Harmonization in Building the Nation
Harmonization in Building the Nation
Directorate General of Taxes Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Tel.: (62-21) 525 0208, 525 1609, 526 2880 Fax.: (62-21) 525 1245 Call Center/Kring Pajak: (62-21) 500200 e-mail: pengaduan@pajak.go.id www.pajak.go.id Harmonization in Building the Nation Head Office Harmonization in Building the Nation 2012 Annual Report riganistana Photo by Af K. DGT Head Office, Jakarta Harmonization in Building the Nation 3 2012 Annual Report By carrying out the spirit of harmonization, DGT is ready to be the leading organization in developing the country. FOREWORD The focus on improving and enhancing the performance is not addressed only to the Head Office, but also to the smallest offices in remote areas. DGT always holds its corporate values and respects local wisdoms in providing and delivering tax services to all communities throughout the regions. Directorate General of Taxes DGT has a vital role as a major institution that supports the sustainability of the Republic of Indonesia. This role is manifested by promoting hard work, commitment, and cooperation of all elements in DGT to explore tax potency and to build public participation so that everyone considers tax as an important aspect in the life of the nation. Contents CONTENTs Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 4 01. 9 2012 Performance Performance Highlights 20 Awards 12 Financial Highlights 22 Remarks by the Director General of Taxes 16 2012 Calendar of Events 27 Board of Directors Profile 02. DGT at a Glance 37 Vision, Mission & Values 41 Organizational Structure 38 Milestones 46 Map of DGT Operational Offices 40 Tasks and Functions 03. Management Discussion and Analysis 51 2012 Strategic Map 114 Supporting Functions Review 52 Strategic Objectives Achievement 128 Financial Review 66 Operational Review 138 DGT’s Strategic Plan and 2013 Performance Target A Decade of Bureaucratic Reform 151 Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform 154 Internal Control System 164 Information Disclosure 170 Employee Health Insurance Improvement Program 171 Establishment of Tax Center 172 Other Social Activities 06. 07. Statistics Office Information 195 Organization and Procedures Legal Basis 196 Organizational Structure 204 Office Addresses CONTENTs 05. Social Responsibility Directorate General of Taxes 145 5 2012 Annual Report 04. Bureaucratic Reform 01. 2012 Performance 9 Performance Highlights 12 Financial Highlights 16 2012 Calendar of Events 20 Awards 22 Remarks by the Director General of Taxes 27 Board of Directors Profile 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 6 DGT’s performance achievement is a result of collective contribution of all community elements. We give highest dedication to stakeholders who have been participated and contributed in securing state revenues. 7 2012 Annual Report Directorate General of Taxes 2012 PERFORMANCE The Plate Dance of Minangkabau 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 8 Photo by Gathot Su broto West Sumatera Agam, Performance Highlights 9 2012 Annual Report Key Performance Indicators Achievement Description 2012 2011 2010 Stakeholder Perspective Percentage of tax revenues growth (excluding Oil and Gas Income Tax) 56.06% 85.13% 66.74% 2. Total tax revenues 94.44% 97.26% 94.92% 3. Public trust level index based on survey result 105.20% 117.14% 85.71% 4. Anti-Corruption Initiative Perception (PIAK) Index - 1) - 1) - 1) Customer Perspective 5. Taxpayers’ satisfaction index 100.00% 97.18% 101.43%2) 6. Percentage of total individual taxpayers against the number of households 100.87% 104.48% 100.68% 7. Percentage of Annual Income Tax Return Filing 85.91% 84.38% 101.15% . Setiawan Photo by M 2012 PERFORMANCE 1. Directorate General of Taxes No. 10 No. Description Achievement 2012 2011 2010 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Learning and Growth Perspective 8. Percentage of proposals completion for the drafting and refinement of the Government Regulation and the Minister of Finance Regulation 119.44% 110.00% 105.56% 9. Percentage of proposals completion for the drafting and refinement of the Director General of Taxes Regulation 73.68% 119.05% 138.71% 10. Percentage of the number of complaining taxpayers 150.40% 194.58% 196.00% 11. Average percentage of DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services completion 98.71% 95.29% 101.16% 12. Effectiveness level of education and communication 97.79% 87.57% 94.29% 13. Percentage of tax information dissemination and public relation implementation 127.39% 100.49% 128.73% 14. Percentage of actual Annual Income Tax Return amendment against issued notification letter 108.45% N/A N/A 15. Effectiveness level of tax audit 193.35% N/A N/A 16. Percentage of tax audit completion 128.79% 107.21% 177.00% 17. Percentage of tax arrears collection 100.10% 188.50% 139.35% 18. Timeliness index of the Presidential Instruction follow-up completion 102.85% N/A N/A 19. Percentage of investigation findings declared complete by the Attorney (P-21 Status) 120.00% 120.00% 164.17% . Setiawan Photo by M Photo b y Gatho t Subro to No. Description Achievement 2012 2011 2010 11 Learning and Growth Perspective 98.70% 102.85% 21. Percentage of employee’s training hours against working hours 284.91% 120.35% 100.61% 22. Percentage of the number of employee charged with severe or moderate disciplinary sanctions 38.93% 115.44% 136.63% 23. Percentage of completion on organizational development 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 24. Percentage of SOPs completion against SOPs that need to be formulated/ updated 168.13% 134.81% 145.38% 25. Bureaucratic reform index 101.99% N/A N/A 26. Employees’ satisfaction index 110.67% N/A N/A 27. Percentage of executed risk mitigation 134.29% N/A N/A 28. Percentage of followed-up policy recommendation from supervision 117.65% N/A N/A 29. Percentage of completion on information system module development in relation with DGT’s strategic plans 100.00% 100.00% N/A 30. Percentage of employee database system (SIKKA/SIMPEG) data accuracy 100.00% N/A N/A 31. Percentage of Budget (DIPA) spending (non-personnel expenditures) 95.29% 100.24% 90.89% Notes: 1) In 2012 and 2011, Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) did not conduct PIAK survey toward DGT. PIAK survey was conducted in 2010 and DGT achieved the score of 8.18. However in 2010 PIAK index was not included in the element of DGT’s KPI. 2) Achievement index of taxpayers’ satisfaction for the tax services in Small Taxpayer Office. N/A = Not Applicable due to the indicator has not been set in that year. 2012 PERFORMANCE 98.57% Directorate General of Taxes Percentage of officials who have met the job competency standards 2012 Annual Report 20. Financial Highlights Budget Realization Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2012, 2011, and 2010 2012 Annual Report 12 2012 Description Directorate General of Taxes 2010 Budget (Rp) Realization (Rp) % Realization (Rp) Realization (Rp) 885,031,926,607,755 835,852,750,133,595 94.44 742,728,412,151,356 627,471,327,499,405 885,026,616,511,000 835,827,927,658,775 94.44 742,719,856,032,954 627,463,423,329,213 5,310,096,755 24,822,474,820 467.46 8,556,118,402 7,904,170,192 4,997,443,575,000 5,222,442,377,430 104.50 5,395,460,592,226 4,317,787,813,317 Personnel Expenditures 1,552,002,135,608 1,487,948,550,530 95.87 1,353,986,657,961 1,226,814,761,318 Goods Expenditures 3,068,304,026,025 2,825,240,108,329 92.08 2,369,802,073,990 1,427,222,820,437 Capital Expenditures 377,137,413,367 293,618,971,320 77.85 424,271,988,888 342,263,019,585 0 615,634,747,251 0 1,247,399,871,387 1,321,487,211,977 State Revenues and Grants Tax Revenues Non-Tax Revenues State Expenditures 2012 PERFORMANCE 2011 Interest Payment Compensation Source: 2012 and 2011 DGT Audited Financial Report Net Tax Revenues, 2008—2012 2008 494.09 2009 494.49 2010 569.35 628.23 Excluding Oil & Gas Income Tax 2011 669.65 Including Oil & Gas Income Tax 571.11 544.53 742.74 Notes: 752.37 2012 • 835.83 Government Financial Report • 0 100 Tax revenues 2008—2011 data from the 200 300 400 500 600 trillion rupiah 700 800 900 Tax revenues 2012 data from the 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report 1.000 • Tax revenues 2008—2010 including Conveyance Tax Non-Oil & Gas Income Tax Revenues, 2008—2012 Oil & Gas Income Tax Revenues, 2008—2012 13 250.48 2008 77.02 2009 267.57 2009 50.04 2010 298.17 2010 58.87 2011 358.03 2011 73.10 2012 381.60 2012 83.46 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 10 20 trillion rupiah 2008 209.65 2009 30.73 2009 193.07 2010 36.61 2010 230.60 2011 29.89 2011 277.80 2012 28.97 2012 337.58 15 20 25 30 60 70 80 90 35 40 45 trillion rupiah 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 trillion rupiah Note: Land & Building Tax Revenues 2008—2010 including Conveyance Tax . Setiawan Photo by M 2012 PERFORMANCE 30.93 10 50 VAT & Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Revenues, 2008—2012 2008 5 40 trillion rupiah Land & Building Tax Revenues, 2008—2012 0 30 Directorate General of Taxes 0 2012 Annual Report 2008 Other Tax Revenues, 2008—2012 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 14 2008 3.03 2009 3.12 2010 3.97 2011 3.93 2012 4.21 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 trillion rupiah Expenditures, 2008—2012 1,004.90 947.30 2008 1,254.75 906.29 1,115.90 1,227.89 2009 648.46 1,056.81 Personnel Expenditures 1,226.81 Goods Expenditures 1,427.22 2010 342.26 Capital Expenditures 1,321.49 Interest Payment Compensation 1,353.99 2,369.80 2011 424.27 1,247.40 1,487.95 2,825.24 2012 293.62 615.63 0 500 1,000 1,500 billion rupiah 2,000 2,500 3,000 Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2012, 2011, and 2010 Description 2011 (Rp) 2010 (Rp) 68,531,190,713,580 Current Assets 27,996,176,909,629 40,807,094,593,009 54,190,429,895,423 Fixed Assets 14,907,494,400,412 14,633,826,140,072 14,052,827,554,870 14,676,255 8,290,354 89,375,000 401,890,746,674 347,427,892,569 287,903,888,287 768,091,968,246 711,389,147,234 360,660,587,252 768,091,968,246 711,389,147,234 360,660,587,252 42,537,484,764,724 55,076,967,768,770 68,170,530,126,328 Current Equity Fund 27,228,084,941,383 40,095,705,445,775 53,829,769,308,171 Investment Equity Fund 15,309,399,823,341 14,981,262,322,995 14,340,760,818,157 Long-Term Receivables Other Assets Liabilities Short-Term Liabilities Equity Fund Source: 2012 and 2011 DGT Audited Financial Report Photo by M. Setiawan 2012 PERFORMANCE 55,788,356,916,004 Directorate General of Taxes 43,305,576,732,970 15 2012 Annual Report Assets 2012 (Rp) 2012 Calendar of Events January 2012 PERFORMANCE 07-11 February 26-27 February Disseminating tax information and Tax Treaty renegotiation between DGT participated in Courtesy Visit to delivering Tax Identification Numbers Indonesia and Japan was held in National Tax Service Korea in Seoul, to the members of Presidential Tokyo, Japan. South Korea. 09 08 Security Forces (Paspampres) was held at the Paspampres Command Headquarters, Jakarta. Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 16 03 February The Signing of Performance Contract Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. (Kemenkeu-One) between the Martowardojo, and Chief of the Minister of Finance and the entire Indonesian National Police, General echelon I officials was held at the Police Timur Pradopo, signed a Ministry of Finance, Jakarta. Memorandum of Understanding 16-17 17 January March regarding the Cooperation in the February Initial meeting for Indonesia and South Korea Tax Treaty renegotiation was held in Bali. The Constitutional Court rejected Main Tasks of the Ministry of Finance and the Indonesian National Police. The signing of the memorandum of understanding was also held on the same day between DGT and Crime Investigation Division (Bareskrim), Intelligence and Security Division the request for judicial review by PT (Baintelkam), as well as Security West Irian Fishing Industries, PT Dwi Maintenance Division (Baharkam) of Bina Utama, PT Irian Marine Product Indonesian National Police. Development, and PT Alfa Kurnia in the case of petition for judicial concerning Land and Buliding Tax as 19 amended by Law Number 12 Year The 2011 Individual Annual Income review of Law Number 12 Year 1985 1994 towards the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD ‘45). 24 February Negotiation with South Korea 07-08 February The 1 2012 DGT National Executive st Meeting was held with the agenda of 2011 performance evaluation and 2012 tax revenues collection strategy. regarding Mutual Agreement Procedure was held in Seoul, South Korea. Simultaneous Filing of Individual Annual Income Tax Return was conducted by the entire DGT employees. March Tax Return filing by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono; the Vice President, Boediono; the Ministers of Indonesian Cabinet (Indonesia Bersatu II); and state officials, was held at the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta 28 March 10 April 24 May 17 Sudanese Ambassador for Indonesia, Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. H. E. Mr. Fariz Mehdawi, and General H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Bushra Mohamed Martowardojo, inaugurated 17 Director of Property Tax of Palestine, Ali, paid a courtesy call on Director echelon II officials of the Ministry Mr. Mahmoud Sha’aban Mustafa General of Taxes. of Finance. DGT echelon II officials Nofal, paid a courtesy call on Director General of Taxes. 02 April inaugurated the establishment of Mining Sector Tax Office (Large Taxpayer Office I) and Oil and Gas Sector Tax Office. 04-05 April Executive Meeting and the signing of April Director General of Taxes opened the event of Internalization of the Ministry of Finance Corporate Values with the theme “DGT Head Office Synergy to Support the Tax Revenues Achievement”. Similar events were Regional Tax Office and Arfan, Ak., M.B.A. as Head of South, West, and Southeast Sulawesi Regional Tax Office. 15 June also held at regional tax offices Director General of Taxes and throughout Indonesia. Assistant Personnel of Commander 01 of Presidential Security Forces May (Danpaspampres), Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Sunoto, signed a Performance Contract (Kemenkeu-Two) Director General of Taxes deployed between the Director General of Taxes Tax Knights (Satria Pajak) who will be and the entire echelon II DGT officials, performing taxpayer census activities, were held at the DGT Head Office, to symbolize the Re-Launching of the Jakarta. 2012 National Tax Census. 05 S.H., M.M. as the Head of Aceh April Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Main Tasks of DGT and Paspampres. The scope of the memorandum of understanding includes cooperation in education and training as well as tax information dissemination. Martowardojo, and Attorney 25 General, Basrief Arief, signed a Director General of Taxes inaugurated Memorandum of Understanding the Opening Ceremony of State- between the Ministry of Finance Defense Training for DGT’s and the Attorney General Office on employees at Presidential Security Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. the Coordination in the Main Tasks. The signing of memorandum of understanding was also held on the same day between echelon I units in the Ministry of Finance and the Attorney General Office. 07-08 May DGT participated in Courtesy Visit to National Tax Agency Japan in Tokyo, Japan. June Forces Command Headquarters, Bogor. The training was attended by around 240 DGT’s employees. 2012 PERFORMANCE The 2nd 2012 DGT National 27 Directorate General of Taxes Director General of Taxes whom inaugurated were Mukhtar, 2012 Annual Report Palestinian Ambassador for Indonesia, 2012 Annual Report 18 25-29 tax revenue is projected to reach 02 Tax Treaty renegotiation between Rp1,178.9 trillion, a 16% increase The Constitutional Court rejected Indonesia and Germany was held in from the 2012 Revised State Budget the request for judicial review by Berlin, Germany. (APBN-P) and accounted for almost Zukifli Muhadli, Abdul Muis, Willy 80% of total state revenues. M. Yoseph, Hein Namotemo, and 17-18 June July The 3rd 2012 DGT National Executive Directorate General of Taxes Meeting was held with the agenda of 2012 1st semester performance In the 2013 State Budget Draft, Anwar Hafid in the case of petition Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. for judicial review of Law Number Martowardojo, inaugurated 19 32 Year 2004 concerning Local echelon II officials of the Ministry of Government, Law Number 33 Year Finance, 16 of them are from DGT. 2004 concerning Fiscal Balance Between the State Government and evaluation and 2012 tax revenues collection strategy. Local Government, Law Number 26-27 Amendment of Law Number 7 Year 36 Year 2008 concerning Fourth July 1983 concerning Income Tax toward the 1945 Constitution of the Republic The fourth round of negotiation and of Indonesia. the signing of Tax Treaty between 2012 PERFORMANCE October Indonesia and India was held in New Delhi, India. 01 August Director General Revenue and Customs of Timor Leste, Câncio de Jesus Oliveira, paid a courtesy call on Director General of Taxes. Chief Executive Officer of Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Shukor Hj. Mahfar, paid a courtesy call on Director General of Taxes. 16 10 September The Commemoration of “A Decade of DGT’s Bureaucratic Reform” was held at the DGT Head Office, Jakarta. Tax Bureaucratic Reform was implemented in 2002 which was marked by the establishment of the first modern office in DGT, namely the Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and Large Taxpayer Office. 18 October The ceremony of Best Performance Employee Awards and Best Writer of Taxation Article Awards were held at the DGT Head Office. A total of 106 employees representing each echelon II units were invited to receive the award from the Director General of Taxes. 21 October The 66th Money Day (Hari Oeang) August President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, delivered a speech of Financial Memorandum of 2013 State Budget Draft (RAPBN). Commemoration was led by the Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. Martowardojo, at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Head Office, Rawamangun. At the commemoration, a variety of sports and arts competitions was held and DGT was once again the Overall Winner. 22 October 04-06 November 29-30 November The Signing of the 2012—2014 DGT’s Tax Treaty negotiation between Taxable Income Bracket (PTKP) Masterplan (Strategic Plan) by the Indonesia and Myanmar was held in as stipulated in the Minister of Director General of Taxes and the Jakarta. Finance Regulation Number 162/ entire echelon II officials was held in PMK.011/2012 effective on Bandung. January 1, 2013. Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. Martowardojo, inaugurated 27 echelon II officials of the Ministry of Finance. DGT echelon II official whom inaugurated was Drs. Agus Hudiyono as the Head of East Java II November Mutual Agreement Procedure discussions with the Internal Revenue Service of United States was held in the United States. 27 November November The 2012 DGT Board of Directors’ Meeting with the agenda of 2012 tax revenues evaluation was held at the DGT Head Office, Jakarta. 18 December The Supreme Court granted the appeal of state prosecutors in the Anti-Corruption Day in DGT was case of Asian Agri Group with Suwir held until 4 December. A photo Laut as the defendant. In the excerpts exhibition with the theme of “Hope of the verdict, the Supreme Court and Commitment of Anti-Corruption The Declaration of Integrity Zone stated that the defendant was proven in DGT” and public lectures by Towards Anti-Corruption in the guilty of the crime of “continuously M. Busyro Muqoddas, Corruption Ministry of Finance and the signing filing false or incomplete Tax Return Eradication Commissioner and Anies of the Charter of Integrity Zone by and/or information“. R. Baswedan, Dean of Paramadina the Minister of Finance, Agus D.W. University, were held during the Martowardojo, witnessed by Minister event. Regional Tax Office. 31 October of Administrative and Bureaucratic 20 December Reform, Azwar Abubakar; Corruption Information and Complaint Services Eradication Commissioner, M. Busyro Office (KLIP) and the Taxation Muqoddas; and Vice Chairman of the Document and Data Processing Ombudsman, Azlaini Agus. Office (KPDDP) Jambi was established. 2012 PERFORMANCE The commemoration of World Directorate General of Taxes 29 October 06-08 30 2012 Annual Report The government raised the Non- 19 Awards The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2012 held by Indonesia Contact Center Association Platinum (First Place) for the category of Agent Inbound Platinum (First Place) for the category of Telemarketing Non-Sales Platinum (First Place) for the category of Quality Assurance Gold (Second Place) for the category of Supervisor 30–100 seats Gold (Second Place) for the category of Team Leader 30–100 seats Gold (Second Place) for the category of Agent Inbound Gold (Second Place) for the category of Telemarketing Non-Sales Gold (Second Place) for the category of Customer Service Gold (Second Place) for the category of Talent-Dancing Gold (Third Place) for the category of Trainer-below 100 seats 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 20 2012 Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World held by the Contact Center World 21 2012 Annual Report Silver Medal (Second Place) in the Asia Pacific for the category of Trainer Bronze Medal (Third Place) in the Asia Pacific for the category of Support ProfessionalWorkforce Planning Overall Winner of Sports and Arts Contest of the 66th Money Day (Hari Oeang) Large Taxpayer Office III, Winner of the 2012 Public Service Office Model at the Ministry of Finance 2012 PERFORMANCE Gold Medal (First Place) in the Asia Pacific for the category of Sales Professional Directorate General of Taxes Silver Medal (Second Place) in the World for the category of Sales Professional Remarks by the Director General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 22 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes A. Fuad Rahmany Director General of Taxes Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Distinguished shareholders, 23 Our deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, the Almighty, for His mercy and blessings. reached 6.3% in 2012, just slightly below the target of 6.5%. This achievement is due to high level of domestic consumption and investment. In the coming years, Indonesian economic growth is expected to remain positive and the global economic condition is expected to improve and provide sustainable growth in tax revenues. Net tax revenues including Oil and Gas Income Tax in 2012 reached Rp835.8 trillion or 94.4% of the 2012 Revised State Budget target. The number grew by 12.5% compared to 2011 tax revenues of Rp742.7 trillion. Several factors that encouraged this positive growth, among others, were the increase in Indonesia per capita income to Rp30.5 million* and a 9.4% growth in import value during Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Performance 2012 Annual Report In the midst of global economic slowdowns, Indonesian economic growth January to November 2012*. The greatest contributors to 2012 tax revenues contributed 45.7% and 40.4% respectively of the total revenues. DGT achievement in collecting tax revenues cannot be separated from DGT operational and supporting aspects. From the tax operational aspect, DGT is able to attain good KPI achievements for its efforts such as in service quality improvement, tax information dissemination and public relations effectiveness improvement, tax law enforcement effectiveness improvement, and regulations drafting and refinement completion. Supporting aspects such as human resource development also continue to show improvements as DGT pays greater attention to its employees. A total of 729 types of education and training for employees, organized independently by DGT or other parties, have been carried out during 2012. DGT has also created guidelines for individual performance assessment and work rotation pattern. All of which are DGT’s commitment to develop a comprehensive and sustainable human resource management. * Data source www.bps.go.id DGT’s desire to create a harmony between the interests of our country and the expectations of stakeholders is realized through tax revenues collection optimization and encouraging public to participate in country development. 2012 PERFORMANCE are non-oil and gas income tax, and VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, each Challenges 24 In 2012, DGT faced several external and internal challenges. Low level of 2012 Annual Report taxpayers’ compliance, the rise of the underground economy, inadequate human resources, ineffective organizational structure, and decreased public trust toward the institution are some of those challenges. Even so, DGT always uphold its commitment to grow and achieve excellent performance. To overcome arising challenges and obstacles and to optimize tax revenues collection, DGT developed and implemented several strategies, which include: Directorate General of Taxes 1) improvement of the National Tax Census program that is better planned, focused, and measured; 2) improvement of VAT administration system through the re-registration of the Taxable Person for VAT Purposes; 3) improvement of tax law enforcement through cooperation with law enforcement agencies and exchange of tax data and information with other institutions; 4) improvement of the online tax receivable system; 5) intensive monitoring of specific business sectors that contribute significantly to tax revenues through the establishment of Oil and Gas Sector Tax Office; and 6) improvement of internal control function by 2012 PERFORMANCE implementing the whistle-blowing system. As a result of these strategies, DGT has successfully overcome any arising challenges. Cooperation between DGT and several institutions on law enforcement as well as tax data and information collection is an embodiment of institutional harmonization, which will support DGT’s main tasks. Furthermore, the improvement of DGT’s internal control system is conducted to meet public demand for a clean and respectable tax institution. Awards and Acknowledgements Excellent performances and implementation of appropriate strategies has successfully awarded DGT with several national and international awards. In terms of services, Kring Pajak 500200 won ten categories at the event of the Best Contact Center Indonesia 2012. Whereas in the event of 2012 Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World, Kring Pajak 500200 won 3 categories at the Asia Pacific level and 1 category at world class. These awards show that DGT employees are working hard to achieve the best performance. Various surveys conducted in 2012 show that DGT is making improvements in its performance. From a survey carried out by PT Surveyor Indonesia, DGT scored 25 84.16% in Public Trust Index, in which 49.51% of the respondents said that DGT has better public image compared to last year while 43.52% of respondents said survey toward Tax Services with total respondents of 22 thousand taxpayers, DGT scored 3.093 on a scale of 1–4. A survey to measure service users’ satisfaction level was also organized by the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with Bogor Agricultural University in which DGT scored 3.9 on a scale of 1–5. 2012 Annual Report that DGT’s image is the same as the previous year. In a Public Satisfaction Level These various awards and acknowledgements have encouraged DGT and award continue to receive public support and trust. Good Corporate Governance DGT consistently maintains its commitment to improve good corporate governance practices. One of DGT’s efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia Directorate General of Taxes it with a great hope and strong belief that its efforts in collecting tax revenues will is the implementation of DGT whistle-blowing system. This system was first occurrences of fraud or other fraudulent practices as well as upholding DGT Code of Conduct. The assessment for good corporate governance practice at DGT was conducted in 2012 through the Bureaucratic Reform Quality Assurance. Based on the quality assurance activities undertaken by the Inspectorate General, DGT scored Very Good in the implementation of bureaucratic reform. Systems and procedures improvement were continuously conducted in 2012 to ensure that the entire DGT activities comply with the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness. Consistent fulfillment of those principles certainly will put DGT as a leading institution in the implementation of good corporate governance. Participation in the International Relations In 2012, DGT negotiated Tax Treaty with several countries, namely Laos, India, Netherland, Australia, South Korea, Malaysia, and Germany. DGT also signed Tax Information Exchange Agreement with several countries/jurisdictions. DGT’s participation and contribution in various forums, meetings, and international agreements are expected to be beneficial for Indonesia. One of the benefits for DGT is the ability to obtain current information on various regulations, best practices, and lesson learned in the field of tax administration from around the world. 2012 PERFORMANCE implemented in 2011 and has made a significant contribution in minimizing the Toward 2013 26 DGT biggest challenges in the context of tax administration are transfer pricing, 2012 Annual Report tax avoidance, and tax evasion. To overcome these challenges, in the coming years DGT will put more focus on tax intensification policy, improvement of taxpayers’ compliance, and improvement of human resource capacity building. To optimize 2013 tax revenues, DGT has developed strategies, among others, are: a) harmonization of tax regulations; b) tax potency exploration that is more focus on sectors with high tax gap; c) deterrent effect establishment by improving the Directorate General of Taxes audit process, expanding the scope of audit, and coordinating intensively with several law enforcement agencies; d) optimization of the 2011—2012 National Tax Census data; e) preparation of supporting function such as gradual addition of human resources with more appropriate job allocation; and f) improvement of information technology in business process and external data management. These strategies are expected to not only help the achievement of tax revenues target in the coming years, but also to build a strong public image for DGT. 2012 PERFORMANCE Our Deep Appreciation On behalf of DGT, I would like to give our deepest appreciation and gratitude to our stakeholders, especially to taxpayers and other parties who have contributed and assist DGT in performing its tasks. My deep appreciation is also addressed to all DGT employees for their hardwork and contribution toward DGT’s growth and achievements. With the full support from various parties, DGT is committed to continue to grow and carry out its tax collection tasks optimistically so that selffinancing of state budget can be realized. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. On behalf of the Directorate General of Taxes A. Fuad Rahmany Director General of Taxes Board of Directors Profile Position as of December 31, 2012 27 2012 Annual Report Directorate General of Taxes 2012 PERFORMANCE A. Fuad Rahmany Director General of Taxes Born in Singapore, November 11, 1954, he has served as Director General of Taxes since January 20, 2011, having previously served as Chairman of Indonesia Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1981, a Master of Arts degree in Economics from Duke University of USA in 1987, and a doctor’s degree in Economics from Vanderbilt University of USA in 1997. Dedi Rudaedi 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 28 Secretary of the Directorate General Born in Tasikmalaya, September 23, 1953, he has served as Secretary of the Directorate General since August 16, 2012, having previously served as Director of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation. He graduated from Diploma IV Program of Finance specializing in Accounting of the State College of Accounting, Jakarta, in 1982. Later in 1986, he finished his study at the Hartford University of USA and earned a Master of Science degree in Professional Accounting. Awan Nurmawan Nuh Director of Taxation Regulations I Born in Bandung, September 26, 1968, he has served as Director of Taxation Regulations I since October 31, 2011, having previously served as Head of West Kalimantan Regional Tax Office. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics majoring in Accounting from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1992 and a master’s degree in Business Taxation from the University of Southern California of USA in 1997. Poltak Maruli John Liberty Hutagaol Director of Taxation Regulations II Born in Jakarta, November 27, 1965, he has served as Director of Taxation Regulations II since August 16, 2012, having previously served as Senior Advisor for Tax Supervision and Law Enforcement. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Economics majoring in Accounting from Brawijaya University, Malang, in 1988. He earned his Master of Arts degree in Economics in 1994 and his Master of Economics degree by Research in 1995 from Macquarie University of Australia. Furthermore, his doctor’s degree was earned from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, in 2004. Dadang Suwarna Director of Audit and Collection Collection since February 25, 2011, having previously served as Head of SubDirectorate of Natural Resources and Production Supervision I at Board of Supervisors Finance and Development. He graduated from Diploma IV Program of Finance specializing in Accounting of the State College of Accounting, Jakarta, in 1991. Acting Director of Intelligence and Investigation Intelligence and Investigation since October 31, 2012, having previously served as Public Complaints Reviewer/Investigator at Corruption Erradication Commission. He graduated from Diploma IV Program of Finance specializing in Accounting of the State College of Accounting, Jakarta, in 1993. Hartoyo Director of Tax Extensification and Valuation Born in Malang, April 30, 1955, he has served as Director of Tax Extensification and Valuation since June 16, 2008, having previously served as Senior Advisor of Human Resources Development. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics majoring in Management from Mulawarman University, Samarinda, in 1982 and a master’s degree in Business Property from the University of South Australia in 1992. 2012 PERFORMANCE Born in Banjarnegara, July 25, 1963, he has served as Acting Director of Directorate General of Taxes Yuli Kristiyono 2012 Annual Report Born in Sukabumi, November 6, 1958, he has served as Director of Audit and 29 Catur Rini Widosari 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 30 Director of Objection and Appeal Born in Palembang, May 7, 1961, she has served as Director of Objection and Appeal since April 6, 2010, having previously served as Director of Taxation Regulations I. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Sriwijaya University, Palembang, in 1989 and a master’s degree in Business Taxation from the University of Southern California of USA in 1998. R. Dasto Ledyanto Acting Director of Potency, Compliance and Revenue Born in Surabaya, December 2, 1966, he has served as Acting Director of Potency, Compliance, and Revenue since December 1, 2012. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Law majoring in Civil from Airlangga University, Surabaya, in 1990. Later he earned master’s degree in Tax Administration from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 2003. Kismantoro Petrus Director of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation Born in Yogyakarta, April 7, 1954, he served as Director of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation since August 16, 2012, having previously served as Head of South Sumatera and Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Tax Office. He graduated from Economics Faculty majoring in Accounting at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1981. Later in 1993, he earned Master of Business Administration from Saint Louis University, USA. Yoyok Satiotomo Director of Tax Information Technology Technology since April 6, 2010, having previously served as Head of Bali Regional Tax Office. He earned bachelor’s degree in Economics majoring in Management from Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta, in 1986 and a Master of Arts degree in Business and Commerce from Keio University of Japan in 1999. Director of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation and Apparatus Transformation since February 25, 2011, having previously served as Head of East Jakarta Regional Tax Office. He earned his Bachelor of Law from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1986 and Master of Business Administration from Saint Louis University of USA in 1992. Harry Gumelar Director of Information and Communication Technology Transformation Born in Bandung, July 26, 1964, he has served as Director of Information and Communication Technology Transformation since June 21, 2011, having previously served as Head of Medan Medium Taxpayer Office. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1990 and Master of Science in IT from Queen Mary University of London in 1997. 2012 PERFORMANCE Born in Magelang, May 27, 1956, he has served as Director of Internal Compliance Directorate General of Taxes Bambang Tri Muljanto 2012 Annual Report Born in Jakarta, April 27, 1963, he has served as Director of Tax Information 31 Wahju Karya Tumakaka 2012 PERFORMANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 32 Director of Business Process Transformation Born in Malang, September 18, 1958, he has served as Director of Business Process Transformation since February 25, 2011, having previously served as Director of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation. He graduated from Diploma IV Program of Finance specializing in Accounting of the State College of Accounting, Jakarta, in 1987 and from Master of Public Administration Program of Harvard University of USA in 1995. R. Dasto Ledyanto Senior Advisor of Tax Extensification and Intensification Born in Surabaya, December 2, 1966, he has served as Senior Advisor of Tax Extensification and Intensification since August 16, 2012, having previously served as Head of Sub-Directorate of Withholding Tax & Individual Income Tax Regulation. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Law majoring in Civil from Airlangga University, Surabaya, in 1990. Later he earned his master degree in Tax Administration from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 2003. Euis Fatimah Senior Advisor of Tax Services Born in Bandung, December 12, 1958, she has served as Senior Advisor for Tax Services since October 31, 2011, having previously served as Acting Director of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation. She completed her undergraduate study at School of Administration of State Administration Institution of Bandung in 1988. Later in 1999, she finished her Graduate Program in Tax Administration at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, and earned her doctor’s degree in Social Study in 2002 from Padjadjaran University, Bandung. Puspita Wulandari Senior Advisor of Human Resources Development Resources Development since August 16, 2012, having previously served as Head of Sub-Directorate of Organizational Transformation. She earned a bachelor degree in Management from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1992 and a master degree in Management from the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, in 1993. Later she earned Doctor of Business Administration from Swinburne 2012 Annual Report Born in Jakarta, November 2, 1965 she served as Senior Advisor of Human 33 University of Technology, Australia, in 2008. Senior Advisor of Tax Supervision and Law Enforcement and Law Enforcement since August 16, 2012, having previously served as Head of Sub-Directorate of Tax Potency. He earned Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting from Tridharma School of Economics, Bandung, in 1992 and earned a Master of Science from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1999. In 2008, he earned his Doctor’s degree in Administration from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. 2012 PERFORMANCE Born in Kuningan, May 3, 1963. He served as Senior Advisor of Tax Supervision Directorate General of Taxes Edi Slamet Irianto 02. 34 DGT at a Glance 37 Vision, Mission & Values 38 Milestones 40 Tasks and Functions 41 Organizational Structure 46 Map of DGT Operational Offices The organization development is undertaken by, among others, the re-establishment of DGT’s vision and mission. The implementation of tasks and functions in harmony with the incorporation of corporate values become our reference toward DGT goals. 35 The Baris Dance DGT AT A GLANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 36 Photo by Herry Suwondo Denpasar, Bali Vision, Mission & Values Vision To be the best state tax collector in Southeast Asia. people’s welfare. Note: Directorate General of Taxes To perform tax administrative function by implementing taxation law fairly in order to fund the State for the 2012 Annual Report Mission 37 DGT’s vision and mission have been updated as stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Decree Values Integrity Think, talk, behave, and act properly and righteously according to code of conduct and moral principles. Professionalism Work thoroughly and accurately based on the best competencies with full responsibility and high commitment. Synergy Build and ensure productive internal cooperation and harmonious partnership with stakeholders, to produce useful and high quality work. anistana K. Photo by Afrig Service Provide services wholeheartedly, transparently, fast, accurately, and safely to meet stakeholders’ satisfaction. Excellence Perform continuous improvement in every aspect to become and to give the best. DGT AT A GLANCE Number KEP-334/PJ/2012, dated November 23, 2012. Milestones The Dutch Colonial Period Jawatan Pajak (Directorate of Taxes) under Departement van Financien The Japanese Colonial Period Jawatan Pajak under Zaimubu DGT AT A GLANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 38 Minister of Finance Vice Minister Inspectorate General Directorate General of Budget Directorate General of Taxes Directorate General of Customs and Excise Directorate General of Treasury Directorate General of State Assets Management 39 Jawatan Pajak under the Department of Finance Direktorat Jenderal Pajak under the Ministry of Finance 1966 Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (Directorate General of Taxes) under the Department of Finance Directorate General of Taxes 2010 - now 2012 Annual Report Early Period of the Proclamation of Independence DGT AT A GLANCE Secretariat General Expert Staffs Directorate General of Fiscal Balance Directorate General of Debt Management Fiscal Policy Office Financial Education and Training Agency Tasks & Functions 40 Photo by Afriganis DGT AT A GLANCE Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report tana K. Photo by seta Tomy Nur DGT is an echelon I unit under the Ministry of Finance. As stipulated in the Presidential Regulation Number 24 Year 2010 concerning the Position, Tasks, and Functions of the State Ministry, and Organizational Structure, Tasks, and Functions of Echelon I of the State Ministry, and the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 184/PMK.01/2010 concerning Organization and Procedures of the Ministry of Finance, the DGT’s main task is to formulate and implement technical policies and standardization in the area of taxation. In undertaking those tasks, DGT performs the following functions: a. preparing policy in taxation area; b. implementing tax policies; c. preparing norms, standards, procedures, and criterias in taxation area; d. providing technical guidance and evaluation in taxation area; and e. performing tax administration. Organizational Structure 41 Directorate General of Taxes Technical Implementing Units Regional Tax Offices Tax Offices Directorate General of Taxes Directorates Secretariat of the Directorate General 2012 Annual Report Senior Advisors DGT AT A GLANCE Tax Services, Dissemination, and Consultation Office The DGT organization at the head office consists of the Secretariat of the Directorate General, 12 directorates, and 4 Senior Advisors. In general, the head office carries out the back office function, namely the analysis and policies maker, and serves as technical support and facilitator, such as personnel, financial, and equipment issues. The operational function, such as audit and objection, is performed very limitedly. Photo by Tomy Nur seta Main Tasks of Units within DGT Head Office 42 2012 Annual Report Secretariat of the Directorate General To coordinate the task engagement and to guide as well as to provide administrative supports to all units within DGT. Directorate of Taxation Regulations I To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in DGT AT A GLANCE Directorate General of Taxes General Provisions and Tax Procedures, Tax Collection with Coerce Warrant, Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, Other Indirect Taxes, Land and Building Tax, and Conveyance Tax. Directorate of Taxation Regulations II To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in Income Tax regulations, tax treaty and international cooperation, legal assistance, and harmonization of tax regulation. Directorate of Audit and Collection To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in audit and tax collection. Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in tax intelligence and investigation. Directorate of Tax Extensification and Valuation To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in tax extensification and valuation. Directorate of Objection and Appeal To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in objection and appeal. Directorate of Potency, Compliance, and Revenue To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in potency, compliance, and tax revenues. 43 Setiawan To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in tax dissemination, services, and public relation. Directorate of Tax Information Technology To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in tax Directorate General of Taxes Directorate of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation 2012 Annual Report Photo by M. information technology. To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in internal compliance and apparatus transformation. Directorate of Information and Communication Technology Transformation To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in information and communication technology transformation. Directorate of Business Process Transformation To formulate and to implement policies and technical standardization in business process transformation. Senior Advisor of Tax Extensification and Intensification To review and to examine issues in tax extensification and intensification and to provide solution conception. DGT AT A GLANCE Directorate of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation 44 Senior Advisor of Tax Supervision and Law Enforcement To review and to examine issues in tax supervision and law enforcement and 2012 Annual Report to provide solution conception. Senior Advisor of Human Resources Development To review and to examine issues in human resources development and to provide solution conception. DGT AT A GLANCE Directorate General of Taxes Senior Advisor of Tax Services To review and to examine issues in tax services and to provide solution conception. DGT has been established operational offices to undertake operational and technical tasks in regions, namely Regional Tax Offices, Tax Offices, and Tax Service, Dissemination, and Consultation Offices. Regional tax office performs the tasks of coordinating, controlling, analyzing, and evaluating tax offices operations, and elucidation of the head office policies. The types of regional tax office are: a. Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office, both are located in Jakarta; and b. other regional tax office consists of 29 offices located throughout Indonesia. Tax offices perform the functions of delivering tax services, dissemination, and 574 monitoring of taxpayers. Based on the taxpayer segmentations, tax offices can be Number of DGT Operational Offices foreign investment companies; permanent establishment and expatriates, 45 differentiated into: taxpayers, state-owned enterprises, and high wealth individuals; b. Medium Taxpayer Office (MTO), administering large corporate taxpayers, and public listed companies in its region; and 2012 Annual Report a. Large Taxpayer Office (LTO), administering national large corporate c. Small Taxpayer Office (STO), serving local individual and corporate taxpayers. Penyuluhan, dan Konsultasi Perpajakan) is established to deliver tax services, dissemination, and consultation tasks to taxpayers/communities residing in remote areas unreached by tax offices. There are also Technical Implementing Units (TIU/Unit Pelaksana Teknis), to perform Directorate General of Taxes Tax Services, Dissemination, and Consultation Office (TSDCO/Kantor Pelayanan, technical operation and/or technical support. However, these units do not provide public policy. These units consist of: a. Taxation Data and Document Processing Center (PPDDP), located in Jakarta, has tasks of receiving, scanning, recording, and storing tax documents; b. Taxation Data and Document Processing Office (KPDDP), located in Makassar and Jambi, has tasks of receiving, scanning, and storing tax documents, and also transferring tax data; c. External Data Processing Office (KPDE), located in Jakarta, has tasks of receiving, scanning, and storing tax documents, and also transferring tax related data provided by government institutions, foundations, associations, and other parties; and d. Information and Complaint Service Center (KLIP), located in Jakarta, has tasks of providing taxation general information, taxation information dissemination in order to improve services quality and complaint management. Number of DGT Operational Offices, 2012 Type RTO LTO MTO STO TSDCO TIU Total Total 31 4 28 299 207 5 574 DGT AT A GLANCE guidance and do not directly related to the formulation and determination of Map of DGT Operational Offices 2 1 46 North Sumatera I RTO Aceh RTO 2012 Annual Report 7 TO 14 TSDCO 16 North Sumatera II RTO West Kalimantan RTO South & Central Kalimantan RTO 8 TO 11 TSDCO 6 TO 7 TSDCO 9 TO 18 TSDCO 9 TO 17 3 1 Riau & Riau Islands RTO 13 TO 10 TSDCO Directorate General of Taxes 2 West Sumatera & Jambi RTO 4 3 16 4 5 DGT AT A GLANCE 8 TO 19 TSDCO KPDDP Jambi 18 5 6 South Sumatera Bangka Belitung Islands RTO 6 7 13 TO 13 TSDCO 7 17 8 9 10 11 12 8 Bengkulu & Lampung RTO Banten RTO 9 TO 11 TSDCO 9 TO 1 TSDCO 13 14 9 Central Jakarta RTO West Jakarta RTO South Jakarta RTO 16 TO 11 TO 13 TO East Jakarta RTO North Jakarta RTO 9 TO 8 TO 1 TSDCO PPDDP KPDE Jakarta Special RTO Large Taxpayer RTO 9 TO 4 TO KLIP 15 18 19 South, West & Southeast Sulawesi RTO East Kalimantan RTO 15 TO 21 TSDCO KPDDP Makassar 47 11 TO 16 TSDCO 2012 Annual Report 8 TO 6 TSDCO North & Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo & North Maluku RTO 20 21 Papua & Maluku RTO Directorate General of Taxes 7 TO 15 TSDCO 20 DGT AT A GLANCE 21 19 10 11 West Java I RTO Central Java I RTO 16 TO 2 TSDCO 17 TO 5 TSDCO West Java II RTO Central Java II RTO 17 TO 2 TSDCO 12 TO 6 TSDCO 12 14 15 Special Region of Yogyakarta RTO Bali RTO Nusa Tenggara RTO 5 TO 8 TO 4 TSDCO 11 TO 11 TSDCO 13 East Java I RTO East Java II RTO East Java III RTO 13 TO 15 TO 7 TSDCO 15 TO 7 TSDCO 03. 48 Management Discussion and Analysis 51 2012 Strategic Map 114 Supporting Functions Review 52 Strategic Objectives Achievement 128 Financial Review 66 Operational Review 138 DGT’s Strategic Plan and 2013 Performance Target Our success is when all elements of the resources and the strategies implemented bring DGT closer to the achievement of its vision. 49 The Hudoq Dance MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 50 Photo by To my Nurseta South Kalimantan Banjarmasin, 2012 Strategic Map Customer Perspective Taxpayers PJ-1 Optimum tax revenues PJ-2 High level of public trust PJ-3 High level of taxpayers satisfaction on tax services PJ-4 High level of taxpayers’ compliance Policy Formulation Services PJ-5 Improvement of effectiveness in the formulation and refinement of tax regulations PJ-6 Service quality improvement PJ-7 Improvement of effectiveness in tax information dissemination and public relation High level of public awareness on taxation Supervision and Law Enforcement PJ-8 Improvement of taxpayers’ compliance through Tax Return amendment PJ-10 Optimization of tax arrears collection PJ-9 Improvement of audit effectiveness PJ-11 Improvement of effectiveness in the completion of Presidential Instruction PJ-12 Improvement of investigation effectiveness Human Resources Organization PJ-13 Development of competent human resources PJ-14 Development of adaptive organization Information & Technology Communication PJ-15 Development of integrated information and communication technology Budgeting PJ-16 Optimum budget management MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Internal Process Perspective Public Parliament Government Directorate General of Taxes Learning & Growth Perspective • • • 2012 Annual Report Stakeholder Perspective 51 Strategic Objectives Achievement In 2012, 16 Strategic Objectives and 31 KPIs were stipulated as Performance 52 Contract between the Director General of Taxes and the Minister of Finance. The MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report achievement of Strategic Objectives and KPIs targets are described as follows. PJ-1 Optimum Tax Revenues KPI Percentage of tax revenues growth (excluding Oil and Gas Income Tax) Total of tax revenues Target Realization Achievement 22.04% 12.36% 56.06% Rp885.03 T Rp835.83 T 94.44% PJ-1 Achievement 75.25% Source: 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report Several factors that lead to the 75.25% achievement of the Strategic Objectives of Optimum Tax Revenues were: 1. national economic growth in 2012 was only 6.3% of the targeted 6.5%; 2. fall in commodity prices led to a decrease in tax payments in certain dominant sectors; and 3. low absorption of the government budget. The five sectors that contribute significantly to tax revenues are as follows. Sector Revenue Contribution 2012 2011 Growth 2012 2011 Manufacturing 30.52% 28.83% 21.29% 19.07% Wholesale and Retail 14.04% 13.83% 16.26% 25.83% Financial Intermediary 9.42% 9.47% 14.01% 17.16% Mining and Drilling 7.37% 9.94% (15.05%) 21.68% Transportation and Communication 4.75% 4.94% 10.26% 9.84% 66.10% 67.01% 15.48% 20.41% TOTAL Source: Revenue Dashboard as of December 27, 2012 PJ-2 High Level of Public Trust 53 KPI Total of tax revenues Realization Achievement 80.00 84.16 105.20% 8.18 N/A N/A PJ-2 Achievement 105.20% by independent survey agency, PT Surveyor Indonesia. The respondents were taxpayers from 331 tax offices throughout Indonesia. In 2010, DGT PIAK score was 8.18. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) only conducts PIAK survey toward government agencies that has PIAK score below Directorate General of Taxes Public trust level index was obtained from a survey initiated by DGT and conducted 2012 Annual Report Percentage of tax revenues growth (excluding Oil and Gas Income Tax) Target 6.00. Hence, in 2012 the Commission did not conduct a PIAK survey toward DGT. Setiawan MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Photo by M. 2012 Annual Report 54 PJ-3 High Level of Taxpayers’ Satisfaction on Tax Services KPI Taxpayers’ satisfaction index Target Realization 3.90 3.90 PJ-3 Achievement Achievement 100.00% 100.00% Directorate General of Taxes by the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Finance and conducted by Bogor MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Taxpayers’ satisfaction index on DGT services was obtained from a survey initiated PJ-4 High Level of Taxpayers’ Compliance Agricultural University. The respondents were taxpayers in Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makassar, and Batam. DGT attempted to achieve this KPI target by improving services quality in supporting facilities, SOPs, human resources, computer applications, and information access. KPI Target Realization Achievement Percentage of total individual taxpayers against the number of households 35.00% 35.30% 100.87% Percentage of Annual Income Tax Return Filing 62.50% 53.70% 85.91% PJ-4 Achievement 93.39% The number of individual taxpayers in 2012 was 22,131,323 or 35.30% of 62,686,531 households. This achievement was due to: 1. optimization of the National Tax Census program especially back office process to capture new taxpayers; 2. optimization of monitoring and evaluation of tax base broadening activities 24.8 million conducted by regional tax offices/tax offices; and 3. monitoring and evaluation of the National Tax Census. Number of Taxpayers The number of taxpayers obliged to file Annual Income Tax Return in 2012 were 17,659,278, however only 9,482,480 Annual Income Tax Returns filed in 2012. 55 Thus, the percentage was 53.70% or only reached 85.91% from the target of 62.50%. 1. many individual taxpayers have multiple Tax Identification Number; 2. significant increase of new taxpayers who do not comprehend their tax 2012 Annual Report This was caused by several factors, among others, were: obligations (i.e: retiree); 3. there are taxpayers who have Taxpayer Identification Number but are not DGT were unable to reach them. PJ-5 Improvement of Effectiveness in the Formulation and Refinement of Tax Regulations Target Realization Achievement Percentage of proposals completion for the drafting and refinement of the Government Regulation and the Minister of Finance Regulation 100.00% 119.44% 119.44% Percentage of proposals completion for the drafting and refinement of the Director General of Taxes Regulation 100.00% 73.68% 73.68% PJ-5 Achievement 96.56% In 2012, DGT was given a target to complete the drafting and refinement of 36 Government Regulation and Minister of Finance Regulation drafts. By the end of the year DGT has completed 43 drafts or 119.44% of the target. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS KPI Directorate General of Taxes registered in DGT Masterfile due to system failure; and 4. some of the taxpayers’ address in the DGT System are incorrect therefore DGT has completed 14 Director General of Taxes Regulations from the target 56 of 19 regulations. This was due to some higher level regulations have not been 2012 Annual Report issued, namely: 1. Government Regulation Draft and Minister of Finance Regulation Draft concerning Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises; 2.Government Regulation Draft on Third Amendment to Government Regulation Number 48 Year 1994 concerning Income Tax Payment for the Transfer of Right on Land and/or Building; and 3.Minister of Finance Regulation Draft concerning Tariff Reduction for MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes Domestic Listed Companies. PJ-6 Service Quality Improvement KPI Target Percentage of the number of complaining taxpayers Average percentage of the DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services completion Realization Achievement 0.005% 0.00248% 150.40% 100.00% 98.71% 98.71% PJ-6 Achievement 124.55% There were 560 taxpayers who complained about tax services during 2012 or 0.00248% of total taxpayers in early 2012. By using “minimize” performance indicators polarization, DGT achieved 150.40%. During 2012, there were 2,638,189 requests for 16 DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services and 98.17% of the requests have been resolved timely. Extraordinary efforts are required to meet the KPI target considering the large number of DGT’s operational units that are nationally widespread and plenty of uncontrollable factors that will affect services performance. Therefore, the target of 100% for the DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services KPI will be evaluated for the coming years. 2.6 million Requests for DGT Quick Wins in Tax Service PJ-7 Improvement of Effectiveness in Tax Information Dissemination and Public Relations Effectiveness level of education and communication Percentage of tax information dissemination and public relation implementation Target Realization Achievement 75.00% 73.34% 97.79% 100.00% 127.39% 127.39% PJ-7 Achievement 2012 Annual Report KPI 57 112.59% success rate of external participant’s understanding from the training/workshop held by DGT. The measured variables are course material (75%), trainers quality (20%), and the quality of the venue (5%). Based on the results of questionnaires for the evaluation of training/workshop, Directorate General of Taxes The effectiveness level of education and communication is a measurement toward which initiated by DGT and conducted by PT Surveyor Indonesia, the effectiveness In terms of the number of tax information dissemination and public relation activities, in 2012 DGT has managed to hold 20,062 activities or 127.39% of the target of 15,749 activities. Attempts made by DGT to achieve this Strategic Objective, among other, was to select the education and communication media that focuses on the element of awareness, image, and compliance. PJ-8 Improvement of Taxpayers’ Compliance Through Tax Return Amendment KPI Percentage of actual Annual Income Tax Return amendment against issued notification letter PJ-8 Achievement Target 18.00% Realization 19.52% Achievement 108.45% 108.45% MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS level of education and communication was 73.34 and considered to be effective. Amendment notification letter is a letter issued by DGT based on data analysis 58 and delivered to taxpayer who is required to ammend the Tax Return. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report DGT was given a target of 18% Tax Return amendments from total amendment notification letters issued. In 2012 DGT has issued 79,769 amendment notification letters and has received 15,572 Tax Return amendments or 19.52% of the total amendment notification letters issued. PJ-9 Improvement of Audit Effectiveness KPI Target Realization Achievement Effectiveness level of tax audit 55.00% 3.66% 193.35% Percentage of audit completion 80.00% 103.03% 128.79% PJ-9 Achievement 161.07% By using “minimize” performance indicators polarization, DGT’s achievement toward effectiveness level of tax audit was 193.35%. This figure shows that most of the audit results were approved and accepted by the taxpayers. Tax auditors could explain their findings clearly and be understood by taxpayers. The factors that affected the achievement include: 1. refinement of tax audit regulations, particularly in regard to the audit procedures, guidelines, techniques and methods providing sufficient clarity about the rights and obligations of tax auditors and taxpayers; and 2. the improvement of tax auditors capability through in-house trainings and trainings held by Financial Education and Training Agency (BPPK). Another KPI of the Strategic Objective of Improvement of Audit Effectiveness is the percentage of audit completion, calculated from the ratio of total audit completion against the number of audit plans. DGT was given a target to complete 80% of 28,618 audit reports (LHP) planned in 2012. The completion of audits during 2012 was 29,487 LHP or 103.03% of audit plans and 128.79% of audit completion target. This achievement, among others, is due to intensive monitoring and evaluation toward the audit performance. 29,487 Tax Audit Report Completion PJ-10 Optimization of Tax Arrears Collection Percentage of tax arrears collection Target 30.00% Realization Achievement 30.03% PJ-10 Achievement 100.10% 100.10% 2012 Annual Report KPI 59 The Strategic Objective of the Optimization of Tax Arrears Collection consists of a arrears collected with tax arrears balance at the beginning of the year. In 2012, DGT was given a target to collect 30% of tax arrears balance. Tax arrears balance in early 2012 was Rp39.45 trillion. This figure derived from the adjusment of audited tax arrears ending balance in 2011 (Rp86.80 trillion) reduced by the allowance for uncollectible tax arrears at the beginning of the year (Rp47.35 Directorate General of Taxes single KPI, the percentage of tax arrears collection. It is calculated by dividing tax trillion). at the beginning of the year or 100.10% of the target. PJ-11 Improvement of Effectiveness in the Completion of Presidential Instruction KPI Timeliness index of the Presidential Instruction follow-up completion PJ-11 Achievement Target 80.00 Realization Achievement 82.28 102.85% 102.85% MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS By the end of 2012, DGT has successfully collected 30.03% of tax arrears balance DGT has the responsibility to carry out actions and produce outputs as stipulated 60 in the Presidential Instructions. One of them is the Presidential Instruction Number 17 Year 2011 concerning the Action of Corruption Prevention and Eradication in 2012 Annual Report 2012. The implementation of the action as well as monitoring and evaluation were carried out by the related echelon I units within the Ministry of Finance. The Presidential Instruction is declared complete if the head of echelon I units have submitted the follow-up report to the Minister of Finance within the time frame as stated in the Directorate General of Taxes Presidential Instruction. In 2012, DGT’s performance in completing the Presidential Instructions was assessed using higher standard by having to complete the instructions two months and one week earlier than the deadline. The Presidential Instructions which have been followed-up by DGT in 2012 were: 1. implementation of the whistle-blowing system, with the output descriptions MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS as follows: a. establishement of complaints help desk in Directorate of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation; b. enactment of the Director General of Taxes Circular Letter Number SE11/PJ/2012 concerning the Guidelines for Whistle-blowing System in DGT; c. completion of related SOP drafting and refinement; d. development of complaint menu in employee database system (SIKKA); e. development of internal complaint management database; f. issuance of the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-179/ PJ/2012 concerning the Formation of Assessment Team for Whistleblower Reward Provision; g. establishment of whistle-blowing system infrastructure; h. development of supporting information system for whistle-blowing system; and i. availability of evaluation report of whistle-blowing system. 2. enhancement of taxation data and export-import document exchange between DGT and Directorate General of Customs and Excise, with the output descriptions as follows: a. availability of data to be exchanged based on mutual agreement; b. issuance of SOPs draft related to the data exchange; 61 c. execution of data exchange; d. utilization of the exchanged data that has been received; and By the end of 2012 there was no unsettled follow-up of Presidential Instruction. 2012 Annual Report e. evaluation of data exchange activities. PJ-12 Improvement of Investigation Effectiveness Percentage of investigation findings declared complete by the Attorney (P-21 Status) Target 45.00% Realization 54.00% Achievement 120.00% 120.00% PJ-12 Achievement target to complete 23 investigations or 45% of the total Warrants issued. The investigation files should be declared complete by the attorney (P-21 status). The actual investigations declared complete were 27 files or 54%. PJ-13 Development of Competent Human Resources KPI Percentage of officials who have met the job competency standards Percentage of employee’s training hours against working hours Percentage of the number of employee’s charged with severe or medium degree of disciplinary sanctions PJ-13 Achievement Target Realization Achievement 82.50% 81.32% 98.57% 1.06% 3.02% 284.91% 0.2440% 0.3930% 38.93% 140.80% MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS During 2012, 50 Investigation Warrants has been issued. DGT was given a Directorate General of Taxes KPI Strategic Objective of competent human resources development is described 62 as efforts to develop human resources with the needed ability, skill, knowledge, and behaviors, through competency-based education and training (soft and hard 2012 Annual Report competency). By the end of 2012, 3,566 officers have been assessed and 2,900 officials or 81.32% have met the job competency standards with a score of Job Person Match above 72%. In achieving Strategic Objective related to human resources, DGT provided Directorate General of Taxes education and training for employees. The KPI is calculated by dividing average training hours per employee with the number of working hours during the year (1,507 hours). In 2012, the KPI target was 1.06%, or 16 hours of training per year for each employee. The average training hours per employee is 45.5 hours or 3.02% of the total working hours during the year. During 2012 DGT has imposed severe or medium degree of discipline sanctions to 123 employees or 0.3930% of the total number of 31,316 employees. By using MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS “minimize” performance indicators polarization, the KPI achievement toward percentage of the number of employees charged with severe or medium degree of disciplinary sanctions was only 38.93%. PJ-14 Development of Adaptive Organization KPI Target Realization Achievement Percentage of completion on organizational development 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Percentage of SOPs completion against SOPs that need to be formulated/updated 100.00% 168.13% 168.13% 92.00 93.83 101.99% 3.00 3.32 110.67% Percentage of executed risk mitigation 70.00% 94.00% 134.29% Percentage of followed-up policy recommendation from supervision 85.00% 100.00% 117.65% Bureaucratic reform index Employee satisfaction index PJ-14 Achievement 122.17% 123 severe or medium degree of discipline sanctions imposed to employees DGT’s efforts to achieve the Strategic Objective of the Adaptive Organization Development include the refinement of organizational structure, main tasks, job 63 descriptions, establishment of new offices, and others. Organization Development. The description of each KPI achievement is as follows. 1. The KPI percentage of organization development is calculated by dividing the number of proposals delivered to the Ministry of Finance with the 2012 Annual Report In 2012, there were six KPIs related to the Strategic Objective of the Adaptive number of planned organization development. In 2012, DGT plans to increase the number of data and document processing office and establish were realized through the establishment of Data and Document Processing Office Jambi and Information and Complaint Services Office on November 6, 2012. 2. Based on organization’s business processes evaluation, 568 SOPs were set as the target to be updated or created in 2012. The number of SOPs updated or created during the year were 955 SOPs. This exceeded the Directorate General of Taxes an independent unit that manages DGT contact center Kring Pajak 500200 target due to the establishment of new offices, the addition of internal tax regulations that require new SOPs. 3. Bureaucratic reform index is derived from Quality Assurance activities conducted by the Inspector General. The index score of 93.83 shows that the bureaucratic reform conducted by DGT was aligned with the bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of Finance. 4. Employee satisfaction index was derived from a survey conducted by the Ministry of Finance. Variables measured in the survey were physical, psychological, social interaction, financial, and other factors. Based on the parameters set by the Ministry of Finance, the score of DGT’s employee satisfaction index was 3.32 which indicated that DGT’s employees were quite satisfied with DGT. 5. Mitigation is an action to eliminate potential hazard or to reduce the probability of risk occurance. In 2012 DGT was given a target to mitigate 70% of 60,528 risks at Risk Owner’s Unit (echelon II). Whereas the executed risk mitigation in 2012 were 56,897 risks or 134.29% of the target. 6. Policy recommendation is proposed by the Inspectorate General to the echelon I units in the Ministry of Finance to make changes, additions and/or improvements to the regulations, policies, systems, and procedures. DGT was given a target to accomplish 85% of the overall recommendations, which include: MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS compliance task on each operational unit, and the issuance of several new a. effectiveness of taxpayer profiles creation/updating/utilization and benchmarking by Small Taxpayer Office; 64 b. effectiveness of monitoring toward the self-construction activities in MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report order to increase VAT revenue; and c. effectiveness of non-filer taxpayers management. By the end of 2012, 100% of the recommendations have been followed-up by DGT. PJ-15 Development of Integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) KPI Target Realization Achievement Percentage of completion on information system module development in relation with DGT’s strategic plans 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Percentage of employee database system (SIKKA/SIMPEG) data accuracy 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% PJ-15 Achievement 100.00% The development of information system modules include application modules development, hardware procurement, ICT policies refinement, and information systems analysis and evaluation. Some information system modules were developed by DGT in 2012, among others, are Taxpayers’ Promotion and Demotion, Modified Tax Information System (SIPMod) to DGT Information Systems (SIDJP) migration, and Tax Returns Processing Monitoring. In achieving the Strategic Objective of Development of integrated ICT, DGT also maintained employee data accuracy by updating the employee database system (SIKKA) and used them for decision making processes. The KPI related to employee database system (SIKKA/SIMPEG) data accuracy is calculated by using samples of employee data. Based on the sampling carried out by DGT and Inspectorate General towards 3% of total number of DGT’s employee data, DGT achieved 100% data accuracy. PJ-16 Optimum Budget Management KPI Target 95.00% Realization Achievement 95.29% 90.52% PJ-16 Achievement 95.29% 2012 Annual Report Percentage of Budget (DIPA) spending (non-personnel expenditures) 65 Budget is one of organization resource that needs to be managed optimally. be spent according to predetermined plan and be accounted for. The KPI percentage of budget spending for non-personnel expenditures is measured using the absorption rate (actual spending divided by allocated funds) and effectiveness of budget planning. Directorate General of Taxes Funds that are allocated to DGT as listed in the budget documents (DIPA) should In 2012, DGT allocated Rp3,445.44 billion for Goods and Capital Expenditures. The low absorption rate was due to, among others, suspension of budget allocation for office building constructions and the delay in issuance of multi-years contract permit. seta Photo by Tomy Nur MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The actual spending was Rp3,118.86 billion or 90.52%. Operational Review A.Tax Regulations Refinement 66 Refinement of tax regulations is implemented to improve efficiency and 2012 Annual Report effectiveness of tax revenues collection, fairness in taxation, and to support government programs/policies. Social dynamics, economic, political, and information technology in society demand adaptive response that leads to refinement of tax regulations. These are several tax regulations, such as Government Regulation, Minister of MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes Finance Regulation, and Director General of Taxes Regulation, that were refined and published in 2012. 1.Tax Data and Information Collection As a consequence of self-assessment system, tax data and information from government agencies, institutions, associations, and other parties are essential for monitoring taxpayers compliance. Tax data and information covers data and information of business activities, business turnovers, income, assets, debtors, financial transactions, foreign exchange, and credit cards, including financial/business reports submitted to other agencies. As stipulated in Article 35A of the Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures, the obligation of government agencies, institutions, associations, and other parties to provide tax data and information is regulated by Government Regulation. Therefore, in 2008 DGT started to prepare Government Regulation Draft and discussed it with the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Ministry of State Secretariat, the Indonesian National Police, and Central Bank of Indonesia. On February 27, 2012, Government Regulation Number 31 Year 2012 concerning Provision and Collection of Tax-related Data and Information was issued and enacted in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56 Year 2012. The regulation regulates that government agencies, institutions, associations, and other parties which are obliged to provide data and information are stipulated by the Minister of Finance after coordinating with the relevant parties. In 2012, coordination with nine parties has been established and the Minister of Finance Regulation has been prepared and is waiting for approval. 2.The Implementing Regulation of Government Regulation Number 74 Year 2011 67 In accordance with the issuance of Government Regulation Number 74 Obligations Tax Compliance which came into force on January 1, 2012, a number of regulations were also issued as the implementing regulations of the referred Government Regulation. In drafting the implementing regulations, DGT also 2012 Annual Report Year 2011 concerning Procedures for Implementation of Rights and conducted harmonization and codification of regulations on General Provisions and Codification is conducted by combining several Minister of Finance and Director General of Taxes Regulations into one simple Minister of Finance Regulation. Minister of Finance Regulations which have been enacted covers: Directorate General of Taxes Tax Procedures. 1. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 68/PMK.03/2012 concerning Off Amount; 2. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 73/PMK.03/2012 concerning Registration and Business Activities Reporting Period, Procedures for the Registration, Granting, and Deletion of Taxpayer Identification Number, and the Stipulation and the Revocation of Taxable Person for VAT Purposes; 3. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 74/PMK.03/2012 concerning Procedures for Stipulation and Revocation of the Determination of a Tax Subject with Certain Criteria in order to Obtain Back Tax Overpayment; 4. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 129/PMK.03/2012 concerning Procedures for the Termination of Tax Investigation for the State Revenue Interest; 5. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 145/PMK.03/2012 concerning Procedures for the Issuance of Notice of Tax Assessment and Notice of Tax Collection; and 6. Minister of Finance Regulation Number 146/PMK.03/2012 concerning Procedures for Verification. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Procedures for the Writing Off Tax Arrears and the Stipulation of Write In addition to those regulations, DGT has also prepared several Minister 68 of Finance Regulation Draft, which are waiting for approval, stipulate on: 1. procedure for correction; 2012 Annual Report 2. procedure for tax objection filing and settlement; 3. procedure for deduction or annulment of administrative penalties and deduction or cancellation of Notice of Tax Assessment or Notice of Tax Collection; 4. procedure for refund of tax overpayment which should not be payable; 5. procedure for tax audit; and Directorate General of Taxes 6. procedure for preliminary evidence verification. 3.The Adjustment of Non-Taxable Income To reduce the negative impact of economic and monetary developments and increasing price of basic commodities, which potentially lower the purchasing power, an adjustment was made to the amount of Non-Taxable Income (PTKP). The Article 7 paragraph (3) of Income Tax Law, authorizes Minister of Finance to adjust the amount of Non-Taxable Income after MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS consulting with the House of Representatives. Minister of Finance stipulated the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 162/PMK.011/2012 concerning Adjustment of Non-Taxable Income which came into effect on January 1, 2013. The amount of Non-Taxable Income is adjusted as follows. Description Individual taxpayer Additional for a married taxpayer Additional for a married taxpayers’ spouse provided they file a joint tax return Additional for each dependent family member (maximum three people) Non-Taxable Income per Year (Rp) Before After 15,840,000.00 24,300,000.00 1,320,000.00 2,025,000.00 15,840,000.00 24,300,000.00 1,320,000.00 2,025,000.00 The adjustment is expected to increase the purchasing power that will impact the increase of gross domestic product, either through the increase of consumption or savings. 4.The Formation or Accumulation of Reserves as Deductible Expenses 69 Formation or accumulation of reserves is basically non-deductible to permanent establishment. However, the Article 9 paragraph (1) letter c of Income Tax Law regulate its exceptions that the term and conditions are further stipulated by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 81/ PMK.03/2009 concerning Formation or Accumulation of Reserves as 2012 Annual Report determine the amount of Taxable Income for domestic taxpayers and Deductible Expenses, which then amended by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 219/PMK.011/2012. PMK.011/2012 is the addition of three business entities other than commercial banks and people’s credit banks, which can form or accumulate reserves that are deductible in determining taxable income, namely: 1. Indonesian Export Financing Institution; Directorate General of Taxes Major changes in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 219/ 2. infrastructure financing company; and 5.The Refinement of Income Tax Regulation on Bond Interest and/or Discount In order to enhance fairness as well as to ease the administration of bond traders, it is necesarry to amend the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 85/PMK.03/2011 which regulates procedures for withholding, payment, and reporting income tax on bond interest and/or discount. Therefore, the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 85/PMK.03/2011 was amended with the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 07/PMK.011/2012. Main subjects set in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 07/ PMK.011/2012, are: 1. negative discount or loss upon the sale of the bonds can be calculated with accrued interest income; and 2. the bond seller is obliged to inform the tax withholder acquisition cost and date of bonds with ‘first in first out’ method in terms of the actual acquisition cost and date of bonds that will be sold cannot be determined. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 3. PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (assets management company). 2012 Annual Report 70 6.The Designation of Certain Entities as the Withholder of Income Tax Article 22 The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 224/PMK.011/2012 concerning Amendment of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 154/PMK.03/2010 concerning Withholding of Income Tax Article 22 Pertaining to Payment for Supply of Goods and Import Activities or Other Business Activities was issued to increase community participation in tax administration system, to simplify, to ease, to ensure timely tax imposition, Directorate General of Taxes and to align the Article 22 of Income Tax Law and the provisions of VAT. The regulation adds new entities to be designated as the withholders of Income Tax Article 22, namely: 1.certain state-owned enterprises in energy, telecommunications, construction, transportation, basic industry, and banking sectors as withholders of Income Tax Article 22 pertaining to the payment of MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS purchasing goods for their business needs; 2. pharmaceutical industry as a withholder of Income Tax Article 22 on the sales of their products to domestic distributors; 3. Sole Agent (ATPM), Brand Agent (APM), and importers of motor vehicles as the withholder of Income Tax Article 22 on the domestic sales of motor vehicles; and 4. livestock industry and exporter as a withholder of Income Tax Article 22 on the purchase of goods from wholesaler for industrial or export needs. 7.The Stipulation of Entities that Receive Hindus Compulsory Religious Donation which Deductable from Gross Income The Government Regulation Number 60 Year 2010 stipulates that zakat or compulsory religious donations paid to appointed institutions can be deducted from gross income. In 2012, DGT appointed Adikara Dharma Parisad Foundation of Dharma Body of the National Fund (BDDN YADP) as the recipient institution of compulsory religious donations that can be deducted from gross income. It is stipulated by the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-15/ PJ/2012, which came into effect on June 11, 2012. Currently, there are 21 appointed institutions, namely: 1. National Amil Zakat Agency; 71 2. LAZ Dompet Dhuafa Republika; 4. LAZ Pos Keadilan Peduli Umat; 5. LAZ Yayasan Baitulmaal Muamalat; 6. LAZ Yayasan Dana Sosial Al Falah; 7. LAZ Baitul Maal Hidayatullah; 8. LAZ Persatuan Islam; 2012 Annual Report 3. LAZ Yayasan Amanah Takaful; 9. LAZ Yayasan Baitul Mal Umat Islam PT Bank Negara Indonesia; 11.LAZ Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia; 12.LAZ Yayasan Baitul Maal Bank Rakyat Indonesia 13.LAZ Yayasan Baitul Maal wat Tamwil; 14.LAZ Baituzzakah Pertamina; 15.LAZ Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhiid (DUDT); 16.LAZ Yayasan Rumah Zakat Indonesia; Directorate General of Taxes 10.LAZ Yayasan Bangun Sejahtera Mitra Umat; 17.LAZIS Muhammadiyah; 19.LAZIS Ikatan Persaudaraan Haji Indonesia (LAZIS IPHI); 20.Indonesian Christian Religion Donation Institution (LEMSAKTI); and 21.Adikara Dharma Parisad Foundation of Dharma Body of the National Fund (BDDN YADP). 8.The Provision of Income Tax Incentive for Investment in Certain Business Sectors Tax is carried out to fulfill state budget revenue, thus several efforts must be made by government to optimize the tax revenues collection. However, the tax policy should remain friendly to business community to boost the economy. Therefore, the government constantly evaluates provisions of tax incentives. In 2012, the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 144/PMK.011/2012 concerning Provision of Income Tax Incentive for Investment in Certain Business Sectors was issued. This regulation is the implementation provision of the Article 7 of Government Regulation Number 1 Year 2007 concerning Facilitation of Income Tax for Investment in Specific Business Sectors and/ or in Specific Regions as amended several times, most recently with the Government Regulation Number 52 Year 2011. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 18.LAZIS Nahdlatul Ulama (LAZIS NU); Income Tax incentives as referred to the regulation as follows: 72 1. net income reduction of 30% of the capital investment deducted in six years, or 5% per year; 2012 Annual Report 2. accelerated depreciation and amortization; 3. imposition of 10% on Income Tax for dividend paid to foreign taxable subjects or lower based on the Tax Treaty; and 4. loss carry forward more than five years but not more than ten years with certain requirements. 9.Establishment of Verification Committee of Corporate Directorate General of Taxes Income Tax Exemption or Deduction Based on the provisions of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 130/PMK.011/2011, corporate taxpayer who is a pioneer industry with certain requirements may be granted exemption or deduction of corporate Income Tax. Pioneer industry is an industry which has extensive relationship, provides high added values and externalities, introduces new technology, MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS and has a strategic value to the national economy. To obtain the incentives, taxpayers should submit a proposal to the Minister of Industry or the Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. Through coordination with other ministers, Minister of Industry or Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board submits the proposal and its study to Minister of Finance. To verify the proposal, Minister of Finance forms a Verification Committee which will assist Minister in conducting research and verification of the proposal. The Verification Committee of Corporate Income Tax Exemption or Reduction has been formed based on the Minister of Finance Decree Number 442/KMK.011/2011 for the working period of 2011. The extension of Committee’s tenure for 2012 is stipulated in the Minister of Finance Decree Number 73/KMK.011/2012. 10.The Implementing Regulation of VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law The Article 19 of VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law stipulates the government to regulate matters that are not dealt with in the VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law. In early 2012, the government issued the Government Regulation Number 1 Year 2012 concerning Implementation of the VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law. The regulation sets about the joint responsibility of VAT payment, personal use, the issuance time of Tax Invoice, list of goods and services which are not subject to VAT, the definition of capital goods related to the crediting of Input Tax for the Taxable Person for VAT Purposes which is not yet in production, and 73 definition of Taxable Retailers for VAT Purposes. In early 2012, government issued the Government Regulation Number 10 Year 2012 concerning Treatment of Customs, Taxation, Excise, and Procedures for the Delivery of Goods to/from/in Free Trade Zones and 2012 Annual Report 11.Tax Regulation on Free Trade Zones and Free Ports Free Ports. The objectives of this regulation are: 2. to increase efficiency of procedures for delivery of goods to/from/in free trade zones and free ports; and 3. to optimize the provision of fiscal incentives in the free zones. As the implementation provisions of the Government Regulation Number 10 Year 2012, Minister of Finance issued the Minister of Finance Regulation Directorate General of Taxes 1. to ease delivery of goods to/from/in free trade zones and free ports; Number 62/PMK.03/2012 that regulates procedures for supervision, delivery of taxable goods and/or services from/to free zones to/from other place inside customs area. The regulation, among others, stipulates the provision of tax incentives in form of exemption from the imposition of VAT upon: 1. delivery of air transport services in the free zones; and 2. delivery of telecommunication services in the free zones. 12.VAT on Avtur Transfer for Foreign Air Transport The Government Regulation Number 71 Year 2012 concerning VAT on Avtur Transfer for Foreign Air Transport is the amendment of the Government Regulation Number 26 Year 2005, which is no longer relevant to the current needs of foreign air transport. The Government Regulation Number 71 Year 2012 stipulates: 1. incentives provision such as VAT exemption on avtur transfer to national commercial air transport company for foreign air transport service; 2. terms or conditions for VAT exemption on avtur transfer to foreign commercial air transport company for foreign air transport service; MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS administration, payment of VAT and/or sales tax on luxury goods on 3. obligation to make a Tax Invoice of the avtur transfer; and 74 4. obligation to pay VAT on avtur transfer that was previously exempted 2012 Annual Report due to re-transfering some or all of the avtur to other parties. 13.Provisions of VAT on Parking Service The Government reinforced the provisions of VAT on parking service as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 122/PMK.03/2012 concerning Criteria for Parking Service to be Included in Type of Services MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes That are Not Subjected to VAT. Parking service is not subjected to VAT but the management of parking service is subject to VAT. Parking service is a service to provide parking space which the owner or parking operator charge users with fees. Whereas management of parking service is a service performed by a parking service company in managing the parking space owned or provided by other party, in exchange of compensation from the owner of the parking space, including compensation as in profit sharing. 14.Re-registration of Taxable Person for VAT Purposes On February 3, 2012, Director General of Taxes issued the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-05/PJ/2012 concerning the 2012 Reregistration of Taxable Person for VAT Purposes. The regulation was enacted due to DGT’s data as of December 2011, there were only 450 thousand Taxable Person for VAT Purposes which were active and regularly filed the Periodic VAT Return or only 52% out of 870 thousand Taxable Person for VAT Purposes. The re-registration of Taxable Person for VAT Purposes is needed since some Taxable Person for VAT Purposes who did not file VAT Return are no longer running their business and still registered in the DGT’s tax administration. If the result of re-registration shows that the business of Taxable Person for VAT Purposes has been inactive or inoperational so it does not meet the requirements to be a Taxable Person for VAT Purposes, the status of Taxable Person for VAT is revoked. B.Transfer of Tax Collection Authority for Rural and Urban Areas - Land and Building Tax 75 The Law Number 28 Year 2009 concerning Local Taxes and Retributions regulates (PBB-P2) will be transferred to Local Governments on January 1, 2014 at the latest. In 2012, DGT and a team from the Ministry of Finance carried out monitoring and evaluation on the preparation and implementation of the regulation. 2012 Annual Report that tax collection authority for Rural and Urban Areas - Land and Building Tax To ensure smooth transition, DGT did several activities such as: manage Rural and Urban Areas - Land and Building Tax in 2013; 2. provide technical assistance on Rural and Urban Areas - Land and Building Tax management for the local governments. The technical assistance will be conducted by regional tax offices and/or Small Taxpayer Offices; 3. set up a joint team between regional tax offices and the local governments to assist the regency/city governments in preparing the collection of Rural Directorate General of Taxes 1. monitor the preparation of 105 regency/city governments which will and Urban Areas - Land and Building Tax; Taxable Object Information Management System (Sismiop) in regency/city governments; 5. organize valuation workshops in 18 regency/city governments; and 6. cooperate with State College of Accounting (STAN) to conduct Diploma I program for regency/city governments employee to become Appraiser and Operator Console. List of Local Governments which Have Implemented Tax Collection of Rural and Urban Areas - Land and Building Tax in 2012 No. Local Government No. Local Government 1. City of Bandar Lampung 10. City of Gorontalo 2. City of Palu 11. City of Palembang 3. City of Balikpapan 12. City of Pekanbaru 4. City of Samarinda 13. Regency of Sidoarjo 5. City of Medan 14. Regency of Gresik 6. City of Yogyakarta 15. Regency of Bogor 7. City of Semarang 16. Regency of Sukoharjo 8. City of Depok 17. Regency of Deli Serdang 9. City of Pontianak MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 4. organize information technology workshops for installing and customizing C.Exploring Tax Potency 76 Tax potency exploration is carried out through two major programs, tax 2012 Annual Report extensification and tax intensification. Tax extensification is a series of activities to broaden the tax base, while tax intensification is a series of tax potency exploration activities on existing taxpayer. 1.Tax Extensification The Financial Memorandum of 2012 State Budget states that tax Directorate General of Taxes extensification program is aimed at increasing the number of individual taxpayers according to the type of professions, employers, 1,000 largest taxpayers, and certain entrepreneur. Tax extensification activities are held to broaden the tax base to increase tax revenues by increasing the number of taxpayers and improving compliance of new taxpayer. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The extensification program uses employers and property-based approach. Employers-based approach is conducted by enlisting all employees including commissioners, shareholders, directors, and employees in private or state-owned enterprises and civil servants. Property-based approach is conducted by registering business owners in commercial centers, shops or malls, and those who live in apartments and luxurious houses. Tax extensification activities are the solution to the problems that had been faced by DGT due to the slow growth of new taxpayers additions each year. During 2007 to 2012, tax extensification activities showed a positive performance. The addition of Tax Identification Number per year has increased significantly; adding 292 thousand in 2006 to more than 2 million in 2007 and continued to rise in 2009 as the result of the Sunset Policy. In 2012 there were 2,249,639 new individual taxpayers. Photo by Tom y Nurs eta Total Individual Taxpayer, 2008 – 2012 Description Addition of individual taxpayer 2011 2010 2009 2008 2,249,639 3,001,035 3,019,396 5,053,587 3,375,977 22,131,323 19,881,684 16,880,649 13,861,253 8,807,666 Note: Based on National Masterfile after data cleansing in 2012 Director General of Taxes re-launched the National Tax Census Program on May 1, 2012. The re-launching event was also held in each regional tax offices. The objective of the National Tax Census is to capture all tax potency. This program is in line with Indonesian Tax Philosophy (Tri Dharma Perpajakan), tax obligations are fulfilled correctly and in a timely manner. To ensure the 2012 National Tax Census program runs successfully, DGT conducted a series of preparations which includes: 1. refinement of regulation; 2. refinement of business processes and development of computer application; 3. budget planning; 4. preparation facilities and infrastructure; 5. preparation technical guidelines; and 6. dissemination and publication of the program. The National Tax Census was conducted simultaneously throughout Indonesia. The census location was selected based on tax potential priority which are economic activity centers/business districts, high-rise buildings, residential areas, and other potential areas (e.g: palm oil plantations and mining). During the census, all data of tax subjects and objects were collected using Census Form and followed by counseling and sending notification letter. The respondents’ business place and/or residence were marked with a sticker upon the completion of census. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS namely: all taxpayers are registered; all taxable objects are taxed; and all Directorate General of Taxes The National Tax Census 77 2012 Annual Report Total individual taxpayers by the end of the year 2012 The result of the 2012 National Tax Census program can be described as follows. 78 1. The total number of Census Form collected are 3,455,336 or 96.3% of 2012 Annual Report the total Census Form collection target. 2. A total of 9,057 taxpayers, which in 2011 did not file the Annual Tax Returns, were given notification letter and file their Annual Tax Returns in 2012. 3. A total of 24,605 taxpayers data were updated, consists of 17,585 corporate taxpayers data and 7,025 individual taxpayers data. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 4. The 2012 tax revenues from 2011 census respondents had increased Rp1,432.591 billion compared to 2011. The National Tax Census Result, 2011 – 2012 Year Target 2011 2012 Census Form Category Total Category 1-2-3 % Category 1-2-3 Total Category 1-2-3- 4 % Category 1-2-3-4 1 2 3 4 1,030,903 443,113 15,206 101,385 86,951 559,704 54.29 646,655 62.73 3,588,000 2,922,004 78,410 454,922 50,279 3,455,336 96.30 3,505,615 97.70 Description: Category 1: Respondent is present and willing to be interviewed and sign the Census Form Category 2: Respondent is present but not willing to respond or sign the Census Form Category 3: Respondent is not present but there is a representative Category 4: Census object is not inhabited In 2012, Census Form category 4 was not counted toward overall census result. Data as of January 9, 2013 2.Tax Intensification Tax intensification conducted by DGT in 2012 include the following activities. Periodic Tax Payment Monitoring DGT monitor periodic tax payment made by taxpayers for every tax period and for all type of taxes. DGT monitors periodic tax payment intensively due to the significant role of periodic tax payment which contributed 75% of the national tax revenues. The monitoring activities are followed-up by Account Representatives who persuasively remind the taxpayers on their obligations. During the process, Account Representative also perform data reconciliation on periodic tax payment. Periodic tax payment monitoring is conducted to ensure taxpayers pay their taxes. If the taxpayers do not fulfil their tax payment obligation, DGT 79 would issue Notice of Tax Collection (STP). If the taxpayers still do not comply, Account Representative can propose an audit. DGT is actively maintain and keep the tax database up to date by obtaining information regarding taxpayers either from taxpayer’s tax return or other 2012 Annual Report Utilization of Feeding Data parties. data. Data feeding includes the exchange of taxpayers data between tax offices based on taxpayers profile and monitoring the result. The background of the program implementation is the exploration of tax potency that is not optimal due to: 1. limited access of Account Representative to the data; Directorate General of Taxes One of tax intensification program in 2012 was the utilization of feeding 2. the profile-based data exchange between tax offices; 4. no sistematic cross-check to validate the data. The exchanged data in the feeding program, among others, are stock ownership, related party transactions, customers and suppliers, the service users and providers, and data of creditors and debtors. The exchange of data between tax offices is expected to update the taxpayers profile and enable DGT to explore the new tax potency of taxpayers. Sectoral Potency Exploration Taxes are essential to the economic growth. Tax exploration based on economic sector is considered to give optimal result compared to random potency exploration. In carrying out the sectoral potency exploration, DGT tried to find various tax avoidance activities and spesific characteristics that occur in business activities/transactions. These tax avoidance activities and spesific characteristics may occur due to the nature of the business or intentionally created by utilizing various loopholes in the tax regulations and other regulations. The program is carried out through several activities including mapping the industry potential, providing internal and external data, providing tax exploration model, and sectoral monitoring and examination. In 2012, the focus of the program was on the palm oil and coal sector. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 3. the taxpayers data in the database is not optimally utilized; and Individual Potency Exploration Based on Internet Searching 80 In 2012 DGT started focusing the tax potency exploration on individual 2012 Annual Report taxpayers through internet-based data searching mechanism. This is due to several reasons, among others, the fact that over the years, tax revenues from individual entrepreneurs are small compared to tax revenues from employee. This is odd considering the wealth possessed by the individual entrepreneurs is much greater than the employees, plus the fact that there is significant growth over the number of new rich people in Indonesia. Directorate General of Taxes The objectives of potency exploration based on internet searching are: 1. increase of number of high-wealth individual taxpayers; 2. establishment a deterrent effect for the entities related to the individual taxpayers; and 3. increase of tax revenues from high-wealth individual taxpayers and improvement of their compliance. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Utilization of Benchmark In 2012 DGT prepared the program of Benchmark Improvement and Utilization as one of the implementation of the risk management concept. Through benchmark tools, DGT has the ability to measure the level of compliance risk and to compare taxpayers performance in the same business sector. Benchmark Behavioral Model is done by utilizing statistic and econometric tools to map the financial behavior of all taxpayers in the same business sector, scale, and location. An overview of a specific financial measure of all taxpayers will be obtained from the mapping results. If there are taxpayers who deviated from general standards, it can be an indication that the taxpayer is have made mistakes or even tax fraud. D.Law Enforcement To assure taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations, DGT carries out law enforcement activities. Eventually, law enforcement activities will provide positive impact to voluntary taxpayers’ compliance. There are three forms of law enforcement carries out by DGT, namely audit, collection, and investigation. In addition to provide positive impact to the increase of taxpayers’ voluntary compliance, the law enforcement activities are also expected to provide a short-term impact of contribution to the tax revenues. Therefore, the law enforcement activities should be conducted in measurable, consistent, and professional manner. Implementation of law enforcement will minimize disputes between taxpayers and DGT. 1.Audit 81 As stipulated in the Article 29 paragraph (1) of Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures, Director General of Taxes is authorized to conduct the implementation of the tax laws. Audit is a preliminary law encforcement act conducted by DGT. Audit to test compliance aims to test the accuracy of Tax Returns which will produce 2012 Annual Report audits to test taxpayers’ compliance and for other purposes in respect to Notice of Tax Assessment. Whereas, audit for other purposes is not intended to issue Notice of Tax Assessment but to implement certain tax for remote areas, Information Exchanges with other countries and other purposes. Audit to test compliance is conducted based on the result of risk analysis on taxpayers’ profiles or based on the result of information, data, report, and denunciation (Informasi, Data, Laporan, dan Pengaduan/IDLP) analysis, Directorate General of Taxes regulations, such as in order to determine the provision of tax incentives which shows any indication of taxpayers’ incompliance. In addition, the Tax audit has limitations due to the limited number of tax auditors compared to the number of taxpayers. In order to minimize the gaps between the numbers of taxpayers’ to be audited and the tax auditors, DGT need to design tax audit strategies. DGT’s strategies in the implementation of audit in 2012 are described as follows. 1.Development of computerized taxpayer selection criteria system. By using IT application, taxpayer financial data was analyzed and compared with its industries. The results is initial indication of taxpayers’ compliance level. Photo by M. Setiawan MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS audit is also conducted in case of tax refund request. 2. Improvement on special audit instruction. In order to optimize tax auditor and to improve audit coverage, DGT Head Office authorized 82 to give instruction to low routine audit load tax office using criteria selection. 2012 Annual Report 3. Determining audit focus on certain sector. To generate revenues in current year, DGT has focusing on special sectors with high shares of revenues contribution, sectors with low level of compliance in 2011, and high profile industries to be audited. 4. Determining audit focus on certain individuals. In addition to special sectors focus audit, DGT also focusing on certain individuals especially Directorate General of Taxes professionals and individuals that related with corporate taxpayers’ being audited in the current year. 5. Improvement of human resources capacity through intensive training and audit workshop. 6.Implementation of audit cooperation with the Financial and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) under a State Revenue Optimization Team, and audit cooperation with Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE), namely Joint Audit Committee of DGT MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS and DGCE. 7. Formulation and refinement of audit regulations. 8. Audit quality control through review of audit report and peer review on the audit process. 9.Procurement and development of audit supporting system and infrastructure. Audit Guidelines and Modules Issued in 2012 Guidelines • Audit techniques and methods to test compliance to the tax obligation fulfillment • Preparation of audit program to test compliance to the tax obligation fulfillment • Preparation of working paper to test compliance to the tax obligation fulfillment • Drafting of audit report to test compliance to the tax obligation fulfillment • Audit peer review policy Modules • Technique Guidelines for Audit of Banking Sector • Technique Guidelines for Audit of Islamic Banking Sector • Technique Guidelines for Audit of Advertising Sector • Analysis Guidelines for Financial Statements • In-house Training of Computer-based Audit Technique • Multi National Enterprise Audit Group • Transfer Pricing for Intermediate Level • Transfer Pricing for Executive • Technique Guidelines for Audit of Contractors of Oil and Gas Cooperation Contract Taxpayer • Business Process and Taxation Aspect of Geothermal Mining Industry Audit of Contractors of Oil and Gas Cooperation Contract Taxpayer 83 By the issuance of the Government Regulation Number 79 Year 2010 and Gas Activities, DGT authorized to conduct audit on Contractors of Oil and Gas Cooperation Contract (KKKS Migas) taxpayer since 2012. KKKS Migas taxpayers adopt the uniformity principle both for the purposes of calculating taxes and for the purposes of calculating profit sharing in 2012 Annual Report concerning Costs Recovery and Provisions on Income Tax in Upstream Oil the implementation of the Production-Sharing Contract. If there are any Tax conducted by DGT and profit-sharing audit conducted by the Financial and Development Supervisory Board, a joint discussion between both institutions needs to be done. In March 2012 DGT, the Financial and Development Supervisory Board, and the Upstream Oil And Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (BP Migas) made Directorate General of Taxes differences in the audit findings between the audit of Corporate Income a Joint Memorandum of Understanding Number 0111/BPC0000/2012, Calculation and Taxation of KKKS Migas-Exploitation Phase, and Audit of Operating Cost of KKKS Migas-Exploration Phase. Implementation of the memorandum of understanding includes several activities such as audit schedule and audit activities toward 65 KKKS Migas have been carried out from April 2012 until April 2013. Audit of Mineral and Coal Mining Taxpayer There are specific issues related to the tax treatment of mineral and coal mining taxpayers especially who conduct business under a contract with the government. In accordance with the tax potency exploration of mineral and coal mining taxpayers, during 2012 DGT has carried out several activities. 1.Coordination with other related institutions, namely the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Financial and Development Supervisory Board to provide data associated with the export volume of mineral and coal, mineral and coal production data, and audit results regarding the calculation of royalties or Coal Production Fund (Dana Hasil Produksi Batubara) of mineral and coal mining companies. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MoU-406/D5/04/2012, KEP-37/PJ/2012 concerning Audit of Profit-Sharing 2. Providing assistance to the DGT’s operational units if there are any 84 problems in the implementation of the audit. 3. Submission of proposals for tax rulings related to Coal Contract of 2012 Annual Report Work (Perjanjian Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara) renegotiation in order to avoid multiple interpretations of the provisions stipulated in the contract. Audit of Geothermal Business In 2011 DGT has conducted audit on several geothermal taxpayers. Directorate General of Taxes Development Supervisory Board, in which DGT conducted audit of the tax MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Joint audits were carried out with the auditor team of the Financial and Audit Treatment Related to Transfer Pricing obligations fulfillment whereas the Financial and Development Supervisory Board audited the government’s right fulfillment of the geothermal activity. In 2012, DGT prepared the Module of Business Process and Taxation Aspect in Geothermal Mining Business Industry which expected to be a referrence in the treatment and audit of Geothermal Business Taxpayer. The Article 18 paragraph (3) of Income Tax Law mandated the Director General of Taxes to adjust the amount of income, deduction, and debt as the base to calculate the amount of Taxable Income for affiliated taxpayers in line to arm`s length principles. Accordingly, DGT has to ensure that transfer pricing is not used by taxpayers to avoid tax (abuse of transfer pricing). DGT also has to ensure that the method used, comparable selected, and transfer price determined by taxpayers at the time of transactions with the related party, particularly transactions done by multinational companies, are in accordance with the arm’s length principle. Transfer pricing mostly involves cross border transactions, hence cooperation with other countries is deemed necessary, either in the form of tax treaty or Exchange of Information (EoI). Audit Performance In order to assess the audit performance, DGT uses two approaches, namely the audit completion quantity approach and audit result quality approach. Audit performance using quantity approach is assessed based on the realization of audit completion compared to the target of audit completion. The audit completion standard is based on the audit of Annual Corporate Income Tax Returns (all-taxes corporate audit). Audit scope other than all-taxes corporate audit was converted so that it would be equivalent to all-taxes corporate audit. On the other hand, the audit performance using quality approach is assessed by calculating the contribution of audit activity to the total tax 85 revenues, which is by comparing between the value of refund discrepancy added with the revenue from audit and the total of tax revenues. Refund the refund requested by taxpayers through Annual/Periodic Tax Returns. Whereas the revenue from the audit result is calculated from the payment of Notice of Tax Assessment in the period prior to the collection. Audit Completion Target (converted result) 28,618.81 reports Audit Completion Result (converted result) 29,487.00 reports 103.03% Percentage of Target Achievement Revenues Target from Audit Rp13.30 trillion Revenues from Audit Rp14.24 trillion 107.07% Percentage of Target Achievement Rp2.86 trillion Refund Discrepancy Rp752.37 trillion Tax Revenues 2.27% Percentage of Audit Result and Refund Discrepancy to the Tax Revenue Numbers of Audit Reports and Tax Auditor, 2008–2012 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Total Audit Reports (actual) 55,666 61,351 64,988 69,15 21,178 Total Tax Auditors (excluding Tax Investigators) 4,110 4,113 4,159 2,744 2,812 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2% Percentage of Revenue from Audit and Refund Discrepancy to the Tax Revenues Year Directorate General of Taxes Audit Performance, 2012 2012 Annual Report discrepancy is the amount of tax that can be retained by the auditor on 2.Tax Collection 86 As stipulated in Law Number 19 Year 1997 concerning Tax Collection 2012 Annual Report with Coerce Warrant as amended by the Law Number 19 Year 2000, tax collection is a series of action in order for tax bearer to pay tax debt and tax receivable collection cost by reprimanding or warning, undertaking immediate collection and all at once, notifying Coerce Warrant, proposing restrain order, conducting confiscation, confinement, and selling confiscated goods. Directorate General of Taxes Referring to the Article 18 of Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures, the basis for tax collection is Notice of Tax Collection, Notice of Tax Underpayment Assessment, and Notice of Additional Tax Underpayment Assessment, and Notice of Tax Correction, Appeal Decision, and Judicial Review Decision, which cause the increasing amount of tax payable. DGT conducts tax collection based on risk-based collection. Initially, DGT promotes persuasive approach in accordance with the level of taxpayers MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS compliance in paying off the tax debt. The higher level of risk requires enforced collection approach. Uncollectible Risk Level Group Priority Scale Description of Risk Level Priority I (total score > 70) group of taxpayers with low risk of tax receivable uncollectible Priority II (40 < total score < 70) group of taxpayers with medium risk of tax receivable uncollectible Priority III (total score < 40) group of taxpayers with high risk of tax receivable uncollectible Risk management of tax collection is applied in determining the risk of uncollectible tax arrears and the priority of tax collection to encourage the achievement of strategic objectives of tax collection. In addition to the risk level analysis, DGT also determines the main priorities of tax collection and implements specific strategies of collection as follows: 1. tax arrears which will be expired in current year; 2. taxpayers who have indication of bankruptcy, are in the process of 87 bankruptcy, or have completed the bankruptcy process; 3. taxpayers who have indication of going to be liquidated, or in the 4. taxpayers related to the corporate action such as merger and acquisition. Tax collection which has been conducted by DGT can still be optimized further through the improvement of some crucial factors, which described 2012 Annual Report process of liquidation; and as follows. the implementation of the Government Regulation Number 31 Year 2012 concerning Provision and Collection of Tax-Related Data and Information. 2. Harmonization of banking and tax regulation, particularly to mitigate the risk of both the bank and DGT. It is related to the taxpayers who have tax debt and bank debt at the same time, with the taxpayers’ Directorate General of Taxes 1. Utilization of third party data, particularly assets and debtor tracing, as assets as collateral in order to obtain credit from banks. One of the obtain a Tax Clearance (SKF) from DGT before applying for a loan to the bank. 3. Improving the quality and quantity of the Tax Bailiff who is the frontline of tax collection. 4. The adoption of international best practice in tax collection, among others by the implementation of online auction and the synchronization of bank data and tax debt data to conduct immediate account blockage. 5. Cooperation with Directorate General of Customs and Excise and local governments in conducting joint tax collection to the taxpayers who have tax debts, custom and excise debts, and local taxes debt. 6. Ratification of Convention on Mutual Administration Assistance in Tax Matters in order to expand the scope of the tax treaty partner country to be able to meet the assistance request in collecting taxes on tax bearers who have been abroad. In 2012, the assistance request of foreign tax collection was still limited to eight partner countries based on the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-42/PJ/2011 concerning Procedures for Tax Collection Assistance based on a Tax Treaty. 7. Simultaneous tax collection by several different tax offices, especially for the group company which registered in different tax offices and has tax debts so that the tax collection can be done at once and for all for the taxpayers in the same group. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS regulations that need to be aligned is the obligation of the client to 8. Improve cooperation with other law enforcement institutions, among others, the Indonesian National Police and the Attorney General Office. 88 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Based on the audit results of the Audit Board (BPK) to the tax arrears in 2012 DGT’s Financial Report, there were additional tax arrears amounting to Rp72.67 trillion and the reduction amounted to Rp85.65 trillion. The tax arrears ending balance per December 31, 2012 amounted to Rp70.72 trillion. Tax Arrears Balance, 2012–2011 Type of Tax December 31, 2012 (Rp) December 31, 2011 (Rp) Increase/ Decrease (%) Income Tax Article 21 1,391,617,937,284 1,085,067,767,115 28.25 Income Tax Article 22 468,432,815,179 466,665,742,712 0.38 Income Tax Article 23 4,918,350,082,964 1,971,735,365,857 149.44 Income Tax Article 25 – Individual 1,218,354,326,214 1,011,913,424,152 20.40 Income Tax Article 25 – Corporate 18,473,224,608,352 14,272,978,070,717 29.43 2,093,962,968,364 2,831,091,117,252 (26.04) 589,715,652,210 517,874,742,847 13.87 15,704,901,728,814 42,235,408,556,549 (62.82) Domestic Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 176,236,958,386 208,754,851,900 (15.58) Land and Building Tax – Rural Sector 2,996,934,810,828 2,401,365,978,916 24.80 Land and Building Tax – Urban Sector 11,591,237,794,773 11,291,484,268,102 2.65 Land and Building Tax – Plantation Sector 661,307,597,822 394,209,918,227 67.76 Land and Building Tax – Forestry Sector 558,001,107,119 630,580,993,822 (11.51) 7,587,645,821,760 5,602,915,905,581 35.42 15,396,781 691,914,937 (97.77) 2,291,242,280,831 1,878,627,837,655 21.96 70,721,181,887,681 86,801,366,456,347 (18.53) Income Tax Article 26 Final Income Tax and Exit Tax Domestic VAT Land and Building Tax – Mining Sector Other Indirect Tax Income Tax Collection Interest Total Contribution of Tax Collection to the Tax Arrears Payment, 2012 Tax Collection Action Value (Rp) 89 % 63.94 Notification of Coerce Warrant 3,505,451,031,136 28.63 441,745,109,272 3.61 8,934,329,146 0.07 418,893,539,771 3.42 39,526,536,356 0.32 12,242,294,182,529 100.00 Confiscation Auction Account Blockage Prevention Total As part of the reduction in tax arrears value amounting to Rp85.65 trillion, in 2012 DGT managed to collect tax arrears amounted Rp12.24 trillion. 3.Investigation remedium) by DGT according to the mandate of the laws. Investigation on tax crime is a series of activities conducted by Tax Investigator to find and collect evidence in order to uncover a criminal act in the field of taxation and to find the suspect. Tax Investigator is DGT official who is granted with special authority to carry out tax criminal investigation according to the prevailing laws and regulations. In addition to the authority to conduct tax criminal investigations, Tax Investigator also has the authority to investigate the crime of money laundering based on Law Number 8 Year 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering. The investigation process begins with the analysis of information, data, report, and denunciation. If strong indication of tax crime found, it will be followed by proposal for verification of preliminary evidence. Should the preliminary evidence of tax crime revealed, it will be followed by proposal for investigation. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Tax criminal investigation is the ultimate law enforcement attempt (ultimum Directorate General of Taxes 7,827,743,636,848 2012 Annual Report Reprimand Letter Performance of Preliminary Evidence Verification, 2012 Issuance of Preliminary Evidence Verification Warrant 574letters Report of Preliminary Evidence Verification (Preliminary Evidence Verification completed) followed by: 462reports MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 90 Investigation Proposal 50reports The Article 8 paragraph (3) of Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures 131reports Minutes of Findings 42reports Issuance of Notice of Tax Assessment 5reports Discontinue 234reports Notes: • The Article 8 paragraph (3) of Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures regulates the • Minutes of Findings is a summary report but there is a potential of tax payable. • Discontinue is a report of preliminary evidence verification which is closed, if there is no voluntary disclosures of incorrectness by the taxpayer. indication of a crime, or the individual taxpayer has deceased, or else. Modus Operandi of Tax Crime, 2012 Modus Operandi Total Withholding but did not pay the tax withheld 26 cases Issuing Tax Invoice not based on actual transactions 16 cases Skimming profits 4 cases Issuing fake Tax Payment Slip 3 cases Did not file the Tax Return 1 cases Total 50 cases Investigation Performance, 2008–2012 No. I Description 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Investigation Submitted to Attorney Office A P-19 Status Amount of State Loss (billion rupiah) Number of Suspects B P-21 Status Amount of State Loss (billion rupiah) Number of Suspects 20 3 14 19 24 1,540 5 233 162 1,412 1 6 12 16 13 27 24 19 24 11 144.7 169 509 329 131 25 18 16 18 11 91 Photo by M. Setiawan II Description 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Cases Convicted 15 13 18 13 Amount of State Loss (billion rupiah) 1,550 58 409 288 463 Fines (billion rupiah) 3,270 42 301 633 115 19 14 11 14 17 Number of Defendants Notes: • P-19 Status: dossiers need completion • P-21 Status: dossiers are complete and can be forwarded to prosecution stage The number of tax criminal cases which have been followed up by DGT Directorate General of Taxes 26 Total of Convicted Cases 2012 Annual Report No. and the files were declared complete by the attorney (P-21) in the last five 105 cases have been declared complete by the attorney and 85 of whom had been convicted in the court with verdict of fines amounting around Rp4.36 trillion. The most tax criminal cases have been dominated by the case of fake tax invoice which is not based on actual transactions (fictitious Tax Invoice) and treasurer. The high profile tax criminal cases was the Asian Agri case with the amount of state loss amounted to Rp1.25 trillion. The case was closed by the Cassation Council of Supreme Court with the verdict of two years in prison with one year probation and fines of more than Rp2.5 trillion. Asian Agri case was initially acquitted by the Central Jakarta District Court and upheld by the Verdict of Jakarta High Court, before finally canceled by the cassation verdict of the Supreme Court in December 2012. Several factors that support the success of the investigation, among others: 1. deep analysis of information, data, reports, and denunciation which is followed by the verification of preliminary evidence; 2. capacity improvement of Tax Investigator, especially in the legal aspect; 3. intensive coordination in the preparation of case files so that investigation can proceed to lawsuit; 4. various cooperations with several institutions, namely the Indonesian National Police, the Attorney General Office, the Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS years (2008 to 2012) have a tendency to increase during the years. In total E.Tax Disputes Settlement 92 Tax disputes settlement has become DGT’s main concern in providing fairness 2012 Annual Report and law certainty for the taxpayers. In settling tax disputes, DGT guarantees the taxpayers’ rights so that they can use their rights in going through processes of certain services. The processes can be found at several institutions, which can be settled at DGT or Tax Court and the Supreme Court. The settlement process in DGT consists of processes of tax objection, correction, deduction, annulment, and cancellation of tax assessment. Processes settled outside the DGT are appeal and lawsuit processes which are settled at the Tax Court and review process which MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes must be requested by taxpayers or DGT to the Supreme Court through the Tax Court. 1.Objection, Correction, Cancellation Deduction, Annulment, and Legal attempts that can be taken by taxpayers if they disagree with any tax assessment are: 1. objection over Notice of Tax Underpayment Assessment (SKPKB), Notice of Additional Tax Underpayment Assessment (SKPKBT), Notice of Nil Tax Assessment (SKPN), Notice of Overpayment Assessment (SKPLB), Notice of Land and Building Tax Payable (SPPT), Notice of Land and Building Tax Assessment (SKP PBB), Notice of Conveyance Tax Underpayment Assessment (SKBKB), Notice of Additional Conveyance Tax Underpayment Assessment (SKBKBT), Notice of Conveyance Tax Overpayment Assessment (SKBLB), Notice of Nil Conveyance Tax Assessment (SKBN), and other withholding tax by a third party; 2. correction of Notice of Tax Assessment (skp), Notice of Tax Collection (STP), and other tax assessment/decision for any mistyping, miscalculations, and mistakenly applied provisions of tax laws and regulations; 3. deduction or annulment of administrative penalties either due to the negligence of taxpayers or not; 4. deduction or cancellation of incorrect Notice of Tax Assessment; 5. deduction or cancellation of incorrect Notice of Tax Collection; 6. deduction of administrative penalty for Land and Building Tax; 7. deduction of Land and Building Tax and Conveyance Tax payable; and 8. cancellation of tax audit result or notice of tax assessment evaluation without notice of audit result or final discussion of audit results with taxpayers. In order to monitor and to improve the quality of services, in 2012 DGT Head Office through Directorate of Objection and Appeal conducted peer review to regional tax offices. Settlement of Objection, Correction, Deduction, Annulment, and Cancellation of Tax Assessment, 2012 93 Income Tax Type of Services Total 2,966 6,610 7,070 16,646 Correction 824 663 3,754 5,241 - - 21,434 21,434 6,674 8,831 1,717 17,222 976 1,473 123,543 125,992 1,684 1,521 46 3,251 7 72 - 79 13,131 19,170 157,564 189,865 Basic Tax Deduction Deduction or Annulment of Administrative Penalties Deduction or Cancellation of tax assessment Deduction or Cancellation of Notice of Tax Collection Cancellation of Audit Result/Notice of Tax Assessment as a Result of Audit Total If somehow taxpayers were disagree or dissatisfied on objection decisions issued by DGT, taxpayers may use their rights to request for appeal to the Tax Court. Other than that, taxpayers or tax bearers may also use their rights to request for lawsuit to Tax Court on: 1. execution of Coerce Warrant, Notice of Seizure, or Notice of Auction; 2. prevention order decision in the frame work of tax collection; 3. decision that relate to the execution of tax assessment, other than those stipulated in the Article 25 paragraph (1) and the Article 26 of Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures; or 4. issuance of notice tax assessment or decision of objection does not conform to the procedures stipulated in tax laws. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2.Appeal and Lawsuit to the Tax Court Directorate General of Taxes Objection 2012 Annual Report VAT/Sales Land & Building Tax on Luxury Tax Goods Distribution of Appeal and Lawsuit Verdicts for each Letters of 94 Verdict Accepted by DGT, 2012 2012 Annual Report Letters of Verdict Appeal Total Rejected 560 421 981 Partially Granted 619 48 667 Fully Granted 850 146 996 65 40 105 2 17 19 419 411 830 Added 1 - 1 Total 2,516 1,083 3,599 113 6 119 Cancelled Eliminated from Disputes Lists Directorate General of Taxes Lawsuit Unaccepted Corrected due to Errors in Writing and/or Calculation Notes: MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Corrected due to Errors in Writing and/or Calculation is a verdict which revised previous verdict. Based on table above, the Letters of Verdict namely Rejected, Eliminated from Disputes Lists, and Added show that DGT has won either in the appeal or lawsuit which amounted to 1,831 Letters of Verdict from a total of 3,599 Letters of Verdict or 50.88%. DGT conducted various strategies in 2012 to optimize the performance in handling appeal and lawsuit, which were as follows: 1. regulation harmonization which has been composed by DGT along with external party such as Directorate General of Customs and Excise and Tax Court; 2. improving court officers’ litigation ability by training, education, and in-house training; 3. establishment of a team with certain abilities to represent DGT in court on certain cases; 4. request to Tax Court to submit the Minutes of Hearing; 5. request to put the Honorary Council back into effect on Tax Court. To put it more concrete, submission of written report to Honorary Council regarding unmeticulous judge’s decisions in Tax Court should be implemented as part of solution programs; 6. data synchronization between DGT and Tax Court through application that connected the two institutions; 7. drafting of appeal and lawsuit procedures that will be conducted by regional tax offices as a follow up of the establishment of Tax Court 95 outside Jakarta; and 8. comparative study of tax disputes settlement on Australia and Japan countries that needed to be settled in Court Tax. In 2012, Yogyakarta has been appointed as the pilot project of Tax Court outside of Jakarta in order to improve the services on handling disputes of 2012 Annual Report due to the fact that there are not many tax disputes on those two appeal and lawsuit. For the next phase, it will be held in Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, and Balikpapan. Verdicts over appeal or lawsuit from the Tax Court are the final verdicts and legally binding. However, all parties, both taxpayers and DGT, still have the rights to take an extraordinary legal attempt, namely Review to the Supreme Court. Review can be filed within a period of three months at the Directorate General of Taxes 3.Review latest since the verdicts are sent by the Tax Court. 1. the Tax Court verdicts are based on falsity or deceit of the opposite party which reveals after the cases have been decided or based on evidence which at a later time was declared as false by the criminal judges; 2. there are new written proofs which are vital and prescriptive, that if found out at the time of trial at the Tax Court would result in different verdicts; and 3. some issues that were not charged or more than what have been charged have been granted, unless what have been decided under the Article 80 paragraph (1) letters b and c of Tax Court Law; 4. concerning a part of the lawsuit which is yet to be decided without being given duly considerations; or 5. there is a verdict which is clearly not in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations. Filing of Review to the Supreme Court by DGT is done through Memory of Review. Upon the Review to the Supreme Court filed by taxpayers, DGT is obliged to reply in the form of Counter Memory of Review. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Review can be filed by either taxpayers or DGT in terms of: Filing of Review and Counter Review to the Supreme Court, 2012 96 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Type of Tax Memory of Counter Review Memory of Review Total Income Tax 518 102 620 VAT/Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 713 212 925 7 5 12 1,238 319 1,557 Land & Building Tax/Conveyance Tax Total Distribution of Verdicts of Review from the Supreme Court, 2012 Applicant Rejected Granted Total DGT 239 7 246 Taxpayers 174 7 181 Total 413 14 427 F.Case Handling in Courts other than Tax Court In carrying out the task of fiscal authority, DGT faces various potential legal problem with taxpayers, third party, or society. Problem regarding tax assessment will be solved in either DGT’s internal environment or Tax Court. As for other legal problems, the settlement were done aside from District Court, namely the State Administration Court, the Commercial Court, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutional Court. DGT has to deal with lots of legal problems in judicative institutions other than Tax Court, within the scope of: 97 1. judicial review at the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court; other institutions, in addition to conducting other acts related to the case handling; 3. provide legal opinions related to the DGT’s tasks and functions; 4. assistance in bringing experts and witnesses into presence; and 5. assistance to DGT employees or retired employees who are asked for their 2012 Annual Report 2. handling of cases at court other than the Tax Court, arbitrary institutions, or statements as witnesses or experts, or asked for other statements by the Cases Occurred Before 2012 and Still on Progress Judicative Institutions Total Case 22 State Administrative Court 3 Constitutional Court (Judicial Review) 2 Supreme Court (Judicial Review) - Cases Occurred, 2012 Judicative Institutions Total Case District Court/Commercial Court 14 State Administrative Court 2 Constitutional Court (Judicial Review) 1 Supreme Court (Judicial Review) 1 Judicial Review Handled and Tenable, 2012 Case Judicative Institutions Judicial Review on the Article 4 paragraph (1) of Land & Bulding Tax Constitutional Court Review on the Article 21 and 26 of Income Tax Law regarding profit sharing with local governments Constitutional Court MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS District Court/Commercial Court Directorate General of Taxes authorized parties. G.Services 98 One of DGT’s strategic objectives in the perspective of its stakeholders is high 2012 Annual Report trust from public. In order to gain that objective, DGT must be able to maintain the satisfaction level from the society with excellent tax services. Excellent tax services may also be achieved through ongoing quality services improvement. If needed, periodical evaluation may also be done to measure the effectiveness of the tax services delivery. Directorate General of Taxes In 2012, DGT held a survey to measure the Public Satisfaction on Tax Services which done by PT Surveyor Indonesia. The survey was conducted in 331 tax offices with the amount of respondent samples of 68 taxpayers for each tax office, or 22 thousand respondents or so in total. The survey measures several elements of services, namely: 1. application and information access; 2. human resources; MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 3. SOPs; and 4.facilities. Based on the survey results, the taxpayers’ satisfaction index on DGT services reached 3.093 (scale of 1–4) or 77.3%. The amount reflected that the service user is quite satisify with the service given by DGT. As comparison, DGT earned the taxpayers’ satisfaction index as much as 3.9 (scale of 1–5) or 78% from the survey of Public Satisfaction of the Ministry of Finance’s Services held by Ministry of Finance in cooperation with Bogor Agricultural University. The elements of service that measured within the survey were as follows: rseta Photo by Tomy Nu 1. officers’ skills; 2. time of completion; 99 3. information on terms; 4. information disclosure; 2012 Annual Report 5. adherence to procedures; 6. suitability on cost payment; 7. officers’ attitude; 8. access to service offices; 9. supporting environment; and 10.imposition of penalties. by PT Surveyor Indonesia. Based on the survey results, DGT obtained public trust index in the amount of 84.16. Furthermore, as much as 49.51% respondents stated DGT’s image is much better than the previous years while 43.52% stated that it is still the same with previous year. The DGT’s commitment in providing excellent service can be seen from the Directorate General of Taxes In 2012, DGT also held a survey to measure the public trust which was conducted completion of the DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services. In 2012, the total amount requests. From that total amount, as much as 98.71% were able to be fulfilled by DGT. The DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services No. Type of Services 1. Settlement for the Request of Taxpayer Identification Number Registration 2. Settlement for Request of Confirmation as a Taxable Person for VAT Purposes 3. Settlement for Request of VAT Refund 4. Settlement for Disbursement of Refund Claim 5. Settlement for Objection of Income Tax, VAT, and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 6. Settlement for Request of Notice on Tax Exemption of Income Tax-Article 22 (Import Tax) Withholding 7. Settlement for Request of Land and Building Tax Deduction 8. Settlement for Registration of New Tax Object through Office Verification 9. Settlement for the Fully Complete Transfer of Land and Building Tax Objects and Subjects 10. Settlement for the Request of Notice on Tax Exemption of Income Tax-Article 23 11. Withholding Settlement for Request of Notice on Tax Exemption of Income Tax Withholding on Time Deposit, Savings, and Central Bank of Indonesia Discount Interest Received or Earned by the Pension Fund whose Establishment has been Authorized by the Minister of Finance MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS of taxpayers request for the DGT Quick Wins in Tax Services reached 2,638,189 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 100 No. Type of Services 12. Settlement for the Request of Notice on Tax Exemption of Income Tax on Income from Transfer of Right on Land and/or Building 13. Settlement for Request of Notice on Tax Exemption of VAT on Certain Taxable Goods 14. Settlement Request of Land and Building Tax Objection 15. Settlement for Request of Deduction or Annulment of Administrative Penalties 16. Settlement for the Request of Deduction or Cancellation of Inappropriate Tax Assessment The amount of the Quick Wins in Tax Services will change in the coming years, due to the transfer of tax collection authority for Rural and Urban-Land and Building Tax to local government which will take into effect in 2014. Performance of Kring Pajak 500200 As an Information Service Center, Kring Pajak 500200 performs the function as the provider of information service, general tax counseling, and electronic tax application consultation. As Tax Complaint Center, Kring Pajak 500200 receives and manage the complaint from public to support good corporate governance. Types of complaints handled cover alleged violation of the code of conduct, interpretations on the rules of taxation issues, as well as the services and facilities that do not meet standards. In order to support the handling of various complaints, the channel provided also comes in variety, namely through letter, facsimile, e-mail, phone, and walk-in (on-site complaints). hmat Taufiq Photo by A. Rak Performance of Kring Pajak 500200, 2012 Information Services Month Calls Answered Total % Incoming Calls Calls Answered Total % 28,855 76.69 714 493 69.05 February 35,437 30,969 87.39 720 576 80.00 March 47,723 37,408 78.39 883 599 67.84 April 36,408 31,835 87.44 633 552 87.20 May 23,390 22,569 96.49 473 437 92.39 June 24,856 23,841 95.92 519 461 88.82 July 30,294 26,691 88.11 695 530 76.26 August 22,803 22,051 96.70 515 456 88.54 September 24,777 23,036 92.97 506 424 83.79 October 21,626 18,974 87.74 525 409 77.90 November 27,556 23,467 85.16 623 454 72.87 December 26,473 22,552 85.19 596 430 72.15 358,968 312,248 86.98 7,402 5,821 78.64 Total Performance of Kring Pajak 500200 in Contact Center Awards, 2009–2012 Year Awards Title Awards Received 2009 The Best Contact Center Indonesia Award 2009 1 award 2010 The Best Contact Center Indonesia Award 2010 2 awards 2011 The Best Contact Center Indonesia Award 2011 8 awards APAC 2011 Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World 2 awards World-Wide 2011 Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World 1 award 2012 The Best Contact Center Indonesia Award 2012 10 awards APAC 2012 Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World 3 awards World-Wide 2012 Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World 1 award Notes: • The Best Contact Center Indonesia Award held by Indonesia Contact Center Association • APAC/World-Wide Top Ranking Performers in the Contact Center World held by the Contact Center World MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 37,625 Directorate General of Taxes January 2012 Annual Report Incoming Calls 101 Complaint Services H.Tax Information Dissemination 102 Tax information dissemination policy as stipulated in the Director General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Circular Letter Number SE-98/PJ/2011 concerning Guidelines for Preparation of Working Plans and Reporting of Dissemination Activities, took affect in 2012. Based on the policy, each office begins to arrange working plans for dissemination which focuses on three targets, namely to candidate, new, and existing taxpayers. Tax information dissemination to candidate taxpayers is performed to build tax awareness. New taxpayers are those who have been listed in the previous year Directorate General of Taxes but have never filed their Tax Return and/or paid/deposit tax using Tax Payment Slip. Tax information dissemination for new taxpayers is carried out to increase the understanding and willingness to comply. As for existing taxpayers, tax information dissemination is conducted to maintain the commitment and compliance of taxpayers. In 2012 DGT performed education and training activities for the entire tax information dissemination team. These trainings aim to increase the competencies MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS of team members that have been formed by regional tax offices and tax offices. In order to create a more structured pattern of tax information dissemination DGT has constructed new dissemination medium namely Taxpayer Identification Number Starter Kit: Basic Guidelines for Individual Taxpayers. The starter kit consist of one interactive CD and three booklets for individual taxpayers, each for employees, professionals, and entrepreneurs. It is expected that new taxpayers are able to easily understand their rights and obligations. To evaluate the effectiveness of tax information dissemination activities, in 2012 DGT initiated a survey which is conducted by an independent surveyor, with a score of 73.744. The Result of the Survey of Effectiveness Dissemination Activities, 2012 Medium 2 3 4 5 Very Ineffective Ineffective Average Effective Very Effective 0.95 4.65 32.84 49.62 11.94 Direct Dissemination 0.72 2.70 22.27 47.69 26.63 Television Talkshows 0.90 5.05 36.94 46.17 10.94 Radio Talkshows 2.43 10.15 44.88 35.19 7.35 Consultation Column 1.00 5.22 40.91 43.15 9.72 www.pajak.go.id 0.85 2.28 21.21 50.26 25.41 Average 1.14 10.02 99.52 181.38 76.66 Score 73.74 Note: Total respondents: 22,508 taxpayers the most effective medium for them to obtain tax information because they can interact directly and ask several questions regarding tax problems. I. Public Relations Public relation activities conducted by DGT has the following objectives: 1. to increase public awareness on the importance of tax revenues for national development; 2. to build public trust towards DGT (image); and 3. to encourage taxpayers to fulfill their taxation compliance. In order to achieve these objectives, throughout 2012, DGT has performed several public relations activities, namely: 1. tax information dissemination to internal and external parties by e-Magazine and DGT official website at www.pajak.go.id; 2. advertisement by printed, electronic (television and radio), online, and outdoor medium (train, train station, and airport); 3. interactive tax information dissemination by television and radio; 4. interaction with media or journalists by tax training or class to journalists, media tour, media gathering, and interviews; MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Based on the survey, 26.63% of taxpayers declared that direct dissemination is Directorate General of Taxes Books 103 2012 Annual Report 1 5. analysis and response on news, opinion, and complaints about DGT which is published on printed and online media; 104 6. publication of online and printed media of scrapbook PamorKu distributed 2012 Annual Report internally, containing tax, monetary, and financial news; 7. public relation workshops in journalistic, newsletter, photography, and also participate in workshops held by external parties such as workshop on How to Handle Press Well held by Press Company Union; 8. participate as speaker in the National Conference of Corruption Eradication in 2012 held by the Corruption Eradication Commission; 9. joint public relation activity between DGT and other government institutions in Directorate General of Taxes Coordination Board of Government Public Relation (Bakohumas Forum); 10.press release to disseminate information on DGT policies and performance or the latest tax issue; 11.cooperate with several institutions by signing mutual agreement/memorandum of understanding regarding law enforcement, data and information exchange, and others; and 12.ceremony award to taxpayers such as Taxpayer Award or Tax Role Model Week, in both regional offices and tax offices. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS List of Press Release, 2012 Date Theme of Press Release January 2 In Pursuing Tax Collection, DGT Cooperates with Other Countries January 3 DGT Disseminates Tax Information and Delivers Taxpayer Identification Numbers to Members of Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) January 10 Tax Revenues Collection Strategy in 2012 January 16 Government has Stipulated Tax Regulation on Sharia Business Activities January 17 Judicial Review Request on Land and Building Tax Law Rejected by Constitutional Court January 18 DGT Expands the Medium for Filing Income Tax Return for the Tax Year of 2011 List of Press Release, 2012 Date Theme of Press Release Public Transportations are Excluded from Sales Tax on Luxury Goods January 20 Civil Servant May Face Disciplinary Sanction if They Refuse to Comply to Tax Regulations January 27 Certain Taxable Person for VAT Purposes are Obligated to File Their Periodic VAT Returns in the Form of Electronic Data February 13 DGT Confirms that No Taxpayers Files are Lost in the Robbery Incident of a Tax Office February 20 DGT Does Not Impose Tax on Premium Reserve of Unit Link February 23 DGT Consistently Carries Out Internal Supervision on its Employees DGT Enhances Cooperation with the Indonesian National Police March 14 Investigation on Taxpayers March 19 President Filed His Annual Income Tax Returns for the Tax Year of 2011 March 30 DGT Prolongs the Service Working Hour to Receive Annual Income Tax Returns DGT Urges Corporate Taxpayers to File Annual Income Tax Returns April 26 Perpetrator of Fictitious Tax Invoice is Convicted and Sent to Prison June 7 Joint Operation between DGT and Corruption Eradication Commission Succeeded in Revealing Tax Violation June 15 Statement from Director General of Taxes to the Entire DGT Employees regarding the Arrest of “TH” June 20 The Appointment of State Owned Entreprises as VAT Withholder and Obligation to Submit Data and Information Employees of DGT Participate in State Defence Training June 21 DGT Stipulate Institutions that Receive Hindus Compulsory Religious Donation Deductable from Gross Income July 13 Statement from Director General of Taxes on the Arrest of “AS” August 9 Government Affirmed the VAT Regulations on Parking Facilities Services September 17 DGT Responses to Tax Discussion on National Conference of Nahdlatul Ulama September 21 Corruption Eradication Commission: Implementation of DGT’s Code of Conduct is Good October 3 Request on Judicial Review of Income Tax Law Rejected by the Constitutional Court October 4 DGT Explanation on “SL” as Suspect October 12 Director General of Taxes does not Complain, however Warn those Who Has Not Paid Taxes November 9 Government Raise Non-Taxable Income Tax Bracket November 30 Announcement on the 2012 Public Satisfaction Survey on DGT Taxation Services December 4 DGT Commemorated World Anti-Corruption Day December 20 Tax Offices Stay Open on December 31, 2012 December 28 DGT Expresses its Gratitudes to Taxpayers MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS April 16 Directorate General of Taxes March 8 2012 Annual Report January 19 105 Signing of Mutual Agreement/MoU between DGT and External Party, 2012 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 106 Date Parties in Agreement Subject of Agreement March 2 DGT, the Board of Supervisors Finance and Development, and the Regulatory Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) Audit on Calculation of Profit Sharing and Taxes on Contractors of Oil and Gas Cooperation Contract (KKKS Migas) in Exploitation Stage and its Operational Cost in Exploration Stage March 8 DGT and Crime Investigation Division of the Indonesian National Police (Bareskrim Polri) Coordination in Tax Law Enforcement March 8 DGT and Security Maintenance Division of the Indonesian National Police (Baharkam Polri) Coordination in Tax Law Enforcement March 8 DGT and Intelligence and Security Division of the Indonesian National Police (Baintel Polri) Intelligence Cooperation in Data and Information Collection April 5 DGT and Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) Coordination in Tax Law Enforcement April 5 DGT and Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administrative Crimes (Jamdatun) Legal Disputes Settlement on Civil and State Administrative Crime April 5 DGT and Deputy Attorney General in Intelligence (Jamintel) Cooperation to Support the Performance of Tax Law Enforcement June 14 DGT and the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) Cooperation in DGT’s and the Presidential Security Force’s Main Tasks June 21 Library of Central Bank of Indonesia Head Office and Library of DGT Head Office Lending Agreement of Library Materials J.International Relation In 2012, DGT actively participated in several discussions between countries/ jurisdicitions in Tax Treaty, Exchange of Tax Information Agreement, Mutual Agreement Procedure, and Advanced Pricing Agreement. DGT also participated in various international forums, hosted state delegations/foreign tax authorities, and cooperated with donor institutions. 60 Number of Tax Treaty Partner 1.Tax Treaty Tax Treaty is established to avoid double taxation by domicile and source countries on the same source of income. The Tax Treaty is also aimed to increase the flow of investment between countries. Tax Treaty is based on the Article 32A of Income Tax Law and Law Number 24 Year 2000 concerning International Treaty. The initiator of the treaty can either come from DGT or other countries/jurisdicitions tax authorities. 107 2012 Annual Report rseta Photo by Tomy Nu In the process of making a treaty, DGT, as Indonesia tax authority cooperates with other parties, namely Fiscal Policy Office (BKF), Legal Bureau of the Affairs. The cooperation is needed to ensure the treaty is agreed based on prevailing regulations and for the best interest of Indonesia. There are six stages of Tax Treaty establishment, namely initiation, negotiation, initialling, signing, ratification, and implementation. Directorate General of Taxes Secretariat General of the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Foreign In 2012, DGT negotiated Tax Treaty with the following countries/ 1. renegotiation of Tax Treaty with Japan from 7 to 11 February 2012 in Tokyo, Japan; 2. renegotiation of Tax Treaty with South Korea from 16 to 17 February, 2012 in Bali; 3. renegotiation of Tax Treaty with Germany from 25 to 29 June, 2012 in Berlin; 4. fourth round of renegotiation along with petition of Tax Treaty with India from 26 to 27 July in New Delhi, India; and 5. negotiation of Tax Treaty with Myanmar from 29 to 30 November, 2012 in Jakarta. Some treaties that have been ratified by the Presidential Regulation in 2012, were as follows: 1. ratification of Tax Treaty between Indonesia and Zimbabwe as stipulated in the Presidential Regulation Number 23 Year 2012 on March 2, 2012; 2. ratification of Tax Treaty between Indonesia and Hongkong as stipulated in the Presidential Regulation Number 24 Year 2012 on March 2, 2012; 3. ratification of Tax Treaty between Indonesia and Suriname as stipulated in the Presidential Regulation Number 27 Year 2012 on March 5, 2012; 4. ratification of Tax Treaty between Indonesia and Morroco as stipulated in the Presidential Regulation Number 31 Year 2012 on March 20, 2012. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS jurisdicitions: 2.Mutual Agreement Procedure 108 Mutual Agreement Procedure or MAP is one of the feature in Tax Treaty 2012 Annual Report which provides opportunities for local and international taxpayers to settle taxation disputes due to different interpretation of Tax Treaty and discriminative treatment to taxpayers. MAP is an alternative for taxpayers to settle taxation disputes other than through domestic such as objection and appeal. MAP is based on the Article 32A of Income Tax Law, from Article 55 to Directorate General of Taxes Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-48/PJ/2010, and as MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Article 59 of the Government Regulation Number 74 Year 2011, and the DGT also coordinated with other tax authorities to discuss MAP requests, stipulated in Tax Treaty. In 2012, DGT conducted MAP from various countries, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, United States, Holland, England, and Swiss. Request on MAP can be initiated by domestic and foreign taxpayers, DGT itself, and even international tax authorities. namely South Korea on February 24, 2012 in Seoul and Internal Revenue Service of United States from 6 to 8 November 2012 in Washington DC. 3.Advanced Pricing Agreement Advanced Pricing Agreement or APA is an agreement between DGT and tax payers and/or tax authorities from partner countries regarding the arm’s length principle on transaction between affiliates. The followings are the form of APA, namely: 1. unilateral agreement (between DGT and Indonesian taxpayers); 2. bilateral agreement (between DGT, Indonesian taxpayers, and one tax authority from other countries); or 3. multilateral agreement (between DGT, Indonesian taxpayers, and tax authorities from several other countries). APA is based on the Article 18 paragraph (3a) of Income Tax Law, the Article 59 of the Government Regulation Number 74 Year 2011, and the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-69/PJ/2010. By the end of 2012, several requests on APA have been received by DGT from Asia and America. 4.Tax Information Exchange Agreement 109 During 2012, there were several Tax Information Exchange Agreement or TIEA signed between Indonesia and other non-treaty partner countries/ has proposed the ratification process for establishing TIEA with those countries/jurisdictions. TIEA still in signing process by the end of 2012 were as follows: 2012 Annual Report jurisdictions, namely Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, and Bermuda. DGT 1. TIEA between Indonesia and Costa Rica; 3. TIEA between Indonesia and Bahama; and 4. TIEA between Indonesia and San Marino. 5. Study Visits of Foreign Delegations to DGT The tax bureaucratic reform mainly on system advancement of tax Directorate General of Taxes 2. TIEA between Indonesia and Cayman Islands; administration, organisation, human resources, and information technology neighbouring countries to visit DGT for the purpose of comparative study in order to develop their own tax institutions. Several foreign countries delegation which visited DGT for study visits in 2012 were as follows: 1. General Directorate of Property Tax of Palestine on March 28, 2012; 2. Taxation Chamber of the Republic of Sudan from 8 to 13 April 2012; 3. Bureau of Internal Revenue of the Republic of Philippines from 21 to 25 May 2012; Photo by Arif Nur Rokhman MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS which has been developed by DGT since 2002 has drawn the attention of 4. Directorate General of Revenue and Customs of Timor Leste on 110 August 1, 2012; 5. the Government of India on August 9, 2012; and 2012 Annual Report 6. General Department of Taxation of Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia from 8 to 12 October 2012. 6. DGT’s Participation in International Forum Throughout 2012, DGT has participated in several international forums Directorate General of Taxes with roles as follows: 1. participant of Indonesia Investment Seminar from 19 to 23 February 2012 in Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan; 2. participant of the 6th IFRS Regional Policy Forum from 26 to 27 March 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 3. participant of First Annual International Meeting on Transfer Pricing from 26 to 27 March 2012 in Paris, France; 4. participant of Indonesia-Japan Technical Team Meeting from 8 to 11 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS May 2012 in Tokyo, Japan; 5.participant of Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes from 22 to 23 May 2012 in Madrid, Spain; 6. participant of Seminar on Transfer Pricing – Tax Justice Network and the Future of Taxing Multinational Corporation from 13 to 15 June 2012 in Helsinki, Finland; 7. host of Discussion and Observation of Public Services held by Asian Productivity Organization on July 4, 2012 in High Wealth Individual Tax Office; 8. participant of Knowledge Half of Economics Management, Public Finance and Micro-Finance held by Triangular South Cooperation from 10 to 12 July 2012 in Bali; 9. participant of the 14th SGATAR Working Level Meeting from 3 to 5 September 2012, in Manila, Philippines; 10.speaker on the 3rd Annual ASEAN Tax Conference 2012 from 4 to 7 September 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand; 11.speaker on the 2nd Asian Tax Authorities Symposium (ATAS) from 4 to 5 September 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 12.participant of the 5th Global Forum Assessor Training Seminar from 24 to 26 September 2012 in Paris, France; 13.participant of Global Forum Training on EOI: Effectiveness Processes and Peer Review from 24 to 27 September 2012 in Manila, Philippines; 14.participant of Joint Investment Promotion from 27 to 28 September 2012 in Taipei, Chinese Taipei; 111 15.participant of ATAIC’s 9th Technical Conference from September 29 to October 1, 2012 in Amman, Yordania; October 2012 in Tokyo, Japan; 17.participant of Indonesian-German Tax Seminar from 29 to 31 October 2012 in Berlin, German; 18.participant of Annual Trade Talks Indonesia-United Kingdom from 2012 Annual Report 16.participant of Indonesia-Japan Joint Economic Forum from 8 to 9 October 29 to November 2, 2012 in London, England; 19.source speaker on 2012 Ernst and Young Asia Pacific Tax Symposium November 2012 in Chiang Mai, Thailand; and 21.participant of International Tax Dialogue Regional Conference on ”Transfer Pricing in East Asia and the Pacific” from 12 to 14 December 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand. Directorate General of Taxes and Transfer Pricing Forum from 6 to 7 November 2012 in Singapore; 20.participant of the 42nd SGATAR Meeting and the 6th MHTI from 19 to 22 7. Donor Activities that actively gave assistance to DGT in the form of technical assistance, consultation services, and sponsor DGT employees to attend seminar/ training/workshop abroad. In general, the funding (source, disbursement plan, funding allocation) is managed by each of donor institutions (donor executes). The selection of technical advisor, experts, and consultants is generally executed by the donor parties involving DGT. Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG) – AusAID This Australian Government institution provides consultation services on public sector policies which is consistent with the Indonesian Government reformation agenda. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS In 2012, there were two international non-government donor institutions The phase 1 of AIPEG activities has ended in November 2012 which 112 provide DGT with technical assistances in: 2012 Annual Report 1. database clean up; 2. internal investigation and anti-corruption; 3. Small Medium Enterprises; 4. capacity building for staffs who handle objection and appeal; 5. outbond call center; 6. audit collection capacity building; 7. transfer pricing; Directorate General of Taxes 8. human resources development; 9. strategic plan formulation; 10.risk management workshop; and 11.economist role and case discussion. A significant assistance from AIPEG in 2012 was the funding of consultant that helps DGT in formulating the 2012–2014 DGT’s Strategic Plan. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS AIPEG also actively assisted the cooperation between DGT and Australian Taxation Office (ATO), namely: 1) facilitated ATO in providing assistance to DGT, where technical advisors are from ATO visited DGT; 2) provided administrative assistance for DGT’s employees to attend ATO invitation. Other assistances provided by ATO to DGT throughout 2012 were as follows: 1.assistance to attend the Cash Economy International Revenue Conference on Investing in the Future on May 2012; 2. work visit by ATO expert to share knowledge in internal assurance/ audit aspects of incident management; 3. several work visits by ATO expert to assist monitoring and evaluation, starting from July 2012; 113 4. assistance to attend the Compliance and Audit Multilateral Event on audit to examine taxpayers’ compliance in August 2012; 2012; and 6. assistance to attend the Objection and Appeal Comparative Study in Brisbane, Australia in October 2012. 2012 Annual Report 5. assistance to attend the Audit Comparative Program in September Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) of Project on Modernization of Tax Administration (Phase II) until 2014. JICA provided assistance to DGT in the development of human resources capacities, tax collection, investigation, objection, and appeal. In 2012, several assistance provided by JICA to DGT were as follows: Directorate General of Taxes Cooperation between DGT and JICA started from 2010 in the frame 1. formulation of on-the-job training manual for Account Representative; pricing, APA, and MAP; 3. assistance on DGT employee training on tax collection procedures and call center in Nagoya, Japan in February 2012; 4. providing expert and organizing seminar on objection and appeal; 5. assistance for the training of DGT employees on criminal investigation in Nagoya, Japan in June 2012; 6. providing expert and organizing seminar on tax collection in November 2012; and 7.training assistance to DGT employees on objection and appeal procedures and national tax tribunal in December 2012. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2. provision of expert and seminar on international taxation in transfer Supporting Functions Review A.Human Resources Management 114 The total number of DGT employees as of December 31, 2012 is 31,316 rank group, job position, and location are described on the following charts. Distribution of Employees based on Gender 74.93% Male 31,316 employees Female 23,464 25.07% employees 7,852 employees Distribution of Employees based on Age 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 3,470 7,779 5,157 4,990 4,386 2,460 2,932 139 2,000 3 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report employees. The distributions of DGT employees based on age, educational level, <21 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 >55 1,000 0 Distribution of Employees based on Educational Level 115 16,000 14,000 2012 Annual Report 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 Diploma III 37 7,075 Diploma II 4,334 23 Diploma I 11,616 3,955 up to High School 2,000 0 Under Graduate Post Graduate Graduate Distribution of Employees based on Rank Group MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 20,000 1,488 18,030 11,797 5,000 Rank Group IV Rank Group III Rank Group II 1 15,000 10,000 0 Rank Group I Distribution of Employees based on Job Position 30,000 25,000 20,000 53 3 Non-Echelon Official 307 Echelon Official 4,309 22,153 5,000 4,491 15,000 10,000 Computer Administrator Medic/ Paramedic 0 Tax Auditor Appraiser Directorate General of Taxes 4,276 4,000 Distribution of Employees based on Location 6.14% 1.85% 5.64% 16.20% 4.50% 65.67% Sumatera Kalimantan Java Sulawesi Bali - Nusa Tenggara Papua - Maluku Number of DGT Employees, 2008–2012 33,500 33,000 32,500 32,000 32,741 31,736 31,316 31,000 31,824 31,500 31,269 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 116 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 30,500 1.Human Resources Management Blueprint DGT has issued the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-233/ PJ/2011 on September 26, 2011 concerning the 2011—2018 DGT’s HR Management Blueprint. The main strategic objective is excellent performance employees that can be divided into specific objectives, namely: 1) high level of employee’s competency; 2) high level of employee’s satisfaction; 3) high level of employee’s integrity; and 4) employee with robust organizational culture. Strategic Objective of HR Management 117 1 Excellence performance employee 4 Availability of HR development management 5 Availability of qualified career management 8 Availability of reliable internal HR HR Management Blueprint is the guidance in the HR management development, which will be divided into four phases of implementation with objective in each phase. The strategy for HR Management Blueprint Phase I was set in the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-326/PJ/2011 that focused on Performance-based Culture and Excellent Leadership Development. To ensure programs run succesfully, every new program on each phase will be accompanied by change management process. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 7 Availability of qualified HR management business process support Directorate General of Taxes 3 Availability of qualified performance management 6 Performance-based reward culture 2012 Annual Report 2 Availability of qualified employee Phase of HR Management Blueprint Implementation Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 118 Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV 2011—2012 2013—2014 2015—2016 2017—2018 The development of performance-based culture and excellent leadership The development of employees’ competency and reliable HR management information system The development of HR planning and the implementation of employees’ career management The development of performance-based reward culture for talent management CHANGE MANAGEMENT 2. Performance-based Culture Development HR Management Blueprint empowers DGT in developing performance- MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS based culture that will lead to establish qualified performance management. Through performance-based assessment system, DGT will have the ability to find excellence performance employees. Several activites conducted in developing performance-based culture during 2012 were as follows. 1.Drafting employee performance management and job grading guidance, namely the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP105/PJ/2012 concerning DGT Performance Management. 2. Organizing Employee Performance Award Program for Tax Bailiff, Services Officer, and other supporting officer. The same award program was organized in 2011 for Account Representative, Tax Objection Reviewer, and Tax Auditor. 3. Conducting individual performance assessment for all employees as an implementation of the Minister of Finance Decree Number 454/ KMK.01/2011. Since 2011, all employees, including Director General of Taxes, are assessed as an evaluation of Performance Contract. The assessment was conducted by using e-performance application provided by the Ministry of Finance. 3.Leadership Excellence Development DGT organized two trainings for leaders in 2012 as a mean of leadership excellence development, namely Coaching and Managing Conflict Training for echelon III officials and 7 Habits for Managers Training for echelon IV officials. Coaching and Managing Conflict Training emphasized on the enhancement of communication, coaching, and resolving skill in order to increase staff 119 performances. While 7 Habits for Managers Training emphasized on the capacity building on managing resources and encouraging employee environment. 4. Performance and Competence-based Career Management 2012 Annual Report initiatives to overcome obstacles and to build good coordination in work DGT issued a regulation regarding rotation pattern of employees as stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PERRegulation Number PER-07/PJ/2012. These regulations aimed to increase the objectivity and transparency of employees’ carier plan, to provide guidelines or reference for HR department, and to give assurance to employees. On April 2012, DGT has also issued the Director General of Taxes Decree Directorate General of Taxes 01/PJ/2012 which then ammended by the Director General of Taxes Number KEP-165/PJ/2012 concerning Job Families in DGT. Based on Positions and designed the competence-based curriculum. Thus, the HR education and training will be better structured and coordinated along with employees’ career pattern development. Job Families 1. Organization 2. Data, Information, and Potency 3. Regulation 4. Services 5. Law Enforcement 6. Human Resources 7. General 8. Information Technology Other effort in improving the performance and competence-based career management is through the issuance of the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-12/PJ/2012 concerning Implementation Procedures of Job Evaluation. This regulation becomes the guidance for management to evaluate job positions systematically. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS the job families, DGT developed Technical Competency Standard of 120 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report To improve the employees’ capacity building, DGT sustainably conducts training for employees and employees’ soft competency assessment, along with development of excellence leadership, e-learning, and On-the-Job Training. On-the-Job Training, 2012 Participants Number of Participants Newly recruited employees (Civil Servant Candidates) graduated from STAN Diploma III Year 2010/2011 485 Newly promoted Tax Objection Reviewers 147 Newly promoted Account Representatives 505 Total 1,137 B.Organization Development Organizational Development in 2012 was addressed toward DGT operational units. The development included the establishment of new tax offices and Technical Implementing Unit (UPT), as well as the implementation of internal control function within DGT operational units. 1.The Establishment of Oil and Gas Sector Tax Office By the issuance of the Government Regulation Number 79 Year 2010 concerning Costs Recovery and Provisions on Income Tax in Upstream Oil and Gas Activities, DGT puts more concern toward oil and gas industry. Based on the regulation, since 2012 DGT conducted tax audit on Contractors of Oil and Gas Cooperation Contract (KKKS Migas). The oil and gas industry has specific characteristics, such as intensive capital, advanced technology, high-risk business, complex business process, and spesific fiscal policy. Considering those characteristics and there is no tax audit specialized in oil and gas industry, and the disperse location of the taxpayers, DGT needs to gain comprehensive knowledge of KKKS Migas. 1,638 Employees assessed in the 2012 soft competency assessment In order to optimize tax revenues and to avoid discrepancy in providing tax services to KKKS Migas, a new specified tax office is needed to administer 121 KKKS Migas taxpayers all over Indonesia. been approved by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, Oil and Gas Sector Tax Office has been established on February 2012 as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 29/PMK.01/2012. Similar to Oil and Gas Sector Tax Office, the establishment of tax office that administers taxpayers from mining and its supporting services industry was also in the consideration of many issues such as: 1. tax obligation for mining industry has its spesific regulation that stipulated in working contract/cooperation contract/profit sharing Directorate General of Taxes 2.The Establishment of Mining Sector Tax Office 2012 Annual Report Based on DGT’s initiatives through the Ministry of Finance that has contract and other specific prevailing regulations; many tax offices, while the knowledge of tax officers regarding the taxpayer business process is diverse; and 3. there are different approaches in handling companies of mining and its supporting services industry by the government institutions that mostly incoherence with tax policies. Since the mining and its supporting services industry give a large contribution to tax revenues, DGT should put more efforts in providing services and monitoring taxpayers in this sector. Tax office that specifically administers taxpayers of mining and its supporting services industry, namely Large Taxpayer Office I, is established at the same time with the establishment of Oil and Gas Sector Tax Office. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2. taxpayers of mining and its supporting services industry scattered in 3.The Implementation of Internal Control Function on 122 Operational Units 2012 Annual Report The Minister of Finance Decree Number 152/KMK.09/2011 concerning Improvement of Internal Control Implementation in the Ministry of Finance instructs every echelon I unit to establish internal control unit in 2012. Thus, since November 2012, DGT has implemented the internal control function on each unit of operational unit through organization and Directorate General of Taxes procedures regulation refinement. The implementation of internal control in every unit is one of the internal control enforcement in DGT. Since 2007, the internal control function has been carried out only by the Directorate of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation. However, as an echelon I unit with a wide scope of work and numerous operational units, DGT needs to implement internal control function in all units to have good, solid, and holistic internal control. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 4.The Establishment of Information and Complaint Services Office The establishment and development of contact center has started since 2008 by forming a Call Center Team who was responsible to develop pilot project of contact center in DGT. The contact center would be a DGT’s effort to enhance tax knowledge of the society and taxpayers compliance through services, dissemination, and monitoring by utilizing communication technology. In its next development, DGT has two units that carried out contact center functions, namely: 1. Kring Pajak 500200 under the Directorate of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation which carried out the inbound contact center function; and 2. Taxation Data and Document Processing Center, which carried out the data and document processing and functioned as outbound contact center. In order to align all functions of contact center, to increase the effectiveness of information services and monitoring on taxpayers, and also considering the importance of contact center in improving DGT services, Information and Complaint Services Office has been established through the issuance of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 174/PMK.01/2012. Until then, DGT was the only government institution that has contact center in its organization structure and the foremost pioneer of reform in public services. 5.The Establishment of Taxation Processing Office in Jambi Data and Document 123 To overcome the work load in Tax Returns recording as a result of the data and document processing office in Jambi, as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 173/PMK.01/2012. The same unit has been established in Makassar in 2011. 2012 Annual Report increase of the number of taxpayers, in 2012 DGT established taxation Functions held by Taxation Data and Document Processing Office are as follows: 2. scanning taxation documents; 3. storing and archiving taxation documents; 4. lending taxation documents to other units within DGT; and 5. implementing data transfer, operational system support, and quality assurance of document scanned. 20, 2012. The working area of this unit covers Riau and Riau Islands Regional Tax Office, West Sumatera and Jambi Regional Tax Office, South Sumatera and Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Tax Office, and Bengkulu and Lampung Regional Tax Office. C. Business Process and ICT Development The development of business process and ICT that has been done by DGT throughout 2012 were as follows. 1. Business Process Development DGT business process consists of formulating policies and standardization of technical execution up to monitoring and evaluating. DGT business process needs to be developed and adapted to the internal and external dynamics to accelerate the achievement of DGT vision and mission. To ensure the development of DGT business process are able to capture inputs and to minimize failure in producing expected outputs, in 2012 DGT conducted the business process assessment (BPA) activities in law enforcement (audit, collection, investigation, objection, and appeal). MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Taxation Data and Document Processing Office Jambi run on December Directorate General of Taxes 1. collecting, receiving, and sorting taxation documents; Photo by Arif Nu r Rokhman MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 124 BPA is a systematic, regular, and comprehensive process for the development and refinement of business process through risk identification and mitigation of existing business process. BPA is needed since it is one of the part of business process management cycle. This activity transforms DGT into a mature organization that is able to measure and more focus on performance of a process. In addition, other development activities which carried out and earned legal basis in 2012 are explained in following table. DGT Business Process Development, 2012 Business Process Development Area Legal Basis Form and Content of Tax Calculation Note, Notice of Tax Assessment, and Tax Payment Slip New format and content PER-27/PJ/2012 All Business Process in Taxation Data and Document Processing Office Taxation data and document processing KEP-252/PJ/2012 Electronic Data Exchange Between DGT and Directorate General of Customs and Excise Procedures, evaluation, and forms used in electronic data exchange SE-24/PJ/2012 Video Conferencing Preparation and Implementation Guidelines of video conferencing for DGT executive meeting SE-33/PJ/2012 Request of Activation Code and Password, and Request, Return, and Monitoring of Tax Invoice Serial Number Job description, monitoring, and accountability monitoring standards of data and information collection SE-34/PJ/2012 Request of Activation Code and Password, and Request, Return, and Monitoring of Tax Invoice Serial Number SOPs on Tax Invoice Serial Number Issuing and Monitoring SE-52/PJ/2012 VAT on Self-Construction Activities SOPs on tax compliance monitoring and information tools submission SE-53/PJ/2012 Code of Tax Calculation Note and Notice of Tax Assessment Additional of Code of Tax Calculation Note regarding verification procedures SE-56/PJ/2012 Tax Revenues and Refund Administration Tax revenues and refund data administration, distribution, and report SE-59/PJ/2012 Taxation Document and Data Processing Center SOPs on packaging of Corporate Annual Tax Returns documents to be sent to Taxation Document and Data Processing Center SE-61/PJ/2012 125 Starting from January 1, 2007, state revenues are administered through State Revenues Module (MPN) which is stipulated in the Director General of Treasury Regulation Number PER-78/PB/2006. The regulation was issued in order to have comprehensive system to support state revenues administration in swiftly, accurately, and efficiently manner to produce accountable report. However, there was some problems in its To resolve these problem and to refine and develop State Revenue Module as reliable integrated state revenue administration system, a refinement project framework is introduced, called MPN-2 project. This project was conducted to overcome problems in existing State Revenues Module. DGT is one of the government institutions that assigned to design refinement and development plan of State Revenues Module. Consequently, electronic billing system is introduced within State Revenues Modul. This system is a series of process that includes registration, coding, payment and reconciliation of billing. The advantages of this system are that taxpayers do not need to write/ print Notice of Tax Payment. They only need to submit “tax funds + billing code” in the billing system application to pay their tax with ease. Trial for billing system is stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-47/PJ/2011 concerning Procedures for Billing System Trial in State Revenues System Module. By the end of 2012, taxpayers registered in these below tax offices are able to do transaction by billing system, namely: MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS implementation due to data unreliability. Directorate General of Taxes 2.Electronic Billing System Implementation 2012 Annual Report Photo by Ardyanto Patandung 1. West Java I Regional Tax Office; 126 2. Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office; 3. Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office; 2012 Annual Report 4. North Jakarta Regional Tax Office; 5. West Jakarta Regional Tax Office; 6. South Jakarta Regional Tax Office; 7. East Jakarta Regional Tax Office; and 8. Central Jakarta Regional Tax Office. Billing system can be used by all individual and corporate taxpayers, through Directorate General of Taxes bank, post office, ATM, or internet banking provided by appointed bank/ post office. The registration can be accessed at http://sse.pajak.go.id. 3.Taxpayer Promotion Development and Demotion Application The enactment of regulation regarding transfer of taxpayer from and/or to tax office within Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and Jakarta Special MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Regional Tax Office, and Medium Taxpayer Office drives DGT to develop a computer application that ensure data migration will be executed securely. Thus, the Taxpayer Promotion and Demotion Application used by DGT since April 1, 2012 and keeps on developing in accordance to the prevailing regulations. 4. DGT Information System Development Until the end of 2011, DGT still used two cores taxation information systems, which are Modified Tax Information System (SIPMod) and DGT Information System (SIDJP). Consequently, DGT faces some difficulties in unifying and providing data on national scale. In order to resolve the issue, DGT has integrated both core systems into single core system through SIPMod migration to SIDJP. The migration has been conducted successfully as planned and by the end of 2012 every tax offices has used SIDJP. 5.Web-based (Approweb) Taxpayer Profile Aplication Development Approweb is a centralized On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) application developed to help Account Representative in profiling and updating taxpayers profile and to ensure the profile data are well-documented. Approweb is also equipped by data matching and feeding features to support Account Representative and monitoring taxpayer. Approweb started to be used by DGT in 2010 and constantly refined afterwards. The refinement of Approweb in 2012 were as follows: 1. implementation of centralized database and computer application which previously distributed on each regional tax office into single 127 database and computer application; 2. Approweb data integration with core system to facilitate in updating 3. refinement of tax potency exploration feature through the development of alert system to detect taxpayer compliance and to improve tax potency exploration monitoring. 6.The Development e-Filing Application for Individual E-filing application for individual taxpayer is a web-based application, which developed to facilitate in reporting Annual Income Tax Return through website efiling.pajak.go.id. By using this application, taxpayer could fill-in and report-in the Annual Income Tax Return anytime, anywhere, and free of charge. This application is available to be used since March 2012. Directorate General of Taxes Taxpayer 2012 Annual Report taxpayer data; and 7.Web Version Application Development of VAT Refund for Web Version Application of VAT Refund for Tourists is developed to accomodate VAT refund claim requested by the holder of foreign passport when buying taxable goods. In 2012, the application of VAT Refund for Tourists was developed into a web-based application, which previously based on Virtual Private Network. Starting from November 2012, the application is used by DGT, Taxable Person for VAT Purposes, and retail stores, which have been listed as participants of VAT Refund. 8. National Tax Census Back Office Application Development The application development is aimed to record filled Census Form of National Tax Census that will followed up with tax extensification, tax intensification, and data updating. Based on Census Form data, the application will determine whether respondent has not registered as taxpayer, has not filed Annual Income Tax Return or there is any differences with DGT’s data. Furthermore, National Tax Census officers could process the follow up of each filled Census Form in accordance with prescribed categories. The National Tax Census Back Office Application was implemented on June 2012. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Tourists Financial Review The following financial review refers to the 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report that 128 has been audited by the Audit Board (BPK). As an Echelon I Accounting Unit of Budget User Assistant (UAPPA-E1) in the Ministry of Finance, DGT has obligation 2012 Annual Report under the regulation to submit the financial report to the Minister of Finance. The integration of the entire UAPPA-E1’s financial statements in the Ministry of Finance produced the Financial Report of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance Financial Report obtained Unqualified opinion from the Audit Board for two years in a row (2011 and 2012). It represents sustainability of financial control and accountability as well as the implementation of good Directorate General of Taxes corporate governance. The success story came from the collective efforts of the entire echelon I units in the Ministry of Finance. DGT provided significant contribution which can be seen in the presentation of several posts in the Financial Report, especially on the realization of tax revenues, tax arrears, and state property assets (BMN) managed by DGT. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS DGT keeps on improving the quality of its financial report through HR development, refinement of budgeting support information system and state property assets management, and coordination with other institutions regarding public finance management. A.Tax Revenues In general, the realization of net tax revenues which met the target are the Oil and Gas Income Tax and VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods. The realization of Oil and Gas Income Tax amounted to Rp83,460.91 billion or 122.89% from the target of Rp67,916.73 billion, as for the realization of VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods amounted to Rp337,582.76 billion or 110.45% from the target of Rp336,056.98 billion. The Oil and Gas Income Tax contributed as much as 45.66% from the entire tax revenues, however the realization only took as much as 85.61% and only grew by 6.59%. Net Tax Revenues, 2012—2011 2012 Type of Tax Realization Contribution Realization (billion Rp) Growth (billion Rp) Percentage 445,733.43 381,604.92 85.61% 45.66% 358,013.15 6.59% 89,195.19 79,594.57 89.24% 9.52% 66,747.84 19.25% Income Tax Article 22 7,917.68 5,506.72 69.55% 0.66% 4,945.92 11.34% Income Tax Article 22 on Import 38,185.63 31,610.17 82.78% 3.78% 28,291.76 11.73% Income Tax Article 23 28,485.96 20,304.19 71.28% 2.43% 18,702.57 8.56% Income Tax Article 25/29 - Individual 5,615.84 3,763.43 67.01% 0.45% 3,286.99 14.49% Income Tax Article 25/29 - Corporate 191,131.54 152,131.61 79.60% 18.20% 154,602.97 (1.60%) Income Tax Article 26 29,793.11 24,610.50 82.60% 2.94% 27,239.27 (9.65%) Final Income Tax 55,365.55 60,385.78 109.07% 7.22% 50,812.56 18.84% Other Non-Oil & Gas Income Tax 42.93 31.33 72.99% 0.00% 40.57 (22.78%) Exit Tax 0.00 1.34 - 0.00% 4.07 (66.93%) Income Tax Borne by the Government 0.00 3,665.27 - 0.44% 3,338.64 9.78% VAT & Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 336,056.98 337,582.76 100.45% 40.39% 277,792.09 21.52% Domestic VAT 185,966.53 191,935.39 103.21% 22.96% 157,169.79 22.12% Import VAT 135,103.71 126,609.22 93.71% 15.15% 107,000.07 18.33% Other VAT 182.04 162.22 89.12% 0.02% 199.94 (18.86%) Domestic Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 9,031.43 10,429.26 115.48% 1.25% 8,040.53 29.71% Import Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 5,763.98 8,422.77 146.13% 1.01% 5,374.13 56.73% Other Sales Tax on Luxury Goods 9.30 23.90 257.06% 0.00% 7.63 213.09% 29,687.51 28,968.46 97.58% 3.47% 29,891.69 (3.09%) 0.00 0.00 - - (0.73) - 5,631.97 4,210.88 74.77% 0.50% 3,928.16 7.20% 67,916.73 83,460.91 122.89% 9.99% 73,095.50 14.18% 885,026.62 835,827.93 94.44% 100.00% 742,719.86 12.54% Land & Building Tax Conveyance Tax Other Taxes Oil and Gas Income Tax Total Source : 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report Note : Negative realization of Conveyance Tax is due to the refund on its revenue from the previous fiscal year MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Income Tax Article 21 Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Non-Oil & Gas Income Tax Revised State Budget (billion Rp) 129 2011 Several factors that affected the achievement of 2012 tax revenues realization as 130 well as growth of tax revenues are as follows. 2012 Annual Report 1. The revenue realization of Income Tax Article 21 in 2012 grew by 19.25%, not much differ from 2011 that amounted to 21.02%. This is in accordance with inflation rate in the last two years that relatively stable. 2. The revenue realization of Income Tax Article 22 only amounted to 69.55% from the 2012 target. The realization was affected by low budget absorption of goods and capital expenditures of ministries/government institutions. The budget absorption by ministries/government institutions in 2012 only Directorate General of Taxes amounted to 87.5% or Rp479.3 trillion of the 2012 State Budget limits which amounted to Rp547.9 trillion. The 2012 achievement is lower than 2011 that amounted to 90.5%. 3. The revenue realization of Income Tax Article 22 on Import, Import VAT, and Import Sales Tax on Luxury Goods in 2012 grew by 11.73%, 18.33%, and 56.73% respectively. The condition that affected the realization growth is due to the import growth, which amounted to 9.40% during January up until November 2012 with import value amounted to US$176.09 billion (Indonesia Statistics MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS data). The growth was achieved by the increase of non-oil and gas import as well as mechanical equipment that amounted to 17.94% in concurent with the investment growth of 27.0% (Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Official data as of quarter III of 2012). 4. The revenue realization of Income Tax Article 23 in 2012 grew by 8.56%. The growth slowed down due to the lower production activity in mining sector because of global crisis (decrease of mining product demands), geological condition (low mineral concentrate in mining area), labor strike, and security threat. 5. The revenue growth of 2012 Income Tax Article 25/29 on Individual Taxpayer amounted to 14.49% and affected by the increase of Indonesian income per capita. 6. The revenue of Income Tax Article 25/29 on Corporate Taxpayer provided a significant contribution to the total tax revenues composition in 2012 however, the growth slowed down. In 2012, the revenue had a negative growth amounted to -1.60%, while in 2011, the growth amounted to 17.58%. In general, this was affected by global economic slowdown, which lead to negative impact to the export oriented companies, and the slowdown of production in mining and extracting sector. 7. The revenue realization of Income Tax Article 26 also plunge from 29.97 percent in 2011 into -9.65% in 2012. The situation was due to the slowdown in mining and extracting sector. 8. The revenue realization of Final Income Tax in 2012 grew sharply amounted to 18.84%. The growth was due to the increase of Final Income Tax payment on the transfer of land and building right as well as construction service. 9. The revenue realization of Domestic VAT grew by 22.12%. This affected by the increase of Indonesian income per capita. 10.The revenue realization of Domestic Sales Tax on Luxury Goods grew 131 significantly by 29.71%. This was due to the increase of motor vehicle sales that automotive production in 2012 increased by 24.84% and sold as much as 1,116,230 units. 11.The revenue realization of Land and Building Tax in 2012 only amounted to 97.58% of the target. The reason was due to the change on mechanism of onshore areal imposition based on the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 2012 Annual Report as stated by the Association of Indonesia Automotive Industries (Gaikindo), 15/PMK.03/2012, the payment postponement of Notice of Tax Assessment of which amounted to Rp1,935.80 billion. B. Non-Tax Revenues The revenue realization of Net Non-Tax Revenues in 2012 amounted to Directorate General of Taxes Oil and Gas Land and Building Tax by the Directorate General of Budgeting Rp24,822,474,820.00 or grew by 190.11% from the previous year. The significant management, revenue of Tax Collection with Coerce Warrant, and revenue from penalty of delays in government work. Net Non-Tax Revenues, 2012—2011 Description 2012 (Rp) 2011 (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) Sales and Rent Revenue 2,378,077,462 2,517,018,627 (5.52) Services Revenue 1,007,365,868 1,371,273,175 (26.54) Interest Revenue 150,085 0 0.00 0 3,000,000 0.00 1,158,191,013 666,105,790 73.87 Other Revenues 20,278,690,392 3,998,720,810 407.13 Total 24,822,474,820 8,556,118,402 190.11 Gratification Revenue Dues and Fines Revenue MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS contribution came from Other Revenues which comprising of state property assets C. Personnel Expenditures 132 The realization of Net Personnel Expenditures in 2012 amounted to 2012 Annual Report Rp1,487,948,550,530.00 or about 95.87% of budget. The realization increased Rp133,961,892,569.00 or 9.89% compared to previous year. Salary and allowances expenditure of civil servants contributes largest share of the absorption of Personnel Expenditures since the total number of DGT employees in 2012 was more than 31 thousand. Directorate General of Taxes Net Personnel Expenditures, 2012—2011 2012 Description Budget (Rp) Civil Servant Salaries & Allowances Expenditure MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Realization (Rp) % Realization (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) 1,520,311,244,928 1,463,774,695,338 96.28 1,334,605,862,950 9.68 31,277,962,680 24,010,143,955 76.76 16,807,689,900 42.85 412,928,000 163,711,237 39.65 2,573,105,111 (93.64) 1,552,002,135,608 1,487,948,550,530 95.87 1,353,986,657,961 9.89 Overtime Expenditure Special Allowances Expenditure total 2011 D.Goods Expenditures The realization of Net Goods Expenditures in 2012 amounted to Rp2,825,240,108,329.00 or 92.08% of total budget. The realization increased as much as Rp455,438,034,339.00 or 19.22% compared to previous year. Operational Goods Expenditure absorbed more than 50.00% of the Goods Expenditures. The Operational Goods Expenditure used for office needs, food, and official letter delivery. Net Goods Expenditures, 2012—2011 Description 2012 Budget (Rp) Realization (Rp) 2011 % Realization (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) 1,672,767,713,943 1,612,809,287,258 96.42 1,432,576,847,807 12.58 Non-Operational Goods Expenditure 383,429,575,695 296,902,019,540 77.43 156,701,362,279 89.47 Services Expenditure 289,192,063,945 249,550,195,839 86.29 213,849,228,572 16.69 Maintenance Expenditure 313,502,198,592 284,943,657,509 90.89 273,621,981,317 4.14 Travel Expense 409,412,473,850 381,034,948,183 93.07 293,052,654,015 30.02 3,068,304,026,025 2,825,240,108,329 92.08 2,369,802,073,990 19.22 Operational Goods Expenditure Total E.Capital Expenditures 133 The realization of 2012 Net Capital Expenditures amounted to Rp293,618,971,320.00 or absorbing as much as 77.85% of budget. The realization decreased as much absorption came from Capital Expenditure for Machine and Equipment that will be used for purchasing costs, transportation costs, installment costs, and other costs. 2012 Description Budget (Rp) Capital Expenditure on Land 2011 Realization (Rp) % Realization (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) 3,341,690,000 95.00 9,374,260,198 (64.35) Capital Expenditure on Equipment & Machine 162,829,044,000 147,537,572,905 90.61 168,287,221,212 (12.33) Capital Expenditure on Building & Construction 171,304,652,000 133,509,352,945 77.94 229,329,891,557 (41.78) Capital Expenditure on Irrigation and System 27,723,009,367 838,314,100 3.02 635,679,751 31.88 Capital Expenditure on Other Infrastructure 11,763,208,000 8,392,041,370 71.34 16,644,936,170 (49.58) 377,137,413,367 293,618,971,320 77.85 424,271,988,888 (30.79) Total F.Interest Compensation Payment The realization of Interest Compensation Payment amounted to Rp615,634,747,251.00. This was the amount of interest compensation to taxpayers for the delayed of disbursement of refund claim or objection decisions, appeal decisions, and judicial review that granted the taxpayer’s petition. The realization of Interest Compensation Payment in 2012 decreased as much as Rp631,765,124,136.00 or 50.65% compared to previous year. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 3,517,500,000 Directorate General of Taxes Net Capital Expenditures, 2012—2011 2012 Annual Report as Rp130,653,017,568.00 or 30.79% compared to previous year. The largest Interest Compensation Payment per Month, 2012 134 100,000 80,000 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS May Jun Jul Aug 45,031 Apr 52,573 42,367 Mar 33,238 65,112 Feb 34,944 113,261 Jan 19,237 42,904 Directorate General of Taxes 20,000 107,169 40,000 25,441 60,000 34,354 million rupiah 2012 Annual Report 120,000 Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 Realization Trend G.Assets 1.Current Assets Current assets include cash and cash equivalent. The total of DGT’s current assets as of December 31, 2012 amounted to Rp27,996,176,909,629.00. The amount decreased as much as 31.39% of total assets as of December 31, 2011. Current Assets, 2012—2011 Description 2012 (Rp) 2011 (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) Cash in Expenditure Treasurer 1,786,093,794 1,325,869,577 34.71 Other Cash & Cash Equivalent 682,852,812 287,441,232 137.56 17,724,276,407 5,531,094,158 220.44 3,723,250,772 16,885,041,667 (77.94) 27,792,164,525,637 40,595,674,369,318 (31.53) 6,674,789 3,167,769,180 (99.78) 49,860,858 52,872,051 (5.69) 180,039,374,560 184,170,135,826 (2.24) 27,996,176,909,629 40,807,094,593,009 (31.39) Prepaid Expenditure Prepayment Expenditure Tax Receivables (Net) Non-Tax Receivables (Net) Current Portion of Treasury Bills/ Compensation Claim (Net) Inventory Total 2. Fixed Assets 135 Fixed assets include the entire assets that used for either government or public’s interests with economic benefit of more than one year. Fixed of depreciation. The total Fixed Assets as of December 31, 2012 amounted to Rp14,907,494,400,412.00. Fixed Assets, 2012 Beginning Balance (Rp) Addition (Rp) Deduction (Rp) Ending Balance (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) 6,014,980,591,166 1,642,701,712,697 1,603,849,826,155 6,053,832,477,708 0.65 Equipment & Machine 3,822,116,114,333 290,969,930,064 203,875,384,886 3,909,210,659,511 2.28 Building & Construction 4,446,137,816,835 290,466,008,401 192,417,684,875 4,544,186,140,363 2.21 Road & Bridges 9,594,998,449 359,530,774 0 9,954,529,223 3.75 Irrigation 1,799,188,104 363,881,656 47,537,000 2,115,532,760 17.58 30,399,755,660 3,290,574,622 119,733,750 33,570,596,532 10.43 0 745,767,413 507,956,015 237,811,398 100.00 4,574,400,565 782,144,836 108,788,398 5,247,757,003 14.72 304,223,274,958 125,037,176,489 80,121,555,533 349,138,895,914 14.76 14,633,826,140,070 2,354,716,726,952 2,081,048,466,612 14,907,494,400,412 1.87 System Fixed Assets in Renovation Other Fixed Assets Construction in Progress Total 3.Other Assets Other Assets are government assets that cannot be categorized into current assets, long-term investment, and fixed assets on balance sheet. DGT’s Other Assets amounted to Rp401,890,746,674.00 or increased 15.68% compared to previous year which amounted to Rp347,427,892,569.00. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Land Directorate General of Taxes Description 2012 Annual Report assets are assessed with acquisition cost method excluding the calculation Other Assets, 2012 136 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Description Beginning Balance (Rp) Addition (Rp) Deduction (Rp) Ending Balance (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) Software 199,254,849,625 3,378,854,666 174,265,709 202,459,438,582 1.61 Licenses 36,321,463,584 3,396,360,000 4,972,000 39,712,851,584 9.34 76,492,880 4,750,000 0 81,242,880 6.21 Assets/Other Unused Assets 111,794,046,480 73,694,293,868 25,831,926,720 159,656,413,628 42.81 Total 347,446,852,569 80,474,258,534 26,011,164,429 401,909,946,674 15.68 Other Intangible Assets Notes: Differences in the Balance of Other Unused Assets as of December 31, 2012 amounted to Rp19,200,000.00 due to the Compensation Claims to the North Sumatera I Regional Tax Office and East Jakarta Regional Tax Office. H.Long-Term Receivables The Long-term Receivables as of December 31, 2012 amounted to Rp14,676,255.00. The amount was a deduction of Current Receivable for Treasury Claims/Compensation Claims which amounted to Rp14,750,005.00 and Allowance for Uncollectible Tax Receivable-Compensation Claims which amounted to Rp73,750.00. The balance of Long-term Receivables grew by 77.02% or as much as Rp6,385,901 compared to previous year. I. Short-Term Liabilities A liability is classified as short-term liability if it is expected to be paid or due within 12 months after the reporting date. The Short-Term Liabilities as of December 31, 2012 amounted to Rp768,091,968,246.00 including Payables to Third Parties, Payables to Revenue Refund, Prepaid from State Treasury Service Office (KPPN), and Deferred Revenue. Short-Term Liabilities, 2012—2011 Description Payables to Third Parties Payables to Revenue Refund Prepaid from State Treasury Service Office Deferred Revenues total 2012 (Rp) 2011 (Rp) % Increase / (Decrease) 16,572,048,275 7,659,369,008 116.36 749,662,687,283 702,376,172,734 6.73 1,786,093,794 1,325,869,577 34.71 71,138,894 27,735,915 156.48 768,091,968,246 711,389,147,234 7.97 J.Equity 137 1.Current Equity Fund Rp27,228,084,941,383.00. The amount is net wealth of government that earned through difference between current assets value and short-term liabilities. 2012 (Rp) Description Allowance for Receivable Allowance for Inventory Allowance for Short-Term Liabilities Payment Total % Increase / (Decrease) 27,792,221,061,284 40,598,895,010,549 (31.54) 180,039,374,560 184,170,135,826 (2.24) (765,623,021,640) (709,775,836,425) (7.86) 21,447,527,179 22,416,135,825 (4.32) 27,228,084,941,383 40,095,705,445,775 (32.09) 2.Investment Fund Equity Investment Fund Equity is a fund that was invested in long-term investment, fixed assets, and other assets. As of December 31, 2012, the Investment Fund Equity amounted to Rp15,309,399,823,341.00 which was invested in: • Fixed Assets amounted to Rp14,907,494,400,412.00; and • Other Assets amounted to Rp401,905,422,929.00. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Goods/Services to be Received 2011 (Rp) Directorate General of Taxes Current Equity Fund, 2012—2011 2012 Annual Report DGT’s Current Equity Fund as of December 31, 2012 amounted to DGT’s Strategic Plan and 2013 Performance Target The formulation of strategic plan as a form of modern organization management 138 has been the requirement for DGT to set its objective and direct the organization to achieve its objective. Since 2008, DGT has set up Strategic Plan of 2008—2012 2012 Annual Report as reference to construct initiatives in DGT. In accordance with the establishment of the 2010—2014 Ministry of Finance’s Strategic Plan, DGT needs to refine the strategic planning and initiatives document to fit in the Ministry of Finance’s Strategic Plan. Therefore, in November 2012, DGT has stipulated the 2012—2014 DGT’s Strategic Plan as stipulated in the Director Directorate General of Taxes General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-334/PJ/2012. The 2012—2014 DGT’s Strategic Plan* consists of strategic objectives as follows: 1. Optimum Tax Revenues; 2. High Level of Taxpayers’ Satisfaction on Tax Services; 3. High Level of Taxpayers’ Compliance; 4. Improvement on Service Quality; 5. Improvement on Effectiveness in Tax Information Dissemination and Public MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Relation; 6. Improvement on Effectiveness In Monitoring; 7. Improvement on Effectiveness in Law Enforcement; 8. Improvement on Effectiveness in Cooperation between Institutions; 9. Effective Organization Development; 10.Reliable Management System; and 11.Improvement on Organizational Capacity Building. The Ministry of Finance has redefined some performance targets of each echelon I unit that stated in 2013 Performance Contract between the echelon I officials and the Minister of Finance. Director General of Taxes signed the Performance Contract containing the 11 Strategic Objectives along with 25 KPIs that must be achieved in 2013. *) Based on the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-343/PJ/2013 concerning Amendment on the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-334/PJ/2012 concerning the 2012—2014 DGT’s Strategic Plan 2013 DGT’s Performance Contract No. Description Target Stakeholder Perspective Optimum Tax Revenues PJ-1.1 Total tax revenues Rp1,042.28 T Customer Perspective High Level of Taxpayers’ Satisfaction on Tax Services PJ-2.1 Users’ satisfaction index PJ-3 High Level of Taxpayers’ Compliance PJ-3.1 Percentage of Taxpayers’ Formal Compliance Level 3.94 65% Internal Process Perspective PJ-4 Improvement on Service Quality PJ-4.1 Level of service users’ satisfaction PJ-5 Improvement on Effectiveness in Tax Information Dissemination and Public Relations PJ-5.1 Level of tax information dissemination and public relations effectiveness PJ-6 Improvement on Effectiveness in Monitoring PJ-6.1 Percentage of Approweb data utilization by Account Representative 65% PJ-6.2 Percentage of actual Annual Income Tax Return amendment against issued notification letter 20% PJ-6.3 Level of tax audit effectiveness 75% PJ-6.4 Percentage of success in joint audit 72% PJ-6.4.1 Percentage of joint audit implementation 100% PJ-6.4.2 Percentage of succesful joint audit 65% PJ-7 Improvement on Effectiveness in Law Enforcement PJ-7.1 Percentage of investigation findings declared complete by the Attorney (P-21) 50% PJ-7.2 Percentage of tax arrears collection 35% PJ-8 Improvement on Effectiveness in Cooperation between Institutions PJ-8.1 Timeliness index of Presidential Instruction follow-up completion PJ-8.2 Percentage of data exchange by echelon I unit 70 70 90% Effective Organization Development PJ-9.1 Percentage of organizational development completion PJ-9.2 Bureaucratic Reform Score PJ-9.3 Maturity level of risk management implementation PJ-9.4 Percentage of followed-up policy recommendation from supervision 100% 92 55 (risk defined) 90% MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 80 (punctual) Learning and Growth Perspective PJ-9 Directorate General of Taxes PJ-2 2012 Annual Report PJ-1 139 No. PJ-10 Reliable Management System PJ-10.1 Percentage of completion on information system module development in relation with DGT’s strategic plans 100% PJ-10.2 Percentage of HR management system completion in relation with DGT’s Strategic Plan 100% PJ-10.3 Percentage of information system development completion that support business process 80% PJ-10.4 Percentage of employee database system (SIKKA/SIMPEG) data accuracy 100% PJ-11 Improvement on Organizational Capacity Building PJ-11.1 Percentage of employee’s who have met with training hours standard 50% PJ-11.2 Percentage of officials who have met the job competency standards 87% PJ-11.3 Percentage of Budget (DIPA) spending (non-personnel expenditures) 95% PJ-11.4 Percentage of capital expenditure spending activity in DIPA 98% Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 140 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Target Description Strategic Initiatives consist of program and implementation period, which developed based on DGT’s Strategic Plan that also set to support the achievement of KPI targets in the DGT Performance Contract. 2013 DGT’s Strategic Initiatives Program Strategic Objectives Improvement on Service Quality Improvement on Effectiveness in Tax Information Dissemination and Public Relation Output/Outcome Implementation Period Easy, inexpensive, and quick service • Drop box system refinement Drop box system implementation Jan—Apr • Biling system implementation and foreign exchange payment through MPN Dissemination and implementation Jan—Dec • Design of user friendly Tax Return form New Tax Return form Jan—Oct Improvement of community tax knowledge • Taxation training for law enforcement officer (the Indonesian National Police and Attorney) Activities Jan—Dec • Tax information dissemination for teachers and lecturers Activities Jan—Dec • Regulation and taxation summary updating on Tax Knowledge Base application Up-to-date Tax Knowledge Base Jan—Dec Proactive public relation • Opinion leader Positive opinion from public figures Jan—Dec • Media campaign Activities Jan—Dec • Media gathering Activities Jan—Dec Strategic Objectives Improvement on Effectiveness In Monitoring Implementation Period Reforming VAT administration system Regulation and system application Jan—Dec The National Tax Census • • May—Sep Development of tools analysis to evaluate the revenues and risk mapping of taxpayers Tools analysis Jan—Dec Audit on certain sector and tax types Notice of Tax Assessment Letter Jan—Dec Intelligence Information Sheet Jan—Dec Improvement on investigation effectiveness P-21 Status Jan—Dec Refinement of regulations that related with the enhancement of monitoring function and law enforcement Tax regulation Jan—Dec Census Form New taxpayers Improvement on intelligence function • Data and information collection of certain business sector for the purpose of law enforcement Improvement on cooperation between institutions to increase the effectiveness of monitoring and law enforcement: MoU between DGT and other institutions in terms of electronic data exchange, among others, the Ministry of Internal Affair and Directorate General of Imigration MoU Jan—Dec • MoU between DGT and law enforcement institutions MoU Jan—Dec Effective Organization Development DGT Head Office organization development allign with transformation program of the Ministry of Finance Organization development academic paper Okt Reliable Management System Development of reliable and integrated database management system Supervision and management decision making system Dec Reinforcement of internal control system Peer review Development of work integrated monitoring system for Tax Objection Reviewer and evaluator that produce database in objections and appeals. Objections and appeals monitoring system. Dec Development of data and document processing center infrastructure Study of Data Processing Center development Dec Dec Improvement on Organizational Capacity Building Jan—Dec Human resources improvement in quantity and quality • Recruitment of 5,400 employees Total new employees • Employees’ capacity building Training Jan—Dec MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS • 141 Directorate General of Taxes Improvement on Effectiveness in Cooperation between Institutions Output/Outcome 2012 Annual Report Improvement on Effectiveness in Law Enforcement Program 04. 142 Bureaucratic Reform 145 A Decade of Bureaucratic Reform 151 Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform 154 Internal Control System 164 Information Disclosure Change is necessity and DGT has chosen to change for the better. These belief and choice are our endeavor in the journey toward tax bureaucratic reform. 143 The Cakalele War Dance BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 144 Photo by M. Set iawan North Maluku Ternate, A Decade of Bureaucratic Reform Tax revenues are the backbone of the country that accelerate the development of Indonesia. DGT plays a major role in collecting tax revenues. Therefore, 145 fulfilment of state revenues target is determined by the implementation of DGT tax collection strategies. tax administration, and taxpayer are needed. Until the early 2000s, when the challenges of collecting tax revenues continue to increase, DGT also faced unfavorable conditions, namely: 2012 Annual Report To optimize the tax revenues, favorable condition of tax policy and regulation, 1. tax policy had not considered the balance between the taxpayers rights the community; 2. many tax regulations generated multiple interpretations and provided opportunities for tax avoidance; 3. complicated tax administration and bureaucracy provided many opportunities for collusion between taxpayers and tax officers; and 4. lack of knowledge, awareness, and compliance of community toward the tax Directorate General of Taxes and obligations, and did not provide adequate fairness and certainty for obligations. The urgency to implement the tax reform in Indonesia also derived from the results of internal and external surveys, public opinion in the mass media, seminars and dialogues, as well as the opinion of the international community. Objectives of Tax Reform • To attain high level of taxpayers’ compliance • • To build a reliable tax administration • • To develop high integrity and productivity of DGT’s employees • BUREAUCRATIC REFORM A forementioned condition had triggered DGT to initiate the bureaucratic reform. 2012 Annual Report 146 Tax Reform Phase I (2002—2008) Establishment of first modern tax • Restructuring DGT Head Office office, Large Taxpayer Regional Tax • Implementation of Code of Conduct Office and two Large Taxpayer Offices for all DGT employees • Amendment of the Law on General BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Directorate General of Taxes Provisions and Tax Procedures • Launch of taxation service innovation • Completion of modern tax offices establishment throughout Indonesia • Amendment of the Income Tax Law • Stipulation of 2008—2012 DGT’s Strategic Plan and the based on IT (e-registration, e-filing improvement of DGT’s vision and and e-SPT) mission • Development of employee database system (SIKKA) • Launch of Sunset Policy • Launch of call center service Kring Pajak 500200 2008 2002 2003—2007 147 Tax Reform Phase II (2009—2014) • Implementation of DJP • Launch of National Tax • Stipulation of Tax Returns Drop Box Maju, PasTI! A program program to improve the morale • Stipulation of the Ministry Strategic Plan and the and motivation of DGT of Finance Corporate improvement of DGT’s • Amendment of the VAT Values • Stipulation of • Stipulation of 2010—2014 DGT’S ICT Blueprint 2011—2018 HR 2012—2014 DGT’s vision and mission • Re-launch of National Tax Census program Management Blueprint 2010 2011 BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 2012 2009 Directorate General of Taxes employees and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law Census program 2012 Annual Report • Implementation of 148 Scope of Tax Reform Tax Administration Reform 2012 Annual Report • Organizational Restructuring • Business process improvement based on information technology • Development of human resources management • Implementation of good governance Tax Policy Reform BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Directorate General of Taxes • Amendment of tax laws • Fiscal incentives Reform of Tax Monitoring and Potency Exploration • Mapping • Profiling • Benchmarking Bureaucratic reform in the DGT was implemented in 2002. The implementation of bureaucratic reforms in DGT, known as “Modernization”, was initiated with the establishment of the first modern tax offices, namely Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and two Large Taxpayer Offices. The offices were intended specifically to administer the taxpayers with the large contribution of tax revenues. Organizational structure of modern tax office is based on functions instead of tax types, and also in purpose to improve check and balances function. In terms of human resources aspect, modern tax office adopt reward and punishment concept in which the code of conduct were enforced strictly and consistently along with better remuneration. In addition, the facilities and infrastructure of modern tax offices are more integrated, user friendly, and paperless information technology systems. The establishment of Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and Large Taxpayer Offices, has been appreciated by the stakeholders due to the offices’ performance in tax revenues and high level of taxpayers’ satisfaction. The success of Modernization has motivated DGT to continue the implementation of modern concepts in other tax offices. In 2008 DGT has successfully completed the establishment of modern tax offices throughout Indonesia. Photo b y M. Se tiawan 149 2012 Annual Report Directorate General of Taxes is also manifested by the launching of numerous new services for taxpayers. The examples are e-registration, e-filing, e-SPT, Drop Box SPT, and Kring Pajak 500200 call center. In the period of 2007 until 2009, three amendments of tax law, namely Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures, Income Tax Law, and VAT and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Law have been made. During the period, some of the tax incentive policies were implemented such as Sunset Policy, exemption of Exit Tax imposition, and the VAT Refund for tourist. These tax policies has received positive public response. Bureaucratic reform in the area of tax monitoring and potency exploration is conducted through the development of a structured, measured, standardized, systematic, and accountable method. The method was developed since early 2007 which includes the activities of mapping, profiling, and benchmarking. A tax base expansion effort to explore tax potency was also conducted through National Tax Census in 2011 and 2012. These activities were the DGT’s attempt to enforce fairness in which the taxpayer is reminded to fulfill their tax obligations. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM In terms of tax administration reform, the implementation of bureaucratic reform The next challenge in Modernization is to build shared values among the 150 employees’. More intensive and structured effort in the formation of corporate culture was initiated in 2010 through the implementation of the program so called 2012 Annual Report DJP Maju, PasTI! followed by internalization of the Ministry of Finance Corporate Values, which established in 2011. In general, the concept of DGT bureaucratic reform is to provide excellent services and intensive supervision to the taxpayers through the implementation of good governance. Nevertheless, the impact of bureaucratic reform brought fundamental Directorate General of Taxes and revolutionary changes in the implementation of taxation in Indonesia. Entering a decade of bureaucratic reform, DGT awares that there is still room of improvement. Strengthening the internal control system to prevent abuse of power by DGT officials is a priority that must be done in order to regain public trust toward DGT. Lesson learned from the Modernization process, DGT believes that consistency in improvement and commitment of the stakeholders to support DGT, are the key BUREAUCRATIC REFORM success factor. Photo by Gathot Subroto Photo by M. Setiawan Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform Assessment of the bureaucratic reform implementation in the ministry/institution is conducted through Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform. Implementation 151 of the Quality Assurance based on the Minister of State Apparaturs Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation Number 53 Year 2011 was made to the eight 1. Mindset and Work Culture (Change Management); 2. Regulation Refinement; 3. Organizational Restructuring and Strengthening; 2012 Annual Report areas of change which includes: 4. Restructuring of Procedures; 5. Restructuring of Human Resources Management System; 7. Performance Accountability Strengthening; and 8. Public Service Quality Improvement. The main concern in the implementation of quality assurance of bureaucratic reform is the level of improvement on each area of change. In addition, quality assurance activities also consider the strategic impact of bureaucratic reform in Directorate General of Taxes 6. Supervision Strengthening; the ministry/institution. General of the Ministry of Finance. Data collection in the process of quality assurance was gathered through document review, observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The score result of Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform in DGT in 2012 is 93.83 or categorized as Very Good. Photo by Gathot Subroto BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform in DGT was conducted by the Inspectorat Result of Quality Assurance of Bureaucratic Reform in DGT 152 Area of Change Mindset and Work Culture • Establishment of change management team. Percentage Score 10% 8.96 10% 10.00 10% 9.50 10% 10.00 20% 20.00 2012 Annual Report • Formulation of change management strategy. • Formulation of change management communication strategy. • Building commitment, participation, and desired behavior change. • Availability of risk analysis and communication to all employees to reduce the failure rate and to improve employee satisfaction. Directorate General of Taxes Regulation Refinement BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Indicators of Success/Measurement of Target Achievement • Availability of SOPs of regulation drafting. • The SOPs accomodate the appropriate steps of drafting the regulation. • The review and drafting process of regulation have been included with routing slip conclusion/report. • The mapping of regulation that is overlapping, disharmony, and has multiple interpretations has been conducted and the identification result is immediately followed up. • Regulation archive and index management has been conducted in an orderly, completely, and informatively manner. Organizational Restructuring and Strengthening • Organizational structure is clear and not overlapping. • Establishment of rightsizing organization. • Establishment of working units that handles personnel, public relations, and training. • Implementation of coordination between units. Restructuring of Procedure • Establishment of IT-based governmental management. • Implementation of tasks and functions of ministry/institution in line with procedures. • Establishment of KPI that is aligned with the strategy of ministry/institution. Restructuring of Human Resources Management System • Human resources management has referred to the regulation. • Establishment of employee recruitment system that is transparent and accountable. • Employee’s career path, rotation, and promotion have been stipulated and implemented transparently. • Implementation of the Government Regulation Number 53 Year 2010 concerning Civil Servants Discipline. • Availability of measured performance indicator. • Availability of up-to-date and accurate employee’s data. • Availability of job competency standard. • Availability of individual competency profile map. • Establishment of competency-based training system and process. Area of Change Supervision Strengthening Indicators of Success/Measurement of Target Achievement Percentage • Activity of planning, implementation, and accountability of finance in ministry/ institution is in line with the regulation. Score 9.84 10% 8.72 20% 16.80 100% 93.83 2012 Annual Report 10% • Implementation of Government Internal Control System in line with the Government Regulation Number 60 Year 2008. • Increasing role of Government Internal Control Apparatus (APIP) in improving the compliance toward state finance management. • Budget spending is in accordance with the plan. • Increasing role of Government Internal Control Apparatus (APIP) in encouraging the ministry/institution to improve the status of report opinion. • Implementation of Anti-Corruption Program. • Increased implementation of e-procurement. • Availability of KPI. • Quality improvement of accountability reports. Public Service Quality Improvement • Implementation of public services that are cost-friendly, affordable, punctual, and have clear procedures. • Service unit with international standard. • Effective implementation of customer satisfaction survey. • Establishment of complaint, suggestion, and feedback handling system. • Establishment of organization’s positive image. Total Category Very Good Source: Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance Assessment Results, data as of December 28, 2012 Photo by Afriganistana K. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM • Establishment of a system that support the achievement of measurable organizational performance. Directorate General of Taxes • Improvement of the Audit Board’s opinion or maintaining Unqualified Opinion. Performance Accountability Strengthening 153 Internal Control System Control of the government’s activities is conducted to achieve effective, efficient, 154 transparent, and accountable financial management. In the scope of government institutions, control over the activities is carried out under the guidance of the 2012 Annual Report Government Internal Control System (Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah) as stipulated in the Government Regulation Number 60 Year 2008. The objective of the Government Internal Control System is to provide assurance for achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of public administration, the reliability of financial reporting, safeguarding of state assets, Directorate General of Taxes and regulatory compliance. Implementation of internal control in DGT as stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Decree Number KEP-238/PJ/2012 is conducted through: 1. direct supervision by the direct superior of the task bearer; and 2. monitoring of internal control conducted by the internal control/compliance unit. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM The following are the elements and efforts that were established in order to implement the internal control within DGT. A.Internalization of Corporate Values The establishment of the Ministry of Finance Corporate Values and Key Behavior Guideline in 2011 is an attempt of to uphold the integrity and the ethical values that directly support the internal control environment, and to encourage synergy of entire echelon I units in achieving the vision of the Ministry of Finance. During 2012 DGT has made various efforts to internalize the Corporate Values and Key Behavior of the Ministry of Finance to its employees. 1.Main Internalization Program In this program, each unit was asked to define behavioral indicators of each major role in accordance with the types of positions in each unit and day-to-day behaviors that are specific to certain positions and generally accepted. Later on, the behavioral indicator of the Ministry of Finance is disseminated to all employees in the unit. 2.Thematic Internalization Program 155 Thematic Internalization Program of 2012 was done in form of Values Gathering for every unit with the theme “DGT Commitment to Achieve intended to enlist the support of stakeholders on the implementation of bureaucratic reform in DGT. Units invite key stakeholders such as the largest taxpayers, heads of other institutions (local government, SOE, police, judiciary, executive and school board members, journalists, and others) 2012 Annual Report 1,000 Trillion”. Values Gathering Program is an open house program associated with business processes of tax offices/regional tax offices. Supporting Program is an activity which transfers corporate values to daily working habits and other activities, such as: a.Orderly, Clean, and Discipline Program 1) Discipline of working hour utilization Directorate General of Taxes 3. Supporting Program 2) Organizing meeting management 4) Dressed properly b.Honest and Friendly Program 1) Formulate ‘honesty’ program in daily acitivites 2) Utilizing office facilities in working hours only for official use 3) Implement 3S/Senyum, Salam, Sapa (Smile, Greetings, Compliments) while serving taxpayers and/or other stakeholders 4) Implement polite communication to internal and external parties Overall, the implementation of the Ministry of Finance Corporate Values and Key Behavior consists of six stages, namely: 1) formulation and delivery; 2) dissemination; 3) establishment of the guiding team; 4) establishment of leadership role and implementation structure; 5) monitoring and evaluation; and 6) change agent development program. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 3) Create cleanliness, fineness, and comfort in office The Ministry of Finance Key Behavior Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 156 Values Key Behavior Integrity • act honestly, sincerely and trustworthy • maintain dignity and act properly and righteously Professionalism • have broad skills and knowledge • work wholeheartedly Synergy • positive thinking, trust, and respect each other • find and implement the best solution Service • provide services oriented towards stakeholders satisfaction • act proactively and responsively Excellence • undertake continuous improvements • develop innovation and creativity Note: As stipulated in the Minister of Finance Decree Number 312/KMK.01/2011 The implementation of the Ministry of Finance Corporate Values and Key Behavior BUREAUCRATIC REFORM has reached the stage of establishing a guiding team and has appointed change agents comprising of echelon II and III officials in the Ministry of Finance. The Change Agents who have been given a variety of training, were then commissioned to carry out internalization program of the Ministry of Finance Corporate Values and Key Behavior in their units. B.Implementation of Code of Conduct DGT’s Code of Conduct was gradually implemented since 2002 at the same time with the formation of modern tax offices. It is stipulated by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 1/PM.3/2007 containing nine obligations and eight prohibitions for employees. In enforcing the code of conduct, any alleged violation by echelon I or II officials will be examined by the Civil Servant Honorary Council at the Ministry of Finance level appointed by the Minister. As for any alleged violation by lower lever employees, the examination is conducted by the Civil Servant Honorary Council at the DGT level appointed by the Director General. DGT’s Code of Conduct Employee’s Obligations Employee’s Prohibitions 1. Act discriminatively in performing tasks 2. Work in a professional, transparent, and accountable manner 2. Become an active member or symphatizer of political parties 3. Secure the DGT data and information 3. Abusing power 4. Provide best services to taxpayers, fellow employees, or other 4. Misuse office facilities 5. stakeholders Accept any gift in any form, either directly or indirectly, from taxpayers, fellow employees, or other stakeholders, which lead to the employee 6. Be responsible in using DGT’s properties suspected of abusing power 7. Abide official working hours and rules 6. Misuse of tax data and information 8. Become a role model for the community in meeting tax obligations 7. Performing action which may lead to data disruption, destruction, or alteration in the DGT’s information system 9. Behave, dressed, and speak in polite manner 8. Breaking the norms of decency that can damage public image and Directorate General of Taxes 5. Obey official orders 2012 Annual Report 1. Respect other people’s religions, faiths, cultures, and customs 157 dignity of DGT C.Establishment of Internal Control Unit As stipulated in the Minister of Finance Decree Number 152/KMK.09/2011, every echelon I unit within the Ministry of Finance should have internal control unit structures by 2012. In order to implement a good internal control environment, and considering the large scope of the tasks and the large number of DGT offices, internal control function in DGT is then attached to every office. Previously, the Directorate of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation is the sole unit in DGT that conducts internal control function. Since November 2012, internal control function is also conducted by: 1. Audit, Investigation, and Collection Division in regional tax office; 2. General Affairs and Internal Compliance Division in Taxation Data and Document Processing Center; 3. Audit and Internal Compliance Section in tax office; and 4. Administrative and Internal Compliance Sub-Division in Taxation Data and Document Processing Office, External Data Processing Office, and Information and Complaint Services Office. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Note: As stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 1/PM.3/2007 A forementioned units are called Internal Compliance Units, which carry out the 158 following internal control function: 2. risk management monitoring; 3. supervising employees’ discipline and compliance towards the code of conduct; 4. monitoring the follow-ups of supervising results; and Directorate General of Taxes 5. formulating business process improvement recommendation. D.Implementation of Risk Management BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 2012 Annual Report 1. internal control monitoring; Efforts to develop risk management in DGT throughout 2012 are as follows: Risk management is applied and developed based on the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 191/PMK.09/2008 concerning Implementation of Risk Management in the Ministry of Finance. Implementation of risk management in DGT was done gradually at echelon II units as the Risk Owner Units, starting from 2009 and developed continuously in every tax office. 1. establish KPI for Risk Management; 2. implement risk management in all tax offices; 3. optimize DGT’s key risk mitigation which has been prepared since 2011; 4. develop human resources related to the risk management through: a. dissemination and workshop; b. education and training; and c. enroll employees to join the Certified Risk Management Professional training held by Risk Management Certification Institution. E.Corruption Prevention and Eradication Acts As stipulated in the Presidential Instruction Number 17 of Year 2011 concerning the Action of Corruption Prevention and Eradication in 2012, DGT has responsibility for implementing some efforts/actions to prevent and eradicate corruption. Actions which DGT is responsible for and has been performed within the time limit, are as follows. 1.The strengthening of Taxation Data and Export-Import Documents Exchange between DGT and Directorat General of Customs and Excise; 2. The improvement of the State Budget Management Transparancy; 3.Cooperation between Ministry of Finance and Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center; and 159 4. Implementation of the Whistle-blowing System in DGT. Corruption Day Commemoration. This commemoration was related to the 101st action plan in 2012 from the Presidential Decree Number 17 of Year 2011, which is public policies dissemination related to the efforts of accelerating the corruption prevention and eradication in public institutions. 2012 Annual Report As part of the corruption prevention and eradication, DGT held World Anti- The commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day in 2012 with the theme and improve anti-corruption commitments, integrity, and synergy of all DGT’s employees. The commemoration was also aimed to disseminate bureaucratic reform process to the public. The commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day in 2012 was held in two major events, namely: November 27 to December 4, 2012. The pictures displayed were the work of DGT employees; and 2. Public Lecture of Anti-Corruption, on December 4, 2012. This event was opened by the Director General of Taxes and followed by a speech from the Minister of Finance. The public lecture was delivered by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, M. Busyro Muqoddas, and Dean of Paramadina University, Anies Rasyid Baswedan. F.Implementation of Whistle-blowing System Many violations conducted by DGT employee resulted in negative impact to the institution. Permissive culture in working environment which let the violations happen also further perpetuated and increased the number of violations. Based on the occurence above, DGT realizes that prevention, early detection system, and appropriate and consistent action against violations is necessary. Therefore, since 2011 DGT implemented Whistle-blowing System as stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-22/PJ/2011 concerning the Obligation to Report Violations and Violations Report Management (Whistleblowing) in DGT. The issuance of the Presidential Instruction Number 17 Year 2011 has reinforced DGT’s commitment to implement a good Whistle-blowing System. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 1. Photo Exhibition of DGT’s Hope and Commitment of Anti-Corruption, from Directorate General of Taxes “DGT’s Hope and Commitment of Anti-Corruption”, was organized to maintain DGT’s Whistle-blowing System adopts three principles, as follows. 160 1. Prevention Principle, which prevents the perpetrator to conduct violations, including: 2012 Annual Report a. stipulation of whistle-blowing regulation and campaign which make the perpetrator/potential perpetrator to feel uncomfortable with his/ her own lifestyle; b. perpetrator/potential perpetrator feels threatened by the presence of another person who knows or wants to know his/her fortune; and c. threats of severe punishment discourage potential perpetrators to Directorate General of Taxes conduct violations. 2. Early Detection Principle, which encourages whistle-blower’s enthusiasm, requires every employee to report fraud indication (inherent monitoring). As a complement for the whistle-blower: a. identity of whistle-blower is confidential; b. whistle-blower is protected; c. reports are followed up; and d. rewards are given to whistle-blowers. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 3. Implement Proper Investigation Principle, such as: a. each report is handled appropriately and consistently; b. emphasis on the approach of “Fiscal Crime” against DGT’s employees; c. fiscal approach does not eliminate DGT authority to impose disciplinary actions or forward the case to law enforcer; d. investigation result is communicated with whistle-blower; and e. prevent libel actions. As stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-22/ PJ/2011, in the event of violation reporting/complaint that cannot be handled by the internal parties of DGT because of its nature and characteristics, the treatment is coordinated with the Inspectorate General or the authorized law enforcement institution. DGT’s Complaint Channel Direct Help Desk of Directorate of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation Indirect Phone: (021) 52970777 or Kring Pajak 500200 e-Mail: kode.etik@pajak.go.id or pengaduan@pajak.go.id employee database system (SIKKA) Letter to: • Director General of Taxes • Director of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation • Director of Dissemination, Services, and Public Relation • Director of Intelligence and Investigation • Head of regional tax offices/tax offices 161 Photo by Afrig anistana K. This is in accordance with the assessment made by the Presidential Working Unit for Development Monitoring and Control (Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan 2012 Annual Report The implementation of whistle-blowing system in DGT has proven to work well. dan Pengendalian Pembangunan/UKP4). UKP4 has evaluated the performance of 2012. As a result, UKP4 has assessed that the performance of government institutions was satisfactory especially the implementation of whistle-blowing system provision in DGT which is considered relatively successful. UKP4 assessment is based on the implementation of the Presidential Instruction Number 17 Year 2011 on the effort of corruption prevention and eradication in 2012. The employee compliance monitoring in DGT is implemented to maintain a high level of discipline, to create a positive working environment, and to improve the quality of service to taxpayers. Monitoring of employee compliance in DGT was implemented through the mechanism of “surprise inspection” and “blind surveillance”. Surprise inspection is an employee compliance monitoring without prior notice to the unit that is being inspected. Blind surveillance is checking directly the real situation in the DGT offices, especially those related to compliance with the provisions of civil servants discipline and DGT’s Code of Conduct. The activities of employee compliance monitoring throughout 2012 was conducted on 30 units of DGT. In general, the result of compliance monitoring indicates that: 1. discipline level of DGT’s employee toward working hours and the utilization of working hours was considerably good; 2. head offices/managers have a major role for employees; and 3. services provided to the taxpayers were considerably good in accordance with the DGT’s excellent service guidelines, but still need improvement. BUREAUCRATIC REFORM G.Compliance Monitoring Directorate General of Taxes government institutions in the corruption prevention and eradication throughout H.Compliance Assessment 162 The assessment of internal compliance in DGT is conducted based on the Director 2012 Annual Report General of Taxes Regulation Number PER-19/PJ/2011. The purpose of internal compliance assessment is to provide added value to the organization through the assessment of: 1. compliance towards the regulation, work plans, systems, and/or procedures related to the DGT tasks; 2. effectiveness and efficiency of activities based on established benchmarks; Directorate General of Taxes 3. safeguarding of DGT’s assets; 4. securing DGT’s data and information; and 5. effectiveness and efficiency of resources utilization. Internal compliance assessment in DGT during 2012 include the assessment on the following process: 1. tax audit; BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 2. tax objection; 3. data updates and validation of Tax Object Information Management System; 4.procurement; 5. tasks of Account Representative; and 6. analysis of information, data, report, and denunciation as well as preliminary evidence verification. The findings during the internal compliance assessment generally consist of formal and material discrepancy. Formal discrepancy is caused by activities that are not in accordance with the procedures or regulations, while the material discrepancy is caused by violation of provision that could potentially lead to the state’s loss. Internal compliance assessment provides recommendations on findings such as business process improvements of the assessed activities. The recommendations are expected to eliminate the cause of the findings so that all operations carried out by DGT can run effectively and efficiently. I.Imposement of Disciplinary Sanctions 163 Imposement of sanctions as part of employee’s disciplinary fostering efforts is carried out based on the prevailing regulations. Sanctions impose on officials who supervisor or investigation team appointed by the Minister of Finance. During the investigation, employee supervisor or investigation team may take into consideration the results of the investigation conducted by the control/internal compliance unit of DGT or Inspectorate General. Type of Sanction Legal Basis The Minister of Finance Regulations Year 2012 2011 Warning: First Warning Letter 0 43 No. 41/PMK.01/2011 Second Warning Letter 0 12 Third Warning Letter 0 2 Written Warning 0 32 Oral Reprimand 30 26 Reprimand Letter 35 27 Dissatisfaction Statement Letter 29 33 Postponement of Periodical Salary Increase for 1 year 22 17 Postponement of Promotion for 1 year 13 8 Demotion to One Rank Lower for 1 year 12 18 16 5 0 0 Government Regulation No. 53 Year 2010 Light Degree: Medium Degree: Severe Degree: Demotion to One Rank Lower for 3 years Rotation in terms of Demotion Position Discharge 3 5 Non-Demand Honorable Discharge 27 4 Non-Honorable Discharge 30 18 Government Regulation Non-Demand Honorable Discharge 0 0 No. 32 Year 1979 Non-Honorable Discharge 3 9 Civil Servant Candidate Honorable Discharge 0 0 Temporary Dismissal of Position 6 4 226 263 Government Regulation No. 4 Year 1966 TOTAL BUREAUCRATIC REFORM No. 87/PMK.01/2010 & Directorate General of Taxes Number of Disciplinary Sanction Imposement, 2011–2012 2012 Annual Report are convicted based on the results of the investigation is conducted by his/her Information Disclosure Information disclosure is part of good governance principles, especially in 164 terms of transparency and accountability, as stipulated by Law Number 14 Year 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure. The information dissemination BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report conducted by DGT is an embodiment of DGT’s commitment to meet the public’s right on information needs. Information and Documentation Management Officers (Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi/PPID) at DGT Head Office and regional tax office are responsible for the services of providing public information in their respective working areas. PPID delivers written notice of DGT’s ability to provide answers of any request for public information. DGT provides important information that can be used by stakeholders, such as information of DGT’s performance which is available in the Annual Report and tax policies which is conveyed via press release and other media. DGT provides the latest information which can be accessed easily and quickly by stakeholders through the official website www.pajak.go.id. Other information channel that can be accessed by the public is through the Kring Pajak 500200 call center. DGT also provides a means of internal communication through DGT’s internal bulletins, namely Berita Pajak and e-Magazine which are published monthly. Through the bulletin, DGT’s employees can receive the latest information about tax regulations, organizational policies, and various activities carried out by the units in the DGT. Other information disclosure implemented by DGT are in the form of a library in DGT Head Office that can be accessed either by the DGT’s employee or nonemployee, and permission of research and internships (Praktik Kerja Lapangan/ PKL) in DGT for the general public. Public Information that is Mandatory to be Provided and Announced Regularly in DGT’s Website 165 • Vision and mission • Organizational structure and officer’s name • Office address and phone numbers, facsimile, e-mail, and other information • Statistics of national tax revenues 2012 Annual Report • Main tasks and functions • Audited Financial Statements • Tax regulations issued by DGT • Information related to public information access • Information related to complaint procedures through whistle-blowing system • Announcement of procurement Directorate General of Taxes • Summary of program and activities BUREAUCRATIC REFORM Photo by ana K. Afriganist 05. 166 Social Responsibility 170 Employee Health Insurance Improvement Program 171 Establishment of Tax Center 172 Other Social Activities DGT wishes to always provide value added to communities and environment and this has been our concern to establish a dignified community and a sustainable environment. 167 The Pakarena Dance SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 168 Photo by Tomy Nur South Sulawesi Makassar, seta Corporate Social responsibility program is run by an organization as a form of accountability to community, government, and the environment. The program is 169 often referred to as a form of accountability for the impact of the organization policy. In other words, social responsibility program can also be said as the DGT as a government institution under the Ministry of Finance carries out tasks in 2012 Annual Report management of impact. securing the state revenues from taxes. Nevertheless, DGT expects to add some values to the society and environment through the implementation of various social activities. In addition to staying focus on its tasks, DGT commits to support country development by providing direct benefit to the community. Directorate General of Taxes The ideal implementation of social responsibility generally includes aspects of environmental management; practices of employment, health, and safety; social and community development; as well as product warranty. DGT realizes that the fulfillment of those aspects still require significant improvement. Therefore, for the upcoming years DGT commits to enhance and expand the scope of its social responsibility activities with a better-coordinated ones and more thorough in every aspect. In 2012, DGT’s social responsibility program covers aspects of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY employment, social and community development, as well as other philanthropy activities. istiadhi Photo by Arief Sul seta Photo by Tomy Nur Employee Health Insurance Improvement Program Since 2011 DGT has been initiated Employee Health Insurance Improvement 170 Program. The program was derived from DGT’s desires to provide a decent health benefits for their employees. It is because the health benefits from social health 2012 Annual Report insurance (Health Insurance for Civil Servants) received by employees and their families considered to be less adequate in service quality. The expected benefits of this program among others is that employees can obtain health services with better medical facilities in government and private hospitals, and the program is expected to be one of the significant factor to increase Directorate General of Taxes employee’s engagement. This insurance program implemented by DGT in collaboration with Employees Cooperative (Koperasi Pegawai) of DGT Head Office and PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia, as well as administratively facilitated by the Directorate of Internal Compliance and Apparatus Transformation. The program is funded by DGT’s employee and become effective on December 28, 2012 for a year. With the Managed Care system, each participant receives services including outpatient care, inpatient care, dental care, maternity, and special care for serious diseases SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY such as heart disease, cancer, kidney, lung, and organ transplantation as well as advanced diagnostics such as MRI, MRA, and CT Scan. Number of Participants of Employee Health Insurance Improvement Program Insurance Package Job Position of Participant Platinum VIP Echelon II Officials Gold VIP Echelon III Officials High-Level Functional Officials Gold 1 Echelon IV Officials Staff Low to Mid-Level Functional Officials Total Number of Participant (employee and family) 34 360 5,925 6,269 Establishment of Tax Center 171 2012 Annual Report Directorate General of Taxes manifested in form of cooperation with various parties including universities and associations to conduct tax information dissemination and education. One of the cooperation is the establishment of Tax Center, which is an institution within university that serves as a center for tax study, research, training, and dissemination in the respective university and neighborhood community. The establishment of Tax Center is conducted by signing a memorandum of understanding MoU between the regional tax offices and universities. Tax Center has been carried out many activities throughout 2012 such as seminars/ discussions, training/workshop, database development, Tax Goes To Campus, tax information publication and dissemination, tax competition (writing, debates, speeches, quiz), student field trip to the DGT units, and so forth. Through the establishment of Tax Center, the students are expected to have a better understanding of taxation, then they can share this information to other parties, at the end may foster the public tax awareness. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DGT’s commitment toward social and community development aspect is Other Social Activities Photo by Arief Sul istiadhi SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 172 As stipulated in the Director General of Taxes Circular Letters Numbers SE-16/ PJ.01/2011 and SE-45/PJ.01/2012, DGT encourages all offices within DGT to organize regular blood donation every year on the commemoration of national days and religious holidays. In addition, DGT also runs other social activities, namely Foster Children Program (PAS) which is coordinated by the Employee’s Wife Association of DGT (KBIP). The program that has been going on since 2007 grants education fund to the children of security guards, cleaning service, office boys, drivers, technicians, and cooperative employees of DGT. The donors of PAS are DGT’s employees who voluntarily donate regularly through monthly salary deductions or by transferring donations to PAS’ account. Based on the Director General of Taxes Circular Letter Number SE-42/PJ/2011, DGT calls out to all offices to organize PAS and encourage their employees to become the donors of PAS. Each of DGT’s office carried out social activities by considering the situation or needs of the society in their respective regions. The activities organized during 2012 are as follows. 173 2012 Annual Report iawan a. At the holy moment of Ramadhan, several offices such as Aceh Regional Tax Office, North Sumatera I Regional Tax Office, North Sumatera II Regional Tax Office, East Java I Regional Tax Office, as well as South, West and Southeast Sulawesi Regional Tax Office held an event of ifthar and donation to the orphans and the poor. On the celebration of Christmas, DGT Head Office also organized social activity in the form of donation to orphanages. b. DGT Head Office and also most of the echelon II units distributes qurban meat to the society at Eid al-Adha. c. Distribution of clean water to the communities in drought areas, were carried out by Central Java II Regional Tax Office and Sukoharjo Small Tax Office in Wonogiri on September 20, 2012. 2. Environment Preservation In commemorating Money Day (Hari Oeang), West Sumatera and Jambi Regional Tax Office organized a community service by cleaning the beach of Pantai Air Manis in Padang on November 3, 2012. This unit also realizes its concern for environment sanitation and comfort by providing several trash bins in tourism area of Jam Gadang, Bukitinggi. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 1. Social Relief Directorate General of Taxes Photo by M. Set 06. 174 Statistics Every required effort has been undertaken and the figures displayed are the outlook of DGT excellent performance tradition. 175 The Bedhoyo Court Dance STATISTICS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 176 Photo by Afriganistana K. Gunung Kidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta Number of Taxpayers, 2008—2012 Type of Taxpayer 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 22,131,323 19,881,684 16,880,649 13,861,253 8,807,666 Treasurer 545,232 507,882 471,833 441,986 392,509 2,136,014 1,929,507 1,760,108 1,608,337 1,481,924 24,812,569 22,319,073 19,112,590 15,911,576 10,682,099 Corporate Total Note: Based on data cleansing in 2012 Year Total Village/ Sub-District Sismiop Tax Object Village/ Sub-District % Digital Map % Tax Object Village/ Sub-District % 75,636 99,237,896 51,545 68.1 82,524,675 83.2 35,326 46.7 2011 76,487 102,573,771 54,911 71.8 88,235,739 86.0 38,902 50.9 2012 75,977 102,897,648 57,078 75.1 89,692,374 87.2 41,368 54.4 Notes: • Data as of December 31 for the year concerned • Decrease in the number of villages/sub-districts in 2012 due to merger of some villages/sub-districts Number of Taxpayers Using e-SPT, 2008—2012 Filing Year Total Taxpayers 2012 117,092 2011 120,790 2010 61,651 2009 58,880 2008 43,897 Source: SIDJP and SIPMod database Number of Taxpayers Using e-Filing, 2008—2012 Filing Year Total Taxpayers Source: e-Filing database 2012 21,799 2011 9,850 2010 4,941 2009 2,427 2008 1,619 STATISTICS 2010 Directorate General of Taxes Database of Land and Building Tax Object, 2010—2012 2012 Annual Report Individual 177 Annual Income Tax Return-Filing Compliance Ratio, 2008—2012 178 Description 2012 Annual Report Directorate General of Taxes 2011 2010 2009 2008 17,659,278 17,694,317 14,101,933 9,996,620 6,341,828 Corporate 1,026,388 1,590,154 1,534,933 1,373,383 1,246,173 Individual 16,632,890 16,104,163 12,567,000 8,623,237 5,095,655 9,482,480 9,332,626 8,202,309 5,413,114 2,097,849 Corporate 547,659 520,375 501,348 559,791 420,689 Individual 8,934,821 8,812,251 7,700,961 4,853,323 1,677,160 53.70% 52.74% 58.16% 54.15% 33.08% Corporate 53.36% 32.72% 32.66% 40.76% 33.76% Individual 53.72% 54.72% 61.28% 56.28% 32.91% Number of Taxpayers Obliged to File Annual Income Tax Return Number of Annual Income Tax Return Filed Compliance Ratio Notes: • Number of Taxpayers Obliged to File Annual Income Tax Return is the number of taxpayers that administratively obliged as of January 1. • STATISTICS 2012 Number of Annual Income Tax Return Filed is the number of Annual Tax Return received by DGT for a year without considering fiscal year of the Tax Return. • Compliance Ratio is comparison between the number of Annual Income Tax Return Filed in a year and the number of taxpayers obliged to file Annual Income Tax Return as of January 1. • 2012 Annual Income Tax Return Filed is the result of quick count as of April 30, 2012. • Number of Taxpayers Obliged to File Annual Income Tax Return in 2012 has been deducted from number of non-effective taxpayers. Photo by Tomy Nu rseta Comparison between Tax Revenue and State Expenditure, 2008—2012 No. 2012 Description 2011 2010 2009 2008 DGT Tax Revenues Excluding Oil & Gas Income Tax (trillion rupiah) 752.37 669.65 569.35 494.49 494.09 2 DGT Tax Revenues Including Oil & Gas Income Tax (trillion rupiah) 835.83 742.74 628.23 544.53 571.11 3 State Expenditures (trillion rupiah) 1.548.31 1.295.00 1,042.12 937.38 985.73 4 Comparison 1 : 3 (%) 48.59 51.71 54.63 52.75 50.12 5 Comparison 2 : 3 (%) 53.98 57.35 59.51 58.09 57.94 Directorate General of Taxes Notes: 2008—2011 Tax Revenues (including Conveyance Tax) data from the Government Financial Report 2012 Tax Revenues data from the 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report Contribution of Tax Revenues Towards Domestic Revenues, 2003—2012 DGT Tax Revenues Excluding Oil & Gas Income Tax (trillion rupiah) DGT Tax Revenues Including Oil & Gas Income Tax (trillion rupiah) Domestic Revenues (trillion rupiah) Contribution (%) Contribution (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) = (1) : (3) (5) = (2) : (3) 2003 185.69 204.66 340.93 54.47 60.03 2004 215.70 238.64 403.11 53.51 59.20 2005 263.39 298.54 493.92 53.33 60.44 2006 315.01 358.20 636.15 49.52 56.31 2007 381.37 425.37 706.11 54.01 60.24 2008 494.09 571.11 979.30 50.45 58.32 2009 494.49 544.53 847.10 58.37 64.28 2010 569.35 628.23 992.25 57.38 63.31 2011 669.65 742.74 1,205.35 55.56 61.62 2012 752.37 835.83 1,357.38 55.43 61.58 Notes: 2003-2011 Tax Revenues (including Conveyance Tax) data from thee Government Financial Report 2012 Tax Revenues data from the 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report Domestic Revenues is the sum of Tax Revenues and Non-Tax Revenues (source: 2007-2013 State Budget) STATISTICS Year 2012 Annual Report 1 179 Revenue per Type of Tax, 2003—2012 180 STATISTICS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Year Non-Oil & Gas Income Tax VAT & Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (trillion rupiah) Land & Building Tax Other Taxes Oil & Gas Income Tax Tax Revenues Excluding Oil & Gas Income Tax Tax Revenues Including Oil & Gas Income Tax 2003 96.05 77.08 10.91 1.65 18.96 185.69 204.66 2004 96.57 102.57 14.69 1.87 22.95 215.70 238.64 2005 140.40 101.30 19.65 2.05 35.14 263.39 298.54 2006 165.65 123.04 24.04 2.29 43.19 315.01 358.20 2007 194.43 154.53 29.68 2.74 44.00 381.37 425.37 2008 250.48 209.65 30.93 3.03 77.02 494.09 571.11 2009 267.57 193.07 30.73 3.12 50.04 494.49 544.53 2010 298.17 230.60 36.61 3.97 58.87 569.35 628.23 2011 358.03 277.80 29.89 3.93 73.10 669.65 742.74 2012 381.60 337.58 28.97 4.21 83.46 752.37 835.83 Notes: 2003—2011 Tax Revenues (including Conveyance Tax) data from the Government Financial Report 2012 Tax Revenues data from the 2012 DGT Audited Financial Report Tax Ratio, 2008—2012 Description 2012 Gross Domestic Product of Current Price (trillion rupiah) 8,234.48 State Tax Revenues (trillion rupiah) 1,016.24 873.87 723.31 619.92 658.70 64.21 62.10 46.03 42.89 36.94 217.16 213.82 168.83 138.96 224.46 a. Tax Ratio (State Tax Revenues + Local Tax Revenues + Natural Resources Revenues compared to GDP) 15.76 15.48 14.58 14.30 18.59 b.Tax Ratio (State Tax Revenues + Local Tax Revenues compared to GDP) 13.12 12.60 11.95 11.82 14.06 c. Tax Ratio (State Tax Revenues compared to GDP ) 12.34 11.77 11.24 11.06 13.31 Local Tax Revenues (trillion rupiah) Natural Resources Revenues (trillion rupiah) 2011 2010 2009 7,427.09 6,436.27 5,606.20 2008 4,948.69 Tax Ratio Source: 2007– 2013 State Budget Statistics Indonesia Tax Revenues by Business Classification, 2011—2012 14.3329 A 14.0677 0.0514 B 181 0.0938 71.1976 C Code 225.3072 D 245.5425 10.9655 E 8.0936 F 28.9520 101.5719 G farming, hunting, and forestry B fishery C mining and excavation D manufacturing E electricity, gas, and water F construction G wholesaler and retailer, car repair, motorcycle, and personal & households goods H provision of accommodation and food & beverages I transportation, warehousing, and communication J financial broker K rental services and services company L governmental, defense, and compulsory social security M education services N health services and social activities O services and other activities P individual services Q institution and other extra ordinary international institution X activities which unclear description Z land and building tax 112.3466 2.2824 H 2.6914 36.3944 I 38.3263 68.9774 J 76.1874 28.8652 K 32.2843 17.9893 L 22.2990 1.0151 M 1.1738 1.5895 N 1.9186 5.1217 O 5.5373 3.4728 P 4.2839 2011 0.0014 Q 2012 0.0019 X 11.2435 Source: 13.0158 Tax Revenues Dashboard as of December 29, 2012 29.8799 Z 8.4206 0 50 100 150 trillion rupiah 200 250 STATISTICS A Directorate General of Taxes 28.3082 Business Classification 2012 Annual Report 60.4359 (trillion rupiah) Arrears of Income Tax and VAT & Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, 2008—2012 182 Beginning Balance Addition Payment Deduction Ending Balance 2008 27.32 27.39 11.26 16.37 38.34 2009 38.34 24.32 16.58 22.84 39.82 2010 39.82 56.03 18.43 57.99 37.86 2011 37.86 63.86 8.85 35.24 66.48 2012 66.48 34.11 9.15 53.27 47.32 Arrears of Land & Building Tax, 2008—2012 Year STATISTICS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Year Beginning Balance (trillion rupiah) Addition Payment Deduction Ending Balance 2008 3.92 4.63 1.35 1.72 6.83 2009 6.83 15.27 1.79 11.93 10.18 2010 10.18 22.27 4.16 16.30 16.15 2011 16.15 38.36 3.39 34.19 20.32 2012 20.32 36.49 3.08 33.42 23.39 Note: 2008–2012 data including Conveyance Tax Tax Dispute Settlement, 2010—2012 Description VAT & Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Income Tax 2011 2012 2012 2010 2011 Land & Building Tax 2010 2012 2011 2010 824 751 805 663 658 558 3,754 3,239 6,762 2,966 3,525 2,090 6,610 6,242 3,101 7,070 6,358 7,331 - - - - - - 21,434 26,561 17,435 6,674 5,562 4,595 8,831 7,338 4,961 1,717 2,203 1,550 Deduction or Cancellation of Notice of Tax Assessment 976 1,312 961 1,473 1,719 891 123,543 7,985 4,837 Deduction or Cancellation of Notice of Tax Collection 1,684 948 567 1,521 1,143 486 46 - - 7 5 9 72 29 18 - - - 13,131 12,103 9,027 19,170 17,129 10,015 157,564 46,346 37,915 Amendment Objection Basic Tax Deduction Deduction or Annulment of Administrative Penalties Cancellation of Audit Result/ Notice of Tax Assessment as a Result of Audit Total DGT Employee Distribution, 2012 Job Position Total Rank Group I III II Gender IV Men 0 0 0 0 2 33 8 1 0 0 1 39 512 19 3,214 661 233 4 4 81 1,524 2,023 6 3,750 741 234 4 4 82 1,565 2,568 34 4 4,345 1,940 254 178 2 1,864 3,493 494 0 0 371 103 37 280 0 110 47 0 0 220 0 655 13 180 234 0 104 150 0 0 7 0 669 14 14 420 0 201 48 0 0 0 43 0 19 553 Echelon IV official 3,875 0 0 3,265 610 4,491 0 0 3,284 1,207 6,285 0 1,399 4,882 474 0 460 14 Tax Bailiff 668 0 448 Operator Console 683 0 676 Echelon 0 0 Structural Non-Echelon Tax Objection Reviewer General Staff Total Total of Structural Employee 0 0 1 712 0 19 692 1 481 231 0 0 0 124 447 141 0 13,331 1 7,974 5,336 20 8,909 4,422 3,477 2,831 5 3,528 3,245 244 1 22,153 1 10,976 11,151 25 15,430 6,723 3,962 3,943 7 5,931 7,430 879 1 26,644 1 10,976 14,435 1,232 19,180 7,464 4,196 3,947 11 6,013 8,995 3,447 35 292 0 0 39 253 233 59 0 0 0 1 133 156 2 Expert Tax Auditor Level II 1,290 0 0 1,290 0 1190 100 1 0 0 2 758 529 0 Expert Tax Auditor Level I (lowest) Tax Auditor Expert Tax Auditor Level III (highest) 1,434 0 65 1,369 0 1344 90 1 2 0 48 1,213 170 0 Skilled Tax Auditor Level III (highest) 117 0 0 117 0 104 13 29 5 0 62 19 2 0 Skilled Tax Auditor Level II 518 0 6 512 0 486 32 7 1 1 396 113 0 0 Skilled Tax Auditor Level I (lowest) 658 0 658 0 0 603 55 3 0 0 441 214 0 0 4,309 0 729 3,327 253 3,960 349 41 8 1 950 2,450 857 2 3 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 42 20 0 55 4 0 Total Expert Appraiser Level III (highest) Expert Appraiser Level II 62 0 0 62 0 60 2 0 0 0 0 Expert Appraiser Level I (lowest) 59 0 3 56 0 43 16 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 12 0 0 Functional Appraiser Skilled Appraiser Level III 44 0 0 44 0 41 3 20 0 11 10 Skilled Appraiser Level II 54 0 4 50 0 51 3 16 0 0 26 19 0 0 132 26 0 Skilled Appraiser Level I (lowest) Computer Administrator Total Medic 82 3 3 0 0 1 278 29 39 0 11 99 0 10 0 9 1 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 0 27 0 23 4 0 0 0 0 26 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 13 0 0 13 0 11 2 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 53 0 0 53 0 46 7 0 0 0 13 36 4 0 Expert Dentist Level III (highest) 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Expert Dentist Level II 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Level I (lowest) Level III (highest) Level II Total Total of Functional Employee 0 214 0 Total 0 92 27 Skilled Computer Admin. 85 0 10 Skilled Computer Admin. 0 307 0 Expert Computer Admin. Level II Expert Computer Admin. 85 63 Grand Total 3 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4,672 0 821 3,595 256 4,284 388 80 8 12 1,062 2,621 887 2 31,316 1 11,797 18,030 1,488 23,464 7,852 4,276 3,955 23 7,075 11,616 4,334 37 STATISTICS Directorate General of Taxes 4 76 0 572 1 2012 Annual Report 39 496 43 Echelon III official Treasurer Under Post Graduate Graduate Graduate 0 0 Account Representative Diploma III 0 0 Diploma II 0 1 Echelon II official Total up to High Diploma School I 0 1 Echelon I official Women 0 0 183 Education Level Employee Education and Training, 2012 2012 Annual Report 184 Organizer Directorate General of Taxes Training Hours Total Number of Training Hours DGT 319 23,569 8,389 319,594 Financial Education and Training Agency 353 12,711 18,650 880,089 8 70 848 2,400 13 19 40 760 2.ATO-AIPEG 6 20 24 480 3.JICA 6 26 60 1,560 4.LHDNM-OECD 6 10 40 400 5.IBFD 3 8 32 256 6.LHDNM-IBFD 3 6 40 240 7.SETYM 2 4 100 400 8.ADS 1 1 80 80 9. Contact Center World 1 1 40 40 10. CWC Energy School & Van Meurs Corp 1 3 40 120 11. Duke University 1 3 160 480 12.GRIPS-IMF 1 1 40 40 13. Harvard Kennedy School 1 2 80 160 14.IRAS-OECD 1 2 32 64 15.KOICA 1 13 80 1,040 16. MEIRC Training & Consulting 1 3 40 120 17. STI, IMF 1 2 40 80 729 36,474 28,855 1,208,403 Others A.Domestic B. Foreign (short course) 1.OECD STATISTICS Number of Participant Number of Training Type Total Staff in Education Assignment, 2012 185 Education Level Organizer Diploma III Diploma IV Graduate Total 9 156 - - 165 Australian Development Scholarships - - 25 4 29 HRD Education and Training Center, Financial Education and Training Agency - - 43 1 44 Fiscal Policy Office - - 5 - 5 Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program - - 1 - 1 Others - - 2 - 2 Total 9 156 76 5 246 Directorate General of Taxes State College of Accounting 2012 Annual Report Post Graduate STATISTICS Photo by Afriganista na K. To Photo by ta my Nurse Indonesia’s Tax Treaty Network No. STATISTICS Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 186 Country Effective Date 1 Algeria 2 Australia 3 Austria 1 January 1989 4 Bangladesh 1 January 2007 5 Belgium 1 January 1975 1 January 2001 1 July 1993 • Renegotiation 1 January 2002 6 Brunei Darussalam 1 January 2003 7 Bulgaria 1 January 1993 8 Canada 1 January 1980 • Renegotiation 1 January 1999 9 China, People’s Republic of 1 January 2004 10 Czech 1 January 1997 11 Denmark 1 January 1987 12 Egypt 1 January 2003 13 Finland 1 January 1990 14 France 1 January 1981 15 Germany • Rep. Federal of Germany 1 January 1976 • Rep. Democratic of Germany 1 January 1988 • Union Germany 1 January 1992 16 Hungary 1 January 1994 17 India 1 January 1988 18 Iran 1 January 2011 19 Italy 1 January 1996 20 Japan 1 January 1983 21 Jordan 1 January 1999 22 Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of 1 January 2005 23 Korea, Republic of 1 January 1990 24 Kuwait 1 January 1999 25 Luxembourg 1 January 1995 26 Malaysia 1 January 1993 • Renegotiation 1 September 2010 27 Mexico 1 January 2005 28 Mongolia 1 January 2001 29 Netherlands 1 January 1971 • Renegotiation • Renegotiation II 1 June 1994 1 January 2004 No. Country Effective Date 31 Norway 1 January 1991 32 Pakistan 1 January 1991 33 Philippines, The Republic of 1 January 1983 34 Poland 1 January 1994 35 Portugal 1 January 2008 36 Qatar 1 January 2008 37 Romania 1 January 2000 38 Russia 1 January 2003 39 Saudi Arabia 1 January 1989 40 Seychelles 1 January 2001 41 Singapore 1 January 1992 42 Slovak 1 January 2002 43 South Africa 1 January 1999 44 Spain 1 January 2000 45 Sri Lanka 1 January 1995 46 Sudan 1 January 2001 47 Sweden 1 January 1990 48 Switzerland 1 January 1990 • Renegotiation 1 January 2010 49 Syria 1 January 1999 50 Taiwan 1 January 1996 51 Thailand 1 January 1983 • Renegotiation 1 January 2004 52 Tunisia 1 January 1994 53 Turkey 1 January 2001 54 U.A.E 1 January 2000 55 Ukraine 1 January 1999 56 United Kingdom 1 January 1976 • Renegotiation 57 USA • Renegotiation 1 January 1995 1 February 1991 1 February 1997 58 Uzbekistan 1 January 1999 59 Venezuela 1 January 2001 60 Vietnam 1 January 2000 187 STATISTICS 1 January 1989 Directorate General of Taxes New Zealand 2012 Annual Report 30 List of Tax Center University/Institution RTO Universitas Syiah Kuala Aceh RTO 2. Universitas Sumatera Utara North Sumatera I RTO 3. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia 4. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara 5. Universitas Sriwijaya 6. Politeknik Universitas Sriwijaya 7. Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang 8. Universitas Bina Darma 9. Universitas Bangka Belitung 10. Universitas Andalas 11. Universitas Jambi 12. Universitas Bung Hatta 13. Universitas Negeri Padang 14. Universitas Riau Riau & Riau Islands RTO 15. Informatics and Business Institute Darma Jaya Bengkulu & Lampung RTO 16. Universitas Bengkulu 17. Universitas Lampung 18. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Mandala Indonesia Central Jakarta RTO 19. Universitas Negeri Jakarta East Jakarta RTO 20. Universitas Kristen Indonesia 21. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Rawamangun 22. GICI Bussiness School 23. Universitas Bina Nusantara 24. Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Trisakti 25. Universitas Mercu Buana 26. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bisnis Indonesia 27. Universitas Bakrie 28. Universitas Pancasila 29. Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Keuangan Perbankan Indonesia 30. Asian Banking Finance and Informatics (ABFI) Institute Perbanas 2012 Annual Report 1. Directorate General of Taxes No. STATISTICS 188 South Sumatera & Bangka Belitung Islands RTO West Sumatera & Jambi RTO West Jakarta RTO South Jakarta RTO No. University/Institution Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta 33. Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia 34. Indonesia Banking School 35. Universitas Bunda Mulia 36. Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia 37. Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya 38. Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia 39. Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana 40. Politeknik Pos Indonesia 41. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa 42. Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara 43. Universitas Pelita Harapan 44. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah 45. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ciputat 46. Universitas Padjadjaran 47. Universitas Katolik Parahyangan 48. Universitas Kristen Maranatha 49. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi 50. Universitas Galuh Ciamis 51. Universitas Siliwangi 52. Institut Manajemen TELKOM 53. Politeknik Negeri Bandung 54. Unikom 55. Institut Pertanian Bogor 56. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sutaatmadja 57. Universitas Presiden 58. Universitas Pakuan 59. Universitas Sutaatmadja North Jakarta RTO Special Jakarta RTO Large Taxpayer RTO Banten RTO STATISTICS 32. Directorate General of Taxes Universitas Nasional 189 2012 Annual Report 31. RTO West Java I RTO West Java II RTO No. Universitas Diponegoro 61. Universitas Islam Sultan Agung 62. Universitas Negeri Semarang 63. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Semarang 64. Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata 65. Universitas Pekalongan 66. Universitas Muria Kudus 67. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana 68. Politeknik Negeri Semarang 69. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman 70. Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret 71. Universitas Setia Budi Surakarta 72. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 73. Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang 74. Universitas Gadjah Mada 75. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta 76. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 77. Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana 78. Politeknik Universitas Surabaya 79. Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya 80. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur 81. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo 82. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 83. Universitas Trunojoyo 84. Universitas Madura 85. Universitas Merdeka Madiun 86. Universitas Negeri Jember 87. Universitas Brawijaya 88. Universitas Negeri Malang 89. STAIN Kediri 90. Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 2012 Annual Report 60. Directorate General of Taxes University/Institution STATISTICS 190 RTO Central Java I RTO Central Java II RTO Special Region of Yogyakarta RTO East Java I RTO East Java II RTO East Java III RTO No. University/Institution RTO 91. Universitas Mulawarman 92. Universitas Balikpapan 93. Universitas Borneo 94. Universitas Tanjung Pura West Kalimantan RTO 95. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat 96. Universitas Palangkaraya South & Central Kalimantan RTO 97. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Kayutangi Banjarmasin 98. Universitas Sam Ratulangi North & Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and North Maluku RTO 99. Universitas Patria Artha 100. Politeknik Universitas Ujung Pandang South, West & Southeast Sulawesi RTO 101. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bungaya Makassar 102. Universitas Udayana 103. Universitas Warmadewa 104. Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 105. Universitas Mataram 106. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi dan Akademi Manajemen Mataram 107. Universitas Nusa Nipa 191 East Kalimantan RTO Directorate General of Taxes STATISTICS Nusa Tenggara RTO 2012 Annual Report Bali RTO 07. 192 Office Information 195 Organization and Procedures Legal Basis 196 Organizational Structure 204 Office Addresses We are proud that our services can reach all parts of Indonesia. Our hope, the sincerity in providing the services, is able to reach out the hearts of the people of Indonesia. 193 The Papuan Tribal War Dance OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 194 Photo by Aldry Tambunan Sentani, Papua Organization and Procedures Legal Basis DGT Head Office 195 The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 184/PMK.01/2009 concerning Operational Offices Organization and Procedures of Regional Tax Office, Tax Office, and Tax Service, Dissemination and Consultation Office as amanded by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 167/PMK.01/2012. The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 84/PMK.01/2010 concerning Organization and Procedures of Taxation Data and Document Processing Center as amanded by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 171/ The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 133/PMK.01/2011 concerning Organization and Procedures of Taxation Data and Document Processing Office as amanded by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 172/ PMK.01/2012. The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 134/PMK.01/2011 concerning Organization and Procedures of External Data Processing Office as amanded by the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 173/PMK.01/2012. The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 174/PMK.01/2012 concerning Organization and Procedures of Information and Complaint Services Office. OFFICE INFORMATION PMK.01/2012. Directorate General of Taxes The Minister of Finance Regulation Number 62/PMK.01/2009 concerning 2012 Annual Report Organization and Procedures of the Ministry of Finance. Organizational Structure Head Office Directorate General of Taxes OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report 196 Senior Advisor of Tax Extensification & Intensification Senior Advisor of Tax Supervision & Law Enforcement Senior Advisor of Tax Services Senior Advisor of Human Resources Development Directorate of Taxation Regulations I Directorate of Taxation Regulations II Sub-Directorate of General Provisions and Tax Procedures & Tax Collection with Coerce Warrant Regulation Sub-Directorate of Income Tax Regulation for Corporate Sub-Directorate of Audit Planning Sub-Directorate of Withholding Tax & Individual Income Tax Regulation Sub-Directorate of VAT Regulation for Trade and Service & Other Indirect Taxes Regulation Sub-Directorate of Land and Building Tax & Conveyance Tax Regulation Sub-Directorate of VAT Regulation for Industrial Functional Position Group Directorate of Tax Extensification & Valuation Directorate of Objection & Appeal Sub-Directorate of Intelligent Sub-Directorate of Tax Extensification Sub-Directorate of Tax Deduction & Objection Sub-Directorate of Audit Technique & Controlling Sub-Directorate of Financial Engineering Sub-Directorate of Data Collection Sub-Directorate of Appeal & Lawsuit I Sub-Directorate of Tax Treaty & International Cooperation Sub-Directorate of Audit for Special Transaction Sub-Directorate of Preliminary Evidence Verification Sub-Directorate of Valuation I Sub-Directorate of Appeal & Lawsuit II Sub-Directorate of Legal Assistance Sub-Directorate of Audit Support & Cooperation Sub-Directorate of Investigation Sub-Directorate of Valuation II Sub-Directorate of Review & Evaluation Sub-Directorate of Tax Regulation Harmonization Sub-Directorate of Tax Collection Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Directorate of Audit & Collection Directorate of Intelligent & Investigation 197 2012 Annual Report Secretariat of the Directorate General Personnel Division Finance Division Equipment Division Directorate of Information & Communication Technology Transformation Directorate of Dissemination, Services & Public Relation Sub-Directorate of Tax Potency Sub-Directorate of Dissemination Sub-Directorate of Operational Service Sub-Directorate of Internal Compliance Sub-Directorate of Information System Analysis & Evaluation Sub-Directorate of Dissemination Development Sub-Directorate of Tax Policies Impact Sub-Directorate of Tax Services Sub-Directorate of Operational Support Sub-Directorate of Internal Investigation Sub-Directorate of Hardware Development Sub-Directorate of Tax Services Development Sub-Directorate of Taxpayers’ Compliance & Monitoring Sub-Directorate of Public Relation Sub-Directorate of System & Infrastructure Monitoring Sub-Directorate of Organizational Transformation Sub-Directorate of Computer Application Development Sub-Directorate of Law Enforcement Development Sub-Directorate of Revenue Administration & Evaluation Sub-Directorate of Tax Cooperation & Partnership Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Directorate of Business Process Transformation Sub-Directorate of Human Resource Management Development Sub-Directorate of Tax Extensification & Intensification Development Sub-Directorate of Employee’s Competency & Capacity Development SubDirectorate of Transformation Management Functional Position Group Functional Position Group Functional Position Group OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate of Potency, Compliance & Revenue Directorate of Tax Information Technology Directorate of Internal Compliance & Apparatus Transformation General Affairs Division Directorate General of Taxes Organization & Procedures Division Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office 198 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Regional Tax Office Division of General Affairs Technical & Consultation Division Audit, Investigation & Collection Division Personnel Sub-Division Finance Sub-Division Legal Support & Reporting Sub-Division Dissemination, Services & Public Relation Division Division of Objection & Appeal Functional Position Group Computer Technical Support Section Audit Assistance & Internal Compliance Section Dissemination Assistance Section Objection & Appeal I Section Consultation Assistance Section Investigation Administration Section Tax Services Assistance Section Objection & Appeal II Section Tax Data & Potency Section Tax Collection Assistance Section Public Relation Section Objection & Appeal III Section Objection & Appeal IV Section Large Taxpayer Office/Medium Taxpayer Office Administrative & Household Sub-Division Regional Tax Office in addition to Large Taxpayer Regional Tax Office and Jakarta Special Regional Tax Office 199 Regional Tax Office 2012 Annual Report Division of General Affairs Computer Technical Support Section Section of Taxation Cooperation Consultation Assistance Section Section of Tax Extensification Assistance Tax Data & Potency Section Section of Data Collection & Valuation Assistance Audit, Investigation & Collection Division Audit Assistance & Internal Compliance Section Legal Support & Reporting Sub-Division Dissemination, Services & Public Relation Division Division of Tax Deduction, Objection & Appeal Functional Position Group Dissemination Assistance Section Investigation Administration Section Tax Collection Assistance Section Section of Tax Imposition Assistance Medium Taxpayer Office/ Small Taxpayer Office Tax Services Assistance Section Public Relation Section Tax Deduction, Objection & Appeal I Section Tax Deduction, Objection & Appeal II Section Tax Deduction, Objection & Appeal III Section Tax Deduction, Objection & Appeal IV Section Administrative & Household Sub-Division OFFICE INFORMATION Division of Cooperation, Tax Extensification & Valuation Finance Sub-Division Directorate General of Taxes Technical & Consultation Division Personnel Sub-Division Large Taxpayer Office and Medium Taxpayer Office 200 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tax Office Tax Data & Information Processing Section Tax Services Section Audit & Internal Compliance Section Tax Collection Section Functional Position Group Small Taxpayer Office Tax Offices Tax Data & Information Processing Section Tax Services Section Tax Collection Section Audit & Internal Compliance Section Functional Position Group 201 2012 Annual Report General Affairs Sub-Division Monitoring & Consultation II Section Monitoring & Consultation III Section Monitoring & Consultation IV Section Directorate General of Taxes Monitoring & Consultation I Section OFFICE INFORMATION Sub-Division of General Affairs Tax Extensification Section Monitoring & Consultation I Section Monitoring & Consultation II Section Monitoring & Consultation III Section Monitoring & Consultation IV Section Tax Services, Dissemination, and Consultation Offices 2012 Annual Report 202 Tax Services, Dissemination, and Consultation Offices Administrative Officers Taxation Data and Document Processing Center Taxation Data and Document Processing Center OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes Functional Position Group General Affairs & Internal Compliance Division Household, Personnel & Internal Compliance Sub-Division Document Receiving & Storing Division Document Scanning & Data Recording Division Document Collecting & Receiving Sub-Division Document Scanning Sub-Division Document Storing & Lending Sub-Division Data Recording & Transferring Sub-Division Functional Position Group Administrative & Finance Sub-Division Taxation Data and Document Processing Office 203 Taxation Data and Document Processing Office 2012 Annual Report Administrative & Internal Compliance Sub-Division Document Maintenance & Service Section Directorate General of Taxes Document Verification Section External Data Processing Office Functional Position Group External Data Processing Office Data Processing & Operational Support Section Information and Complaint Services Office Information and Complaint Services Office Administrative & Internal Compliance Sub-Division Operational Section Service Quality Assurance Section Functional Position Group Data Recording & Transferring Section Functional Position Group OFFICE INFORMATION Administrative & Internal Compliance Sub-Division Office Addresses 204 Aceh RTO Jl. Tgk Chik Ditiro, GKN Gd. B Banda Aceh 23241 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (0651) 33254, 31274 Fax. (0651) 33255 Banda Aceh STO Lhokseumawe STO Meulaboh STO Jl. Tgk. H. M. Daud Beureueh No. 20 Jl. Merdeka No. 146, Banda Sakti Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 56 Banda Aceh 23123 Lhokseumawe 24312 Meulaboh Tel. (0651) 28249, 22536 Tel. (0645) 43027, 46565 Tel. (0655) 7551029 Fax. (0651) 22145 Fax. (0645) 43191 Fax. (0655) 7551026 Bireuen STO Langsa STO Tapaktuan STO Jl. Medan - Banda Aceh, Cot Gapu Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 105 Jl. T. Ben Mahmud No.26 Bireuen 24251 Langsa Lhok Keutapang, Tapaktuan 23718 Tel. (0644) 5353054 Tel. (0641) 21022, 22765 Tel. (0656) 323598-99 Fax. (0644) 5353052 Fax. (0641) 23691 Fax. (0656) 21049 Medan MTO West Medan STO Medan Belawan STO Jl. Sukamulia No.17A, Aur Jl. Asrama No.7A Jl. K.L. Yos Sudarso Km. 8,2 Medan 20151 Medan 20123 Tanjung Mulia, Medan Tel. (061) 4560134, 4559763 Tel. (061) 8467967 Tel. (061) 6642764, 6642763 Fax. (061) 4561040 Fax. (061) 8467439 Fax. (061) 6642764 East Medan STO Medan Polonia STO Medan Kota STO Jl. Sukamulia No.17A, Aur Jl. Diponegoro No. 30A, GKN II Jl. Diponegoro No. 30A, GKN Lt. IV Medan 20151 Medan 20152 Medan 20152 Tel. (061) 4536897, 4512635 Tel. (061) 4529353 Tel. (061) 4529379 Fax. (061) 4567093 Fax. (061) 4529343 Fax. (061) 4529403 Medan Petisah STO Binjai STO Lubuk Pakam STO Jl. Asrama No. 7A Jl. Jambi No.1, Rambung Barat Jl. Diponegoro No. 42-44 Medan 20123 Binjai Selatan Lubuk Pakam Tel. (061) 8467951, 8467935 Tel. (061) 8820407, 8820406 Tel. (061) 7951148, 795509 Fax. (061) 8467744 Fax. (061) 8829724 Fax. (061) 7956226 Subulussalam STO Jl. Teuku Umar No. 63 Subulussalam Tel. (0627) 31757 Fax. (0627) 31757 North Sumatera I RTO Jl. Diponegoro No. 30A, GKN Lt. IV Medan 20152 Tel. (061) 4538833, 4536977 Fax. (061) 4538340 North Sumatera II RTO 205 Jl. Kapten M.H. Sitorus No. 2 Pematang Siantar 21116 Tel. (0622) 27388, 27594, 27483 Rantau Prapat STO Jl. Prof. H.M.Yamin SH No.79 Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 56 Tebingtinggi 20633 Kisaran 21224 Rantau Prapat 21415 Tel. (0621) 22498, 22788 Tel. (0623) 41355, 43920 Tel. (0624) 21105, 23547 Fax. (0621) 24951 Fax. (0623) 41714 Fax. (0624) 21776 Pematang Siantar STO Padang Sidempuan STO Sibolga STO Jl. Dahlia No.12 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 6 Jl. Ade Irma Suryani No.17 Pematang Siantar 21113 Padang Sidempuan 22718 Sibolga 22511 Tel. (0622) 22856 Tel. (0634) 26138-40, 26141 Tel. (0631) 23123, 23125 Fax. (0622) 24465 Fax. (0634) 22626 Fax. (0631) 23120 Balige STO Kabanjahe STO Jl. Somba Debata Jl. Jamin Ginting, Sumber Mufakat Komp. Ruko Ganda Uli, Balige 22315 Kabanjahe 22151 Tel. (0632) 21758, 21759 Tel. (0628) 21052 Fax. (0632) 21756 Fax. ( 0628) 22164 OFFICE INFORMATION Kisaran STO Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo No.32 Directorate General of Taxes Tebingtinggi STO 2012 Annual Report Fax. (0622) 432466 Riau & Riau Islands RTO Jl. Sudirman No. 247 Pekanbaru 28116 Tel. (0761) 28201, 28103-04 Fax. (0761) 28202 Batam MTO Pekanbaru MTO Pekanbaru Senapelan STO Jl. Kuda Laut No. 1 Batu Ampar Jl. MR.SM Amin, Ring Road Arengka II Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.247 Batam 29451 Pekanbaru 28293 Pekanbaru 28116 Tel. (0778) 421919, 422000 Tel. (0761) 588414, 29525 Tel. (0761) 28110 Fax. (0778) 422928 Fax. (0761) 29401 Fax. (0761) 28205 Pekanbaru Tampan STO Dumai STO Rengat STO Jl. Ring Road Arengka II Jl. Sultan Syarif Qasim No.18 Jl. Bupati Tulus No.9 Pekanbaru 28293 Dumai 28813 Rengat 29319 Tel. (0761) 40846, 855288 Tel. (0765) 34229, 34582 Tel. (0769) 22271, 22273 Fax. (0761) 859955 Fax. (0765) 34230 Fax. (0769) 22272 Tanjung Pinang STO Batam STO Bengkalis STO Jl. Diponegoro No. 14 Jl. Kuda Laut No. 1 Batu Ampar Jl. Putri Tujuh No.7 Tanjung Pinang 29111 Batam 29432 Dumai 28813 Tel. (0771) 21505, 21867 Tel. (0778) 452009, 452010 Tel. (0765) 439459 Fax. (0771) 21868 Fax. (0778) 427708 Fax. (0765) 439470 2012 Annual Report 206 Bangkinang STO Pangkalan Kerinci STO Tanjung Balai Karimun STO Jl. Cut Nyak Dien II No.4 Komp. Perkantoran Bhakti Praja Jl. A. Yani, Komp. Telaga Mas Blok D Pekanbaru 28116 Jl. Pamong Praja, Pangkalan Kerinci 28300 No.6-8 Tel. (0761) 44825, 44827 Tel. (0761) 494712 Karimun 29661 Fax. (0761) 44826 Fax. (0761) 494600 Tel. (0777) 328841 Fax. (0777) 328831 Bintan STO Jl. Jend. A. Yani No.22 Tanjung Pinang 29124 Tel. (0771) 21864, 312916 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes Fax. (0771) 20116 West Sumatera & Jambi RTO Jl. Pemuda No. 49 Padang 25117 Tel. (0751) 33109, 33110 Fax. (0751) 33167 Padang STO Bukittinggi STO Solok STO Jl. Bagindo Aziz Chan No. 26 Jl. Havid Jalil No. 7D Tarokbungo Jl. Solok Laing - Tembok Raya Padang Bukittinggi 26136 Solok 27326 Tel. (0751) 22134, 22467 Tel. (0752) 31825 Tel. (0755) 324207, 324208 Fax. (0751) 22256 Fax. (0752) 23824 Fax. (0755) 324206 Payakumbuh STO Jambi STO Muara Bungo STO Jl. Sudirman No. 184 A Jl. A Thalib, Telanaipura Jl. Teuku Umar No.3, Pasir Putih Payakumbuh 26215 Jambi 36124 Muara Bungo 37214 Tel. (0752) 92281, 96934 Tel. (0741) 63219, 60855 Tel. (0747) 322896 Fax. (0752)90773 Fax. (0741) 668732 Fax. (0747) 21568 Bangko STO Kuala Tungkal STO Jl. Jend. Sudirman Km.2 Jl. Prof. Sri Soedewi MS SH, Pematang Kandis, Bangko 37314 Pembengis, Kuala Tungkal Tel. (0746) 21100, 21444 Tel. (0724) 323524 Fax. (0746) 21599 Fax. (0724) 21024 South Sumatera & Bangka Belitung Islands RTO Jl. Tasik, Kambang Iwak Palembang Tel. (0711) 357077, 315289 ext 416 Fax. (0711) 313119 Palembang MTO East Palembang Ilir STO West Palembang Ilir STO Jl. Tasik, Kambang Iwak Jl. Kapten A. Rivai No.4, GKN Jl. Tasik, Kambang Iwak Palembang Palembang 30129 Palembang Tel. (0711) 357077, 315289 ext 311 Tel. (0711) 313870, 352075 Tel. (0711) 357077, 315289 ext 212 Fax. (0711) 355025 Fax. (0711) 354389 Fax. (0711) 354953 Lubuklinggau STO Jl. DR. Moch. Hatta No.649 Jl. Garuda No. 7 Kayu Ara Palembang 30264 Baturaja 32116 Lubuk Linggau 31621 Tel. (0711) 513391, 513393-5 Tel. (0735) 324644-6, 320492 Tel. (0733) 323049, 323050 Fax. (0711) 513392 Fax. (0735) 324644 Fax. (0733) 321900 Pangkalpinang STO Tanjung Pandan STO Lahat STO Jl. Taman Ican Saleh No.75 Jl. Sriwijaya No. 05 Jl. Akasia Kel. Bandar Jaya Pangkapinang 33121 Tanjung Pandan 33411 Lahat 31414 Tel. (0717) 422844, 422979 Tel. (0719) 21527, 21340 Tel. (0731) 322260, 321672 Fax. (0717) 421935 Fax. (0719) 21602 Fax. (0731) 321672 Kayu Agung STO Prabumulih STO Sekayu STO Jl. A. Yani No.59, 14 Ulu Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.19 Jl. Perjuangan No. 321 Palembang 30264 Prabumulih Sekayu Tel. (0711) 519700, 519702 Tel. (0713) 323611 Tel. (0714) 321746, 322109 Fax. (0711) 519701 Fax. (0713) 323188 Fax. (0714) 322908 Bengkulu STO Metro STO Tanjung Karang STO Jl. Pembangunan No.6 Jl. AR Prawiranegara No.66 Jl. dr. Susilo No.19 Bengkulu 38225 Kauman Bawah, Metro 34111 Bandar Lampung 35241 Tel. (0736) 345116, 20127 Tel. (0725) 41563, 41762 Tel. (0721) 266686, 261977 Fax. (0736) 22506 Fax. (0725) 46020 Fax. (0721) 253004 Kedaton STO Teluk Betung STO Natar STO Jl. dr. Susilo No.41 Jl. P. Emir M. Noer No. 5A Jl. Raya Candimas KM. 24,5 Natar Bandar Lampung 35401 Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung Lampung Selatan Tel. (0721) 262574 Tel. (0721) 474112 Tel. (0721) 91581 Fax. (0721) 253204 Fax. (0721) 488703 Fax. (0721) 91480 Kotabumi STO Curup STO Argamakmur STO Jl. Akhmad Akuan No. 337 Jl. S. Sukowati No. 39 Jl. Soekarno Hatta Kotabumi, Lampung Utara 34514 Curup 39114 Bengkulu 38222 Tel. (0724) 21957 Tel. (0732) 24450, 324857 Tel. (0736) 21638, 25882 Fax. (0724) 22472 Fax. (0732) 22750 Fax. (0736) 346290 Bangka STO OFFICE INFORMATION Jl. Raya Sungailiat, Selindung Baru 207 Directorate General of Taxes Baturaja STO Jl. A. Yani No.59, 14 Ulu 2012 Annual Report Palembang Seberang Ulu STO Pangkalpinang 33117 Tel. (0717) 421396, 424090 Fax. (0717) 422285 Bengkulu & Lampung RTO Jl. Pangeran Emir M. Noer No. 5A Bandar Lampung 35215 Tel. (0721) 485673, 488251 Fax. (0721) 471257 208 Large Taxpayer Regional Office Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 16 Jakarta Pusat OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (021) 3518513, 3524015 Fax. (021) 3520680 LTO I LTO II LTO III Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 16 Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 16 Jl. TMP Kalibata Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 3524005, 3524050 Tel. (021) 3524010, 3524140 Tel. (021) 7975361 Fax. (021) 3524006, 3524008 Fax. (021) 3521123 Fax. (021) 7980025 Foreign Investment I Tax Office Foreign Investment II Tax Office Foreign Investment III Tax Office Jl. TMP Kalibata Jl. TMP Kalibata Jl. TMP Kalibata Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 7980023, 7941890 Tel. (021) 7948536 Tel. (021) 7948462 Fax. (021) 7975359 Fax. (021) 7948191 Fax. (021) 7902445 Foreign Investment IV Tax Office Foreign Investment V Tax Office Foreign Investment VI Tax Office Jl. TMP Kalibata Jl. TMP Kalibata Jl. TMP Kalibata Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Selatan Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 79192323, 79192444 Tel. (021) 7982870, 7982388 Tel. (021) 79196742, 7974514 Fax. (021) 79192255 Fax. (021) 7980024 Fax. (021) 7974516 Public Listed Company Tax Office Permanent Establishment & Expatriate Tax Office Oil & Gas Sector Tax Office Jl. TMP Kalibata Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 79181006/9, 7975357 Fax. (021) 7980022 Jakarta Selatan LTO IV Jl. Tebet Raya No. 9 Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 8306505 Fax. (021) 8306248 Jakarta Special RTO Gd. A2 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Tel. (021) 5251609 ext. 2208-09 Fax. (021) 5225133 K-Link Office Tower Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 59A Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 30435904-07 Fax. (021) 30435908-09 Jl. TMP Kalibata Tel. (021) 79194783, 79194831 Fax. (021) 79194852 Central Jakarta RTO 209 Gedung Utama Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Tel. (021) 52904840 Jakarta Menteng II STO Jl. Cut Mutia No. 7, Menteng Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5A-7 Lt. 4-5 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Jakarta Pusat 10350 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Tel. (021) 3442711, 3442776 Tel. (021) 3924225, 3923378 Tel. (021) 3442471, 35050790 Fax. (021) 3442724 Fax. (021) 3924219 Fax. (021) 3442719 Jakarta Menteng III STO Jakarta Cempaka Putih STO Jakarta Senen STO Jl. Kwini No.7 Jl. Kwini No.7 Jl. Kramat Raya No.136 Jakarta Pusat 10410 Jakarta Pusat 10410 Jakarta Pusat 10430 Tel. (021) 3845211,3442745 Tel. (021) 3452357, 3502627 Tel. (021) 3909025 Fax. (021) 3840718 Fax. (021) 3454434 Fax. (021) 3909944 Jakarta Tanah Abang I STO Jakarta Tanah Abang II STO Jakarta Tanah Abang III STO Jl. Penjernihan I No.36 Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No. 71 Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No. 71 Jakarta Pusat 10210 Jakarta Pusat 10230 Jakarta Pusat 10230 Tel. (021) 5734726-27, 5708369 Tel. (021) 31925825 Tel. (021) 31925571 Fax. (021) 5734738 Fax. (021) 31925855 Fax. (021) 31925527 Jakarta Gambir I STO Jakarta Gambir II STO Jakarta Gambir III STO Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.25 ABC Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari No.6-12 Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari No.6-12 Jakarta Pusat 10720 Jakarta Pusat 10310 Jakarta Pusat 10310 Tel. (021) 6281311 Tel. (021) 6343438-40 Tel. (021) 6340905,6340906 Fax. (021) 6281522 Fax. (021) 6334255 Fax. (021) 6340908 Jakarta Gambir IV STO Jakarta Sawah Besar I STO Jakarta Sawah Besar II STO Jl. Batu Tulis Raya No.53-55 Jl. Kartini VIII No.2 Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.25 ABC Jakarta Pusat 10120 Jakarta Pusat 10750 Jakarta Pusat 10720 Tel. (021) 3457925 Tel. (021) 6495194, 6492523 Tel. (021) 6244155 Fax. (021) 3849381 Fax. (021) 6492446 Fax. (021) 6281119 Jakarta Kemayoran STO Jl. Merpati Blok B12 No.6 Jakarta Pusat 10610 Tel. (021) 6541870, 6541871 Fax. (021) 6541869 OFFICE INFORMATION Jakarta Menteng I STO Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5A-7 Lt. 6-7 Directorate General of Taxes Central Jakarta MTO 2012 Annual Report Fax. (021) 5736066 210 West Jakarta RTO Gedung Utama Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (021) 5734791, 5736091 Fax. (021) 5736195 West Jakarta MTO Jakarta Palmerah STO Jakarta Tambora STO Jl. MI Ridwan Rais No. 5A-7 Jl. Letjen S. Parman No.99 Jl. Roa Malaka Selatan No.4-5, Tambora Jakarta Pusat 10110 Jakarta Barat Jakarta Barat 11230 Tel. (021) 3442713 Tel. (021) 5665681-83 Tel. (021) 6912512, 6928912 Fax. (021) 3442774 Fax. (021) 5634550 Fax. (021) 6928564 Jakarta Tamansari I STO Jakarta Tamansari II STO Jakarta Cengkareng STO Jl. Mangga Besar Raya No.52 Jl. K.S. Tubun No. 10 Jl. Lingkar Luar Barat No. 10 A, Cengkareng Jakarta Barat 11150 Jakarta Barat 11410 Jakarta Barat 11730 Tel. (021) 6267636, 639743 Tel. (021) 5655448-50 Tel. (021) 5402604, 5401737 Fax. (021) 6294548 Fax. (021) 5643412 Fax. (021) 5402604 Jakarta Kebon Jeruk I STO Jakarta Kebon Jeruk II STO Jakarta Grogol Petamburan STO Jl. Arjuna Selatan Jl. KS Tubun No. 10 Graha Sucoffindo Jakarta Barat 11530 Jakarta Barat 11410 Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav.102 Tel. (021) 5355761, 5355762-68 Tel. (021) 5643627-29 Jakarta Barat Fax. (021) 5355760 Fax. (021) 5655220 Tel. (021) 5605995,5605994 Fax. (021) 5650139 Jakarta Kalideres STO Jakarta Kembangan STO Jl. Raya Duri Kosambi No.36-37, Kosambi JL. Arjuna Utara No. 87 Jakarta Barat Jakarta Barat Tel. (021) 5405998, 5406029 Tel. (021) 56964391 Fax. (021) 5410315 Fax. (021) 56964434 South Jakarta RTO Gedung Utama Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Tel. (021) 5250783, 5262919 Fax. (021) 5256042 South Jakarta MTO Jakarta Mampang Prapatan STO Jakarta Tebet STO Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5A-7 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.1 Jl. Tebet Raya No.9 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Jakarta Selatan 12840 Jakarta Selatan 12820 Tel. (021) 3447972 Tel. (021) 7949574, 7949575 Tel. (021) 8296869, 8296937 Fax. (021) 3447971 Fax. (021) 7991035 Fax. (021) 8296901 Jakarta Setiabudi III STO Jl. Rasuna Said Blok B Kav.8 Jl. Rasuna Said Blok B Kav.8 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.11 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Jakarta Selatan 12520 Tel. (021) 5254270, 5254253 Tel. (021) 5254237, 5253622 Tel. (021) 7992961, 7993028 Fax. (021) 5207557 Fax. (021) 5252825 Fax. (021) 7994253 Jakarta Kebayoran Baru I STO Jakarta Kebayoran Baru II STO Jakarta Kebayoran Baru III STO Gedung Patra Jasa Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 2 Pondok Pinang Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No.14A Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 Jakarta Selatan 12310 Jakarta Selatan 12130 Jakarta Selatan 12950 Tel. (021) 75818842, 75908704 Tel. (021) 7245785, 7245735 Tel. (021) 52920983 Fax. (021) 75818874 Fax. (021) 7246627 Jakarta Kebayoran Lama STO Jakarta Cilandak STO Jakarta Pasar Minggu STO Jl. Ciledug Raya No.65 Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 32 Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 39 Jakarta Selatan 12250 Jakarta Selatan 12560 Jakarta Selatan 12510 Tel. (021) 5843105 Tel. (021) 78843521-23, 78843519 Tel. (021) 7816131-4 Fax. (021) 5860786 Fax. (021) 78836258 Fax. (021) 78842440 Fax. (021) 52921274 211 Directorate General of Taxes Jakarta Setiabudi II STO 2012 Annual Report Jakarta Setiabudi I STO OFFICE INFORMATION Jakarta Pancoran STO Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav.5 Jakarta Selatan Tel. (021) 7804462, 7804667 Fax. (021) 7804862 East Jakarta RTO Gedung Utama Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Tel. (021) 5250208 ext. 52551 Fax. (021) 52970843 East Jakarta MTO Jakarta Matraman STO Jakarta Jatinegara STO Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5A-7 Jl. Matraman Raya No.43 Jl. Slamet Riyadi Raya No.1 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Jakarta Timur 13140 Jakarta Timur 13150 Tel. (021) 3504584, 3504735 Tel. (021) 8566928, 8566929 Tel. (021) 8575683, 8575689 Fax. (021) 3442289 Fax. (021) 8566927 Fax. (021) 8575682 Jakarta Pulogadung STO Jakarta Cakung I STO Jakarta Cakung II STO Jl. Pramuka Kav.31 Jl. Pulo Buaran VI Blok JJ No.11 Pusat Perdagangan Ujung Menteng Blok J Jakarta Timur 13120 Jakarta Timur 13930 Jl. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX Tel. (021) 8580021, 8583309 Tel. (021) 46826683/6-7 Jakarta Timur 13960 Fax. (021) 8581881 Fax. (021) 46826685 Tel. (021) 46802302-04 Fax. (021) 46802305 2012 Annual Report 212 Jakarta Kramat Jati STO Jakarta Duren Sawit STO Jakarta Pasar Rebo STO Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 189A Jl. Matraman Raya No.43 Jl. Raya Bogor No. 46 Ciracas Jakarta Timur 13630 Jakarta Timur 13140 Jakarta Timur 13830 Tel. (021) 8093046, 8090435 Tel. (021) 8583502, 8581002 Tel. (021) 87799512 Fax. (021) 8091753 Fax. (021) 8581450 Fax. (021) 8400486 North Jakarta RTO Gedung Utama Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes Tel. (021) 2526791-2 Fax. (021) 52970862 North Jakarta MTO Jakarta Penjaringan STO Jakarta Tanjung Priok STO Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5A-7 Jl. Lada No.3 Jl. Enggano No.2 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Jakarta Barat 11110 Jakarta Utara 14310 Tel. (021) 3442473, 3505640 Tel. (021) 6923746, 6911783 Tel. (021) 43930646, 43930649 Fax. (021) 3442762, 3442754 Fax. (021) 6904408 Fax. (021) 4357437 Jakarta Kelapa Gading STO Jakarta Pademangan STO Jakarta Koja STO Jl. Walang Baru No.10 Semper Jl. Cempaka No.2 Rawa Badak Utara Jl. Plumpang Semper No.10A Jakarta Utara 14260 Jakarta Utara Jakarta Utara Tel. (021) 4371549, 4373837 Tel. (021) 43932824, 4371505 Tel. (021) 43922081, 43922083-84 Fax. (021) 4373836 Fax. (021) 43932812 Fax. (021) 43922085 Jakarta Pluit STO Jakarta Sunter STO Jl. Lodan No. 3 Ancol Jl. Walang Baru No.10 Semper Jakarta Utara Jakarta Utara Tel. (021) 6900771 Tel. (021) 4373838-41 Fax. (021) 6908454 Fax. (021) 4373842 Banten RTO Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 34 Serang 42118 Tel. (0254) 200603, 214545 Fax. (0254) 200744 Tangerang MTO Serang STO Serpong STO Komp. Pemerintahan Kota Tangerang Jl. Jend. A. Yani No.141 Jl. Raya Serpong Sektor VIII Blok.405 No.4 Jl. Satria Sudirman 15111 Serang 42118 BSD, Tangerang 15310 Tel. (021) 55791487 Tel. (0254) 200555, 202006 Tel. (021) 5373811, 5373812 Fax. (021) 55791502 Fax. (0254) 223891 Fax. (021) 5373817 Cilegon STO Jl. Imam Bonjol No.47 Karawaci Komp. Pemerintahan Kota Tangerang Jl. Jend. A. Yani No.126 Tangerang 15113 Jl. Satria Sudirman Cilegon 42421 Tel. (021) 5525785, 5525787 Tel. (021) 55737559, 55737560 Tel. (0254) 374234, 374345 Fax. (021) 5525789 Fax. (021) 55791479 Fax. (0254) 374741 Kosambi STO Pandeglang STO Tigaraksa STO Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan II Jl. Mayor Widagdo No.6 Jl. Permata Raya C1 No.100, Cikokol, Tangerang 15118 Pandeglang 42213 Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang 15811 Tel. (021) 55767303, 55767304 Tel. (0253) 206006 Tel. (021) 59494634, 59494636-39 Fax. (021) 5532026 Fax. (0253) 202144 Fax. (021) 59494635 Bandung MTO Sukabumi STO Cianjur STO Jl. Asia Afrika No.114, GKN Gd. G Jl. RE. Martadinata No.1 Jl. Raya Cianjur-Bandung Km.3 Bandung 40261 Sukabumi 43111 Cianjur Tel. (022) 4233516, 4233519 Tel. (0266) 221540, 221545 Tel. (0263) 280073 Fax. (022) 4233495 Fax. (0266) 221540 Fax. (0263) 284315 Purwakarta STO Cimahi STO Bandung Tegallega STO Jl. Raya Ciganea No. 1 Bunder Jl. Jend. H. Amir Machmud No. 574 Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No.216 Purwakarta Padasuka, Cimahi, 40526 Bandung 40223 Tel. (0264) 206652,206655 Tel. (022) 6654646, 6650642 Tel. (022) 6030565-6, 6005670 Fax. (0264) 206656 Fax. (022) 6654569 Fax. (022) 6012575 Bandung Cibeunying STO Bandung Karees STO Bandung Bojonegara STO Jl. Purnawarman No.19-21 Jl. Ibrahim Adjie No.372 Jl. Terusan Prof. Dr. Soetami No.2 Bandung 40117 Bandung 40275 Bandung 40151 Tel. (022) 4207897, 4232765 Tel. (022) 7333180, 7333355 Tel. (022) 2004380, 2006520 Fax. (022) 4239107 Fax. (022) 7337015 Fax. (022) 2009450 Bandung Cicadas STO Tasikmalaya STO Ciamis STO Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 781 Jl. Sutisna Senjaya No.154 Jl. Drs. H Soejoed Bandung 40116 Tasikmalaya 46114 Ciamis 46311 Tel. (022) 7304525, 7304704 Tel. (0265) 331851, 331852 Tel. (0265) 772868 Fax. (022) 7304961 Fax. (0265) 331852 Fax. (0265) 776312 West Java I RTO Jl. Asia Afrika No. 114 Bandung 40261 Tel. (022) 4231375, 4232195 Fax. (022) 4232198, 4235042 Jl. Pembangunan No. 224 Garut 44154 Tel. (0262) 540242 Fax. (0262)234608 OFFICE INFORMATION Garut STO 213 Directorate General of Taxes East Tangerang STO 2012 Annual Report West Tangerang STO 2012 Annual Report 214 Majalaya STO Soreang STO Sumedang STO Jl. Peta No.7 Lingkar Selatan Jl. Raya Cimareme No. 205 Ngamprah Jl. H. Ibrahim Adjie No. 372 Bandung 40232 Bandung Bandung 40275 Tel. (022) 6078538-39 Tel. (022) 6868787, 6868426 Tel. (022) 7333256 Fax. (022) 6072125 Fax. (022) 6868427 Fax. (022) 7337086 Bekasi MTO Cibinong STO Bogor STO Jl. Cut Mutia No. 125 Margahayu Komp. Pemda Kab. Bogor Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.64 Bekasi 17113 Jl. Aman No.1 Cibinong 16914 Bogor 16122 Tel. (021) 88351553 Tel. (021) 8762985, 8753884 Tel. (0251) 323424-25, 324331 Fax. (021) 8813721 Fax. (021) 8753883 Fax. (0251) 324331 North Bekasi STO South Bekasi STO Depok STO Jl. Sersan Aswan No. 407 Margahayu Jl. Cut Mutia No. 125 Margahayu Jl. Pemuda No.40 Bekasi 17113 Bekasi 17113 Depok 16431 Tel. (021) 8808059, 8800253 Tel. (021) 88346418, 8834644 Tel. (021) 7763923, 7763896 Fax. (021) 8802525 Fax. (021) 8893550 Fax. (021) 7753482 South Karawang STO North Karawang STO Cirebon STO Jl. Interchange Karawang Barat Jl. A Yani No.17 Jl. Evakuasi No.9 Karawang Karawang 41312 Cirebon 45135 Tel. (0267) 8604105, 8604106 Tel. (0267) 402847 Tel. (0231) 485927, 487169 Fax. (0267) 8604104 Fax. (0267) 402145 Fax. (0231) 487168 South Cikarang STO North Cikarang STO Cibitung STO Jl. Cikarang Baru Raya Office Park No.10 Jababeka Education Park Kawasan Industri Gobel Cikarang 17550 Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara Kav.7 Cikarang 17556 Jl. Teuku Umar Km.44, Bekasi 17520 Tel. (021) 89112105-07 Tel. (021) 89113603, 89113564 Tel. (021) 88336315 Fax. (021) 89112108 Fax. (021) 89113604 Fax. (021) 88336314 Ciawi STO Cileungsi STO Subang STO Jl. Dadali No.14, Tanah Sareal Jl. Raya Pemda No.39 Jl. Ukong Sutaatmaja No. 72 Bogor 16161 Cibinong 16914 Subang 41211 Tel. (0251) 336195,380753 Tel. (021) 8760600 Tel. (0260) 417042 Fax. (0251) 336120 Fax. (021) 8756362 Fax. (0260) 417041 Indramayu STO Kuningan STO Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.40-42 Jl. Dewi Sartika No.4 Indramayu 45213 Kuningan 45511 Tel. (0234) 275668-9, 271402 Tel. (0232) 875120, 871526 Fax. (0234) 275669 Fax. (0232) 871184 West Java II RTO Jl. A Yani No. 5 Bekasi 17147 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes Tel. (021) 88965462 Fax. (021) 88959943, 88958778 Central Java RTO 215 Jl. Imam Bonjol No.1D Semarang 50381 Tel. (024) 3540416,3545075 Pekalongan STO Jl. Kol. Sugiono No.5 Jl. Merdeka No.9 Semarang 50144 Tegal 52113 Pekalongan 51117 Tel. (024) 3552561-62 Tel. (0283) 351562, 356006 Tel. (0285) 422392, 422491 Fax. (024) 3552564 Fax. (0283) 356897 Fax. (0285) 423053 West Semarang STO East Semarang STO South Semarang STO Jl. Pemuda No. 1 Jl. Ki Mangun Sarkoro No.34 Jl. Puri Anjasmoro F1/12 Semarang 50142 Semarang 50136 Semarang Tel. (024) 3545421, 3545422 Tel. (024) 8414787, 8316302 Tel. (024) 7613601, 7613606 Fax. (024) 3545423 Fax. (024) 8414439 Fax. (024) 7613606 Central Semarang I STO Central Semarang II STO Salatiga STO Jl. Pemuda No.2, GKN I Jl. Pemuda No.1B Jl. Diponegoro 163 Semarang Semarang 50142 Salatiga 50174 Tel. (024) 3520211 Tel. (024) 3545464, 3561168 Tel. (0298) 312801, 312802 Fax. (024) 3520211 Fax. (024) 3544194 Fax. (0298) 312802 Semarang Candisari STO Semarang Gayamsari STO Batang STO Jl. Setiabudi No.3 Jl. Pemuda No.2, GKN I Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 25 Semarang 50234 Semarang Batang Tel. (024) 7472797, 7474345 Tel. (024) 3548908 Tel. (0285) 4493248, 4493249 Fax. (024) 7471983 Fax. (024) 3510796 Fax. (0285) 4493244 Demak STO Pati STO Blora STO Jl. Sultan Patah No.9 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 64 Jalan Gunandar No.2 Demak Pati 59114 Blora Tel. (0291) 685518 Tel. (0295) 381483 Tel. (0296) 531369, 531148 Fax. (0291) 685518 Fax. (0295) 381621 Fax. (0296) 5298567 Kudus STO Jepara STO Jl. Niti Semito Jl. Raya Ngabul Km. 9 Tahunan Kudus 59317 Jepara 59624 Tel. (0291) 443142, 432046-47 Tel. (0291) 596423, 596424 Fax. (0291) 432048 Fax. (0291) 596423 OFFICE INFORMATION Tegal STO Jl. Pemuda No.2, GKN Directorate General of Taxes Semarang MTO 2012 Annual Report Fax. (024) 3540416 216 Central Java II RTO Jl. MT Haryono No.5, Manahan Surakarta OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (0271) 713552, 730460 Fax. (0271) 733429 Purwokerto STO Cilacap STO Kebumen STO Jl. Gerilya No.567 Jl. Mayjen D.I. Panjaitan No.32 Jl. Arungbinang No.10 Purwokerto Cilacap 53212 Kebumen 54312 Tel. (0281) 634205, 634219 Tel. (0282) 532712, 532713 Tel. (0287) 382361, 381848 Fax. (0281) 634236 Fax. (0282) 532714 Fax. (0287) 381846 Magelang STO Klaten STO Surakarta STO Jl. Veteran No.20 Jl. Veteran No.82, Barenglor Jl. K.H. Agus Salim No.1 Magelang 56117 Klaten Surakarta Tel. (0293) 362430, 362280 Tel. (0272) 321588, 321977 Tel. (0271) 718246, 717522 Fax. (0293) 364417 Fax. (0272) 321728 Fax. (0271) 728436 Boyolali STO Karanganyar STO Purbalingga STO Jl. Raya Solo-Boyolali Km.24 Jl. Samanhudi, Komplek Perkantoran Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 43 Mojosongo, Boyolali Cangakan, Karanganyar Purbalingga Tel. (0276) 321057 Tel. (0271) 6491281,495081 Tel. (0281) 891372, 891419 Fax. (0276) 323770 Fax. (0271) 6491284 Fax. (0281) 891626 Purworejo STO Sukoharjo STO Temanggung STO Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.25 Jl. Jaksa Agung R Suprapto No.7 Jl. Dewi Sartika No.7 Purworejo Sukoharjo Temanggung 56218 Tel. (0275) 321251, 321350 Tel. (0271) 593079, 592949 Tel. (0293) 491336, 491979 Fax. (0275) 322031 Fax. (0271) 593782 Fax. (0293) 493646 Yogyakarta STO Bantul STO Sleman STO Jl. Panembahan Senopati No.20 Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.7, Gose Jl. Ring Road Utara No.10 Maguwoharjo Yogyakarta 55121 Bantul 55711 Sleman 55282 Tel. (0274) 380415, 373403 Tel. (0274) 368504, 368510 Tel. (0274) 4333940 Fax. (0274) 380417 Fax. (0274) 368582 Fax. (0274) 4333957 Wates STO Wonosari STO Jl. Ring Road Utara No.10 Maguwoharjo Jl. KH Agus Salim No. 170b, Kepek Sleman 55282 Wonosari, Gunungkidul 55813 Tel. (0274) 4333944 Tel. (0274) 394798, 394796 Fax. (0274) 4333943 Fax. (0274) 393185 Special Region of Yogyakarta RTO Jl. Ring Road Utara No.10 Maguwoharjo Sleman 55282 Tel. (0274) 4333951-3 Fax. (0274) 4333954 East Java I RTO 217 Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No. 104 Surabaya Tel. (031) 8482480, 8481128 Surabaya Sukomanunggal STO Surabaya Pabean Cantikan STO Jl. Bukit Darmo Golf No.1 Jl. Indrapura No.5 Surabaya Surabaya 60189 Surabaya 60175 Tel. (031) 8482651 Tel. (031) 7347231-4 Tel. (031) 3523093-96 Fax. (031) 8482557, 8482480 Fax. (031) 7347232 Fax. (031) 3571156 Surabaya Tegalsari STO Surabaya Wonocolo STO Jl. Dinoyo No.111, GKN II Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No. 104 Surabaya 60281 Surabaya Surabaya Tel. (031) 5031905 Tel. (031) 5615369, 5615385-89 Tel. (031) 8417629 Fax. (031) 5031566 Fax. (031) 5615367 Fax. (031) 8411692 Surabaya Genteng STO Surabaya Krembangan STO Surabaya Sawahan STO Jl. Kayoon No.28 Jl. Indrapura No.5 Jl. Dinoyo No.111, GKN II Surabaya 60271 Surabaya 60175 Surabaya Tel. (031) 5472930, 5473293 Tel. (031) 3556883, 3556879 Tel. (031) 5665230-32, 5615385 Fax. (031) 5473302 Fax. (031) 3556880 Fax. (031) 5665230 Surabaya Rungkut STO Surabaya Simokerto STO Surabaya Karangpilang STO Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No.104 Jl. Dinoyo No.111, GKN II Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No. 100 Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Tel. (031) 8483197-98 Tel. (031) 5615558 Tel. (031) 8483910-15 Fax. (031) 8483197 Fax. (031) 5687765 Fax. (031) 8483914 Surabaya Mulyorejo STO Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No. 100 Surabaya Tel. (031) 8483906-7, 8483909 Fax. (031) 8483905 OFFICE INFORMATION Surabaya Gubeng STO Jl. Sumatera No.22-24 Directorate General of Taxes Surabaya MTO Jl. Jagir Wonokromo No.104 2012 Annual Report Fax. (031) 8481127 218 East Java II RTO Jl. Raya Juanda No.37, Semambung Sidoarjo 61254 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (031) 8672483, 8672484 Fax. (031) 8672262 Sidoarjo MTO Bojonegoro STO Mojokerto STO Jl. Raya Juanda No.37, Semambung Jl. Teuku Umar No.17 Jl. RA Basuni, Jampirogo, Sooko Sidoardo 61254 Bojonegoro 62111 Mojokerto 61361 Tel. (031) 8686123, 8686125 Tel. (0353) 883661 Tel. (0321) 328481, 322051 Fax. (031) 8686124 Fax. (0353) 881380 Fax. (0321) 322864 West Sidoarjo STO South Sidoarjo STO North Sidoarjo STO Jl. Lingkar Barat Gelora Delta Jl. Pahlawan No. 55 Jl. Raya Jati No. 6 Sidoarjo 61211 Sidoarjo Sidoarjo 61217 Tel. (031) 8959700, 8959992-93 Tel. (031) 8941013, 8962890 Tel. (031) 8942136,8942137 Fax. (031) 8959800 Fax. (031) 8941035 Fax. (031) 8941714 Pamekasan STO North Gresik STO South Gresik STO Jl. R. Abdul Aziz No. 111 Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No.700 Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 700 Pamekasan 69317 Gresik 61161 Gresik 61161 Tel. (0324) 322170,322924 Tel. (031) 3956586,3956640-42 Tel. (031) 3905694, 3951229 Fax. (0324) 322983 Fax. (031) 3956585 Fax. (031) 3950254 Madiun STO Bangkalan STO Lamongan STO Jl. D.I Panjaitan No.4 Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.1 Jl. Sunan Giri No. 72 Madiun 63131 Bangkalan 69116 Lamongan 61145 Tel. (0351) 464131, 464914 Tel. (031) 3095223 Tel. (0322) 316222 Fax. (0351) 464914 Fax. (031) 3061189 Fax. (0322) 314343 Ngawi STO Tuban STO Ponorogo STO Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No.2 Jl. Pahlawan No. 08 Jl. Gajah Mada No. 46 Ngawi 63202 Tuban 62381 Ponorogo 63419 Tel. (0351) 747697, 749097 Tel. (0356) 333311, 328356 Tel. (0352) 462856, 462855 Fax. (0351) 745243 Fax. (0356) 333116 Fax. (0352) 462856 Malang MTO Kediri STO Pasuruan STO Komp. Araya Business Center Kav.1 Jl. Brawijaya No.6 Jl. P. Sudirman No.29 Jl. Raden Panji Suroso, Malang 65126 Kediri 64123 Pasuruan 67115 Tel. (0341) 402021-22, 402026 Tel. (0354) 682063, 681464 Tel. (0343) 424125, 422171 Fax. (0341) 402027 Fax. (0354) 682052 Fax. (0343) 426930 East Java III RTO Jl. S.Parman No. 100 Malang 65122 Tel. (0341) 403461, 403333 Fax. (0341) 403463 Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No.29 – 31 Jl. Merdeka Utara No.3 Jl. Mastrip No.169-171 Malang 65112 Malang 65119 Probolinggo 67213 Tel. (0341) 364270, 364370 Tel. (0341) 365167, 361971 Tel. (0335) 420472-73 Fax. (0341) 356769 Fax. (0341) 364407 Fax. (0335) 420470 Jember STO Banyuwangi STO Batu STO Jl. Karimata 54 A Jl. Adi Sucipto No.27 A Jl. Letjen S. Parman No.100 Jember 68121 Banyuwangi 68416 Malang 65122 Tel. (0331) 324907-08 Tel. (0333) 428451, 416897 Tel. (0341) 403411, 403541 Fax. (0331) 324906 Fax. (0333) 428452 Fax. (0341) 403540 Tulungagung STO Blitar STO Kepanjen STO Jl. Ki Mangun Sarkoro No. 17A Jl. Kenari No.118 Jl. Raya Kepanjen - Pakisaji Km.4 Tulungagung 66218 Blitar 66134 Malang 65163 Tel. (0355) 336668, 336692 Tel. (0342) 816316, 815633 Tel. (0341) 398393, 398333 Fax. (0355) 336687 Fax. (0342) 816315 Fax. (0341) 398350 Pare STO Situbondo STO Singosari STO Jl. Hasanudin No.16 KP 137 Jl. Argopuro No. 41 Jl. Raya Randuagung No. 12 Kediri 64122 Situbondo 68322 Singosari, Malang 65153 Tel. (0354) 680623 Tel. (0338) 671969, 672167 Tel. (0341) 429923-25 Fax. (0354) 684369 Fax. (0338) 673701 Fax. (0341) 429950 Pontianak STO Singkawang STO Ketapang STO Jl. Sultan Abdurrahman No.1 Jl. Gusti Sulung Lelanang No.35 Jl. Letkol. M. Tohir No.10 Pontianak 78116 Singkawang 79123 Ketapang 78812 Tel. (0561) 733478, 736340 Tel. (0562) 635510, 636958 Tel. (0534) 32404, 32254 Fax. (0561) 734026 Fax. (0562) 635511 Fax. (0534) 32404 Mempawah STO Sanggau STO Sintang STO Jl. Sultan Abdurahman No.76 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 45 Jl. Apang Semangai No.61 Pontianak 78121 Sanggau 78501 Sintang 78611 Tel. (0561) 736734-35 Tel. (0564) 23699, 23499 Tel. (0565) 21206, 24493 Fax. (0561) 732321 Fax. (0564) 23299 Fax. (0565) 22800 West Kalimantan RTO Jl. Jend. A. Yani No.1 Pontianak 78124 Tel. (0561) 712635-6, 712692 Fax. (0561) 711144, 712785 219 OFFICE INFORMATION Probolinggo STO Directorate General of Taxes South Malang STO 2012 Annual Report North Malang STO 220 South & Central Kalimantan RTO Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No.21 Banjarmasin 70111 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (0511) 3351072-73 Fax. (0511) 3351077 Palangkaraya STO Sampit STO Pangkalanbun STO Jl. Yos Sudarso No.5 Jl. Jend. A. Yani No.7 Jl. H.M. Rafi’I, Madurejo Palangkaraya 73111 Sampit 74322 Pangkalanbun 74111 Tel. (0536) 3235712, 3235386 Tel. (0531) 21341, 21172 Tel. (0532) 25940, 25941 Fax. (0536) 3221028 Fax. (0531) 21308 Fax. (0532) 25938 Muara Teweh STO Banjarmasin STO Banjarbaru STO Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No.167 Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No.21 Komp. Citra Megah Jl. Jend. A Yani Km. Muara Teweh 73811 Banjarmasin 70111 33,8 Banjarbaru 70712 Tel. (0519) 23219 Tel. (0511) 3351112, 3351118 Tel. (0511) 4782833, 4780163 Fax. (0519) 24456 Fax.(0511) 3351127 Fax. (0511) 4780963 Barabai STO Batulicin STO Tanjung STO Jl. Abdul Muis Redhani No.70 Jl. Raya Batulicin Kampung Baru Jl. Ir. P.H. M. Noor, Mabuun Raya Terminal, Barabai 71314 Batulicin Tanjung 71571 Tel. (0517) 41913, 41026 Tel. (0518) 71971, 71725 Tel. (0526) 2021125 Fax. (0517) 41752 Fax. (0518) 71736 Fax. (0526) 2021250 Balikpapan MTO Balikpapan STO Samarinda STO Jl. Ruhui Rahayu No.01 Ring Road Jl. Ruhui Rahayu No.01 Ring Road Jl. MT. Haryono No.17 Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan 76115 Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan 76115 Samarinda 75127 Tel. (0542) 8860700 Tel. (0542) 8860711 Tel. (0541) 7779429 Fax. (0542) 8860701 Fax. (0542) 8860715, 8860716 Fax. (0541) 754313 Tarakan STO Bontang STO Penajam STO Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.104 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.54 Jl. A. Yani No. 1 Tarakan 77121 Bontang 75321 Balikpapan 76121 Tel. (0551) 23830 Tel. (0548) 20139 Tel. (0542) 418137, 421800 Fax. (0551) 51130 Fax. (0548) 27716 Fax. (0542) 730144 Tanjung Redeb STO Tenggarong STO Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.104 Jl. Basuki Rahmad No.42 Tarakan 77121 Samarinda 75117 Tel. (0551) 23826 Tel. (0541) 743101 Fax. (0551) 23825 Fax. (0541) 741431 East Kalimantan RTO Jl. Ruhui Rahayu No.01 Ring Road Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan 76115 Tel. (0542) 8860721, 8860723 Fax. (0542) 8860723 South, West & SouthEast Sulawesi RTO 221 Jl. Urip Sumoharjo Km.4 GKN Makassar 90232 Tel. (0411) 456131-32, 436242 South Makassar STO Jl. Urip Sumoharjo Km.4 GKN Jl. Urip Sumoharjo Km.4 GKN Makassar 90232 Makassar 90232 Makassar 90232 Tel. (0411) 423366, 423878 Tel. (0411) 456135, 456858 Tel. (0411) 441680, 441681 Fax. (0411) 423662 Fax. (0411) 456954 Fax. (0411) 441259 West Makassar STO Parepare STO Palopo STO Jl. Balaikota No.15 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.49 Jl. Andi Djemma No. 131 Makassar 90111 Parepare 91921 Palopo 91921 Tel. (0411) 3634315, 3634316 Tel. (0421) 22183, 22235 Tel. (0471) 21060, 22584 Fax. (0411) 3636066 Fax. (0421) 22243 Fax. (0471) 21060 Bulukumba STO Bantaeng STO Watampone STO Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin Jl. Andi Mannappiang, Lamalaka Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 09 Bulukumba Bantaeng 92412 Watampone 92732 Tel. (0413) 81985, 84046 Tel. (0413) 21188, 21189 Tel. (0481) 21047, 21167 Fax. (0413) 82161 Fax. (0413) 22049 Fax. (0481) 21167 Maros STO Kendari STO Majene STO Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Km. 28, Turikale Jl. Saosao No. 188, Bende Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.81 Maros 90552 Kendari 93117 Majene 91412 Tel. (0411) 373069 Tel. (0401) 3125550 Tel. (0422) 22608 Fax. (0411) 372536 Fax. (0401) 3126230 Fax. (0422) 21097 Mamuju STO Kolaka STO Baubau STO Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro Blok C/8 Jl. Diponegoro No.35 Jl. Betoambari No.35 Komp. Pasar Regional, Mamuju Kendari 93123 Baubau 93725 Tel. (0426) 22118, 22524 Tel. (0401) 3121014 Tel. (0402) 2821639, 2821274 Fax. (0426) 21332 Fax. (0401) 3122090 Fax. (0402) 2821204 OFFICE INFORMATION North Makassar STO Jl. Urip Sumoharjo Km.4 GKN Directorate General of Taxes Makassar MTO 2012 Annual Report Fax. (0411) 456976, 456132 222 North & Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo & North Maluku RTO Jl. 17 Agustus No. 17 Manado 95119 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (0431) 851785, 862742 Fax. (0431) 851803 Manado STO Gorontalo STO Bitung STO Jl. Gunung Klabat, Kotak Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No.34 Jl. Raya Samratulangi Manado 95117 Gorontalo 96128 Bitung 95511 Tel. (0431) 851621, 862280 Tel. (0435) 830010 Tel. (0438) 21223, 30250 Fax.(0431) 875876 Fax.(0435) 830009, 830245 Fax. (0438) 30250 Kotamobagu STO Tahuna STO Palu STO Jl. Yusuf Hasiru No. 39 Jl. Tatehe No. 62 Santiago Jl. Prof. Moh. Yamin No.94 Kotamobagu 95700 Kep. Sangihe, Tahuna 95811 Palu 94112 Tel. (0434) 2628631 Tel. (0432) 24472, 24473 Tel. (0451) 421725, 421625 Fax. (0434) 21164 Fax. (0432) 24472, 24473 Fax. (0451) 422730 Luwuk STO Poso STO Tolitoli STO Jl. Yos Sudarso No.14 Jl. Pulau Kalimantan No.23 Jl. Magamu No.102 Luwuk 94715 Poso 94611 Tolitoli 94515 Tel. (0461) 22078,23028 Tel. (0452) 21385, 21387 Tel. (0453) 23764, 23765 Fax. (0461) 22098 Fax. (0452) 21224 Fax. (0453) 23764 Ternate STO Tobelo STO Jl. Yos Sudarso No.01 Jl. Kemakmuran, Desa Gosoma Ternate 97712 Tobelo, Halmahera Utara Tel. (0921) 3121070,3121352 Tel. (0924) 2622575, 2621554 Fax. (0921) 3122358 Fax. (0924) 2621554, 2621493 Bali RTO Jl. Kapten Tantular No. 4 GKN II Renon, Denpasar Tel. (0361) 263894-93, 221455 Fax. (0361) 263895 Denpasar MTO West Denpasar STO East Denpasar STO Jl. Raya Puputan No.29 Renon Jl. Raya Puputan No. 13 Gedung Keuangan Negara II Denpasar Denpasar Jl. Kapten Tantular No.4, Denpasar Tel. (0361) 227333, 262222 Tel. (0361) 239638 Tel. (0361) 263891-92 Fax. (0361) 226999, 239699 Fax. (0361) 229351 Fax. (0361) 221285 North Badung STO Gedung Keuangan Negara Gedung Keuangan Negara II Jl. Ahmad Yani No.100 Jl. Udayana No. 10, Singaraja Jl. Kapten Tantular No.4, Denpasar Denpasar Tel. (0362) 27380 Tel. (0361) 263891-92 Tel. (0361) 7804483-82, 226749 Fax. (0362) 22241 Fax. (0361) 234803 Fax. (0361) 230007 Gianyar STO Tabanan STO JL. Dharma Giri, Blahbatu Jl. Gatot Subroto, Sanggulan Gianyar Tabanan Tel. (0361) 943586 Tel. (0361) 9314794 Fax. (0361) 948002 Fax. (0361) 9311104 223 Directorate General of Taxes South Badung STO 2012 Annual Report Singaraja STO Nusa Tenggara RTO Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.36 Rembiga, Mataram 83124 Tel. (0370) 647862 Fax. (0370) 647883 East Mataram STO Raba Bima STO Jl. Raya Langko No. 74 Jl. Pejanggik No. 60 Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.17 Mataram 83114 Mataram 83121 Raba Bima 84113 Tel. (0370) 633075, 633006 Tel. (0370) 631431, 632652 Tel. (0374) 43233, 43681 Fax. (0370) 633724 Fax. (0370) 625848 Fax. (0374) 43227 Sumbawa Besar STO Praya STO Maumere STO Jl. Garuda No.70-72 Jl. Diponegoro No. 38 Jl. El Tari Sumbawa Besar 84312 Praya 83511 Maumere 86113 Tel. (0371) 626393, 625139 Tel. (0370) 653344 Tel. (0382) 21336, 21857 Fax. (0371) 21230 Fax. (0370) 655366 Fax. (0382) 21373 Kupang STO Ende STO Ruteng STO Jl. Palapa No. 8 Jl. El Tari No.4 Jl. Yos Sudarso No.26 Kupang 85111 Ende 86316 Ruteng, Manggarai Tel. (0380) 833165, 833568 Tel. (0381) 21429, 24574 Tel. (0385) 22564 Fax. (0380) 833211 Fax. (0381) 21050 Fax. (0385) 22564 Atambua STO Waingapu STO Gedung Keuangan Negara Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 34 Mentawai Jl. El Tari II Kupang 85111 Waingapu, Sumba Timur Tel. (0380) 823506, 823501 Tel. (0387) 62893, 62921 Fax. (0380) 825110 Fax. (0387) 62892 OFFICE INFORMATION West Mataram STO 224 Papua & Maluku RTO Jl. Raya Abepura Kotaraja Jayapura 99224 OFFICE INFORMATION Directorate General of Taxes 2012 Annual Report Tel. (0967) 589173–74 , 589178 Fax. (0967) 589175 Ambon STO Sorong STO Jayapura STO Jl. Raya Patimura No. 18, GKN Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.26 Jl. Raya Abepura Kotaraja, Ambon 97124 Sorong 98415 Jayapura 99111 Tel. (0911) 344345, 355401 Tel. (0951) 333110, 321417 (Depan Gd. Dinas Otonom Prov. Papua), Fax. (0911) 344362 Fax. (0951) 322424 Tel. (0967) 583791, 584014 Fax. (0967) 583936 Timika STO Biak STO Manokwari STO Jl. Cendrawasih SP.II- Kwamki Jl. Adibai No.1, Sumberker Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.92, Paderni Timika 99910 Biak 98117 Manokwari Barat 98312 Tel. (0901) 323851, 323083 Tel. (0981) 25120-22, 21415 Tel. (0986) 211549, 212144 Fax. (0901) 323847 Fax. (0981) 23681 Fax. (0986) 211549 Merauke STO Jl. Raya Mandala Muli Merauke 99616 Tel. (0971) 325344-45, 321136 Fax. (0971) 323430, 325345 Taxation Data and Document Processing Center Jl. Budhi I No. 1, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11530 Tel. (021) 53654025 Fax. (021) 53654026 Makassar Taxation Data and Document Processing Office Jambi Taxation Data and Document Processing Office Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 16 Jl. Mayjend Joesoef Singadekane No.49 Makassar Telanaipura, Jambi 36122 Tel. (0411) 550011, 550774 Tel. (0741)63280 Fax. (0411) 550767 Fax. (0741)63320 External Data Processing Office Information and Complaint Services Office Gedung B Lt. 10 Gd. A Baru Lt. 5 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40-42 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Telp. (021) 5251239 Telp.: (021) 5250208 ext 2380 Fax. (021) 5262879 Fax. (021) 5251245 riganistana Photo by Af K. DGT Head Office, Jakarta