Our Mission, Our Dream - Watertown Urban Mission


Our Mission, Our Dream - Watertown Urban Mission
Our Mission, Our Dream
Your Newsletter for the Watertown Urban Mission
& The Impossible Dream Thrift Store
Summer 2015
How You Fostered A New Level of Care
The Story of a Nurse Rising Above Addiction to Serve Others in Need
or 40 years, Cindy
Rogers cared for the
elderly and mentally ill as
a nurse, until her addiction
nearly got the best of her.
Today, with more than
two years clean, you’ll find
her smile and tremendous
sense of humor at the
front counter at your Watertown Urban Mission.
“Working here has
made me more humble,”
she said. “It’s made me
appreciate the things that I
have and it has made me
way more spiritual.”
Cindy was arrested in
2013 after she tried to fill
a prescription for narcotic
drugs prescribed to her
for a back injury she suffered on the job in 1995.
She had become addicted
and dependent.
At her age, retirement
should have been the next
step, but instead she was
facing prison.
You Can Sponsor
The Next Newsletter!
Underwrite the cost of printing our newsletter and let everyone know how much you support your Watertown Urban
Call 782-8440 for Development Director Joanna Loomis
or email her at development
to show your commitment to
your community.
“I was worried,” Cindy
said, noting that she had
contemplated suicide before being referred to your
Mission’s Bridge Program.
“I was so grateful there
was a place like Bridge so
that I didn’t have to go to
At a meeting for nurses
with addictions, Cindy was
helped to find the Bridge
Program as an option to
restore her life without
going to prison.
Once sentenced to the
program, Cindy completed
treatment for her addiction and started volunteering in the food pantry
on Mondays. Before long,
she had enrolled in the
Pathstone program to
work part-time at the Mission three days a week.
“I like working at the
reception desk, mingling
with the people. It’s something different every day,”
Inside this issue:
Cindy Rogers
she said, noting that it has
provided a continuation to
her career as a geriatric
and mental health nurse.
“I enjoy the rapport with
the elderly and mentally ill
people we serve. They’re
my favorites.”
Cindy graduated the
Bridge Program in the fall
and continues to help out
because by your support
of the Mission, you helped
rebuild her confidence and
save her life.
Your Mission
Recycling Clothes
Legion Riders Raise $10k
New York Air Brake
Impossible Deals
Your Generosity in Action
Run for Gavin
A Man, An Iron, A Job
You Rise to the Challenge
Like “Your
Mission” on
What your gifts have done
in your community through
July of 2015
 You provided 115 vital prescriptions and over 6,700
personal hygiene items.
 You supplied more than
764 gallons of gas, for going
to work & medical appointments.
 You distributed more than
7,700 diapers to protect
infant and toddler bottoms.
 Your support gave 18,113
items of clothing, furniture
and supplies to individuals &
families facing a critical need.
 You provided groceries to
make 127,440 meals.
 Most importantly, you
gave hope over 16,000
times to individuals in
need of basic help.
Our Mission, Our Dream
Page 2
Your Mission: To Love Your Neighbor
said to His disciples
J esus
in the Gospel of John, “I
Fr. Steven Murray, became
president of the Mission’s Board of
Directors in 2014. He is pastor at
the Church of the Holy Family in
give you a new command:
Love one another. You
must love one another,
just as I have loved you.”
For nearly 50 years,
your Watertown Urban
Mission has worked to
obey this very command.
In this instance, Jesus
is talking about the love
we have for our neighbors
and the love God has for
us: Agape. Because English
has joined several Greek
words for one, we often
hear the word love and
think of the emotions involved in romantic love.
Agape is not emotion;
it’s a choice. God chooses
to love us. We choose to
love God and each other.
NY Air Brake Supports Your Mission
Last year, Knorr-Bremse Global
Care, the charitable arm of New
York Air Brake’s parent company,
gave $200,000 to renovate your
Mission food pantry.
In July, Julia Thiele-Schurhoff,
board president of KB Global Care,
took a tour of the Mission to see the
company’s investment during Air
Brake’s 125th Anniversary Celebration. Pictured is Julia with Erika and
the commemorative plaque to mark
the capital campaign gift.
This is what is so
amazing to me about the
outpouring love this community shows toward the
families which struggle the
most to make ends meet.
Your generosity empowers your Mission to
serve. This is true agape.
This is clear in what
you give to the thrift store,
supplies you buy for Critical Needs, your financial
contributions, and your
gift of time as volunteers.
You demonstrate to your
neighbors that they are
loved by you and by God.
St. James called it “true
religion” to give in the love
of God to those most in
need. Thank you.
As board president, I
am blessed along with the
staff and volunteers here
at your Mission to be part
of giving your donations to
children with hungry bellies, seniors on fixed incomes, and many more
individuals and families
eager to overcome the
struggles they face.
When we heed the
command of Christ to love
our neighbor in need, our
lives are enriched as much
as, or more than those
who receive our gifts.
We cannot thank you
enough for your continued
generosity and we hope
some of the stories you
read remind you that you
are making a difference
when you give your love
through the Watertown
Urban Mission. — Fr. Steve
Your Mission,YPC Recycling Clothes
The Northern New York Community Foundation’s
Youth Philanthropy Council from Immaculate Heart Central has awarded your Mission $1,800 to assist with the
purchase and placement of your Mission’s first ever donation shed, which will be placed near Carthage/Fort Drum.
Each year, more than 1.4 billion pounds of reusable
clothing go into New York landfills. Donating your clothes,
even those that are ripped and stained, keeps these
clothes out of the landfills and ensures they are resold for
another person to wear, or are recycled.
This shed will help spread the word in the Carthage
area about your Mission’s services, and give you another
place to donate your clothes to help your community.
Your Mission’s Story Corner
Through your generosity, about 3,400 families have
received groceries so far this year and nearly 2,400 more
received help with basic needs through Critical Needs.
Many families in recent months have come to the Mission for the first time. When a father of four lost his job, he
and his wife kept the family afloat with unemployment,
food stamps and limited savings. When he found a new
job, their food stamps ran out before he got a paycheck.
However, because of your generosity, this family of
six did not have to wait to eat. They received a fiveday supply of food and other basic essentials to bridge
the gap to sustainability.
On July 8, the Black River American Legion Riders Post 673
donated $10,600 raised at their June 6th 112-mile Mission
for the Mission motorcycle ride. This was the third ride for
the Mission and over the past three years, the riders have
raised more than $25,000! Thank you for your support!
Summer 2015
Page 3
Your Dream Store Features Great Deals from Books to Furniture
Book Sale 10 for a $1 through Labor Day, Plus A New Boost in Furniture from Fort Drum
wo years ago, your Mission received an incredible donation of
furniture from Fort Drum.
This summer, that bounty has returned as All-Phase Solutions is again
donating the contents of the barracks
being torn down to your Impossible
Dream Thrift Store.
That means that in recent weeks
your Mission has had great solid
wood bunk beds, armoires, and
desks for sale, and more is expected
throughout the summer.
“It’s really great stuff and together with the donations we receive
from the general public, you have a
great selection of furniture her at the
Dream,” said Joyce Hale, assistant
In addition, to great furniture,
your Dream Store has a huge selection of books for sale and limited
space to store them. So that means
you can get great fiction and nonfiction, best sellers and classics for just
10 cents each! That’s 10 books for
your library for just $1!
“Our prices are low so everyone
can afford to shop here, but we are
hoping everyone shops here because
your great deal helps your neighbors
in need,” Joyce added.
If you have furniture to donate
but don’t have the means to bring it
to us directly, please give us a call at
782-0090 to arrange a pick up.
Your Dream Store has the best
prices on clothing, furniture, housewares, books, toys, movies and much
more because of the generous donations that make up the thrift store’s
inventory. So be sure to donate and
shop here guilt free because you
are helping your community.
Where Every Good Deal is a Good
Deed for Your Community
Summer Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. & Sun. Noon-5 p.m.
SUPER Sunday
Check Facebook every week for
20% off for Senior Citizens (55+)
WaCkY Wednesday
50 cent Clothing (exclusions apply)
25% Off Everything Else
20% off for Military Appreciation
Donations Accepted 7 days a week
We pick up Furniture: Call 782-0090
All sales and donations support your
neighbors in your community.
Your Generosity in Action…
Your Donations Give Kids the Tools They Need for School
Backpack and School Supply Drive Expected to Reach Another 1,200 Students with Starter Kits for Class
ypically you might
think summer means
outdoor fun, picnics, and
the beach, but for many
local families summer
means the stress of added
back to school expenses.
But you can ensure
area children in need
receive school supplies,
leaving summer to fun and
making sure they are prepared for school.
Last year, your donation of backpacks and
school supplies helped
about 1,200 students to
walk into their first day of
school with the supplies
they needed to be on an
equal footing with their
This year, the school
supply distribution will be
held August 18 and 25
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
your Mission.
“With two dates, we
hope to help even more
families, starting each day
with a fresh supply of
packed backpacks,” said
Erika Flint, executive director. “It will also give us
the opportunity to replenish the supply between
Donations are accepted
7 days-a-week at the Impossible Dream, and also
on weekdays at your Mission’s main entrance.
Questions about donating or packing backpacks? Contact Robert or
Joanna at 782-8440.
Volunteer Mike packing bags with early school supply donations.
Filler Paper
Glue Sticks
Blunt Scissors
1” Binders
Pencil Boxes
Index Cards
Pocket Folder
Colored Pencils
For a complete list of needed supplies and packing instructions go to: www.WatertownUrbanMission.com
Our Mission, Our Dream
Page 4
Run for Recovery to Shed Light, Build Hope Against Heroin
Gavin Tedford lost his
battle with heroin addiction on February 4,
2014. An avid runner,
he finished the Empire
State Marathon in 3:18
and prior to his death
he had made plans to
run in that marathon
again with Bridge Director Sal Ciulo.
e was a valedictorian.
He graduated college
with honors. He was an adjunct professor. He was an
avid runner.
He was not invincible, no
matter how much it seemed
he was.
That’s the message from
the family of Gavin Tedford,
who hope talking about the
tragedy of losing their son
last year to a heroin overdose
will help young people to
steer clear of the drug and
spare other families the
trauma they have endured.
“Our son had so much
going for him, but addiction
took him from us, leaving us
and his many friends with a
huge void,” said Diane Tedford, his mother. “A decision
to start using affects more
than just you. We still suffer
from Gavin’s addiction and
death. If you are using, please
seek help as soon as possible.
You’re worth it.”
By registering for the Run
for Recovery, you take part in
a great event that supports
your Mission’s Bridge Program to help individuals rise
above addiction to rebuild
their lives. You make a state-
ment to those struggling with
addiction that you care about
them and their future in your
“Gavin was a runner and a
great kid with a huge heart,”
said Sal Ciulo, Bridge Program Director. “But he had a
terrible addiction and this
program works to help people like him to rise above
addiction and be who God
intended them to be.”
Register at your Mission
or online through RunSignUp
or by printing a registration
form from your Mission’s
web site and sending it in.
For more info, or to register online, go to: www.WatertownUrbanMission.com/RunforRecovery.htm
Your Bottom Line: 2015 Run for Recovery sponsored by Alpine Fence will be Saturday,
Sept. 12, at 9 a.m. at the Alex T. Duffy (Jefferson County) Fairgrounds. Registration starts at
6:30 a.m. Pre-registration is $20 and $105 for teams of 6. Active duty, retired military &
students is $18 per person or $96 per team of six. All same day registration is $25. Prizes
will be awarded to the top male and female runners in seven age categories, the top walker,
and best team performances. Register by Aug. 25, for a guaranteed race T-Shirt & gift bag.
Stories from the Mission Field...
How An Iron Changed A Life
When Tony stopped in
the Impossible Dream for
an iron to straighten his
clothes, he was down to
his last few dollars.
Cutbacks at his job left
him without enough hours
to make ends meet, so he
had an interview for a full
time job.
He started to get discouraged as he didn’t see
one on the shelf at the
Dream and couldn’t afford
to buy one new.
“I went up to the register and asked if they had
an iron I was missing,”
Tony said. “The guy working the register asked if it
was for a job interview
and that blew me away.”
The employee asked
Tony to wait a moment
and went downstairs into
the sorting area to see if
he could find one and
came back a few minutes
“He handed me an iron
and said it was $1,” Tony
said. “I started to cry right
there. Then when it rang
up it was only 81 cents. I
was overwhelmed.”
It was a Wednesday so
in addition to that iron
only costing $1, it was
25% off.
Tony used that iron to
press his clothes that night
and the next morning he
interviewed and got the
full time job.
VNA Homecare Partnership
VNA Homecare and Your Mission have partnered together to help connect seniors in need of a higher level of
care at home with managed long term home care, while
giving those already in long term home care access to
meals through Meals on Wheels. For more information,
check out their Web site online at www.477HOME.org.
Do You Have An Event/Idea to Benefit the Mission?
We may be able to help you promote your event or get you started
on your idea. Contact Joanna Loomis at 782-8440 or by email at
development@watertownurbanmission.org to see what we can do
to help you make a bigger impact for your neighbors!
New Contact for Development Hired
Joanna Loomis has joined your Mission as Director of
Development, charged with fundraising, volunteers, and
marketing. Joanna worked at your Mission previously as
Critical Needs Coordinator and has the knowledge and
heart necessary to ensure a smooth transition.
Drew Mangione, who spent four years at your Mission,
will begin classes this fall at the Princeton Theological
Seminary for a Masters Degree in Divinity. He will continue to be involved as an advisor and volunteer.
Summer 2015
Page 5
Your Generosity Helps Your Neighbors in Your Community
I believe in the work being done at my Watertown Urban Mission and I want to join in giving my neighbors in need food and drink, clothing, household goods, help
with prescriptions and transportation expenses, a home, support in overcoming addictions, and more in a welcoming place where all are accepted and treated with
dignity and respect. My contribution will go to support these programs, which are so important to my community.
I choose to give: $10 
$25 
$50 
$100 
$250 
$500 
$1,000 
Other: ________
Church Affiliation
Your Team at the Watertown Urban Mission
Fr. Steven Murray
Executive Director
Erika F. Flint
Vice President
Dan Osborne
Development Director
Joanna Loomis
Maria Purcell
Fiscal Manager
Tim Hillegas
Dale Klock
Administrative Assistant
Kara Pitkin
The Impossible Dream Thrift Store
Tammy Olivas, Manager
Joyce Hale, Assistant Manager
Critical Needs Program
Robert Bowen
Food Pantry
Anita D. Ciulo, Coordinator
John McConnell, Pantry Assistant
Christian Care Center
James Stanley, Coordinator
The HEARTH II Program
Melissa Dickson
Anthony Matthews
Case Worker
The Bridge Program
Salvatore J. Ciulo, Director
Meals on Wheels Program
Donna White, Director
In addition to the four officers, your Watertown Urban Mission Board is led by Bernie Brown, Chuck Capone, Judy Gentner, Allison Gorham, James
Heary, Bruce Irwin, Rev. Richard Laribee, Rev. Melodie Long, JoAnne Rhubart, Stephen Todd, and Dacia VanEenenaam.
You Rise to the Challenge: Your Support in the Community
Diaper Drive
This spring, Trinity Episcopal
Church collected and donated 835
diapers and 1,520 wipes to keep
infants and toddlers clean and dry.
The drive was organized by
Hannah and Nathaniel Bajakian
who represent Trinity church as
youth delegates here at the Mission. The Youth Delegate program
meets quarterly, giving young people the opportunity to do service
projects at your Mission.
Run for Recovery Sponsors
A long list of great local supporters have stepped up to
help your Mission and raise awareness of the dangers of
heroin. This year’s lead sponsor is again Alpine Fence,
while Gold Sponsors include the L’Huillier & Ruggiero
Families, Newzjunky.com, PIVOT—Alliance for Better
Communities, Purcell Construction, Team Gavin Tedford, United HealthCare Services, and the Watertown
Daily Times.
Into the Woods
In July, the forest of the Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales
was on stage with amazing performances by students in
your community from Stage Notes doing Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s musical “Into the Woods.”
On August 5th the cast and leadership stopped by to
donate a check for $5,000 from the Stage Notes Foundation, through the Northern New York Community Foundation, from the proceeds of the show for your Mission!
Over the past three years, Stage Notes shows have
raised $17,500 for your neighbors in need!
Our Mission,
Our Dream
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Your Newsletter for the Watertown Urban Mission
& The Impossible Dream Thrift Store
247 Factory St., Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-782-8440
Our Mission,
Our Dream
Your Newsletter for the Watertown Urban Mission
& The Impossible Dream Thrift Store
At a Glance Calendar
Aug. 18 & 25: Back-to-School
Distribution, 9 a.m.—3 p.m.
Aug. 19: Super Cent Savers
Coupon Class, 4:30 p.m.
Sept. 12: Run for Recovery
5k/10k run/walk in memory of
Gavin Tedford, 9 a.m. start
Nov. 29: Holiday Craft Fair &
Market, Dulles State Office
Building, 10 a.m.—4 p.m.
Inside this issue:
How You
Fostered A New
Level of Care
The Story of a Nurse
Rising Above
Addiction To Serve
Others in Need
Your News: Your Gifts in Action
Your Mission: Love Your Neighbor
New York Air Brake, Recycling Clothes
American Legion Riders Donate $10k
Your Dream: Impossible Deals
Your Generosity in Action: Your
Donations Helping Students Learn
Running/Walking in Memory of Gavin
A Man, An Iron, A Job
You Rise to the Challenge