Proud supporters of Cleveland Public Theatre and
Proud supporters of Cleveland Public Theatre and
NC 35 E YEARS OF NG EXC LDI I EL U LE B SUPPORTING CPT SINCE 2003! W W W. M A R O U S B R O T H E R S . C O M HONORING THE PAST. TRANSFORMING THE FUTURE. COMMITTED TO OUR CLIENTS, EMPLOYEES AND COMMUNITY FOR OVER 35 YEARS. A community is more than a collection of homes and businesses. It’s also the institutions that improve our lives through art, music, dance, and theater. KeyBank supports a wide range of arts organizations, because we know that a vibrant cultural scene is vital to bringing the people of our communities closer through their shared appreciation of the diverse talents they provide. That’s why KeyBank is a proud sponsor of Cleveland Public Theatre’s 2015 PAN Awards and PANDEMONIUM!. KeyBank helps people and businesses thrive. Learn more. Contact KeyBank at is federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. ©2015 KeyCorp. KeyBank is a Member FDIC. 49122 Executive Artistic Director Raymond Bobgan presents The mission of Cleveland Public Theatre is to raise consciousness and nurture compassion through groundbreaking performances and life-changing education programs. Program Highlights Executive Artistic Director and Board President Notes..............6 Host Committee......................................................................7 Honorary Chair Hon. Frank G. Jackson A Message from Mayor Frank Jackson.....................................9 Co-Chairs Pan Award Recipients..................................................... 12-13 Bill & Patty Beard, Gary & Katy Brahler, David & Karen Doll, Chuck & Char Fowler, Howard Freedman & Rita Montlack, Beth Mooney, Barbara Robinson, Michael & Kellie Rotunno, Hon. Matthew & Michelle Zone Designers.......................................................................16 -17 Detailed Performance Information..................................23-35 Volunteer Committee ...........................................................37 2015 PAN Award Recipients Robert & Yan Maschke Participating Restaurants/Chefs.......................................... 38 Beer and Wine Tasting Notes........................................... 40-41 Special Thanks and Donations............................................. 49 As a courtesy to the artists and fellow Pandemonium patrons, rn of f cell phones, p SE tu or th A E e duratio agers and other noisemakers f PL n o f t he evening. And we kindly ask that yo u D O N beverages o oholic utside of OT take alc . the CPT campus Volunteer Committee Chair Shellie Sedlak Associate Producer Beth Wood Director of Development Caitie Hannon Technical Directors Ryan Patterson & John Rawlings Volunteer Coordinator Brenda Nakonecznyj Pan Award Artist Shawn Godwin Table and Floral Design Brandon Sitler & Michael Nolan Lighting Design Benjamin Gantose with Chris Meyers & Tom West Gordon Square & Outdoor Sound Stage Sound Vertical Sound Pro Artistic Coordinators Caitlin Lewins & Lauren Calevich Technical Crew: Chris Young, Val Kozlenko, Chris Meyers, Cayla Destefano Production Assistants: Natalie Rosmarin & Christina Dennis Area Managers: Lauren Calevich, Caitlin Lewins, Dan Kilbane Event Assistants: Brittany Gaul, Natalie Rosmarin, Michael Seevers, Anne Bakan, Mindy Roth, Victoria Avi, Tori Rossman Printing generously donated by Consolidated Solutions 4 Callers: Benjamin Gregg, Caroline Atkinson, Lynna Metrisin, Jim Metrisin, Nicole Lublin, Daniel Temelkoff, Courtney Auman, Marjorie Preston, Laprise Johnson, Maya Jones, Valerie Kilmer, Ashley Aquilla, Jimmy Green 5 From the Executive Artistic Director It is my pleasure to welcome you to PANDEMONIUM ! This marks the 13th year that Cleveland Public Theatre has produced this spectacular event. PANDEMONIUM has become such a success and one of the best celebrations in Cleveland due to the hundreds of volunteers and artists who donate their time and artistic talents to CPT as well as the wonderful people who attend PANDEMONIUM. This celebration is for you. This year, we feel a very close connection to the theme Transform and what it means for Cleveland Public Theatre in the Gordon Square Arts District. It represents the artist within each of us—an inner power to translate, transmute and transcend. It represents our groundbreaking education programs that Transform the community; and it stands for the metamorphosis that CPT catalyzes across the West Side of Cleveland and beyond. Like a chrysalis, we nurture local artists, as well as attract national and international artists to Cleveland. We encourage everyone to join us as we push ourselves to the limits—and then redefine them. We are excited to honor two inspiring individuals with the 2015 PAN Award. Robert and Yan Maschke are people who, like Cleveland Public Theatre, are able to reshape and renew our community. They make an impact on a person-to-person level and on a civic level. We recognize Robert and Yan Maschke as leaders of this community and as investors in our neighborhood that will help propel us forward for generations to come. CPT is grateful to the 2015 Host Committee who have worked to ensure that tonight will be a great success and to our sponsors who make our work possible year round. We are also indebted to Shellie Sedlak, Brenda Nakonecznyj and the amazing members of the volunteer corps who have led the way to create a wonderful array of food, drink and festivity. I am personally so grateful to CPT Board President Marcia Levine for her leadership, to the dedicated staff of CPT whose graciousness, joy and sheer force of will inspire me, and of course, to my friend and mentor James Levin, the founder of Cleveland Public Theatre. Thank you for making PANDEMONIUM part of what Transforms your own world. From the President of the Board Raymond Bobgan Honorary Chair: Hon. Frank G. Jackson Co-Chairs: Bill & Patty Beard, Gary & Katy Brahler, David & Karen Doll, Chuck & Char Fowler, Howard Freedman & Rita Montlack, Beth Mooney, Barbara Robinson, Michael & Kellie Rotunno Hon. Matthew & Michelle Zone Committee Members: Bill & Mary Beckenbach Jules & Fran Belkin Keith Berr & Linda Barberic Carrie Carpenter Karl Krauss & Olga Andriyevska Wally Lanci Janet Mann Bill & Judie Caster Bruce & Ellen Mavec Hon. Joe Cimperman & Nora Romanoff (2011 Honorees) Chuck & Pat Mintz Valarie McCall On behalf of the Cleveland Public Theatre Board of Directors, welcome to this year’s PANDEMONIUM —Transform. Grant & Laura Cleveland Jakki & Fred Nance (2012 Honorees) CPT takes pride in promoting the work of local artists and tonight is a dynamic example. During PANDEMONIUM you will enjoy the stunning variety of artistic ability that is part of the richness of Cleveland, all from artists who are donating their time to CPT because they believe in our mission. Trina M. Evans Philip Oliss Arne Goldman Jeffery Patterson David Goodman & Barbara Hawley Gregory & Françoise Sadlek Brian E. Hall (2009 Honoree) Charna Sherman Indulge yourself in food from the finest restaurants in Cleveland paired with our handpicked wine and beer selections. Transport yourself across the dance floor, turn over a new leaf when you least expect it or deconstruct and reconstruct yourself again and again; the night is yours. We are honored to recognize Robert and Yan Maschke with the 2015 PAN award. Their dedication to our city inspires all of us to Transform in our own way. Special thanks to the hundreds of volunteers, restaurants, local organizations, artists, sponsors and CPT staff who make this revolutionary evening possible. Thank you for your support. Enjoy the evening and welcome to the beginning of another transfiguring season at Cleveland Public Theatre. Marcia Levine 6 Pandemonium 2015 Host Committee Stewart & Donna Kohl Kenneth J. Knabe Thomas & Anita Scanlon Joseph G. Tegreene Karen White John Michael Zayac & Dr. Marie A. Simon 7 Celebrating 160 years. Welcome to Pandemonium! This annual benefit for Cleveland Public Theatre brings together an array of Cleveland-area residents and companies in support of the innovative performance work and excellent outreach programs for which CPT is known. Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. Copyright © 2015, Dollar Bank, Federal Savings Bank. We are proud to support PANDEMONIUM 2015. PAF459_15 I salute Cleveland Public Theatre for its long term commitment to Cleveland’s Detroit Shoreway neighborhood. This commitment stimulated area redevelopment, attracted other arts organizations and new businesses to the neighborhood and led to the formation of the Gordon Square Arts District. It truly improves the quality of life for all Clevelanders as we continue to build neighborhoods of choice in Cleveland. This year, Cleveland Public Theatre’s PAN Award honors Robert and Yan Maschke in well-deserved recognition of their extraordinary contributions to our community. Robert and Yan have generously dedicated their time and effort to help guide several worthy organizations and boards in Cleveland that are philanthropic and support the arts. Their commitment to Cleveland is undeniable. The City of Cleveland is pleased to welcome you to Pandemonium and congratulate Robert and Yan Maschke as they are honored with the 2015 PAN Award. I wish you all an enjoyable evening. Sincerely, Frank G. Jackson, Mayor INSPIRED BY TOMORROW Forest City is proud to support Cleveland Public Theatre in making a positive impact on our community. 9 WE BELIEVE IN “By supporting ideastream we hope to educate, strengthen and inspire.” - Donald and Karin Hopkins Find out more at CONTRIBUTING CREATIVELY the arts are the highest form of expression. Squire Patton Boggs has long understood the importance of giving back to the community. We applaud the efforts of the Cleveland Public Theatre and congratulate Robert & Yan Maschke, recipients of the 2015 PAN Award. 10.16.15 | 7-11 P.M. AT CLE VEL AND PUBLIC HALL CLEVELANDMAGAZINE.COM/BESTOF Local Connections. Global Influence. PRESENTING SPONSOR ©2015 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, National Association. Member FDIC 44 Offices in 21 Countries Pan Award Honorees Cleveland Public Theatre established the Pan Award in 2004 to recognize outstanding contributions to the arts and community, the dual aspects of our mission. September 12, 2015 Robert & Yan Maschke 2015 Pan Honorees Robert and Yan are a formidable philanthropic duo. Robert Maschke Yan Maschke Robert was one of the first believers in the vision for our neighborhood here in Gordon Square. In 2001, he bought two prominent buildings on Detroit Avenue, where he moved his firm, robert maschke ARCHITECTS in 2004. He established 1point618 Gallery on the street level of his business, which was quick to flourish, and has become one of the most attractive storefronts in the neighborhood. He also designed two innovative houses in Gordon Square and moved into one of them — the C-House — in 2008, by which point the Gordon Square Arts District was officially ramping up. 12 The recipient of the 2011 Cleveland Arts Prize for Design, Robert has been widely published nationally and internationally. He is committed to advancing architecture beyond his own community, contributing dynamic and noteworthy designs to the built environment. His work challenges the cliché that architecture must be expensive and exclusive, instead proposing that contemporary architectural practice must embrace resourcefulness to maintain relevance. This philosophy is evident in his management of a $45 million public housing development for the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, which he went on to present at the World Conference on Public Housing. Today, the work serves as design precedent for low and moderate income housing developments worldwide. Additionally, Robert has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to service though his civic leadership. He takes an active role in the Cleveland community, serving on the Boards of the Gordon Square Arts District, the Cleveland Arts Prize, the American Institute of Architects in Ohio, The Union Club, Intermuseum Art Conservation and the City of Cleveland’s Board of Building Standards. Robert also shares his design philosophy through his involvement in lectures, panel discussions and academic and professional design juries. Yan has demonstrated a parallel dedication to civic leadership. She serves on the Board of Directors of the Cleveland Institute of Art, and her strong support of the arts has been invaluable to the Cleveland community. Yan works as the Business Unit Director at Nordson Corporation, a global leader in designing and manufacturing precision dispensing equipment. The company also has a strong philanthropic presence here in Cleveland. The Nordson Foundation generously supported the capital campaign for the Gordon Square Arts District, helping to spur the economic development of our neighborhood catalyzed by the arts. Nordson’s values mirror many of ours at Cleveland Public Theatre, particularly inclusion and education. The company champions the role of women in its manufacturing division and has many females in leadership roles. Nordson also runs a scholarship program for emerging scientists and engineers. Yan joined Nordson in June 2013 and is enjoying her challenges in leading the global growth of its powder and liquid coating equipment business in the Industrial Coating Systems division. Prior to joining Nordson, Yan had a 12-year successful career at Eaton Corporation, a global power management company for the electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power sectors. One accomplishment she is especially proud of is in helping Eaton set up a business startup in China. Her global perspective and community focus make her an asset for Cleveland. Together, Yan and Robert are a force for good in our city, and we are thrilled to be honoring them with the 2015 PAN Award. 13 渀漀爀琀栀 眀愀琀攀爀 瀀愀爀琀渀攀爀猀 椀猀 䄀渀 䔀洀洀礀 䄀眀愀爀搀 眀椀渀渀椀渀最 瘀椀搀攀漀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀漀渀 ☀ 挀爀攀愀琀椀瘀攀 挀漀渀猀甀氀琀椀渀最 昀椀爀洀⸀ 漀甀爀 挀氀椀攀渀琀 氀椀猀琀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀㨀 Samantha Semick Branch Manager NMLS# 617146 6610 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, OH 44102 (216) 239-5721 See us for all your banking needs. 挀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀 戀ⴀ琀漀ⴀ戀 渀漀琀ⴀ昀漀爀ⴀ瀀爀漀昀椀琀猀 攀搀甀挀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 椀渀猀琀椀琀甀琀椀漀渀猀 栀攀愀氀琀栀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀猀 愀搀瘀漀挀愀挀礀 攀洀瀀 攀洀瀀氀漀礀攀攀 琀爀愀椀渀椀渀最 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 挀愀洀瀀愀椀最渀猀 瘀椀搀攀漀 猀栀漀漀琀椀渀最 瘀椀搀攀漀 攀搀椀琀椀渀最 洀漀琀椀漀渀 搀攀猀椀最渀 愀渀椀洀愀琀椀漀渀 䌀漀渀挀攀瀀琀 䐀攀瘀攀氀漀瀀洀攀渀琀 匀琀漀爀礀戀漀愀爀搀椀渀最 瀀爀 瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀愀琀椀漀渀猀 搀椀猀琀爀椀戀甀琀椀漀渀 挀漀渀猀甀氀琀愀琀椀漀渀 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER • MEMBER FDIC • FFL.NET SSemick_ClevelandPublicTheater_ads.indd 1 7/28/2015 2:54:06 PM NORD S ON CORP ORATION CONGRATU LATES YA N A ND ROBER T M A S CHKE FOR RECEIVING THE PA N AWA RD AT Pandemonium 2015 Follow us WORK ETHIC | INTEGRITY TEAMWORK | RESPECT CUSTOMER SERVICE | COMMUNITY Designer Biographies Pan Award Artist Shawn Godwin Shawn Godwin has created the Cleveland Public Theatre Pan Award each year since it was established in 2004. The award is a unique and personalized piece of art, inspired by the mission of CPT as symbolized by an architectural detail from the historic Gordon Square Theatre and the recipients’ biographies. Shawn Godwin is an enthusiastic supporter of local culture. He has provided fine art services and curatorial assistance in the Cleveland area for more than 25 years, providing collection management as well as skilled preparatorial services to a diverse group of individuals, corporations and regional cultural institutions ranging from the Cleveland Foundation to the law firm Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP. He is the Managing Director/Curator of the David Davis Sculpture Foundation which preserves Cleveland Sculptor David Davis’ historic studio campus in University Circle and his numerous public sculptures, and provides space for The Sculpture Center and Artists Archives of the Western Reserve. Shawn also works in the area of historic preservation specializing in scholarly restoration. He has completed many projects including several for the Wisconsin Historical Society and an extensive Save America’s Treasures project here in Northeast Ohio. His focus is on preservation and analysis of original architectural fabric, particularly related to early structures and projects that require special care because of their fragility, complexity or need for special scholarship and craftsmanship. Shawn’s wide-ranging interests in art, history and the natural world are reflected in the many diverse projects in which he is involved. Godwin is a graduate of Oberlin College. Metal Artist Michael Nolan Born in Lakewood and raised in West Park, Ohio, Michael knew from a young age he wanted to work with his hands. He excelled in mechanics, but felt the need to create art. He attended St. Mel grade school and Benedictine high school. Michael then attended Baldwin Wallace College, and studied art. After school he specialized in architectural pencil drawings while also working many other jobs to help support his wife Amy, and their two kids Lillian and Emma. It was not until working in the floral industry, and fixing cars on the side, that Michael found his next medium of artistic design. Michael started Rust Inc. in 2015, where he takes scrap car parts, rebar and used pieces of metals to repurpose them into functional art such as sculptures, planters and gates just to name a few. You can find Rust Inc. at Urban Orchid, 78th Street Studios and other local shops, online and local art shows. Check out his creations on Facebook at “Rust Inc. Cleveland.” 16 CPP is proud to power CPT, CPP is proud to power CPT, a beacon of light, creativity & rebirth. a beacon of light, creativity & rebirth. Pandemonium Table and Floral Designer Brandon Sitler Brandon Sitler has designed unique floral arrangements for Pandemonium since 2006. Brandon left Chardon, Ohio, where he grew up, to pursue an education at Jacksonville University in Florida. After returning to Northeast Ohio, Brandon discovered his talent and love for floral design and has been in the floral industry for the past 10 years. In 2010 Brandon won a nationwide design competition sponsored by the Mayesh Wholesale Floral Company. Brandon fulfilled a life-long dream in 2011 with the opening of Urban Orchid, a full-service floral boutique. At Urban Orchid, located in the heart of the new Hingetown area of Cleveland, and now in Little Italy, Brandon creates upscale, contemporary floral designs that reflect the sophisticated tastes of today’s consumers. Located at 1455 West 29th Street in the Ohio City Firehouse, and at 2062 Murray Hill Road in Little Italy, Urban Orchid is on Facebook and Twitter. Visit the website or call 216-785-3618 / 216-589-0788 Artwork by Sean Higgins/The Bubble Process 17 Jules and Fran Belkin Proud Supporters of Cleveland Public Theatre and TD Security is your source for BCI and FBI Web Scan fingerprint background checks. Ask us about on-site Group Service! Call us today. 216-251-9400 Regardless of your event type or size, when it needs to ROCK...Call Us! Entertainment | Audio / Visual | Lighting | Production | Multimedia | Photo Booths 440.232.7625 | | | /IGotRocked Cleveland Public Theatre Pandemonium Cleveland | Columbus | Cincinnati Calfee believes that a vibrant arts community is critical to our city’s success. Our law firm is proud to be a long-time supporter of Pandemonium, which showcases the best of Cleveland Public Theatre in one extraordinary evening. Above. Beyond. Terry Fergus, Principal Dave Lightner, Principal Rich Weinberg, Principal Tom Bertsch, Principal 6060 PARKLAND BLVD • SUITE 100 • CLEVELAND, OH 44124 PH (216) 916-8420 • WWW.FSMCAP.COM Perovsek Engineering, Inc. “Performance Technology Specialists” (216) 574-9050 (216) 574-9050 (216) 574-9050 Earn a J.D. or Master of Legal Studies Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Earn a B.A. in Theatre at CSU College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Because more coverage MATTERS WKSU 89.7 has you covered with more engaging NPR programs and indepth reporting in more of Northeast Ohio (22 counties to be precise). WKSU, an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, is committed to attaining excellence through the recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. 15-UR-00125-076 Our areas of expertise include: Theatre and Television Lighting Production Audio Systems Acoustical Analysis, Augmentation and Correction Theatrical Rigging Systems A full service theatrical systems dealer Factory Authorized Field Service 216.531.4748 Congratulations on another fantastic and to Robert & Yan Maschke for their contributions to Cleveland C har & C huck Fow ler Deborah & Ron Ratner Pre-show Entertainment 6:45 As you arrive | Detroit Avenue Storefront Windows If I Could Become… 6:45 – 8:00 Proud supporters of Cleveland Public Theatre and {transformation explodes through the body and soul…} Produced and Co-Designed by: Inda Blatch-Geib and Chialla Geib Costume Design by: Inda Blatch-Geib | Additional Credit: Andrew Fenske Construction Performing Artists: Neos Dance Theatre Adaptation Arena | Stage 1 By Light We Loom 6:45 – 7:15 {an indie-pop duo with story-folk songwriting sensibilities} Vocals & Loops: Shanna Delaney | Guitar & Harmonies: Eric Ling | Evolution Entry | Stage 2 Classical Revolution Cleveland: Cello Duo 6:45 – 7:15 {Cleveland Cello Quartet members perform Piazzolla, Boccherini & more} Produced by: Classical Revolution Cleveland | Music Director: Ariel Clayton Karas | Performing Artists: Carlyn Kessler & Sophie Benn (members of Cleveland Cello Quartet) CPT Education Photo Gallery (ongoing) {nurturing compassion & consciousness in our community through arts-centered, long-term, performance-based programs} Photographer: Steve Wagner Featured Entertainment Begins at 7:20 23 Adaptation Arena | Stage 1 Gordon Square Stage Manager: Colleen McCaughey Assistant Stage Managers: Dan McCarthy, Aaron Rutz Sound: Vertical Sound Pro Welcome 7:15 Featuring: City Councilman, Matt Zone; CPT Executive Artistic Director, Raymond Bobgan Renew, Translate, Transform Gala Event Opening 7:20 {CPT’s Student Theatre Enrichment Program (STEP) is Cleveland’s longest-running arts-based job training program} Performed by: Participants of STEP 2015 | Created by: Molly Andrews-Hinders, Chris Seibert & Ensemble | Directed by: Chris Seibert & Raymond Bobgan Choreographed by: Madi Jackson & Ensemble By Light We Loom 7:30 {an indie-pop duo with story-folk songwriting sensibilities} Vocals & Loops: Shanna Delaney | Guitar & Harmonies: Eric Ling | Double-Edge Dance 7:35, 8:45 Piktoria {dancing on the edge, surrounded by evocative textiles & driving sounds} Produced by: Double-Edge Dance | Choreographed & Performed by: Kora Radella Textile Artist & Costume Designer: Rebecca Cross | Music Composer: Ross Feller Hair & Makeup by: Marissa Sliman Inlet Dance Theatre 7:45, 8:55 Wondrous Beasts {the transformation possible in trust based relationships} Produced by: Inlet Dance Theatre | Choreographer: Bill Wade in collaboration with original cast of Joshua Brown, Mikaela Clark, Rebecca Inman, Elizabeth Pollert | Costume Design: Kristin Wade | Performing Artists: Joshua Brown, Nicole O’Malley, Kevin Parker, Elizabeth Pollert Bill Wade, 2012 Cleveland Arts Prize MorrisonDance 7:55, 8:40, 9:30 Zugzwang Zebra {there are many ways to look at something} Produced by: MorrisonDance | Choreographed, Costumed & Performed by: Sarah Morrison Lyrics by: Shel Silverstein, “Zebra Question” | Music by: Bart Hopkin 24 Deuce Dance, LLC 8:00, 9:05 Dichotomy {the contrast between two opposing struggles} Produced by: Deuce Dance, LLC | Choreographers: Kevin D. Marr II & Darnell Weaver Costume Design: Deuce Dance, LLC | Performing Artists: Kevin D. Marr II, Darnell Weaver, Antonio Deberry, Christina Pinkard | Music by: Darnell “Flux” Weaver (FluxNDance) Verb Ballets 8:10, 9:15 Because This Must Be (2015) {newly commissioned contemporary ballet by Lauren Edson} Produced by: Verb Ballets | Producing Artistic Director: Margaret Carlson | Associate Director: Richard Dickinson | Choreographer: Lauren Edson | Costume Design: Janet Bolick Performing Artists: Megan Buckley, Michael Hinton, Stephaen Hood, Omar Humphrey, Christinia Lindhout, Lieneke Matte, Nicholas Rose, Kate Webb | Music by: Nils Frahm, Anne Muller, Bernardo Sassetti, Murcof, Max Richter The Wind and Sand Dance Co. 8:25, 9:35 {collage of styles ranging from traditional Egyptian to modern fusion styles of belly dance} Produced by: The Wind and Sand Dance Co. | Director & Choreographer: Cassandra Al Warda Performing Artists: Cassandra Al Warda, Christine Geraci, Fay Zou, Valerie Coats, Joanne Majoros, Cathie Smith, Alissa Mimba, Andrea Love, Elianae Stone Pan Award Ceremony Honoring Robert & Yan Maschke 9:45 Featuring: CPT Executive Artistic Director, Raymond Bobgan; Pandemonium Volunteer Committee Chair, Shellie Sedlack; Pandemonium Co-Chair & Gordon Arts District Co-Chair, David Doll; Pandemonium Co-Chair, Bill Beard; Robert & Yan Maschke, 2015 Pan Award Recipients Robert Maschke, 2011 Cleveland Arts Prize Pan Award Designed by Shawn Godwin Aerial Performance 9:55 {solo silk act} Performed by: Sora Sol | Music: Dog Days are Over, Florence & The Machine The Hallucinogenic Pachyderm 10:00 {pink elephants get the dancing started} Designed & Created by Robin VanLear with Lizzie, Marlon, Murphy, Robin, Story, Sue, Wendy Directed & Choreographed by: Robin VanLear | Performers: Anne Howard, Story Rhinehart, Lizzie Roache, Stefanie Taub, Robin VanLear Robin VanLear, 2001 Cleveland Arts Prize 25 Pureplex & Funk Shway 10:05 – 12:00 {blending live instruments and Deejaying optimized for dance party madness} DJ/Percussionist: Neil Chastain | DJ/Performer: Byron Lee Eulinberg aka Funk Shway Guitarist: Mike MacNamara Distortion Den | Stage 5 Installation featuring Kulas Foundation Theatre Composer Fellows Emergence Trio (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 Evolution Entry | Stage 2 {an intermedium jam session} CPT Education Photo Gallery (ongoing) +15/16 {nurturing compassion & consciousness in our community through arts-centered, long-term, performance-based programs} Photographer: Steve Wagner Chrysalis Cave | Stage 3 Theatre Stage Manager: John Gill Echoes in the Rock 7:35, 7:55, 8:15, 8:35, 8:55, 9:15, 9:35 {a woman encounters an ancient story that transforms her quest} Performed & Developed by: Sally Groth* & Holly Holsinger *Member/Actors’ Equity Association Created by: T. Paul Lowry, Daniel McNamara+, Matthew Ryals+ Kulas Foundation Theatre Composer Fellows On the Verge Vestibule | Stage 6 Theatre featuring Nord Family Foundation Playwright Fellows Stage Manager: Tim Collingwood | House Manager: Micah Hutz Escape 7:35, 8:15, 8:55, 9:35 {a silenced woman regresses to her subconscious} Produced & Written by: Stuart Hoffman++ | Directed by: Amy Fritsche Performing Artists: Lauren Smith & Elaine Feagler Dream Come True 7:45, 8:25, 9:05 {an absurd, short love story about a couple living the dream life} Luminous Lounge | Stage 4 Produced, Written & Directed by: Greg Vovos++ | Performing Artists: Robbie Barnes, Dean Coutris, Derek Koger Performances & Hangout Area Mrs. Garvey 8:00, 8:40, 9:20 House Manager: Stephen Schlaack Dream to Transform (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {past, present & future work of Raymond Bobgan} {an encounter with the wife of civil rights activist Marcus Garvey} Written & Performed by: Gail Nyoka++ 15/16 Nord Family Foundation Playwright Fellows ++ Performed & Co-Created by Core CPT Ensemble Members: Dionne Atchison, Carly Garinger, Faye Hargate, Adam Seeholzer, Chris Seibert, Darius Stubbs; with Brandon McSwain, Sarah Moore, Shannon Sharkey | Additional Co-Creator: Holly Holsinger Raymond Bobgan, 2014 Cleveland Arts Prize 26 27 Chromatic Cabaret | Stage 7 Action Alcove | Stage 9 Theatre Games & Performance Venue Designer: Ryan Patterson Stage Manager: Christina Dennis | House Manager: Andy Trares Señor Symphonifunk and the Symphonic Scene 7:35, 8:35, 9:30 {blending classical & contemporary sounds of a violin with electronically crafted background beats} Produced & Performed by: Wesley Allen Fire and Water make STEAM 7:50, 8:50 {two powerful, beautiful forces of nature collide} Produced by: Great Lakes Light Opera | Playwright: Charles Lemon Directed by: Megan Thompson | Musical Direction by: Reid Taylor Performed by: Megan Thompson, Reid Taylor, Adam Whiting Next Level 8:05, 9:05 {a story, a life, a transformative journey – told thru music} Music Director: Bradley Wyner | Performed by: Nathan Henry The Songs of Travel 8:20, 9:20 {one man’s transformative journey through love, loss & life} Produced by: Cleveland Opera Theater | Directed by: Scott Skiba Performed by: Benjamin Czarnota (baritone), Jason Aquila (piano) Alteration Alley | Stage 8 Performance Installation Stage Manager: Daved Thonnings GAME In-TENT-tion 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30 {theatre games & fun at its quirkiest} Game Leaders: Katie Beck, Ryan Edlinger, Kalim Hill, Michael Prosen A Flickering Halo 7:50, 8:20, 8:50, 9:20 {cyr wheel performance combining acrobatics and storytelling} Created & Performed by: Aron Long Fluctuating Façade | Stage 10 Rappelling Assistant Stage Manager: Clare Panek Flying Monarchy (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {death defying aerial acrobatics & rappelling} Produced by: Cleveland Rock Gym | Performers: Emilie Zickel, Jeff Schuler Coordinator & Rope Tech: Shane Hinde | Rope Tech: Emilie Zickel Costume Design: Jenniver Sparano Serum Saloon | Stage 11 Visit the Serum Saloon to find your favorite Pandemonium libation throughout the event! 6:45 – 11:30 Check out the Beer/Wine Tasting Notes on pages 40 & 41 for more information. Formation (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {the ephemeral nature of the human condition shown through movement & shadow} Created & Performed by: Elaine Hullihen | Music Director: Jeffrey Hennies 28 29 Synergy Sound Stage | Stage 12 Chronometer Cathedral | Stage 14 Live Music Theatre Stage Manager: Camilo Villa | Sound: Vertical Sound Pro Latin Jazz Players 7:30 {get swept away to Caribbean island with their smooth latin jazz} Drums: Miguel Cintron | Electric Guitar: Nano Torres | Acoustic Guitar: Uri Garcia | Bass: Ezequiel Negron | Keyboard: Sammy Garcia | Percussion: Joel Cuevas | Uno Lady 8:00 {haunting, serene & always captivatingly beautiful} Produced, Directed & Performed by: Christa Ebert | The Village Bicycle 8:25 {clanging guitars, keyboard countermelodies & polyamorous harmonies} Venue Designer: Ryan Patterson Stage Manager: Rose Leininger | House Managers: Lilah Zautner & Ray Noscal The Birds and The Bees: 7:35, 8:15, 9:30 {a lonely lodge-owner has an upcoming big date, causing him to battle his best friend} Produced by: Ohio City Theatre Project | Playwright: Arwen Mitchell Directed by: Valerie C. Kilmer | Performing Artists: Bobby Coyne & Amy Schwabauer Everything is ok. (and other helpful lies) 7:45, 8:30, 9:00 {a dark musical comedy about the lies we tell others, and ourselves} Created by: Melissa Crum & Caitlin Lewins | Directed by: Caitlin Lewins | Performed by (& created with): Luke Brett, Melissa Crum, Chennelle Harris, Jonathan Walker White Vocals, Guitar: Elizabeth Kelly | Keys, Vocals: Karah Vance | Drums: Debbie Randazzo Bass: Ty Craemer | Original material composed by Elizabeth Kelly, arranged by The Village Bicycle | Connection composed by Elastica Yo Sueño of Home 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 Miss Alexandra Huntingdon and the Pretty Little Things 8:55 Produced by: Teatro Publico de Cleveland & Cleveland Public Theatre Created by: Teatro Publico de Cleveland, Raymond Bobgan & Faye Hargate Directed by Raymond Bobgan, with Faye Hargate | Performed by: Mόnica A. Cerpa Zúñiga, Nathalie Bermudez, Ernesto Luna Camargo, Lilly Corona Moreno, Liz Gonzalez, Dante Fernando Larzabal, Letitia Lopez, Kevin Orozco-Cruz, Gilberto Pena, Luis Ramírez-Alonzo, Magdalena Godinez Ríos, Aida Rivera, David Rivera, Rafael Rivera, Blanca Salva, Pablo Santiago, Lucia Stone | Assistant Stage Manager: Alex Corona {glam rock goes chamber opera} Conceived, Curated & Produced by: Miss Alexandra Huntingdon Piano/Vocals: Megan Elk & Megan Cox | Flute: Kathryn Ann Metz Global Connections 9:20 {dreaming of her childhood home, Cielita connects with her past and uncovers fading memories} {infusing musical styles from around the world} World Percussions: Chano Gibson | Tablas & Percussions: Josh Sherman Guitar: Mike McNarama | Guitar, Cura & Berimbau: Ismail Douglas | Andean Charango, Venezuelan Cuatro & Peruvian Cajon: Patricia Bussert Transmutation Tavern | Stage 13 Visit the Transmutation Tavern to find your favorite Pandemonium libation! 7:30 – 9:45 Check out the Beer/Wine Tasting Notes on pages 40 & 41 for more information. 30 31 Mutation Mansion | Stage 15 Metamorphosis Mezzanine | Stage 17 Theatre & Dance Look up! Stage Manager: Amanda Lin Boyd | House Managers: Rita Mikita & Erika Howard A Year in Nerd Rage 7:40, 8:25, 9:10 {experiences at the epicenter of Internet drama & hate} Written & Performed by: Arthur Chu Noonday I 7:50, 8:35, 9:20 {on an otherwise unremarkable day…the furniture starts moving} Meta… Meta… Metamorphosis (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {readings from The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka} Lead Artist: Brian Pedaci | Performers: Deborah Magid, Dana Hart*, Tanera Hutz, John Polk, Brian Pedaci *Member/Actors’ Equity Association Divergence Dome | Stage 18 Conceived & Directed by: Cathleen O’Malley | Performing Artists: Andrea Belser, Lauren Joy Fraley, Cassie Neumann, Carrie Williams Theatre Metamorphose 8:00, 8:45, 9:30 Notes Towards a Dialectical Theater Deconstructed, Reconstructed, and Ultimately Discarded: A Love Story 7:35, 8:50 {butterfly-like creatures are overcome by the world around them} Stage Manager: Ryan Christopher Mayer | House Manager: Lora Guy & Aimee Liu Produced by: Cleveland Dance Exchange | Choreographer, Costume Designer & Music Editor: Kelly Clymer | Performing Artists: Kelly Clymer, Samantha Fox, Sara Lawrence-Sucato, Shannon Sterne, Emma Parker {Brecht told us, the audience, not to stare so romantically, but what happens when we do?} A Lecture on Orbital Symbology 8:10, 8:55 *Member/Actors’ Equity Association {dabbling in dialectical acrobatics, reveals the centrality of the circle to our very existence} Created & Performed by: Professor Aurelia Roue Music by: Angelica Negron, Bubblegum Grass, Peppermint Fields Playwright: Les Hunter | Produced by: Elana Averback | Directed by: Jocelyn Prince Performing Artists: Vincent Briley & Nicole Sumlin* Tiresias Riddles the Fates 7:55, 8:30, 9:25 { your future foretold as a prophet & 3 weird sisters untangle life’s most ancient puzzles} Transition Tunnel | Stage 16 Conceived & Directed by: David Hansen | Performing Artists: Chelsea Cannon, David Hansen, Khaki Hermann, Zelda Thayer-Hansen, Meridith Vandall Performance Installation Elitsa Revisited: The Bearded Angel 8:15, 9:10 Two Bits (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {an intimate evolution from performed to preferred gender} Produced by: Ben Gantose & Cordelia Winter Dwyer | Directed by: Ben Gantose & Katie Giglia Costume Design by: Katie Giglia | Performing Artist: Cordelia Winter Dwyer 32 {fed-up with the abusive antics of the sideshow owner, circus freaks take matters into their own hands Produced, Directed & Written by: Christopher Johnston | Costume Design by: Inda Blatch-Geib Performing Artists: Rachel Zake, Nina McCollum, Jimmy Green, Barb Dragony, John Busser, Dayni Mahar, Doug Kusak 33 Innovation Igloo | Stage 19 Wandering Performers | Around the Campus Theatre Stage Manager: Austin Kilpatrick Stage Manager: Charlie Jones Hammers, Anvils, and Stirrups (with Drums) 7:45, 8:05, 8:25, 8:45, 9:05, 9:25 {a frivolous celebration of ritual, confession, listening and transformation} Written, Produced, Directed & Performed by: Anne McEvoy & Jill Levin Conversion Container | Stage 20 Dance Stage Manager: Robin Weaver | House Manager: Carolyn Chan & Ashley Wheadon All together now… (investigation) 7:55, 8:25, 8:55, 9:25 {exploring concepts of weight and risk through the use of props & active bodies in space} Produced by: The Movement Project | Composed & Arranged by: Megan Lee Gargano Costumes Designed by: Megan Lee Gargano & Rebecca J. Leuszler Performing Artists: Megan Lee Gargano, Rebecca J. Leuszler, Irene Honora Permutation Platform | Stage 21 Theatre featuring Joan Yellen Horvitz Assistant Directing Fellows Stage Manager: Robin Weaver Neverland 7:35, 8:05, 8:35, 9:05 {when our darkness is placed to the light, our shadows are revealed} Directed by: Tecia Dolores WilsonX | Performed by: Alex Turner Jr., Nicholas Chokan, Ananias I (me) 7:45, 8:15, 8:45, 9:15 {explores the lines between self-obsession & self-realization} TransforMagic! (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {objects appear, vanish, meld & mutate, transforming reality} Produced & Performed by: Mark Zust Spirit of Change (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {experience the transformation of sound into movement} Created & Performed by: Shenee King Mesmerizing (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {the frontline of hypnotized walkers} Produced by: Rafael Valdivieso | Directed by: Hector R. Castellanos Choreographed by: Iwona | Costumes Designed by: Raffo Performing Artists: Rafael Valdivieso, Jill Corey, Liz Richmond, Cari Nelson, Merose Hwag, Sara Hayford, Andy Kubis, Nikhil Chand, Rebecca Groynom, Iwona Rhelja, Hector Castellanos Press Play (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {an antennae on the prowl, a sound wave looking for an ear} Produced by: Theater Ninjas | Directed by: Jeremy Paul | Performing Artist: Marcia Custer Find Your Light (ongoing) 7:30 – 9:45 {a family of wanderers share brightly lit faces, ideas & heights} Directed by: Katelyn Cornelius | Performing Artists: Katelyn Cornelius, Bryan Ritchey, Shaun O’Neill Cirque d’Afrique Puppets (ongoing) 7:30 – 8:45 {from the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle 2015} Created by Robin VanLear & Parade the Circle artists | Director: Robin VanLear Performers: Marlon Hatcher, Story Rhinehart, Lizzie Roche, Inlet Dance Theatre Trainees Directed by: Jaclyn McConnell X | Performed by: Nadia Valencia, Lainne Davis, Dominique Coppella X Joan Yellen Horvitz Assistant Directing Fellows 34 35 Volunteer Committee Shellie Sedlak, Chair of Volunteer Committee Brenda Nakonecznyj, Volunteer Committee Coordinator Stewart & Donna Kohl Proud to support Cleveland Public Theatre and Pandemonium 2015 Volunteers Mary Arnold Rob Bauer Gina Belardo Bonnie Belda Michelle Bennett Deb Bialer Deb Blodgett Sarah & Greg Bonnette Bryan Bostic Nancy Lowery & Mark Bregar Mark & Diane Brinich Pat Bruck Robert Burgoyne Holly Busato Amanda Cardwell Mark Christiansen David Colombo Regis Cooney Sean Cooney Bridget Corkery Marleen Corrigan John Coulter Dahl Cutshaw Elizabeth & Gary Dauber Rose & Bill DeCapite Eleanor Detke Dorothy Dickinson Maureen Donoughe Gail Eaton Jessica & August Engstrom Tom Essig Pat Falasco Frank Felice Jeon Francis Kathy & John Frys Anita & Tom Fuller Sara Fuller Whitney Gersak Tom Gilkeson Jacqueline Greene Ann Marie Griffin Penny Holycross Ben Howard Jeffrey Hunter Patti Iseli Beverly Jackson Chris Jana Sam Johnson Tanisha Kea Tina & Rick Keller Doris & Don Kotlan Christa Kraft Sonja Kreps Bob Krosky Nadia Leary Samira & Scott Lemieux Alex Leopold Jane & Dan Leschnik Mary Carol & John Lucic Willow & Patrick Lynch Patti Lynn Michael Manelski Leslie Mazzola Nanci McCormack Sharron McPhersonFoxx Ellen Meckley Margaret Miller Susan Miller Sandy Millman Diana Mishlan Collin Molnar Nancy Molnar Carol Montlack Gerri & George Moore Rosemary Moore Robin Moran Joyce Naelitz Brenda & Gene Nakonecznyj Jessie & Chris Nelson Teresa Obrero Jamie Orr Jessica Parker Karen Parker Myrna & John Pendery Pat Percival Brian Pew Bill Ramsey Joanne Rassie Jennifer Resto Sally Anne Robbins Michelle Robinson Susan Robson Linda Rogowski Mindy Roth Ginny Schiros Alex Schroeder David Sedlak Elizabeth Shea Kathryn Simmons Linda Sisson JoAnn Solnick Phelan Spence Bert Staadecker Annie Stahlheber Adam Stalder Brad Steinberg Debbie Tables Sarah Tedder Kym Thomas Leslie Tisdale Malia Tom Demitra Turner Selena Vicario Rita Weiss Dee Wetula Darlene Wieland Michele Wilhelm Naomi Worthington Branwen Wright Pat Young Donna Zmrazek Bob Zombar 37 Participating Restaurants/Chefs Celebrity Chefs Cha Pizza Michael Marich 216-631-9242 • Davenport’s Divine Delicacies Ashley Davenport 216-280-7634 Luxe Kitchen and Lounge Dallas Martinez 216-920-0600 • The Root Café Various Chefs 216-226-4401 • Saigon Plaza Gia Hoa Ryan 216-961-6005 Toast Jennifer Plank 216-862-8974 • Touch (Food Truck) Robert Ivanov 216-631-5200 • XYZ Marc Caterina 216-706-1104 • Restaurants Bon Bon Happy Dog Brennan’s The Harp 216-458-9225 • 216-251-2131 • 216-651-9474 • 216-939-0200 • Bruno’s India Garden Constantino’s Latitude 41N 216-961-7087 • 216-344-0501 Cleveland Italian Creations 216-228-2282 • Deegan’s 216-767-5775 • 216-221-0676 • 216-961-0000 • Minh Ahn 216-961-9671 • 216-283-3663 • 216-226-5200 • With love, 216-696-7529 J. Pistone Fat Cats Player’s On Madison 216-579-0200 Flying Fig 216-241-4243 • Frank’s Falafel House 216-631-3300 Sangria Tapas and Bar Soho 216-298-9090 • Spice Grumpy’s Stone Mad 216-241-5025 • 216-961-9637 • 216-281-6500 Great Lakes Brewing Co. Sweet Designs Gypsy Bean and Baking Co. Sweet Moses 216-771-4404 • 216-939-9009 • 216-226-4888 • 216-651-2202 • Thai Fun Sunny Ting 216-664-1000 • 38 The Staff of Cleveland Public Theatre 440-617-6476 • Graffiti: A Social Kitchen 216-651-6969 • The renewal won’t raise taxes or increase prices; it will just continue the current tax on cigarettes, and continue providing critical support for the Arts & Culture sector for another 10 years. We all benefit from the public support provided by the levy, and we must continue our support. Please join us and vote to renew the Arts & Culture Levy in November. Nate’s Deli Duet Fine Catering 440-333-2220 • Dear Cuyahoga County voters, In 2006, voters approved a penny-and-a-half tax per cigarette to provide public support to the Arts & Culture sector. The Arts & Culture Levy has been one of the most successful public initiatives in our region’s history: • $15 million+ invested annually into our Arts & Culture sector; • Over 1.4 million annual education experiences for kids, including more than 18,000 fieldtrips; • Over 1,000 competitive grants, totaling more than $125 million, awarded to more than 300 arts, cultural, educational and community organizations, working in more than 2,300 locations across Cuyahoga County. Without a renewal by voters this November, the Arts & Culture Levy will expire soon, putting our Arts & Culture assets at risk. Join us at Beer Tasting Notes Wine Tasting Notes Great Lakes Beers Red Wines Dortmunder, Gold Lager 5.8% ABV Smooth, striking a delicate balance between sweet malt and dry hop flavors. Edmund Fitzgerald, American Porter 5.8% ABV Complex and roasty with a bittersweet, chocolate-coffee taste and bold hop presence. Malbec from Don Miguel Gascón, Mendoza, Argentina 12.89% ABV Opens with intense aromas of blackberry, plum and a hint of mocha. Dark fruit flavors intertwine with notes of spice, licorice and chocolate to create a magnificent, full-bodied Malbec. Round tannins and a plush mouthfeel lead the way to a long, velvety finish. Medium-bodied and well-hopped with a dry, fruity finish. Cabernet Sauvignon from Louis Martini, 13.5% ABV Sonoma, California Opens with rich aromas of dark cherry, blackcurrant, vanilla and baking spice. Delivers complex, juicy flavors of black plum and blueberry framed by notes of mocha and sweet oak. With round tannins and smooth mouthfeel, it has a lingering, fruit-focused finish. Oktoberfest, Amber Lager White Wines Elliot Ness, Amber Lager 6.2% ABV Rich, fragrant malt flavors balanced by crisp noble hops. Commodore Perry, India Pale Ale Rich malt flavor balanced by fragrant noble hops. 7.5% ABV 5.2% ABV Chardonnay from William Hill, Napa Valley, California 14.8% ABV Opens with intense fruit aromas and flavors of white peach and ripe pear. The stone fruit flavors meld with toasty oak, vanilla and coconut on the rich lingering finish. White Blend from Apothic, California 12.0% ABV Medium-bodied wine with vibrant layers of flavor. Riesling lends floral notes and firm acidity, Chardonnay adds texture and body, while Pinot Grigio contributes refreshing flavors of peach and apricot that lead to a crisp, balanced finish. Albariño Martín Códax, Rias Baixas, Spain 12.8% ABV A refreshing food-friendly white wine, Albariño is crisp, elegant and dry and has aromas and flavors of pear, passion fruit and apple with bright acidity. 40 41 LET’S ENTERTAIN PARTY RENTAL Supports Cleveland Public Theatre 216.518.RENT (7368) Call us, or visit our website at Karl Kraus & Olga Andriyevska congratulate Robert & Yan Maschke on being the 2015 Pan Honorees. cleveland PUBLIC theatre EDUCATION PROGRAMS OPENS OCTOBER 9 TH Adventurous, intelligent and socially-conscious theatre on Cleveland’s near west side. For the full listing of CPT’s 15/16 Season visit Congratulations! Cleveland Public Theatre Art Changing Lives 6701 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102 (216) 961-0422 | Collins & Scanlon Collins Collins & & Scanlon Scanlon proudly supports proudly proudly supports supports Pandemonium 2015 Pandemonium Pandemonium 2015 2015 on Another Great Season! COLLINS CO OL L II N NS S C L& L & & SCAN LON SC CA AN NLO ON S LLL P N LL LP P L Tom & Judi Embrescia Performing for over 5,000 audience members in our Cleveland community CELEBRATING THE ARTIST WITHIN ALL OF US Virginia C. Barsan - President/Chief Executive Officer Joseph D. Rose - Executive Vice President/Secretary Cleveland Public Theatre Creating original performances based on real life experiences and stories Residential & CommeRCial loans, RefinanCing, savings, CeRtifiCates of deposits, iRas are proud to support Cleveland Public Theatre 2015-2016 SEASON Est. 1922 THE PIONEER SAVINGS BANK David & Karen Doll PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE Engaging 600 inner-city youth and adults year round PSB ® Fathom creates profitable growth through content strategy, digital marketing and sales/analytics consulting to fuel a greater purpose. Cleveland Offi ce: 216.696.0022 Cleveland Offi ce: 216.696.0022 Cleveland Office: ce:330.702.0200 216.696.0022 Canfi eld Offi Canfi eld Offi ce: 330.702.0200 Canfield Office: 330.702.0200 THE CPT STAFF & BOARD SINCERELY THANK ©2015 The Sherwin-Williams Company Suites Available 216 421-8400 Robert & Yan Maschke FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THE ARTS Sherwin-Williams is proud to support CPT’s Pandemonium. w w w. m o n t l a c k r e a l t y. c o m The Cleveland Museum of Art is proud to support Cleveland Public Theatre CLEVELAND PUBLIC THEATRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015 - 2016 Marcia Levine, President • Philip Oliss, Vice President Joanne Montagner-Hull, Treasurer • Kristofer Spreen, Secretary Douglas Amberman, Carrie Carpenter, Sheffia Randall Dooley, Jason Estremera, Janis Faehnrich, Terri Ford, Italo Gonzalez, Patricia Leebove, Cindy Marx, Daniel Petricig, Gregory Robb, Shellie Sedlak Marika Shioiri-Clark, Diane S. Stupay, Graham Veysey, Andrew Watterson Fifth Third FifthBank ThirdisBank proud is to proud support to support the Cleveland Public Theatre. the Cleveland Public Theatre. Third Bank. Member FifthFDIC. Third Bank. Member FDIC. C5755000_Small_4C_Cleveland(7.75x1.312).indd QFRC5755000_Small_4C_Cleveland(7.75x1.312).indd 4 4 7/8/15 2:50 PM Business Advisors and Certified Public Accountants Phil & Rachel Oliss Proud to Support Congratulating Robert and Yan Maschke 2015 Pan Award Recipients PANDEMONIUM and Cleveland Public Theatre Gary & Kate Brahler 7/8/15 2:50 PM CLEVELAND PUBLIC THEATRE STAFF Raymond Bobgan .................Executive Artistic Director Denis Griesmer ....................General Manager Chris Seibert..........................Director of Education Beth Wood.............................Associate Artistic Director Caitie Hannon........................Director of Development Cathleen O’Malley.................Director of Audience Engagement ................................................and Media Relations Ryan Patterson......................Technical Director James Kosmatka...................Assistant General Manager Faye Hargate.........................Education Associate Adam Seeholzer....................Education Coordinator Caitlin Lewins........................New Play Associate Natividad M. Uehara.............Box Office Manager Colleen McCaughey..............Grants Writer / Development Associate Sarah Coon............................Development Assistant John Rawlings........................Interim Technical Director Willie Riddle...........................Facilities Manager Donna Pedaci........................Senior House Manager Char & Chuck Fowler Ken Lanci, Chairman Stewart & Donna Kohl Deborah & Ron Ratner 46 47 CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE C MH A IS GRATEFUL TO CPT FOR FOSTERING ENRICHING LIVES SINCE 1933 CUYAHOGA METROPOLITAN HOUSING AUTHORITY ARTS EDUCATION IN CLEVELAND Jules & Fran Belkin Where futures begin Shawn Godwin Cleveland-Marshall Phil & RachelCollege of Law Oliss Suites Available Karl Krauss & Olga Andriyevska 216 421-8400 w w w. m o n t l a c k r e a l t y. c o m Andrew Watterson & Randall Lanoue Tom & Judi Embrescia Gary & Katy Brahler Proud to Support the Arts. David & Karen Doll Thank You to All CPT Sponsors 48 ® Proud to Support the Arts. Joan Bendix Bethany Presbyterian Church Cain Park Lindsay Carter Hon. Joe Cimperman & Nora Romanoff Cleveland CycleWerks Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Craciun Funeral Home CSU Wrestling & Coach Ben Stehura Bob Daunch Rob Durham & HKM Marketing Judi Feniger Frank’s Falafel House Holly Holsinger & Raziel Bobgan Deborah Magid Michelle Matrale Neighborhood Family Practice Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Perovsek Engineering Joshua Peterson Jim Ray Rite Aid Joe & Valerie Rosmarin Judith Ross Renee Schilling Stockyard Meats Carrie Williams Kaye & Mel Chavinson Bruce & Mary Ellen Cudney Dolores Dacosta Trina M. Evans Barbara Freeman Garbo Third Company James & Nina Gibans Carol Gillen Dr. Leslie Greenberg Robert Grevey Innogistics LLC Steve Izen & Susannah Muskovitz Mort & Judy Levin Bruce & Ellen Mavec Chuck & Pat Mintz Beth Mooney Tony & Gail Natale NRP Group Barbara Robinson Cary Schneider Edward & Chann Spellman Strang Corporation Joseph G. Tegreene Timothy Wesolowski Bobbi & Peter van Dijk Marty Wiersma Barbara Zelley …and many others 49 Cleveland Public Theatre 6415 Detroit Avenue – Cleveland, OH 44102 – – 216.631.2727 Printing generously donated by Consolidated Solutions