Sustainable Housing


Sustainable Housing
Multinational knowledge brokerage event in the area of
Sustainable Housing
28-30 March 2012, Barcelona (ES)
organized by the University of Barcelona,
Institute of Environmental Science and Technology
The RESPONDER project
The overall aim of RESPONDER is to promote sustainable consumption by exploring novel ways
of knowledge brokerage that help to improve the management of potential political, social and
economic contradictions with economic growth. The challenge is not just to bridge the gap
between science and policy, but also to improve the mutual understanding between the
“pro-growth community” (i.e. economists and policy makers oriented towards growth as an
overarching policy goal) and the “beyond-growth community” (i.e. scientists oriented towards
the limits to growth debate and policy makers involved in sustainable development).
The innovative core of RESPONDER is the methodology “participatory systems mapping” for
knowledge brokerage and its application in five different policy areas: “Food Consumption”,
“Household Savings and Debts”, “Housing”, “Household Electronics” and “Mobility”.
Sustainable Housing
Housing is a key area. It responds to fundamental human needs. However the past growth in
the building and real estate sectors in some European and non-European countries did not
bring us to sustainability considering the social, ecological and economic problems it created.
Housing has been considered as a key sector for economic growth. How can we solve the
contradictions between economic growth in the housing sector and the goal of sustainable
housing? For instance, economic growth in housing has meant more money invested in the
funded by the European Commission in FP 7 | Project No. 265297 | Page 1
sector, larger floor space per person, more commodities in houses, more land urbanized and
more urban development. All this has not been compensated by a decline in the intensity of
use of energy, materials, water. All these challenging issues will be part of the first Knowledge
Brokerage Event on Sustainable Housing. The participants will come from different
backgrounds: European, national and local policy-makers, academics, economists,
practitioners and exponents of civil society organizations..
Exemplary topics to be explored in system mapping sessions:
What is the impact of growth of financial investment in housing ?
How have economic growth and lifestyles changes offset the housing energy efficiency
and material efficiency improvements achieved during the last 20 years?
What are the effects of social exclusion and mono-fucntional organization to urban
Get involved in RESPONDER
Whether you are a policy maker, a researcher, a CSO or business representative, getting
involved in RESPONDER will help you expand your existing networks and achieve greater public
visibility while dealing with two of the most important issues in sustainable development
policies which are also at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy: sustainable consumption and
economic growth.
Policy makers
 experience innovative forms
of knowledge brokerage;
 gain insights into the
rationality of policy makers;
 gain easy access to cuttingedge research findings in
sustainable consumption and
economic growth;
 display your own expertise
and expand your outreach;
 network with policy makers,
an internationally rewarded
research group and topscholars all over europe.
 develop demand-oriented
and innovative insights for
elaborating new research
Civil society and business
sector representatives
 gain access to a proven
methodology for
knowledge brokerage;
 contribute to increased
policy coherence.
Join the RESPONDER community today by registering at
Submit your questions and evidence on the platform,
participate in the debates and attend the RESPONDER events.
funded by the European Commission in FP 7 | Project No. 265297 | Page 2
1st Knowledge Brokerage Event on Sustainable Housing
Date: 28-30 March 2012
Venue: Residència d’Investigadors – Carrer Hospital, 64 – 08001 Barcelona.
Wednesday, 28th March 2012
Welcome reception and informal discussions
Cullera de Boix (Ronda de Sant Pere, 24 – 08010 Barcelona)
Thursday, 29th March 2012
From 8.30
Arrivals, Registration, Coffee
Session 1: Setting the stage
Welcome and introduction
Viviana Asara (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, ICTA-UAB) and
Frieder Rubik (Institute for Ecological Economy Research)
Getting in touch
Workshop participants briefly introduce themselves and their professional
backgrounds in roundtables
Contradictions between economic growth and sustainable housing
Joan Martinez-Alier (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, ICTA-UAB),
François Schneider (Research & Degrowth) and Alberto Cuchi (Escola Tècnica
Superior de Arquitectura del Vallès, ETSAV-UPC)
Questions and discussion
Page 1
Coffee Break
Session 2: Keynote Session I
Panel discussion: “Social and environmental sustainability: a few case
*Kirstin Miller and Richard Register (Ecocity Builders)
"Eco-city housing for physical and economic degrowth"
*Isabelle Anguelovski (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology,
”Environmental Revitalization and rebuilding community in Boston, Barcelona, and Havana”
*Claudio Cattaneo (Can Masdeu, Research & Degrowth)
"The squat community and its impacts from the sustainable household perspective"
*Adrià Alemany (PAH, Platform for Mortgage Victims)
“The right to housing. A systematically violated right in Spain”
Questions and discussion
Lunch Break
Poster Walk with World Café and video presentation
“The access and permanence to adequate housing as the door to many other rights” by Isabel
Martinez Stolcke
Coffee break
Session 3: System Mapping Exercise I
Conducting systems mapping: a quick introduction
Gerd Scholl (Institute for Ecological Economy Research)
Exploring sustainable housing contradictions I
3 parallel moderated working groups on sustainable housing
Wrap‐Up of day 1
François Schneider (Research & Degrowth)
End of workshop day 1
Joint dinner at Mescladis (Carrer de Carders, 35 – 08003 Barcelona)
Page 2
Friday, 30th March 2012
From 8.30
Session 4: Welcome back and Panel Discussion
Presentation of outcomes of day 1 and an introductory snapshot: the
Bulgarian case
Viviana Asara and Filka Sekulova (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals,
Panel discussion “Sustainable housing policies and consumption”
*Brian Field (European Investment Bank)
“Affordable housing and the EU’s urban agenda”
*Vicente Guallart (Chief Architect of the City of Barcelona)
“Barcelona: many slow cities inside a smart city”
*Carme Trilla (ex-Housing Secretary of the Generalitat de Catalunya)
“Housing principles and scenarios”
*Javier Burón Cuadrado (Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira Public Law
Department and ex-Vice Counselor for Housing of the Basque Government)
“Basque public housing policies, a differential model within Spain, still far away from central
and northern Europe traditions”
Questions and discussion
Coffee break
Session 5: System Mapping Exercise II
Exploring sustainable housing contradictions II
3 parallel moderated working groups on sustainable housing
Wrap-up of day 2 and Upcoming RESPONDER events
Joan Martinez-Alier (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, ICTA-UAB) and
Gerald Berger (Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, WU)
End of day 2
Facilitation: Filka Sekulova (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, ICTA-UAB)
Page 3
Facilitators system mapping exercises:
Gerald Berger (Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, WU)
Frieder Rubik (Institute for Ecological Economy Research)
Gerd Scholl (Institute for Ecological Economy Research)
Page 4
1st Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event
on Sustainable Housing
28-30 March 2012
Residència d’Investigadors – Carrer Hospital 64 – 08001 Barcelona
Keynote Speakers
Adrià Alemany (Barcelona, 1979) is an economist. Researcher on the
right to housing, he began political activism in Vde Vivienda, a social
movement that mobilised in 2006 thousands of people in order to
demand the right to dignified and adequate housing. Since this
experience he started, together with other people, the Platform of
Mortgage Victims, constituted in Barcelona in February 2009. He
published several articles related with housing, is author of the
documentary “the DNA of the housing bubble” (2009) and co-author
of the book “Mortgaged lives” (April 2012)
Isabelle Anguelovski is a social scientist trained in urban and
environmental planning (PhD, MIT, 2011) and international
development (Université de Paris I-Sorbonne, 2001), whose research is
situated at the intersection of environmental policy and planning, social
inequality, and development studies. She is currently working as a
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Universitat Autonoma de
Barcelona. Her publications include peer reviewed articles on
environmental justice and mobilization, alternative conflict resolution,
environment and social movement strategies, and planning for urban
Brian Field is a senior economist at the European Investment Bank
(EIB), where he is also the Bank’s Urban Planning and Development
Adviser. His professional career has covered the full spectrum of
contemporary planning practice and, prior to joining EIB, included a
number of senior appointments in both the public and private sectors,
for example as Head of Planning and Economics at WS Atkins
International. He has also enjoyed a successful academic career,
including professorial appointments at the National University of
Singapore and, more recently, as Head of the School of the Built
Environment at De Montfort University in the UK. His current research
focuses on the built environment and the promotion of more
sustainable development at all spatial scales, spanning low energy
planning and transport policies, and the social implications of
settlement patterns that embrace a more explicit pursuit of the “green”
agenda. Professor Field has degrees from Brunel University, Cambridge
University, the City University and the University of Westminster, and
was a doctoral candidate at the London School of Economics.
Claudio Cattaneo, holds a degree in Business (1997, LIUC-Castellanza),
a master in Ecological Economics (2001, University of Edinburgh) and a
PhD in Environmental Science (2009, UAB-Barcelona). He spent many
years studying and practising a life in alternative economies. He has
been living in Barcelona for the last 10 years, in the squatted
community of Can Masdeu, with less than 300 euros per month. He is a
member of Research and Degrowth, with whom he actively
collaborates, and he teaches ecological economics in Castellanza and
Edinburgh. Furthermore, he holds a job experience with Andersen
Consulting (Milan, 1999-2000) as a consultant of enterprise strategies.
Among his hobbies, he manages an ecological olive grove in the
Tarragona province.
Javier Burón Cuadrado is a lawyer, specialized in public law, who has
two decades of experience advising regional and national MPs, civil
servants, public and private companies in all matters referring to public
policies, public law and private public partnership. Right now he
belongs to Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira Public Law Area. For six years
he had executive responsibilities in the Basque Country Government
related to public housing and town planning; First as a Planning Director
and latter as a Deputy Regional Minister for Housing. He collaborates
with several academic institutions such as the Centre for Land
Policy and Valuations of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the
Planning and Land Management unit of the University of the Basque
housing developers of
Housing Laboratory of the 21th Century of the Polytechnic University
of Catalonia and Observatory DESC. He publishes the blog Leolo,
dedicated to public law and economics, with special consideration to
housing, real estate and urban planning matters. Likewise he
collaborates with journals specializing in housing issues. Member of the
European Network for Housing Research.
Vicente Guallart is Chief Architect and Director of Urban Habitat at the
Barcelona City Council; hence responsible for bringing together and
boosting synergies between the areas of Urbanism, Environment,
Infrastructure and ICT. Previous to his appointing as Chief Architect, he
has carried out numerous architectural projects in which environment
issues converge with information technologies, he founded and
directed the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).
Kirstin Miller has successfully led Ecocity Builders as Executive Director
for the past 6 years in developing local ecocity pilot projects and
initiatives, including a plan for a new downtown pedestrian plaza in the
heart of Berkeley and a sustainable neighbourhood plan for a lowincome community in West-Oakland. She co-produced the 2007 Ecocity
World Summit in San Francisco with more than 1500 delegates from 45
countries participating, and is a permanent member of the Conference
series Steering Committee. She also serves as an advisor to
INTECOPOLIS, the International Council on Ecopolic Development and
the Glocal Forum on Human Settlement in China. She is an expert
panellist for the Katerva Awards, teaches in the Sustainable Design
Certificate Program at UC Berkeley, and is a frequent speaker around
the world on ecocity issues. Kirstin has led the visioning, planning,
coordination and development of the International Ecocity Framework
and Standards Initiative (IEFS) as a project of Ecocity Builders since its
inception and launch in 2010.
Richard Register is an ecological city theorist and practitioner with
activist and educational experience in hands-on projects in the San
Francisco Bay Area of California and international lecturer in by now 29
countries world wide going back to the early 1970s. Currently he is
President of Ecocity Builders, a California educational and research
NGO, founder of the International Ecocity Conference Series which has
been held on all continents by now, and author of several book on
ecological cities or "ecocities" a term he coined in 1979. He is currently
working on a book on degrowth economics and the role of what we
build in economics.
Carme Trilla Bellart is an economist who has taken on various public
and private responsibilities related to the housing sector, real estate
and housing policy in Catalonia. She currently collaborates with Cáritas
Diocesana de Barcelona in inclusion and social housing issues and
mediation in problems of indebtedness of families. She was previously
Secretary of housing and Director-general of housing of the
Government of Generalitat of Catalonia. She has collaborate with
various universities in Barcelona -Central, Polytechnic (School of
architecture), and Pompeu Fabra- in real estate and construction
studies, and housing policy programmes. Likewise she collaborates with
journals specializing in housing issues. And she is the author of several
books on the estate in Catalonia and Spain and on the impact of
housing policies on households’s demand and needs.
Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event
on Sustainable Housing 28-30 March 2012
Venue: Residència d’Investigadors – Carrer Hospital 64 – 08001 Barcelona
Please fill out this form and return to Viviana Asara by 21 March
E-mail: Tel: +34.622 86 53 83
Name: Mr. /Ms.Surname:
Title in the Department:
City: Zip code:
 I prefer vegetarian food
 any other special requirements
1st Knowledge Brokerage Event on Sustainable Housing
28-30 March 2012, Barcelona
Venue and Hotels
Residència d’Investigadors
Carrer Hospital 64
08001 Barcelona
Tel.: +34.934438610 - +34.934432759
List of Hotels
Hotel Continental Barcelona***
La Rambla, 138
08002 Barcelona
Tel.: +34. 933012570
Hotel Ciutat Vella*** - rooms at a special price: 95 eu (for 28 March) and 140 (for 29 March) until 5 March. Code for
reserving: RESPONDER
Carrer Tallers, 66
08001 Barcelona
Tel.: +34.934813799
Denit Night&breakfast’bcn - rooms at a special price: 109 eu until 15 March (write to Code for
reserving: RESPONDER
Carrer Estruc, 24-26
08002 barcelona
Tel.: +34.935454000
Hotel H10 Catalunya Plaza***
Plaza Catalunya, 7
08002 Barcelona
Tel.: +34933177171
Hotel Lleo*** - rooms at a special price : 115 eu (single),145 eu (double)(no deadline). Code for reserving: RESPONDER
Carrer de Pelai, 22-24
08001 Barcelona
Tel.: +34.933181312
Hotel Marvi** - rooms at a special price: 65 eu (single), 80 eu (double)(until 10 March). Code for reserving: RESPONDER
Carrer del Pelai, 6
08001 Barcelona
Tel.: +34.933426666
Further information:
Viviana Asara
Tel. +34.622865383
1st Knowledge Brokerage Event on Sustainable Housing
Date: 28-30 March 2012
Venue: Residència d’Investigadors – Carrer Hospital, 64 – 08001 Barcelona
Directions to Restaurant Cullera de Boix (28 Oct)
The welcome reception on Wednesday 28 March will be hosted at the Mediterrenean food restaurant
Cullera de Boix in Ronda de Sant Pere, 24 – 08010 Barcelona .
From Airport Barcelona Airport El Prat
The airport, which is 13 km from Barcelona, is well communicated with the city centre by several means of
- Taxi: it usually costs between 25-30 €.
- Train: there are trains to Barcelona every 30 minutes. You must get off at thePasseig de Gràcia station
and catch the underground (L4, yellow line) direction La Pau for just one stop and go down at
Urquinaona. The restaurant is a 2-minute walk away.
- Bus (Aerobus): they stop at the Plaça Catalunya station, which is very near the restaurant (an
approximate 10 minutes walking). Alternatively, from Plaza Catalunya you can take the metro (L1, red line)
for just one stop (direction Fondo) and get off at Urquinaona.
By the underground: the yellow line (L4) and the red line (L1) will leave you very near the
Restaurant Cullera de Boix. You must get off at the Urquinaona station and walk for about 2 minutes until
you reach the restaurant.
By bus: Barcelona has a very wide bus network. There are several lines that pass by areas near the
restaurant (16,17,19, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 55, 62). To check which one is most convenient for you, you may
refer to the following website: Here you will find very useful information on timetables,
routes, prices and on how to move around Barcelona.
Pagina 1
Map: Way from the closest subway station Urquinaona to restaurant Cullera de Boix (A)
Directions to Residència d’Investigadors
The Residència d’Investigadors is in the centre of Barcelona, next to Plaça Catalunya.
From Airport Barcelona Airport El Prat
The airport, which is 13 km from Barcelona, is well communicated with the city centre by several means of
- Taxi: it usually costs between 25-30 €.
- Train: there are trains to Barcelona every 30 minutes. You must get off at the Passeig de Gràcia station
and catch the underground (L3, green line) until you get to Liceu. The residence hall is a 2-minute walk
- Bus (Aerobus): they stop at the Plaça Catalunya station, which is very near the residence hall (an
approximate 10 minutes walking).
By the underground: the green line (L3) will leave you very near the residence hall. You must get
off at the Liceu station and walk for about 2 minutes until you reach the residence hall. This is next to the
CSIC building, on the corner of Hospital Street with Egipcíaques Street.
You can also use the lilac line (L2) and get off at Mercat de Sant Antoni, will leave you very
near Hospital Street so it will only take you a few minutes in reaching the residence hall on foot.
By bus: Barcelona has a very wide bus network. There are several lines that pass by areas near the
residence hall (14, 38 and 59). To check which one is most convenient for you, you may refer to the
following website: Here you will find very useful information on timetables, routes, prices and
on how to move around Barcelona.
Pagina 2
Directions from Residència d’Investigadors to Restaurant Mescladis (29 March)
The joint dinner on Thursday, 29 march will be hosted at the Restaurant of the social project of solidarity
economy Mescladis, located in Carrer de Carders, 35 – 08003 Barcelona.
Guided walk to Restaurant Mescladis (optional): 20.00 in front of Residència d’Investigadors
Residència d’Investigadors to Restaurant Mescladis, dinner on 29 March (walking
With the entrance of the Residència behind you, follow Carrer Hospital to the left (east) for about 300
meters towards Carrer de les Egipcíaques until you reach La Rambla/Rambla de Caputxins. Then turn right
and follow La Rambla for about 150 meters,cross La Rambla and take Carrer de Ferran, then continue onto
Carrer de Jaume I until you get to the metro station Jaume I. Then turn left onto Plaça de l'Àngel, cross the
square and enter Carrer de la Bòria for about 90 meters, continue onto Plaça de la Llana and then Carrer
dels Corders (70 meters), which finally becomes Carrer dels Carders (150 meters). You will find the
restaurant on your left.
Duration: Approx. 20 min
Pagina 3
Map: Way from the Residència d’Investigadors (A) to restaurant Cullera de Boix (B)
Contact details
Taxi companies: +34 (0)93 225 00 00 or +34 (0)93 113 80 88 or +34. 646726960
Organisation Committee: Viviana Asara +34.622.86.53.83
Pagina 4