Bergan Forever Alumni Newsletter (October 2011)


Bergan Forever Alumni Newsletter (October 2011)
Alumni Newsletter Oct 2011
Vol. 2 Issue 3
Rev. David Belt
A Ministry of St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish
Mr. Ron Beacom
Shortly after I arrived in Fremont
to begin my new assignment at St.
Patrick’s and Archbishop Bergan
Catholic School, I was able to attend
the Bergan Alumni Reunion and 50th
Anniversary celebration of the school
as Archbishop Bergan Catholic
School. It was good to meet many of
the alumni and hear the stories of
years past. As I listened I could not
help but hear and experience the great
pride all of you have in your alma
mater. Of course, since I am a graduate of Cedar Catholic in Hartington,
NE there was a good rivalry present
as well. I am happy to say that I now
have some green apparel and proudly
wear it at our various games and
One of the things that makes
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
unique is that it is still one of the few
parish schools in the Archdiocese of
Omaha as well as the country. That
means, that our school is a specific
ministry of St. Patrick Parish. In fact,
nearly 50% of the Sunday stewardship
of St. Patrick’s goes to operate our
school. This allows us to maintain a
reasonable tuition rate for our fami-
Assistant Principal:
 Mr. Chris Rainforth
 Rev. James Keiter
 Ms. LeAnn Hemberger
 Mr. Gary Schmidt
 Mrs. Kathy Kaup
Marketing / Recruiting:
 Rev. James Keiter
Alumni Relations:
 Mr. Gary Schmidt
 Brook Zakovec
Administrative Staff:
 Mrs. Judy Miles
 Mrs. Sherry Thompson
 Mrs. Sylvia Weier
 Mr. Joe Uhlik
May God Bless You!
Fr. Jim Keiter
The Alumni Newsletter for
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
has gone through many transformations over the years. Our newsletter has gone from large to small,
from color to black and white and
many steps in between. Additionally, most schools also publish an
annual report to honor their many
alumni donors and other benefactors to the school. This was last
done for Archbishop Bergan in
2008. As Fr. Dave, our school President works to improve communications, advancement and the many
other aspects of our school so continued generations are served by this
great institution, we are excited to
release the revised: Bergan Knights
Forever Alumni Newsletter. This
issue is being published in October;
however, future publications will
arrive quarterly in December, March,
June and September.
This issue
along with our annual September
publication will include our Archbishop Bergan Catholic School Annual Report. We want to feature
stories on our alumni each issue and
so we hope you take the time to
update us on news from you! We
hope you enjoy Bergan Knights
Knight Notes from the President
Inside this issue:
We Remember...
Alumni Office
Mr. Gary Schmidt
The Huskers’
True Gift
Alumni Reunion
Annual Report
and Honor Roll
Vegas Knights
lies. In the Omaha metro area the
average tuition cost per student this
year is nearly $8000.00 for high school
and over $2500 for elementary. The
tuition for one student at Archbishop
Bergan this year is $3300.00 for high
school and $2300 for elementary.
That is because of the support of the
Though, Archbishop Bergan Catholic School will continue to be an
important and crucial ministry of St.
Patrick’s, we necessarily need to increase the participation of our alumni
and other supporters of the school in
the fundraising and support of our
school’s general operations. As an
alum, you hopefully see the benefit of
a Catholic education at Archbishop
Bergan. I pray that you experienced a
broadening of your own Faith,
Knowledge and Service and can understand the importance of supporting
this important ministry for generations
to come. I look forward to meeting
many of you during my time at Archbishop Bergan Catholic School.
All New
Bergan Knights Forever
This year has
celebrate and
remember the
many blessings
that God has
shared with us
years of Catholic education at
Archbishop Bergan Catholic
High School. As we begin our
51st year, there is certainly a
renewed sense of excitement and
hope among the students, staff,
and families that we serve. We
know that we have been given a
precious gift by the past
generations of priests and
religious, parishioners, parents,
and generous benefactors who
have made Bergan what it is
today. Through your time at
Bergan, you were recipients of
their sacrifice and generosity as
well. Today we pause to give
thanks for all that has been done
in the past, and we look forward
to the future with a new commitment to “instill a passion, as exemplified by Christ, for faith, knowledge, and
service” in our students.
As you have been a part of
our past, we hope that we can
count on you to be a part of our
future. I truly believe that our
mission as a Catholic school
provides a solid framework for
the students we serve, so that
they are prepared for all of the
challenges and opportunities
that are waiting for them. With
God’s guidance and grace, and
with your prayers and support,
our future is very promising.
Together, as the “Bergan
Family,” we are destined for
great things! Fr. Dave Belt
“With God’s guidance and
grace, and with your prayers
and support, our future is
very promising.”
Alumni News
We Remember...
Thomas Crawford – May 14, 2011.
Father of Karen Crawford Langan (‘83);
and James Crawford (85).
Phyllis Loeffler – May, 30, 2011. Mother
of David Loeffler (‘68) (deceased); Beth
Loeffler Cheshier (‘69); Rebecca Loeffler
Wahsburn (‘73); Susan Loeffler Hasek
Melinda Madsen – June 3, 2011. Mother
of current students, Jonah and Seth
Carmen Costello – June 6, 2011. Wife of
Patrick Costello (‘74).
Pearl Crawford – June 7, 2011. Mother of
Karen Crawford Langan (‘83); and James
Crawford (‘85).
Miriam Thiele – June 8, 2011. Wife of
James Thiele (‘57).
Helen Breen – June 7, 2011.
Grandmother of Shalan Wewel Kuipers
(‘99); Jillian Wewel Sonnenfelt (‘03); and
Halie Wewel (‘08).
Louis Mahacek – June 24, 2011. Brother
of Susan Mahacek Westerholt (‘65).
Joe Collins – July 10, 2011. Father of
Kathy Collins Huffman (‘81); Mary Anne
Collins Luther (‘82); Kevin Collins (‘86);
and Kelly Collins Husen (‘89).
Evelyn Niles – July 13, 2011.
Grandmother of Ben Brester (‘96); and
Evelyn Brester (’98).
June Pitzel Retzlaff – July 13, 2011.
Mother of Martin Pitzel (‘66); and
Susanne Pitzel McPherson (‘68).
Daryl Dale – July 18, 2011. Grandfather of
Jeff Dale (‘91); Jason Dale (‘95)l and Tami
Dale Kunasek (‘98).
Richard Siems (’61) – July 18, 2011.
Husband of Linda Williams Siems (‘66)
(deceased); brother of Thomas Siems
(‘56); and father of Anne Siems Tweedy (‘89).
Clarence Kolund – July 19, 2011.
Grandfather of Bryce Kolund (‘02).
Secretary. Grandmother of Randy Meister
(‘78); Bruce Meister (‘79); Scott Meister
(‘81); Tom Meister (‘84); Jim Meister (‘87);
and Michelle Meister Schleicher (‘89).
Lillian Kassmeier – August 29, 2011.
Grandmother of Ryan Means (‘98); and
Karen Means Zoucha (‘01).
Marilyn Fitzgerald – September 14, 2011.
Taught at St. Patrick’s Catholic School and
CCD classes.
Mary Ann Thew – September 16, 2011.
Mother of Michael Thew (‘70).
New Arrivals
T.J. (‘95) and Sarah Micek welcome their
first child, Haley Ann on June 8th. The
Minneapolis, MN.
Let your classmates know about you
We want to know about where and how
you are, and so do your fellow
classmates. Please submit news and
photos to Kathy Kaup, editor,, or the Alumni
Office, 422 East 4th Street, Fremont, NE
Welcome to our newest Alumni
The Class of 2011 added 23 new alumni to
the list of Archbishop Bergan Graduates.
The 2011 graduates were:
Anderson, Joshua Boggs, Catherine Booth,
T.J. Bottorff, Cody Brdicko, Kortney
Classen, Maria Cohee, Lyssi Dirkschneider,
Jerry Dolejs, Emily Greitens, Riley Gross,
Connor Hotovy, Marcus Lewis, Tyler
Maple, Spencer Morrissey, Dereck Pacula,
Janae Radtke, Jessy Schroedter, John
Spellerberg, Evan Stober, Mitchell
Swanson, Christian Victor and Alec J.
100% of the Class of 2011 went on to post
-secondary studies. 91% went to 4 year
universities or colleges. 9% went to 2 year
colleges. These 23 graduates earned nearly
one million dollars in scholarships and
accepted over $600,000 of those
scholarship offers. This class accepted
over $236,000 in academic scholarship and
over $375,000 in athletic scholarships. The
Class of 2011 is attending 15 different
universities and colleges in Nebraska, Iowa
and Missouri. This class also earned over
150 college credits by the time of their
graduation from Archbishop Bergan.
In the upcoming issues of the Bergan
Forever Newsletter, we will be listing
Alumni that we have lost touch with.
Starting with this issue, we will list a
decade at a time. If you have a current
address or any other information regarding
any of the following alumni, please contact
the Alumni Department at 402-721-1846
The 60’s
Last ........ First .........Maiden
1960 ..... Kleekamp ....John
1962 ..... Frink ............Catherine
1962 ..... Grimm .........Theresa .........Hacke
1962 ..... Hastings ....... Robert
1962 ... Pfeifer ..........Henry
1963 ... Mann............Marlene
1964 ... Anderson .....Dr. Donald
1964 ... Coogan ........George
1964 ..... Hanson ........Richard
1964 ... Jaksha ...........Michael
1964 .......McCormick .... Pam ...............Roy
1965 ... Kleekamp ....Mildred
1965 ..... Kluthe ..........Michael
1965 ... Kulhanek .....Ken
1965 ..... Miller............Julie ...............Hories
1965 ....Rasmussen .....Gene
1966 ... Espinar ........Luis
1966 ..... Gilroy...........John
1966 ... Hickenbottom ....Lynn..............Johnson
1966 ..... Kline ............Alfred
1966 ... Lee ...............Jay
1966 ..... Pitzel ............Martin
1967 ... Morrissey .....Mary..............Allen
1967 ..... Kiefer ...........Evelyn
1967 ... Mammola ....Helen ............Mruz
1967 ..... Perry.............Robert
1967 ... Rock .............Mary..............White
1967 ..... Semrad .........Daniel
1968 ... Bailey ...........Marilyn .........Bolte
1968 ..... Beckel ..........Daniel
1968 ... Benoit ..........Barry
1968 ..... Carlson ........Carol .............Strunk
1968 ..... Druskis ........Constance .......Maslonka
1968 .....McQuiston ..... Joseph
1968 ..... Paralta ..........Robert
1968 ... Pitzel ............Suzanne
1968 ..... Roddy ..........Patrick
1969 ... Donohoe .....Karen
Save the DATE
2012 Alumni Reunion
July 14, 2012
Alice Collins – July 28, 2011. Mother of
Kathy Collins Huffman (’81); Mary Anne
Collins Luther (’82); Kevin Collins (’86);
and Kelly Collins Husen (’89).
Martha Kaup – August 2, 2011. Mother
of Leona Meister, former Bergan
St. Patrick’s/Archbishop Bergan Alumni Reunion News
From the Bergan Knights Alumni Office
Hello to all! It’s October and the
reunion celebrating the 50th anniversary
of Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
and the 60th anniversary of St. Patrick’s
High School is history. As usual, I
enjoyed seeing all the alumni and the
teachers who returned this summer.
It is very difficult to locate past
Many of our past teachers
(and alumni) have dropped their
landlines in favor of cell phones, making
it nearly impossible to track them down.
However, there were over 20 teachers
who attended the reunion banquet.
Total attendance for the banquet topped
over 200, and everyone had a great time
visiting with one another. I would like to
especially thank Sue Wewel who put
together video interviews of past
teachers, secretaries, custodians and
priests to name a few. Thanks also to
Pat Dix (‘91) who created a slide show of
pictures taken mostly from yearbooks.
Our Master and Mistress of Ceremonies
By Tom Shatel
were John Lamme (‘63) and Keri Hanson
Pittenger (‘87) and we are grateful to
them for the fine job they did. As usual,
there was not enough time to visit with
all the visiting alumni and teachers but
thank you to all who made our
anniversary celebration a grand success.
As we continue to re-work our alumni
newsletter we are hoping to gather more
stories about our alumni that we can
share with everyone such as this issue’s
story on Jack Riggins (’93). For example,
The Missouri River flooding this past
summer has been unbelievable. Usually
flooding lasts a couple of weeks and then
it’s over. This year the flooding along the
Missouri has been overwhelming.
Interstate 29 all the way from Sioux City,
Iowa to Rockport, Missouri has been
closed in various stretches since midJune. Whole houses, farm buildings, and
anything else in the pathway of the
Mighty MO have been completely
submerged in water and many have been
swept away altogether. We pray that none
of our alumni were impacted by this
natural disaster, but some may have been.
If you would like to share your story
please contact us by phone, email or mail.
Our prayers continue to go out to all
those suffering from the many natural
disasters encountered by our nation this
I, along with Fr. Dave and Fr. Jim will be
contacting many of our alumni to invite
them to consider supporting our great
school through the annual appeal. I look
forward to speaking to and visiting with
many of you.
Again, please let me know if you have a
change of address, phone, and email or
would like to share any stories for future
issues of our Bergan Knights Forever
Alumni Newsletter. Check us out also on
Facebook. We want to keep in touch with
you! I wish you all good health and God’s
Gary Schmidt
Huskers Receive a True Gift of Unity
Typically I have no use for sports
analogies to war. Sports are not war.
Sports are entertainment.
But in the case of Jack Riggins' American
flag, I'm happy to make an exception.
Riggins is a veteran Navy SEAL from
Fremont, Neb. His official title is
"Executive Officer for Naval Special
Warfare Unit." He spent the past decade
in Afghanistan fighting terrorists. There
are football heroes. Riggins is a real hero.
Riggins is currently back in Afghanistan,
but last month Riggins was back in his
native Nebraska. He was invited to speak
to the Nebraska football team. He did.
And how.
According to players who were in the
room, Riggins' speech blew them away.
He was brutally honest. He told war stories. Real war stories. He talked about
growing up a Husker fan. He compared
some of the missions he served on to
some of the great victories in Nebraska
football history. He fired up the Unity
Council, saying, "As the Unity Council
goes, so goes the 2011 season."
He fired up the whole room and by the
end of it, the entire team wanted to
follow him out the door.
Riggins left the Huskers one gift. An
American flag. And not just any flag. He
presented them the flag that he personally
carried around Afghanistan for 10 years.
bigger things going on," Cassidy said. "His
talk was one of the best talks I've ever
heard in my life. We have some very
proud Americans on our team. They are
very patriotic. That fired up everyone."
Copyright 2011 OmahaWorld-Herald,
Reprinted with permission.
That's the flag you saw Jared Crick and
Austin Jones carry out to the field the
past two home games.
"He let us know that that flag bagged a
lot of terrorists,'' said NU senior safety
Austin Cassidy, who helped carry the flag
out for the season opener. "He told us to
do what we wanted with the flag, just
don't let it touch the ground."
The Unity Council met with Assistant
Athletic Director Jeff Jamrog and decided
to make the flag the Huskers' flag for
2011. The team will carry it out to the
field in both home and away games.
During games, it's on the team sideline, in
a stand. During the week, it hangs in the
locker room.
"It's a cool reminder that there are a lot
Front Row: Dixie McCarthy Easdon, Maria Neukirch Morrissey,
Eleanor Krumel Kubin and Margaret Houchins Cardoza
Back Row: Chuck Kubin, Art Ladenberg, Tom Siems and Lee Maly
Front Row: Joanne LaRocca Gemar, Joanne Dohse
Penry, Carolyn Martinez Black, Kay Anderson
DiGiacinto, Steve McGuire and Margaret Czarnick
Middle Row: Sharon Otis DeSmet, Leatta Zrust
Millie, Alice Kline Buesing and Ann Hruska Conklin
Back Row: Cliff Rice, Myron Zrust, Randy Moody,
Richard Siems, Gordy Whitcomb and Richard
Front Row: Vicky Vondenkamp Cary, Diane Gabrukiewicz
Bystrom, Mary Wewel Cutler, Debra Connerly Kraemer and Connie
Back Row: Harold Sawtelle, Mike Jaworski and Kermit Wolff
Class of 1971
Front Row:
Jenny Jorn Goracke, Pam Prinz
Lehmann, Nadine Doksansky Lallman, Jill Vance
Stober, Roxanne Stepanek Merizalde and Mary
Mahlberg Jacobs
Back Row: Dan Wiesen, Robert White and Jim Wewel
Front Row: Mark Mendlik, Mark Kucera (‘82), Bob Kingston and
Pat Wewel
Back Row: Brian Foy and Tony Kubin
Front Row: Sharon Kadavy Teeter, Patrice Mendlik Vakiner, Michelle
Arett Legenza and Angie Stepanek Araya
Back Row: Brenda Harris Knoell, Suzy Emanuel McDonald, Lisa
Hunke Mendlik, Chris Wiebelhaus, Thom Mendlik and Tom Wiesen
Front Row: Dave Westerholt, Matt Reichert, Brian Villwok and
Bret Gottschall
Back Row: Jad Bundy, Joey Bergmanis, Tony LaMar and Darrin
Greg McGuire
Float Crew for John C.
Fremont Days Parade
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
Annual Report (January 1, 2009 – June 30, 2011)
As we reviewed past
publications of our
school we discovered
that an annual report
and recognition of
donors had not been
done since 2008. With
this issue of the Bergan
Knights Forever, we are
including our annual
report as well as an
Honor Roll of Donors.
Archbishop Bergan
Catholic School would
not exist without the
generous support of
individuals such as you.
Please peruse the
following pages and
help us give thanks for
the tremendous support
of so many good
people that help
support the ministry of
Archbishop Bergan
Catholic School.
Financial Statement as of June 30
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
Cash and Investments – Operations...............................................$186,452
Cash and Investments – Restricted .................................................$429,763
Educational Endowments – Restricted Principal.................... $1,882,334
Property, Equipment and Fixtures ........................................... $12,806,804
Liabilities and Equity
Accounts Payable and Short Term Liabilities............................. $273,449
Long Term Debt ................................................................................ $5,018,468
Total Liabilities ................................................................................ $5,291,917
Total Equity .................................................................................... $10,013,436
Archbishop Bergan
Endowment Distributions
Archbishop Bergan
Endowment Corpus
Profit and Loss Statement
as of June 30, 2011
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
Tuition $943,879
Student Fees
Cafeteria Collections $136,988
Parent Knights and Student Organizations
Knight Event
SCRIP (gross income)
Phonathon, A.S.A.P. and
Endowment earnings $86,140
Subsidy from St. Patrick Parish $1,135,000
TOTAL INCOME $2,990,594
Personnel ............................................. $2,061,717
Utilities .................................................... $110,068
Maintenance and Repair .......................... $53,507
Property Insurance .................................. $20,786
Professional Fees ..................................... $12,424
Education Supplies and Materials ........ $166,239
Technology ............................................... $17,241
Student Services ....................................... $81,511
Other expenses ........................................... $5,300
Knight Event ............................................ $38,868
SCRIP (gross expense) ........................... $433,220
Thank you to all these individuals and families who support Archbishop Bergan Catholic School!
Memorial Gifts:
January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
In memory of Kelsey Rose Abel
Dan and Sue Kassmeier
In memory of Mary Beam
Donald and Geraldine Connelly
In memory of Magdalene (Trudy) Beeghley
Chris Bernard
O&W Brabec Rentals
Theresa Campbell
Joan Emarine
Virginia Faubel Trust
Mr & Mrs Robert Gemar
Margaret Manning
Timothy & Shelly Manning
Don & Janice Ortmeier
Diane & Greg Schultz
David & Cathy Warnemunde
Joseph & Helen Widhelm
In memory of Edith Beers
In memory of Jim Bergmanis
Class of 1985
In memory of Kelleen Chapman
Bob and Terry Chapman
Jerry Chapman
Dan and Sue Kassmeier
In memory of Paul Corritore, Sr.
Rita Corritore
In memory of Bryn Dirkschneider
Gene and Jo Kassmeier
Randal and Jan Stieren
In memory of Marvin Doernemen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Aschoff
Don and Janice Ortmeier
In memory of Luella Mlnarik Dvorak
In memory of Mike Fitzpatrick
In memory of Ed Gabrukiewicz
Charles & Joanne Rice
In memory of Marianne Getzfrid
Mary Kay Lerner Revocable Trust
In memory of Robert (Bob) Givens
Lonnie & Wendy Olson
Kerry & Cathy Farber
Gary & Carol Schmidt
Douglas & Patricia Scott
John & Nancy Hines
Betty Schuler-Weingarten
In memory of Leo & Lucille Goebel
Judy Bailey
In memory of Rebecca Perry Hardcastle
In memory of Mildred "Millie" Havel
In memory of Nick Herrman
Marianne Simmons
In memory of Randy Hetrick
In memory of Walt Huber
In memory of Elaine Marie Johnson
In memory of Bernard Kassmeier
Gilbert and Dolores Faltin
In memory of Edward Kassmeier
In memory of Tom Krause
In memory of Ed Kwiatkowski
Class of 1985
James and Cristina Burger
Matthew and Marcia Jacobs
Jeffery and Karla Lessman
Nick Taylor
Leann Tysdal
In memory of Justin & Ruth Lauer
Dan and Shirley Barker
In memory of Robert Launer
Gary Schmidt
In memory of Mary Kay Lerner
Class of 1972
J Michael Hemmer
Sharon Holewinski
Norma Vance
Jim and Marion Schenzel
In memory of Rita Leger
In memory of Melinda Madsen
Brian and Melissa Hapke
The Lassek Family
Richard & Betty Roeder
John & Jolene Wiesen
In memory of Cheryl Pruss Massaro
Richard and Marilyn Julian
Dan and Sue Kassmeier
Donna Kappeler
In memory of Lillian Mendlik
In memory of Donald Mundy
In memory of Anna Navrkal
Norman and Lorraine Gerrard
In memory of Mildred Paulson
Sheila Parkert
In memory of Martin Pfeifer
In memory of Robert "BR" Realph Pastor Terri Ackerman
Lynn and Vicki Anson
Sister Colettle Baldwin
Don and Dora Beatty
Shawn and Nichole Beenker
Doni Brainard
Jim and Etta Brainard
Russ and Sandy Calloway
Cary and Susan Cattlett
Keith and Linda Chapman
Ed and Diana Christofferson
Shirley Clark
Jo Coleman
Wes and Arlene Conklin
Bill and Dee Cunningham
Steve and Ginger Daubert
Dick and Lane Davis
Ed and Susan Dillenger
Dr. John and Pat Drahota
Dr. Jim and Judy Drahota
Marlyn and Mary Eckerman
Jack and Judy Ekeler
Jack and Midge Edson
Evelyn Farris
Scott and Barb Feldhacker
Mike and Karen Ferrin
Lou and Marlene Filipi
First State Bank and Trust Company
Brett and Kristine Fischer
Bob and Joanne Gemar
Curt and Lynn Goracke
Jan Grubb
Mark and Rose Gudd
Mike and Jan Guilliatt
Doug and Carol Haase
Mark and Lisa Hammer
Rick and Judy Hanson
Paul and Pat Hartung
Norma Hass
Wally and Nancy Hass
Jim Haase
Jeff and Angie Hazen
Judy Hespen and Scott Getzschman
Don and Glenda Gilbertson
Clara Haney
Brett and Heather Hanson
John and Mary Herkenrath
Jim and Nancy Hoshor
Tom and Margaret Iossi
Greg and Barb Ishmiel
Patricia Johnson
Glenn and Pam Kalisek
Ron and Sally Kracl
Jan Krievins
Chuck and Eleanor Kubin
Ken and Donna Kudlac
Kurt and Mary Kuhl
Duane and Eileen Kuhr
Tim and Michele Lambert
Nick and Cheryl Lamme
Caren Lillie
Wayne and Bettilou Lindell
Warren and Mary Lucas
MainStreet of Fremont
Lee and Sue Maly
Bill and Vaudine Mariner
Derril and Carol Marshall
Merri Misfeldt
Dave and Sheila Monke
John Morehouse
Gary and Christina Moser
Mrs. Bruce Mowatt
Dan and Arlene Mueller
Judy Neuhaus and family
Skip and Sharon Niederdeppe
Jim and Pam Norwood
Denny and Jeri Nutzman
Gary and Gretchen Ogden
Don and Janice Ortmeier
Bill and Linda Ott
Bob and Cindy Parks
Roger and Marlene Parr
Steve and Jan Peck
Virgil and Eleanor Post
Richard and Ruth Prell
Patricia Realph
Barb Remmereid
Herb and Nancy Riecken
Moe and Ina Rines
Dave and Carol Rise
Doug and Mary Ann Ritthaler
Vic and Nancy Roeder
Ken and Diane Rogers
Dennis and Genelle Rosenbaum
Kathy Rosenbach
Rod and Teresa Rozanek
Rinda Sawyer
Skip and Judy Sawyer
Tom and Marka Sawyer
Ron and Emilee Scheer
(Continued on page 7)
(Continued from page 6)
Gary and Carol Schmidt
Butch and Joan Scott
Florence Shemek
Rod and Karolyn Sherman
Steve and Cindy Sick
Karen Simms
Gary and Jeanie Smith
Plyush NAQS Srivastav
Mark and Hedy Stathes
Mike and Patsy Steinbach
Mike and Pam Stratman
Virginia Studt
Chad Sukup
Richard and Scheryl Sukup
Richard Svatora and family
Ivan Taege
Betty Updike
Harold and Wilma Updike
Randy and Linda Wagner
Jim and Jodi Wewel
Brian and Sharon Whisler
Jeff and Connie Widhelm
Len and Barb Wilder
Anita Wilson
James and Carolyn Windhausen
Mike and Rebecca Winterfield
Rod and Judy Woerner
Gerry and Sara Wolf
Joan Zimmer
In memory of Verna Reiman
In memory of Sean Rock
Class of 1985
L. Joe & Cheryl Dickmeyer
Gene and Jo Kassmeier
Marie Rock
In memory of Herb Rosenbach
Gloria Schmid
Tom & Marka Sawyer
Ron & Angela Gross
Roy & Betty Carstensen
William & Marianne Schuler
Gary & Carol Schmidt
Nicholas Lamme
Marlyn & Mary Eckerson
David & Leatta Millie
Raymond & Helen Mann
Shirley Brester
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gemar
Joe & Jacqueline Raus
Donald & Janice Ortmeier
Shawn Vetick
In memory of David Rouzee
Marlyn & Mary Eckerson
In memory of Burdette Sabata
In memory of Rick Schmidt
Dorothy Sorensen
In memory of Betty Sindelar
Donald & Janice Ortmeier
In memory of Lorinda Stecher
In memory of Rochelle Swiatek
Don and Gerri Connelly
In memory of Regina (Wewel) Troshynski
Julie Zabrowski
In memory of Norma Uhlik
In memory of Ralph Widhelm
Otto & Wanda Brabec
In memory of Margaret Wordekemper
Gary & Carol Schmidt
Donald & Janice Ortmeier
Alan & Shirley Jensen
In memory of Gertrude Zach
Vincent and Adeline Wieneke
Planned Gifts
Bill & Elaine Emanuel Estate
Mary Kay Lerner Revocable Trust
Charlotte A. Wesch Estate
         
Annual Giving
KNIGHT EVENT 2009 & 2010:
Abe Krasne Home Furnishings Inc.
Ace Hardware & Garden Center
Carie Acker
African Days
Mary Alderson
Allied Appliance Inc.
Alotta Brownies
American Backhoe Co. LLC
American Gramophone
American Tan Stand
Marilyn Amos
Wendy Andersen
Aaron Anderson
Brad and Susan Anderson
Cory Anderson
Justin Anderson
Richard Anderson
Animal Medical Clinic
Anytime Fitness
Arbor Manor
Arby's (J.T. Hill Inc.)
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2009
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2010
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2011
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2012
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2013
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2014
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2015
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2016
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2017
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2018
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2019
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2020
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2021
Archbishop Bergan Class of 2022
Archbishop Bergan High School Faculty
Archbishop Bergan Middle School Faculty
Archbishop Bergan Preschoolers
Archbishop Bergan Elementary
Archbishop Bergan Parent Knights
Archbishop George Lucas
Archdiocesan Office of Stewardship &
Jen Archer
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Arms & Ammo Sporting Goods
Alan and Mary Atkinson
Audio Video Specialists
B & K Body Shop
Backstage Review Hair Studio
Jeremy and Amber Barton
Bath & Body Works
Father Ronald Battiato
Gregory L Baumhover
Baxter Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Ron and Jill Beacom
Beads & Toggles
Beck's Thrifty Lube
Bella Salon and Spa
Father David Belt
Jeff and Jodi Benjamin
Barry and Jennifer Benson
Larry and Janet Beran
Steve and Amy Beran
Bergan Booster Club
Bev's Tailoring
Big Red Restaurant & Sports Bar
Marlin and Ruth Binnebose
Shelli Binnebose
Jeremiah and Shelly Blake
Bloom Optical LLC
Blue Bottle Coffee House, Inc.
Blue Ocean Company
Mary Bodell
Father Steve Boes
Josh Boggs
Lyle and Karie Boggs
Dave Bohlen
Ryan and Cindy Bojanski
Pat and Judy Booth
Borsheim's Fine Jewelry & Gifts
Shirley Boschult
Patti Bowman
Bill and Janet Brabec
Marlin and Marla Brabec
Leon & Joanne Bracker
Brady's Meats & Foods Inc.
Brainard Chiropractic
Monte and Jenise Brown
Thomas and Vonda Brown
Heather Bryant
Richard & Susan Buesing
Busy B's Stamp & Scrapbooking Studio
Dennis Butler
Julie (Henggeler) Butler
Ruth Caddy Vyhlidal
Bill and Sandee Camp
Camp Fontanelle
Canine Country Club
Phil & Leslie Carter
Casey's General Store
Catholic Daughters of America Court
Jerry Cavanaugh
Charlie Diers Ford-Lincoln-Mercury
Kevin and Karma Chase
Carl Christensen
Janet Christensen
Tom and Judy Christensen
Christensen Fireworks
Christensen Lumber Inc
City of Fremont Parks & Recreation
Clarion Inn
DeAnna Clark
Desa Clark
Clarkson Street Gallery
Gregg and Shelli Clausen
CoCo Key Water Resort
Russell Cohee
Colombo Distribution
Heather Cone
Molly Conklin
Christy Conrad
Jim and Christy Conrad
Julia Cook
Karen Cope
Cost Cutters
Patrick Costello
Monica Coulter Creighton University Foundation
Jamie Crowe
Linda Crytzer
Barb Cunningham
Daisy Curtis
D & T Shirtified
Lori Dahl
Jack and Pat Dahlhauser
Dairy Queen
James and Alice Dam
Dirk and Risa Daubert
Father James DeAnda
Angie Decker
Dee's Catering & Café
Dennis DeGuzman
Scott Deines
Jerry and Patti Delaney
Dennis Uniform
Dick's Zesto
Charlie & Mary Lou Diers & Family
Chuck and Julie Diers
Dillon Brothers Harley Davidson Shop
Patrick and Carma Dirkschneider
Pat Dix
Brenda Doernemann
Don Peterson & Associates Jennifer Bixby
Don Peterson & Associates Larry Flamme
Don Peterson & Associates Marlin Brabec
Doubletree Hotel
Downtown Rental Center
Dr. Jack's Ink Emporium
Deann Drahota
Drahota Dental Associates
Duane Svec Advertising
Duncan Chiropractic Health Center
Rupert & Ruth Dunklau
Eagle Distributing, Inc.
Earl May Garden Center
Jim and Sherie Ebers
Father Mike Eckley
Bill and Heather Ekeler
Elkhorn Valley Golf Club
Mike and Michele Emanuel
Tim Emanuel
Emanuel Printing Inc
Embroidery Connection
Jeff and Sue Engel
Erickson & Brooks CPA's
Michael and Robynn Ewing
Expressway Shell Food Mart
Faithfully Yours Salon & Nail Spa Randi Escamilla
Virginia Faubel
James and Betty Feldhaus
Kevin and Shelah Fenner
James and Catey Ferdinand
Fergy's Total Package
Scott and Eliza Ferzley
Ryan and Christy Fiala
First State Bank & Trust Company
Dr. Brett and Kris Fischer
Ray and Tammy Fitz
Larry and Mary Flamme
Travis and Anne Folkers
Mike and Jane Follett
Fourth Street Laundromat
Rick and Patty Foxhoven
Wayne and Sharon Francis
Fremont Electric Inc.
Fremont Eye Associates
Fremont Family YMCA
Fremont First Central Federal Credit
Fremont Keno Club
Fremont Ladyhawks Softball
Fremont Meat Market Inc.
Fremont National Bank & Trust Co
Fremont Nighthawk Baseball
Fremont Professional Firefighters
Fremont Tribune
Travis and Angela Freund
Karl and Pamela Fryklind
Chad Fuchs
Tami Gabrielson
David and Kristine Gale
Gambino's Pizza/Hero Deli/Wooden
Windmill/Baby Huey's BBQ
Coach Gamble
Jonathon and Kelley Gardy
Joe and Angie Gaver
Troy Gay
Duane and Phyllis Gebhardt
Gene Steffy's Chrysler Center Inc
Dan Genrich and Darcy O'Brein-Genrich
Getzschman Heating, LLC
John and Kristin Gibson
Ben and Barbara Glass
Oliver and Katie Glass
Glass House Inc.
Gloria Deo Catholic Books & Gifts
Dr. Paul and Mary Glowacki
Steve and Jill Gossett
Bret Gottschall
Great Plains Stereo
Greens Greenhouse
Stacy Grewek
Heath and Katherine Griffen
Michael and Pamela Griffin
Riley Gross
Ron and Angie Gross
Rick Grubaugh
Guilliatt & Associate Financial Services
Doug and Amy Haave
Chris Haberer
Brian and Amy Hamilton
Robert and Sheri Hampton
Chris Hancock
Hands of Skill Massage by Kelley Perry
Joan Hannan
Tanya Hansen
Brian and Melissa Hapke
HardBlock Volleyball Club
Sherry Haven
Jeanie Hays
Chris and Cheri Healey
Heartland Classics
Robert Hegemann
Doug and Judy Heim
Dale and Collette Heiman
Paul and Kathryn Heineman
Governor David Heineman and First Lady
Sally Ganem
LeAnn Hemberger
Lee and Jane Hemberger
Tim Hennessy
Thomas and Dr. Rebecca Herink
Timothy and Janet Herold
Dan and Jennifer Hilkin
Hillrise Kennels
Diane K Hines
Larry and Connie Hladik
Holiday Inn Express
Hormel Food Corp
Jim and Nancy Hoshor
Steve and Becky Hotovy
House of Hair
Mary Huber
Michael and Heidi Hudson
Chris and Melissa Hughes
Robert and Marla Hunt
Marcus and Kate Hurst
Hy-Vee Food Inc.
Dr. Christopher and Dr. Barb Ihle
Inger's Place
Interiors Joan & Associates - Joan
Sorensen Ronan
Interiors Joan & Associates - Karie Boggs
Tom and Margaret Iossi
James Arthur Vineyards
Laura Jana
Kris and Chris Janke
Flamme Jeff Alderson
Joel and Jan Jelkin
Amy and Micky Jennings
Jerry's Hairstyling & Tan Spa Inc
Jerry's Hometown Meats
Charles and Caryl Johannsen
Judy Johannsen
Duane and Eileen Johnson
Noel Johnson
Jim and Meredith Jones
Lee & Jeanne Jones
Joslyn Art Museum
J's Steakhouse & Wine Bar
Jake Jukes
Just U Fitness
Kurtis and Cynthia Kammerer
Gene and Jo Kassmeier
KDM Curb Appeal
Dr. Gerald and Barb Keasling
Keller Williams Premier One Real Estate
Keller Williams Premier One Real Estate Jan Nicola
Terence and Angie Kempf
Susan Kennedy
Sean and Tracy Kenney
Kent's Flowers
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Wayne and Wendy Kerkaert
Debra Kingston
Jim and Carolyn Kingston
Robert and Eilene Kingston
Larry and Lori Kisby
Craig Kneifl
Steve and Kathy Kneifl
Aaron Knobbe
Harry and Doris Knobbe
Ralph and Luann Knobbe
Clark and Evelyn Koch
Rod and Cyndy Koerber
John Konecky
Father Owen Korte
Father David Korth
Howard and Sharon Krasne
Duane and Helen Krause
Tim and Kori Krause
Wayne Kreifels
Darcy Kreikemeier
Jason and Kathy Kreikemeier
Larry and Shirley Kreikemeier
Rob and Pam Kreikemeier
Kriz-Davis Company
Carrie Kucera
Mark and Dawn Kucera
Mary Kucera
L & L Gifts
Learning Express
Dr. Keith and Lisa Leatherbury
Michelle LeGenza
Carol Leise
Kevin and Amy Lemmers
Thomas and Marylou Lenz
Jeremy Leonard
Rick and Sandi Leonard
Lied Center for Performing Arts
Lincoln Children's Museum
Lincoln Saltdogs Pro Baseball
Lincoln Stars Hockey
Tyler Linder
Lindy Glass Inc.
Rocky and Sally LoChiano
Longaberger Baskets - Connie Hladik
Father Frank Lordemann
Lou's Sporting Goods/Nebraska Sports
Mac's Cafe
Jeff Madsen
Lonnie and Carla Mahrt
Main Street Theatres Inc.
Pete and Elizabeth Manes
Ray and Helen Mann
Tyler Maple
Curtis Marolf
Joel and Tammi Marreel
John and Maxine Martin
Shelley Martin
Mary Kay Cosmetics - Audrey Renter
Masonic Eastern Star Home for Children
Max Design, Inc.
Max Nutrition
Terry and Linda McClain
McDonald's Restaurant
Roland and Casey McEntee
(Continued on page 8)
(Continued from page 7)
Richard and Carol McGill
McGill Landscaping
Gloria McGuire
Josh and Lori McIntyre
Dr. Thomas and Dr. Evelyn McKnight
Eric McQuistan
Theresa Medeiros
Robert and Carol Meduna
James and Diana Meiergerd
Donna Meismer
Paul and Lee Meister
Scott and Patty Meister
Dr. David and Jill Mendlik
Gary and Grace Mendlik
Mark and Lisa Mendlik
Thom and Suzanne Mendlik
Mendlik Orthodontics
Metropolitan Community College
Trent and Shelly Meyer
Thomas Micek
Midland University
Midland University Lady Warrior
Midland University Lady Warriors
Miller Pharmacy
Laurie Milota-Forsberg
Kaela Minton
Bob and Michele Missel
David and Kim Mitchell
Elaine Mlnarik
Dennis and Joan Moore
Tim and Joan Moore
Moostash Joe Tours
Greg and Betty Morris
Isaac Morrissey
Shannon and Lonni Morrissey
Moser Memorial Chapel
Mount Michael Benedictine School
Bill and Kim Mruz
Ms. Nichole Kreikemeier
George and Mary Mulder
Thomas and Dana Muller
Karen Mumm
Barbara Munday
Tyler and Tracy Munter
Bert and Sandra Murray
Brendan and Elizabeth Murray
Nancy's Boutique
Steve and Mary Narans
John and Tuesday Neary
Nebraska Orthopaedic Physical
Nebraska PICC Specialists, LLC
Dee Nelson
Judy Nelson
Ben and Jan Nicola
Mark and Cindy Niedbalski
Jay and Janette Nielsen
Randy and Melissa Nieman
Frederick and Renae Norenberg
Nye Senior Services
Oak Tree Inn
OfficeNet, Inc.
Brian and Lori O'Gorman
Steve and Julie Oliver
Father Eric Olsen
Omaha Community Playhouse
Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo
Omaha Royals Baseball Club
Omaha Symphony
One In A Million Salon & Spa
Jim and Sheila Orr
Donald and Janice Ortmeier
Outpost Grille & Steakhouse
Overland Products Co. Inc.
Ashley Pacula
Tom and Pat Pacula
Paden Enterprises/Stanton Telecom, Inc.
Scott and Amy Painter
Chris and Danielle Paulson
Laura Paulson
Raymond and Lynn Pawley
Judy Pearson
Pediatric Partners LLC
Sid Perkins
Lori Peterson
Coletta Pfeifer
Helen Pfeifer
Felipe and Kim Pinales
Pink Nails & Spa
Pinnacle Bank
Dan Pitt
Pizza Hut
Platte Valley Equipment
Brad and Mary Porter
Dennis and Joyce Pospisil
Justin Poulas
Corey and Jennifer Powers
Prairie Fields Family Medicine
Precious Treasures
Patricia Preckel
Mark and Ann Prince
Matt and Casey Pruss
Pruss Excavating
Lillian Quigley
Rader Photography
Chris Rainforth
Robert and Modene Realph
Randy and Marlene Redding
Remix Relics
Carol Renter
Roland and Audrey Renter
Reruns are Fun
Mary Jo Reynolds
Dave and Kari Ridder
Matt and Emily Ridder
Jerry and Jodi Rinne
Rise & Shine Donuts
Doug Rohloff
Gene and Mary Roncka
Tami Roschewski
Rose Theatre
Rosenbauer Aerials
Blane and Lisa Rump
Tracie Runge
Runza on Park
Brenda Ryan
Dick Ryan
S2 Refuse
Darlene Saeger
San Anna's Pizza and Mexican
Kimberly Santora
Nick and Tammy Sassaman
Rich Satorie
Sawyer Car Wash
Sawyer Construction
Tom and Linda Schaer
Marty and Judy Scheer
Bob and Ellie Schendt
Brad Schiermeyer
David Schlautman
Michael and Michelle Schleicher
Dan and Cathy Schmaderer
Courtney Schmid
Barrett Schmidt
Gary and Carol Schmidt
Lori Schmidt
Don and Norma Schmit
Dan and Theresa Schmitz
Erica Schmitz
Mike and Ann Schow
Dan Schroedter
Robert and Lois Schueth
Daniel and Jennifer Schultz
Tim Schulz and Lisa Wieman- Schulz
Barb Scott
Scott Getzschman and Judy Hespen
Dr. Monty and Lynnette Sellon
Paul and Kristi Sendgraff
Ray and Mary Sendgraff
Servicemaster of Fremont
Ardis Shallberg
Les and Koni Shallberg
Tabby Sheets
Sid Dillon Cadillac Mazda GMC
Sid Dillon Chevrolet
Thomas Silva and Dr. Karen Lauer- Silva
SilverStone Group Inc.
Douglas and Donna Simonson
Sleep Inn
Matt and Julie Sleister
David Smidt
Dan and Janae Smith
Keith and Heather Smith
Kimberly Smith
Dan and Jane Soukup
Ron Spahni
Kent and Karen Speicher
Joey and Johnny Spellerberg
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
St. Patrick's Parish Staff
St. Patrick's Women
State Farm Insurance - Gaylord
State Farm Insurance - Tim Lambert
Steenblock Erectors Inc.
Randy and Jan Stieren
Ryan Stieren
Marleen Stillman
John Stober
Elizabeth Stone
Joseph Storms
Thomas and Lou Stover
Strategic Air & Space Museum
Tabitha Strong
Subway Sandwiches & Salads
Candy Suer
Shane and Sarah Sullivan
Sunkist Cleaners
Sunscape Tanning
Father Charles Swanson
Scott and Diane Swanson
Sweetheart the Clown
Sylvan Learning Center
Taco John's
Tangles Hair Design
Taylor & Martin Inc.
TEK Industries Inc./d.b.a Accu Quilt
The 5th Season
The Buckle
The Chimney Doctor/GutterfilterAmerica
of Nebraska
The Computer Guy
The Copy Shop
The Durham Museum
The Marina Inn
The Pampered Chef - Cindy Slykhuis
The Pampered Chef - LeAnn
The Parlor
The Party Shop
The Pines Country Club
The Trophy Case
The Woodcliff Restaurant
Thirty Bowl
Kevin and Darla Thompson
Three Sisters Sweets
Time Warner Cablevision
Mike and Gina Toelle
Touch of Class Hair Studio
Donald and Andree Towey
Stacy and Jane Tracy
Tropical Island Tanning Salon
Joe and Cindy Uhlik
Uppercase Living - Julie Ross
US Bank
USA Steak Buffet
Usborn Books - Tressa Nelson
Patrice Vakiner
Marilyn Valerio
Valley View Golf Course
Valmont Industries, Inc.
Ken and Brenda Vampola
Chris Vance
David and Veronica Vance
Norma Vance
Vance Plumbing & Heating
John Vergin
Robert and Toni Vering
Russ Vering
Dan and Chris Veskerna
Veskerna Equipment Sales
Christian Victor
Victory Marine LLC
Brian and Dana Villwok
Bill and Joan Vobejda
Valdean Vrba
David Vyhlidal and Ruth Caddy Vyhlidal
Richard and Dianne Vyhlidal
Stanly and Arlene Vyhlidal
Paul and Mary Wachter
Chuck and Cara Walker
Tad and Christine Walker
Carolyn Walla
Marshall and Angela Wallman
Jeanette Walter
Chris and Lynne Walz
Jamie and Joan Sendgraff Warner
Doug and Linda Watson
Jennifer Weiss
Greg and Sonya Wemhoff
Dr. Stephen and Pat Wendt
Chanelle Werth
Jill West
Dr. James and Jodi Wewel
Whiskey Creek Wood Fire Grill
White Tail Run Golf Course
Scott and JoAnn Whitney
Zach and Amy Wiegert
Gary and Michelle Wiese
Dan and Kathy Wiesen
Erin Wiesen
John and Jolene Wiesen
Sue Wilcynski
Patricia Williams
Jeff and Beth Wilmes
Jessup Wilson
Wimmers Meat Products
Kenneth Winn
Tom and Dorothy Winter
Mark and Nannette Witte
Chris and Sara Woods
Max and Sue Woods
Shannon and Tara Woods
Dave and Barb Wordekemper
Annette Wurdeman
Yost, Schafersman, Lamme, Hillis,
Mitchell & Schulz
Brook Zakovec
ZZZAP Laser Adventures
         
January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
Robert & Sharon Agress
Jerry & Christy Allen
Shirley Allen
Anon Ammiss
Marilyn M Amos
Rick & Debra M Andersen
Angela Anderson
Bradley & Susan Anderson
Dorothy Anderson
Thomas Anstey
John & Kelli Archer
Robert & Bonnie Arett
Association Ordained Permanent Deacons
Alan & Mary Atkinson
Patricia Babendure
Robert S & Annette K Bailey
James Bales
Theresa Baltz
Juan Barcenas & Cinia Arreola
Trent D. & Marissa May Barner
Clarice Barnes
Josh & Erin Barry
Dean & Phyllis Bart
Dick & Margaret Barton
Russell & Bobette Batenhorst
Edna Battiato
Ronald Battiato
Geraldine Bauer
Pat & Sandy Baumberger
Anne Baumhover
Ronald & Jill Beacom
Gregory & Kimberly Beam
Doreen Beaudette
Trudy Beeghley
Kathleen Belsky
Mary Benderson
Greg & Juanita Benne
Betty Beran
Donald & Patricia Beran
Larry & Janet Beran
Richard & Millie Beran
Bergan Knight Auction
Karl & Karen Bergmanis
Mary Bichsel
Marlin & Ruth Binnebose
J. J. & Jennifer Bixby
Allen & Jean Bloom
Steven Boes
Terry & Susan Boes
Dan & Jeanne Boesch
Nicholas & Jean Bogenreif
Lyle & Karie Boggs
Mark & Cindy Bogus
Ryan & Cindy Bojanski
Bill & MaryLynne Bolden
Leroy Bollwitt
Patrick & Judy Booth
Doug & Patricia Bowman
Karen Bowman
Bill & Janet Brabec
Marlin & Marla Brabec
Michael & Brenda Brabec
Otto & Wanda Brabec
Benjamin & Emily Brachle
Cleo Bracket
Michael & Linda Bracket
Correne Brand
Lambert Brester
Clara Brohimer
Donald Brohimer
Lloyd & Betty Brooks
Crystal Brown
Jerry & Marian Brown
Monte & Jenise Brown
Robert & Renee Brown
Tom & Vicki Brown
Al & Joan Brune
Andrew & Sara Buck
Richard & Susan Buesing
Ken & Cindy Burbach
Robert & Bernadine Buresh
Tim & Rhonda Burger
Jody Bykerk
Keith & Dianne Bystrom
C L Werner Foundation
Richard Campbell
Everett & Sharon Carlson
Kenneth & Melissa Carlson
Richard M & Helene M Cartwright
Catholic Daughters
Jack & Sally Cavanaugh
Michael & Diane Cech
John C & Julie A Cerny
Trilvian Cerny
Bill Chapman
Cathy Chapman
Gerald Chapman
Mary Chapman
Maxine Chapman
Robert & Theresa Chapman
Dan & Peggy Charron
Dennis Charron
William Chleborad
Tom & Judy Christensen
Robert L & Sandra J Chromy
Richard Chvatal
Clarion Inn
Christopher & Desa Clark
Larry & Deanna Clark, Sr
Norma Clark
Virgil & Florence Clark
Class of 1969
Gregg & Shelli Clausen
Curtis Cochran
Evelyn Cochran
Greg Cochran
Russell & Jennifer Cohee
Harold & Sandra Cone
Marla Cone
Wesley & Arlene Conklin
Donald & Gerri Connelly
John J. Connor
James & Christy Conrad
Constance Consbruck
John L & Janet Cook
Rita Corritore
Gene & Hazel Coufal
Joan Coufal
Betty Counts
Robert & LaVonne Cross
Dan Crull
Rita Cruse
Michael & Linda Cunningham
D & D Investments Co. Inc.
Jerry & Barbara Dahlhauser
Douglas & Carol Dale
Marge Danner
Patricia Davis
Jerry & Patti Delaney
Peter & Mary DellaMaggiora
Jerry & Nancy Detmer
Manuel & Maria Diaz
Dan & Dee Dieckmann
Michael & Kim Dieckmann
Charles & Mary Lou Diers
Chuck & Julie Diers
Gerald & Juanita Dirkschneider
Patrick & Carma Dirkschneider
Gene & Betty Dlouhy
Marjorie Doksansky
Don Peterson & Associates
William & Joyce Donnelly
Patrick & Linda Dotson
John & Patricia Drahota
Stephen & Nancy Dreyer
Madalaine Drudik
Tammy Dunker
Galen & Darlene Dunklau
Rupert & Ruth Dunklau
Dave & Julie Dykman
Eagle Distributing
Robert & Doris Eckerman
Marlyn & Mary Eckerson
Nora J Eckert
Edward D Jones - Joel Jelkin
Chris & Julie Eggen
Randy & Shelly Eikmeier
Ekeler Family
Bill & Heather Ekeler
John & Judy Ekeler
Ken & Margaret Eldridge
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
Elementary Parent Knights
Lois Elvers
Dan Emanuel
Donald & Dolores Emanuel
Elaine Emanuel
Martin Emanuel
Mary Pat Emanuel-Cheshier
(Continued on page 9)
(Continued from page 8)
Jeffrey & Susan Engel
Santos Escobedo & Kelly Leeper
Tim Evans
Floyd & Dixie Everitt
Sylvia Evert
Gilbert & Dolores Faltin
Virginia Faubel
Delores Fees
Georgia Feist
James & Betty Feldhaus
Richard & Georganna Felt
Roger & Sandra Ferdig
Jim & Amy Fiala
Fidelity Charitable Grant
First State Bank & Trust Company
Brett & Kristine Fischer
Larry & Patricia Fisher
Marilyn Fitzgerald
William & Dawn Fitzgibbons
Larry & Mary Flamme
Shirley Flanagan
Michael & Jane Follett
Jeff & Laurie Forsberg
Steve & Janet Fosbinder
Helen & James Fosmer
Richard Foxhoven
Rick & Patricia Foxhoven
Virginia Foy
Fremont Electric Inc.
Fremont National Bank & Trust Co.
Fremont Tribune
Jason & Melissa Frieze
Karl & Pamela Fryklind
Chad & Ann Fuchs
Lauren & Bev Fuchs
Kenneth L & Lynn M Fuchser
Tami Gabrielson
Edward Gabrukiewicz
Robert Ganley
Juan & Veronica Garcia
Juanita Gates
Joe & Angie Gaver
Carol Gdowski
Leo & Kathleen Geaghan
Duane & Phyllis Gebhardt
Robert & Joanne Gemar
Edward & Dorothy Gentrup
Scott & Kathy Gerdes
Norman L. & Lorraine Gerrard
Richard Gerrard
Gerald Getzfrid
Ralph & Joann Gibbons
Joe & Jane Gibney
John A & Janet M Gibney
John & Stacy Gibney
John & Kristin Gibson
Charles H & Gladyese M Gilligan
Thomas & Carol Givens
Oris & Barbara Glass, Jr
Paul & Mary Glowacki
Gerard & Velda Godaire
Lane Goebel
Steve & Jill Gossett
Ken & Rita Grosse
LaDonna Grosse
William & Joyce Grosserode
Raymond & Ruthe Grote
Lisa Haase
Brian & Amy Hamilton
Warren & Maria Hammang
Faye Haney
Frank & Leona Hanis
Vernon & Marie Hanken
Joan Hannan
James & Mary Ann Hanson
Linda Hanson
Rick & Judy Hanson
Brian & Melissa Hapke
Ronald & Lillian A Harms
Patricia Harrison
Francis & Marty Havranek
Robert & Alice Hegemann
Marie Heimann
Carmen Heller
Tom & Judy Hellmers
LeAnn Hemberger
Chad & Melissa Henggeler
Lowell Henggeler
Patrick Henggeler
Joseph & Kristin Henkenius
Leo Hennessey
Vic & Cathi Henry
Rebecca Herink MD
Tim & Janet Herold
Don Herout
Karen Herre
Gerald & Kathleen Heywood
David & Maria Hiep La
Gary & Mary Beth Hilbers
Ronald & Linda Hirsch
Richard & Patricia Hirschman
Larry & Connie Hladik
Andrew & Tori Hoesche
Ed & Marie Hoesing
Emil & Marlene Hoffman
John J & Sharon K Holck
Janet M Holcomb
Paul Holley
Larry & Eileen Holzerland
Justin & Sara Horner
Jim & Nancy Hoshor
Steve & Becky Hotovy
Marilyn Houser
Mike Howard
Mary Huber
Michael & Cathy Huber
Michael & Heidi Hudson
Chris & Melissa Hughes
Harvey & Florence Hunke
Richard & Kathy Hunke
Marcus & Kathryn Hurst
Alan & Rita Hurt
In Honor of Charlie and Mary Lou Diers
In Honor of Marcus Hurst
In Honor of Ray Sendgraff
In Honor of Stan and Arlene Vyhlidal
In Honor St. Patrick's Deacons
INSPRO Inc/Randy Eikmeier
Thomas & Margaret Iossi
Justin & Jill Jakub
Justin & Mary Janecek
Chris & Kris Janke
Cindy Janssen
Mike & Carol Jaros
Amy Jennings
David F & Linda M Jirovsky
Frank & Helen Jirovsky
Laddie & Joan Jirovsky
Connie Johannes
John & Audre Kerrigan Bergan Elementary Fund
Duane & Eileen Johnson
Jerry & Kathy Johnson
Lawrence & Marlene Johnson
Marilou Johnson
Mark & Diane Johnson
Craig & Ami Jones
Kay Jorgensen
Leyon & Beata C Jorn
Reno & Cindy Judds-Krenk
Richard & Marilyn Julian
Lynn & Patty Julius
Robert & Eva Kadavy
Darlene Kai
Anne Kalina
Kevin & Julie Kamphaus
Marvin L & Eileen C Karmann
William & Louise Kasak
Allan & Pat Kassmeier
Dennis Kassmeier
Gene & Jo Kassmeier
Paul & Marcia Kaup
Thomas & Linda Kaup
Tim & Carla Kaup
Thomas Keber
Terence & Angela Kempf
Richard & Irene Kenkel
Cindi L Kern
Claire Kern
John Kern
Audre Kerrigan
George & Vicky Kiefer
James & Carolyn Kingston
Sally Kirchmann
Jennifer J. Kirkwood
Larry & Lori Kisby
Karen Klebe
James C & Geraldine Kleese
Lambert & Marleen Kluthe
Stephen & Katherine Kneifl
Knights of Columbus
Mary Ellen Knoell
Sherrie Knorr
William & Valerie Knorr
Clark & Evelyn Koch
Russell & Queena Koch
Dan & Jessica Koenig
Daniel D & Cheryl L Koenig
Mary Kolund
John Konecky
Janet M Koranda
Ronald & Karen Kortan
Owen Korte
Robert & Norma Korth
Dale & Mary Sue Korus
Larry & Sandy Koski
Debra Kraemer
Duane & Helen Krause
Adam & Penny Kreikemeier
Larry & Shirley Kreikemeier
Robert & Pamela Kreikemeier
Rodney Kreikemeier
James & Shirley Kroenke
Robert & Mary Lou Kroenke
Terrence & Colette Kroeten
Dennis I & Marilyn J Krumel
Robert & Jo Lynne Krumel
Lucy Kruse
Raymond & Anita Ksiazek
Charles & Eleanor Kubin
Carrie Kucera
Carol Kull
Shawn M & Korina Kunce
Kevin F & Audrey J Kunkel
Anton & Theresa Kuntz
Leander Kwiatkowski
John & Bo LaMar
Byron & Bonnie Lamont
Thomas LaRocca, Sr.
Daniel & Mary Larson
Jarrod & Jennifer Lassek
Lattin-Dugan Chambers
William & Virginia Laughridge
Dan Lawrence
Gerald & Mary Layman
Mark & Carolyn Leahy
Keith & Lisa Leatherbury
James & Joan Lee
Gary L & Carrie Leffler
Margaret Lehr
Ellen Leifeld
Carol Leise
Edwin & Miriam Lemus
Rick & Sandi Leonard
Charles Lesiak
Melvin D & Melinda L Lewis
Gary & Sandra Liekhus
Duane Lierman
Samuel & Mary Linder
Jay J & Karen L Lindner
Wayne Loock
Helen Love
Kathleen Luther
John & Janet Macklin
Darrel A & Elizabeth Madsen
Jeff Madsen
Gerald & Mary Mahlberg
Don & Connie Mahrt
Leonard & Helen Maly
LeRoy & Sue Maly
Mark Maly
Robert & Linda Maly
Andrew M & Charlene M Manes
R. James & Patricia Manhart
Raymond & Helen Mann
Elizabeth Manzel
Zelma G Marsoun
Daniel & Rosemary Martin
Alfonso & Linda Martinez
Louis & Meghan Masters
Delores Maxey
Gerald F & Nancy May
Kevin & Laurie L May
Terry & Linda McClain
William S & Carol McDermott
Suzanne McDonald
McDonalds Restaurant
David H & Margaret McGath
Richard & Carol McGill
Garry & Lynne McIntosh
Garry & Lynne McIntosh
Joshua & Lori McIntyre
Richard & Bebe McKenzie
Thomas & Evelyn McKnight
James & Karen McMahon
Mike & Georgia McTaggart
Joan McWhirter
Joe & Gerri Means
Thomas & Janis Meier
James & Diana Meiergerd
Bryan & Donna Meismer
Andrew Meister
Bruce Meister
Paul & Lee Meister
Scott & Patty Meister
Maureen Melonis
Memorial Albert Kavan Sr
Memorial Alberta Lamme
Memorial Betty Iossi
Memorial Betty Sindelar
Memorial Butch Rosenbach
Memorial Caha Family
Memorial Carl Wallingford
Memorial Charlotte Wesch
Memorial Clara Brohimer
Memorial Dar Reeson
Memorial Don Fucinaro
Memorial Don Mundy
Memorial Donna Huntington
Memorial Doris Moser
Memorial Dorothy Folchert
Memorial Ed Gabrukiewicz
Memorial Ed Moser
Memorial Elizabeth Kluthe
Memorial Elizabeth Parr
Memorial Ellie Miles
Memorial Elsie Mlnarik
Memorial Everett McAndrews
Memorial Francis Olson
Memorial Frank McWhirter
Memorial Gary Probst
Memorial Gerald Kreikemeier
Memorial Geraldine Wiese
Memorial Gordon Winter
Memorial Harold Lund
Memorial Helen Dirkschneider
Memorial Helen Kassmeier
Memorial Henry Peitzmeier
Memorial Irma Drahota
Memorial Jack Meyer
Memorial Jacqueline Olson
Memorial James Maxey
Memorial Jeanne Marks
Memorial Jerome & Rita Ramaeker
Memorial Jerry Emanuel
Memorial Jerry Krumel
Memorial Jill Chapman
Memorial Joan Kracl
Memorial John Treinen
Memorial Joseph Plasek
Memorial Joyce Bunn & Daughters
Memorial Kathy (Moser) Powers
Memorial Kevin Chapman
Memorial Kristie Vyhlidal
Memorial Leo Kaup
Memorial Lillian Kassmeier
Memorial Lillian Mendlik
Memorial Lorinda Stecher
Memorial Lowell Meyer
Memorial Lowene Heine
Memorial Luella Wallingford
Memorial Margaret Buse
Memorial Marguerite Donner
Memorial Martha Kaup
Memorial Martin Pfeifer
Memorial Martin-Dolores Ulrich
Memorial Marvin Doerneman
Memorial Mary Beam
Memorial Mary Huelsman
Memorial Mary Jo Tablazon
Memorial Mary Kay Lerner
Memorial Mary LaBenz
Memorial Mary Vyhlidal
Memorial Matilda Kluthe
Memorial Matt Hartmann
Memorial Mike Fitzpatrick
Memorial Mildred Havel
Memorial Mildred Paulson
Memorial Mildred Rasmussen
Memorial Myra Parr
Memorial Owen Kruse
Memorial Pat Umscheid
Memorial Paul & Delores Todd
Memorial Paul Corritore, Sr.
Memorial Phyllis Davis
Memorial Rebecca Hardcastle
Memorial Richard Poulasky
Memorial Roger Rohlfs
Memorial Rosanne Woita
Memorial Rose Marie Tichota
Memorial Samuel Bowman
Memorial Sylvester Parr
Memorial Thomas Sweet
Memorial Tom Krause
Memorial Verena Mendlik
Memorial Verna Reiman
Memorial Veronica Strimple
Memorial Victoria Molle
Memorial Virginia Guillory
Memorial Walt Huber
Memorial Walter Longacre
Memorial Warren Krepela
Memorial William Ruskamp
Memorial William Schuler
Memorial Zelma Marsoun
David & Jill Mendlik
Gary & Grace Mendlik
Mark & Lisa Mendlik
Randy Mendlik
Robert & Margaret Mendlik
Thomas & Suzanne Mendlik
Merrill Lynch
Daniel & Maria Meyer
TJ Micek
Tom & Kitty Micek
Richard & Janis Michalski
Donna M Millie
Eola Mimick
Pam Mimick
Edward & Ann Mlnarik
Leslie & Rose Marie Mlnarik
Daniel D & Kathleen M Molle
Juventino & Maria Monarrez
David & Sheila Monke
David & Sheila Monke
Karen Moore
Larry & Elaine Moore
Timothy & Joan Moore
Gary L & Debra Morris
Greg & Betty Morris
Betty Morrissey
Mary A Morrissey
Shannon & Lonni Morrissey
John & Denise Morton
James & Lynda Moser
Grace Mowat
Bernie & Lynn Mruz
William & Kim Mruz
Daniel & Algene Mueller
Linda Mulder
Margie Mulholland
James & Marlene Mullally
Kate Mullen
Tim & Cathy Mullen
Mark M & Barbara A Muller
Peg Mundy
Verlaine Mundy
Mary K Nannen
Steven & Mary Narans
Nebraska Sports-Lou's Sporting Goods
Marlon J & Deanne Nelson
Rosemary Nelson
Mike & Janet Nemecek
Josephine M Neubauer
Mike & Sharon Neuhalfen
Kris & Doris Nickolaison
Ben & Janet Nicola
Ryan & Katie Nielsen
Myrna Niewohner
Patricia Nilius
Fred & Renae Norenberg
Stanley R & Lorraine M Novotny
Leonard and Esther Nowak
Nye Senior Services
Wm. Patrick O'Brien
Julie O'Hanlon
Dennis W. & Cheryl E. O'Hara
Steve & Julie Oliver
Nicholas J. & Jenna M. Olmer
Eric Olsen
Dale & Fern Olson
Marilyn Olson
Robert & Krisane Olson
Thomas B & Rhonda Olson
James & Sheila Orr
Bernie & Jan Ortmeier
Brad Ortmeier
Daniel & Rose Ann Ortmeier
Don & Jan Ortmeier
Steve & Deb Ortmeier
Frances Osbon
Frank & Mary Oshel
Christine Ott
Overland Products-Bill Ekeler
Dean & Judy Papa
Daniel A & Dorothy Parr
Gilbert & Leona Parr
Christopher & Danielle Paulson
Kathleen Paulson
Mildred Paulson
Raymond Pawley
Edna Peatrowsky
Melvin & Lydia Peitzmeier
Dick Perry
Kelley & Susan Perry
Richard & Evelyn Perry
George Petrow
Madalen Petrow
Coletta Pfeifer
Claude & Phyllis Phillips
Janice M. Phillips
Larry & Rita Pierce
Edward C and Mary Jo Piller
Pinnacle Bank
Joseph Plasek
Bettie Podany
Debbie Poehling
David A & Sharon A Polzin
Bradley & Mary Porter
Mark & Jennifer Porter
Dennis & Joyce Pospisil
Ronald & Karen Powers
John & Christina Prauner
Joseph Prazak
Ronald & Marlene Preissler
Roland & Janice Preister
Mark & Ann Prince
David & Cheryl Probst
August & Donnetta Prochaska
Matthew & Casey Pruss
Virginia Pullen
Mary Putnam
Lillian Quigley
Lowell & Maureen Rabe
Christopher & Jocelyne Rainforth
Fred & Eunice Ramaekers
Michael & Jane Rasmussen
Deb Rayman
Modene Realph
Merlin & Wilma Recker
Wendell & Shirley Reese
Denis Reeson
Diane Reichert
Peg Reifert
Robert & Margaret A Reinsch
Henrietta Rejda
Bernard & Sophie Reznicek
Mary Rhodman
Rosalie Rhodman
Arthold & Cheryl Rice
(Continued on page 10)
(Continued from page 9)
Charles C & Joanne M Rice
Thomas Rice
Sharon Richey
Douglas & Andrea Ridder
Marvin J & Evelyn Ridder
Robert & Verena Ridder
Pauline Ries
Dave & Carole Rise
Stewart & Julie Roach
T.S. & Lori Robertson
Colette Robinson
Eulogio & Buenaventura Rocha
Marie Rock
Roger Roder
Al Roemmich
Diane Rogers
Rodney & Ranae Rogers
Beverly Rosenbaum
Dee Roth
Keith & Jackie Roumph
David Rouzee
Virginia Rozum
Blane & Lisa Rump
William T & Betty J Rump, Jr
Mary Ann Ruppert
Jo Ann Ruskamp
Chad & Michelle Ruzicka
Darlene Saeger
Sampters Clothier
Richard Santner
Christopher & Kimberly Santora
Carl Schaffner
Calvin & Nancy Scheer
Martin & Judy Scheer
Glenda Schenck
Ed Schendt
Ellie Schendt
Joseph Schlautman
Leo C & Jean C Schleicher
Michael & Michelle Schleicher
Stephen H & Sherri M Schleicher
Daniel & Cathy Schmaderer
Adrian Schmelzer
Lanny & Gloria Schmid
Gary & Carol Schmidt
Cornelius & Lucille Schmit
Donald Schmit
Chantelle Schmitt
Dan & Theresa Schmitz
David & Mary Kay Schneider
Brian Schnieders
Jeffery & Brandie Schoeneck
Michael Schott
Charlene Schou
David & Sharon Schroeder
Robert & Lois Schueth
Tim & Carolyn Schueth
Bill & Cynthia Schuler
Marianne Schuler
Susan Schuler
Daniel & Jennifer Schultz
Robert & Eileen Schultz
Tim Schulz & Lisa Wieman-Schulz
Matt and Thelma Schumacher
Jeff & Sherri Schutt
Barb Scott
Roy & Lisa Seier
Monty & Lynnette Sellon
Paul & Kristi Sendgraff
Ray & Mary Sendgraff
Wayne & Susan Severson
Barbara Shanahan
Michael & Vicki Shanahan
Paul J & Lucia Shavlik
Martha J. Shaw
Brad & Tabitha Sheets
Lea Sherlock
Jeff & Bonnie Sherwood
Charles & Irene Shipman
Marvin & Patricia Show
Sid Dillon Chevrolet
Larry & Marguerite Siders
Siebler & Schmeichel Retirement Planning
Jerry & Betty T Siemek
Dick Siems
Thomas Siems
Thomas Silva & Karen Lauer-Silva
Olga Sims
Kathleen Sloup
Donald & Carole Slupe
Daniel & Janae Smith
Daniel & Shirley Smith
Mary Ann Smith
Robert & Kimberly Smith
Robert & Claire Smutz
Mark & Mary Snelson
Gilbert L. & Saundra L. Snodgrass
Loren & Sharon Soderling
Patricia Sok
Daniel & Jane Soukup
Clifford & Marilyn Speicher
Joe Spellerberg
Gilbert & Benilda Spenner
David & Debra Spicka
LeRoy & Elaine Spieker
St Patrick's Church
St. Patrick's Women
Daniel & Millie Stastny
State Farm Insurance - Gaylord Mussman
Joseph E Stecher
Craig & Catherine Steel
Craig & Tonia Steel
Steenblock Erectors Inc.
Gene & Peg Steffensmeier
Dick & Ann Steinbach
Jane Steinbach
Mike & Margaret Steiner
Katy Stenger
Charles & Delphine Stepanek
Denis J Stieren
Randal & Janice Stieren
Marlene Stillman
John & Jill Stober
James & Nancy Stoltenberg
Kristi Storm
Delorous Stoupa
Tracy & Christy Stout
Thomas & Lou Stover
Gary and Frances Strong
Norma Stubbert
Ruth Sturgeon
Frank M & Cletus M Swanda
Scott & Diane Swanson
Norine M Sweet
Thomas M Sweet
Mary Sydik
T. Hansen Construction Inc
Rolando Tablazon
Sharon Tegels
Gary & Patricia Tews
Dale & Vernell Thelen
Robert Thew
Ervin J Thomsen
Jackie Thorn, Osm
Irvin & Rita Throener
James J Tichota
Joseph & Rosemary Tines
Michael & Gina Toelle
Greg L. & Nancy J. Tomrdle
Mary Tonjum
Clement & Barbara Tooher
Donald & Andree Towey
Stacy & Jane Tracy
JoAnn Treinen
Dennis & Karen Turner
Anthony & Amy Tvrdy
Jerry Tworek
Gerald Uher
Joe & Cindy Uhlik
Gerald Ullrich
Donald & Linda Unger
Valmont Industries Inc
Kenneth & Brenda Vampola
Tom & Sue Van Meeteren
David & Veronica Vance
Lance & Beth Vance
Norma Vance
Lisa Vanek
Paul J & Patricia A Vaughan
John Vering
Brian & Dana Villwok
John & Sandra Vlcan
William & Joan Vobejda
Jay & Kim Volk
Eugene & Debora Volnek
Jerry & Betty Vondenkamp
Loran & Wilma Votruba
Valdean Vrba
Adeline Vyhlidal
David Vyhlidal & Ruth Caddy Vyhlidal
Donald & Shirley Vyhlidal
Mark & Tammie Vyhlidal
Mary T Vyhlidal
Richard J. & Dianne F. Vyhlidal
Stanly & Arlene Vyhlidal
Derrick & Robin Waage-Medinger
Paul & Mary Wachter
Elizabeth Wadzinski
Carmel Wald
Carolyn Walla
Luella Wallingford
Steven Wallingford
Marshall & Angela Wallman
Chris & Lynne Walz
Robert & Nadine Warner
Rick & Pat Watson
Jerry & Joanne Wedergren
Thomas & Sylvia Weier
Lawrence & Mary Ann Weinandt
Richard L & Peggy A Weitzel
William Welch
Stephen & Pat Wendt
Charlotte Wesch
Matt & Julie Wesch
Lisa Westerholt
James & Jodi Wewel
Joseph & Susan Wewel
Joseph & Helen Widhelm
Eugene & Joan Wiebelhaus
Terry & Rebecca Wieneke
Vincent & Adeline Wieneke
Gary & Michelle Wiese
Daniel & Katherine Wiesen
Joan Wiesen
John & Jolene Wiesen
Richard & Martha Wikert
Mark & Chris Williams
Ruth Williamson
Jeff & Beth Wilmes
Frank & Millie Wilson
James & Carolyn Windeshausen
Thomas & Dorothy Winter
Jim & Angela Witte
Mark & Nannette Witte
Richard Woita
Joseph Wojtkiewicz
Thomas & Misti Wolf
Frederick & Kathryn Wood
Max & Susanne Woods, Jr
Patrick & Rachelle Woods
Dave & Barb Wordekemper
Michael Wray
Antonio & Idalia Margarita Zarate
Chris & Maureen Zavadil
Helen Zimola
         
January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
Jeni Adams
Robert & Sharon Agress
Shirley Allen
Dolores Amos-Bayer
Bill & Tammy Anderson
Bradley & Susan Anderson
Karin Anderson
Allen Arett
Leo & Connie Ashba
Michael Aust
Steve Austin
Patricia Babendure
Maxine Baker
Randy & Debbie Barton
Cathleen Bashus
Ronald Battiato
Greg Baumhover
Doreen Beaudette
Patricia Beaudoin
Joan Beccard
Kathleen Belsky
David Benderson
James Bendig
Steve & Amy Beran
Karl & Karen Bergmanis
Mary & Robert Bodell
Connie Boesch
Ann Boeschoten
Christopher & Kristin Bogenreif
Nicholas & Jean Bogenreif
Lene Bonillas
Diane Boomsma
Bo Borisow
Kurt & Kim Bottorff
Doug & Patricia Bowman
Bill & Janet Brabec
Marlin & Marla Brabec
Michael & Linda Bracket
Peggy Braden
Mike & Janene Brandenburg
Richard & LaDonna Brandenburgh
Brenda Brdicko
Mary Ann Brennan
Kelly Brockmueller
Donald Brohimer
Janet Brohimer
Jonathan Brown
Tom & Vicki Brown
Troy & Kim Brown
Diane Brunmeier
Jeff Bundy
Kathleen Bundy
Dale Buresh
Keith Buresh
Paul Buresh
Misha Byrom
Keith & Dianne Bystrom
Connie Cajka
Kathryn Callahan
Sandra Cardillo
Mary Lou Carlson, Osf
Patricia Carlson
William & Kristine Casey
Bernard Cerny
John C & Julie A Cerny
Nichole Cerny
Gerald Chapman
Gregory Chapman
Joseph Chapman
Cody Cheshier
Terry Cheshier
Tom & Judy Christensen
Janet Ciesielski
Christopher & Desa Clark
Heather Clark
Curtis Cochran
Russell & Jennifer Cohee
Monica Colligan
Joyce Colyer
Harold & Sandra Cone
Marla Cone
Nick & Amy Cone
Dave L. & Molly B. Conklin
John J. Connor
Tim Connor
Constance Consbruck
Darrin Cook
Patrick Costello
Kyle Coughlin
Mark & Monica Coulter
Betty Counts
Jolene Cozad
James Crawford
Jerry & Barbara Dahlhauser
Dirk & Risa Daubert
Jaccie Dee
Jerry & Patti Delaney
Sharon DeSmet
Jerry & Nancy Detmer
Kay Di Giacinto
Michael & Kim Dieckmann
Margaret Diedrichsen
Charles & Mary Lou Diers
Pat Dix
Shirley Dixon
Marvin Dostal
Dorothy Dunker
Debra Eckerman-Slack
Joan Eckerson
Julie Eckert
Thomas J Eckley
Chris & Julie Eggen
Weston Eikmeier
Dan Emanuel
Michael & Michele Emanuel
William Emanuel
Mary Pat Emanuel-Cheshier
Nadine Ernesti
Tim Evans
Mark Evert
William Farris
Laura Feldhaus
Nicole Fiedler
Robert & Patricia Fiedler
Marlene Filipi
Richard Flagg
Mary Flies
Rick & Patricia Foxhoven
Brian Foy
Jon Foy
Esther Frey
Ellen Friese
Patricia Friesz
Tami Gabrielson
Leo & Kathleen Geaghan
Brett Gebhardt
Justin Gebhardt
Troy Gebhardt
John Geck
Robert & Joanne Gemar
Jane Gerhard
Richard Gerrard
Jeremy Gilfry
Garrett Glass
Barbara Gobel
Patrick Gobel
Regina Goracke
Steve & Jill Gossett
Bret Gottschall
Kevin & Mary Greteman
Heath & Katherine Griffen
Julie Grosse-Rhode
Chris & Nancy Gutschow
Lisa Haase
Renee Hagmann
Rebecca Hall-Campbell
Elizabeth Hamik
Brian & Amy Hamilton
Brian & Amy Hamilton
Randy Hanken
Joan Hannan
Nola Hannon
Chantz Hanson
Rick & Judy Hanson
Joan Harder
Norma Hass
Todd Hass
John Havranek
James Hegarty
Allen & Kim Hegemann
Steven Hegemann
Melissa Heim
Paul Heineman
Patricia Hendrix
Chad & Melissa Henggeler
Virginia Henningfeld
Gerald & Patricia Herold
Tim & Janet Herold
Karen Herre
David & Kathleen Higley
Kaleen Hodge
Don Hoesing
Janet M Holcomb
Dan Hoppes
Jim & Nancy Hoshor
Mike Howard
Pete & Karen Howley
James Hruska
Gerald & Jeanne Huber
Jerry Huber
Michael & Cathy Huber
Scott Hunke
Mark Iossi
Greg & Barbara Ishmiel
Clinton Jackson
Susan James
Chris & Kris Janke
Cindy Janssen
Amy Jennings
James Jennings
Jon Jennings
Kathleen Jennings
Doris Johnson
Jeff A Johnson
Jerry & Kathy Johnson
Joel Johnson
John Johnson
Trish Johnson
Elden Jonas
Tim Jorn
Al Kallhoff
Kurtis & Cyndi Kammerer
Dustin Kaspar
Ryan Kassmeier
Tim Kassmeier
Peter & Monica Kauffman
Carol Kelly
Terence & Angela Kempf
John & Susan Kennedy
Patricia Kennedy
John Kern
Michelle Kerr
Debbie Kerwin
Dale & Mary Lynn Kingry
Jerome Klassen
Steve Kloewer
Stephen & Katherine Kneifl
Dan & Jessica Koenig
Joseph Korth
Larry & Sandy Koski
Debra Kraemer
Jerome Krause
Paul Krause
Tim Krause
Deborah Kroman
Charles & Eleanor Kubin
Mark & Dawn Kucera
Kristin Kudrna
Shalan Kuipers
Carol Kull
Jim Kurowski
Ed Kwiatkowski
Brian Lacy
Arthur Ladenburg
Tony LaMar
Benjamin & B.J. Lambrecht
John & Iris Lamme
Tom Lamme
Karen Langan
John LaRocca
Kris Laverty
Dan Lawrence
Gerald & Mary Layman
Alex Leatherbury
James & Joan Lee
Michelle Legenza
Pauletta Lehn
Jeremy Leonard
Nancy Leypoldt
Aaron Linder
Tyler Linder
Amy Lorenze
Kris Love
Renae Lowther
Julie Lukasiewicz
Robert Lund
Thomas Lutz
Julie Macklin
Christopher & Valerie Madsen
Jeff Madsen
Nancy Maersch
Josh Mahrt
Mark Maly
John & Maxine Martin
Christine Martin-Schweer
Robert & Sharon Martinez
Mark Matteo
(Continued on page 11)
(Continued from page 10)
Michael Matteo
Jeff Matya
Lori Mayberry
Phil McDermott
Suzanne McDonald
Diane McGath
Kevin & Sara McGill
Priscilla McNamara
Connie McNary
Bruce Meister
Jim Meister
Randy Meister
Scott & Patty Meister
Thomas & Carol Meister
Joann Melisaratos
Maureen Melonis
David & Jill Mendlik
Mark & Lisa Mendlik
Thomas & Suzanne Mendlik
TJ Micek
Joe & Linda Miller
Leatta Millie
John Mimick
Pam Mimick
Heath Mlnarik
Ryan & Denise Mlnarik
Amy Moeller
Michael & Catherine Mohr
Amy Molle
Jenna Molle
Paul & Nicole Mooney
Debbie Moore
Douglas & Megan Moore
Mary E. Morehouse
Mary Morrison
Ted & Barbara Moser
Seth Mruz
Daniel & Algene Mueller
Linda Mulder
Kate Mullen
Thomas Muller
Kevin Navratil
Raymond Navratil
Rosemary Nelson
Mike & Janet Nemecek
Judy Neuhaus
Todd Newbold
Richard Niemeyer
Theresa Niewohner
Patricia Nilius
Dennette Nissen
Patricia Nosal
Denise Novotny
Joan O'Brien
Wm. Patrick O'Brien
Kurt & Mary Ann Oehlrich
Steve & Julie Oliver
Brad Ortmeier
Kevin Ortmeier
Roger & Rita Ortmeier
Randy Pabian
Dean & Judy Papa
Dustin Papa
Melisa & Friedenbach Paradis
Angela Parr
Diane Paul
Christopher & Danielle Paulson
Kathleen Paulson
Raymond Pawley
Thomas L & Marie Peatrowsky
Michelle Peitzmeier
Joseph & Kathleen Petruccione
Aaron Pfeifer
Bill & Judy Pfeifer
James Pfeifer
Mark Pfeifer
Thomas Pfeifer
John & Maria Pierce
Debbie Poehling
Greg Ramaekers
Connie Randazzo
Douglas & Cheryl Ranslem
Gene Marie Rasmussen
Michael & Jane Rasmussen
Deb Rayman
Modene Realph
Kenneth & Laura Rice
Jayne Riggs
Dave & Carole Rise
Stewart & Julie Roach
T.S. & Lori Robertson
Brock & Deanna Rogers
Diane Rogers
Christi Roschewski
Beverly Rosenbaum
Keith & Jackie Roumph
David Rouzee
Blane & Lisa Rump
Thomas & Mary Jo Rump
Tom & Lynn Rump
Lucy Russel
Chad & Michelle Ruzicka
Jeff Saeger
William & Cathy Saeger
Richard Santner
Thomas Santner
Anthony Savio
Dominic Savio
Jim & Pamela Savio
Kathleen Savio
Ronald & Judy Sawyer
Martin & Judy Scheer
Ed Schendt
Lorie Scherling
Michael & Michelle Schleicher
Richard P & Deanna L Schlenz
Lanny & Gloria Schmid
Stephen Schmit
David & Mary Kay Schneider
Randy & Jill Schreck
David & Sharon Schroeder
Bill & Cynthia Schuler
Dana & Lisa Schwarting
Gerald Sevrean
Michael & Vicki Shanahan
Ruth Sibilia
Dick Siems
Thomas Siems
Kathleen Sloup
Donald & Carole Slupe
Lisa Small
Gary & Jeanne Smith
Robert & Dorothy Smith
Shannon & Maria Smith
Robert & Claire Smutz
Jeremiah D. & Jillian Sonnenfelt
Mark Soukup
Lisa Spellman
Mark Stastny
Craig & Catherine Steel
Jane Steinbach
Patrick Steiner
Christine Stern
Ryan & Nan Stieren
John & Jill Stober
Carol Stokes
Leann Stoltenberg
Travis & Amy Sund
Scott & Diane Swanson
Mary Swensen
Patricia Teer
Harland & Sharon Thompson
Jesse & Ronda Thompson
Gary & Glenda Tichota
John Tlamka
Michael & Gina Toelle
Stacy & Jane Tracy
Ron Treinen
Maxine A Turner
Richard & Anne Tweedy
Leann Tysdal
Gerald Ullrich
Catherine Unger
Gaylene Urie
Brad & Margie Utesch
Patrice Vakiner
James Van Dyke
Christopher Vance
Lance & Beth Vance
Lisa Vanek
Tim Venneman
John Vering
Brian & Dana Villwok
Jim Villwok
John & Lisa Villwok
Andrea Vincent
William Vodehnal
Paul VonSeggern
Jason Vyhlidal
Steven Wallingford
Shary Walrod
John Walsh
James Walter
Joan Warner
William Welch
Lisa Westerholt
Susan Westerholt
James & Jodi Wewel
Robert White
Suzanne Whorlow
Joseph & Helen Widhelm
James Wiebold
Jamie & Jane Wiebold
Erik Wiegert
Andrew Wiesen
Daniel & Katherine Wiesen
Erin Wiesen
Gary Wiesen
Steven Wiesen
Deborah Willcox
Margaret Wilson
Mark & Nannette Witte
Christopher Woods
Max & Susanne Woods, Jr
Patrick & Rachelle Woods
Joan Houchins Wunder
Brenda Ziegler
Judy Zimola-Waters
Cory & Karen Zoucha
Joanne Zoucha
Myron Zrust
Teri Zwiener
         
January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
American Express Co. Gift Matching
Bank of the West Employee Giving
Burlington Northern Santa Fe RR
CSG Systems, Inc.
Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation
Gannett Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Hormel Food Corporation Charitable
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Mutual of Omaha
Pfzier Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Union Pacific Money PLUS Program
Verizon Foundation
         
ASAP (Adopt a Student Assistance
February 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011
Shirley Allen
Dolores Amos-Bayer
Bill & Tammy Anderson
Doreen Beaudette
Patricia Beaudoin
James Bendig
Steve & Amy Beran
Mary & Robert Bodell
Ryan & Cindy Bojanski
Diane Boomsma
Marlin & Marla Brabec
Donald Brohimer
Jerry & Marian Brown
Misha Byrom
Keith & Dianne Bystrom
Sandra Cardillo
Patricia Carlson
Joseph Chapman
Tom & Judy Christensen
Curtis Cochran
Russell & Jennifer Cohee
Larry D & Mary Lou Cook
Jerry & Patti Delaney
Michael & Kim Dieckmann
Charles & Mary Lou Diers
Marvin Dostal
Joan Eckerson
William Emanuel
Tim Evans
James & Betty Feldhaus
Richard Flagg
Brian Foy
Leo & Kathleen Geaghan
John Geck
John A & Janet M Gibney
Jeremy Gilfry
Chris & Nancy Gutschow
Elizabeth Hamik
Randy Hanken
Joan Hannan
Joan Harder
Todd Hass
James Hegarty
Kaleen Hodge
Dan Hoppes
James Hruska
Kathleen Jennings
Trish Johnson
Elden Jonas
Dustin Kaspar
Carol Kelly
Stephen & Katherine Kneifl
Larry & Sandy Koski
Paul Krause
Shalan Kuipers
Carol Kull
Kris Laverty
Dan Lawrence
Pauletta Lehn
Kris Love
Diane McGath
Kevin & Sara McGill
Bruce Meister
Thomas & Carol Meister
Joann Melisaratos
David & Jill Mendlik
Mark & Lisa Mendlik
Tom & Kitty Micek
TJ Micek
Pam Mimick
Debbie Moore
Ted & Barbara Moser
Daniel & Algene Mueller
Linda Mulder
Raymond Navratil
Rosemary Nelson
Judy Neuhaus
Theresa Niewohner
Patricia Nosal
Dean & Judy Papa
Christopher & Danielle Paulson
Raymond Pawley
Bill & Judy Pfeifer
David & Cheryl Probst
Robert & Verena Ridder
Lucy Russel
Thomas Santner
Jim & Pamela Savio
Ronald & Judy Sawyer
Lorie Scherling
Richard P & Deanna L Schlenz
Lanny & Gloria Schmid
Monty & Lynnette Sellon
Ruth Sibilia
Kathleen Sloup
Mark Stastny
Steenblock Erectors Inc.
Katy Stenger
Travis & Amy Sund
John Tlamka
Stacy & Jane Tracy
Leann Tysdal
James Van Dyke
Lisa Vanek
Tim Venneman
William & Joan Vobejda
Richard J. & Dianne F. Vyhlidal
Shary Walrod
Joan Warner
Joseph & Helen Widhelm
Daniel & Katherine Wiesen
Max & Susanne Woods, Jr
         
January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
Allied Appliance
Fr. Ron Battiato
Linda Baumann
Ginger Daubert
John and Janet Gibney
S Jensen-Broderson
Fr. Owen Korte
LeRoy and Sue Maly
Donna Millie
Judy and Dean Papa
Keith and Jackie Roumph
Tom Silva
Gene and Peg Steffensmeier
John & Lisa Villwok
Gary Wiesen
         
January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
Dave and Julie Dykman
Egan Supply Co.
Chuck Johannsen
Clarene Prince
George and Carlene Prince
Margaret Ramuta
Gene and Julie Ross
St. Joan of Arc Circle
Thomas and Sheryl Thomsen
Wal-Mart Foundation
In Honor of Charlie Diers
Gerald and Barbara Dahlhauser
Rev. Franklin Dvorak
In Honor of Dean Papa
Knights of Columbus - Shamrock Club
Bergan Alumni Cemetery Medallion
Donald Brohimer
Daniel and Algene Mueller
(Elementary Wish Book Donors)
Shirley Allen
Dolores Amos-Bayer
Bill & Tammy Anderson
Doreen Beaudette
Patricia Beaudoin
James Bendig
Steve & Amy Beran
Mary & Robert Bodell
Ryan & Cindy Bojanski
Diane Boomsma
Marlin & Marla Brabec
Donald Brohimer
Jerry & Marian Brown
Misha Byrom
Keith & Dianne Bystrom
Sandra Cardillo
Patricia Carlson
Joseph Chapman
Tom & Judy Christensen
Curtis Cochran
Russell & Jennifer Cohee
Larry D & Mary Lou Cook
Jerry & Patti Delaney
Michael & Kim Dieckmann
Charles & Mary Lou Diers
Marvin Dostal
Joan Eckerson
William Emanuel
Tim Evans
James & Betty Feldhaus
Richard Flagg
Brian Foy
Leo & Kathleen Geaghan
John Geck
John A & Janet M Gibney
Jeremy Gilfry
Chris & Nancy Gutschow
Elizabeth Hamik
Randy Hanken
Joan Hannan
Joan Harder
Todd Hass
James Hegarty
Kaleen Hodge
Dan Hoppes
James Hruska
Kathleen Jennings
Trish Johnson
Elden Jonas
Dustin Kaspar
Carol Kelly
Stephen & Katherine Kneifl
Larry & Sandy Koski
Paul Krause
Shalan Kuipers
Carol Kull
Kris Laverty
Dan Lawrence
Pauletta Lehn
Kris Love
Diane McGath
Kevin & Sara McGill
Bruce Meister
Thomas & Carol Meister
Joann Melisaratos
David & Jill Mendlik
Mark & Lisa Mendlik
Tom & Kitty Micek
TJ Micek
Pam Mimick
Debbie Moore
Ted & Barbara Moser
Daniel & Algene Mueller
Linda Mulder
Raymond Navratil
Rosemary Nelson
Judy Neuhaus
Theresa Niewohner
Patricia Nosal
Dean & Judy Papa
Christopher & Danielle Paulson
Raymond Pawley
Bill & Judy Pfeifer
David & Cheryl Probst
Robert & Verena Ridder
Lucy Russel
Thomas Santner
Jim & Pamela Savio
Ronald & Judy Sawyer
Lorie Scherling
Richard P & Deanna L Schlenz
Lanny & Gloria Schmid
Monty & Lynnette Sellon
Ruth Sibilia
Kathleen Sloup
Mark Stastny
Steenblock Erectors Inc.
Katy Stenger
Travis & Amy Sund
John Tlamka
Stacy & Jane Tracy
Leann Tysdal
James Van Dyke
Lisa Vanek
Tim Venneman
William & Joan Vobejda
Richard J. & Dianne F. Vyhlidal
Shary Walrod
Joan Warner
Joseph & Helen Widhelm
Daniel & Katherine Wiesen
Max & Susanne Woods, Jr
Bergan Knights Forever
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
** Preschool/Elementary School **
1515 North Johnson Road
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 721-9766
** Junior / Senior High School **
545 East 4th Street
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 721-9683
a ministry of
St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish
422 East 4th Street
Fremont, NE 68025
Bergan Forever/Alumni Newsletter
Publisher: Fr. Dave Belt
Editor: Kathy Kaup
Phone: 402-721-1846
Email: or
Please send updated contact information including email
addresses to Bergan Alumni Office, 422 East 4th Street,
Fremont, NE 68025. To submit news or photos send to:
Kathy Kaup, editor, at
Memorial Funds
Memorial funds can be established to
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School.
For more information contact the St.
Patrick’s Parish Office, 422 E. 4th
Street, Fremont, NE
68025 or
Donation Matching Programs
Many companies provide matching gift
programs that multiply their employees’
charitable donations. To obtain a matching gift, contact your employer’s human
resources department for a form or information about online procedures.
Complete the donor/employee portion
of the form and send it to: Archbishop
Bergan Catholic School, Development
Office, 422 East 4th Street, Fremont,
NE 68025. The Development staff will
complete their part of the form, and
return it to the company to initiate it’s
fulfillment of the match.
Please “save the date” for the 2011 Archbishop
Bergan Catholic School dinner and auction to be held at the
Bergan MS/HS gymnasium on a new “knight”, FRIDAY,
NOVEMBER 18TH. Solicitation for the Live and Silent auction
items will begin soon. We need volunteers who would be willing
to contact 5-10 businesses each. If you would like more
inf or ma ti o n a b ou t t h e even t , wo uld like t o
volunteer in any way, or if your business would be willing to
donate an item for the live or silent auction, please email LeAnn
Hemberger at or call the parish
office at 402-721-6611. Your support of this event is really
Estate Planning
Remember Archbishop Bergan Catholic
School in your estate planning. For
more information contact Gary Schmidt
at or
402-721-1846, ext. 17.