Gas Springs and Dampers
Gas Springs and Dampers
Gas Springs and Dampers for applications in automotive engineering ... technology gives comfort S TA B I L U S – A c o m p a n y w i t h a n i n n o v a t i v e t r a d i t i o n Pioneer Performance Product characteristics, advantages, uses through the oil-filled par t of the d e s c r ib e s t h e g as sp r in g p r o g r e s sio n pressure tube. As soon as it is I n 19 6 2 , S TA B I L U S p r e s e n t e d t h e force over the stroke, i.e. f rom the immersed in the oil the piston rod w o r l d ’s f i r s t g a s s p r i n g m a n u f a c - extended to the compressed state moves at a considerably lower tured in series production to the and vice versa. speed. s w i v e l c h a i r i n d u s t r y ; i n 19 6 5 , t h e Unlike mechanic al springs, gas f i r s t l o c k a b l e g a s s p r i n g . To d a t e , springs have an extremely flat, more than 2.0 billion gas springs almost linear characteristic cur ve Seal and guide element have been produced, giving an annual production of more than Pressure tube Gas springs and dampers for applications in vehicle engineering Hig hest Q u alit y and therefore allow a uniform c o m f o r t a b l e a d ju s t m e n t o r p i vo t i n g Operating principle movement. The spring rate, X, A s t h e lea d in g g as sp r in g su p plie r Operating principle of a gas spring standard gas springs. Other values can be defined on request and Compact design, high level of s y s te m f ulf ils w it h ou t q u e s t io n t h e multiple industrial applications. operating convenience and safet y hig h q ualit y r e q uir e m e nt s of inte r- The gas spring is a hydropneu- according to the application. Occupational health practitioners in use continue to expand the nat io nal s t an d ar d s , suc h as D I N EN m a t i c a d j u s t i n g e l e m e n t , c o n si s t i n g To g e t h e r w i t h t h e d i m e n s i o n s , t h e and swivel chair manufacturers f i e l d o f a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r S TA B I L U S I S O 9 0 01-20 0 0 , as well as t h e n ew of a pressure tube, a piston rod F1 force is the major descriptive a p p r o p r i a t e l y c o n s i d e r S TA B I L U S products. wo r ld s t an d ar d I S O / T S 169 49 -20 02 with piston and appropriate con- feature for the choice of a gas a pioneer in the development and e.g. Motor vehicles and w it h t h e r e g ulato r y r e q uir e m e nt s of nection fittings. It is filled with spring and it is therefore specified manufacture of gas springs for superstructures … Q S 9 0 0 0 , V DA 6 .1, E AQ F, an d AV S Q. compressed nitrogen, which acts in all STABILUS brochures. It defines ergonomic seating in the swivel Gas springs and dampers facilitate with equal pressure on differently the value of the spring force and chair area. The gas spring makes it the opening and adjustment of dimensioned cross-sectional areas is measured 5mm before the end of possible to adjust height, seat and hoods, hatches and covers. of the piston. This produces a the extension movement. backrest tilt of the swivel chair e.g. Agricultural vehicles … S TA B I LUS place s u t m o s t im p o r t ance force in the extension direction. The difference between the force q u i c k l y a n d e a s i l y. They dampen unpleasant shocks in in ac hiev in g e nv ir o nm e nt all y f r ie n d - This extension force can be exactly lines for the compression and t h e d r i v e r ‘s s e a t c a u s e d b y u n e v e n l y p r o d uc t io n m e t h o d s . I t s succe s s defined within physical limits extension direction, FR, is the land resulting in comfortable, re- in t his ar ea is d o cum e nte d by t h e through the appropriate selection result of friction effects. of the filling pressure. C are for t he e nv iro n m e nt laxed and ergonomic seating. ce r t if ic at io n of it s e nv ir o nm e nt al With a global sales and service e.g. Buses … mana g e m e nt s y s te m in co nf o r mit y n e t w o r k a n d 10 p r o d u c t i o n s i t e s i n They allow seats to be adjusted w it h D I N EN I S O 14 0 01. Europe, USA , Mexico, Brazil, New to the passengers‘ bodies, so that Zealand, Australia and Korea even long journeys become a posi- S TA B I L U S s u p p l i e s a n d s u p p o r t s tive experience. more than 2,400 customers world- e.g. Railway vehicles … wide. Here, too, blocking gas springs in Ser v ice a nd tec h nic al ap plic atio n su p por t Spring characteristic cur ve a n d F1 f o r c e S TA B I LUS p r ov id e s e x te nsi ve te c hni - stepless adjustable seats ensure c al, d e sig n an d ins t allat io n su p p o r t ergonomic seating. in sp e cif ic a p plic at io ns as a mat te r Having been successfully adopted Cu sto m er s atis fac tio n Com pres sion Pneumatic range Hydraulic range Oil Hydraulic damping Dynamic damping Force [F] For all business sectors F4 F3 Extending speed and damping Here the bore in the piston is replaced with a longitudinal groove in the wall of the pressure tube A significant advantage of gas which ser ves as a bypass. Its springs over mechanical springs is geometr y and the length determine the definable speedcur ve, which the damping cur ve. This technique allows for a damped and comfor t- allows position- independent damping able adjusting movement. of the gas springs. Tw o t y p e s o f d a m p i n g c a n b e of cour s e. T h e e x te nsi ve k n ow - Exte h ow of our a p plic at io n co nsult ant s nsio distin-guished : n F2 Hydraulic damping an d te c hnicians cou ple d w it h our and incorporated in the automo- Stroke l i e s b e t w e e n 1. 2 a n d 1. 4 w i t h today the world market leader for Globally Active Pneumatic range r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e f o r c e r a t i o F 2 / F1, wo r ld w id e, our q ualit y mana g e m e nt 10 0 m i l l i o n u n i t s , S TA B I L U S i s Hydraulic range F1 The extending speed is determined tive and furniture industries for Custo m e r s e r v ice an d cus to m e r hig hl y e f f icie nt ins t allat io n p r o p o s al s e v e r a l d e c a d e s , S TA B I L U S g a s s atisfac t io n ar e key o bje c t i ve s f o r p r o g ramm e s an d p rac t ic al ar ran g e - springs have now also become an t he co m p any. S TA B I LUS is k n ow n in m e nt s , als o o n site, e nsur e o pt imal indispensable design element in p ar ticular f o r it s te c hnic al inn ovat i - s olu t io ns . countless industrial applications o n , q ualit y an d co m p e t it i ve p r icin g When the gas spring is installed in the most diverse sectors. in all it s b usin e s s unit s . with the piston rod facing down both by the arrangement and the Stroke [ S ] diameter of the bores in the piston and by the viscosit y of the oil used. Speed manufacture of gas springs. With Bore Piston cross-sectional area S TA B I L U S t h e l o n g e s t e x p e r i e n c e world-wide in the design and Piston Speed The spring characteristic cur ve Piston rod the extending piston first travels Spring c harac teristic cu r ve and F1-force 2 through the gas-filled and then Stroke Dynamic damping 3 ... technology gives comfort Choice and application of gas springs Dimensions according to choice N o n - b l o c k i n g g a s s p r i n g s – L I F T- O - M AT ® STABILUS S TA B I L U S o f f e r s a n e x t r e m e l y w i d e range of gas spring t ypes, which Gas Springs Dampers Power Tailgate Systems STAB-O-SHOC POWERISE Automotive var y in respect of their external dimensions, speed cur ves and extension variants, and invari- without locking with locking ably meet the most stringent requirements. A large selection is BLOC-O-LIFT LIFT-O-MAT i n c l u d e d i n t h e S TA B I L U S s t a n d a r d STAB-O-MAT STAB-O-BLOC Lifting, lowering, moving and adjusting product range and can be delivered at shor t notice. Service life and maintenance Installation instructions Te m p e r a t u r e b e h a v i o u r With their accurately adjusted The temperature of the gaseous extension force and application- Tw i s t- f r e e c o n n e c t i o n nitrogen inside the gas spring s p e c i f i c d a m p i n g L I F T- O - M AT Gas springs are maintenance- For maximum ser vice life, gas influences its extension behaviour free! They are designed to specific springs should not be exposed to within cer tain limits. The standard requirements and operate for t wists or lateral forces. Suitable temperature range lies bet ween open and close flaps and bonnets years and years without failure connection fittings, e.g. angle -30°C und + 8 0°C . In addition, a n d e n s u r e u s e r- f r i e n d l y m o v e m e n t when properly installed. Also for joint s, can be used for the t wist- gas springs with special sealing sequences thanks to their damping particularly high numbers of load free connection of the gas springs. systems for extreme loads are characteristic. L I F T- O - M AT ® f u n c t i o n , t h e s e gas springs offer optimum weight gas springs can be positioned at compensation, force support, they any desired point D2 Installation position specific gas springs in swivel Gas sp r in g s – e xce pt t h o s e d e sig n e d Operational safet y chairs to withstand up to one million for position-independent installa- The operational safet y of the gas load c ycles without damage. t i o n – a r e p r e f e r a b l y inst alle d with spring is primarily achieved by E Available in a variet y of st an - the piston rod facing d o w n s o a s t o seals designed to keep the gas maximise the hydraulic damping pressure inside. For your protec tion, E Linear spring cur ve for unifor m effect and to ensure optimal n o b e n d in g lo a d s sh ould b e e xe r te d force progression over the D if fe r e nt co nne c tio ns ar e availa ble lubrication of the guide and seal on the gas springs. Damage caused entire spring travel depending on the application. system. by subsequent mechanical operations, E Available with progressive or S TA B I L U S t h e r e f o r e o f f e r s a w i d e including welding, performed on degressive spring cur ve for range of plastic or metal hinge t h e g as sp r in g s , as well as co nt ami - force suppor t at stroke st ar t or eyes, including the easy-to-mount nat io n o r p a i n t i n g o f t h e p i s t o n end position angle joint that only has to be rod may lead to the failure of the E Available with d y namic or f it ted on the ball socket and devices. hydraulic damping according to application and fit ting position allows for t wist-free installation. Piston rod Pressure tube with filling medium Small selection of available connections 4 Oil Special seal and guide system dard sizes and force variants E Va r i o u s c o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m s f o r E L I F T- O - M AT ® h i g h f r i c t i o n : Piston system Characteristics and benefits are available which allow e.g. Connections E H yd ro - L i f t ®: In ad dition to t he ® available. alterations special sealing systems Product variants Pressure tube connection practical and swif t installation The increased friction of these gas springs allows for stepless positioning E Elec t ro - Li f t : In addition to the gas spring function, an electric current is transmitted or even switched, e.g. for illuminating the engine compartment or bootspace E I n t e r- S t o p ® : T h e s t r o k e i s D1 Piston rod connection divided into a number of func- tional areas to allow manual positioning of the application, e.g. a flap St andard Series Program Piston rod Pressure tube diameter D1 outside diameter (mm) D2 ( mm ) 6 Extension force Ma x. stroke (N) (mm) 15 50 - 400 15 0 8 19 10 0 - 8 0 0 250 10 22 15 0 - 115 0 400 14 28 5 0 0 - 2 10 0 500 20 42 24 0 0 - 5 2 0 0 500 5 ... technology gives comfort Blocking gas springs – BLOC- O -LIF T® D a m p e r s a n d S TA B - O - S H O C ® Hydraulic dampening of vibrations Dampers are needed to positively influence the nature of movements and vibrations. They are designed to match the par ticular applica- Va r i a b l e p o s i t i o n i n g , r i g i d or spring blocking Characteristics and benefits Pressure tube connection according to product range B L O C- O - L I F T ® g a s s p r i n g s r a i s e E Rigid or spring blocking in the Pressure tube with filling medium loads with an accurately tuned Separating piston extension force and application- D2 specific dampening while ensuring u s e r- f r i e n d l y m o v e m e n t s e q u e n - ex tension or compression direc- t i o n . O p t i o n a l l y, a p o s i t i o n - independent variant is available tion. Oil-hydraulic dampers consist E D e f i n e d l i n e a r, p r o g r e s s i v e o r of a pressure tube, a piston rod degressive damping force with piston system and a piston characteristic for optimal rod connection fitting. The mo- results vement of the piston presses the E Va r i a b l e d a m p i n g r a t e e . g . f o r filling medium (oil) through sui- steering dampers and driver tably dimensioned bores into the seat dampers piston, thus producing the desired E Elec tric ally adjust able damper s optimally match the par ticular damping force. E Several connec tion variant s for application E For position - dependent or C h a ra c t e r i s t i c s a n d b e n e f i t s E A lso available with shor t re - Speed and damping regulating valve system l e a s e t r a v e l o f o n l y 1 m m ( n o r- E Compac t dimensions with ma xi- mally 2.5 mm ) for ex tremely any position, with springing or light operation rigid blocking in the extension or E Continuous release is also c e s . I n a d d i t i o n , B L O C- O - L I F T ® gas springs c an be blocked in Special seal and guide system compression direction depending o n t h e d e s i g n . Va r i a b l e b l o c k i n g i s D1 made possible by integrating the Piston rod connection with thread valve into the piston, which separates both pressure chambers gastight. When the valve is closed, thereby interrupting the gas exchange bet ween both pressure c h a m b e r s , t h e B L O C- O - L I F T ® g a s available on request (e.g. for rocking the backrest of swivel chairs) Lef t : Spring blocking BLOC- O - LIF T® gas spring Pressure tube of e.g. shocks, impacts or pulse- diameter D1 outside diameter (mm) D2 ( mm ) 8 10 office swivel chairs). extension force E W ith damping forces in one E Suited for operating tempera - specific frequencies (frequency- direction or in the extension tures between -40°C and dependent dampening ) upon and compression direction +13 0 ° C request In a subsequent step, the desired Determining the extension force extension and damping characteri- F1 [ N ] a t 2 0 ° C stic can be determined. St andard Series Program Piston rod positionindependent installation E Damper s with or without T h e S TA B I L U S i n s t a l l a t i o n d e s i g n ideal for the smooth dampening t ype peak loads (e.g. in seats and Product variants E V ibration dampening only at mum reliabilit y and durabilit y Calculating the installation of a gas spring Right : Rigid blocking BLOC- O - LIF T® gas spring with separating piston for positionindependent installation automatically when the valve tapThe springing blocking variant is easy installation Instructions for the design of gas springs spring is blocked. The valve closes p e t i s r e l e a s e d e x t e r n a l l y. E Damper s are designed to Extension force Ma x. stroke (N) (mm) 28 2 0 0 - 10 0 0 10 0 28 2 0 0 - 15 0 0 250 F 1 = G x D x 13 [ N ] bxn proposal soft ware selects and To m a k e y o u r o w n r o u g h e s t i m a t e designs the optimal gas spring for and to select the appropriate gas G = weight of flap in kg a specific application. For this, the spring from our standard product L = distance from centre of following application details, e.g. range, you can use the following a flap, are needed : approximation formula and appli- b = ef fective lever arm of gas E dimensions and weight c ation sketch. A B±2 E opening angle to be achieved E at t achment point s for the gas springs P D From this data the following is ( suggest approx. 2 / 3 L) n = number of gas springs L derived : kg - N + safet y margin P = flap at tachment L B±2 spring in mm, flap open. 13 = c o n v e r s i o n f a c t o r D A gravit y to pivot point in mm. G P (standard : n = 2) D = ef fective leverarm of gravit y E the stroke A [ mm ] E the ex tended leng th B [ mm ] G in mm, flap open E the ex tension force F 1 [ N ] E and the t y pe of connec tion 6 b b 7 ... technology gives comfort 1 0 0 0 / 0 9 .12 / A R T K O M Worldwide Deutschland STABILUS GmbH Wallersheimer Weg 100 56070 Koblenz Germany ) ++49-261-8900-0 2 ++49-261-8900-204 8 Brasil STABILUS Ltda. Av. Pres. Tancredo de Almeida Neves, km 1,2 CEP 37.504-066 Itajubá (MG) Brasil ) ++55-35-3629-5000 2 ++55-35-3629-5005 8 España STABILUS GmbH Oficina de representación España Edificio Arteaga TXORIERRI ETORBIDEA, 9 - 3ª planta (oficina 303) 48160 Derio (Vizcaya) España ) ++34-94-455-4170 2 ++34-94-455-4183 8 China STABILUS (JiangSu) Ltd. No. 8, Long Xiang Road Wujin High-Tech Industrial Zone Wujin District Changzhou City, 213164 JiangSu Province, PR China ) ++86-519-8662-3500 2 ++86-519-8662-3550 8 China STABILUS Sales Office Shanghai 88 ke Yuan Road, Room N° 309, 3rd Floor Zhiang Jiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong, Shanghai 201203 PR China ) ++86-21-2898-6500 2 ++86-21-2898-6510 8 Japan STABILUS Japan Corporation Toshin 24 Shin-Yokohama, Bldg B-8F 2-3-8 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku 222-0033 Yokohama, Kanagawa Japan ) ++81-45-471-2970 2 ++81-45-471-2989 8 Korea STABILUS Co. Ltd. Sales Office 3F,Woogang Bldg., 402-3 Yuljeon-dong, Changan-gu Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do Korea / Zip Code 440-827 ) ++82-31-298-1743 2 ++82-31-298-0742 8 France STABILUS France Sarl Le Technoparc / L´Espace Média 3, rue Gustave Eiffel 78306 POISSY CEDEX France ) ++33-139-226-494 2 ++33-139-226-496 8 México STABILUS S.A. de C.V. Industria Metalúrgica No. 1010 Parque Industrial Ramos Arizpe C.P. 25900 Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila México ) ++52-844-411-0707 2 ++52-844-411-0706 8 Italia STABILUS GmbH Ufficio Italia Via Francesco Giacomo Bona, 1 10064 Pinerolo, Italy ) ++39-0121-300-711 2 ++39-0121-202-161 8 New Zealand STABILUS Limited 75 Ellice Rd. Glenfield PO Box 101023 NSMC Auckland New Zealand ) ++64-9-444-5388 2 ++64-9-444-5386 8 Romania STABILUS S.R.L. Romania km 5+900 (soseaua Brasov-Harman) RO-507190 Sanpetru, Brasov Romania ) ++40-268-309-100 2 ++40-268-309-170 8 USA STABILUS Inc. 1201 Tulip Drive Gastonia NC 28052 - 1898 USA ) ++1-704-865-7444 2 ++1-704-865-7781 8 Singapore STABILUS Singapore Sales Office c/o ZF Southeast Asia Pte. Ltd. 11 Tuas Drive 1 Singapore 638678 ) ++65-642-48726 2 ++65-642-48788 8 USA STABILUS Detroit Sales Office Automotive 36225 Mound Road Sterling Heights, MI 48310- 4739 USA ) ++1-586-977-2950 2 ++1-586-446-3920 8 United Kingdom STABILUS Sales Office Unit 4, Canada Close Banbury, Oxon. OX16 2RT England ) ++44-12-95-700-100 2 ++44-12-95-700-106 8 USA STABILUS Chicago Sales Office Industrial 919 N. Plum Grove Road, Suite G Schaumburg IL 60173, USA ) ++1-847-517-2980 2 ++1-847-517-2987 8 w w w. s t a b i l u s . c o m Ty p o g r a p h i c a l e r r o r s a n d c ha n g e s r e s e r ve d . Australia STABILUS Pty. Ltd. 65 Redwood Drive Dingley, VIC 3172 Australia ) ++61-3-9552-1400 2 ++61-3-9552-1499 8