john paval - Presentations Live
john paval - Presentations Live
Your Expert Workshop Leader: JOHN PAVAL Americnbt hEt hiropJtlsrdgenbt hEt cpdiceJt fdpbt U nSnTt pnCt ornibe’t t ek ecsoiSeCt nb’t mnbnFerCt Lrdmt opet HWRWJt lsrdgeJt opet B i’’Tet lnCot nb’t ACintLdrtdSerttnt’ecn’eWtt t zpet Ldsb’ert nb’t ’irecodrt dLt —VRt RSeriFeJt fdpbGCt hncjFrdsb’t ibt opet nrot dLt ek greCCidbt ibcTs’eCt nt grdTiLict cnreert nCt nt grdLeCCidbnTt ncodrt ibt t ?rnbceJt nt CscceCCLsTt grncoicet nCt nbt iboerbnoidbnTt hsCibeCCt TnYEert ibt ”dCt AbFeTeCJt VnTiLdrbinJtnYnr’tYibbibFtgdeorEtnb’topenoricnTt ornbCTnoidbCJt nb’t n’Snbce’t Cos’ieCt dLt cTnCCicnTt rpeodricJt t md’erbt TnbFsnFeCJt nb’t iboerbnoidbnTtTnYtnotopetHbiSerCioEtdLtB icpiFnbJt RonbLdr’tHbiSerCioEJtnb’tHV”AWttt t Zet pnCt heebt nt CdsFpot nLoert FseCot Tecosrert ibt opet)rioibFtnb’t*peodrictU rdFrnmtnotRonbLdr’t HbiSerCioEJt ibt opet —?”t —boGTt B +At U rdFrnmt nm’t notRodcjpdTmGCtRcpddTtdLtlcdbdmicCWtt t —VRt t ,t t U reCebonoidbCt ”iSet YnCt Ldrme’t ibt -../t nCt nbt nCCdcinoidbt dLt ek geriebce’t orniberCt ibt opet LieT’t dLt greCebonoidbt CjiTTCWt t —oCt miCCidbt iCt odt ’eSeTdgt beYtt CornoeFieCt Ldrt emgdYeribFt nb’t reibLdrcibFt opet psmnbt Lncodrt ibt opet LieT’t dLt cdrgdrnoet cdmmsbicnoidbCt ibt opet FTdhnTt mnrjeogTncet dLt opet -0Cot cebosrEWt —bt nt cdmmsbicnoidbCt ebSirdbmebot t Ypicpt iCt cpnrncoeri1e’t hEt msToime’int oecpbdTdFEt ibt opet Ldrmt dLt piFpt imgncot n’SeroiCibFJt CgecinTt eLLecoCt eboeronibmeboJt nb’t opet SirosnTt mnrjeogTnceCt dLt opet iboerbeot 2,t Yet heTieSet opet psmnbtLncodrtiCtmdretimgdronbotopnbteSerWttt psmnbtLncodrtiCtmdretimgdronbotopnbteSer t RnoiCLie’tcTieboCtpnSetibcTs’e’tATCodmtU dYerJtA*l3AJt lTit ”iTTEJt lricCCdbJt —4lAt —boerbnoidbnTJt B E’nont AsodmnoidbJt Rnnht 4eLebCet 5rdsgJt RerSiert B e’icnTt 5rdsgJtttRmnrozrsCoJtnb’tdoperCWtttt Bring your presentations to life, with The Alpha Speakers Workshop A Two Day Workshop Classic Presentation Skills 21st Century Rhetorical Strategies +46 73 021 5059 +33 6 03 81 61 76 Skype: PresentationsLive Bring your presentations to life! t U reCebonoidbt RornoeFieCJt opet ATgpnt RgenjerCt )drjCpdgJt FdeCt dSert eSerEt greCebonoidbtCjiTTtnb’tgribcigTetdLtrpeodrictEdstbee’todtgregnretnb’t’eTiSertTiSeTEt nb’t eLLecoiSet greCebonoidbCWt t +et gregnre’t odt eb6dEt opet mdCot cdmgrepebCiSet YdrjdsotnSniTnhTetibtopiCtLieT’tod’nEWtt ttt t +ribFtEdsrtU reCebonoidbtodt”iLeWttt reCebonoidbtodt”iLeWttt t U erCdbnTt U reCebonoidbWt t lSerEt greCebonoidbt ConroCt Yiopt EdsJt Cdt Yet Tnsbcpt opiCt YdrjCpdgtYioptntCeCCidbtdLtek erciCeCtnb’t’iCcsCCidbtnhdsotpdYtEdstcnbtgreCebot EdsrCeTLt gpECicnTTEt ibt opet mdCot eLLecoiSet YnEt gdCCihTeWt t zpebJt Yet Fdt ibt ’eoniTt oprdsFptopetheCotopibFtYpicptEdstcnbt’dtYiopteSerEtmenbibFLsTtgnrotdLtEdsrthd’Et notopetheFibbibFtdLteSerEtgreCebonoidbtdrtnbEtoimetEdstYnbotodthetmdCoteLLecoiSeWt t U pECicnTt nb’t 3dcnTt AcoidbWt t lSerEdbeJt Edst ibcTs’e’JtsCeCt FeCosreCJt mdSemeboJt nb’tSdcnTtek greCCidbtYpebtYetnretmdCotiboereCoe’tnb’tek cioe’tnhdsotTiLeWttzpiCt YdrjCpdgtCpdYCtEdstpdYtodtsCetopeCetCjiTTCtibtntgrdLeCCidbnTtYnEJtodtLdcsCtopet nooeboidbtdLtopetns’iebcetnb’tpeTgtopemtrememhertEdsrtjeEtgdiboCWttRdJtYetsCet iboerncoiSet ek erciCeCt odt CpdYt Edst 708t LiSet jib’Ct dLt FeCosreCt Edst cnbt sCet odt cngosret opet iboereCot dLt opet ns’iebceJt 7-8t opet LiSet 1dbeCt dLt iboerncoidbt Ypicpt Edst cnbtsCetodthsiT’tmenbibFLsTtmdSemebotibodtEdsrtonTjCJt7/8topetLiSetjeEtSdcnTtCjiTTCt Ldrtn’’ibFtek orntemgpnCiCtodtEdsrtjeEtgdiboCWtttttt t zpet4EbnmictHCetdLttzek oCtnb’t3iCsnTCWt oCtnb’t3iCsnTCWt t )pnoGCt opet Cecreot odt sCibFt Yriooebt mnoerinTCt nb’t SiCsnTt ni’Ct ibt nt TiSeTEt YnE9tt B eopd’Wtt:dstbee’tntmeopd’tLdrtncoiSeTEtsCibFtopeCetmnoerinTCtibtnbtek gerotYnEWtt ?drtYriooebtmnoerinTCJtYetornibtEdstibtzpreet+enot4eTiSerEJt zpreet+enot4eTiSerEJtnttCoegthEtCoegtmeopd’t zpreet+enot4eTiSerEJt odtreibLdrcetEdsrtcdbcebornoidbtA; 4tEdsrtcdboncotYioptopetns’iebceWtt?drtgdYert gdibot nb’t dopert SiCsnTt ni’CJt Yet ornibt Edst ibt 3—U <t 3iCsnTt —mnFet U rdodcdTJt nt opreet gnrotmeopd’topnotYnjeCtsgtopetns’iebcetnb’tncoiSeTEtmdSeCtopemtoprdsFptEdsrt meCCnFeJtCoegthEtCoegWttttt t +ribFt:dsrtB eCCnFetodt”iLeWttt eCCnFetodt”iLeWttt t ?ibnTTEJt Edst hribFt Edsrt cdboebot odt TiLet hEt TenrbibFt pdYt odt drFnbi1et Edsrt YpdTet greCebonoidbttibodtnbtncoiSetCorscosretYpicptmdSeCtopetns’iebcetodYnr’tntCgeciLict FdnTWtt:dstYiTTtgregnretnb’t’eTiSertnotTenCotoYdtgrncoicetgreCebonoidbCJtYioptncoiSet ib’iSi’snTt cdncpibFt nb’t Frdsgt Lee’hncjWt t ; dt mdret YiCpibFt drt pdgibFt opnot opet ns’iebcet =FeoCt io>Wt t —bCoen’Jt Edst LdcsCt dbt jbdYibFt Ypnot odt ’dt ’sribFt opet greCebonoidbt ioCeTLt odt ncpieSet Edsrt grdLeCCidbnTt FdnTCWt t )pebt Edst TenSet opiCt YdrjCpdgJt Edst nret ren’Et odt Conrot sCibFt gdYerLsTt beYt CjiTTCt riFpot nYnEJt hecnsCet EdstpnSetnTren’Etgrncoice’topemtibtEdsrtdYbtgreCebonoidbCWt Tools of the Trade—The Workshop Lives On... t AtCscceCCLsTtYdrjCpdgt’deCbGot6sCoteb’Wtt—otTiSeCtdbWttRdtYetgrdSi’etEdstYioptnt Ldsrtgnrot=AcoidbtU ncj>t2,tntCeotdLtoddTCtYpicptnTTdYCtEdstodtreTiSetnTTtdrtnbEtgnrot dLtopetYdrjCpdgtnb’tcdboibset’eSeTdgibFtEdsrtnhiTioieCtibtopetLsosreWtttt t ? +flVz—3ltz? ? ”Rt ”Rt t zpetdh6ecoiSetoddTCtpeTgtEdstrememhertnb’tsb’erConb’tnTTtdLtopetCgeciLictCeoCtdLt CjiTTCtYpicptEdstgrncoice’t’sribFtopetYdrjCpdgWt t VdsrCetVnr’C<ttzpetLirCotoddTtiCtntCeotdLtcdsrCetcnr’CJtopetCi1etdLthsCibeCCtcnr’CJt VdsrCetVnr’C<tt YpicptenCiTEtLioCtibtEdsrtgsrCeJtYnTTeoJtdrtgdcjeoWttlncptcnr’tiCtntpnb’Etremib’ert dLtdbtdLtopet’iLLerebotCeotdLtCjiTTCtcdSere’tibtopetYdrjCpdgWtt t U reCebonoidbCt RornoeFieCt Znb’hddj<t Znb’hddj< zpet Cecdb’t oddTtiCt Edsrt gerCdbnTt cdgEt dLt U reCebonoidbt RornoeFieCJt opet pnb’hddj<t t zpiCt SdTsmet ek gTnibCt opet opedrEt nb’t grncoicetdLtencptdLtopetCeoCtdLtCjiTTCtYpicptEdstgrncoice’t’sribFtopetYdrjCpdgWtt +sotiotnTCdtgrdSi’eCtnbtdSerSieYtdLtopedrEtnb’tgrncoiceJtodtpeTgtEdstrememhert pdYtnb’tYpEtopeCetCjiTTCtnretCdteLLecoiSetnb’tSnTsnhTeWttt t —; 4—3—4HA”—@l4tz? ? ”Rt ”Rt t zpetCsh6ecoiSetoddTCtpeTgtEdstodtLdcsCtdbtpdYtEdstgerCdbnTTEtcnbtmnjetopetheCot sCetdLtencptdLtopetCeoCtdLtCjiTTCtibtopetYdrjCpdgWttt t —b’iSi’snTt4inFbdCoict7:dsrt=—W4>8<tt :dsrt=—4>tnbnTE1eCthdoptEdsrtCordbFtgdiboCJt nb’t opet nrenCt Yperet Edst cnbt mnjet opet mdCot imgrdSemeboWt t ”ijet opet VdsrCet Vnr’Ctnb’topetpnb’hddjJtEdsrt—4tiCtdrFnbi1e’tnccdr’ibFtodtencptdLtopetCeoCtdLt CjiTTCtYpicptEdstgrncoice’t’sribFtopetYdrjCpdgWtt—otiCtgregnre’thEtEdsrtYdrjCpdgt Ten’erJt hnCe’t dbt Edsrt YdrjCpdgt ek geriebcet nb’t nt reSieYt dLt opet Si’edCt onjebt ’sribFtopetYdrjCpdgWtt ttt ttt t )drjCpdgtB dmeboC<tt?ibnTTEJtencptgnroicignbotreceiSeCtopetSi’edt’inrEtdLtEdsrt dmeboC< YdrjCpdgt ncoiSioieCt dbt HR+t drt 434Jt nCt YeTTt nCt opet mdCot imgdronbot TecosreA ’iCcsCCidbtgdroidbCtdLtopetYdrjCpdgWttt t )ioptopeCetLdsrtoddTCJtEdstcnbtreTiSetEdsrtYdrjCpdgtek geriebceCtnCtmnbEtoimeCt nCtEdstTijeWttt t BBBBBt This workshop can be held for three to eight people, when and where you choose. It can be priced on a per person basis or a group basis, with discounts available for multiple workshops. The only logistical requirement is a room with a screen for power point images. All other materials are provided free of charge.
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