July 2013 Newsletter
July 2013 Newsletter
R US H MO RE July 2013 ABATE UPDATE 13—HONDA RIDERS MOONLIGHT RIDE TO THE BADLANDS, RICE HONDA 14—RUSHMORE ABATE MEMBERSHIP MEETING, NOON, PIEDMONT LEGION HALL 19-20—BEARTOOTH RALLY - STATE ABATE MTG, PIERRE SD 21—CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY POKER RUN, SIOUX FALLS 27—RUSHMORE ABATE ANNUAL POKER RUN - STEVE’S SUPERSTORE SUMMER PARTY 28—BH CHPTR MTG, NOON, SIDE HACK, STURGIS AUGUST 3—HONDA RIDERS MOONLIGHT RIDE 4—BH CHPTR ANNUAL CHARITY POKER RUN, STURGIS 5TH-10TH—73rd STURGIS RALLY & RACES 8—ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA WHITEWOOD SOCIAL HOUR 16-17—ED NETTERBERG MEMORIAL WEEKEND, RECREATIONAL SPRINGS RESORT, LEAD SD 18—THOSE GUYS CHPTR POKER RUN, SIOUX FALLS 23-24—BOTTOMS UP RUN, MARMARTH, ND 25—BH CHPTR MEETING, SIDE HACK, STURGIS OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE INC. OF SD P.O. Box 1223, 429 Kansas City St., Suite #11, Rapid City, SD 57709 605-343-8474, website: www.rushmoreabate.com C HA PT ER J U LY 201 3 YOUR LEADERS: OFFICERS President. - John Trudo 381-7030 rushmorepres@gmail.com Vice President - Clay Weaver cweaver04@yahoo.com. 381-5001 Secretary - Barb Frerichs 923-6326 BOARD MEMBERS Steve Rohde-Photographer 716-6796 rohde@rushmore.com Janet Olson—PR Rep 381-5010 Phil McCollar — 484-0291 Bill Hanson— 786-3668 Treas. - Kim Logsdon 484-8667 Kimsheee@aol.com State Rep - Sunshine Minzlaff 787-9136 two4jesus@msn.com Sgt at Arms— Mike Clark 430-1669 b1bccpugs@rap.midco.net LRC - Ginny Kellerher 209-3084 ginkeller@rap.midco.net Mem Sec.– Karline Clark 430-1670 kcspoiled@rap.midco.net Mary Anderson— Lynnette Becker— OTHERS Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff Chaplain— 787-9136 two4jesus@msn.com Road Cptn— Steve Pistulka Webmaster — Clay Weaver A few words from your President: Well another year is in the books for the A.B.A.T.E RALLY. I want to apologize for confusion for Saturday’s beer problem. We know it angered a lot of people, and your voices were heard. Unfortunately, ABATE was stuck in a bad spot as Glenco enforced a no outside beverage policy. The ABATE party committee was under the impression that we had the grounds as a private party, and that was not the case. We understand that the rules may have been relaxed the night before, and years before, but it was out of our hands last night. We did everything we could to try to resolve the issue but it is not our liquor license so we had no control. I do want to remind everyone where your ABATE support goes and how the funds are broken down. Your membership cost $25 ($20 goes to state $ 5 stays with the chapter). This allows you to obtain your perks from our affiliates for the next year. The remaining $15 helps offset the cost to rent the grounds for your camping and offset the cost for the beer, soda and water that was provided at no charge. We invite all members to the next General Membership meet on July 14th to discuss any issues you would like the express. The Ed Netterberg weekend is coming soon and we have decided to make it a family event as well. We will be having a bicycle rodeo for the kids as well as the usual events. Hope to see everyone there. It’s should be a good time for all! John T. Secretary’s Report The June 2nd RU ABATE general membership meeting was called to order by President John T. Sgt. at Arms, Mike C., led the chapter in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain Sunshine led the members in prayer. Roll call was taken with Barbie, Janet, and Bill all excused. Guest speaker spot was taken up by Sunshine giving information on the advanced motorcycle training courses. Phil made a motion to accept the May meeting minutes with no corrections or additions. Clay seconded. Motion passed. No new bills were presented. OFFICER REPORTS President John reported that the first BHAB wheelchair wash went well. There were 65 walkers and wheel chairs washed. The power sprayers and leaf blowers worked well at cleaning and drying. Barbie is getting the other three Golden Living facilities set up for their washes. John reminded everyone of the RU Rallly coming up. Vice President Clay stated that he would research rider education courses and post on the website. Secretary-Barbie gone visiting grandkids. Treasurer Kim gave the dollar amounts in various accounts. Sunshine asked which account the reimbursements for rider courses comes out of. These costs come out of the Pat O. fund. Kim gave information on deposits and expenses. Clay motioned to accept the treasurer's report. Lynette seconded. Motion passed. LRC Rep. Ginny reminded everyone to get out and vote in the Rapid City election. School board and city officials are all being voted on. Ginny shared information on bills HR 796 and HR 1621. SR 34 has been submitted to committee for review. The 10 percent and 15 percent fuel changes were discussed with members. State Rep. Sunshine announced that Jiggs and Bobby were reinstated to their State ABATE offices again. John Steele has stepped up for the Legislative Officer position. Sunshine challenged ABATE chapters to donate money to State ABATE for making more maps. As of now BH chapter donated $200.00 and RU chapter donated $250.00 towards the map making for S.D. State ABATE. Sgt. at Arms-Mike C. has sign up sheet for volunteers for security at the RU Rally. Membership Sec. Karline reported 56 affiliates, 366 members, and has a long list of expirings in June. She will have a current membership list at the gate in case someone has not received their ABATE card from state. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR-John reported that the customer appreciation business cards for RU ABATE members to give to our affiliates, when visiting their establishment, are here. Newsletter editor Ginny stated that there will be no Aug. newsletter. Get advertisements and such to her June 15th. Sending out a reminder to affiliates of extra ad space available. Web page master Clay stated that there were 1150 hits on website in May. He has added poker runs and wants to add products after RU Rally. Clay thanked Jim for the boxes for games for the rodeo. MRF report by Jiggs. He is going to Best of the West and asked RU chapter to donate an item for the silent auction. Members agreed to send a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and a bandana with logo for the silent auction. Karline motioned send items. Mike seconded. Motion passed. Products manager Phil will have the products at the RU Rally. Phil and Clay plan on taking pictures of products so they can be displayed on website. Phil plans on having a fire sale to sell out old merchandise so we can purchase new items. Road Hazard report is unavailable. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS President John thanked BA and Mary for chairing the bike raffle. The 2013 raffle is done. Bike Raffle Report--BA announced first place ticket seller is Mary. Second top seller is Stephanie. The third top seller is Hillary. He thanked BH Harley Davidson for their support in selling raffle tickets. Harley Davidson will release the 2014 models in Sept. after the Sturgis Rally. He wants the members to select a new raffle bike in Oct.RU Rally information was shared. People are needed to work the gate and more security help is needed. A donation will be given to Soldiers for Jesus for working. Jiggs is concerned about the liability release form. He would like to have an attorney look it over and make necessary changes for next year. Board agreed and approved Jiggs to check into this matter. After the kegs are empty, Glenco will open their bars and charge $1.50 for domestic beer and $2.50 for imported beer. Advertisement committee report had information from Ginny. Letters will go out to affiliates explaining benefits to them, free ad, and cost for additional ads. An e-mail address is being added to speed up communications with affiliates. OLD BUSINESS Current and expiring affiliates were discussed. Joint Passports and State ABATE Passports are available. The affiliate appreciation cards have been completed and are available for RU members to use. Audit is being worked on by Lynette and Ginny for September membership meeting. Facebook account has updates and changes done. BHAB Wheel chair wash for first Golden Living facility is complete. Barbie to set up for other three. Secretary’s Report NEW BUSINESS More rider courses are coming up. Clay informed members of Ed Netterberg Weekend events. A kids and adult bike rodeo are planned. The food for the family picnic needs to be discussed at next meeting. Clay asked all to spread the word for Ed Netterberg Weekend. MEMBERS OF THE MONTH are Donna and Bob Johnson. Thank you for all your hard work. AFFILATES OF THE MONTH are BH Harley Davidson and Wild Idea Tattoo. Thank you for your support to RU ABATE. SHOULDA/COULDA of $120.00 would have went to Dayton Kline, but sorry you were not here to collect. July amount will be $140.00. Chance for a chance on the 2014 bike went to Beth. Congrats. 50/50 of $27.00 went to Jim L. Congratulations Jim. Jim donated $10.00 of it to the Coins for IMPAC fund. Thanks Jim. ANNOUNCEMENTS July 20th is Two Wheel Trauma being held in Sturgis for first responders. RU Rally next weekend. July 27th is the RU ABATE Poker Run. Sturgis Hall of Fame breakfast - Sunshine stated that State ABATE has table reserved. Tickets are $18.75, your cost. State ABATE picks up rest. June 22nd is the BHAB Ride for the Forgotten Poker Run. Meeting of Minds is Sept. 26-29 in Columbus, Ohio. Winner BBQ is Aug. 3rd from 4-8 pm. There being no further business or discussions, naturally, Jiggs motioned to adjourn and all were in favor. Next meeting is July 14th. Thanks to Mary Anderson for taking meeting notes for me. Be aware of your surroundings. Ride Safe. God bless all!!!! Barbie :o) Vice President’s Report TWO WHEEL TRAUMA CLASSES SATURDAY, JULY 20, 8AM TO 5 PM, STURGIS COMMUNITY CENTER The Two Wheel Trauma Class is designed for emergency medical services (ambulance & fire), nursing and law enforcement personnel. The goals of the two wheel trauma class is to enhance the survival rate for the injured rider(s) of bicycles, motorcycles, ATV's, mopeds, snowmobiles and other vehicles of similar design and to reduce the potential for rescuer injury due to inappropriate actions at the accident scene. Also to provide a positive and enjoyable learning experience for all program participants. NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Rapid City, SD Your Neighborhood Irish Pub Spirits, Food & Entertainment 721-8636 Join us on Facebook Located in Valley Square,3064 Covington St, Suite 206 716-4332 Rapid City, SD The Touch Massage Therapy 809 South St, #112 Rapid City, SD 605-716-1020 TREASURER’S REPORT Whitewood, SD I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather and the riding season. The Rushmore Abate Rally has come and gone again with a total of 301 in attendance. I heard great things about the Rally this year. We will be looking for members in the upcoming months to start planning for next year’s event. All members are welcome to be part of the planning committee and we are always open to new ideas. Our biggest expense in June was the campground rental and beverages for the Rally. There are a lot of rides this summer so make sure to use our website for information at rushmoreabate.com. SIDEHACK SALOON Lazelle Street, Sturgis SD 347-2828 Open 6am daily for breakfast Keep the shiny side up! Kim Logsdon Treasurer IT’S NOT WHAT YOU RIDE, IT’S THAT YOU RIDE! 2525 West Main St., Rapid City 342-8876 703 N. Main St. Spearfish, SD COME SEE US DURING THE RALLY! BLACK HILLS CHAPTER OF ABATE Presents its annual SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2013 Registration at the Side Hack Saloon in Sturgis State Rep.’s Report NO REPORT AT TIME OF PUBLICATION— NEXT STATE MEETING IS JULY 19 LRC Report Web Master Report Yeah, no one says it better than the MRF . . . NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION The S.O.B. St. Onge Bar ST ONGE, SD 642-0183 The BLUE LANTERN E. St Patrick St. Rapid City SD Motorcycle Only Checkpoint H.R. 1861 – Needs your SUPPORT now !!! Congressman James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) introduced a bill to prohibit the federal funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints. Sensenbrenner has always been an MRF Champion and he needs your support now on this bill. As we approach July 4th, our Nations Independence Day this is a perfect opportunity for you to use the system that our founding fathers set in place to make a change for the better. The bill, H.R. 1861, has nine original cosponsors however, we need many more to pass this landmark legislation. Call your congressman and ask them to support H.R. 1861. Sensenbrenner had this to say in a 'Dear Colleague letter' that is circulating in the House of Representatives; 'In the 112th Congress, I introduced H.R. 904, a bill to prohibit the Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints. Section one of the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act contains the same language as H.R. 904. However, this bill also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates.' It's important to contact your sitting member of the House of Representatives and ask them to be a co-sponsor of this important legislation. Ask them to contact Congressman James Sensenbrenner and lend their support as co-sponsor of H.R. 1861. You can contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 You can contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, Oasis LOUNGE 717 MAIN ST. RAPID CITY, SD 342-9809 $2 Pints Everyday noon to 6pm Guiness, Harp, Boulevard, Blue Moon, Bud, Bud Light, and Fat Tire . . . Rich Morris & Margaret Jefferson, owners WHITEWOOD, SD 269-9203 2699203 J BAR at the Flying J Truck Plaza Exit 61 Rapid City SD 342-5450 Reprinted from MRF Email news of July 1 Newsletter Editor Sorry that this is a little later than I had planned. My Dad’s situation took me away from it for awhile This month’s newsletter is always done a little later because it’s for two months but not usually this late. Thanks to all our affiliates who decided to advertise in our rally edition of the newsletter, your support is appreciated. Ginny Membership Secretary’s Report We currently have 58 affiliates and 368 members. Gave $330.00 to Kim, for new and renewing members and affiliates. Memberships: We have 4 new members and 76 new members at the Rally: Kelly & Rick Adams, Misty Arndt, Tim Bergman, Larry Blackwell, Charles Bowman, Kathy Bowser, William Brennan, David Cartwright, Kylene Castillo, Jess Castle, Caryn Clinton, Robert & Sheila Coyle, Dan Determan, Irene Fliegel, Twlyla Fritz, Mike Grabinski, Brooke Haas, Dan & Lynette Hankerson, Dave Hodgson, Ron Hopkins, Rhett Howard, Joseph Huddleston, Randy Hughes, Dave Iverson, David Jennings, James Johnson, Bree Johnson, Kirby Johnson, Sandy Jost, Lynnelle Kline, Jen Kniss, Tosha Larson, Scott Lemon, Sandee Mack, Nathan Mahle, Andee Millard, Brandy Miller, Wesley Miller, Brenda & Mike Moore, Jeff Moser, Joseph Mueller, Diane & Mike Neu, Carol Orelup, Elizabeth & Glen Passmore, John Petersen, Carol Phares, Jeff Pierce, Jim Piercy, Vickie Reich, Tyler Reif, Sarah Reminton, Kathy Rice, Nicholette Roskam, Rod Russfell, Jeremy Ruyle, Mark Salmen, Brenda Sanders, Floyd Savageau, Hilary Schwab, Steve Sigdestad, Curt Smith, Jerald Smith, Karlton Smith, Anthony Stevenson, Deb Sutton, Michael Tarnowski, Rob Tompkims, Dee Dee Tucker & James Tucker, Shean Usher, Barb Walker, James & Rita White, and Nantinki Young. 10 members renewed and 166 members renewed at the Rally. Memberships expired in June: Carrie Alberts, Brent Allen, Melissa Ammons, Annette Angerame, Danny Arguello, Greg Barth, Jon Bergmark, Rick Borden, Jason Brand, Steve Brandsted, David Brown, Robert Brown, Jesse Bruce, Aaron Bute, Matt Cahl, Michelle & Rusty Canaday, Michael Chamberlain, Bob & Becky Chihak, Dale Claymore, Emily Collins, Jackie Cotton, Katherine & Butch Craig, David Crawford, Jasmine Dahl, Cheryl Daigle, Frank Davis, Michelle Draine, Elam Everinger, Crystal Fammons, Darrell Fiedly, Steven Fraser, Chris Gabbard, George Geary, Lacey Geary, Krystal Gehring, James Graff, Jason Grant, Russ Haley, Connie Hall, Keith Hantala, Willie Harris, Renee & Todd Hatcher, Rich Heintzelman, Kent Hejt, Tere Herman, Dawn Herron, Terry Hislop, Wayne Ivey, Melody Jacobsen, Becky Jensen, Amanda John, Bethany Jones, Becky & Kevin Kempe, Maggie Kennedy, Steven Kinstle, Scott Klabunde, Dennis Klostveich, Rick Kokesch, Beau Lambert, Laurie LeBeau, Kenneth Lenthers, Darrell Luvaas, Mary Maltaverne, Connie Mason, Stacey Moorhead, Dan Morris, Lynn Moyers, Bryan Murphy, Rick Myers, Lori Olson, Jodi & John Paulson, Vaughnelle Peniska, John Peterson, Joshua Peterson, Shayne Pfeifle, Bob Phillips, Anthony Powell, Karen Powers, Lenny Raben, Chad Reber, Robert Red Bear, Carlin Redfish, Angie Richmond, Rick Russell, Barb Salyers, Brandie Schaeffer, Joe Schmid, Timothy Sherman, Tracy Simet, Harry Simpson, Nancy Smith, Fran Spiagi, Todd Srstka, Carrie Stalcup, Kurt Steder, Janna Streleck, Brietta Stulken, Susie Tarrant, Dan Tribby, Rick Tudtud, Robert Valdez, Pamela & Todd Vaughn, Nancy & Mario Volmer, Sandra & Bruce Walby, Robin Wald, Bonnie Wells, Dave Wessel, Ron West, Summer & Justin Wilcox, Sarah Wolfe, Patrick Wyse. Memberships expiring in July: none Memberships expiring in August: Michael Duckworth, Steve Elfstrand, Sherri Ivey, John Kelley, James Knight, Tim Meek, Mike Rafford, Jessica Weaver. Affiliates: 2 renewed this month, and 1 new affiliates: Quaker Steak & Lube. Affiliate memberships expired in June: Oasis Lounge Affiliate memberships expiring in July: None Business City State Phone A & E Plumbing, Inc. Addictive Ink Tattoo Back Porch Bar & B & B Bad Cat Tattoo BH Harley Davidson Black Hills Power Sports Blue Bar, The Blue Lantern Lounge Black Hawk Rapid City Spearfish Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Piedmont Rapid City Belle Fourche Rapid City Whitewood SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD 6053913323 6057914465 6056422134 6053429362 6053425500 6057915761 6054846044 Sundays: Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink SD SD 6056419576 6053945583 Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink SD 6052699203 Everyday, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Branding Iron Steakhouse Buck - N - Gator Bar Bullwhackers Saloon Discounts Everyday, 10% off on tattoos SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES LIKE THEY SUPPORT US! Business City State Phone Burnout Biker Wear Scottsbluff NE 3086411236 Discounts Caputa General Store Classy Cuts Clock Tower Lounge Caputa Rapid City Rapid City SD SD SD 6053932660 6053414761 6053428876 Everyday, Buy 1 beer and get 2nd beer 1/2 off Country Corner Dakota Battery & Electric Dakota Travel DakTech Inc. Dave Davis Agency Eagle Sales Caputa Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City SD SD SD SD SD SD 6053938094 6053488631 6053410744 6057216865 6053435956 6053432490 Everyday, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Eagles Lodge # 3555 Glencoe Camp Resort J Bar at the Flying J JJ's Engraving Joe’s Place Rapid City Sturgis Rapid City Rapid City Rapid City SD SD SD SD SD 6053432321 6053474712 6053425450 6053883943 6053947716 Saturdays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Kelly's Sport Lounge Knuckle Saloon Rapid City Sturgis SD SD 6053481213 6053470106 Saturdays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Sundays, .50 off beer Loud American Roadhouse Sturgis SD 6057201500 Everyday, $2 Off Appetizers McKee's Pub & Grill One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning Perdue Woodwork Pro Marine & Auto Quaker Steak & Lube Black Hawk SD 6057875673 Sundays: Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Black Hawk Rapid City Black Hawk Rapid City SD SD SD SD 6053410124 Reno's Casino Rice Honda Suzuki Rapid City Rapid City SD SD 6057875025 6053422242 Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Everyday, $10.00 off a tire change Rimrock Happy Tavern Rapid City SD 6053489733 Sundays, show ABATE card & get 1 free drink Road Hog Saloon Rosco's Rapid City Rapid City SD SD 6053429456 6053483946 Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Everyday, 10% off parts and labor Sally O'Malley's Pub & Casino Sew Cool Upholstery Rapid City Piedmont SD SD 6057218636 6054998652 Shot Gun Willies Side Hack Saloon Slash J. Saloon Spizzirri Press St. Onge Bar SD SD SD SD SD 6053417252 6053472828 6057876940 6053482749 6056420183 Steve's Super Store Stoneville Saloon Ted's Junkyard Art Rapid City Sturgis Piedmont Rapid City St. Onge New Underwood Alzada Black Hawk SD MT SD 6057546778 4068284404 6057868633 Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink The Garage Sports Bar Black Hawk SD 6053814274 Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink The Gas Light The Real Estate Group: Stephanie Dannen The Waiting Room Time Out Lounge Rockerville SD 6053439276 Sundays, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Rapid City Blackhawk Rapid City SD SD SD 6055451210 6057189639 6053420503 Sundays, Happy hour prices all day Touch Massage Therapy, The Tri-State Tire Rapid City Rapid City SD SD 6057161020 6057166600 Valley Sports Bar Wild Idea Tattoo Rapid City Rapid City SD SD 6053432528 6057164332 6057875224 Everyday, No cover charge for ABATE members Everyday, .25 off bottled beer Everyday, Buy 1st drink and get 1 free drink Chaplain’s Corner It is no surprise that not everything that comes our way is what we think we want. In fact, in life we deal with many "problems" (opportunities is a more positive term). The difference between a "problem" and an "opportunity" is often in how we look at the issue which is before us. God has not promised that everything will be easy even after you turn your life over to Him. As Christians, we have been told that we will be tested, tried and challenged. We are to put off the "old man "and put on the new; be as clay in the potter's hands. None of us enjoy the molding process but it is necessary to become Christ like. Maybe this is to develop character in us! Romans 8:28 "And we know all things work together for good to them that love God..." Know for sure that God will meet our needs as He has through the ages! We just have to trust (faith) in Him and turn to Him in belief and prayer. The lives of each of us may be altered by the Lord in a wonderful way, if you will only entrust Him with your life. 1 John 5:14-15 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we asked of Him." Romans 12:10 "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love... rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer." Let us NEVER stop praying for one another! AMEN! In His service Sunshine and Auggie ROCKERVILLE, SD 343-9276 BIKE RAFFLE REPORT General consensus amongst the general membership dictates that we will raffle off another bike for our fund raiser next year. That being said we already sold a chance on a chance ticket at the June general membership meeting with Beth being the winner. She will get the opportunity to fill the first ticket for next year’s raffle. Lynette continued on selling the chance on a chance tickets during the membership rally and sold enough tickets to have 2 more winners who will get the next tickets. We will continue to do chance on a chance here and there and maybe we can give the bike away to somebody we see on a regular basis next year. Congratulations go to Chuck Hibbard the 2013 bike winner, and to Craig Waddington for selling the winning ticket. Craig has always been in the top 5 in ticket sales and we appreciate that. Thank you again to all the members for helping out on the raffle this year, it was quite an accomplishment to be able to have all the tickets sold by May 12th and Mary and I would like to keep the push going for the 2014 raffle which will be decided when the manufactures come out with the new models. We sure would like to get a good start again in the fall so everyone can rest easy and enjoy the summer which has finally hit. In a little over a month we should be able to view the new models of bikes and narrow down some choices of models to choose from to raffle off. It will be hard to top last year’s selection and I feel our selection was one of the primary reasons why ticket sales went so well. On a personal note I want to thank all the members for the cards, thoughts, and prayers honoring my father’s long productive life. He will be missed by all. B.A. and Mary HAPP HOUR— 4 PM TO 6 PM LIVE MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT DATE TIME ARTIST JULY 13 8 PM REBEL JULY 20 8 PM SEQUOIA CROSSWHITE JULY 27 8 PM DEREK DEJONG AUGUST 2 8 PM REBEL AUGUST 7 8 PM REBEL AUGUST 10 8 PM THIRSTY FISH STURGIS RD, RAPID CITY SD United States Senate confirmed Anthony Foxx as the new Secretary of Transportation The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that the United States Senate confirmed Anthony Foxx as the new Secretary of Transportation. Foxx replaces the out going Secretary, Ray LaHood. Foxx, is a relative newcomer to politics. For the past four years he was the Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina and prior to that he served on the Charlotte city council. Foxx has stated his priorities for his new position would be safety, increasing transportation efficiency and boosting infrastructure development. The MRF looks forward to working Secretary Foxx in his new position. CAN I CARRY A FIREARM WHILE RIDING MY BIKE? Here’s the answer: 32-20-6.6. Carrying firearm on motorcycle or off-road vehicle--Exception for holder of concealed pistol permit or disabled hunter permit--Enforcement-Violation as misdemeanor. No person, other than a law enforcement officer or conservation officer, or any person on the person's own land or land leased by the person, may operate or ride on any motorcycle or off-road vehicle with any firearm in the person's possession unless the firearm is completely unloaded and within a carrying case which encloses the entire firearm. However, this section does not apply to any person who is carrying a pistol and possesses a permit to carry a concealed pistol issued pursuant to chapter 23-7. This section does not apply to any person who holds a permit issued pursuant to § 41-8-37 while engaged in hunting from an off-road vehicle in accordance with the provisions of the permit. This section shall be enforced by all law enforcement officers including conservation officers. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. 2013 RUSHMORE ABATE LIST OF AWARDS THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND SUPPORT OF THE RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE! MEMBERS OF THE MONTH JANUARY Stephanie Dannen February Gin Huwe March April May Slider Gilmore Jeremy & Hilary Klabunde Donna Johnson Jiggs Cressy Bob Anderson AFFILIATE OF THE MONTH January February Slash J Saloon BH Powersports J Bar Rice Honda March Buck’n Gator April Eagles Lodge Certificates of Appreciation: February – Counts of the Cobblestones May – BH Harley-Davidson May Wild Idea Tattoo ROAD CAPTAIN’S REPORT SEE POKER RUN FLYER IN THIS NEWSLETTER DAKTECH 1141 Rand Rd. Rapid City SD 721-6865 Ted’s Junkyard Art 1801 Black Hawk Rd Black Hawk, SD Come join us around The Blue Bar @ the Piedmont Casino 15767 Sturgis Rd, Exit 46 in Piedmont (605)791-5761 Sundays: Buy 1st drink, get 1 free. 343-2490 V.I.P. supporter of A.B.A.T.E.! RUSHMORE ABATE PO BOX 1223 RAPID CITY SD 57709
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