2014.03 Zephyr - Four Winds Presbytery
2014.03 Zephyr - Four Winds Presbytery
The Zephyr Please send contributions to: Fran Raven, Administrative Assistant: admin@fourwindspresbytery.org February, 2014 Four Winds Presbytery Meeting — Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Princess Street, 484 Albert Street at Princess, Kingston Next Meetings: April 16 — St. Andrew’s By-The-Lake, 1 Redden Street, Kingston May 21 — Edith Rankin Memorial, 4080 Bath Road, Kingston The Life Action Team is planning for the future. If your church would be willing to host Presbytery, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Elizabeth Amirault at eamirault@cogeco.ca or by phone (343) 363-0754 if you can help. Thank you. Directions: Travelling from the west on the 401, Take the Sir John A. Macdonald exit and travel south to Princess Street, turn left onto Princess and continue to Albert Street. Turn right onto Albert Street and the church is right there. Travelling from the east on the 401, take the Division Street exit and continue on Division Street to Princess Street. Turn left onto Princess and continue to Albert Street. Turn left onto Albert Street and the church is right there. Travelling from the west on Bath Road or Highway 2, continue on Princess Street to Albert Street and turn right onto Albert Street. Bath Road ends at Princess Street and Highway 2 becomes Princess Street. Pastoral Charge Archives & Records Reviews Pastoral Charges are required to have their Archives/Records checked every three years. Due in March 2014 – Adolphustown-Conway & BathMorven Due in AprilApril – Deseronto-Napanee & Enterprise-Roblyn Schedule: 4:00Registration 4:30 Elaine Kellogg presents “Mining Justice in Guatemala” Registration 5:30 Supper: Ham and Scalloped Potatoes (Glutenfree Scalloped potatoes will be available if indicated in responses) Baked Beans (meatless) Vegan Shepherd’s Pie (quinoa, beans, sweet potatoes) Peas Dinner Rolls Cake and Ice Cream (Gluten-free Cake will be available if indicated in responses) Tea and Coffee RSVP din_res@fourwindspresbytery.org today (Supper only for those who have reserved a meal.) 6:25 Greetings and Constitution of the Court 6:30 Opening Worship 7:00 Presbytery Business Commences 9:00 Adjournment (approximately) Due to be done in 2014: Cataraqui, Princess Street, St. Andrew’s By-The- LAKE, Sydenham Street, Zion, K G H Four Winds Presbytery Please bring books by 4:00 pm PMD 810, 829 Norwest Road, Kingston, ON K7P 2N3 Records to be reviewed are: Baptismal Book, Marriage Records, Burial Records, Session/Official Board Minutes, Combined Board Minutes and Trustees Minutes We are looking for assistance in the checking/reviewing of the incoming Archives/Records during our Presbytery meetings. Please check with Scott Piercy when you arrive if you can help with this important task. Web Site: fourwindspresbytery.org Chairperson: Ruth Wood, chair@fourwindspresbytery.org Secretary: Peggy Akey, secretary@fourwindspresbytery.org Administrative Assistant: Fran Raven, admin@fourwindspresbytery.org Happenings & Announcements Annual Reports It’s that time again! Annual Meetings and Annual Reports! Please ensure that 3 copies of your report are given to the Congregational Transformation Action Team (CTAT) before we all forget. If I am not at the Presbytery Meeting, please give them to Jackie Crooks, a member of CTAT. Better than that, if you can send the report electronically, please send to mccoll350@primus.ca. That way, we all save paper and postage when I need to distribute copies to those people doing oversight visits. Music Director – Part Time Cooke’s-Portsmouth United Church 200 Norman Rogers Drive Kingston For full details, please visit our website: akingstonchurch.org A visual and musical presentation Glenburnie United Church 1028 Unity Road, Glenburnie Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 7:30PM Admission: $10.00 Tickets may be obtained in advance from the Church Office, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 9:00AM to Noon. Refreshments will be provided at intermission. Half Time Minister WOLFE ISLAND, ON Wolfe Island United Church is looking for a half time minister (ordained or designated) starting immediately. Wolfe Island United is a welcoming rural church located in the village of Marysville. It is a twentyminute ferry ride from the city of Kingston on the St. Lawrence River. The successful candidate will be expected to be a spiritual leader, proficient in delivering interesting and inspirational Sunday sermons in a traditional style of worship. As we consider pastoral care an important element, the applicant must be able to organize their workload efficiently, in order to visit the sick and elderly. The individual who fulfills this role should endeavor to reach out to new island residents and connect with non-active members as part of their community involvement. For a copy of our Joint Needs Assessment Report please request by e-mailing gholloway@cogeco.ca.If you are interested in applying for this position, please forward a letter of interest and your résumé to C. Holloway, 49 Dickens Drive, Kingston ON K7M2M5. Please respond by April 30, 2014. Bay of Quinte Conference Rural Life / Small Church Committee presents Lenten Study In My Backyard (IMBY) A One Day Workshop for Clergy and Lay 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Friendship Room at Cooke’s Portsmouth United Church 200 Norman Rogers Drive Working Together: Working Cooperatively & Working In Clusters St. Paul’s United Church, Bancroft Wednesday, March 26, 2014 from 10 am to 4 pm Working Cooperatively with other Denominations (morning) March 11 ‐ Pat Offer – Frontenac Mental Health March 18 – Bill Gray Rotary International – Making Stone Soup – Building Community through Connections March 25 – Marilyn Jackson – Have You Ever Seen God? April 1 – Doug McLean – Mindfulness April 8 – Nadene Grieve – Deslippe – The Ordinarily Sacred Leadership: Rev. Richard Hollingsworth, Braeside pastoral charge (Upper Valley Presbytery, BQ) Working in Clusters with other United Churches (afternoon) Leadership: Rev. Melany Cassidy-Wise, Rural United Ministry (Seaway Valley Presbytery, M&O) Gathering: 9:30 am to 10:00 am – Coffee -Tea Registration: $20, includes hot lunch payable to Bay of Quinte Conference Office Please Register at the office by March 21st (so that lunch numbers may be established) Call 613-398-1051 Email: reception@ bayofquinteconference.ca Mom to Mom and Yard Sale Cooke’s Portsmouth United Church Saturday, June 7, 2014 9:00 – 1:00 pm GOD AFTER… A LENTEN STUDY ON HOW WE SPEAK OF GOD IN OUR TIME Children’s clothing, items and toys 1. GOD AFTERWARDS (MARCH 12) Dr Pamela Holmes, School of Religion, Queen’s University 4. ETHICS AND THE SOUND OF SILENCE (APRIL 2) Ken Gallinger, Ethics Columnist, The Toronto Star 2. SPEAKING TO GOD: INSIGHTS FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTH ABOUT THE TRAJECTORY OF PREPOSITIONS (MARCH 19) Rev Dr Anthony Bailey, Parkdale United Church, Ottawa 5. GOD AFTER CHURCH SCANDALS (APRIL 9) 3. GOD AFTER SUNDAY SCHOOL (MARCH 26) The Rev Dr Val Michaelson, St. James Anglican, Kingston 6. GOD AFTER THE DEATH OF THE MESSIAH Recommended donation of $5/session www.ermuc.ca for more information (APRIL 16) Dr William Morrow, School of Religion, Queen’s University LOCATION: Attend as many sessions as you can! Wednesday evenings in Lent March 12 through to April 16, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, including refreshments Tables can be rented for $20.00 The Rt Rev John Chapman, Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Ottawa Edith Rankin Memorial United Church Lower Hall 4080 Bath Road, Kingston, ON CO-SPONSORED BY: St. George’s Anglican Cathedral and Faith Formation and Development Committee, Edith Rankin Memorial United Church To rent a table or for information contact Rev. Nadene at 542-3642 CANOE TRIP The Dancing the Circle of Right Relations Action Group of Bay of Quinte Conference is sponsoring a short Canoe Trip for First Nations and ‘Settler’ Youth. The target age is high school aged youth, and there will be some adult accompaniers along as well. The canoeing will happen June 26 to 28, 2014, paddling from Bobcaygeon, up the little Bob River, through Sturgeon Lake , through Lock 32, to Pigeon Lake, then through Gannon Narrows to Day Care Island, owned by Curve Lake First Nation. There will be teaching and ceremony on the send-off and at the end of the trip, and supporters and family are encouraged to come to the beginning and the ending of the 2 days. There will be a large canoe that can accommodate 13 people, as well as other, smaller canoes. Although the details are still in the planning stages, we hope a focus of this journey will be “Caring for Waters”, and we will use this opportunity to engage politicians and communities in thinking about the importance of our local waters. To this end, we are exploring relationships with a variety of potential partners. We hope the fee for participants will be around $20, but that is one of the details still to work out. To help fund the event, the Dancing the Circle of Right Relations Action Group plans to have another “Fry Bread Fundraiser” at the Annual Meeting of Conference in Baltimore, on Saturday, May 24, 2014. We will let you know of developments in the planning. Meanwhile, if you want more information, contact Elaine Kellogg at ekellogg@persona.ca or 613-377-6406. Continuing Ed Opportunity St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon is offering an intensive course this spring which may interest you. The topic is of increasing importance for healthy communities, either rural or urban. Please give some thought to joining in the discussion by registering: PA/SA 362 Race, Colonialism, Canadian Identity and Intercultural Ministries This course will engage students in a critical study of race, racism and intercultural ministry. Content will take an ecumenical, interdisciplinary and global perspective on the issues related to, and interpretations of, intercultural ministry. Perspectives from critical race and postcolonial theories will be studied and engaged with to support students’ development of strategies for anti-racist intercultural praxis in church contexts. This course is available for credit ($675) or audit ($337.50). To register for the master of Sacred Theology level-tuition is $950 for credit and $475 to audit). Instructors:HyeRan Kim-Cragg and Lynn Caldwell Location: Saskatoon, SK. Dates: April 21-25, 2014 Contact: St. Andrew’s College Registrar Office More info:.standrews.registrar@usask.ca or 306-966-8964 Healthy Boundaries Training To all Clergy of The United Church of Canada, Bay of Quinte Conference, who may seek call or appointment, and, who have not yet undertaken the training in Healthy Boundaries or Racial Justice please be advised that there are more opportunities to receive this mandatory training. Racial Justice In person – Wed. April 30th workshop will take place at Frankford United Church, Frankford On. 10 am3:00 pm cost $20, to register for the in person workshop Contact Rev. David Timpson personnel@bayofquinteconference.ca) or call the conference office: 613-398-1051/1-888-759-2444, by April 15th, 2014 Online, are in the works for the spring. Watch http:// united-in-learning.com for more information. Please Note: The first of our ministry personnel to seek an appointment has already been deemed ineligible, the appointment was not approved on the basis of not having the required trainings. Racial Justice and Boundaries courses have now become necessary for appointment or call across our United Church of Canada. The Rev. David G. Timpson Conference Personnel Minister: Pastoral Care Bay of Quinte Conference, United Church of Canada P.O. Box 700, 67 Mill St., Frankford, ON K0K 2C0 Tel: 613.398.1051 Toll Free (within Conference): 1-888-759-2444 Fax: 613-398-8894; Cell: 613-922-0463 Only with Your Help can we stay up-to-date! Please submit changes to the Administrative Assistant: admin@fourwindspresbytery.org • Pastoral Charges • positions • telephone numbers • addresses • email addresses • any other information for the Alphabetical Roll and Pastoral Charge Listing. Please reference particular file and page when submitting changes. Thank you. SUMMER IN THE CITY DAY PROGRAM Bay of Quinte Conference Candidacy Pathways Discernment Weekend May 9-10, 2014 Registration deadline is June 25th WHO: Children from Four Winds Presbytery, ages 5 to Gr 7 (Note: must be entering Gr 7 as of Sept 2013) WHAT: Summer in the City Day Program “SonTreasure Island!” WHERE:Chalmers United Church 212 Barrie St, Kingston (enter through side door off Clergy) WHEN: August 11-15, 9:00 to Noon Drop-off no earlier than 8:30 am Pick-up no later than 12:15 pm Registration forms are available from Pastoral Charge Offices. Providence Spirituality Centre – Kingston For those who wish to engage in: exploring their call to ministry learning about Ordained, Diaconal & Designated Lay Ministry gathering information and support for on-going discernment beginning decision-making & steps on Candidacy Pathways To attend this weekend: “Mentor Letters” due by APR 4 Contact your Presbytery Ministry Vocations Chair for: NOTE “Mentor Letter Guidelines” These letters are the start of the registration process. Your Presbytery Ministry Vocations Chair is: Norman Rice nrice@cogeco.ca See the Conference website: www.bayofquinteconference.ca under “I would like to”…”explore becoming a minister” for information about the Candidacy Pathways Process. Rummage Sale Saturday, April 12 8:30 - 12:30 Princess Street United Church ce Spa ed rv rese Do you have an upcoming event or other info to share? Send the information as a PDF file for text or combination text and images or jpeg file at 150 dpi for a photo to the admin@fourwindspresbytery.org. It can be sent out to the Pastoral Charges for posting immediately if desired and put in the next issue of The Zephyr if appropriate time-wise. This is your newsletter, so please share with us. To have donated items picked up – call 613-546-7151 Cooke’s-Portsmouth United Church 50th Anniversary This year our congregation celebrates 50 years of faith and service, since amalgamation. Celebrations will include an old fashioned pot luck dinner on Friday April 25th at 5:30 p.m., our Anniversary Service Sunday April 27th at 10:30 a.m. and an afternoon Golden Anniversary Tea on Saturday May 3rd 2p.m. to 4p.m. Full details will be included in our Anniversary newsletter, which will be posted on our website akingstonchurch.org by March30th 2014. Or call George Vandervoort 613 384 7690 Faithful Friends present a OLD-TIME GOSPEL EVENING ! Sunday, 23 Mar. 7:00 P.M. PRINCESS STREET UNITED28 CHURCH Sunda June 15-Day Thailand & Indonesia Grand Adventure Sapphire Princess - January 8 - 23, 2015 Singapore • Bangkok • Ko Samu • Jakarta Bali • Komodo Island • Lombok From ancient temples and bustling cities to vibrant markets and traditional villages, Asia is a fascinating and diverse destination. There’s nothing like a cruise around the South China Sea to give you a new lease on life. It’s a cruise rich in discoveries and Princess Cruises tradition of excellence. exquisite cuisine. Dazzling entertainment. exciting shipboard activities. A dedicated stateroom steward providing attentive service throughout your cruise. The world is a wonderful place to explore and no one can take you there quite like Princess Cruises. Combinable with “Explore Exotic Indochina” Cruise Fare (Canadian Dollars) Stateroom Prices are per person based on double occupancy. other categories also available. Categories are subject to availability at the time of booking. Port charges and taxes are subject to change. Day Light refreshments Admission: $10; Family $20 All proceeds to Community Services Cruise combined with “Explore Exotic Indochina” Airfare from Singapore to Hanoi (at an additional cost) plus an overnight hotel and airport transfer in Hanoi are required ($150). Port Jan 8 SIngAPore Jan 9 At sea Jan 10 Bangkok, Thailand Jan 11 Ko Samui, Thailand Jan 12 At sea Jan 13 Singapore Jan 14 At sea Jan 15 Jakarta, Indonesia Jan 16 At sea Jan 17 Bali, Indonesia Jan 18 Bali, Indonesia Jan 19 Komodo Island, Indonesia Jan 20 Lombok, Indonesia Jan 21 At sea Jan 22 At sea Jan 23 SIngAPore Arrive Cruise Hosts: Depart 4:00pm 9:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 am 4:00 pm 7:00 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am overnight 2:00 pm 6:00 am 5:00 pm 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 am Rev Dr Bob & Fay Jackson 148 Ninovan Road East, Callander, ON P0H 1H0 Phone: (705) 752-4659 Email: bjackson@ontera.net Book early to reserve the best cabin! Deposit fully refundable until October 25, 2014. 10-3109 Palliser Drive S.W., Calgary, AB, Canada T2V 4W5 Toll Free: 1-800-361-8687 Phone: (403) 238-4090 Email: tours@rostad.com Website: www.rostad.com For tickets 542-6112, 542-9648 or at the door. Open to families and individuals Explore Exotic Indochina 17 Day tour January 23 - February 8, 2015 Tour HoSTS: rev Dr Bob & Fay Jackson FEATuring: HAnoi • HA Long BAy • HuE • DA nAng • Hoi An Ho CHi MinH CiTy • MEkong DELTA • SiEM rEAP Angkor WAT • PHnoM PEnH $5.00 PER PERSON (TO COVER CRAFT SUPPLIES) COFFEE, JUICE AND LIGHT SNACK PROVIDED REGISTER BY MARCH 30 TH TO ENSURE A SPOT! MAXIMUM REGISTRATION NUMBER: 30 TO REGISTER, CONTACT BRENDA AT jbmoyer@sympatico.ca OR (613) From $1879.00 From $2169.00 From $2920.00 Price Includes: All meals and entertainment, government fees. not Included: Port charges ($116.44), airfare, transfers between airport and ship, optional shore excursions, insurance, hotel in Singapore (if required). Daily Itinerary 484 Albert at Princess Price Inside ocean-view Deluxe Balcony outside CATARAQUI UNITED CHURCH 965 SYDENHAM ROAD MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND SATURDAY, MAY 10TH 9:00 TO 1:00 PLANT & HOMEMADE PIE SALE A Service of Covenanting for Rev. Mark Arnill and Trinity United Church 25 Bridge Street East, Napanee Sunday, March 30 at 3 pm The 2014 gardening season is just around the corner….. We hope that you will be able to attend and be a part of the celebration of this new ministry. Orders will be taken in March for “wave petunias” (purple, blue, white) Supplier : Silverbrook Gardens $3.00 – 4” pot To place your orders please call: Kathy – 613-384-0511 or Olive– 613-389-1501 Before March 30th To ensure a pick-up date of May 10th Perennials will also be available for sale. Four Winds Presbyterial UCW Second ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014. Registration, Coffee and Muffins - 9:00 a.m. Catch your lucky charms at the MORVEN UNITED CHURCH Irish Stew DESERONTO UNITED CHURCH Corner of Fourth and Thomas Sts., Deseronto, ON Supper and sing-along to your old favourites Saturday, March 15 at 4:30 p.m. Begin with Irish fun and song End with an Irish stew supper Adult – $15.00 Tel: Peter Scott @ 613-354-9389 or Sharon Lake @ 613-354-5028 Wanted: Church Administrator/Treasurer Cataraqui United Church a family style congregation The position requires office skills in computer, internet and word processing. The position also requires paying accounts, bookkeeping and preparing monthly financial reports and minutes of meetings. This is a 13 hour per week position. For more information, job descriptions or to submit a resume contact tmilley@gmail.com Theme: Pathways to Peace Guest Speaker: Sister Pauline Lally Sister of Providence, St. Vincent de Paul, Kingston and member of Peace Quest Lunch - $10.00 Please plan to attend and bring a friend. This will be a day to unite everyone in a focus for peace. Come and enjoy the music, education, dialogue, hospitality, worship, resource browsing….and a little business Contact Susan Martin – 613-396-5969 before March 21st – if lunch required Parenting Workshop on Cyber-Safety with OPP Officer Jackie Perry PORK ROAST DINNER includes potatoes,carrots,peas, coleslaw, cake and pie Riverside United Church, Yarker Thursday, April 24 7:00 pm Riverside United Church, Yarker How do we keep our children safe? What does the law say? What are the most common mistakes teens make with social media? Saturday, March 22 4:30-6:30 pm Adults: $15; children 6-12 years: $7 info: 613-377-1700 Join Chalmers Choir and Friends for our annual Good Friday Concert And other questions… Open to anyone who wants to have a conversation with someone who knows the law, is up to date about cyber-bullying, and who can outline rules for safe for internet use. We are encouraging parents to come with their children: anyone who uses social media. Parents are also welcome to come without their children with them. There is no cost to attend, but we would like to know how many people are coming, so we can prepare adequately. Please register with Darcie Kelly at Darcie@darciekelly.com Shadowed Radiance Friday April 18, 2014 at 7:30 pm Chalmers United Church featuring Dessert and Card Party Thursday, May 1, 7 pm Princess Street United Church 484 Albert Street Tickets $8.00 Call the church office at 613-542-6112 to reserve ticketsd Felix Mendelssohn’s Hymn of Praise David Melhorn-Boe, director Aurora Dokken, organ Katharine Smithrim, soprano Donna Delyea, soprano Patrick Jang, tenor Tickets: $20 adults $15 students & seniors Youth and children 15 and under: free admission Tickets available at the door or at the Church office, 212 Barrie St. Chalmers United Church is located at the corner of Barrie and Clergy Streets in Kingston. Join us for a reception following the concert. Cataraqui United Church “Maritime Heritage in Story and Song” starring Rosalee Peppard Sunday May 4, 2014 at 2 pm proceeds to the maintenance of the historic Cataraqui United Church Cemetery