Gratiot Area Water Authority
Gratiot Area Water Authority
Regular Meeting June 10, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. City Hall, 525 E. Superior Street, Alma, MI AGENDA 1. Roll Call Requested Action Approve 2. Approval of Minutes of 5/13/2016 3. Communications 4. Requests for Payment A. Request for payment to Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. for Invoice #350311 in the amount of $11,652.30 for services rendered through 5/6/16. Approve B. Request for payment to RCL Construction Co., Inc. for Pay Application #26 in the amount of $40,503.60 Approve 5. Requests for Purchase A. Consideration of a motion approving Change Order #12 with RCL Construction Co, Inc. in the amount of $42,921.00 for additional work and extension of substantial completion date to August 5, 2016 Approve B. Consider approval of request for purchase for insurance renewal premium from MMRMA Option 1. Renewal premium with $1,000,000 liability coverage in the amount of $9,738.00 Option 2. Renewal premium with $5,000,000 liability coverage in the amount of $10,884.00 (Note: Current coverage is $1,000,000 but IBEX has suggested increasing coverage to $5,000,000 now that the water plant is up and running at full capacity) Approve 6. Recommendations on Bids 7. Other Business A. Review correspondence regarding baseline testing of personal wells near Water Authority wells in Arcada Township Receive B. Consider approval of FY 2017 Annual Budget Approve 8. Reports A. Engineering Update B. Water Production Report for June 2016 C. Financial statements through 05/31/2016 Receive Receive Receive 9. Appropriations 10. Public Comment 11. Adjournment 1 GRATIOT AREA WATER AUTHORITY May 13, 2016 The regular monthly meeting of the Gratiot Area Water Authority was called to order at 12:04 p.m. by Chairman Phillip Moore in the Alma Municipal Building. Present: Absent: Also present: Phillip Moore, Kurt Giles, Tom Reed, Don Pray, Melissa Allen, and Roxanne Harrington. none. Paul Borle, John Willemin, Keith Risdon, Ron Turner, Don Everhart, Justin Barnaby, Doug Sierakowski, Bill Pillmore, Jane Keon, Theo VanWalmenich, Dawn Brady, and recording secretary, Sara Youngs. Motion by Allen, seconded by Harrington, to approve the minutes of April 8, 2016. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. Chairman Moore addressed a communication from residents in Arcada Township requesting testing personal wells prior to putting GAWA wells into full production. John Willemin of Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber told the Authority that AKT Peerless could meet with homeowners to work out a time and place for testing. Chairman Moore suggested a chemical analysis as well as water testing. The health department will pay for ten samples. Willemin explained that samples could be taken by them, the health department, or AKT Peerless, at the homeowner’s discretion. The Authority agreed to pursue testing as needed, even if the number of samples exceeds the health department’s limit. Dawn Brady offered to send an email to residents regarding testing and will provide their responses to Member Giles. Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber will develop a permission form for residents who wish to have testing. Don Everhart offered to disseminate the permission forms to residents. Authority members all agreed to pursue testing. Motion by Harrington, seconded by Giles, to approve a request for payment from Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber in the amount of $8,523.10 for services rendered through April 8, 2016. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. Motion by Allen, seconded by Reed, to approve a request for payment from RCL Construction in the amount of $19,924.85 for Pay Application #25. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. Motion by Harrington, seconded by Giles, to accept bids received for the water reservoir repainting project and award the bid to Horizon Brothers Painting of Howell for a total of $250,000. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. Gratiot Area Water Authority May 13, 2016 Minutes – Page 2 Authority members then turned to the Fiscal Year 2017 proposed budget. Ron Turner, Public Services Director, presented proposed expenditures and explained projections for chemicals, maintenance, administration, internal services charges, and general items. He also listed items scheduled for capital outlay improvements. Paul Borle, City Treasurer, offered information about revenues and explained that revenue comes from water charges. The suggested rate is $2.10 per unit. Total projected revenue is $1,343,243.00. Chairman Moore noted that budget information was presented for review only and would be added to the next agenda for consideration for approval. John Willemin, of Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, offered the following engineer’s report: General • FTCH provided some information on wage rates and payroll certification review to the City of St. Louis in preparation of the EPA audit. • FTCH provided a memo regarding phosphate use at the water plant. Water Plant • Control programming, testing and debugging work remains in progress by the integration contractor. FTCH has been called to the plant to go through the controls. Several corrections were noted and issued to the Contractor. • The chimney liner repair was begun but material sizing was not correct so it is being refabricated. • Bulletin 20 was issued to RCL for pricing on some miscellaneous improvements. • A conference call was conducted with the filter manufacturer to discuss some potential process adjustments to improve filter performance. The operators are evaluating. • Partial Substantial Completion will be acknowledged for several major components of the work that are in service. We are waiting on RCL for proposed warranty dates on some equipment to finalize the dates. Booster Stations • Work on the revised punch list and contract closeout is ongoing. • FTCH electrical inspector participated in a meeting on site to review electrical punch list items. South Transmission Main • Punch list work and contract closeout is ongoing. Raw Water Transmission Main/Well 9 Well House • A revised punch list for the Well 9 Well House Punch was issued to JR Heineman. They are still working on closeout documentation. A final change order will be processed to set final contract dates and adjust total contract price. It is anticipated that the project will finish over $70,000 under budget. Giddings Elevated Water Storage Tank • Site work has resumed. The underground piping is connected from Giddings Place to the tank riser pipe. The first round of disinfection testing has passed. • No cost changes are currently pending. • The Contractor is tracking days lost to weather and has indicated two lost days to date. • Logo selection is complete. Logo installation by another contractor is being considered. Gratiot Area Water Authority May 13, 2016 Minutes – Page 3 Hydrogeological Study/Wells • Pilot holes for Wells 10 and 11 have been installed. Casing installation was called off on a few occasions due to wet weather and access issues. Work is pending Contractor’s ability to get back on to the site. • A special use permit was granted by Arcada Township for the Wells 10 and 11 Well Houses with no additional provisions at their April 19, 2016 meeting. FTCH and representatives from GAWA were in attendance at the meeting. Questions from local residents focused primarily on water pumping and raw water main routing. • Soil boring work is complete pending culvert design requirements for the county drain crossing for the Wells 10 and 11 access road. Survey is complete for the well houses and in progress for the raw water transmission main. • A pre-application meeting for the Joint Permit for the drain crossing took place on 5/6/2016. Representatives of FTCH, MDEQ, and Gratiot County Drain Commissioner’s Office were in attendance. • Wells 10 and 11 well house design is on hold. The project bidding will be postponed to more closely coincide with the raw water transmission main construction project, which may not begin until spring of 2017 depending on design progress. • A conference call was conducted with EPA regarding Well 12. Water level data in the St. Louis area was requested from EPA. FTCH will prepare a memo to EPA documenting the modeling conducted and support information to install Well 12. Motion by Harrington, seconded by Allen, to receive engineer’s report. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. Motion by Harrington, seconded by Giles, to received financial statements. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. Motion by Harrington, seconded by Giles, to receive and approve Warrant 16-4 and the several amounts scheduled therein, also to authorize the City Treasurer to issue checks for payment of the same. Public comment: Jane Keon offered thanks to Kurt Giles for working together with residents. Justin Barnaby invited those present to attend a meeting on the State of the Pine River on May 14, 2016, at Alma College. Motion by Harrington, seconded by Allen, to adjourn the meeting at 12:50 p.m. Yes: No: Moore, Giles, Reed, Pray, Allen, and Harrington. none. ____________________________________ Sara Youngs, Recording Secretary Gratiot Area Water Authority Request for Payment f Purclmrrorder#.] Public Services Director 525 E. Superior Alma, Ml 48801 1515 Arboretum Dr SE Louis Water Supply Replacement -522-801 -000 Project #201 03-2 -522-801-000 Prolect #20'103-1 1 -522-801-000 Project #20103-1 -522-801 -000 Project #201 03-2 1 GAWA WA WA WA St. St, St. St. Louis Louis Louis Louis WSR WSR WSR WSR HYDGEO T4 CONSTADM CONSTOBS HYDROGEO T7 8,003.30 3,649.00 R G Turner Approved lEud.qeted Amounl-------l Purchase Order to be sent Delivered using: By:_ Fishbeck, Thompson. Corr & Huber, lnc. I scientists I orchilects I conslructors Headquarters 1515 Arboretum Drive. SE I Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 p 616.S75.3824 | f 616.464.3994 Federal l.D. No- 38-1841857 Paymenl Options engineers | lncorporated Remit Wire/ACH payments to Acct: 100094457 ABA: 072413829 Remit email to Remit checks to: 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE I Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 Major credit cards accepted MICHIGAN Grand Rapids I Lansing I Kalama2oo I Novi I Macomb Twp OHIO Cincinnati MAY 16, 2015 INVOICE NO: 350311 G120617HG7 tW ACCOUNT NO: 70724 PROJECT: MR RON TURNER PROJECT MANAGER GAWA/ST LOUIS WSR HYDROGEO T7 GMTIOT AREA WATER AUTHORITY 525 EAST SUPERIOR STREET PO BOX 278 ALMA MI 48801-0278 THIS INVOICE IS FOR SERVICES RENDERED FOR THE BILLING PERIOD THROUGH PERSONNEL: SENIORGEOLOGIST SENIORGEOLOGIST PROFESSIONAL 05/06/2016 AMOUNT HOURS RATE 2.50 $210.00 $525.00 22.OO 742.OO 3,t24.00 3,649.00 TOTAL 93,649.00 N,,,, Remit Wire/ACH payments to Acct: 1OOO94457 ABA: 072413829 Page 1 Gratiot Area WaterAuthority St. Louis Water Supply Repla.€ment Hydroteol06kalSeNkes P.O. Balan.e FTC&H Center 1O/3O/2012 OriBinal siBned Agreement St. Louis WSR Hydgeo T1-G120617HG1 276LO5 r2/3/2O12 277720 779307 72131/2012 St. l-ouis WSR Hydgeo T1-G120517HG1 7l2a/2OL3 5t. touis WSR Hydgeo Tl-G120617HG1 2aoa8p. z/25/2o13 St. Louis WSR Hydgeo T1-G120617HG1 zaoo8/. 2l2s/2o13 2a2490 3125/2073 St. Louir WSR HydSeo T2-G120617HG2 2A249O 1/25/2013 St. Louis WSR HydSeo T2-G120617HG2 2a4us 4122/2073 2A5741 5|2O/2OL3 5t. l-ouis wSR Hydgeo T1-G120617HG1 5t. Louis WSR HydSeo T1-G120617HG1 2a1377 St. Louis wSR HydSeo Tl-G120617HG1 61L712073 St. l-ouis WSR HydSeo T1-G120617HG1 2a9O27 71L512013 29O1U a/t2/2013 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo T1-G120617HG1 292445 91912012 292445 919/2012 St. Louis WSR Hydgeo Tl-G120617HG1 294036 tOl'tl2OL3 29s673 LU4l20r3 297264 r2l2l2o\3 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo T1-G120617HG1 5t. Louis wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 5t. l-ouis wSR HydSeo T3-G120617HG3 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 St. louis wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 29&a3s t2l3O/2O13 5t. Louis WSR HydSeo T3-G120617HG3 3OO34A !2712014 3O7A9O Z/2412Or4 St. Louis WSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 303537 312412014 St. Louis WSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 3O53O2 4/21/2Or2 5t. Louis WSR Hydteo T3-G120517HG3 5t. l-ouis WSR Hvdgeo T3-G120617HG3 308815 6116/2014 5t. Louis wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 3tos99 71L412014 3t2335 alLl/2014 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 3r4O94 9la/20!4 St. Louis WSR Hyd8eo T3-G120617HG3 3t4O94 9/A/2Ot4 St. l-oui! WSR Hydgeo Ts-G120617HGs 3t5A19 rc/6/2014 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo Ts-G12O617HGs St. Louis WSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 5457,00O.00 GAWA s35,123.02 542t,a76.9a 6AWA s3,751.80 GAWA s4,694.50 GAWA 53,668.50 GAWA s1,753.00 GAWA 5776.N GAWA s1,170.m GAWA s426.00 GAWA s231.00 GAWA s351.00 GAWA s8,857.00 GAWA 53,490.61 GAWA s903.16 GAWA s4,813.50 s418,125.18 GAWA GAWA GAWA s18,930.53 s368,050.38 s11,553.50 s356,496.88 s296,301.18 GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA s2,055.10 s291,146.11 51,147.10 s5,400.60 s289,999.01 s1,856.39 52ar,742.02 GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA s13,8s1.S0 s267,A90.52 510,980.35 s26,790.35 s256,910.17 s47,905.50 5$2,214.32 GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA 52,294.sO s179,919.82 52,974.65 52,743.@ 5176,945.17 $174,202.17 51,566.00 s12,878.40 su2,636.71 519,837.70 s359.46 s139,920.07 s21,184.50 s11&366.11 560,195.7O GAWA s3,099.97 5413,430.68 $409,762.18 5408,m9.18 5407,233.18 s406,063.18 s4O5,637.18 s4O5,406.18 s405,04s.18 s396,18a.18 5192,697.s7 5391,794.41 s386,980.91 s293,zot.2t 5283,598.41 s230,119.82 3r5A19 fi/6/2014 St. Louis WSR Hyd8eo T3-G120617HG6 3t7540 1r/3/2014 st. Loui5 wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HG3 317540 311s40 379242 379242 379242 32O9tA 3224a5 3224a5 324072 1t/3/2OL4 1u312014 St. Louis WSR HydSeo T5-G120617H65 St. Louis WSR Hyd8eo T3-G120617HG6 GAWA GAWA 1Zhl20t4 St. Louis wSR Hyd8eo T3-G120617HG3 6AWA 12hl2ol4 St. Louis WSR Hydteo T5-G120617HGs GAWA L2/t/2Ot4 St. Louis WSR Hyd8eo T3-G120617HG6 GAWA L2/3012O15 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo Ts-G120617HG5 !2612Ot5 !26lZOtS 5t. Louis WSR Hydgeo Ts-G120617HGs St. Louis WSR Hydteo T3-G120617HG6 GAWA GAWA 2130120L5 St. Louis WSR HydSeo T5-G120617HG5 GAWA s11,613.45 565,7s6.7s s55,584.30 32st2r 3/2312Ot5 St. Louis WSR Hydgeo Ts-G120617HG5 52,21t.11 s53,372.59 3273a3 4/2O|2OLS st. Louis wsR Hyd8eo T5-G120617HG5 51,945.40 55t,427.19 329M9 Sltalzots St. Louis WSR Hydgeo Ts-G120617HG5 GAWA GAWA GAWA 33O7O5 6/t5l20l5 St. touis wSR Hydgeo Ts-G120517HG5 s1,275.50 GAWA s530.60 334039 335714 335734 8/10/2015 917120t5 9l7l2OL5 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo Ts-G120617HGs GAWA s1,103.00 549,621.09 s48,s18.09 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo T3-G120617HGG GAWA s400.m s48,118.09 St. Louis wSR Hydgeo Ts-G120517HGs s3,875.50 339t43 r1l2/2OL5 St. Louis WSR Hydgeo T4-G120617HG4 544,242.59 s39,812.59 340793 342397 12/L/2O15 12/29|2OLS st. t-ouis wsR HydSeo T4-G120617HG4 GAWA GAWA GAWA 3439ffi 3503rr L/25/2016 st. t-ouis wsR HydSeo T4-G120617HG4 5/16/2016 St. Louis wSR Hyd8eo T7-G120617HG7 St. l-ouis WSR Hydgeo T4-6120617HG4 TotalExpenses to Date: Previous Reimbuasement amount Current Reimbursement Amount s218.00 s118,148.11 s22,888.93 s28,061.43 59s,259.18 GAWA s441.00 s4,430.0O 54,348.77 6AWA s1,822.33 GAWA s528.70 GAWA s3,6,49.00 Hyd rogeologica I T2 Hyd rogeologica I T3 Account 9493-901-522-801-000 20103-2 Account|493-901-522-801-000 20103-2 Hyd rogeological T4 Account HydrogeologicalTT s50,151.69 s3s,463.82 533, 1.49 533,1r2.79 s29,463.79 s3,649.00 Est. Expense Hydrogeo logical T6 567,t97.75 542432a.2! A..ount s T5 s139,ss0.61 5427,977.2r Hyd rogeologica I T1 49 3-901.-S22-801"O00 5159,757.77 20103-2 f 493-901-522-801-000 20 r03-2 Account I 493-901-522'80 r-000 20103-2 Account fl 493-901-522-80r-000 20103-2 Account fl 493-901-522-801-000 20103-2 s23,100.00 5s,s00.00 To Date Costs s234,4OO.OO 562,2a2.s9 s2,923.0O s211,515.55 $13,100.00 s113,000.00 5t12,a37.57 s23,000.00 S44,9oo.oo s23,639.70 S3,649.00 511,129.80 s457,000.00 $427,977.2L Balanre -s39,182.s9 S2,s17.oo 522,a84.4s S1,970.20 s162.43 5639.70 s41,2s1.00 s29,O22.79 Fishbeck, Thompson, Corr & Huber, lnc. I scientists I orchitects I conslructors Headquafters 'engineers 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE I Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 p 616.575.3824 | f 516.464.3994 Federal l.D. No.38-1841857 | lncorporated Payment Optionr Remit Wire/ACH payments to Acct: 100094457 ABA: 072413829 Remit email to Remit checks to: 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE I Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 Major credit cards accepted MICHIGAI{ Grand Rapids I Lansing I Kalarhazoo I Nova I MacombTwp OHIO Cincinnati MAY 16, 2016 INVOICE G120617PCA JW ACCOUNT NO: 70724 MR RON TURNER PROJECT MANAGER NO: 350311 PRO]ECT: GAWA,/ST LOUIS WSR WTP CONSTADM GMTIOT AREA WATER AUTHORITY 525 EAST SUPERIOR STREET PO BOX 278 ALMA MI 48801-0278 THIS II{VOICEAS FOR SERVICES RENDERED FOR THE BILUNG PERIOD THROUGH 05/0612076 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL: PRINCIPAL SENIOR ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE SENIOR ENGINEER SENIOR ENGINEER SENIOR ENGINEERING SPECIAUST PRODUCTION SUPPORT HOURS RATE 1.00 8.00 1.00 6.00 $210.00 180.00 165.00 159.00 134.00 125.00 69.00 22.O0 12.00 7.50 AMOUNT $210.0o r,440.00 165.00 954.00 2,94A.OO 1,500.00 517.50 7,734.50 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: MILEAGE $268.80 TOTAL PREVIOUSLY INVOICED THIS INVOICE $8,003.30 $369,105.03 8,003.30 INVOICED TO DATE 377,LOA.33 PAID TO DATE 360,581.93 TOTAL AMOUNT OUTSTANDING $16,s26.40 N,''* Remit Wire/ACH payments to Acct: 1OOO944S7 ABAi O72413a29 Gratiot Area Water St. Louis Water Supply Replacement Water Treatment Plant Construction Admlnistration & Oberservation Prol'ed No. FTC&H P.O. Balance Date signed 217412074 301890 305302 2/2412014 3/2412014 4/2112014 4/2112014 307C62 5/r9l20r4 307062 5/19/2014 308435 6/1612014 6/1612014 303537 305302 308435 310599 71412014 21412014 312335 8/u/2014 312135 8/11/2014 314094 9/8/2014 9/8/2014 310599 314094 315819 315819 317540 317540 10/6/2014 10/6/2014 1/3/2014 1/3/2014 3t9242 12l1/2014 379242 1211/2014 32m18 12130/2014 12130/2014 320918 322445 322445 324072 324012 325711 125721 1/2512015 1/2612015 2/2312015 32t381 4/20/2015 a/20l2015 5/18/2015 5/18/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 7/13/2015 7/13/2015 8/10/2015 8/10/2015 327383 329049 329049 330705 330705 332368 332368 334039 334039 335734 135734 2/23/2015 3/23/201s 3/2312015 9/7/2015 9/7/2015 GAwA/St. Louis wSR wtp ConstAdm- G1206uPCA GAwa/St. Louis wSR wtp constAdm- G1206I7PCA GAwA/st. Louis ws8 \ /tp constadm- G12o5uPcA GAWA/SI. Louis WSR ! /tp Constobs- G120617PC1 GAwa,/sr. Louis wsR wtp constAdm. G12o6l7PcA GAwA/St. Louis wSR wtp Connobs' G120517Pc1 GAwA/sr. Louis wsR wtp constAdm- G120617Pc4 GAwry'st. Louas WSR Wtp Cotrstobs- G120517PC| GAwA/St. Louis wSR Wtp ConstAdm- G120617PCA GAWA/St. touis wSR wtp constobs- G1206l7PCl GAwa,/st. Louir wsR wtp constAdm- Gl20617Pc-a GAWA/5I. touis WSR Wtp Constobs- G12O517PC| GAWA/SI. Louis WsR Wtp ConstAdm- 6120617PCA GAwA/St- Louir wSR wtp constobs- G120617PC1 GAWA/5I. touis W5R wtp ConstAdm- G120617PCA GAWA/SI. rouis WSR Wtp Constobe G120517PCr GAWA/SI- Louir WsR Wtp ConstAdm- 6120517PCA GAWA/5t. LouisWSR Wtp Constobs- 6120617PC1 GAWA/St. LouirwSR wtp constAdm' G120617PcA GAWA/5I. Louis WSR Wtp Constobs- Gl20517PCl GAwA/st. Louis wsR wtp constAdm' G1205l7PcA GAWA/5I. Lours WSR Wtp Constobs- G120517PC| GAwA/St. Louis wSR wtp ConstAdm- 61205uPCA GAwa,/st. Louis wsR wtp constobs- G120517Pc1 GAwar/st. Louh wSR wtp constAdm- G120617PC-A GAWA,/SI. rouas WSR Wtp Connobs- 61206UPC| GAWA/St- touis WSR wtp ConstAdm- Gl206t7PCA GAWA/SI. touis WSR Wtp Constobs. G1206l7PCl GAwA/St. touis wSR wtp ConstAdm- Gl20617PcA GAwA/St. l-ouis wSR wtp constobs- G120617PC1 GAWA/5I. touis WS8 Wtp ConstAdm- GI20617PCA GAWA/St- touis WsR Wtp Constobs- G1206UPC| GAwA/St. touis W58 Wtp ConstAdm- GI20617PCA CAWA/Si touis WSR Wtp Constobs- G12O517PC| GAwA,/si Louis WSR wtp constAdm- G120617PCA GAWA/5I. rouis WSR Wtp Connobs- G 120517PCr GAwA/St. Loui! wSR wtp ConstAdm- G120617PcA GAwA/st- touis wsR wtp constobs- G 120617Pc1 GAwa/St- Loui5 WSR wtp constadm' G l20617Pca GAwa/st. foui5 wSR wtp Connobs. G120517PC1 GAWA/5I. to'ris wsa wtp Constadm- GI20617PCA GAwA/St. touis wSR wtp Constobs- G 120617PC1 GAwA/St- louis WSR wtp constAdm' G I20617PCA GAwA/st. l-ouis wSR wtp Constobs. G120517PC1 3374il 10/5/2015 10/5/2015 339143 lll2/2015 339143 340793 1rl2/2015 t2l1/2015 6AwA/St. 340795 1211/2015 GAwa/si. Louis wSR wtp Constobs- 342191 1212912015 y2397 1212912015 GAwa,/st. Louis wSR 343960 1/2512015 GAwVst. Louir wsR wS conltadm- G1206r7PcA 1/2512016 GAwA/sr. Louh wSR wtp constobs- G120517PC1 337460 343960 345527 347089 344701 350311 GAWSt. Louis WSR Louir wSR wtp ConstAdm- G120617PcA G120617PC1 wtp ConstAdm- G1206uPCA wtp Constobs- G120517PC1 212212015 GAwNSt- louis wSR wtp constAdm- G1206I7PCA 2/2212015 GAWA/SI. Louis WSR wtp ConstAdm- G1205uPCA 4/18/2016 GAWA/sr. Louis WSR Wtp ConstAdm- G120517PCA 5/15/2015 GAwA/st. LouiswsR wtp constAdm- G120617PcA TotalElpense3 to Date: Previous Reamburs€m€nt amount curr€ot Eeimbursement amount s11,42s.43 GAWA s5,958.30 s795,300.00 s783,874.s7 s777,916.27 GAWA s7u,271.35 GAWA s13,542.92 GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA s19,263.04 s14,433.64 s753,503.85 s745,533.45 s739,349.65 s720,086.61 5698,852.14 5684,428.50 6AWA s20,s90.s9 s653,837.91 GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA S30 960.80 s532,877.[ 525,328.49 GAWA s559.50 s17,070.4O GAWA s2183.8O s21,224.47 s21,234.69 s6()Z548.62 s596,703.32 s575,468.53 GAWA 510,975.10 s554,493.53 GAWA GAWA GAWA 518,782.47 s545,7rr.05 s13,840.70 520,890-m GAWA 59,497.00 s531,870.36 s510,979.55 s501,482.56 s479,372.57 510,845.30 GAWA s22,109.99 GAWA s9,552.90 GAWA 514,697-17 6AWA $21,069.51 s469,7O9.67 s455,012.50 s433,942.89 GAWA s20,596.37 s413,246.s2 6AWA 51&054.97 s39s, GAWA s20,347.28 s374,814.21 GAWA s7,939.21 s365,895.06 GAWA s1&338.90 s34&ss6.16 GAWA 58,856.76 5339,699.40 GAWA 517,518.99 s322,r80.41 GAWA 57 ,211.9L s314,908.50 GAWA 520,057.62 s294,850.88 GAWA s9,719.61 s285,13r.27 GAWA 517,394.82 5257.716.4s GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA s14,751.30 GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA s252,975.15 518,802.60 52y,172.5s 514,958.00 5219,214.55 s19,921.20 516,s92.62 S18,5m.31 Sr99,293.35 s182,700.73 sl.€/,20D.42 510,257.81 5153,942-61 520,s25.s0 s18,1s4.94 51&776.70 s10,4as.10 s133,415.11 s115,261.17 s95,484.47 98s,999.37 512,210.20 573,769.17 s12,953.50 s50,80s.67 s59,671.67 6AWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA GAWA 51,84.m s7,55s.63 5l,ZZ4-90 5s2,m6.04 58,523.10 550.781.14 s45,334.71 s35,s3s.71 s28,012.6r s8,m3-30 520,m9.3r 5s,446.43 s8,799.00 5775,290.59 767,287.39 8,003.30 Est. Erpense!To Dat€ Account, 493-901-522-801{rc0 20103-11 Ac€ount { 493'901-522-8lrt{)O 97.48% Costs Ealanc€ 5395,100.00 5377,108.33 518,991.67 20103-11 5398,182.35 5795,300.00 5775,29O.59 s1,017.64 s20,009.31 Fishbeck, Thompson, Corr & Huber, lnc. 6ngineers I scientists I orchilects I constructors H€adquafters Federal l.D. No.38-1841857 | lncorporated Paylnent Options MICHIGAa{ Grand Rapids I Lansing | (alama2oo I Novi I Macomb Twp OHIO Cincinnati MAY 16, 2016 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE I Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 p 516.s7s.3824 | f 616.464.3994 Remit wire/AcH payments to Acct: 100094457 ABA: 072413829 Remit email to Remit checks to: 1515 Arboretum D.ive, SE I Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 Major credit cards accepted INVOICE NO: 350311 INVOICE SUMMARY ACCOUNT NO: 70724 MR RON TURNER PROJECT MANAGER GMTIOT AREA WATER AUTHORITY 525 EAST SUPERIOR STREET PO BOX 278 ALMA MI 48801-0278 TNVOICE SUMMARY THROUGH 05/06/2016. DETAILED CHARGES ARE ATTACHED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION GI2O617HG7 GAWAY/ST LOUIS WSR HYDROGEO T7 G120617rcA GAWA,/ST LOUIS WSR WTP CONSTADM AMOUNT GMND TOTAL $3,649.00 8,003.30 $11,6s2.30 Gratiot Area Water Authority Request for Payment 525 E. Superior Alma, Ml 48801 RCL Construction Co., lnc. 777 W Mavnard Rd. Sanford Ml 48657 cr Telephone cr Fax: 493-901-522-801-000 St Louis Water Supply Replacement Water Treatment PIant Expansion Pay Applicaton #26 Total Turner 4/14 in the amount of $9,712,000.00. CO#.1 aploved O7t11l14i amount $9,743,786.00. CO #2 contracl amount approved 09/12l14 changed to $9,818,175.00. CO #3 aploved 12t12h4 contract amount $9,834,084.00.CO #4 approved 1/9/15 contract amount 9,880,673.00. Change Order #S contract amount now $9,968,058.00.Change Order#6 contract amount $ 10,010,808.00.CO#7 change to g1 0,016,796.00.CO#8 change to $10,039,889.00. CO #9 -change to $10,087,598.00. CO #tO - no to total, CO #11 -change to 10,124,530.00. CO #12 - total to $10,167,451.00 Approved By:-_- AIA lyp6 Docum.nt Appalcdol| .nd Cardicrdon ior prynmt Io(OllNal:GAWA GRATIOT AREA WTR AUTHORITY 525 E. SUPER|OR, PO BO)( 276 ALMA, Mt iltEo1-0?a FROr (COf[RAgfOR]; ?7 vr^ (ARCHITESD: W. M.ynrrd Rd. FTSHBECK HUB Srnford, Mt /t8657 COiITRACT FORi 2014,o$cAwA€T LOIJtS ., Z .t b? Chrng. Ord.ft ...a s. oOI{IRACT sUX TO DAIE (Lir r + 2) t 4. TOTAL COXPLEIED Al{D SToRED IO DATE . . . . . . , 6. .................. 2.51 b. 0.m* ,16 ot Co,rplGiGd of Sto{rd Wo.t M.tdil t t _lnc}lfrEcT _ ooxrR^cllrR ARCHITECT! PROTEGT tlo: gl2GtTFfO :$H13Ti:**L*lf-* *" tl-e"n ccrtitic.iss tor pryrner{ p"h-;;'t cg-d cutr€nt prymail 3hfln hccin ir now "rrd ducl 9,7t2,mO.OO CONTMCIOR: 4,t2,$O.m 10,12.a.$O.m 1q082,E92.58 oi ffi W. i/iaynlrd Rd. Srnbd, ia a6657 oero: s/as/ta _7---7- 8yj TOIAL EARXED LESS RETA|I{AGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Llnr 4 tor Llnc s Clldfio.b) r.cuRnEnrEAyllEffiouE..... 9. BALAI{CE IO FIXI3H, (Lin. 3 l€s Lina 6) PAYUE}IT .........a .............. . g,ltg,2t|lt 0 t ToLl cll6ng.! spproved ln pEvbus moolhr by Owng. 9,S29,7,9.33 'T' Lo @ INCLU rlC REIATMOE CHANGE OROER SUMiilARy 29a,750.67 ADDITIONS TOTALS ChlEe O.d.. ARCHITECTS CERNFTCATE FOR PAYMENT lnAccordan6 rfih lha Contnc.l Oocumcnlr, bss€d on on-sib obsary8lioos snd lhc d8l! compriEi rg thq .bova'o'r. thc Adtit d co.liflcs to owla' thlf !o tha brat o, thc knowtGdss, intornation 8rd b€rrr th6 work hai prrs,*"rd;inir;&mi',]ii& A,rrlLct! u. b.ln-.ccoduo wirh rho conlrac,r AI'OUNT CERTIFIEO ooqrmnts. A OUifrcERTtFtED. ;ndili; i rrt cild;ffi"lii;d'io'iirr"*, r, ....,,.....t DEOUCTIONS - Totrl approwd this Month NET CI|,ANGES by _ Strb oft lfl I 3_ 419,76.t.00 -7,231.@ 0.00 0.00 119,76,r.00 4r2,530.00 -7,234.00 ARCHITECT: By Thb not n llll'p. nafliGd lEllh, dehtt o, th! qtxrrr or .'Ih.Alrot payrrllt md E NT CERT|F|EO L p.yr[l! ody b rh. CorfiCor tutrEd iEludb' to rry contncio/L"d".flrfmJ Fyn'I ''! %r""'r /iif, ,H, o' n'' 5o E I' o u,r povroo. 0.00 (Llna 5a + 6b). . .. . . . .,. . . . ... . . . " LESS PREVIOI'8 CERNFEATES FOR (Lhr G nom Fbr ;;;;iJi-tTllhnce,*r, *'"-cd,i.ilil6 v'il'r,Iiain i ffi';;;J;i ili RCI- Conrtrucdoo Co. lnc. rr/ 253,1t3.25 Toi.t) ,. _ oJvr{ER RODNEY t. rlt DlaTrUlUtlOI{ to: Thc Undrr3igned Cont.sclo. canift! ttrt to thc b6l ot ths Conuado/. kmxiqdga, lnb.malbo and bclirf ihos!fi covcGd by ihis appricaiion tor paymil trir REfAl AcEr Total 6- . 2s 14 COIITRACI DAIE Z1lUmtit dtrctro<t aur IIIOIFSON C^RR A WIp EXp GONTMCTOR'S APPLICATTON FOR PAYMENT t maCc lor p.yri.nt, .r .hown b.tgw, ln conncdtor wtth il corlt-;;' Contlndhn Sicat, AIA I!4r Doorna{ b COI{TRACT ito: PERIOO Tro:5r:r't/201 6 1615 ARBORETUT DR SE GRAM) RAPtt S, Mt 495{6 Apptlc*ino t. ORIGIN^L APPI-ICAT|OI{ 200 N. uNcoLN ALMA, MI 48&' Con.tru. on Co. tnc, RCL Pqp I 6l PRO{ECI GAWA.ST IOT'IIS WTR 'II|T PTANT E PARTTAL CONDITIONAL WAIVER vwe have a contract with cratiot area water authoritv to provide service for the improvement for the properry as described as GAWA-SI. tnuis Water Treataem hereby waive mylour construction lien for the amouot of$40.503.61 for Labor/Materials provided thmugh 5/31/16. (D.L) This waiver, together with all previous waivers, if any, (circle one) does /d6fucover all amounts due to me/us for contract improvements provided through the date shown above. This waiver is conditioned on actual payment of the amount shown above. Signed on: 05/25116 Address: 777 W. Mavnard Road Sanford. MI 48657 Telephone: 989-687-73 19 DO NOT SIGN BLANK OR IN COMPLETE FORMS, RETAIN A COPY HlpErtwdoc SWORN STATEMENT State of Michigan ) ) ss. County of Midland ) Rodney E. Baucr, bciog duly swom, depose.s and says: that RCL Construction Company, Inc. is the (Conractor) for an improvement to the followiug described real property situated in Gratiot Coutrty Michigar described as follows: GAWA-SI. Louis Water Treatmcnt Plalt Expansion that thc following is a stalemenl ofeach subcontraaor and supplier and laborer, for which laborer the payment ofwages or fringe beoefits and withholdiag is due but unpaid, witlr whom the (contractor) has (contracted) for perfomance under lhc contract with thi owner orlessee thereof, and lhat the amounts due to the peIsons as ofthe dale hereofarc corectly and fully set forth opposite their names as follows: N6me of Subcontractor, supplier,or laborcr Typc of Improvement Fumished Total Contract Pric€ Amount Already Paid Amount Currently Owing Amountof Laborerwages Due but unpaid Amount of laborer Frioge belefits Andwithholdings Due bui unpaid Labor, MsteriEls & subcontactors paid to date (Som€ columns arc not applicable 1o all persons listed.) That the contraclor has not procured malerials ftom, or subcontracted with, 8ny person other than thosc sct forth abovD ald owes no moDey for dte improvement olher tha! the sums set fonh aboveDeponent fu her sal,s that he or she makes the forcgoing statemert as thc (contactor) or as vicc Presided ofthe (confacto.) for lhc purposc of rePresenting lo thc owner or lessee ofthe above-dcscribed premises and his or her agens for th€ above-dcsc bed property is free flom claims of construction lios, or thc possibility ofconstruction liens, exc€pt 8s specifically set forrh above and except for claims ofconstruaion Jiens by laborers which may be providcd pusuant to section 109 oflhe construction lien act, Act No. 497 ofthc Public Acts of 1980, as amended, bcing section 570.1109 ofthe Micbigao Compilcd La\,vs. WARNING TO OWNER: AN OWNER OR LESSEE OF T}IE ABOVE.DESCRIBED PROPERry MAY NOT RELY ON THIS SWOR\ STATEMENT TO AVOID TI{E CLAIM OF A SUBCONTRACTOR WHO MAY PROVIDE A NOTICE OF FURNISHING PURSUANT TO SECTION I 09 OF THE CONSTRUCfiON LIEN ACT TO TI{E DESICNEE OR TO THE OWNER OR LESSEE IF lHE DESIGNEE IS NOT NAMED OR HAD DIED. WARNING TO DEPONENT: A PERSON, WHO wlTH INTENT TO DEFRAUD, GIVES A FAI,SE SWORN STATEMENT IS SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AS PROVIDED IN SECTION I IO OFTHE CONSTRUCTION LIEN ACT, ACT NO.497 OF T}IE P(DLIC ACTS OF County of Acting in Midland My commission expires:. O l4l2\l7 H:\srvortsladoc Gratiot Area Water Authority Request for Purchase Purchase Order #: Vendor Address Ship To: Public Services Director 525 E. Superior Alma, MI 48801 RCL Construction CO., Inc. 777 W Maynard Rd. Sanford MI 48657 Vendor Telephone Vendor Fax: Account Date: Special Instructions Terms Quantity Units 493-901-522-801-000 Unit Price Description Gratitot Area Water Authority St Louis Water Supply Replacement Water Treatment Plant Expansion Change Order #12 Stock # Price Material/Service Usage Contract with RCL was approved by GAWA Board on 2-14-14$9,712,000.00. Contract amount with CO #1 changed to $9,743,786.00. CO#2 changed to $9,818,175.00. CO#3 changed to $9,834,084.00. CO#4 changed to $9,880,673.00. CO#5 change to $9,968,058.00.CO#6 change to $10,010,808.00.CO#7 change to $10,016,796.00.CO#8 change to $10,039,889.00. CO#9 change to $10,087,598.00. CO#10-no change to total. CO#11-change to $10,124,530.00. CO #12 total changed to $10,167,451.00 $ Requested By: R G Turner Approved By: Approved By: GAWA Approval Purchase Order to be sent by: Delivered using: Total 42,921.00 Total Comparative Prices Vendor/City Budgeted Amount: 08-Jun-16 Mail Attachments: 42,921.00 Gratiot Area Water Authority St. Louis Water Supply Replacement Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project Number G120617PFD Change Order No. 12 Date: June 7, 2016 CONTRACT FOR: St. Louis Water Supply Replacement - Water Treatment Plant Expansion Owner: Gratiot Area Water Authority 525 E Superior Street Alma, MI 48801-0278 Contractor: RCL Construction Company, Inc. 777 West Maynard Road Sanford, MI 48657 Engineer: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: ITEM NO. 1 Incorporate Item No. 1 through Item No. 8 of Bulletin No. 20 into the Contract Documents. Add $42,921.00 to the Contract Price. Total Change in Contract Price: Add $42,921.00 Attachments: Contractor response to Bulletin No. 20 dated 6/2/2016 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price: Original Contract time: Substantial Completion: Sept. 9, 2015 $9,712,000.00 Ready for final payment: Oct. 7, 2015 Previous Change Orders Nos. 1 - 11: Net change from previous Change Orders: $412,530.00 Days 77 Contract Price prior to this Change Order: Contract Time prior to this Change Order: $10,124,530.00 Substantial Completion: April 11, 2016 Ready for final payment: May 9, 2016 Net increase of this Change Order: Net increase of this Change Order: $42,921.00 116 Days Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: $10,167,451.00 Substantial Completion: August 5, 2016 Ready for final payment: September 2, 2016 RECOMMENDED APPROVED By: By: Engineer Brian D. Phillips, P.E. Project Engineer Name and Title of Signatory Date: 6/6/2016 APPROVED Contractor By: Name and Title of Signatory Date: END OF CHANGE ORDER \\FTCH\ALLPROJECTS\2012\120617PFD\WORK\SPECS\CHG12.DOCX Owner Name and Title of Signatory Date: City of Alma Request for Purchase fPurcha;order*] Vendor Address Finance 525 E. Superior Alma, Ml 48801 Michiqan Municipal Risk Manaqement Authority Drawer # 64458 Detroit Ml 48264-0458 Vendor Telephone Vendor Fax: petiod 7 10112016-7 lO1 12017 Gratiot Area Water Authority OPTION 1: $1,000,000 Liability Coverage GAWA Approval lBu?qaed Amour,r -----l _ MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY COVERAGE PROPOSAL Member: Gratiot Area Water Authority Date of Original Membership: July 1,20'13 Proposal Effective Dates: July 01,2016 To July Member Representalive: Phil Moore Regional Risk Manager: lbex lnsurance Agency Proposal No: Q000002302 0'1, 2017 #: Telephone #: Telephone (989) 463-8336 (248) 538-0470 A. lntroduction bv the The Michigan Municipat Risk Management Authority (hereinaJter "MMRMA) is created by. a.uthority.granted local Michigan to.eligible risk managementservices taws of thj State ot tritichigan to proiide risk financing and jovemments. MMRMA i; separate legal and admi;istrative entity as permitted by Michigan laws Gratiot Area agrees iVaier Authority (hereinaffer ';MembeI) is eligible to be a Member of MMRMA. Gratiot Area Water Authority to be a Membeiof MMRMA and to avail itself of the benefits of membership provisions of the Joint Powers Gratiot Area water Authority is aware of and agrees that it will be bound by all of the procedures. a9r""r"nt, Coverage Documlnts, MMRiilA rules, regulations, and administrative for specific coverage This Coverage Proposal summarizes certain obligations oi MMRMA and the Member' Except in this Coverage contained (SlR) deductibles and Retention Se[Insured Member's the and aOdenda, timiis, attacnio MMRMA agreements' reinsurance prgjq;i, th; ilrisions of the Joint Powers Agreement, Cov.erage Documents, disPute any that Member agrees The prevail iny dispute. in proceduris shall rute!, iegutatiins, and administrative and MMRMA Agreement Powers Joint in the manner statea in the will be resolved between the Member and MMRMA rules. B. Member Obligation - Deductibles and Self lnsured Retentions and allocated loss Gratiot Area Water Authority is responsible to pay all costs, inctuding damages' indemnification, (hereinafter the "SlR")' Retention lnsured Self Membe/s is within the that occrnence fo, each adiustment exoense" Glitiot lrea Water Authority's 711116 ro 711117 SIR and deductibles are as follows: Page I of6 Gratiot Area Water Authority Table I Member Deductibles and Self lnsured Retentions SELF INSURED RETENTION DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE State Pool Member Liability N/A Vehicle Physical Damage N/A Fire/EMS Replacement Cost N/A Property and Crime $1,000 Per Occurrence N/A Sewage System Overflow N/A N/A N/A N/A The member must satsry all deductibles before any payments are made from the Member's SIR or by MMRMA. The Gratiot Aroa Water Authorlty is afforded all coverages provided by MMRMA, except as listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Liability for Owned or Leased Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Sewage System Overflow Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Coverage All costs including damages and allocated loss adjustment expenses are on an occurrence basis and must be paid first from the Membefs SlR. The Membe/s SIR and deductibles must be satisfied tully before MMRMA will be responsible for any payments- The most MMRMA will pay is the difference between the Membe/s SIR and the Limits of Coverage staled in the Coverage Overview. Gratiot Area Water Authority agrees to maintain the Required Minimum Balance as defined in the Member Financial Responsibilities section of the MMRMA Govemance Manual. The Member agrees to abide by all MMRMA rules, regulations, and administrative procedures pertaining to the Membefs SlR. C. MMRMA Obligations - Payments and Limits of Coverage After the Membe/s SIR and deductibles have been satisfied, MMRMA will be responsible for Paying all remaining costs, including damages, indemnification, and allocated loss adiustment expenses to the Limits of Coverage stated in Table Il. The Limits of Coverage include the Membe/s SIR payments. The most MMRMA will pay, under any circumstances, which includes payments from the Membe/s slR, per occurrence, is shown in the Limits of Coverage column in Table ll. The Limits of Coverage includes allocated loss adjustment expenses. 7l1l't6'fo 711117 Page 2 of 6 Gratiot Area Water Authority Table ll Limits of Coverage Liability and Motor Vehicle Physical Damage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Limits of Coverage Per Occurrence N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 NIA 25,000 N/A N/A N/A 2,000 N/A N/A N/A Vehicle Physical Damage 0 N/A N/A N/A Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (per person) 0 N/A N/A N/A Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (per occurrence) 0 N/A N/A N/A Michigan No-Fault 0 NiA N/A N/A 5,000,000 N/A N/A 5,000,000 Sewage System Overflows Volunteer Medical Payments First Aid Tenorism Property and Crime Limits of Coverage Per Occurrence All Members Member AnnualAggregate All Members Member 17,860,045 350,000,000 N/A N/A 2,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Unreported Property 5,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Membe/s Newly Acquired or Construc{ed Property s,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Fine Arts 2,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 25,000 N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 2,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 0 10,000,000 N/A N/A 0 per week 5,000,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 10,000 N/A N/A N/A 5,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Buildings and Personal Property Personal Property in Transit Debris Removal (25% of lnsured direct loss plus) Money and Securities Accounts Receivable Fire Protection Vehicles, Emergency Vehicles, and Mobile Equipment (Per Unit) 'lO Fire and Emergency Vehicle Rental ('12 week limit) 11 N/A N/A JudicialTenure 'l 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o " All Members 1,000,000 Liability 8 9 All Members Member Annual \ggregate Member Struc{ures OtherThan a Building '12 storm or Sanitary Sewer Back-Up 13 Marine Property 14 Other Covered Property 15 lncome and Extra Expense 16 Blanket Employee Fidelity 17 Faithful Performance 18 Earthquake 19 Flood 20 Terrorism 7nl16fo 711117 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Per Statute N/A N/A N/A 5,000,000 N/A 5,000,000 100,000,000 5,000,000 N/A 5,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 N/A N/A Page 3 of 6 Gratiot Area Water Authority TABLE III Data Breach and Privacy Liability, oata Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability' and Breach Mitigation Expense coverage Limits of Coverage Retroactive Dates: For Coverage A - Data Bteach and Privacy Liability Coverage: 07/01/2013 For Coverage C - Electronic Media Liability Coverage: 07/01/2013 Data Breach and Privacy Liability, Data Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability, and Breach Mitigation Expense AnnualAggregate Limits ot Coverage Per Occunence/Claim Membe. s1.000.000 Member All Members $1.000.000 $15.000.000 - Coverage A Oata Breach and Privacy Liability Coverage: Each Claim: Coverage B Data Breach Loss to Member Coverage: Each LJnauthorized Access: Coverage C - Eleclronic Media Liability Coverage: Each Claim: Coverage D Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage: Fa.h I lnintenlional Dala Comoromise: lncluded in the limit above - lncluded in the limit above lncluded in the limit above - lncluded in the limit above The total liability of MMRMA shall not exceed $1,000,000 per Member aggregate Limit of Liability for coverages A, B, C, and D, in any coverage period. The total liability of MMRMA shall not exceed $15,000,000 for All Members aggregate Limit of Liability for coverages A, B, C, and D, from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017. TABLE IV Data Breach and Privacy Liability, Data Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability, and Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage Deduciibles Data Breach and Privacy Liability, Data Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability, and Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage A - Data Breach and Privacy Liability Coverage: Each Claim: Coverage B - Data Breach Loss to Member Coverage: Each unauthorized Access: Coverage C - Eleclronic Media Liability Coverage: Fach Claim' Coverage D - l'l116 'l o 7 l1 117 Membe. $25.000 $25.000 $25.000 Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage: Each unintentional Data Comoromise: 7 Deductible Per Occurrence/Claim Page 4 of 6 s25.000 Gratiot Area Water Authority Table V Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Coverage Limib of Coverage Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Annual Aggregate All Members Member Limits of Coverage per Occurrence lvlem ber All Members NiA N/A N/A N/A Table Vl Speciatized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Coverage Deductibles Deductible per Occurrence Member Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery N/A 7t1l16ro 1l'17 Page 5 of 6 Gratiot Area Water Authority D. Contribution for MMRMA Participation Gratiot Area Water Authority Period: July 01, 2016 To July 01,2017 Coverages per Member Coverage Overview: $9,738 TOTAL ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS: $9,738 E. List of Addenda This document is for the purpose of quotation only and does not bind coverage in the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority, unless accepted and signed by both the authorized Member RePresentative and MMRMA Representative below. Accepted By: Proposal No: Gratiot Area Water Authority Q000002302 MMRMA MMRMA Rdpresentative Member Representative L z-//t Date 7l'lh6 ro 7l'lh7 Page 6 ol6 Gratiot Area Water Authority City of Alma Request for Purchase t-purcnase_order #l Vendor Address Michiqan Municipal Risk Ivlanaqement Authoritv 525 E. Superior Alma, Ml 48801 Orawer # 64458 Detroit Ml 48264-0458 petiod 7 I 0 1 120 1 6-7 I 0 I I 20 1 7 Gratiot Area Water Authority OPTION lEu{seCAAmount ---__l 2: $5,000,000 Liability Coverage MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY COVERAGE PROPOSAL Member: Gratiot Area Water Authority Date of Original Membership: July 1,20'13 Proposal Effective Dates: July 01,2016 To July Member Representalive: Phil Moore Regional Risk Manager: lbex lnsurance Agency Proposal No: Q000002302 0'1, 2017 #: Telephone #: Telephone (989) 463-8336 (248) 538-0470 A. lntroduction bv the The Michigan Municipat Risk Management Authority (hereinaJter "MMRMA) is created by. a.uthority.granted local Michigan to.eligible risk managementservices taws of thj State ot tritichigan to proiide risk financing and jovemments. MMRMA i; separate legal and admi;istrative entity as permitted by Michigan laws Gratiot Area agrees iVaier Authority (hereinaffer ';MembeI) is eligible to be a Member of MMRMA. Gratiot Area Water Authority to be a Membeiof MMRMA and to avail itself of the benefits of membership provisions of the Joint Powers Gratiot Area water Authority is aware of and agrees that it will be bound by all of the procedures. a9r""r"nt, Coverage Documlnts, MMRiilA rules, regulations, and administrative for specific coverage This Coverage Proposal summarizes certain obligations oi MMRMA and the Member' Except in this Coverage contained (SlR) deductibles and Retention Se[Insured Member's the and aOdenda, timiis, attacnio MMRMA agreements' reinsurance prgjq;i, th; ilrisions of the Joint Powers Agreement, Cov.erage Documents, disPute any that Member agrees The prevail iny dispute. in proceduris shall rute!, iegutatiins, and administrative and MMRMA Agreement Powers Joint in the manner statea in the will be resolved between the Member and MMRMA rules. B. Member Obligation - Deductibles and Self lnsured Retentions and allocated loss Gratiot Area Water Authority is responsible to pay all costs, inctuding damages' indemnification, (hereinafter the "SlR")' Retention lnsured Self Membe/s is within the that occrnence fo, each adiustment exoense" Glitiot lrea Water Authority's 711116 ro 711117 SIR and deductibles are as follows: Page I of6 Gratiot Area Water Authority Table I Member Deductibles and Self lnsured Retentions SELF INSURED RETENTION DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE State Pool Member Liability N/A Vehicle Physical Damage N/A Fire/EMS Replacement Cost N/A Property and Crime $1,000 Per Occurrence N/A Sewage System Overflow N/A N/A N/A N/A The member must satsry all deductibles before any payments are made from the Member's SIR or by MMRMA. The Gratiot Aroa Water Authorlty is afforded all coverages provided by MMRMA, except as listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Liability for Owned or Leased Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Sewage System Overflow Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Coverage All costs including damages and allocated loss adjustment expenses are on an occurrence basis and must be paid first from the Membefs SlR. The Membe/s SIR and deductibles must be satisfied tully before MMRMA will be responsible for any payments- The most MMRMA will pay is the difference between the Membe/s SIR and the Limits of Coverage staled in the Coverage Overview. Gratiot Area Water Authority agrees to maintain the Required Minimum Balance as defined in the Member Financial Responsibilities section of the MMRMA Govemance Manual. The Member agrees to abide by all MMRMA rules, regulations, and administrative procedures pertaining to the Membefs SlR. C. MMRMA Obligations - Payments and Limits of Coverage After the Membe/s SIR and deductibles have been satisfied, MMRMA will be responsible for Paying all remaining costs, including damages, indemnification, and allocated loss adiustment expenses to the Limits of Coverage stated in Table Il. The Limits of Coverage include the Membe/s SIR payments. The most MMRMA will pay, under any circumstances, which includes payments from the Membe/s slR, per occurrence, is shown in the Limits of Coverage column in Table ll. The Limits of Coverage includes allocated loss adjustment expenses. 7l1l't6'fo 711117 Page 2 of 6 Gratiot Area Water Authority Table ll Limits of Coverage Liability and Motor Vehicle Physical Damage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Limits of Coverage Per Occurrence N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A 0 NIA 25,000 N/A N/A N/A 2,000 N/A N/A N/A Vehicle Physical Damage 0 N/A N/A N/A Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (per person) 0 N/A N/A N/A Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (per occurrence) 0 N/A N/A N/A Michigan No-Fault 0 NiA N/A N/A 5,000,000 N/A N/A 5,000,000 Sewage System Overflows Volunteer Medical Payments First Aid Tenorism Property and Crime Limits of Coverage Per Occurrence All Members Member AnnualAggregate All Members Member 17,860,045 350,000,000 N/A N/A 2,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Unreported Property 5,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Membe/s Newly Acquired or Construc{ed Property s,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Fine Arts 2,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 25,000 N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 2,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 0 10,000,000 N/A N/A 0 per week 5,000,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A 10,000 N/A N/A N/A 5,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Buildings and Personal Property Personal Property in Transit Debris Removal (25% of lnsured direct loss plus) Money and Securities Accounts Receivable Fire Protection Vehicles, Emergency Vehicles, and Mobile Equipment (Per Unit) 'lO Fire and Emergency Vehicle Rental ('12 week limit) 11 N/A N/A JudicialTenure 'l 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o " All Members 1,000,000 Liability 8 9 All Members Member Annual \ggregate Member Struc{ures OtherThan a Building '12 storm or Sanitary Sewer Back-Up 13 Marine Property 14 Other Covered Property 15 lncome and Extra Expense 16 Blanket Employee Fidelity 17 Faithful Performance 18 Earthquake 19 Flood 20 Terrorism 7nl16fo 711117 1,000,000 N/A N/A N/A Per Statute N/A N/A N/A 5,000,000 N/A 5,000,000 100,000,000 5,000,000 N/A 5,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 N/A N/A Page 3 of 6 Gratiot Area Water Authority TABLE III Data Breach and Privacy Liability, oata Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability' and Breach Mitigation Expense coverage Limits of Coverage Retroactive Dates: For Coverage A - Data Bteach and Privacy Liability Coverage: 07/01/2013 For Coverage C - Electronic Media Liability Coverage: 07/01/2013 Data Breach and Privacy Liability, Data Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability, and Breach Mitigation Expense AnnualAggregate Limits ot Coverage Per Occunence/Claim Membe. s1.000.000 Member All Members $1.000.000 $15.000.000 - Coverage A Oata Breach and Privacy Liability Coverage: Each Claim: Coverage B Data Breach Loss to Member Coverage: Each LJnauthorized Access: Coverage C - Eleclronic Media Liability Coverage: Each Claim: Coverage D Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage: Fa.h I lnintenlional Dala Comoromise: lncluded in the limit above - lncluded in the limit above lncluded in the limit above - lncluded in the limit above The total liability of MMRMA shall not exceed $1,000,000 per Member aggregate Limit of Liability for coverages A, B, C, and D, in any coverage period. The total liability of MMRMA shall not exceed $15,000,000 for All Members aggregate Limit of Liability for coverages A, B, C, and D, from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017. TABLE IV Data Breach and Privacy Liability, Data Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability, and Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage Deduciibles Data Breach and Privacy Liability, Data Breach Loss to Member, Electronic Media Liability, and Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage A - Data Breach and Privacy Liability Coverage: Each Claim: Coverage B - Data Breach Loss to Member Coverage: Each unauthorized Access: Coverage C - Eleclronic Media Liability Coverage: Fach Claim' Coverage D - l'l116 'l o 7 l1 117 Membe. $25.000 $25.000 $25.000 Breach Mitigation Expense Coverage: Each unintentional Data Comoromise: 7 Deductible Per Occurrence/Claim Page 4 of 6 s25.000 Gratiot Area Water Authority Table V Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Coverage Limib of Coverage Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Annual Aggregate All Members Member Limits of Coverage per Occurrence lvlem ber All Members NiA N/A N/A N/A Table Vl Speciatized Emergency Response Expense Recovery Coverage Deductibles Deductible per Occurrence Member Specialized Emergency Response Expense Recovery N/A 7t1l16ro 1l'17 Page 5 of 6 Gratiot Area Water Authority D. Contribution for MMRMA Participation Gratiot Area Water Authority Period: July 01, 2016 To July 01,2017 Coverages per Member Coverage Overview: $9,738 TOTAL ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS: $9,738 E. List of Addenda This document is for the purpose of quotation only and does not bind coverage in the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority, unless accepted and signed by both the authorized Member RePresentative and MMRMA Representative below. Accepted By: Proposal No: Gratiot Area Water Authority Q000002302 MMRMA MMRMA Rdpresentative Member Representative L z-//t Date 7l'lh6 ro 7l'lh7 Page 6 ol6 Gratiot Area Water Authority gratiotArst O rTaterAuthontj June 1,2016 Dear Water Well Owner: Thank you for writing to the Gratiot Area Water Authority (GAWA). Your letter was read and discussed at the Friday, May 13,2016 Gratiot Area Water Authority Board meeting. GAWA has been collecting benchmark data from the two prospective production wells on Van Buren and a number of monitoring wells that we have in the area. We will use the data from the production and monitoring wells to model the effects of using the wells. We are interested in measuring the water levels of some private wells. Having additional data points would be helpful for GAWA and the residents. The well at each participating property will need to be evaluated to see if the measuring instruments can be safely installed without causing damage to the wells. There may be a few wells, that the well design will make it difficult or impossible to take readings. However, with the number of private wells in the area, missing some of the wells will not be a problem in terms ofbeing able to model the effect of the production wells. We also discussed asking a few property owners to allow us to draw water surmples to test for common drinking water quality parameters. Several property owners have indicated a desire to participate in the sampling. GAWA and the Mid-Michigan District Health Department (MMDHD) will team to complete the sampling and testing. GAWA is willing to conduct the groundwater level monitoring and sampling at no charge to the homeowners. we will ask that you sign a form giving us permission to take the measurements and/or samples. We will have one of the engineers from Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr and Huber (FTCH) contact you shortly about the form and the process. It is currently anticipated that FTCH will conduct the groundwater level measurements and the MMDHD will conduct the water sampling. we will, of course, make the data available to you and other interested parties. It is anticipated that the monitoring and sampling activities would be conducted over the course of the upcoming summer. The Wells 10 and 11 projects (transmission main and well houses) are currently in the design phase. Construction is anticipated to start in the spring of 2017. The projects are expected to be placed in service in late fall of2017. Sincerely, Phillip J. Moore, Chairman Gratiot Area Water Authority Letourneau, Sheila Moore, Phil Wednesday, June 01, 2016 9:15 AM Letourneau, Sheila FW: wells From: Sent: To: Subject: From: Willemin, John [] Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2015 11:58 AM To: Kurt Giles <>; Keith Risdon <>; Moore, Phil <pmoore@ci'>; Turner, Ron <> Cc: Patterson, Tim <tkpatterson@ft> Subject: RE: wells Kurt, a meeting Did you want me to set something up with Bob Gouin? I can schedule a conference call we can try to arrange at City Hall. pumps needed to be lowered' On another note, I think you mentioned that you had a well driller in mind to use if any it would be a good idea to have a if would he be a good candidate to go with us to look at the wells? we are wondering the well casings' local well driller involved in the site visits to the homes in case there is any work required to access guy well on hand. lt would have a to be better questions, it might but FTCH could take the measurements and answer you think of this' also give him background in case any work was needed on the wells later. Let me know what Thanks, John lohn A. wiltemin, P.E. I senior Process Engineer, Vice President I 616-464-3801 I Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, lnG. I Engineers, Scientists, Architects, Constructors From: Bob Gouin Imailto:bgouin@mmdhd.orel Sent: Wednesday, MaY 25, 2015 12:52 PM To:WiIlemin,John<iay{i!!en0i!-@Eo.q9.!0>;KurtGiles<kqiles@stlouismi'com>;Turner,Ron<(.ull9f@d.a,lE.aJ!Lu5>; Keith Risdon <t!!do!@!!!ouj!!0!!9m> subject: wells RE: Hello gentlemen. This week is booked with t,d be willing to participate in a meeting or conference ca:l to help with coordination if desired. the holiday but I open back up next Wed or Thursday for a call or meetinS' set and Sives us MMDHD doesn,t want to move forward with any residential sampling until we are sure the GAWA is all the go ahead. Let me know anY thoughts. Thanks Bob Bob Gouin, R.S. M.B.A. Environmental Health Director Mid-Michigan District Health Oepartment www.mmdhd.ore From: Willemin, John [oa j!!g!E!r!!!c!! jr@Eehtanl] Sentr Tuesday, May 24, 20t6 11:25 AM To: Kurt Giles; Tumer, Ron; Bob Gouin; Keith Risdon SubJect: RE: wells Kurt, Should we get together on a conference call to discuss? lohn From: Kurt Giles Imailto:ksiles@stlouismi.coml Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2015 9:09 AM To: Willemin, John <iawi!!C!01!@ECXle!L>; Turner, Ron Keith Risdon <!!!de!.(et!!esiS!!o> <fUM!@gLa[!!.![LU!>; Bob Gouin <!gggi11Q414![!91g>; Subject: FW: wells All, Following Ku is the communication from the Willow Bend area representative on level monitoring and water quality testing. rt From: Dawn Brady] Sent: Monday, May 23, 2015 11:51 PM To: Kurt Giles <> Subject: wells Kurt, The following families have requested to have their water levels and water quality in their wells tested in order to establish a baseline standard. We would like: *to know what specifically is tested and the results of these tests. *to have outlined, in writing, the measures taken to ensure our the function and quality of our wells and *assurance that any work resulting from the effect of the GAWA pumping from the aquifer which has steadily and plentifully provided for us, will not be at our expense. Kurt, there is much that I do not understand but some of the reading that I've done indicates that a well going dry is not usually a gradual process, giving time to respond.... it is a situation where one day there is water, and the next day there is not. I have also read that aquifers can take from 3€5 years to replenish. This is not reassuring, so the response of "we'll just turn off the pump that is running when he problem is reported' seems a bit optimistic. Also the suggestion of digging deeper wells does not promise equal or better quality water. Most of us living in this neighborhood chose to buy our homes in a place which offers decent well water as opposed to treated water in town. We want to protect our home values, our family health and our \ /ater. Please help us do this. Thank you for your openness to assisting with this issue. Dawn Brady Wimmer May 22,2016 The following ('14) residents of Willow Bend subdivision give permission to the City of St. Louis to test the Water Quality and the Water Levels in our wells. We anticipate a call to set a time to have someone come to our home to do the testing and request a copy of the extent and results of the testings. Ralph Hinderleider 5325 Blue Heron Dr. 989.463 5869 Brenda Shafley 4170 Riverview Drive 989-330-9602 Russ and Debbie Wright 5322 Willow Bend 517-881-0314 5441 'lJ c r,:e.:l 989.463.5572 Norma Searles 5353 Willow Bend 231 .564 2226 Gretchen Harrison 5473 Willow Bend 989-763-0998 (cell) 989-466-2064 (home) Don and Nancy Metcalf 4292 Atcada Dr. Alma. Ml. 48801 home phone: 9894634262, cell 989-760-1005. Gilbert and Nancy Stark 4122 Arcada Dtive 989-560-3070 Chuck and Lynn Sandro 5375 Blue Heron 989.388 8070 Justin and Headi Barnaby 406,4 Riverview Dr. Cell: 989-763-6528 Jane Keon 5355 Blue Heron Dr. (989) 463-2257 Martha Bamfleld Luke Stefanovsky 5407 Willow Bend Dr. 989.560.5101 Tony kirby 4403 riverview dr alma 989S20{258. Dawn Brady Wimmer 5335 Blue Heron Dr. 989.576 2720 Loein Total Conirol Panel Lgi&@sUsulslqilsls From: To: Message Scorc: 2 High (60): My Spam Blocking Level: Medium l'.s' Mcdium (75): l'r- Low (90): l'rr.. Q!99! this sender !!99! This message was delivered because the con ent fiher score did not exceed your illter level. MEMO TO: Mr. Ron Turner - City of Alma FROM: John Willemin, P.E. DATE: June 6, 2016 RE: Engineering Update for GAWA June 10, 2016 Board Meeting PROJECT NO.: G120617 Water Plant • The integration contractor is scheduled to be on site this week to complete outstanding control programming work. • Bulletin 20 was issued to RCL for pricing on some miscellaneous improvements. A change order to incorporate those items is being brought to the Board for consideration. • A meeting with the Contractor will be conducted on 6/10/2016 to review remaining work items and closeout status. • Partial Substantial Completion will be acknowledged for several major components of the work that are in service. • Bulletin 21 will be issued this week to address items brought forward by the Mechanical Inspector and to expand the alarm service panel to incorporate additional after hours alarm notifications. Booster Stations • Work on the revised punch list and contract closeout is ongoing. • A meeting with the Contractor will be conducted on 6/10/2016 to review remaining work items and closeout status. South Transmission Main • The contractor for Phase II was on site on 6/3/2016 to address outstanding punch list items. This work is ready for closeout. Well 9 Well House • The contractor is scheduled to be on site this week to complete outstanding punch list work. • A final change order will be processed to set final contract dates and adjust total contract price. It is anticipated that the project will finish over $70,000 under budget. Giddings Elevated Water Storage Tank • Painting is scheduled to begin this week. • Tank disinfection procedures are being reviewed by the City of St. Louis • No cost changes are currently pending. • The Contractor is tracking days lost to weather and has indicated two lost days to date. Memo - Engineering Update Page 2 June 6, 2016 Wells 10 and 11 Raw Water Transmission Main and Well Houses • Work on the well installation is scheduled to resume this week. • FTCH has contacted MDEQ for written confirmation that 24-hour pump testing will not be required. They have verbally indicated it already. • A list of 14 residents in the Riverview neighborhood was received by the City. A meeting with the Mid-Michigan District Health Department (MMDHD) is being scheduled to coordinate sampling of those wells and those of the 9 residents on along Van Buren and West Ennis Roads who previously expressed interest in having their wells checked for groundwater level and sampling. • The MMDHD will lead the sampling effort and will test the wells for partial chemistry and bacteriological components. MMDHD has agreed to conduct the sampling for all of the wells and will fund the testing of 10 wells. GAWA will fund the testing of the other wells. • FTCH will work with a local well driller to inspect the residential wells and measure water levels where the design of the wells will allow. • A draft access agreement has been developed for signature by the residents to grant access for the sampling and monitoring. • Design work on the raw water transmission main for Wells 10 and 11 is continuing. Survey is generally complete. Preliminary drawings showing the detailed raw water transmission main route layout was developed for review by the cities. • Detailed plan view and profile drawings are pending some additional information from the utilities. • Wells 10 and 11 well house design is on hold with the exception of the culvert/drain crossing. The building design is at approximately 80% complete. • The well house project bidding will be postponed to more closely coincide with the raw water transmission main construction project, which will likely not begin until spring of 2017. Hydrogeological Study and Well 12 • FTCH is working on a memo to document the modeling conducted to support the installation of Well 12 as requested by EPA. • Identification of available sites for Well 12 is currently on hold. • The City of St. Louis has received a quotation from Peerless Midwest to abandon existing Wells 1, 4, 7 and the mineral spring well. Z:\2012\120617\WORK\MEETINGS\GAWA BOARD MTG 6_06_16.DOCX Statement of Net Position Gratiot Area Water Authority May 31, 2016 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Receivables, net Inventory Deferred outflows -pension Restricted assets: Restricted cash Total current assets Noncurrent assets: Land Construction in progress Land Improvements Buildings and Improvements Equipment Utility lines less accumulated depreciation Total noncurrent assets $ 907,745 1,790,727 280,176 13,867,953 4,045 1,913,972 1,239,672 959,729 (3,130,389) 15,135,158 Total assets 16,925,885 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Current payables Construction payables Due to component units Portion of noncurrent liabilities due within one year Total current liabilities Due in more than one year: Net pension liability Compensated absences Total noncurrent liabilities 56,221 313,191 27,043 12,081 408,536 106,087 10,440 116,527 Total liabilities 525,063 NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets Unrestricted Total net position 253,734 596,172 18,392 14,684 15,135,158 1,265,664 $ 16,400,822 Budgetary Comparison Schedule Gratiot Area Water Authority For the Eleven Months Ended May 31, 2016 OPERATING REVENUES Water sales Budget Allocation at June 30, 2016 $ Total operating revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Facility maintenance and utilities Purification Engineering Administration Depreciation Total operating expenses Operating income NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Investment income Other revenue Total nonoperating revenues Income before capital contributions CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS City of St Louis Total capital contributions Change in net position Beginning net position Ending net position $ Year to Date April 30, 2016 1,139,971 $ 868,652 Budget Variance $ Year Ending June 30, 2015 (271,319) $ 579,234 1,139,971 868,652 (271,319) 579,234 280,000 312,630 122,841 425,500 195,946 307,802 6,752 79,317 80,734 (84,054) (4,828) 6,752 (43,524) (344,766) 153,477 287,228 52,695 62,691 90,224 1,140,971 670,551 (470,420) 646,315 (1,000) 198,101 199,101 (67,081) - 498 8,305 498 8,305 5,952 292 - 8,803 8,803 6,244 (1,000) 206,904 207,904 - 2,253,161 2,253,161 7,793,312 - 2,253,161 2,253,161 7,793,312 (1,000) 13,940,757 13,939,757 2,460,065 13,940,757 16,400,822 2,461,065 13,940,757 16,401,822 7,732,475 6,208,282 13,940,757 $ $ (60,837) $ WARRANT TO THE TREASURER WARRANT NO. 16-5 GRATIOT AREA WATER AUTHORITY JUNE 10, 2016 The attached claims have been allowed by the Gratiot Area Water Authority and you are hereby authorized to release payment for each of the claims as covered by the checks listed. Internal service fund transfers for the period May 1, 2016 through May 31, 2016 are: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FUND: Information Systems charges $ 0.00 Accounting charges $ 0.00 $ 0.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES: $ 0.00 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE FUND: $ 0.00 Total EQUIPMENT POOL: Equipment usage charges $ 977.22 Inventory Materials Used $ 0.00 Garage services charges $ 1,040.00 $ 2,017.22 Total SIGNED: __________________________________________________ Phillip J. Moore, Chairman COUNTERSIGNED: _________________________________________ Ron Turner, Public Services Director Accounts Payable by G/L Distribution Report G/L Date Range 05/12/16 - 06/08/16 Vendor Invoice No. Fund 493 - Gratiot Water Authority Activity 901 - Construction Sub-Activity 522 - Gratiot Water Authority Account 801.000 - Contract Fees 4803 - Fishbeck,Thompson,Carr & Huber 348701 Invoice Description Status GAWA 6710 - RCL Construction GAWA Paid by Check # 84543 Paid by Check # 84588 5-16 #25 Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date G/L Date 04/20/2016 04/20/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 8,523.10 05/10/2016 05/10/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 19,924.85 Account 801.000 - Contract Fees Totals Sub-Activity 522 - Gratiot Water Authority Totals Activity 901 - Construction Totals Fund 493 - Gratiot Water Authority Totals Fund 593 - Gratiot Area Water Authty Activity 500 - Operations Sub-Activity 000 - . Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies 3357 - PVS Nolwood Chemicals, Inc 511285 soda ash 5222 - USA BLUE BOOK 936984 supplies 3437 - VWR Scientific, Inc 8044812779 supplies 3437 - VWR Scientific, Inc 8044807279 supplies 3152 - Fisher Scientific 3190 - Hach Co. 3496593 9937658 supplies supplies Account 742.000 - Chemicals 6575 - JCI Jones Chemicals 686017 hypochlorite solution 8376 - Graymont Western Lime, Inc 6049 - PVS Technologies, Inc. LIME ferric 72647 209389 Activity 510 - Maintenance Sub-Activity 537 - Facility Maintenance Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies 10027 - Arrow Uniform 3-17-16 charge rags 7278 - Family Farm & Home 7278 - Family Farm & Home 7278 - Family Farm & Home supplies supplies supplies 10852/5 10872/5 10871/5 Run by Cynthia Michels on 06/08/2016 01:46:55 PM Received Date Payment Date Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions 2 2 2 2 Invoice Amount $28,447.95 $28,447.95 $28,447.95 $28,447.95 Paid by Check 04/29/2016 05/29/2016 # 84586 Paid by Check 04/26/2016 05/26/2016 # 84603 Paid by Check 05/04/2016 06/04/2016 # 84604 Paid by Check 05/04/2016 06/04/2016 # 84604 Open 05/18/2016 06/18/2016 Open 05/19/2016 06/19/2016 Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies Totals 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 10,615.22 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 178.20 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 98.95 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 228.22 Paid by Check # 84557 Open Open 05/18/2016 Paid by Check # 84522 Open Open Open 04/11/2016 05/11/2016 05/22/2016 06/22/2016 05/24/2016 06/24/2016 Account 742.000 - Chemicals Totals Sub-Activity 000 - . Totals Activity 500 - Operations Totals 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 Invoice Transactions 6 05/25/2016 06/01/2016 06/06/2016 Invoice Transactions 3 Invoice Transactions 9 Invoice Transactions 9 03/17/2016 04/17/2016 05/18/2016 05/18/2016 05/20/2016 05/20/2016 06/18/2016 05/20/2016 05/20/2016 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 05/25/2016 256.78 131.79 $11,509.16 3,473.20 5,440.00 4,311.47 $13,224.67 $24,733.83 $24,733.83 47.95 58.49 13.47 22.45 Page 1 of 3 Accounts Payable by G/L Distribution Report G/L Date Range 05/12/16 - 06/08/16 Vendor Invoice No. Fund 593 - Gratiot Area Water Authty Activity 510 - Maintenance Sub-Activity 537 - Facility Maintenance Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies 6171 - Grainger Industrial Supply 9107561681 Invoice Description Status supplies Open 05/10/2016 06/10/2016 Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies Totals 06/01/2016 Invoice Transactions 5 127.06 $269.42 Account 746.000 - Tools/Equipment 7493 - CAM Distributors 139086 3191 - Hall's Auto Parts 479198 drill bits supplies Open Open 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/25/2016 05/25/2016 Account 746.000 - Tools/Equipment Totals 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 Invoice Transactions 2 73.68 11.25 $84.93 Account 787.000 - Maintenance Supplies 3380 - Sherwin Williams 0216-3 supplies Paid by Check 05/09/2016 06/09/2016 # 84595 Account 787.000 - Maintenance Supplies Totals 05/18/2016 376.21 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Account 921.000 - Electricity 3103 - Consumers Energy 205631768978 103021022266 3103 - Consumers Energy 205631768977 103021022241 3103 - Consumers Energy 201627056307 100000156768 3103 - Consumers Energy 601009312118 100058099811 3103 - Consumers Energy 201360110281 100000078244 3103 - Consumers Energy 205720771630 100022415465 3103 - Consumers Energy 204741845754 100074613918 3103 - Consumers Energy 201805055286 100000093912 Held Reason Invoice Date Due Date 100023080896 3103 - Consumers Energy 202605996919 100021510514 3103 - Consumers Energy 202605996923 100021510647 3103 - Consumers Energy 205453782361 100022812604 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Paid by Check # 84535 Received Date Payment Date 05/25/2016 Invoice Transactions 1 Invoice Amount $376.21 05/03/2016 05/03/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 97.86 05/04/2016 05/03/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 141.80 05/04/2016 05/03/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 259.26 05/04/2016 05/04/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 735.10 05/03/2016 05/04/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 981.67 05/03/2016 05/04/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 1,411.53 05/03/2016 05/04/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 1,978.86 05/05/2016 05/04/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 5,489.20 Account 921.000 - Electricity Totals Account 923.000 - Natural Gas 3103 - Consumers Energy 204919831932 G/L Date Invoice Transactions 8 $11,095.28 05/03/2016 05/03/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 21.98 05/04/2016 05/03/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 34.96 05/04/2016 05/03/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 40.62 05/03/2016 05/04/2016 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 1,041.84 Account 923.000 - Natural Gas Totals Sub-Activity 537 - Facility Maintenance Totals Invoice Transactions 4 Invoice Transactions 20 $1,139.40 $12,965.24 Sub-Activity 552 - Maintenance Of Mains Account 746.000 - Tools/Equipment Run by Cynthia Michels on 06/08/2016 01:46:55 PM Page 2 of 3 Accounts Payable by G/L Distribution Report G/L Date Range 05/12/16 - 06/08/16 6171 - Grainger Industrial Supply 9112477030 Activity 520 - Administration Sub-Activity 000 - . Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies 3115 - DBI Office Plus 03JD8330 supplies Open 05/16/2016 06/16/2016 Account 746.000 - Tools/Equipment Totals Sub-Activity 552 - Maintenance Of Mains Totals Activity 510 - Maintenance Totals supplies Open 05/18/2016 06/18/2016 Account 740.000 - Materials/Supplies Totals Account 741.000 - Uniforms/Safety Equipment 10027 - Arrow Uniform 14-646646 supplies 10027 - Arrow Uniform 10027 - Arrow Uniform 14-654145 14-661698 supplies supplies Account 801.000 - Contract Fees 7593 - Paragon Laboratories, Inc 37139-92422 supplies 7593 - Paragon Laboratories, Inc supplies 37139-92604 Account 922.000 - Communications 8311 - Frontier 5-16 9891970120 Paid by Check 05/12/2016 06/12/2016 # 84522 Open 05/19/2016 06/19/2016 Open 05/26/2016 06/26/2016 Account 741.000 - Uniforms/Safety Equipment Totals Paid by Check # 84584 Open 989-197-0120-102914- Open 5 05/13/2016 06/13/2016 05/17/2016 06/17/2016 Account 801.000 - Contract Fees Totals 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 Account 922.000 - Communications Totals Sub-Activity 000 - . Totals Activity 520 - Administration Totals Activity 524 - Extraordinary Items Sub-Activity 000 - . Account 801.000 - Contract Fees 4803 - Fishbeck,Thompson,Carr & Huber 350309 * = Prior Fiscal Year Activity Run by Cynthia Michels on 06/08/2016 01:46:55 PM GAWA Reliability Study Paid by Check # 84543 05/16/2016 05/16/2016 Account 801.000 - Contract Fees Totals Sub-Activity 000 - . Totals Activity 524 - Extraordinary Items Totals Fund 593 - Gratiot Area Water Authty Totals Grand Totals 06/01/2016 Invoice Transactions 1 Invoice Transactions 1 Invoice Transactions 21 06/01/2016 Invoice Transactions 1 05/18/2016 05/25/2016 346.84 $346.84 $346.84 $13,312.08 13.76 $13.76 20.64 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 Invoice Transactions 3 20.64 20.64 $61.92 05/18/2016 105.00 05/25/2016 05/19/2016 Invoice Transactions 2 06/01/2016 73.12 Invoice Transactions 1 Invoice Transactions 7 Invoice Transactions 7 05/20/2016 Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions Invoice Transactions 105.00 $210.00 05/25/2016 1 1 1 38 40 $73.12 $358.80 $358.80 1,150.50 $1,150.50 $1,150.50 $1,150.50 $39,555.21 $68,003.16 Page 3 of 3