
Volume - 3 Issue - 1
ISSN# 2308-5029
Innovation Center
10th Convocation at Bahria University
First International Conference at Islamabad Campus
BU signs an MoU with ICCI
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Rector BU along with speakers of International Conference
Bahria University Islamabad organized a two days
international conference on “Emerging Challenges
for Organizations in Developing Economies (ECODE)”
on 5th & 6th November 2013. The conference was a
platform for academicians, researchers, practitioners
and students to share their different views as it was
divided into different themes. Each theme depicted
an emerging challenge in today's developing
economies. The key note speakers of the conference
were Prof Dr Murat Barkan, Rector Yasar University and
Ms Sue Reece, Pro-Vice Chancellor York St. John
University. Prominent distinguished foreign speakers
from UK, USA, Turkey, Australia, and Netherlands also
shed light on the multiple issues being confronted by
businesses and organizations in developing
economies. Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Mr
Yaseen Anwar, graced the occasion as the Chief
Guest at the opening session while Mr Zahid Hamid,
Federal Minister for Science and Technology presided
over the last session as the Chief Guest on the 2nd Day
of the Conference. Honourable Rector of Bahria
University, Vice Admiral (R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M)
expressed his gratitude to the chief guests for their
presence in the ceremony. He said that the main
objective of this conference was to provide a platform
in the changing global perspective of
management/business to the academicians,
managers, students and many others who wish to
share their research ideas. He added that in an
increasingly globalised world, there is a critical need to
develop guidelines and recommendations for
promoting integrity in research at an international
level. The conference served as a fundamental and
landmark occasion for everyone, serving as a
guideline for future perspectives of management,
change and development.
Rector BU and his team members along with international delegates at Margralla Green Golf Club
MoU Signing Ceremony of Bahria
University with Islamabad Chamber of
Commerce & Industry (ICC&I)
Shaban Khalid, President ICCI and Rector Bahria University signing the MoU.
Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI)
has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
Bahria University to promote academia-industry linkages
and to conduct joint research activities that would
facilitate the advancement and innovation in industry.
Mr Shaban Khalid, President ICCI and Vice Admiral
(Retd) Shahid Iqbal HI (M), Rector Bahria University signed
the MoU. Both organisations agreed to enhance mutual
cooperation in many areas including arranging
internships and job placements for the students and run
joint professional development short courses in
specialised fields.
BU QA Staff Officers Attended Seminar
at PMI
Veteran journalist, renowned political analyst and
television anchor person, Syed Talat Hussain has
joined Bahria University as Project Director of Media
Studies program. His mandate is to reinvigorate the
Media Studies program at Department of Humanities
and Social Sciences of Bahria University. Apart from
his teaching contribution as Assistant Professor, Mr
Talat Hussain will be facilitating the induction of
highly-qualified faculty members and core trainers in
the Media Studies program. The well-reputed
journalist will also supervise efforts to revise and
enhance the curriculum of the program to bring it in
line with the modern trends followed internationally.
A research journal will also be launched under the
auspices of the Social Sciences Department. Besides,
on the practical side, Mr Talat Hussain will be
revamping the media lab facilities, launching a
professional broadcast-enabled interactive website,
and setting up an on-campus FM Radio Station for
the media students of Bahria University. A professional
newsroom will also be created in Bahria University,
Pakistan Manpower Institute (PMI) organized a 3 days
seminar on “Total Quality Management” from 25 to 27
November 2013 at Islamabad. Assistant QA Officers Mr
Imran Malik and Mr Muddassar Javed represented
Bahria University in the subject event. Renowned
Scholars gave their valuable output on Total Quality
Management from their perspective. At the end Mr
Abdul Latif Laghari, DG Pakistan Manpower Institute
(PMI) distributed certificates among the participants.
Student Study Loan/ Revolving Fund at
Bahria University
It's great news that Honourable Rector BU has
approved a policy on Student Study Loan/Revolving
fund for students wishing to study at Bahria University.
Student Study Loan policy has been introduced from
Spring 2014 to encourage brilliant students (new
intake) who may be impeded in joining Bahria
University due to lack of financial resources. The
Student Study Loan (SSL) is designed for students of
Bahria University to pay their university tuition fee
during their first semester. The Study Loan will assist
students to borrow the cost associated with their
admission. This loan will bear zero interest rate.
Students of all degree programs are eligible to apply
for this loan except for Medical & Dental degrees.
Preference will be given to students of undergraduate
programs. An amount of Rs 4.00 Million has been
allocated for SSL in the current fiscal year 2013-14.
Scholarship Disbursement at Bahria University (Fiscal Year 2013-14)
Bahria University generously supports deserving students, who perform academically well but find it difficult to
meet the educational expenses. The University offers Advanced Merit Scholarship, Merit Scholarship, Financial
Assistance and Indigent Scholarship to deserving students from its own resources. For the current Fiscal Year 201314, Bahria University has disbursed scholarships to 620 students through an allocated budget of Rs 25 Million. The
division of scholarships awarded under various categories can be seen in the accompanying table:
Bahria University Signs Agreement For
Exchange Of Students With York St. John
University, Uk
Bahria University and York St. John University (YSJU), UK
extended their academic collaboration by signing an
agreement for exchange of students in Nov 2013.
According to this agreement, Bahria University would be
able to send up to 4 students in an academic year to
study at YSJU for a semester on tuition free arrangement.
The agreement was signed during the recent visit of ProVice Chancellor of YSJU, Ms Sue Reece, to Bahria
University for an international conference. Students'
exchange with YSJU is a unique arrangement that will be
available for the students of Bahria University from Fall 2014 semester. Bahria University has a similar arrangement
with Yasar University in Turkey but YSJU is the first British Institute to sign an agreement of this nature with Bahria
Bahria Ties Academic Knot with
Northampton University, UK
A delegation of Bahria University, led by honourable
Rector BU, visited, University of Northampton, UK, on 16th
October 2013. During the visit, discussions were held with
the Director International Office for academic
collaboration between Bahria University and University of
Northampton. This was followed by the visit by Ms Rani
Kaur from the Business School of Northampton University
to Bahria University on 2nd Dec 2013. During the visit she
met the honourable Rector Bahria University and
presented the MoU signed by their Vice-Chancellor for
academic collaboration with Bahria University. The same
was signed by Rector BU, on behalf of Bahria University.
The MoU focuses on various areas of academic
collaboration including exchange of teaching and
research personnel, exchange of students, development
in research activities and exploration of collaboration at
course level.
Seminar on Flipped Class Room
Islamabad an opportunity to share with Dr David
Rowland implications of using such form of teaching
methodology in Pakistani culture and its possible
Dr David Rowland, Dean of
Valparaiso University, USA,
conducted a seminar on the topic
“Flipped Class Room” for the faculty
of Bahria University Islamabad
Campus on 8th November 2013.
The seminar was attended by the
Head of Departments and the
selected faculty from all academic
departments from BU Islamabad. The seminar
apprised the faculty on shifting paradigm of teaching
in western world where the focus is to help students
solve exercises and practical assignments, what was
normally assigned as homework, and giving lectures in
form of written notes or recorded videos to the
students to study and revise at their homes, what was
before delivered in the class room. The seminar was
interactive in nature giving the faculty at BU
Online Lecture By Prof. Bob Garvey, UK:
Senior Professor at York St. John
University, UK, Prof Bob Garvey,
delivered an online lecture using
video conferencing facilities for the
students of PhD/M Phil and selected
faculty of Management Sciences
department on Qualitative Research
Methodology on 9th December 2013.
Professor Bob Garvey has substantial experience in the
fields of mentoring and coaching, human resources
development, knowledge productivity and
management. He has an impressive record of
research and consultancy in a range of different
Dr Heidi Ashton, Lecturer and Research Fellow in the Business faculty of University of Leicester, delivered a
guest talk to the students of PhD on “Qualitative Research Methodology on 7th November 2013. During the
lecture Dr Heidi Ashton shared with students of PhD her research work, which was based on qualitative
research methodology, and how it was concluded making use of various tools to support the hypothesis of
her research.
Ms Lawrence Dupree, Professor at University Marne-la-Vallée, France, visited Bahria
University on 24th October 2013 and delivered a guest lecture for the students of
Management Sciences Department. The lecture was delivered on the topic “EURO and its
Future”. The students found the lecture very informative giving them the opportunity to
learn about the changing dynamics of EURO in the international market and factors that
are directly impeding its value.
Dr Bal Virdee, a Professor of
Dr Christine Mortimer from
York St. John University
(YSJU), UK, during her
recent visit to Bahria
University Islamabad
Campus delivered a guest
lecture to the students of
MBA on 8th November
2013. Dr Christine Mortimer
is the Head of MA & MBA
Programme in the Business
School at YSJU. The lecture
was delivered on the topic
“Leadership Styles”.
Microwave Communications
at London Metropolitan
University, UK, visited Bahria
University on 5th December
2013. He was accompanied
by, Mr Tarik Molalign, Senior
Lecture at London Met. During
his visit he delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Waves That Have Revolutionized
Wireless Communications” for the Electrical Engineering students at Bahria University
Islamabad Campus.
Ms Rani Kaur, Lecturer at Northampton
Business School, visited Bahria University Islamabad on 2nd December
2013. During the visit she met the senior management of the University
for signing of MoU and also delivered a guest lecture for the students of
Bahria University Islamabad Campus. The lecture was on “Ethics &
Values in International Business”, which was attended by the MBA/BBA
students at Bahria University Islamabad Campus. Similar lecture was
repeated by her at Karachi for the benefit of students of Karachi
Campus on 9th December 2013.
universities from Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad will take
part. The winner team will win a trip to Malaysia to witness
the actual F1 Grand Prix.
On- Campus Activities by Zong
The Inter Departmental Sports Gala in BUI
Inter Departmental Sports Gala
Bahria University, with collaboration of Zong, planned a
three days promotional activity
on campus, from 12th till 16th
December 2013. The activities
included free sampling and
career counselling seminar for
students. The seminar focused on positive internet
usage, enhanced team building and team work skills
through positive social activities. Sixty students attended
the circle career seminar where they were all given free
SIMS, shirts, caps and mobile phones through lucky draw.
The main objective of the event was to build leadership
and entrepreneurial skills within our youth, by promoting
a better understanding of effective communication.
The Inter Departmental Sports Gala in BU Islamabad had
its opening ceremony on the 28th November 2013. It was
organized by the Bentham Society. Altogether 7
departments took part in the event which consisted of 5
sports each for male and female students except cricket
which was only for male students. Various departments
Rector BU awards a student with full
aced their opponents in different competitions but
Department of Management Sciences was declared as sponsorship of HNMUN Trip
A delegation of 3 students represented Bahria University
the winner for the winning in maximum sports.
Islamabad at GIKI Model United Nations 2013, which
took place from 6-8th December. The delegation
BU Participates in NAB's Speech Day on represented 'Russia' in the UNHRC committee. The
committee voted on the issue of “Use of chemical
Anti-Corruption Day
Bahria University Islamabad believes in participation in weapons in Syria & its consequences” and Malik M Alam
events that will prove to be beneficial to students and of BS Geology led the block against the western
the society as a whole. For this very purpose, on Anti- countries in the session. The resolution drafted by our
Corruption Day at Islamabad Club, Nadreen Khan (BBA) delegate was passed with overwhelming majority
spoke on “What role can the society play in curbing against the western resolution which won him the
corruption?" The solutions she provided were “Outstanding Diplomacy” Award of the MUN.
appreciated by the NAB officials, especially by Mr Brown Respected Rector BU announced a full sponsorship
(Representative from United Nations) who stated, "The worth PKR 245,000 for Mr Malik M Alam for his
fervour and passion Nadreen Khan showed while participation in Harvard National Model United Nations.
presenting her ideas were very encouraging for the This the first time a student has received complete
sponsorship. It is a great example and motivation for
other students in university to aim for sponsorships to
represent BUI in inter-university competitions.
Shell Helix University Drive
Rector Bahria University Islamabad
Vice Admiral (R) Shahid Iqbal
inaugurated the Shell Helix University
Drive on 4th December 2013. A total of
1688 students registered for the drive
which is the second highest
nationwide. Out of all these students,
186 lucky teams got a chance to drive
the three simulators put up in a red dome. The model of
Ferrari F1 used by Fernando Alonso in 2012 was put on
display inside the dome for the race lovers of BU. Team
V8 scored the best lap time nationwide on the simulator
which was 1 min 18 seconds. The Team V8 of BU qualified
for the National Competition of Shell Helix where
Field Visits to Oil and Gas Fields
The BU Islamabad Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences has professional affiliation with
various government and semi government
organizations in the energy sector. To achieve the
objectives of providing practical knowledge to our
graduates, trips to oil and gas fields were arranged by
the students' chapters of professional societies. The field
visits, guest lectures, seminars, and workshops arranged
during the fall semester were:
 Well Logging on 22nd October 2013
 Seismic Stratigraphy on 5th November 2013
 Petroleum Geology on 12th November 2013
Telecom Trends & Opportunities in the
Local Market – Guest Lecture
The Inter Departmental Sports Gala in BUI
A guest speaker session was organized by BU Islamabad
Campus Department of Electrical Engineering on
“Telecom Trends & Opportunities in the Local Market” on
26th November, 2013. The guest lecturer was Engr. Zahra
Zain, RF Consultant, Project Manager for Mobilink Mega
Swap. She has over 10 years' experience of “Telecom
Sector” with hands on experience of almost all telecom
Operators and Vendors in Pakistan. The lecture was
organized for the under-graduate students of Electrical
Engineering, to introduce them to the latest trend in
Telecom market and available job opportunities in the
IEEE Student Branch Activity
BU Islamabad Law Moot Court
Moot court competition is a method of teaching law
and legal skills to students in which they analyse and
argue both sides of a hypothetical legal issue. The larger
purpose is to teach students the practical side of
practicing law. Keeping in view this objective, Bahria
University Islamabad Campus, Law department held the
first Law Moot Court competition on 10th December,
2013. The Bentham society of BU organized this debating
event under the supervision of Ms Sabeen Arif khan. The
head of department appreciated the collective efforts
of all the participants and the faculty advisor. Students
argued the Riba Case of Supreme Court 2002, before a
highly qualified panel of judges; Mr Shafiqur-Rehman
Dubb, Mr Syed Amjad Mehmood, Mr Rai Aftab and an
esteemed faculty member of IIUI, Mr Attaullah. The
panel, judged the contestants on their knowledge and
understanding of facts and law. Two teams contested in
the competition. Team A first presented the petitioners'
side of the arguments while, Team B played the role of
the respondents. In the second round the teams
switched their respective places and thus presented
their arguments afresh. No proceedings of a court are
complete without a verdict. Team A (Aamir Bashir,
Khadija Khalid, Asad Abbas and Saad Akhter) took the
trophy home. Raja Asad Abbas of Team A won the
award for Best Researcher. Team B (Verdah Ateeq,
Maryam Khayam, Sadaat Rafiq and Sana Taha)
received the award for Best Memorial and Sana Taha
from Team B won the award for Best Speaker.
Future of the Tribal Areas of Pakistan –
Guest Speaker Session
On 27th November 2013, an eminent writer, journalist
and current affair program host, Mr Raza Rumi delivered
a talk on the constitutional future of the Tribal Areas of
Pakistan, for the students of Humanities & Social
Sciences Department. The lecture was attended by an
engrossed audience including faculty of the
department. The lecture was followed by an interesting
question and answer session.
The BU Islamabad Campus Department of Electrical
Engineering organized a workshop on how to write a
research paper on 28th November 2013. The session was
conducted by Dr Muaz Niazi. It provided a complete
guideline to students about research, writing research
papers, their publication and proceedings. It also
included a small exercise about how to brainstorm for
research. The highly interactive session proved to be a
great learning opportunity for both under-graduate and
post-graduate students.
Guest Speaker Session on “Marketing
Frauds – A Myth or Realty”
A seminar titled “Marketing Frauds – A Myth or Realty”
was organized by Ms Amna Yameen on 12th December
2013. Mr Ahmed Shaffi, Assistant Sales ManagerPackages Limited was the guest speaker. It was a casestudy based interactive session. One of the core
objectives of this seminar was to help the audience
understand the problems prevalent in Pakistan's
corporate sector. The guest speaker focused on
spreading awareness so that the people can
understand the issues impeding the progress of the
corporate world and how individual conscious
awareness about these issues can help increase the
responsiveness of the individuals in this society.
Industrial Visit to Atlas Honda Pakistan
The department of Management Sciences, Islamabad
Campus organized an industrial visit on 3rd December,
2013 to Atlas Honda Pakistan at Shiekhupura. A total of
40 students of BBA V accompanied by the faculty
member Mr Tanveer Taj visited the facilities and
witnessed the entire process of motorbikes production.
The plant engineers accompanied the students and
briefed them about the details of all the stages involved
in production process. The visit helped the students in
understanding various processes of assembly costing.
for display at the stalls. The Book Fair covered all major
like Social Sciences, Media Studies, Computer
The Department of Computer and Software
Management Sciences, Human Resources
engineering Islamabad Campus organized a series of
lectures followed by hands-on training sessions in
collaboration with Microsoft Pakistan. These mini
workshops, held on 29th November, 6th December and
13th December 2013, covered different features of
Windows App development. Around one hundred
participants attended these training sessions. The
Department plans to conduct these workshops on a
more regular basis so that the students are provided with
opportunity to improve their development skills.
Workshops by Microsoft Pakistan
Technical Workshop by CISCOM
CISCOM is a network solution provider and a renowned
training institute. Their Managing Director Mr Umar Gul
visited Bahria University Islamabad on 4th December,
2013. Mr Umar Gul is an experienced network solution
provider and corporate trainer/teacher with 10 years of
relevant experience who is directing and executing
crucial networking projects all over Pakistan and
abroad. CISCOM team conducted a technical
workshop for an audience of more than 70 students of
Engineering and Computer Sciences and addressed
their queries regarding Internet Protocol Version 4 and 6
(IPv4 and IPv6).
Rector BU and Pro-Rector BU at the Annual Book Fair
and Development Studies etc. It received an
overwhelming response from the staff and students. ProRector, Registrar and all Directors of Bahria University
were also present on this occasion.
Bahria University Islamabad Alumni
Dinner – 2013
Bahria University believes in a strong bond with its
students. The Islamabad Campus invited its Alumni on
the annual Alumni Dinner 2013. Around 1000 graduated
students from the disciplines of Management Sciences,
Bahria won HEC Inter University Table Engineering, Social Sciences, Computer Sciences and
Earth & Environmental Sciences were invited on this
Tennis Championship 2013 (Zone C)
Special guests from the corporate sector, the
Bahria University won the HEC Inter University Table Tennis
and faculty members graced the
Championship 2013 (Zone C), which was held at
of Bahria University, Vice Admiral (R)
International Islamic University Islamabad from 26th to
addressed the audience welcoming
28th November 2013.
the Alumni, and talked about new developments and
changes at the University. He encouraged the Alumni to
S e m i n a r o n “ 9 I n g r e d i e n t s o f a participate in the University growth and its development.
Successful Interview”
A seminar on “9 Ingredients of a Successful Interview”
was delivered by Director HR, Mr Sheraz Karim from SNL
Financial Pakistan on 2nd December, 2013 to an
audience of around 50 graduating students of Bahria
University Islamabad Campus. The session provided the
students with an opportunity to equip themselves with
the right aptitude and attitude towards professional
Annual Book Fair 2013
In order to promote the culture of reading and research,
the 3rd Annual Book Fair was organized by Bahria
University Islamabad on 11th and 12th December, 2013
at the University premises. The event was inaugurated by
the Honourable Rector of Bahria University, Vice Admiral
(Retired) Shahid Iqbal HI (M). This event was one of the
biggest book fairs ever held because 21 renowned
book sellers/vendors and publishers had come together
Rector BU presenting a souvenir at the Alumni Dinner 2013
The programme included a musical performance of
LAHU band. The event was a grand re-union as the
former graduates met with their batch mates and
faculty members.
Qoum Ka Sense, program hosted by DAWN TV Channel in Bahria University Karachi Campus
Organizing team of Bahria's Got Talent
Blood Donation Camp at Bahria University Islamabad
Qoum Ka Sense, program hosted by DAWN TV Channel
in Bahria University Karachi Campus
Rector BU, DG BUKC, Director BUKC with the students snapped after the inauguration of sports week
Inauguration Ceremony of Microsoft National Accountability Bureau Seminar
Innovation Center
on International Anti-Corruption Day
The Inauguration Ceremony of
Microsoft Innovation Center at BU
Karachi Campus, was held at Bahria
University, Karachi Campus on 28th December 2013.
Executive Director, Higher Education Commission, Dr.
Mukhtar Ahmed graced the occasion as the Chief
Guest. Vice Admiral (Retd) Shahid Iqbal (HI) M, Rector
Bahria University and senior Bahria University dignitaries
and industry academia representatives attended the
program. The center has been established to enable
students of Bahria University to become aware of the
latest technologies and develop an innovative spirit.
Allied Bank General Purpose Computer
On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day,
National Accountability Bureau Sindh region arranged a
seminar at BUKC on 09 December 2013. Director
General NAB-SINDH, Mr. Wajid Ali Khan was the Chief
Guest. Various speakers from NAB and BUKC addressed
the students in a drive to “Eliminate Corruption through a
Comprehensive Approach Encompassing Prevention,
Awareness, Monitoring and Combating”.
HR Globe Seminar
The collaboration between the industry-academia and
the overall state of sustainable-linkages has remained a
big challenge for all stakeholders. Industries complain
A General Purpose Computer Lab with a
facility of 20 x workstations has been
established at BU Karachi Campus. The
computers for the lab have been
donated by Allied Bank of Pakistan
Rector BU and senior dignitaries of BU at the HR Globe Seminar
Viftech On-Campus Interviews
Manager Programs Qurat-ul-ain Arif and Mr Farhan
Sohail faculty member MS Department invited Head of
Department Viftech Mr Zeeshan Qedwaee and
Executive Director Business Development Mr M Faheem
Shaikh, to Bahria University Karachi Campus on
23rd December 2013. They conducted on campus
interviews for placement of Bahria University students.
that curricular and academic approaches, mostly, do
not match their needs, nor do they encourage students
to acquire generic skills. Therefore, to fill this industryacademia gap, Student Resource Centre hosted “HR
Globe Seminar” on 20th November 2013. Vice Admiral
(R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M), Rector Bahria University, was the
Chief Guest on the occasion. Qutub Ahmed, CEO ALIntisar Pvt Ltd, Nadeem Hussain, CEO Tameer Bank and
Shadab Fareeduddin, CEO Four Corners Group were
the guest speakers. They described what Industries
desire from the academic institutions and they
highlighted the main marketing trends for the benefit of
the audience, which included a large number of
NAB Seminar
Drill Your Skills
National Accountability Bureau Director General Mr
Wajid Ali Khan visited BU Karachi on 9 December 2013 to
address the students on the topic “Eliminate Corruption
through a Comprehensive Approach Encompassing
Prevention, Awareness, Monitoring and Combating”. In
this event Mr Amir Sultan Assistant Professor BU Karachi
Campus also addressed the audience.
Drill your skills session was conducted by Ms. Sidra Iqbal, a
renowned media celebrity, on 11 December 2013. A
presentation was given on how to communicate and
brand yourself. The purpose of the session was to
educate students on enhancing their soft skills. Students
from all departments participated.
Teach for Pakistan
Teach for Pakistan organization visited BU Karachi
Campus on 4 December 2013 for recruitment of the
students. Ms. Anum Iqbal Recruitment & Selection
Coordinator visited Bahria for conducting awareness
session about Teach for Pakistan and they also hired
MBA, BBA graduates for their teaching programs.
Attributes & Attitude of a Trainer and
A workshop & training development session on
“Attributes & Attitude of a Trainer and Training” was
conducted by Management Sciences Department on
13 December 2013. Mr. Aftab Changi and Mr. Zain
Goplani were the guest speakers of the session. The
purpose of the session was to orient students about
concept of professional training skills & techniques.
highlighting their achievements. The Alumni also shared
their memorable moments spent in Bahria University and
encouraged the students to enrich their skills along with
In order to groom the students of Bahria University studies to increase the opportunities of a better future.
professionally; Head of Department, Management
Sciences, Dr. Farooq-e-Azam Cheema and Assistant
Director Student Affairs, Mr. Raza Abbas conceptualized Pakistani Scholar Represents at UNESCO
various employability skills workshops for students of all Inaugural Counseling Conference
disciplines of Bahria University Karachi Campus UNESCOs inaugural conference on Lifelong Guidance
comprising of the following topics: resume writing, job and Counseling was held at the historic and
corporate temperament & stress
management, job search techniques, corporate
communication, social etiquette & dress for success
and interpersonal & networking skills. The 1st workshop
was held on 09 December, 2013 at Bahria University
Karachi Campus, Auditorium. Ms. Corina R Sanders
representative of the Public Affairs Department, US
Consulate, Karachi was the Keynote Speaker for the
workshop series. She led an interactive workshop on how
to write an effective resume. Students thoroughly
enjoyed the session and it helped students in their job
placement process. Director General Bahria University
Karachi Campus, Vice Admiral-Khalid Amin (HI) M
graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Employability Skills Workshops for
Participants of the Conference
Marketing in Economic DownturnGuest Speaker Session
A guest speaker session was held on 3rd December 2013,
on “Marketing in Economic Downturn”. Mr. Ahsan Afzal,
Director Ice-cream Engro Foods was the guest speaker
of the session. Purpose of the event was to interact with
all discipline students to make them aware about
current trends of the market leadership, number of
shares of Engro food division in the market and the
changing trends of buying behavior of the customers.
internationally renowned University of Wroclaw, Poland
from 26-27 November 2013. The theme of the
conference was Career guidance, counseling and
dialogue for a sustainable human development. Mr.
Raza Abbas, Pioneer of Professional Career Counseling
and Guidance and Assistant Director Student Affairs,
Bahria University, Karachi Campus was invited to speak
at the Symposium. Bahria University was only university
from Asia to participate in this prestigious conference.
Convocation Dinner
Hi-Tea with Alumni at Bahria University
A convocation dinner followed by Bahria Talent Show
and Ghazal night was held at BU Karachi Campus
auditorium on 22 December 2013. Honorable Rector
Lahore Campus arranged a Hi-tea with Alumni of Bahria Bahria University Vice Admiral (R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M)
embellished the event with his presence. Several senior
dignitaries of Pakistan Navy were also present. Faculty
members, BU officers and students enjoyed the drama
skits and musical performances. Rabia Sehr sang
renowned ghazals for the distinguished audience.
Hi-Tea with Alumni at Bahria University Lahore
University on 20th December 2013. The existing students
acknowledged their graduate counterparts with their
welcome speeches. After the speech session Director
Campus Commodore (R) M. Amjad Zaman gave his
closing remarks and presented gifts to the alumni
Blast from the Past –
Students of BS-2 IPP organised an event based on the
history of psychology under the supervision of Miss
Nirmal Niazi, on 16th November 2013. The event
showcased different experiments used in the past to
find out about the human behaviour. The audience
thoroughly enjoyed the event with its various interesting
1st PhD Completed in Clinical
During the 10th Convocation, IPP was proud to present
its PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology – Dr Rizwana
Ameen, beside the Bachelors' graduates. Six
candidates of M Phil (Masters in Philosophy) – 2 in
Organizational Psychology, 3 in Clinical Psychology and
1 in Educational Psychology also graduated in the 10th
convocation of Bahria University Karachi Campus 2013.
Research Corner – Papers Contributed
by IPP
A paper entitled “Urban Residents' Life Satisfaction after
Migration to A Metropolitan City; A Comparison of the
Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction in Delhi and
Karachi” by Miss Kiran Bashir Ahmed was published in
THAAP Journal – Life in Small Towns 2013.
The research paper “Relationship Between Perceived
Organizational Justice And Commitment Among
Managers In Electronic Media: Case Study of a Private
Television Network in Pakistan” by Halima Ghani, Dr
Zainab F. Zadeh and Dr Zahid Mahmood has received
“Best Paper Award” in the 2nd International
Conference of Emerging Research Paradigms in
Business and Social Sciences (ERPBSS) held in Dubai
from 26-28 November 2013
Young Entrepreneur of Bahria
Sarwat Samson, a student of BBA final semester was a
very shy and introvert girl in her first year. Due to her
depression caused by personal issues she did not
perform well in her studies. However, with the support
and guidance of faculty members she overcame her
trauma. Then, with a sense of adventure & calculated
risk she launched a unique product meant to impede
hair loss. The product did not have a very prolific market
at first but her effective marketing skills and wise
decisions increased sales remarkably. Her
achievement not only gave her sense of pride but also
the honour of being an entrepreneur. As a token of
appreciation, the former Director BUKC Commodore
Mazhar Iqbal Choudhry awarded her with a souvenir.
Her dream of success was not possible without the
Seminar on Transactional Analysis
A seminar on Transactional Analysis was conducted by motivation, moral support & affectionate cooperation
Dr Tahira Yousuf along with guest speaker Miss Aaliya of Commodore Mazhar Iqbal Choudhry, Mr. Ather Q.
Naqvi on 9th November 2013 in IPP for the students of Qureshi, Mr. Shoaib Waseem, Dr. Ambreen Ansari & her
BS-7 for their course counselling.
affectionate family members.
National Centre for Maritime and Policy Research
Guest Lecture on Introduction to Bahria University and PIFFA sign an MoU
International Law and Law of the Sea
Bahria University signed an MoU with PIFFA for
Convention 1982
educational cooperation leading to conduct FIATA
Commander Nawaz Mirza delivered a
lecture on the topic of 'Introduction to
International Law And Law Of The Sea
Convention 1982' at NCMPR, Bahria
University, Karachi Campus on 28th
December 2013. The lecture was attended
by the PGD and EMBA (Logistics & Port
Management) students. It covered all the aspects of
international Law and UNCLOS convention 1982. The
insightful talk and the question answer session was a
good learning experience for the students.
higher diploma in Supply Chain Management at Bahria
facilities. The Memorandum of Association was signed
between chairman PIFFA Abdul Majeed Paracha and
Rector BU V/Adm (R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M) in a beffiting
ceremony on 20th November 2013. Rector BU
welcomed PIFFA initiatives and assured complete
support and assistance from Bahria University. Referring
to growing trade opportunities as enumerated by
Chairman PIFFA, he noted with satisfaction the
opportune timing of the mutual cooperation to
commence and focus on demand-oriented studies for
the youngsters.
Bahria University holds 10th Convocation
The Tenth Convocation of the Bahria University Islamabad Campus was
held on 23rd November 2013 at the Jinnah Convention Centre Islamabad.
Pro-Chancellor of Bahria University and Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral
Mohammad Asif Sandila NI(M) graced the occasion with his presence to
commemorate the academic accomplishments of its students. Students
were also honoured with gold medals and Silver medals for their
outstanding achievements.
In total 965 students were awarded degrees out of which 22 Gold medals
and 17 Silver medals were awarded to various students from each
discipline to acknowledge their outstanding performance.
While speaking to the students on the occasion, Chief of the Naval Staff
Admiral Mohammad Asif Sandila NI(M) congratulated the students and
their parents on their splendid success and said that `it is a matter of great
satisfaction and encouragement for all of us that university is effectively contributing in building up human resource
of the country`. He also shed light on the important role of faculty of the university which has to be conscious of the
fact that they are preparing our youth who are required to steer this nation out of the present crises which is multifaceted and complex.
The Pro-Chancellor congratulated Rector Vice Admiral (R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M) and assured fullest cooperation and
support for the development of the University. He said that the accelerated pace of development which the
university management has embarked upon would soon make Bahria University one of the leading universities.
Vice Admiral (R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M) expressed his gratitude to the Pro-Chancellor Bahria University Chief of the
Naval Staff for his presence in the convocation. The Rector congratulated the students and their parents, and
wished them a prosperous future. He also congratulated the students honoured with gold medals and silver medals
for their dedication and outstanding achievements in their academic career.
Bahria University holds 10th Convocation
Bahria University Karachi Campus hosted its 10th Convocation on
22nd December 2013. Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Mr Yaseen
Anwar graced the occasion and conferred degrees to 600
graduating students of Masters and Bachelors programs who
completed their studies in 2012.
15 Gold medals and 10 Silver medals were awarded to various
students, who achieved top positions in their respective
departments. Fatima Yaseen Ali, Syed Mudassir Imam, Farah
Ameer, Sobia Muhammad Saleem, Semra Ayub, Anum Nadeem
of Management Sciences Department, Gulnaz Ahmad and
Rector BU presenting a souvenir to Governor SBP
Naveed Jamil of Computer Sciences, Gullain Nisar, Mavia Umar
in presence of DG BUKC
Ansari of Humanities & Social Sciences, Sarfaraz Ahmed and
Quratulain Zahoor of Electrical Engineering, Fatima Tuzzehra,
Mariam Motiwala of Psychology Department, Department and Syeda Samra Abidi of Earth & Environmental
Sciences Department, received Gold medals.
While speaking to the students at the occasion, Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Mr Yaseen Anwar said that 'the
role of Universities and Institutions has gained significant importance to help impart the requisite education and
fostering competencies to make them better and productive citizen of Pakistan'. He said that new endeavours
undertaken by the management of Bahria University with commitment and determination will yield the best results
for all the stakeholders and will definitely provide competitive edge to Bahria University to become the leading
University of the country.
Earlier in his welcome address, Vice Admiral (R) Shahid Iqbal HI (M) said that Higher Education is now considered
and accepted as a tool of economic growth the world over. The universities have a great responsibility in
producing quality graduates who can contribute positively in various fields for economic growth of the country.
Governor SBP, Rector BU, Registrar,DG BUKC, Director BUKC, Director IPP and other senior management with the medal winners
BUM & DC at 1st National Conference
on Primary Dental Health - 2013
1st National Conference on Primary Dental Health was
held on 26th & 27th October 2013 at Dow International
were provided goat's head to perform gingivectomy.
Gingivectomy is a gum disease treatment used to
remove diseased gum tissue.
School Dental Health Program at Bahria
Model School
Dental Section of BUM&DC has always given keen
importance to community services. In this regard,
School Dental Health Program was conducted at
Bahria Model School, Sabir SRE. The Department of
Community & Preventive Dentistry, under the
Ojha Campus. The conference was organized by
Pakistan Dental Association in collaboration with Dow
University of Heath Sciences. Dr Kulsoom Fatima Rizvi,
head of Community & Preventive Dentistry
Department, Dental Section, BUM&DC presented a
paper on the topic of 'Importance of Clinical
Governance in Dentistry' in the scientific session. While
students of first BDS, Batch 2012-2016, participated in
table clinics competition. Two groups gave
presentations on the topics 'The Fluoride Therapy' &
'Effect of Periodontal Diseases on Systemic Disease.’
Workshop on Lasers in Dentistry at
Dental Section-BUM&DC
Dental Section in collaboration with Pathodont
organized hands on workshop titled 'Lasers in Dentistry:
Mere Hype or New Hope.' Pathodont is the Pakistan's
first oral diagnostic laboratory and pioneering dental
supervision of Dr Kulsoom Fatima Rizvi (HOD), assisted by
Dr Sana, Dr Sehrish & Dr Umer Moosani lecturers at
Dental Section BUM&DC were part of the organizing
team. The purpose of the trip was to educate the school
students about the importance of healthy dental habits
in their daily routine. A presentation with attractive
animated slides was shown to students which
emphasized on proper brushing techniques and
healthy eating habits. Demonstration of brushing teeth
on models was also given. In the end, students coloured
educational pamphlets illustrating the message of
proper brushing technique. Oral Health Check-up was
also carried out by the doctors and students were
selected for the award of best smile.
Induction of BDS Second Batch 20132017
laser centre. The workshop was facilitated by Dr Joharia
Azhar Sadaat, Associate Professor & Head of Oral
Pathology Department at AIMC. There were 15
participants from different dental colleges. A hands-on
session was followed by lecture, where participants
Day One for the second batch of BDS, Dental Section,
and BUM&DC was celebrated on 07th December 2013.
Vice Admiral Khalid Amin HI (M) graced this landmark
occasion as Honourable Chief Guest. The inaugural
session was attended by Bahria University dignitaries,
Faculty Members of BUM&DC & PNS Shifa, Parents and
students. Principal, Dental Section Prof Dr Nasreen
Amanat acknowledged the efforts of the entire team of
BUM&DC in her welcome address and congratulated
the students for securing admission in this prestigious
institute. The Chief Guest shared a few words of wisdom
with the audience and wished success to the students in
their future endeavours.
Signs of Life- Anti Polio Campaign
The 'Signs of Life' - a Polio Campaign, was organized by ITP in collaboration
with WHO, and UNICEF was conducted in the Twin Cities from 25th – 27th
November, 2013. BU Islamabad assisted the campaign as a part of their
community support program. The students took part in the campaign very
enthusiastically and worked dedicatedly.
ITP also conducted a hand on workshop for the BU Islamabad students on 21st
November, 2013 to guide them on how to communicate with people to
negate the false perception of polio vaccines. Along with anti-polio
campaign; ITP, National Highway, and Motorway Police were also very keen
on spreading awareness about the driving safety and ethics on road.
Therefore, another batch of BUI students volunteered for guiding people on
this subject. The Campus administration also visited students on check points
and encouraged them for their efforts.
Girls' Orphanage
Green Volunteer of BU
Pink Ribbon-Breast
Cancer Awareness
Bahria University Islamabad with the alliance of
Tahir Welfare Trust started a project for the help of
orphan girls in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. A batch
of 80 students of BBA Management Sciences and
around 50 students from Social Sciences visit the
orphanage every week. Students participate in
various activities like cleanliness and hygiene
projects, teaching, conducting musical sessions,
etc. They also help girls with their school work and
preparation for exams.
In extension to the
P i n k R i b b o n
campaign in
October, BU
I s l a m a b a d
arranged a seminar
Sania Saeed
i n u n i v e r s i t y i n delivering a lecture
partnership with
Shaukat Khanam Memorial
Hospital on 8th November, 2013.
Dr Shumaila Shabbir and Sania
Saeed came as guest speakers
who spoke on the preventive
measures of Breast Cancer such as
self-examination and in time
Students of BU at Girls Orphanage
treatment. The students of Bahria
University Islamabad Campus
have also worked as volunteers for Green Volunteers
SKMH in the Pink Ribbon Breast “Green volunteers” is a non-governmental
organization which is mainly working on providing
Cancer Awareness Campaign.
relief to hazard struck areas and SOS villages.
Bahria Voices against Bahria University Islamabad has coordinated with
them in their good cause. Students work with them
Child Sexual Abuse
their anti-wall chalking, anti-littering, educating
Rozan is an active member of BU
children and celebrating festive season
Community Support Program. This
The MoU signed between Green
time Rozan is working on a project
Bahria University Islamabad has
of child sexual abuse. The project
aims to raise voices against rising opened a new gateway to bring positive and
child abuse cases. Students are constructive change in our society. BSS and BBA
given special training on how to students of BUI worked with Green Volunteers to
interact with people when dealing celebrate Iqbal day with children at SOS village
with such sensitive topics. Rozan and Edhi Homes. Similarly, they also celebrated
has offered cash prizes for 40 most Quaid's Birthday with children from SOS Village,
a c t i v e s t u d e n t s w i t h m o r e Edhi Homes, Lettuce bee Kids and Children's
p r o d u c t i v e o u t p u t a s a n Planet. The event was organized in sector H-8 on
25th December.
B a h r i a
Islamabad, an
Friendly Campus
Bahria University's
Community Support
Program with WWF is
being conducted in
collaboration with the
E a r t h
a n d
Environmental Sciences
Department. After
several interactive
sessions between
students and WWF
team, Bahria University
Islamabad Campus has
been declared “An
Environment Friendly
Campus.” In this regard,
various environment
friendly campaigns will
be organized. The
activities include AntiPollution campaign,
Anti-littering campaign
and Dustbins Installation
campaign. This positive
initiative of students for
s p r e a d i n g t h e
awareness about
betterment of our
environment and
society is laudable.
Students of Earth and
Environmental Sciences
have surely brought
honour to the University
and their Department.
Committed to Excellence in Higher Education
Bahria University Girls Hostel
On Campus Female Students' Accommodation
Bahria University now boasts state of the art hostel
facility for its female students. This new facility will
enable admission of females from outside Islamabad
leading to enhancement of Bahria University s footprint.
Bahria University Islamabad
Campus proudly announces the
launch of a purpose-built hostel
facility exclusively for girls
Facilities O ered
Spacious Rooms
Common Room
Support Sta
Dining Area
Laundry Services
WiFi Facility
Kitchen / Kitchenette
Resident s Assistant
Medical Assistance
Gymnasium &
Golf Club Facility
The hostel a ords comfortable, healthy and congenial learning
environment for quality teaching in sync with BU s mission.
within the
University Premisis
Shangrila Road, Sector E-8, Islamabad - Pakistan
UAN: 0092-51-111-111-028, Direct: 051-9243598, Fax: 051-9260889 |
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