Edythe J. Hayes Middle School
Edythe J. Hayes Middle School
2014-‐2015 E. J. HAYES MIDDLE SCHOOL http://www.ejhayes.fcps.net/bobcats August, 2014 Dear students and families, Hello! We are pleased to have you and your family as a member of the Bobcat Team at Edythe J. Hayes Middle School! We have created a handbook to make your sixth grade year much easier by providing you with information you may need throughout the school year. This handbook is only available online, but you may print and keep for reference. The Bobcat Team is composed of four regular classroom teachers. There are seven class periods per day. Each student will be scheduled in a language class, a science class, a mathematics class, a social studies class and two or three exploratory classes that change each nine weeks. You should have received a mailing from us earlier detailing what school supplies are required and information about our school dress code. As a member of the Bobcat Team, you have an opportunity to participate in a truly exciting learning experience. We believe that each student is unique, that all students can achieve, and we strive to accentuate the positive approach to learning. While it is our responsibility to teach, it is the student’s responsibility to learn. We are prepared and excited to work with you in order to help students achieve both academically and socially. Mid-term reports will be completed and given to students each grading period. Welcome to the Bobcat Team! Thanks! Bobcat Team Teachers BOBCAT TEAM E.J. HAYES MIDDLE SCHOOL 260 Richardson Place, Lexington, KY 40509 School Phone: 859-381-4920 Website: www.ejhayes.fcps.net Principal: David Hoskins Sixth Grade Counselor: Alan Ford (alan.ford@fayette.kyschools.us) Bobcat Teachers: Blake Bishop, Social Studies blake.bishop@fayette.kyschools.us Laura Edinger, Language Arts laura.edinger@fayette.kyschools.us Sammy Hall, Math, Team Leader sammy.hall@fayette.kyschools.us Kathy Jackson, Science kathy.jackson@fayette.kyschools.us April Noah, Collaboration april.noah@fayette.kyschools.us SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST AND FEE SCHEDULE School-wide for all students One two-inch white binder with a plastic front insert cover $2.00 for school-created dividers for the In-ear head phones $5.00 for locker rental USB drive $8.00 for student agenda, purchased at school Paper, pencils, and pens (red is required for most classes) Colored pencil Loose leaf paper Team supplies (requested, but not required) Facial Tissue, box of extra pencils, package of extra paper, Clorox wipes SIXTH GRADE SUPPLY LIST Language arts 1 composition book 2 glue sticks 1 pack of page protectors 1 pack of Post It notes Summer reading book Math Graph Paper Two dry erase markers TI-34 calculator multiiview $10 workbook fee Science $15.00 lab fee 1 composition book 2 glue sticks Social studies $5 for Junior Scholastic 1 composition book colored pencils 2 glue sticks EXPLORATORY CLASSES SUPPLY AND FEE FLIST (Please note that your student will not have all of the classes listed below) Art $15.00 lab fee One two-pocket folder One wood pencil (non mechanical) Band $25.00 class fee Business & marketing $5.00 class fee Chorus $25.00 class fee General music $10.00 class fee Family consumer $10.00 class fee science Engineering technology $22.00 class fee Orchestra Instrument & bow Case with name tag Spare set of string Should. rest for violists Cleaning cloth $25.00 class fee & violinists Rosin th th Spanish Spanish dictionary 7 grade- $10.00 fee 8 grade- $5.00 Speech and drama $10.00 class fee Please note that the Fayette County Board of Education sets the maximum amount of fees a school may charge. Fees are assess only if a student is scheduled for the classes listed. STANDARD SCHOOL OPERATING PROCEDURES I. Parent phone calls In order to avoid disruptions to the classroom, we do not forward calls to the classrooms during the day for students or teachers. We can, however, take messages, and have calls returned between classes. Parents should not call or text students on cell phones during the school day. II. Absentee notes According to Fayette County Student Code of Conduct (pg. 36, section XIV), students have three days to submit absentee or tardy notes, either parent or doctor. Students should submit notes the day they return to school to the attendance office. An absentee note box is placed outside the attendance clerk office door. III. School times/REAL program School hours are 8:35-4:05. Due to safety and supervision, students are not allowed in the building prior to 8:35, unless accompanied by an adult. Students may also enter the building with a pass from a teacher for detention or other morning activities. Students who need supervision prior to 8:35, or after 4:05, may attend the REAL program through the Division of Parks and Recreation. There is a fee for this service, and applications are available on our website and in the front office. IV. Early checkout Students who need to be checked out of school early must remain in their classrooms until their parent or guardian arrives. Per state law, and in order to ensure the safety of all students, students cannot be released to an adult unless the adult has proper photo identification and is on the Early Dismissal Form. V. Fast food deliveries We cannot accept deliveries for fast food orders for students; however, parents may drop off lunches. VI. Flower deliveries We cannot accept flower or gift delivery for students. VII. Lost and found Lost and found items are retained for two week periods. After two weeks, all items will be discarded. VIII. Bus passes Students needing bus passes must have a written note from their parent or guardian. This note must be submitted prior to lunch to the front office. Students who do not have a valid bus pass will not be allowed entry onto the requested bus. IX. Homework requests Homework requests for absent students must be made by 11:00 each day, in order to provide ample time to collect all books and assignments for your student. Work will be available by 3:00 each day. For students absent multiple days, we request 24 hour notice for homework requests. X. Electronic devices (i.e., cell phones and MP3 players) Cell phones and MP3 player use will be allowed in the cafeteria and gym prior to the start of school, and during lunch. Use outside of these times is prohibited. If electronic devices are confiscated by school personnel, a parent or guardian must pick it up in the front office on the first offense. Phones will be kept for five school days for a second offense, per the Fayette County Public Schools Student Code of Conduct (pg. 33, section X.) However, we recommend students keep electronic devices in their lockers during the school day. We will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices. XI. E-mail distribution lists All parents and guardians are encouraged to sign up for our e-mail distribution lists. Log on to www.ejhayes.fcps.net in order to sign up for the school and team level distribution lists. These distribution lists are for educational content only, and may not be accessed by unauthorized personnel. SCHOOL WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN The EJ Hayes Middle School faculty and staff believe in a positive and proactive approach to behavior management. We have developed several venues to recognize positive student interactions and behaviors. Panther Pride Cards The Panther Pride Cards are to be used as positive reinforcement for good behavior school wide. Teachers are asked to enhance their interactions with students by finding three positive behaviors for each negative behavior exhibited by the student. The student will be given a card by a staff member when they have been “caught modeling the panther promise.” These cards will be two-ply cards. One card will be given to a supervisor in the cafeteria for an immediate treat/as well as then going into a drawing for a prize and one card will be kept by the student. Students will receive a prize from the administration upon receiving a card, as well as be entered into a weekly drawing for a larger prize. Drawings will be conducted weekly by the administration. Good News Post Cards Good News Postcards will be used to send home information regarding specific student behavior. Students who mastered a difficult concept, students who have shown behavioral improvement, or students who went above and beyond should receive one. These are only examples, and teachers should send home a Good News Postcard at anytime they deem one necessary. Students who receive a Good News Postcard will be allowed entry into one athletic event free, or receive an item free from the school store. Honor Roll Cards The Honor Roll Card system is a method to recognize students for demonstrating excellence in academics. Honor Roll Cards are valid for a nine week period. Platinum cards: Students with a GPA of 4.0. Rewards for platinum card holders: Pass to all home athletic events, a goodie bag, and a social event, and an additional item to be determined Gold cards: Students with a GPA of 3.5 – 3.99. Rewards for gold card holders: Pass to all home athletic events, a goodie bag, and an additional item to be determined Silver cards: Students with a GPA of 3.0 – 3.49. Rewards for silver card holders: Two free admittances to a home athletic event, goodie bag, and an additional item to be determined Bronze cards: Students recognized by teams for significant effort and progress in academics. MARK SYSTEM All teams will utilize the mark system as documentation. A tiered approach will be used for accumulation of marks. Teams will check marks every Thursday, and assign the appropriate consequence using the tiered system outlined below. Teams will either call parents directly or mail home all consequence notices, regardless of the consequence. Students who accumulate 5 – 9 marks within a one week period (Thursday to Thursday), will be given one of the following consequences: • Lunch detention • Alternative detention packet level 1 • 30 minute detention • 30 minute team level community service Students who accumulate 10-14 marks within a one week period (Thursday to Thursday) will be given one of the following consequences: • One hour detention • Alternative detention packet level 2 • All day team isolation Students who accumulate 15 + marks with a one week period (Thursday to Thursday) will be given one of the following consequences: • 1 ½ hour detention • All day team isolation with another grade level • Parent/teacher/administration conference will be held Students who miss detention or who do not return the character education packet will be given all day team isolation for the first occurrence. The second occurrence will result in an office referral. Teams will regularly discuss student behavior progress, and meet to determine appropriate interventions on the team level. At each mid-term and end-of-term (4.5 weeks), administration will review students’ cumulative marks. Student who earn 15 or more marks or receive three or more detentions during this time frame will be flagged for further intervention. Once flagged, the team will meet to determine interventions for the student. During a management meeting conducted by administration, the team and administration will determine next possible steps for intervention, which can include, but is not limited to, the following: • Behavior intervention plan • Behavior contract • Placement change • Use of outside resources or agencies Students who are placed on an intervention plan will be assigned a staff point-of-contact, who will regularly report to progress to the team. Any plan developed for the student will be shared with all adults who interact with the student on a daily basis. An intervention plan may supersede the marks system for a particular student. DEFINITION OF M ARK CAT EGORIES Cheating 5 marks o Student’s independent work is produced with aid from a peer or non-staff adult without expressed permission from teacher o Student plagiarizes work by not giving appropriate credit to outside sources o Student intentionally aids another student in completing an independent task, assignment, or assessment Disruptive behavior 3 marks o Student’s behavior disrupts the flow of classroom instruction. o Student’s behavior disrupts classroom activity. o Student’s behavior requires intervention of an adult regardless of location. Disrespect/defiance to adult or disrespect to peer 3 marks o Student uses an inappropriate response to adult request. o Student makes a comment or statement that is insulting to adult or peer. o Student does not respond to adult requests to perform an action first time asked. o Student takes or damages property that is not their own. Tardy 1 mark o Student is not in assigned area in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, or if on alternate schedule, at the designated time. Off task behavior 1 mark o Student is not performing task, activity, assignment, or assessment as directed by adult, but is not disrupting the flow of instruction or activity. o This includes, but not limited to, not coming to class prepared with materials, sleeping in class, engaged in conversation with another student that is not pertaining to class. Candy/food/drink/gum 1 mark o Student possesses and/or uses candy, food, drink, or gum in classroom, including food removed from cafeteria, without adult permission. A doctor’s note is required for water bottles to be in class. Classroom specific rule 1 mark o Student breaks a rule specific to a particular classroom. Classroom rule is posted and reviewed with students through CHAMPS. A student action may only fall into one category. An action may not be given additional marks beyond those listed. A teacher or team may not change mark values. DRESS CODE Modified on June 12, 2013 1. Shorts and skirts bottoms must be below fingertips. 2. No clothing with obscene, suggestive, disrespectful decal-type patches, emblems, slogans or words, as deemed by administration, may be worn. 3. Hats, sunglasses, bandannas, gloves, hair rollers, and earmuffs are not to be worn in the school building. 4. Pants must be worn at the waistline. 5. Midriff tops, cropped tees, halter tops and shirts that do not extend completely to the lower garment are not conventional school clothing and are not allowed. (If hands are raised above the head, skin cannot be seen). 6. Cut-away shirts, tank tops, mesh tops, scoops and undershirts are not allowed unless worn over or under acceptable shirts. No cleavage may be visible. 6. Sleeveless shirts/dresses must have a strap that is the width of a credit card and NOT opened on the sides. 7. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times (no house shoes). 8. Clothing and accessories that could be harmful or dangerous to self or others are not allowed (i.e. slap bracelets or chains.) This also includes chains attached to the body or articles of clothing, dog collars, and stud piercings. 9. Pajamas are not allowed. 10. Book bags, backpacks, and oversized purses are not permitted in classrooms or library, due to space. String backpacks that may fit under the student desk are permitted. 11. No clothes or jewelry representing drugs or any illegal or restricted activity are allowed (including, but not limited to, gang activity, use of alcohol, tobacco, or narcotics, etc…) 12. No top that exposes cleavage is allowed. 13. No torn or frayed clothing above the knee that exposes skin is allowed. 14. Students who are not in dress code will be provided appropriate clothing from the Youth Services center for the day. TEAM RULES 2014-‐2015 1. At the designated time for each class to begin, be in your seat, have your own textbook, paper, journal, writing instrument, folders, homework, and agenda book with you every day. You will not be permitted to go back to your locker to pick up materials unless you use one of your 10 hall passes that you receive for each 9 weeks. 2. If you are tardy to class, you should have an excuse with you before entering. Any student without an excused note from another teacher will be considered unexcused for tardiness. 3. At the end of class, remain seated until the teacher dismisses you. Bells do not dismiss students, the teacher does. 4. We have bi-monthly team days. Participation will be determined on behavior and grades. We would like for all team members to be able to participate, however, if you cannot do you work or act right in the school then you will not participate in these activities. 5. Students are responsible for turning in all homework assignments on time. Any homework not completed will result in a zero until it is made up. Teachers will use their discretion on late work. It is very important that you understand the grading system and the late work policy for each of your teachers so that you will not fall behind. 6. When absent from school students must call the information hotline or check the Bobcat webpage to get missing assignments. You must bring a written excuse to the attendance clerk the day you return from an absence. 7. Agenda books are required and can be purchased for $8. If a student loses their agenda book, a new one must be purchased for another $8. Lockers will be assigned for a nonrefundable $5 (replacing a lock is very expensive). 8. Parents, please inform Mr. Hall with any telephone, e-mail, or address change. It is very important that we have up to date information. 9. Parents are encouraged to be involved with the team. Please let Mr. Hall know if you are interested in helping out this school year. We will need parents for many different things this year for things like bringing in snacks for team day and rewards, making copies, and filing papers. BOBCAT TEAM PROCEDURES Locker Schedule: Students will be allowed to go to their lockers at designated times during the day. See below: Time: Before school: After First period: After Second period: After Third Period After Fourth Period After Fifth Period After Sixth Period After Seventh Period Locker? Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Make-up work: Students will be allowed one day, for every day that they are absent, to make up their homework. If a student is absent two days, they have two days to make up their missed work. Please call the homework hotline, or check the Bobcat website, when you are absent so that you don’t fall behind. Agendas: Each student must purchase an agenda for $8 during the first week of school. This agenda must be with students at all times. A replacement agenda is $8. The agenda is used for students to keep up with their daily class assignments. Students will be taught to fill out their assignments at the end of each class. The agenda is also used for the student’s hall pass. In the back of the agenda each student has 10 hall passes per 9 weeks. No student is allowed in the halls without their agenda being signed. Teachers will not sign hall passes that have been torn out of an agenda book. Team Day: Every two weeks students will be able to earn team day. Team day is usually about 30-40 minutes of games outside or the gym. Studies have shown that middle age students need more activity in their day so we try to give students an opportunity to earn this time. Students are eligible for team day if: Students have fewer than 7 marks from teachers in a two week span, Students have not been assigned a detention for that two week span, Students have not received safe or suspension time in that two week span Panther Cards: Students can earn Panther cards by showing the characteristics of the panther promise or by just doing the right thing. These Panther Cards can be redeemed to the administration during lunch for small prizes and the student will also be entered in a school wide drawing for larger prizes. Mark System: A system of marks is used for refusing to following directions, being disrespectful, sleeping in class, being without materials, gum, restroom behavior, etc. A list of these marks has been included in your packet. Teachers may also write out why the mark was given. Team Day explains how marks add up to missed time with friends or even detentions. Communication: There are several ways to get in touch with your child’s teacher. We all have e-mail accounts that we check several times a day. We will develop a Bobcat distribution list to get information out very quickly so providing your email address is very important. The Bobcat team is available for conferences on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11:00-11:50 or 2:15-3:00. If this time does not work for you we will work with you to find a more suitable time. If you would like to set up a meeting with the team you may call Mr. Hall at 381-4920 ext. 2417. You may also call to speak with any teacher during these times. You may also call before and after school. If you call during class times you may leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to call us with any concerns or questions you have; we want to work with you to provide the best education for your child. The teachers will be posting their daily class activities and homework on the team website http://ischool.fcps.net/course/view.php?id=2227 . Simply, click on the Assignments link on our website. Each student will be given an Agenda and this will be used by teachers to communicate with parents. Even though they won’t want you to….be involved! 10/10 rule: Students are not permitted to leave the class the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes. During the first 10 minutes students must complete their bell ringer (starter, flashback, etc) and turn in any homework assignments. The last 10 minutes students need to write down assignment in their agenda books and listen to end of class information. Emergencies and teacher requests are excluded. School Wide Discipline Report: On Thursdays, teachers will get together to fill out the school wide discipline report (included in packet) on those students who may have made a bad decision. This is to document behavioral issues that students may have. Students who have exceeded their limit on marks for the week, will have a consequence for their actions. A copy of how many marks students can receive and what their consequences will be is included in this packet. This is a school-wide policy. Parents may see this report during parent/teacher conferences. Phone Calls: In the event of an emergency, students may use teacher’s phones. Non-emergencies will be handled at teacher’s discretion. Cell Phones: Students are allowed to have cell phones but they must be turned off and in student’s lockers. If a teacher spots a student using a cell phone during school hours, without permission, the cell will be confiscated and parents must come to the school to collect the phone. Substitute teacher behavior: When a substitute is present, students are expected to behave as well or better than they would if the regular classroom teacher were present. Inappropriate behavior with a sub (name being left by sub for instance) can result in silent lunch or detention. Dress code: The dress code for Edythe Hayes has been included in this packet. Please become familiar with this code and check to make sure your student is within the guidelines before sending them to school. Students out of dress code will have to phone home for more clothing or wear a sweat suit or clothes provided by the Bobcat team….and it’s not a cool sweat suitJ Backpacks and Coats: Backpacks and Coats are not permitted in the classroom. Please do not a buy a backpack that will not fit in the locker or a mesh / see through backpack in hopes your student will be allowed to carry that into class, they will not be allowed. Girls are allowed to carry small purses. On cold days students need to wear a sweater, sweatshirt, or hoodie. We recommend keeping a sweatshirt in your locker at all times, just in case. Students will not be allowed to wear coats in the classroom under any circumstances. Tardy Policy: Students need to be in class on time or have a note from another teacher explaining why they were late. Academic Pep Rallies: At Hayes we want to celebrate our achievements. One way we do this is with the academic pep rallies in which we celebrate those students who have made honor role, have been distinguished, have been published, have won something, etc. We like to celebrate as a school. Also we compete for the most proficient students on PAS verses all the other teams in the building. So keep those grades up and celebrate!!! At the pep rallies, we ask student to wear our team shirts to show their team pride. CHAMPS: At Hayes we teach kids the behavior we want them to show. We will teach them how to walk the hallways on the right side, how to get a teachers attention, how to walk to the cafeteria, how to behave in the cafeteria, voice levels during group activities. This is school wide and helps students understand exactly what’s expected of them. Infinite Campus Parent Portal: Parents may now check their student’s grades through a home or work computer. Just come in a get your code from the guidance office. Distribution list: We are trying to put together a parent distribution list to send out quick messages and information. Please fill out the team information and make sure to include your email, as well as apply for the distribution list on the school website. You must apply online to be included in the list. If any information changes throughout the year, please update this info with the office and Mr. Hall. This distribution list becomes very helpful in the cases of inclement weather and school needs to dismiss early. We will also keep you informed of special events throughout the year. Lunch Detention: We do not enjoy disciplining our students but it is a fact of teaching. Lunch detention is in the team complex. Students will eat alone and miss out on socializing in the cafeteria. Isolation: Students may receive class isolation for one class period for not following classroom expectations. A student will do his/her assignment in an isolation area in another classroom. Students may receive team isolation (isolation during core classes for that day) for disrespect towards a teacher (talking back, displaying a poor attitude in class, refusing to work, and repeatedly not turning in homework). Sixth Grade Detention: Detention will be on Thursdays. The time and location of the detention will be marked on the detention notice given to the students. Parents will be contacted when their child is assigned detention. Please refer to the school-wide discipline mark system on the number of marks a student would need in order to be assigned detention. INTRODUCING YOUR CHILD We’d like to know more about your child, through your eyes. The more we know, the more we can better tailor an educational and motivational program to fit his or her particular needs. Please answer the questions and complete the information below. Remember this is from your point of view. Student’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________ List five words that best describe your child’s character (competitive, cheerful, moody, perfectionist, etc) What motivates your child? What upsets your child? What are you child’s out-of-school interests and activities? What activities do you share? What problems/successes do you have working/playing together? How would you rate your child’s study habits? Circle one…. 1 Awful 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Super What study-skills does your child need to develop? (timeliness, organization, etc.) What academic subject is your child’s best? Worst? Are there any personal or physical problems his/her teachers should know (or conference privately) about? Other comments or concerns? Parent/Guardian signature ________________________________________________ Date _____/_____/_____ Please complete this form, then have your student return to their first period teacher no later than August 19 STUD ENT INFORMATION SHEET Student’s Full Name: _______________________________________________________________________ ______ Age Allergies _____/_____/_____ Birthday __________ AM bus number __________ PM bus number _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special medical needs _______________________________________________________________________ (such as ADHD, diabetes) _______________________________________________________________________ Medication taken routinely _______________________________________________________________________ Family Information: Name _______________________________________________________________________ Relationship to student _______________________________________________________________________ Place of employment _______________________________________________________________________ Work phone number (_____) _____-__________ Home phone number (_____) _____-__________ Cell phone number (_____) _____-__________ Name _______________________________________________________________________ Relationship to student _______________________________________________________________________ Place of employment _______________________________________________________________________ Work phone number (_____) _____-__________ Home phone number (_____) _____-__________ Cell phone number (_____) _____-__________ Do both adults named above have educational custody of this student? ________Yes _______No If no, who does? _______________________________________________________________________ Home mailing address _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Please complete this form, then have your student return to their first period teacher no later than August 19 BOBCAT TEAM Student/Parent/Teacher CONTRACT Student’s Name I have read the Bobcat Team handbook and understand the team’s policies indicated therein. Student Signature _______________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date __________/__________/__________
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