May/June, 2009 - part three
May/June, 2009 - part three
N E V A S A Y N E V A 2 Day Clinic with dual bronze medallist Georgia Bruce As seen at Equitana 2008 Paralympic Games 2008 in Hong Kong And in “The Horse Magazine” Jan 2009 Sat 8th & Sun 9th August 2009 8.30am - 4pm Venue: Nana Glen Sports, Recreation and Equestrian Centre. At: 75 Morrows Road, Nana Glen NSW 2450 Clinic Includes: - Understanding How You Horse Learns - Introducing Your Horse to Clicker Training - Clicker Training and Groundwork - Problem Solving with the Clicker - Young Horse Training with the Clicker - Foundation Training Under Saddle - Progression to Dressage or Western - Train Your Horse to Be Calm, Safe & Reliable - Improving Specific Movements and Behaviours - Improve your Horses Motivation and Willingness - Creating a Tailored Training Plan for Your Horse -Goal Setting and the Steps to Achieve -Your Goal A unique opportunity not to be missed! Clinic is $200 per person for the 2 Full Days (Includes a Clicker). Horse levy $15 per horse, per day ($30 for 2 days) for use of Nana Glen grounds, Total cost: $230 (Camping inclusive). Spectators: Free Bookings Essential – For Inquiries and Bookings please call Gabriele Sickinger Ph: 02/6653 8182 or 0417390202 You will need to bring: - A Horse - Bridle, Saddle, Helmet, Boots - Rope Halter and Lead + Long Lead - A Bumbag - Pellets & Carrots - Notepad and Pen For more info about Georgia Bruce & Clicker Training see : Natural Equipment Newsletter 29 Because we know how important this relationship is to you. Hunter Natural Horsemanship Centre LESSONS and COURSES PH: 02 49886031 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version Safety Fun Friendship and Results …… in less time than you imagined Mossy Point Beach Camp Bigger, Better and More than ever, January 2010 Stop Press - both camps 50% booked already ! Come along and Enjoy the BEST combined holiday and Horsemanship Camp The International Horsemans Institute presents not One but TWO Beach Camps at The Oaks Resort Country Club - Mossy Point on the beautiful South Coast of NSW. The first - 5 day course starts on Monday 4th January 2010 and concludes on Friday 8th January 2010. The second 5 day course starts on Monday 11th January 2010 and concludes on Friday 15th January 2010. Arrival for both courses is Sunday (3rd or 10th) after 2pm for the “meet and greet”. In addition we have secured the resort from Saturday 2nd January until Sunday 17th January 2010 to enable you to enjoy a few days relaxing at the resort. Indulge yourself – one (or both) 5 day courses with not one but two International Horsemanship Instructors Birger Gieseke (Germany) and Tony Lander (Australia) This camp is a unique opportunity to combine a holiday with a multilevel Horsemanship Camp. ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 world renowned Horsemen to lead you 5 days of focussed horsemanship with your horse Kids Playground Tennis Court 300 acres minutes from the beach 9 hole golf course, (you can bring your partner if you want!) ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 meals per day fully catered 20 like minded, horse lovin’, fun sharing people Swimming pool, River Tons of fun, relaxation, enjoyment Minutes drive from Mogo Zoo, Old Mogo town and other South Coast attractions Why not start your year exactly the way you want, accelerating your horsemanship and have an unforgettable holiday at this very special event! Tuition Rider Position full price - $1210 (inc GST) Extra Family Member riding 50% discount $660 Early Bird Discount Pay by 30th July $880 Pay by 30th Sep $990 Pay by 30th Nov $1100 (Note special discounts apply for returning students – please contact us for details) Accommodation and meals are extra. (Standard room $130 per night; Family room $150 per night) - 1night deposit required to secure your room. Please contact us for details on 1300 664 269 or Email “Highlander Park” Winston Way, Molong NSW 2866 Phone 1300 664 269 or mobile 0417 688 644 Email 28 Natural Equipment Newsletter Have you ever felt like your horse wasn’t responding the way YOU want? Do you want a safe, simple and successful way to achieve results with your horse? The International Horsemans Institute has the answer! The “Success at Home” program! Learn how to: ! Talk Horse! ! Achieve Success at Home ! Build a relationship with your horse that makes him safe and truly responsive Here’s what will begin to open out for you... ! ! ! ! ! ! How to create space in your life to ‘saddle up’ for your journey into successful Horsemanship, no matter what your background with horses How to acquire the techniques of Horsemanship in ‘bite size chunks’ that you can afford in terms of time, finances and practice How to discover Success at Home via our learning program, which carries a money back guarantee How a Horseman reads a horse using the basics of horse psychology How to learn a simple, effective language to communicate with your horse that works from your horse’s point of view How you can excel in any equine discipline you wish to pursue using Horsemanship skills to help you get there faster ! “I had a fantastic time and actually feel safe now when I’m with my horse. Now I enjoy being with my horse”….said Anya Anya had just completed a workshop with IHI Principal, Tony Lander We would like to give YOU the same feeling as Anya Natural Equipment Newsletter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This one is my favorite at this stage. It captures the essence, the spirit of the horse. I have added a quote that I thought was appropriate. Cheers Louise Natural Equipment Newsletter 31 From Blue... To Bounce! Because we know how important this relationship is to you. Hunter Natural Horsemanship Centre LESSONS and COURSES PH: 02 49886031 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version
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