paris val de marne - Agence de développement du Val-de
paris val de marne - Agence de développement du Val-de
PARIS VAL DE MARNE AT THE FOREFRONT OF GREATER PARIS PARIS VAL DE MARNE THE BEST PLACE TO INVEST IN THE GREATER PARIS Helsinki Oslo Moscow Copenhagen London Berlin PARIS-ORLY Geneva Milan Rome New York Porto Lisbon (june 2014) Beijing Barcelona Madrid Istanbul Algiers Tunis Rabat An exceptional and growing transportation network • 4 highways, 3 subway lines, 5 RER • • • The most attractive prices in Greater Paris •A verage rent for new offices is €318/m2/year (tax excluded), is less than the Ile-de-France average. •A tertiary real estate market composed of 3.8 million m2, with office spaces which meet the latest environmental standards. • A creation rate for new businesses which has tripled since 2005. 2 In the heart of the leading European economic region •P rovides access to a 495 million french and european consumers market. •R egion of Paris: 30% more international headquarters than London. •R ungis: the world’s largest agribusiness platform, with a sales figure of €8,2 billion. •G ustave Roussy Institute: the leading cancer research centre in Europe. • (Regional Express Transportation) lines and tram T7. O ver 130 regular bus lines. T he largest multimodal transport hub in France (road-rail hub) and the second-largest river-borne multimodal hub in the Ile-de-France region, the Bonneuil-sur-Marne harbor. P aris-Orly, the second-largest French airport, with 28.3 million passengers in 2013 and among the top ten European airports. T he first subway line of the Grand Paris Express, scheduled to become operational in 2020. Innovation in motion •2 30 research laboratories and 2,600 researchers and teacher-researchers. •F amous worldwide and second-largest clinical research hub in France in the health field, such as the Gustave Roussy Institute, the leading European cancer research center. •8 00 innovative companies listed in our Innovation Atlas. •A n international business convention dedicated to innovation, Meet Innov, which brings together more than 1,000 participants each year, 20% of whom come from abroad. 3 The land of knowledge and talent • 3 significant universities and 10 engineering schools: Université Paris-Est Créteil, École Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, EPITA and EPITECH in KremlinBicêtre, EFREI and Sup Biotech in Villejuif, ESME Sudria and ESIEA in Ivry-sur-Seine, etc. •5 5,000 students, including 1,200 PhD applicants. • 1 46,000 executives and white collar workers, which is 14 % of the department working population. N 1 4 T 18 D StMandé C B Villierssur-Marne Joinvillele-Pont Charentonle-Pont 7 Ivrysur-Seine Le Kremlin Bicêtre Arcueil Champigny-sur-Marne St-Maurice E 10 6 Alfortville 5 17 Villejuif Vitry-sur-Seine 7 B 15 14 P M Fresnes 2 3 4 aris-Orly International Airport: the secondP largest airport in France, with 28.3 million passengers in 2013, with worldwide connections and €900 million worth of investment before 2019 (new terminal, Coeur d’Orly). ungis International Market: the world’s largest R agribusiness platform, with a turnover of €8.2 billion, 1,200 businesses and 12,000 employees on site. ungis Sogaris Platform: 214,000 m2 R of multimodal logistic surface area, with 80 businesses on site: transporters, logistic service providers, freight forwarders, industrial companies, exporters/importers and distributors. Teaching and research 5 Tramway Paris-Orly Sucy-en-Brie A BoissySt-Léger MarollesenBrie Santeny Villeneuve-le-Roi Ablonsur-Seine Paris-Orly Airport Villecresnes C 6 7 9 4 LimeilBrévannes VilleneuveStGeorges 2 B 8 UPEC (Université multidisciplinaire ParisEst Créteil): 30,000 students, the largest multidisciplinary and professional university in the Ile-de-France region. Established in 1971, the University offers a complete range of programs (from technical university degrees to PhDs) and contains 31 laboratories covering almost every field. Noiseau Valenton 4 Rungis 13 onneuil-sur-Marne Harbor: the second-largest B hub harbor in the Ile-de-France region, with 1.2 million tons of river traffic in 2011; multimodal road-rail-river transportation hub. 8 BonneuilsurMarne La Queueen-Brie TVM TV 1 Choisyle-Roi Thiais Ormessonsur-Marne Bonneuil Harbor CRÉTEIL TCS 3 key infrastructures 19 1 Les Ardoines ChevillyLarue M TV Chennevièressur-Marne St-Maurdes-Fossés 16 L'Haÿles-Roses Le PlessisTrévise 7 MaisonsAlfort Cachan A Bry sur- 8 Marne Bois de Vincennes 11 12 Le Perreux surMarne Nogentsur-Marne 7 3 Fontenaysous-Bois Vincennes 9 ustave Roussy Institute : the leading cancer G research center in Europe, the Gustave Roussy cancer research institute (IGR) houses 2,600 professionals. IGR is made up of 29 research teams composed of 270 researchers and 240 engineers. lfort National Veterinary School: a center A of excellence in animal health, higher education, research, 700 students, 140 educational staff members, 30 full-time researchers. udiovisual National Institute: Education, A research, production, images and sound editing and sales, 980 collaborators, 5,000 professionals trained each year, 12 audio-visual research projects in France and abroad. eo-sciences center with the presence of G the headquarters of the Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN) and Météo France. D Subway lines 1 4 7 8 14 Mandresles-Roses D RER regional express transportation A B C D E Tram T 3 Pérignysur-Yerres Pascal Durbet - ORIE. A 8 14 Paris Charles de Gaulle (Roissy) Airport 3 T Sources: DRIEA/UT94/SPAD/PCDD - ORIE - Fond CG94 - SPAD/Mission Économique Compiled by: DRIEA/UT94/SPAD - ORIE - Conception et réalisation DRIEA/UT94/SPAD/PCDD: MAIN CENTRES OF ECONOMIC INTEREST Important sites of tertiary industry activity 10 LCL headquarters (70,000 m2). 11 Ivry-Port/Charenton: headquarters of LECLERC, FNAC and Crédit Foncier. 12 Orange headquarters: 3,600 employees. 13 I CADE/SILIC Orly-Rungis park: the largest single-owner business park in Europe. 408,000 m2 of business properties. Headquarters of Ricoh, Système U, Lidl, presence of Thalès, Danone, Nestlé, Abott Laboratories, Centro de Negocios (a business center for Spanish businesses), etc. 14 ’Oréal R&D center: 700 employees, an L expansion project over an additional 40,000 m2. 5 15 anofi production and R&D center: a large S pharmaceutical group: oncology, chemistry, biotech, preclinical studies, 2,000 employees in Vitry-sur-Seine. 16 ernod headquarters: 680 employees, 13 leading P brands covering almost all segments of the French wine and spirits market. Leisure, natural and cultural activities 17 The Mac Val contemporary art museum. 18 The Château de Vincennes. 19 The banks of the Marne. T 1 A 4 T 4 2020 10 1 Le Kremlin Bicêtre 2 3 4 5 6 V T9 7 ChevillyLarue 9 10 11 TVM 2020 2020 2027 Villeneuve-le-Roi Téléval A BoissySt-Léger MarollesenBrie Santeny 2018 Ablonsur-Seine Villecresnes T 7 C D Subway lines LimeilBrévannes VilleneuveStGeorges 4 Paris-Orly Airport T 7 Sucy-en-Brie Valenton Tramway Paris-Orly 14 The “Nouveau Grand Paris” plans to build an automatic metro system linking 72 stations over 200 kilometres. Its aim is to facilitate travel and create faster connections between the centers of development of Greater Paris, starting with the airports. T Zen 5 7 Rungis Paris Val-de-Marne: the first area served by the new Grand Paris Express metro 6 5 M ociété Générale campus covering 90,000 m2 in Fontenay-sous-Bois. S Essilor International European R&D Center in Créteil. Sanofi Campus covering 50 000 m² in Gentilly. Casino group tertiary site covering 30,000 m2 in Vitry-sur-Seine. Choisyle-Roi La Queueen-Brie Noiseau BonneuilsurMarne 8 P TV 2027 Bonneuil Harbor CRÉTEIL TCS Investment from large companies 8 Ormessonsur-Marne 3 Thiais 18 Chennevièressur-Marne St-Maurdes-Fossés Vitry-sur-Seine L'Haÿ- Fresnes Le PlessisTrévise M Villejuif Les Ardoines les-Roses 2020 E 11 Alfortville B Ivry-Confluences: a project combining tertiary activities, business premises, shops, public facilities and residences, covering 145 ha. The first section of 100,000 m2 of office spaces is under construction. Cancer-Campus: a research and innovation center dedicated to cancer research. 600,000 to 800,000 m2 of new economic activities. Les Ardoines: 300 ha. of redevelopment around the future Grand Paris Express railway station. Coeur d’Orly: a green business district and social hub. A first section of 70,000 m2 of office space and Nouvel Envol. Choisy-Port: 12 ha., 73,000 m2 of office space. B Silver Valley: Charles Foix life extension center. A research and innovation center dedicated to gerontology (“Living well, for longer”). Cité de la gastronomie: 7.5 ha., cultural discovery center, training, restaurants, businesses and economic activities. 15 Champigny-sur-Marne MaisonsAlfort 7 Major projects proposed for Greater Paris Bry surMarne 6 7 A St-Maurice 2 2023 2017 Villierssur-Marne Joinvillele-Pont Ivrysur-Seine Cachan EST TVM Bois de Vincennes 2020 14 1 Nogentsur-Marne Charentonle-Pont Arcueil 15 StMandé 7 3 Le Perreux surMarne D C B Paris Charles de Gaulle (Roissy) Airport Fontenaysous-Bois Vincennes 1 8 2030 8 3 T 14 15 Mandresles-Roses D Pérignysur-Yerres 2020 1 4 7 8 14 15 RER regional express transportation A B C D E Tram •L ine 15 will be the first line started and will connect Pont de Sèvres with Noisy-Champs by 2020. • It will have 16 stations, 10 of them in Val-de-Marne. T 1 T 3 T 7 T Zen 5 •T he interconnection with the Line 14 extension to the south will be at Villejuif Institut Gustave Roussy in 2023. • Line 14 will be extended to Paris Orly Airport. 7 Pascal Durbet - ORIE. THE BUILDING GROUND FOR GREATER PARIS 2017 Sources: DRIEA/UT94/SPAD/PCDD - ORIE - Fond CG94 - SPAD/Mission Économique Compiled by: DRIEA/UT94/SPAD - ORIE - Conception et réalisation DRIEA/UT94/SPAD/PCDD: N 2012 MAJOR INVESTMENT DEALS 4- AND 5-STAR HOTEL COMPLEX OF THE HUATIAN LUXURY HOTEL GROUP IN ALFORTVILLE CONSOLIDATION OF SUPPORT FUNCTIONS FOR CASINO GROUP, FRANPRIX AND LEADER PRICE BRANDS IN VITRY-SUR-SEINE A unique space covering 45,000 m2 at the confluence of the Seine and the Marne and which will eventually employ 280 people. 25,000 m2 of office spaces for purchases, supply chain, IT and marketing on the “Port à l’Anglais” site on the banks of the Seine. 2011 2013 ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL EUROPEAN R&D CENTRE IN CRÉTEIL NEW SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE CAMPUS IN VAL-DE-FONTENAY A 15,000 m2 building meeting very high environmental standards. 90,000 m2, including 77,000 m2 of office spaces and 13,000 m2 of related services spread throughout the 5 buildings. LIDL’S PARISIAN HEADQUARTERS IN RUNGIS SEPTODONT GROUP R&D CENTRE IN SAINT-MAUR-DES-FOSSÉS 11,700 m2 for this operating center served by one of the three stations of the new tram T7. The redevelopment of a 1,650 m2 building for the installation of a new laboratory and state-of-the-art R&D technology for dental products. 2012 SANOFI’S HQE AND BREEAM CAMPUS IN GENTILLY A LUXURY EYEGLASS MANUFACTURER IN SUCY-EN-BRIE 50,000 m leased for an operation within the framework of the Réhagreen project (redevelopment of existing property). 2 Occupying 9,000 m2 in a brand new building located near the Sucy-Bonneuil RER station, the Swiss group Richemont employs 250 people. BRED HEADQUARTERS IN JOINVILLE-LE-PONT SYSTÈME U HEADQUARTERS IN RUNGIS The 17,670 m2 Urbagreen building is ideally located across from the Joinville-le-Pont RER station and houses 1,100 employees. 15,118 m of office spaces in the Montréal building and 5,482 m2 of showrooms in the SILIC park. 2 8 9 THE BEST REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES CŒUR D’ORLY ARAGON VILLEJUIF Both an innovative green business district and a new living environment, this urban development highlights the economic potential of the Orly centre. A tertiary building programme which attests to Val-de-Marne’s ability to integrate new office spaces in a high-quality residential and commercial setting. VAUBAN BUILDING IN THE ICADE/SILIC PARK IN ORLY-RUNGIS QUEBEC OTTAWA IN THE ICADE/SILIC PARK IN ORLY-RUNGIS 56 000 m2 of office space 70 000 m2 of office space IVRY CONFLUENCES THE PORT DISTRICT IN CHOISY-LE-ROI 100 000 m2 of office space An operation at the confluence of the Seine and the Marne which aims to reclaim the banks of the Seine and combines social interaction with environmental quality. 73 000 m2 of office space A true link between the city and the Seine, this pleasant living and working space also houses more than 800 new homes, public spaces, businesses and restaurants. 10 33 000 m2 of office space 26 900 m2 of office space A contemporary building with high environmental standards in the heart of the leading business centre in South Paris. This development has a campus feel, with two five-story buildings located around a large planted garden. Environmental standards: double HQE-BREEAM certification and BBC label. 11 PARIS VAL DE MARNE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Office/Warehouse search YOUR PARTNER To create wealth, jobs and innovation, this is the concern we share with our business partners. Our team is keen to help you at every stage of your investment project and of your development. 12 We offer free and confidential research service for your Greater Paris facility. We were the first to promote original business center solutions - ‘Centro de Negocios’ and ‘Hotel de l’Innovation’ - to host and serve international companies. More: Legal and tax advice Human resources: employees, executives and internships search Financing We can assist you in building your business plan by introducing you to financial institutions, banks, investors, venture capital and business angels. Thanks to our partner’s job search platform ‘APEC’ and ‘Pôle Emploi’ - we offer you free advice to find the talents you need. 357 companies received our services in the last 9 years. 136 companies set ups managed by us in the last 9 years. 63% companies set ups were international in 2013. 88% declared being fully satisfied by our services (based on 2012 satisfaction survey). In order to guide your company set-up, we provide free legal and tax orientation. We can also organize your first meeting with an accountant, tax specialist or a lawyer, free of charge. We assist you to build a relationship with local authorities. Innovation Matchmaking, partner and marketing research We organize meetings with potential partners, suppliers, customers and sub-contractors to test your development strategy in the Greater Paris. To deal with industrial and technical issues, we can also introduce you to our network of expert consulting firms. Communication and visibility We would be pleased to publish articles about your achievements on our website, even get you local press coverage, contribute to your public relations and involve your company in our events. 13 We pamper innovation-driven businesses, even geeks! We connect them to local private and public R&D Labs. We organize training sessions and seminars on research tax credit and other possible incentives. Relocation We can provide you tailor-made welcomer’s kit, organize information meetings for your staff to set the stage of their new work environment. We have agreements with relocation services for your accommodation. Other requests Call us: we are eager to hear about your particular needs. We will make sure to fulfill each of them. PARIS VAL DE MARNE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY DISCOVER VALDEMARNE.COM Our search engines provide free access to the area’s best offerings in just a few clicks. An international team at your disposal The Val-de-Marne Development Agency is a receptive and experienced multidisciplinary team whose only aim is to ensure that you receive a proper welcome and benefit from its expertise and abilities in all your activities. Elizabeth RODRIGUES General Manager Pierre PAUMELLE Project Manager Market Research - Promotion Spanish speaking contact su contacto español: Ms Alicia Ramos Sanchez Tél: + 33 6 26 25 75 55 email: Mandarin speaking contact : Ms Linlin Lu Tél. + 33 1 43 90 64 14 email: Kathy BAUDEZ Head of Communication and Marketing English-German speaking contact Ihr gespreachspartner Mr François Pays Tél. + 33 1 43 90 64 06 email: Immo Val de Marne collects information on all of the business property offers available in the department in partnership with Webimm(1) Immo Flexible lists flexible work spaces in partnership with LBMG Worklabs(2) (1) W ebimm, founded in 1999, is the largest business property website with more than 15 million m2 available in the Ile-de-France region and other Fench regions. Webimm unites the largest players in the industry and publishes the largest selection of offers under an exclusive mandate. Webimm offers a 360° view of the business property market. 14 (2) L BMG Worklabs offers telecommuting, mobility and flexible workspace solutions (co-working and telecenters) for businesses and territories. LBMG Worklabs created Neo-Nomade, the leading flexible workspace search and booking tool with more than 3,000 references websites in France. 15 ORLY-RUNGIS, the 2nd largest economic center in the Ile-de-France region GRAND PARIS EXPRESS, 2 subways, 14 and 15 TRAM T7, 17 new stations A preserved quality of life 22 departmental parks and over 2,550 hectares of forest An attractive property cost in the Ile-de-France region RCS B 399 292 887 - Crédit photos : François Leclercq architecte/Sadev 94 - Aéroports de Paris - Kit Thomas - AAD - François Renault - DR - Hubert Godet - ArteFactory Lab - Architecte A. Fontani - Getty Images - Fotolia - CDT 94 / Didier Adam PARIS VAL DE MARNE VITALITY GENERATOR
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21 Sanofi production and R&D center / Vitrysur-Seine: a large pharmaceutical group:
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