the first Giovanni Domenico Cassini ICRANet Meeting
the first Giovanni Domenico Cassini ICRANet Meeting
Supernovae, Black Holes and Gamma Ray Bursts the first Giovanni Domenico Cassini ICRANet Meeting Celebrating the 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE EINSTEIN EQUATIONS the INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF LIGHT 2015 and the GOLDEN JUBILEE OF RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS Nice-Monaco 14-26 September, 2015 A Satellite Meeting of MG XIV INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE David Blair, Yvonne Choquet Bruhat, Thibault Damour, Paolo De Bernardis, C. W. Francis Everitt, Neil Gehrels, Riccardo Giacconi, Theodor Haensch, Stephen Hawking, Christine Jones Forman, Roy Kerr, Hagen Kleinert, Jutta Kunz, Claus Laemmerzahl, Tsvi Piran, Remo Ruffini (chair), Misao Sasaki, Humitaka Sato, Rashid Sunyaev, Gerard 't Hooft, Steven Weinberg With the participation of (preliminary list) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Aharonian Felix, Amati Lorenzo, Arguelles Carlos, Belinski Vladimir, Belvedere Riccardo, Bianco Carlo Luciano, Chardonnet Pascal (chair), De Angelis Alessandro, Della Valle Massimo, Frontera Filippo, Izzo Luca, Kleinert Hagen, Kovacevic Milos, Ludwig Hendrick, Mavromatos Nikolaos, Minazzoli Olivier, Mirzoyan Razmik, Morbidelli Alessandro, Muccino Marco, Pelster Axel, Perlick Volker, Rosati Piero, Rueda Jorge, Sigismondi Costantino, Strobel Eckhard, Vereshchagin Gregory, Wang Yu, Wu Yuanbin, Xiaofeng Yang, Xue Shesheng
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