Fall - North Carolina Association of Zoning Officials


Fall - North Carolina Association of Zoning Officials
Inside this Issue:
Message from the President
Gary Ouellette
President’s Message ............. 1
President’s Message (cont.) ... 2
Calendar Notes .................... 2
New Members ...................... 3
Award Winners ..................... 4
Annual Conf. Wrap-Up ......... 5
Annual Conf. Pictures ....... 6-7
Business Meeting ................ 8
Cert. Comm. Report ............. 8
CZO’s .................................... 9
Education ........................... 10
Officers/Bd. of Directors ..... 11
Financial Report ................. 11
Bd. of Directors Mtg. ..... 12-13
Legislative Update ............ 13
Committee Appointments . 14
Cert. Comm. Members ...... 15
Past Presidents ................. 16
District Map ........................ 17
Got an Idea??
New Ordinance ??
New Enforcement Program ?
Unusual B.O.A. Case ???
Let Us Know…..
We can do an article in an
upcoming newsletter and share
it with fellow members.
Please contact the Newsletter
Chair, Kevin Medeiros by
e-mail at
or call (252) 206-5287.
Please let me start by
thanking you for the honor and
privilege of serving as your
president for this coming year. Joey
Lea has done a fantastic job during
his tenure on the board and as
president of our organization this
past year. He has served with
dedication and pride and I want to
personally thank him for his
leadership and guidance. He has
been and continues to be an
inspiration to this board and the
organization. Thanks Joey.
Congratulations to Loray Averett on her receiving the NCAZO Member
of the Year Award. She is a hard working, dedicated member of our
organization and is well deserving of this honor. Congratulations Susie
Zakraisek from Cabarrus County on her selection as NCAZO Student of the
Year and her recent certification as a Certified Zoning Officials (CZO). To
both of you, well done and well deserved. I would also like to congratulate all
graduates of the recently Certified Zoning Officials (CZO) course and their
designation as CZO’s. Look for their names in this edition of the newsletter.
The Annual Conference at the Shell Island Resort in Wrightsville Beach
was a tremendous success due to the hard work and attention to detail by
Loray Averett and John Evans. They were busy all year planning this event
and it showed in every aspect. The agenda and guest speakers were top
notch, the accommodations were fantastic, the food was excellent and the
entertainment superb. Our heartfelt and sincere thanks to Mr. Robert
Simpson, Wrightsville Beach Town Manager, Teresa Lockamy from the City
of Greensboro Human Resources Department, Rich Ducker and Dave
Owens from the School of Government, Penny Tysinger and all of the Region
O Coastal Planners, Mr. Lewis Smith, Superintendent, Stanly County
Correctional Institute and Mr. John Marshall III, City of Charlotte. Your
presentations were well received and enjoyed by all as evidenced by the
outstanding comments we received on the evaluations forms.
continued on page 2
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2007 Fall Edition
e fr
om t
he Pr
esident, (cont.)
For those of you who unfortunately could not attend, we hope to have all the presentations posted to the
web site very soon. It is excellent material which will benefit you in your daily duties. A special thanks to
“The Conductors” who put on a fantastic performance at our annual banquet. No question those in
attendance had a great time. Look for photos on the web site.
The election results are in. Congratulations to Geoffrey Pearson, 1st Vice President, Loray Averett,
2nd Vice President, and Grace Smith, Director for the Central District who will also serve as our Secretary.
We have a lot on our plate for this coming year and your Board of Directors is anxious to get
started. Some of the key issues are the Mid-Winter Workshop tentatively scheduled in Winston-Salem
and the Annual Conference to be held in Cherokee. The co-chairs have already begun planning these
events. We will be working to establish a Scholarship Fund offered to those members in good standing
and perhaps their family members. More information will follow on this subject in upcoming newsletters
and the web site. We will continue to look to improve on and keep updating information on our web site
to make it a professional and valuable resource tool for our organization. There will be a committee
forming to look into the possibility of having a joint conference with the Virginia Association of Zoning
Officials (VAZO). We share many similarities with this organization and we feel a joint conference would
be a great opportunity to grow, network, and share experiences. It’s going to be a busy year with many
Once again, thank you all for the opportunity to serve.
Gary Ouellette, CZO
7 - 2008 Calendar N
Board of Directors Meeting: The Board of Directors will meet on Friday, October 26, 2007. Contact
any of your board members if you have something you feel the Board needs to address.
Newsletter Articles: The deadline for submission of articles for the next newsletter is December 1st,
2007. Publication date is December 15th, 2007. If you have items of interest for the entire membership
to be included in the newsletter or posted on our Web Site, let us know. We also have advertising space
available. If you know of a Planning/Zoning related business that would like to advertise in our newsletter,
let us know. Contact Kevin Mederios at: kmedeiros@wilsonnc.org.
2008 Annual Dues: Annual dues renewal notices will be sent in January 2008.
Mid-Winter Workshop: The Mid Winter Workshop is tentatively scheduled for March 9th – 11th, 2008 in
Winston-Salem. Geoffrey Pearson and Helen Bunch will co-chair this event. If you have ideas for agenda
topics or wish to assist with the workshop, please contact them. Start planning now.
Annual Conference: The Annual Conference is tentatively scheduled for August 10th – 13th, 2008 in
Cherokee. David Sudderth and Ron Smith are co-chairing this event. Once again, if you have ideas for
agenda topics or wish to help with this event, please contact them.
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2007 Fall Edition
Welcome New Members
Thank you for your support of the NCAZO. We know your membership will certainly be
beneficial to you, your organization and your career. If there is anything that could improve
your experience as a member of NCAZO, please let any of the board members know.
New Member
Miriam J. (Mimi) Ainsworth
Marc Allred
Laura Brewer
Byron Brown
Jason S. Brown
Tiffany M. Burch
Randall K. Cahoon
David J. DeBruhl
Brandi Deese
Stanley Dills
Keith Dycus
Jamison M. Fair
Michael Harper, CZO
Joseph Jeffries, CZO
Lainie Johnston
Melanie Annette Leleux
Robert J. Lewis
Chris Marland
John Travis McGaha
Travis Morgan
Cameron Moore (Assoc. Mbr.)
Colleen Patricia Murtaugh
Jaki L. Pace, CZO
Marc A. Pages
J. Brandon Quatman
Boyd Stanley
Ben Stikeleather
Elizabeth Sullivan
Michael Wagner
Jason Walker
Robert Waring
Christina Watkins
Kathryn Wilson
Tony Wilson
William Yeager, CZO
Zoning Administrator
Foxfire Village
Northwest Piedmont COG
Urban Forestry Specialist
City of Charlotte
Northwest Piedmont COG
Code Compliance Specialist
City of Wilson
Zoning Investigator
Guilford County Planning Dept.
Director/Zoning Administrator
Gates County Planning & Dev. Services
Zoning Enforcement Officer
City of Asheville
City Zoning Officer
City of Laurinburg
Zoning Administrator/Code Enf. Off. Town of Calabash
Code Enforcement Officer
Town of Ocean Isle Beach
Senior Planner
City of Monroe
Zoning Administrator
Town of Mooresville
Planning Director
Harnett County
Director of Planning
City of Whiteville
Planning Technician
Yadkin County
GIS/Planning Technician
City of Elizabethtown
Zoning Review Officer
City of Greensboro
Development ServicesTechnician City of Concord
Town of Pineville
Government Affairs Director
Business Alliance for a Sound Economy
Zoning Enforcement Official
New Hanover County
Zoning & Building Permit Tech.
Pender County
Planner I
Brunswick County
Zoning Enforcement Official
New Hanover County
City of Monroe
Zoning Enforcement Officer
Iredell County
Planning Assistant
Yadkin County
Code Enforcement Officer
Henderson County
Director of Planning and Dev.
Town of Holden Beach
Code Enforcement Officer
Town of Leland
Permitting Officer
Town of Surf City
Zoning Compliance Officer
Town of Cary
Zoning Enforcement Officer
Chatham County Planning Dept.
Zoning Inspector
City of Raleigh
If you have joined NCAZO within the past three months and are not on the above list, have any questions about Membership
with NCAZO or if you know anyone that may benefit from membership, please contact: John Evans at (336) 626-1201,
ext. 225 or email jevans@ci.asheboro.nc.us
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2007 Fall Edition
d W
Special congratulations to the following persons for having been recognized by their
superiors and peers as outstanding zoning officials and members of our organization.
This award is given in recognition of an outstanding member of the NCAZO for the preceding year. The award is
presented to the active NCAZO member who has distinguished himself/herself by loyalty and dedication to the
Association affairs.
Loray Averett is this year’s NCAZO Member
of the Year. Loray is the Zoning Services
Coordinator for the City of Greensboro.
Loray joined the NCAZO in 1992 and
became a CZO in 1996. She became a
member of the Board of Directors in 2004
and currently serves as 2nd Vice President.
During her tenure as a board member, she
has served as chairperson of the Awards
Committee, Secretary to the Board, and
more recently, the Certification Committee
and the Audit Committee. She chaired the
Mid-Winter workshop in Greensboro in
2006 and this year’s Annual Conference in
Wrightsville Beach. Loray’s loyalty, dedication, and willingness to tackle any chore make her
most deserving of this award. Loray has made mention that she was truly honored and was
most surprised at being selected the recipient for this award.
This award is presented to the outstanding Certified Zoning Official (CZO)
student from the most recent course who demonstrates enthusiasm, active
participation and motivation during the course of study.
Susie Zakraisek is this year’s NCAZO Student of the Year. Susie
is the Zoning and Planning Manager for Cabarrus County. Susie
joined the NCAZO in 2000 and
became a CZO in 2007. Susie’s
commitment to learning about
zoning in North Carolina and her
interaction with her classmates while
obtaining her CZO make her
deserving of this award. Susie
stated she is honored and was
surprised at being selected for this
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2007 Fall Edition
Annual Conf
ence W
r ap-U
The 2007 Annual Conference was held in Wrightsville Beach at the Shell Island Hotel between
August 12th and August 15th. There were a total of 120 members attending. We were pleased to welcome
26 new members to the conference. In order to orient new members to the association and our annual
conference, Penny Tysinger, held an orientation session welcoming our new members. The conference
kick off included a Sunday evening social comprised of barbeque and vegetables overlooking the beautiful
Atlantic Ocean. The social dinner provided attendees a chance to fellowship with their fellow zoning
officials and guests in a relaxed beachside atmosphere. Our educational sessions began Monday with
presentations on customer service by Teresa Lockamy from the City of Greensboro. She provided some
excellent scenarios that we all deal with everyday in our professions and gave us some insight on how to
serve the citizens we are in contact with in ways that make everyone’s interactions more pleasant and
productive. This presentation was helpful to both those new to zoning as well as more seasoned members
in that it made everyone stop and think about the way we approach people in our daily functions.
Tuesday morning’s session included the immensely popular “Legal Corner” with Rich Ducker and
David Owens from the School of Government. We always appreciate the wealth of knowledge that these
two gentlemen present to our organization. Tuesday afternoon included three presenters. Zoning officials
from the Cape Fear Region (Region O) presented us with various zoning and enforcement issues focusing
on resort communities but also could occur anywhere in the state. A special thanks goes to Penny
Tysinger for spearheading this presentation along with the Region O zoning officials who spoke. Next,
Lewis Smith, Correctional Administrator of the Albemarle Correctional Institution provided a look at the
operations of correctional facilities and zoning issues from the perspective of the North Carolina
Department of Corrections. John Marshall provided some insight on navigating the Board of Adjustment,
offering some helpful tips concerning coordination between everyone who has a role in the Board of
Adjustment. We would like to thank each of our speakers for their time and expertise in sharing their
knowledge with our attendees and the evaluation forms indicated our members appreciated all of them.
Tuesday’s sessions were concluded with our “Where do we go from here?” session in which members
offered some helpful ideas concerning future conferences and the future of the association and its functions.
The Board of Directors appreciates these comments as they are quite useful in guiding our association’s
future activities.
Tuesday evening members were treated with a fine buffet of various entrees and serenaded with
beach, Motown and Oldies musical favorites from the Conductors. It was quite evident these performers
loved what they were doing and engaged the audience not only at the banquet but at the hospitality suite
as well and wanted to be sure each person was having a great time. As some of you may recall, a friendly
parrot also made his way around the facilities and perched himself at various sessions making important
announcements. At our annual Awards Banquet, President Joey Lea announced the recipients of the
annual awards and presented them with a plaque in honor of their accomplishments and contributions.
Suzie Zakraisek with Cabarrus County was awarded the NCAZO Certified Zoning Officials course Student
of the Year Award and Loray Averett was awarded the Outstanding NCAZO Member of the Year.
Congratulations to these two members for their hard work and dedication.
During our Wednesday Breakfast Buffet and Business Meeting, President Joey Lea swore in
Gary Ouellette, Land Use Planner for the City of Jacksonville as the new President of The NCAZO for the
2007-2008 year. President Gary Ouellette announced the election results and swore in the new officers
and Board of Directors. Geoffrey Pearson was sworn in as 1st Vice-President, and Loray Averett was
sworn in as 2nd Vice-President. Grace Smith was sworn in as Board member from the Central District.
We would like to thank the sponsor, Allen Industries for their support of our organization.
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2007 Fall Edition
Business Meeting
The NCAZO Business Meeting (held at the Annual Conference in Wrightsville Beach on August 15,
2007) was called to order by President Joey Lea. President Lea thanked the Board of Directors for its
support throughout the past year. He thanked Loray Averett and John Evans for their hard work in organizing
an educational and successful conference. President Lea presented Loray Averett with an exemplary
service award for three (3) years of service on the Board of Directors.
Joey Lea swore in incoming President Gary Ouellette. President Ouellette presented past
President Lea with a President’s Plaque and a Past President’s mug for his dedication and service to
the organization.
President Ouellette welcomed the zoning officials. He then swore in all Board Members including
a new member for the central district, Grace Smith. President Ouellette then congratulated Student of the
Year, Susie Zakraisek and Board Member, Loray Averett for her recognition in receiving Zoning Member
of the Year Award. He thanked all the volunteers and committees for their dedication and work to the
A motion from the floor was made to hold the 2008 annual conference in a western mountain
location. The motion carried 65-0 in favor of the location.
Other business noted that the winter workshop would be held in the central portion of the state
with a location to be announced.
President Ouellette made brief mention that the Association would be working towards establishing
a scholarship fund to benefit the membership and their families. He also mentioned that hopefully a
committee for the website would soon be established.
President Ouellette made a motion to close the meeting, motion seconded by Brent Graybeal.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Certification Committee Report
The second offering of the introduction to zoning course was held on June 11th -15th.
• There were approximately 60 participants registered for the class. The class included a mixture of
zoning officials and planners from various local government agencies.
• Several current NCAZO members assisted in teaching the class by providing presentations and
leading roundtable discussions in zoning and planning-related matters.
The next offering of this course is to be determined by the Institute of Government.
• The 2007 Certified Zoning Officials Course was completed in April 1007. The class was one of the
largest with 45 students attending. I am pleased to announce that all 45 students have successfully
completed the course and received their CZO certification.
• The topic of providing Continuing Education Credits to members has been raised, and will be
evaluated in the upcoming meetings with the Certification Committee.
The next Certification Course will also be determined by the Institute of Government.
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2007 Fall Edition
Certified Zoning Official
Congratulations to the
listed individuals for
successfully completing
the recent Certified
Zoning Officials Course.
John Barber, CZO
Lovely Bell, CZO
Natalie Berry, CZO
Nadine Boltz, CZO
Steve Bomgardner, CZO
Shannon Brian Brigman, CZO
Derrick Caudell, CZO
Susan Closner, CZO
Eric P. Coman, CZO
Donald Curtis, CZO
Alaina Dillard, CZO
Carl Doby, CZO
Janice Duncan, CZO
Robert Farnum, CZO
Mark Fowler, CZO
Joseph Garnett, CZO
Bruce Gould, CZO
Jeremy Hardison, CZO
Michael Harper, CZO
Edward Harrison, CZO
Kenneth B. Helper, CZO
Christopher Hills, CZO
Rawls Howard, CZO
Chris Huffman, CZO
Tonya Jacks, CZO
Ken Krulik, CZO
Martin Locklear, CZO
Eric J. Martin, CZO
Chad McEwen, CZO
Julian Nelms, CZO
Amy Overfield, CZO
Jaki Pace, CZO
Linda Painter, CZO
Betty Pearson, CZO
Todd Rademacher, CZO
Kevin Reed, CZO
Cathy Ruth, CZO
Angel Smith, CZO
Wendy Spry, CZO
Richard Strawn, CZO
Joshua Watkins, CZO
Stephanie Whitlock, CZO
Kelly Wyatt, CZO
William Yeager, CZO
Susie Zakraisek, CZO
Surry County
City of Charlotte
Henderson County
City of Wilmington
Town of Cornelius
Richmond County
City of Charlotte
Town of Granite Quarry
Town of Wallace
Town of Sunset Beach
Iredell County
Rowan County
Town of Oak Island
Vance County
Catawba County
City of Wilmington
Town of Pinehurst
Town of Carolina Beach
Town of Mooresville
City of Greenville
City of Thomasville
Town of Knightdale
Town of North Wilkesboro
Wilkes County
Carteret County
Warren County
Harnett County
Randolph County
Town of Burgaw
Wayne County
Town of Apex
Pender County
New Hanover County
Town of Angier
Town of Surf City
Town of Emerald Isle
Polk County
Town of Pinehurst
City of Salisbury
Craven County
Davidson County
Iredell County
Town of Nags Head
City of Raleigh
Cabarrus County
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2007 Fall Edition
LET’S GET EDUCATED (a continuing series)
“Zoning of Particular Activities”
A. Vested rights: This is the legal right to continue or complete a use even if the regulations
have changed. There are four ways vested rights can be established in North Carolina:
1. Common Law – The owner must have made substantial expenditures in good faith reliance on a valid specific approval.
2. Valid building permit – The owner has a vested right only as long as the building permit remains valid and only for the work
approved by the building permit.
3. Site specific development plans – This is a provision mandated by state law that allows site specific plans (and each local
ordinance can define what types of projects may be covered) to get a two year vested right. Local governments have an option
of allowing up to a five year vested right and may also allow for more general phased development plans.
4. Development agreements – An optional tool allowed in North Carolina a of 2006 that allows a local government and
developer to lock in land use regulations and infrastructure scheduling and cost-sharing arrangements for up to twenty years.
B. Nonconformities: These are land uses, lots, or structures that were legal when started, but which no longer conform to current
ordinance requirements. Immediate compliance with new rules can be required if necessary to protect public health or safety. Most
zoning ordinances allow them to be continued, but subject to restrictions set by the ordinance. The most common restrictions are
that the nonconformity not be expanded or enlarged, it not be changed to another use, and that it not be reestablished if abandoned
or discontinued. Some ordinances include an amortization requirement for some nonconformities. This requires the nonconformity
to be phased out over time.
C. Statutory Limits: Some uses have established statutory limits. For example:
1. Family and Group Care Homes: If a family care home has six or fewer handicapped persons, it is not exempt from zoning
but it must be treated the same as a single-family residence. State law allows minimum separation requirements between
family care homes of up to one-half mile. G.S. 168-21, -22. Federal law prohibits local governments from discriminating on the
basis of handicapped status.
2. Manufactured housing: Zoning can regulate the location, dimensions and appearance of manufactured homes, but
cannot completely prohibit them from a jurisdiction.
3. Alcohol Sales: State ABC permit preempt local zoning restrictions on the location and operation of facilities that have ABC
permits. It is important for locality to comment on consistence with land use regulations during the ABC permitting process.
4. Agricultural uses: Bona fide farms are exempt from county (but not city) zoning ordinances.
5. Watershed areas: State law sets minimum standards for land use regulations covering water supply watersheds.
6. Telecommunication towers: Federal law allows regulation of personal wireless services. However, local regulations may
not discriminate between types of providers and must not totally prohibit provisions of service.
D. Constitutional Limits: Some uses have established constitutional limits. For example:
1. Adult businesses: A local government cannot totally prohibit a business that offers non-obscene but sexually explicit
books, films, or dance. Obscenity can be prohibited. Regulations to prevent adverse secondary impacts are also permitted.
2. Signs: These can be regulated either through zoning or with a separate sign ordinance. Zoning can have reasonable
regulations on the time, place, and manner of speech but care is needed when regulating political speech.
3. Religious uses: Religious land uses are not exempt from zoning requirements. Any land use regulation of religious uses
must be based solely on secular impacts of the use, not a concern about the religious beliefs that may be involved. Land use
regulations should be applied equally to all religion. The federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act limits
regulations that substantially burden religious practices.
4. Takings: If a regulation deprives an owner of all practical and economically feasible use of the entirety of the property, the
court may conclude this is a regulatory taking prohibited by the Fifth Amendment.
More information on zoning particular uses and zoning ordinances amendments in future editions of the newsletter. If you would like
to contribute to the “Let’s Get Educated” portion of our newsletter, please contact Kevin Medeiros at kmedeiros@wilsonnc.org.
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2007 Fall Edition
Officers & Board of Directors
2007 - 2008
Gary M. Ouellette, President
City of Jacksonville
P.O. Box 128
Jacksonville, NC 28541
Phone 910-938-5361
Fax 910-938-5031
Loray Averett, 2nd Vice-President
City of Greensboro
P.O. Box 3136
Greensboro, NC 27402
Phone 336-373-2630
Fax 336-412-6315
Larry Odom, Treasurer, 2008
Nash County
120 West Washington St., Suite 2110
Nashville, NC 27856
Phone 252-459-1212
Fax 252-459-1381
Kevin Medeiros, Board Member, E-2009
City of Wilson
P.O. Box 10
Wilson, NC 27894
Phone 252-206-5287
Fax 252-399-2233
Ronald Smith, Board Member, W-2009
Gaston County
P.O. Box 1578
Gastonia, NC 28053
Phone 704-866-3072
Fax 704-866-3966
Geoffrey Pearson, 1st Vice-President
Wake County Environmental Services
P.O. Box 550
Raleigh, NC 27602
Phone 919-856-2613
Fax 919-743-4772
Grace Smith, Secretary,
Board Member, C-2010
City of Durham
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone 919-560-4137, ext. 215
Fax 919-560-4641
John Evans, Board Member, C-2008
City of Asheboro
146 North Church Street
Asheboro, NC 27203
Phone 336-626-1201, ext. 220
Fax 336-626-1218
Helen Bunch, Board Member, E-2008
Brunswick County
P.O. Box 249
Bolivia, NC 28422
Phone 910-253-2035
Fax 910-253-2437
David Sudderth, Board Member,
Stokes County
1012 Main Street
Danbury, NC 27016
Phone 336-593-2408
Fax 336-593-5434
Financial R
The following is a brief financial report from the Treasurer as of 9/15/2007:
Checking Account:
Money Market Account:
Ending Balance:
If you have any questions or would like additional information, contact Larry Odom at Larry.Odom@nashcountync.gov
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2007 Fall Edition
Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors meeting convened at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at Shell Island Hotel
in Wrightsville Beach. Members present included Gary Ouellette, President; Geoffrey Pearson, 1st Vice President; Loray
Averett, 2nd Vice President; Larry Odom, Treasurer; Grace Smith, Secretary; and Board Members John Evans, Ron Smith,
Kevin Medeiros, David Sudderth, and Helen Bunch.
MINUTES: Mr. Smith moved to approve the minutes from the June 8, 2007 Board of Directors meeting (e-mailed previously
by Ms. Averett). Mr. Sudderth seconded the motion. The motion carried.
2007 ANNUAL CONFERENCE FINAL REPORT: Ms. Averett and Mr. Evans gave the final report on the conference, which
was held at Shell Island in Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Odom confirmed the he estimated with the final expenses turned in for the
cost for the conference would be approximately $4,500. Ms. Averett said she would receive the travel expenses for Lewis
Smith and Teresa Lockamy in a few days. They will be reimbursed for mileage and meals at standard rates. It was the
consensus of the board that the conference was successful and well managed by Mr. Evans and Ms. Averett.
President Ouellette suggested that at future conferences all guests should be given a name tag. This will aide in
recognizing guests and monitoring their attendance at functions. Ms. Bunch also asked if there is a policy to address
situations when people arrive at the conference but their check has not. Mr. Odom and Mr. Evans said they usually just
check with the finance office for the jurisdiction and obtain the information for the check. Mr. Odom said no one has been
turned away in the past. Ms. Averett suggested that evaluation sheet be provided the last morning of each conference
because people forget sometimes to fill them out. Mr. Medeiros moved to accept the conference report, seconded by Ms.
Bunch. The motion carried.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: President Ouellette reviewed the committee assignments with everyone (see attached).
He asked the board to take the time to review their duties concerning committee policies and duties. He explained the new
“Central, Western, Eastern” volunteers under Education and Publicity. He said he plans to solicit a volunteer from each
district to assist Mr. Medeiros with website and newsletter management. There was some discussion of scholarships at this
time. Some felt the scholarships should benefit any child of an active member regardless of the course of study. Mr. Odom
said the standards will be similar to that of VAZO but he will provide an update on that at the next meeting. Mr. Evans moved
to accept the report, seconded by Ms. Averett. The motion carried.
NEW ADMINISTRATION: President Ouellette again reminded everyone to be familiar with the duties as set forth in the Job
Descriptions and Policies.
President Ouellette asked for comments concerning the session on “Where Do We Go From Here”. It was suggested
that some people like break out sessions and maybe they could be incorporated into a Mid-Winter workshop agenda. Mr.
Pearson suggested we collaborate with other associations like surveyors, engineers, and contractors to get them to share
information. They might even consider being a sponsor. Everyone agreed topics should be considered based on the interest
forms. Mr. Medeiros suggested we continue to look at continuing education credits for attending sessions. Ms. Bunch
agreed the committee should look at that. Mr. Pearson moved to accept the report, seconded by Mr. Evans. The motion
CONTRACT RENEWAL: President Ouellette distributed a copy of the contract for Brenda Livingston to continue as the
Web Site manager (attached). He reviewed the contract and noted there are no changes from the 2006 contract. Ms. Bunch
moved to approve the contract as submitted, seconded by Mr. Smith. The motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: The financial report was given by Mr. Odom. He submitted an updated treasurer report for current
records (attached). The report included a financial report and a projected expense report. As of August, 2007 the Checking
Balance was $26,403.64 and the Money Market Account was $17,882.96. Mr. Odom shared information with the Board that
he is still working with the accountant to gather information on scholarship requirements. More direction from the board
members on how to proceed will be forthcoming at upcoming meetings. The Audit Committee received the register report.
Mr. Odom also distributed the conflict of interest forms to all board members to sign. The forms were signed and returned to
the secretary. Mr. Medeiros moved to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Mr. Sudderth. The motion carried.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Mr. Evans gave the membership report (attached). The report shows the Association has 507
members (13 honorary members) of which 441 have paid their membership dues (changes have been penciled in based on
Mr. Evans verbal report). He stated that approximately 53 members have not paid their dues and will be dropped at the end
of 2007 if dues are not paid by then. There have been 122 new members this year, as of August 1, 2007. Income from the
membership this year has been $17,500 dollars. There are some counties that still do not have representation and Mr. Evans
noted that he will continue to work on informing these counties about NCAZO membership. Mr. Smith moved to accept the
membership report, seconded by Mr. Medeiros. The motion carried.
continued on next page
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2007 Fall Edition
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LEGISLATIVE REPORT: Ms. Bunch and Mr. Sudderth gave the legislative report. Ms. Bunch stated the presentation by
Dave Owens and Rich Ducker summed up the legislative report. Mr. Smith made a motion that the report be accepted,
seconded by Mr. Medeiros. The motion carried.
EDUCATION / PUBLICITY REPORT: Mr. Medeiros presented the education/publicity report (attached). Attached is a copy
of the cost breakdown for the summer newsletter. Total cost was $300. Mr. Medeiros stated the fall newsletter will be
published on September 15, 2007 and asked for all newsletter items to be sent to him by September 1, 2007. President
Ouellette said the new volunteer web committee (Central, West, East) will assist Mr. Medeiros with website enhancement.
Mr. Sudderth made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Ms. Bunch. The motion carried.
CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE REPORT: Mr. Pearson gave the certification committee report (attached). The most recent
Introduction To Zoning course was held June 11th -15th. There were 60 participants from various local governments. He noted
several NCAZO members were present to assist. There were 45 persons who recently achieved their CZO certification at the
last CZO course. Mr. Evans made a motion to approve the report, seconded by Mr. Smith. The motion carried.
2008 ANNUAL CONFERENCE REPORT: Mr. Smith and Mr. Sudderth distributed materials comparing several prospective
locations for the 2008 Annual Conference including: Cherokee, Blowing Rock, Boone and Hendersonville. The proposed date
to hold the conference is August 10th -13th, 2008. There was some discussion of the date and whether or not to move the
conference back to July. It was the consensus to leave the date as proposed for now. After reviewing the materials, the board
chose Cherokee, NC for the location of the 2008 Annual Conference. Mr. Sudderth and Mr. Smith will block 75 rooms now
and provide an update at the next meeting. Ms. Smith made a motion to approve the report and location, seconded by Ms.
Averett. The motion carried.
2008 MID-WINTER WORKSHOP REPORT: Mr. Pearson said he and Ms. Bunch had considered several locations but have
chosen the Hawthorne Inn, which is located in downtown Winston Salem for the Mid-Winter workshop. The proposed dates
are March 2nd -March 4th, 2008. Mr. Pearson passed out information on the accommodations and rates. Ms. Bunch said she
and Mr. Pearson will propose topics after reviewing the interest forms from the 2007 Annual Conference. Mr. Odom agreed to
e-mail the interest topics out upon his return to the office. Mr. Sudderth made a motion to approve the report and location,
seconded by Mr. Smith. The motion carried.
Scholarship Committee was discussed under another subject, see minutes under Committee Appointments.
The next Board of Directors meeting date will be October 26, 2007 at IOG in Chapel Hill.
Mr. Pearson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Bunch.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Grace Smith - NCAZO Secretary
Legislative Update
At the Annual Conference in Wrightsville Beach Rich Ducker and David Owens of the School of
Government presented a session called “Legal Corner”.
To learn about what updates have occured, review their presentation from the Annual Conference
on the NCAZO website and/or visit the School of Institute’s website at http://www.sog.unc.edu/
organizations/planning/leginfo.html .
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2007 Fall Edition
ee Appointments
Our president has made committe appointments for the upcoming year. If you have any questions, issues, or
a desire to help on any of these committees, please feel free to contact those appointees.
Here is a list of the Board Members appointed:
Audit Committee
Gary Ouellette - Chair
Geoffrey Pearson
Loray Averett
Larry Odom
Awards Committee
Helen Bunch - Chair
Monty Sprinkel
Cristina R. Moon
Certification Committee:
Larry Odom - Chair
(see next page for members)
(Newsletter/Web Site)
Kevin Medeiros - Chair
Central - Volunteer TBD
West - Volunteer TBD
East - Volunteer TBD
Legislative Committee
Helen Bunch - Chair
David Suddreth
Ron Smith
Membership Committee
John Evans
Nomination Committee
Gary Ouellette - Chair
Geoffrey Pearson
Loray Averett
Brent Graybeal - West
Kam Merrell - West
Larry Odom - East
Brenda Coats - Central
Grace Smith
Winter Workshop:
Geoffrey Pearson - Co-Chair Geoffrey.Pearson@co.wake.nc.us
Helen Bunch - Co-Chair
Annual Conference:
David Suddreth - Co-Chair
Ron Smith - Co-Chair
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2007 Fall Edition
Certification Committee Members
2007 - 2008
Larry Odom, CZO, Chairman, Eastern District, 2011
Planner II, Nash County
120 West Washington Street, Suite 2110, Nashville, NC 27856
Phone: 252-459-1212 Fax: 252-459-1381
Cindy Babson, CZO, Eastern District, 2011
Zoning Code Enforcement Officer, Town of Shallotte
P.O. Box 2287, Shallotte, NC 28459
Phone: 910-754-4032 Fax: 910-754-2740
Brenda Coats, CZO, At Large, 2010
Planner II, Wake County
P.O. Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602
Phone: 919-856-6215 Fax: 919-856-5824
Mark Tutor, CZO, At Large, 2010
Construction Administrator, Elam, Todd, d'Ambrosi
2880 Slater Road, Suite 200, Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: 919-481-2021, ext. 152 Fax: 919-481-2773
Jim King, CZO, Western District, 2009
Planner, Town of Morrisville
P.O. Box 878, Mooresville, NC 28115
Phone: 704-799-8018 Fax: 704-662-7039
Letha Mauldin, CZO, Western District, 2008
Planner, City of Concord
P.O. Box 308, Concord, NC 28026-0308
Phone: 704-920-5141 Fax: 704-786-1212
Angela Birchette, CZO, Central District, 2009
Zoning Enforcement Officer, Chatham County
P.O. Box 54, Pittsboro, NC 27312
Phone: 919-542-8285 Fax: 919-542-2698
Larry Strickland, CZO, Central District, 2008
Zoning Enforcement Administrator, City of Raleigh
P.O. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602
Phone: 919-890-3747 Fax: 919-890-3016
Loray Averett, CZO, Liaison
Zoning Services Coordinator, City of Greensboro
P.O. Box 3136
Greensboro, NC 27402
Phone 336-373-2630
Fax 336-412-6315
Richard Ducker, Faculty Adviser
Institute of Government
CB #3330, Knapp Building, U.N.C-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
Phone 919-966-4179 Fax 919-962-2706
David Owens, Faculty Adviser
Institute of Government
CB #3330, Knapp Building, U.N.C-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
Phone 919-966-4208 Fax 919-962-2706
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2007 Fall Edition
t Pr
We would like to recognize those persons who led us through the past
years. Thank you to the following individuals for their dedication and
Sam Liner
Archie Andrews
Kathy Tatum
Gary McDaniels
Dale Long
F. E. Icenhour
Davy Mitchell
Ron Milburn
Hardy Watkins
Robert Brandon
Jan Woodside
Linda V. Staab
Michael Downs
John C. Marshall III
Andy Thomas
Sam Laughter
Joy Richards
Wendell Holland
Brent Graybeal
Bernard George
Brownell Wright
Larry Odom
Fred Featherstone
Penny Tysinger
Michael M. Sandy
Joey Lea
Mecklenburg County
(H) Greensboro
City of Fayetteville
City of Asheville
(H) Mecklenburg County
Cabarrus County
City of Graham
Catawba County
(H) City of Raleigh
Mecklenburg County
(H) Amity Development Serv.
Town of Morehead City
(H) Cabarrus County
Mecklenburg County
City of Greenville
Henderson County
Town of Southern Pines
City of Asheboro
Watauga County
City of New Bern
(H) City of Henderson
Nash County
Town of Manteo
Cape Fear Council of Gov.
Stanly County
City of Burlington
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New Hanover
2007 Fall Edition