presentation - COST action TU0602


presentation - COST action TU0602
COST TU 602 Conference Industrial Land
Land redevelopment in current
European spatial development
Prof. Maroš Finka, Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
From initial thoughts...,
via a view on EU and spatial development
new challenges
new interpretation – new approaches Bratislava land redevelopment
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Initial thoughts:
European spatial development policies represent important factor in
property and land management incl. the land redevelopment
The land redevelopment has to be inherent part comprehensive policies
for sustainable spatial development
Almost every EU policy has its territorial impacts and reflections, but:
political reality of EU is characterized by weak position of comprehensive
development policies
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Spatial development sustainability and land
Speed of the reduction of agricultural land for the enlargement of
built up area in 2007 = 1398 ha/year = 1359 soccer play grounds/year
in Slovakia
The built up area
between 1994 and
2007 from 128463 ha
to 227931 ha, which
represents growth of
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
EU Approach to Spatial Development
1990s Europe 2000 & Europe 2000+
1998 ESDP – new goals (balanced competitiveness) & new concepts (polycentric
urban networks)
2002- ESPON
Cohesion Reports (2001, 2004) Territorial Cohesion
Lisbon 2000 and Gothenburg 2001
Declarations 2004 Constitution for Europe Art. 3 TC and Lisbon treaty
2006 Territorial Agenda of the European Union
2007 Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion - Territorial agenda, action program
2007 Leipzig Charter
2010 Europe 2020, Europe 2030
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
New territorial challenges today
- regionally diverse impacts of climate change
- rising energy prices and opportunities for new forms of energy supply
- accelerating integration of regions in global economic competition
- impacts of EU enlargement on cohesion
- overexploitation of the ecological and cultural resources particularly through
increasing development, sprawl while remote areas are facing depopulation
- territorial effects of demographic change, in and out migration, influence on
the supply of public services of general interests as well as the housing market,
the development of the settlement structure and how people live together in the
cities and regions... all
relevant for the land redevelopment
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Specific Frameworks for the land redevelopment in Central
Metropolitanization + increased global competition + limited mobile capital
Previous isolation + peripheral location at the fringe of political blocks ,
Late entering the global competition arena +lack of profilation,
Catalyzing effects of European integration + EU-enlargement,
Qualitative development +economic globalizations + global competition,
“overheated” urbanizations, late sub-urbanization
Late tertiarization +transition towards post-industrial and knowledge based society,
Overall demographic development + immigration restrictions
Introduction of stronger environmental limits
Ignorance of the influence of new reality of EU 27 in the former EU-spatial development
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
New challenges – global financial crisis
Global financial crisis exposed hidden imbalances, caused by the
deformed development policies focused only on the rush GDP
growth in some regions instead of development sustainability
The pressure on spatial planning in terms of quick reaction and
lower/eliminate impacts of the crisis has considerably grown.
Focus on integrated policies – complex (spatially, across economic
sectors) and in the same time concentrated on efficient solution of
respective problems in respective contexts is essential.
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Focus of the Territorial Agenda of the EU
mobilizing the potentials of European regions and cities – territorial capital
utilizing its territorial diversity for sustainable growth
integrated spatial development
Three main aims of TA
development of a balanced, polycentric urban system and new urban-rural partnership
securing parity of access to infrastructure and knowledge
sustainable development, prudent management and protection of nature and cultural
Supplementary aims
to reduce the cost of non-coordinated national policies,
to contribute to goals set up in Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas
to counterbalance the economic and social collateral effects of European single market
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Territorial Cohesion
new concept of spatial development across all levels from
European up to communal
major addition to the EU policies for social and
economic cohesion
fundamental step in translating the
goal of sustainable and balanced development
into territorial terms
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Territorial Cohesion objectives
to promote economic and social progress and a high
level of employment and to achieve balanced and
sustainable development
to make sectoral policies which have a spatial impact
and regional policy more coherent
to improve territorial integration and encourage
cooperation between territorial subjects
It implies that people should not be disadvantaged by
wherever they happen to live or work in the Union
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Interpretation of land decline and land
regeneration in the context of territorial cohesion
Land decline - territorial phenomenon connected with the specific
features of physical and functional structures in the territory, territorial
social and economic structures
Land redevelopment as natural part of the settlement development
containing variety of different permanent life cycles reflecting
contradiction between the phases of respective life cycles
The specific challenge for the industrial land redevelopment –
the attempt to face industrial land decline implementing the
combination of the redevelopment strategies based on awareness
about the dialectic relation between the economic decline, decline of
physical environment and social distress.
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Sectoral planning
Sectoral planning
Sectoral planning
Sectoral planning
Sectoral planning
Land-use planning
Executive managment/
implementation management
Designing/project development
Realisation (interventions, changes)
Spatial monitoring system and system of the information management
Land redevelopment as the matter
of comprehensive spatial planning
Prof. Maroš Finka, Ing. Ľubomír Jamečný
Process-related redevelopment strategies
vision oriented strategy is targeted on the achievement of the area
development defined in a vision
needs-based strategy focuses on the balancing community’s
deficiencies, solving the identified problems and satisfying the societal
needs in their dynamics
potential based strategy based on the valorisation of local potential of
the respective re-developed area
interaction based strategy or asset-based community development
approach (ABCD) sees community members/internal and external
stakeholders as active change agents rather than passive beneficiaries
or clients.
adaptive strategy is focused on the maximising of the exploitation of
the possibilities for the redevelopment actions given by the social and
economic environment
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Substantial rehabilitation strategies
replacement – based on the conversion of former
structures towards new structure in the distressed
area (Extreme replacement strategy = strategy of
adaptation – based on the preservation of previous
substance (social, functional, physical)
completing – completing the functional or physical
structure in accordance with the identified lacks
and demands on new quality of life in the area
reconstruction – renewal of existing structures with
the special emphasis on the safeguarding of those
of highest values
modernising – using the interventions valorising the
existing structure implementing the set of
humanisation/eco-humanisation –
comprehensive strategy focused on the
revalorisation of the structures towards
improvement of the quality of living environment
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Apolo
Bussiness Centre
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava– Digital Park
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava– Racianska
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Railway
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Cosmos
brush factory
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Vienna Gate
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Jegeho,
Chalupkova Streed
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Jaskov Rad
Industrial land redevelopment
laboratory Bratislava – Milk Factory
Thank you
Prof. Maroš Finka , Ing. Lubomír Jamečný
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU, STU