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SPORTSMEN’S NOTES Official Newsletter of the Dormont-Mt.Lebanon Sportsmen’s Club JUNE 2013 JULY 2013 SUN 7 MON TUES 1 2 6:00PM - Outdoor pistol (NMC) MPRL Week 7 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 8 9 WED 3 THUR 4 FRI 5 SAT 6 8:00AM-12:00PM - NRA Highpower All Upper Ranges Closed Independence Day 10 11 5:00PM - Smallbore Rifle Practice 7:30PM - Board Meeting 16 17 18 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 5:00PM - Smallbore Rifle Practice 22 23 24 25 26 27 6:00PM - Outdoor pistol (NMC) MPRL Week 10 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 5:00PM - Smallbore Rifle Practice 8:00 - Membership meeting 1:30PM-4:00PM (approx) Silhouette Setup All Upper Ranges Closed 9:00AM-4:00PM Outdoor Pistol Silhouette All Upper Ranges Closed 28 29 30 31 9:00AM-12:00PM - M1 Carbine Match 6:00PM - Outdoor pistol (NMC) MPRL Week 11 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 5:00PM - Smallbore Rifle Practice 6:00PM - Tres Bandidos 6:00PM - Outdoor pistol (NMC) MPRL Week 8 7:00PM-10:00PM Trap range 15 6:00PM - Outdoor pistol (NMC) MPRL Week 9 21 8:00AM-3:00PM CMP 200yd Match All Upper Ranges Closed 14 1:00PM-3:00PM New Member Safety/Range Orientation 12 13 19 20 Work Party All ranges closed 2 DMSC SHORT SHOTS DMSC Conducts Safety Reviews • Upcoming Work Parties - Saturday, July 20th Please attend even if it is only for an hour or two. • Attorney Benjamin Johns will be the guest at the June membership meeting to speak about putting class I and class III firearms in a legal trust. • Joe Eori was unable to present at the May meeting due to an auto accident. Any member interested in discounts on ATVs should call Angel’s World of Cycles and ask for Joe Eori Jr. • DMSC has been working with the Washington County Conservation District for 20+ years now. Recently, they requested that they be allowed to plant 4 trees which are not common to Washington County on our property so that during the Environthon, the students would have an opportunity to see these trees and get familiar with them. The Washington County Conservation district paid for the trees and the planting. The trees were planted on Monday, May 13, 2013. As part of our community outreach with the Washington County Conservation District, we provided a space for the planting of the trees on our property. The picture below shows 3 of the 4 trees that were planted near our Archery Range. Board appointed Range Safety Officers (RSOs) will conduct a random series of membership checks and safety reviews. RSOs will meet with members and guests while at the firing range. Each member will be given a green safety card with important safety information to review, membership ID’s will be checked, a green sticker will be affixed to the membership card, and a copy of the range rules will be made available. It’s important for all members to review safe gun handling procedures and to focus on the safety rules for each range used. The RSOs will be a wearing a distinctive safety vest and hat and will only ask for a few minutes of your time. KEEP IT SAFE ALWAYS keep firearms pointed in a safe direction. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. ALWAYS keep firearms unloaded until ready to use. ALWAYS unload, remove the magazine, and open the action of a firearm when someone is going down range. NEVER handle firearms while someone is down range. ALWAYS wear proper eye and ear protection at the range. 3 ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE BOARD Club Violations During May the following incident was reported to the Executive Range Office. There were several young shooters on the bench rest range who did not follow range protocol in clearing the range while retrieving targets and they performed a rapid fire sequence. Following range rule guidelines, a member who had witnessed the infractions brought this to the attention of the young shooters and asked them to identify themselves. The matter was then referred to the Executive Range Officer. During the Executive Range Officer’s investigation, it was discovered that the young shooters were not members of the club. The young shooters had obtained their father’s card (he is the member) and were on the grounds unsupervised. During the June Board of Directors meeting, the host member made a personal appearance to discuss the situation. The following violations occurred: Bylaw Section 2.12: Nontransfer of Membership Privileges. Membership privileges are not transferable or assignable in any manner, and shall cease upon death, resignation or expulsion. Range Rule: After clearing their firearm, each shooter will declare CLEAR before anyone moves forward of the firing line. Range Rule: The safety and behavior of all children and guests is the responsibility of the host member. Bench Rest Rule: No rapid fire shooting is permitted. This range is reserved for slow controlled sighting in and precision shooting. After a discussion, the Board of Directors believed that this situation was serious enough to warrant the following consequences: The member will have his membership privileges suspended thru September 30, 2013. The two children of the host member, who were involved in the incident, are not permitted on club property under any circumstances until July 1, 2014. All members of the club are expected to be familiar with the Bylaws of the Club, the Range Rules, and to comply with all provisions. Any compromise or self-interpretation with either set of expectations may result in disciplinary action. “I did not know” is not an excuse! DMSC Board of Directors 4 UPCOMING SHOOTING OPPORTUNITIES CMP M1 Carbine Match The Annual M1 Carbine Match will be held on Sunday July 28, 2013 The course of fire will be 40 rounds plus sighter rounds to be conducted on the 100 Yd. range: 10 rounds Slow Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Rapid Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Rapid Fire Kneeling/Sitting, and 10 Rounds Slow Fire Offhand. Cost of the event will be $6 for targets with each participant furnishing their own ammunition. As this is a special match, there will not be an opportunity for first time shooters to participate. The Match will begin at 10:00A.M. Contact John Tupta at teefam@verizon.net or 724-941-1494 for more details. CMP Special Event The CMP Program is pleased to announce a special shooting event: an M1 Garand Match and a Springfield/Vintage Military Rifle Match on the 200 Yd. Range. This event will be held on Sunday July 21, 2013. There will be two relays each shooting the 30 round Course of Fire: 10 Rounds Slow Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Rapid Fire Prone, 10 Rounds Slow Fire Offhand. Relay # 1: M1 Garand Match (9:00 A.M.); Relay #2 Springfield/Vintage Military Rifle Match (10:30 A.M.). The cost for each relay is $6 (targets only no ammo will be sold). As this is a special event, there will not be an opportunity for first time shooters to participate. Space on the 200 yd range is limited; registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact John Tupta at teefam@verizon.net or 724-941-1494 for registration and more information. Come out and prep your skills for the CMP National Matches at Camp Perry. CMP Junior Rifle Program to Resume in September The Junior Rifle Program is scheduled to resume on September 10th. This starts with a 7 week instructional class emphasizing safety and marksmanship basics for new shooters. Additional coaching & practice available every Tuesday night through March after the 7 week class concludes. Focus is on juniors (suggested minimum age of 12) Adult shooters wishing to improve skills can also participate (class size permitting) You don’t have to be a club member to take this course NRA Certified Instructors lead the program Charge of $10 (TOTAL) for 7 week class----includes instruction book, ammo, target rifles, and all needed equipment Call Miles Ford (412-833-0813) or Chuck Augenstein (724-941-9538) for additional information and registration. 5 MATCH RESULTS SHOOTER M1 Garand 30-06 Chuck Augenstein David A. Burd Paul Curry Michael E. Ligman Joshua Malezi Steve Morell1 Tom Morley Wayne Thompson Doug Travers AR-15 .223 Marc Burnes Theodore K. Hildebrand Chris Houilahan Allan Jaworski .22LR Bonnie Popso Bob Popso Ray Nist John Tupta PRONE SLOW APRIL CMP MATCH PRONE SIT/KNEEL OFFHAND Total RAPID RAPID 190-2x 179-2x 178-2x 161-1x 163 187-1x 173-1x 130 163-2x 94-1x 83 61 72 85 86 81-2x 97-2 59 88-1x 83 65 71 60 84 86 69 45 94-1x 83 66 66 75 88 88 61 44 466-5x 428-4x 370-2x 370-1x 383 445-1x 428-3x 357-2x 311-2x 199-12x 197-7x 185-6x 196-11x 160 176-1x 190-1x 151 94 93-1x 96 100-7x 86 80 96-4x 86-1x 94 93-1x 87-1x 93-1x 74 81 90-1x 84-1x 87 80-1x 85-1x 92-2x 79 68-1x 85-1x 85-1x 474-12x 463-10x 453—8x 481-21x 399 405-2x 461-7x 405-3x Chill early morning with gradual warm up to approach 60. Plenty of good sunlightbut some variable and shifting breezes, Chuck A. seems to have his M1 in tune for the CMP Games at Camp Buttner and the mouse guns are roaring. With AJ in the lead with his popgun, Marc B. and the rest of the herd are closing. It was a fine day for a rifle match. 6 MAY CMP MATCH SHOOTER PRONE SLOW PRONE RAPID SIT/KNEEL OFFHAND Total RAPID 83 87-1x 76 29 93-1x 85-2x 64 89-1x 57-1x 74 59-2 50 81 74 15 81 26 72 62 10 82-1x 69 39 75 328-4x 414-2x 347-3x 263 456-5x 384-2x 279-1x 431-4x 95-1x 79 84-*2x 444-4x 93-2x 86 79-1x 97-3x 98-2x 95-1x 82 74 81 98-3x 88 56 69 90 90 462-7x 381 392 466-11x 481-6x 90-1x 91 85-1x 448-2x M1 Garand and M1A .30-06/.308 Ezekiel Braun 162 -3x David Burd 181-1x Jeremy Cheatwood 150-1x Kurt Chebaroris 141 Theodore K. Hildabrand 196-3x Joshua Malezi 156 Ronald J. Orth 161-1x John Tupta 186-3x Bolt Action Magazine Fed Michael E. Ligman 186-1x S-C '03A3 AR-15 .223 Steve Morelli .22 LR 186-4x Bonnie Popso 157 Bob Popso 170-3x Gary R. Scherer 198-8x Stephen Tupta 195-1x M1 Carbine Bruce Long 182-1x A great day for a rifle match. Good light- light breezes- moderate temperature. When Stephen Tupta goes back to school maybe somebody else will have a chance. 7 ANTIQUE RIFLE MATCH May 5, 2013 Shooter Bruce Unger Ray Nist Dale Moore Dave Willard Ted Hildebrand Nick Kuzy Pete Cassini Nelson Slow Rifle 1903A3 Springfield 1903A3 Springfield 1903A4 Springfield 1903A1 Springfield 1903A3 Springfield 1903A3 Springfield 1903A3 Springfield 1903A3 Springfield Offhand 87 86 75 86 85 84-1X 73 37 Sitting 94-1X 89-1X 87-1X 88 63 78 78 0 Prone Rapid 97 96-2X 95 90 87-1X 97-3X 92-1X 42 Prone Slow 186-7X 192-6X 192-4X 188 197-10X 173-5X 189-1X 138-1X Total 464-8X 463-9X 449-5X 442 432-10X 432-9X 432-2X 217-1X What a beautiful day! Eight shooters basked under a nice blue sky with very comfortable temperatures on this yearly spring event. Even though this was not a Springfield match the 1903A3 Springfield rifle seemed to be the rifle of the day! (Any antique rifle is welcome in this match) It was a great day and everyone enjoyed the camaraderie. Despite everyone`s cordial demeanor the competition was fierce but the match winner was non-other than Bruce Unger shooting SURPLUS Greek ammunition, WAY TO GO BRUCE!, with Ray Nist right on his heels. Ted Hildebrand has to be congratulated for his Slow Prone score of 197-10X! Everyone needs to keep in mind these are WWI rifles that were made well before most of us were born. I want to THANK everyone who came out and competed and helped with the match because without the effort of a number of individuals events like this would not happen. I hope to see you all in the fall. Thank-you 8 JUNE NRA HIGH POWER OFFHAND RAPID – SITTING RAPIDPRONE SLOWPRONE C. AUGENSTEIN 78-1X 92-1X 80 158-2X M. FORD J. MADAR D. WILLARD EXPERT M. BURNES T. MORLEY D. NOBLE G. SCHERER S-SHOOTER T. HILDABRAND B. LONG J. TUPTA S. TUPTA T. VRABEL MARKSMAN R. NIST B. POPSO T.WOLF 93-2X 88 94-2X 98 97-3X 8 96 87-1X 71 196-8X 187-4X 178-5X 88 93-1X 84-1X 68 87 91-1X 86-1X 92-1X 91 98-3X 92 99-6X 184-3X 195-5X 182-3X 189-2X 86 83-1X 90 91-2X 91 92-1X 97-2X 91 95-1X 87-1X 88-2X 98-3X 93 96-2X 93 179-3X 181-4X 178-2X 189-8X 175-4X 87-1X 60 77-1X 98-1X 47 87 90-1X 51 87 185-4X 101 187-1X NAME MASTER Good Weather and Good Times drew the 16 shooters to come out for the June High Power Match. A big welcome to new shooter David Noble – we hope to see you at more matches in the future. Miles Ford continues to exhibit his polish as a shooter with the top honors by scoring a 483-10X. Also posting nice scores were Tom Morley (477-10X) and Stephen Tupta (471-13X). All shooters are welcome to start 9 MAY WORK PARTY Thanks to all who attended the May work party. 10 Dormont-Mt. Lebanon Sportsmen’s Club P.O. Box 12692 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Next Membership Meeting: June 27, 2013 at 8pm Topic: Class I and class III firearms trusts. EXECUTIVE STAFF GEORGE TAYLOR IV ...................................................PRESIDENT THEODORE K. HILDABRAND ........................... VICE PRESIDENT ELLSWORTH F. VINES .............................................. TREASURER NICK KUZY..……………………………..RECORDING SECRETARY BRUCE UNGAR............................. EXECUTIVE RANGE OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MARC BURNES……..……………………...NEWSLETTER EDITOR BRIAN FINK . ….……………………………...MEMBERSHIP CHAIR MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONS AND DUES Active (Full-fledged membership) Senior (65 years old, 10 years consecutive membership) Intermediate (18 - 21) Junior (12 - 17) Initiation fee (one time) Computer Gate Card AFFILIATIONS: National Rifle Association Allegheny County Sportsmen Washington County Sportsmen Metropolitan Police Revolver League Pittsburgh and Suburban Rifle League National Shooting Sports Foundation $75.00 per year $30.00 per year $30.00 per year $10.00 per year $25.00 $10.00 CLUB DIRECTORS ROBERT L. ATKISON .....................724-941-5882 CHARLES R. AUGENSTEIN, II ......724-941-9538 GEORGE A. DIETZ .........................412-344-4027 DOUG GAWRONSKI ......................412-531-5043 THEODORE K. HILDABRAND ........724-942-2125 ROBERT KIRSOPP…………………724-348-5033 NICK KUZY…………………………..724-942-4686 GARY SCHERER …………………..724-809-7358 GEORGE TAYLOR, IV ....................412-855-6721 JOHN TUPTA………………………..724-941-1494 BRUCE D. UNGAR .........................412-343-2256 ELLSWORTH F. VINES ..................412-721-9632 RONALD J. WATTON .....................724-941-5891 DAVE WILLARD…………………….724-941-6620 KEN ZUPKOW………………………724-941-8367 SANCTIONED BY: Department of Civilian Marksmanship Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association United States Revolver Association CLUB COMMUNICATION Club Web Site: www.mdi.net/dml Club House Phone: (724)745-9794 Membership Inquiries: DMSCMembers@gmail.com (412)831-4857 MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO CARRY THEIR GATE CARDS AND BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES WHEN ASKED TO BY A RANGE OFFICER OR OTHER MEMBER 11 SHOOTING OPPORTUNITIES PISTOL MONDAY NIGHT PISTOL (NMC). The first line shoots at 6:00 PM (Outdoor). Call the program leaders, George Taylor (412) 855-6721 or Bruce Ungar (412)343-2256, for additional information. NRA HIGH POWER. The 2013 season has begun. The program shoots the first or second Saturday of every month at 9am. Shooters should arrive at 8am. For information contact John Tupta at 724-941 -1494 or teefam@verizon.net OUTDOOR PISTOL SILHOUETTE This fires the 4th Saturday of the month at CMP M1 CARBINE MATCH 9am April—September. Contact George Sunday, July 28 @ 10 am. Contact John Taylor for details (412) 855-6721 Tupta at teefam@verizon.net or 724-9411494 for more details. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON INDOOR OPEN SHOOT. Ted Hildabrand and Dave CMP SPECIAL MATCH Faust head the Wednesday indoor shoots. Sunday July 21 @ 9am. M1 Garand and This program will run 12:00- 3:00PM from Vintage Military rifle matches. Contact October through March. For questions on John Tupta at teefam@verizon.net or 724permissible armory and other details, call 941-1494 for registration and more Ted at (724)942-2125, or Dave at (724) information. 225-9057. PITTSBURGH SUBURBAN RIFLE LEAGUE. Our champion smallbore team practices every Sunday at 7:00PM. RIFLE Shooters interested in joining can see WEDNESDAY MORNING INDOOR AIR captain Dean Trew at practice. RIFLE SHOOT. Scheduled for 10:30AM 12:00, this program precedes the open CMP JUNIOR RIFLE PROGRAM shoot. For questions on permissible The Junior rifle program resumes armory and other details, call Ted September 10th. Call Miles Ford 412-833Hildabrand at (724)942-2125, or Dave 0813 or Chuck Augenstein 724-941-9538 for additional information and registration. Faust at (724)225-9057. SHOTGUN CIVILIAN MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAM (CMP). The program shoots on the third Sunday of each month. For information TRAP. The formal Tuesday night program contact John Tupta at 724-941-1494 or is over. The hand traps to the left of the teefam@verizon.net trap house are available for use year round.