Bibleway Sponsorship Pakcage - International Bible Way Church of
Bibleway Sponsorship Pakcage - International Bible Way Church of
Conferences college of bishops & youth International fellowship MARCH 17th - 20th ,2015 | SPARTANBURG, SC MARRIOTT AT RENAISSANCE PARK & July 9th - July 17th, 2015| Raleigh, NC RALEIGH HILTON College of Bishops is a gathering of more than 600 churches and its leadership throughout the United States and abroad. This annual conference is a time for training and preparation for a growing leadership, department heads and administrative staff for our local and national social community development. This year focus is the youth and young adults, establishing a Youth Development Program geared towards mentoring which ensures the longevity of our organization and the communities of which we serve. The International Conference not only gathers over 600 churches, it also brings together over 3,000 members within the fellowship in a variety of positions, Bringing together the international vision through workshops, general sessions and much more. Bible Way organization has emerged as a strong, vibrant, progressive and growing fellowship. In cooperation with our new corporate platform, we are seeking companies with an impeccable reputation in service and products to partner with our fellowship as it continues to grow in membership and services. As an Organization, our primary objective is, services to the world through evangelism. It is our desire to energize our members, inspiring them to reach the masses, particularly the unrepresented and often untapped segment of society, This objective is achieved through training, grass-roots education and implementation, of outreach programs.. Many of members serve in various political offices, judicial system, and as major stakeholders in corporate America. Each host city and the generosity of corporate sponsors help support International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ, Inc., vision and the continuation of our efforts to serve the community. Your support would not only help us fulfill our vision, but will make the conference affordable for our delegates as they travel from all across the country and world to attend. We invite you to consider becoming a sponsor for the 2015 College of Bishops & Youth Conference and The International Fellowship Conference. CLICK THE LINK BELOW AND VIEW PROMO VIDEO International Bible Way Headquarters | Bible Way Temple 1110 Holmes St | Raleigh, NC The conference impacts These annual conference are the capstone of IBWCOJO’s ministry These conferences are designed to meet the needs of members in personal encouragement, training in effective leadership, practitioners, and volunteering. IBWCOJO members generally have an annual income of 50,000. Ages ranging from 21 to 85. There are several networking and interaction with our members: This is a great way introduce new software, programs, and management products. On practical organizations products, financial services, national and regional products. Through hosting an event i.e., dinners, meet & greet etc., souvenirs and conference supplies e.g., bags, notebooks etc. Conferences attendees profile TOTAL 2014 ATTENDEES: Age 40 & UNDER - 36% OVER 40 - 63% Number of Conferences Attended 5 YRS & MORE 54.8% Gender FEMALE 60% 2-3 YRS 27.2% MALE 40% FIRST TIMERS 18% Sponsorship packages ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Category Exclusivity Corporate officer Honorary Event Chair VIP Status on all Social & Media Outlets Presenting Listed on Marketing Medium (radio, television, etc.) VIP Announcement onsite & recognition Branding Signage throughout conference Branding recognition on onsite print material Sampling/coupon opportunities Face time with conference members Hyperlink to Your Company’s Website from Conference Site Digital Presentation at General Sessions Booth Displays at Event ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Semi-Category Exclusivity VIP Status on all Social & Media Outlets List on Marketing Material VIP Announcement onsite & recognition Branding Signage throughout conference Branding recognition on onsite print material Sampling/coupon opportunities Booth Display at Event ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Status on all Social & Media Outlets Announcement onsite & recognition One Branding Signage conference Branding recognition on onsite print material Booth Display at Event Social Media Mentions Sampling /coupons opportunities ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Branding recognition on onsite print material Sampling/coupon opportunities Booth Display at Event Onsite Announcement on Sponsorship Level Social Media Mention ● Branding recognition on onsite print material ● Sampling/coupon opportunities ● Booth Display at Event Sponsorship packages While our audience poses for photographers let your logo be posted for the purposes of advertising and capturing photos of participants, celebrities or noteworthy people to be used in media outlets in film, television, magazines, social media and websites. $500.00 Signage: As a sponsor of a conference lunch or dinner; your company is entitled to provide appropriate signage throughout the event. The signage will be restricted to only that of the event area and/or the entranceway. Your organizations’ name and logo appears (within conference schedules) alongside option sponsors in the conference proceedings, website and at the conference registration area. C We wish to have the conference sponsorship to be a “win” for everyone. Therefore, if you would like to choose from our custom sponsor packages menu which is a value that add up to one of the sponsorship categories we would love to help you make this a possibility. Here are some options for a customized sponsor package: ● ● ● ● Conference backpacks Single-clasp lanyards for name badges Conference t-shirts Transportation Sponsorship Agreement Our company is pleased to support the following conference by a sponsorship grant at the level indicated below. Conferences Name: College of Bishop /Youth and International Conference Company:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________City:__________________State: ____________Zip:___________ Phone:_________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________________ Web address:____________________________________________________________________________ [ ] Level 1 $10,000.00 [ ] Level 2 $5,000.00 [ ] Level 5 $1,000 [ ] Level 3 $2,500.00 [ ] Level 4 $1,500.00 [ ] Food Sponsor (see manager for sponsor level [ ] Booth Rental $500.00 [ ] Booklet Advertisement Only: [ ] Step & Repeat $500.00 Booklet Advertisement Only [ ] Full Page: $200.00 [ ] ½ Page: $100.00 [ ] ¼ Page: $50.00 [ ] Business Card: $35.00 [ ] Check (official bank) [ ] Cashier Check [ ] Credit Card If by credit card, provide this information: Card number: _________________________________________________________ Expiration date: ___________ Security Code:_________ Holder's Name(as on the card): _____________________________________________________________________ Credit Card billing address: Street address:________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip code/Postcode: _____________________ Country: ________________________ Holder’s Signature: ___________________________________________ IBWCOJC Terms & Conditions After written acceptance by International Bibleway Worldwide the sponsor must provide said sponsorship funds, and logo image (in the format required as a high resolution 300 dpi .pdf, .jpg or .png file) promptly. Additional exact details such as the correct spelling and use of the sponsor’s name, trademarks, website address, etc. are to be released to within 15 days of receipt of said acceptance. Sponsorship pledges cannot and will not be processed without payment. Payment is required in US Dollars, and will generally be made via direct bank transfer unless other arrangements are mutually agreed. An invoice will be sent through your designated email address; payment details will be included in the invoice. The sponsorship fee does not include free conference registration unless specifically stated in the sponsorship opportunity details. All sponsorship promotional materials must be submitted 30 days prior to the conference to ensure inclusion in the production schedule. Neither IBWCOJC or His Name Media Group, will be liable for actual or presumed damage or loss to a sponsor’s submitted intellectual property thru the fault of fire, theft, accident, or any other form of disaster; inclusion of accidental negligence or otherwise situated. Submission of your required company Brand materials are released to this purpose of Conference and/or Concert display as advertisement to promote increased awareness yet do not solely presume to increase actual sales for said Sponsor; sponsors are responsible for shipping of materials and customs fees. Primary Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________ Information or Register Please Call Kimberly McGhee: (919) 919-355-5505 - Email: Make Check Out To Bibleway Temple Mail Checks To: HNMpr - PO Box 14897 - Raleigh, NC 27620 - Fax # 919-754-9257