- Newtown High School of the Performing Arts
- Newtown High School of the Performing Arts
Parent Newsletter June 2015 Issue 4 www.nhspa.nsw.edu.au PRINCIPAL’S REPORT As we move towards the end of yet another very busy term I would like to thank all of those parents who have contributed to the many activities and programs at the school over the last couple of months. Showcase At the time of writing, we are about half way through the series and as always the quality and commitment of all involved is outstanding. It was wonderful to see so many of our new Year 11 and Year 7 students performing so well. Their welcome addition to our talented student population is clear for all to see. What I enjoy, as an audience member, is witnessing the looks of excitement and pride on our students’ faces as they perform. It is the best advertisement for what we do. It is not too late for you to share in the excitement and pride because concerts continue until Thursday 11th June here at school. And a reminder that our final dance concert will take place on Saturday 20th of June at the Seymour Centre. Special congratulations go to our Technical Company for their tireless and outstanding contribution. Tony Award Nomination I was thrilled to learn that NHSPA graduate, Jeremy Youett has received a Tony Award nomination as coproducer of the critically acclaimed Broadway Musical, The Visit. Jeremy was a Newtown student for 6 years graduating in 2001. We wish him the best for the upcoming awards presentation. Auditions Immediately following our showcase season we will be conducting our annual enrolment auditions for entry into Years 7 and 11 for 2016. This is a huge undertaking with over 800 auditions places to be allocated over 8 audition days. Thanks to everyone involved and we look forward to selecting another outstanding group of new students. China Tour Early next term 24 students and staff will travel to Beijing after again being invited by the Beijing Foreign Affairs department to perform in a television concert on their national children’s network. Students attending are selected Year 8 and 9 members of Music ensembles and Dance Companies. We look forward to a wonderful cultural and performance experience. 1 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Athletics Carnival Congratulations to everyone involved in this term’s very successful Athletics Carnival held at Homebush. Again, what is pleasing is that with each carnival we are seeing increased levels of attendance and participation. Good luck to those students who have been selected to represent the school at zone and regional levels. Reports By the end of term all students will have received their mid year reports. Year 11 students will receive their reports and attend interviews with a member of staff to discuss their progress on Monday 15 June. These interviews are designed to help students achieve their school and post school goals and give them advice and support in dealing with the requirements and stresses involved with senior schooling. Junior reports will be posted home before the end of term. Any issues arising from your child’s report should be addressed to the relevant Year Adviser, Head Teacher or Deputy Principal. Thank you again for your support this term. I hope you and your children enjoy their up-coming holiday. Classes start back on Tuesday 14 July. Stephen Gray Co-Principal 2 DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT Semester 1 Reporting The half-way point of term 2 has quickly approached and we are already into our semester one reporting period. All Year 12 students have been issued with their half yearly course reports and discussed their progress curriculum advisors during meetings on Wednesday 27th May. Year 11 students are next to meet with their curriculum advisors, with their reports issued on Monday 15th June. Again this year we will be running report meetings with Year 9 and 10 students to go through their reports and to undertake a personal best exercise. Year 10 will meet with their curriculum advisors on Friday 19th June and Year 9 will have their report interviews the following week on Tuesday 23rd June. All Year 7-10 reports will be sent home to parents by the end of term in Week 9. Just a reminder, that all junior report subjects are graded from A-E with individual teacher comments for each subject. If parents/carers have any questions regarding the reports once they have been sent home, please contact the Head Teacher responsible for that subject for clarification. Showcase Over the past few weeks our semester one showcase season has been underway. Again the quality and standard of each of the evening performances has been outstanding. We would like to recognise the commitment and professionalism of our performing arts staff who continue to work so tirelessly at this time of year to ensure our students have such performance opportunities. We would like to recognise and thank our P&C who offer continued support during the showcase season by running the front of house and would like to acknowledge the work of Ms Aynsley and the Year 9 showcase hospitality class who also catered for the showcase season so professionally. The technical crew under the leadership of David Ferguson also deserve to be recognised for their work behind the scenes each day and night to maintain a very professional production. It was also great to watch the Year 9 showcase elective students perform as part of the program, well done to these students and the staff who have created and delivered these innovative courses. The semester one showcase season concludes with the Dance Showcase Concert at the Seymour Centre on Saturday 20th June at 7:30pm. If you have not yet attended a showcase concert, we strongly recommend that you experience the quality performing arts co-curricula program, so proudly provided at this unique public school. Tickets for the school based concerts are available via the schools website and tickets for the Dance showcase are available via the Seymour Centre Box Office. Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is a joint state and federal government initiative. The Data Collection is an annual national count of the number of students provided with educational adjustments as a result of their disability as defined broadly under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and reinforces the obligations that schools have towards students under the Disability Standards for Education 2005. 3 DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT Continued The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability will provide Australian schools, parents, education authorities and the community with information about the number of students with disability in schools, where they are located and the adjustments they receive. The NCCD involves collection of numbers only, no names are submitted. An information sheet will be mailed home to parents of students with disabilities over the next week. Please read this information carefully before making the decision to opt out of the data collection. Parents/Guardians wishing their student’s details not be included in the NCCD collection are to advise the school in writing by Friday 17th July, 2015. Subject Selection Information Evenings Early next term the school begins the process of hosting a series of information evenings where vital information regarding subject choices for 2016 is explained. This is a very important time for students in years 7, 8, 10 and 11and their parents as they are about to make some very important curriculum choices. At this stage, we only recommend that students reflect on their strengths, abilities and subject interests and make informed choices based around these considerations. The Year 8 into 9 information evening will be held at 5pm on Tuesday 28th July. The Year 10 into 11 Subject Information evening will be held on Tuesday 4th August from 5pm. The Year 11 into 12 Subject Information evening will be held on Tuesday 11th August from 7pm. There is no year 7 to year 8 information evening. These forums are the opportunity for parents, carers and students to receive information about courses offered at the school for next year. It is important students make informed and correct choices initially, as these choices determine the nature and number of classes that will operate within the 2016 timetable. As always, there will be limited opportunities for students to change courses, reinforcing the importance of getting the selections right from the outset. Year 10 Work Experience During the final week of this term our Year 10 students will be undertaking their work experience. This is always an exciting time for the students as they have a taste of working life in a chosen vocation that interests them. The timing is also perfect as it allows for students to start thinking about what would be the most appropriate subject choices for 2016 to support their future career options. Most of the students have secured appropriate placements and have returned their completed paperwork to Ms George. However if any student has yet to finalise either their placement or paperwork, it is imperative that they see Ms George well before Week 8. Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations The trial HSC commences for our students Week 1 next term. The examination timetable is just being finalised and will be distributed to students this month, along with information regarding appropriate HSC exam procedures and protocols. It is important that students become familiar with the timetable and start their preparation for these exams as soon as possible to ensure they are feeling confident. 4 DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT Continued... Can we remind all members of the school community that the afterschool study centre is available on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon in the Library; this is a very useful resource that could further support the students in their preparation and revision. We wish our Year 12 students all the best as they prepare for these vital exams and remind them to follow the illness/ misadventure policy and procedures if necessary over the examination period. We welcome the opportunity to discuss any of the items mentioned in this correspondence with you any time. Just a reminder that Mr Shields is the Deputy in charge of Years 7, Ms Rajwar is in charge of Years 9 and 12, Ms Mules is in charge of year 10 and Mr Pico is in charge of Years 8 and 11. We wish all members of our school community a safe end of term break and look forward to working with you in Term 3. School resumes for students on Tuesday 14th July 2015. Sorry Day Assembly Last month we commemorated National Sorry Day with a whole school assembly. The event was hosted by our senior indigenous students, Akala Newman and Harley Mann who opened the assembly with the Acknowledgement of Country. We were very lucky to have Millie Ingram as our special guest for the assembly. Aunty Millie has lived and worked for more than 50 years in and around the Redfern area, working in childcare, education, housing, women’s issues and works closely with government on reconciliation. Aunty Millie received a commonwealth bicentenary award in 2001 from former Prime Minister John Howard for her services to the community. Millie Ingram was a finalist for the 2010 International Woman of the Year for NSW which was celebrated on 8th March 2010. Millie was also awarded “Woman of the Year” in 2010 for the electorate of Heffron, which was held at the time by The Hon Kristine Kenneally MP the then Premier of NSW. Aunty Millie spoke about the significance of the Sorry Day as well as what it meant to her being a member of the Stolen Generation. The assembly was a positive, engaging and meaningful event for all the students. We now look forward to our NAIDOC week celebrations in Term 3. Peter Shields / Rachel Mules (Curriculum, Years 7 and 10) Karl Pico (Teaching and Learning, Years 8 and 11) Nilaufer Rajwar (Welfare, Years 9 and 12) The Deputy Principals 5 P&C NEWS The next P&C Meeting will be held next Tuesday, 9 June, at 6pm in the school common room. The P&C meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Being involved in the P&C is a great way to meet other parents and play an active role in the school community. You will learn more about NHSPA, its goals, achievements and teaching staff. No fundraising is required and there are many opportunities (both big and small) to become engaged in interesting projects to support the school. SHOWCASE With only two nights left, Showcase season has once more been an outstanding success. Many thanks to Dennis Dumlao for his superb front-of-house rostering skills and the many parents who volunteered their time to help out. Thank you everyone. P&C on the NHSPA WEBSITE Follow the link below: http://web1.newtown-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ The school website has a calendar and links for the P&C, contacts, minutes etc. PARENT EMAIL NETWORK (GOOGLE GROUPS) We encourage all parents to subscribe to our parent email network. This is a great way to receive information from the P&C and stay in touch with other parents (including getting questions answered and sharing information). To subscribe send a blank email to: nhspa+subscribe@googlegroups.com There is a googlegroups fact sheet on the P&C page of the school website. NHSPA PARENTS CONTACT MESSAGE BOARD Follow this link for posting requests and ads for second hand uniform, instruments and equipment etc. http://nhspasecondhand.proboards.com/index.cgi? 6 ENGLISH FACULTY I would like to extend a warm welcome to Miss Alice Chen, who has joined the English Department for 7 weeks of this term. She is replacing Jane Garnsey, who returns from leave on day one of Term 3. Miss Chen is doing an exceptional job with Ms Garnsey’s classes, and I take this opportunity to thank her for her efforts! On the debating front, we have had numerous successes over the last few weeks. Our Year 11 and 12 A Team were zone champions and were victorious against Fort Street High School, Canterbury Girls High School, Burwood Girls High School and our Newtown B side. They were then narrowly defeated by Sydney Girls High School in the regional semi-finals. Our Year 9 Team were victorious against South Sydney High School, while Year 7 defeated Rose Bay Secondary College. I congratulate our talented debating students for their successes, and I thank my debating coordinators for their commitment to the teams! The various junior year groups are busily preparing for their second formal assessment task for 2015. We look forward to seeing some outstanding Zines from Year 10, and seeing some excellent presentations from Year 7 on their novel study. The Year 9 speeches on Alfred Hitchcock’s films are also looking very impressive, while the Year 8 documentary reviews that were handed in in Week 6 were a testament to the hard work of the cohort. As I write this report, Year 12 are finalising units of work and preparing for their Trial Higher School Certificate examinations which begin in Week 1 of next term. English Paper one is the Area of Study paper on Discovery, and paper 2 is the Modules paper. Each paper is 2 hours in length and mirrors the structure and requirements of the Higher School Certificate English examinations. We wish Year 12 well in their revision and preparation for these very important examinations which are worth 30% of their final English school-based assessment. As the term draws to a close, I wish to thank all of our students for their dedication to their English studies. The creativity and commitment of NHSPA students never ceases to amaze me, not to mention the unparalleled commitment of the English staff in supporting our student body. Kirk Thomas HEAD TEACHER ENGLISH 7 DRAMA FACULTY Drama Showcase 2015 The NHSPA Drama Department presented a wide variety of thought-provoking plays for this year’s Showcase. Over 160 students were involved in the shows as actors, musicians, directors, in costume design or in technical production. From the grisly (Grimm Tales and The Witches) to the Classic (The Frogs and The Trojan Women), from self-devised (Mission:Improvable, Plain Jane, The Brain of Agatha Cain) to vivid, contemporary scripts (The Grandfathers), audiences were treated to excellence from our students. For our Year 12 Senior students, this was their final opportunity to perform at NHSPA, and demonstrated how far they had come from Year 7. We wish them the best in their endeavours at HSC. Congratulations to all involved. DRAMA DEPARTMENT HISE FACULTY Mock Trial Well done to our Mock Trial team of Stan Cheung, Aiden Macreadie, Isabel O’Rourke, Eva Pavela, Natalia Savor and Veronica Von Arnim on their 191 - 184 win over Our Lady of The Sacred Heart College on Thursday 21st May - a great team effort with excellent support from Annika Bail in the wings - next trial will be a chance to secure a place in the knock-out rounds, should be interesting… Medieval Day Thanks to Hans Mayerhofer for organising another very successful Medieval Day. A huge thank you must also go to the PDHPE department for allowing us to take over their Gym for the occasion. The focus of this particular show was on Vikings – a new topic being studied in the Stage 4 History course. Judging by the reactions of the Yr8 students involved, it was both a very informative session but also a hugely fun one. It is a very hands on experience for them and we thank James Adams and his assistants for always providing a top-class performance that truly engages our students. David Cole Co-Head Teacher HSIE 8 MATHS FACULTY HSC Mathematics UTS is currently offering Trial HSC Preparation Lectures in the July Holidays Mathematics General, Wednesday 8th July 2015 10am – 12pm Mathematics Extension 1 Wednesday 8th July 2015, 10am – 12pm Mathematics Thursday 9th July 2015, 10am – 12pm Each 2-hour lecture will cover: All HSC and some preliminary topics will be covered. Exam-specific strategies on how to approach these important examinations, including sample HSC practice questions and worked solutions. The cost of these lectures, including detailed handouts, is $35. However, for groups of 5 or more, the price is just $20 per student. Please see the Maths staff for details. COMPETITION NSW and ACT Maths via Digital Media Competitions is running a competition whereby, students in groups of four, develop digital media video clips to present mathematics or applications of mathematics. There is a chance to win from a prize pool of $3000 in the junior category (Years 7 -10). It sounds like a lot of fun, talk to any member of the Maths faculty for more details. 9 MATHS FACULTY Which mathematics course should students choose for their HSC? The Mathematical Association* is presenting a community information event for students and their parents to assist students making the very important choice of mathematics course for Years 11 and 12. Guest Speakers: Dr Mary Coupland Senior Lecturer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences UTS President, Australian Assoc. of Mathematics Teachers Dr Leanne Rylands Associate Professor, School of Mathematics UWS Stuart Palmer Mathematics Teacher and Professional Learning Provider, MANSW Project Officer When: 6:00 - 7:30 pm Where: The Duchess Room, Level 1 The Coronation Club 86 Burwood Road, BURWOOD Date: Wednesday 24 June. Cost: $2 / head payable at the door. There will be a question and answer session after the presentations TOURNAMENT OF THE MINDS 2015 There will be a meeting of in C9 regarding the teams for the 2015 TOM, on Tuesday the 9th of June. Looking forward to seeing you there! Dates: Regional Sunday, 23rd August 2015 State Final Sunday, 13th September (UNSW) Australasian Pacific Finals, 16-17 October (Sydney) CHESS CLUB WILL MEET EVERY WEDNESDAY LUNCH TIME FROM WEEK 9 IN C9. See Mr Manoukian for more details. Joelle Pearn HEAD TEACHER MATHS DEPARTMENT 10 MUSIC FACULTY May has been a busy month for ensembles with preparations for concerts and competitions. Our Showcase season kicked off with five full evenings of performances, featuring all of our larger ensembles. On Thursday 28th we featured Senior soloists and the inaugural performance for the new year 9 song writing showcase elective. This term the performances also included film taken by the year 9 Digital Video Production course. Well done to all students and thankyou to all of the parents, family and friends that consistently support these talented students in their performances. The Symphonic Wind Ensemble are preparing for the Sydney Conservatorium Band Invitational on Sunday 7th June, having already placed an impressive 3rd in the City of Sydney Music Eisteddfod’s Secondary School Premium Concert Band event. A reminder that SWE will be performing at the NSW School Band Festival for the Percy Grainger Secondary School Concert Band Premier Event on Saturday July 18th and Concert band will be performing at the Graham Lloyd Secondary School Concert Band Event at UNSW on Sunday 19th July. Congratulations to Sam Weller of year 12 who won the Artology, Sydney Opera House fanfare competition. The competition was open to Australians aged 12 to 21 years to write a short 30 second attention-grabbing piece of music. Selected by a judging panel, 8 young artists worked with Nicholas Vines renowned Australian composer, the Australian Youth Orchestra and a leading conductor to refine their compositions. The works are pre-recorded and then played as the ‘cue bell’ for audiences to take their seats at the Sydney Opera House Congratulations also to Rebecca Hilliard and Madeline Lane were recently selected to perform the National anthem for the SSA National Waterpolo Championships. Chris Miller HEAD TEACHER MUSIC 11 VISUAL ARTS FACULTY Year 12 Parents please note these dates in your diary: 24 August Body of Work to be submitted 25 and the 26 August HSC Art Exhibition, St Georges Hall. There is always stress and struggle leading up to this event but seeing our students glow with pride and achievement on the night makes it all worthwhile. Alvin Williams BOW (2014) currently on exhibition for Art Express as part of the touring show. NHSPA Portrait Prize ! Standby for the upcoming Year 7 have completed portrait drawings of friends, loved ones and family members. The most outstanding works will be on display in the library as part of the annual NHSPA Portrait Prize to be judged by the school community. There will be a People’s Choice Prize as well as overall winner. These will be announced at this term’s presentation assembly. In addition to bones and feathers, the art department requests donations of clean glass jars with lids, old t-shirts and towels. Thank you. 12 NEWS FROM THE LIBRARY The Library continues to develop week by week as new and modern furniture and fittings are being consistently installed – your library will look and feel very different over the next few months and your suggestions are welcomed and very valuable to us. By the beginning of Term 3 there’ll be a new classroom space at the back of the library which will help to mask noise levels and therefore promote stronger focus in lessons and allow space for quiet study during break times. Meanwhile, new collections are available – the most recent additions include a series of Senior study texts directly connected with the courses students are completing in Stage 6. These are excellent supports for regular revision and very helpful around exam times. The short story collection is being expanded, with a strong emphasis on texts that are academically rigorous, by authors who are contemporary and highly respected – the new items in this collection are drawn directly from tertiary writing course lists and make excellent related texts for English. We’ve also started a Set and Costume Design collection which directly supports Drama assessments in Years 9-11. Finally, we’re buying for our film collection – by mid Term 3 we should have a nice little assortment established, which will provide access to quality film from highly esteemed directors. The future? Over the next few months we’ll be looking towards our ‘e’ horizons. Your Teacher Librarian, Ms Sweers, is currently investigating e-book and online A.V. options as she appreciates that many students travel long distances and can use this time to advantage and the clear advantages of being able to access ‘weightless’ collections on a 24/7 basis. Also, a series of Year 10 Information Literacy workshops will be held to up-skill students with advanced research, database, referencing and academic paper preparation skills to support Stage 6 and tertiary studies. If you’re in Year 10, join the State Library of NSW now – you’ll need a library card for the Database sessions! Your opinions, needs and visions for the future can help the Library become what it needs to be for you – so if you have that burning idea or dream, feel free to call Ms Sweers at school or email her on: Dominique.sweers2@det.nsw.ed.au. Dominique Sweers TEACHER LIBRARIAN 13 YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE 2015 Congratulations to the students who have secured a work placement and handed in their documentation. We still, however have approximately 60 more forms that have not been finalised and need to be processed by the end of Week 8. If parents could assist in this process, it would be greatly appreciated. All information and documents can be viewed or downloaded from the new Careers Website: http://careersatnewtownhspa.weebly.com/ Here you can also read how Billy Brown’s Work Experience at Mini-beast Wildlife (2014) inspired him to pursue a career path in Macro Photography. As a result he was able to make informed choices about some of the subjects needed for the HSC that would assist him in reaching his goal (Photography and Design Fundamentals). Billy’s interest has turned into a passion, and now he is currently taking photographs of fascinating mini -beasts as shown below. 14 From MINIBEASTS to CHICKENS! The cover for UAC’s Year 10 Students University Entry Requirements 2018, features an image of the HSC Body of Work of another talented NHSPA student, Alvin Williams. Alvin graduated in 2014 and is now studying Fine Arts at the National Art School. Congratulations Alvin! MORE EXCITING NEWS This term has been both a busy and productive one for Careers. A number of new innovations have been put in place thanks to the resourcefulness and support of our new Teacher Librarian, Dominique Sweers. The launch of the new Careers Website Specific lessons are being developed for Year 10 on advanced research, database use, referencing and academic paper preparation PDHPE are to be congratulated for their class focus on resume building, which strongly supports NHSPA students’ careers aspirations. Additionally, the PDHPE faculty are actively promoting Year 10’s use of our new JobJump service (https://jobjump.com.au/) which provides clear and concise information on career paths and tertiary study options suitable for Year 10-12 students. JobJump is very exciting – as said above, Year 10 have been actively using this site in view of making suitable subject choices for Year 11 and 12. Year 11 and Year 12 will shortly be introduced to this very valuable source of information. Finally, Year 12 has been involved in several talks and excursions to help them make those very important decisions for tertiary study. Recently, they have attended talks hosted by UNSW, UTS, U. Syd. and the University of Melbourne. Our strong focus on careers was also supported by the Week 6 visit to the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park. Ula George CAREERS 15 YEAR 9 JOURNALISM MUSIC SHOWCASE - WEDNESDAY 27 MAY 2015 This semester, NHSPA showcased its talents through music, drama and dance. Hugo and I were selected for one of the many music nights, which we thoroughly enjoyed. The event was fuelled by excitement and pride and was expressed through the flash of a camera and the conspicuous muttering of the anxious audience. The performances were exquisite as they demonstrated the confidence and passion Newtown student’s represent. Performances were displayed containing a vast variety of genres of music ranging from exhilarating rock to heavenly choir. The spectacular event finished with the jazz orchestra who sung a heartwarming song, ‘Like Someone I love.’ This audience was possessed with a lingering joyful mood. As we strolled out of the studio theatre in a jazzy and bright mood on a cold inner city night, we examined the many genres explored by the performers. From Jazz to orchestral classics, the night was an exploration of what NHSPA is all about. We recommend that everyone come along to at least one showcase night to really find out and enjoy what this school has to offer. Liam Mordaunt-Buksh and Hugo Larsen Year 9 SHOWCASE Another successful NHSPA showcase was produced on Thursday the 28th May. The show kicked off with a bang as the “year 9, up in lights ensemble” performed their adaptation of the “Adams Family”. The year 9 ensemble developed their own script and story line while including typical Adams Family songs and characters. The plot followed the story of teenage Wednesday that had fallen in love with an ordinary boy. The parents were outraged with her secret choice to engage the simpleton but realized that they should accept their daughter for who she is. The audience loved the show, especially the cheesy storyline and the humor that fitted the show perfectly. Following the Adams Family was a fantastic mix of year 11 music performances by Amelia Court, Scott McDougall, Jake Sandercock-Brown and Lydia Sawires. At interval the audience was greeted in the foyer by the year 9 hospitality showcase elective. The group baked many savory and sweet snacks for the audience to enjoy. The year 9-song writing opened the second half with 4 original songs written and performed by the year 9 students. Following that were the year 12 soloists; Isabelle Hans-Rosenbalm, Alistair Hayes, Adam Kelly, Lewis Mosley, Matt Druery, Neil O’Grady, Olivia Regueria-Gracia, Tamasin Schmiga and Rowan Scott. Overall the night was fantastic and the students received a huge applause in appreciation of their hard work. Left to right Alea O’Shea, Brooke Holm, Maddison Middleton and Lily Vitek 16 YEAR 9 JOURNALISM Continued... Showcase 2015: Drama Night On the 21st of May, we had the exciting opportunity to watch three of the best performances of drama showcase. These performances featured the Year 8 Fletcher Company, the Year 10 and 11 Gillies company and the Year 9 Gregory Company, The audience had a fantastic night as all three companies entertained us by creating a sense of both humour and misery. Each company performed with a different style and mood which made each performance unique. It is safe to say that we both enjoyed the night. The Year 8 Fletcher Company performed a humorous and dramatic piece that amused the audience. This company presented an adaption of ‘The Frogs’ by Aristophanes. The play was set in Ancient Greece, 400 BC, where Dionysus (known as the god of wine) and his slave Xanthins travelled to the underworld to bring back Shakespeare from the dead so they could have material for a play. When they arrive, Hades, the lord of the dead, introduces himself and his home in the underworld. They find Shakespeare, only for him to die promptly after. Dionysus and his slave, along with the rest of the underworld grieve for Shakespeare’s death. Then they realise that they already have content for their play, and no longer need Shakespeare. Overall, we enjoyed watching Fletcher’s Year 8 company. Their performance was a fantastic introduction to the beginning of the drama showcase. Year 10 and 11 performed a more realistic piece which focused on the aspects of high school life. Harriet Gillies directed Plain Jane that revolved around the main ideas of friendship, kindness and generosity. This piece had a humorous plot line that clearly showed the different types of high school student within a typical high school; such as bullies, lads, nerds and Queen Bees. The play followed the journey of the main character Jane, an odd school girl and her pet lizard. But when her pet lizard is killed by one of the school bullies/lads, she tries to jump of Year 8 Block. One of the nerds that fell in love for her early on in the play comes to her rescuer and convinces her not to jump. This play highlighted the different journeys that each character faced in a humorous way, and therefore spoke to the audience on many different levels. Mission Improvable was an improvised performance which was performed by the Year 9 drama company. Directed by Michael Gregory, this performance involved students being called out at unpredicted times to improvise small scenes, monologues, tableaux and songs. This performance used ideas from the audience and therefore engaged us. Each time, a different group performed a different type of improvised game/scene. Gregory used improvisation games such as postcard, machine, emotional roller-coaster, park bench and genre replay to create a light mood to end the drama night with. Overall, we found the performance a huge success, We hope that next time we see another fantastic performance directed by Michael Gregory. To conclude our ideas on the drama night, we were thrilled to see three fantastic and engaging drama performances, It was a night full of entertainment and enjoyment. As we munched on goodies from the lobby, we watched as the talented companies of NHSPA performed creative and interesting pieces that the whole audience enjoyed. Eleni-Grace Black and Nina Maric 22/5/15 17 YEAR 9 JOURNALISM Continued... Showcase 2015: Drama Night On the 21st of May, we had the exciting opportunity to watch three of the best performances of drama showcase. These performances featured the Year 8 Fletcher Company, the Year 10 and 11 Gillies company and the Year 9 Gregory Company, The audience had a fantastic night as all three companies entertained us by creating a sense of both humour and misery. Each company performed with a different style and mood which made each performance unique. It is safe to say that we both enjoyed the night. The Year 8 Fletcher Company performed a humorous and dramatic piece that amused the audience. This company presented an adaption of ‘The Frogs’ by Aristophanes. The play was set in Ancient Greece, 400 BC, where Dionysus (known as the god of wine) and his slave Xanthins travelled to the underworld to bring back Shakespeare from the dead so they could have material for a play. When they arrive, Hades, the lord of the dead, introduces himself and his home in the underworld. They find Shakespeare, only for him to die promptly after. Dionysus and his slave, along with the rest of the underworld grieve for Shakespeare’s death. Then they realise that they already have content for their play, and no longer need Shakespeare. Overall, we enjoyed watching Fletcher’s Year 8 company. Their performance was a fantastic introduction to the beginning of the drama showcase. Year 10 and 11 performed a more realistic piece which focused on the aspects of high school life. Harriet Gillies directed Plain Jane that revolved around the main ideas of friendship, kindness and generosity. This piece had a humorous plot line that clearly showed the different types of high school student within a typical high school; such as bullies, lads, nerds and Queen Bees. The play followed the journey of the main character Jane, an odd school girl and her pet lizard. But when her pet lizard is killed by one of the school bullies/lads, she tries to jump of Year 8 Block. One of the nerds that fell in love for her early on in the play comes to her rescuer and convinces her not to jump. This play highlighted the different journeys that each character faced in a humorous way, and therefore spoke to the audience on many different levels. Mission Improvable was an improvised performance which was performed by the Year 9 drama company. Directed by Michael Gregory, this performance involved students being called out at unpredicted times to improvise small scenes, monologues, tableaux and songs. This performance used ideas from the audience and therefore engaged us. Each time, a different group performed a different type of improvised game/scene. Gregory used improvisation games such as postcard, machine, emotional roller-coaster, park bench and genre replay to create a light mood to end the drama night with. Overall, we found the performance a huge success, We hope that next time we see another fantastic performance directed by Michael Gregory. To conclude our ideas on the drama night, we were thrilled to see three fantastic and engaging drama performances, It was a night full of entertainment and enjoyment. As we munched on goodies from the lobby, we watched as the talented companies of NHSPA performed creative and interesting pieces that the whole audience enjoyed. Eleni-Grace Black and Nina Maric 22/5/15 18 PD/H/PE FACULTY Year 7-10 has now changed over to practical for the last 5 weeks of term. Each year group is focusing on a particular area of movement. Year 7 – Invasion Games (AFL, Gaelic Football) Year 8 – Target Games Year 9 – Invasion Games (Basketball, Netball, Oztag, Capture the Flag) Year 10 – Invasion Games (Basketball, Netball, Oztag, Capture the Flag) All students are required to have the correct NHSPA sports uniform and appropriate sports footwear (vans and converse are not appropriate sport shoes). Preliminary and HSC PDHPE Year 11 – Better Health for Individuals (Research assessment due Week 10) Year 12 – Health Care in Australia (Research task assessment due Week 9) SPORT Important Dates Sydney East Cross Country Thursday 11th of June Bligh Zone Athletics Carnival Friday 19th of June Congratulations to the following students who competed at Bligh Zone Cross Country on Monday 18th of May. Students who placed in the top 10 have made it through to Sydney East Cross Country (top 10). If 4 students placed in the top 10 a school team goes through to Sydney East on Thursday 11th of June. 12 years boys SCHOOL TEAM (6 in the top 10) 13 years girls SCHOOL TEAM (7 in the top 10) 15 years boys SCHOOL TEAM (2 in the top 10) 16 years girls SCHOOL TEAM (5 in the top 10) 16 years boys SCHOOL TEAM (5 in the top 10) 17 years boys SCHOOL TEAM (4 in the top 10) 17 years boys SCHOOL TEAM (5 in the top 10) Newtown is the Bligh Zone Cross Country Champions! 1st Junior Girls on 138 points (2nd Balmain 110 points) 2nd Senior Girls on 93 points (1st Strathfield 98 points) 1st Junior boys 149 points (2nd Leichhardt 146 points) 1st Senior boys 105 points (2nd Leichhardt 37 points) 19 PD/H/PE FACULTY Continued... Bligh Zone Cross Country Results 2015 Position 1st AGE: 12yrs BOYS RACE # 1 st 4th Hadley, Leo th 5th Yates, Oliver 19 6th Rodgers, Calum 25th 7th Tuohy, Jaxon 8th Harrington, Kyle RACE # th 9th Burgess, Edyn 4 10th Poppleton, Damon 6th 22nd AGE: 14 yrs Wolfe, Phoebe DNF Clancy, Lauren DNF Moir-Balboa, Tallulah Dunnallen, Ella GIRLS RACE # Ireland, Grace Southall, Phoenix AGE: 13yrs Valencic, Lucy AGE: 15yrs McKay, Archie 4 th Solomon Nivison-Smith 5 th Tai Nicholson-Milner 8 th Itay Shachar Forsyth, Cooper BOYS 16th Woodhouse, Albie DNF Bitti, Tom 19th Dadgostar, Leo DNF Luke Saric 20th Riggs, Isaac DNF Bray, Euan 26th Fowke, Riley 35th Salkil, Sonny DNF Guthrie, William Marie, Sebastian RACE # 1st Lang, Teilo 10 RACE # AGE: 13 yrs 1st Scheer, Rosa 3rd Korell, Charlotte 5th Christie, Hannah 8 th 9th 11th 12th GIRLS Campbell-Smith, Aliyah Forbes, Annabel Fuminashi, Sumire Sialeipata, Sabrina BOYS st 1 Mark, Lily GIRLS Thompson, Lilah Paterson, Fiona 3rd RACE # Safi, Seven 13th Buck, Sophia 27th Nangolo, Numbi Sagar, Ollie 4th 26th Craig, Angus 15 AGE: 12 yrs BOYS Danoy, Raphael Jorgensen, Dane RACE # 7th th AGE: 14yrs th 13th 22 nd AGE: 15 yrs GIRLS Moir, Olivia Curtis, Jarrah Diett, Macy Fish, Rebecca Pye, Marlee RACE # AGE: 16yrs nd Small, Alex rd Henney, Christian 7 th McGregor, Mungo 9 th Clark, Spencer 2 3 BOYS 20 PD/H/PE FACULTY Continued... Bligh Zone Cross Country Results 2015 Continued … RACE # AGE: 16 yrs GIRLS RACE # 1 st 2nd th 1st Newton, Hannah 4 2nd Calabrese, Kayla-pearl 5th 4th Russell, Imogen 5th Rodgers, Miranda 8 th 12 th 6 th AGE: 17yrs BOYS Delany, Luke Lynch, Matthew Djurovic, Vaso Thomson, Darren Wrenn, Max RACE # AGE: 17 yrs GIRLS Seage, Tahlia 5th Idle, Matilda Brunt, Emerald 7th 9th Jaunzemis, Stephanie Powell, Charlie 10th Van Der Merwe, Robyn Athletics Carnival Results Over 700 students attended the school Athletics Carnival this year. We had some fantastic results with a number of records broken (see below). Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to Bligh Zone Athletics on Friday 19th of June. Students will receive a permission note and information this week for Zone Athletics. The top two students in every event will go through with the exception of Javelin and 1500m. Javelin and 1500m events do not have an Under 12 and Under 13 division. The events start at Under 14, however it is the best two students from the Under 12, Under 13 and Under 14 divisions that will go through for these events. 21 PD/H/PE FACULTY Athletics Results Hannah Christie 800m 13 years Jaya Soewito-Martin 100m relay 13 years NAME EVENT AGE GROUP Calum Rodgers 100m relay 12 years Jaya Soewito-Martin Shot Put 13 years Calum Rodgers High Jump 12 years Keilan Grace 100m 13 years Calum Rodgers Discus 12 years Keilan Grace 200m 13 years High Jump 13 years Calum Rodgers Javelin 12 years Keilan Grace Edyn Burgess 100m 12 years Khadejah Unal Shot Put 13 years Edyn Burgess 200m 12 years Khadejah Unal Discus Throw 13 years Edyn Burgess 400m 12 years Khadejah Unal Javelin Throw 13 years 100m 13 years Edyn Burgess 800m 12 years Manea Day Edyn Burgess High Jump 12 years Manea Day 200m 13 years Edyn Burgess Long Jump 12 years Manea Day Long Jump 13 years Edyn Burgess Shot Put 12 years Rosa Scheer 400m 13 years 100m relay 13 years Edyn Burgess Javelin 12 years Simon Kalinauskas Kyle Harrington 100m relay 12 years Simon Kalinauskas 200m 13 years Leo Hadley 100m 12 years Simon Kalinauskas High Jump 13 years Leo Hadley 800m 12 years Simon Kalinauskas Discus 13 years Shot Put 13 years Oliver Yates 200m 12 years Taylor Stone Oliver Yates 400m 12 years Taylor Stone Discus Throw 13 years Oliver Yates Long Jump 12 years Teilo Lang 800m 13 years Tom Volkofsky Shot Put 12 years Teilo Lang Long Jump 13 years Javelin 13 years Tom Volkofsky Discus 12 years Teilo Lang Ainsley Meale 100m 12 years Tiana Meehan High Jump 13 years Ainsley Meale 200m 12 years William Guthrie 400m 13 years Ainsley Meale 400m 12 years William Guthrie Long Jump 13 years Shot Put 13 years Ainsley Meale 800m 12 years William Guthrie Ainsley Meale Long Jump 12 years William Guthrie Discus 13 years Arkie Moore Long Jump 12 years William Guthrie Javelin 13 years Chloe Neufeld Discus Throw 12 years Hannah Christie 100m relay 13 years rel 100m relay 13 years rel Georgia Stig 400m 12 years Sumire Fuminashi Georgia Stig High Jump 12 years Ben Morris 200m 14 years Nikita Saric Shot Put 12 years Hugo Poulet Long Jump 14 years Nikita Saric Discus Throw 12 years Jasmine Cairns 400m 14 years 800m 14 years Nikita Saric Javelin Throw 12 years Jasmine Cairns Ocea Ralph Shot Put 12 years Joe Browne 100m relay 14 years Ocea Ralph Javelin Throw 12 years Juanita Fakaua Long Jump 14 years Prada Stenberg 100m 12 years Juanita Fakaua Shot Put 14 years Discus Throw 14 years Prada Stenberg 200m 12 years Juanita Fakaua Sophia Buck 800m 12 years Julieana Friedrichs Shot Put 14 years Victoria Hau High Jump 12 years Kiera Daly Javelin Throw 14 years Georgia Stig 100m relay 12 years rel Max Campora 100m relay 14 years High Jump 14 years Victoria Hau 100m relay 12 years rel Nicholas Lafkas Albie Woodhouse 100m 13 years Numbi Nangolo 100m 14 years Albie Woodhouse 400m 13 years Phoebe Wolfe 200m 14 years Annique Omodiagbe 100m 13 years Phoebe Wolfe 400m 14 years 800m 14 years Annique Omodiagbe 200m 13 years Phoebe Wolfe Annique Omodiagbe Long Jump 13 years Raphael Danoy 400m 14 years Charlotte Jones High Jump 13 years Raphael Danoy 800m 14 years Charlotte Korell 800m 13 years Raphael Danoy Discus 14 years 13 years Saskia Shearer High Jump 14 years Tallulah Moir-Balboa 100m 14 years Charlotte Korell Javelin Throw Daniel Desaulnir 800m 13 years Hannah Christie 400m 13 years 22 PD/H/PE FACULTY Athletics Results continu. Tallulah Moir-Balboa 200m 14 years Tallulah Moir-Balboa 200m 14 years Tallulah Moir-Balboa High Jump 14 years Tallulah Moir-Balboa High Jump 14 years Tallulah Moir-Balboa Discus Throw 14 years Tallulah Moir-Balboa Discus Throw 14 years Tana Laga'aia Shot Put 14 years Tana Laga'aia Shot Put 14 years Tana Laga'aia Discus 14 years Tana Laga'aia Discus 14 years Tana Laga'aia Javelin 14 years Tana Laga'aia Javelin 14 years Tom Bitti 100m 14 years Tom Bitti 100m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 100m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 100m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 200m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 200m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 400m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 400m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 800m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan 800m 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan High Jump 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan High Jump 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan Long Jump 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan Long Jump 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan Shot Put 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan Shot Put 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan Javelin 14 years Tully Lily-Merigan Javelin 14 years Venus Turner 100m 14 years Venus Turner 100m 14 years Venus Turner Long Jump 14 years Venus Turner Long Jump 14 years Venus Turner Javelin Throw 14 years Venus Turner Javelin Throw 14 years Annabel Forbe 1500m 14 years Annabel Forbe 1500m 14 years Ella Dunnallen 1500m 14 years Ella Dunnallen 1500m 14 years Lily Vitek 100m relay 14 years rel Lily Vitek 100m relay 14 years rel Natasha Dumlao 100m relay 14 years rel Natasha Dumlao 100m relay 14 years rel Ali Bellgrove High Jump 15 years Ali Bellgrove High Jump 15 years Amelia Alcock Long Jump 15 years Amelia Alcock Long Jump 15 years Archie McKay 100m 15 years Archie McKay 100m 15 years Ashleigh Tan Javelin Throw 15 years Ashleigh Tan Javelin Throw 15 years Ava Kalinauskas 800m 15 years Ava Kalinauskas 800m 15 years Ava Kalinauskas 1500m 15 years Ava Kalinauskas 1500m 15 years Ben Wastie Pero Discus 15 years Ben Wastie Pero Discus 15 years Broughton Caley 1500m 15 years Broughton Caley 1500m 15 years Broughton Caley Javelin Throw 15 years Broughton Caley Javelin Throw 15 years Chryseth Eclevia Discus Throw 15 years Chryseth Eclevia Discus Throw 15 years Eleni Skourtis 400m 15 years Eleni Skourtis 400m 15 years Klara Djurovic Javelin Throw 15 years Klara Djurovic Javelin Throw 15 years Francesca Sweeny-Nash High Jump 15 years Francesca Sweeny-Nash High Jump 15 years Klara Djurovic Shot Put 15 years Klara Djurovic Shot Put 15 years Harry Boyd 400m 15 years Harry Boyd 400m 15 years Itay Shachar 400m 15 years Itay Shachar 400m 15 years Jemima Smith 100m 15 years Jemima Smith 100m 15 years Luke Saric Discus 15 years Luke Saric Discus 15 years Macy Diett 100m 15 years Macy Diett 100m 15 years Maddy Sanli 100m relay 15 years Maddy Sanli 100m relay 15 years Maddy Sanli 800m 15 years Maddy Sanli 800m 15 years Olivia Hans-Rosenbaum Shot Put 15 years Olivia Hans-Rosenbaum Shot Put 15 years Olivia Hans-Rosenbaum Discus Throw 15 years Olivia Hans-Rosenbaum Discus Throw 15 years Oscar Clarke 200m 15 years Oscar Clarke 200m 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith 800m 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith 800m 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith 1500m 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith 1500m 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith High Jump 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith High Jump 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith Long Jump 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith Long Jump 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith Shot Put 15 years Solomon Nivision-Smith Shot Put 15 years 23 PD/H/PE FACULTY Athletics Results continu.. Tai Nicholson-Milner 800m 15 years Tahlia Seage Javelin Throw 16 years Tai Nicholson-Milner Long Jump 15 years Abbey Wise 100m relay 17 years Tai Nicholson-Milner Shot Put 15 years Anica Siljeg Discus Throw 17 years Taku Rodgers Javelin Throw 15 years Arabella Cignetti 400m 17 years 100m 17 years Talia Munro 100m relay 15 years Ari Tuaine Talia Munro High Jump 15 years Bianca Rees Shot Put 17 years Talia Munro Long Jump 15 years Bryn Chapman Parish 100m 17 years Taylor Sparke 400m 15 years Bryn Chapman Parish 200m 17 years Long Jump 17 years Tom Bitti 200m 15 years Bryn Chapman Parish Jemima Smith 200m 15 years rel Bryn Chapman Parish Shot Put 17 years Macy Diett 200m 15 years rel Bryn Chapman Parish Discus Throw 17 years Angus Whitlam 100m 15 years rel Charlie Powell 800m 17 years 100m 17 years Tai Nicholson-Milner 100m 15 years rel Holly Taylor Alex Small 100m 16 years Holly Taylor High Jump 17 years Alex Small 200m 16 years Holly Taylor Long Jump 17 years Alex Small 400m 16 years Julian Oliver Discus Throw 17 years Javelin Throw 17 years Alex Small Long Jump 16 years Julian Oliver Alizee Wachtenheim 100m relay 16 years Katelyn West High Jump 17 years Alizee Wachtenheim 400m 16 years Katelyn West Shot Put 17 years Anna Carolina Clemett 200m 16 years Liberty Thirsk 400m 17 years 800m 17 years Christian Henney 100m 16 years Lizzy Reynolds Christian Henney 200m 16 years Lizzy Reynolds Discus Throw 17 years Christian Henney 400m 16 years Lizzy Reynolds Javelin Throw 17 years Christian Henney 800m 16 years Luke Delany 400m 17 years 800m 17 years Christian Henney High Jump 16 years Luke Delany Christian Henney Javelin Throw 16 years Matthew Lynch High Jump 17 years Georgia Cairns 100m 16 years Max Wrenn Shot Put 17 years Georgia Cairns 800m 16 years Michael Nettheim 100m relay 17 years 100m relay 17 years Grace Richardson High Jump 16 years Natalie Foti Harrie Hogan Discus Throw 16 years Natalie Foti 200m 17 years Imogen Russell 100m 16 years Ned Olive 800m 17 years Imogen Russell 200m 16 years Phaedra Brown 100m 17 years 200m 17 years Imogen Russell 400m 16 years Phaedra Brown Imogen Russell 800m 16 years Pia Bernasconi Javelin Throw 17 years Imogen Russell High Jump 16 years Rueben Morrison Greet 200m 17 years Imogen Russell Long Jump 16 years Sabrina Andalis Long Jump 17 years 400m 17 years Imogen Russell Shot Put 16 years Sam Bader Isabelle Govind-Aley Javelin Throw 16 years Timmy Cox Javelin Throw 17 years Joseph Christie Evans 100m relay 16 years Timothy Connell 100m relay 17 years KJ Shergill 100m relay 16 years Timothy Connell High Jump 17 years Timothy Connell Long Jump 17 years Lewis Mann Shot Put 16 years Marley Grace High Jump 16 years Max Reilly Shot Put 16 years Max Reilly Discus Throw 16 years Mungo McGregor 800m 16 years Neil Baker Long Jump 16 years Niall Cummins Javelin Throw 16 years Rose Shannon-Duhigg 100m relay 16 years Tahlia Seage Long Jump 16 years Tahlia Seage Shot Put 16 years Tahlia Seage Discus Throw 16 years 24 PD/H/PE FACULTY Athletics Results Newtown High School of Performing Arts Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER NHSPA Athletics Carnival 2015 NHSPA - Records 1 Boys 100 Metre Dash 12 Years 13.80 2011 Alex Small 2 Girls 100 Metre Dash 12 Years 13.53 15/05/2015 Prada Stenberg - Action 3 Boys 100 Metre Dash 13 Years 12.70 2012 Alex Small 4 Girls 100 Metre Dash 13 Years 13.49 15/05/2015 Annique Omodiagbe - Fantasy 5 Boys 100 Metre Dash 14 Years 11.99 2011 Oskar Wesley Smith 6 Girls 100 Metre Dash 14 Years 13.31 15/05/2015 Tallulah Moir-Balboa - Fantasy 7 Boys 100 Metre Dash 15 Years 11.81 2014 Alex Small 8 Girls 100 Metre Dash 15 Years 12.46 2010 Bree Masters 9 Boys 100 Metre Dash 16 Years 11.83 15/05/2015 Alex Small - Action 10 Girls 100 Metre Dash 16 Years 12.56 2011 Bree Masters 11 Boys 100 Metre Dash 17+ Years 11.15 2012 Leon Curtis 12 Girls 100 Metre Dash 17+ Years 13.25 2011 Holly Doyle 13 Boys 200 Metre Dash 12 Years 28.48 2011 Alex Small 14 Girls 200 Metre Dash 12 Years 29.59 2010 Gemma Buckland 15 Boys 200 Metre Dash 13 Years 26.14 2010 Oskar Wesley Smith 16 Girls 200 Metre Dash 13 Years 28.01 15/05/2015 Annique Omodiagbe - Fantasy 17 Boys 200 Metre Dash 14 Years 23.97 2011 Oskar Wesley Smith 18 Girls 200 Metre Dash 14 Years 29.53 15/05/2015 Tallulah Moir-Balboa - Fantasy 19 Boys 200 Metre Dash 15 Years 24.50 2010 Leon Curtis 20 Girls 200 Metre Dash 15 Years 26.05 2010 Bree Masters 21 Boys 200 Metre Dash 16 Years 23.99 2011 Leon Curtis 22 Girls 200 Metre Dash 16 Years 25.98 2011 Bree Masters 23 Boys 200 Metre Dash 17+ Years 23.34 2010 Marcus McCarthy 24 Girls 200 Metre Dash 17+ Years 27.76 2011 Carlie Ede 25 Boys 400 Metre Dash 14 Years 1:04.07 2012 Ari Tuaine 26 Girls 400 Metre Dash 14 Years 1:11.69 2014 Talia Munro 27 Boys 400 Metre Dash 15 Years 1:05.24 15/05/2015 Archie McKay - Action 28 Girls 400 Metre Dash 15 Years 1:10.08 2014 Imogen Russell 29 Boys 400 Metre Dash 16 Years 55.66 15/05/2015 Alex Small - Action 30 Girls 400 Metre Dash 16 Years 1:04.15 15/05/2015 Imogen Russell - Musical 31 Boys 400 Metre Dash 17+ Years 56.48 2012 Leon Curtis 32 Girls 400 Metre Dash 17+ Years 1:16.99 15/05/2015 Arabella Cignetti - Action 33 Boys 800 Metre Run 12 Years 2:47.55 2014 Fearghus Newton 34 Girls 800 Metre Run 12 Years 2:58.20 2014 Arielle Wachtendeim 35 Boys 800 Metre Run 13 Years 2:34.89 2014 Raphael Danoy 36 Girls 800 Metre Run 13 Years 2:52.49 15/05/2015 Charlotte Korell - Fantasy 37 Boys 800 Metre Run 14 Years 2:30.29 15/05/2015 Raphael Danoy - Fantasy 38 Girls 800 Metre Run 14 Years 2:55.53 2010 Claire Kwun 39 Boys 800 Metre Run 15 Years 2:15.04 2010 Leon Curtis 40 Girls 800 Metre Run 15 Years 2:47.47 2010 Bree Masters 41 Boys 800 Metre Run 16 Years 2:17.20 2014 Ari Tuaine 42 Girls 800 Metre Run 16 Years 2:38.29 15/05/2015 Imogen Russell - Musical 43 Boys 800 Metre Run 17+ Years 2:10.28 15/05/2015 Luke Delany - Horror 44 Girls 800 Metre Run 17+ Years 2:51.47 2010 Lauren Treuer 45 Boys 1500 Metre Run 14 & Under 5:44.53 15/05/2015 Raphael Danoy - Fantasy 46 Girls 1500 Metre Run 14 & Under 6:00.10 15/05/2015 Annabel Forbes - Fantasy 47 Boys 1500 Metre Run 15 Years 4:56.24 15/05/2015 Archie McKay - Action 48 Girls 1500 Metre Run 15 Years 5:59.10 15/05/2015 Ava Kalinauskas - Action 89 Boys 6x100 Metre Relay House Relay 17+ Yea1r:s12.47 15/05/2015 Action - Action 90 Girls 6x100 Metre Relay House Relay 17+ Yea1r:s19.64 15/05/2015 Fantasy - Fantasy 201 Boys High Jump 12 Years 1.25m 2011 Christian Henney 202 Girls High Jump 12 Years 1.25m 15/05/2015 Georgia Stig - Horror 203 Boys High Jump 13 Years 1.40m 2010 Michael Chapman 204 Girls High Jump 13 Years 1.50m 2014 Tallulah Moir-Balboa 205 Boys High Jump 14 Years 1.60m 2011 Oskar Wesley Smith 25 PD/H/PE FACULTY Athletics Results NHSPA Athletics Carnival 2015— NHSPA - Records—Continued ... 206 Girls High Jump 14 Years 1.40m 2010 Jennifer Kasalo 207 Boys High Jump 15 Years 1.70m 2012 Oskar Wesley Smith 208 Girls High Jump 15 Years 1.40m 2010 Tianani Dixon/Jennifer Kasalo (2011) 209 Boys High Jump 16 Years 1.72m 15/05/2015 Christian Henney - Horror 210 Girls High Jump 16 Years 1.40m 2010 Carlie Ede/Katelyn West (2014) 211 Boys High Jump 17+ Years 1.80m 2014 Oskar Wesley Smith 212 Girls High Jump 17+ Years 1.53m 2011 Holly Doyle 213 Boys Long Jump 12 Years 4.40m 2011 Alex Small 214 Girls Long Jump 12 Years 3.88m 15/05/2015 Arkie Moore - Action 215 Boys Long Jump 13 Years 4.83m 2012 Alex Small 216 Girls Long Jump 13 Years 4.94m 15/05/2015 Manea Day - Action 217 Boys Long Jump 14 Years 5.59m 2011 Oskar Wesley Smith 218 Girls Long Jump 14 Years 4.09m 2014 Talia Munro 219 Boys Long Jump 15 Years 5.14m 2010 Niall Carpenter-Kirk 220 Girls Long Jump 15 Years 4.35m 2010 Bree Masters 221 Boys Long Jump 16 Years 5.56m 15/05/2015 Alex Small - Action 222 Girls Long Jump 16 Years 4.52m 15/05/2015 Imogen Russell - Musical 223 Boys Long Jump 17+ Years 5.88m 2014 Rowan Scott 224 Girls Long Jump 17+ Years 4.33m 2011 Carlie Ede 225 Boys Shot Put 3kg 12 Years 7.98m 2011 Alex Small 226 Girls Shot Put 3kg 12 Years 6.49m 15/05/2015 Ocea Ralph - Horror 227 Boys Shot Put 3kg 13 Years 11.28m 2014 Tana Laga'aia 228 Girls Shot Put 3kg 13 Years 8.80m 2014 Nina Cannane 229 Boys Shot Put 3kg 14 Years 10.89m 15/05/2015 Tana Laga'aia - Action 230 Girls Shot Put 3kg 14 Years 8.48m 15/05/2015 Juanita Fakaua - Horror 231 Boys Shot Put 4kg 15 Years 11.50m 2012 Bryn Chapman Parish 232 Girls Shot Put 3kg 15 Years 8.85m 2010 Bree Masters 233 Boys Shot Put 5kg 16 Years 12.05m 2014 Ari Tuaine 234 Girls Shot Put 3kg 16 Years 7.62m 2014 Arabella Cignetti 235 Boys Shot Put 5kg 17+ Years 12.24m 2012 Adrian Murray 236 Girls Shot Put 3kg 17+ Years 8.26m 2010 Alice Tims 237 Boys Discus Throw 750gms 12 Years 19.20m 2011 Alex Small 238 Girls Discus Throw 750gms 12 Years 14.24m 15/05/2015 Nikita Saric - Musical 239 Boys Discus Throw 1kg 13 Years 27.20m 2011 Ari Tuaine 240 Girls Discus Throw 1kg 13 Years 17.34m 2014 Juanita Fakaua 241 Boys Discus Throw 1kg 14 Years 25.88m 15/05/2015 Tana Laga'aia - Action 242 Girls Discus Throw 1kg 14 Years 16.57m 15/05/2015 Juanita Fakaua - Horror 243 Boys Discus Throw 1kg 15 Years 28.20m 2012 Bryn Chapman Parish 244 Girls Discus Throw 1kg 15 Years 17.72m 2010 Bree Masters 245 Boys Discus Throw 1.5kg 16 Years 26.01m 2014 Marlon Collins 246 Girls Discus Throw 1kg 16 Years 15.82m 2014 Brianna Parsonage 247 Boys Discus Throw 1.5kg 17+ Years 30.28m 2012 Leon Curtis 248 Girls Discus Throw 1kg 17+ Years 20.20m 15/05/2015 Anica Siljeg - Musical 249 Boys Javelin Throw 600gms 13 Years 30.05m 2014 Tana Laga'aia 250 Girls Javelin Throw 400gms 13 Years 18.81m 2010 Elizabeth Reynolds 251 Boys Javelin Throw 600gms 14 Years 34.56m 2011 Oskar Wesley-Smith 252 Girls Javelin Throw 400gms 14 Years 22.38m 15/05/2015 Venus Turner - Horror 253 Boys Javelin Throw 700gms 15 Years 31.47m 2012 Jonathon Sandstrom 254 Girls Javelin Throw 600gms 15 Years 18.19m 15/05/2015 Ashleigh Tan - Fantasy 255 Boys Javelin Throw 700gms 16 Years 40.32m 2014 Zac Santa Maria 256 Girls Javelin Throw 500gms 16 Years 20.69m 15/05/2015 Isabelle Govind-Aley - Action 257 Boys Javelin Throw 700gms 17+ Years 39.73m 15/05/2015 Timmy Cox - Action 258 Girls Javelin Throw 500gms 17+ Years 26.81m 15/05/2015 Pia Bernasconi - Action 281 Boys Javelin Throw 600gms 12 Years 21.72m 2011 Kaan Gul 282 Girls Javelin Throw 400gms 12 Years 14.32m 15/05/2015 Nikita Saric - Musical 283 Boys 400 Metre Dash 12 Years 1:05.83 2011 Alex Small 284 Girls 400 Metre Dash 12 Years 1:17.96 2014 Arielle Wachtemhein 285 Boys 400 Metre Dash 13 Years 1:05.93 2012 Alex Small 286 Girls 400 Metre Dash 13 Years 1:11.23 2014 Tallulah Moir-Balboa 26 PD/H/PE FACULTY Athletics Results Age Champions/House Points 1 Horror HORR 2 Fantasy FANT 3 Action ACTI 4 Musical MUSI 1,340 . 68 1,271 . 44 1,207 . 25 1,063 . 63 12 Year old Girls 1 Ainsley Meale 12 HORR 60 .67 2 Georgia Stig 12 HORR 48 12 Year Olds Male 1 Edyn Burgess 12 FANT 93 2 Calum Rodgers 12 ACTI 58 13 Year Olds Female - Individual Scores 1 Manea Day 13 ACTI 39 .67 2 Khadejah Unal 13 MUSI 38 .67 13 Year Olds Male - Individual Scores 1 William Guthrie 13 FANT 47 .50 2 Simon Kalinauskas 13 MUSI 42 14 Year Olds Female - Individual Scores 1 Tallulah Moir-Balboa 14 FANT 46 2 Juanita Fakaua 14 HORR 44 .50 14 Year Olds Male - Individual Scores 1 Tully Lily-Merigan 14 FANT 84 2 Raphael Danoy 14 FANT 62 15 Year Olds Female - Individual Scores 1 Talia Munro 15 HORR 34 .50 2 Macy Diett 15 FANT 28 2 Olivia Hans-Rosenbaum 15 MUSI 28 15 Year Olds Male - Individual Scores 1 Solomon Nivison-Smith 15 HORR 58 2 Archie McKay 15 ACTI 50 16 Year Olds Female - Individual Scores 1 Imogen Russell 16 MUSI 83 2 Tahlia Seage 16 HORR 39 16 Year Olds Male - Individual Scores 1 Christian Henney 16 HORR 63 2 Alex Small 16 ACTI 48 17-19 Female - Individual Scores 1 Lizzy Reynolds 18 HORR 32 2 Phaedra Brown 18 MUSI 30 17-19 Male - Individual Scores 1 Bryn Chapman Parish 18 HORR 61 2 Luke Delany 17 HORR 40 27 2015 information for parents and carers WHAT IS THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION? The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (the national data collection) is an annual collection that counts the number of school students with disability and the level of reasonable educational adjustment they are provided with. The national data collection will count students who have been identified as receiving an adjustment to address a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA). The DDA can be accessed from the ComLaw website at www.comlaw.gov.au. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT FOR MY CHILD? The aim of the national data collection is to collect better information about school students with disability in Australia. This information will help teachers, principals, education authorities and families to better support students with disability to take part in school on the same basis as students without disability. The national data collection is an opportunity for schools to review their learning and support systems and processes to continually improve education outcomes for their students with disability. WHY IS THIS DATA BEING COLLECTED? All schools across Australia collect information about students with disability. But the type of information currently collected varies between each state and territory and across government, Catholic and independent school sectors. When implementing the national data collection, every school in Australia will use the same method to collect information. Therefore, a government school in suburban Sydney will collect and report data in the same way as a Catholic school in country Victoria and an independent school in the Northern Territory. The information provided through the national data collection will enable all Australian governments to better target support and resources to benefit students with disability. The data will help schools to better support students with disability so that they have the same opportunities for a high quality education as students without disability. WHAT ARE SCHOOLS REQUIRED TO DO FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY? All students are entitled to a quality learning experience at school. Schools are required to make reasonable adjustments, where needed, to assist students with disability to access and participate in education free from discrimination and on the same basis as other students. These responsibilities are outlined in the DDA and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards). The Standards require educators, students, parents and others (e.g. allied health professionals) to work together so that students with disability can participate in education. The Standards can be accessed via the ComLaw website at www.comlaw.gov.au. WHAT IS A REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT? A reasonable adjustment is a measure or action taken to help a student with disability access and participate in education on the same basis as students without disability. Reasonable adjustments can be made across the whole school setting (e.g. ramps into school buildings), in the classroom (such as adapting class lessons) and at an individual student level (e.g. extra tuition for a student with learning difficulties). WHAT INFORMATION WILL BE COLLECTED? Every year your child’s school will collect the following information for each student with a disability: the student’s level of education (i.e. primary or secondary) the student’s level of adjustment the student’s broad type of disability. The information collected by schools will be provided to all governments to inform policy and National Parents/Carers Fact Sheet Version No. 3 as at April 2015 programme disability. improvement for students with WHO WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION? The definition of disability for the national data collection is based on the broad definition under the DDA. details such as student names or other identifying information will not be provided to local or federal education authorities. Further information about privacy is available from www.education.gov.au/notices. IS THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION COMPULSORY? For the purposes of the national data collection, students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia or auditory processing disorder as well as chronic health conditions like epilepsy, diabetes or asthma, that require active monitoring by the school, may be included. All education ministers agreed to full implementation of the national data collection from 2015. This means that all schools must now collect and report information annually on the number of students with disability in their care and the level of adjustment provided to them. WHO WILL COLLECT INFORMATION FOR THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION? Information about the arrangements that may apply to your school in relation to this data collection is available from your child’s school principal and the relevant education authority or association of impendent schools. Teachers and school staff will identify the number of students with disability in their school and the level of reasonable adjustment they are provided based on: consultation with parents and carers in the course of determining and providing reasonable adjustments the school team’s observations and professional judgements any medical or other professional diagnosis other relevant information. School principals are responsible for ensuring the information identified about each student is accurate. HOW WILL MY CHILD’S PRIVACY BE PROTECTED? Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all students and their families is essential. Personal Even if your child’s information is not included in the national data collection, the school is still required to provide support to your child with education needs. FURTHER INFORMATION Contact your child’s school if you have further questions about the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability and how it may involve your child. You can also visit www.education.gov.au/nationallyconsistent-collection-data-school-students-disability. An e-learning resource about the Disability Standards for Education 2005 is freely available for the use of individuals, families and communities at http://resource.dse.theeducationinstitute.edu.au/. National Parents/Carers Fact Sheet Version No. 3 as at April 2015