I received my Co-op Connections card


I received my Co-op Connections card
REA Energy
Cooperative, Inc.
One of 14 electric
cooperatives serving
Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Tom Borusiewicz
Gary Grindle
REA Energy Cooperative, Inc.
75 Airport Road • P.O. Box 70
Indiana, PA 15701-0070
724/349-4800 • 800/211-5667
Ebensburg District Office
127 Municipal Road
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Website: www.reaenergy.com
Email: reaenergy@reaenergy.com
Chad E. Carrick
Business Development Manager
Dave Daugherty
Safety/ Right-of-Way Supervisor
Dave Illig
Ebensburg Operations Manager
Leslie Kluchurosky
Executive Assistant/Records Analyst
Pat Lieb
Engineering Supervisor
Chris Masterson
Reliability Supervisor
Patrick McAndrew
System Engineer
Paul Roach
Indiana Operations Manager
Chris Weller
Load Management Supervisor
O U TA G E S & E M E R G E N C I E S
7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Stacy Patterson, Local Pages Editor
I received my Co-op Connections
card … now how do I start saving?
BY NOW, all members
should have received their
Co-op Connections cards,
which were mailed out with
members’ electric bills in
May. As with anything new
and exciting, many members may have questions
about the card and what
they can do and save with it.
by Stacy Patterson
Here are answers to some of
the most frequently asked
I received my Co-op Connections card
in the mail; do I need to activate it?
Your Co-op Connections card does not
need to be activated; it is not specific to
an individual member.
Is there a fee associated with using the
Co-op Connections card?
The card is free, it doesn’t expire, there
are no charges or fees, and any member
of your family can use it.
I do not have internet access, where can
I find the local discounts that are being
As businesses join the local discounts
program, they will be listed in Penn Lines.
The listing will include the name, address,
phone number, website address, and the
offer(s) they are providing to REA Energy
members. At least once a year a full listing
of discounts will be printed in Penn Lines.
I have internet access, where do I look
to find the local discounts?
There are a few ways to access the local
discount offers listing online. Visit
www.reaenergy.com to download local
listings. This file is located as a link in
the “News and Events” section of the
homepage. Also on the homepage is a
link to www.connections.coop. This
link is an image at the bottom of the
homepage that looks like the card that
members received. Once you access that
page you can search by business type or
enter your zip code to see all discounts
in the area.
What if I want to find discounts from
national retailers?
On www.connections.coop there are many
online discount offers through national
retailers such as Sears, Target, Wyndham
Hotels, etc. You can also sign up for My
VIP Savings and get cash back on online
purchases by entering the group number
for REA Energy (2203PA10).
I visit a certain business quite often,
how can I get them to offer a discount?
If you frequent a certain business and
would like them to join the program, call
REA Energy, let us know and we will get
in contact with them. This is an ongoing
process and we are working to try to contact all local business owners in the area.
I have good medical insurance coverage,
is it better to use it or try to get a discount
with the Co-op Connections card?
In most cases it is better to use your own
health insurance, if you have good coverage. The ones who will benefit most from
this card in that aspect are those members who might have less insurance coverage or no insurance at all.
Can I use my card to get discounts from
local businesses who have signed up
through other co-ops?
Yes! You can use your card at any business that has agreed to provide a discount through their local cooperative
anywhere across the United States … all
you need to do is present your card!
I have a business, how can I sign up to
give a local discount?
Call Stacy Patterson at 724-349-4800, ext.
5874 or email reaenergy@reaenergy.com
to receive more information on signing up
to offer a local discount. You will receive
24/7, 365 days a year FREE advertising on
your listing on www.reaenergy.com and
www.connections.coop and be listed at
least once a year in Penn Lines.
If you have any other questions
about the Co-op Connections program,
call the office at 724/349-4800 or email
reaenergy@reaenergy.com. l
JUNE 2012 • PENN
REA Energy Cooperative, Inc.
B y S ta c y Pat t e r s o n
Communications Coordinator
THREE … two … one ...
With young anglers sitting along the
banks of the pond at Young Township
Supervisors Park, Clarksburg, Pa.,
poles poised and ready to cast into the
water, those words marked the start of
the 25th Annual Kids Fish for Fun Day.
More often referred to as Kid’s Day,
youngsters from toddler-age to 15 take
part in the event, sponsored by the
Young Township Supervisors and
Blackleggs Trout Nursery.
This year, Kid’s Day was held on Saturday, May 5, from 9 a.m. to noon. The
children were able to compete for prizes
in various categories, such as first trout
caught, first to catch their limit, first to
catch a palomino trout — with all getting a cash prize ranging from $5 to $50.
With 2,000 hungry rainbow, brook
and palomino trout stocked in the pond,
it usually does not take too long for the
first child to catch a trout. In fact, the
first trout this year, caught by a young
lady, was within the first 10 minutes of
Fishing day registration includes a T-
GIVING BACK: Mitchell Nagy helped coordinate this
year’s event as a way to say “Thank You” for all the
years he participated in Kid’s Day.
shirt, a ticket for door prizes, and a
lunch of hot dogs and other goodies.
This year, 134 kids were
registered to fish, with all
receiving a door prize; no
one walks away emptyhanded.
How fishing day is
made possible
Many people are
involved in making this
day a success. Young
Township supervisors
work diligently each year
to get the park and pond
ready for the kids to fish.
Mike Bertolino, District 3 REA Energy
board vice president and Young Township supervisor, along with fellow
supervisors, Brad McClure and Ray
Penrose, have worked hand in hand
with the Blackleggs Trout Nursery in
making this a day of fun, fishing, and
camaraderie for all ages for the past
25 years.
Blackleggs Trout Nursery also helps
to make this day a success. Mike Duffalo, Blackleggs president; John Rupert,
Blackleggs vice president; Art Grguric,
nursery manager; and Ken Turnbull,
Anne Marie and Mitchell Nagy, along
with other members and volunteers,
worked hard to raise the fish for this
event and for many of the waterways in
the Clarksburg area. You may have
already read in past Penn Lines editions
of Blackleggs Trout Nursery’s efforts to clean up
the area streams and
make them habitable for
Without everyone’s volunteerism, the local kids
and anglers would not be
able to experience this
wonderful pastime close
to home. The fishing day
and other events wouldn’t
happen, and the trout
nursery may not exist.
While everyone works
diligently to make these things a success, they still need volunteers to help
keep it going. One area that volunteers
are needed is at the nursery to feed the
trout. Art Grguric will meet with volunteers to show what needs to be done.
REA Energy Cooperative, Inc.
Every volunteer helps whether they
participate a little or a lot.
Twenty-five years of
touching lives
Over the past 25 years, a lot of lives
have been touched, including one in
particular that helped the Kid’s Day to
come to be. Art Grguric, the Blackleggs
nursery manager, relates the story of
how some members of the organization
helped a handicapped child get to where
he could catch some fish. To show his
appreciation for all that they had done,
the child’s father gave the organization a
check for $500. The money helped to
buy the first T-shirts and hot dogs.
Another person who has enjoyed
and been touched by this event is
FIRST CATCH OF THE DAY: While everyone hopes to
catch the first trout, only one can succeed...this
young lady left the event $50 richer for the first
catch of the day.
to him and his brother, Brad.
This year Mitchell helped to
coordinate the event, organGRILL MASTER: Mike Bertolino, District 3 REA Energy board vice
president and Young Township supervisor, mans the grill making hotized the day and made the
dogs for all the hungry young anglers.
announcements throughout
the morning, including that
Mitchell Nagy. From the time he was
anticipated countdown.
2 years old and just able to hold onto a
pole, he has been participating in the
A fishing pond … and so much more
Kid’s Fishing Day. Celebrating his 16th
Bertolino, who has been a supervisor
birthday in April, he is now beyond the
for Young Township for 34 years and a
age of participation.
REA board member since 2004, and the
Anne Marie Nagy, Mitchell’s mother,
other supervisors control and maintain
said that he wanted to give back to
the park, and keep it ready for the Kid’s
Young Township and Blackleggs and
Day event.
show his appreciation for all the things
In addition, there is also Little
they have done for kids, and especially
League and T-ball fields on the grounds
for how good the organization has been
where local youngsters can participate
in the American pastime
of baseball. The park was
developed in the 1960s
and includes seven campsites that have electricity
(REA Energy-provided),
water, and sewage hookups. There are also two
pavilions available to rent
for picnics or reunions
that have electric hookups. If you would like to
inquire about renting
these please call the
TEAM EFFORT: Art Grguric, left, and Mike Bertolino work in conjunction
Young Township building
with the other Young Township supervisors and members of Blackleggs
Trout Nursery to make the Kid’s Fishing Day a success.
at 724/726-8229. l
JUNE 2012 • PENN
REA Energy Cooperative, Inc.
Co-op Connections card participating businesses
Members recently received their
Co-op Connections card. As an electric
cooperative member, you can use your
free Co-op Connections card or key fob
to receive discounts at participating
local businesses (listed below) and many
national retailers. We will continue publishing new businesses as they join.
Keep this directory handy so you will
easily find a participating business. Look
for the Co-op Connections sticker on the
door or cash register at the business.
Find the latest deals or get a replacement card online at www.reaenergy.com.
You can also call for a replacement set of
cards at 724/349-4800 or 800/211-5667.
Aztec Travel Service
531 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/349-1740
Website: www.aztectravelservice.com
Offer: $25 off a 7 night or longer land package or cruise
Country Hollow Collectibles
271 Loop Road, Dysart, PA 16636
Phone: 814/674-8734
Offer: $10 off retail price of Nascar diecast
Cannot accept credit cards
Culligan Water
1749 Wilson Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/465-5611
Website: www.culliganman.co
Offer 1: 50% off installation of a rental
water softener
Offer 2: Bottled water delivery package: 1
month cooler rent = free; 3 bottles (15 gallons) = free; 1 case of 24 single bottles = free
D. Edward Leasing Co, Inc.
250 Seanor Road, Windber, PA 15963
Phone: 800/635-8756
Website: www.dedward.com
Offer: 10% discount on all yearly rentals
Dr. Keith Hilliard and Dr. Charles Tarnoff
120 South 7th Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/465-6232
Website: www.tarnoffandhilliard.com
Offer 1: 20% off eye exam — restrictions
Offer 2: 20% off eyewear — restrictions
Offer 3: 15% off contact lenses — restrictions apply
Evidence Based Chiropractic
655 Church Street, Suite 100, Indiana, PA
Phone: 724/801-8622
Website: www.EBChiropractic.com
Offer: 20% off when paid at time of service
Luxenberg’s Jewelers - Indiana Mall
2334 Oakland Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/465-5888
Website: www.luxenbergs.com
Offer: 15% off any jewelry purchase,
excluding sale items or markdown prices
Frank Slavinski State Farm Agent
226 Ohio Street, Johnstown, PA 15902
Phone: 814/539-4178
Website: www.frankslavinski.com
Offer: Free financial insurance review and
portfolio analysis
Mihalkos General Contracting, Inc.
695 Solomon Run Road, Johnstown, PA
Phone: 814/535-2700
Website: www.mihalkoscontracting.com
Offer: $100 discount on any job over $1,500
Holiday Inn - Indiana
1395 Wayne Avenue, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/463-3561
Website: www.hiindiana.com
Offer: Complimentary dessert with purchase of an entree in Harrigan’s Restaurant
and Lounge
Portage Florals
220 Main Street, Portage, PA 15946
Phone: 814/736-7673
Offer: 10% discount on gift items
Indiana Agway
57 North 11th Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/349-3560
Website: www.indianaagway.com
Offer: 15% off over sales of $30 or more.
Cash or check only. Excludes sale items
Indiana Eye Care
120 South 7th Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/465-6232
Website: www.tarnoffandhilliard.com
Offer 1: 25% off frames/lenses — discounts
cannot be combined with insurance or
Other discounts/offers
Offer 2: 10% off Contact lenses — discounts
cannot be combined with insurance or
other discounts/offers
JGB Company, AMSOIL Synthetic
749 Shortcut Road, Homer City, PA 15748
Phone: 814/749-9409
Offer: Free shipping — can buy retail, sign
up — preferred customer, sign up —
dealer, sign up — retail account, sign up —
commercial account
Luxenberg’s Jewelers - Downtown Indiana
717 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/465-2122
Website: www.luxenbergs.com
Offer: 15% off any jewelry purchase,
excluding sale items or markdown prices
Precious Pups Dog Grooming
1347 Railroad Street, Summerhill, PA 15958
Phone: 814/495-7198
Offer: Free toenail clipping
Pennsylvania Barbeque
2045 South 6th Street, Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: 724/349-7191
Website: www.pabbq.net
Offer: 10% off order
Stonybank Restaurant
20 Tenth Street, Clymer, PA 15728
Phone: 724/254-0205
Offer: 10% off total food purchase. Not
valid with any other offers or coupons
Super 8 - Johnstown
627 Solomon Run Road, Johnstown, PA
Phone: 814/535-5600
Website: www.super8.com
Offer: 10 to 15% discount
REA Energy will be
closed Wednesday,
July 4, 2012, in
observance of
Independence Day