Harbourside Happenings - Harbourside Village, Mindarie
Harbourside Happenings - Harbourside Village, Mindarie
N GS PENI P A H RSIDE U O B R HA May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you today and always Your Editorial Team COMING EVENTS Wed 4th, 11th 10th Fri 12th Christmas Dinner Sat 13th Christmas Dinner with entertainment Sun 21st Christmas Carols Night Tues 23rd Sleigh and Carollers Thu 25th Christmas Day Wed 31st New Year’s Eve Let’s party! Thu Limelight “Anything Goes” Northside Primary School Show 14 DECEMBER 20 DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 2 EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS AT HARBOURSIDE Full details of these and other planned events are on the notice board and the slide show or on-line at http://www.harboursideresidents.org/index.html OFFICE AND CLUBHOUSE TEL: 9407 8188 MOBILE: 0438 098 474 FAX: 9407 8199 “ANYTHING GOES” 4th December 11th December Bus leaves at 7.10pm NEXT MORNING TEA Wednesday 3rd DECEMBER 2014 Time: 10.30 am Venue: Clubhouse Carols night will be Sun 21st Dec Hosted by Des with Colin at the baton. Come and join with the choir as they sing all the old favourites. This Village Morning tea will be a Christmas Morning tea The WA Police will be speaking on Crime, Prevention and Security. It would be appreciated if residents would contribute a plate of morning tea to share... Mince pies, shortbread and Christmas cake will be served, along with a tipple of port, complements of the Social Committee. Tuesday 23rd December Listen out for the jingle bells as the choir complete with Christmas characters make their way around the village with Rudolph guiding the sleigh. THURSDAY 4th DECEMBER NORTHSIDE PRIMARY SCHOOL would like to perform their show for us. Please come along to support them. “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” - Herman Melville Wed 10th December. 11.30 - 12.00 DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 3 “MORNING TEA REPORT” The village monthly morning tea for November was held on the 5th of November – those attending spent time listening to our guest speaker Barbara from Brightwater Services. Barbara spoke on all the services etc. that Brightwater Services can offer residents - enjoying a cuppa and all the lovely food and company. At the end of October, Christine Meacham celebrated her 70th Birthday with a party for her friends and family. The room was decorated in a sea of colour. Entertainment was provided at the end of the meal which included singing, dancing and karaoke. REMEMBRANCE DAY 11th NOVEMBER 2014 Remembrance Day marks the cessation of war, the moment the armistice officially ended World War I. QUOKKA SECURITY 9324 4021 POLICE 13 14 44 THEN OFFICE 9407 8188 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS TOUR – Bus booked for Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th December. SHOPPING BUS TO JOONDALUP/WHITFORDS NEW YEAR’S DAY THURSDAY 1ST JANUARY HORSE RACING For further information see notice board or slide show The statistics are horrifying. Thirty-seven million died in WWI, comprising 16 million military deaths and the rest civilian casualties of this war. The Australian statistics are nearly as incredible. From a population of under five million, 417,000 enlisted, 332,000 served overseas, 152,000 were wounded and 61,000 never came home. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the sound of jets could be heard flying overhead towards the city. Our ceremony was about to begin. I listened to the readings and sang our national anthem but my mind was on my grandfather who was one of those statistics. He was found lying in a damp, darkened ditch during the Battle of the Somme, having had his leg shot off. He survived but his lungs were also damaged and he used to proudly show me his wooden leg. Thank you Theresa and the others involved for giving us the opportunity to remember all these heroic people. DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 4 November 4th dawned bright and sunny – a perfect day for the races. At about 11.15 am residents began to gather at the Clubhouse to watch the Melbourne Cup on our big screen enabling us to feel the atmosphere and excitement building up on the other side of the country. The Panorama room soon filled up with the ladies looking very smart in their finery, together with the men who had certainly made an effort to “look the part”. Everyone was greeted with either champagne or buck’s-fizz, ably served by Val and Fred, which added to the party atmosphere. The noise from all the chatter rose as the start of the race drew closer and the last of the sweepstake tickets were quickly bought, a great cheer went up as the race finally started. The winners were jubilant and the “winnings” were worked out very quickly on the new computerised system set up by Roy Shea. Eventually we all filtered down to where the Harbourside Room was looking very attractive and colourful (obviously some hard work by Meg and helpers) and several prizes were handed out by Sharon to residents chosen to be “best dressed” in a number of categories. Following this we all enjoyed a Melbourne Cup Day lunch. After lunch all was set up for the HARBOURSIDE CUP race meeting for which many residents remained to take part. Jeanette and Co. transformed into a very efficient version of the TAB and we were soon queuing up to place our bets (either to recoup our earlier losses or, in some cases, lose a little more!) At the beginning of each race the dice was rolled and excitement increased when the wonderful wooden horses, with the help of their jockeys, eased their way to the finish, and those holding winning tickets made their way to the pay-out. This year, on the last race, for every horse chosen, the “punter” was also given a raffle ticket and the winners of the race holding the winning raffle tickets had them placed in a box and the first ticket drawn won all the money paid out on that race. Sounds a little complicated but a little syndicate of six, sitting by the pool, were extremely happy having picked up $370 and the Harbourside Cup – me included! WHAT A GREAT DAY. Jean Upjohn. An independent judge chose the winners this year and competition was fierce between the fabulous fillies in their fascinators this year. It was hard to choose between the best couple so prizes went to Chris and Jean Upjohn and Len and Vera Hunt. Both Frances Pope and Dodie Cronin looked very colourful in their outfits making them equal winners for best dressed lady (ladies). The gents made a big effort this year but Brian Clarke just edged in to take the best Gent. Maureen Woods took the honours of the best hat/fascinator and best male titfer went to Mike Kavanagh. Congratulations to all winners and a big thank you to all residents who made a big effort to dress appropriately for the Race that stops the Nation!!! Thanks to Chris Upjohn and Peter Wood for their brilliant photographs. DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 5 MELBOURNE CUP 2014 Melbourne Cup Computer Horses The Social committee decided this year to computerise the way the bets were taken and the horses selected, in an effort to streamline the event and take the pressure off of the volunteers running it. It seemed to be favourably accepted by the majority of residents, and we even managed to coax our Chairman out of his sick bed to present the prizes. This was a trial run and the few problems that cropped up, we would hope to have fixed by next year. That is of course if we decided to use the computerized system next year. (1st)Protectionist Terry Hanson John Petch Irene Stirn Michael Kavanagh Dorothy Cronin $70 each (2nd) Red Cadeaux Chris McDonald Barbara Rowswell Meg Amor Margaret Kavanagh Peter Wood $21 each (3rd) Who Shot The Barman Eileen McRae Wendy Herbert Maureen Boel Geoffrey White Jo Shaw $10 each (Last) Admire Rakti Sandra Shearman Dorothy Cronin Christine Meacham Margaret Seez Ann Martin $5 each I would like to thank the volunteers in Eddie Pope, Bruce Treharne and Irene Shea, whose contributions ensured the event went off smoothly. Roy Shea When I first moved into the village I was approached by Neil Willamson to be listed on the flag roster or more correctly I was told “I have put you on the Flag Roster”. It was Neil’s aim to list 50 villagers, not an impossible aim given in excess of 200 people live in the village. A list of 52 would mean that a person would only need to do one week of flag roster per year. Unfortunately due to attrition (Neil being one) caused by death, departure from the village or inability to carry out the job the list has diminished down to 15 which means that the roster requires a person to carry out the job nearly four times a year. Flying the Australian and sometimes Western Australian flag is a proud tradition of the village. The flags are provided free of charge by the Australian or Western Australian Government and the only cost is the perceived cost of the volunteers. To take the pressure off those currently on the roster we need more volunteers and 52 would be nice and should not be to hard an ask given that 4 times that number live in the village. The reduction of numbers has not been matched by new villagers or long term villagers taking on the role. We ask you now to make this small contribution to village life by volunteering your services. The job is simple, tradition suggests that an unilluminated flag should be raised after dawn and lowered before dusk. How far after dawn or after dusk is not prescribed so sleeping in is quite acceptable and if after a late night out the flag is left until late or forgotten, so what! The job is easy and can be carried out by the majority of people who live in our village. I will be happy to show anyone what is needed, all you have to do is volunteer by ringing Nancy Passmore on 94077685 email terrynancypass@hotmail.com or just tell me. Derek Heptinstall DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 6 I have to admit I've had nightmares about writing this piece in case I forget to mention someone, so let me say straight off, I am extremely thankful for all the participants and off stage helpers for giving me the help and encourage to see this show through to the end. If I were to mention all names the roll call would read like Ben Hur. I am grateful to Irene, whom I shall name co-producer extraordinaire of Sound of Music. We shared the same ideas and managed to convey them to the cast and have fun at the same time. We had to explain many times to the assistants in the Op Shops what we were doing looking for strange things. The BUOYS (despite autocheck that is how I spell it) were a joy to work with, at times taking it so seriously I was afraid they may get offended when people laughed at them For the third year we called on the expertise of Babs and Neil and again they hosted the event with their usual aplomb. This year I was fortunate to have Colin and Eddie handle the microphone mix, and Sue, Tony and Bob Petty download endless tracks to get it right. I am particularly in awe of the independent acts; A Couple of Swells, with the two Margarets, the Andrew Sisters AKA Theresa, Ann and Barbara with bugler Tony, Sue singing the tear jerker HALLELUJAH, Alan Barker with his very clever tongue twister, our clever French speaking actors/singers, Ernest, Wendy (Fifi) and Madam Sue, the multi talented JFK and Graham and Ann jollying us along with the sunshine song, the School kids had to be bribed to behave, and I don't think Ollie was happy about "the fine mess" Stanley got him into. What a rousing end to the night with the audience joining in with the Blues Bros. finale. I know many kicked up their heels until midnight. To all the cast of The Sound of Music and the other entertainment. I loved the synchronised swimming . What a great afternoon’s entertainment. Thank you, we certainly live in the best village. It’s no wonder people are envious. Wishing everyone season’s greetings. Sue Walker Proof that you don't have to be entertainers to be an important part of any event is evident with the behind the scene helpers. Eileen McRae who painted that wonderful backdrop, the dressmakers, the prop masters and gophers, Shirley.W, Meg, Hazel, Kathy and Jocelyn. And last but certainly not least, the ever willing Dave and his handy men who never fail to answer the call as does our smiley bar tender Fred. DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS Where do I start and finish when there is so much to say about our Hooray for Harbourside Show. Of course i am extremely proud of my lovely friend of 22 years, Sharon. About two years ago, on a holiday in NZ, and perhaps inspired by the snow capped mountains, Sharon declared "I have a vision for the next show". On our return, we started the rummaging through Op Shops. Sharon is a stickler for detail, as was obvious in the costumes and props. I swear she is older than she says. When it came to the BOUYS she would demonstrate in the pool what she had in mind, not a pretty sight I can tell you. That they, and everyone else were keen to play a part, is testimony to her talent for organisation (and bullying....no one can say no to her) PAGE 7 RAFFLE WINNERS Here is the result of the raffle.... money raised $424 West coast eagle signed ball, arranged by Mark Lecrais (WCE) Chris Upjohn. Chris has donated his prize to MDWA to be auctioned. Football signed by the Dockers arranged by Gemmill Homes Pat Petch Sharon is first to admit how much help and support she got when it came to the supporting acts. I attended all 3 shows and observed the crowd reactions, from dropped jaws, tears of laughter and sing-alongs, the audience showed their appreciation in so many ways. I think the audience may have found it hard to pick a favourite act, for my part I have the utmost admiration for each and every one of the cast who put themselves out there to give us such enjoyment. No wonder this village is the place to be. Mo Congratulations to winners and thank you to everyone who bought tickets. Thank you to Jeanette who as always was her efficient self organising the ticket sales. WOW, what a show! Mo has said it all above but I would also like to thank Sharon for a great show and all her hard work she put into it, also WELL DONE to the residents who showed us their talent. A few years ago the ‘Harbourside Belles’ was formed and we did a few shows back then, so after Christmas there will be a “flashback” of these shows which we invite all residents to attend and see just how much progress has been made. Jeanette AMOUNTS RAISED FOR CHARITIES This year various groups have ran charity events. Starting off with the Bushfire Appeal $1000. Breast cancer Appeal $1000 (Mother’s Day cake stall) Prostate Appeal $700 (Father’s Day cake stall) Morning tea PMH $140 Walking group $510 Big thank you to all residents who gave their time or bought tickets in these charitable events. Add the show takings the grand total could be over $6000. JOB WELL DONE. Sharon AMOUNT RAISED FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Ongoing total of profits for the Hooray Muscular dystrophy is the name for a group of neuromuscular disorders that are characterized by progressive weakness and wasting of the voluntary muscles that control body movement. Living with a neuromuscular disorder is not easy. Many challenges will have to be faced as the disorder progresses Over time, persons with neuromuscular disorders may lose the ability to walk, speak, and ultimately breathe. There is currently no cure. for Harbourside show. Door takings $2306.00 Raffle $ 424.00 Total $2730.00 Due to an unforseen technical hitch $180 was taken out of the takings making the grand total $2550.00. There is still another raffle to run on Christmas Carol night. A basket of Avon products donated by Sue Chia's Avon rep. AND a bottle of whiskey donated by Ray Slimper. Hopefully we will make $3000. Sharon DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 8 How do you connect twelve dots with five straight lines without lifting the pen? #37 BAMBOOZABLES A wuzzle, now known as a bamboozable, is a saying/ phrase that is made up of a display of words, in an interesting way. The object is to try to figure out the well- FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Use your compass directions to find the correct locations for the missing letters of the alphabet. When you have completed the grid, see if you can discover the hidden city, country, river or mountain. Note: North or south means any location along the same column. East or west means any location along the same row. #52 Easy . Directions: A B C E F H I L N P R S K Y is is is is is is is is is is is is is is south of E: D is south of V north of T and west of E west of Y and south of G west of S and south of J west of O: G is east of P Answer: east of J and north of O Page 10 east of U: W is east of B south of B: M is north of Y north of U: O is east of A north of T: Q is west of V west of C: Z is north of F east of V and north of I south of J and east of T east of T and south of V DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS CHRISTMAS CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. When do we need Christmas? 10. _______ Navidad 11. The kind of sleigh in Jingle Bells. 15. A little star was from this town. 16. What kind of gentlemen are resting? 17. Have A Holly _____ Christmas. 19. What you are doing in order to have a White Christmas. 20. This group comes from the Orient bearing gifts. 21. The Grinch's soul is so rotten, that medically one might assume that it's infected with bacteria and in what condition? 22. What color is Santa's outfit primarily? 23. Santa knows if you've been naughty or ______. 24. A heavenly domain or kingdom where angels are said to be. 26. What part of St. Nicholas's body do you tell to lean towards you? 27. Santa's bag is filled with toys for girls and ____. 29. Because he spilled some ink on the rug, he's getting what for Christmas? 31. Frosty the Snowman has a corncob what? 32. What kind of fire do you roast nuts on? 33. This word starts every line in the lyrics to "The Twelve Days of Christmas." 34. This is what Alvin wants for Christmas. 36. This is holy and silent. 37. One of the continents that Santa Claus visits (Initials). 38. We need carols at the spinet and what in our windows? 39. This is what we are to do on the mountain. 42. Christmas is the _____ ______ time of the year. 43. These kinds of nuts are mostly roasted at Christmas. 46. This relative got run over by a reindeer. 47. How many ships were seen sailing? PAGE 9 DOWN 1. Good King _______. 3. Where are you hoping to be on Christmas Day? 4. This person was caught kissing Santa Clause. 5. What did the angels say this was the first of? 6. _____On The Rooftop. 7. What did my true love give on the tenth day of Christmas? 8. If the elves had a television network, this might be the station's initials. 9. "God bless you and send you a happy ___ year." 12. Who is very jolly? 13. Once you pass the borders of this place, you can never return. 14. In what location do we hear angels singing over the plains? 18. What we all wish for on earth to begin with each of us. 24. Who has a bright nose?__ On The Rooftop. 25. Santa delivers presents so fast, he probably travels at this speed, compared to the speed of sound. (Initials) 27. This is the kind of stick that Frosty has in his hand. 28. This is the lane that everyone's waiting for you-know-who to come down. 30. What kind of tidings are brought to you and your kin? 35. This kind of strength is used to go dashing through the snow in a sleigh. 39. The Grinch has termites in this part of his body. 40. The night was calm as well as what? 41. The _____ of The Wooden Soldiers. 44. A hard-shelled fruit or a kind of a cracker that breaks it. 45. How many teeth does someone want for Christmas? CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCH created by resident Olive Clayton R C R A C K E R S A E H E C C A R O L S B R C A R D S R E E M I N C E P I E S L E S U H T S Y E N B C T Y U T U R D I U E M L R I S A N T A D A L C L E M I U B B S O H G J E E R T A S H E P H E R D S BAUBLES CARDS CAROLS CHRISTMAS CHURCH CRACKERS DECEMBER GLITTER HOLLY JESUS MARY MINCE PIES REINDEER SANTA SHEPHERDS TINSEL TREE DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 10 CHRISTMAS CROSSWORD FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS Connect all the dots 5 1 CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCH R C R A C K E R S A E H E C C A R O L S B R C A R D S R E E M I N C E P I E S L E S U H T S Y E N B C T Y U T U R D I U E M L R I S A N T A D A L C L E M I U B B S O H G J E E R T A S H E P H E R D S 3 2 4 1. Loss for Words 2. No Fun Without U 3. Side Order 4. Skating on Thin Ice 5. An Inside Job 6. Sign on the Dotted Line DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 11 Harbourside OPEN DAY 9th November Sixteen inmates took part in our November, half yearly competition, at Carramar Golf Club, competing for both the Individual and Best Pair Trophies. The Open day was a great success and luckily the weather cooled down a bit before all the guests started Good weather, good course and good company. Individual winner and runaway champion was Irene Shea. Congratulations Irene. She flimflammed the Handicapper by declaring she had not played in the previous 6 months, despite being occasionally seen leaving the village in the dark with husband Roy, on his way to golf. Apart from the trophy, Irene won a fantastic quilt, with a golf theme, made and donated by Coralie Clarke. Thanks again Coralie. Les Welsh played his best game ever in this competition to finish Second. Well done Les. Irene dragged Roy around the course with him contributing just enough for them to be crowned Best Pair. Lin and Les Welsh were runners up. Reports have it that Lin was very competitive on the fairway, in the bunkers- not so much. Nearest the Pin prizes went to Chris Upjohn and Gordon McMaster. Michael Ray won longest drive. Ken Leslie won the prestigious NAGA/Worst Put Mug in a day he would rather forget- but we won't let him. John Northern started a new tradition by donating a Golfer Revival Trophy that goes to the Winner of the "19th Hole". John randomly selects 2 holes that add up to 19 and the best score on those 2 holes wins. Thanks again John. to arrive. We had about 40-50 guests visit the village and the general comment from all was “how wonderful the village looked and what lovely, friendly residents we have”. The mayor, Tracy Roberts also dropped in and watched the choir perform and I would like to say thank you to all the ladies who helped provide such a gorgeous afternoon tea. The displays by the residents in the panorama room and computer room were amazing and showcases what creative residents live MUSIC in our village. ART It was a very successful day CRAFTS and has added quite a few more to the waiting list of people waiting for a villa to come onto the market. A huge thank you to all the residents who took part in one way or another to make the day so enjoyable. Deborah Chris Upjohn was the inaugural winner and has promised to return the trophy, topped up, in 6 months time. Partners joined players for a BBQ and presentations back at the village clubhouse. NEW RESIDENTS Our Website has now added ‘The Grapevine’, a notice board for updated events etc. Photos from events are also uploaded on the website. Don’t forget to check out the new Grapevine which will keep you informed about any changes to events. Ask a committee member or Melodie for the password. Please give your email address to the editors Sue or Theresa to receive HH in colour. http://www.harboursideresidents.org/ The dozens of beautiful quilts, sets of baby clothes displayed on our Open Day, were lovingly made by seven quilters and sewers called the UFO group at Harbourside. Our project 2014 was to give help to the Nuns in Zimbabwe who look after orphans born into 3rd world communities. Some of the mothers are less than teenagers, and have no idea how to cope with a baby; so many are abandoned and this is heartbreaking indeed. Our thanks to Monica Daff who will be taking our gifts to Africa. Meg L. DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS What is a Free Spirit? When I was 15 years old my first job was with a rather up-market department store, not on the shop floor, but in the office as I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Setting a pattern for the rest of it, I was often in a rush and arrived mostly just in the nick of time! Consequently I often did not have time to put on my make-up. The office Manager who was a real Tartar called me into her office one day and demanded I wear make-up every day. I was appalled that she should dictate to me, so I stated “God gave me this face and if you don’t like it that is your problem not mine” and walked out never to return! As you can see I began early another pattern for my life. As you may expect I have had many occasions in my long and eventful life to need to defend and define myself which I always did by stating “I am a Free Spirit!” But then I began to wonder just what is a “Free Spirit”? I turned to the internet to help me out. Apparently, a free spirit is someone who is not restrained, for instance by convention or obligation. Or it’s someone who has a highly individual or unique attitude, lifestyle, or imagination. Or it’s someone acting freely or even irresponsibly. All the definitions agree on one synonym to describe a free spirit: nonconformist. Here’s my definition of what it means to be a free spirit: Free spirits think for themselves, observing and collecting data in order to form their own opinions. Free spirits do what they think is right, not what everyone else tells them is right. They put a high value on free choice. Free spirits care about getting to know both themselves and the world around them. Free spirits aren’t generally swayed by arguments of what one is “supposed” to do. They tend to avoid, ignore, or become upset by people who are judgmental or controlling. Free spirits have the courage to test life’s boundaries and limits, and to try things that other people think are impossible, unimportant, or impractical. Free spirits often have their own unique vision of life and the world. This does not mean a free spirit is a trampler, i.e. the kind of person who doesn’t care about other PAGE 12 people’s feelings, some can feel quite deeply for others feelings. Nor are all free spirits incapable of compromise and discussion. They aren’t inherently flighty or irresponsible or train wrecks on wheels. Free spirits can be any of these things, just like everyone else, but they don’t have to be. I also suspect there are those to whom free spiritedness comes easy, and those for whom it’s very difficult. Or maybe there are just people like me who swing back and forth between the ease and the struggle. There are noisy free spirits and quiet free spirits, extroverts and introverts. Some of us are stubborn while others are fickle; some of us are dedicated while others drift from one thing to another. We can be challenging, yes, and difficult to understand, but we love life with a passion that makes it all seem worthwhile. Whatever our shortcomings, we make the world a more varied and interesting place. We are agents of change and opponents of inertia. As Arthur O’Shaughnessy, a 19th century British poet, said: “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” Ann Martin The Tivoli Theatre On Sunday 23rd Nov, Christine Martin was propelled to the pilot seat of our trusty bus once again to take a group to the Tivoli Theatre's Christmas matinee. After some delay in locating the "Acrod" card, we flew along the Freeway (without breaking the sound barrier) and over the Canning Bridge, just in time for the show. Alas, too late to purchase the mandatory raffle tickets. The well rehearsed, Christmas themed variety show flowed seamlessly between acts and costume changes. Most of the performers were senior citizens themselves. (Amazing stamina shown by the tap dancers) The skits and "one-liners" were fast and furious and kept everyone laughing. No rest for the cast at interval-- there they were, delivering baskets of chicken & chips (included in the price) to the tables. Tea and coffee was provided in the foyer. We all returned with smiles on our faces, looking forward to their next show in a few months time. Thanks Jeanette (organiser) and Christine (driver). Gus Boel DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 13 From the editor Beware of forwarded emails (but do send them to me as I love showing they are hoaxes) It all began with an iPhone... March was when our son celebrated his 17th birthday, and we got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn't? I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad. Our daughter's birthday was in August so we got her an iPod Touch. My wife celebrated her birthday in September so I got her an iRon. UPGRADING YOUR COMPUTER? If you are looking to upgrade your current computer to a newer model, give me a ring before you throw the old one out as the parts are quite often reusable. Roy Shea WA ScamNet Alert: Beware of online loan scams It was around then that the fight started.. Consumer Protection has issued an alert after many What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean. duped by online loan scams. This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service. after applying for loans online and then being I should be out of the hospital next week!! belief that they would then receive their approved iHurt West Australians desperate to get a loan have been In the 12 months to the end of October 2014, 13 people have reported losses of more than $25,000 contacted by scammers. They are told their loan has been approved and asked to pay fees upfront in the finance. Some of the scammers are stealing the identity of legitimate online money lenders, adding to the confusion of consumers. If you would like to place an item in HH either from yourself or from a group to which you belong: Type your article in WORD. (.doc or docx) Email it to Sue or Theresa before 20th of the month. Let us know if you would like us to embellish your article If you want to include photos then please send them in a .jpg or .jpeg file format. We can crop, lighten, darken, work miracles etc as needed. If you need help, just ring me or Theresa and we will be only too happy to help.. A request to pay fees upfront and transfer the money to overseas bank accounts or by wire transfer services is an indication that the loan offer may be a scam, so be suspicious and get advice from Consumer Protection or ASIC before proceeding. WA ScamNet has more information about this type of scam. Please be vigilant and keep your car doors locked along with your house/apartment windows and foyer doors/ front doors locked. If you do see anyone suspicious, please call the police straight away and then inform a staff member. DO NOT CONFRONT THE INTRUDERS. QUOKKA SECURITY 9324 4021 POLICE TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 131 444. DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS Harbourside Village Mindarie Manager/Sales Report Deborah Searle The clubhouse has been a hive of activity during November and I must congratulate everyone that took part in the show. By all accounts it was a huge success and I am so disappointed that I did not get to see it due to having to put my beloved little dog to sleep on the day I was supposed to be going. I am hoping that I will be able to see it in the new year as we have invited three other villages to come and see the show which I am sure they will all enjoy and show how talented how village residents are. The Open day was a great success and has added quite a few more to the waiting list of people waiting for a villa to come onto the market. A huge thank you to all the residents who took part in one way or another to make the day so enjoyable. (See further in Open Day column.) We have another busy month with Christmas fast approaching and lots of social activities happening during the month so for all the new residents, please keep your eye on the notice board to see what is happening as there are lots of different activities which appeal to everyone. At The Morning Tea on December 3rd, we have WA Police attending to hold a talk about security which I hope that you will be able to attend since the security issues that we have been experiencing in the village over the past few months. A few village housekeeping issues: With the hot weather arriving, please be aware of what you put in the rubbish bins and ensure that they are securely wrapped. Please ensure that all dogs are kept on their leads within the village and that you are a responsible owner and clear up after them. Also a reminder that dogs are not allowed in the clubhouse. Just a reminder about our smoking policy. We have a dedicated smoking area at the rear of the clubhouse on the patio by the putting/croquet green. Please do not smoke on the patio at the rear of the Harbourside Room. As this will be the last newsletter before Christmas, I would like to wish all the residents a safe, healthy and happy Christmas and enjoy the time spent with all your loved ones. I will be taking a couple of weeks off with my family and enjoying some time camping down south with all of them which I am really looking forward to. Sorry to hear about your dog. Losing a pet is like losing a loved member of the family… Ed. PAGE 14 Social Committee News As last year there will be 2 Christmas functions one with entertainment and one without. Friday the 12th will be without and Saturday the 13th with. The entertainers are the Blue Diamond Duo with their cabaret style show followed the hits of our era to which many of us love to dance/sing. We have had this duo Moria and Bobby before and they proved to be extremely popular. On Wednesday 10th of December Northside Primary school have asked if they could perform their show for us. Please come along and support the children in their mini concert. The Christmas Carol night will be held on Sunday 21st December hosted by Des with Colin at the baton. Come and join with the choir as they sing all the old favourites. Mince pies, shortcake and Christmas cake, along with a tipple of port will be served, complements of the social committee. NEW YEARS EVE there is an expression of interest on the social noticeboard of this event. At least 50 names are required for the night to go ahead. Family members (18+) and friends are most welcome. I have been asked is this the best I can do. Entertainer’s fees for New Year Eve triple and I would have to charge around $25 maybe more to cover these high prices. This year is disco style with Glenys and Brian playing dance music from the 50's to the 70's with the usual party tracks and their fees are reasonable. Please join with your fellow residents as we welcome in 2015. Sharon Did you hear about the resident who spied bottle of wild turkey a prop for the show. He pulled the cork out sniffed it said 'I HAVE A BIT OF A TICKLE' poured a shot glass full and swigged it. To find out it was cold tea!!!! What a shock! “Could have been worse,” said I , “I could have p.......d in it.” Wouldn't have minded but he was one of the Von Trap kids and it wasn't the tall one!!! DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS CANCEL YOUR CREDIT CARD BEFORE YOU DIE .......JUST PRICELESS HAPPY WANDERERS WALKING GROUP Reported in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle recently: Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die! This is so priceless. And so easy to see happening - customer service, being what it is today! A lady died this last Jan, and MBNA bank billed her in February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then in April added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been £0.00, now is somewhere around £60.00. A family member rang MBNA: Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you that my grandmother died in January.' MBNA: 'But the account was never closed and so the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to your collections section.' MBNA: 'Since it is two months over due, it already has been.' Family Member: 'So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?' MBNA: 'Either report her account to the Fraud Department or report her to The Credit bureau, maybe both!' Family Member: 'Do you think God will be upset with her?' MBNA: 'Excuse me?' Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you . . The part about her being dead?' MBNA: 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.' Supervisor gets on the phone: Family Member: 'I'm phoning to tell you, she died in January.' MBNA: 'But the account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?' MBNA: (Stammer) 'Are you her solicitor?' Family Member: 'No, I'm her grandson' MBNA: 'Could you fax us a death certificate?' Family Member: 'no problem.' ( fax number is given ) After they get the fax: MBNA: 'Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.' Family Member: 'Well, if you sort it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care.' MBNA: 'Well, the late fees and charges will still apply.' Family Member: 'Would you like her new billing address?' MBNA: 'That would help.' Family Member: ' Plot 1049.' Heaton Cemetery, Heaton Road , Newcastle upon Tyne MBNA: 'But, that's a cemetery!' Family Member: 'Well, what the @!#* do you do with dead people on your planet?' The MBNA were not available for comment when a reporter from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle rang them. Kate Northern PAGE 15 Thanks to Derek who prepared the following report while I was attending a Bibbulmun Track event on the same day. ACTIVE WALKING The Sunday walk scheduled for November was to be at Walyunga on 16th November with lunch at the Rose and Crown, but events such as The Big Walk, the Harbourside Show and Cricket meant that this date and subsequently the venue was unsuitable. The walk was deferred a week and the venue changed closer to home, being Mullaloo to Burns Beach for the more active and a circular walk from Burns Beach for others. This still caused some problems with the bus and some of our potential walkers attending other scheduled events. With nine walkers and two cars we set out, some going to Mullaloo and some to Burns Beach for what is always a pleasant walk through the sand dunes with some magnificent coastal scenery, one wonders when the long awaited extension form Mindarie to Burns Beach will be completed or even started/scheduled. The competition between us and weekend events and weekend family events, church (tongue in cheek) and other commitments has caused us think about an alternative day for what we call the Sunday Walk, if we moved it to Monday, we would not need to compete with the non retirees for food venues, parking places, family visits other walking events such as the City to Surf and the Big Walk and might be more appropriate, what do others think? A reminder that as from Tuesday 2 December we will be commencing our regular walks at 7.30am to take advantage of the extra daylight and the cooler temperatures. Alan Barker DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 16 FREE 50 LP Records (33 1/3 r.p.m.) 17 small records (45 r.p.m.) Various Artists If interested contact If you want to BUY, SELL, SWAP or GIVE AWAY anything please contact Sue on 9407 9601 or Theresa on 9407 7657 or email edharbourside@gmail.com Gabriele Gentry on 0439 377 503 This is a photo of the very first Magnolia flower on the new trees on The Avenue. Many thanks go to all those who put in the hard work. Silvana 2015 FEBRUARY – ‘ONE ACT PLAYS’ APRIL – ‘DARLING BUDS OF MAY’ JUNE – ‘SNOOPY’ AUGUST – ‘SPEAKING IN TONGUES’ OCTOBER – ‘THE 39 STEPS’ DECEMBER – ‘SWEET CHARITY’ Meg L Village Reticulation Stations & Times If any residents wish to check the time of a station near them – check the list on the Admin Notice Board for the station number & time it comes on for its test. If you need more information please contact Morris Warren, thank you. “Happiness is not determined by who you are or what you have. It is solely determined by what you think” Buddha Christine Martin Volunteer Driver Co-ordinator. Her phone number is 9408 6040 After Hours plumbing 24/7/365 Burst Pipes• Blocked Drains • Leaking Taps & toilets • Gas Hot Water - All brands• Electric/Solar Hot Water 0403 350 477 HARBOURSIDE RESIDENTS MEAT DISCOUNT Colin and Paul of Mindarie Gourmet Butchers will give residents from Harbourside a DISCOUNT when they buy MEAT - 9407 7244 DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS PAGE 17 PLEASE BE ADVISED THE INTERCOM SYSTEM IS NOW IN WORKING ORDER INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE IT ARE ON THE GATE OPERATION LETTER THAT WAS DELIVERED TO YOUR LETTER BOX LAST WEEK FOR SECURITY PURPOSES PLEASE USE THE INTERCOM SYSTEM TO LET IN YOUR VISITORS RATHER THAN GIVE OUT THE GATE CODE Things We Wonder About Q: Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on the left? A: When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich. Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on the left. Because wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid's right! And that's where women's buttons have remained since. VISITOR / TRADESMEN PARKING Please could you make sure that when you have visitors or tradesmen visiting the village that firstly they are aware of our speed limit and secondly that they park on your driveway or in a designated visitors parking space. We have had people parking in very dangerous parts of the village and causing obstructions and restricted vision to oncoming vehicles. Thank you Deborah Searle / Village Manager WHAT ARE SENIORS WORTH Old folks are worth a fortune, with silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys, lead in their feet and gas in their stomachs I have become a lot more social with the passing of the years, some might even call me a frivolous old gal. I’m seeing five gentlemen every day! As soon as I wake, Will Power helps me get out of bed. Then I go see John. Then Charley Horse comes along, and when he is here he takes a lot of my time and attention! When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays the rest of the day. He doesn’t like to stay in one place very long, so he takes me from joint to joint! After such a busy day, I’m really tired and glad to go to bed, with Ben Gay! P.S. The preacher came to call the other day. He said that at my age I should be thinking about the here-after. I told him I do, all the time. No matter where I am, in the kitchen or down in the basement, I ask myself, “Now what am I here after?” DECEMBER 2014 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS 35 volunteers from the village gave their time and supreme efforts to carry out projects as we were moving towards our Annual Open Day. The responses of the visitors and guests on the Opening Day were most welcomed with their many praises and applauds in which it was deemed a great success, was in many parts to the efforts made by the team leaders and their willing supporters. Whose bum is this? BILLY GOAT TEAM. have continued the necessary task of using our Billy Goat Machine to sweep our streets and pathways and carry out weeding alongside. Tony and Roy did a good job and it is appreciated. The machine has seen better days and is in need of a good service with many replacement parts. GARDENING TEAM have brought a new vision of many displays with the planting of the magnolia trees, shrubs and floral arrangements along the Avenue WORKS AND RETIC TEAMS have replaced the old retic system along both sides of the Avenue and elsewhere in the Village The CATERING TEAM. continues to put on the tables a variation of gourmet dishes and drinks for the consumption of the working volunteers. PAGE 18 Mike Kavanagh – Busy Bee Co-ordinator GARDEN OF THE MONTH If you would like to see your garden here, please email photos of your garden to edharbourside@gmail.com OR Phone 9407 9601 / 0402 113 987 and we will arrange to photograph your garden. COFFEE NOOK Neil and Babs Tattersall 5 The Ramble DECEMBER 2014 Mo Helen Carrie Valerie Graeme Brenda Val HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS Blake Coton Rees Stirling Lambert Coleman Dales 2 3 3 5 5 6 8 Meg Bob John Maria Judith Anne Maggie Loveland Fitzjohn Fontanella Scaldaferro Elliott Jenkins Hayles 8 14 14 18 24 25 26 KEEP THE FLAG FLYING 7-Dec to 14-Dec to 13-Dec 20-Dec Ian Mclean Eddie Pope 21-Dec to 28-Dec to 27-Dec Nick Drew 3-Jan Barry Graham BAR DUTIES Lower Fri Fri Fri Fri 5-Dec 12-Dec 19-Dec 26-Dec Jeanette & Fred Ann M & Meg Amor John N & Geoff W Hazel & Ken PAGE 19 Mike and Margaret K, will be celebrating Christmas with family in Ireland and sharing the New Year with their son and grandchildren in Den Haag in Holland Shirley N. and Frank A. will be returning to the village in mid-December after a long time away. Theresa and Tony will be spending some time in beautiful Donnybrook, visiting their son. Sue and Tony are pleased that their son from London will be visiting them over the Christmas period and will cook Christmas lunch. Meg and Keith Loveland will be away again in early December. Margaret and John Parsons will be away over the Christmas period. Jim Marshall will be visiting the Eastern States from mid-December until mid-January. Upper Gordon Bob Petty Les Welsh Verdun Howell To our friends who are not well or have been in hospital, our thoughts are with you along with our love and best wishes. YOUR Newsletter & Website TEAM ► Sue Chia Editor 9407 9601 edharbourside@gmail.com 0402 113 987 NIBBLES ► Theresa Lumpkin 9407 7657 tt_lumpkin@iinet.net.au Co-editor Fri Fri Fri Fri 5-Dec 12-Dec 19-Dec 26-Dec Hazel Leslie & Nancy Passmore Sylvia Heptinstall & Irene Stirn Lorraine Howell & Marg Challen Irene Shea & Kathy Ray ► Derek Heptinstall 9408 5007 crops@internode.on.net ► Alan Barker ► Meg Loveland 9408 5242 lovelandmk@hotmail.com ► Maggie Hayles 9407 8709 maggiehayles3@gmail.com ► Tony Chia Volunteers are always most welcome. If you would like to be a part of any of the rosters please give Nancy Passmore phone call on 9407 7685. 9407 9601 chiatony@hotmail.com ► Ann Martin 9305 8710 anntink@hotmail.com ► Nancy Passmore 9407 7685 terrynancypass@hotmail.com ► Chris McDonald 9407 9202 cm@mydesk.net.au REMINDERS If you are unable to front for duty on the nominated day, it is your responsibility to find someone else on the roster to swap with. 9407 9639 albarker@iinet.net.au Website Please, do consider sharing information you come across that may interest someone else in your village. Your editorial team strive for accuracy, but are dependent on the quality of information supplied to them. We’re not in a position to always recognise when supplied times, locations etc are incorrect. Monday 8.30 Lawn Bowls 8:30 In Home Walking 930-1230 Bridge 3:00 Russian Pool 7:00 Canasta ACTIVITIES Tuesday 8.30 Lawn Bowls 7:30 Outdoor Walking 9:00 Hairdresser Chris (every 5-7 weeks) 9-2 Beautician Julie 1.00 Meditation (Fran) 2.45 Crazy Whist (last Tuesday) OFFICE AND CLUBHOUSE TEL: 9407 8188 Wednesday 8:30 In Home Walking 9.30 Art 10.00 UFO/exQuilting (2nd Wed) 930-1130 Indoor Bowls 1:00 Rummiking 3.00 - 5.00 choir 7:00 Snooker Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8.30 Lawn Bowls 8:30 In Home Walking 7:30 Outdoor Walking 8.30 Lawn Bowls 7:30 Outdoor Walking 9:30 Shopping Bus 1:00 Social Rummiking 9.00 Hairdresser/Sharnee 5.00 Sundowner 4.30 Session BYO 9.30 Art Beg. 2:00 Christian Fellowship (1st Thurs) 2:00 Lawn Bowls 6:45 Snooker *** DECEMBER Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 Fish Christmas Orders 3 Morning Tea 10.30 8 RC Meeting 9 10 11.30 - 12.00 2014 *** Thursday Sunday 5 6 7 11 12 Podiatrist Christmas Dinner 1 13 Christmas Dinner 2 (with entertainment) 14 North Woodvale Primary 7.15 Limelight School Show 16 Chris- HAIR 3pm FISH Delivery Saturday 4 7.15 Limelight Bingo Merriwa 15 1pm RC Meeting Friday 17 HH Meeting 2.00 18 19 20 Ramble Street Party Clubhouse Patio 21 Carols 22 23 9-4 Sharnee HAIR inCarols Parade stead of Christmas Day 24 25 OFFICE CLOSED Christmas Day 26 OFFICE CLOSED Boxing Day 27 28 29 9-4 Sharnee Hair 31 New Year’s Eve 1 OFFICE CLOSED Horse Racing with the Harbourside CUP 2 1 3 30 HARBOURSIDE HAPPENINGS 1 Mark Lewis Windows pm MOBILE: 0438 098 474 FAX: 9407 8199 DECEMBER 2014 2014 REGULAR PAGE 20