
Under Milk Wood
Dylan Thomas
ISBN 978 158081 9701
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
Honoring the 100th anniversary of
Dylan Thomas’ birth, this immortal
“play for voices” conjures up the
salty fishing village of Llareggub,
an enchanted spot where the
wicked are forgiven and their
indiscretions transformed
into rich fuel for comedy.
Performed by:
Kate Burton, Laura Evans,
John Francis, Jason Hughes,
Chris Monger, Cerris MorganMoyer, Jo Osmond, Morgan Ritchie
and Matthew Rhys.
Published: 01/15/2015
Nina Raine
ISBN 978 158081 6670
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
Billy has been deaf since birth, but
his family has never learned sign
language. In fact, until he meets
Sylvia, who is fluent in ASL, Billy
has never been understood by
anyone. This critically-acclaimed
sensation will awaken all of your
senses as it boldly asks some of
life’s hardest questions:
what is communication
and understanding, and can we
truly have it—with anyone?
Performed by:
Barry Creyton, Thomas
DellaMonica, Russell Harvard,
Cerris Morgan-Moyer, Susan
Pourfar, and Mare Winningham.
Published: 06/15/2015
John Ball’s In the Heat
of the Night
adapted by Matt Pelfrey
ISBN 978 158081 9725
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
A visiting black detective from
California faces off against a
small Alabama town simmering
with anger over
Performed by:
Ryan Vincent Anderson,
Michael Hammond, Kalen
Harriman, Travis Johns, James
Morrison, Darren Richardson,
and Tom Virtue.
Published: 02/15/2015
Racing Demon
Cyrano de Bergerac
David Hare
Edmond Rostand, translated and
ISBN 978 158081 8919
adapted by Anthony Burgess
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
ISBN 978 158081 7370
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
This stirring drama reveals the
struggles of four clergymen
In this French classic, a brash,
desperately seeking to make
strong-willed man of many talents
sense of their mission, while being whose whimsical aptitude for the
torn in all directions
spoken word is overshadowed
by the Church of England.
by an attribute that is iconic,
and gigantic—his nose.
Performed by:
Rosie Fellner, Paul Fox,
Performed by:
Jared Harris, Jason Hughes, Martin Caroline Aaron, Hugo Armstrong,
Jarvis, Chistopher Neame, Lesley
Kalen Harriman, Gregory Itzin,
Nicol, Alan Shearman, Simon
Hamish Linklater, Anna Mathias,
Templeman, Jane Wall, and
Morgan Ritchie, Jason Ritter,
Matthew Wolf.
André Sogliuzzo, Devon Sorvari,
and Matthew Wolf.
Published: 03/15/2015
Published: 04/15/2015
And The Sun Stood Still
You Never Can Tell
Dava Sobel
George Bernard Shaw
ISBN 978 158081 4089
ISBN 978 158081 5727
$29.95 1CD ____QTY
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
This thoughtful play brings to life
This hilarious comedy of errors
the story of Nicolaus Copernicus,
involves mistaken identity,
the Renaissance astronomer and
tangled courtship and wise advice
mathematician who proposed the
from “the perfect waiter.”
heliocentric model of the universe
Performed by:
in which the Sun stands at the
James Callis, Siobhán Hewlett,
center. Plagued by self-doubt and
Nicholas Hormann, Martin Jarvis,
threatened by religious censure, Christopher Neame, Susan Sullivan,
Copernicus resisted the publication Simon Templeman, Matthew Wolf,
of his work until just before his
and Moira Quirk.
death in 1543.
Published: 08/15/2015
Performed by:
Robert Foxworth, John Vickery,
Kate Steele, Michael Kirby,
and Gregory Harrison.
Published: 06/15/2015
Kenneth Lin
ISBN 978 158081 7493
$29.95 1CD ____QTY
The story of Curt Herzstark,
an Austrian industrialist and
concentration camp prisoner
who was sent by the Nazis to an
underground salt mine during
the war. While in captivity, he
continued his experiments with
a device that would eventually
become the hand-held calculator.
Performed by:
Garret Dillahunt,
Joe Spano, Josh Stamberg,
Daniel Stewart,
Nick Toren,
and Matthew Wolf.
Published: 05/15/2015
Dear Elizabeth:
The Whipping Man
A Play in Letters from
Matthew Lopez
Elizabeth Bishop to Robert Lowell
ISBN 978 158081 3655
and Back Again
$29.95 2CDs ____QTY
Sarah Ruhl
Tensions run high as Caleb de
ISBN 978 158081 3624
Leon, a young Jewish Confederate
$29.95 1CD ____QTY
soldier, celebrates Passover with his
Thirty years of correspondence,
family’s newly freed slaves in the
romantic and otherwise, between
de Leons’ crumbling antebellum
the famed poets Robert Lowell and
mansion. This gripping drama
Elizabeth Bishop.
explores a little-known aspect of
the Civil War, unearthing dark
Performed by:
family secrets on the way to a
Julian Sands and JoBeth Williams.
shocking climax.
Published: 09/15/2015
Performed by:
Charlie Robinson, Mark J. Sullivan,
and Aaron Jennings.
Published: 10/15/2015
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