FEC 14-175 Kyle Alexander Bedran
FEC 14-175 Kyle Alexander Bedran
STATE OF FLORIJ)A FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION In Re: Kyle Alexander Bedran TO: Kyle Alexande1 Bed1an 1661 Riverside Avenue, Unit 412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Case NQ.: FEC 14-175 Division of Elections 500 S B1onough St1eet, Room 316 Tallahassee, FL 32399 NOTICE OF HEARING (INFORMAL HEARING) A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on May 20, 2015, at 8:30 am, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Department of Bnsiness and Professional Regnlation, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee FL 32399. Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 10625, Florida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows: If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your · · · · eeommeflclatieas fer Re prebabl~--+ cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard --""ease to the Connnission. Ilovveve1, If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard . If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission. Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing. If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing See further instructions on the reverse side }I.my :MCJ(fter;er'l'oman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission May 5, 2015 NOH FEC#I4-!75 Please refor to the information below for further instructions related to your particular hearing: If this is a hearing to consider an appeal from an automatic fine, the Filing Officer has imposed a fine on you for your failure to file a caI11paign treasurer's report on the designated due date aJJd, by filing aJJ appeal, you have asked the Commission to consider either (1) that the report was in fact timely filed; or (2) that there were unusual circumstaJJces that excused the failure to file the report timely You are required to prove yow case If the Commission finds that the report was filed timely or that there were unusual circumstaJJces that excused the failwe, it may waive the fine, in whole or in part The Commission may reduce a fine after considering the factors in Section 106.265, Florida Statutes.. If the Commission finds that the report was not timely filed and there were no unusual circumstaJJces, the fine will be upheld If this is a hearing to consider a consent order before a deter·mination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or r"ject the consent order.. If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed aJJd become public. If the Commission rejects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the case will remain confidential, unless confidentiality has been waived . If this is a hearing to consider a consent order after a determination of probable cause has been made, the Commission will decide whether to accept or reject the consent order If the Commission accepts the consent order, the case will be closed.. If the Commission r"jects the consent order or does not make a decision to accept or deny the consent order, the Respondent will be entitled to another heaiing to determine if the Respondent eonunitted-the-violatto·nf!>J-a~geet.-------------------------jIf this is a probable cause hearing, the Commission will decide if there is probable cause to believe that the Respondent committed a violation of Florida's election laws.. Respondent should be prepaied to explain how the staff in its recommendation inconectly applied the law to the facts of the case . Respondent may not testify, call others to testify, or introduce any documentary or other evidence at the probable cause hearing The Commission will only decide whether Respondent should be charged with a violation and, before the Commission determines whether a violation has occuned or a fine should be imposed, Respondent will have an opportunity for another heaiing at which evidence may be introduced If this is aJJ informal hearing, it will be conducted pwsuaJJt Sections 120569 and 120 57(2), Florida Statutes; Chapter 28 aJJd Commission Rule 2B-L004, Florida Administrative Code.. At the heaiing, the Commission will decide whether the Respondent committed the violation(s) charged in the Order of Prnbable Cause The Respondent will be permitted to testify However the Respondent may not call witnesses to testify Respondent may argue why the established facts in the Staff Recommendation do not suppmt the violations chaiged in the Order of Probable Cause At Respondent's request, the Commission may determine whether Respondent's actions in the case were willful The Respondent may also address the appropriateness of the recommended fine If Respondent claims that his limited resomces make him unable to pay the statutory fine, he must provide the Commission with written proof of his financial resources at the hearing A financial affidavit form is available from the Commission Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION In Re: Kyle Alexander· Bedrnn Case No.: FEC 14-175 MOTION TO DISMISS COMES NOW, Petitioner, FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION (''Commission") by and tluough undersigned counsel, and files this Motion to Dismiss and in support thereof states the following: 1 On Febmary 25, 2015, the Commission found probable cause that Respondent violated Section 106 . 0703(6), Florida Statutes, on two occasions 2 Under Section 106..0703(6), Florida Statutes, the treasurer of an electioneering communications organization is requited to file a written report with the filing officer by the prescribed reporting date that no reportable contributions or expenditures were made during the reporting period . 3.. Respondent violated Section 106 . 0703(6), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely file written reports of the electioneering communications organization's lack of activity du1ing the 2014 M2 and M3 reporting periods 4 Pursuant to Section I 06 . 0703(7)(b ), Florida Statutes, jurisdiction over late filed reports lies with the filing office1 fo1 the imposition of fines as set forth in the fine schedule for the late-filing of1eports by an electioneering communications organization 5 Therefore, it appears that the Commission does not have jurisdiction over this matter WHEREFORE, based upon the fo1egoing, the undersigned counsel requests this matter be dismissed Mot006 (9/05) / I. Respectfully submitted on A~t"' \ ~I 1-0 IS' by: stfjjctb~g~ Fla. Bar No . : 71389 Assistant General Counsel Florida Elections Commission I 07 W Gaines Street Collins Building, Suite 224 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Phone Number: (850) 922-4539 Fax Number: (850) 921-0783 Stephanie .Cunningham@myfloridalegal com; FEC@myfloridalegaL com Copies fi.irnished to: Stephanie L Cunningham, Assistant General Counsel Kyle Alexander Bedran, Respondent Division of Elections, Complainant Mot006 (9/05) ( FILED 15 MAR 20 AH 3: 5~ ST/lJE Of FLORlOA STATE OF FLORII-Ji\:ECT!ONS COMMISSION FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION Florida Elections Commission, Petitioner, Case No.: FEC 14-175 v. Kyle Alexander' Bedran, Respondent. ORDER OF PROBABLE CAUSE THIS MATTER was heard by the Florida Elections Commission (Commission) at its regularly scheduled meeting on February 25, 2015, in Tallahassee, Florida Based on the Complaint, Report of Investigation, Staffs Recommendation, and oral statements (if any) made at the probable cause hearing, the Commission finds that there is probable cause to charge Respondent with the following violation(s): Count 1: On or about March 10, 2014, Kyle Alexander Bedran violated Section 106 0703(6), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely notify the filing officer in writing on the prescribed reporting date that he would not be filing Florida Citizens for Smart Justice's 2014 M2 Report, Count 2: On or about April 10, 2014, Kyle Alexander Bedran violated Section 106,0703(6), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely notify the filing officer in writing on the prescribed reporting date that he would not be filing Florida Citizens for Smart Justice's 2014 M3 Report P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07/14) f'ECCase# 14-175 / I DONE AND ORDERED by the F101ida Elections Commission on Febmary 25, 2015 Copies fornished to: Stephanie J Culllingham, Assistant General Counsel Kyle Alexander Bedian, Respondent Division of Elections, Complainant N()TTCEOFRIGHT TOAHEARING As the Respondent, you may elect to resolve this case in several ways . First, you may elect to resolve this case by consent Older where you and Commission staff agree to resolve the violation(s)s and agree to the amount of the fine The consent order is then presented to the Commission for its approval To discuss a consent order, contact the FEC attorney identified in the Order of Prnbable Cause Second, you may request an informal hearing held before the Commission, if you do not dispute any material fact in the Staff Recommendation You have 30 days from the date the Order of Prnbable Cause is filed with the Commission to request such a hearing The date this order was filed appears in the upper right-hand corne1 of the first page of the order. At the hearing, you will have the right to make written or oral arguments to the Commission concerning the legal issues related to the violation(s) and the potential fine At the request of Respondent, the Commission will considet and determine willfolness at an infotmal hearing.. Otherwise, live witness testimony is unnecessary. Third, you may request a formal hearing held before an administrative law judge in the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), if you dispute any material fact in the Staff Recommendation. You have 30 days from the date the Order of Probable Cause is filed with the Commission to request such a hearing. The date this ordet was filed appears in the upper righthand comer of the first page of the or det At the heating, you will have the tight to present evidence televant to the violation(s) listed in this otder, to crnss-examine opposing witnesses, to impeach any witness, and to rebut the evidence presented against you If you do not elect to resolve the case by consent order ot request a formal hearing at the DOAH or an informal hearing before the Commission within 30 days of the date this Order of Probable Cause is filed with the Commission, the case will be sent to the Commission for a fotmal ot infotmal hearing, depending on whether the facts are in dispute.. The date this ordet was filed appears in the upper right-hand comet of the first page of the order. Io request a hearing, please send a written request to the Commission Clerk, Donna Ann P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07 /14) FECCase# 14·175 I ( Malphurs. The address of the Commission Clerk is 107 W . Gaines Street, Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 The telephone number is (850) 922-4539. The Clerk will provide you with a copy of Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and other applicable rules upon request No mediation is available P:/Order of Probable Cause docx (07/14) FECCase# 14-175 STATE OF FLORIDA " FLORIDA ELECIIONS COMMISSION In Re: Kyle Alexander Bedran TO: Kyle Alexander Bedian 1661 Riverside Avenue, Unit 412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Case No.: FEC 14-175 Division of Elections 500 S Bronough Street, Room 316 I allahassee, FL 32399 NOTICE OF HEARING (PROBABLE CAUSE DETERMINATION) A hearing will be held in this case before the Florida Elections Commission on February 25, 2015, at 8:30 am, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, at the following location: Senate Office Building, Room 110-S, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL .32399. Failure to appear in accordance with this notice will constitute a waiver of your right to participate in the hearing Continuances will be granted only upon a showing of good cause This hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106 25, Flolida Statutes, which governs your participation as follows: If you are the Respondent, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission However, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, unless you request to be heard or the Commission requests that your case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, your case will not be individually heard If you are the Complainant, you may attend the hearing, but you will not be permitted to address the Commission In addition, some cases (including those in which consent orders or recommendations for no probable cause are being considered) may be decided by an en masse vote and, urvless the Respondent requests to be heard or the Commission requests that the case be considered separately on the day of the hearing, the case will not be individually heard. If you are an Appellant, and you have requested a hearing, you may attend the hearing, and you or your attorney will have 5 minutes to present your case to the Commission Please be advised that both confidential and public cases are scheduled to be heard by the Florida Elections Commission on this date As an Appellant, Respondent or Complainant in one case, you will not be permitted to attend the hearings on other confidential cases The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Ann Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at I 07 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 5 days before the hearing. See further instructions on the reverse side (!nry :MCJ(eever 'l'oman Executive Director Florida Elections Commission February 9, 2015 NOH fEC #14-r7S (_ STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION In Re: Kyle Alexander Bedrnn Case No,: FEC 14-175 STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOLLOWING INVESTIGATION Pursuant to Section 10625(4)(c), Florida Statutes, undersigned staff counsel files this written recommendation fo1 disposition of the refoIIal in this case recommending that there is probable cause to chaige Respondent with violating Section 106.0703(6), Florida Statutes, and that there is no probable cause to chaige Respondent with violating Sections 106.19(1)(c), and 106.070.3(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Based upon a thorough 1eview of the Report oflnvestigation submitted on December 4, 2014, the following facts and law support this staff recommendation: On July 10, 2014, the Flolida Elections Commission ("Commission") received a 1eferral from the Department of State, Division of Elections ("Division"), alleging that Kyle Alexande1 Bed1an, t1easure1 for Florida Citizens for Sma1t Justice ("Respondent") violated Chapter 106, Flo1ida Statutes 2 Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electionee1ing communications organization ("ECO"), filed its Statement of Organization form ("DS-DE I 03") on June 7, 2012, appointing Respondent as its treasurer.. (ROI Exhibit 1, page 2) 1 3. By Jetter dated Septembe1 23, 2014, the Executive Di1ecto1 notified Respondent that Commission staff would investigate the following statutory p1ovisions: Section 106.0703(6), Florida Statutes: As alleged in the complaint, Respondent, Kyle Alexande1 Bed1an, is the l!easure1 for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electioneering communications 01ganization (ECO) registered with the Division of Elections Respondent failed to timely notify the filing office1 in writing that the ECO had no reportable activity and, therefore, would not be filing a repo1t on the prescribed repo1ting date fo1 each of the following repo1ting pe1iods: • • 2014 M2 2014 M3 Section 106.19(l)(c), Florida Statutes: As alleged in the complaint, Respondent, Kyle Alexander Bedrnn, is the treasurer fo1 Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electionee1ing communications organization (ECO) registered with the Division of Elections Respondent falsely reported 01 deliberntely failed to include information required by Chapter 106, Florida 1 The Report of Investigation is referred to herein as "ROI" Staff Recommendation FEC 14-175 ( Statutes, when he failed to file a report on the prescribed reporting date for each of the following repo1ting periods: • • 2014 M2 2014 M3 Section 106.0703(l)(a), Florida Statutes: As alleged in the complaint, Respondent, Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electioneeiing communications organization (ECO), failed to timely file the campaign treasurer's report[s] with the Division of Elections that were due on March I 0, 2014 (M2) and April I 0, 2014 (M3) • • 2014 M2 2014 M3 4.. By lette1 dated June 15, 2012, Kristi Reid B1onson, Chief; Bmeau of Election Reco1ds, sent Respondent a letter acknowledging that the Division had received the ECO's Application fo1 Ce1tification and that the ECO was placed on the list of active electionee1ing communications organizations . (ROI Exhibit 2, page I) 5.. The acknowledgment lette1 advised Respondent that all ECOs filing 1epo1ts with the Division are requiied to use the electronic filing system ("EFS"), and p1ovided Respondent with a use1 identification numbe1 and initial passwmd to grant access to the EFS . (ROI Exhibit 2, page 1) The letter fmther advised Respondent that all of the Division's publications and 1ep01ting forms were available on its website and directed Respondent to piint out the 2012 Calendar of Reporting Dates as well as other 1elevant documents. (ROI Exhibit 2, page 3) 6 The ECO's 2014 M2 Report was due to be filed by March 10, 2014; however, Respondent failed to timely file the repo1t or notify the filing officer that no repo1t would be filed (ROI Exhibit 10) By letters dated March 11, 2014, March 24, 2014, and April 11, 2014, the Division notified Respondent that the ECO's 2014 M2 Repo1t had not been 1eceived . (ROI Exhibits 4 & 5) The April 11, 2014 letterwas confirmed delive1ed. (ROI Exhibit 5, page 2) 7 The ECO's 2014 M3 Repmt was due to be filed by April 10, 2014; however, Respondent failed to timely file the report or notify the filing officer that no 1ep01t would be filed. (ROI Exhibit 10) By letters dated Ap1il 11, 2014, April 25, 2014, and May 8, 2014, the Division notified Respondent that the ECO's 2014 M3 Report had not been received (ROI Exhibits 6 & 7) The May 8, 2014 letter was confirmed delivered (ROI Exhibit 7, page 2) 8 A subpoena was issued to the ECO's designated depository to ascertain whethe1 any financial activity occurred during the relevant coveiage periods. The ECO's most recent bank statement dated Novembe1 I, 2012 th10ugh Novembe1 30, 2012, shows a credit for a monthly service charge and a ze10 balance (ROI Exhibit 8, page 2) As it appears that the ECO had no financial activity during the relevant coveiage periods, Respondent was 1equired to notify the filing officer in writing that he would not be filing the ECO's 2014 M2 and M3 1eports on the Staff Recommendation FEC !4wl7S 2 ( p1esc1ibed repo1ting dates, but failed to do so (ROI Exhibit 8) The1ewith, it does not appear that Respondent falsely repo1ted or deliberately failed to include info1mation in the ECO's 2014 M2 and M3 repo1ts nor did he fail to timely file the repo1ts as the repo1ts were waived due to a lack of repo1table financial activity. 9 Respondent stated that he believed that he did not take any fwthe1 action with regard to the ECO's repo1ts because he 1eceived a Notice oflntent to Revoke fiom the Division (Attachment A, Phone Log Ent1y 2) The notice states that the Division intends to revoke the ECO's 1egistration due to the ECO's lack of aggregate repo1ted financial activity dming the 2013 calendar year, and provides the procedure for disputing the potential revocation. (Attachment B) 10 Respondent also stated that he moved and did not receive the fail me to file notices from the Division Respondent stated that the ECO's bank account was closed in Octobe1 2012, despite the fact that the ECO filed repo1ts during the 2013 and 2014 calendar yea1s Respondent stated that the ECO decided to disband in August or Septembe1 2013 but did not send the Division a letter requesting disbandment at that time (Attachment A, Phone Log Entry 2) 11. The Division's History Notes show that the Division called Respondent multiple times regarding his change of address beginning in November 2011. (ROI Exhibit 11) On December 18, 2013, the Division 1eceived an amended DS-DE 103 which updated the ECO's mailing address . (ROI Exhibit 3, page 1) The Division emailed Respondent copies of the failure to file notices The Division, in iesponse to Respondent's May 29, 2014 email, told Respondent that in 01der to disband the ECO the Division would need a letter requesting disbandment The Division also notified Respondent that all outstanding 1epo1ts, including the 2014 M2 and M3 1epo1ts, must be filed regaidless of Respondent's intent to disband the ECO (ROI Exhibit 11) On August 21, 2014, the Division 1eceived the ECO's lette1 requesting disbandment (ROI Exhibit 12, page 1) 12.. Respondent untimely notified the Division on Octobe1 22, 2014, 226 days afte1 the 2014 M2 Report was due, and 195 days afte1 the 2014 M3 Repo1t was due that he would not be filing the ECO's 2014 M2 and M3 repmts . (ROI Exhibit 10) 13 "Pwbable Cause" is defined as reasonable grounds of suspicion suppo1ted by circumstances sufficiently strong to wairant a cautious pe1son in the belief that the person has committed the offense charged. Schmitt v State, 590 So 2d 404, 409 (Fla. 1991) P1obable cause exists where the facts and circumstances, of which an [investigato1] has reasonably trustwo1thy info1mation, are sufficient in themselves fo1 a reasonable man to reach the conclusion that an offense has been committed Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles v Favino, 667 So 2d 305, 309 (Fla . I st DCA 1995) 14 The facts set forth above show that Respondent was the t1easme1 of Flmida Citizens fo1 Smart Justice, an electioneering communications mganization registe1ed with the Division. Respondent failed to timely file the ECO's 2014 M2 and M3 1epo1ts 01 notify the filing office1 that no 1epo1ts would be filed. It appea1s that the ECO had no financial activity during the 2014 M2 and M3 repo1ting coverage periods, and therefore Respondent was requiied to notify the filing officer in writing that he would not be filing the ECO's 2014 M2 and M3 1epo1ts on the Staff Recommendation FEC 14-175 3 ( prescribed reporting dates.. Therewith, it does not appear that Respondent falsely reported or deliberately failed to include information in the ECO's 2014 M2 and M3 reports nor did he fail to timely file the reports as the reports were waived due to a lack of reportable financial activity. Based upon these facts and circumstances, I recommend that the Commission find no probable cause to charge Respondent with violating Sections 106J9(1)(c), and 106.0703(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and find probable cause to charge Respondent with violating the following: Count 1: On or about March 10, 2014, Kyle Alexander Bedran violated Section 106 .0703(6), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely notify the filing officer in writing on the prescribed reporting date that he would not be filing Florida Citizens for Smart Justice's 2014 M2 Report. Count 2: On or about April 10, 2014, Kyle Alexander Bedran violated Section 106.0703(6), Florida Statutes, when he failed to timely notify the filing officer in writing on the prescribed reporting date that he would not be filing Florida Citizens for Smart Justice's 2014 M3 Report Respectfully submitted on January I?", 2015 Assistant General Counsel I reviewed this Staff Recommendation Staff Recommendation FEC 14-175 4 this~ of January 2015 FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION PHONE LOG CaseNo.: FECl4-175 Respondent: Kyle A . Bedran Complainant: Division of Elections 1 Date and time: September 25, 2014; 2:36 p . m Name: Respondent Phone#: 904-502-3327 Summary: There was no answer; I left a voicemail asking R to return my calL I was calling to discuss referral and ask whether R intended to submit bank documents as per his email dated 9/10/14 Memo to File? No Enter·ed by: ta 2 Date and time: September 25, 2014; 3:42 pm Name: Respondent Phone #: returned my call Summary: I introduced myself as the investigator assigned to investigate the referral from the Division that he failed to file the ECO's M2 and M3 reports I asked R if he intended to submit bank records as he had indicated in his e-mail; he stated yes.. R explained that he mistakenly thought he didn't have to do anything further when he received the notice of intent to revoke from the Division. R further stated he recently moved and did not receive the fuilwe to file notices from the Division R stated the ECO's bank account was closed in October 2012; however, he kept filing waivers in 2013 because he wasn't swe they were going to continue operating R stated it was decided in August or September 2013 to disband the ECO . I asked R why he didn't submit a disbandment letter to the Division; he replied he didn't know he had to. I asked R if he recalled his May e-mail to Donna Brown in which Ms . Brown told him to send a disbandment letter and informed him that he was still required to file the reports. R acknowledged he had communicated with Ms Brown but stated he didn't remember the specifics of the e-mails I asked R if he had read Chapter 106, Florida Statutes and/or the Handbook. R stated he believes he read "some" of it R stated he was hospitalized last November and was incapacitated and back and forth to the doctors and offered to submit doctors notes R agreed to submit bank account records within two weeks and to file the outstanding reports within a week. R asked if he could delay sending his medical records until he sees how the case is progressing I asked R to contact me if he has trouble filing the outstanding reports or if he can't get the bank records within two weeks Memo to File? No Entered by: ta 3. Date and time: October 22, 2014; 4:33 p.m. Name: Respondent Phone #: called me Summary: R stated he hasn't been able to get his PIN to file the reports.. I suggested R call the Division and stated they may have a form for R to complete so he could request his lnvOOI (10/07) I' PIN. I also acknowledged receiving R faxed bank documents R stated the lette1 confitming that the bank account is closed because his address is different than when he opened the account R stated he would tiy again to get the letter and the repo1ts filed . Memo to File? No Entered by: ta 4 Date and time: Name: Phone#: Summary: Memo to File? No Entered by: 5. Date and time: Name: Phone#: Summary: Memo to File? No Entered by: 6 Date and time: Name: Phone#: Summary: Memo to File? No Entered by: 7 Date and time: Name: Phone#: Summary: Memo to File? No Entered by: 8. Date and time: Name: Phone#: Summary: Memo to File? No Entered by: 9 Date and time: Name: Phone#: Summary: Memo to File? No Entered by: INVOOI (12/01) 2 I' FloRIDA DEPARTMENT RICK SCOTT Governor ofSTATE KENDETZNER Secretary of State January 17, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedian, Registered Agent Florida Citizens for Smart Justice (59846) 1661 Riverside Avenue #412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 RE: NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE Dear· Mr Bedran: Pursuant to Section 106 03(7), Florida Statutes, you are hereby notified of the Division's intent to revoke your committee's registration as an electioneering communications organization based on the following: The organization's aggregate reported financial activity during the 201.3 calendar· year was less than $5000 . If you o~ject to this revocation you must provide documentation showing that the organization's registration should not be revoked. Documentation must be provided within 30 days of the date of this letter to the Department of State, Division of Elections, Bweau of Election Records, The RA Gray Building, Room 316, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399·-0250 . lfyou have any questions, please call (850) 245-·6280. Sincerely, -1,,( . J--::V ·~ - . l /\.--<-:.. -::;-.\~"" '"'P-' Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records KRB/slb Enclosure ~ VIVA flORIOA500. Division of Elections R.A. Gray Bldg .., Rm. 316 • 500 S Bronaugh St.• Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: 1850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245·6259 elections.myflorida .. com Commemorating 500 years of Florida history www . fla500.com )t_ VIVA flORIDA500 JS ·2..021 Revocation of Registr atlon of Political Committees and Electioncer·ing Communic·ations Organizations (1) f)cfinition: "'Mo:;l recent address on file ... means, as applicable, the l~st addr~ss pro-.ided in a \vtitten statement ol change tl) the Ii ling ofticcr for the registered agent pursuant to Section l06 022 .. l· S., or the last address pnlvided to the filing officcl' for lhe committce"s chairper~on or ()rgani7ation'·s top-ranking official us contained in the statcmc.:·nt of <1rgani7.ation or in an) \\ritt~n statement of change to the statement ol organization madi.: pursuant to Section I 06.03. 1: S. 12) Conduct \\·airanting ri;·\ocution . The 111ing otncer .shall re\.oke the registration o!' a political cnmmittee (hereinafie·r co1nmittee) 01 an e·lectione<!ring communication5 nrganb·ation (hereinuHer organiuHit)n} for line or more of the follo\\ing reasons: <a) The Ct1n1mittee or org.anitatinn tiiils l~l maintain a 1·eg\s1ered ~'rfice· and a registeted agent as required by Se~til)n 106 022 . I S; (b) 1 he committee or lHganitation IUils h) li!c the appointment o! a successor within 10 Ja)S aner the· death . resignation or removal ot its treasurer; (<.:) fhc commitk·c fhils to file· the appointmc·nt of' a successor \\"ithin 1() da)S afkt the death. rcsignution or n:mo\al ol its chairperson:. (d) l he committee or organization t'Uils to tile treasurers reports fOr more than 6 m(inths: te) 1 he eommittee'·s uggregate report~d financial activit; during the calendar) ear is less than $500 unless the committee is onl) re·gistered und required to repon as the sponsor ol a proposed c·onstitutional amendment hy initiative \vho intended to sc·ek the signatures of rc::gistered \.Oters; (f) I h~ org.~nll',a.tion 's a~g1 !.!g.1·att.: rcponcJ financial acti\ity du1·\ng, th1: caknd;.u ) ear b $5000 o\ le!is: (g} I ht: orgttnitation Jltils to file thl.." Hppointmcnt of a succr.:ssor ""ithin 10 da;s alter the death. resignation or removal of its top .. ranking rrindrat olfict.:r: 01' (h) ·1 he corn1nittcc rn orgunil'ation has an 11npaid fine or dvil penah) imposc'l.l under ( h(.lpt1.:'f 106. i: S., which has becon)I! final O)C·eining al! itppcals reg~rJing the imposition ol lhc line or civil pcnalt; hu' c bcl!ll c·;..ht\\.Jskd OJ' tht· time !hr sut:h app(.:als ha::; pas::.cd ( l) Re' ot:ation proci!dun.:s (a) I he· fl ling of'licer shall not it) the comrnittct:"s chairpcrson or organization ·stop-ranking principul o!fi<.:c1 and its n:·gistercd agent of the intent to r<:\okc the registration and the tUcts ~nd conduct \vhit:h \\airant the intended revocation !o the most recent address on file fOr both the chairperson 0r top-1anking prin<:·ipal officer, us applh:ahle and n.:gi~tt:red agenl The committee or organi/.ation has 30 da) s from the date of lhe initial notice to pro\ ide addition~\\ d{)cumentati0n to the filing ~)('ficer showing that the con1mittee s or organii'.ation 's registration should not he· re\oked (b) Alier the 30-da) deadline to pro\idc additional inflHmation. the !iling ofticcr shall n!\icw all inf01mation and determine Vlht.:thc·t th<..'· r(!gi:.tration should be l'C\Okt.: I II the filing ol'ficcr dctc·rmincs that the registration ~hliu!d not be re\okcd. thtJn the filing of'ficcr shal! send notilil!ation to the most rt.:i.:<.:nt address lln file tOr the comrnlncl.!'s chai1pc1son <it <Hganization's t<.,p-1anki11.g principal oflicet as. applicable, and rcgistc;rcd agent 2 If the filing officer Jetcrn1inc5 thut the 1c·gi~u.:ition should he rc\okcd. then the filing otficcr shall send u final notice of intent to re\{)k<! to the n10st recent address on lile foi the committee's chairperson or organiL:ation·s top .. ranldng principul officer. as -lpptit.:ahle·. and rc·gistered agent (C) II the ini1ial notice 0f intent ti) re·\ nke i~ returnet.I as undelivc1ahl~ fr1Hn both the l!On1n1ittee' s chairperSl)n or organization·~ t(>p~ranking plincipal o!'li<.:cr Ht1d it~ rcgisten.:d agc·nt.. us applk·able and the comn1ittcc or organization h'1s no! pr(Jddc·d an updated <;1ddrc·ss to the filing oflit:er aflt:1 th<: Hling ofJiccr :;ent the· initial notice . then th~ Ji!ing ~)J'ficcr n1a; r~voke tht re·gistnHion ol thc comtnittee or organii•at'ion as applic~hle The· final orde·1· of revocation shall he sent to the regi5tered agent'~ 1nost rt!·cen! address on file, notwithstanding that !he final order u! rc-.ocation rna) again be rctun1cd as undeli\c::rablc JI the· com1nittce \)!" orgunization pro\idcd un updattd udJrcss lo the filing olfice1 afti.!r the filing ofHccr sent the· initial notice v.hich v.·as returned undeli\Crabk.·. then the filing of'li<.:cr v.ill pro\ i<lc an initial notice of the· intc·nt t() revoke lo the n1ost rccc·nt addr~ss un lik; thereafter the filing officer :-;hall IOlkn., the proec·durl!s in this 1uk (4) /\ppcals (U) /\ con1mitle~ 01 organization may appeal a final n~nicc ol intent tu ic\okc· \\ithin 30 duys ot the date or suc:h linal notic~ I he appe-u\ nia) he acc(1rnpanh:··d by any <locun1entation 0r evidence :;:upporting, the ~laim f h<: appeal must be filed \\ilh the filing of'ficer !'he Ii ling olticcr \\i\l lhr\\'~rd tht· apreal to the· Florida Elections C.on1mission {b) I ai!urc to time!; lilc an appeal as dcsc·libcd herein shtlll Cllnstitute a \vai\'Cr utan) suc·h entitlement (c) A Cl1mn1ith:·t.• or organi1.atiun desil'ing a hearing bcH.lrc::· the flolida f:lections Commission must include in the app"al a M:pa1atc 1equ<:st tbt h1~"r\ng. (d) Appeals undt:-r this ruh: arc exc1npt fro1n the cont1dcntialit) provisions of Section 106 25 . I; .S Rulemak.utg 1ut/Jorir) }lJ l0f3J 'Ji Of 2r/J 10603f7J {(16 22(<JJ fS l uw fmplt>·m~iuc·d 106 fJ.3 FS H1'~IOY)' i\rw .? .. 2S .. 9<J. Amtnded J0 ..29-03 J J•. 15-09 ~ .. ]710 /(J ..lO /3 /. / I I \ FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Case No.,: FEC 14-175 Respondent: Kyle A. Bedran Complainant: Division of Elections Pursuant to Section 106 25, Florida Statutes, on July 10, 2014, the Florida Elections Commission received information from the Division of Elections alleging that Respondent violated Chapter 106, Florida Statutes The Division's referral was mandated pursuant to Section 106 .0703(7)( d), Florida Statutes Commission staff, therefore, investigated whethe1 Respondent violated the following statutes: Section 106 ..19(1 )(c), Florida Statutes, prohibiting a person or organization from falsely reporting or deliberately failing to rep01t information required by Chapte1 106, Florida Statutes; and Section 106 .0703(6), Florida Statutes, failure of the treasure1 of an electioneering commUI1ications organization that did not receive any contributions or make any expenditures during a reporting period to notify timely the filing officer, in writing, that no reportable contributions or expenditures were made during the reporting period I. Preliminary Information: 1. Respondent was the chairpe1son and treasurer fo1 Florida Citizens for Smait Justice, an electionee1ing communications organization that was registered with the Division of Elections Florida Citizens for Smart Justice was disbanded on August 22, 2014. 2.. 3 Records . Complainant is the Division of Elections Respondent's filing officer is Klisti Reid-Bronson, Chief, Bureau of Election 4 On June 7, 2012, Flo1ida Citizens for Smart Justice (ECO) filed an Electioneering Communication Statement of Organization (DS-DE 103) form with the Division of Elections The ECO's area, scope and jurisdiction are listed as "Organization to promote Smait Justice, as defined by Florida Taxwatch, by suppo1ting Judicial Candidates who stand for Smart Justice." The form also lists Respondent as treasurer and chairperson of the ECO Io view a copy of the DS-DE 103 form, please refor to Exhibit 1. 5.. On June 15, 2012, Ms Bronson sent Respondent a letter acknowledging Florida Citizens for Smart Justice had been placed on the active ECO list The lette1 advised Respondent that all ECOs filing reports with the Division aie required to use the electronic filing system (EF S). Respondent was provided a user identification number and initial password allowing him access to the EF S Inv002 (7 /08) 1 6 The letter also advised Respondent that all of the Division's publications and reporting forms are available on their website, including Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, the Electioneering Communications Organization Handbook, and the Calendar of Reporting Dates The letter fi.uther advised Respondent that it was his responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Flmida's election laws Io view a copy of the acknowledgement letter, please refor to Exhibit 2 7. On December 18, 2013, Respondent filed another DS-DE 103 form changing the ECO's mailing address. To view a copy of the DS-DE 103 form filed on December 18, 2013, please refer to Exhibit 3 8.. On March 11, 2014, the Division sent Respondent a letter informing him that the ECO's report due March 10, 2014 (2014 M2) had not been received; a second failure-to-file letter dated March 24, 2014 was also mailed to Respondent Both letters were mailed to Respondent at the address provided on the ECO's DS-DE 103 form filed on December 18, 2013 (Exhibit 3).. Io view copies of the letters, please refer to Exhibit 4 . 9 On April 11, 2014, the Division sent Respondent a letter marked "Final Notice" stating the ECO's 2014 M2 Report had not been filed.. Copies of the failure-to-file letters previously provided as Exhibit 4 were included with the Final Notice.. The Final Notice was mailed to Respondent at the address provided on the ECO's DS-DE 103 form filed on December 18, 2013 (Exhibit 3), and was delivered on April 15, 2014 Io view copies of the Final Notice, without attachments, and delivery confirmation, please refor to Exhibit 5 10 On April 11, 2014-under separate cover-the Division sent Respondent a letter informing him that the ECO's repmt due April 10, 2014 (2014 M3) had not been received A second failure-to-file letter dated April 25, 2014 was also mailed to Respondent. Both letters were mailed to Respondent at the address provided on the ECO's DS-DE 103 form filed on December 18, 2013 (Exhibit 3) Io view copies of the letters, please refor to Exhibit 6. 1L On May 8, 2014, the Division sent Respondent a letter marked "Final Notice" stating the ECO's 2014 M2 Report and 2014 M3 Report had not been filed Copies of the letters previously pwvided as Exhibits 4, 5, and 6 were included with the Final Notice The Final Notice was mailed to Respondent at the address provided on the ECO's DS-DE 103 form filed on December 18, 2013 (Exhibit 3), and was delivered on May 12, 2014 Io view copies of the Final Notice without attachments, and delivery confirmation, please refer to Exhibit 7 12 On July 10, 2014, the Commission received a refonal flom the Division alleging that Respondent failed to report campaign activity during the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting periods, or in the alternative, failed to notify the filing officer that no reports would be filed The allegations will be discussed in the paragraphs that follow IL Alleged Violation of Section 106 ..19(l)(c), Florida Statutes: 13. I investigated whether Respondent violated this section of election laws by failing to report campaign activity during the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting periods. 14.. On November 18, 2014, I subpoenaed the ECO's campaign account records from Bank of America, the campaign depository listed on their DS-DE 103 form (Exhibit !). In Inv002 (7 /08) 2 response to the subpoena, Bank of America provided the ECO's monthly bank statements which reflect the ECO's last financial activity was a monthly service charge refund in the amount of $29.95, which occu11ed on November 13, 2012.. The refund brought the ECO's campaign account balance to zero Io view a copy of the 1elevant campaign account records, please refer to Exhibit 8. 15 Based upon the ECO's monthly bank statements provided in response to the Commission's subpoena, it appears the ECO did not have any contributions or expenditures during the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 report cover periods 1 Therefore, it appears there was no campaign activity for Respondent to report during the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting periods 16 No record of Respondent having previously violated this section of law was found Ill. Alleged Violation of Section 106.0703(6), Florida Statutes: 17 I investigated whether Respondent violated this section of election laws by failing to notify the filing officer, in writing, that no report would be filed for the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting periods 18 Io review the circumstances regarding the ECO's contribution and expenditure activity, please refer to paragraphs 14 and 15 of this report 19 Section 106 . 0703(6), Florida Statutes, states: "Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, in any reporting period during which an electioneering communications organi~ation has not received funds, made any contributions, or expended any reportable fonds, the treasurer shall file a written report with the filing officer by the prescribed reporting date that no reportable contributions 01 expenditures were made during the reporting period . " 20. In an e-mail dated April 2, 2014, Ms. Brnnson was asked to clarify the procedure regarding how to notify the Division in writing on the prescribed reporting date that no report would be filed.. In her response, Ms Bronson stated, "The notice that no report will be filed is the waiver, which must be filed in the EFS . We do not require anything separate in writing" Io view a copy of Ms. Bronson's e-mail, please refer to Exhibit 9 21. Based upon the ECO's campaign account records and Ms Bronson's e-mail, because Respondent did not have any contributions or expenditures during the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting periods, it appears Respondent was required to notify the Division in writing on the prescribed reporting dates that no report would be filed for the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting period, by indicating on the Division's EFS that there was no activity to disclose . The notification that no report for the 2014 M2 reporting period would be filed was due March 10, 1 The reporting periods covered the petiod Februaty 1 through February 28, 2014 and March 1 through March 31, 2014. The subpoena requested all monthly bank statements from the opening of the account through the close of the account It appeats the ECO's last campaign financial activity occurred on November 12, 2012 (Exhibit 8) lnv002 (7/08) 3 2014; the notification that no 1eport fo1 the 2014 M3 repo1ting period would be filed was due April 10, 2014 22.. According to the ECO's filing histo1y, Respondent filed the notifications that no reports would be filed for both the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reporting periods on October 22, 2014 I able 1 summarizes when the notifications were due, when they were filed, and the number of days the notifications were late. Io view a copy of the ECO's filing histo1y, please refe1 to Exhibit 10 Report Report Cover Period Date Notification Due Date Notification Filed Number· of' Days Late 2014 M2 02/01/14-02/28114 03/10/14 10/22/14 226 2014 M3 03/01/14-03/31/14 04/10/14 10/22/14 195 23 No record of Respondent having p1eviously violated this section of law was found Conclusion: 24 I interviewed Respondent by telephone on Septembe1 25, 2014. Respondent stated he mistakenly thought he did not have to do anything fmther when he received a notice of intent to 1evoke fiom the Division 2 Respondent farther stated he recently moved and did not receive the failme to file notices from the Division 25 Respondent explained that the ECO's bank account was closed in October 2012; howeve1, he continued to file waive1s in 2013 on behalf of the ECO because he was unsme if they we1e going to continue operating . Respondent stated it was decided in August 01 September 2013 to disband the ECO I asked Respondent if there was a reason he did not submit a disbandment letter to the Division; he replied he did not know he had to 26 According to history notes provided by the Division, on May 29, 2014, Respondent sent an e-mail to Donna S Brnwn, a Division employee, stating that the ECO "was administratively dissolved last year," and they had 1eceived a letter from the Division stating the ECO was to be ''te1minated." In the e-mail, Respondent also inquiied whethe1 f\.uther action was necessa1y to te1minate the ECO.. The notes 1eflect Ms Brown replied to Respondent's e-mail on May 30, 2014; in her e-mail, Ms Brown informed Respondent that the rule regarding financial activity was being challenged and revocations are pending until a decision is made by the court 27.. In her e-mail, Ms . Brnwn also advised Respondent that the ECO was still active and there were three outstanding reports the ECO needed to file including the 2014 M2 Rep01t and the 2014 M3 Report Ms . B10wn requested that Respondent send a letter disbanding the ECO, and emphasized that disbandment would not absolve the requirement of the ECO to file 2 On January 17, 2014, the Division sent Respondent a Notice of Intent to Revoke stating that the ECO's registrntion as a electioneering communications organization was being revoked because the ECO's financial activity during the 2013 calendar year was less than $5,000 Inv002 (7 /08) 4 ( the outstanding 1epo1ts.. Io view a copy of the histo1y notes, please refor to Exhibit 11 . 28 When asked if he recalled the e-mail exchange with Ms . Brown on May 29 and May 30, 2014 (Histo1y Notes, Exhibit 11), in which Ms . Brown requested a disbandment lette1 and info1med Respondent that the ECO was still required to file the reports, Respondent acknowledged that he had communicated with Ms. Brnwn but stated he could not 1ecall the specifics of the e-mails . 29 It is noted that Respondent faxed a letter disbanding the ECO to the Division on August 21, 2014; the Division acknowledged the disbandment in a letter dated August 27, 2014 Io view copies of the lette1 s, please refor to Exhibit 12 30 Duling the telephone interview, Respondent was asked if he 1ead Chapter 106, Florida Statutes and/01 the Electioneering Communications Organization Handbook Respondent replied he believes he 1ead some of the Handbook. Respondent requested that the Commission consider that he was hospitalized in November 2013, and has had recurring doctor's appointments. Respondent offered to submit medical documents; however, he asked that the submission of the documents be delayed until he "sees how the case is progressing . " 3L All additional written statements submitted by Respondent are attached as Exhibit 13 Respectfillly submitted on December 4, 2014, Trncie Aulet Investigation Specialist Cunent address of Respo'ndent Current address ofComplalnant ML Kyle A Bedran 612 South West Stieet Greencover Springs, FL 32043 Division of Elections 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 Na~e and Address of Filing Officer: Ms Klisti Reid-Bronson, Chief Bm eau of Election Recm ds 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 Copy filmished to: M1 David Flagg, Investigations Manager Inv002 (7 /08) 5 FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Kyle A. Bedran -- FEC 14-175 fcj~ • . . , ··~a ~ 9 ? rit .\· ·"·... ·. • ...·. . 'i4LJr {;JSTOFE~IBIT$ri ; ·. ,·. .· .i-·· ' '' ., ' <t'<; ' ', ~· ~ Jdff~·· .~ . •·;~{! i1~· · . ·.. ] •• tfr• ... ·•~,~1 ·. E'.xhibits #s Description of Exhibits Exhibit I DS-DE 103 fo1m filed 617/12 Exhibit 2 Acknowledgement letter dated 6/15/12 Exhibit 3 DS-DE 103 form filed 12/18/13 Exhibit 4 Failure-to-file letters dated 3/11/14 & 3/24/14 Exhibit 5 Final notice dated 4/11/14 Exhibit 6 Failure-to-file letters dated 4/11/14 & 4125114 Exhibit 7 Final notice dated 5/8/14 Exhibit 8 Campaign account 1ecords, relevant pages Exhibit 9 E-mail from K Brnnson dated 4/2/14 Exhibit IO Filing histo1y Exhibit 11 History notes Exhibit 12 Letters regarding disbandment dated 8/21/14 & 8/27/14 Exhibit 13 Respondent's additional written statements lnv004 (S/08) r::-,.,,.. I ·. '·' • .e:-D 12 JUN-7 • :... ~ .. ' ~ .r .• I A/19. 46 DIV/t; 1l. •; , . SfCRff I.it lL . ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATION STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION • ARy o/§TIONs TA re (PLEASE lYPE) OFFICE USE ONLY 1 . Full Name of Organization Telephone Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 904-502-3327 - -· ----· -- Mailing Address (include city, state and zip code) 1650 Margaret St Ste 302 PMB #147, Jacksonville, FL 32204-3869 - .. Street Address (include city, state and zip code) 1661 Riverside Ave Apt 412, Jacksonville, Fl 32204 2 . Affiliated or Connected Organizations Name of Affiliated or Connected Organization -· Mailing Address ---· ·- Relationship .. M••·----' None 3 Area, Scope and Jurisdiction of the Organization Organization to promote Smart Justice, as defined by Florida Taxwatch, by supporting Judicial Candidates who stand for Smart Justice. 4 . Identify by Name, Address & Position, the Custodian of Books & Accounts for the Organization - Full Name Kyle Alexander Bedran Mailing Address Street Address Title or Position .. .. ·-· 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Treasurer .Jacksonville, FL 32204 .Jacksonville, FL 32204 -- ·- 5 . This Organization was formed (check applicable box): (Calendar quarters end the last day of March, June, September, and December.) Iii As a newly created organization during the current calendar quarter D From an of'ganization existing prior to the current calendar quarter. Fonn OS-DE 103 (Rev. 08110) (continued on reverse) EXHIBIT l ~· \ t>t'Z I ' 6, List By Name, Malling and Street Address, & Position, Other Principal Officers, Including the treasurer and deoutv treasurer. if anv. Include the ton..rankina officer's (e.a., chalroerso!!) name and information. Full Name Street Address Mailing Address - ·- 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Jacksonville. FL 32204 Kyle Alexander Bedran Title or Position Chairman Treasurer 7. In the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition wilt be Made of the Residual Funds? As provided by law 8. List All Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or Other Depositories Used by this Organization for Electioneering Communications -·-· -· Name of Bank or Depository Mailing Address --- ·-. ·· ·-· 2011 San Marco Blvd Jacksonville, FL 3220'7 Bank of America 9. List All Reports Required to be Filed by this Organization with Federal Officials, & the Names, Addresses, & Positions Of Such Officials, If Any --·Report Title Dates Required to be Filed Name & Position of Official Mailing Address .. -t--· -----Form 8871 Upon Formation Internal Revenue Service Atlanta, FA 39901-0099 Form 1120-POL March 15th Annually Form 990 May 15th Annually Duval STATE OF. Florida I,, Kyle Alexander Bedran COUNTY · - · - - - · certify that the information in this Statement of - Organization is complete, true, and correct ~~:---;;.<:~ --of Top-ranking Principal Officer of Organization Form OS-DE 103 (Rev. 08/10)-- page 2 of 2 ·- 6 - !;". 11 Date Note: If necessary, continuation sheets should be used to complete the form .. EXHIBIT \ Pl\· 2 t>\''2 ( FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of STATE-. RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State lune ! 5, 2012 Mr Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson Florida Citizens for Smart Justice I 650 Margaret Street, Suite 302 Jacksonville, Florida 32204-3869 Dear Mr Bedran: This will acknowledge receipt of the Application for Ceriification for Flor'ida Citizens for Smart Justice, which was placed on file in our office on .June 7, 2012 This information appears to comply with the requirements of Section 106 011and106..03, Florida Statutes, and the name of this organization has been placed on our active list as an electioneering communication organization Campaign Treasur!J::'s Repor!l! Your first campaign treasurer's report will be due on July 13, 2012 The report will cover the period of April 1, 2012 ··July 6, 2012. Al! electioneeiing communication 01ganization that file repmts with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's electronic filing system (E FS). Cr·edentials and Sign-ons Belo\\ is the web address to access the EFS and the organizations user identification numbc1 The enclosed sealed envelope contains the organization's initial password Once you have logged in using the initial password, you will be immediately prompted to change it to a confidential sign-on The chairperson, treasurer, and deputy treasurers are responsible for protecting this password from disclosure and are responsible for all lilings using these credentials . unless the Division is notified that your credentials have been compromised. EFS Web site Addr·ess: https://efS.dos statefl us Identification Number: 59846 )l R A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: {850) 245-6259 www.dosstate.fl.. us Commemorating 500 year.s of Florida history www fla500 . com VIVA llORIDI 500 EXHIBIT 'l ?~· \ ~ 3 ~ VIVI llURIDA500 / I ' Mr Kyle Alexander l3edran, Chai1person June 15, 201? Page Two Pin Numbers Pin numbers are confidential secure credentials that allow you to submit repor1s and update personal information The enclosed sealed envelope contains your confidential pin numbers for you Each electioneering communication organization chairperson is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that the password is forgotten or lost When you enter the organization's account screen, there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as What i1 your mother 1 maiden name') and supply an answer. All passwords and answers to questions are stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised. All reports must be completed and filed through the EFS not later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date. Reports not filed by midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date are late filed and subject to the penalties in Section I 06 07(8), Florida Statutes. In the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date, the report will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the first business day the EFS becomes operable No fine will be levied during the period the EFS was inoperable Any electioneering communication organization failing to file a 1eport on the designated due date is subject to a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 days and, thereafter, $500 per day for each day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, -whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report Electronic Receipts The person submitting the report on the EFS will be issued an electronic receipt indicating and the report was tiled. Each treasurer's report filed by means of the EFS is considered to be under oath by the chairperson and campaign treasurer and such persons are subject to the provisions of Section 106.07(5), Florida Statute wrif~ing EXHIBIT z. N, 2ol-$ / I ' Mr Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson June !5, :2012 Page Three Instructions and Assistance An online instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports. The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all users by contacting the EFS Help Desk at (850) 245-6280 All of the Division's publications and repor1ing forms ar·e available on the Division of Elections' web site at http://election.dos. state. fl.us.. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requirements of Florida's election Jaws. Therefore, please print a copy of the following documents: Chaptns 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 Electioneering Communications Organization Handbook, 2012 Calendar of Reporti11g Dates and Rule lS-2 . 017, Florida Administrative Code. Please let me know if you need additional information Sincerely, -~Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief c_() Bureau of Election Records KRB/!jr Enclosures EXHIBIT 2 t>~· .3 trt-S I " - R'ECE/VF I .- -.- ;L ;· t;[p '''TM"~·· " l-\i:, JI :.":'1 , ! ~ ~ j ''"I I ' 2013 DEC 18 AH 9: 47 ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATION STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION '· : t , 'j , ) I • • ., " u!V 1' SION (f' '.. '· '' "'" t:. r cltCJIONS (PLEASE TYPE) OFFICE USE ONL.Y 1. Telephone Full Name of Organization Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 904 502-3327 -- ----- Mailing Address (include city, state and zip code) 31 West Adams Street, Unit 1206. Jacksonville FL 32202 ------ Street Address (include city, state and zip code) 3l West Adams Street, Unit 1206, Jacksonville, FL 32202 2. Affiliated or Connected Organizations --··-···-~ ---· Relationship Mailing Address Name of Affiliated or Connected Organization -- None 3 Area, Scope and Jurisdiction of the Organization Organization to promote Smart Justice, as defined by Florida Taxwatch, by supporting Candidates who stand for Smart Justice. 4., Identify by Name, Address and Position, the Custodian of Books and Accounts for the Organization Full Name - Kyle Alexander Bedran Mailing Address 31 West Adams Street Unit 1206 Jacksonville. Fl 32202 Street Address 31 West Adams Street Unit 1206 Jacksonville, Fl 32202 Form DS-DE 103 (Rev.. 10/12) - page 1 of 2 Title or Position Treasurer (continued on reverse) EXHIBIT J W· tJ '2. 5. List by Name, Malling and Stree>t Address, and Position, Other Principal Officers, Including the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer, If Any (Include the Top-ranking Officer's (e..g .. , Chairperson) Name and Information) ... ---· f-· Street Address Mailing Address Full Name ---- Title or Postlion - -~·~ 31 West Adams Stteet Unit 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 31 West Adams Stteet Unit 1206 Jacksonville. FL 32202 Kyle Alexander Bedran --- Chairman Treasurer 6. Jn the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition will be Made of the Residual Funds? As provided by law 7. -· List All Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or Other Depositories Used by this Organization for Electioneering Communications ·-------·---·· Name of Bank or Depository Mailing Address .. n/a nla No current funds 8. Lisi All Reports Required to be Filed by this Organization with Federal Officials, and the Names, Addresses, and Positions of Such Officials, If Any •. Report Title Dates Required to be Filed Form 8871 Upon Formation Form 1120-POL March 15th Annually Fonn 990 May l Sth Annually STATE OF Name & Position of Official Internal Revenue Service Florida Mailing Address Atlanta GA 39901-0099 Duval COUNTY Kyle Alexander Bedran I, - certify that the information in this Statement --- of Or ~e and correct ;.-- x / ---,____...---·- ~)>~ranking Principal Officer of Organization /2 ·- 3 -13 -----···· Date ...~--Form OS-DE 103 {Rev . 10/12)- page 2 of 2 Note: If necessary, continuation sheets should be used to complete the form . EXHIBIT 3 ~~- ?.. of Z. (. I \ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ST ATE Ken Detzner· Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Maich 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt. 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due March 10, 2014, has not been teceived Sections 106 0703(7Xb), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter I 06, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above. Therefore, if you fail to file a report, the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission Section I 06 265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter I 06 If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245··6280 Sincerely, u~D.~~----~ k-Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records \J EXHIBIT 4 ¥~ \ £v\>z The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Street • I allahassee FL 32399·0250 • (850) 245··6240 FAX: (850) 245··6260 • WWW Address: http://www.. dos.state.fl.us • E'MaiL DivE/ections@)dos.stateflus ,.1-- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Second Notice March 24, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smatt Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt. 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 -2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, due March 10, 2014, has not been received Sections 106 .0 703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report. The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on March 11, 2014. As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action, Section 106.265( 1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280. Sincerely, Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records EXHIBIT t\ y~· 2of Z The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • 'Tallahassee Fl 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 ,. I' I ' 1-l'!!'<>Owe~ FLORIDA DEPARTMEN_T of ST!\~~ RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State FINAL NOTICE - &CUSTOMER USPSTRACKING# Delivery Confirmation: 9114 9010 7574 2751 2916 32 For Tra.ddrrg or lnqulrlH go to USPS corn RECEIPT or call 1-800..222·1811 April 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer and Chairperson for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice (59846) 3 I West Adams Street, Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Dear Mr. McDonald: According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report: Year Report Cover Period 2014 M2 02/0112014 - 02/28114 The organization has previously been notified of the report that is outstanding Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division. If the report is not filed within 7 days of receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the FIorida Elections Commission for further action. Section I 06265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation. If you have any questions, please call Donna Brown at (850) 245-6240 Sincerely, Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records KRB/dsb Enclosure ~lk VIVA FLORIDA EXHIBIT 5 ~. \ot 2. Division of Elections RA. Gmy Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronough Street• Tallahassee, Florida 32399 7' al 850.. 245.. 6200 • 850.245 6217 (Fax) electlon. dos.state . fl.us flORIDA'T~ Pr·omoting Florida's History and Cultu1'e VivaF!orida . org Fl'EcT'iO):is ..,. 4 ,USPS com®- USPS Tracking™ 1 iiiJ USPS.COM' ~USPS.com or Track_ Packages Customer Service > USPS Tracking TM Have questions'? we· re here to help. Tracking Number: 9114901075742751291632 Product & Tracking Information Postal Product: Available Actions Features: USPS Tracking TM Aprfl 15, 2014, 11:15 am Delivered .JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 April 15 2014 7:42 am Out for Delivery JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 April 15 2014 7:32 am Sorting Complete JACKSONVILLE Fl 32206 April 15 2014 6:40 am Arrival at Post Office .JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 April 14 2014 8:52 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 April 13 2014 1:42am Depart USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 April 12 2014 10:06 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE Fl 32099 April 11 2014 10:11 pm Depart·USPS Sort Facility TALLAHASSEE Fl 32301 April 11 2014 7:48 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 Track Another Package What's your tracking (or receipt) number·;> c=--=------···---·--·-··-~--------·-J EXHIBIT Track It 5v~-. 2ot2 -OTHER USPS-SITES . LEGAL P~iv~~: R~icy -i . https://tools usps com/go/f'rackConfinnAction!input action?tRef..-qt&tLc..O&tLabels"'911490!07S7427Sl2~· ·a_UsinO.s~_cuStorrer ~ateway > ,,.,,,,.~,..,nn1.t <t ?lt;..I~ PM] -lo I ' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS April 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt. 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due April 10, 2014, has not been received Sections I 06 . 0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this repo1t and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter I 06, F Iorida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above T'herefore, if you fail to file a report, the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission. Section 106.265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 pe1 count for each willflll violation of Chapter 106 If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, ~~~'i?--~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records EXHIBIT lo \2~. 1he R A Gray Building-Room 316 • FAX: (850) 245··6260 • \ot 2 500 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 WWW Address: http://www. dos.state. fl.us • £.Mail DivE/ections(iiJdo.sstatefl.us I' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken DetzneJ' Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Second Notice April 25, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, I reasurer Florida Citiz.ens for Smart Justice 3 1 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, due April I 0, 2014, has not been received Sections 106. 0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report. The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on April 11, 2014 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for forther action Section 106265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, ~~~~tv Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records EXHIBIT lo N. 2 of i The R A Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245··6240 . .... ----' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of STAT~ RICK SCOTT Governor FINAL NOTICE Delivery Confirmation: KENDETZNER Secretary of State USPS TRACKING I &CUSTOMER RECEIPT 9114 9011 5981 8370 3038 49 For Traclllng or Inquiries go to USPS com or can 1-soa.222.. 1a11 May 8,2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, T'reasurer for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice (59846) 31 West Adams Street, Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Dear Mr Bedran: According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following reports: Year Report Cover Period 2014 2014 M2 M3 02/0112014 - 02/28/2014 03/0l/2014 - 03/3J/2014 The organization has previously been notified of the reports that are outstanding Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division. If the reports are not filed within 7 dav§.of receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section 106 265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation. If you have any questions, please call the help desk at (850) 245-6240 Sincerely, ~~_,~~o1~-· Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records KRB/slb Enclosures ;~ VIVA flORIOA. EXHIBIT 1 fj· \t>{-'z Division of Elections RA. Gray Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -.., a& 850.245 . 6200 • 850.245 . 6217 (Fax) election . dos.state .. fl.us FLORIDAT~ Promoting Florida's History and Cultur·e VivaFlorida .org ELECTJONS f~ ( USPS com® .. USPS Tracking™ .:'!~ ,:.-.-;'·-~, ..,,., ifjlJ USPS.COM' f Search USPS.com or Trnck Packages_ ~ ~ USPS Tracking TM Customer Service > Have questions? We re here to help Tracking Number: 9114901159818370303849 .._, ~~~~-.··.· ~~~ ·:•xi'!i;'$.i ~Z:a. 1 :-m c DELIVr:RE:[) _ ... Product & Tracking Information Available Actions Features: Postal Product: USPS Text Tracking™ USPS Tracking TM Email Updates May 12, 2014, 11:20 am Delivered JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 May 12 2014 8:26 am Out for Delivery JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 May 12 2014 8:16 am Sorting Complete JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 May 12 2014 7:42 am Arrival at Post Office JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 May 11 2014 Depart USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 May 10 2014 7:54 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 May 9 2014 Depart USPS Sort Facility TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 Processed through USPS Sort Facility TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 12:39 am 10:02 pm May 9 2014 8:01 pm Track Another Package Whats your tracking (or receipt) number? [=.·-·---·-··~··--··--·=------··---- ....,_J Track It https'i/tools.usps com/goff rackConfinnAction action?tReP..fullpage&tLc.. J&text287'77=&tL abe]s..91149011 ''" ~ ~ ""'114 10.40:24 AM] IQ H Page 1 of 3 Statement Period 11/01/12 through 11/30/12 EO P PA OA 65 Enclosures 0 Account Number Bank of America., N A P 0 Box 25118 lampa. Fl 33622-5118 1•• 11 ••• 1.1 •• 1.111 .... 1.. 1.1 •• 111 ..... 1.11.1 ..... 11 .. 1.1 ... 111 .. --·-·-·-···-·~-··- . -~.03075"''00i-SCM999 ____ ----o---- FLORIDA CITIZENS FOR SMART JUSTICE, INC 1661 RIVERSIDE AVE APT 412 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32204-4029 Our Online Banking service allows you to check balances,. track account activity and more With Online Banking you can a)so view up to 18 months of this statement online. Enroll at www bankofamerica com/smallbusiness This holiday season, you can make 3 times the difference in the fight against hunger. For every $1 you give from now until .January 7, 2013, we'll give $2, up to a maximum total match of $1,500,000. Together, we'll help provide thousands of meals to people in need through Feeding America's Give a Meal campaign To give, visit www bankofamerica.com/give \t>\;'3 EXHIBIT..-=::.04-~!4'·__=..;~Q 0488259 H Page 2 of 3 Statement Period FLORIDA CIIIZENS FOR SMARJ JUSJICE INC 11/01112 through 11130/12 EO P PA OA 65 Enclosures 0 Account Number Business Economy Checking FLORIDA CITIZENS FOR SMART JUSTICE, INC Your Account at a Glance Account Number Statement Period 11/01/12 through 11/30/12 Number of Deposits/Credits 1 Number of Withdrawals/Debits 0 Number of Deposited Items 0 Number of Days in Cycle Statement Beginning Balance Amount of Deposits/Credits Amount of Withdrawals/Debits Statement Ending Balance $29 ..95$29 . 95 $0.00 $0 00 Average ledger Balance $11 98- 30 Deposits and Credits ate Posted Amount 11/13 ($) an Reference Description 29.95 Monthly Service Charge Refund Fdes Nmo 0006576 Nbkmj6X Daily Ledger Balances Date 11101 Balance ($) 29.95 - Date Balance ($) 11/13 0.00 EXHIBIT 6 f41· zaf- 3 945011135769715 I ' H Page 3 of 3 0488261 How To Balance Your Bank of America Account FIRST, start with your Account Register/Checkbook: $ _ _ _ __ List your Account Register/Checkbook Balance here 2 $ _ _ _ __ Subtract any service charges or other deductions not previously recorded that are listed on this statement ········-·· $ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ 3 Add any credits not previously recorded that are listed on this statement (for example interest) This is your NEW ACCOUNT REGISTER BALANCE NOW, with your Account Statement: $ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ list your Statement Ending Balance here . 2 Add any deposits not shown on this statement SUBTOTAL 3. list and total all outstanding checks, ATM, Check Card and other electronic withdrawals Checks, ATM, Check Card, Electronic Withdrawals Date/Check # Amount $==== Checks, ATM, Check Card, Checks, ATM, Check Card, Electronic Withdrawals Date/Check # Amount Electronic Withdrawals Date/Check # Amount TOTAL OF OUTSTANDING CHECKS. ATM,. Check Card and other electronic withdrawals Subtract total outstanding checks, ATM, Check Card and other electronic withdrawals from Subtotal This Balance should match your new Account Register Balance $ _ _ _ __ $==== Upon receipt of your statement differences if any should be reported to the bank promptly in writing and in accordance with provisions ln your deposit agreement IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Change of Address Please call us at the telephone number listed on the front of thls statement to tell us about a change of address Deposit Agreement. When you opened your account. you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that your account would be governed by the terms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the terms and conditions of your account relationship. may be obtained at our banking centers Electronic Transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about an electronic transfer (e.g., ATM transactions, direct deposits or withdrawals, point·Of·sale transactions} on the statement or receipt. telephone or write us at the address and number listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared • Tell us your name and account number • Descrlbe the error or the transfer you are unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. • Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error For consumer accounts used primarily for personal family or household purposes. we will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days (10 calender days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20 business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is made to your account) to do this, we will recredit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation For other accounts we investigate and if we find we have made an error we credit your account at the conclusion of our investigation Reporting Other Problems. You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or unauthorized transactions within the time periods specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60 days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or Jess) we are not tiabte to you for and you agree not to make a claim against us for the problems or unauthorized transactions 8 . 3d.3 Direct Deposits. If you have arranged to have direct depcsits made to your account at least once every 60 days from the same person or company you may call us at the telephone number hsted on the front of this statement to fmd out if the deposit was made as schEXHtBIT Bank of America, N A Member FDIC and @ Equal Housing Lender -----------------------·---------·------------------~- ------ -~~·-·-·--- - ' - - - -------------------·-~·---- ~~~-~---·--------~-- _ _:::..p~1~-""'-'""-""--- Page 1 of I RE: Refo11als Bronson, Ktisti R to: Tracie Aulet 04/02/2014 02:49 PM Show Details Secmity: Io ensme privacy, images from remote sites were prevented frnm downloading Show Images The notice that no report will be filed is the waiver, which must be filed in the EFS We do not require anything separate in writing Regar<ls, If1bJtl Reid B1on~on, c:hiej Divl-.ion of E/e,tio11s, Buteau of E~leclion Recot<lfl (.9.50) 24.5-6240 From: Tracie Au let [mailto:Tracie.Aulet@myfloridalegal.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 12:56 PM To: Bronson, Kristi R Subject: Referrals Good Afternoon Kristi, I am investigating a referral from DOE for failure to notify the filing officer in writing on the prescribed repotting date that no report would be filed, i e the untimely filing of waivers Would you please inform me as to what the procedure is fOr a candidate who wants to notify the Division in writing that there will be no report filed? Is it similar to the request for password in that they have to fax a signed letter to the Division? Does the Division acknowledge receipt of the notification that no report will be filed? Once the letter is received is the candidate still required to file the actual waiver of report? Thank you for your assistance in this matter Sincerely, I racie L Aul et Investigation Specialist II Florida Elections Commission The Collins Building, Suite 224 I 07 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 Please note that Florida has a broad public records law, and that all correspondence to me via e-mail may be subject to disclosure ttsWorkin FL The Department of State is committed to excellence Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey. EXHIBIT_q...:..-..--file:///C:/U sers/Aulett/AppData/Local/I emp/notesFCBCEE/-web 1833 .htm 8/28/2014 Page 1 of 1 FEC - Candidate/Committer riling Histmy Repo1t ~'"m search 1directorv1 contact us 1411 1subscribe! tour 1help Florida Department of State - Division of Elections Florida Election System Reports Committee Name: Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Account: 59846 Candidate/Committee Lookup Name: .... _,, ..,.,_. Election: Date Due Type Date Filed Status L~~·· ~·· • n•' ••• •-'o•> • • Acct j59846 Type jcomri:iitt~~ Search j .. B Reset B 8/22/2014 8/15/2014 8/8/2014 8/1/2014 7/25/2014 7/18/2014 7/11/2014 7/4/2014 6/27/2014 6/10/2014 5/12/2014 4/10/2014 3/10/2014 2/10/2014 1/10/2014 12/10/2013 11/12/2013 10/10/2013 7/10/2013 4/10/2013 1/10/2013 11/2/2012 10/19/2012 10/5/2012 9/21/2012 8/10/2012 7/27/2012 7/13/2012 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2A P2 P1A P1 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M12 M11 M10 03 02 01 04 G4 G3 G2 G1 F3 F2 F1 EXHIBIT NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN 10/22/2014 10/22/2014 2/5/2014 2/5/2014 12/5/2013 12/5/2013 10/10/2013 7/10/2013 5/12/2013 1/19/2013 11/2/2012 10/24/2012 10/5/2012 9/21/2012 8/10/2012 7/31/2012 7/12/2012 Days Late As=~~~ed 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Appealed Amount Amount Paid Fined $000 $0 00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $0.00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $000 $0 00 $000 $0 00 CLO CLO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 226 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CLO 26 $0 00 $0 00 $000 CLO 23 $0 00 $0 00 $000 CLO CLO 32 9 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $000 CLO 5 $0 00 $0 00 $000 CLO 4 $0 00 $000 $000 I0 12/2/2014 / /". I HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID Date Recorded 38738 5/30/2014 10:06:00 AM Last Edited Date Orginally Recorded By dsbrown RE: Email from Mr. Bedran and my response Good morning Mr Bedran Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - ECO 59846 is still an active electioneering communication organization The Division of Elections issued a Notice of Intent to Revoke the registration of this ECO in January 2014. However, the revocation has not yet occurred and may be some time, if ever My understanding is that the rule regarding financial activity has been challenged Therefore, until a decision is made by the court, revocations are pending. Should the ruling result in proceeding with the revocations- you will receive a Final Order revoking the registration for ECO 59846 As long as this ECO is active, financial reports are required by Florida Statutes. Florida Citizen$ for Smart Justice currently has three outstanding financial reports that must be filed: 2014 M2, M3 and M4 The 2014 M5 report will be due no later than June 10 2014 If you would like to disband the ECO please send a letter requesting disbandment. (Disbandment does not absolve the requirement to file financial reports Until notification that the ECO has been made inactive by the Division financial reports will be required ) Jf you have any questions or I may be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me Best regards, Donna S Brown From: Kyle Bedran [mailto:bedranlaw@gmail com] Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:52 PM To: Brown, Donna S. Subject: Re: ECO 59846 .. Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice Mrs. Brown, Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice, Inc was administratively dissolved last year and we received a letter from the Division of Elections stating the ECO was to be terminated Is further action necessary on our part to terminate the ECO? Sincerely, 38721 dsbrown 5/29/2014 12:53:00 PM RE: Returned FF Second Notice (M4 report) A copy of the Seond Notice for failure to file the report due May 12 2014 was emailed to the Chairperson today: Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson and Registered Agent Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran, The Second Notice for failure to file your May 12, 2014, campaign treasurer's report was returned to our office as Return to Sender'' The Notice was mailed to your address of record as the Registered Agent for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice To avoid further delay I have attached a copy of the Notice for your information and records If this report is not filed via the Divisions electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action (See attached letter) If you have any questions please feel free to contact me direct at (904) 245·6297 Regards Donna S Brown ·-------·----- EXHIBIT Page 1 of4 I\ Pl \6\"4 717/2014 HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID Date Recorded 38364 Last Edited Date 4/1/2014 4:05:00 PM Orginally Recorded By dsbrown RE: Returned Mail Email sent to Chairperson today: Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson and Registered Agent Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran, The Second Notice for failure to file your March 10, 2014 campaign treasurer's report was returned to our office as "Return to Sender'' The Notice was mailed to your address of record as the Registered Agent for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice To avoid further delay I have attached a copy of the Notice for your information and records If you have any questions please feel free to contact me direct at (904) 245-6297 36628 1/22/2014 2:01 :00 PM ljrandolph RE: Returned Mail I called and left a message Mr Bedran regarding returned mail that we received I left my contact information and asked for him to return my call 35694 12/18/2013 2:24:00 PM 1/22/2014 4:23:09 PM lbelvin RE Updating the address 604-502-3327 I called and spoke with Mr Bedran because when I was processing the mail it was given to me stamped as incomplete Looking over the form there were a few errors, however this committee was already in the system and the only thing he was doing was trying to change the address for our records He said that he had already went into the EFS sytem to make changes and the only reason he sent the forms were to create a paper trail 35762 elalexander 12/12/2013 11 :22:00 AM Re: Return of Mail Re-mailed to Mr Bedran on 12/12/2013 -·-------·--~------------- 35761 elalexander 12/12/201311 :20:00 AM Re: Return of Mai! Called Mr Bedran and left a detailed voice message in regards to change of address Noticed the following: - Address has been updated in EFS with a valid email address and linked into CanCom with the new mailing address EXHIBIT \) Page 2 of 4 ~- 2of4 71712014 HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice ·· 59846 Unique ID Date Recorded 35409 121212013 9:38:00 AM Or·ginally Recorded By Last Edited Date elalexander Re: Return of Mail The following email was sent to Mr Bedran (BedranLaw@gmail com) in regards to return mail: Dear Mr Bedran This is a follow-up email to a return of mail that was received in our office on November 25 2013 for the following ECO (Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice) We just need to verify that we have the proper address for you If we do not we will need the following to ensure that we keep your information updated within our office: 1.A signed written notification verifying a change of address This may be scanned and emailed to our office or faxed to our office at (850) 245-6259 or (850) 245-6260 2 Please update your contact information in EFS as well as providing a valid email address for future notifications Below is the following address that we have on file for you: 1650 Margaret Street, Suite 302 PMB 147 Jacksonville Florida 32204 If the information listed above is incorrect please follow the instructions provided so that we may update our system with your most recent contact information If you have any questions, please call our office at (850) 245-6240 Sincerely Erica Leondria Alexander Regulatory Specialist I Bureau of Election Records Florida Department of State R.A Gray Building 500 S Bronough Street Tallahassee FL 32399 Note: This response ls provided for reference only and does not constitute a formal legal opinion or representation from the Department of State or the Division of Elections As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult an attorney to represent their interests before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided 35407 elalexander 1212/2013 9:20:00 AM Re: Return of Mail Searched in BER Imaging found the following email address for Mr Bedran: BedranLaw@gmaiJ com 35403 elalexander 121212013 9:00:00 AM Re: Return of Mail Called for Mr Bedran left a detailed voice message: - Need to verify change of address Please update your current address and other contact information on EFS Please send in a signed written notification to our office notifying us of the change of address Please call our office at (850) 245-6240 35371 elalexander 11127/201312:0100 PM Re: Return of Mail Called the number on file for Mr Bed ran and left a detailed voice message. Below are the details from the message: - Calling to verify current mailing address - Advise Mr. Bedran to update his information in the EFS System for future notifications in reagrds - Please call our office at (850) 245-6240 EXHIBIT I\ Page 3 of 4 to reporting deadlines, etc ?'J 3 & 4 7/712014 HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID 35298 Date Recorded Last Edited Date 11/26/2013 8:23:00 AM Orginally Recorded By ELAlexander Re: Return of Mail Called and left a voice message for the treasurer, below are the details from the message: - .Just calling to obtain your new mailing address to send the following mail that has returned to our office to you - Also calling to remind you that we would still need a letter and the forms showing any changes of address or other changes of information for the ECO (Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice) - If you have any questions, please call our office at (850) 245-6240 or my direct line (850) 245-6170 35297 elalexander 11/25/2013 4:48:00 PM Re: Return of Mail Called and spoke with treasurer below are the following details from our conversation: - Need a verification of address - Has been meaning to send in the information stating a change of address to our office - Will send in a letter and the forms showing a change of address 29267 6/18/201211:45:00AM ljrandolph Past notes pertaining to incomplete paperwork: Not Processed because box 3 isnt specific enough I called and spoke to Mr bedran and explained to him that he need to be more specific because box 3 need to state what type of candidates the committee is supporting He said that he will submit the corrected paperwork asap LJR 6/4/2012 EXHIBIT \ \ Page 4 of 4 Pl 4 ~4 7/7/2014 I Aug 2' n14 :l'.)7AV ~' 'ubl1c De'1"~''' C'·'-, 322l F 2 ' ""' Kyle A Bed!an, Esq. Floiida Citizens for Smart Justice 612 S West Street Green Cove Springs, Flo1ida 32043 ,~, .~ - I II'- ' ) t ' ........ ,., ' io 14 AUG 21 AH I I: 04 August 21, 2014 iJIVLc. : . ,:..E.CTJONS SECRE IAHY OF STATE Florida Divis.ion of Elections Room316 RA Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street lallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 'Io Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as notice that Florida Citizens for Smrut Justice, an Electioneering Communication Organization, has been decommissioned and is no longer an active ECO As of October 17, 2012, the bank account fo1 the ECO was balanced, zeroed out and reported, concluding its financial activity. An Annual Repo1t was filed in 2013, continuing the nonprofil's life to the end of year . After receiving your letter dated Janua1y 17, 2014 and titled Notice oflntent to Revoke, I was under the impression that after the :~O day period lapsed, the organization would not be 1ecognized as an active ECO. No Annual Report was filed for the year2014 and the nonprofit is cunently set to administratively dissolve within the next month. To further compound my confosion, my address has changed twice in the past year, leading to several miscommunications Jn summation, I apologize for my misunde1 standing and lack of communication in resolving this matter . I hope the timeline set out above sheds light on the problem. If anything fu1the1 is needed please feel free to contact me at any time at 904-502-3327 or Bed1 anLaw@gmaiL2Qffi EXHIBIT_J 2 p;j. \tf 2 > I I ' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT o!STATE RICK SCOTT Governor KENDETZNER Secretary of State August 27, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson Florida Citizens fot Smart Justice (59846) 3 l West Adams Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Dear Mr Bedran: This will acknowledge receipt of your committee's letter informing us of the disbandment of Florida Citizens for Smart Justice as an electioneering communications organization This information was placed on file in our office on August 21, 2014. Yom final report may be filed at any time but is due no later than August 22, 2014 This report must be filed via the Division's Electronic Filing System (EFS).. If you have no activity to report, you are still required to file a waiver. Should you need to file amendments after the final report has been filed, please contact our office to have your account activated If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance to you at any time, please do not hesitate to call (850) 245-6280 Since1ely, ~~~+~13~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records KRB/ljr EXHIBIT I 2 ~ VIVA ftORrnA500. PJ 2 af'2 Division of Elections RA. Gray Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850 .. 245 . 6200 • 850. 245.6217 (Fax) election.dos.. state . fl,us Pr·omoting Florida's History and Cultur·e VivaFlor!da.org /1 *Confidential: Re: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175- Response due by close of business on September 4, 2014 ~ Florida Elections Commission to: Kyle Bedran From: To: 09/10/2014 05:02 PM Florida Elections Commission/OAG Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Please direct them to Erin Riley or Amy Toman Thank you Kyle Bedran From: To: Date: Subject: Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail com> Florida Elections Commission <fec@myfloridalegal.com> 09/10/2014 03:29 PM Re: •confidential: Confidential Case No : FEC 14-175 - Response due by close of business on September~, 2014 ··-·------------- Mrs . Malphurs, I apologize for not submitting a response within the allotted time . Work became quite buidensome last week I would like to let the Commission know that I want to cooperate fully to resolve this issue quickly. If! may, I want to provide complete bank records for the ECO in hopes that this will expedite the process Who can I direct those records to? Thank you, KyleBedran On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Florida Elections Commission <foc@myfloridalegal.com> wrote: Dear Mr Bedran, Thank you for confirming receipt of the referral for your alleged failure to file reports, after notice. Please keep in mind that ALL outstanding reports are required to be filed, even if you disband the ECO You may also wish to notify Donna Brown with the Division of Elections at 850-245-6297 of your new address for theiI records (or you may be able to update your address through the electronic filing system (EFS) database Please submit your initial response to the complaint/referral by the close of business on September 4, 2014 If you have any questions, please let me know Sincerely, D~AIM'V/\ll~y Agency Clerk EXHIBIT_i 3 pj. \ o+' 2 850-922-4539 ""Kyle Bedran---08/21/2014 10:47:00 AM---Mrs Malphurs, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the From: Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Io: Florida Elections Commission <fec@myflo1idalegal.com> Date: 08/2112014 10:47 AM Subject: Re: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175 -- Please respond Mrs Malphurs, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the allotted time. Thank you, Kyle A Bcdran, Esq. BedranLaw@gmail.com 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRlVlLEGf'D AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited 1f you have received this em,1il in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records. Thank you for your cooperation . Kyle A Bedran, Esq. BeciranLaw@gmail.com 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records Thank you for your cooperation EXHIBIT I3 pj · '2 of 2 FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Telephone: (850) 922-4539 Fax: (850) 921-0783 Septembe1 23, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 612 South West Street Greencove1 Springs, FL 32043 RE: Case No.: FEC 14-175; Respondent: Kyle A. Bedran, Treasurer· and Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Dear M1 Bedran: On July 10, 2014, the Flo1ida Elections Commission received a complaint alleging that you violated Florida's election laws I have reviewed the complaint and find that it contains one or more legally sufficient allegations.. The Commission staff will investigate the following alleged violations: Section 106.070.3(6), Florida Statutes: As alleged in the complaint, Respondent, Kyle Alexander Bedran, is the treasurer for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electioneering communications organization (ECO) registered with the Division of Elections Respondent failed to timely notify the filing officer in writing that the ECO had no reportable activity and, the1efore, would not be filing a report on the presc1ibed reporting date fo1 each of the following reporting periods: • • 2014M2 2014 M3 Section 106 . 19(1)(c), Florida Statutes: As alleged in the complaint, Respondent, Kyle Alexander Beman, is the treasurer for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electioneering communications 01ganization (ECO) registered with the Division of Elections . Respondent falsely repo1ted or deliberately failed to include information required by Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, when he failed to file a 1epo1t on the prescribed repo1ting date for each of the following reporting pe1iods: • ComOl l (10/07) 2014 M2 • 2014 M3 Section 106.070.3(l)(a), Florida Statutes: As alleged in the complaint, Respondent, Florida Citizens for Smart Justice,. an electioneering communications 01ganization (ECO), failed to timely file the campaign treasurer's report with the Division of Elections that were due on March 10, 2014 (M2) and April 10, 2014 (M3) • • 2014 M2 2014 M3 You may respond to the allegations above by filing a notarized statement prqviding any information regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the allegations.. Your response will be included as an attachment to the investigator's report When we conclude the investigation, a copy of the Report of Investigation will be mailed to you at the above address You may file a response to the report within 14 days from the date the report is mailed to you. Based on the results of the investigation, legal staff will make a written recommendation to the Commission on whether there is probable cause to believe you have violated Chapter 104 or 106, Floiida Statutes . A copy of the Staff Recommendation will be mailed to you and you may file a 1esponse within 14 days ft om the date the recommendation is mailed to you. Your timely filed response(s) will be considered by the Commission when dete1mining probable cause. The Commission will then hold a heaiing to determine whether there is p1obable cause to believe you have violated Chapters 104 or 106, Florida Statutes You and the complainant will receive a notice of hea1ing at least 14 days before the heaiing The notice of heaiing will indicate the location, date, and time of your heaiing. You will have the opportunity to make a brief oral statement to the Commission, but you will not be permitted to testify or call others to testify, or introduce any docUinentaiy or other evidence . At any time before a p1obable cause finding, you may notify us in writing that you want to enter into negotiations directed towards reaching a settlement via consent agreement The Report of Investigation, Staff Recommendation, and Notice of Hearing will be mailed to the above addr·ess as this letter. Therefore, if your address changes, you must noti(y this office of your new address. Otherwise, you may not receive these important documents. Failure to receive the documents will not delay the probable cause hearing. Under section 10625, F101ida Statutes, complaints, Commission investigations, investigative reports, and other documents 1elating to an alleged violation of Chapters 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, are confidential until the Commission finds p10bable cause or no p10bable cause.. The confidentiality provision does not apply to the pe1son filing the complaint Howeve1, it does apply to you unless you waive confidentiality in writing· The confidentiality provision does not preclude you from seeking legal counsel.. Howeve1, if you retain counsel, your attorney must file a notice of appearance with the Commission befo1e any member of the Commission staff can discuss this case with him 01 her. ComOl 1 (8/08) I ' I ' If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Cedric Oliver, the investigator assigned to this case AMII Como 11 (8/08) / *Confidential: Re: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175- Response due by close of business on September 4, 2014 0 Florida Elections Commission to: Kyle Bedran From: To: 09/10/2014 05:02 PM Florida Elections Commission/OAG Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Please direct them to Erin Riley or Amy Toman. Thank you Mrs. Malphurs, I apologize for not submitting a r .·· Kyle Bedran From: To: Date: Subject: O§fi0/2014 03:29:37 PM Kyle Bed ran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Florida Elections Commission <fec@myfloridalegal.com> 09/10/2014 03:29 PM Re: •confidential: Confidential Case No : FEC 14-175 - Response due by close of business on September 4, 2014 Mrs . Malphurs, I apologize for not submitting a response within the allotted time Work became quite burdensome last week I would like to let the Commission know that I want to cooperate fully to resolve this issue quickly. If I may, I want to provide complete bank records for the ECO in hopes that this will expedite the process . Who can I direct those records to? Thank you, Kyle Bedran On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11 :45 AM, Florida Elections Commission <foc@myfloridalegal.com> wrote: Dear Mr. Bedran, Thank you for confoming receipt of the referral for your alleged failure to file reports, after notice . Please keep in mind that ALL outstanding reports are required to be filed, even if you disband the ECO You may also wish to notify Donna Brown with the Division of Elections at 850-245-6297 of your new address for their records (or you may be able to update your address through the electronic filing system (EFS) database. Please submit your initial response to the complaint/referral by the close of business on September 4, 2014 If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, D~ AIM'V /V1~s- Agency Clerk / ( 850-922-4539 "'"Kyle Bedran ---·08/21/2014 10:47:00 AM---Mrs Malphurs, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the From: Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Io: Florida Elections Commission <fec@myf!01idalegal.com> Date: 08/2112014 10:47 AM Subject: Re: Confidential Case No . : FEC 14-175 -- Please respond Mrs Malphurs, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the allotted time Thank you, Kyle A Bcdran, Fsq BedranLaw@gmail.com 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRIVII. FGLD AND CONr lDENl !AL information intended only for the use of the addressce(s) named above . lf'you arc not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you arc hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited lt you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email frorn your records. Thank you for your cooperation. Kyle A Bedran, Esq. BedranLaw@gmail.com 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records. Thank you for your cooperation Page I of2 / I ' Re: *Confidential: Confidential Case No . : FEC 14-175 - Response due by close ofbusiness on September 4, 2014 Kyle Bedran to: Florida Elections Commission 09/10/2014 03:29 PM Show Details I Attachment l~I graycoLgif Mrs Malphurs, I apologize for not submitting a response within the allotted time Work became quite burdensome last week I would like to let the Commission know that I want to cooperate fully to resolve this issue quickly. If I may, I want to provide complete bank records for the ECO in hopes that this will expedite the process . Who can I direct those records to? Thank you, Kyle Bedran On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11 :45 AM, Florida Elections Commission <foc@.myt101idalcgal.com> wrote: Dear Mr Bedran, Thank you for confirming receipt of the refeHal for your alleged failure to file reports, after notice Please keep in mind that ALL outstanding reports are required to be filed, even if you disband the ECO You may also wish to notify Donna Brown with the Division of Elections at 850-245-6297 of your new address for their records (or you may be able to update your address through the electronic filing system (EF S) database Please submit your initial response to the complaint/refenal by the close of business on September 4, 2014. If you have any questions, please let me know Sincerely, D~ AIM'\; /lll~y Agency Clerk 850-922-4539 Kyle Bed1an ---08/21/2014 10:47:00 AM---Mrs Malphws, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the from: Kyle Bedran <bcdranlav,,(mgmail.com> To: Florida Elections Commission <fec(ii)mvt101idalegal.com> · Date: 08/21/2014 10:47 AM file:///C:/Users/Malphwsd/AppData/1 ocal/1 emp/notesF CBCEE/.-web4202 htm 9110/2014 Page 2 of2 Subject: Re: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175 -- Please respond Mrs Malphurs, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the allotted time . Thank you, 1 Kyle A Bedran, vsq BedranLaw@gmail.com 904-502-3327 i This email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are ' hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records Thank you for your cooperation Kyle A Bedran, Esq Bcdranl ,a\V(aigrnail.con1 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENIIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records Thank you for your cooperation file:///C:/Users/Malphmsd/AppDatall ocal/Temp/notesFCBCEE/-web4202 httn 9/10/2014 *Confidential: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175- Response due by close of business on September 4, 2014 @) Florida Elections Commission to: Kyle Bedran From: To: 08/21/2014 11 :45 AM Florida Elections Commission/OAG Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Dear Mr Bedran, Thank you for confirming receipt of the referral for your alleged failure to file reports, after notice. Please keep in mind that ALL outstanding reports are required to be filed, even if you disband the ECO. You may also wish to notify Donna Brown with the Division of Elections at 850-245-6297 of your new address for their records (or you may be able to update your address through the electronic filing system (EFS) database Please submit your initial response to the complainVreferral by the close of business on September 4, 2014. If you have any questions, please let me know Sincerely, D~, A"""' fVl~y Agency Clerk 850-922-4539 Mrs . Malphurs, I am in r~Ceipt of the complaint a Kyle Bedran From: To: Date: Subject: • 081iii2014'10:47:00.AM Kyle Bedran <bedranlaw@gmail.com> Florida Elections Commission <fec@myfloridalegal.com> 08/21/2014 10:47 AM Re: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175 -- Please respond Mrs . Malphurs, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the allotted time Thank you, Kyle A Bedran, Esq BedranLaw@gmail.com 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records Thank you for your cooperation Page I of I Re: Confidential Case No.: FEC 14-175 -- Please respond Kyle Bedran to: Florida Elections Commission 08/2112014 10:47 AM Show Details History: This message has been replied to . Mrs . MalphUis, I am in receipt of the complaint and will issue a response within the allotted time . Thank you, Kyle A Bedran, Esq . BedranLaw(ii),gmail.com 904-502-3327 lhis email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENIIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records Thank you for your cooperation. file:///C:/Users/Malphursd/AppData/L.ocal/Temp/notesFCBCEE/-web6904 htm 8/21/2014 / I ' FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Suite 224 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Telephone: (850) 922-4539 Fax: (850) 921-0783 August 21, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran 612 South West Street Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 RE: Case No.: FEC 14-175, Respondent: Kyle Alexander Bedran as treasurer, and .Florida Citizens for Sma1t Justice, an electioneering communications organization Deai Mr. Bedian: On July 10, 2014, the Florida Elections Commission mailed notification to you that the Division of Elections refo11ed you and yoUl organization for failure to file required 1epo1ts (2014 M2 and M3).. However, our notification was retUlned to us "unclaimed" Pursuant to OUl telephone conversation today, I am enclosing a copy of the refonal/complaint documents for your review and action Fot your convenience, I have also emailed them to you at bedranlaw@gmail.com Please take a moment to confirm receipt via email at fec@m yfl 01idal egal. com Thank you for your cooperation If you have any questions, please contact me Sincerely, L~'IYL~-- Donna Ann Malphurs Agency Clerk /dam Enclosure: Complaint/Refonal w/attachments cc: Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer, Florida Citizens for Smart Justice (ECO) via bedtanlaw@gmail.com Confidential Case No . : FEC 14-175 -- Please respond Florida Elections Commission to: bedranlaw From: To: 08/21/2014 10:26 AM Florida Elections Commission/OAG bedranlaw@gmail.com Kyle Alexander Bed1an 612 South West Street Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 RE: Case No.: FEC 14-175, Respondent: Kyle Alexander Bedran as treasurer, and Florida Citizens for Smart Justice, an electioneering communications organization Dear Mr Bedran: On July 10, 2014, the Florida Elections Commission mailed notification to you that the Division of Elections refened you and your 01ganization for failure to file required reports (2014 M2 and M3) However, out notification was returned to us "unclaimed." Pursuant to our telephone conversation today, I am enclosing a copy of the refenal/complaint documents for your review and action For your convenience, I have also emailed them to you at bedranlaw@gmail.com. Please take a moment to confitm receipt via email at fec@myfl01idalegal.com . 14-175 Referral from DOE .pdf Thank you for your cooperation If you have any questions, please contact me. Since1ely, D~ A""""" /\ll~y Agency Clerk /dam Enclosure: Complaint/Referral w/attachments cc: Kyle Alexande1 Bedran, Treasuret, Flotida Citizens for Smatt Justice (ECO) via bedranlaw@gmail.com Page I of I I • Re: Please call 850-922-4539 Kyle Bechan to: Donna Malphws 08/21/2014 09:54 AM Show Details 612 S . West St Green Cove Spring, FL 32043 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Donna Malphws <Donna.Malphms@myfloridalegal.com> wrote: Dear M1 Bedran, Please call me to discuss an important confidential matter Thank you, D~AIMV/\11~$/ Agency Clerk F loiida Elections Commission donna.malphu1 s(almyfloridalegal.com 850-922-4539; Fax 850-921-0783 Kyle A. Bedran, Esq . Bed1anLaw@l)gmail.com 904-502-3327 This email may contain PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above If you are not the intended recipient of this email, or an authorized employee or agent r·esponsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify sender by reply email and delete this email from your records Thank you for your cooperation file:///C:/Users/Malphursd/AppData/Local/Temp/notesFCBCEE/-web9739.httn 8/21/2014 Please call 850-922-4539 Donna Malphurs to: bedranlaw Cc: kab From: To: Cc: Donna Malphurs/OAG bedranlaw@gmait com kab@pd4.coj.net Dear Mr Bedran, Please call me to discuss an important confidential matter Thank you, D~ Al'IA-V /Vt~_s, Agency Clerk Florida Elections Commission donna.malphurs@myfloridalegal.com 850-922-4539; Fax 850-921-0783 08/21/2014 09:42 AM The Florida Bar. MemberProfile Page I of2 I l!.\-\'15 I i' ' Ethics Rules LOMAS Profassion.~li$m Logio llll8m THE FLORIDA BAR ABOUT THE BAR NEWS & EVENTS FOR THE PUBLIC THE FLORIDA BAR I Find A Lawyer f MemberProfile Kyle Alexander Bedran Member in Good Standing Bar Number: 94864 Address: MEMBER SERVICES Searcti The Florida Bar - Ellglble to Practice Law In Florida Public Defender's Office 825 N Orange Ave Green Cove Springs FL 32043-2525 United States Phone: 904-541-5393 Fax: 904-541-5387 Email: kab@Pd4 coj net vCard: ~? County: Clay Circuit: 4 Admitted: 02103/2012 Young Lawyers Division: Member 10-Year Dlscipllne History: None Law School: Florida Coastal School of Law Graduation Year: 2011 Degree: Doctor of Jurisprudence/ Juris Doctor Firm: Public Defender's Office 4th Circuit Firm Size: 51to100 Position: Government attorney Website: mattshirkpublicdefender com Tllo Find a Lawyer directory Is provided as a pub1lc sorvico Tho Flor Ida Bar maintains llmltod basic lnlormaUon about attorneys 1lco11sed to practice In th.estate (o.g., name, address, year of birth., ge11der, law schools attended, admission year), Howovor, through. this directory Tho Florida Bar allows individual attorneys tho opportunity to provide for pubUc information cortain oxpanded personal and professional data It Is tho attornoy"s rosponslblllty to routinely rovlow and update tho so oxpandod II stings The information contained In those expanded listings is pro11ontod by tho Bar' as Is' with no warranty of a11y kind .. oxpross or Implied. Tho Florida Bar, Its Board of Govornors, employees and agents tho roof aro not rosponslblo for tho accuracy of that additional data P1.1bllcatlon of attorneys' contact Information within th.ls listing should not be construed as their consont to rocolve unsollcltod communlcallons Jn any form Cortaln unauthorized 1.1sos of this data may roe ult In clvll or criminal ponalUos Tho Find a Lawyer dlroctory Is not a lawyer roferral sorvlce http://www.flor idabar.orgiwps/portal/flbar/home/attysearch/mprofile/!ut/p/a l/jc_ LDolwEAXQ I -pthRaWo6mk 8/20/2014 The Florida Bar - MemberProfile Page 2 of2 ( I About tho Bar Prosidont's Pago Board of GovomOrs Commlttaes Sections & OMsions Daily News Summary Wha!WoOo Ro~.eareh Working at the Bar Contact us O!roctorles Search for a Ulwyer Ethics. Opinions Board Certification Brom\! Ulwyers by Location Benefits and Discounts Browse Lawyers by Certillca\ion The florid a Bar Journal Lawyer Reform I SerVice Employm(!nt Opp(lrtunmos Browse Lawyers by Socllon Fnstease Leoai Research Brome Lnwyers by commlttoo LOMAS 'Law Office Management Assistance Service CalendalS Reporter's Handbook Issue Papers Publieations The Vote's ill Your Court Lawyers Helping Lawyers Fair & Impartial Courts Lawyers AdvisiflQ Lawyers Author1zod House Counsel Clients Securi!y Fund Florida Lawyers. Assistance CerlifiOO Foreign Leoa1 Prepaid legal Services e .. filing Resources Pro Bonoitegal Aid Florida Reois1ered Pnmlegal Unliconsetl Pmctice of Law Pro Bono Information Legislative Actjvity Lawyer Rolerml Leadorsh•P Awdemy Research & Profosslonansm Speakers Bureau MOOla Resources Past Prasidonts Member Sorv!cos Continuing Legal Education Consumer tnforrnaUon Meetings History For the Public Attorney O!scipllne Tile florid a Bar News News Roleasos Frcquontly AskOO Ouo~tions Stralegic Plan & Nows, Evonts & Publlcatlons Consultant Rules Reou1ating !he Bar Henry Lntimor Center for Professionalism Florida RC(listorcd Paraleoais Law Faculty Amlinte Members Courts & Judges Florida BM Staff Lcgnl Groups & Law Schools Judicial Nomloatlng Commission http://wwwfloridabar org/wps/portaVflbar/home/attysearch/mprofile/!ut/p/a 1/jc_LDolwEAXQ I -pthRaWo6mk . 8/20/2014 I ' DIVISION OF ELECTIONS FEC REFERRAL FORM , 2014 JUL 10 p 1: 38 To FEC from Division of Elections Name: Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Account Number: 59846 Chairperson: Kyle Alexander Bedran Treasurer: Kyle Alexander Bedran Registered Agent: Kyle Alexander Bedran The Division of Elections is referring this issue to the Florida Elections Commission pursuant to Sections 106 ..25, Section 106 . 0703(6), and 106 .19(1 )(c), Florida Statutes Section 106 . 0703(6) Florida Statutes, requires the filing officer to notify the FEC of a oo.litical-eommittees-alleged failure to file reports as set forth in the notification . cc·c In the alternative, Florida Citizens for Smart Justice failed to notify the filing officer on Jhe prescribed reporting dates that no reports were to be filed. Late filing of the required waiver notice(s) reflects a deliberate failure to provide information to the filing officer as required by Section 106.0703(7)(d), Florida Statutes. Report(s): 2014 M2 Report 2014 M3 Report Sent By: Date: slb Kristi Reid Bronson July 9, 2014 i;.,ef.J OUOUU1 / i ' AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA County of Leon Kristi Reid Bronson, being duly sworn, says: 1 I am the Chief of the Bmeau of Election Records of the Division of Elections (Division). In that capacity, I oversee the Division's duties related to the filing of campaign finance reports. 2 This affidavit is made upon my personal knowledge, including information obtained from review of the attached records, of which I am the custodian . 3.. I am oflegal age and competent to testify to the matters stated herein. 4 Florida Citizens for Smart Justice (59846) is an electioneering communications organization registered with the Division. On June 7, 2012 , Kyle Alexander Bedran filed the DSDE 41 and 103 with the Division of Elections indicating that he was the chairperson and treasurer for the 01ganization (See attached documents and acknowledgment letter ) 5 The 2014 M2 campaign treasurer's report was due on March 10, 2014 At the time the rep01t was due, Mr.. Bedran was the treasurer. 6 On March 11, 2014, the Division mailed Mr Bedran notifications that the 2014 M2 campaign treasurer's report had not been filed. (See attached letter) . 7 On March 24, 2014, the Division mailed Mr.. Bedran notifications thatthe 2014 M2 campaign treasurer's report had not been filed (See attached letter). 8. On April 11, 2014, the Division mailed Mr . Bedrnn final notification with delivery confirmation that the 2014 M2 report had not been filed . (See attached letter with delivery confirmation}. 9 The 2014 M3 campaign treasurer's report was due on April 10, 2014. At the time the rep01t was due, Mr Bedr an was the treasurer 10 On April 11, 2014, the Division mailed Mr.. Bedran notifications that the 2014 M3 campaign rNV035 (S/00) OOOOu2 treasurer's report had not been filed.. (See attached letter) 11 On April 25, 2014, the Division mailed Mr. Bedran notifications that the 2014 M3 campaign treasurer's report had not been filed (See attached letter). 12.. On May 8, 2014, the Division mailed Mr . Bedran final notification with delivery confirmation that the 2014 M3 report had not been filed . (See attached letter with delivery confirmation). 13 As of July 9, 2014, Florida Citizens for Smait Justice has failed to file the 2014 M2 and 2014 M3 reports. I hereby swear or affirm that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sworn to or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, 0 Print, Type, or S t a Com 7p ssioned Name of Notary Public Personally Known JOELMYNAAD I.ff COMMISSION # ff 115'14!6 EXPIRES: May 16, 2018 Bonded 'l1wll NollfyP,bllc Unde-.s INV035 (5/00) i ____ REGISTERED AGENT STATEMENT OF APPOINTMENT (Section 106 022, F.S . ) liJ D Change of Mailing Address --·····~ Name Kyle Alexander Bedran ..., ,... ,... :: j \~ifB@. USE ONLY 12 JUN-4 PH \2: 58 DIV\:;iG;l G.' ELE CTlONS SECRETARY OF STATE D D Original Appointment .._ ..,_ Change of Appointment Change of Physical Address Registered Agent and Office Information ...----·--- ·-··---Telephone Street Address 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 City Jacksonville 904-502-3327 ·-- --=~·--------·---Rf---- - - - ---:=- 1f~ig~~~ ----·-- -~·-- Mailing Address 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 I State City Jacksonville ---------·- Zip Code FL 32204 ---·-·---••n"""" I accept this appointment and confirm that I am familiar with and accept the obligations of the position as set forih in Section 106.022, F.S. I also understand that I may resign this appointment by executing a written statement of resignation and filing it with the applicable filing officer ~---~ ' - l. 12 ------Date ~dAgenl -·· Former Registered Agent and Office Information (for changes only) ·----··--w·--••n-··--·-•-•·-·-----•-••-·-- Name I Telephone ------·- Street Address -------··--''H•--'"''''''--'" City ----•Rm •. -·- I State I Zip Cod.e Committee or Organization Information -- ----~--- Name of Committee or Organization Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Street Address 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 City Jacksonville - Telephone 904-502-3327 , ___,, __ --f~~ate Zip Code 32204 ~="" ~~:=---fule Alexander Bed ran Printed Name of Chairperson Form DS·DE 41(revised6111) 6,l-12. Date - r r I Kyle Alexander Bed ran, Esq . 1661 Riverside Ave . #412 12 JUN -4 PH /2: 58 Jacksonville, FL 32204 ~¥bWt~~~·yt0LFESCT1011s TATE 904-502··3327 Bedranlaw@gmail.com Re: Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Department of State Division of Elections Room 316 RA Gray Building 500 S. Bro no ugh Street Tallahassee, FL 32399·-0250 To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find the required DS-DE 41 Appointment of Registered Agent and the DS .. DE 103 Electioneering Communication Statement of Organization forms for filing Please let me know when the Division has certified the above entity or if further information is needed Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Kyle Alexander Bed ran, Esq Enclosures I I I I, ' "'I.''''!' .I . n .,- l'.'." ,.., c" I., '1 F . . ~· ' 12 JUN-4 PM \2: 58 ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATION STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION 5 o~~~~~ifA~RY 2~f~~hDfE (PLEASE TYPE) OFFICE USE ONLY 1. Full Name of Organization Telephone Florida Citizens for Smart Justice ·- - ·--------·------ -· Mailing Address (include city, state and zip code) 904-502-3327 1650 Margaret St. Ste. 302 PMB #147, Jacksonville, FL 32204-3869 Street Address (include city state and zip code) 1661 Riverside Ave Apt 412, Jacksonville, FL 32204 2. Affiliated or Conne<:ted Organizations Name of Affiliated or Connected Organization Mailing Address Relationship None 3. Area, Scope and Jurisdiction of the Organization Statewide organization to promote the common good and welfare of the citizens of the State of Florida - 4 . Identify by Name, Address & Position, the Custodian of Books & Accounts for the Organization --· Full Name Kyle Alexander Bedran Mailing Address Street Address --- ···- Title or Position .... 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Treasurer .Jacksonville, FL 32204 Jacksonville FL 32204 5. This Organization was formed (check applicable box): (Calendar quarters end the last day of March, June, September, and December. ) ii As a newly created organization during the current calendar quarter. 0 From an organization existing prior to the current calendar quarter. fH'nn<'h Form DS··DE 103 (Rev. 08/10) (continued on reverse) I ~ ( 6,, List By Name, Mailing and Street Address, & Position, Other Principal Officers, including the treasurer and deeu~ treasurer, if anv. Include the top-ranking officer's (e.Q., chairperson) name and information. -·-· Full Name Street Address Mailing Address Title or Position --·· Kyle Alexander Bedran 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Chairman Treasurer 7. In the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition will be Made of the Residual Funds? As Provided by law 8 . List All Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or Other Depositories Used by this Organization for Electioneering Communications ·---------.. --·Mailing Address Name of Bank or Depository - - -.. ----•'"" Bank of America 2011 San Marco Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32207 9. List All Reports Required to be Filed by this Organization with Federal Officials, & the Names, Addresses, & Positions of Such Officials, If Any -~--- Report Title Form 8871 Form 1120-POL Form 990 Dates Required to be Filed Upon Formation March 15th Annually May 15th Annually __ ____ STATE OF Florida I, Name & Position of Dfficial --· Internal Revenue Service Mailing Address Atlanta, GA 39901 .. 0099 Duval ,.. Kyle Alexander Bedran COUNTY ... certify that the information in this Statement of Organization is complete, true, and correct ~· )(,./~ ~-,,~\lilrO~ 1 op-ranking o-{-IZ Principal Officer of Organization . OCD0>1'-;: Date ··--·-·--·-- ':~ ":'>r::-..,.,... . ·... ;.1, . , 'I 12 JUN~7 DIVJ5 ELECTIONEERING COMMUNICATION STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION . .t:-D ' • :.... AH 9.·' 46 SfCR~f U1 lL ··c . ARy o/sflONs :4rt (PLEASE TYPE) OFFICE USE ONLY 1 . Fun Name of Organization Telephone Florida Citizens for Smart Justice _.. - - 904-502-3327 1650 Margaret St Ste 302 PMB #147, Jacksonville, FL 32204-3869 . ---- Street Address (include city, state and zip code) ·- ·---· Mailing Address (include city, state and zip code) 1661 Riverside Ave. Apt 412, Jacksonville, FL 32204 2 . Affiliated or Connected Organizations ·- . Name of Affiliated or Connected Organization .•. ·- Mailing Address Relationship ····---- None 3. Area, Scope and Jurisdiction of the Organization Organization to promote Smart Justice, as defined by Florida Taxwatch, by supporting Judicial Candidates who stand for Smart Justice . 4 . Identify by Name, Address & Position, the Custodian of Books & Accounts for the Organl:zation . - .•. Full Name Kyle Alexander Bedran Mailing Address ··--· Street Address Title or Position ·-- 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Treasurer Jacksonville, FL 32204 Jacksonville FL 32204 5 . This Organization was formed (check applicable box): (Calendar quarters end the last day of March, June, September, and December.) Ii] As a newly created organization during the current calendar quarter. 0 From an organization existing prior to the current calendar quarter. Form OS-DE 103 (Rev. 08110) (continued on reverse) ( 6. List By Name, Mailing and Street Address, & Position, Other Principal Officers, including the treasurer and deoutv treasurer, if any. Include the too-rankinQ officer's /e.Q., chair·personl name and information. - Full Name Mailing Address Kyle Alexander Bedran 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Street Address ... Title or Position - 1661 Riverside Ave. #412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 Chairman Treasurer 7. In the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition will be Made of the Residual Funds? As provided by law 8. List All Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or other Depositories Used by this Organization for Electioneering Communications .. Name of Bank or Depository Mailing Address ---·· ··-· ·- 2011 San Marco Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32207 Bank of America 9 List All Reports Required to be Filed by this Organization with Federal Officials, & the Names, Addresses, & Positions of Such Officials, If Any ,_.__. -- -- Report Title Form 8871 Form 1120-POL Form 990 Dates Required to be Filed ----- Upon Formation March 15th Annually May 15th Annually Mailing Address ---··- --~--~·- Internal Revenue Service Atlanta, FA 39901-0099 Duval STATE OF Florida I, Name & Position of Official Kyle Alexander Bedran .. COUNTY ·--..- - - ' certify that the information in this Statement of ~---~ Organization is complete, true, and correct ~---~-~ ~---------· --~ --·· ,,.... ~ --- ,_y-- ~f Top-ranking Principal Officer ~f Organizati~C OO•.,•S Form OS-OE 103 (Rev. 08/10)-· page 2 of 2 •.. 6 --· ~ . 12 Date Note: If necessary, continuation sheets should be used to complete the form. (' Kyle Alexander Bedran, Esq. 1661 Riverside Ave #412 Jacksonville, FL 32204 904-502-3327 Bedranlaw@gmail.com Re: Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Department of State Division of Elections Room 316 RA Gray Building 500 S Bronough Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find the revised DS-DE 103 Electioneering Communication Statement of Organization for filing . Please let me know when the Division has certified the above entity or if further information is needed. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter Sincerely, Kyle Alexander Bed ran, Esq Enclosures RICK SCOTT Governor KENDETZNER Secretary of State June 15, 2012 Mr Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson Florida Citi:.wns for Smar1 .Justice l 650 Margaret Street, Suite 302 Jacksonville, Florida 32204-3869 Dear Mr Bedran: This will acknowledge receipt of the Application for Certification for Flodda Citizens for Smart Justice, which was placed on file in our office on .June 7, 2012 This information appears to comply with the requirements of Section 106 011 and 106.03, Florida Statutes, and the name of this organization has been placed on our active list as an electioneering communication organization Campaign Treasurer's Reports Your fhst campaign treasurer's report will be due on July 1.3, 2012 The report will cove1 the period of April 1, 2012 ··July 6, 2012 . All electioneering communication organization that file reports with the Division of Elections are required to file by means of the Division's electronic filing system (E FS). Credentials and Sign-ons Belo\' is the web address to access the EFS and the organization s user identification nurnbc1 The enclosed sealed envelope contains the organization's initial passwo1d Once you have logged in using the initial password, you will be immediate!} prompted to change it to a confidcntiul sign-on.. The chairperson, treasurer, and deputy treasurers are responsible J01 protecting this password from disclosure and are responsible for all filings using these credentials . unless the Division is notified that your credentials have been comprnmised EFS Web site Addr·ess: https://efs . dos state 0 .us Identification Number: 59846 )l VIVA flORIDA 50ll R A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough St,.eet • Tallahassee, Florida 32399·0250 Telephone: (850) 245-6240 • Facsimile: (850) 245 .. 6259 www.dos . state.fl.us Commemor·ating 500 years of F'lorida htstory www fiaSOO .. com 0 1 ·'v"O' ·~ -41 '-· __..... )f ) VIVA frnRID ( I Mr Kyle Alcxande1 l3edran, Chairperson June 15, 20 l:2 Page Two Pin Number·s Pin numbers are confidential secure credentials that allow you to submit repons and update personal information The enclosed sealed envelope contains your confidential pin numbers for you Each electioneering communication organization chairpernon is required to provide the Division of Elections with confidential personal information that may be used to allow access in the event that the password is fo1gotten or lost When you enter the organization's account screen, there will be a drop down box where you pick a question (such as Whal 11 yow mother s maiden name?) and supply an answer. All passwords and answers to questions are stored as encrypted data and cannot be viewed by Division staff and given out over the phone.. Please notify the Division if your credentials have been compromised. All reports must be completed and filed through the EFS not later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date. Reports not filed by midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the due date are late filed and subject to the penalties in Section 106 07(8), Florida Statutes Jn the event that the EFS is inoperable on the due date, the repon will be accepted as timely filed if filed no later than midnight, Eastern Standard Time, of the first business day the EFS becomes operable No fine will be levied during the peliod the EFS was inoperable Any electioneering communication organization foiling to file a report on the designated dL1e date is subject to a fine of $50 per day for the first 3 days and, thereafter, $500 per day for each day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 pe1 day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts ot expenditures, whichever is greater, for the peiiod cove1ed by the late report .Electronic Receipts The person submitting the report on the EFS will be issued an electronic receipt indicating and veritYing the report was filed . Each treasurer's report Jiled by means of the EFS is considered to be under oath by the chairperson and campaign treasurer and such persons are subject to the provisions of Section l 06 .07(5), Florida Statute Ol00~L2 Mr Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson June l5, 2012 Page Three Instructions and Assistance An Qnline instruction guide is available to you on the EFS to assist with navigation, data entry, and submission of reports. The Division of Elections will also provide assistance to all usc1s by contacting the EFS Help Desk at (850) 245-6280 All of the Division's publications and repor1ing forms are available on the Division of Elections' web site at http://election.dos . state.fl.us, It is your responsibility to read, understand, and follow the requir'cments of Florida's election laws. Thcr·efore, please print a copy of' the following documents: Chapters 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, 2012 E/ectio11eeri11g Communications Organization Ha11dbook, 20 I 2 Calendar of Reporting Dates· and Rule JS-2.017, Florida Administrntive Code. Please let rne know if you need additional information Sincerely, b Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief C ,/Bureau of Election Records KRB/ljr Endosures ) I ' FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner· Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Ma1ch 11, 2014 Kyle Alexande1 Bed1an, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Sma1t Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dea1 Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due March 10, 2014, has not been received Sections 106 0703(7)(b ), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine. Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constirute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above Therefore, if you fail to file a report, the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission. Section I 06 265(1 ), FIorida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter 106 If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245 .. 6280 Sincerely, u~¥Ut~·----L r i s t i Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records \l The RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • TalJahassee Fl 32399-0250 • (850) 245··6240 ( FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Second Notice March 24, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign ueasurer's report, due March l 0, 2014, has not been received, Sections l06,0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned repoct was mailed, via regulac mail, to the address on file with our office on March 11, 2014 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this rcpott If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of' this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action, Section 106265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a will fol violation of Chapter l 06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per lfyou have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records 5 f nn ........ :' o'-.,.v\J~ lhe RA Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Street • Tallahassee FL 32399 .. 0250 • (850) 245-6240 / I I FioruoA DEPARTMENT of S:rf\:i:~ RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State FINAL ~OTICE Delivery Confirmation: - &CUSTOMER USPSTRACKlflG• 9114 9010 7574 2751291632 FOi' TradOng or Inquiries go to USPS com or call 1-800-222.. 181 t RECEIPT April 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer and Chairperson for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice ( 59846) 31 West Adams Street, Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Dear Mr McDonald: According to a review of the Division's records, the organization referenced above has not filed the following report: Year Report Cover' Period 2014 M2 0210I/2014 - 02/28/ 14 The organization has previously been notified of the repon that is outstanding Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division, If the report is not filed within 7 dan of.receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action, Section I 06265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation If you have any questions, please call Donna Brown at (850) 245-6240 Sincerely, ~ ~-' ~1.L~~ -~. Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Elec1ion Records KRB/dsb Enclosure OCOOJ.. 6 R,,A,, 11111 I P'I IU\I .. l Division of Elections Gray Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronough Street• Tallahassee, Florida 32399 .......... 850,245.6200 • 850,,245.6217 (Fax) election.dos.state,fl.us FLORIDA Promoting Florida's History and Cultur·e VivaFlorida,,org ff'Ec1'i0Nl I I I ' FLOR1DA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS March 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice .3 l West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, Fl 12202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, whicn was due March 10, 20\4, has not been received Sections I 06.0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first ] days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid lo the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constirute a violation of Chapter \ 06, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above Therefore, if you fail lo file a report, the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission S~ction 106 265(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willfUI violation of Chapter I 06 If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245··6280 Sincerely, .!2. • (\ n ~ > 'J __ U»4...)t.t.U~~--__.J ' I\• • •..Q L \S L risti Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records 0(,00.L? FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzncr· Secretary of State DIVJSION OF ELECTIONS Second Notice March 24, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens fot Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, due March 10, 2014, has not been received Sections 106.0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report. The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on March I I, 2014 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action. Section 106265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter \06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records ocoo_~s USPS com®·· USPS I'racking™ I iililUSPS.COM' Search USPS.com or Track Packages Customer Service ) USPS Tracking TM Have questions'? Wo·re here to help Tracking Number: 9114901075742751291632 DELIVERED Available Actions Product & Tracking Information Postal Product: Features: USPS·Tracking 1 "' April 15, 2014 11:15 am Delivered JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 April 15 2014 7:42·am Out for Delivery JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 April 15 2014 7:32 am Sorting Complete JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 April 15 2014 6:40 am Arrival at Post .Office JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 Aprll 14 2014 8:52 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 April 13 2014 1:42·am DeP.art·USPS Sort.FacilitY .JACKSONVILLE·. FL 32099 April 12 2014 10:06 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 April 11 2014 10:11 pm Depart USPS Sort·Facility TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 April 11 2014 7:48 pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 • Track Another Package What"s your tracking (or receipt) number'? Track It &ti-§ PM] v ....,uu_.;::r hnps://tools. usps com/go/J rackConfinnAction! input action?tRef=qt&tL.c..O&tLabels"'9 l l 490 I07574 275 l29NjE~~J~l}:l4 ~..f Jo ( I ' FLORJDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE KenDetzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS April 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due April JO, 2014, has not been received Sections 106. 0703(1)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of$50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount ofyour fine Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation reforenced above Therefore, ii you fail to file a report, the division will tum the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission Section I 06265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the FJorida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willfol violation of Chapter I 06 If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, AJ /U·~.e-~o<~--Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records ocoozo lhe RA Gray BuildinR-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 ( I,_ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Second Notice April 25, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citiz.ens for Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, due April I 0, 2014, has not been received Sections 106. 0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report The fast notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on April 11, 2014 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report. If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be reftmed to the Florida Elections Commission for fi.Jrther action Section I 06.265( 1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter 106, Florida Starutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, ~~-£-~~~; Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records OC0021 The R A Gr•v Ruildino-Room 316 • 500 South Bronoueh Street • Tallahassee Fl 32399-0250 • (850) 245--6240 / " ( FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of STAT~ RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Governor Secretary of State FINAL NOTICE Delivery Confirmation: USPS TRACKlNG f. &CUSTOMER RECEIPT 9114 9011 5981 8370 3038 49 ForTra~~r Inquiries go to USPS com or ¢iii! 1..aaa.222.. 1s11 May 8, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, I reasurer for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice (59846) 31 West Adams Street, Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Dear Mr . Bedran: According 10 a review of the Division's records, the organization reforenced above has not filed the following 1eports: 2014 2014 Report Cover Period M2 M3 02/01/2014 - 02/28/2014 03/01/2014 - 03/31/2014 The organization has previously been notified of the reports that are outstanding Enclosed are copies of letters sent by the Division If the reports are not filed within 7.dan of receipt of this letter, the Division will forward this matter to the Florida Elections Commission for further action Section I 06 .265( I), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation If you have any questions, please call the help desk at ( 850) 245-6240 Sincerely, di~~~k,q 'iS-. Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records KRB/slb Enclosures OCD022 )k 11111• r1 nn1n1 Division of Elections RA. Gray Building, Suite 316 • 500 South Bronaugh Street• Tallahassee, Florida 32399 ,.....,, 850.245.6200 • 850.245.6217 (Fax) election dos.state .. 11.,us FLORIDA *l)l\l~UJ,11111 Promoting Florida's History and Cultur·e VivaFlorlda . org ELECTION! .I I FLORJDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Det.t;ner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS March 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, I reasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 3 J West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due March 10, 2014, has not been rcceiwd Sections I 06 . 070.3(7Xb), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first 3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid to the filing officer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised. however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above Th~ieforc, if you fail to file a report, the division will turn the maner over 10 the Florida Elections Commission Section 106.265(1), l'lorida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter I 06 If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, FLORJDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Second Notice March 24, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smmt Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, Fl 32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr. Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, due March I 0, 20 I4, has not been received. Sections 106 0 703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require !hat the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report. The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our oflice on March 11, 2014 As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be reforred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action.. Section 106.265{1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter l 06, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per If you have any questions, please contact the help desk al (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, ~A.-~7L--R~~~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records 000024 / I I ( I FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS April 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 3 l West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202.. 2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran: Your campaign treasurer's report, which was due April 10, 2014, has not been recci ved Sections I 06 . 0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you ofthe failure to file this report and that a fine will be assessed of $50 per day for the first .3 days late and, thereafter $500 per day, although a fine cannot exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report However, for the report immediately preceding each primary and general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25% of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report. Once your report is filed, this office will notify you of the specific amount of your fine Fines must be paid to the filing oflicer within 20 days of receipt of the payment due notice Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, independent ofthe automatic fine violation referenced above Thereforu, if you fail to file a report, the division will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission Section I 06.265(1 ), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per count for each willful violation of Chapter I 06 lfyou have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, ~~"~;~..... Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records 0(0025 ( RICK SCOTT KENDETZNER Secretary of State Governor FINAL NOTICE - USPHRACKll<G• Delivery Conllr·mation: &OJSTOME~ 9114 9010 7674 2761 2916 32 For Ttacking RECEIPT or lnqulritt ~o to USPS oom or e:tll l-&OD-222 .. 11111 April 11, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer and Chairperson for Florida Citizens fot· Smar1 Justice (59846) 31 West Adams Street, Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Dear Mr McDonald: According 10 a review of the Division's recorus, the organization referenced above has not filed the followin: report Year Report Cover Pcrio!!. 2014 M2 0210I/2014 - 02/2&/ 14 The organization has previously been notifiexl of the repon that is outstanding Enclosed are copies of letter sent by the Division If the repor1 is not tiled within 7 days of~ceipt of this lctt.£.!., the Division will forwan this matter to the Florida E,lections Commission for further action Section I06 265( I), Florida Statutes authorizes lhe Florida Elections Commission to impose civil penalties of up to $1,000 per violation If you have any questions, please call Donna Brown at (850) 245-6240 Sincerely, ~ ;1-~?l.- ~ ..~~fl.. Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records KRB/dsh Enclosure 'i..... V ..... u O''"O':?'-' Division of Elections I' ' I I I FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of Stale DIVISION OF ELECTIONS Secoud Notice April 25, 2014 Kyle Alexander Bedran, Treasurer Florida Citizens for Smart Justice 31 West Adams Street Apt 1206 Jacksonville, FL '32202-2202 Re: ECO 59846 Dear Mr . Bedran: Your campaign treasur~r's report, due April J0, 2014, has not been received Sections 106.0703(7)(b), Florida Statutes, require that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to file a report The first notice of the failure to file the above mentioned report was mailed, via regular mail, to the address on file with our office on April 11, 2014 . As of this date, we do not show a record of receiving this report If the report is not filed via the Division's electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice, this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for forthcr action . Section 106 265( J), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Florida Elections Commission, upon finding a willful violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, to impose a civil penalty up to $1,000 per If you have any questions, please contact the help desk at (850) 245-6280 Sincerely, ~Mt;;{~~-~~· Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records I' USPS com® .. USPS I rackingTM I il!!IUSPS.COM' Search USPS.com or Track Packages Customer Service > USPS Tracking™ Have questions'? We're here to help. Tracking Number: 9114901159818370303849 DEl_IVERED Product & Tracking lnfof'mation POstal Product: Available Actions Features: USPS Text Tracking™ USPS-Trackingrn Email,_Updates. May 12_ 2014, 11:20 Delivered JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 May 12 2014 8:26 am Out for. Delivery JACKSONVIL:LE FL 32206 May 12 2014 8:16am Sorting Complete JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 May 12 20.14 7:42 am Arrival at Post Office JACKSONVILLE· FL 32206 May 11 2014 12:39 am Depart USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 May 10 2014. 7:54.pm Processed through USPS Sort Facility JACKSONVILLE FL 32099 May 9 2014 10·02 pm Depart USPS Sort Facility TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 May 9 2014 8:01 pm Processed through USPS.Sort Facility_ TALLAHASSEE FL 32301 am Track Another Package What"s your tracking (or receipt} number'? https://tools usps com/gofl rackConfinnAction action?tRef=fullpage&tLc""l&text28777=&tl abels=91I49011e~100B@12014 10:40:24 AM] fCJ ' ,. 1 1 /. HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID 38738 Date Recorded Last Edited Date Orginally Recorded By 5/30/201410:06:00 AM dsbrown RE: Email from Mr Bedran and my response Good morning Mr Bedran Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - ECO 59846 is still an active electioneering communication organization The Division of Elections issued a Notice of Intent to Revoke the registration of this ECO in .January 2014. However, the revocation has not yet occurred and may be some time. if ever My understanding is that the rule regarding financial activity has been challenged. Therefore, until a decision is made by the court, revocations are pending, Should the ruling result in proceeding with the revocations you will receive a Final Order revoking the registration for ECO 59846 As long as this ECO is active, financial reports are required by Florida Statutes. Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice currently has three outstanding financial reports that must be filed: 2014 M2 M3 and M4 The 2014 MS report will be due no later than June 10 2014 If you would like to disband the ECO, please send a letter requesting disbandment (Disbandment does not absolve the requirement to file financial reports Until notification that the ECO has been made inactive by the Division financial reports will be required ) If you have any questions or I may be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me Best regards, Donna S Brown From: KyleBedran[mailto:bedranlaw@gmail com] Sent: Thursday May 29, 2014 7:52 PM To: Brown, Donna S. Subject: Re: ECO 59846 - Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Mrs. Brown, Florida Citizens for Smart Justice Inc. was administratively dissolved last year and we received a letter from the Division of Elections stating the ECO was to be terminated Is further action necessary on our part to terminate the ECO? Sincerely, 38721 5/2912014 12:53:00 PM dsbrown RE: Returned FF Second Notice (M4 report) A copy of the Seond Notice for failure to file the report due May 12 2014 was emailed to the Chairperson today: Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson and Registered Agent Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice - ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran The Second Notice for failure to file your May 12, 2014 campaign treasurer's report was returned to our office as Return to Sender'' The Notice was mailed to your address of record as the Registered Agent for Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice To avoid further delay_ I have attached a copy of the Notice for your information and records If this report is not filed via the Divisions electronic filing system within 14 days of receipt of this notice this matter will be referred to the Florida Elections Commission for further action (See attached letter) If you have any questions please feel free to contact me direct at (904) 245-6297 Regards Donna S Brown Page 1 of4 71712014 HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID Date Recorded 38364 Last Edited Date Orginally Recorded By dsbrown 4/1/2014 4:05:00 PM RE: Returned Mail Email sent to Chairperson today: Kyle Alexander Bedran, Chairperson and Registered Agent Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - ECO 59846 Dear Mr Bedran The Second Notice for failure to file your March 10, 2014 campaign treasurer's report was returned to our office as Return to Sender'' The Notice was mailed to your address of record as the Registered Agent for Florida Citizens for Smart Justice To avoid further delay, I have attached a copy of the Notice for your information and records If you have any questions_ please feel free to contact me direct at (904) 245-6297 36628 ljrandolph 1/22/2014 2:01 :00 PM RE: Returned Mail I called and left a message Mr Bedran regarding returned mail that we received I left my contact information and asked for him to return my call 35894 12/18/2013 2:24:00 PM 1/22/2014 4:23:09 PM lbelvin RE Updating the address 604-502-3327 I called and spoke with Mr Bedran because when I was processing the mail it was given to me stamped as incomplete Looking over the form there were a few errors, however, this committee was already in the system and the only thing he was doing was trying to change the address for our records He said that he had already went into the EFS sytem to make changes and the only reason he sent the forms were to create a paper trail 35762 12/12/201311:22:00 AM elalexander Re: Return of Mall Re-mailed to Mr Bedran on 12/12/2013 35761 12/12/2013 11 :20:00 AM elalexander Re: Return of Mail Called Mr Bedran and left a detailed voice message in regards to change of address Noticed the following: - Address has been updated in EFS with a valid email address and linked into CanCom with the new mailing address Page2 of4 7/7/2014 HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID Date Recorded 35409 12/2/2013 9:38:00 AM Last Edited Date Orginally Recorded By elatexander Re: Return of Mail The following email was sent to Mr. Bedran (Bedranlaw@gmail com) in regards to return mail: Dear Mr Bedran This is a follow-up email to a return of mail that was received in our office on November 25 2013 for the following ECO (Florida Citizens for Smart Justice) We just need to verify that we have the proper address for you If we do not we will need the following to ensure that we keep your information updated within our office: 1.A signed written notification verifying a change of address This may be scanned and emailed to our office or faxed to our office at (850) 245-6259 or (850) 245-6260 2 Please update your contact information in EFS, as well as providing a valid email address for future notifications Below is the following address that we have on file for you: 1650 Margaret Street, Suite 302, PMB 147 Jacksonville Florida 32204 If the information listed above is incorrect, please follow the instructions provided so that we may update our system with your most recent contact information If you have any questions please call our office at (850) 245-6240 Sincerely, Erica Leondria Alexander Regulatory Specialist 1 Bureau of Election Records Florida Department of State R.A Gray Building 500 S Bronough Street Tallahassee FL 32399 Note: This response is provided for reference only and does not constitute a formal legal opinion or representation from the Department of State or the Division of Elections As applied to a particular set of facts or circumstances, interested parties should refer to the Florida Statutes and applicable case law, and/or consult an attorney to represent their interests before drawing any legal conclusions or relying upon the information provided 35407 elalexander 12/2/2013 9:20:00 AM Re: Return of Mail Searched in BER Imaging found the following email address for Mr Bedran: Bedranlaw@gmail com 35403 elalexander 12/2/2013 9:00:00 AM Re: Return of Mail Called for Mr Bedran, left a detailed voice message: - Need to verify change of address Please update your current address and other contact information on EFS Please send in a signed written notification to our office notifying us of the change of address Please call our office at (850) 245-6240 35371 11/27/2013 12:01 :00 PM elalexander Re: Return of Mail Called the number on file for Mr Bedran and left a detailed voice message Below are the details from the message: - Calling to verify current mailing address -Advise Mr. Bedran to update his information in the EFS System for future notifications in reagrds to reporting deadlines etc - Please call our office at (850) 245-6240 0t0031 Page 3 of4 7/7/2014 HISTORY NOTES Florida Citizens for Smart Justice - 59846 Unique ID Date Recorded 35298 11/26/2013 8:23:00 AM Last Edited Date Orginally Recorded By ELAlexander Re: Return of Mail Called and left a voice message for the treasurer, below are the details from the message: - Just calling to obtain your new mailing address to send the following mail that has returned to our office to you - Also. calling to remind you that we would still need a letter and the forms showing any changes of address or other changes of information for the ECO (Florida Citizens for Smart .Justice) - If you have any questions please call our office at (850) 245-6240 or my direct line (850) 245-6170 --------··-------------35297 elalexander 11/25/2013 4:48:00 PM Re: Return of Mail Called and spoke with treasurer, below are the following details from our conversation: - Need a verification of address - Has been meaning to send in the information stating a change of address to our office - Will send in a letter and the forms showing a change of address 29267 ljrandolph 6/18/2012 11 :45:00 AM Past notes pertaining to incomplete paperwork: Not Processed because box 3 isnt specific enough I called and spoke to Mr bedran and explained to him that he need to be more specific because box 3 need to state what type of candidates the committee is supporting He said that he will submit the corrected paperwork asap LJR 6/4/2012 OlG032 Page 4 of 4 71712014