Johnny Hazelton Elizabeth `Sis` Richardt Hajoca Corp Capp USA


Johnny Hazelton Elizabeth `Sis` Richardt Hajoca Corp Capp USA
Johnny Hazelton
Hajoca Corp
Elizabeth ‘Sis’ Richardt
Capp USA
SOE Standard Pricing Views:
• Formula / Unit Price
• Audit Pricing
• Unit Price / COGS / Margin
• Unit Price / Cost / Margin
• View Pricing
SOE Standard Pricing
Where did that price
come from? Use:
Formula / Unit Price
Audit Pricing
“View Pricing” – Control
record “Default Retail
Price Class”
Other Pricing Views
• Earliest Avail
• Client Pricing
Earliest Avail shows List &
Net Price
• Job Quoting Subtotal View
Client Pricing is our
Customer’s Customer’s
• Price Class / Unit Price
Custom Views – Solar
 Unit Price/List/Basis/Formula/Cost/CostGP%/COGS/COGS GP%
 Customer & Client Pricing
Custom Views:
Built from the Tools  Order Entry
Views Maintenance program
 Demo – Building a Custom View
Column options from valid table
from Order View Element
Solar is not limited to 78 characters
like Eterm
Other SOE Pricing Options:
 Quick Price option
 Customer Item Inventory History
 Calculator Function in Price and Cost fields
 F10 – Profit Wheel & Cost options
Using Subtotal Option
 Bottom Line Discounting
 Sub-totals for different lines
 Sub-totals for Jobs
 GP “Flat” vs “Weighted”
 Show item Price (Y/N)
 COGS vs Cost
 Comments
 “Back to” options
“Pricing” toolbar options
• Price Date
• Expiration Date
• Customer Type / Quote / Class options
• Basis / Formula options
• Re‐Price options
Basis / Formula options use “Global” basis fields. Job Subtotals Pricing options
• Subtotal “Grouping” options
• Job Quoting Subtotal Group (default option related to SOE View)
• GP Distribution Method ‐ Flat vs Weighted
• COGS vs Cost
• GP%
• Basis / Formula
Job Subtotals Other options
• Copy to Purchase Order
• Procure Items
• Order Status
• Change Ship Date
• Price / Cost Override
Use Order Status as an
alternative to Detail
Additional Pricing Options:
• Print Options
• Sub‐totals only or prices
• Your company’s Print Styles – this can be different depending on the Form selected
• Form Types
• Totals Screen
• View All Totals options
• Totals Summary
• Order Summary Pane – Subtotals per generation
• Order Shipment Details – COGS View
• Reorder Pad – Last Price / Current Price View
Form Type
Utility for Price Sheets:
• Price Sheet/Discount Class Cache Utility
• To delete old price sheet formulas in the Product File.
• From Tools menu – Rebuild Price Sheet/Discount Class Cache (this is in Eterm only)
This should be scheduled to run
nightly in your system. Your Eclipse
installer may have set this up for