Harpochilus neesianus and other novel cases of chiropterophily in
Harpochilus neesianus and other novel cases of chiropterophily in
53 (1) February 2004: 55–60 Vogel & al. Novel cases of chiropterophily in Acanthaceae P O L L I N AT I O N E C O LO G Y Harpochilus neesianus and other novel cases of chiropterophily in neotropical Acanthaceae Stefan Vogel1 , Isabel Cristina Machado2 & Ariadna Valentina Lopes2 1 Institut für Botanik der Universität Wien, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna, Austria. stefan.vogel@univie.ac.at (author for correspondence) 2 Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50.372-970 Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. imachado@ ufpe.br; alopes@ufpe.br Floral adaptation to pollination by bats is rare in Acanthaceae and only known from neotropical species. Two novel cases are described in detail from field observations. Harpochilus neesianus, a shrub endemic in NE Brazil, with long emergent thyrses, was seen being regularly visited by hovering glossophagine bats (Glossophaga soricina). Its large, pale lemon-green corollas are strongly bilabiate, a shape uncomm on in the syndrome. The lower lip segments are recurved and the upper lip is reduced to a narrow, arcuate, tubular organ serving to support stamens and style. A sour, cabbage-like odour is released, and copious nectar is secreted by a voluminous disk. Pollen is transferred by the bat’s upper, rear surface. Anthesis is confined to a single night. Chiropterophily in Ruellia eurycodon is deduced from the floral syndrome. The flowers of this shrub, studied in Goyás, Central Brazil, share the same features as Harpochilus except for the corolla shape, which conforms to the “short bell type” frequent in neotropical bat flowers. Based on literature sources, bat pollination is also predicted for Ruellia malaca and R. exostemma from Venezuela. The occurrence of this floral type in other genera of the family is briefly surveyed. KEYWORDS: Acanthaceae, bat pollination, chiropterophily, Glossophaga, Harpochilus, Ruellia INTRODUCTION In Acanthaceae, adaptation to pollination by chiropterans is only known from a small number of neotropical species. Most of them share the characteristic syndrome of floral features (cf. Van der Pijl, 1936; Vogel, 1958, 1968, 1969a, b; Faegri & Van der Pijl, 1979; Dobat & Peikert-Holle, 1985) and were thus classified on this basis as being adapted to bat pollination. They still deserve a direct observation and documentation of regular bat visits, a task that seldom succeeds without adequate logistics, equipment and patience. As far as we know, in the Acanthaceae this confirmation has apparently been accomplished only in Trichanthera gigantea (Steiner, 1981; George, 1987). In the present paper, we provide a new direct record for Harpochilus neesianus and predict chiropterophily in Ruellia eurycodon. Two further species of Ruellia are included based on indirect evidence from the literature, and a brief overview of this pollination mode in the family is presented. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study sites and species. — Harpochilus neesianus was investigated in the valley of Catimbau (8º 67’ S, 37º 01’ W), a Brazilian National Park located in the municipality of Buique, in the countryside of Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil, 285 km from the coast. The vegetation of this valley is of an unusual Caatinga type, with many plant species not found in other Caatinga areas (including H. neesianus), some of them normally found in open vegetation such as “Campos rupestres” (Rodal & al., 1998). The altitude of the area varies from 800 to 1000 m, and the mean annual precipitation is 1095.9 mm, with a rainy period between January and June, raining mostly from April to June; the mean temperature is 25ºC (Sudene, 1990). Vouchers are deposited in the herbaria UFP, Nº. 15601, and WU (Vo 1996-57). Ruellia eurycodon was found and studied on a single occasion by S.V. in the Sanctuario Vagafogo on the foothills of the Serra dos Pireneus near Pirenopolis (780 m) , 15º51’ S, 48º57’ W, State of Goyás, Brazil, in August 1998; vouchers in WU (Vo 1998-29). Floral and pollination ecology of Harpochilus neesianus. — On a first joint trip in October 1996, when we predicted chiropterophily, our attempt to document bat visits was unsuccessful. Three years later, C.M. and A.L. made field observations on the floral and 55 Vogel & al. Novel cases of chiropterophily in Acanthaceae 53 (1) February 2004: 55–60 pollination ecology and were able to provide photographs of the bat visits. Diurnal and nocturnal observations totalling ca. 100 h were carried out on flower visitors/pollinators. Flowers were observed with respect to the timing and sequence of anthesis, odour emission and flower orientation (with a compass). Nectar volume and sugar concentration were checked on the day following anthesis at 13:30 in previously bagged flowers, by using microsyringes (Microliter ® 5, 10 and 25 µl) and a handheld temperature compensated refractometer (Atago® 0–50%), respectively. S.V. examined structural details including SEM of the pollen at the Institute of Botany of the University of Vienna. Phenology and natural fruit set of Harpochilus neesianus. — In order to determine the flowering period, 20 patches of Harpochilus neesianus individuals were observed monthly for bud and flower production between1999 and 2000. Natural fructification was also monitored by marking seven inflorescences (with 22 to 42 flowers; x = 27, total of flowers = 189) and observing fruit set. reduced narrow “quiver” with connivent, finely undulate margins. The lip envelopes and supports the style and the two stamens for most of their lengths (Fig. 1A, B, 2A). The flowers are possibly slightly protandrous. Both stamens and style surpass the lip, setting forth its curvature; the 12 cm long style, with a punctiform stigma, finally overtops the versatile, 6 mm large anthers for 5–6 mm. However, some flowers of the same inflorescence and stage of anthesis had styles equalling the stamens in length until they abscised. An extensive globular disk surrounds the ovary, exceeding the latter by far in volume (Fig. 2B). Mostly 1 (–3) flower(s) per inflorescence are in anthesis at a time, distributed along the thyrse. Irrespective of their insertion, they tend to face northeast (Fig. 1A, B). Anthesis. — The flowers are nocturnal and last only a single night. The strongly incurved bud starts to unfold at (13:00) 15:00–15:30; at that time, anthers are still closed. Around 18:00, anthers split and a rather unpleasant, sour, cabbage-like odour starts to be produced; at the same time, the basal tube becomes filled with nectar. Nectar volume and sugar concentration averaged 60.33 µl and 27.25% (varying between 46–72 µl, and 26–29%, N = 6), respectively. The sugar concentration, being higher than typical in the syndrome, may have been raised by evaporation, since they were taken at 13:30 from previously bagged flowers. Corolla and stamens are shed during the same day, while the withered style persists for several days. Fruit production. — The natural fruit set was 12.17%. The fruits are four-seeded capsules. This low fecundity suggests the occurrence of allogamy and selfincompatibility. Pollination by bats. — Harpochilus was observed being visited and pollinated by glossophagine bats (Glossophaga soricina) on several occasions during four stays at the same locality in October and November 1999. Visits were observed in full moon and moon-less nights, but in higher frequencies in moon-less nights. They started at ca. 19:00 and the intervals between each visit to a plant (when bats visited 1–2 flowers) varied from ca. 24 to 40 min, at moon-less nights and full-moon nights, respectively. All our observations ended at ca. 02:00. The bats extracted nectar during less than one second while on the wing. After one first visit to a previously untouched flower, only 6 µl of nectar was left (from a mean total of 60.33 µl). During the bat’s hovering approach, the fertile organs hit nototribically the rear of its back, as is shown in the photograph (Fig. 1C), or may even touch the membrane (uropatagium) extended between the hind legs. Thus, eventual cross pollen is deposited on the stigma first, and the flower’s own pollen taken up immediately thereafter. The process was also OBSERVATIONS ON HARPOCHILUS NEESIANUS MART. Habit, inflorescence and flowering phenology. — A full description and illustration of the plant was given by Nees (1847). It is a robust shrub up to 3 m high, with soft, ovate leaves. Endemic in the States of Pernambuco and Bahia, it grows scattered in large, but locally restricted stands in the Caatinga formation (Sales et al., 1998). Blooming occurs throughout the year, but only sparsely from May to July. Plants flower intermittently and at individually variable periods. Its leafy flowering shoots, produced by plants at least 50 cm high, terminate in a 17–38 cm long spiciform thyrse. Axillary thyrses may also be formed. Each of the leafy, petiolate bracts (19–22 mm long) subtends two each three-flowered, congested cymes in a serial position. Inflorescences are often slightly overarching and emerge well above the vegetative periphery, on average 1.70 (0.5–3) m above ground. The flower. — The calyx, on a short pedicel, has almost free, linear, subequal segments that stand off the corolla tube, but are incurved. The large, pale, greenishyellow, inconspicuous corolla stands out by its strongly bilabiate shape and narrow segments, uncommon in batpollinated plants. The tube is cylindrical, c. 14 ´ 3 mm, with the base somewhat inflated and forming a nectar chamber. The three abaxial segments of the limb are separate, revolute and irregularly curled. The arcuate, linear upper lip is 6–7 cm long and only 2 mm in diameter. It is composed of the two connate adaxial lobes, that form a 56 53 (1) February 2004: 55–60 Vogel & al. Novel cases of chiropterophily in Acanthaceae Fig. 1. A–C, Harpochilus neesianus. A, flower; B, flower visited by Glossophaga soricina; C, pollen grain, apertural and polar views; D–F, Ruellia eurycodon. D, E, flower in side and frontal view; F, synflorescence. Bar: 20 µm. 57 Vogel & al. Novel cases of chiropterophily in Acanthaceae 53 (1) February 2004: 55–60 simulated by posing a captured bat in front of the flower, with the snout advanced to the tube’s entrance. Size relations, type of colour and scent, and dimensions of the nectariferous gland clearly indicate the presence of the chiropterophilous syndrome. Throughout the observation period for visitors, only one sphingid moth visited a single flower; thus the contribution of sphingids to pollen transfer seems not to be relevant in this species. Carpenter bees, Xylocopa grisescens, exploited the nectar between 16:30 and 18:00 (at nightfall) by burglaring. To this end, they alighted in an oblique position and pierced ripe buds or open flowers basally from outside without touching the reproductive organs. Porsch (1929), relying on the plate of Nees (1847), had interpreted our plant as ornithophilous. We observed hummingbirds only foraging illegitimately in the early mornings (up to ca. 08:00) and at dusk by introducing their beaks laterally into the corolla throat, and never contacting stigma and anthers. Species observed were Chlorostilbon aureoventris, Amazilia versicolor (pers. observ.) and (?) Chrysolampis mosquitus (Santos, pers. comm.). morphological concept of the whole system is complicated and needs to be analyzed. Each branch produces up to 10 buds/flowers from scaly, caducous bracts; 1–3 flowers are open at a time. The flowers are 3.5 cm long; the calyx, immediately preceded by two scaly prophylls, is deeply split into five subequal segments. The calyx and the tubular, proximal part of the cream corolla are 3 mm wide and orthotropic, while the limb with its 18 mm long distal free lobes curves forward and widens to an indistinctly bilabiate bell that is gaping (25 mm wide) at the mouth (Fig. 1D, E). The curvature develops during only one day before anthesis. When open, the flowers face the periphery of the bunch. The four stamens (6 mm) and the style lean against the upper wall of the corolla with the large anthers barely extending beyond the limb. Anthers are arranged side by side, forming a nototribic complex. The style extends 4 mm beyond the upper lip; the stigma is split into two minute, inequal lobes, the larger one tilting downward. A very large nectariferous disk forms a sort of pedestal below the ovary (Fig. 2C). When the plants were encountered at 17:00, no flower was open. The fast unfolding of mature flowers occurred between 17:30 and 18:00. As circumstances did not allow night observations at the site, flowering shoots were cut and carried indoors in a vial, where they kept fresh. A strong gourd- or cucumber-like odour was produced at night, and nectar rose up in the tube. The corollas dropped the following day around 10:00, while buds begun to enlarge to open the next night. Habitual adaptation to bats is indicated by: anthesis confined to a single night, a typical odour and colour hue, the short, campanulate limb, a large disk and copious nectar, big anthers, and a pronounced exposition of the flowering bunch. The flower conforms to the “short bell type”, dominant among neotropical bat flowers (Vogel, 1969b). Nectar data and species of visiting bats remain to be established. Ruellia eurycodon represents a novel case of this floral style in the Afro-American genus which is remarkable for its broad spectrum of adaptive radiation into bee, moth, butterfly, bird and bat flowers (Ezcurra, 1993). The occurrence of the bat syndrome is already known from Mexican species. Chavez (1974) mentioned R. bourgaei as a candidate, without citing the source. According to Ramamoorthy (1988, 1991), an apparently natural group of taxa comprising R. bourgaei, R. conzattii, R. jaliscana, R. palmeri, R. petiolaris, R. pulcherrima and R. sarukhaniana have the bat syndrome in common. The author proposes to separate this assembly as a new section Chiropterophila. Previously, Lindau (1897b) aligned those known to him in section Dipteracanthus. All of these species are perennial herbs or shrubs 1–3 m tall (except arborescent R. jaliscana that may grow 10 ADDITIONAL REMARKS Harpochilus, a generally little-known genus with three similar species in NE Brazil, was initially placed in the tribe Odontonemeae (Lindau, 1897a, b). Molecular sequence data now induced McDade & al. (2000) to assign the taxon to their “New World Justicioids”, taking a basal position in this monophyletic clade, also including American Justicia and the genera Megascepasma and Poikilacanthus. The ornamentation of the tricolpate, reticulate pollen of Harpochilus (Fig. 3) resembles that of Justicia species, but also of Himantochilus, an ornithophilous African justicioid genus (S.V., pers. observ.), which possesses a similarly curled lower corolla lip. The bizarre blossom of Harpochilus, whose shape is uncommon for bat-pollinated plants, may have evolved from ornithophilous ancestors bearing strongly bilabiate corollas with a mechanically nonfunctional lower lip, such as found in species of Justicia and Jacobinia. Ruellia eurycodon Lindau and other cases of chiropterophily in Ruellia. — A poorly branched shrub up to 2.5 m high, Ruellia eurycodon inhabits forest edges and clearings of the Cerradão formation. The large terminal paniculate synflorescence is composed of 3–5 upright, elongate floriferous branches with 12–15 cm long peduncles in the axils of the 2–3 uppermost foliage leaf pairs (Fig. 1F). Because accessory serial enrichment flowering branches also occur, the 58 53 (1) February 2004: 55–60 Vogel & al. Novel cases of chiropterophily in Acanthaceae Fig. 2. A–B, Harpochilus neesianus. A, cross-section of upper lip; B, basal portion of the flower in longisection, showing the large disk; C, Ruellia eurycodon, as in B. st = style, s = stamen, r = rugula, d = disk, c = calyx, co = corolla. m tall), whose projecting inflorescences bear large, pale lemon or greenish-white, obliquely bell-shaped (in R. bourgaei ventrally deeply saccate) corollas. The disk is huge and fleshy. The nototribic pollination organs are included in the throat, except for R. bourgaei and R. palmeri, which have them long exserted. Most species of the section Chiropterophila exhibit vicariant distributions and probably evolved in Mexico from a putative ancestor by geographical fragmentation (Ramamoorthy, 1991). No South and Central American Ruellias were known to display the bat syndrome. However, a new member occurring in this realm (native to Goiás and Mato Grosso) has come to our attention since Ezcurra & Zappi (1996) merged the monotypic Eurychanes verbasciformis into Ruellia section Dipteracanthus. The status of its flowers had long been evident to us from the table and description by Nees (1847). After rediscovery of this rare cerrado plant by Ratter in 1994 (cit. by Ezcurra & Zappi, 1996), this assignment was substantiated by field observations. Following Ratter, the corollas are “…large, pale lemon-green and relatively wide…, anthesis occurs at night”. They display a “…strong fermented scent (resembling Cobaea scandens)”. The illustration of Nees (1847) shows a huge, terminal, bracteose raceme with more than one flower in anthesis. The long-exserted stamens and the style are overarching and nototribic. Here we add two more species of Ruellia, from Venezuela, to which adaptation to bats can be assigned with confidence. The first author concluded this from colour photographs shown, among other plant portraits, in a poster by Llamozas (2002) in connection with a floristic survey of the family in that country. Both species share a curved corolla tube and extremely long, exserted, nototribic pollination organs. The flower of R. malaca is pale lemon, bell-shaped with short free segments. According to Leonard’s diagnosis (1961), the plant is a subshrub up to 2 m high and has long-pedunculate, condensed panicles. Leonard regards the taxon, “… although not closely related”, as recalling R. bourgaei, one of the Mexican chiropterophiles. After Lindau (1897a), R. exostemma is also arbustive, with axillary, solitary flowers. These are greenish-white; their oblique, well-developed limb gapes 25 mm at the mouth. Potentially closer relationships between these species and R. eurycodon, as well as between both South American groups and section Chiropterophila have yet to be clarified. We agree with Ezcurra & Zappi (1996) by assuming that chiropterophily has originated independently in different lineages of the genus. Occurrence of chiropterophily in the Acanthaceae. — As mentioned above, chiropterophily in this family is restricted to the neotropical realm (cf. Dobat & Peikert-Holle, 1985). Within the subfamily Acanthoideae it occurs—besides in Ruellieae and Justicieae—in the tribes Trichanthereae and Louteridieae, and possibly in the subfam. Mendoncieae (Mendoncia). Trichanthera gigantea, from Central and northern South America, has been described as presumably bat-pollinated by Vogel (1969a); this was confirmed by Steiner (1981) from observations in Panama. George (1987) presents a photograph, taken by M. D. Tuttle, of a glossophagine bat pollinating the flower. The monotypic Trichanthera presents inflorescences emerging from the crown of the huge tree, with dark-red, tubular corollas and exserted, nototribic style and anthers. Following McDade (1983), anthesis lasts less than one day, starting at early to mid-afternoon, with the corollas falling from 59 Vogel & al. Novel cases of chiropterophily in Acanthaceae the plants overnight. Vogel (1969a) also predicted Louteridium donnell-smithii to be chiropterophilous based on the syndrome, a condition which possibly holds true for the whole genus, which occurs in Mexico and Guatemala with ca. 11 spp.; Louteridium has longpedunculate, much elongated, thyrses bearing large palegreenish, broadly saccate corollas with protruding, nototribic fertile organs. Floral adaptation to bats in two Panamanian species of Mendoncia was surmised by Croat (1978), but without further comments. The relative rareness of this pollination mode (and of moth pollination) in Acanthaceae compared to Bignoniaceae and Gesneriaceae, for example, may reflect the poor capability of this family to produce floral scents. On the other hand, such a handicap has furthered the evolution of many bird-pollinated species. This makes it all the more remarkable that a few members have managed to achieve, and so perfectly, the floral transformation adequate for bat-pollination. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to Dr. Raymond Harley (Kew) and Dr. Cecilia Ezcurra (Bariloche) for their help in identification of Acanthaceae and their general expertise. We thank Dr. Heidemarie Halbritter (Vienna) who skillfully took the SEM-pictures. Mag. Susanne Pamperl and Susanne Gockner-Mayer (Vienna) helped solve computer problems. Mary Janice Santos lent us her pleasant company and helped during field work in the valley of Catimbau. C.M and A.L. want to acknowledge financial support by CAPES and the University of Pernambuco (Recife). S.V. received support from the Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur (Germany). 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