July 2012 - West Lancashire Mark Master Masons


July 2012 - West Lancashire Mark Master Masons
Volume 1 Issue 1
26th July 2012
In This Issue:
Grand Lodge Investiture June 12th
Grand Investiture
Vera’s Strawberry
Tea Party
War Memorial
Mark Fun Day
with Photographs
Christmas Party
R W Bro Peter Connolly, the Provincial Grand
Master, was delighted to have the company of
59 West Lancashire Mark Masons at the
annual investiture meeting on Tuesday 12th
of June.
When John Venus, P.G.Std.B. died earlier in the
year his death was the first to be reported on the
web site memoriam page. Following John’s funeral the donations were distributed to Leukemia
Research and the West Lancs Mark Charities.
John’s widow, Vera decided that it would be a
fitting tribute to John if
she held a Strawberry Tea
Party at her home during
the summer months.
Dave and Liz Bell were
immediately formed into
an organizing committee
and the arrangements
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Vera’s Strawberry Tea Party 24th June
Several of our brethren received Acting Rank
in Grand Lodge. They were:
Tom Jackson, Grand Junior Warden
Geoffrey Lee, Grand Junior Deacon
John Bicknell, Grand Steward &
Phillip Gunning, Grand Steward
Past Ranks were conferred on:
to Past Grand Junior Overseer:
John D Clarke, Robert G. Hall, & Alan Jones,
to Past Grand Senior Deacon:
Maurice M Evans,
to Past Grand Junior Deacon:
J. Alan Bibby & Arthur Robinson,
To Past Asst Grand Chap. Revd Kenneth Cox,
to Past Asst. Grand Dir. Ceremonies:
David Emmerson & J. William Joughin,
to Past Asst. Grand Swd B.
James F Rogers & Lawrence S Scott,
to Past Grand St. B.
Geofrey H Crossland & Kenneth Hickson
& to Past Asst Grand St. B. Kenneth Jackson.
A full report and many more photographs is
available on the website on this link.
In addition to the advertising the event in local
lodges Dave forwarded the information to the
mark webmaster for inclusion on the web site.
So good was the response that 10 days before
the event it was realized that Vera’s garden was
not going the be big enough. The Venue was
changed to Staining Village Hall.. The PrGM, Peter
Connolly with Lynne and his Deputy Keith Beardmore with June attended. The Provincial Senior
Grand Warden Andrew Dickson won the dog naming competition. Funds raised on the day will go
the West Lancs Mark Charities.
The full report is available on this link
Southport Mark Masons Support
War Memorial Appeal
Southport Mark Masons donated £1000 when
they heard that the War Memorial at Holy Trinity
Church had been desecrated.
The Pr.G.M, Peter Connolly, joined
David Robson, Master of Southport Mark and
Mark Taylor, Master of Freshfield Mark when
they presented the £1000 to Colin Ryan from
Holy Trinity Church to assist in the repairs.
You can read the story here
Page 2
West Lancashire Mark Fun Day, 7th July 2012
Saturday the 7th July saw the annual Mark Fun Day take place at St Saviour’s Church
Hall in Bamber Bridge. The occasion had been threatened by the terrible weather that
had been causing so much havoc throughout the country, let alone Lancashire.
RW Bro Peter Connolly
Provincial Grand Master
Provincial Grand Master
Leyland Festival and Euxton Gala Day were both cancelled and they take place within a
few miles of our venue. However the West Lancashire Mark Spirit ruled on the day.
The Site plan was reorganised and the rides, that would normally have been held on the
field were moved onto the tarmac area. All the catering was either moved into the hall or
under the gazebos.
“what a great time all the
children, grandchildren
and I had. I hope YOU
enjoyed it as much!”
At 12noon the sun was shining and the Provincial Grand Master was at the gate greeting all our visitors, young and old alike, whilst Eric Drinkwater takes the tickets.
Volunteers were on had to sell tickets for the rides and give help and advice.
Brethren, a picture speaks a thousand words and I make no apology for those that follow, they clearly show what a
successful day we had and the enjoyment that was created.
The PGM meets and greets and Eric takes the tickets
A not so wild Leopard
Isla’s latest look
Rod chats to Bill who’s selling ride tickets.
I'm never going to wash it off
Jimmy sells his wares
Round and Round they go
The Girls wait patiently
and preserve the occasion
After a train ride the PGM and Jack needed a brew
The PGM gets a new collar!
And the fun goes on
Page 3
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We are planning a PARTY !
Mark Province of
West Lancashire
You may recall that at Provincial Grand Lodge in May the PrGM recalled that his first contact
with freemasonry was at a children’s Christmas Party. Whilst some groups of Craft Lodges
or Masonic Hall Committees themselves arranged parties for the children at Christmas, they
are patchy and some areas are not covered. It has therefore been decided that the Mark
Province should hold a party for children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and Godchildren
of Mark Masons and Royal Ark Mariners. It is intended that this party is in addition to the
existing arrangements, it is not in competition with existing arrangements.
Details are still being put together, but below is and advert with the information to hand at
this stage. Please keep your eye on ’Mark Times’ and the web site for updates.
60 Mark Lodges
24 RAM Lodges
Provincial Grand Secretary
25 Hough Lane
PR25 2SB
Phone: 01772 623590
Provincial Grand
Master says,
“my first contact with
freemasonry was at
children’s Christmas
Party in 1952.”
How to get your articles in the Newsletter or on the Web Site
It is so easy to get you article or advertisement published on our mark web site or in this newsletter, simply email me the
details via the web master link on the web site or directly on mike.wlmark@btinternet.com attaching your photographs
or other articles.
Mike Beesley
Direct email communications
The Provincial Office have request all lodge secretaries and scribes to provide all members email
addresses to enable direct email communication.
Please ensure your secretary has your correct details.