January, 2007 - Vietnam Veterans of America
January, 2007 - Vietnam Veterans of America
ETWEEN THE LINE B S Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., Chapter 20 January 2007 Issue 96 VVA Chapter 20 Proud of our past... photo by Kathy Gleason ...Moving into the future. PG. 4 Euchre Party PG. 6-7 Paper Trail Rochester New York TOGETHERTHEN...TOGETHERNOW President’s Message BETWEEN THE LINES The end of November and the first couple weeks of December have been busy for me. Let me start by wishing a belated Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year. The last week of November I sat in on the Finance Committee as they prepared the budget for 2007. As all of you are aware, this year the spending will be tight because of low profits from the thrift store and, mostly because of new laws, the car business profits are low. It was a hard process trying to spread the money around. On December 3rd the Board of Directors approved the proposed budget with some changes and at the January membership meeting we will review it with all in attendance. We have been approved as a designated donor for the United Way in Rochester. Our number for donations is 2458, so please try to find it in your heart to help the chapter by designating your contributions to 2458. I’m in the process of filing for the State program that is basically the same and will pass along that information as it is received. December 1st through the 10th we had a table set up at the Mall at Greece Ridge Center for VetsConnect providing information to all the veterans as to the benefits due to them. From the amount of information that was taken I think it was a great success. On December 8th and 10th, I traveled to Auburn and Attica correctional facilities with Chapter 20’s own Ronbo Trovato. I could hardly believe that I’m up at 5:00 AM, in a blinding snowstorm that you could hardly see your hand in front of your face, hearing all the Ronbo stories from Nam. I thought to myself, How dedicated does one have to be to put yourself thru this? All kidding aside, it was a great trip and the vets in Auburn again did an outstanding job knitting scarves, mittens and hats for the kids in Schools 9 and 33 in Rochester. In all, we got two large bags for them. Saturday we went early again to Attica to meet with Chapter 205. It was a great meeting. Both Ron and I addressed the Chapter and spent some time chatting with the inmate veterans. Again this month I did my monthly TV show on R News, Channel 9, and the topic was our efforts with VetsConnect. I’ll never be a Matt Lauer, but I’ll keep the show going to spread information that’s important to our veterans. Till next month - Stay safe and see you at the next membership meeting! Together then together now Ken Moore, President The VetsConnect table at the Mall at Greece Ridge Center. Don’t miss these upcoming meetings! Please come and support your Chapter! VVA Chapter 20 Board Meeting Schedule January 8, 2007 February 5, 2007 March 5, 2007 April 2, 2007 May 7, 2007 June 4, 2007 July 2, 2007 August 6, 2007 September 10, 2007 October 8, 2007 November 5, 2007 December 3, 2007 All meetings are held at the Ira Jacobson American Legion Post, 90 St. John’s Park, unless otherwise noted. Membership Meetings 2nd Thursday of the month beginning at 7:30 P.M. January 11, 2007 February 8, 2007 March 8, 2007 April 12, 2007 (6:00 P.M.) May 10, 2007 June 14, 2007 July 12, 2007 (no August meeting) September 13, 2007 October 11, 2007 November 8, 2007 (no December meeting) Ron Trovato, Chair with Chapter 489 at the Attica Correctional Facility where we had a real productive meeting. We met with Chapter President Jackie Adamsandabout15chaptermembers.ChapterSecretaryPhilGlazer was kind enough to allow us to addresstheguysthereanddevotea majorityofthemeetingtobenefits questionswhichKennyMoorewas able to provide answers for. We thankChapter489fortheirhospitality and we look forward to our nextvisitonJanuary6th.Afterthe meeting,StaffAdvisorSgt.Schiefer took us for an impromptu tour of the facility before completing the paperwork and photos for becomingregisteredvolunteersthere. Serving the Community Members and friends of Chapter 20 gather to prepare holiday baskets for distribution. photos by Kathy Gleason & Cecil Young BETWEEN THE LINES TheVietnamVeteransGroup at San Quentin is doing well and recentlydonated$500totheSwords toPlowsharesProgram(transitional servicesforvets)and$1,000totheir ChristmasToyProgram.Theyhave a new prison administrator there who limited the group’s food sales fundraisers,sotheguysaremaking adjustments. Craig McLaren and the vets at Chapter 190 in Atmore, Alabama, keep in regular contact and sent a copyoftheagendafortheVeterans DayProgramthere,whichwaswell attended.Asalways,thanksforcopies of The Eagle Speaks newsletter. I especially want to thank all the officers and members of Chapter 190 for the Eagle Award which theyawardedtoyourstruly.Itreads “For Loyal Support, Patriotism for our Nation’s Military Forces and Outstanding Leadership for our Incarcerated Veterans Chapters.” The wife picked up a nice frame and it’s hanging on my wall at home.Ireallyappreciateit,guys. We have heard from Wayne Cotrell, President of Chapter 603 (Groveland) thanking us for our flag donation to the chapter there. According to staff advisor Jim Strollo, the chapter had a special Veterans Day observance there, but circumstances prevented them frominvitinginoutsideguests.No problem guys, and good luck on the proposed veterans phone card program. OnDecember8,2006,KenMoore andItraveledtoAuburntoattend the culmination of their annual donation drive. Chapter President BobbyAhalthandedoutchecksto several Auburn agencies that assist the poor and Chapter 20 was the beneficiaryofabouthalfofthe270 hats and scarves that the Crochet Platoonmadethispastyear.Allthe vetsatAuburnthatworkedallyear long to make these items for kids were in attendance and received a standing ovation from the many guests present. Refreshments were servedanditwasgoodtocatchup with the vets there and enjoy the hospitality. In 1989 I attended the 3rd or 4th annual donation drive giveaway so that gives you some idea of the guys’ commitment and the work involved in keeping this running so smoothly. Always the proudestdayforChapter205. Continuing my master plan of working Kenny Moore like a student intern, I picked him up the next morning and drove to meet Front and Center Veterans Incarcerated 3 Open to all Chapter 20 members and guests January 27, 2007 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. At Ira Jacobson Post Cost: $15.00/couple $7.50/single Refreshments Will be Provided Fabulous Prizes Awarded Musical Entertainment BETWEEN THE LINES Please RSVP by Friday, January 19, 2007 By calling 288-5756 Euchre Coupon Present this coupon at the door for $3.00 off per couple or $1.50 off per person One coupon per couple or person CHAPTER 20 IS NOW A DESIGNATED DONOR WITH UNITED WAY OUR NUMBER IS 2458 BETWEEN THE LINES Please help Chapter 20 by designating your contributions to 2458. 5 Paper Trail by Ron Trovato Once again the autocratic Ken Moore Era is upon us and we all must shake off the dust of the old and embracethenew.ItwaswithmixedfeelingsthatIcleanedoutmyfilesathomeanddisposedofmucholdVVA correspondencebeforethewifepowerwashedtheroom.Thesefilescontainedlettersdocumentingmuchofthe heretoforeunknownhistoryofoneChapter20member.Yes,thereismuchthatgoesonbehindthescenesthat themembershipblissfullyneverknowsaboutthatmakesourchaptereffective,prosperousandawayfromGrand Jury action. I share the following letters with our readers as a demonstration of my loyalty, commitment and dedicationtoVVA. From:UniversityofBuffalo Dept.ofPsychology Buffalo,NewYork July8,2006 Mr.Trovato, Ourstaffhasreviewedyourthesisandhaveconcludedthatthebehavioralmodificationtechniqueyouhaveproposed willonlycripplepatients.Itwouldappearthattheconceptof“ToughHate”wasonlyarrivedat,asyourfootnotesindicated,afteranightofbingedrinkingwithMr.PatPudettiandisofnoclinicalvalue.Pleasecallforanappointment. ProfessorBertrandSchnitzelgruber Mr.BernardMcKnight USPatentOffice Washington,D.C. December14,2005 IamatacompletelossforwordssoIwillbeblunt.Yourpatentrequestforundercoatingonmicrowaveovensis denied.Dittofor“mufflerbearings.”PleasefindenclosedasmalldonationforChapter20tobeusedonanycommittee exceptyours. Sincerely, B.McKnight Ms.NaomiGoodbody NYSDept.ofLabor Rochester,NY August20,2004 BETWEEN THE LINES DearMr.Trovato, Ihaveexaminedyourresumeatlengthandtheonlyjobyouareremotelyqualifiedforisthatofapiñata.Areyou availabletoworkafternoons?Additionally,afterreviewingyourjobskillssection,Icanonlysuggestthatsomeonewater youtwiceaweek. Thankyouforallowingustobeofserviceandhaveaniceday. Verytrulyyours, NaomiGoodbody 6 NationalEnquirerMagazine 100FifthAvenue NewYork,NewYork10025 September27,2004 DearMr.Trovato Wearereturningyourexpose’photographofSpeakeroftheHouseNancyPelosi,whichwerefusetopublish.Oncloser inspection,itwouldappearthatyoutapedacutoutofMs.Pelosi’sheadontothebodyofPamelaAnderson. Perhaps“SoldierofFortune”wouldbeamoreappropriatevenue. Sincerely, JoeLizealot Dept.ofVeteransAffairs MedicalClinic.PharmacyDept. Rochester,NY March28,2004 DearMr.Trovato, Wehavefilledyourprescriptionfor“Prolongo”anindustrialstrengthcombinationofViagra,Cialis,Levitraand tequila. Side effects may include blurred vision, stuttering, sterility, swimmers ear, loose lung, cooties, pyromania, drinker’sremorseandbowelprojectiles.Shouldtheeffectslastlongerthansixdays,havewhateverisleftofyoucall yourdoctor,orFoxNews. Withdeeprespect, JamesT.Johnson OutpatientClinic From:MissNudeUniverseContest MGMCasino LasVegas,Nevada February28,2006 DearMr.Trovato, PleasebeadvisedthattheMissNudeUniversewillnotbeabletorunforChapter20’sVicePresidentialposition. OurinvestigatorshavedeterminedthataMr.GenoLenykisalreadyontheprintedballotsandyourployisjustanother cheapbaitandswitchtactic. WearealsoreturningtheroomkeyfromtheWhistlingTurtlesMotel. Sincerely, MikeCannon Chief,MGMSecurity ALGore OfficeoftheEx-VicePresident Nashville,TennesseeOctober23,2004 DearMr.Trovato, FiveyearsagoIreadyourbookaboutmy2000PresidentialCampaign,“FlatLined.”Ihavereadyournewestbiographyofmyselfentitled“ObsessedbyFailure,”inwhichyoufavorablycomparemetoJimmyCarter,ScottNorwood, NewCoke,the1978RedSoxandtheCaptainoftheTitanic.Pleasefindenclosedacopyoftherecentlyissuedrestrainingorder. Vote-4-me, AlGore CrimeSceneInvestigation TV.Productions 1658WilshireBlvd. Hollywood,California May12,2003 BETWEEN THE LINES DearMr.Trovato, Wearereturningyourscriptforanewshowbasedaroundyourfictionalcharacter“Dr.Colon,”aforensicproctologist.Asanauthoryouareobviouslyconstipatedwitholdideas,boundupwithtriteclichésandwillprobablyneverbe abletoplowthroughthewritersblockagesandlogjamsyousoapparentlylaborunder. Sincerely, JosephPiles ColumbiaBroadcastingSystem 7 Chapter 20 thanks the following sponsors of our 25th Anniversary Celebration: Gold Sponsor: Dakota Restaurant Dave & Sherri Dansig, Owners Silver Sponsors: Bausch & Lomb Excellus Health Plan, Inc. Rochester Gas & Electric Don & Sue Charles BETWEEN THE LINES Bronze Sponsors: Monroe Litho, Inc. Wegmans Food Market 8 Vietnam Veterans of America THRIFT STORE, CHAPTER 20, LLC 1199 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14609 America’s Flag from America’s Veterans The only store where you can buy BETSY LOMBARDO Veterans Advocate DEBRA SLOANE Retail Office Assistant A project of the Veterans Outreach Center, Inc. 455 South Avenue • Rochester, NY 14620 Tel: 585-546-FLAG • Fax: 585-546-5978 Medals, Badges, Patches, Ribbons, Caps Clothing, Boots, Gear, Buckles, Flags, Award Cases, Military Rings and Watches Charles Rabidoux USMC 1957-61 2nd Mar. Div. NEW YORK STATE SENATE C.M. Gifts and Militaria Est: 1987 497 Stone Road Rochester, NY 14616 (585) 865-7370 Car Donations 8:30am - 5:00pm Truck Pick-up: 9am - 4:30pm (weather permitting) Rochester New York ~ Delivery Available ~ Truck Pick-up #482-8016 Thrift Store #482-8036 All donations go to the Thrift Store at the address above. DAVID J. KAUFFMAN POST #41 JEWISH WAR VETERANS THE OLDEST ACTIVE VETERANS ORGANIZATION SUPPORTS THE VIETNAM VETS LARRY SCHULMAN, QUARTERMASTER, 271-6967 TOM DAVIS SENATOR JOSEPH E. ROBACH ROOM 902 2300 WEST RIDGE ROAD LEGISLATIVE OFFICE BUILDING ROCHESTER, NY 14626 ALBANY, NY 12247 (585) 225-3650 (518) 455-2909 • FAX (518) 426-6938 E-MAIL: ROBACH@SENATE.STATE.NY.US >>>>> photography and digital art to match your mood >>>>> www.GTRedphotos.com Email: gtredlinskiphotos@frontiernet.net Rochester, New York INCOME TAX CONSULTATION & PREPARATION Year-Round. By Appointment Service 1732 Winton Rd. N. Phone (585) 288-8465 • Fax: (585) 288-8465 FREEDOM FLAG CO., INC. 419 Embury Rd. Rochester, NY 14625 • Richard Burgey (585) 671-0624 Flagpoles and Accessories • Flags: USA & International Installation & Repair • Custom Banners / Flags Veteran owned and operated full service flag company. Serving the area for 20 years. BETWEEN THE LINES Various topics are offered from military / veteran oriented, patriotic, scenic, landscapes, nature, botanical, animals, fantasty, in a variety of sizes and gift items Gary T. Redlinski Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm 9 Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 20 Membership Application Return this application, along with a copy of your DD214, to: VietnamVeteransofAmerica,1199E.MainStreet,Rochester,NY14609 Name: ___________________________________ DateofBirth:____________________ Sex:M/F Address:__________________________________ HomePhone:(_____)_______________________ City:_____________________________________ WorkPhone:(_____)________________________ Zip:_______________Country:______________ E-mailAddress:______________________ W/H Chapter#________(ifknown) _______________ Sponsor:__________________________________ IamnotaVietnamveteran,butIwanttohelpVietnamveteransandtheirfamilies. Pleaseacceptmydonation:___________________ ❑AVVAMembership _______$10_______$20_______$50_______Other($_______) Eligibility:VietnamandVietnam-eraveteranswhoservedonactivedutyintheU.S.Military(forotherthantraining purposes)betweenFebruary28,1961andMay7,1975(in-countryVietnam),orbetweenAugust5,1964andMay7, 1975(forVietnam-eraveterans). Term:_____1year($20)_____3years($50)_____LifeMembership: Payment Option:_______Check_______MoneyOrder $250(ages49andunder) $225(ages50-55) $200(ages56-60) $175(ages61-65) $150(ages66andover) VVAisanon-profitveteransserviceorganization. Programsandservicesarefundedbymemberduesandpublicdonations. BETWEEN THE LINES BETWEEN THE LINES 10 Between the LinesispublishedmonthlybyChapter 20,VietnamVeteransofAmerica.TheviewsandopinionsexpressedarenotnecessarilythoseofChapter20, ortheVietnamVeteransofAmerica,itsofficers,board of directors, or the general membership. No subscription fee is charged for this publication, and inclusion onthemailinglistisavailableonrequest.Between the LinescanalsobeseenontheChapter20website,www. vva20.org. We welcome letters to the editor, poetry, original articles, and suggestions. Submissions can be sent to: Between the Lines,1199E.MainStreet,Rochester,New York14609.Ifyouwanttosubmitsomethingondisk, call the office (585-482-7396) to check on compatibility. If you want your manuscript returned, include aself-addressedenvelopewithpostage.Wereservethe rightnottousematerialswethinkarenotappropriate for the publication, and to edit for space and clarity. We’dalsoliketohaveaphonenumberaswellasyour nameincasethereareanyquestions. The deadline for submissions intended for a particularmonth’sissueisthe5thoftheprecedingmonth. Ifthe5thfallsonaweekendorholiday,thedeadlineis thefirstbusinessdayfollowingthe5th. Help Build The Veterans Walk at the Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial Any past or present member of the United States Armed Services, Active or Reserve, is eligible for an engraved paver brick. For information and an order form, please contact the Chapter 20 office at 482-7396. Vietnam Veterans of America CHAPTER 20 Car Donation, LLC Calendars and Cards Wanted Do you have calendars or packages of cards sent to you by charitable organizationswhichyoudon’tneed?RalphPascale can see to it that they are distributed to hospitalizedveterans.Givethemtohimat anymembershipmeeting. Congratulations... Drivers needed! Volunteers are urgently needed to drive the DAV van.Canyouhelpfellowveteransthisway?Youdo nothavetobeamemberoftheDAV.Tovolunteer, orforfurtherinformation,pleasecontactJohnLewistonattheVAClinic,463-2636. Did you know? You can read Between the Lines even before it is to Dick D’Imperio, who is receiving an printed and arrives in your mail box. Once each award from the Rochester Police Depart- issueislaidout,itgoesontheChapter20website, www.vva20.org. We try to have it available by the mentRosewoodClub. firstofthemonth. BETWEEN THE LINES Announcements Call 224-8484 11 YOU YOUR WERE THERE. VET CENTER 1867 Mt. Hope Ave. Rochester, NY 14620 (585) 232-5040 FAMILY WAS HERE. Readjustment services to all War zone Veterans and their families. Confidential Counseling • • • • • • Individual Marital and Family Group Alcohol and Drug Military Sexual Trauma Liaison with VA and community services • Caring and relaxed environment VETERANS OUTREACH CENTER YOU’VE ALL 459 South Ave. Rochester, NY 14620 (585) 546-1081 EARNED BENEFITS AND SERVICES. • Case Management • Employment Services MONROE COUNTY VETERAN’S SERVICE AGENCY 125 Westfall Rd. • Rochester, NY 14620 • (585) 753-6040 Claims Processing • Referrals • FREE and CONFIDENTIAL BETWEEN THE LINES ACTIVE DUTY, RESERVE 1 USA USN USMC AND GUARD USAF USCG We All Served. Now it’s time to come back. “Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another.” VA OUTPATIENT CLINIC 465 Westfall Rd. Rochester, NY 14620 (585) 463-2687 • Outpatient Medical / Primary Care • Mental Health Care • Health Care for Women • Sexual Trauma Counseling • Outreach for Homeless • Alcohol Drug Treatment • Environmental Evaluation CALL TODAY! Stand Up For Veterans: Pledge Your 2007 United Way Dollars to the VOC “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” - President John F. Kennedy (Inaugural Address, 1961) In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, this famous quote by President Kennedy rang true in hearts of thousands of American men and women who responded by joining the military. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly apparent that many of those who answered this call to duty are now suffering a war of a different sort—an internal war of nightmares and flashbacks related to their wartime experiences: • Of more than 5 million veterans treated in VA facilities in 2004, 48,783 were from the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. • According to a 2005 article in USA Today, of the 244,054 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan already discharged from service, 12,422 have sought counseling for readjustment problems and symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder. • A report by the Government Accountability Office indicates the VA “does not have the sufficient capacity to meet the needs of new combat veterans while still providing for veterans of past wars…” • At the Veterans Outreach Center, we are already seeing an increase in demand for counseling and support services—but we need your help to meet this demand. • Please join us: Stand Up for Veterans! Make a contribution through the 2007 United Way Donor Choice Program so that we can continue Serving Those Who Serve U.S. Designate Veterans Outreach Center and include our ID number—1119. For more info, call 585.546.1081 or visit www.veteransoutreachcenter.org MAKE A CONNECTION VOLUNTEER We’re building lists of available members to participate in occasional events: This is an opportunity to help without a routine commitment. Can you find some time to help in any of these endeavors? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Kathy Gleason, at 585-978-1331 or kathy14470@msn.com, or call the VVA Chapter 20 Office at 482-7396. BETWEEN THE LINES Attend a funeral for a fellow Veteran • Work on a committee to create phone/ email tree for improved communication • Help with occasional Chapter Gear inventory and/or sales • Staff an information table at various events Participate at school, scouting or other presentations 13 Virtual Vet SpecificationsM-274MechanicalMule: Truck,Platform,Utility½-ton,4x4 PeterM.Galle Email:PGALLE5000@aol.com Landline:(585)272-9873 http://www.transchool. eustis.army.mil/Museum/ MECHANICALMULE.htm BETWEEN THE LINES M274 Mechanical Mule 1 The M274 Mechanical Mule was developed to replace both the 1/4-tonand3/4-ton4X4vehicles in infantry and airborne infantry battalions.Itneededtoweighless than750poundsandcarryacrosscountry load of 1,000 pounds plus adriver. Willys developed a pilot model inthe1950swhichcouldcarry850 pounds on improved roads with 2wheelor4-wheeldrive.Thedriver’s seatcouldberemoved,andthesteeringcolumnmovedtoaccommodate morecargo. Each wheel had shackles for lifting by helicopter or dropping by parachute.Ifitlandedupside-down, it could be turned over and still be drivenaway. TheMule’sversatilitywasamazing. Itcouldbefittedwithcablereelsfor signal use, used as a boat for river crossing, equipped with recoilless riflesandlaterTOWmissiles. VerypopularwithboththeArmy and Marine Corps in Vietnam, mostMulesonlyhauledequipment andtroops. Length: Width: Height(platform) Weight,empty: Clearance: FordingDepth: CruisingRange: 118.25in. 46.6in. 27.5in. 870lbs. 12in. 18In. 90-150mi. 4-wheelsteering: M274 M274A1 M274A2 2,452built1956-1960 1,905built1962-1964 3,609built1964-1967 2-wheelsteering: M275A5 M274A5 2,400built1965-1969 874built1968-1970 The Mule is fitted with cable reels for signal use. It was a suitable platform for weapons systems, including the TOW missile launcher (shown right), the M40C Missile, and the 106mm Launcher. Wrapped in the cargo canvas of a 2-1.2 ton truck, this Mule is prepared for river crossing. Mulesweredesignedtokeeppace withfootsoldiers,butby1978the Army determined that the M274 was simply too old to keep. With the HMMWV (High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle) taking the place of the venerable jeep,theMulewasretiredfromactiveservice. In2000,thevalueoftheM274 Mulewasfoundonceagaininthe formoftheM-Gator.TheM-Gatorwasanofftheshelf,four-wheel driveplatformthatservicedtroops incombataswellastheM274 servedthirtyyearsbefore. SixvarietiesofMulesweremade byWillys,Bowen-McLaughlinYork,BaifieldIndustries&BrunswickCorp. CHAPTER OFFICERS President:KenMoore..... 392-0269(h)...576-9000(c) 1stVicePresident:GenoLenyk..............423-0206(h) 2ndVicePresident:RichIsaman.............594-8022(h) Secretary:ChuckMacaluso.....................225-8288(h) Treasurer:LarrySchulman.......................271-6967(h) BOARD OF DIRECTORS DanCorona................................................. 406-6108 PeteGalle...............................................272-9873(h) WallyGekoski.........................................659-2563(h) KathyGleason............................................ 978-1331 TomGleason............................................... 978-1995 JoeHarkness...........................................889-9728(h) DaveHooker...........................................544-8815(h) RayMelens............................................392-2079(h) DickOleksyn.........................................663-5255(h) RalphPascale..........................................755-2560(h) KathleenRyan.............................................. 507-9855 RonTrovato............................................544-8470(h) COMMITTEE CONTACTS AgentOrange/HealthCare......SueOleksyn663-5255 AVVA................................... KathyGleason978-1331 BetweenTheLines.............BruceMcDaniel482-5314 Chaplain................................ TomGleason978-1995 Comm.Service/Pub.Affairs Constitution...............................FredElliott288-5756 Finance....................................RichIsaman594-8022 Historian................................ DaveHooker544-8815 IncarceratedVeterans................ RonTrovato544-8470 MarchingUnit.......................... RayMelens392-2079 Membership,ChapterGear.... RalphPascale755-2560 POW/MIA................. GailBologna-Melens392-2079 Scholarship................................AlicePopen247-1024 SocialEvents..........................DickOleksyn663-5255 SpeakersBureau....................... GenoLenyk423-0206 VeteransAffairs/Benefits............. PatPudetti482-2387 VeteransWalk................... ChuckMacaluso225-8288 VolunteerCoordinator......... KathyGleason978-1331 WEB SITES/E-MAIL ADDRESSES MISCELLANEOUS VVA20ThriftStore,LLCMgmt.,BethAfeldt......... 482-8036 DonationPick-up,BethAffeldt.................................. 482-8016 VVAVehicleDonations,BethAffeldt........................ 224-8484 VVAChapter20...................................................482-7396 bdivico@vva20.org VVA CH. 20 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MTG. ATTENDANCE NAME President: Moore, Ken 1st V. Pres: Lenyk, Geno 2nd V. Pres: Isaman, Rich Secretary: Macaluso, Chuck Treasurer: Larry Schulman Corona, Dan Galle, Pete Gekoski, Wally Gleason, Kathy Gleason, Tom Harkness, Joe Hooker, Dave Melens, Ray Oleksyn, Dick Pascale, Ralph Ryan, Kathleen Trovato, Ron 1/9 2/6 3/6 4/3 5/1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E X X X X X X X X X X X X 6/5 X X X X X X X E X X E X X X X X 7/10 X E E X X X X E X X X X X X X X X X=Present E=Excused A=Absent VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS AND INFORMATION 8/7 X X X X E X X X E X A X X E X X X 9/5 X E E X X X E E X X X X X X X E X 10/2 X E X X X X X X X X X X X X E X X 11/6 X X X X X E X X X X X X X X X X X 12/4 X X X X X X X E X X X X X X X X X BETWEEN THE LINES Veterans Widows International Network members@aol.com/vetwindows NYS Department Health: www.health.state.ny.us/nyvets Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Highland Park: www.vietnamemorial.org Operation Welcome Home: www.operationwelcomehome.org VVA New York State Council: www.nyvietnamvets.org Region 2 Director: www.region2vva.com IraJacobsonAmericanLegionPost#474..... 663-7030 VAClinic-465WestfallRoad..................... 463-2600 VeteransOutreachCenter............................ 546-1081 VetCenter.................................................... 232-5040 VeteransAdministration........................ 800-827-1000 NYSCouncil....................................... 888-678-VETS MonroeCountyVeteransServiceAgency..... 753-6040 e-mail:serviceofficer@yahoo.com VeteransBenefitsHotline...................... 800-827-1000 “VeteransBillofRights”........................ 800-342-3358 VAMedicalCenterinBatavia............... 585-297-1000 VAHospitalinBuffalo.......................... 716-834-9200 VAMedicalCenterinCanandaigua............. 394-2000 VAMedicalCenterinBath................... 607-664-4000 V.V.ofAmericainWashington........... 800-VVA-1316 V.V.MemorialFund“TheWall”........... 202-393-0090 Nat.’lLge.ofFam.MIA/POWUpdates.. 202-223-6846 RichardsHouse............................................ 506-9060 TheResourceCenter.................................... 546-4250 Stars&Stripes............................................. 546-3524 PersianGulfVets,Inc................................... 385-4097 OperationWelcomeHome.......................... 234-4694 Numbers to Know Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 20 1199 E. Main Street, Rochester, NY 14609 (585) 482-7396 • Fax (585) 482-5513 • www.vva20.org 15