Annual Report - Casinos Austria


Annual Report - Casinos Austria
2 011
Annual Report
Mission Statement
Casinos Austria AG and its affiliates and subsidiary companies provide gaming
and entertainment of the highest order. Integrity, years of experience
and total respect for the particular socio-political responsibility associated
with gaming guarantee the confidence of our guests, customers, owners and,
above all, the licensing authority. Shared visions and innovativeness foster
the development of the Group and safeguard the workplaces of our employees,
whose active participation we both encourage and value.
annual report 2011
Key figures
The Casinos Austria Group at a Glance
Sales in millions euro
(Austria) (International)
2010 total
Gaming revenues
Ancillary revenues
2011 total
Gaming revenues
Ancillary revenues
Lotteries ***
Sport Betting
Tax payments in Austria in millions euro
Lotteries ***
(Austria)** (International)
Lotteries ***
Sport Betting
Casino guests in millions
(Austria)** (International)
Number of gaming tables
(Austria)** (International)
Number of slot machines
(Austria)** (International)
* Full-time equivalent (FTE, annual average)
*** Incl. Ural Loto
**** Incl. RABCAT
Casinos Austria
Table of Contents
In order to ensure a good readability of the text, we did
not use gender-specific terms: All designations like customers, employees, partners, etc. will always apply for and
include both male and female participants.
Mission Statement
Key Figures
Table of Contents
Foreword by the Management Board
The Company
Report of the Supervisory Board
Legal Framework
Casinos in Austria
Casino Baden
Casino Bad Gastein
Casino Bregenz
Casino Graz
Casino Innsbruck
Casino Kitzbühel
Casino Kleinwalsertal
Casino Linz
Casino Salzburg
Casino Seefeld
Casino Velden
Casino Wien
Casinos Austria International
Austrian Lotteries
WINWIN – Video Lottery Terminals
The Fiscal Year 2011
Revenues and Earnings
Corporate Social Responsibility
Responsible Gaming
Security in Focus
Process Management and Development
Diversity and Sustainability
An Appetite for Luck
The Casino Gaming Experience
Multifaceted Event Provider
The Financial Statements 2011
Profit and Loss Statement
Balance Sheet
Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Employees at the Photoshoot
annual report 2011
1 Karl Stoss
2 Dietmar Hoscher
Casinos Austria
3 Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
by the Management Board
Interview on the Fiscal Year 2011
With Chairman Karl Stoss, Director Dietmar Hoscher and
Director Bettina Glatz-Kremsner.
There were plenty of headlines and events at Casinos
­ ustria in 2011. Would you describe it as a proverbial
mixed year?
Karl Stoss: No, I would describe it as an extremely
encouraging year. When I consider that we successfully re-secured our lottery license in Austria and look at
the positive development in our domestic figures, then
quite frankly I have to say that we – and by we I mean
the Management Board and all the staff – can be really
very satisfied.
You mention the positive domestic market. Does that imply that sentiments are more subdued with respect to your
international business?
Karl Stoss: Well, the macroeconomic situation in
­Europe is not exactly encouraging. And if people need
to tighten their purse strings, if they have the feeling
that less favorable times lie ahead, then one of things
they’ll cut back on is a night at a casino.
What are the chances of a swift recovery at Casinos A
­ ustria
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner: Good. The results for
2011 might be sobering, but we’ve done our homework. We’ve corrected some of the mistakes made in
the past and set our course in the right direction. We
are already seeing some clearly positive effects of these
efforts in some areas. And we are also pleased to note
that t­ here is a stronger demand again overall for the
­Casinos ­Austria International products – which ultimately also led to a 5.8 per cent increase in revenues
last year.
Let’s go back to the encouraging domestic market. An
operating result to the tune of some 18.9 million euro for
­Casinos Austria AG – that’s something the company could
only have dreamed of in the not so distant past. What were
the key factors behind this result?
Dietmar Hoscher: We introduced a very effective
program to raise efficiency in our casino operations
and we’ve succeeded in selling the casino product more
effectively again. We’ve been able to slightly raise our –
already high – guest numbers and increase revenues by
4.3 per cent to 270 million euro.
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner: Of course, the subsidiaries
also did their bit, especially Austrian Lotteries, which
had its best year ever and reported a 9.7 per cent increase in sales. All in all, 2011 really was an encouraging
These positive figures naturally also have an impact
e­ lsewhere: in your sponsorship activities and, of course, in
your tax payments.
Karl Stoss: Absolutely. As a group, we paid a total of
560 million euro in taxes and duties to the Austrian
Ministry of Finance in 2011. Figuratively speaking,
day in, day out, we added more than 1.5 million euro
to the federal budget. This once again makes us one of
the three biggest and most important taxpayers in the
Dietmar Hoscher: And we once again donated nearly
10 million euro to public interest and welfare projects
and institutions – from sports clubs, support groups
for the elderly and children’s aid foundations through
cultural institutions and events like the Burgtheater
in Vienna, the Wiener Festwochen, the ImPulsTanz
­International Dance Festival and the Bregenz Festival
to renowned aid organizations and institutions like
the Red Cross, Caritas, the Lebenshilfe counseling and
aid organization or the Volkshilfe public aid organization, as well as umbrella and professional sports associations, numerous education and research facilities,
environmental protection organizations like the WWF,
and many more.
That sounds impressive. There was also a lot to celebrate in
2011, especially the 50-year anniversary of Casino Wien.
Dietmar Hoscher: Yes, that was definitely a highlight. When a venue has been a permanent fixture on
the tourism landscape in a metropolis like Vienna for
50 years, that really does set a benchmark. We also had
the pleasure of welcoming some 400,000 visitors to
Casino Wien in 2011 – that was another very satisfying figure.
annual report 2011
f. l. t. r.: Dietmar Hoscher, Bettina Glatz-Kremsner, Karl Stoss
Casinos Austria also took a bold step in 2011 and re­
vamped a true classic. We’re talking of course about Astro
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner: Yes, and that is something
else we can be proud of, because it shows you can still
be innovative in very traditional segments like table
gaming. Astro Roulette is a charming addition to the
casino floor and has been well received by our guests.
There is clearly plenty of good news to report for 2011.
The first of the casino licenses for Austria – i.e. those for
the casinos in Bregenz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Linz, Vienna
and Graz – are due to expire at the end of 2012. Casinos
­Austria has presumably already submitted its bid?
Dietmar Hoscher: Of course. Casinos Austria has
been firmly rooted in the Austrian market for almost
45 years, and our 12 casinos are leading tourist operations, convention centers, and meeting places for
­culture and business. We will naturally do everything
Casinos Austria
in our power to ensure that we can continue to assume
this function in the future.
Karl Stoss: That’s why we submitted an extremely
high quality and very comprehensive bid that took
months to complete – and we will be doing the same
this year for the other venues. We were always well
aware that the match would not be easy. But we found
out just how hard it would be fought when one of our
competitors announced it was initiating preliminary
legal proceedings against the license award. However,
we are well equipped for the challenge and – needless
to say – also quietly confident.
On that note – and quite fittingly – the best of luck!
Thank you. That’s something we can always use.
The Management Board
Karl Stoss,
26 November 1956
After studying business administration at the University of Innsbruck,
Karl Stoss worked as a lecturer at
the university’s Institute of Industry
and Trade while completing his PhD.
From 1984 he worked for the Vorarlberg Landesversicherung insurance
company before becoming a partner and head of division at MZSG
Management Centre St. Gallen in
Switzerland two years later. In 1996,
his career took him to Vienna, ­where
he first spent one year working as a
consultant for the Österreichische
Postsparkasse [Austrian Postal Savings Bank] before assuming the role
of deputy chairman of the bank’s Managing Board. He served as a member of the board at Raiff­eisen Zentralbank Österreich AG from 2001
before joining the Managing Board
of Generali Holding Vienna AG in
2004, where he was appointed chairman in early 2005. In January 2007,
he joined the Management Board of
Casinos Austria AG, where he assumed the position of chairman in May
of the same year. Karl Stoss has also
been a member of the Management
Board of Casinos Austria International Holding since 17 May 2011.
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner,
30 September 1962
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner holds a degree in commercial studies from
­Vienna University of Economics and
Business. She began her professional
career at Österreichische Lotterien
Ges.m.b.H. [Austrian Lotteries] after
graduating, where she was appointed
CEO of the Hungarian subsi­
‘Lotto Union’. This joint venture
with the Hungarian National Savings
Bank was Austrian Lotteries’ first
international endeavor and lasted
until 1996. Following that, Bettina
Glatz-Kremsner was appointed assistant to the Management Board
of Casinos A
­ ustria AG and deputy
head of the Executive Secretariat &
­Controlling unit at Austrian Lotteries. From 2000 to 2003, she coordinated synergies between Casinos
Austria and Austrian Lotteries and
was sub­sequently appointed head of
the Synergies Division in both companies. She was appointed to the
Management Board of Austrian Lotteries in 2006 and has been Chief Fi­ fficer and a member of the
nancial O
Management Board of Casinos Austria AG since 2010. Bettina GlatzKremsner has also been a member
of the Management Board of Casinos
Austria International Holding since
17 May 2011.
Dietmar Hoscher,
5 June 1962
After studying economics at the University of Vienna, Dietmar ­Hoscher
initially managed a research project
on progressive consumption tax
at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Analysis of Economic Policy
­Activities before being appointed an
economic advisor to the Österreichische Nationalbank [Austrian Central
Bank] in 1987. Two years later, he
became an economic policy advisor
to the Austrian Parliament, serving
in this capacity under Ministers
of Finance Staribacher, Klima and
­Edlinger. In 1998, he was recruited
by Casinos Austria, initially as head
of division and authorized company
representative. He joined the Management Board of Österreichische
Sportwetten GmbH (tipp3) in April 2000, where he was appointed
chairman in June 2008. He became
a member of the Management Board
of Casinos Austria AG in January
2007 and has also been a member
of the Managing Board of Casinos
Austria International Holding since
17 May 2011. D
­ ietmar Hoscher has
also been a member of the Management Board of the European Casino
Association (ECA) since 8 September
2011 and serves as a lay judge at the
Supreme Cartel Court.
annual report 2011
Every guest can expect a welcoming smile from us. We take friendliness and
service just
as seriously as player protection. Our checks are your security.
So that you keep smiling too.
Annual report 2011
We look after our guests. So when you leave your coat in our cloakroom,
you know it is i­ n safe hands as well. We can also provide you with a jacket if you decide
to come in on the spur of the moment. So you can enjoy your visit
to our casino right from the start.
Annual report 2011
GAMING À la Carte
The gaming mix at Casinos Austria is as varied as an open deck of cards.
In addition to casino classics like Roulette and Blackjack, we also offer a huge choice
of slot machine games and numerous tournaments,
including the European Poker Championship at Casino Baden.
Annual report 2011
Diversity is also the name of the game away from the tables. So while over 90 per cent
of the wines served in our casinos originate in Austria, you’ll still find a ‘Manhattan’ in
the middle of Innsbruck, Velden or Graz – because we’re also very ‘Cosmopolitan’.
Annual report 2011
The Company
Casinos Austria and its affiliates and subsidiary companies provide gaming and
entertainment of the highest order and are one of the few gaming groups in the world
in a position to offer comprehensive and innovative solutions for all sectors
of the gaming industry from a single source.
Ownership structure and companies
Medial Beteiligungs
Vienna Insurance Group
Raiffeisen Gruppe
Bankhaus Schelhammer
& Schattera AG
38.3 %
Münze Österreich AG
Bankhaus Schelhammer
& Schattera AG
Private Aktionäre
33.2 %
5.3 %
23.2 %
Casinos Austria AG
68 %
Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H.
50 %
50 %
Entertainment Glücksund Unterhaltungsspiel
Gesellschaft m.b.H.
100 %
56 %
100 %
100 %
Casinos Austria
International Holding
Gesellschaft m.b.H.
win2day Entwicklungs- und Betriebs­­
gesellschaft m.b.H.
Glücks- und
Organizational Chart CASAG Shareholders and Shareholdings, as of 31.12.2011
The company
The group’s individual areas of business are organized into separate business units
which draw on the services provided by the corporate functions.
Each business unit and each corporate function is assigned strategically to a member of the Casinos Austria
or Austrian Lotteries Management Boards. Operational management is handled by the respective executive
and divisional management teams. Within the group,
the Casinos Austria business unit, for example, draws
on the services of the corporate functions.
Business Units (BU)
Casinos Austria
International Business
Karl Stoss
Dietmar Hoscher
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Karl Stoss
Dietmar Hoscher
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Friedrich Stickler
Extended BU Management:
Christian Schütz
Extended BU Management:
Alexander Tucek
Christoph Zurucker-Burda
Betting &
Sports-Related Skill Games
VLT/Slot Machine Business
Online Gaming
Dietmar Hoscher
Dietmar Hoscher
Executive Management:
Philip Newald
Georg Weber
Executive Management:
Robert Vierziger
Friedrich Stickler
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Extended BU Management:
Peter Ulovec
Erwin Binder
Executive Management:
Friedrich Stickler
Martin Jekl
Corporate Functions (CF)
Corporate Development
Internal Audit
Human Resources
Corporate Communications
Full Management Board
Operative: Friedrich Stickler
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Full Management Board
Operative: Karl Stoss
Karl Stoss
Karl Stoss
Extended CF Management:
Erhard Peinthor
Extended CF Management:
Adolf Geppl
Erich Valenta
Extended CF Management:
Martin Himmelbauer
Finance & Group Controlling
Legal Affairs
Public & European Affairs, CSR
Information Technologies
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Dietmar Hoscher
Dietmar Hoscher
Bettina Glatz-Kremsner
Extended CF Management
Wolfgang Sperl
Extended CF Management
Peter Erlacher
Extended CF Management
Markus Eder
Extended CF Management
Erich Schuster
Responsible Gaming,
Advertising & Sponsoring
Friedrich Stickler
Friedrich Stickler
Extended CF Management
Oskar Berszenyi
Nathan Bomze
Extended CF Management
Herbert Beck
Extended CF Management:
Peter Ulovec
Reinhard Summerer
Christian Schütz
Organization Chart (Group), Status: 31.12.2011
annual report 2011
Report of the
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board has performed the duties incumbent upon it pursuant to statutory provisions and
the Articles of Association in its meetings. The Management Board has provided regular reports on business
The Supervisory Board (as of 31 December 2011)
The Casinos Austria AG financial statements and management report were audited by the independent
­auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting on
29 March 2011, BDO Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft and KPMG
Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuer­
beratungsgesellschaft. The completed audit raised no
grounds for objection. The independent auditors have
therefore confirmed that the Casinos Austria AG annual financial statements and management report comply
with statutory provisions.
Wolfgang Duchatczek
Vice President Vice Governor
(1st Deputy Chairman from 26 March 2010)
The Supervisory Board confirms that it concurs with
the Management Board’s management report and the
proposed distribution of profits and that it formally approves the annual financial statements of Casinos Austria AG, which are hereby adopted pursuant to Section
125 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act [Aktiengesetz].
Leo Wallner
Vice President
(4th Deputy Chairman to 30 June 2011)
Furthermore, the Supervisory Board recommends that
the aforementioned audit firms, BDO Austria GmbH
Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
and KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und
Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, also be appointed as independent auditors for the 2012 fiscal year at the Annual
General Meeting.
The Supervisory Board
Walter Rothensteiner
Vienna, 29 March 2012
The company
Walter Rothensteiner
President Director General
Günter Geyer
Vice President Director General
(2nd Deputy Chairman)
Maria Theresia Bablik
Vice President
(3rd Deputy Chairwoman)
State Commissioners
Alfred Lejsek
Alfred Katterl
Johannes Pasquali
Members of the Supervisory Board
Helmut Jonas
Friedrich Karrer (from 29 March 2011)
Konstantin Klien (to 29 March 2011)
Gerald Neuber
Thomas Schröfl
Gerhard Starsich
Gottfried Wanitschek (from 29 March 2011)
Peter Zöllner
Delegated by the Central Works Council
Jürgen Nachbaur (Chairman of the Central Works Council)
Gerhard Dell-Osbel
Christian Holz
Gerhard Hrubes
Peter Löb
Manfred Schönbauer
Legal Framework
In Austria, the legal framework for the regulation of the gaming sector is established
by the powers of legislation and execution accorded to the Federation in the matter
of ‘monopolies’ in Chapter 1, Article 10 (4) of the Federal Constitutional Law
The word ‘monopoly’ stems from the Greek and is composed of two parts: ‘monos’ meaning ‘alone’ and ‘polein’
meaning ‘to sell’, i.e. one single entity has the right to sell
something. In the case of gaming in Austria, this entity is
the State, represented by the Federal Ministry of Finance.
While the Federal Ministry of Finance could exercise this
right and offer gaming services itself, it has elected to
­delegate the matter and issue corresponding licenses.
Casinos Austria operates casino-based games pursuant
to the Austrian Gaming Act [Glücksspielgesetz], i.e. the
Federal Law of 28 November 1989 to regulate games of
chance, BGBl. No. 620/1989, as amended, within the
scope of the licenses granted to the company.
Start of call for tenders
On 18 August 2011, the Federal Ministry of Finance
­issued its new public call for tenders for casino licenses
in Austria and divided the licenses to be awarded into several ‘packages’. The so-called City Package [Stadt­paket]
contains the Bregenz, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg
and Vienna venues, i.e. those casino licenses due to expire on 31 December 2012. The deadline for the submission of bids for this ‘City Package’ was ­13 ­January 2012.
The call for tenders for the so-called Regional Package
[Landpaket] was issued on 15 December 2011. This package covers those casino licenses which are due to expire on 31 December 2015 and contains the six venues
situated outside Austria’s provincial capitals. The deadline for the submission of bids for the ‘Regional Package’
was 16 May 2012. The tender procedure for the three
new individual casino licenses and the new Poker casino
license was not initiated in the 2011 fiscal year.
Legislative amendments in 2010 established the regulatory framework in the provincial laws of Lower
­Austria and Upper Austria to allow slot machine gaming
as d
­ efined in Section 5 of the Austrian Gaming Act.
­Corresponding tender procedures for these provincial
licenses have been initiated in both these provinces.
These licenses were not awarded in the 2011 fiscal year.
In the province of Burgenland, the legal framework
­permitting the operation of stand-alone slot machines
and slot machines in slot parlors was established in the
reporting year. A corresponding call for tenders was not
however issued in 2011.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) also delivered a
­series of landmark judgments in 2011, two of which
warrant particular mention:
Case C-347/09, ‘Dickinger and Ömer’
This is the second case in which the ECJ has dealt with
Austria’s gaming sector – the first being Case C-64/08,
‘Englemann’. In its judgment of 15 September 2011, the
Court followed the opinions of the Advocate General
and in so doing continued to pursue its previous case
law with the utmost rigor. Once again, the ECJ affirmed
that Austria’s gaming monopoly is compatible with EU
law. Furthermore, the judgment clarified that Austria’s
Gaming Act was compatible with EU law even prior to
the 2010 amendment.
Case C-212/08 ‘Zeturf’
As far as the admissibility of cross-border online gaming
(in the European context, this also includes sports betting) is concerned, the C-212/08 Zeturf action, which
was instituted in France, moves in a similar direction.
In its judgment, the ECJ recalls that Member States are
in principle free to set the objectives of their policy on
games of chance and, where appropriate, to define in
­detail the level of protection sought.
As the ECJ has acknowledged in its decisions, a Member State that is seeking to ensure a particularly high
level of consumer protection in the gaming sector may
take the view that it is only by granting exclusive rights
to a single body, subject to strict control by the public
authorities, that it can tackle with sufficient effective­
ness the risks connected with that sector and pursue the
­objectives of preventing incitement to squander money
on gaming and of combating addiction to gaming.
annual report 2011
Casinos in Austria
The 12 casinos operated by Casinos Austria
A leisurely cocktail in a comfortable seat at the bar, an
award-winning menu in a top class restaurant, superb
conference facilities, top concerts and – of course – great
gaming fun and excitement at the Roulette, Blackjack
and Poker tables or on the latest slot machines.
You’ll find all this and more when you go to a casino.
Provided, of course, it’s one of the 12 casinos operated
across Austria by Casinos Austria. From Bregenz in the
west to Baden and Graz in the east, from Linz in the
north to Velden in the south, from the splendor of a
baroque palace in Salzburg to a contemporary architectural masterpiece in Innsbruck – Casinos Austria has
something very special to offer in all its casinos. Yet despite their diversity and all the efforts taken to capture
and reflect their regional flair and local character, these 12 casinos all have one thing in common: they offer
state-of-the-art gaming at its very best, provide perfect
service in exquisite surroundings, and – above all –show
a measure of responsibility unparalleled in the international gaming world.
Our guests recognize and appreciate this quality. They
remained loyal to Casinos Austria even at the height of
the financial crisis in 2009. In 2010, while other sectors were still complaining about the situation, Casinos
­Austria was again able to record a rise in guest numbers.
We welcomed a total of 2.36 million guests over the
course of that year – an increase of 1.17 per cent. And
we are delighted to report that we were able to maintain
our guest numbers at this high level in 2011.
Of course, our guests come primarily to our casinos to
try their luck at the tables and slot machines, soak up
the ambience and enjoy the expertise and hospitality
of our skilled croupiers. But there are many other good
­reasons for a visit as well – like the superb cuisine on
offer in our top class restaurants or the showcase events
in our multi-purpose event facilities.
To keep things this way, Casinos Austria invests carefully in its 12 Austrian venues every year. Needless to say,
we also use domestic suppliers and service providers
whenever possible. This is just one of the many ways in
which the company contributes to the Austrian economy and competitive ability.
The company
A flagship enterprise also has to embody sustainability
and social responsibility in its day-to-day business. Doing so naturally also includes generating as much added
value as possible at a regional level. This is particularly evident at Casinos Austria in our food and beverage
(F&B) sector – we take great care not only to feature
­traditional Austrian cuisine on our menus, but also to
use local produce in our kitchens. In 2011, we generated
7.6 million euro in food-based revenue at our events,
­restaurants and bars. Almost 7 million of this (more
than 95 per cent) with products made in Austria. The
situation was similar for wine: of the 2 million euro in
wine sales in our casinos in 2011, 1.8 million came from
wines produced by Austrian winemakers. Collaboration with local – frequently often organic – farmers and
food producers also helps to protect the environment –
shorter delivery channels, for example, mean fewer food
Sustainable management allows Casinos Austria to safeguard many jobs – directly and indirectly, the company
currently sustains around 4,400 workplaces. An integral
part of corporate policy at Casinos Austria is the responsible management of resources – and that, of course,
also includes human resources.
But our regional symbiosis by no means stops with
the purchase of local products and services. As a sponsor of numerous humanitarian, cultural, scientific and
­environmental institutions and organizations and one
of the country’s top benefactors, Casinos Austria repeatedly provides impetus and incentive that it is hard to
imagine life in Austria without.
Casino Baden
“With its lavish atmosphere, superb range of games, fine cuisine and many different events,
Casino Baden promises a unique entertainment experience.” ­­
Edmund Gollubits, Casino Director
The magnificent Italian neo-Renaissance style Casino
Baden is set in a wonderful location, right in the middle
of the town’s spa park. The venue inimitably combines
all three pillars of the modern lifestyle casino: entertainment, dining and gaming, making it the place to meet to
the south of Vienna and one of the region’s leading tourist operations for many years.
The spacious casino offers far more than just great gaming. It is also home to one of the most modern entertainment centers and most popular event venues in
Austria: Congress Casino Baden. Numerous events and
congresses were held here in 2011, including the ‘Genussfest’ gourmet festival, the Miss Austria beauty pageant,
the ‘Casino Redoute’ costume ball, the 11th Convention
of Austrian Surgeons, the ‘Badener Gespräche’ tourism
convention, the EPCON 2011 Austrian energy industry
congress and the Auto Revue Awards 2011. In the fall,
the national and international Poker elite also flocked
to C
­ asino Baden for another major event – the European
­Poker Championship.
The casino features a large gaming area with comfortable sofas, a modern bar and plenty of gaming tables.
A further big attraction in the summer months is the
al fresco summer lounge with its contemporary design
forming the perfect complement to the historic casino
building. Tall palm trees, crisp white shade sails and an
impressive fountain exude a special holiday flair, while
inviting seating areas provide the perfect setting for a
­relaxed evening with friends.
Facts & Figures
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
Year-in, year-out, the official opening of the summer lounge
in June is a major highlight in the Casino Baden event
­calendar. Until the end of September – weather permitting
– the patio is open every evening from 6 pm and is the ideal
spot for a special meal or a casual cocktail. Last year’s opening celebration had a Pirates of the Caribbean theme and
saw the summer lounge transformed into a colorful deck of
­magnificently costumed pirates.
Kaiser-Franz-Ring 1
Im Kurpark
2500 Baden, Austria
Phone: +43 2252 444 96
Fax: +43 2252 444 96-222
annual report 2011
Casino Bad Gastein
“Our guests value our friendly service and exceptional ambience.” ­
Wolfgang Haubenwaller, Casino Director
The special flair and rich traditions of the Grand Hotel de
l’Europe in the heart of Bad Gastein can also be sensed in
Casino Bad Gastein. The elegant hotel has been home to
the casino since 1984.
Casino Bad Gastein is a seasonal operation and is open
daily from 7 pm from the end of December to the end of
March and from July to mid-September. It is located in
the center of the belle époque spa town, surrounded by a
stunning natural landscape which is ideal for skiing and
other outdoor activities in the winter and long mountain
hikes in the summer months.
In addition to the corporate promotions run across Austria, Casino Bad Gastein organized its own ‘Win 777 Euro’
promotion for gaming enthusiasts in 2011. Guests won
entry tickets for the prize draws in August and September
at the Roulette, Blackjack or Poker tables, as well as at the
slot machines. The casino also ran numerous additional
slot promotions throughout the year, like the ‘Mystery
Jackpot Finale’, ‘Castle Mania’, ‘Dinner & Party Jackpot’
and ‘Chance of a Million’. On eight days in August, Casino
Bad Gastein raffled off three times seven chances to win a
million on the Mega Million Jackpot slot machines.
Throughout the entire summer season, guests also had
the opportunity to participate in the Casino Bad Gastein
High Score Cup and earn themselves the chance to win
a Dinner & Casino Night voucher at the season finale in
Facts & Figures
In a tourist destination with a centuries-long tradition, networ-
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
king with the other tourist operations in the region, especially
the hotel industry, is extremely important. With this in mind,
Wolfgang Haubenwaller and his team organized a summer
hotel kick-off for hoteliers and receptionists from the Gastein
Valley on Wednesday 13 August 2011 to introduce them to
the facilities at Casino Bad Gastein. Since Wednesday is traditionally ‘Ladies Day’ at Casinos Austria, and the 13th of each
month is seen as a particularly lucky date, both falling on the
same day meant this get-together was an even more fun and
productive event for all concerned.
The company
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 14
Grand Hotel de l’Europe
5640 Bad Gastein, Austria
Phone: +43 6434 24 65
Fax: +43 6434 24 65-11222
Casino Bregenz
“Casino Bregenz is one of the hot spots on Lake Constance.
Our guests enjoy great entertainment in a stylish setting that really has it all!”
Josef Semler, Casino Director*
Everything under one roof – an international gaming mix,
superb cuisine and all the entertainment you could wish
for. That’s what you’ll find in the unique surrounds of Casino Bregenz. Even the architecture is an attraction in itself:
the casino complex is built as a series of individual pavilions whose design and layout blend perfectly with their surroundings – the lake, the parks and the festival building.
The redesigned casino restaurant has a true air of class
and splendor, and the panorama window overlooking the
casino is a real highlight, allowing restaurant guests to
take in the appeal and elegance of the gaming floor from
the best seats in the house. The stylish new cabañas on
the patio are another great place to while away an evening. The elegant yet inviting pavilions mean guests can
now enjoy the al fresco feeling from Easter right through
to October. Long regarded as a trendsetter and innovator, Casino Bregenz recently reinforced this image with
the introduction of new iPad menus.
The Casino Bregenz team is also highly adept at staging
more festive events – from small, intimate gatherings
to large social functions. Be it a banquet, reception,
­romantic candlelit dinner, seminar, presentation or dinner show – an event at Casino Bregenz is guaranteed to
be a memorable, perfectly organized, well conceived and
lovingly hosted occasion. The predominantly international clientele at this popular casino also enjoy a unique
level of service – wrapped up with that typical Austrian
brand of charm.
*Bernhard Moosbrugger was appointed director of Casino Bregenz
from 1 January 2012.
Facts & Figures
Casino Bregenz broadcasts the Zeitzeugen series [‘Witnesses
of Our Times’] in cooperation with Vorarlberg’s regional radio
station. In this series, key figures who have contributed to
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
shaping Austria’s history offer their take on their own particular era. The series seeks to raise awareness of contemporary
history and draw on the guest’s wealth of experience to bring
it to life. A large audience tuned in with interest, for example,
when the former mayor of Bregenz, Siegfried Gasser, took to
the chair to talk to host Elmar Oberhauser and offer a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of a political career spanning
some 30 years.
Am Symphonikerplatz 3
6900 Bregenz, Austria
Phone: +43 5574 45 127
Fax: +43 5574 45 127-12 222
annual report 2011
Casino Graz
“With its multi-functional entertainment services, top class cuisine and
superb gaming facilities, Casino Graz is the leading tourist operation in the city center.”
Andreas Sauseng, Casino Director
Casino Graz is a multi-functional gaming venue with
much to offer. An accomplished fusion of late-classical
architectural elements and contemporary design give
the popular casino a very distinctive flair. Its gaming
mix is continuously expanded and offers something
for everyone, from the thrill of the Roulette, Poker and
Blackjack tables through to the chance to win the Mega
Million slot jackpot. Integrated into the gaming area is
another eye-catching attraction – the expansive casino
bar with its contemporary lighting concept is the ideal
spot to take in the action on the gaming floor over a
glass of sparkling wine.
Natural light also plays a key role at Casino Graz. Specially designed stained glass windows lend the casino its
very special look and feel and add to its attraction as an
event venue. In addition to its superb gaming f­ acilities,
the casino also hosts a wide variety of functions and
events throughout the year in its expansive Casineum
event room – from theater shows, concerts and gala
­dinners to art exhibitions, literary evenings, book launches and fashion shows. It also organizes and supports
many events outside the casino, including the annual
Casino Graz City Golf Championship.
At Casino Graz, guest comfort always comes first. A new
carpet in the classic casino blends in harmoniously with
the gaming area’s welcoming design. Stylish new furniture in the restaurant area makes it the perfect spot for
a gourmet evening. Quite simply: an elegant casino with
contemporary style.
Casino Graz is the co-organizer of the annual Graz City Golf
Championship, where golfers from the Styrian capital take to
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
the course at the Thalersee Golf Club for the title of Graz Golf
Champion. A record 140 competitors teed off in 2011 at the
third edition of this popular tournament, all hoping to take
home the coveted Green Jacket, which was presented to the
winner at fitting ceremony in the casino. The casino’s special
affinity with the ‘game of kings’ is also evident in its special
‘Drive ins Glück’ [‘Lucky Drive’] golf and casino package,
offered in cooperation with the local Murhof Golf Club.
The company
Landhausgasse 10
Grazer Congress
8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +4331683 25 78
Fax: +43 316 83 25 78-13222
Casino Innsbruck
“We look on the almost five million guests we have welcomed over the last 20 years
as a source of great satisfaction and as confirmation of the attraction our venue holds
in the Tyrolean capital.” Kurt Steger, Casino Director
Casino Innsbruck has been a popular destination for l­ ocal
and international guests since it first opened ­­20 years
ago. Situated in the city center at the southern end of
Maria-Theresien-Straße, the casino has even had its own
stop on the #3 tram line – which links all parts of the city
– since 2011.
In addition to its superb gaming mix, the casino’s spacious Casineum multi-purpose function area has provided a
fitting setting for all manner of high profile events since
1997. Some 180 events are held here each year – a colorful potpourri of world-class cabaret shows and concerts,
charity functions, Poker tournaments, lifestyle events and
even radio shows like the Tyrolean Zeitzeugen ­[‘Witnesses
of Our Times’] series. And color literally comes into play
throughout the entire casino on the annual Pink Ribbon
Charity Night in aid of Österreichische Krebshilfe [the
Austrian Cancer Support Society], which has been held at
Casino Innsbruck since 2009. Casino Innsbruck has always
been strongly committed to cultural and social causes.
Over the last five years, casino staff have worked tirelessly
at the city’s annual Christmas market, donating some 140
days of their own time and collecting a total of 80,386.12
euro for the Austrian charity Licht ins Dunkel [literally:
‘Light into Darkness’]. The proceeds of their efforts are
used to support needy families in the region.
A combination of innovative lighting, an international
gaming mix and an attractive event program lend an elegant and modern touch to the typical Tyrolean hospitality on offer at Casino Innsbruck.
Since 2002, Casino Innsbruck has hosted monthly cabaret
nights in the Casineum in cooperation with the Innsbruck
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
cabaret association. Over the years, these performances
have become an established fixture in Innsbruck’s cultural
calendar and continually attract large audiences. Among the
many well-known performers who took to the stage in 2011
were Austrian cabaret artists Mike Supancic and Heilbutt and
Rosen (photo above). A new booking service was also introduced for cabaret fans in 2011: their subscriptions can now
be managed through the Casinos Austria Glücks Card loyalty
scheme, giving them access to all the many other member
Salurner Straße 15
Hilton Hotel
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Phone: +43 512 58 70 40-0
Fax: +43 512 58 70 40-14222
benefits and discounts.
annual report 2011
Casino Kitzbühel
“With its numerous activities during major sporting events, Casino Kitzbühel has made
a name for itself as a major entertainment venue in the heart of the city.”
Hannes Huter, Casino Director
Casino Kitzbühel is the place to meet in downtown Kitzbühel. The modern yet welcoming multi-purpose casino provides a wide range of gaming and entertainment
options over two well-appointed levels. Guests particularly enjoy the intimate ambience and the personal
service they know they will receive at Casino Kitzbühel.
The open plan gaming area and bar are the ideal place to
while away the time and enjoy the action at the tables
over a relaxed drink. From Roulette, Poker and Blackjack to state-of-the-art slot machines, the international
gaming mix offers something for every taste.
Casino Kitzbühel enjoyed a packed calendar of events in
2011. During the 71st Hahnenkamm Race in January,
the casino was the venue of choice for ski enthusiasts
and celebrities. On ‘Racers Night’, skiing stars played
in a charity Poker event for a good cause. In the summer, guests at a special ‘Triathlon Night’ organized to
coincide with the Triathlon World Cup included Olympic Champion Kate Allen and World Champion Alistair
Brownlee. In August, the Casinos Austria Poker Tour
made its first ever stop at Casino Kitzbühel. Other highlights throughout the year included a range of cultural
and culinary events, art exhibitions, clubbing nights,
­receptions, high-profile gaming tournaments, and many
Exciting gaming, the casino’s own ‘hinterstadt24’ restaurant with its well-stocked wine cellar, an elegant bar
and a cozy bistro make a visit to Casino Kitzbühel an
unforgettable experience.
Facts & Figures
The Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT) is Austria’s single
most important tournament series. Last year saw the tour
make its first stop at Casino Kitzbühel. This premiere was a
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
resounding success: from 24 to 28 August, some 200 players battled it out at the tables in the main Texas Hold’em
No Limit event for a total prize money of 148,200 euro. The
highlight of this stop on the CAPT was a ‘triple home win’
for Austria, with Alexander Rettenbacher taking first prize.
The company
Hinterstadt 24
6370 Kitzbühel, Austria
Phone: +43 5356 62300
Fax: +43 5356 62300-222
Casino Kleinwalsertal
“Casino Kleinwalsertal is a leading business in the Kleinwalsertal tourist region
and a major attraction for many international guests.”
Joseph Semler, Casino Director*
The casino in Kleinwalsertal is already something special
simply by virtue of its location. Kleinwalsertal is a leading
Alpine tourist destination that adjoins the German Allgäu
mountain region and is only accessible by road from Germany. Close cooperation with the many hotels in the area
makes Casino Kleinwalsertal a popular attraction not only
for local residents, but also for the many tourists who visit
the region each year.
Guests can start the evening in style with an excellent dinner in the casino’s Gault Millau award-winning ‘kostbar’
restaurant which serves culinary delights of the highest
order. The ‘wandelbar’ multi-purpose function room is the
ideal venue for larger groups or special occasions and demonstrates the casino’s strengths as a professional event
organizer. Situated one floor above, the gaming area offers
all the thrill of popular casino games like Roulette, Blackjack
or Poker as well as a selection of the latest slot machines.
Since 25 December 2011, the slots area at Casino Kleinwalsertal has been open daily from 4 pm, offering great
afternoon entertainment with complimentary drinks and
snacks. Those who wish to round off their evening in style
can take to the dance floor on Fridays, Saturdays and before public holidays in the casino’s own ‘tanzbar’ nightclub.
Casino Kleinwalsertal combines gaming, fun and enjoyment under one roof.
*Bernhard Moosbrugger was appointed director of Casino Kleinwalsertal from 1 January 2012.
Facts & Figures
With the Oberstdorf ski jumping center located just a few
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
kilometers from Casino Kleinwalsertal across the border in
the Allgäu, Alexander Pointner (pictured second from right),
head coach of Austria’s successful ski jumping team, took
the opportunity to visit the casino in October 2011. While
there, he gave a talk on ‘top performance in professional
sport’, providing personal insights into the training program
and success of the ‘Austrian Eagles’ team.
Walserstraße 31
6991 Riezlern, Austria
87567 Riezlern, Germany
Phone (AT): +43 5517 50 23-240
Phone (DE): +49 8329 50 23
Fax (AT): +43 5517 50 23-16 222
annual report 2011
Casino Linz
“After a good year in 2011, we’re looking forward to celebrating the 30th anniversary
of Casino Linz in 2012 with some fantastic events and competitions.”
Josef Kneifl, Casino Director
More than 280,000 visitors in 2011 are testimony to
­Casino Linz’s success in catering both to its regular
guests as well as to event goers and casual visitors looking for a great night out.
With around 120 events throughout the year, demand
was high in 2011 for the venue’s 200 square meter
­Casineum function room. The casino had launched a
series of special party events in 2010, and these were
continued in 2011 by popular demand – with the
‘­Oktoberfest’ and ‘Christmas Party’ proving to be the
party highlights of the year. Indeed, the Christmas Party attracted some 1,561 guests – making it the casino’s
busiest day in 2011.
Casino Linz has every right to be proud of its latest innovation in the live gaming area: Astro Roulette is an
idea that came out of the casino’s own think tank and
was introduced to its gaming floor on 12 March 2011.
The ‘Beat the Pros’ Texas Hold’em Poker tournament
was another gaming highlight and offered regular
­casino guests the chance to try their hand against some
well-known professional players.
In addition to the traditional casino floor games, chess
and popular Austrian card games like ‘Tarock’ [a form
of Tarot] and ‘Schnapsen’ [a variant of Sixty Six] are
also becoming increasingly popular in the Casineum at
­Casino Linz through events like the recent ‘Dreikönigstarock’ [‘Three Kings Tarot’] tournament which attracted almost 400 players.
Facts & Figures
Casino Linz regularly hosts culinary events, including the
annual beer festival, which is always a real highlight. During
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
this event, Austrian journalist and beer pundit Conrad Seidl
presented the latest edition of his Beer Guide, which provides a listing of the best beer pubs in Austria and an overview
of the latest innovations in the beer world. Needless to say,
in addition to recognizing award-winning publicans, the
chance to taste regional beer specialties is a key attraction
– and just one of the reasons why the festival is so popular
with beer enthusiasts from across the whole region.
The company
Rainerstraße 2-4
Schillerpark Hotel
4020 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43 732 65 44 87
Fax: +43 732 65 44 87-17222
Casino Salzburg
“Our wide range of measures to promote events, competitions and Poker have led
to an increase in visitor numbers and revenues at Casino Salzburg.”
Wolfgang Haubenwaller, Casino Director
Captivating gaming in a beautiful baroque setting with
international flair awaits visitors to Casino Salzburg.
Klessheim Palace is the perfect location for a casino and
reflects the importance of the link between art and gaming that is enshrined in Casinos Austria corporate philosophy.
Casino Salzburg introduced a range of new guest loyalty
measures in 2011. New promotions offering guests the
chance to win great prizes (such as 3,000 euro in cash or
motorway toll stickers) contributed to a growth in both
visitor numbers and gaming revenues. The casino also
increased its emphasis on partnerships, for example by
organizing two live bingo events in collaboration with
Austrian Lotteries or offering casino vouchers as prizes
on the internet platform Casino Salzburg
is also a sponsor of the ‘Krone Fußball Gala’, the Salzburg
Open Wheelchair Tennis Tournament, the 2011 Fistball
World Championship and the ‘Integrations-Fußball-WM’
– a football ‘world cup’ for migrants living in Austria.
Poker was also high on the agenda in 2011, with Casino
Salzburg hosting more than 120 tournaments with buyins ranging from 35 to 2,000 euro. Highlights included
the Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT) in April, the Salzburg Poker Triathlon in June and the Advent Poker Masters in December.
Redesigned in 2010, the casino bar and ‘Westterrasse’
patio restaurant were a big attraction in 2011, with the
al fresco evening dining and Mediterranean flair proving
particularly popular with guests in the summer months.
Facts & Figures
On 21 June 2011, Casino Salzburg welcomed the participants in the Salzburg Integrations-Fußball-WM to Kless­
heim Palace for the tournament draw ceremony. This
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
annual football tournament brings together a total of 1,300
participants in some 60 national teams – all made up of
migrants living in Austria. Casinos Austria and tipp3 have
been the official partners of the tournament since 2009. Its
co-organizer, the integration association ‘Sport spricht alle
Sprachen’ [‘Sport Speaks all Languages’], was recognized
with a special prize at the Österreichischer Integrationspreis [Austrian Integration Award] ceremony in June 2011.
Klessheim Palace
5071 Wals-Siezenheim, Austria
Phone: +43 662 854455-0
Fax: +43 662 854455-222
annual report 2011
Casino Seefeld
“Former tennis star Boris Becker played in the Casinos Austria Poker Tour in Seefeld in
January 2011. Yet another sign of the excellent reputation our Alpine casino enjoys in the
international Poker scene.” Ernst Hubmann, Casino Director
With its homely, rustic ambience, Casino Seefeld has
a special charm all of its own. The relaxed atmos­phere
and unique combination of South Tyrolean rural baroque elements, hand crafted curiosities and distinctive
wood ­paneling are admired by guests from home and abroad alike. And the elegant glass walls used to divide the
­gaming area form the perfect complement to the venue’s
traditional architecture and design. Guests enjoy a range
of culinary delights at the welcoming bar in the gaming
area and in the exclusive restaurant and lounge bar on the
ground floor. Tourism in the region focuses to a large extent on visitors from Germany and Italy, and most of the
guests at Casino Seefeld also hail from these countries.
Casino Seefeld is often referred to as ‘Europe’s Poker
stronghold’ and did real justice to this name in 2011
with various high-profile events throughout the year,
including the Casinos Austria Poker Tour (CAPT), Poker
Masters, Mountain Poker Party and High Roller Week. In
December, the Baccarat World Championship was held at
Casino Seefeld for the 13th time, attracting players from
all over Europe, America and Asia to the picturesque
­Alpine town.
At the beginning of the year, a lucky guest from Milan
won an amazing 220,000 at the Blackjack table – the
highest ever win in a card game in the casino’s 40-year
Facts & Figures
Baccarat – or punto banco – is a centuries-old card game,
where the objective is to predict whose hand, the banker‘s
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
(banco) or the player‘s (punto), will be closest to the value of
nine after two or a maximum of three cards have been dealt.
Casino Seefeld is the host venue of the annual Baccarat
Challenge series, which is held on several dates throughout
the year and culminates in the Baccarat World Championship
each December. In 2011, the captivating final round featured
a German/Italian duel for the title, with a player from Munich
ultimately emerging victorious to take home the coveted
trophy and a cash prize of 10,000 euro.
The company
Bahnhofstraße 124
Karwendelhof Hotel
6100 Seefeld, Austria
Phone: +43 5212 2340
Fax: +43 5212 2340-222
Casino Velden
“The international trend towards combining gaming, entertainment and dining follows a
strategy that has been successfully in place at Casino Velden for many years.”
Othmar Resch, Casino Director
Casino Velden is renowned for its vibrant lakeside
­setting, great gaming, superb entertainment and excellent cuisine. In October 2011, the casino restaurant was
awarded an impressive two Gault Millau toques. And
with award-winning chef Marcel J. Vanic heading up the
­kitchen, every event at Casino Velden is guaranteed to be
a culinary success.
Casino Velden is also home to a modern convention
c­ enter that offers 1,150 square meters of premium space
for conferences, congresses, gala events, art exhibitions,
and much more. Floor-to-ceiling windows in the Casineum afford wonderful views over Lake Wörth, while
retractable walls open up the 270 square meter function
room to the gaming area and foyer. Events with a local
theme are always popular with guests, and some 1,280
visitors flocked to the casino in March to celebrate the
feast of St. Josef – the patron saint of Carinthia – including 32 birthday girls and boys and 159 men named
Josef! ­Casino Velden has also become a venue of choice
for dance functions, with three new events added to its
calendar in 2011 – the ‘Alpe-Adria Equestrian Ball’, the
‘Knopferlball’ (a celebration of Carinthian national dress)
and the clubbing event ‘Cinderella Dances’.
In summer, the Casinos Austria Poker Tour comes to
­Velden, attracting Poker enthusiasts from all over the
world to the lakeside tourist resort. In 2011 the event set
a number of new records: some 1,000 Poker players from
over 30 countries with a combined 1,400+ tournaments
under their belts flocked to Casino Velden to match their
skills for a total prize money in excess of 1 million euro.
Facts & Figures
In mid-September, Casino Velden played host to a cinematic
highlight of the highest order: the world premiere of the
film adaptation of Udo Jürgens’ autobiographical novel
‘The Man with the Bassoon’. The singer and composer was,
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
of course, in the audience to enjoy the gala event in person
and was clearly delighted with the performance of leading
man David Rott. Along with the members of the cast, many
prominent figures also travelled to Velden to witness this
momentous film event, including Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and ORF Director Alexander Wrabetz. Casino
Velden proved to be the perfect setting to bring Carinthia’s
famous son to life on the big screen.
Am Corso 17
9220 Velden, Austria
Phone: +43 4274 2064
Fax: +43 4274 2064-20222
annual report 2011
Casino Wien
“In recent years, we have succeeded in enhancing our image and are now seen not only
as a traditional gaming casino, but also as a stylish venue for casual casino goers
and a fun place to be.” Reinhard Deiring, Casino Director
Casino Wien can look back on a 50-year history in which
much has changed, yet many proven practices have also
remained the same! The casino has been located in the
stylish surrounds of the magnificent Palais Esterházy on
the Kärntner Straße in downtown Vienna since 1969.
Visitors to Casino Wien now enjoy superb entertainment on three different levels: the relaxed atmosphere
of the ‘Jackpot Café’ on the ground floor, the elegant,
classic casino on the first floor and the modern Poker
lounge on the second floor. The historic rooms in the
palais might have been carefully extended in recent
years and equipped with the latest technology, but they
still retain all their original charm. The classic gaming
area on the first floor has a very special ambience that
invites you to sit back, relax and linger a while and is
also home to the Fuchs Room, a particularly impressive
artistic masterpiece.
But it is not just the rooms which have been extended
over the past 50 years; the casino’s gaming mix has also
grown exponentially since its early days and now offers
guests a huge variety of choice. Although the casino
does now offers automatic roulette machines powered
with compressed air, it also still remains true to its elegant roots and features several classic American Roulette and two French Roulette tables. Its modern ‘Cercle
Bar’ is elegantly integrated into the gaming area and is
the ideal spot to take in the action at the tables over a
relaxing drink.
Facts & Figures
21 April 2011 was a memorable date for Casino Wien, since it
marked the casino’s 50th anniversary. True to form, the casino
hosted a huge ‘back to the 60s’ theme party to celebrate the
occasion. Revisiting 1961, an ‘Elvis Presley’ lookalike – com-
Employees (FTE)
Revenues (in euro)
plete with guitar and military uniform – and several ‘Marilyn
Monroes’ were all to be seen at the event. Casino Wien has
been located in its current venue since 1969 and can look
back fondly on an impressive history. Over the last 50 years,
it has welcomed around 13 million guests and – in spite of a
number of major refurbishments – has always succeeded in
retaining its historic, stylish ambience.
The company
Kärntner Straße 41
Palais Esterházy
1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 5124836
Fax: +43 1 5124836-21222
Casinos Austria International
Casinos Austria International (CAI) is a key player in the international gaming
industry and has earned itself a global reputation for its innovative casino,
gaming and entertainment concepts.
Casinos Austria International’s expertise ranges from the
evaluation, planning, building and operation of classic
­casino venues through to the development of modern entertainment center concepts in which the casino product
fits harmoniously into a wider range of entertainment services such as bars, restaurants, events and concerts. Each
such product is carefully designed and crafted to meet the
needs of its own particular market.
CAI also works closely with Casinos Austria AG, Austrian
Lotteries and the other companies in the Casinos Austria
Group to develop new and innovative products for the
g­ aming industry, thereby ensuring the group remains in a
position to benefit internationally from future regulatory
developments, for example, in the online gaming sector.
This broad portfolio of development, consulting and
management services has allowed CAI to realize more
licensed gaming projects in more jurisdictions than any
other company in the industry since it was founded in
1977. CAI and its local partners currently operate 60 gaming venues in 18 countries or on board five luxury cruise
ships in the Silversea Cruises fleet.
annual report 2011
1 Spielbank Hannover in RP5
2 – 4 Corinthian Club, Glasgow
5 – 6 Grand Casino Brussels @ Viage
The company
2011 at a glance
2011 was a year of changes and new beginnings at ­Casinos
Austria International. The company had launched an extensive investment program in Europe, financed using
corporate bonds, prior to the onset of the financial, credit and sovereign debt crisis. New casinos were opened in
Brussels, Hanover, Belgrade and Glasgow, while a partnership was established to set up a chain of video lottery
terminals (VLT) outlets in Italy.
This expansion program had already left its mark on CAI’s
financial results in 2010. CAI had previously always made
a positive contribution to the Casinos Austria Group’s
consolidated results. However, the untimely coinciding
of its investment and expansion program with the global
economic crisis led to CAI reporting a loss for the first
time in its 33-year history.
In May 2011, the members of the Casinos Austria International Management Board tendered their resignation.
The Management Board of Casinos Austria AG under the
direction of Chairman Karl Stoss was appointed to the
task of continuing operations at CAI.
An exhaustive analysis and audit of all CAI operations immediately followed. This resulted in a stringent austerity
program not only at head office in Vienna, but also at all
CAI operations around the globe. It also brought about
a paradigm shift in company strategy. New markets and
growth opportunities will now be sought primarily in
South America and Asia rather than in Europe. At its existing venues, CAI will return to concentrating on its core
business – gaming – while at the same time building on
partnerships with local providers for catering and entertainment services.
While this strategy change should bring about an economic turnaround by 2013, Casinos Austria International
still reported a loss in the 2011 reporting year.
Global trends in the gaming industry in 2011
On the whole, 2011 was another challenging year for
the gaming industry. While developments at the local
level varied, two global trends prevailed.
Firstly, the availability and accessibility of gaming products and services – both online and offline – continued to grow worldwide. Global gaming industry revenues also grew in 2011. Yet, at the same time, revenues
annual report 2011
stagnated in the classic casino sector, particularly in
Europe. In recent years, measures such as smoking
bans, stricter entry controls and new regulations to
combat money laundering have made the business environment increasingly difficult for the operators of
traditional casinos – and for licensed casino operators
in particular. This situation was aggravated in 2011
by the growing competition from the proliferation of
legal and illegal slot parlors and the increase in illegal
cross-border online gaming products.
The second trend that became apparent was increasing
regulatory pressure. The European Union, the United
States and other individual countries are all trying to
overcome illegal cross-border online gaming. Capital
outflow and the corresponding loss of tax revenues
are as much a consideration in these efforts as player
Casinos Austria International actively embraces and
addresses these challenges. In Europe, both CAI and
its parent company Casinos Austria AG are strongly committed to the European Casino Association’s
(ECA) attempts to make the interests of the industry
heard. The ECA represents the interests of Europe’s
licensed casino operators, and Casinos Austria di­ ietmar Hoscher has been a member of the
rector D
association’s board since September 2011. A comprehensive restructuring program has also allowed
CAI to focus on its core strengths: the planning, organization and management of gaming operations.
The company
In gaming revenue terms, this has already enabled
the company to once again post gains and improved
­results in its European operations.
Despite the difficult market conditions, CAI succeeded
in raising its consolidated total revenues for 2011 to
230.6 million euro, an increase of 5.8 per cent compared to 2010.
At the end of 2011, CAI and its partners together operated a total of 60 gaming operations in 18 countries.
These included 15 slot parlors, 3 VLT outlets in ­Italy,
­­5 casinos on board luxury cruise ships as well as a
­lottery in the Argentinean Province of Salta.
Casinos Austria International publishes financial reports in the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank’s (OeKB)
Issuer Information Centre. The 2011 report will be
available for download at
startpage.html by the end of April 2012.
1 – 2 Reef Hotel Casino
3 Great Blue Heron Charity Casino
4 Grand Casino Bern
5 CAI Management Board with the European Operator
of the Year award 2012
CAI named European Casino Operator
of the Year again
Casinos Austria International was named ‘Casino
Operator of the Year Europe’ in both 2011 and 2012
at the International Gaming Awards – the ‘Oscars of
the gaming industry’ which are held every January in
London. This makes CAI the only company to have
received an award every year since the International
­Gaming Awards were launched in 2008. The company
was voted European Operator of the Year four times
(2008, 2009, 2011, 2012) and Socially Responsible
Operator of the Year in 2010.
Outlook 2012
Current economic and regulatory developments in
Europe mean that maintaining profitability is now
more important than ever for each individual casino.
Accordingly, CAI will continue to review its portfolio
of operations and work with local management to introduce further appropriate revenue-enhancing measures. While a slight recovery is evident, CAI expects the
situation in the European entertainment industry to
remain difficult and anticipates continued consumer
spending restraint throughout 2012.
The remaining 134 million euro of the first CAI corporate bond will be repaid in April 2012.
Potential expansion opportunities have been identified in particular in Asia and South America. In 2011,
CAI succeeded in concluding a management contract
for a high-class casino in Vietnam. Additional projects
in these locations are also under negotiation.
annual report 2011
Austrian Lotteries
A year of lottery superlatives: important anniversaries, new records,
many millionaires and the lottery license re-secured for a further 15 years.
For Austrian Lotteries, 2011 was a year marked by good
omens. In September, the company celebrated ­25 ­years
of the numbers lottery Lotto ‘6 aus 45’ and its own
25th anniversary at the same time. On 10 October, it
re-­secured the Austrian lottery license for a further
15 ­years following an international tender procedure.
And the financial results in this anniversary year also
gave cause for celebration, with Austrian Lotteries raising its already high 2010 sales revenues by 9.73 per
cent to 2.9 billion euro.
This disproportionately high growth can be attributed
to product policy measures already introduced by the
end of 2010 for Lotto ‘6 aus 45’ as well as the introduction of the new Tuesday EuroMillions game from ­­10 May
2011. There were also significantly more jackpots paid
out in 2011, including a quintuple rollover Lotto jackpot
and a €185 million EuroMillions ‘Europot’. These developments in turn had a positive impact on sales of the
­Joker product, which also contributed significantly to
the increase in total sales.
Sales of the Rubbellos scratch-off tickets grew by 5.82
per cent following modifications to the product. This
was a key factor in the good showing of the instant
and passive range as a whole, compensating largely for
the reduced sales in other instant and passive lottery
Total electronic lotteries (including Poker rake) ­sales
were up 3.12 per cent year-on-year. This positive
­development can be primarily attributed to a number of
successful product launches. Business also continues to
progress well at the individual WINWIN outlets.
Total prize money of 2.12 billion euro was paid out to lottery customers. 278 customers each won 100,000 euro
or more in Austrian Lotteries games. Indeed, 50 of them
even became millionaires, breaking the previous record
set in 2002. The highest payout of the year went to a
EuroMillions ticket holder from Upper Austria, who
hit the ‘Europot’ along with two Belgians at the end of
September and received some 16.2 million euro for his
­­‘5 plus 2’ correct numbers.
The company
459.21 million euro in tax payments in 2011
Austrian Lotteries made total tax payments amounting
to 459.21 million euro in the reporting year; this includes gaming-related, income and other taxes and duties.
Since it was founded in 1986, the company has paid
more than 8.49 billion euro in taxes to the Republic of
80 million euro for sport
Austrian Lotteries is arguably the most important sponsor of Austrian sport. Sports sponsorship is a socio-­
political mandate that Austrian Lotteries has enjoyed
and embraced since 1986. Over the past 25 years, the
company has paid a total of 989.2 million euro into
the Besondere Bundes-Sportförderung [special federal
sports fund]. Austrian sport received 80 million euro
from Austrian Lotteries in 2011, making the company’s
contribution the most important source of sport financing in the country.
Total Sales in 2011 by Game
Lotto ‘6 aus 45’
Toto and Torwette*
Zahlenlotto 1–90
win2day and Keno
win2day Poker
in euro
of total
Lotto ‘6 aus 45’
Lotto ‘6 aus 45’ sales amounted to 654.94 million euro
last year, an increase of 12.53 per cent compared to
the previous year. The attractive improvements to the
­Lotto ‘6 aus 45’ product in 2010 were received very
­positively by lottery customers. The guaranteed payout
of ­1 ­million euro in the ‘six number prize tier, the increase in the odds of winning by a factor of three, and the
increase in the number of prize tiers from five to eight
led to a positive development in Lotto sales. Furthermore, the four fewer single rollover jackpots were compensated for by two triple, four quadruple and one quintuple rollover jackpots more than in the previous year.
* Including Extra Toto and Extra Torwette
Austrian Lotteries in Figures
in millions euro
Total tax payments
Gaming-related taxes and duties
Sports funding
Income from ordinary
activities (POA)
Annual income
Retained earnings
(annual average full-time equivalent)
Distribution network
Lotto/Toto retail outlets
Rubbellos and Brieflos
points of sale
Toto and Torwette
The Toto football pool (incl. ‘Extra Toto’) and ‘Torwette’
goal bet (incl. ‘Extra Torwette’) products generated sales
of 11.25 million euro in 2011. The decline in Toto s­ ales
can be attributed to the decline in ‘Extra Toto’ sales,
since product measures introduced for the FIFA World
Cup in 2010 could not be repeated in 2011. There was
also one fewer six times rollover and one fewer seven
times rollover jackpot compared to the previous year.
annual report 2011
Bingo continued to remain popular among its fans in
2011 and posted sales of 11.52 million euro, thus maintaining the level of the preceding year.
The odds of winning the EuroMillions lottery have been
greater on not one, but two counts since 10 May 2011
­following the launch of the new Tuesday EuroMillions
game and the introduction of an additional prize tier and
new ‘match 5 main and 2 Lucky Stars’ formula. The 65.86
per cent increase in sales can be attributed primarily to
these successful changes, and the new Tuesday game is
already established with customers. The above average
development in the level of the ‘Europot’ also contributed
greatly to this rise. Sales of the EuroMillions product in
Austria amounted to 299.31 million euro in 2011.
The very positive showing by the Lotto ‘6 aus 45’ and
EuroMillions products resulted in a 9.09 per cent decrease in sales for the daily numbers lottery ToiToiToi
which is run each week Monday to Saturday. ToiToiToi
sales for 2011 amounted to 16.53 million euro.
Zahlenlotto 1–90
With three draws each week (on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays), the Zahlenlotto 1-90 numbers lotto
posted sales of 3.80 million euro in the reporting year.
The company
Joker product sales reflected the positive development
in sales for the core Lotto ‘6 aus 45’ and EuroMillions
products. Joker sales rose to 191.36 million euro in
2011, an increase of 10.18 per cent compared to the
previous year.
In 2011, the Rubbellos scratch-off tickets ‘Ein Leben
Lang’ [Win for Life], ‘Schatztruhe’ [Treasure Chest],
‘Cash’ and ‘Super Cash’ were updated and now feature
more chances to win one of the main prizes. These
are some of the longest-running and most popular
scratch-off products sold by Austrian Lotteries. The
product changes resulted in scratch-off ticket sales of
125.56 million euro in 2011, an increase of 5.82 per cent
In 2011, the Brieflos break-open ticket products generated sales of 26.24 million euro, thus remaining almost at
the same level as the previous year.
The Austrian Klassenlotterie class lottery generated
­sales of 31.77 million euro in 2011.
Lotto and Joker in Baschkortostan
Austrian Lotteries continued its endeavor in the
­Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011. Numerous additional draws served to further raise the popularity of
and demand for country’s Lotto and Joker products.
The ­sales network at Ural Loto, a wholly owned subsidiary of Russisch Österreichische Lotterien Holding
Gesellschaft m.b.H., was also continuously expanded
and optimized throughout the year. Lotto and Joker
tickets can now be purchased at some 1,600 sales outlets across Bashkortostan. The excellent positioning
and acceptance of these lottery products in the Bashkir
market is also reflected in the positive results for Ural
Loto in 2011.
win2day and WINWIN
Operated as joint ventures with Casinos Austria, the
win2day online gaming platform posted an increase in
sales (electronic lotteries plus Poker rake) of 3.12 per
cent in 2011, while WINWIN generated sales of 396.4
million euro at its 12 video lottery terminals outlets,
thus also contributing to the positive results for the reporting year at Austrian Lotteries. Both companies are
subsidiaries of Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H. in which Austrian Lotteries and Casinos Austria each hold a 50 per cent stake.
annual report 2011
From internet to smartphone – win2day provides online gaming fun and entertainment
for all target groups. Its portfolio of products extends from classic casino games, dedi­
cated Poker, games and bingo rooms through to a choice of traditional lottery games.
Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries operate the win2day gaming platform via a joint subsidiary company.
win2day not only provides the gaming technology behind this popular online and mobile gaming platform,
it also serves as the umbrella brand for the gaming products and information on the site. Users access all games
and information on the win2day site under a common
brand identity, regardless of data transfer medium or
communication device.
In 2011, the range of casino games on offer on the win2day site was expanded to include ‘Joker Five’ (­video
poker), ‘Sunny Money’ (slot game), ‘The Legend of
Olympus’ (slot game), ‘Ocean Gold’ (slot game), ‘FarmWin’ (slot game), ‘Multiplayer Grand Blackjack’ (table
game) and ‘Crazy Poker’ (video poker). The mini-games
­‘Magic Money’, ‘Wild Fruits’ and ‘Joker Five’ were ­added
to the Bingo Room. Blackjack was also added to the
­‘MiniCasino’ section of the casino games. A browserbased version of the ‘Robbie Rich’ slot game was developed for the iPhone and Android platform. ‘Robbie Rich’
is now available not only for download, but can also be
played directly via
A direct link between the online Poker Room and
offline events organized by Casinos Austria was also
successfully implemented in 2011. For example, satellite qualification tournaments for the Casinos Austria
­Poker Tour (CAPT) were accessible to players in the
win2day Poker Room. The CAPT 2011 began at Casino
Seefeld and took the form of seven one-week tournaments each played in a different casino. From the win2day perspective, the highlight of the season actually
came at the first event, when Andreas Griesser became the first win2day ­qualifier to win an offline CAPT
event. In addition to the first prize of 89,110 euro,
he also took home the special win2day bonus prize of
10,000 euro.
win2day Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.
was founded in 2004 and is a subsidiary of Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft
m.b.H., in which Austrian Lotteries and Casinos Austria
each hold a 50 per cent stake. Its object of business is
the development and operation of electronic lotteries,
which are offered via the win2day platform.
The company
In 2011, win2day Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. generated sales of 1.13 billion euro (2010:
1.07 billion euro) as well as a Poker rake of 5.77 million
euro (2010: 6.34 million euro). At the end of December
2011, win2day had approximately 585,500 registered
users – a new record. 2011 also saw the site’s highest ‘€€€’
slot jackpot payout, when a user won over 160,000 euro
in early June.
From ‘Ace Poker’ to ‘Zero Game’, from American R
­ oulette
to ‘Zahlenlotto’ – win2day offers online gaming entertainment from A to Z and cleverly combines its casino
games, Games Room, Poker Room, Bingo Room and
­virtual Lotto/Toto sales outlet in a single gaming platform. From internet to smartphones, win2day provides
great online gaming for every taste and connection.
1 The Bingo Room on win2day
2 Lotto ‚Quicktipp‘ Shaker
annual report 2011
Video Lottery Terminals
The WINWIN VLT outlets offer a great combination of gaming, entertainment
and dining and thus appeal to leisure-minded, active people who enjoy
going out and having fun.
What began back in 2004 with three VLT outlets has
now developed into an ideal addition to a region’s leisure and tourist attractions. VLT stands for video lottery terminal, a gaming machine which at first glance
looks similar to a classic slot machine. But that’s where the similarity ends – VLTs differ significantly from
conventional slot machines in their technology and
gaming mechanics.
The WINWIN VLT outlets in Austria are run by ­Glücksund Unterhaltungsspiel Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., ­a
subsidiary company of Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H., in which Casinos
Austria and Austrian Lotteries each hold a 50 per cent
stake. As an Austrian Lotteries distribution partner,
the company offers electronic lotteries in the form of
VLTs in the name and on behalf of Austrian Lotteries
under the WINWIN brand. Video lottery terminals are
classed as electronic lotteries, which are defined in
Section 12a of the Austrian Gaming Act as “draws in
which the player participates directly using electronic
The win/lose decision on a video lottery terminal is
determined by a central computer. All WINWIN VLTs
are connected to the Austrian Lotteries data center. A
complex network equipped with state-of-the-art security systems and standards guarantees secure gaming
entertainment of the highest order. A central random
generator decides – based on fixed odds and payout
­rates approved by the Federal Ministry of Finance – on
wins and losses for all VLTs. In the case of conventional slot machines, this decision is made independently
within the actual machine itself.
In 2011, WINWIN operated 12 outlets across Austria,
each featuring between 49 and 150 VLTs with up to
60 different games. True to the motto ‘WINWIN – it’s
all in!’, these outlets are all similar in size (450-650
square meters), have an appealing, trendy design and
combine great gaming fun with bistro-style dining. Admission is free, and guests can enjoy a fun evening in
a relaxed setting without having to spend a fortune:
the dress code is casual (no suit or tie is required), and
the food and drinks served are at moderate prices.
With stakes starting at only one cent and maximum
The company
­ innings of 25,000 euro, a WINWIN outlet is a great
legal alternative to slot parlors, border casinos and illegal gaming facilities. WINWIN outlets are open 364
days a year (closed 24 December) from the afternoon
until after midnight. Access is restricted to adults aged
18 or over.
In 2011, WINWIN generated sales of 396.40 million
euro, falling just short of the high sales figures posted
in the previous year by 0.87 per cent due to the fact
that only 11 of its 12 outlets were operational during
the first quarter of the year.
The 12 WINWIN Locations in Austria in 2011
Lower Austria
Wienergasse 3, 2460 Bruck/Leitha
Racinoplatz 1 (in the Magna Racino), 2483 Ebreichsdorf
Dinstlstraße 3, 3500 Krems
Upper Austria
Unterer Stadtplatz 3, 4780 Schärding
Grünmarkt 17, 4400 Steyr
Stadtplatz 21, 4840 Vöcklabruck
Kaiser-Josef-Platz 8, 4600 Wels
Seegasse 5 (in the pedestrian zone), 5700 Zell am See
Feldgasse 12, 6330 Kufstein
Malserstraße 25, 6500 Landeck
Bozenerplatz (opposite the railway station), 9900 Lienz
Am Marienbrunnen 346, 6290 Mayrhofen
1 WINWIN gaming
2 WINWIN bistro
annual report 2011
Well-coordinated communication measures and a broad portfolio of attractive betting
offers allowed tipp3 to win and retain new target groups and further raise its profile.
The good results posted by Österreichische Sportwetten Gesellschaft m.b.H. (tipp3), which operates in the
highly competitive betting sector, owe much to the extensive publicity that comes with its sponsorship of the
Austrian football league (‘tipp3-Bundesliga powered
by T-Mobile’). tipp3 celebrated its 10th anniversary in
2011, and the company used the occasion to launch its
new corporate website,, which provides a
comprehensive overview of its business activities along
with a number of up-to-date features like video clips and
a corporate blog. A further highlight of the year was the
new tipp3 advertising campaign under the motto ‘Wer
tippt, sieht Spiele anders’ [‘You see sports differently
when you bet’].
of betting in organized sport is a complex, multifaceted
and, above all, highly topical issue. This conference provided all present with an ideal forum to discuss potential solutions and means of prevention.
2011 was dominated by preparations for a comprehensive product relaunch at tipp3, which was implemented
in February 2012. The changes center on providing a
broader and improved range of products with a new look
that appeals to novice, advanced and professional players alike. The online betting section of the
website was also given a new look and feel and extended
to include live betting.
tipp3 and Österreichische Sportwetten Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Österreichische Sportwetten Gesellschaft m.b.H. was
founded in April 2000 and launched its gaming operations under the tipp3 brand on 24 August 2001. The
company is a subsidiary of Entertainment Glücksund Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H. (56 per
cent), Mediaprint Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenverlag
Ges.m.b.H. & Co. KG (26 per cent) and Bundesländerverlage Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (18 per cent).
Casinos Austria AG and Austrian Lotteries each hold a
50 per cent share in Entertainment Glücks- und Unterhaltungsspiel Gesellschaft m.b.H.
The long-standing, successful partnership with the
Bundesliga – the Austrian premier football league –
promoted with the slogan ‘tipp3-Bundesliga powered
by T
­ -Mobile’ since July 2008, will be continued in the
coming years. The main sponsorship contract with the
Bundesliga has been renewed for a further three years.
The launch of the Better Game Solutions (BGS) brand
opens up new opportunities for tipp3 in the sports betting sector. The company is now also targeting the business-to-business (B2B) market with an extensive range
of sports betting products. BGS is the solution provider
for all betting products in the Casinos Austria / Austrian
Lotteries Group.
In cooperation with the Austrian Federal Sports Organization [Bundes-Sportorganisation], tipp3 organized
a conference on the theme of ‘Integrity and Sport –
Answers to the Problem of Betting Manipulation’ at the
European Parliament in Brussels in May 2011, which
was attended by many MEPs, international sport federation representatives and lobbyists. The manipulation
The company
The intercultural football project ‘FairPlay. Different
Colors. One Game.’ capitalizes on the fact that no other
sport has such unifying potential as football. tipp3
­supports this project via the ‘FairPlay Project Pool’,
which was formed in 2009 and has subsequently organized more than 50 football events to oppose racism,
discrimination and the exclusion of minorities. This
support offers a clear demonstration of the company’s
strong commitment to integration and diversity.
Based in Austria
tipp3 is regarded as the Austrian sports betting company. Based in Austria, tipp3 offers its products exclusively in its home market. tipp3 holds licenses to operate
sports betting in all nine provinces of Austria. Bets can
only be placed within the country’s borders, and all advertising and promotion activities are carried out only
in Austria. Thus, 100 per cent of the value created by the
company also remains within Austria.
1 tipp3-Bundesliga powered by T-Mobile
2 tipp3 ambassadors, Adi & Edi
3 BGS sales channels
4 tipp3 football
annual report 2011
A total of four Gault Millau toques are only one of the many ingredients that set
the cuisine in our casinos apart. We clearly have the right recipe:
dedicated and innovative kitchen crews, who use regional produce
to create culinary delights with a local flavor.
Annual report 2011
People dress up to go to a casino. This is true not only for our guests,
but for our employees as well. Because a glamorous evening needs a fitting setting,
good food and impeccable service in equal measure.
Annual report 2011
Every night – 364 days a year – they take to the floor to do their rounds.
Our technical service staff are always on hand to ensure that the sophisticated
and complex hardware in our slot machines keeps turning smoothly
and delivers pure and unadulterated gaming fun.
Annual report 2011
Chips are hard currency and are therefore stored under lock and key. Some things are
certain in our casinos: the chips will be delivered safely to the gaming tables,
and our guests will always receive their winnings. Reliable, reputable and
responsible gaming is our first priority.
Annual report 2011
The Fiscal Year 2011
Revenues and
In 2011, the operating result for Casinos Austria’s domestic casino business
increased by a factor of almost 10 compared to the previous year. Guest numbers
in the Austrian casinos were also maintained at their high level.
A large-scale restructuring program had returned the
company to profit in 2010 after several years in the red,
with an operating result of +1.9 million euro. In 2011,
the company succeeded in increasing this very satisfying
figure by a factor of almost 10. Revenues of 270 million
euro (+4.47 per cent) generated an operating result of
+18.9 million euro. Casinos Austria welcomed 2.36 million guests in its 12 Austrian casinos throughout the year.
Guests 2011
1 Wien
2 Bregenz
3 Baden
4 Linz
5 Velden
6 Innsbruck
7 Salzburg
8 Graz
9 Seefeld
10 Kitzbühel
11 Kleinwalsertal
12 Bad Gastein
% Change
compared to 2010
Sales 2011
1 Bregenz
2 Wien
3 Innsbruck
4 Velden
5 Linz
6 Baden
7 Salzburg
8 Seefeld
9 Graz
10 Kitzbühel
11 Kleinwalsertal
12 Bad Gastein
Game offer by 31/12/2011
in euro
% Change
compared to 2010
Gaming tables
French Roulette
American Roulette
Black Jack
Punto Banco
Red Dog
Tropical Poker
Easy Poker
Easy Hold’em
Astro Roulette
Live play-area
Slot machines
Corporate Social
Casinos Austria interprets sustainability to mean responsibility to society ­
and the environment as well as managing the company towards financial success.
Casinos Austria is fully aware of the responsibility that
comes with its particular position and the sensitivity of
the services it offers – and is willing to act accordingly. At
a time when the company is affected by the national and
international debate surrounding the organization of the
gaming industry, it seems particularly important to set a
clear example with regard to corporate social responsibility. As a good citizen, Casinos Austria increasingly seeks
to cooperate and enter into open dialogue with its stakeholders. Traditional corporate social responsibility (CSR)
issues, such as long-term respect for the environment
and employees and the acknowledgement of social responsibility, as well as specific issues related to the gaming
business, such as money laundering, player protection
and responsible gaming, are all gaining public and media
interest. Casinos Austria enjoys a high level of credibility
in all these aspects.
The UNGC is the world’s largest corporate ­social responsibility and sustainable development initiative. With
more than 6,000 member companies, it is also now the
world’s largest CSR network. The company also became a
member of Transparency International’s Austrian Chapter in the same year.
Since it is important to a company’s CSR culture to involve – or at least inform - as many employees as possible in
or about a CSR project, Casinos Austria has more recently
placed increasing emphasis on such involvement. A number of its employees now, for example, volunteer to cook
regularly at a homeless shelter [‘Gruft’] run by Caritas in
Accordingly, while CSR at Casinos Austria means far
more than just responsible gaming, which is a prerequisite for any gaming company, over-compliance with the
corresponding statutory provisions is, of course, also one
of its CSR priorities. With mandatory training for all employees in its operations, guests who may be at risk are
proactively approached before they can develop a pathological gambling problem.
In 2006, Casinos Austria was the first gaming company
in Europe to publish a CSR report and in so doing consciously assumed a pioneering role. The sixth edition of
this report will be released in the first half of 2012. With
this publication, Casinos Austria demonstrates transparency and openness and consciously embraces the public
debate. A dedicated CSR department is responsible for
the development and implementation of CSR projects
throughout the group.
In 2008, Casinos Austria became a member of respACT,
Austria’s most important promoter of CSR. In 2012, the
Casinos Austria Group will host the TRIGOS Gala - the
most important CSR event in Austria - in its ‘Studio 44’
event venue for the fourth time.
Casinos Austria has been a member of the United Nations
Global Compact (UNGC) since 2011 and is thus committed to upholding the 10 principles of the Global Compact.
Annual report 2011
Responsible Gaming
Player protection and a responsible approach to gaming are an integral part of C
­ asinos
Austria’s corporate culture and firmly rooted in the company’s history. A visit to a
casino should be an exciting experience that combines safe gaming in a fun environment.
For Casinos Austria, perfect customer service extends
beyond the actual visit to a casino. The level of player
protection that sets Casinos Austria apart and ensures
its guests enjoy gaming without a bitter aftertaste starts
the moment a guest registers in the lobby. Responsible
gaming is not just an unambiguous mandate delivered
by the national regulatory authorities: player protection
and a responsible approach to gaming are an integral
part of Casinos Austria’s corporate culture and firmly
rooted in the company’s history. Responsible gaming
is also fundamental to business in its affiliated companies Austrian Lotteries, Casinos Austria International,
­win2day, WINWIN and tipp3.
Casinos Austria provides regular and thorough training
for its employees to ensure they are able to recognize
tell-tale gaming behavior. The company is fully aware
and acknowledges that gaming can be a problem for
some people and may have negative consequences. Its
staff training is complemented by appropriate security
systems which allow a permanent monitoring of gaming
activities and behavior. Needless to say, this monitoring
is carried out discretely and in an unobtrusive manner,
to avoid people having the impression that they are
being continuously watched. However, the transaction
is recorded as soon as any money is exchanged. If the
frequency of such transactions, the amounts involved,
or a combination of the two raise cause for concern, a
trained member of staff will initially broach the matter
with the guest and work with them to find a solution.
This might involve, for example, a ban, a stake limit or a
restriction in the number of visits a guest may make in
a given period.
Since young people are a particularly vulnerable group,
they are not only denied access to gaming, they are
also prevented from coming into close proximity with
­gaming through stringent entry controls.
Staff participated with great interest in the 2011 Responsible Gaming Training Offensive held in all Austrian casinos. The company’s responsible gaming experts
provided comprehensive information about the latest
research in the field of gambling addiction, while local
counseling centers were invited to give presentations.
This provided employees with a direct introduction to
the services these facilities offer to problem gamblers, a
comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and treatment
of gambling addiction, as well as concrete insight into
the work of such counseling centers.
The training was augmented by a new responsible gaming brochure containing information on counseling
facilities and problem gambling, which was released
in 2011 in a range of languages including Mandarin,
­Turkish, Slovenian, Czech and Croatian.
The national and international respect enjoyed by
­Casinos Austria’s responsible gaming experts is reflected not least in the many invitations they receive to talk
at high profile events organized by leading institutions
in Europe and North America. Close cooperation and a
lively exchange of information with Austrian counseling and treatment institutions has been established for
many years. Other core responsibilities of the group’s
Responsible Gaming, Advertising & Sponsoring division include the ongoing implementation, evaluation and
updating of programs, policies and strategies to establish an optimum customer policy with regard to ‘gaming
with responsibility’. Casinos Austria has always sought
to intensify the public debate on compulsive gambling:
like any addiction, compulsive gambling is a social problem and should therefore be given more publicity.
Once a year, Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries
host their Responsible Gaming Academy in Vienna, a
key event at which management and staff hear about
and discuss the latest findings with external experts in
a series of seminars and workshops. The 2011 Academy, which was held from 4-5 May, focused primarily on
the topic of player protection in online gaming. Over
200 delegates attended this event at which international experts presented and discussed the findings of
recent studies in the field of gaming research. The 9th
Responsible Gaming Academy is to be held on 20 and
21 March 2012.
1 Responsible Gaming Training Offensive 2011
2 Karl Stoss speaking at the 2011 Responsible Gaming Academy
3 Professor Friedrich Wurst was a speaker
at the 2011 Responsible Gaming Academy
Annual report 2011
Responsible gaming sign on display in Austrian Lotteries retail outlets
Sponsorship of the European Association for the
Study of Gambling 2010
To facilitate exchange between national and international experts on gambling addiction, diagnosis, therapy,
treatment and prevention, Casinos Austria AG was a
Gold Sponsor of the 8th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues in Vienna. The head of
Corporate Function Responsible Gaming, Advertising &
Sponsoring, Herbert Beck, and head of the Prevention
department, Doris Malischnig, gave presentations on
player protection and prevention at this event.
Responsible gaming at Austrian Lotteries
International studies indicate that people should not
have their first contact with gambling at too early an
age. For this reason, in April 2009 Austrian Lotteries
voluntarily introduced a policy restricting the sale of
lottery products to persons over the age of 16. A key
role with respect to the protection of minors is played
by the company’s retail partners, who support this
self-­imposed restriction. Regular checks are carried out
using mystery shoppers to monitor compliance with
this responsible gaming measure.
Through its cooperation with the Vienna-based company, gabarage upcycling design, Casinos Austria has also
made an important contribution to the reintegration
of former addicts. gabarage upcycling design’ is a socioeconomic workshop set up by the drug department at
the Anton Proksch Institute Clinical Centre. The creative team at gabarage works with designers and artists
to develop ecologically sustainable design objects and
articles for private individuals and businesses.
Responsible gaming at win2day
Right from the very outset, Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries also placed particular importance on the
protection of minors and protection against excessive
gaming on the win2day gaming platform. Measures to
protect minors and control access to the online games on
this platform were in place from the start and have been
continually updated and extended ever since. In 2011,
an ­additional player protection feature was added to the
site’s self-exclusion options. Players can now no longer
simply recommence playing after a self-exclusion period,
they have to actively confirm that they wish to do so. In
addition, an automatic pop-up window appears during
slot machine games to show players how long they have
been playing and help them manage their playing time.
Austrian Lotteries was also awarded GamCare certification for win2day in May 2011. GamCare is the UK’s
­national center for information, advice and practical assistance on the social impact of gaming. This certification
confirms that GamCare’s player protection guidelines for
electronic gaming have been successfully implemented
for the games offered on win2day.
Responsible gaming at WINWIN
The minimum age for participation in WINWIN games
is 18 years. In cases of doubt, guests are required to
present proof of age in the form of an official photo ID.
Before they can begin playing a WINWIN video lottery
terminal (VLT), guests must actively acknowledge and
accept the general terms and conditions of play. Any
applicable supplementary gaming terms and conditions
are displayed at the cash desk. Each VLT is equipped
with special responsible gaming features designed to
help players manage their time and money and set the
maximum playing time. The terminals also send automatic on-screen messages to players after 60, 90 and
120 minutes informing them of how long they have
been playing and asking if they wish to continue playing. Games end automatically at the end of the maximum playing time (150 minutes). Tickets are redeemed
at the cash desk.
Responsible gaming at tipp3
tipp3 bets can only be placed – either in retail outlets
or over the internet – by persons aged 18 years or over.
Staff in all tipp3 retail outlets receive appropriate responsible gaming training. To help players manage their
money, the personal account balance is displayed permanently on the screen when a player is logged in to the site. Players also have the option to reduce
their personal deposit limit.
Annual report 2011
Security in Focus
Security is a fundamental issue in a casino in many different respects.
With the help of its central surveillance system, Casinos Austria has the perfect tool
at its disposal to tackle crime effectively at all levels.
There are several aspects to security at Casinos Austria. Naturally, we place utmost importance on providing guests at our 12 casinos across Austria with a
safe and secure gaming and leisure environment. But
we also ­focus on the safety and security of society as a
whole, for example, when it comes to protecting people from organized crime and money laundering. And
needless to say, we also have a clear obligation to protect our staff and our own buildings and property.
Security technology of the highest order
To meet these security demands from both a technical and an organizational perspective, Casinos Austria
­Security Technology (CAST) was formed as a subsidiary
of Casinos Austria in 1994. CAST is responsible for the
planning and day-to-day management of security in
national and international casino projects. Each casino
has its own security department and a highly trained
team of security experts with international experience.
­Security services range from first aid through to building evacuation in the event of fire. Emergency procedures and scenarios are regularly drilled and rehearsed.
Central surveillance is the key element in the Casinos
Austria security system. The WinGuard management
solution from Advancis used for this purpose is a flexible video-based security system that can be operated
both from local control rooms in the casinos and from
a central security control room. The system is extremely flexible; the network components (cameras and recording devices) can, for example, be readjusted during
­gaming hours if the lighting conditions change. Video
is recorded in real time and at full resolution. Redundant data recording also provides for system resilience.
Fire alarm systems, burglar and panic alarms, access
control systems, etc. are all connected to the control
room. However, the technology is also designed to
­allow the integration of further systems as required.
The video technology is continuously adapted at the individual ­venues to accommodate any changes in the local
lay-out. At Casino Kitzbühel, for example, the existing
­digital recording devices were replaced by higher resolution digital recorders capable of integrating IP cameras.
In 2011, a total of 180 internal system inspections
were carried out across all 12 Austrian casinos by the
Security & Surveillance department. CAST was commissioned to carry out nine internal system inspections.
Data security – a guarantee against crime
Rigorous checks of the identity of guests and transparency in prize transactions make it far easier for the
authorities to rule out criminal activity. All the security measures in place in the Austrian casinos far exceed the typical levels of control found in the gaming
industry. These measures include identity checks on
entry, the monitoring of all cash transactions and the
provision of special training to staff. Data protection
issues are accorded highest priority in the planning
and development of any software tools. This ensures
that data can only be accessed on a need-to-know basis
by authorized members of staff.
The importance of the employees
Casinos Austria staff are trained to international
standards. The regular security training provided
by CAST is also obligatory for all new employees in
the WINWIN outlets. Strict internal controls ensure
compliance with statutory and regulatory provisions
and guarantee maximum integrity. Casino inventory
and equipment is locked and secured outside gaming
hours. Attempts to manipulate gaming activities are
prevented using motion detectors and alarm systems.
Mobile inventory and equipment (e.g. cards and dice)
are also stored in a secure location and carefully checked at regular intervals.
Evaluation and quality assurance
The security organization and measures implemented
by Casinos Austria are operated in accordance with the
ISO 27001 Information Security Standard, an internationally accepted standard for operational security in
all business processes. This ensures that all business
processes relevant to information security are subject
to a continuous improvement cycle.
In 2011, a series of internal information security audits were carried out to identify potential areas for
improvement. In the course of these audits, some 120
employees in the group had the opportunity to put
­forward their suggestions on how to improve information security.
1 Ball track leveler
2 Surveillance room
Annual report 2011
Process Management and
Process management ensures efficient and effective cooperation across the group.
As the competence center for all matters relating to
­project management, the Project and Process Management division provides support in the management,
­planning, control, administration and coordination of
various programs, projects and initiatives. Its portfolio
of ongoing and planned projects serves as a valuable
­basis for management decisions.
Process management facilitates and supports cooperation within the group. Workflows are organized more
efficiently and effectively. Increasing the transparency
of processes and related responsibilities minimizes friction losses. In 2011, process management was established across the organization: process owners and process
managers were defined, and a process map created for
Casinos Austria, Austrian Lotteries, win2day, WINWIN
and tipp3. The central process management team assisted in the training, coaching and certification of ‘new’
process managers. All processes are documented using
the process management tool and made
available to all employees via the intranet.
ERP system
SAP Business Warehouse reporting functions were
­added to the SAP enterprise resource planning system
in 2011, and the ‘Purchase to Pay’ (P2P) process was
unified in the SAP environment across the group. The
primary objective here is to create transparency in contracted products and services across the group through
systematic mapping. Maximum automation – from
­request for quotation through to final invoice – creates
a reproducible, audit compliant procurement process
and a systematic reduction in process costs. A number
of enhanced system functions were also implemented
in the P2P integration process. These included electronic purchase requisition via SRM (Supplier Relationship
Management), shopping cart and electronic approval
workflow, invoicing workflow for all company divisions,
a merchandise category structure and catalogue management system for ordering office supplies. Appropriate training was provided to equip SAP users with the
corresponding knowledge and skills and thus establish
an optimal level of support in the internal procurement
At the turn of the year 2011/2012, the group switched
to an SAP based time registration system.
Technical systems and application development
In 2011, the upgrade of all users to Windows 7 and
­Office 2010 was successfully completed. Server standardization and virtualization strategies were rigorously continued. Central storage systems were replaced by
new, higher performance systems in 2011.
Diversity and Sustainability
Sponsorship in all its facets is an expression of corporate social responsibility
in the Casinos Austria Group. Numerous long-standing partnerships
are a testament to the success of this approach.
Casinos Austria’s corporate history is inextricably
linked with the establishment and maintenance of
sponsoring partnerships. Our philosophy here has always been one of continuity. That’s why Casinos Austria always strives to establish long-term, sustainable
partnerships. And since mutual benefit is naturally
also crucial to longevity, we always work in close cooperation with our partners to formulate and realize
the sponsorship goals.
Two long-standing partnerships – both of which will
celebrate key anniversaries in 2012 – offer excellent
­examples of just how deeply and effectively sponsorship is anchored in the Casinos Austria corporate culture. The Casino Grand Prix, Austria’s largest show
jumping tournament, celebrates its 25th anniversary
in 2012. And Casinos Austria will be the main sponsor
of the Wiener Festwochen [Vienna Festival], a cultural
event of international standing, for the 45th year in
succession in the same year. This principle of sustainability is also evident in many of our more recent sponsorship projects.
45 years of Wiener Festwochen
In sponsorship terms, acceptance of social responsibility means also providing support to organizations and
projects which are of more general interest and not necessarily linked to the sponsor’s own area of business.
This is particular important when it comes to sponsorship of the Arts. When times are tough, cultural and
Arts institutions are often among the first to face cutbacks in funding. All the better then that the Wiener
Fest­wochen festival has been able to count on the support of a reliable partner since 1968 – the year Casinos
Austria was founded. Festival director Luc Bondy greatly values the fairness and loyalty on which this partnership is based. The festival enlivens Austria’s capital
city for five weeks each year. Throughout this period,
festival events are not only numerous, they are also
extremely diverse – from theater, opera and concert to
dance. This coincides with one of Casinos Austria’s key
objectives with its support for the Wiener Festwochen:
to provide a variety of good entertainment to as wide
an audience as possible.
Diversity is also a defining element in the company’s
philosophy when it comes to choosing which Arts and
cultural projects to sponsor. In 2010, for example,
­Casinos Austria launched its new ‘Alpha Prize for Literature’ in cooperation with Vienna municipal libraries. In
2012, the prize will provide financial support and help
to create a broader audience for a third talented writer.
Official confirmation of the success of the Alpha prize
can be seen not only in the number of entries for the
award – in 2011, the company was itself awarded the
Maecenas prize from the Austrian Business Committee
for the Arts in recognition of its continued support for
Austrian literature.
Whether big stage or subtle tones, world-famous tradition or exciting new territory, the Casinos Austria
Group sponsors a huge variety of cultural projects and
institutions, including – to name but a few – the Burgtheater in Vienna, the Bregenz Festival, the Vienna Jazz
Festival and the ‘Resonanzen’ [Resonances] Festival in
the Vienna Konzerthaus.
25 years of the Casino Grand Prix
Our partnerships in other segments are no less enduring.
The Casino Grand Prix was launched in 1987 with the
backing of Casinos Austria. As the country’s most lucrative show jumping tournament series, the event marked
the start of a new era for equestrian sport in Austria.
Its purpose was – and still is – to promote young talent
and introduce them to the international show jumping
arena. The tournament celebrates its 25th anniversary
in 2012. Since that very first event back in 1987, which
was won incidentally by Austrian show jumping legend
Thomas Frühmann, over 4,000 riders have competed in
over 120 Grand Prix tournaments.
Social responsibility
Providing support to humanitarian initiatives plays a
central role in our sponsorship activities. Our ‘Casino
on Tour’ institution is as long-standing as it is commendable. In 2011, donations raised at these mobile casinos totaled over 100,000 euro, all of which will go to
charitable causes. The ‘Casino on Tour’ takes over 400
promotional games to glamorous gala events like the
Opera Ball or Volkshilfe Gala run by the Austrian public
aid organization.
Annual report 2011
Wiener Festwochen Director Luc Bondy and
Casinos Austria Director Dietmar Hoscher
The ‘Night Race Poker Charity Tournament’, which was
held for the first time in 2011, is an equally successful
combination of gaming entertainment and social responsibility. Prior to the night slalom race in Schladming,
international alpine ski stars offered their services to a
good cause and played Poker for the evening in aid of
the charity ‘Stiftung Kindertraum’ [literally: Childhood
Dream Foundation]. The event raised 12,500 euro for
the foundation, established to help fulfill the dreams of
seriously ill children or children with special needs. The
tournament proved such a great success that it was also
held again in 2012 in aid of the Kindertraum foundation.
The fact that there is a meaningful as well as a financial side to humanitarian sponsoring is clearly illustrated
in another project recently established by the Casinos
Austria Group. The ‘tipp3 Fußball WM’ [tipp3 Football
World Cup] was launched in 2009 in partnership with
the integration association ‘Sport spricht alle Sprachen’
[‘Sport Speaks all Languages’]. In 2011, tournaments
were held in four cities – Vienna, Salzburg, Linz and
Innsbruck – with the winning team at each event crowned ‘Integration Football World Champion’. Casinos
Austria will be the main sponsor of this event for the
first time in 2012, which will now be played under the
name ‘Casinos Austria Integrationsfußball-WM’ [Casinos Austria Integration Football World Cup]. Given
the relevance of integration in society, this project has
a special meaning for the Casinos Austria Group, since
football is rightly seen as a very useful and applicable
means of overcoming language and culture differences.
Everyone’s a winner
For integration to succeed, people must be willing to learn
and reach out to one another. Two factors which characterize a new partnership for Casinos Austria established in
2011. The ‘DanceAbility’ workshops are held in conjunction with the ‘ImPulsTanz’ dance festival and are based on
a unique concept: under the motto ‘If you can breathe, you
can dance’, DanceAbility uses improvised dance to allow
people with and without disabilities to share a ‘moving’
experience. Casinos Austria was the exclusive sponsor of
the workshops, which were held in Vienna’s historic Arsenal building through to August 2011 and offered a moving
demonstration of how art and play can break down barriers and build bridges between people.
Selected Casinos Austria Group sponsorship projectse
• Aktion ‘Leben mit Krebs’
[Living with Cancer Initiative]
• Albertina
• Alpha Prize for Literature
• Austrian Mountain Rescue Service
• Austrian National Library
• Austrian Red Cross
• Bregenz Festival
• Burgtheater in Vienna
• Cancer Research Initiative
• Caritas Vienna – House Immanuel for Mothers and
Children in Need
• Danube Island Festival
• European Forum Alpbach
• HOSI Vienna
• Hospiz Österreich [Hospice Austria] – Counseling
and Competence Center for Hospice and
Palliative Care
• ImPulsTanz Dance Festival – DanceAbility Workshops
• Journalistinnenkongress and MedienLÖWIN
[Congress and Media Prize for Women in
• Kunsthistorisches Museum
[Museum of Art History in Vienna]
• Lebenshilfe [counseling and aid organization]
Lower Austria
• Licht ins Dunkel [Light into Darkness charity]
• Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna
• Special Olympics Austria
• Tag des Sports [Austrian Day of Sport]
• Technisches Museum
[Vienna Museum of Technology]
• tipp3-Bundesliga
• Verein ‘Wirtschaft für Integration’ [Business for
Integration Association] – Integration Award
• Volkshilfe [public aid organization]
• Volkstheater in Vienna
• Vienna Jazz Festival
• Vienna State Opera
• Wiener Festwochen
• Wiener Stadthalle [event center in Vienna]
• WWF Österreich
Skilled and motivated employees are the key to a company’s success.
Casinos Austria selects its employees on the basis of their
qualifications, their will to perform and their strong commitment to the demands of our service industry. Since
some of our casinos open well before noon and don’t
close again until the early hours, our employees have to
be ­f lexible, mobile and dedicated to their work both during the day and at night. Customer service excellence
virtually around the clock – that is the guarantee of success our employees bring to the company.
Another key requirement is the ability to work in a
team. With a total of 1,580 employees*, Casinos ­Austria
is an important employer in Austria and offers good
career opportunities, job security and excellent fringe
benefits. In 2011, the group employed 5,416 employees
world­wide (annual average).
Good staff education and training is essential to meet
the ever-increasing demands in the modern business
world. In 2010, Casinos Austria laid the groundwork for
its so-called 2011 Training Initiative, the various elements of which were then implemented throughout the
reporting year. The aim of this initiative was to define
and systematically equip employees with the skills and
competences needed for the future. At the same time,
the many training measures already organized at a local
level were standardized and raised to a consistently high
level of quality across the organization.
A key aspect of the training initiative was the highly successful ‘train the trainer’ program for the internal trainers who provide the regular, ongoing staff training in
all legally relevant areas like information security, data
protection and the prevention of money laundering.
The trainers were provided with intensive coaching
both in teaching methods and in the subjects they train.
In summer 2011, corresponding training courses were
held in every casino by the internal trainers.
in this program, which is being continued in 2012. To
support these measures, a training platform has been
created in the corporate intranet to assist self-study and
provide staff with appropriate tests to monitor their
own progress.
The new program to maintain and improve health and
extend the range of healthy food available in the workplace was continued in 2011. To ensure it has a lasting,
all-round effect, this program is based on the three
­pillars of health: diet, exercise and mental health. To accommodate the atypical working hours in a casino, staff
have to be provided with appropriate facilities and support. For example, the staff canteens in our casinos also
serve warm meals even after midnight.
Our employees like working at Casinos Austria. The
average length of service currently stands at around
10 ­years; and we even have a number of employees who
have worked for the company for 30 years and more.
Each and every one of them of course has a wealth of
experience and knowledge, and this is unquestionably
a winning factor in our corporate success. Our accomplishments in the game development sector, for instance, are a prime example.
Casinos (Austria)**
Casinos (International)
Full-time equivalent (annual average)
*** Incl. Ural Loto
****Incl. RABCAT
External and internal training was also offered in various other areas, with an initial focus on management
training for level one and level two managers, 360 degree feedback for managers and the implementation of
the staff development program for junior employees.
Since fall 2011, 100 junior members of staff from all
areas and departments in our casinos have participated
Annual report 2011
An Appetite for Luck
In addition to the gaming, thrill and atmosphere, there’s one thing that makes a night
at the casino complete: surf, turf and a good glass of – preferably Austrian – wine.
A tour of the 12 casinos in Austria is enough to bring
a smile to any gourmet’s lips. Most of our casino restaurants and dining facilities are run by our own
­catering subsidiary, Casinos Austria Gastronomie Betriebs Ges.m.b.H. (CAGAST). CAGAST works under
the premise of practicing sustainable development and
social responsibility in catering services. This is also
reflected in many of its key partnerships, for example
with the BÖG (Beste Österreichische Gastlichkeit [best
Austrian hospitality]) association, which campaigns
for distinctive, typical regional cuisine and the use of
natural foodstuffs and high-quality produce.
Others are operated by leaseholders, like the gourmet
catering company DO & CO, rounding off our casino
dining portfolio perfectly. All our casinos score points
tastefully with gourmets: from Baden to Bregenz, each
has its own particular charm and offers delectable
gourmet delights in varied settings. Whether in a Casineum, an award-winning restaurant or a wine cellar,
everyone will find something to savor in our casinos.
The atmosphere in the Cabaña Lounge brings a touch
of Latin flair to Casino Bregenz since summer 2011.
On warm summer evenings, up to four people can relax
in their cabaña and enjoy a superb al fresco meal on the
patio of the casino’s Falstaff Restaurant.
Another innovation at Casino Bregenz is the new iPadbased restaurant menu. It supplements the conventional printed menu and adds even more choices: whether
you want to search the internet, watch a video about
the source of the salmon on your plate or find out
about your beef stroganoff’s ingredients – it’s now all
only a few touches away.
Culinary packages
For those seeking a special evening out, Casinos Austria offers a number of different packages which combine superb gaming with culinary delights in a relaxed
atmosphere. Our gaming and dining packages have
been specifically tailored to ensure that our guests enjoy a unique and memorable evening – in all the senses.
The ‘classics’ – Dinner & Casino and Dinner &
Casino Night
Our range of culinary packages would not be complete
without the ever-popular Dinner & Casino vouchers.
This is the perfect choice for guests who wish to be
pampered – gourmet food and great gaming in a single package. Its popularity and longevity have made
Dinner & Casino one of our classics. The package costs
57 euro and includes a four-course dinner, welcome
chips to the value of 25 euro and a glass of sparkling
wine at the casino bar. Vouchers can be redeemed in
either the casino restaurant or a nearby partner ­hotel.
The Dinner & Casino Night package rounds off the
evening with an overnight stay in one of our many
partner hotels.
(l. to r.): Oliver Kitz (Food & Beverage), Bernd Wollmann (New
Media) and Josef Semler (Director, Casino Bregenz) with the
new iPad menus.
Our Dinner & Roulette package adds an element of
chance to the event: the number the roulette ball lands
on determines the cost of your meal. If you’re looking
for something lighter, our Surf & Turf – a steak and
shrimp meal – or Bistro & Casino packages also offer
great value for money and both include welcome chips
worth 25 euro. Bar & Casino combines your cocktail of
choice with bar snacks and welcome chips. Last but not
Dinner & Casino
Dinner & Casino Night
For only EUR 57, why not enjoy:
• an exclusive four-course Dinner & Casino meal
• lucky chips to the value of 25 euro
• a glass of Goldeck Veltliner sparkling wine
• four Paroli chips for the chance to win 7,777 euro.
If you want to spoil someone special with an exciting
night out at the casino, an excellent meal and an
exquisite overnight stay, our Dinner & Casino Night
package is the perfect gift. For EUR 129, why not
Not redeemable on 24 and 31 December.
• an exclusive four-course Dinner & Casino meal,
• lucky chips to the value of 25 euro
• a glass of Goldeck Veltliner sparkling wine at the
casino bar
• one night’s hotel accommodation per person with
buffet breakfast in a hotel in the selection (on a double room basis).
least, with the ‘Nach 3 Rouge & Noir’ [Rouge & Noir
after 3] package, guests can choose between smoked
salmon and sparkling wine – the red option – or coffee
and cakes – the black option – from 3 pm onwards.
New distribution channels
A particular advantage of all these packages is the fact
that they are available through multiple distribution
channels. In 2011, of the almost 200,000 c­ulinary
­packages purchased through various channels, about
10 per cent were sold via tobacconists in Austria.
Packages can also be purchased from branches of
the WEIN & CO wine merchants or from Spar super­
At the end of 2011, just in time for last minute Christmas shopping, a new distribution channel was launched: print@home. Customers who purchase a casino
package using this online service can personalize and
print their vouchers at home in just a few minutes.
This option provides the ideal last minute gift and fits
the growing last minute online shopping trend. A great
night out with a top class meal at a casino is now even
simpler and faster to arrange than before.
Time honored traditions: Goldene Traube and
Goldene Roulette Kugel
Casinos Austria sees supporting domestic tourism
as one of its core tasks and has launched numerous
inspirational initiatives at local, national and international over the years. Our Goldene Traube [golden
grape] award recognizes and promotes the quality of
wines from the Burgenland region to a wider audience
beyond its borders. The award is presented each year
to the best wine from Burgenland: in 2011, the award
went to Seedling 88, a 2008 Trockenbeerenauslese
dessert wine produced by Franz and Maria Heiss from
The Goldene Roulette Kugel [golden roulette ball] has
celebrated Austrian hospitality and cuisine since 1982.
The award is presented each year based on a proposal
by the leading restaurant guide, Gault Millau and in
2011 was presented to Heinz and Margarete Reitbauer
for their renowned Wirtshaus am Pogusch restaurant.
Tasteful events
The SALON Austria Wine is the ideal opportunity for
winemakers and connoisseurs to meet and network.
Annual report 2011
In 2011, the Salon was hosted in cooperation with the
Austrian Wine Marketing Board at six Austrian casinos
and attracted more than 4,000 visitors for an after­
noon of wine tasting. Now an institution, the event
always brings together an exciting mix of established
vintners and emerging talent.
To ensure that the classic wine-producing countries
are not forgotten either, Casinos Austria organizes
an international wine salon in partnership with the
­Österreichischer Sommelierverband [Austrian Association of Sommeliers] using the tried and tested salon
concept. In 2011, wine-lovers and connoisseurs tasted
international wines in five casinos across Austria.
Austria’s beer brewing tradition is given its own platform at the Beer Salon. Austrian journalist and beer
pundit Conrad Seidl presented the latest edition of his
Beer Guide, which illustrates the diversity and quality of Austrian beer. The Beer Salon tour of Austrian
­casinos allowed beer lovers from all over Austria to appreciate the art of traditional brewing.
Organized in partnership with Medianet publishing
house and the Genussregionen Österreich [Austrian regions producing delicacies] initiative, Casinos ­Austria
gourmet festivals allow some 30 regional producers of
gourmet food to present their produce. In 2011, about
1,200 visitors at two events tasted the wide range of
delicacies on offer. Each year, the latest edition of the
Genuss Guide [gourmet guide] to Austria’s best gourmet food outlets is published in conjunction with one
of these events.
The emphasis on regional, high-quality produce is
also reflected in our partnership with the Slow Food
association in Vienna, which led to the establishment
of the ‘Slow Food Producer Award’ in 2009. One of
the association’s objectives is to preserve organic diversity and local culinary traditions. In an age of fast
food and progressive ion. In an age of fast food and
growing industrialization in food production, quality
consciousness and craftsmanship are no longer a foregone conclusion. That’s why the 2011 ‘Slow Food
­Vienna Prize for Artisan Food Production’ was dedicated to the handmade bread roll. At the final tasting,
the Kolm bakery in Mödling – a town to the south of
Vienna – prevailed over 16 other finalists to take home
the prize for their particularly crisp example of this
Austrian staple. Casinos Austria believes that recognizing manufacturers who combine outstanding quality
and variety with respect for traditional craftsmanship
contributes to a more conscious lifestyle.
The Casino Gaming
Everyone has heard of Roulette, Blackjack and Poker, but what about Astro Roulette?
This new game has been on offer at Casino Linz since March 2011 and is an absolute
must for Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Co.
Gerda Rogers at the Astro Roulette table
New trends in live gaming
It takes perfect preparation to launch a product successfully on the modern market. Good market research and
the incorporation of customer demands and experience
gained in previous product launches all play an important role. Casinos Austria applied its many years of
experience in the launch of a new table game in March
2011. Astro Roulette was developed by Linz-based croupier Christian Haunold and implemented by Casinos
Austria. In this variation of Roulette, the numbers on
the wheel are replaced by letters and star signs to create
a mystical, exciting and unique game with an astrology
theme. Astro Roulette was presented to the public for
the first time at the ICE Totally Gaming 2011 show in
London and premiered on the gaming floor at Casino
Linz on 12 March 2011. Star astrologer Gerda Rogers,
who spun the first ball on the new Astro Roulette wheel,
attended the event as a special guest.
The 12 Austrian casinos offer a total of 233 gaming
­tables with a whole range of other popular and custom
table games, including Easy Hold’em, Punto Banco, Easy
Poker, Tropical Stud Poker, Red Dog or Wheel of Fortune. The use of mobile gaming tables in these casinos
adds greater flexibility to the gaming experience.
High slot revenues and payouts
Casinos Austria launched its Mega Million Jackpot in
September 2009, a progressive slot jackpot that has been
a crowd puller right from the start. The Mega M
­ illion
Jackpot is Casinos Austria’s highest payout slot jackpot
and links machines in all 12 casinos across the country.
Every time the jackpot is won, it is immediately replenished with 1 million euro. Three guests hit the Mega Million Jackpot and became millionaires, with the casinos
in Graz, Baden and Innsbruck proving to be especially
lucky slot venues. The highest slot payout of the year
(1,206,124.04 euro) came in Casino Graz. Slot machines
are very popular with our guests, a fact that is also reflected in their 76 per cent share of total gaming revenues. The 1,933 slot machines in the 12 Austrian casinos
offer a superb choice of 442 different games. There is
a particularly large choice of slot machines on offer in
our Jackpot casinos, where the dress code is c­ asual and
guests can enjoy fun gaming in a relaxed ­setting from
morning until night. Our popular slot tournaments are
also the ideal setting to experience the thrill of a fastpaced slot floor contest.
Casinos Austria closely follows emerging trends in the
gaming industry to ensure our casinos always feature
the latest in gaming technology. To do so, we continually
test the new slot machines and devices on offer from
international manufacturers. 2011 was no ­different,
Annual report 2011
and those machines which successfully met our strict
test criteria were subsequently installed on our gaming
floors across the country.
A range of popular Blackjack tournaments and the annual Baccarat World Championship in Casino Seefeld rounded off an thrilling tournament year in Austria’s casinos.
Poker in so many different ways
519 tournaments, 25,973 participants and 7.8 million
euro in prize money: the 12 Austrian casinos offer Poker
in all its variants. There was also something for every­
one on the 2011 tournament calendar at Casinos Austria
and win2day – from monthly and weekly tournaments
to novice Poker games and from small-scale free roll
competitions for the ladies to well-known international
tournament series like the Casinos Austria Poker Tour
(CAPT) or the European Poker Championship in Casino
Baden. The CAPT was held for the first time in 2008 and
was a huge success yet again in 2011. The addition of
Casino Kitzbühel as the latest CAPT venue added even
more appeal to this highly popular tournament series.
New marketing campaign
In October 2011, Casinos Austria launched a new marketing and advertising campaign that portrays the
­‘casino experience’ from a new angle.
Two European titles were up for grabs at the 2011
­European Poker Championship: one in Omaha Pot Limit and one in Texas Hold’em No Limit. The event also
again featured a Nations Cup championship for national teams. Finland’s Kimmo Kurko won the Omaha
tournament ahead of Austrian Erich Kollmann to take
home the first prize of 52,900 euro. Zoltan Szabo from
Hungary was the new Texas Hold’em European champion, winning the top prize of 150,425 euro. Victory in
the 2011 Nations Cup went to the team from Russia.
The Casinos Austria ‘Beat’em All’ Poker tournament
series entered its fourth year in 2011 with four final
events in four casinos in four cities: Bregenz, Salzburg,
Velden and Vienna.
To remain a key host of well-known national and international tournaments, a casino operator must continually strive to enhance its Poker facilities. At Casinos
Austria, we do exactly that. We also listen very carefully
to our customers and continually adapt and revise our
gaming mix and tournament portfolio to meet their
Our cooperation activities in the Poker segment with
the win2day gaming platform were successfully continued throughout 2011.
Headlines which address consumers directly like “Are
you lucky? Then prove it!” or play on words associated
with specific games like “Does your boss demand bigger numbers for higher profits? All we ask for is 21!” or
“A couple of ladies in your hand? You should hold on to
them!” make the new campaign a real eye-catcher and
convey the unique Casinos Austria flair with a twinkle
in the eye.
The campaign, which was created and realized by the
Lowe GGK agency, places the modern, self-confident
guest at the centre of the message and adeptly portrays
the all-round experience on offer in Austria’s casinos.
At the 2012 Totally Gaming Awards, which were held in
January 2012 during the ICE show in London, ­Casinos
Austria beat strong international competition to take
home the award in the ‘Best Marketing Campaign of
the Year’ category.
Headed for success with ‘13’ and ‘Ladies’ Day’
Celebrating the luck associated with the number 13
has a long tradition at Casinos Austria, and our special promotions to mark the 13th day of each month
are very popular among our guests and offer numerous
opportunities to win a prize, such as lucky chips to the
value of 1,300 euro or a bottle of Champagne. And if
the 13th also happens to be a Friday, superstition gives
it a particularly strong appeal: on 13th May 2011, the
only Friday the 13th in the year, we welcomed some
14,400 guests to our casinos, the highest daily visitation figure for the whole year.
Our popular ‘Ladies Day’ promotion focused on major
brands in 2011. Wednesday is Ladies Day at Casinos
Austria with great prizes and promotions on offer to
our female guests. During the first quarter of 2011,
these included ‘Lady Luck’ casino packages s­ ponsored
­­by c­ in the weekly prize draws and a
main prize of a trip for two to New York in each ­casino.
Estée Lauder beauty kits worth 300 euro each were
raffled every Wednesday in the second quarter, with
three sets worth 3,000 euro each forming the main
prize. In the third quarter, our ladies had the chance
to win Swarovski fashion sets each week and a main
prize in each casino of a ‘Gala’ set worth 3,000. Prizes
in the fourth quarter included Palmers lingerie vouchers worth 300 euro each week and 3,000 euro for the
quarter’s main prize. A total of 154,257 ladies visited
the 12 Austrian casinos on Wednesdays in 2011 – a 2.6
per cent increase compared to the previous year.
Our special promotion in the months of February and
March 2011 was a Blackjack ‘Sit & Go’ tournament
­named ‘Blackjack to Black Jag’. All participants played
for the chance to win the main prize of a Jaguar ­XF
Austria Edition or consolation prizes of a weekend
with a Jaguar XF.
Throughout May 2011, Casinos Austria broadcast a
special Roulette promotion on the national radio station Ö3. In this ‘Unlucky in love – Lucky at the table’,
listeners to the morning show could share their heartache and then pick either red or black to try their
luck at Roulette live on air for the chance to win 2,000
All in all, a total of 2,005 promotions and events,
­including 851 tournaments with a total of 24,653 competitors, were organized and held in the 12 Austrian
casinos in 2011.
Images from the new advertising campaign
Chip design competition
In April 2011, a chip design contest was published on
the Casinos Austria website at The
contest was open to all visitors to the website, creative individuals or artists, who were asked to design a
­casino chip and submit their designs via the website.
the ­final, where the winner was selected by jury of
experts. The prize – chips to the value of 3,000 euro
– was presented to the user ‘Daniele88’ for his impressive ‘Joker’ chip design at an award ceremony on
16 June 2011.
Over 400 design proposals were received, and a total
of 9,000 visitors to the website viewed the submissions online and voted for their personal favorite.
The 10 most popular designs then went through to
Annual report 2011
Multifaceted Event Provider
Space in abundance, a range of different rooms, excellent food, colorful shows and
stirring readings. A diverse program – 364 days a year.
The range of events on offer across the Casinos ­Austria
Group is truly diverse. This is clearly reflected in the
2,000+ events organized each year in and by the 12 Austrian casinos. This diversity is rounded off perfectly by
two dedicated event venues: Congress Casino Baden
(CCB) and Studio 44 in Vienna, making the company one
of the top event organizers in Austria.
From Vienna to Bregenz, the special combination of room
design, technical equipment, perfect organization and
personal attention makes each and every event a unique
experience. Highest quality service and facilities with professional and flexible realization are a matter of course.
With so many venues and events to choose from in recent years, customer expectations are continually on the
rise – to attract and impress guests and customers, event
­organizer has to consistently offer the very best events.
12 casinos – each with their own event flair
Each of our 12 casinos in Austria has its own particular
charm and offers a range of rooms for different events.
From a versatile Casineum to an award-winning restaurant or an intimate – our casinos offer a suitable venue
for every event. Our popular Casineum event rooms
each have their own flair and relaxed atmosphere.
­Retractable walls allow these multipurpose spaces to be
expanded and contracted as required and – depending
on the casino – opened up to the gaming area, foyer or
al fresco patio. Events range from comedy shows, cabaret performances and literary readings to slide presentations and road shows. Live hook-up options via ISDN
and fiber optic satellite or connection facilities for outside broadcasting units allow global events for global
1 ‘Glamour in White‘ in Casino Velden
2 Diner Fantastique: colorful, wacky and weird
3 The European Poker Championship in Congress Casino Baden
4 Pink Ribbon Gala in Casino Innsbruck
Annual report 2011
Lotto „6 out of 45“ live draw from Studio 44
Congress Casino Baden (CCB)
Congress Casino Baden offers a unique combination of
state-of-the-art conference and event venue with the
sparkle and flair of Casino Baden. Four rooms of varying
sizes (from 40 to 450 square meters) on three different
floors with a capacity of up to 1,100 people are available
for events of all kind. The range of different events hosted here offers clear confirmation of the venue’s flexibility: traditional balls, trendy clubbing events, gala evenings, high-profile conferences and conventions, s­ ales
presentations, concerts and cabaret shows all feature
regularly on the CCB booking list. Casino Baden’s Diner
Fantastique is a prime example. With its superb stage
ensemble and excellent catering by DO & CO, this event
has developed into a real crowd-puller and is now one
of the most successful dinner shows in Austria. Congress Casino Baden also hosts a number of other major
events, including the annual European Poker Championship in the fall.
Studio 44
Studio 44 is a special kind of event venue. Unique rooms,
cutting-edge technology and a service package tailored
to the needs of the customer merge to form a perfect
unit in Studio 44. The ideal location for all manner of
different events – from sales presentations, Christmas
parties or gala evenings through to live TV broadcasts
– Studio 44 was naturally the venue of choice for the
party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Lotto in Austria on 7 September 2011. On this occasion, the Lotto
draw was held outside the studios of the Austrian broadcasting company (ORF) for the first time in its 25-year
history and was broadcast live from Studio 44. But this
is just one example of the many technical options this
superb event venue has to offer. And with flexible floor
space of between 300 and 900 square meters, Studio 44
can a­ ccommodate up to 460 people, making it an ideal
venue for all manner of different size of events.
At Casinos Austria, the year 2012 is clearly dominated
by the forthcoming award of the country’s 15 casino
licenses and new Poker casino license. The company
began to prepare for this public call for tender over two
years ago and has invested a great deal of expertise and
commitment into the proposals that have already been
– and are still to be – submitted.
Our goal for our business operations in Austria in
2012, i.e. our 12 domestic casinos and subsidiary companies, is to repeat the huge success we achieved in
2011. Needless to say, we will also be focusing on bringing Casinos Austria International Holding back out of
the red. Crucial decisions were taken here in 2011, and
the first clear signs of a turnaround should be evident
in 2012.
However, the overriding issue in this regard is of course
global economic development. Unfortunately, the
­problems in Europe are a cause for concern for every­
body. Given the planned cutbacks in public finance, a
reduction in the disposable income of consumers, and
thus a dampening of consumer spending, cannot be
Annual report 2011
Eating and drinking in style are part of a good night out at the casino.
This is ensured by our professional restaurant staff, who serve our guests with flair
and endless charm. Equally stylish are our elegant dining rooms,
whether contemporary or classic in design.
Annual report 2011
We don’t create a performance about our services – we deliver instead. Equipped
to the highest technical standards, our premium function rooms transform
over 2,000 events into absolute crowd-pullers every year. Whether gala dinner,
cabaret show, wine tasting or conference – our casinos are not only home to great gaming
and fine dining, they are also the perfect setting for fabulous events.
Annual report 2011
They might be rarely seen themselves, but the results of their work are always plain
to see. At the gaming tables, in the service and in the organization. Day after day,
night after night, our dedicated employees ensure that our guests can enjoy
a few hours of perfect leisure.
Annual report 2011
Our employees deliver lasting quality. After all, they have the best teachers
– today’s croupiers train the croupiers of tomorrow. Whichever casino you choose to visit,
you will always enjoy the same high standard of service.
Annual report 2011
The Financial Statements 2011
Profit and Loss Statement
for the 2011 fiscal year,
Casinos Austria AG
Comparative Figures
for 2010 TEUR*
2.Sales and gaming related taxes
3.Sales after deduction of sales and gaming related taxes
4.Other operating income
a) Income from the disposal of fixed assets excluding
financial assets
b)Income from the reversal of provisions
5.Personnel expenses
d)Expenses for old-age pension
e) Social security costs and payroll-related taxes
c) Expenses for severance payments and contributions
to employee benefit funds
f) Other expenses for employee benefits
6.Amortization of intangible and depreciation
of tangible fixed assets
7.Other operating expenses
a) Taxes, as far as not shown under item 2 and 18
8.Operating result = subtotal of item 3 to 7
* in thousand EUR
The Financial Statements 2011
Comparative Figures
for 2010 TEUR*
10.Income from other financial fixed assets
11.Other interest income and similar income
12.Income from the disposal and write-up
of financial fixed assets
13.Expenses from finacial fixed assets
a)Depreciation EUR 813,700.00 (2010: TEUR* 1)
b)Expenses from affiated companies
EUR 1,103,525.98 (2010: TEUR* 1,250)
14.Interest and similar charges
thereof affiliated companies
EUR 65,482.38 (2010: TEUR* 143)
15.Financial result = subtotal of item 9 to 14
16.Result on ordinary Activities
18.Extraordinary expenses
19.Extraordinary result
21.Net income
22.Allocation to profit reserves
other reserves (voluntary reserves)
9.Income from investments,
thereof affiliated companies
EUR 86,792,907.40 (2010: TEUR* 23,834)
17.Extraordinary income
20.Taxes on income
23.Annual income
24.Profit brought forward from the previous year
25. Balance sheet profit
* in thousand EUR
Annual Report 2011
Balance Sheet
as of 31 December 2011,
Casinos Austria AG
Comparative Figures
for 2010 TEUR*
A. Long term assets
I. Intangible assets
Protective rights and similar rights
II. Tangible assets
1. Property, coincident rights and buildings,
including buildings on third party property
thereof value of land EUR 7,036,803.41
(31/12/2010: TEUR* 7,037)
2. Other equipment, fixtures, furniture and office
3. Advance payments and construction in progress
III. Financial assets
2. Other participations
3. Long-term securities
1. Investments in affiliated companies
4. Other loans
B. Current assets
I. Receivables and other assets
1. Trade receivables
2. Receivables from affiliated companies
3. Other receivables and assets
II. Cash at hand, bank deposits
C. Prepaid Expenses
* in thousand EUR
The Financial Statements 2011
Equity and Liabilities
Comparative Figures
for 2010 TEUR*
A. Equity
I. Share capital
II. Profit reserves
1. Legal reserves
2. Other reserves (voluntary reserves)
III. Balance sheet profit
thereof profit brought forward EUR 16,783.86
(31/12/2010: TEUR* 58)
B. Provisions
1. Provision for severance payments
2. Provision for pensions
3. Provision for taxes
4. Other provisions
C. Liabilities
1. Bonds
2. Liabilities to banks
3. Trade liabilities
4. Liabilities from affiliated companies
5. Liabilities to companies in which participations
are held
6. Other liabilities
thereof taxes EUR 16,508,818.16
(31/12/2010: TEUR* 15,543)
therof relating to social security
EUR 3,170,506.11 (31.12.2010: TEUR* 3,237)
D. Deferred income
Contingent liabilities
* in thousand EUR
Annual Report 2011
Profit and Loss Statement
for the 2011 fiscal year,
Casinos Austria Group
Gaming revenues incl. ancillary revenues
Payouts of lottery winnings
Gross gaming revenues incl. ancillary revenues
Gaming taxes and other taxes
Net gaming revenues incl. ancillary revenues
Other operating income
Personnel expenses
Depreciation and amortization
Other operating expenses
Income from associated companies
Operating result before restructuring expenses
and impairments
Restructuring expenses and Impairments
Operating result
Financial expense
Financial result
Profit/loss before taxes
Income taxes
Result from continuing operations
Result from discontinued operations
Financial income
Net income/loss
attibutable to
shareholders of parent company
non-controlling interests
* in thousand EUR
The Financial Statements 2011
Balance Sheet
as of 31 December 2011,
Casinos Austria Group
Receivables and other assets
Other financial assets
Assets held for sale
Short term assets
Tangible assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Other intangible assets
Trade payables
Tax liabilities
Short term Debt
Financial liabilities
Deferred tax provisions
Other long term provisions
Other long term liabilities
Share capital
Retained earnings and balance sheet profit
Investments in associated companies
Other financial assets
Deferred tax assets
Other long term assets
Long term assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and Equity
Financial liabilities
Debts held for sale
Other short term liabilities
Provisions for employee entitlements
Long term Debt
Unrecognized valuation gains/losses
Currency translation differences
Non-controlling interests
Total Liabilities and Equity
* in thousand EUR
Annual Report 2011
Casinos Austria AG
Rennweg 44
1038 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 53440-22321
Casinos Austria AG
Corporate Communications
Martin Himmelbauer
Martina Landsmann
Alexandra Gräf
Richard Emele
Graphics & Production
schoeller corporate communications
1070 Vienna
AV+Astoria Druckzentrum GmbH
1030 Vienna
Photo Copyright
Photo Archive Casinos Austria
Photo Archive Casinos Austria International
Photo Archive Austrian Lotteries
Christof Wagner
Rita Newman
Peter Svec
Mike Ranz
This product is from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources.
Employees at the Photoshoot
Sabine Sageder
Junior receptionist in Casino Linz,
with Casinos Austria since 2007
Helmut Benes1 & Nikolaus Jaros2
Chefs in Casino Wien, with Casinos Austria
since 19941, with CAGAST since 20102
Cornelia Richter
Service in Casino Wien,
with CAGAST since 2010
Laura-Maria Iorga
Cloakroom attendant in Casino Linz,
with Casinos Austria since 2007
Marie-Christine Gebhart
Junior receptionist in Casino Baden,
with Casinos Austria since 2009
Hans Außerer
Event technician in Casino Baden,
with Congress Casino Baden since 2002
Peter Löb
Croupier in Casino Linz,
with Casinos Austria since 1990
Felix Mayrhuber
Slot product manager in Casino Linz,
with Casinos Austria since 1985
Marina Kügler
Housekeeping in Casino Baden,
with Casinos Austria since 1995
Fatih Erdem
Bar manager in Casino Wien,
with CAGAST since 2009
Thomas Burget
Gaming floor manager in Casino Baden,
with Casinos Austria since 1989
Constantin Heindl
Junior croupier in Casino Wien,
with Casinos Austria since 2007
Annual report 2011