15 artmart app - Dallas - Bath House Cultural Center


15 artmart app - Dallas - Bath House Cultural Center
Art Mart Dates: November 20-22, 2015
Please keep a copy of these rules for your reference and submit only the Art Mart Application along with your
booth fee and photographs.
Applications deadline:
Since 2003, the Art Mart has showcased the
art of local and regional artists working in a variety of
styles, including painting, sculpture, photography,
ceramics, pottery, mixed media art, jewelry, mosaics,
glass and other media. The Art Mart booth fees and
the proceeds of the silent auction benefit the Friends
of the Bath House Cultural Center, a non-profit
organization that supports year-round visual and
performing arts programs at the center.
The Bath House Cultural Center is a facility
of the City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs that is
dedicated to fostering the growth, development and
quality of multi-cultural arts. The center emphasizes
innovative visual and performing arts as well as other
multi-disciplinary events throughout the year.
Artists who would like to be considered for the
Art Mart must fill out an Artist Application Form and
submit it to the Bath House Cultural Center by the
application deadline. Applications must be received
by the deadline in order to be considered. Booth fees
and photographs of artwork are to be included with the
application. Please read all the information contained
in these guidelines carefully before submitting your
application. Signing and submitting applications
implies agreement to terms and conditions stated in
these guidelines. Please contact the Bath House
Cultural Center if you have questions.
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 (5 PM)
All the applications are reviewed by a
Selection Committee, which selects 40-45 artists to be
included in the Art Mart. The committee members
base their selection on a number of factors, which
include, among other criteria, the quality, uniqueness,
and the price of the artwork to be sold. The committee
attempts to maintain a well-balanced representation of
artists and media in order to provide a diverse
marketplace for art patrons.
The committee's selection is final and undisputable.
Applicants are solely responsible for
reviewing the results of the selection process by
visiting the Bath House Cultural Center’s online Media
Room at www.bathhousemedia.com
after 7 PM on Saturday, October 17, 2015.
Booth spaces are available in five different
areas inside the building:
Hallway Gallery
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
Main Gallery
Classroom Gallery
All the spaces are located indoors and are of various
sizes. Occasionally, booth spaces are also available
in the front and back porch of the building.
NOTE: Artists are not allowed to hang art
on the walls of the lobby and theater.
Artists choosing these spaces must display
their works on movable panels, tables, or
Art Mart will not include spaces in the Art
Mart Underground area (located in the
lower level of the building).
Please refer to the application and booth
maps to see the available size, location, configuration,
and price of each booth space.
The applicants will have a chance to specify
the location of two booth locations of their preference
on their application. The committee will consider the
locations indicated by the artists and will attempt to
give each vendor the space of his/her choice.
However, very often the locations desired by the
artists are not available because of a number of
circumstances (heavy demand of some spaces, heavy
concentration of artists offering similar products in the
same room, and other logistical considerations). In
such cases, the committee will offer an alternative
location to artists. If an artist does not accept the
location assigned to him/her, that person will have the
option of opting out of the Art Mart, thus giving another
vendor a chance to participate in the event.
Booth fees are to be included with the
application. Checks must be written in the amount of
t h e highest priced booth of the artist’s top two
choices. If a lower priced booth is assigned to the
artist, the Friends of the Bath House Cultural Center
will reimburse the fee difference to the applicant on the
weekend of the Art Mart. The checks of applicants
who are not selected for the Art Mart will be destroyed
with a paper shredder.
Artists will only be allowed to setup their booth
if their fee has been received by the Art Mart
committee. In the event of a returned check, the
applicant will not be allowed to participate in the event
and his/her space will be assigned to another artist.
Artists must provide their own equipment for
the display of their artwork (panels, chairs, electrical
chords, extra lighting, tablecloths, etc.). Tables (6’ x
32”) can be rented for the weekend for $10. Adequate
lighting will be provided in all booth spaces, but artists
can also bring additional lighting devices of their own.
Subleasing or sharing of booth space is not
allowed. Multiple artists who represent one single art
organization, however, are eligible to share a booth.
All vendors are required to donate one item
(minimum value of $50) to the Friends of the Bath
House Cultural Center for use in a Silent Auction that
will take place during the Art Mart. Proceeds from the
silent auction will go to the Friends of the Bath House
Cultural Center, an organization that supports visual
and performing art events at the Bath House Cultural
Center. The Bath House must receive silent auction
items by Wednesday, November 18, 2015 (5 PM).
Please know that it is important that we get
your donations on time so we can set up the auction
on the Thursday before the Art Mart. Thank you for
your cooperation. The silent auction donation is in
addition to the booth fee requirement. Vendors will not
be allowed to participate in the Art Mart if they do not
provide an auction item by the designated date.
You may hand-deliver your auction donation to the
Bath House during the center’s regular hours,
Tuesday-Saturday, 12-6 PM.
NOTE: Artists who live outside of the DFW
area should contact the Bath House to make
special arrangements to deliver/ship their
Artists are responsible for conducting their
own transactions and for taking care of their own sales
taxes. The Bath House Cultural Center offers a limited
bandwidth Wi-Fi connection that enables artists to
conduct online transactions.
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
Friday, November 20
All the artists will be able to load in and set up
their booths between 1 and 5 PM.
The Bath House will be closed to the public
and to the artists before 1 PM.
The BHCC hosts a preview reception for
BHCC VIPs, members of the Friends of the
Bath House, and for the public in general on
Friday from 7 to 9 PM.
Saturday, November 21
Doors will open to Vendors at 11 AM. Doors
will open to the public at 12 PM. Saturday's
sale will end promptly at 6:00 PM.
Sunday, November 22
Doors will open to Vendors at 11 AM. Doors
will open to the public at 12 PM. The silent
auction will close at 5 PM. The sale will end
promptly at 6:00 PM.
The Bath House Cultural Center does not
provide a security officer for the building during the Art
Mart and overnight. At night, the building doors will be
locked up and secured with an emergency alarm. The
vendor acknowledges by entering the Bath House
Cultural Center's Art Mart that the Bath House Cultural
Center, the City of Dallas, its agents, volunteers or
employees, are not liable for any damage or loss of
any merchandise or display material.
Artists who choose to leave their merchandise
overnight at the Bath House Cultural Center or in the
vicinity of the center will do so at their own risk.
By signing the application, the vendor
releases and holds harmless the Bath House Cultural
Center, the City of Dallas, its agents, volunteers or
employees from any claim related to or in connection
with any damage, theft, loss of merchandise or display
material, whether such claim arises from the alleged
negligent act or omission of Bath House Cultural
Center, the City of Dallas, its agents, volunteers or
Without exception, all spaces must be
completely cleared by 7 PM on Sunday. If
you anticipate that it will take a long time to
take down your booth, please begin your
load-out process a bit earlier.
Artists using the building walls for hanging art
are responsible for removing any hardware
(nails, screws, hooks, staples, tape, wire, etc.)
from the walls and for filling up/spackling any
holes on the walls at the end of the event.
Please keep a copy of these guidelines
for your reference and submit only the
Art Mart Application (PAGES 4-6) along
with your booth fee and photographs.
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
2015 Art Mart Vendor Application Form
Dates: Friday, NOVEMBER 20, 2015 (7- 9 PM) Preview Reception
Saturday, NOVEMBER 21, 2015 (12-6 PM) • Sunday, NOVEMBER 22, 2015 (12-6 PM)
Applications must be received on or before Saturday, October 10, 2015 (5 PM)
Late applications will not be considered.
A selection committee reviews applications and selects the vendors for this art sale.
The committee's selection is final and undisputable.
Please refer to the Art Mart Guidelines for more information.
Copies of the guidelines and this application can also be found online at
Artist/Vendor Name:
Booth spaces are available in the main gallery,
hallway, classroom, lobby, and theater. Spaces are
of various sizes
Company name (if applicable):
Do you need wall space to hang items?
(Lobby and theater vendors will not be able to hang
artwork directly on the building walls).
City / State / Zip:
Do you need electricity?
Phone #:
e-mail address:
Do you need to rent a table (6’ x 32”)?
Rented tables are $10.
Medium, description of work:
Do you have any other special needs?
Please provide photographs of your
artwork/merchandise and a brief description of your
booth layout (even if you have participated in
previous sales at the Bath House Cultural Center).
Approximate Price Range of
Items to be sold:
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
Booth Fee: $125.00
To propose the location of your booth, please refer
to the maps found at the end of this document to
identify the spaces of your choice. Mark two of the
boxes below, making sure that you only choose one
box from each category.
Main Gallery - 8’ x 5’ – (4 available)
NOTE: Two of these 8’x5’ booths are
located in the middle of the gallery.
These booths must not exceed 6’ in
height. Please refer to the booth maps
for details.
Although careful consideration will be given to your
choices, the final assignment of booths remains the
decision of the selection committee.
Check here if you would like a booth
in the middle of the main gallery.
Booth Fee: $160.00
Main Gallery – 10’ x 5’ (2 available)
Main Gallery – 9’ x 4’ – (1 available)
Main Gallery – 9’ x 6’ (3 available)
Hallway– 9’ x 4’ – (4 available)
Main Gallery – 11’ x 4’ (1 available)
Hallway (museum) – 8’ x 4’ – (1 available)
Lobby corners – 8’ x 8’ (2 available)
Lobby – 6’ x 6’ – (2 available)
Booth Fee: $145.00
Booth Fee: $95.00
Theatre Entrance Wall (1 available)
Classroom – 8’ x 5’ – (5 available)
Lobby – 10’ x 5’ (2 available)
Classroom – 9’ x 4’ – (1 available)
Lobby – 8’ x 6’ (1 available)
Theatre – 8’ x 6’ – (10 available)
Theatre – 12’ x 8’ – (3 available)
NOTE: These three 12’x8’ booths are
located on a two-step riser.
Please refer to the booth maps for
Please make your check in the amount of the
highest priced of your two choices payable to the
will receive a refund if the selection committee ends
up assigning you a lower-priced booth.
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
This sale benefits the programs at the Bath House
Cultural Center. Booth fees are due with the
application and photographs of artwork.
Artists will not be allowed to setup their booths until
their fees have been received by the Bath House
Cultural Center.
If your application were not to be selected, what
would you like the Bath House Cultural Center to do
with your booth fee check?
___ Please mail my check back ___ Please shred my check
All vendors are required to donate one item
(suggested minimum value of $50) to the Bath
House Cultural Center for use in a Silent Auction
that takes place during the Art Mart. Proceeds from
the silent auction benefit the Friends of the Bath
Silent auction items must be received by
Wednesday, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 (5 PM).
Please label your donation with your name, a
description of the donated item, and the value
of the donation. Because your donation is being
given to a non-profit organization, your gift may be
tax deductible.
Artists are responsible for conducting their own
transactions and for taking care of their own sales
Friday, November 20: Booths will be setup between 1
and 5 PM. Preview reception is on Friday from 7 to 9
Sunday, November 22: Doors will open to Vendors at
11 AM. Doors will open to the public at 12 PM. The
silent auction will close at 5 PM. The sale will end
promptly at 6:00 PM.
Without exception, all spaces must be completely
cleared by 7 PM on Sunday.
Unless the Bath House Cultural Center is notified in
writing to the contrary, it is understood that the artwork
exhibited may be photographed and reproduced for
publications and/or for publicity purposes connected
with this and future art events at the Bath House
Cultural Center, and that images of it may be made
and distributed for educational and promotional use.
The vendor acknowledges by entering the Bath
House Cultural Center's Art Mart that the Bath
House Cultural Center, the City of Dallas, its
agents, volunteers or employees, are not liable for
any damage or loss of any merchandise or display
material. The vendor hereby releases and holds
harmless the Bath House Cultural Center, the City
of Dallas, its agents, volunteers or employees from
any claim related to or in connection with any
damage, theft, loss of merchandise or display
material, whether such claim arises from the
alleged negligent act or omission of Bath House
Cultural Center, the City of Dallas, its agents,
volunteers or employees.
Signing and submitting applications implies agreement
to terms and conditions stated in the Art Mart
Vendor Signature: _____________________________
Date: ____________________________
Please mail or hand-deliver Application Form, booth
fee, and photographs to:
Bath House Cultural Center – 2015 Art Mart
521 E. Lawther Dr., Dallas, TX 75218
Saturday, November 21: Doors will open to Vendors
at 11 AM. Doors will open to the public at 12 PM.
Saturday's sale will end promptly at 6:00 PM.
In-person deliveries:
The Bath House is open to the public TuesdaySaturday, from 12 to 6 PM.
Applications will not be accepted via e-mail.
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
Artists must review the results of the selection
process after 7 PM on Saturday, October 17,
2015 at the Bath House Cultural Center’s online
News Room at
If you have any questions, please contact
Enrique Fernández Cervantes at 214-670-8723 or
Thank you for your interest and your support to
the Bath House Cultural Center!
The notification will include the list of selected
artists, booth locations, and instructions for artists.
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
Available Vendor Booths
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com
521 E. Lawther Drive • Dallas, Texas 75211 • (214) 670-8749 • www.bathhousecultural.com