Starfighter 5200 Manual
Starfighter 5200 Manual
576Jm The Last Starfighter 5200 Version Hyrna Johnson 745-4659 (cover) ,/ VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE FOR THE I ATARI@ 5200~ SUPERSYSTEM .. / / . ATARI 5200 ,., ~, / c The Last Starfighter tag: A DESPERATE BATTLE AGAINST INCREDIBLE ODDS ! [licensing info] ,/ / ../1 / / -5763m .; \ 'J MAKE CELOS LIFE You thought IV SAFE FOR LIFEFORM-KIND: IMITATES you were game. Little tested by an alien is testing skills necessary attack needs that you were being Rylos. The you to find out if you have to become is desperate to help an arcade from the planet on his solar you GAME just playing did you know alien The alien ARCADE a Starfighter to prevent system, pilot. an impending Celos save Celos the IV, and he IV from annihilation! You made the highest alien whisked battles Ko-Dan Celos you away for real. armada, barrier, navigator to Rylos Xur, an enormous home on Earth, leader has penetrated IV system. Rylos, score force to fight space of the evil the frontier field encircling Now he's mounting of the Star League. teaches so the the an attack on A reptilian you how to use your ~ Starfighter, the Gunstar. strikes--through the actions of the other Starfighters are Starfighter! the last odds 5763m to defeat Then the enemy. disaster of a traitor, are destroyed. You must all You now defy all '3 PILOT CHECKLIST Insert The Last 5200'" ATARI owner's Starfighter SuperSystem guide into jack Starfighter pilots Starfighters will cities as explained should enjoy are destroyed quickly. n 1. start and enemy Change Press START for the Gunstar Press PAUSE to stop and restart during play Use your reverse. pulse joystick 5763m Press pull more squadrons are level key on your keypad. game to lift off. the action. to return to the to fly in any direction the joystick the joystick The upper lasers buttons of Level screen. game play. forward; ace the difficulty the welcoming on Levell; fly faster, by pressing Press RESET in your Rookie the challenge the Deckfighters generated into your and turn on the console. Plug a controller 3, where cartridge back bolts; your Groundstar to fly to fly in fire buttons and proton control ~ forward during control the bottom bombs. your fire '4 BLASTING The Cunstar Rylos, lifts off and you enter where Rylos's you'll cities. fight approaching enemy viewmaster; use threatening of the the outermost aim your Groundstar bases center on the Ko-Dan and of the You'll guides use when the cross of the viewmaster air-to-surface that appear that planet. them as directional ships. show the frontier in the center in the lower enemy around formation. penetrated at the enemy hairs the guns Deckfighter to attack appear Your into has also Gun sights firing the enemy at the top of the viewmaster the enemy is about orbit You look out your viewmaster--straight Messages INTO ACTION bombs as clusters to at the of triangles planets. viewmaster the Cunstar. provides Your vital navigator information explains about it like this: At the top of the viewmaster bar. It relays "Barrier "Energy Under Level crucial Attack," is the message information "Hull Temp like: Critical," or Critical." When the message it's telling bar says "System you that you have from the enemy's direct hits; Malfunction," sustained damage your pulse lasers ~:.v •.: ....L\.':-.~~- .•. ,.•.•~.•...•. L.~~. fire, or your main monitor repair the damage, revitalizing 5763m rays. is scrambled. To whip over to the sun for some 5 (Production--show close-up of display) --------------------------------------------------------------------------aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbll gggggggggggggggggg g g g g g g g g g g g g gggggggggggggggggg dddddd c c c c c bb22 bb33 c c c c c f f f f f eeeeee e e eeeeee f f f f f callouts: a. Energy Gauge: The Gunstar power, so you'll have is fueled by solar to fly to the sun to re-energize. b. Weapon-Ready 1. Use Indicators: the upper Deckfighters (bold 2. Bolts To knock Groundstar lower c. Groundstar number 5763m Pulse fire buttons (bold font) and Command Lasers to fire at Xurian ships. out enemy military bombs, (bold bases font) Supply: There only when are a limited they'll be you refuel. with use the fire buttons. of Groundstars; replenished to blast font). Destroyers 3. with your Use the upper Proton fire buttons hhhhhh h h hhhhhh iiiiiii i i iiiiiii jjjjjj j j jjjjjj kkkkkkk k k kkkkkkk 6 d. Fuel e. Omarzu f. Pulse Laser Temperature shows the heat when Flow Diagram Drive you're firing g. postions Celos Gauge: gauge Lasers Continuous intermittent. The monitor in relation shows enemy to the Gunstar. above a planet, the monitor IV cities and enemy military blips. h. External i. Master j. Crytography k. Library 5763m This Pulse at enemies. the lasers Monitor: If you're Schematic level of your firing makes Tactical ship Engine Communications Computer Readout Analyzer Computer Monitor Monitor shows bases as 7 MAPPING THE PLANETS By pushing replaced keypad by a galactic (production--show selected is circled. the planet's name, with or enemy attack If you choose the map. enemy When you'll at your selected The large solar The outermost system mass, or bases, spacecraft you press enter your a planet, coordinates, number. of cities of attacking below to your has been made, stellar environment, the fire buttons, Celos map screen and point Once contact destination and number planet the joystick destination. arrive will either hyperwarp destination. on the map bright-blue IV is the frontier around are attacking. is Celos ring of dots barrier where Rylos: Temperate Galen: Rylos's 5763m Four planets the sun in Celos of and command revolve IV: climate, moon, blue-green barren, IV. around •.. ships is map display. galactic to another zone, move appear #1, the viewmaster travel) To travel radius, button gray \8 Arcanum: Glacial, Seridus: Closest blue to the sun, semi-arid, red-brown The Sun: Go here If the destroyers on a Celos obliterate IV planet, gray on the galactic are destroyed, In the upper enemy's system all of the cities the planet map. you'll system, will the war. of your Procyon. map is the When system, Celos IV appears in the lower right corner. three planets revolving (production--show Morkoth: Outermost with Ko-Oan: around procyon Empire you're in as a small Procyon its double has sun: system) planet, yellow appear If all of your cities lose left corner solar the Procyon to refuel gaseous, red rings headquarters, temperate, blue-green Gaon: Tropical, green planet The Sun: A pair of planets--one red, one a white be circled L when dwarf; you select refueling 5763m both will stop the sun for your \9 BOONING AND ZOOMING INTO A BLAZE OF GLORY or: CELOS IV: THE FINAL FRONTIER? Now that you're under attack, circling you'll Rylos avoid and found the Deckfighters zoom off to the nearest enemy galactic to catch map. ship off guard blow You hope during Whew~ You're armada the job seems mop-up quickly, plan conquering to prevent bomb destroy all remaining 5763m But you can't a three-point Keep the enemy squadrons then you've battle Bolts. by the Ko-Dan the Ko-Dan the Star League: new attack desperate and the last Starfighter~ prevent job, but zone on drilling impossible. you develop free from attack, and the Command Proton so far outnumbered give up now--you're Thinking attack its barrier it into next week with it Ko-Dan always against from the barrier bases to from forming, ships. wanted incredible and A tough to fight a odds~ ~. . 10 uperat~on Prevent the Ko-Dan planets and destroying to barrier You'll Mop-Up from overrunning attack Allied Star League cities by ~ooming fronts as soon as possible. have to hurry, ship makes an opening in its accompanying though. Once the Command in the Barrier, squadron it'll let and then retreat into deep space. Check out Celos map--you IV planets with your galactic want to find out how many enemies threatening your cities on each planet. the planets that show the presence destroyers. Pick as you can while keeping an eye on enemy ships trying through the Barrier. military vaporize you'll have lost the war. ~ff as many enemy squadrons Fly to Procyon Go to of Xurian If you let the destroyers all your cities, are to sneak I, home of the Ko-Dan, to destroy bases on their planets. The more bases ~ you can zap, the less enemy squadrons will be generated. protecting Alternate Use your Groundstar 5763m with the Barrier and doing battle with Xurian destroyers bases away. these attacks and Deckfighters in Celos IV. bombs to blow the enemy Interstellar! 11 Next. you're going to double back toward Celos IV to wipe out all the Xurian the barrier. outside destroyers inside Then take aim on the squadrons the barrier. These squadrons they can have up to 15 Deckfighters Xurian destroyers ruthless Command Barrier. After are tough; and three led by the same kind of ship that drills that. obliterate through the the remaining Ko-Dan armada in Celos IV. You know you must accomplish each step of this plan to make the galaxy safe for lifeforrn-kind. Should your superb dexterity win out over the forces of evil. you'll have saved Celos IV and the Star League despair. 5763m from imminent disaster In short. you'll be a hero~ and 12 Hints: While you're refueling at the sun, go to the map and select Wait until either the energy fire button your gauge to enter next Before losing the fight you travel galactic enemy is present. Don't take on a destroyer energy. Withstanding ring hit uses ship's frustrating If you over-~nergize to the Ko-Dan. check the to determine without there's than only being if the a full load of the impact up a considerable energy--and then press hyperwarp. to a planet, map information destination. is full, stay at the sun too long, you'll and melt, immediately of a plasma portion nothing able of your more to have half a battle. Don't worry Deckfighters about large contingents orbiting a planet. The of destroyers ~ are the only enemy the cities. But remember, way through that can do damage you have all of the Deckfighters can face off with 5763m ships the destroyers. to to work your before you 13 Scoring: (show enemy city) 1000 points for wiping Ko-Dan military (show deckfighter) 100 points acrobatic out a base. for these small, Oeckfighters. fire with short-range and are fairly They lasers easy to knock out with your pulse lasers. (show destroyer) 500 points for Xurian destroyers. They the barrier, orbit around one of the Allied then--with powerful penetrate planets, enormously energy beams-- destroy Celos IV cities. They're armed with high-velocity, rings. curving plasma There are three types ~ of destroyers: The blue is the easiest; green destroyers are more difficult; red is hardest and the and needs more hits to be eliminated. 5763m \ 14 (show COIJUn ship) sao points when caught at the barrier, 5000 points direct battle. Command are easy targets through but you're begging for death in a head-on conflict. chance you'll victory ships if you can catch them drilling the barrier, in a The only have for is when the center spot is glowing, indicating that the Command ship is about to fire a plasma ball. Create an implosion by hitting spot with the glowing Proton Bolts. Bonus: empire, If you succeed you'll remaining 5763m receive Allied city. in defeating 2000 points the Ko-Dan for each 15 THE STARFIGHTER PILOT'S QUICK CHECKLIST [] # button changes level of difficulty Keypad from 1-) Press START [] Check out the cockpit: Message bar above the viewmaster Instrument contains Upper panel below the viewmaster energy and laser gauges fire buttons proton control pulse lasers and control Groundstar bolts Lower fire buttons Use keypad point #1 button t.he joystick press either for the galactic bombs. map; to select destination; fire button to zoom off 1 .I [] Protect [] Check the Barrier Celos IV's outermost city-vaporizing [] Xurian Zip over to Procyon, system, [] from Command planets for destroyers ~ the enemy's for some quick military Fly to the sun for energy, or for system malfunctions. 5763m ship attack solar base-bombing Groundstar bombs, • 16 [] w~ip into Celos destroyers; alternate and protecting [] IV to do battle with as many this with base-bombing the Barrier Once all of the Procyon bases are wiped out, no more enemy squadrons can be generated; blow away the remaining enemy ships [] If bases destroyed and enemy fleet greased, and some Celos IV cities are intact, congratulate galaxy [] yourself: safe for lifeform You just made the kind If the war is lost, it's because of staying at the sun too long and overenergizing; Celos IV cities were destroyed; out of energy 5763m all or you ran