Connect 33 - Chilliwack School District
Connect 33 - Chilliwack School District
Connect 33 May 18, 2016 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING SUMMARY – May 17, 2016 (attachment 1) (Repeat) 2016/17 SCHOOL SCHEDULES – Principals/Vice-principals please submit the following information to Joanne Britton, by Friday May 27, 2016: Assembly and Dismissal Schedule School-Based Non Instructional Day Early Dismissal days/times (Repeat) COLLABORATION MODEL HANDBOOK 2016-17 - The Handbook has been updated for the 2016/17 school year. (attachment 2) INTRA-DISTRICT AFTER SCHOOL COLLABORATION PLANNING FORM SUMMER LEARNING PROGRAM 2016 – Online registration is now open. Visit the Summer Learning Website for more information. ► HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS – Congratulations to external candidates Jacqueline Berkes, currently the Elementary Learning Support Teacher at Ecole Christine Morrison Elementary School in Mission and Scott Wallace, currently the Principal of Gleneagles Ch’axay Elementary and Lions Bay Community School in West Vancouver School District. Jacqueline has been appointed Vice Principal effective August 1, 2016. Scott has been appointed Principal effective August 1, 2016. Congratulations to internal candidates Jessica Adams-Loupret, Paul Hurley, Joanna Kasper, Jason Kemp, Erin McAstocker, Jacqueline Schott and Lynnet Schramm, who have been appointed Vice Principals effective August 1, 2016. Congratulations to internal candidates Brad Driscoll and Brian Fehlauer, who have been appointed Principals effective August 1, 2016. TEACHER IN CHARGE - Administrators are asked to send any “Teacher in Charge” information to Doris Heller – no later than 4:00pm on May 25, 2016 in order for the payment to be included in the May payroll. C.U.P.E. LAST DAY OF WORK & DRAW TIME 2016 – Attention Administrators (attachment 3) (Repeat) C.U.P.E. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 2016 (attachment 4) May 18, 2016 Connect 33 … (Repeat) TEACHER POST & FILL BEGAN MAY 2 - Teachers interested in applying for vacancies during the spring post and fill, which began May 2, must be registered as an internal applicant through the Make a Future online application website ( Attached are the instructions for registering, creating an electronic application package, locating internal vacancies, and applying on vacancies. (attachment 5) (Repeat) TTOC PRE-BOOKINGS FOR THE 2016/17 SCHOOL YEAR - The TTOC Desk is now accepting pre-bookings for the 2016/2017 school year according to the attached guidelines. Bookings will be accepted electronically via (attachment 6) ► LEARNING SERVICES Aboriginal Education BURSARIES, SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS AVAILABLE FOR INDIGENOUS STUDENTS – Successful futures are created through hard work, creativity, and perseverance. Each one of us has a unique potential to achieve, and for First Nation, Inuit, and Métis students, Indspire would like to help make that happen. Check out the Indspire website for more information Curriculum & Pro-D MENTORING – If you have been part of Teacher Mentoring (Mentor or Mentee), please join us for our annual Year End Celebration. See the attached for more details. (attachment 7) SNAP (Student Numeracy Assessment and Practice) - UPDATED VERSION available in SharePoint. This district assessment, developed by teachers in our district, is ready for pilot use in classrooms. An assessment tool for use with students in grades 2 – 7, this package contains teacher instructions for operations and number sense, rubrics, assessment sheets, practice sheets and exemplars. Go to SharePoint, Curriculum Resources, SNAP Numeracy Assessment. Click on the “…” to the right of the file, then “…” again and click “Download a Copy”. Also available in the Elementary and Middle School SharePoint pages. (Repeat) SYNC AUDIOBOOKS FOR TEENS – Two FREE downloads a week from May 5 – August 17! See the attached for more details. (attachment 8) (Repeat) SEPTEMBER SPARK! – A unique opportunity for Primary Teachers to get inspired, connect with colleagues and start the year with a spark! See attachment for more details. (attachment 9) (Repeat) JUMP Math – Rebekaah Shaffer of JUMP Math will be returning on Tuesday, June 7 for another JUMP Math workshop. See the attached flyer for full details. (attachment 10) May 18, 2016 Connect 33 … (Repeat) MCGRAW HILL EDUCATION: Support for BC Mathematics 8 and 9 - Are you wondering about what’s changed in the new BC MATH 8 and 9 curriculum? How to engage your students in meaningful inquiry and how to incorporate the core and curricular competencies into your daily instruction? Get all the answers to these questions at our after-school interactive presentations. Receive a walk-through of our NEW resources MathLinks: Pathways to Success 8 and 9 designed to cover 100% of the new BC Curriculum! See attachment for more details. (attachment 11) Student Services ► HEALTH & SAFETY DISTRICT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING – April 13, 2016 (attachment 12) ► TECHNOLOGY ► MYEDUCATIONBC ► OPERATIONS SUMMER PRINTING AT THE PRINT SHOP (attachment 13) ► GREEN INITIATIVES SARDIS SKYHAWK GREEN TEAM NEWS - The Sardis Elementary Skyhawk Green Team has been very busy this year. The Grade 3 Energy Detectives recently completed all 25 challenges in the Classroom Energy Diet Challenge. They competed with 1290 schools from across Canada and tied for first place with 19 other schools and will now share in the $10,000 prize. They also won another $100 for their Green Powered Canada challenge. The Green Team also received honorable mention for their Recycling Energizers project, as well as "Connecting with our Place" project entered in the BCGreen Games. The whole school is getting involved in going green as seen in April when students and staff picked up over 30Kg of garbage from their local community and saved 1224 plastic bags from the landfill for the Plastic Bag Grab Challenge. Sardis is also involved in the new community school garden project - "Plots of Learning, A Place to Grow "- and has been getting assistance from Sardis Secondary students as they learn how to grow their own food. Sardis is going green! ► AROUND THE DISTRICT (Repeat) SCHOOL DISTRICT 33 CHARITY RIDE – Deadline for entries is June 1! (attachment 14) May 18, 2016 Connect 33 … (Repeat) FG LEARY COMMUNITY FUN FAIR 2016 – Affordable fun for the whole family on Friday, June 3 from 5:00-8:30pm. See the attached for more information. (attachment 15) RETIREMENT CELEBRATIONS Laurie Lenardon, June 7, 11:30am-1:00pm at Vedder Elementary (Library) (attachment 16) ► COMMUNITY INFORMATION SCHOOL KAYAKING PROGRAM with the Chilliwack Centre of Excellence (attachment 17) HACKING PARENTHOOD: The Three Worlds of Digital Parenting with tech researcher Alexandra Samuel. This is the third year that Fraser Valley Regional Library has offered a large-scale event of interest to parents and educators. This year's talk is all about kids and digital technology. How should you manage your child's use of technology in today's digital world? Alexandra Samuel has conducted extensive research on the topic. She is a really fun and engaging speaker that you're sure to enjoy. Two FREE events have been booked: June 2 in Abbotsford and June 7 in Maple Ridge. Register online at For more details, visit (attachment 18) (Repeat) SASQUATCH COUNTRY FESTIVAL 2016 – Looking for volunteers! Vendor applications are now being accepted. See the attached for more information. (attachment 19) (Repeat) BIKE TO WORK AND SCHOOL WEEK May 30 – June 5, 2016 Registration is open now! Visit for complete information. (Repeat) THE ART ROOM – May and June Classes (attachment 20) ROYAL BC MUSEUM FREE COUPON FOR YOUTH ADMISSION - The Royal BC Museum is offering students in grades K-7 one complimentary youth admission, with the purchase of one adult admission. The coupon can stand alone, as all redemption details are printed on the bottom of the coupon. The original coupon, or a reasonable facsimile, will be accepted for redemption. To learn more about this summer’s schedule, please visit the Royal BC Museum’s website at (attachment 21) May 18, 2016 Board of Education Meeting May 17, 2016 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT #33 (CHILLIWACK) held its Regular Board Meeting on May 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the School District Office. STUDENT PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD The Board welcomed Sofia Ngieng who recently presented at the FEAT Kids Event 2016 in North Vancouver. FEAT Kids is similar to TEDxKids, however FEAT Kids focuses on inspiring and captivating adventure talks by kids, for kids. They hope that the event will motivate youth to dream big and become inspired. FEAT KIDS, Fascinating Expedition & Adventure Talks, is an annual day of time-limited presentations. Each presenter speaks for seven minutes; no more, no less, with images. Speakers are invited because of their achievements, and presentation themes focus on an aspect of their expedition. Presentations at the FEAT Kids Event included stories of adventures on land, water and in the air. The video presentations will be available in the next number of weeks on the website. ALTERNATE EDUCATION PROGRAMS, FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES REVIEW As one of the strategies identified in the District’s Strategic Plan, the comprehensive review to develop a renewed vision for supporting students and programs and re-envisioning how we support students who transition to the district’s Alternate (TYPE 3) Facilities Report was presented to the Board. Assistant Superintendent, Rohan arul-Pragasm, highlighted the review details including a summary of information from past reviews and research studies, and the current analysis and extensive feedback provided by parents, students, staff, principals and vice-principals and community partners, through forums and survey information. A recommendation was made and approved by the Board to direct staff to redesign the supports, structures and program delivery at District Type 3 Alternate Facilities based on the information and recommendations provided in the Alternate Education Programs, Facilities and Structures Review Report. Next steps include creating a committee inclusive of principals and vice-principals from elementary, middle and secondary to review the data from the report and redesign programs, supports and structures for students at Type 3 Alternate facilities with a plan to implement changes by September 2017. 2016-2017 SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS The Board approved a 16-meeting schedule of Board Meetings for the 2016-2017 school year. The schedule will be posted on the School District Website; the first meeting will be held on September 20. 2016 – 2017 BUDGET APPROVAL 2nd and 3rd READING The Board approved the second reading, third reading and final adoption of the 2016-2017 budget in the amount of $137,534,588. REPORT OF THE EDUCATION POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Board received the report of the Education Policy Advisory Committee meeting held on April 26, 2016 and approved the following policies: Policy 519 – Dispute Resolution Policy 607 – Placement of Special Needs Students Policy 613 – Specialty Academies (reaffirmed) Board of Education Meeting Summary – 2016-05-17 Page 1 Board of Education Meeting May 17, 2016 Policy 903 – District Parents’ Advisory Council Policy 904 – School Parent Advisory Councils Policy 912 – Student Planning Councils, was approved for deletion by the Board. In 2015, Bill 11: Education Statutes Amendment Act effectively removed all references to School Planning Councils in the School Act. References to School Planning Councils were replaced with School Parent Advisory Councils, making this policy redundant. Updated polices can be found on the District Website along with all other policies. TRANSPORTATION REVIEW – CONSULTANT’S REPORT Secretary Treasurer, Gerry Slykhuis, presented a final report by School Bus Consultants on the programmatic and financial evaluation of the District’s student transportation and fleet services. The Contractor worked with District leadership and staff to provide recommendations on improving specific areas and further efficiencies within our delivery of services. The recommendations will be considered in future planning. VEHICLE INSURANCE Secretary Treasurer, Gerry Slykhuis, presented information on how the Ministry of Education, School Districts and partners are working together to identify opportunities to achieve further savings and efficiencies through shared delivery of services across BC school districts. A Transportation Working Group (TWG) was formed to identify cost savings and administrative efficiencies related to student transportation. One of the opportunities identified by the Transportation Working Group was reducing insurance costs for the 2,000 white fleet vehicles and 1,200 buses across the province. Approximately $1.4 in savings have been identified. This approach would require all school districts to consolidate their fleets under a single umbrella, administrated by BC Shared Services and the Schools Protection Program. Chilliwack School District is not expected to see additional savings versus what is currently being paid. This is because the district is one of six districts that already receives a 35% rebate through ICBC’s Retrospective Insurance Program. B.C. SCHOOL TRUSTEES’ ASSOCIATION B.C. School Trustees’ Representative Barry Neufeld provided an update. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Superintendent Novak in her report to the Board of Education, provided information regarding the various professional development opportunities provided to staff on the May 6 Non-Instructional Day. Highlights included information about the CTA sessions around the theme of Teach, Learn, Care (TLC) held at Sardis Secondary, professional development opportunities at the NLC that were focused on SocialEmotional Wellness and Self-Regulation provided through the Child & Youth Committee, and the additional sessions offered to CUPE staff at Rosedale Elementary/Middle Community School. The 2nd part of the Superintendent’s Report noted the Partners in Learning – Collaborative Learning Conference presentations by the ADR and CMS Family of Schools. In addition to information being shared about the Board of Education Meeting Summary – 2016-05-17 Page 2 Board of Education Meeting May 17, 2016 work of staff regarding improving student achievement, appreciation was noted by Superintendent Novak for the work of staff around high quality instruction, collaborative processes using data informed decision making, and the innovative ideas being used to support student success. The Board recognized the efforts of staff and was appreciative of the work being done by schools and staff. NOTICE OF MOTION Trustee Maahs provided a Notice of Motion: to bring forward on June 6, 2016 a motion to record board meetings and post them online. FUTURE BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS: MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 – Note meeting change from June 7, 2016 TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 Board of Education Meeting Summary – 2016-05-17 Page 3 Professional Development Collaborative Model 2016/17 WE BELIEVE: All staff working in SD33 are educators. Powerful professional learning is based on inquiry. Learning is ongoing and reciprocal. Compiled by the District Learning Committee ProD:md:LEU/USW 1-3567 Revised - May 2016 1 COLLABORATIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WHAT IS IT AND WHY? As we work together to build a learning community across the district, collaboration and professional development are critical to our success. The after school collaborative Professional Development sessions are designed to provide an opportunity for us to do this in an ongoing way. Research tells us that when we share and learn together on a regular basis, we build our knowledge and skills and develop into a cohesive and trusting team. This type of professional development is a change from traditional formats for learning that reflects the increasing complexity of our work, addresses the need for collegial work and gives value to what we instinctively do in vibrant schools. We all work with students and our common goal is their success. For the upcoming 2016-17 school year, staff will have the opportunity to attend 10 - 11 hours of after-school ProD sessions in lieu of 2 school days: November 25, 2016, and May 19, 2017. Each staff will have the opportunity to determine the frame and floor plan of their own professional development. Working out the details across staff groups and across diverse schedules is a challenge but one we believe we are making good progress in addressing. The primary purpose of these sessions is to allow school teams to meet collaboratively to build their expertise and to share their knowledge. It is expected that sessions will be jointly planned and designed by a school based professional development team. Every staff member has the opportunity to be involved in the planning of the collaboration activities at your school. Be prepared to participate in the Planning Committee in order to have your voice heard. Learning to work in a complementary and shared way will help us all to be more effective in dealing with the challenges we face. THE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Where one is not already in place, each school/site needs to establish a Planning Committee to ascertain the professional development needs of their staff. Participation on this committee is voluntary, but this should consist of at least the CTA ProD Rep, another teacher, a principal or vice principal, a CUPE member, and where applicable, a management member. The purpose is to determine the direction of the 5 or 6 Collaborative ProD sessions. The choice of broad, inclusive topics will ensure greater relevancy to all staff. INTRA-DISTRICT AFTER SCHOOL COLLABORATION: •This year, staff will again have the opportunity to choose between their school collaboration group and a district discrete group. •The district discrete groups must have a minimum of 4 members with a maximum of 15 members. •The district discrete groups will pursue a common question or focus throughout the 2016-17 school year, and be lead by a facilitator trained in Inquiry.. •Further training for more facilitators will be provided in the Spring of 2017 for the 2017-18 school year. •Intra-district groups will submit an Intra-District After School Collaboration Document to either the CTA Pro-D Chair (CTA members) or CUPE Chief Shop Steward (CUPE members) and a copy to each members’ Principal before November 25, 2016. •Intra-district group members will need to report back to their school staffs at the last after school collaboration session or at a staff meeting. ProD:md:LEU/USW 1-3567 Revised - May 2016 2 CHOOSING DATES FOR 2016-17: 1. The suggested dates for all work sites for the 2016-17 school year have been set for the last Wednesday of the following months: Wednesday, October 19 or 26, 2016 Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Wednesday February 22, 2017 Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Staff are requested to avoid scheduling other activities such as sports games, inservice, or union meetings for these afternoons. 2. Please note that staff could make a group decision to meet on a different date within the last week of the month. However, there could be a conflict with other events happening in the district. The district wide days in lieu are November 25, 2016 and May 19, 2017 SUGGESTIONS: Building teamwork - some things to keep in mind • The most powerful forms of staff/professional development occur in ongoing teams that meet on a regular basis • All students in the school are the collective responsibility of the whole staff • Building an effective, respectful team is the first step and valuable work in itself • Set norms or guidelines for meetings • Be respectful, understand that diverse perspectives are healthy and give everyone a voice • Look at current practice and project where you’d like to be • Set attainable goals but not too many Good luck in your ProD Planning! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTIONS / ANSWERS regarding the Collaboration ProD model: How do we get started? Prior to the end of the school year, or in early Fall (mid October at the latest), the Planning Committee at each school should meet to make a proposal for the upcoming year. This should be presented to the staff for discussion. What are we supposed to do during this time? Groups should be working on common goals throughout the after-school collaboration. This allows for follow-up and reflection - a cornerstone of effective professional development. You could also be involved in an intra-district discrete group. ProD:md:LEU/USW 1-3567 Revised - May 2016 3 QUESTIONS / ANSWERS regarding the Collaboration ProD model (cont’d) Could we work on an inquiry project at this time? Yes, in fact discrete groups should have a facilitator and could be working on an Inquiry question. What about the other things that I do in my own time? Other after-school activities or inservice that may occur during the year do not factor into this accumulation of time towards the 2 days in lieu. Those activities tend to be individual in nature and the intent of the collaborative model is to allow groups to work together. Can I do self-directed on the Wednesday collaboration days? NO. Collab dates as scheduled are designed for collaborative group work. Teachers who choose to do self-directed ProD activities are reminded that these happen on November 25th and May 19th, not during the after school session times. Can I work at home on November 25 or May 19 if I am doing self-directed? NO. Self directed must be at a school site or workshop location. Please ensure you have filled out a Self-directed form and sent it to the CTA ProD Chair. What about staff who choose not to attend these sessions? We encourage all staff to participate in this valuable collegial ProD model. However, it is voluntary. Teaching staff choosing not to participate are responsible for planning their own professional development for November 25th & May 19th. There will be no district planned activities organized for these days. Teachers must provide copies of a Self-Directed form to the CTA ProD Chair at the CTA Office. CUPE staff should consult with their supervisor. What if I am absent on a Collaboration Day? If you are absent from school on the day of a scheduled after-school session due to illness or emergency leave, you do not have to make up time for the day in lieu. However, missing the session for involvement in sports, union, personal or other reasons will negate the day in lieu. Unique circumstances need to be discussed with the individual’s supervisor. What about staff who want to be part of a school based discrete group? It may be beneficial for some staff to meet as focus groups to satisfy their Pro D goals. The same parameters apply: collaborative work over 10 - 11 hours outside of regular scheduled hours, through a series of 5 - 6 sessions. Discrete groups at school sites should include a minimum of 4 people (ie primary, intermediate, Humanities, Science). Each group should share with their principals their topics. These plans need to focus on improving educational practice and have a method of reporting back to the larger staff. Can I spend half of my after school collaboration time with an Intra-district discrete group and half of my time with my school group? NO. You have to choose either being a part of a group at your school or an Intra-district discrete group. Does there need to be a facilitator for an Intra-district discrete group? YES. Facilitator training has been provided by the CTA in the past. Additional facilitator training will be available in September 2016 for the 2016-17 year and again in May for the 2017-18 school year. ProD:md:LEU/USW 1-3567 Revised - May 2016 4 PLEASE POST TO: All Administrators cc: Rod Isaac, CUPE Local 411 Senior Executive Payroll FROM: Nadine Clattenburg, District Principal - Human Resources DATE: May 18, 2016 SUBJECT: LAST DAY OF WORK AND DRAW TIME The last day of work for school term employees and available draw time has been reviewed and the decisions for the end of term and school opening (2016) are as follows: 1. Last Day of Work is as follows: 10 Month Clerical Library Assistants GWG, SSS, CSS Supervision Assistants Education Assistants Aboriginal Education Assistants Child and Youth Care Workers Chef Assistants (CSS & SSS) Career Advisor (GWG, CSS, SSS) Bus Drivers Work Experience Facilitators 10 Months EA’s – FVDES Speech/Language Assistants *Plus draw time Elementary Middle School Secondary June 24, 2016* June 24, 2016* June 24, 2016* N/A June 24, 2016 End of shift on the last day students are in attendance for regular classes. End of shift on the last day students are in June 23, 2016 attendance for regular classes. Send request for EA’s to adjudicate exams to Nathan at Student Services. June 23, 2016 End of shift on the last day students are in attendance for regular classes. June 23, 2016 End of shift on the last day students are in attendance for regular classes. N/A June 17, 2016 N/A June 24, 2016 June 23, 2016 – Maintenance as required on June 24, 2016 N/A June 24, 2016 N/A June 24, 2016 N/A June 24, 2016 2. Draw Time 2.1 Draw time for schools term clerical employees is provided at the rate of 10 FTE days per full time clerical employees. Draw time for part-time clerical employees is prorated. 2.2 Funds for draw time are held at the district level and expended on the principal’s request to assist with school closing and opening demands. Draw time is to be used between June 1, 2016 and September 30, 2016 only. Any unused draw time will remain at the district level. 3. First Day of Work September 6, 2016 for all school term employees except Supervision Assistants who will begin September 7, 2016. April 15, 2015 NOTICE TO ALL CUPE STAFF PLEASE POST Re: Summer Employment Registers Letter of Understanding 1. 2. Summer employment opportunities for 10 month employees Applications will be accepted from those school term employees that are available for casual summer employment. To register - apply in person or – send in form to the School District Office (8430 Cessna Drive) before 4:00 p.m., June 5, 2015. Fill out an application form. Selection will be based on availability, operational needs and skills (qualifications). 10 months employees hired for summer positions will be classified as “casual employees” and will not be entitled to benefits other than those applicable to casual employees. Permanent Postings There will be no postings during July and August. Postings will resume on September 8, 2015. School District Staff Only APPLICATION FOR CASUAL SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (For 10-month employees) Applications Accepted between May 1, 2015 and June 5, 2015 Name: _______________________________________ Home Phone#: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Work Phone#: _____________________________ Current Work Site: ____________________________ Current Position: ___________________________ Principal/Supervisor:_________________________________________________________________ I am available for Summer employment on the following dates: _____________________________________________, 2015 I am qualified for employment in the following areas: Clerical Maintenance Technology Transportation Maintenance Grounds Custodial Maintenance Building E.A. Academic Upgrading __________________________________________________________________________________________________ List areas of skills, experience and interest: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ HR/OS/Sups Memo/Summer Form Application 15 Date: ___________________________ For Questions call: 1-866-806-6851 Ӏ Email: Ӏ M-F: 4:30 am-4:00pm How to Register an Internal Account with School District #33 (Chilliwack): STEP 1: Visit STEP 2: Click on Register/Log In at the top right hand corner. *If you have an existing account with School District # 33 please log in at this time and skip down to STEP 8. STEP 3: On the Login and Registration page (for applicants), scroll down to ‘School Districts’. Expand Fraser Valley to select Chilliwack # 33. STEP 4: From the Chilliwack page click on the ‘Register’ button. STEP 5: Choose your position category (i.e. Teachers, Principals and Superintendents) the drop down menu. Fill in the registration page, such as creating a username, password (should be a login combination that you can easily remember) and personal information. For Questions call: 1-866-806-6851 Ӏ Email: Ӏ M-F: 4:30 am-4:00pm STEP 6: Agree to the terms and conditions and click the ‘Register’ button STEP 7: You are now registered! To register internally please follow the steps below: STEP 8: Please scroll over the Administration tab and select Register for Internal Account For Questions call: 1-866-806-6851 Ӏ Email: Ӏ M-F: 4:30 am-4:00pm STEP 9: Complete the information regarding your current position with the board and click Next. *Date started relates to the date you started working for the District. *Highlight Employee Group and School/Location Once you have completed these steps contact Human Resources to have your internal account approved. You will receive an e-mail notification when your account has been approved and you will now have access to 'view internal job postings'. How Do I View & Apply To Job Postings STEP 1: Visit and log in using the username and password. For Questions call: 1-866-806-6851 Ӏ Email: Ӏ M-F: 4:30 am-4:00pm STEP 2: To complete your ‘Portfolio’ you must fill all boxes marked with an asterisk [*] on the ‘Personal Info’ page and press save. Then you may complete any other sections in the application (i.e., ‘Resume and Cover letter’, ‘Supporting Documents’, etc.). STEP 3: Click ‘Internal Applicants’ on the navigation bar and select ‘View Internal Job Postings’. STEP 4: Select the job posting title of the job that you would like to apply to and click the ‘Apply’ button at the bottom of the page. STEP 5: Jobs that you have applied to successfully will appear in your ‘Job Application Log’ Job Alerts: Say ‘yes’ to receive an email when School District # 33 Posts internal jobs(s) My Username and/or Password STEP 1: If you forget your user name and password, visit and click ‘Forgot Your Login?’ STEP 2: Enter your email address you registered with and your login combination will be sent by email. TTOC DESK PRE-BOOKING GUIDELINES 2016 - 2017 DISTRICT: April 21 – May 13th Bookings will be accepted for any DISTRICT event that is organized by a School District 33 administrator or teacher which requires a group of TTOCs (3 or more). Some examples: Mentoring, District In-Service, District Athletic Events, District Ready Set Learn. Booking requests should be made via e-mail to by the event coordinator. Requests should include alternate dates, if possible. Confirmations will be made the week of July 11th. SCHOOL BASED: May 16 – June 3rd. Bookings will be accepted for any SCHOOL BASED events that require TTOC coverage. Some examples: field trips, athletic events, Ready Set Learn, IEP meetings, School Based Planning. It is strongly recommended that schools submit their request in ONE e-mail to through the school principal. Requests should include alternate dates, if possible. Confirmations will be made the week of July 11th. INDIVIDUAL: June 6 – June 24th. Bookings will be accepted for INDIVIDUAL teacher and administrator requests. Some examples: Professional development (not part of any school based or district event), discretionary leave, lieu time. Requests must be made via e-mail to Requests should include alternate dates, if possible. Confirmations will be made the week of July 11th. Once you receive confirmation for your requested coverage (the week of July 11th) please submit your bookings via the SRB Web Portal. YEAR END Celebration If you have been part of Teacher Mentoring (Mentor or Mentee), please join us for our annual Year End Celebration. We are excited to have representatives from the Executive and School Trustees join us for our salmon dinner as we celebrate our year together. We will be looking for your feedback on Mentoring so we can plan for the 2016-17 school year. WHERE: Neighbourhood Learning Centre - Alumni Hall 46361 Yale Road, Chilliwack B.C. WHEN: Monday, May 30th, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. *Dinner will be served at 4:30 p.m. Please register on PD Place by Monday, May 23rd 2 FREE downloads a week May 5 – August 17! TEXT syncya to 25827 for alerts on the SYNC title releases. May 5 - May 11 VIVIAN APPLE AT THE END OF THE WORLD by Katie Coyle (Dreamscape Media) THE GREAT TENNESSEE MONKEY TRIAL by Peter Goodchild (L.A. Theatre Works) May 12 - May 18 THE SIN EATER’S DAUGHTER by Melinda Salisbury (Scholastic Audio) DIVINE COLLISION: AN AFRICAN BOY, AN AMERICAN LAWYER, AND THEIR REMARKABLE BATTLE FOR FREEDOM by Jim Gash (Oasis Audio) May 19 - May 25 100 SIDEWAYS MILES by Andrew Smith (Tantor Media) THIS BOY’S LIFE by Tobias Wolff (Highbridge Audio) May 26 - June 1 EVERY LAST WORD by Tamara Ireland Stone (Ideal Audiobooks) EGG & SPOON by Gregory Maguire (Brilliance Audio) June 2 - June 8 WORDS IN THE DUST by Trent Reedy (Scholastic Audio) THE BOY BORN DEAD: A STORY OF FRIENDSHIP, COURAGE, AND TRIUMPH by David Ring, David Wideman, John Driver (christianaudio) June 9 - June 15 ZAC AND MIA by A.J. Betts (Dreamscape Media) I’LL GIVE YOU THE SUN by Jandy Nelson (Brilliance Audio) June 16 - June 22 HOW IT WENT DOWN by Kekla Magoon (Recorded Books) THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN EX-COLORED MAN by James Weldon Johnson (Tantor Media) June 23 - June 29 BOY MEETS BOY by David Levithan (Full Cast Audio) DONNY’S BRAIN by Rona Munro (L.A. Theatre Works) June 30 - July 6 THE OMNIVORE’S DILEMMA: THE SECRETS BEHIND WHAT YOU EAT, YOUNG READERS EDITION by Michael Pollan (Listening Library) GRASSHOPPER JUNGLE by Andrew Smith (Listening Library) July 7 - July 13 THE YOUNG WORLD by Chris Weitz (Hachette Audio) SYMPHONY FOR THE CITY OF THE DEAD: DMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH AND THE SIEGE OF LENINGRAD by M. T. Anderson (Brilliance Audio) July 14 - July 20 FAT ANGIE by e.E. Charlton-Trujillo (Brilliance Audio) ON THE JELLICOE ROAD by Melina Marchetta (Bolinda) July 21 - July 27 MANDELA: AN AUDIO HISTORY by Nelson Mandela (Highbridge Audio) THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe (Recorded Books) July 28 - August 3 JUBA! by Walter Dean Myers (HarperAudio) PENNIES FOR HITLER by Jackie French (Bolinda) August 4 - August 10 THE BOOK OF UNKNOWN AMERICANS by Cristina Henríquez (Penguin Random House Audio) MOST DANGEROUS by Steve Sheinkin (Listening Library) August 11 - August 17 BONE GAP by Laura Ruby (HarperAudio) CLASSIC AMERICAN SHORT STORIES by Jack London, Ambrose Bierce, Stephen Crane, Kate Chopin, James Fenimore Cooper, Mark Twain, and O. Henry (Naxos AudioBooks) powered by audiobooks For teens Want alerts about the FREE audiobooks available all summer long? TEXT syncya to 25827 or visit May 5 – May 11 When Vivian returns home the night after the supposed “Rapture,” all that’s left of her parents are two holes in the roof. Listen to a clip: Listen to a clip: by Katie Coyle Read by Julia Whelan by Peter Goodchild Read by a full cast The Scopes Trial, over the right to teach evolution in public schools, reaffirmed the importance of intellectual freedom as codified in the Bill of Rights, though the debates continue to this day. May 12 – May 18 A startling, seductive, deliciously dark debut that will shatter your definition of teen fantasy. Los Angeles lawyer and law professor, Jim Gash, tells the amazing true story of how he finds himself in the heart of Africa defending a courageous boy languishing in a Ugandan prison. Listen to a clip: Listen to a clip: by Melinda Salisbury Read by Amy Shiels by Jim Gash Read by Brandon Batchelar May 19 – May 25 Destiny takes a detour in this heartbreakingly hilarious novel. Listen to a clip: Listen to a clip: by Andrew Smith Read by Kirby Heyborne by Tobias Wolff Read by Oliver Wyman Heralded instantly by critics upon publication and now recognized as a classic modern memoir. May 26 – June 1 Samantha looks just like the rest of the popular girls, but she has a secret her friends would never understand: Purely-Obsessional OCD, and a stream of dark thoughts and worries that consume her. Listen to a clip: Listen to a clip: A dazzling tour de force novel featuring Russian folklore for listeners and fantasy lovers of all ages. by Gregory Maguire Read by Michael Page by Tamara Ireland Stone Read by Amy Rubinate June 2 – June 8 Zulaikha hopes for peace, now that the Taliban have been driven from Afghanistan; a good relationship with her hard stepmother; and one day even to go to school, or to have her cleft palate repaired. Listen to a clip: by Trent Reedy Read by Ariana Delawari Listen to a clip: In 1953, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, a baby boy was born—dead. Now, more than sixty years later, that boy leads an internationally known ministry that encourages hundreds of thousands every year. by David Ring, David Wideman & John Driver Read by Paul Michael September Spark! Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 3:30pm – 6:40pm Dinner included Location TBA - Stay tuned for more details! A unique opportunity for Primary Teachers Get Inspired Connect with colleagues Start your year with a spark! JUMP Math is a Canadian registered charity whose mission is to enhance the potential in children by encouraging an understanding and a love of math in students and educators. Please join Rebekaah Shaffer of JUMP Math as she shares how to use JUMP Math as part of your balanced math program. She will connect your JUMP lessons to the new curriculum as well as discuss the ways to use JUMP Math with fidelity to improve student achievement. Rebekaah has 15 years’ experience teaching and tutoring secondary and elementary math and is now a JUMP Math Representative. This session is suitable for teachers new to JUMP and those with JUMP experience. Date: Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm Location: Neighbourhood Learning Centre, Room #2005 Presenter: Rebekaah Shaffer; Outreach Manager and Teacher Support, JUMP Math Registration is now open on PD Place Plan to Attend Upcoming Workshop Presentations New Curriculum, New Resources Are you wondering about what’s changed in the new BC MATH 8 and 9 curriculum? How to engage your students in meaningful inquiry and how to incorporate the core and curricular competencies into your daily instruction? Get all the answers to these questions at our after-school interactive presentations. Receive a walk-through of our NEW resources MathLinks: Pathways to Success 8 and 9 designed to cover 100% of the new BC Curriculum! Math Workshop presenters: Bruce McAskill / Rick Wunderlich Math Workshop Presenter: Bruce McAskill Over the past 25 years, Bruce has gained extensive experience in all aspects of curriculum research and development, learning resources, program implementation, and student assessment and evaluation. He has worked as the Provincial Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator, Manager of the Mathematics, Science and Technology Unit Curriculum Branch, and the Manager of the Achievement Standards Branch for the BC Ministry of Education. Dr. McAskill founded an educational consulting company, Hold Fast Consultants Inc. in 2003. He is presently teaching mathematics at St Michaels University School and is an author and Senior Program Consultant for McGraw-Hill Education's MathLinks: Pathways to Success8 & 9 resources. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Math Workshop Presenter: Rick Wunderlich Over the course of 30 years of classroom teaching Rick has had the opportunity to serve on several curriculum writing teams, including Math 8 and 9, Math 10-12 and Science 8-10. Working on the author teams for several textbook and resource programs has also given Rick the opportunity to develop ways of embracing students who find math difficult and discouraging. Rick is semi-retired now and keeps himself busy working as a math consultant in a small private school, authoring a series of grade 4 books entitled Math on the Job, and enjoying a continuing relationship with McGraw Hill Education as a co-author of the new MathLinks: Pathways to Success series. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Agenda 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Snacks/Refreshments/Mingling with Colleagues 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Workshop Presentation After 5:00 p.m. Questions and Mingle with Colleagues Event Dates and Locations Monday, May 16th – RICHMOND JN Burnett Secondary School 5011 Granville Ave, Richmond, BC V7C 1E6’ Presenter: Rick Wunderlich Tuesday, May 17th – VANCOUVER Eric Hamber Secondary School 5025 Willow Street, Vancouver, BC V5Z 3S1 Presenter: Rick Wunderlich Wednesday, May 18th – LANGLEY Brookswood Secondary School 20902 37a Ave, Langley, BC V3A 5N2 Presenter: Bruce McAskill Thursday, May 19th – BURNABY St. Thomas More Collegiate 7450 12th Ave, Burnaby, BC V3N 2K1 Presenter: Bruce McAskill Wednesday, May 25th – VICTORIA St. Michaels University School 3400 Richmond Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 4P5 Presenter: Bruce McAskill Thursday, May 26th – NANAIMO Dover Bay Secondary School McGirr Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9V 1M1 Presenter: Bruce McAskill Monday, May 30th – NORTH VANCOUVER Carson Graham Secondary School 2145 Jones Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7M 2W7 Presenter: Bruce McAskill Tuesday, May 31st – KELOWNA Location to Be Announced Presenter: Rick Wunderlich For further information on these brand new resources, contact your sales representative. District Health & Safety Meeting DISTRICT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE Report of Meeting Held April 13, 2016 The meeting was called to order at 7:20 am at Chilliwack Senior Secondary Present: Maureen Carradice Nathan Ngieng Roy Paul Helen Hopkins Jeff Beer Ed Klettke Bryce Stephenson Doug Fraser Shane Merriman Tracey O’Hara Laura Dean Vicki Willis Al Hubner Pete Mitischev Sharron Winter Director of Human Resources District Principal – Student Services Manager of Facilities – Custodial Services/Health and Safety Manager of Human Resources CUPE CTA Recorder CTA Manager of Transportation CUPE CUPE CTA CTA CUPE CUPE Regrets: 1. Agenda Moved: Seconded: Pete Mitschev Vicki Willis Motion: That the agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED April 13, 2016 page 1 District Health & Safety Meeting 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Moved: Seconded: Motion: Pete Mitischev Doug Fraser That the minutes of the March 30, 2016 meeting be approved as presented. CARRIED 3. Business Arising from the Previous Minutes: 4. New Business: Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: Nathan Ngieng spoke about changes to the number when calling the MCFD to report issues of Child Abuse or Neglect. There was discussion around the training that the District provides around this issue. Doug Fraser spoke about concerns that he has heard about instances of emotional neglect not being dealt with by MCFD as much as physical neglect. Nathan stated that this is most likely due to the fact that emotional neglect is more difficult to identify. Vicki Willis suggested that perhaps a flow chart would be useful to make the required steps more clear to District employees. Joint Committee Purpose: Ed Klettke spoke about whether or not the District Health and Safety Committee is doing enough. He stated concerns about the length of some meetings being very short and wondered if there was more that the Committee can do to make positive changes to Health and Safety in the District. He suggested that perhaps Committee members could be more involved in assisting sites with their individual Health and Safety issues. Maureen Carradice spoke about rotating the chair of the Committee each year between a union representative and a management representative. Vicki suggested that District staff be made aware of who the District Health and Safety Committee members are and that they could be used as a resource. Doug Fraser, Ed Klettke, and Tracey O’Hara will work on a presentation that could be used as a resource for site Health and Safety Committees. Laura Dean brought up the idea of District Committee members attending Site Committee meetings. Pete Mitischev mentioned that there is a need to ensure that District Committee members have a common understanding of the mandate of site committees. There is also a need for District Committee members to be well educated on inspections so that all District Committee members have a common message should they attend Site Committee April 13, 2016 page 2 District Health & Safety Meeting meetings. Members of the District Committee will visit the Health and Safety manual on the District Web Page to familiarize themselves with the details of Committee mandates. 5. Reports 6. Inspections 7. Review of Site Safety Committee Meetings 9. Next Meeting May 11th at 7:15am at Chilliwack Senior Secondary 10. Adjournment Moved: Seconded: Motion: April 13, 2016 Pete Mitischev Tracey O’Hara That the meeting be adjourned at 8:20am CARRIED page 3 Summer Printing Print orders guaranteed for September start up are required by June 1st 2016. Any print orders received after this date will be done in the order in which they are received. As always, we try our best to have everything done and back to you! Please email if you require more order forms Thank You, Print Shop 9320 Walden St. Chilliwack Friday, June 3, 2016 5:00pm - 8:30pm Affordable fun for the whole family! NEW! shuttle service (by donation) at the Baptist Church (at First & Charles) Live Music! Dunk Tank! 13 Game Booths! Spiderman! Yummy Concession! Shuttle Service! Hamster Balls! Awesome Prizes! Obstacle Course! Silent Auction Cupcake Walk! Photo Booth! Outdoor Vendor Marketplace! After 30 years the lesson plans are done & the grades are in ! Please join us for a Retirement Celebration Lunch honouring Laurie Lenardon Tuesday, June 7th 11:30—1:00 p.m. Vedder Elementary Library Please RSVP @ 604-858-4759 School Kayaking Program Are you looking for a great group activity for your Grade 5 & 6 Students? Kayaking with the CCE is a great way to finish off the school year. Join our inexpensive kayaking experience for large groups at beautiful Cultus Lake. The program is an introductory kayak course during which students will learn basic boat control, explore the lake, and play fun games. They will learn through experience by connecting to nature and challenging themselves in an unfamiliar sport. Kayaking can be done in many ways, which helps students develop an active lifestyle anchored in their personal choice. Our club promotes an inclusive experience for all skill levels and preferences. The cost for the program is $10 per student for the first hour and $5 per hour extra. This includes all equipment for each participant (boat, paddle, lifejacket), insurance and instruction by a qualified instructor. To register your class today, contact Jon Allen — Example Cost: 15 participants for 1 hour = 15 x $10 = $150 2 groups of 15 for 1 hour each = 30 x $10 = $300 15 participants for 2 hours = 15 x $15 = $225 EXHIBITION OPEN JUN 3–DEC 31, 2016 This exhibition was created by The Field Museum, Chicago. FREE* Youth Admission WITH PAID ADULT * One free youth admission (ages 6–18) with the purchase of one adult admission. One free youth per paid adult. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Not valid for IMAX Theatre. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid for membership. Expires September 5, 2016.