welcome to the aws serverless hackathon - AWS
welcome to the aws serverless hackathon - AWS
WELCOME TO THE AWS SERVERLESS HACKATHON Mikael Puittinen, CTO 25.4.2016 1 A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO SC5 Introducing SC5 BRIEFLY CLOUD SOLUTIONS BUSINESS APPLICATIONS DIGITAL DESIGN 10 60+ 200+ YRS CUSTOMERS PROJECTS 65 HEL JKL 6 HACKERS DESIGNERS MEUR A short business case WHY SERVERLESS? ” One of the biggest revolutions we have seen in the technology world in the last few years is the rise of serverless computing. This has been largely triggered by the launch of AWS Lambda that no longer requires a server (physical or virtual) to run application code. This tremendously simplifies application development as architects only need to think about business logic and no longer need to worry about managing fleets of servers to run their software. This makes it easier to achieve the security and reliability to protect their business and their customers. After all, no server is easier to manage than no server.” Werner Wogels, CTO / VP at Amazon.com (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/simplification-technology-trend-2016-werner-vogels) A bit of history SC5 & SERVERLESS - BACKGROUND Nov 2014 AWS Lambda released AWS API Gateway released July 2015 Sep 2015 Oct 2015 First SC5 API Gateway + Lambda project (HappyOrNot webshop) started 4 days after API Gateway release JAWS Framework 0.0.1 released First SC5 Jaws / Serverless project (Gasum Industryhack) Dec 2015 JAWS becomes Serverless Framework Today 4 customer projects going on, 4 delivered based on AWS Lambda (7 of which on Serverless) INTRODUCTION TO LAMBDA , API GATEWAY AND SERVERLESS Serverless Compute AWS LAMBDA § Compute service for running code (functions) in AWS § Provision resources required by single function run § Automatically spawns additional ”instances” if required § Invoiced based on actual compute time used (100 ms) § Input and output JSON LAMBDA EXAMPLE: CALCULATOR § Open AWS Console / Lambda § Create new function § Name: ”Calculator” § Copy code from the right § Role: Create new role ”Basic execution role” § Once created, test with e.g. sample test from the right § Logs available in Cloudwatch exports.handler = function(event, context) { console.log('a =', event.a); console.log('b =', event.b); context.succeed({ sum: event.a + event.b }); }; TEST: { ”a”: 10, ”b”: 20 } Serverless REST API API GATEWAY § AWS Service to implement REST (and other) APIs § Security via API Keys, customer authorizers § Connect to e.g. Lambda to publish your functions as REST interfaces § Input / Output mapping (e.g. URL parameters -> JSON) § No need for provisioning § Invoicing based on # of requests + data transfer + cache size API GATEWAY EXAMPLE § Launch API Gateway from AWS Console § Create API ”Calculator” § Create resourse ”calculator” (from Actions) § Create ”POST” method for calculator resource § Integration type: Lambda Function § Deploy API to stage ”v1” § Copy URL displayed for resource § Test API with e.g. Postman SERVERLESS FRAMEWORK ” Serverless is the application framework for building web, mobile and IoT applications exclusively on Amazon Web Services' Lambda and API Gateway. It's a command line interface that helps you build and maintain serverless apps across teams of any size. It's also completely extensible via Plugins. We believe AWS Lambda will be the focal point of the AWS cloud, and the Serverless Framework interprets AWS from Lambda's perspective.” https://github.com/serverless/serverless THE CHALLENGES Pick your’s CHALLENGES 1. Guided challenge : Blog backend on serverless (by Alex Koslov) 2. Slackbot on serverless 3. Generic HTML form handler on serverless 4. Self-picked challenge Guided challenge BLOG BACKEND Create a backend for the blog application running at http://hackathon-blog.sandbox.sc5.io/ (sources at https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon) Backend must have a REST API with methods 1. POST /dev/posts 2. GET /dev/posts 3. PUT /dev/posts/{postId} - OPTIONAL 4. DELETE /dev/posts/{postId} – OPTIONAL Use e.g. AWS DynamoDB as the database for blog posts. Step-by-step walkthrough available at http://hackathon-blog.sandbox.sc5.io/walkthrough.pdf RESOURCES Blog client: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon Sample blog backend: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend This presentation: http://hackathon-blog.sandbox.sc5.io/walkthrough.pdf Cheatsheet: http://hackathon-blog.sandbox.sc5.io/cheatsheet.pdf PRE-REQUISITES / SETUP Getting prepared PRE-TAKEOFF CHECKLIST q A laptop with Node 4 (recommended) or 5 installed q An AWS account (https://aws.amazon.com/free) q An AWS IAM user (admin rights) with access and secret keys (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_users_create.html) q AWS access and secret keys set up (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/guide/node-configuring.html) q AWS CLI recommended (but not required) (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html or ”brew install awscli” for OSX homebrew users) TESTING THE SETUP > > > > mkdir test cd test npm install aws-sdk echo "var AWS=require('aws-sdk'); var IAM = new AWS.IAM(); IAM.getUser(function(err, data) { console.log(data.User.UserName) });" | node You should get your IAM account name as a response if set up correctly. SERVERLESS BLOG WALKTHROUGH INFO 1. CREATE SERVERLESS PROJECT > sls project install -n="serverless-blog" sc5-serverless-boilerplate > cd serverless-blog > npm install This creates a new project serverless-blog based on sc5-serverlessboilerplate and installs the node modules required by the project. 2. CREATE DYNAMODB TABLE FOR POSTS (USING SERVERLESS) q Serverless uses AWS Cloudformation to deploy resources. q Add snippet on the right to ”Resources” in s-resourcescf.json q Deploy with > sls resources deploy Alternatively, you can create the table in the AWS console or using the CLI. ”BlogTable": { "Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table", "DeletionPolicy": "Retain", "Properties": { "AttributeDefinitions ": [ { "AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH" } ], "ProvisionedThroughpu t": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1 }, "TableName": "${stage}-blog" } } Sample: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/s-resources-cf.json 3. SET PERMISSIONS FOR DYNAMODB q Lambda functions need to be given rights to the table created q To grant permissions, add snippet on the right to ”Resources.IAMPolicyLambda .PolicyDocument.Statement” in s-resources-cf.json { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:DeleteItem" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:${re gion }:*: *" } q Deploy with > sls resources deploy Sample: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/s-resources-cf.json 4. CREATE FUNCTION AND SET ENDPOINTS > sls function create blog/posts § Select ”nodejs4.3” as your runtime and ”Create Endpoint” § In blog/posts/s-function.json, you will find an endpoint for GET in ”endpoints” § Based on the GET endpoint, create additional endpoints POST, PUT and DELETE § Set ”RequestTemplates” for the endpoints to ”$${restGet}” , ”$${restPost}”, ”$${restPut}” and ”$${restDelete}”. These are mappings defined in s-template.json Sample: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/blog/posts/s-function.json 5. ENABLE CORS HEADERS FOR ENDPOINTS q CORS headers need to be enabled so that the application can access the endpoints q To add CORS headers, add snippet on the right to ”custom” in blog/posts/sfunction.json "cors": { "allowOrigin": "*", "allowHeaders": [ "Content-Type", "X-Amz-Date", "Authorization", "X-Api-Key" ] } Sample: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/blog/posts/s-function.json 6. IMPLEMENT THE LOGIC § Implement the logic for the function into blog/posts. The entry point for the Lambda function is handler.js in that folder. § Use e.g. AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient to access the database table. The table name is ${process.env.SERVERLESS_DATA_MODEL_STAGE}-blog Samples: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/ blog/posts/handler.js https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/blog/posts/blog-storage.js 7. TEST THE FUNCTION q sls function run can be used to run the function with the input defined in event.json q Copy the snippet on the right to blog/posts/event.json and run { "method": "POST", "body": { "title": "Test post", "content" : "Test content" } } > sls function run q NOTE: sls-mocha-plugin is included in the boilerplate to support more advanced TDD Sample: https://github.com/SC5/aws-serverless-hackathon-backend/blob/master/blog/posts/event.json 7. DEPLOY FUNCTIONS & ENDPOINTS > sls function deploy posts > sls endpoint deploy --all This deploys the functions and endpoinst (including CORS headers). sls dash deploy does not (currently) deploy the CORS headers. You will get the URLs for the endpoints as response to endpoint deploy 8. SET UP ENDPOINTS IN THE SAMPLE APP q Launch the blog application at http://hackathon-blog.sandbox.sc5.io/ q Enter the endpoint URL (https://…/dev/posts) to the form and save q Try writing, editing, deleting posts 9. YOU DID IT! CONGRATS! Next, check opportunities at https://sc5.io/careers THANK YOU! Mikael.puittinen@sc5.io