean of information and it is easy to become overwhelmed by the volume. To make sure you do not become overwhelmed, you should take the following points into account: 1. Ask your teachers and parents to introduce some useful and interesting websites. Ali safi - Iran 21 How to protect our health in digital media? 2. Bookmark websites that present topics within your interests so that you can access them again easily in the future. 3. Do not believe everything you read online. Some of it is not true. The Internet is packed with a lot of information, some of which is true and some, which is not. Try to find and use the information from valid scientific websites. Keep in mind; always question the materials available on the net. Did you know that you can make a list of websites suitable for your age via this website? Bahman Abdi - Iran 22 Instruction for the chidren The website is It possesses capabilities that are explained in the following: 1. It contains a list of useful Iranian websites 2. On the Peyvandha page, websites are classified into 7 important categories including: cultural, religious, news, family, entertainment, science, user-based media, social and a general network. 3. In addition to the above-mentioned categories, there are subsections under each category 23 How to protect our health in digital media? An important note: If you encounter websites that contain illegal and unethical content, you can report these in a section of the Peyvandha paged named “reports received from people on websites infringements.” It is also worth noting that you can introduce your parents to the Peyvandha websites so they can make use of it as well. The website which runs by ITDMDC that contains directory of chosen sites, Iran’s Computer Crime Law, introduction to illegal content in Iran, and a page to report illegal web sites. 24 Instruction for the chidren Boranbayev Galym - Kazakhstan 25 How to protect our health in digital media? Chapter 6: How to secure your computer from unsuitable content Get rid of unsuitable materials. Surfing unknown websites could be as dangerous as being trapped in a blind alley at midnight. Here are some suggestions on how to keep yourself and your computer safe: 1. Do not surf the net without a specific goal or task in mind. Just search for the materials related to your chosen topic and that are suitable for your age. Before connecting to the internet, even before sitting at the desk, ask yourself this question: “what is my purpose of using the computer at this time?” Afterwards take some time to focus on the answers to the question. Bahman Abdi - Iran 26 Instruction for the chidren 2. Sometimes it is better to stop your curiosity and not go beyond the first page of websites that are inappropriate for your age group. 3. If you accidentally sign onto an unethical or violent website, the best things you can do is close your browser immediately and then inform a teacher or parent. Carlos Jorge Nunes - Brazil 27 How to protect our health in digital media? Chapter 7: A Wolf in sheep’s clothing Be cautious in your communication with online strangers. Do you remember your parents repeatedly telling you when you were young not to talk to strangers? The same applies online. Making new friends online can be beneficial because it opens up new perspectives and connections with the world but it can also be very dangerous for the following reasons: 1. Many people hide their true identity and use the virtual world to conceal their age, gender etc. 2. Some people have hidden agendas and will try to earn your trust only to abuse that trust later. To avoid these dangers, introduce your virtual (online) friends to your parents. Again, remember not to send any personal information over the internet, not even to your close friends. The computer network has the capability of exposing your private information without you knowing it. 28 Instruction for the chidren Ali safi - Iran 29 How to protect our health in digital media? Sevket Yalaz - Turkey 30 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 8: Suitable and unsuitable games Like me, you probably like computer games. Generally they are exciting and enjoyable as well. In spite of being exciting, they may have some negative effects on you. It is in your best interest to carefully choose the games you play. Ali Derakhshi - Iran 31 How to protect our health in digital media? Do you remember the computer game rating system or “ESRA” which was introduced in chapter 2? All games have this rating on the front cover. The tags are classified into the following groups: • Child (the age above 3 years old); • The beginning of adolescence: (the age above 12 years old); • The second half of adolescence (the age above 18 years); • The single adults (the age above 18 years old); • Adults and the married (the age above 20 years old). Most computer games contain a lot of violence. I do not know why violence and bullying are attractive or amusing. You should avoid these games. Sometimes, if you spend too much time involved in these games you can lose sight of reality and forget that you are no longer playing a video game. I heard in the news once about a child who attacked his family after spending too much time playing a 32 Instruction for the chidren Mohammad Babakohi - Iran Bahman Abdi - Iran 33 How to protect our health in digital media? violent game because he was unaware that the game was over and he was in the real world. 1. Unlike the virtual world, people in the real world do not have multiple lives. Nothing in life is reversible. 2. We should not play games that encourage us to internalize actions that we think are morally wrong like murder and drug use. Refraining from these games is in our best interest. 3. Playing games that are frightening and scary Casso _ Brazil 34 Instruction for the chidren can be disturbing and give you nightmares. 4. Some computer games are not compatible with your moral values, some encourage obscene behavior and others can induce a feeling of despair. It is smart not to buy any games that do not have the ESRA tags on them as you will not know what they contain or if they are appropriate for your age group. Bahman Abdi - Iran 35 How to protect our health in digital media? Chapter 9: Addiction to Digital Media How do people become addicted? If you find that you spend all of your time daydreaming or thinking about computer games, if you sit at your computer for hours at a time neglecting your school work, if you find yourself at your computer first thing after waking up with puffy eyes and an unwashed face or If you find it hard to pull yourself away from he screen, all of these thing indicate that you have indeed become addicted. No need to be overly worried about it though, nowadays many people are faced with this problem and wonder how they will be able Bahman Abdi - Iran 36 Instruction for the chidren to give up spending so much time on the computer. I was faced with this problem myself and you may wonder how I was able to give it up? If you find yourself in the same predicament here are some ways to help you overcome the problem: 1.Find other ways to amuse yourself. For example, enroll in a language, sports or boostup class. 2.Make a plan for your computer use. Give yourself time limits and then stick to your plan. 3.Be creative and find fun things to do with your friends and family like a family picnic or outdoor games with friends. 4.Find and study interesting books. Ali Safi - Iran 37 How to protect our health in digital media? Chapter 10: Advertisement and spam How can you get rid of spam? When using the internet on your phone or computer you will more than likely encounter a lot of advertisements, most of which are very intrusive. To get rid of these unwanted intrusions try the following actions: Bahman Abdi - Iran 1. Go to your E-mail setting and block advertising mail. 2. Sometimes you may have registered for member mailings from a certain site. If you no longer want the newsletters, adverts and emails search for the unsubscribe link or block the email address. 38 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 11: Respect other’s rights Ali Safi - Iran It is important that we respect other people’s rights. Just like we do not like our secrets divulged by others we should not divulge other people’s personal and private information. In addition to it being immoral it is also considered a crime. If you look at the bottom of any website, the words “All rights reserved” means that the any information and media on a website is meant for personal use and should not be copied or distributed. If you do use any of the information the name of the author should be mentioned and in some cases you must get permission from the author before using it. 39 How to protect our health in digital media? Be happy. You can go to your computer and enjoy working in the virtual world. Nicoleta Ionescu - Romania 40 Instruction for the chidren Chapter 12 : works selection of the international Digital Media Caricature competition- 1387 Competition and Reward: To rest assured you thought over proper use of computer and cell phone you can send your views on the selected caricatures shown on the next pages added to your name and surname to the website address The best views chosen by drawing lots will be rewarded. Don’t forget to write the number of the caricature under consideration. 41 How to protect our health in digital media? Michael Kountouris - Greece 42 Instruction for the chidren Mehdi Mohammadi Rouzbehani - Iran 43 How to protect our health in digital media? Doddy Iswahyudi - Indonesia 44 Instruction for the chidren Osman Suroglu - Turkey 45 How to protect our health in digital media? Jitet Kustana - Indonesia 46 Instruction for the chidren Abolfazl Mohtarami - Iran 47 How to protect our health in digital media? َAkbar torabpour - Iran 48 Instruction for the chidren Mehdi Azizi - Iran 49 How to protect our health in digital media? Shahrokh-Heidari-Iran 50 Instruction for the chidren Muammer-Olcay-Turkey 51 How to protect our health in digital media? ANGEL Buligan - Mexico city 52 Instruction for the chidren Hicabi-Demirci-Turkey 53 How to protect our health in digital media? Humor Juegos de-Colombia 54 Instruction for the chidren Oleg Goutsol - Ukraine 55 How to protect our health in digital media? Trayko_Popov_Bulgaria 56 Instruction for the chidren Alireza Pakdel - Iran 57 How to protect our health in digital media? Shahin Fathi - Iran 58 Instruction for the chidren Farhad Bahrami Rikani - Iran 59 How to protect our health in digital media? Ali Shah ali _ Iran 60 Instruction for the chidren Maciej Wierzbicki-Poland 61 How to protect our health in digital media? Mobarakeh Fallahi - Iran 62 Instruction for the chidren Sajad-Rafe’ei - Iran 63