Introduction for the season 2012


Introduction for the season 2012
Ádám Bartók
Introduction for the
season 2012
Ádám Bartók
Ádám Bartók
The Suzuki Bio Cup
Calendar 2012
The team and the car
Media appearances
Ádám Bartók
Ádám Bartók
„Hello, I am Ádám Bartók, a young, talented Hungarian gokart and auto racing driver. My family, my team and I are looking
for sponsorship for the season 2012. My ambition and also my
dream is to be the driver of the Ferrari one day and represent my
country in the great, international races all over the world. It is
absolutely possible to achieve it from Hungary. Just think of Tibor
Válint, the driver of the Ferrari Warm Up Racing Team which is
also a Hungarian team in the Ferrari Challenge series. The first
step in achieving my dream is to change go-kart racing for auto
This year, I am going to be the driver of the GFS OXXO
Energy Team, which is the most successful and best team in the
Hungarian championships. I will get an opportunity from them to
race in that championship where Hungary’s best racing driver,
Norbert Michelisz started his career. Since then he has been
racing in the WTCC (world touring car campionship). I have
already passed the first test with the team but we need financial
support to continue because my family cannot finance my racing
I have made a lot of sacrifice and I am also going to in the
future to reach my dream. I certainly know exactly what I want
and where I would like to get to. I always work very hard. I am
sure that, if I can get over the financial difficulties and I do my job
with much perseverance and discipline, I can reach my dream.
As we test a lot before the season’s races I can have a chance
for victory even at the first races. My sponsors will play a great
role in the achievement of my success because I have no chance
without their help.”
Ádám Bartók
Suzuki Bio Cup
The Suzuki Swift Cup is in this country since 2006, and this is the
biggest touring car championship in the country. This series is
very cheap, but this is best start of a racing career. Important, the
age limit in this series is only 12 years, and more young pilots are
racing in this cup with very good results. The other important
thing that, we use only bio fuel!
It was started in 2006 under the brand name Suzuki Swift Cup
with cars made by Zengő Motorsport. The aim of the cup, which
has not been changed since then, was to start a qualitative
competition series with the smallest costs. It turned out as a
Since the first year, the series was successful among the racers,
proved by the fact that for example in the first year 31 pilots
started the races.
The first season was won by Norbert Michelisz – who since then
is playing on the lanes of WTCC.
In the year of 2007, the interest was also high, as again another 31
pilots entered the trials during the year. It was won by Péter Pantl.
In 2008, the number of the champions grew, 34 pilots could have
been seen on the lanes and the winner of the year was Tibor
In 2009, the first important change was carried out: the slick tires
were changed to semi-slick street tires, which meant a big cost
saving for the racers. The place of the Zengő Motorsport, as the
legal owner of the series, was taken over by GFS Racing.
For the first time the series got a name-giving sponsor: Genex, so
it was enlisted in the racing calendar under the name of Genex
Ádám Bartók
Suzuki Swift Cup, which had 25 racers during the year. The
winner was Norbert Kiss (Maserati Cup, Porsche Supercup. etc).
In 2010, further changes took place: the petrol-driven cars were
changed for the cheaper and environment friendly bioetanoldriven ones, with which two new VIP cars entered the race, run by
various VIP guests.
The series was again sponsored by Genex, so it was registered as
Genex Suzuki Bio Cup in the racing calendar.
In 2010, the racing-calendar was changed, as well, as two foreign
championships were enlisted: the Slovakia Ring and the Salzburgring.
It is also an invention that the Hungarian field is racing against the
Austrian brother-championship, however with not the same
technical conditions: the races are started with the so-called offset
start, first the Austrian racers and then after 30 sec the
Due to these changes, the media value of the series was tripled in
2010 and the cup had huge success.
From 2011 this series is international. More pilots come from
other countries to race, the league is biggest and biggest. In 2011,
the cup was sponsored by Duna Auto as name-giving sponsor too.
One more foreign race was enlisted, the austrian RedBull Ring
which was a Formula one track some years ago. The media value
of the series grew again. Due to the live broadcasting and the
different TV summary programs, its value is about 2 million euro
now. The spectator numbers were 2500-3000 person/weekend.
The winner of the year was Gábor Tim, who will race in the
ETCC (european touring car championship) in 2012.
In 2012, the series will be continued with more success, more
drivers and it will be sponsored by RRC.
Ádám Bartók
Calendar 2012
Ádám Bartók
the team
GFS OXXO Energy Team:
The GFS OXXO Energy Team is the most
successful and the biggest team in the
Hungarian Racing Championships. Owner of
the Suzuki Bio Cup and the Lotus Eastern Europe Cup. The
team was founded by Egon Burkus in 2007. At the moment,
its headquarter is located at Sződliget, Hungary.
the car
Model: Suzuki Swift 1.3 GC with Data-Logger
Engine: serie, 1.3, line ~ 107 hp
Fuel: Bio Etanol
Electronic: Hunflex
Exhaust: Proex
Suspension: KW
Tyres: Toyo Semi Slick
Ádám Bartók
media appearances
In online media:
  images and video reports after the
races;;;;;  the spectators of these
sites 60-70000 person
In radiated media:
live broadcasting with 8 high resolution camera through the
internet, spectator numbers between 35-50000 person/race
In printed media:
Printed form in different car and carsport magazins (
In the TV: (millions of people see it)
separately a summary show about the cup’s races on ATV (one
of the biggest TV channel)
separately a summary show about the hungarian championships
include Suzuki Bio Cup before Formula 1 races on MTV (the
biggest hungarian TV channel)
Other media appearances:
Suzuki Bio Cup – The game
hungarian modding team, the SIMCO works on the Suzuki
Swift Bio Cup simulator. This is a good chance for rookie pilots
that they can learn the tracks of championship and driving of car.
This simulator runs on the rFactor. Of course, this is free so
anybody can download it!
 Appearance on my car and my racing suit’s area
Ádám Bartók
As Ádám will be able to live with the opportunity what his
team gives him, he needs about 35000 euro. We would like to
get the whole amount from sponsors. This amount will be
spent for renting the car, supporting the car, buying parts of
the car, tests’ fees before and during the season, the licence
fees and the entry fees.
The prices of a season by GFS OXXO Energy Team
(organizer of the championship)
 rent of a car for 1 year: 3500 euro + VAT
 support for 1 year: 5100 euro + VAT
Other prices:
 Entry price of one race: 190 euro (2 races are on a
 Toyo tyres, 4 wheels: 450 euro
Other expenses:
Parts of car
Transport of car
FIA Homologated Helmet with HANS
FIA Homologated Racing Suit
undergarment, shoes and gloves
Full budget
 of one season, include everything 25000 euro
The resudial 10000 euro mostly will be spended for pre season
tests, accomodation and traveling expenses.!!!
Ádám Bartók
Name: Ádám Bartók
Facebook page:
Thank you for reading!
Ádám Bartók