Valley Creek Cemetery


Valley Creek Cemetery
Valley Creek Cemetery
Township 18 South Range 5 West Section 34
N 33° 25‟ 23.65”
or 33.423235
W 87° 3‟ 18.00”
or -87.054999
West/southwest of the Hueytown City Hall in the Virginia Mines community of Hueytown.
Approximate address: 3088-3117 Virginia Drive, Hueytown.
From the intersection of Hueytown Road (County Road 46) & Virginia Drive (County Road 29),
go west on Virginia Drive for 4.4 miles crossing 15th Street. The cemetery is on the right (north)
side of Virginia Drive.
a.k.a. Valley Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
On-Site sign states: Valley Creek Cemetery
Established: 1856
Approximate number of markers with names: 1,032
Census completed: March 2001
Oldest death date on a marker:
Document last updated: August 2010
Died 1861
University of Alabama’s Geography Dept’s
Cemetery Designation:
Sarah F. Cook
31 Aug 1867
Map Nbr:
3 Jan 1868
Cemetery Nbr:
Please refer to the funeral home records and sources for the additional information at the end of this document.
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Acton, Judith Alyne Hulsey
Acton, Melvin Wayne
Adams, Robert
Adkins, Shirley Ann
Aldridge, Cora Ann
Aldridge, Marion M.
Aldridge, Robert Lee
Ansley, Emmery
Ansley, M. A.
28 Dec 1944
15 Aug 1944
2 Jan 1997
9 Mar 1938
4 Dec 1956
4 Mar 1936
29 Apr 2007
18 Sep 1901
3 Sep 1978
19 Apr 1937
7 May 1983
12 Nov 1892
15 Feb 1946
18 Jan 1900
8 Dec 1917
23 Jul 1867
3 Nov 1921
Ansley, W. B.
9 Sep 1862
10 Jan 1918
Armstrong, Andrew Franklin
21 Jan 1941
22 Apr 2004
Last Updated: August 2010
Married 27 Nov 1963
(On same marker with Melvin Wayne Acton)
T. Sgt U.S. Air Force, Vietnam
Married 27 Nov 1963
(Parents: Leonard Adams & Barbara Rafier 3)
(Obituary in May 1, 2007 The Birmingham News;
survived by husband - Jimmy M. Adkins)
(On same marker with Robert Lee Aldridge)
(Dau. of Marion Milton Mewbourn/Newborn
& Sarah Elizabeth Chambless;
married Robert Lee Aldridge 8)
(Son of Robert Lee Aldridge & Cora Ann Mewbourn/Newborn 8)
(Son of Thomas Aldridge & Sallie Mae -?- 8)
Son of W. B. & M. A. Ansley
(Son of William B. Ansley & Mary Alice Stewart 8)
(On same marker with W. B. Ansley)
(Mary A. Ansley;
Parents: David Stewart & Mary Palmer 2)
(Mary Alice Stewart;
married William Barton Ansley abt 1882 8)
(Parents: Asbury Ausley & Elizabeth 1)
(William Barton Ansley;
son of Francis Asbury Ansley & Elizabeth Allison Prater;
married Mary Alice Stewart abt 1882 8)
(Obituary in April 24, 2004 The Birmingham News)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Arrington, Iva S.
17 Mar 1927
8 Sep 2001
Arrington, Loyd T.
4 Feb 1916
10 May 1990
Atchison, Effie L.
3 Aug 1893
21 Feb 1977
26 Mar 1919
8 May 2007
Atchison, Lolen E.
Atchison, Lovern S.
28 Apr 1930
Avery, Bradley Daykota
25 Mar 2007
(abt 1947)
3 Apr 2008
Avery, Diana Norwood
Babb, Laura C.
31 Mar 1894
Babb, William Samuel
18 Jul 1883
9 Sep 1962
16 Apr 1858
15 Jun 1923
6 Dec 1933
only date is:
12 Aug 1924
23 Dec 1896
18 Apr 1915
6 Aug 1910
14 Aug 1986
6 Feb 1935
8 Oct 1999
27 Jun 1939
2 Jul 1882
17 Aug 1948
Bailey, A. J.
Bailey, Betty A.
Bailey, David C.
Bailey, Elizabeth
Bailey, Eugene
Bailey, Gerald E.
Bailey, Jessie Nabors
Bailey, John J.
Bailey, Maggie M.
28 Mar 1885
12 Feb 1965
Bailey, Mark Leon
13 Dec 1968
16 Feb 1999
8 Sep 1914
12 Jun 2009
Bailey, Mattie L.
Bailey, Missouri
Last Updated: August 2010
8 Mar 1857
22 May 1931
(On same marker with Loyd T. Arrington)
(Dau. of James E. Sanders & Mattie Jones;
married Loyd Thomas Arrington on 26 Mar 1948 19)
(Parents: Charles Arrington & Rachel Basil 14)
(Loyd Thomas Arrington;
son of Charlie Arrington & Rachel Basil;
married Iva Sanders on 26 Mar 1948 19)
(Married R. Monroe Atchison abt 1915 - he died 1931 8)
(Obituary in May 9, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Lolen Edmond Atchison;
son of Monroe Atchison & Effie Beasley;
married Lovern Satterfield on 19 Jun 1947 4)
(On same marker with Lolen E. Atchison)
(Dau. of John Lee Satterfield & Janie Garner;
married Lolen Edmond Atchison on 19 Jun 1947 4)
(Obituary in March 27, 2007 The Birmingham News;
parents - Matthew Davis Avery & Regina Shirley)
(Obituary in April 4, 2008 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of Robert S. Norwood, Sr. & Mary Helen Weaver;
married Adrian Avery 4)
(Next to William Samuel Babb)
(19 Oct 1980; age 86;
Parents: Buford Garner & Nancy Weaver 14)
(Dau. of Napoleon “Bud” Garner & Nancy Weaver 4)
(Andrew J. Bailey;
married Missouri M. -?- abt 1879 8)
(On same marker with Gerald E. Bailey)
Daughter of A. J. & M. N. Bailey
(Dau. of Andrew J. Bailey & Missouri M. -?- 8)
(Parents: John Bailey & Maggie Meeks 14)
(Son of Eugene Evans Bailey & Mattie Louise Eubanks;
married Betty Ann ? 4)
(Next to Willard “Bill” Bailey)
(John Joseph Bailey;
son of Andrew J. Bailey & Missouri M. -?-;
married Maggie Meeks on 30 Nov 1904 4 & 8)
(On same marker with John J. Bailey)
(Parents: Berry Meeks & Mattie Grissom 3)
(Dau. of Littlebury Meeks, Jr. & Louise Mattie Grissom;
married John Joseph Bailey on 30 Nov 1904 4)
(Son of Willard Dowell & Jessie Nabors Bailey 77)
(On same marker with Eugene Bailey)
(Obituary in June 13, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(Mattie Louise Eubanks;
married Eugene Evans Bailey on 22 Jul 1933 4)
(Married Andrew J. Bailey abt 1879 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Bailey, Robert W.
Bailey, Vermie L.
24 Oct 1905
15 Oct 1962
31 Mar 1901
13 Nov 1903
Bailey, Vivian L.
7 Oct 1912
16 Nov 1998
Bailey, W. L.
4 Aug 1879
20 Feb 1905
15 Jan 1940
Bailey, Willard “Bill”
Barnett, James
Bartee, Aubria
Bearden, Curtis L.
Bearden, Donald H.
Bearden, Geneva P.
Bearden, Hellen Carrell
Bearden, Monroe J.
Beasley, John Edgar
Beasley, Vera Odell
Beck, Larral Talmadge
Beck, Nueal Shell
Bell, Darlene
Bell, J. C.
Bell, Jerald C.
Bell, Jerry
Bennett, ?
Bennett, Barbara
Bennett, Billie R. Nabors
Bennett, Cynthia
Last Updated: August 2010
26 Jun 1886
6 Dec 1903
3 Dec 1931
14 Mar 1961
26 Nov 1931
19 May 1975
5 May 1908
7 Oct 1985
12 Dec 1950
17 Mar 2002
27 Jul 1911
22 Sep 1982
12 Dec 1906
22 Apr 1986
9 May 1910
20 Oct 1987
17 Aug 1913
8 Dec 1990
25 Mar 1919
16 Jan 2010
14 Jun 1949
6 Mar 1872
11 Mar 1908
15 Mar 1924
12 Apr 1969
31 Jul 1947
23 Sep 1940
26 Sep 1940
12 Dec 1936
22 Nov 1995
23 Nov 1947
24 Nov 1947
(Parents: John Bailey & Maggie Meeks 3)
(Married Vivian Lucille Waldon on 7 Dec 1927 4)
Daughter of Luke & Melissa Bailey
(Next to W. L. Bailey)
(Dau. of W. Luke Bailey & Malissa Frances Weaver 4)
(On same marker with Robert W. Bailey)
(Parents: Thomas Waldron & M. A. Satterfield 14)
(Vivian Lucille Waldon;
dau. of Thomas Debart Waldon & Margaret Ann Satterfield;
married Robert W. Bailey on 7 Dec 1927 4 & 7)
(W. Luke Bailey;
married Malissa Frances Weaver bef 1897 4)
(Married Jessie Nabors)
(On same marker with Eugena Rodgers)
(Jas Barnett; 28 Nov 1940; age 50 1)
(Died in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama 8)
Son of M. E. & A. E. Bartee
(Parents: Monroe Bearden & Geneva Pickett 3)
U.S. Navy
(Parents: Eugene Bearden & Ettie Watkins 14)
(On same marker with Monroe J. Bearden)
(Obituary in March 20, 2002 The Birmingham News.
dau. of Samuel & Maggie Jacks;
preceded in death by husband – Donald Bearden)
(Parents: John Beasley & Eliz Bearden 14)
(On same marker with John Edgar Beasley)
(Parents: James Hubbard & Lily Cutts 14)
(On same marker with Nueal Shell Beck)
(Parents: Elmer Beck & Virgie Dawson 14)
(On same marker with Larral Talmadge Beck)
(Obituary in January 17, 2010 The Birmingham News)
(Nueal Evelyn Shell;
dau. of Rufus Benjamin Shell & Malissa Frances Weaver;
married Larral Talmadge Beck 4 & 7)
Married 25 Oct 1968
(On same marker with Jerry Bell)
Age 36, 5 days
Wife of L. H. Bell
Ala. M.Sgt 301 Log Comd, WW II & Korea
(Son of Sam A. Bell & Lizzie Weaver 8)
Married 25 Oct 1968
(Marker toppled over face down; unable to lift)
(Parents: George Bennett & Lillie Norwood 1)
(On same marker with Richard L. Bennett)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Bennett, George N., Sr.
Bennett, infant
Bennett, infant
Bennett, J. H.
10 Oct 1918
27 Feb 1966
22 Jul 1885
14 Mar 1965
Bennett, Lillie N.
21 Jan 1921
6 May 1996
Bennett, Mae
20 Apr 1897
24 Feb 1924
17 Apr 1893
1 Feb 1907
21 Jan 1935
2 Jun 1882
20 Feb 1905
24 Jan 1896
5 Feb 1896
Bennett, Mary E.
Bennett, Richard L.
Bennett, Roland A.
Black, Dollie
Black, Donald H.
Black, Fred, Jr.
17 Nov 1918
23 Dec 1954
Black, Julia D.
3 Feb 1899
5 Dec 1981
Black, Myrtice I.
Black, Steve A.
15 Feb 1943
2 Oct 1994
Black, W. Fred, Sr.
8 Nov 1898
9 Feb 1949
27 Jan 1926
7 Feb 2002
23 Oct 1929
15 Feb 2006
31 May 1954
5 Sep 1992
11 Nov 1954
17 Aug 1995
9 Dec 1931
27 Dec 2009
Bowden, James Preston
Bowden, Joyce M.
Bowden, Steve
Bradford, Joseph “Bruce”
Bradford, Joseph Thomas
Last Updated: August 2010
Ala. S1 U.S.N.R., WW II
(Married Lillie Norwood 4)
Infant son
Infant son
(John H. Bennett;
Parents: James Bennett & Georgia Pruett 3)
(John (or James) Hardy Bennett;
married 1st - Jodie Etta/Ella Norris aft 1912;
2nd - Nellie ? 4)
(Next to George N. Bennett, Sr.)
(Parents: Grover Norwood & Lurlie McDougal 14)
(Married George Nelson Bennett, Sr. 4)
(On same marker with J. H. Bennett)
(Parents: J. C. Quails & Ella Norris 1)
Daughter of J.G. & G. A. Bennett
Son of J. G. & G. A. Bennett
(On same marker with S. M. Alice Black Donaldson)
(14 Sep 1987; age 63;
Parents: Fred Black & Jula Donaldson 14)
(Born 10 May 1924;
son of William Fred Black, Sr. & Julia Donaldson;
married Myrtice I. Smith aft 1943 4)
(William Fred Black, Jr. or Fred William Black, Jr.;
son of William Fred Black & Julia Donaldson;
married Dorothy 4)
(On same marker with W. Fred Black, Sr.)
(Parents: W. Donaldson & Ovie Hopkins 14)
(Dau. of William H. Donaldson & Ova Iley Hopkins;
married William Fred Black, Sr. 4)
(On same marker with Donald H. Black)
(18 May 1999; age 75;
Parents: Lucian Smith & Elsie Miller 14)
(Born 2 Jul 1924;
married Donald H. Black aft 1943 4)
U.S. Army
(Parents: William Black & Dot Nance 14)
(Son of William Fred Black, Jr. & Dorothy Nance 4)
(William Fred Black, Sr. or Fred William Black, Sr.;
married Julia Donaldson bef 1918 4)
(Obituary in February 10, 2002 on
Wife of 56 years – Joyce Bowden)
(Obituary in February 17, 2006 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by husband - James P. Bowden)
(Stephen E. Bowden;
Parents: James Bowden & Joyce Boyd 14)
(Son of Joseph Thomas Bradford & Mary Green)
(Obituary in December 30, 2009 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife of 56 years - Mary Green Bradford)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Bradshaw, Marion L., Jr.
Bradshaw, Marion L., Sr.
Bratton, Kay H.
Bratton, Lamar “Zeke”
Brensinger, William Paul
Brewer, Bob
Brewer, Kathryn S.
Bridges, Alfred
Bridges, C. H.
1 Sep 1952
15 Jan 1974
24 May 1914
28 Jan 1970
23 Nov 1945
19 Nov 1939
14 Nov 1995
30 Aug 1952
6 Nov 1999
17 Jan 1907
27 Apr 1907
11 Feb 1848
13 Nov 1903
Bridges, Carrie
13 Feb 1877
25 Jan 1907
Bridges, Chambers W.
7 Sep 1871
14 Nov 1965
Bridges, Charles Harve
31 Jan 1870
1 Dec 1956
10 Feb 1888
15 Feb 1982
Bridges, Elizabeth Amanda
Bridges, G. M.
22 May 1845
19 Jun 1928
Bridges, I. J.
16 Jul 1872
22 Feb 1907
19 Dec 1924
19 Dec 1924
16 May 1905
10 Mar 1907
<no dates>
Bridges, infant
Bridges, Leona
Bridges, Mahaliah
Bridges, Martha S.
22 Dec 1845
17 Mar 1917
Bridges, Mattie J.
31 Dec 1896
5 Feb 1968
Last Updated: August 2010
(Son of William C. Bradshaw & Myrtle -?- 8)
Married 14 Feb 1961
(On same marker with Lamar “Zeke” Bratton)
Married 14 Feb 1961
(Addley L. Bratton;
married Kay H. -?- 8)
(12 Jan 1918 - 4 Jan 2001 75)
(On same marker with Bob Brewer)
(18 Sep 1919 - Jan 1986 75)
Son of N. I. & A. Bridges
(Son of Newton Isaac Bridges & Carrie Cox – correct? 4)
(Marker broken into two pieces)
(Charles Harvey Bridges;
son of Jackson Bridges & Mahala Gill;
married Polly Ann Hamaker on 26 May 1867
- she is buried at Concord Baptist Church Cemetery 4)
Wife of N. I. Bridges
(Carrie Cox;
dau. of George W. Cox & Nancy Ann Price;
married Newton Isaac Bridges on 27 Jul 1902 4)
(Parents: George Bridges & Martha Mayfield 3)
(Son of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield;
married Elizabeth Amanda Scott on 8 Sep 1907 4)
(Parents: George Bridges & Martha Mayfield 3)
(Son of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield 4)
(On same marker with Chambers W. Bridges)
(Parents: Dave Scott & Izzy Parsons 14)
(Dau. of David H. Scott & Isabella B. Parsons;
married Chambers W. Bridges on 8 Sep 1907 4)
(George Montgomery Bridges;
son of Jackson Bridges & Mahala Gill;
married Martha S. Mayfield on abt 13 Feb 1865 4)
(Israel J. Bridges;
son of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield 4)
Infant daughter of John & Susie Bridges
(Dau. of John Bridges & Susie Ida Scoggins 4)
Daughter of N. I. & Carrie Bridges
(Parents: Newton Isaac Bridges & Carrie Cox 4)
Wife of Jack Bridges
(Mahala Gill; born abt 1818 - died bef 1880;
married Jackson Bridges on 1 Jan 1839 4)
Wife of G. M. Bridges
(Martha S. Mayfield;
dau. of Israel Mayfield & Clarky Meigs;
married George Montgomery Bridges on abt 13 Feb 1865 4)
(On same marker with Newton I. Bridges)
(Mattie J. Bennett;
married Newton Isaac Bridges on 15 Aug 1915 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Bridges, Newton I.
17 Mar 1879
3 Nov 1958
Bridges, Ovie
23 Mar 1871
28 Jul 1969
Bridges, Susie Rainey
30 Dec 1894
7 Aug 1987
Bridges, William E.
15 Sep 1866
3 Feb 1952
10 Apr 1920
3 Oct 1992
Brown, Mary E.
Brown, Stanley G.
Brown, William C.
Bunn, Jimmy Alan
Burch, Ronald Anderson
Burchfield, Dorothy
Burchfield, Fred N.
Burchfield, Lucille
Burchfield, Sam
Burchfield, Steward
Burkett, Lois Wooddil
Burns, Jim
Butler, James Alfred
Byram, Barbara Lee
Caffee, Walter Gray
Caldwell, Alex S.
Last Updated: August 2010
20 Jun 1945
23 Feb 1999
23 Nov 1913
28 Jul 1984
18 Dec 1960
10 Apr 1998
19 Jul 1962
27 Jun 1972
only date is:
4 May 1926
9 Nov 1895
15 Feb 1971
3 Apr 1903
12 Jun 1998
15 Jun 1874
20 Feb 1905
20 Aug 1897
14 Jan 1927
22 Jul 1917
23 Aug 1968
3 Sep 1872
21 Aug 1937
1 Feb 1933
6 Mar 1933
8 Oct 1922
26 Sep 1992
17 Sep 1910
7 Aug 1953
28 Nov 1860
10 Jan 1942
(Parents: George Bridges & Martha Mayfield 3)
(Newton Isaac Bridges;
son of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield;
married 1st - Carrie Cox on 27 Jul 1902;
2nd - Mattie J. Bennett on 15 Aug 1915 4)
(Ovie Iley Hopkins;
dau. of James Wyley Bridges & Artincy Parsons;
married 1st - Elisha F. Waldrop 11 Dec 1888;
2nd - William H. Donaldson abt 1896;
3rd - William E. Bridges abt 1918 4)
(Parents: Jim Scoggins & Martha Kendrick 14)
(Susie Ida Scoggins;
married 1st - ? Rainey abt 1913;
2nd - ? Johnny Bridges bef 1930 4)
(Son of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield;
married Ovie Iley Hopkins abt 1918 4)
(On same marker with William C. Brown)
(Parents: Rob L. Roper & Minnie Miller 14)
(Dau. of Robert Lee Roper & Minnie Miller;
married William Clarence Brown 4 & 7)
(Parents: William C. Brown & Mary E. Roper 14)
(Son of William Clarence Brown & Mary E. Roper 4)
(Parents: James M. Brown & Rosia Bearden 14)
(William Clarence Brown, Sr.;
married Mary E. Roper 4)
Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Burchfield
(Dau. of Fred N. Burchfield & Lucille 4)
(Parents: Sam Burchfield & Sally Hopkins 3)
(Married Lucille abt 1921 8)
(On same marker with Fred N. Burchfield)
(Married Fred N. Burchfield abt 1921 8)
Killed in Mine Explosion
(On same marker with Ervin Hopkins)
(Samuel Burchfield;
son of Gilbert Bird Burchfield & Susannah ?;
married Sally Hopkins on 14 Oct 1894 4)
(Stewart L. Burchfield 77;
son of Samuel Burchfield & Sally Hopkins 8)
(Next to Theamster B. Wooddil)
(James W. Burns; 5 Aug 1937; age 63;
parents: D. B. Burns & B. Grimes 1)
Son of V. A. & H. M. Butler
(Parents: Robert Roper & Minnie Miller 14)
(Dau. of Robert Lee Roper & Minnie Miller;
married Clyde Byram 8)
(Parents: T. J. Caffee & ? 3)
(Son of Thomas Jefferson Caffee & Melissa Ellen McClinton 4)
(Alexander Stephen Caldwell;
son of Hugh Caldwell & Elizabeth Parsons;
married Cordelia A. Tibbs 4 & 7)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Caldwell, C. H.
17 Feb 1848
28 Jul 1921
Caldwell, C. H., Jr.
23 Jun 1879
27 Feb 1901
Caldwell, Elizabeth
Caldwell, Hugh
Caldwell, Ida
25 Mar 1875
3 Dec 1942
Caldwell, John D.
3 Nov 1881
16 Feb 1965
Caldwell, Leila
19 Jun 1884
23 May 1959
Caldwell, Newman H.
31 Jul 1877
22 Nov 1952
Caldwell, Norman
12 Nov 1875
21 Nov 1941
22 Aug 1888
7 Jan 1975
Caldwell, Rosa A.
Caldwell, Rose Ann
20 Jul 1856
13 Dec 1903
Caldwell, Ruby
4 Aug 1875
2 Jun 1942
Caldwell, Velma
6 Dec 1896
6 Dec 1896
Caldwell, Zella
6 Dec 1896
6 Dec 1896
Camron, Evelyn
2 Nov 1939
3 Nov 1939
2 Feb 1960
16 Nov 2003
3 Nov 1930
17 Feb 2008
22 Mar 1957
1 Nov 1996
10 Mar 1957
30 Aug 1972
22 Jul 1945
28 Jun 2005
Canoles, Judy Lynn
Carlee, Ella
Carlee, Homer A., Jr.
Carlee, Jackie
Carlee, Rogers Elton
Last Updated: August 2010
(Parents: Hugh Caldwell & Eliza Parsons 1)
(Carroll Harris Caldwell;
son of Hugh Caldwell & Elizabeth Parsons;
married Rose Ann Hasty abt 1875 4)
(Carroll Harris Caldwell, Jr.;
son of Carroll Harris Caldwell, Sr. & Rose Ann Hasty 4)
(On same marker with Hugh Caldwell)
(Elizabeth Parsons;
married Hugh Caldwell 6 Jan 1840 4)
(Son of Absalom Caldwell & Hannah Hinds;
married Elizabeth Parsons on 6 Jan 1840 4)
(Next to Newman H. Caldwell)
(Ida Parsons;
married Newman H. Caldwell on 23 Dec 1900 4)
(Parents: C. H. Caldwell & Rosa 3)
(John Duncan Caldwell;
son of Carroll Harris Caldwell, Sr. & Rose Ann Hasty;
married Rosa A. Bridges on 30 Dec 1907 4)
(Parents: Carroll Caldwell & ? 3)
(Leila Belle Caldwell;
dau. of Carroll Harris Caldwell, Sr. & Rose Ann Hasty 4)
(Parents: C. A. Caldwell & Rosa Hasty 3)
(Son of Carroll Harris Caldwell, Sr. & Rose Ann Hasty;
married Ida Parsons on 23 Dec 1900 4)
(Son of Carroll Harris Caldwell, Sr. & Rose Ann Hasty;
married Ruby Tillman on 22 Aug 1911 4)
(On same marker with John D. Caldwell)
(Parents: George Bridges & Mar. Mayfield 14)
(Rosa A. Bridges;
dau. of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield;
married John Duncan Caldwell on 30 Dec 1907 4)
Wife of C. H. Caldwell
(Rose Ann Hasty;
dau. of ? Hasty & Aramenta ?;
married Carroll Harris Caldwell, Sr. abt 1875 4)
(Next to Norman Caldwell)
(Ruby Tillman;
married Norman Caldwell on 22 Aug 1911 4)
Children of A. S. & C. A. Caldwell
(On same marker with Zella Caldwell)
(Dau. of Alexander Stephen Caldwell & Cordelia A. Tibbs 4)
Children of A. S. & C. A. Caldwell
(On same marker with Velma Caldwell)
(Dau. of Alexander Stephen Caldwell & Cordelia A. Tibbs 4)
(Obituary in November 17, 2003 The Birmingham News;
dau. of Don & Kathryn Canoles)
(Obituary in February 20, 2008 The Birmingham News;
survived by husband of 57 years - Alvin Carlee)
(Parents: Homer Carlee & Louella Fancher 14)
(Obituary in June 30, 2005 The Birmingham News)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Carmichael, Barbara A.
3 Mar 1936
17 Jan 1984
Carmichael, William E.
10 Feb 1928
11 Jun 1900
5 Jan 1955
Carrington, Ella E.
Carrington, John D.
10 Jun 1876
23 Jul 1947
Cartee, Gladys Marie
28 Sep 1939
26 Nov 1997
6 Jun 1935
15 Dec 1970
Cecil, Ada Louise
Clark, Edmond W.
23 Oct 1912
25 Jul 1977
Clark, Houston L.
27 Aug 1902
25 Aug 1971
Clark, Ida C.
25 Jul 1893
20 Apr 1975
Clark, Joe E.
(abt 1945)
5 Jun 2010
Clark, Louise M.
21 Mar 1921
6 Aug 1998
Clark, Milton Jasper
17 Aug 1943
30 Jun 2002
25 Apr 1904
28 Feb 1976
Clark, Myrtle H.
Clark, Rennie V.
Clark, Rudy Rudell
Clements, Connie Jean
Coker, Walter B., Jr.
Coleman, William Dean
Coleman, William Maxwell, Sr.
Collett, Eleanor K.
Last Updated: August 2010
21 Aug 1888
4 Apr 1952
13 Jan 1922
14 Dec 1922
6 Jun 1941
5 Feb 1984
(abt 1925)
6 Nov 2009
1 Feb 1933
27 Jul 1995
(On same marker with William E. Carmichael)
(Parents: Robert L. Wallace & Annie Fancher 14)
(Married William E. Carmichael 8)
(Son of James A. Carmichael & Mazie Justice;
married Barbara A. -?- 8)
(Parents: James Kent & Rosavelt Cox 3)
(Ella Elizabeth Kent;
dau. of James R. Kent & Rosa Bell Cox;
married John Drayton Carrington on 19 Sep 1915 4)
(John Drayton Carrington;
son of John R. L. Carrington & Louisa J.;
married Ella Elizabeth Kent on 19 Sep 1915 4)
(Parents: Bera Vance & Mary McClain 2)
(Dau. of Beral Vance & Mary Louise McClain;
married -?- Cecil aft 1951 4)
(Parents: Rennie V. Clark & Ida C. Cox 14)
(Edmond William Clark;
married Louise Satterfield on 30 Jun 1939 4)
(Parents: Jno Clark & Nan Steele 3)
(Son of John Newton Clark & Nanetta Steel;
married Myrtle Hallman 4)
(On same marker with Rennie V. Clark)
(Parents: Wesley Cox & Willie A. Hill 14)
(Dau. of George Wesley Cox & Willie Ann Hill/Foster/Jones 4 & 7)
(Obituary in June 6, 2010 The Birmingham News)
(Joe Elton Clark;
son of Edmond William Clark & Mamie Louise Satterfield 4)
(On same marker with Edmond W. Clark)
(Louise Satterfield;
dau. of John Lee Satterfield & Edie Jannie Garner;
married Edmond William Clark on 30 Jun 1939 4)
(Obituary in July 3, 2002 The Birmingham News;
wife – Wanda Clark)
(On same marker with Houston L. Clark)
(Annie M. Clark; 28 Feb 1976; age 72;
Parents: Jessie Hallman & Mary Goodwin 14)
(Annie Myrtle Hallman;
married Houston L. Clark 4 & 7)
(Son of Andrew G. Clark & Mary E. -?-;
married Ida Cox abt 1913 4)
(Parents: R. Clark & Ida Cox 1)
(Dau. of Rennie V. Clark & Ida Cox 4)
(Parents: Tommy E. Myers & Ruby M. Helms 24)
(Obituary in November 6, 2009 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife of 55 years - Mary Coker)
(27 Oct 1977; age 16;
Parents: William M. Coleman & Louise Hinton 14)
(Born 3 Apr 1961 8)
PFC U.S. Army, Korea
(Parents: Charles Coleman & Louise Hinton 14)
(On same marker with Thomas J. Collett)
Valley Creek Cemetery
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Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Collett, Thomas J.
Collins, Harvil E.
Cook, Dorothy V.
Cook, Sarah F.
Cosper, Maggie E.
Cosper, Walter E.
Couch, Mark A.
23 Aug 1938
27 Jun 1984
6 Dec 1919
14 Nov 1971
15 Sep 1922
1 Aug 1949
31 Aug 1867
3 Jan 1868
25 May 1925
14 Feb 1914
15 Jun 1987
(abt 1961)
29 Jul 2010
Cox, Artie Lou
1 Sep 1905
18 Feb 1925
Cox, Boman P.
18 Aug 1891
4 Nov 1956
Cox, Connie B.
19 Mar 1907
26 Dec 1993
Cox, E. Jackson
9 Dec 1872
19 Nov 1963
Cox, Eva L.
23 Aug 1885
27 Apr 1984
Cox, Gisela Wittig
13 May 1931
13 Dec 1995
Cox, Hannah E.
18 Sep 1870
3 Jul 1925
Cox, infant
25 Feb 1907
25 Feb 1907
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
<no dates>
Cox, infant
Cox, infant
Cox, infant (1)
Cox, infant (2)
Cox, infant (3)
Cox, infant (4)
Cox, infant (5)
Cox, infant (6)
Cox, infant (7)
Cox, infant (8)
Last Updated: August 2010
U.S. Navy
(Earon Collins; born 6 Dec 1918 75)
(Married Effie B. Garner aft 1944 4)
Born in Ireland
(Next to Walter E. Cosper)
(Born 4 Feb 1914 75)
(Obituary in July 31, 2010 The Birmingham News;
predeceased by father - Morris Couch;
survived by wife - Sherry D. Couch & mother - Dean Couch)
Daughter of J. H. & Hannah E. Cox
(Parents: J. H. Cox & H. Chambliss 1)
(Dau. of John Hiram Cox & Hanna Chambliss 4)
(Parents: Hiram Cox & Mary Meigs 3)
(Boman Perry Cox;
son of Hiram Perry Cox & Mary A. Meigs;
married Eva E. Laird on 27 Mar 1910 4)
(On same marker with Otho D. Cox)
(Parents: Lemanuel Hudson & Alta Pitcock 14)
(Married Otho D. Cox abt 1923 8)
(Eli J. Cox;
Parents: George Cox & Nancy Price 3)
(Eli Jackson Cox;
son of George Wesley Cox & Nancy Ann Price;
married 1st - Martha Parsons;
2nd - Missourie A. Durrett 4 & 8)
(On same marker with Boman P. Cox)
(Parents: Louis Laird & Nancy McClain 14)
(Eva E. Laird;
daughter of Louis L. Laird & Nancy Mary McClain;
married Boman P. Cox on 27 Mar 1910 4)
(On same marker with John L. Cox)
(Parents: Alfred Wittig & Martha Monasky 14)
(Married John Luther Cox aft 1948 4)
Wife of J. H. Cox
(Next to John H. Cox)
(Parents: Jno Chambliss & J. McAllister 1)
(Married John Hiram Cox on 20 Dec 1896 4)
Infant son of J. H. & H. E. Cox
(Son of John Hiram Cox & Hannah Elizabeth Chambliss 4)
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Children of Otho D. & Connie B. Cox
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 9 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Cox, James L.
Cox, John H.
Cox, John L.
Cox, Linda M.
Cox, Luther E.
only date is:
8 Jun 1955
29 Feb 1868
23 Dec 1939
only date is:
10 Jan 1962
23 Oct 1897
14 Dec 1979
Cox, Margaret
28 Aug 1861
8 Jan 1934
Cox, Mary A.
12 Feb 1874
25 Jan 1915
Cox, Missourie A.
12 May 1870
9 Jul 1932
Cox, Nancy A.
24 Feb 1910
Cox, Otho D.
19 Jan 1899
8 Apr 1957
Cox, Sarah Ann
1 Sep 1829
4 Jan 1915
Crider, Sandra C.
(abt 1957)
24 Jun 2009
22 May 1999
10 Jun 1999
20 Sep 1875
30 Apr 1948
Crow-Beck, Caleb Austin
Crowder, Andrew R.
Crowder, Elizabeth P.
7 May 1886
27 May 1961
Crowder, infant
20 Nov 1908
2 Feb 1909
Last Updated: August 2010
Born U.S. Army Hospital, Berlin Germany
(John Hiram Cox;
son of George W. Cox & Unity Frazier;
married Hannah Elizabeth Chambliss on 20 Dec 1896 4)
(John Luther Cox; 19 Mar 1927 - 13 Aug 2002;
son of Luther Eldridge Cox & Hester Harriett Laurence;
married Gisela Wittig 4)
Born in U.S. Army Hospital, Berlin, Germany
(Parents: John Cox & Hannah Shamblin 14)
(Luther Eldridge Cox;
son of John Hiram Cox & Hannah E. Chambliss;
married Hester Harriett Huffman abt 1924;
she is buried at West Jefferson Freewill Bap. Ch. Cemetery 4)
Wife of Jim Cox
(Margaret Mayfield;
dau. of Israel Mayfield & Nancy Ann Price;
married James William Cox on 10 Dec 1875;
he is buried at Blue Creek Cemetery 4 & 7)
Wife of H. P. Cox
Married 11 Sep 1890
(Mary Ann Meigs;
married Hiram Perry Cox on 11 Sep 1890 4)
(On same marker with E. Jackson Cox)
(Parents: Jas Durrett & M. Lawless 1)
(Dau. of James Durrett & Margaret Lawless;
married Eli Jackson Cox 4)
Age 72 years
Wife of G. W. Cox
(Nancy Ann Price; born bet 1838 - 1842;
married 1st - Israel Mayfield on 16 Feb 1859;
2nd - George Wesley Cox on 10 Mar 1871 4)
(Parents: John H. Cox & Hannah Shamblin 3)
(Son of John Hiram Cox & Hannah E. Chambliss;
married Connie B. Hudson abt 1923 4)
(Sarah Ann Parsons;
dau. of Wade Parsons & Kesiah Combs;
married John K/R Cox on 16 Oct 1860 4 & 8)
(Obituary in June 26, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(Parents: Jasper D. Beck & Candace Crow 14)
(Andrew Robert Crowder;
son of Thomas N. Crowder & Lisa Jane Franklin;
married 1st - Margaret L. McFall on 10 Oct 1895;
2nd - Elizabeth Pruitt on 29 Jul 1906 4)
(Parents: John Pruitt & Amelia Bell 3)
(Elizabeth Pruitt;
dau. of John Davenport Pruitt & Amelia Bell;
married 1st - ? Harris;
2nd - Andrew Robert Crowder on 29 Jul 1906 4 & 8)
Infant son
(On same marker with Elizabeth P. Crowder)
(Son of Andrew Robert Crowder & Elizabeth Pruitt 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 10 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Crowder, Margaret
21 Jul 1876
24 Mar 1905
Crowder, William Hester
3 Oct 1896
23 Nov 1896
2 Oct 1888
30 Aug 1964
Curren, Mary Weaver
Curren, Robert Clyde
Dabbs, infant
Dagnan, Frank A.
Dagnan, Lula N.
16 Jun 1884
16 Sep 1962
only date is:
7 Sep 1945
25 Jul 1885
22 May 1971
10 Nov 1892
19 Apr 1966
Dailey, Shirley Ann Donaldson
18 Feb 1939
11 Aug 2001
Dansby, Karen
26 Nov 1962
15 Nov 1991
27 Feb 1869
17 Nov 1945
Davis, Martha O.
Davis, Newton J.
Deason, Bonnie Sue
Deason, Emery Bernice
Deason, Lonetha C.
Deason, Virtus E.
Deaton, Rosanna L.
Deaton, Rosetta Josephine
Derbyshire, Evelyn Suttles
Develin, Joe T.
Develin, Lillie
Last Updated: August 2010
31 Dec 1861
5 Jan 1921
4 Aug 1961
1 Mar 1963
21 Aug 1917
26 Mar 1931
18 Feb 1915
4 May 1917
24 Apr 1907
16 May 1908
11 Jul 1851
5 Nov 1890
23 Mar 1882
10 Feb 1972
9 Dec 1943
15 Jun 2004
29 Apr 1901
14 Feb 1972
24 Aug 1894
Wife of A. R. Crowder
Daughter of J. N. & M. A. McFall
(Next to Andrew R. Crowder)
(Dau. of Joseph Newton McFall & Mary A. Reeder;
married Andrew Robert Crowder on 10 Oct 1895 4)
Son of A. R. & M. L. Crowder
(Son of Andrew Robert Crowder & Margaret L. McFall 4)
(Next to Robert Clyde Curren)
(Dau. of Isaac Thomas Weaver & Editha Evelyn Johnston;
married - Jim Harris
- Bob Carnes
- William Walker Shoemaker
- Robert Clyde Curren 4 & 7)
(Parents: Perry Curren & ? 3)
(Son of Perry O. Curren & Elizabeth -?- 8)
Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Edith Dabbs
(Parents: Frank Dabbs & Edith Martin 1)
(Son of J. F. Dagnan & Hattie ?;
married Lula N. Caldwell abt 1912 4)
(On same marker with Frank A. Dagnan)
(Lula N. Caldwell;
dau. of Carroll Harris Caldwell & Rose Ann Hasty;
married Frank A. Dagnan abt 1912 4)
(Dau. of Clarence Albert Donaldson & Juanita Harless;
married 1st - Marvin Eugene Satterfield on 11 Aug 1960;
2nd - ? Dailey aft 1962 4)
(Parents: M. E. Satterfield & Shirley Dailey 24)
(Dau. of Marvin Eugene Satterfield & Shirley Ann Donaldson 8)
(On same marker with Newton J. Davis)
(Martha Ophelia Parsons;
dau. of James Edward Parsons & Lucinda Hamaker;
married Newton J. Davis on 4 Dec 1884 4 & 7)
(Son of ? Davis & Mary A. Reeder;
married Martha Ophelia Parsons on 4 Dec 1884 4)
(Parents: William E. Deason & Clara Ansley 2)
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Deason
Son of W. M. & C. A. Deason
(Next to Rosetta Josephine Deaton)
(Married E. L. Deaton 8)
(Next to Rosanna L. Deaton)
(Parents: E. L. Deaton & Rosetta Barger 3)
(Obituary in June 16, 2004 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of James Daniel Suttles & Clara Howell
(Parents: Thomas Develin & Dora Horn 3)
(Son of Thomas Timothy Develin & Caldonie M. Horn 8)
(Next to Joe T. Develin)
(31 Oct 1986; age 92;
Parents: John Hendrick & Mollie Lucas 14)
(Married Joe T. Develin 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 11 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Donaldson, Anderson H.
16 Apr 1867
5 Mar 1955
Donaldson, Annie B.
5 Jan 1909
19 Jan 1987
Donaldson, baby
Donaldson, baby
Donaldson, Bethany E.
<no dates>
<no dates>
12 Sep 1868
11 Dec 1956
Donaldson, Chadwick
11 Mar 1936
21 Mar 2005
Donaldson, Clarence A. “Bunk”
30 Jan 1914
7 May 1983
Donaldson, Dabber D.
12 Sep 1918
27 May 1994
2 Nov 1874
6 Mar 1934
Donaldson, Dan H.
Donaldson, David W.
Donaldson, Hobert M.
Donaldson, Juanita
18 May 1917
21 Sep 1999
Donaldson, Lazette C.
1 Nov 2007
Donaldson, Lillie M.
15 Apr 1922
13 Jul 1986
1 May 1912
22 Jan 1975
Donaldson, Melvin
Donaldson, S. M. Alice Black
Donaldson, Shirley J.
Donaldson, Theodosia
Last Updated: August 2010
18 Oct 1866
6 Feb 1896
15 Mar 1868
27 Dec 1944
(Parents: D. Donaldson & Mandy ? 3)
(Anderson Howard Donaldson;
son of Wiley Baxter Donaldson & Amanda Kimery;
married Bethany Eliza Martin on 31 Oct 1897 4, 7 & 8)
Footstone has “Sug”
(Next to Walter J. Donaldson)
(Parents: C. W. Bridges & Eliza Scott 14)
Annie Belle Bridges;
dau. of Chambers W. Bridges & Elizabeth Amanda Scott;
married Walter Jackson Donaldson 4)
(Next to Melvin D. Donaldson)
(Parents: Alf Martin & ? 3)
(Bethany Eliza Martin;
dau. of Lewis Alva Martin & Martha Ann Vines;
married Anderson Howard Donaldson on 31 Oct 1897 7 & 8)
(Obituary in March 23, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Chadwick Harlen Donaldson;
son of Walter Jackson Donaldson & Annie Belle Bridges;
married Sarah Nell Martin abt 1960 4)
(Parents: A. H. Donaldson & Bethany Martin 24)
(Clarence Albert Donaldson;
son of Anderson Howard Donaldson & Bethany Eliza Martin;
married Juanita Harless 4 & 7)
(Darrell D. Donaldson; 5 Oct 1934 - 21 Mar 2001 75;
son of Walter Jackson Donaldson & Annie Belle Bridges 4 & 8)
(Son of Anderson Howard Donaldson & Bethany Eliza Martin;
married Lillie M. 4)
(Son of Wiley B. Donaldson & Mandy Kimery;
married Theodocia Cox on 6 Jun 1897 4)
Married 28 Jun 1943
(16 Dec 1986; age 65;
Parents: H. Donaldson, Sr. & Eva Pickett 14)
(Hobert Mark Donaldson, Jr.; born 21 Nov 1921;
son of Hobert Mark Donaldson, Sr. & Eva Mae Pickett;
married Lazette Crawford on 28 Jun 1943 25)
(On same marker with Clarence A. “Bunk” Donaldson)
(Parents: Kelly B. Harless & Allie B. Dixon 24)
(Married Clarence Albert Donaldson aft 1932 4)
Married 28 Jun 1943
(On same marker with Hobert M. Donaldson)
(Obituary in November 4, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of Forest Crawford & Mabell Franklin;
married Hobert Mark Donaldson, Jr. on 28 Jun 1943 25)
(Next to Dan H. Donaldson)
(Married Dan H. Donaldson aft 1936 4)
(Parents: A. H. Donaldson & Beth Martin 2)
(Son of Anderson H. Donaldson & Bethany Eliza Martin;
married Effie -?- 4 & 8)
(On same marker with Dollie Black)
(Married William H. Donaldson 4)
(On same marker with Dabber D. Donaldson)
(Married Darrell D. Donaldson aft 1952 4)
(On same marker with David W. Donaldson)
(Dau. of George Wesley Cox & Unity C. Frazier;
married David W. Donaldson on 6 Jun 1897 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 12 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Donaldson, W. H.
3 Jan 1867
20 Feb 1905
Donaldson, Walter J.
2 Oct 1904
28 May 1963
Donaldson, William Earl
2 Feb 1962
12 Jan 1990
28 Aug 1966
4 Apr 1992
14 Mar 1929
6 Jul 1981
Donaldson-Gisel, Angelia
Dunn, B. Edna
Dunn, Betty J.
Dunn, Charles L.
Dunn, Dixie Dean
Dunn, Douglas Criss
Dunn, Jackie Anderson
Dunn, James F.
Dunn, T. A. “Buster”
Dunn, Tommy Michael
Dunn, Valesta B.
Earnest, Darrell Lee
Earnest, Janice F.
Essex, Debra Leigh
Fancher, Carl
Fancher, Frances G.
Fancher, G. R.
Fancher, George L.
Last Updated: August 2010
4 Jul 1933
14 Oct 1991
25 Jul 1927
6 Mar 1985
30 Jul 1947
20 Feb 1949
3 Oct 1938
10 Jan 1922
6 Oct 1981
30 Aug 1908
19 Oct 1964
27 Apr 1945
25 Sep 1916
22 Aug 2010
9 Oct 1970
2 Jul 1990
6 Nov 1946
6 Apr 1968
5 Nov 1983
16 Sep 2000
<no dates>
9 Sep 1903
5 May 1974
17 Jun 1900
2 Nov 1961
7 Sep 1925
1 Sep 1989
Killed in mine explosion
(Marker broken into two pieces)
(William H. Donaldson;
son of Wiley B. Donaldson & Mandy Kimery;
married 1st - S. M. Alice Black?;
2nd - Ova Iley Hopkins abt 1896 4)
Footstone has “Chigger”
(Parents: William Donaldson & Ovil Hopkins 3)
(Walter Jackson Donaldson;
son of William H. Donaldson & Ova Iley Hopkins;
married Annie Belle Bridges aft 1930 4)
(Parents: James A. Donaldson & Dian Quesenbery 24)
Married 14 Aug 1947
(On same marker with James F. Dunn)
(Barbara E. Dunn;
Parents: W. T. Moore & Flora Bailey 14)
(Barbara Edna Moore;
dau. of William Tom Moore & Flora Bailey;
married James F. Dunn 4)
(On same marker with Charles L. Dunn)
(Parents: Willis Moore & Sadie Franklin 24)
(Parents: Sam Dunn & Savilla Nelson 14)
(Next to Douglas Criss Dunn)
Vietnam Vet
(Next to Tommy Michael Dunn)
Married 14 Aug 1947
(Parents: Sam F. Dunn & Savila Nelson 14)
(Thomas Anderson Dunn;
married Eleanor Valesta Bennett on abt 3 Oct 1936 8)
(On same marker with T. A. “Buster” Dunn)
(Obituary in August 23, 2010 The Birmingham News)
(Eleanor Valesta Bennett;
dau. of Ollie C. Dunn & Betty C. Maxwell 77;
married Thomas Anderson Dunn on abt 3 Oct 1936 4)
(Parents: Charles Earnest & Ruby Myers 24)
Baby of J. W. – Maggie Fancher
(Next to G. R. Fancher)
(Parents: George Vickers & Mary Abbott 14)
(George R. Fancher;
Parents: John Fancher & Maggie Brown 3)
(Parents: ? Fancher & Frances Vickers 14)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 13 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Fancher, James David
Fancher, John W.
Fancher, Maggie
<no dates>
Jun 1868
Apr 1933
3 Dec 1895
20 May 1981
Fancher, Myrtle
<no dates>
Fancher, Persey
27 Oct 1921
3 Aug 1922
8 Oct 1905
1 Aug 1920
1 Apr 1886
21 Aug 1887
11 Jul 1884
27 May 1954
19 Feb 1922
12 Sep 1986
1 May 1927
9 Nov 2009
Fancher, William
Farr, Annie
Fields, Margaret Ann
Fizer, William J.
Franklin, Belton D.
Franklin, Carolyn A.
Franklin, Ethel
Franklin, Mary E.
Franklin, Oscar
Frazier, George
Garner, infant
Garner, infant
1 May 1969
21 Dec 1986
24 Aug 1884
18 Dec 1913
4 Feb 1937
23 Aug 1912
1 May 1913
17 Aug 1905
25 Jul 1936
<no dates>
Garner, infants
30 Oct 1950
30 Oct 1950
<no dates>
Garner, infants
<no dates>
Garner, Irene
Last Updated: August 2010
Son of J. W. & Maggie Fancher
(25 Dec 1932; infant;
Parents: J. W. Fancher & Maggie Vickers 1)
(7 Apr 1933; age 55;
Parents: D. Fancher & L. Broadhead 1)
Wife of J. W. Fancher
(Parents: Lemuel Vicara & Mary Abbott 14)
(Maggie Vickers 7)
Daughter of J. W. & Maggie Fancher
(24 Jun 1928; infant;
Parents: J. W. Fancher & M. Vickers 1)
(Dau. of J. W. Fancher & Maggie Vickers 7)
Son of J. W. & M. A. Fancher
(Parents: Jno Fancher & Maggie 1)
Daughter of Lige & Nonie Farr
(Dau. of Napoleon “Bud” Garner & Nancy Weaver;
married Billy Fields 4)
U. S. Army, WW II
(Obituary in November 10, 2009 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife of 43 years - Mary Franklin)
(Belton Dewey Franklin, Sr.;
son of R. K. Franklin & Carrie -?-;
married Mary E. -?- 8)
(Next to Belton D. & Mary E. Franklin)
Wife of S. E. Franklin
(On same marker with Belton D. Franklin)
Son of S. E. & Ethel Franklin
Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. V.W. Garner
(Son of William Van Buren Garner & Eva Irene Waldon 7)
Infant son of Bill & Jewell Garner
(Parents: William Garner & J. Bruce 1)
Infant daughters of Mr. & Mrs. V. W. Garner
(14 Dec 1944; infant;
Parents: William V. Garner & Eva Walton 1)
(Dau. of William Van Buren Garner & Eva Irene Waldon 7)
Infant daughters of Mr. & Mrs. V. W. Garner
(10 Oct 1947; infant;
Parents: William V. Garner & Eva Walton 1)
(Dau. of William Van Buren Garner & Eva Irene Waldon 7)
(On same marker with Van W. Garner)
(Eva Irene Garner; died 31 Aug 1998; age 87;
Parents: Tom O. Waldon & M. Satterfield 24)
(Eva Irene Waldon; born 10 Nov 1910 75;
dau. of Thomas William Debart Waldon
& Margaret Ann Satterfield;
married William Van Buren Garner 4 & 7)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 14 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Garner, Isaac
Garner, Joseph C.
Garner, Lula
4 Mar 1884
16 May 1947
5 Sep 1943
30 Dec 1943
28 Feb 1898
28 Oct 1949
Garner, Nancy
5 Apr 1862
28 Feb 1951
Garner, Nannie Jewell
20 Feb 1918
13 Jun 1993
Garner, Van W.
Garner, William “Bill”
Geis, Hattie
Gilbert, Hazel Winslett
Glover, Edward C.
1 Jul 1917
10 Aug 1881
2 Jan 1902
(abt 1925)
2 Jul 2010
Glover, Gertrude E.
Glover, Herschel E.
27 Jul 1933
1 Oct 1970
Glover, Hugh C.
Glover, Jackie N.
Glover, Joan M.
Glover, Mary R.
5 May 1955
5 May 1955
10 Aug 1924
17 Jul 1978
Glover, Mattie C.
19 Mar 1893
24 Feb 1986
Gober, Konnye D.
30 Dec 1952
22 Dec 2005
21 Jul 1928
29 Jun 2003
Goolsby, Mary Ruth
Green, Hattie J.
Green, Hiram P.
Green, Jeffery A.
Last Updated: August 2010
7 Nov 1866
12 Nov 1929
24 Sep 1863
20 Feb 1920
25 Apr 1973
2 Mar 1981
(Son of Napoleon Garner & Nancy Weaver;
married Lula Walden aft 1914 4)
(Parents: I. Garner & L. Walden 1)
(Son of Isaac Garner & Lula Walden 4)
(Next to Isaac Garner)
(Lula Walden;
married Isaac Garner 4)
(Nancy Weaver;
dau. of George W. Weaver & Margaret Ann Cox;
married Napoleon “Bud” Garner abt 1882 4)
(On same marker with William “Bill” Garner)
(Parents: John Booth & Zula Glover 14)
(William V. Garner; 8 Aug 1985; age 80;
Parents: Napoleon Garner & Nancy Weaver 14)
(William Van Buren Garner; born 16 Feb 1905;
married Eva Irene Waldon 4)
(Died 16 Jan 2003 75)
Wife of N. Geis
(Married Nick Geis abt 1900 8)
(Obituary in July 4, 2010 The Birmingham News;
survived by husband of 64 years - Marshall O. Gilbert)
(12 Apr 1927; infant;
Parents: Hugh Glover & M. Nicholson 1)
(Son of Hugh Cleveland Glover & Mattie Nicholson 4)
(7 Feb 1923; age 10;
Parents: H. C. Glover & M. Nicholson 1)
(Dau. of Hugh C. Glover & Mattie Nicholson 4)
(Herschel Ella Glover; died 7 Apr 1952;
dau. of Hugh Cleveland Glover & Mattie Nicholson 4)
(Hugh Cleveland Glover; died 3 Feb 1951;
married Mattie Nicholson abt 1909 4)
Ala A1C 3380 Fld Svc Sq AF, Korea
(Parents: Hugh Glover & M. Nicholson 3)
(Son of Hugh C. Glover & Mattie Nicholson 4)
(Parents: Jerry Glover & Patricia Victor 3)
(Mary Ruth Glover;
Parents: Hugh Glover & Mat Nicholson 14)
(Dau. of Hugh C. Glover & Mattie Nicholson 4)
(Parents: Jason Nicholson & Frank Caldwell 14)
(Mattie C. Nicholson;
dau. of John J. (Jason?) Nicholson & Candace Frankie Caldwell;
married Hugh Cleveland Glover abt 1909 4)
(Obituary in December 26, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Obituary in July 1, 2003 The Birmingham News;
dau. of Herman O. Walton & Bertha Mae Gardner;
married Thomas J. Goolsby)
(On same marker with Hiram P. Green)
(Married Hiram P. Green abt 1888 8)
(Married Hattie J. -?- abt 1888 8)
(Parents: R. E. Green, Sr. & Gloria Collins 14)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 15 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Green, Ola Mae
15 Feb 1916
8 Jan 1996
Green, Vester R.
27 Mar 1904
19 Apr 1904
7 Mar 1913
22 Sep 1980
only date is:
12 Jun 1949
only date is:
Jul 1939
Green, William M.
Griffin, infant
Griffin, infant
Griffin, James H.
Griffin, Lucinda S.
Griffin, Mildred Dye
Griffin, Printice
Griffin, Samuel Earl
Griffin, William N.
Griffin, William W.
Hallmon, Fred
Hallmon, J. N.
8 Feb 1920
20 Aug 1920
28 Feb 1928
13 Apr 1982
13 Jul 1916
6 May 1990
21 Dec 1922
20 Nov 1972
5 Apr 1882
2 Oct 1941
18 Jun 1912
23 Aug 1951
6 May 1913
18 Aug 1932
24 May 1871
12 Dec 1933
Hallmon, Mary
8 Mar 1871
19 Feb 1952
Harrell, Lela Inez
5 Jun 1919
24 Dec 1936
20 Mar 1873
20 Feb 1905
20 Oct 1947
25 Sep 1995
8 Jan 1906
12 Apr 1940
Harris, D. H.
Harris, Larry N.
Harris, Mary
Harris, Thomas J.
Last Updated: August 2010
5 Feb 1892
6 Oct 1956
(On same marker with William M. Green)
(Parents: Robert Roper & Minnie Miller 14)
(Married William M. Green 4)
Son of L. A. & M. S. Green
Sgt. U.S. Army, WW II
(Parents: William T. Green & Sara Cook 14)
Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin
(Dau. of William Nathan Griffin & Lucinda Shoemaker 7)
Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin
(Next to William N. & Lucinda S. Griffin)
(Dau. of William Nathan Griffin & Lucinda Shoemaker 7)
(James Harris Griffin 77)
(Next to William N. Griffin)
(26 Feb 1981; age 89;
Parents: James Shoemaker & Lena Vines 14)
(Born 22 May 1891;
dau. of James Hiram Shoemaker & Leeanna Vines;
married William N. Griffin abt 1908 4)
(Next to Samuel Earl Griffin)
(Next to William W. Griffin)
(Parents: Arthur Hawkins & Della Justice 14)
(Dau. of Arthur Bethel Hawkins & Della Justice;
married William Walker Griffin aft 1932 4)
Ala. Cpl 4420 QM Depot CO, WW II BSM
(William Nathan Griffin;
married Lucinda Shoemaker abt 1908 4)
(William Walker Griffin;
son of William Nathan Griffin & Lucinda Shoemaker;
married Printice Hawkins aft 1932 4)
(Parents: J. N. Hallman & M. Goodwin 1)
(Son of Jesse N. Hallman & Mary Goodwin 4)
(Parents: R. Hallman & S. Williams 1)
(Jesse N. Hallman;
married Mary M. Goodwin abt 1891 4)
(Next to J. N. Hallmon)
(Mary M. Goodwin;
married Jesse N. Hallman abt 1891 4)
(Dau. of Charles B. Harrell & Clearcy -?- 8)
(Parents: Lloyd N. Harris & Amy Raney 14)
(Next to Thomas J. Harris)
(Parents: Morgan Vines & D. Bailey 1)
(Died 10 Apr 1940 77;
dau. of William Morgan Vines & Mary Donna Bailey;
married Thomas J. Harris after 1930 4)
(Parents: Frank Harris & Della 3)
(Dau. of Frank Harris & Della Moore;
married Mary J. Vines 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 16 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Hassell, Cora
Hasty, Aramenta
Hawkins, Arthur B.
Hawkins, Della J.
1 Feb 1888
26 May 1917
16 Feb 1825
6 Nov 1897
26 Sep 1882
5 May 1945
16 Aug 1897
28 Jul 1971
Hayden, Margie Burchfield
22 Feb 1900
19 Feb 1986
Heatherly, Harless E., Sr.
4 Jan 1928
5 Jun 2007
(abt 1957)
19 Nov 2005
Heatherly, Michial
Hendricks, Jane C.
6 Apr 1864
26 Mar 1940
Hendricks, Thomas D.
5 Mar 1861
7 Feb 1931
Henson, Minnie C.
Hill, Barbara S.
3 Jul 1942
Hill, Elizabeth
14 Jan 1854
22 Jun 1913
14 Dec 1935
21 Aug 1995
Hill, George Ray
Hill, Hardy Eugene
30 Jul 1928
10 Sep 2002
Hill, J. C.
8 Apr 1885
16 Nov 1960
Hobson, Jesse H.
9 Jan 1898
28 Mar 1971
9 Dec 1903
26 Oct 1991
Hobson, Nellie V.
Hodges, Dabry “Dock”
Hodges, Wanda J.
Last Updated: August 2010
21 Jul 1916
24 Oct 1986
28 May 1939
21 Apr 2000
Daughter of W. B. & M. A. Ansley
(Arthur Bethel Hawkins;
married Della Justice on 8 Feb 1913 4)
(On same marker with Arthur B. Hawkins)
(Della Justice;
dau. of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield;
married Arthur Bethel Hawkins on 8 Feb 1913 4)
(Parents: Sam Burchfield & Sal Hopkins 14)
(Dau. of Sam Burchfield & Sally Hopkins;
married ? Hayden 4)
(Obituary in June 6, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Married Betty Jones 4)
(Obituary in November 21, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Harless E. Heatherly, Sr. & Betty Jones;
married Linda ? 4)
(On same marker with Thomas D. Hendricks)
(Jane Hogg;
married Thomas Hendricks abt 1887 8)
(Married Jane Hogg abt 1887 8)
(25 Dec 1977; age 75;
Parents: John H. Cox & H. E. Shamblin 14)
(Dau. of John Hiram Cox & Hannah E. Chambliss;
married ? Henson 4)
Married 1988
(On same marker with George Ray Hill)
(Married George Ray Hill 4)
Wife of James Hill
Married 1988
(Parents: Hardy Hill & Ozella Echols 14)
(Son of Hardy D. Hill & Addie Ozella Echols;
married 1st - ?;
2nd - Barbara -?- 4)
(Obituary in September 12, 2002 The Birmingham News;
wife - Gladys Hill)
(Son of Hardy D. Hill & Addie Ozella Echols;
married Gladys Fuller aft 1950 4)
(Parents: Ira P. Hill & Mollie McDaniel 3)
(Jesse Cleveland Hill;
son of Ira Perry Hill & Mollie A. McDaniel;
married Ollie Mae Justice 4)
(Parents: Handsford Hobson & Ellen Freeman 2)
(Married Nellie V. Donaldson abt 1921 4)
(Nellie Victoria Donaldson;
dau. of Anderson H. Donaldson & Bethany Eliza Martin;
married Jesse H. Hobson 4)
(Darby Hodges; born 21 Jul 1918 75)
(Dau. of Darby “Dock” Hodges & Wilma McCombs)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 17 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Hodges, Wilma M.
17 Dec 1917
26 Apr 2004
Hogg, Andy J.
26 Oct 1870
13 Feb 1945
24 Mar 1874
14 Sep 1936
29 Aug 1920
1 Aug 1979
Hogg, Ben J.
Hogg, Ben J., Jr.
Hogg, D. Taylor
4 Sep 1868
25 Mar 1939
Hogg, Dora J.
22 Sep 1884
9 Feb 1942
Hogg, Fred L.
9 Jun 1912
4 Apr 1931
6 Jul 1903
11 Jul 1903
6 Jul 1903
6 Jul 1903
6 Jun 1946
7 Feb 1906
25 Jun 1906
20 Apr 1928
4 Dec 1995
3 Feb 1902
16 Oct 1967
2 Oct 1878
21 Feb 1946
Hogg, infant
Hogg, infant
Hogg, Janie E.
Hogg, John T.
Hogg, Johnnie R.
Hogg, Lee M.
Hogg, Meadie M.
Hogg, S. Jake
3 Jan 1905
28 Jun 1923
Hogg, Sarah Johnston Smith
27 Apr 1863
27 Jul 1940
Hogg, William T. “Billy”
16 Jun 1943
<no dates>
12 Aug 1896
20 Oct 1983
27 Jun 1880
1 Dec 1962
25 Feb 1850
29 Aug 1929
Holcombe, infant
Hollaway, Vera
Hollaway, William W.
Hopkins, Artincy
Last Updated: August 2010
(On same marker with Darby “Dock” Hodges)
(Obituary in April 28, 2004 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by husband - Darby “Doc” Hodges)
(Wilma McCombs;
dau. of James David McCombs & Ethel Anderson;
married Darby Hodges 8)
(Andrew Jackson Hogg;
son of William Hogg & Mary Ellen Durrett 4)
(Benjamin Joseph Hogg, Sr.;
married Zelpha Virginia Eudora Jones abt 1900 7 & 8)
(Parents: Ben J. Hogg, Sr. & Dora V. Jones 14)
(Son of Benjamin Joseph Hogg, Sr.
& Zelpha Virginia Eudora Jones 7)
(Daniel Taylor Hogg;
son of William Hogg & Mary Ellen Durrett;
married Meadie Malissa Parsons on 2 Jun 1898 4)
(Zelpha Virginia Eudora Jones;
dau. of Isaac Walter Jones & Mary Ann Eliza Nunnally;
married Benjamin Joseph Hogg, Sr. abt 1900 4, 7& 8)
(Son of Benjamin Joseph Hogg, Sr.
& Zelpha Virginia Eudora Jones 7)
Infant daughter of D. T. & Meadie Hogg
(Dau. of Daniel Taylor Hogg & Meadie Malissa Parsons 4)
Infant son of D. T. & Meadie Hogg
(Son of Daniel Taylor Hogg & Meadie Malissa Parsons 4)
(On same marker with William T. “Billy” Hogg)
Son of D. T. & Meadie Hogg
(Son of Daniel Taylor Hogg & Meadie Malissa Parsons 4)
(Johnnie Ruth Hogg 77)
(Lee Manuel Hogg;
son of Benjamin J. Hogg, Sr. & Zelpha Virginia Eudora Jones 7)
(On same marker with D. Taylor Hogg)
(Meadie Malissa Parsons;
dau. of James Marion Parsons & Martha Caldwell;
married Daniel Taylor Hogg on 2 Jun 1898 4)
Son of D. T. & Meadee Hogg
(Samuel Hogg; age 18;
Parents: Dan Hogg & M. Parsons 1)
(Son of Daniel Taylor Hogg & Meadie Malissa Parsons 4)
(There is not a marker for this individual 13)
(Dau. of Calvin Johnston & Mary Ann Naramore;
married 1st - Corley S. Smith on 18 Oct 1888;
2nd - Francis Marion Hogg on 19 Nov 1911 13)
(On same marker with William W. Hollaway)
(Parents: Levi Holloway & Nanny Perkins 2)
(Next to J. W. Hopkins)
(Artincy Parsons;
dau. of Joseph Erwin Parsons & Julia Ann Sellers;
married James Wyley Hopkins on 29 Mar 1867 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 18 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Hopkins, Ervin
3 Sep 1884
20 Feb 1905
Hopkins, Hezzie
29 May 1887
9 Jan 1964
Hopkins, J. W.
8 Jan 1849
18 May 1929
20 Oct 1892
8 Jul 1971
Hopkins, Maggie
Horton, Cynthia
Hudson, Alta V.
Hudson, baby
Hudson, Billy N.
Hudson, Dolly Kay
Hudson, Fred Henry
13 Oct 1906
9 Dec 2005
18 Sep 1885
8 Jan 1929
<no dates>
20 Dec 1923
9 May 1953
27 Sep 1944
16 Oct 1998
8 Oct 1915
19 Oct 1952
Hudson, infant
Hudson, Jakie Dwain “Jake”
<no dates>
23 Feb 1943
14 Mar 1997
Hudson, James R.
20 Mar 1911
14 Nov 1947
23 Jan 1931
17 Mar 1950
14 May 1937
19 Aug 1912
5 Jul 1998
14 May 1934
23 Jan 2003
9 Jul 1880
13 Sep 1944
1 Jan 1922
17 Feb 2007
20 May 1939
11 Aug 2008
22 Dec 1968
3 Mar 1998
5 Jun 1891
7 May 1977
14 Jan 1894
20 Jun 1952
3 Nov 1930
3 Sep 2002
only date is:
Hudson, James Roy, Jr
Hudson, Jerry (Puney)
Hudson, Jessie L.
Hudson, Jimmie Wilson
Hudson, Lemuel P.
Hudson, Lottie L. “Nanny”
Hudson, Mary Ann
Hudson, Tracey Lynn
Huggins, Elsie G.
Huggins, John M.
Hughes, Elzie
Hughes, infant
Last Updated: August 2010
Killed in Mine Explosion
(On same marker with Sam Burchfield)
(Son of James Wyley Hopkins & Artincy Parsons 4)
(Parents: J. W. Hopkins & Artenca Parsons 3)
(Dau. of James Wyley Hopkins & Artincy Parsons;
married Maggie Justice on 21 May 1910 4)
(James Wyley Hopkins;
married Artincy Parsons on 29 Mar 1867 4)
(On same marker with Hezzie Hopkins)
(Parents: M. W. Justice & Lou Mayfield 3)
(Dau. of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield;
married Hezzie Hopkins on 21 May 1910 4)
(Obituary in December 11, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Alta V. Pitcock;
married Lemuel P. Hudson 4)
WW II Veteran
(Parents: L. P. Hudson & A. Pitcock 3)
(Son of Lemuel P. Hudson & Alta V. Pitcock 4)
“Mama Kay”
(Parents: Homer Glass & B. Blankenship 14)
Ala. M. Sgt HQ DET PSY War Center, WW II BSM
(Parents: Lemuel Hudson & Alta Pitcock 3)
(Son of Lemuel P. Hudson & Alta V. Pitcock 4)
(Parents: James R. Hudson & Jess L. Norwood 14)
(Son of James Roy Hudson & Jessie L. Norwood;
married Mary Lou Clark 4)
Ala. PFC Air Corps, WW II
(Married Jessie L. Norwood 4)
Ala. SA U.S. Navy, WW II
(Parents: Grover Norwood & Emma L. McDougal 14)
(Dau. of Grover Norwood & Leslie? Lee McDougal 4)
(Obituary in January 25, 2003 The Birmingham News;
wife - Gwen Jeanette Hudson of Hueytown)
(Parents: Joe Hudson & ? 1)
(Obituary in February 19, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Obituary in August 13, 2008 The Birmingham News;
predeceased by parents - Fred & Frances McClendon)
(Parents: J. Dwain Hudson & Mary Lou Clark 14)
(Dau. of Jakie Dwain Hudson & Mary Lou Clark 4)
(Next to John M. Huggins)
(Obituary in September 6, 2002 The Birmingham News;
wife - Bessie)
(21 May 1955;
Parents: E. F. Hughes & Elsie 3)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 19 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Hughes, Richard F.
Hulsey, George F.
Hulsey, Kristian Marie
Humphreys, Minnie B.
Humphreys, Ronald Alan
Humphries, Joe Ray
Humphries, Mary
Hunnicutt, J. B.
Hunnicutt, Josie
Ingle, L. S.
Jennings, Vinnie
Johnson, baby
Johnson, Edna C.
Johnson, Ina Christine
Johnson, John T.
Johnson, Moore Malone
Johnson, Sarah N.
Johnston, Aaron Lynn
Johnston, Dora Belle
10 Jul 1954
13 Dec 1954
24 Feb 1887
18 Feb 1941
only date is:
7 Mar 1989
29 Jan 1900
16 Jul 1959
11 Jul 1986
3 Jun 1999
6 Oct 1931
1 Nov 1995
14 Apr 1893
24 Oct 1965
21 May 1897
1 Oct 1971
13 Apr 1869
20 Oct 1918
9 Jul 1843
19 Oct 1922
<no dates>
10 Sep 1912
10 Jun 1983
8 Sep 1936
24 Aug 2001
14 Jul 1946
30 Sep 1998
5 May 1986
6 May 1986
24 Dec 1900
22 Jun 1999
Johnston, Elsie (Babe)
Johnston, Frances M.
30 Jan 1932
23 Mar 1972
Johnston, infant
9 Oct 1898
14 Dec 1898
17 Aug 1900
17 Aug 1900
Johnston, infant
Last Updated: August 2010
(Parents: Elzie Hughes & E. Ferguson 3)
(Married Sarah F. -?- 8)
(Parents: Robert Miller & Sara Keaton 3)
(Died in Calhoun County 77)
(Parents: Rex Humphreys & Rhonda Norwood 14)
A1C U.S. Air Force, Korea
Married 14 Jul 1961
(On same marker with Joe Ray Humphries)
(Joseph Honeycutt; 24 Oct 1965; age 72;
Parents: J. Honeycutt & Sara Hutto 3)
(On same marker with J. B. Hunnicutt)
(Parents: James Burns & Eliz Henderson 3)
(Mrs. Clem Ingle; died in Bibb County 77)
(Lavina Barger Jennings;
dau. of Caleb Jennings & Sarah McElroy;
married A. Quilla O. Jennings on 19 Apr 1860;
- he died in 1900 and is buried at Big Hurricane Cemetery,
Tuscaloosa County 8 & 19)
(Next to Edna C. Johnson)
(Dau. of Eugene and Mattie Louise Bailey.
Obituary on p. 21A, Sunday, August 26, 2001 B‟ham News.
Husband – Chester W. Johnson)
(Married Sarah Nixon 7)
SP4 U. S. Army, Vietnam
(Parents: James Johnson, Sr. & Edith Green 14)
(On same marker with John T. Johnson)
(31 Jul 1923; age 33;
Parents: J. M. Nixon & Lula Pugh 1)
(Parents: Norman Johnston & Shelia Clark 14)
(Next to Medie W. Johnston)
(Parents: John H. Cox & Hannah Shamblin 14)
(Dau. of John Hiram Cox & Hannah Chambliss;
married Medie Wilson Johnston 4)
(On same marker with Levi F. Johnston)
(Elsie Wallace; died November 1936;
married Levi F. Johnston 4 & 7)
(Next to Norman W. Johnston)
(Parents: Earl Ling & Florence? Mitchell 3)
(Married Norman Wilson Johnston on 11 Jul 1951 4 & 7)
Infant daughter of L. F. & A. M. Johnston
Infant son of L. F. & A. M. Johnston
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 20 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Johnston, Levi F.
Johnston, Medie W.
23 Jul 1891
5 Sep 1951
Johnston, Norman W.
18 Jun 1931
1 Jun 1962
Johnston, Otho Douglas
26 Mar 1927
11 Feb 2009
Jones, Bertie Bernice
Jones, Burnise C.
Jones, Claude
Jones, Eliza Jane
Jones, Elizabeth F.
Jones, Euel J.
Jones, Frank B.
10 Oct 1905
6 Aug 1971
7 Mar 1865
11 May 1951
10 Nov 1929
13 Feb 1931
8 May 1909
18 Dec 1980
7 Jan 1873
17 Aug 1959
Jones, Gordon W.
13 Feb 1940
25 Oct 1986
Jones, Horace Dee
21 Mar 1942
28 Nov 1976
<no dates>
28 Nov 1921
28 Nov 1921
25 Oct 1926
25 Oct 1926
<no dates>
Jones, Ike
Jones, infant
Jones, infant
Jones, infant
Jones, James E.
Jones, James P.
Jones, Jim
Jones, JoAnn
Jones, Joe
Last Updated: August 2010
3 Dec 1875
25 Jan 1911
24 May 1881
14 Sep 1921
22 Jul 1905
17 Dec 1938
30 Sep 1939
31 Oct 1993
22 Mar 1903
15 Nov 1944
(Levi Franklin Johnston; died Apr 1928;
son of Calvin Johnston & Mary Ann Naramore;
married Elsie Wallace abt 1889 4 & 7)
Ala. S1 U.S.N.R.F., WW I
(Son of Levi Johnston & Elsie Wallace;
married Dora Belle Cox aft 1917 4)
(Parents: M. W. Johnston & Dora Cox 3)
(Norman Wilson Johnston
son of Medie Wilson Johnston & Dora Belle Cox;
married Frances M. Ling? 4 & 7)
(Obituary in February 13, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Medie Wilson Johnston & Dora Belle Cox;
married Florence McDonald 4)
(On same marker with Burnise C. Jones)
(Bertie Bernice Wilson; 21 Apr 1914 - 14 Jan 2000 75;
married Burnise C. Jones aft 1930 8)
(Son of James Phillip Jones & Jane Elizabeth Jennings 19)
(5 Dec 1913 - 12 Oct 1997 75;
married Bertie Bernice Wilson on 17 Feb 1935 4)
(Parents: Joseph E. Jones & Mary Durrett 3)
(Married1st - ? Bridges;
2nd - ? Jones 8)
(Parents: Euel Jones & L. Searcy 1)
(Dau. of Euel J. Jones & Lillian C. Searcy 19)
(Parents: James P. Jones & L. Jennings 14)
(Son of James Phillip Jones & Jane Elizabeth Jennings 19)
(Parents: Arthur Jones & Eliza Etheridge 3)
(Benjamin Frank Jones;
married Rosa Hopkins on 2 Jul 1896 4)
(Gordon Wayne Jones;
son of Burnise C. Jones & Bertie Wilson;
married JoAnn Daugherty? 4 & 19)
(Parents: Vernon Jones & Mary Robinson 14)
Infant of Mr. & Mrs. M. C. Jones
Infant of Mr. & Mrs. M. C. Jones
Infant twin daughters of B. F. & Rosie Jones
(Dau. of Benjamin Frank Jones & Rosa Hopkins 4)
(James Phillip Jones;
son of David A. Jones & Mary A. Connell Dillard;
married Jane Elizabeth Jennings 19)
(Parents: Ike Jones & L. Bridges 1)
(On same marker with Gordon W. Jones)
(JoAnn Daugherty?;
married Gordon Wayne Jones aft 1958 4)
(Son of ? Jones & Elizabeth J. ? 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 21 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Jones, John H.
Jones, Joseph C.
Jones, Lillian C.
Jones, Lizzie
8 Sep 1909
4 Feb 1961
29 Jun 1942
24 Jul 1912
14 May 1990
9 Jul 1883
8 Jan 1925
Jones, Maggie Myrtles
11 Sep 1900
Jones, Magoline
14 Feb 1909
7 May 1934
16 Nov 1944
22 Dec 1992
Jones, Marie E.
Jones, Mary E.
21 Jan 1875
21 Jan 1948
Jones, Nalta S.
5 Jul 1907
25 Jul 1972
Jones, Olene L.
20 Jan 2007
Jones, Phillip Douglas
2 Jul 1938
15 Aug 1938
20 Apr 2008
Jones, R. A. “Buck”
Jones, Rosa
13 Jul 1876
20 Mar 1939
Jones, Samuel Paul
9 Feb 1905
21 Feb 1961
only date is:
11 Dec 1928
16 Feb 1960
18 Feb 1960
25 Jun 1921
25 Jan 1959
Jones, Samuel Paul, Jr.
Jones, Susan Deleane
Jones, Vernon L.
Jones, Walter Scott
Justice, Comer “Brack”
Last Updated: August 2010
4 Dec 1901
28 Feb 1920
7 Nov 1906
1 May 1971
Ala. S. Sgt U.S. Air Force, WW II
(Parents: B. F. Jones & Rose Hopkins 3)
(Son of Benjamin Frank Jones & Rosa Hopkins 4)
Married 17 Jul 1960
(Married Marie E. Willingham 4)
(Next to Euel J. Jones)
(Parents: James A. Searcy & Emma F. Lindsey 14)
(On same marker with James P. Jones)
(Jane Elizabeth Jennings;
married James Phillip Jones aft 1898 4)
Aged 2 years, 27 days
Daughter of B. F. & R. B. Jones
(Son of Benjamin Frank Jones & Rosa Hopkins 4)
Married 17 Jul 1960
(On same marker with Joseph C. Jones)
(Married Joseph C. Jones 4)
(Parents: James Durrett & M. Lawless 1)
(Dau. of James Durrett & Margaret Lawless;
married Joseph E. Jones 4)
(Next to Samuel Paul Jones)
(Parents: R. W. Smith & Eliza Vick 3)
(Dau. of Richard W. Smith & Eliza Vick;
married Samuel Paul Jones 4)
(On same marker with R. A. “Buck” Jones)
(Olene Lewis Jones;
obituary in the January 22, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of
George Washington Lewis, Sr. & Alabama Rose McElroy;
married Robert A. Jones abt 1939 4)
(On same marker with Olene L. Jones)
(Obituary in April 22, 2008 The Birmingham News)
(Robert A. Jones;
son of Wilbur Jones & Belle Henderson;
married Olene Lewis abt 1939 4)
(Next to Frank B. Jones)
(Parents: W. Hopkins & A. Parsons 1)
(Dau. of James Wyley Hopkins & Artincy Parsons;
married Frank B. Jones on 2 Jul 1896 4)
(Parents: R. W. Jones & Emma Mills 3)
(Married Nalta Smith 4)
(Son of Samuel Paul Jones & Nalta Smith 4)
(Next to Gordon W. & JoAnn Jones)
(Parents: Gordon Jones & Jo Daugherty 2)
(Parents: James P. Jones & Eliza Jennings 3)
(Vernon Lee Jones;
son of James Phillip Jones & Jane Eliza Jennings;
married Mary Alice Robertson on 12 Apr 1941 19)
Co. C 31st Inf.
(Parents: Jim Jones & Mary 1)
(Parents: Marion Justice & Lou Mayfield 3)
(Dau. of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield;
married Estelle Boyd 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 22 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Justice, Estelle B.
20 Dec 1909
13 Jun 1992
Justice, Frank
8 Mar 1890
6 Dec 1904
19 Feb 1901
2 Dec 1918
Justice, Hugh
Justice, Jesse C.
Justice, Lou A.
27 Jun 1887
25 Nov 1923
31 Aug 1864
26 Oct 1948
Justice, Marion W.
5 May 1860
20 Sep 1923
Justice, Powell A.
28 Aug 1934
20 Sep 2004
Justice, Rachel T.
Justice, Ronald
Keith, Charles L. Harmon
Keith, Fred E.
Keith, Sarah Sue
only date is:
17 Oct 1943
29 Jun 1927
30 Apr 1928
17 Dec 1928
2 Jan 1929
Keith, Sudie L.
Keller, Doshie
16 Nov 1915
28 May 1973
16 Oct 1874
7 Jan 1967
Keller, Lou E.
Keller, W. B.
29 Feb 1870
17 Aug 1940
Kelley, Grover A. “Red”
30 Jun 1908
2 Jun 1979
22 Sep 1923
21 Aug 1999
Kelley, Ruby Maxine
Last Updated: August 2010
(On same marker with Comer “Brack” Justice)
(Parents: Tom Boyd & Lena Gwin 14)
(Married Comer Brack Justice 4)
Son of M. W. & L. A. Justice
(Son of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield 4)
Son of M. W. & L. A. Justice
(Parents: M. Justice & Lou 1)
(Son of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield 4)
(Parents: M. W. Justice & Lou Mayfield 1)
(Son of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield 4)
(On same marker with Marion W. Justice)
(Lucretia A. Mayfield;
dau. of Israel Mayfield & Nancy Ann Price;
married Marion Wallace Justice on 17 Aug 1884 4)
(Marion Wallace Justice;
son of Archibald Anderson Justice & Martha M. Bridges;
married Lucretia A. Mayfield on 17 Aug 1884 4)
(Obituary in September 20, 2004 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Comer Brack Justice & Estelle Boyd;
married Sue 4)
Wife of William Justice
(Rachel Tabitha Parsons; multiple birth years reported;
dau. of Joseph Erwin Parsons & Julia Ann Sellers;
married William Justice on 25 Dec 1876 4)
(Parents: C. B. Justice & Estel Boyd 1)
(Son of Comer Justice & Estelle Boyd 4)
Son of F. E. & S. L. Keith
(Parents: Fred Keith & Sudie Roper 1)
(Son of Fred Elester Keith & Sudie Lee Roper 4)
(11 Mar 1938; age 45;
Parents: Charles Keith & S. Cabineiss 1)
(Fred Elester Keith;
son of Charles Keith & Sara Vabannis;
married Sudie Lee Roper on 14 Jan 1923 4 & 7)
Daughter of F. E. & S. L. Keith
(Parents: Fred Keith & Sudie Roper 1)
(Son of Fred Elester Keith & Sudie Lee Roper 4)
(On same marker with Fred E. Keith)
(12 Oct 1961; age 74;
Parents: Harmon Roper & May E. Hintar 3)
(Sudie Lee Roper; 26 Feb 1887 - 12 Oct 1961;
dau. of Harmon Sylvester Roper, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Hinton;
married Fred Elester Keith on 14 Jan 1923 4 & 7)
(Parents: W. Keller & Lou Maddox 3)
(Child of William B. Keller & Lou E. Maddox 4)
(Next to W. B. Keller)
(Lou E. Maddox;
married William B. Keller 4)
(Bill Keller;
Parents: Jno Keller & A. Wilson 1)
(William B. Keller;
married Lou E. Maddox 4 & 7)
(Son of Joseph Elisha Kelley & Emily Annie Saletha Rowell;
married Ruby Maxine Lovall 7)
(Next to Grover A. “Red” Kelley)
(Ruby Maxine Lovall;
married Grover A. Kelley 7)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 23 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Kennedy, Bertie Mae
Kennedy, infant
Kennedy, infant
Kennedy, Jurel Vivian
Kilgore, Grace McLemore
Kilgore, Leroy
Kimbrel, Norman Wayne
Kincannon, Eula B. Taylor
Kincannon, James Taylor
Kirby, Frances O.
Kirby, Roy L.
Kline, Belle
Kline, Nancy E.
Kline, Wesley
Knight, Eugene
Knight, Garvin “Bud”
Knight, Larry
Knight, Lovie
12 Jan 1917
16 Apr 1998
19 Nov 1911
19 Nov 1911
19 Sep 1907
1 Jan 1908
12 Jan 1900
6 Aug 1908
20 Jul 1907
23 Jan 1990
10 Jun 1838
28 Aug 1916
17 Dec 1963
17 Dec 1963
5 Sep 1896
27 Mar 1896
1 Aug 1961
21 Mar 2003
26 Mar 1888
20 Nov 1940
17 Jul 1915
30 Apr 1991
5 Sep 1870
8 Oct 1931
12 Oct 1895
3 Jun 1983
18 Nov 1911
5 Oct 1998
4 May 1936
2 Mar 1985
4 Mar 1905
2 Mar 1997
Knight, Lucille F.
22 May 1911
22 Nov 1967
Knighten, William Curtis
24 Apr 1989
20 Jun 2008
31 Jul 1938
26 Jul 2004
LaFoy, Joan
Last Updated: August 2010
Infant son of M. E. & A. Kennedy
(Son of M. E. Kennedy & Ada Cox 4)
Infant son of M. E. & A. Kennedy
(Son of M. E. Kennedy & Ada Cox 4)
Daughter of M. E. & A. Kennedy
(Dau. of M. E. Kennedy & Ada Cox 4)
(Next to Paul McLemore)
(On same marker with James Taylor Kincannon)
(4 May 1990; age 83;
Parents: Matthew Nixon & Lula Pugh 14)
(On same marker with Roy L. Kirby)
(Frances Ozell Satterfield;
dau. of John Lee Satterfield & Edie Jannie Garner;
married 1st - Roy L. Kirby
2nd - ? Stamps 4)
(7 Apr 1914 - Apr 1979;
married Frances Ozell Satterfield 4)
(Next to Wesley Kline)
(Minnie Belle Hogg;
married Wesley Kline abt 1910 7)
(Parents: Wesley Kline & Minnie B. Hogg 14)
(Married Minnie Belle Hogg abt 1910 7)
(Parents: Monroe Knight & ? Waldrop 14)
(Son of Andrew Monroe Knight & Missouri Waldrop;
married Lovie Keller on 31 Dec 1948 4)
(Son of Andrew Monroe Knight & Alice Rogers;
married Lucille F. Keller 7)
(Next to Garvin “Bud” & Lucille F. Knight)
(Parents: Garvin Knight & Lucille Bridges 14)
(Son of Garvin Knight & Lucille F. Keller 7)
(Next to Eugene Knight)
(Parents: William Keller & Lou Maddox 14)
(Lovie Keller;
dau. of Willam B. Keller & Lou E. Maddox;
married Eugene Knight on 31 Dec 1948 4)
(On same marker with Garvin “Bud” Knight)
(Lucille F. Keller;
dau. of William B. Keller & Lou E. Maddox;
married Garvin Knight 7)
(Obituary in June 23, 2008 The Birmingham News;
son of Michael Edward Knighten & Carry Michelle Barnwell)
(Obituary in July 29, 2004 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of Comer Brack Justice & Estelle Boyd;
married William Jesse LaFoy 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 24 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
LaFoy, William Jesse
Lambert, Billy R.
Lambert, Kayla Ellen
Lambert, Martha E.
Lambert, Patty J.
Lambert, Paul G.
Lambert, Stacey Nickole
Lamons, Elvin E.
Lamons, Ona B.
Langford, infant
Lathem, Willie Mae
20 Dec 1929
28 May 1994
1 Feb 1942
only date is:
4 Sep 1994
18 Jan 1928
20 Sep 1996
6 Jul 1945
10 Jul 1996
21 Nov 1957
15 Jan 2000
(abt 1988)
18 Sep 2005
15 Jun 1901
3 Nov 1965
4 Jan 1905
8 Mar 2000
<no dates>
Lawley, Donna Jean Smelley
15 Nov 1954
1 Sep 2002
Lawson, Clyde E.
12 Apr 1912
9 Mar 1980
10 Oct 1961
22 Dec 2004
Lawson, Dewayne Thomas
Lawson, Gerald D.
Lawson, James T.
Lawson, Linda J.
Lawson, Virginia I.
Lenning, Jack M.
Lenning, Virginia M.
Leslie, Charlotte H.
Lewis, Bama R.
Last Updated: August 2010
25 Dec 1970
19 Mar 1988
15 Oct 1938
2 Feb 1996
6 May 1942
4 Aug 1917
26 Mar 1984
28 Apr 1964
13 Mar 2003
18 Dec 1890
1 Dec 1982
Cpl U.S. Army, Korea
(Married Joan Justice 4)
Daughter of Secreese & Jimmy Lambert
(On same marker with Paul G. Lambert)
(On same marker with Billy R. Lambert)
(Parents: Sam W. Wright & Evelyn Bell 14)
(Obituary in September 20, 2005 The Birmingham News;
survived by parents - Craig & Teresa Lambert)
(Parents: L. Lamons & A. Miller 3)
(Married Ona B. Fletcher 4)
(Next to Elvin E. Lamons)
(Ona B. Fletcher;
married Elvin E. Lamons 4)
Infant of Elaine & J. D. Langford
(11 Apr 1949; infant;
Parents: J. D. Langford & E. Hulsey 1)
(11 Feb 1978; age 80;
Parents: E. J. Cox & Miss. Durrett 14)
(Born 15 Dec 1897;
dau. of Eli Jackson Cox & Missourie A. Durrett;
married Billy John Lathem 4)
(Obituary in September 4, 2002 The Birmingham News;
husband – James W. Lawley;
dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Grady I. Smelley)
(Parents: Luke Lawson & B. Vining 14)
(Son of ? Lawson & Frances E. ? 8)
(Obituary in December 24, 2004 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by father - James Thomas Lawson;
survived by wife of 23 years - Peggy Lawson &
mother - Linda Terry of Georgia)
(Parents: Claude E. Lawson & Virginia Swindle 14)
(On same marker with James T. Lawson)
(On same marker with Clyde E. Lawson)
(Parents: James A. Swindle & Virginia Hendrix 14)
(On same marker with Jack M. Lenning)
(Obituary in March 15, 2003 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of Harless Heatherly, Sr. & Betty Jones;
married Gene B. Leslie, II)
(On same marker with George “Wash” Lewis)
(Parents: J. D. McElroy & P. Robinson 14)
(Alabama R. McElroy;
married George W. Lewis 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 25 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Lewis, George “Wash”
5 Jan 1887
3 May 1971
Limbaugh, Evan Lee
(abt 1984)
25 Aug 2007
1 Jun 1952
23 Oct 1956
1 Aug 1893
30 Nov 1967
18 Aug 1916
29 Oct 1916
18 Nov 1881
25 Feb 1931
25 Aug 1947
27 Jan 1978
18 Aug 1913
23 Feb 1998
13 Apr 1909
14 Dec 1988
28 Sep 1927
7 Sep 1928
Linton, J. Wayne
Linton, Lillie E.
Linton, Robert E.
Linton, William E.
Liveoak, Charles F.
Lollar, Nona E.
Lollar, Richard “Dick”
Lovell, Ella Louise
Lovell, George H.
Lovell, Nora Lorene
17 Feb 1923
1 Jan 2005
Lovell, Rosa
21 Sep 1876
20 Nov 1946
Lovell, Ruth S.
Lovell, Sylvester M.
13 Jul 1881
15 Feb 1945
Lyster, David Otis, Jr.
17 Nov 1988
10 Nov 2007
Martin, Annie Laura
4 May 1889
16 Jul 1960
14 Mar 1909
3 Jun 1992
Martin, Buria Mae
Martin, Clarence “Red”
10 Aug 1914
12 Jul 1994
Martin, Claud
29 Sep 1914
5 Oct 1914
Last Updated: August 2010
(Parents: James Lewis & Senia White 3)
(George W. Lewis;
son of George W. Lewis & Mary F. Hawkins;
married Alabama R. McElroy abt 1908 8)
(Obituary in August 28, 2007 The Birmingham News;
survived by Lee & Belinda Limbaugh)
(Jackie W. Linton;
Parents: G. E. Linton & N. J. Thomas 3)
(On same marker with William E. Linton)
(Married William E. Linton abt 1914 8)
Son of W. E. & M. E. Linton
(Married Lillie E. -?- abt 1914 8)
“Midnight Cowboy”
(Died in Georgia 8)
(On same marker with Richard “Dick” Lollar)
(Parents: Joe Frederick & Lela Hood 14)
(Parents: James Lollar & ? 14)
(Son of James Wiley Lollar & Iana Dunn 8)
(Parents: H. Lovell & Ruth Sims 1)
(George Hillary Lovell; 4 Apr 1903 - Dec 1981;
son of Sylvester Marvin Lowell & Rosa Lee Stevens;
married Ruth R. Sims on 5 Jan 1922 8)
(Obituary in January 3, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of William Rush Parker & Ella Pearl ?;
married Elmer Lovell 4)
(Next to Sylvester M. Lovell)
(Rosa Lee Stevens;
married Sylvester Martin Lovell abt 1899 8)
(Next to George H. Lovell)
(Ruth Ray Sims; 2 May 1903 - 9 May 1990;
married George Hillary Lovell on 5 Jan 1922 7)
(Sylvester Martin Lovell;
son of George P. Lovell & Sarah A. Patterson;
married Rosa Lee Stevens abt 1899 7)
(Obituary in November 12, 2007 The Birmingham News;
parents - David & Ange Lyster;
grandparents - Robert & Betty McCulley and
John & Dusty Kemp)
(Parents: W. I. Martin & Minnie Holcombe 3)
(Dau. of William Ivey Martin & Minnie Holcombe 7)
(On same marker with Raymond Martin)
(Parents: John Cox & Hanah Shamblin 14)
(Dau. of John Hiram Cox & Hannah Chambliss;
married Raymond Martin 4)
Married 24 Dec 1935
(Parents: Willie Martin & Lucy Deaton 14)
(Son of William Ivey Martin & Lucy Deaton;
married Susie B. Jones 7)
Son of N. P. & Ressie Martin
(Son of Newburn Pinckney Martin & Moressa Canady 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 26 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Martin, Frances Clark
11 Aug 1933
Martin, Hazle
23 Aug 1913
7 Feb 1918
5 Sep 1926
24 Jan 1995
Martin, James W.
Martin, Jewell W.
22 Jul 1918
23 Jun 1983
Martin, Lucy
26 Feb 1885
20 Jan 1926
Martin, Luther V.
3 Apr 1902
12 Apr 1983
19 Aug 1910
12 Oct 2002
Martin, Raymond
Martin, Susie B. “Koot”
20 Oct 1917
10 Jul 2005
Martin, Wayne Lee
19 Nov 1962
5 Mar 1963
11 Mar 1871
21 Nov 1948
Martin, Will
Mason, Myra L.
24 Sep 1905
31 Aug 1989
Mason, Percy W.
4 Nov 1901
20 Dec 1965
2 May 1943
10 Feb 2004
<no dates>
Matthew, Opal Sanders
Mayfield, Isreal
Mayfield, Lucindy
McClain, William P.
McCulloch, Hannah Mae Cox
McFall, Charley
McFall, Mary A.
Last Updated: August 2010
<no dates>
15 May 1915
11 Jan 1974
8 Aug 1928
27 Mar 1986
13 Oct 1884
20 Feb 1905
13 Sep 1843
7 Apr 1898
Married 25 Aug 1951
(On same marker with James W. Martin)
(Dau. of Rennie V. Clark & Ida Cox;
married James W. Martin on 25 Aug 1951 4)
Daughter of N. P. & Ressie Martin
(Dau. of Newburn Pinckney Martin & Moressa Canady 4)
Married 25 Aug 1951
(Parents: James F. Martin & Ila Pace 14)
(Son of James Fred Martin & Ila Pace;
married Frances Clark on 25 Aug 1951 4)
(On same marker with Luther V. Martin)
(Dau. of Walter Franklin Watts & Elsie Pate;
married Luther V. Martin 4)
(On same marker with Will Martin)
(Lucy Deaton;
married William Ivey Martin abt 1905 8)
(Married Ellie M. -?- abt 1921 8)
(Son of William Ivey Martin & Lucy Deaton;
married Buria Mae Cox 4 & 7)
(Obituary in October 14, 2002 The Birmingham News)
Married 24 Dec 1935
(On same marker with Clarence “Red” Martin)
(Obituary in July 12, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Susie B. Jones 7)
Son of Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Martin
(Parents: Bobby Martin & Gilliam Hembury 3)
(William Ivey Martin;
son of -?- Martin & Matilda -?-;
married 1st - Minnie Holcomb;
2nd - Lucy Deaton abt 1905 7)
(On same marker with Percy W. Mason)
(Parents: Alonzo Weaver & Zanie Vines 14)
(Dau. of David Alonzo Weaver & Zanie Vines;
married Percy W. Mason abt 1925 4)
(Parents: Joe Mason & Susanah Bell 3)
(Married Myra L. Weaver abt 1925 4)
(Dau. of James E. Sanders & Mattie Jones;
married ? Matthews 19)
Isaac Israel Mayfield; born abt 1812 – died 1860s;
married Nancy Ann Price abt 16 Feb 1859 4 & 8)
(Born abt 1865;
dau. of Isaac Israel Mayfield & Nancy Ann Price 8)
Ala. U.S. Army, WW II
(Next to Luther E. Cox)
(Parents: Luther E. Cox & Hester Huffman 14)
(Dau. of Luther Eldridge Cox
& Hester Harriett Laurence/Huffman?
married 1st - ? Gibson;
2nd – McCulloch 4)
(Son of Joseph Newton McFall & Mary A. Reeder 7)
(On same marker with Rev. J. N. McFall)
(Mary A. Reeder;
married Joseph Newton McFall 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 27 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
McFall, Rev. J. N.
31 May 1845
12 Jan 1897
McKinney, Helen K.
2 Feb 1914
12 Sep 1991
16 Feb 1907
31 Jul 1998
15 Aug 2001
15 Aug 2001
16 Oct 1928
22 Nov 1928
24 Jun 1905
30 Aug 1970
22 May 1866
2 Dec 1885
McKinney, Ulysses S.
McLaughlin, Angel
McLemore, Kathleen
McLemore, Paul
Meggs, William J.
Meigs, Cornelius
17 Sep 1835
28 Sep 1916
Meigs, Martha M.
17 May 1841
24 Feb 1912
Melhorn, infant
2 Jan 1913
15 Jan 1913
4 Feb 1912
8 Feb 1912
15 Apr 1911
28 Apr 1911
14 Feb 1891
19 Feb 1913
17 Apr 1903
20 Aug 1911
29 Jan 1917
9 Aug 1993
7 Jul 1923
2 Jun 1993
Melhorn, infant
Melhorn, infant
Melhorn, Maggie
Melhorn, Willie S.
Minor, Frances B.
Minor, Larry W.
Mitchell, Dexter
Mitchell, Livvie Pinegar
Mitchell, Magnolia
Moore, Carl Sidney
Last Updated: August 2010
(abt 1933)
12 Jul 2010
24 Aug 1926
18 Apr 1961
(Joseph Newton McFall;
son of John McFall & Martha Abernathy;
married Mary A. Reeder 4)
(Parents: Wesley S. Kline & Belle Jones 14)
(Dau. of Wesley Kline & Minnie Belle Hogg 8)
(Parents: Charles McKinney & Martha Sherrill 14)
(Obituary on p. 13A, Saturday, August 18, 2001 B‟ham News.
Dau. of Lucas & Kristi McLaughlin)
(Married Grace -?- abt 1925 8)
Son of C. S. & M. M. Meggs
Aged 19 years, 6 months & 10 days
(Son of Cornelius S. Meigs & Martha M. Bridges 4)
(Samuel J. Meigs; died 10 Oct 1916; age 79 1)
(Cornelius S. Meigs;
son of Isaac Meigs & Fannie/Frances;
married 1st - Elizabeth Nail on 1 Feb 1859;
2nd - Martha M. Bridges on abt 28 Apr 1865 4)
Wife of C. S. Meigs
(Next to Cornelius Meigs)
(Dau. of Jackson Bridges & Mahala Gill;
married 1st - Archibald Anderson Justice on abt 15 Jun 1859;
2nd - Cornelius S. Meigs on abt 28 Apr 1865. 4)
Infant daughter of B. F. & L. Melhorn
(Dau. of Ben F. Melhorn & L. -?- 8)
Infant daughter of B. F. & L. Melhorn
(Dau. of Ben F. Melhorn & L. -?- 8)
Infant son of B. F. & L. Melhorn
(Son of Ben F. Melhorn & L. -?- 8)
Wife of W. M. Melhorn
(On same marker with Larry W. Minor)
(Married Elizabeth Delean Waldon 7)
(Next to George E. Pinegar)
(Elizabeth Delean Waldon;
dau. of Thomas William Debart Waldon
& Elizabeth Ann Martin;
married 1st - George E. Pinegar;
2nd - Dexter Mitchell 7)
(Obituary in July 14, 2010 The Birmingham News;
survived by husband - J. C. Mitchell)
Ala. S1 U.S.N.R., WW II
(Parents: William T. Moore & Flora Bailey 3)
(Son of William Thomas Moore & Flora Malissia Bailey 7)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 28 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Moore, Flora Bailey
7 May 1904
25 Oct 1982
Moore, Grace M.
13 Jun 1907
Moore, Howard “Flash”
25 Nov 1923
31 Jan 1982
(abt 1947)
15 Apr 2001
22 Dec 1947
13 Jul 2003
19 Jan 1899
21 May 1991
Moore, Rayburn J.
Moore, Robert Lee “Foots”
Moore, William Tom
Moore, Willis H.
Morgan, Elizabeth M.
Morris, Crystal Lynn
Morris, Iona Elizabeth
Morris, James Emmette
Morrison, Bartow Bridges
5 Jan 1898
8 Jul 1968
1 Sep 1978
18 Dec 1998
1 Feb 1913
8 Dec 2005
12 Dec 1910
15 Oct 1975
22 Jul 1886
28 Feb 1965
Morrison, Hugh W.
10 Jan 1831
3 Mar 1920
Morrison, Hulda
19 Oct 1830
17 May 1913
Morrison, Jack W.
3 Dec 1864
29 Jan 1917
Morrison, Oneal
Morrison, Roverta
Moss, James D.
18 Jun 1929
17 Jan 2002
Motley, Eva May
26 May 1903
26 May 1903
16 Nov 1917
5 Feb 2001
Nabors, Louise L.
Last Updated: August 2010
(Parents: Luke Bailey & M. Weaver 14)
(Flora Malissia Bailey;
dau. of W. Luke Bailey & Malissia Frances Weaver;
married William Thomas Moore 7)
(On same marker with Willis H. Moore)
(17 Jun 1983; age 76;
Parents: George McDaniel & Jenny Bennett 14)
(Married Willis H. Moore abt 1926 8)
(Parents: T. W. Moore & Flora Bailey 14)
(Son of William Thomas Moore & Flora Malissia Bailey 7)
(Obituary on p.3B, April 16, 2001 Birmingham News;
wife - Genger Moore 4)
(Obituary in July 15, 2003 The Birmingham News;
son of Earnest Lee & Katherine Moore)
(Parents: Kenneth Moore & Annie Jones 14)
(William Thomas Moore;
married Flora Malissia Bailey 7)
(Married Grace M. McDaniel abt 1926 8)
(Died Feb 1928
(On same marker with James Emmette Morris)
(Dau. of Rufus Benjamin Shell & Malissa Frances Weaver;
married James Emmette Morris 4)
(Parents: James Morris & Eva P. Burns 14)
(Married Iona Elizabeth Shell 4)
(On same marker with Oneal & Roverta Morrison)
(Catherine Bartow Bridges;
dau. of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield;
married Francis G. Morrison on 12 Mar 1904 4)
(Marker broken into two pieces)
(Parents: Scott Morrison & Eliza 1)
(Co. H 20th Alabama Infantry, CSA;
William Hugh Morrison;
son of John Morrison & Eliza Jane Taylor;
married Hulda Hobson on 27 Dec 1849 8)
(Marker broken into two pieces)
(Dau. of William L. Hobson & Mary Bamburg/Bambery;
married William Hugh Morrison on 27 Dec 1849 8)
(Son of William Hugh Morrison & Huldah Hobson 8)
(On same marker with Bartow & Roverta Morrison)
(Son of Francis G. Morrison & Catherine Bartow Bridges 7)
(On same marker with Oneal & Bartow Morrison)
(Died 9 Apr 1921;
dau. of Francis G. Morrison & Catherine Bartow Bridges 7)
(Obituary in January 18, 2002 Birmingham News –;
wife – Ruth Moss)
(Son of Albert Moss & Bertha Lee -?- 8)
Daughter of E. H. & S. A. Motley
(On same marker with Horace F. Nabors)
(Obituary in February 7, 2001 Birmingham News)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 29 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Nabors, Horace F.
1 Jun 1905
26 Jan 1971
Nabors, Horace F., Jr.
2 Mar 1933
16 Aug 1996
Nabors, Jessie Belle
20 Mar 1911
5 Mar 1995
17 Aug 1932
Nabors, Martha Lou
Nabors, Olene B.
Nabors, Paul Leon
8 Oct 1943
19 Feb 1964
3 Aug 1993
Nabors, Robert A.
Nabors, Watkins C.
Nelson, Kenneth John, Sr
Newell, Lenora
Newell, Zula
Nicholson, Buford
Nicholson, Frankie Caldwell
1 Sep 1940
21 Dec 2007
20 Mar 1913
21 Mar 1913
11 Feb 1896
28 Mar 1913
24 Nov 1916
29 Jun 1926
28 Apr 1860
16 Oct 1933
Nicholson, Inez
13 Jul 1910
27 Nov 1915
Nicholson, J. J.
1 Jan 1861
12 Dec 1916
only date is:
17 Nov 1999
4 Jan 1940
13 Dec 2000
Norwood, Adam Chase Maney
Norwood, Carolyn Fay
Norwood, Catherine A.
Norwood, John G.
Norwood, John, Jr.
Norwood, Mary Weaver
Norwood, Robert S.
Last Updated: August 2010
29 Oct 1913
1 May 1986
23 Dec 1937
3 Feb 2000
3 Sep 1958
Sep 1988
8 Jul 1924
25 Apr 2003
8 Nov 1922
3 Oct 2003
(Parents: Game Nabors & Bettie Kirby 3)
(Horace Franklin Nabors;
son of Harve B. Nabors & Mary Bettie Kirby 7)
Married 20 Aug 1955
(Horace Franklin Nabors, Jr.;
married Martha Lou -?- 8)
(Next to Paul Leon Bailey)
Married 20 Aug 1955
(On same marker with Horace F. Nabors, Jr.)
(Married Horace Franklin Nabors, Jr. 8)
(Next to Watkins C. Nabors)
(Frances Olene Beasley; 22 May 1917 - Oct 1993;
married Watkins Coffee Nabors 4 & 7)
(Parents: Robert L. Nabors & Linda F. Greer 14)
(Watkins Coffee Nabors; 23 Nov 1914 - 8 Feb 1989;
son of Harve B. Nabors & Mary Bettie Kirby;
married Frances Olene Beasley 4)
(Obituary in December 22, 2007 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife - Carol Ann Nelson)
Daughter of G. W. & Z. Newell
Wife of G. W. Newell
(Next to J. J. Nicholson)
(Candace Frankie Caldwell;
dau. of Hugh Caldwell & Elizabeth Parsons;
married John J. (Jason?) Nicholson on 18 Oct 1884 4 & 7)
Daughter of H. & J. E. Nicholson
(Inez Nichols; 27 Nov 1915; age 5 1)
(Dau. of Hugh Nicholson & Josephine Evergreen Nichols 4)
(John J. (Jason?) Nicholson;
married Candace Frankie Caldwell on 18 Oct 1884 4)
(On same marker with Ronald S. Norwood)
(Carolyn Fay Oswalt;
married Ronald S. Norwood 4)
(Next to Welchl Norwood)
(Married Welchl Norwood 4)
(Obituary in April 26, 2003 The Birmingham News)
(Mary Helen Weaver Norwood;
dau. of James Bartley Weaver & Ora Florence Sharett;
married Robert S. Norwood abt 1941 4)
(Obituary in October 5, 2003 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Grover Norwood, Sr. & Leslie Lee McDougal;
married Mary Helen Weaver abt 1941 4 & 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 30 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Norwood, Ronald S.
Norwood, Tommy
Norwood, Welch
O‟Donnell, Sheila Ann
Parker, Athiel
Parker, Bobbie Nell
Parker, Charley T.
Parker, Dilla
Parker, Ella Pearl
12 Apr 1942
5 Dec 1982
3 Nov 1959
Aug 1985
16 May 1915
29 Jan 1974
6 Nov 1958
13 Nov 1997
10 May 1911
8 Nov 1935
5 Jul 1934
13 Apr 1935
3 Feb 1888
18 Sep 1893
8 Dec 1868
23 Jun 1911
Parker, Etta B.
8 Aug 1907
26 Aug 1988
Parker, Jessie A.
15 Jun 1865
20 Feb 1921
26 Jan 1890
4 Sep 1896
6 Jul 1902
23 Jul 1990
Parker, Marion F.
Parker, Raymond C.
Parker, William Rush
Parks, Charles Owen
12 Oct 1932
15 Jun 2008
(abt 1938)
6 Apr 2010
24 Jul 1937
1 Dec 2009
Parks, Donald E.
Parks, Peggy Ann
Parsons, Authur
7 Jun 1880
29 Jul 1958
Parsons, Bessie H.
3 Dec 1888
15 May 1978
Parsons, Beulah
3 Nov 1903
8 Feb 1928
only date is:
Sep 1943
Parsons, Carol Ann
Last Updated: August 2010
(Parents: Robert S. Norwood & Mary Weaver 14)
(Son of Robert S. Norwood & Mary Helen Weaver 4)
(1 Jun 1985; age 25;
Parents: John Norwood, Sr. & Val Hartzell 14)
Ala. S1 U.S. Navy, WW II
(Parents: Grover Norwood & ? McDougal 14)
(Son of Grover Norwood., Sr. & Leslie Lee McDougal;
married Catherine A. -?- 4)
(Athiel O. Parker;
son of Jesse A. Parker & Dilla Meigs 4 & 8)
(Son of Raymond Cornelius Parker & Etta Bearden 77)
Son of J. A. & Della Parker
(Son of Jessie A. Parker & Dilla Meigs 4)
(Dilla Meigs;
married Jessie A. Parker abt 1887 4)
(On same marker with William Rush Parker)
(15 Oct 1900 - 11 May 1998 75;
married William Rush Parker 8)
(On same marker with Raymond C. Parker)
(Etta Bearden;
married Raymond Cornelius Parker 8)
(Married Dilla Meigs abt 1887 4)
Son of J. A. & Della Parker
(Son of Jessie A. Parker & Dilla Meigs 4)
(Raymond Cornelius Parker;
son of Jesse A. Parker & Dilla Meigs;
married Etta Bearden 8)
(19 Jan 1899 - 18 Jan 1988;
son of Jesse A. Parker & Dilla Meigs;
married Ella Pearl -?- 8)
(Obituary in June 18, 2008 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife of 56 years - Wilma Cason Parks)
(Obituary in April 7, 2010 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife - Doris “Dot” Parks)
(Obituary in December 3, 2009 The Birmingham News;
Peggy Collier;
survived by husband - Paul Parks)
(Parents: George Parsons & ? 3)
(James Arthur Parsons;
son of George Parsons & Catherine Mayfield;
married 1st - Florence Ann Carroll on 1 Jan 1903;
2nd - Mary Missouri -?- aft 1917;
3rd - Zudie McFerrin on 26 May 1918 4, 7 & 8)
(On same marker with Curry N. Parsons)
(Parents: Andrew Batson & Nancy Maddox 14)
(Bessie Batson;
dau. of Andrew Jackson Batson & Nannie Rose Maddox;
married Curry Nelson Parsons on 2 Feb 1908 4 & 7)
(Beulah Mae Parsons;
dau. of James Auther Parsons & Florence Ann Carroll 4)
Daughter of Carl G. & Mary Harris Parsons
(Dau. of Carl Goodwin Parsons & Mary Harris 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 31 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Parsons, Catherine D.
15 Dec 1835
26 Mar 1919
Parsons, Catherine M.
28 Nov 1935
Parsons, Curry N.
19 Aug 1881
6 Apr 1950
Parsons, Eliza A.
14 Aug 1833
19 Nov 1911
Parsons, Florence
2 Sep 1877
12 Jul 1917
Parsons, George
10 Jan 1819
5 Feb 1901
Parsons, George
Parsons, Gertrude
Parsons, Grover C.
Parsons, infant
Parsons, Jack
Parsons, James E.
16 Nov 1921
9 Jun 1902
1 May 1905
10 Sep 1888
12 Nov 1907
20 Feb 1907
1 Mar 1907
<no dates>
24 Jan 1843
20 Jul 1910
Parsons, Joe Erwin
5 Jun 1870
8 Feb 1905
Parsons, John W.
29 Oct 1853
21 Jul 1926
Parsons, Killis
<no dates>
Parsons, L. G.
3 Jul 1846
10 Dec 1899
Parsons, Leatha J.
11 Oct 1872
12 Dec 1962
Parsons, Lonny
Last Updated: August 2010
<no dates>
Wife of G. Parsons
(Next to George Parsons)
(Catherine Davis;
married George Parsons abt 1877 4)
(Next to George Parsons)
(Catherine Mayfield;
dau. of Israel Mayfield & Clarky Meigs;
married George Parsons abt 1873 4)
(Curry Nelson Parsons;
son of James Edward Parsons & Lucinda Hamaker;
married Bessie Batson on 2 Feb 1908 4)
Wife of Gordon Parsons
Age 78 years, 3 months, 5 days
(Elizabeth A. Milligan;
married 1st - S. S. Scott bef 1860;
2nd - Gordon Parsons abt 1869 4)
(Florence Ann Carroll;
dau. of Taylor Carroll & Lena -?-;
married James Authur Parsons on 1 Jan 1903 4 & 8)
Aged 82 years, 26 days
(Son of John Parsons & Mary Cox;
married 1st - Elizabeth Parsons on 30 Jan 1841;
2nd - Catherine D. Moore abt 1877 4)
(Son of Joseph Erwin Parsons & Julia Ann Sellers;
married Catherine Mayfield abt 1873 4)
Daughter of J. E. & Maggie Parsons
(Dau. of Joseph Erwin Parsons & Maggie Balcomb 4)
Son of James E. & L. C. Parsons
(Parents: James Edward Parsons & Lucinda Hamaker 4)
Infant son of A. & F. A. Parsons
(Son of James Authur Parsons & Florence Ann Carroll 4)
(James Edward Parsons;
son of George Parsons & Elizabeth Parsons;
married Lucinda Hamaker on 3 Sep 1865 4)
(Joseph Erwin Parsons;
son of Jackson Parsons & Nellie Igo;
married Maggie Balcomb on 22 Dec 1898 4)
(Parents: Sam Parsons & M. Goodwin 1)
(John Winston Parsons;
son of Samuel Reed Parsons & Mary Ann Goodwin;
married 1st - Martha Missouri Hopkins on 9 Apr 1876;
2nd - Maggie Satterfield Gill on 19 Jun 1904 4)
(Born abt Dec 1873 - died aft 1900;
son of George Parsons & Catherine Mayfield 4)
(Lee Green Parsons;
son of George Parsons & Elizabeth Parsons;
married Ophelia Margaret Hamaker on 15 Nov 1868 4)
(Parents: Green Parsons & M. O. Hamaker 3)
(Leatha Jane Parsons;
dau. of Lee Green Parsons & Ophelie Margaret Hamaker 4)
(Born May 1894 - died aft 1900;
son of George Parsons & Catherine Mayfield 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 32 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Parsons, Lucanda
31 Jul 1846
5 Apr 1921
Parsons, Maggie
2 May 1856
1 Feb 1941
Parsons, Martha M.
21 Sep 1853
30 Nov 1902
Parsons, Mary M.
23 Sep 1886
24 Feb 1943
Parsons, Nancy M.
31 Mar 1880
4 Oct 1954
Parsons, Nellie
Parsons, Nellie G.
<no dates>
28 Jan 1887
16 Jul 1982
Parsons, Nellie V.
12 Oct 1899
3 May 1905
29 Apr 1873
20 Feb 1905
Parsons, O. M.
Parsons, Ophelie M.
29 Nov 1849
8 Apr 1922
Parsons, Oscar
3 May 1889
24 Nov 1956
Parsons, Robert
17 Apr 1879
29 May 1939
Parsons, Sarah Fanny
Parsons, Thomas Forest
31 May 1884
21 Aug 1922
Parsons, Thomas R.
20 Jan 1879
18 Feb 1953
Parsons, Walter L.
3 Feb 1899
19 Oct 1930
Last Updated: August 2010
Wife of James E. Parsons
(Next to James E. Parsons)
(L. C. Parsons; died 5 Apr 1921; age 75 1)
(Dau. of William Hamaker & Ophelia Shields;
married James Edward Parsons on 3 Sep 1865 4)
(Maggie Satterfield;
dau. of James Wait Satterfield & Luvenia Sellers;
married 1st - H. B. Gill;
2nd - John Winston Parsons 19 Jun 1904 4 & 7)
(On same marker with John W. Parsons)
(Martha Missouri Hopkins;
dau. of Thomas? Hopkins & ?;
married John Winston Parsons on 9 Apr 1976 4)
(On same marker with Authur Parsons)
(Mary Missouri “Zude” McFerrin;
married 1st - B. B. Wright on 18 Mar 1904;
2nd - James Authur Parsons 26 May 1918 4 & 8)
(On same marker with Thomas R. Parsons)
(Parents: Jack Vance & Clara Phillips 3)
(Nancy Mary Vance;
dau. of William Marion Vance & Martha? Clara Phillips;
married Thomas Reed Parsons on 28 Oct 1900 4)
(On same marker with Thomas Forest Parsons)
(Nellie Gray Jones;
dau. of Isaac Walter Jones & Mary Ann Eliza Nunnally;
married Thomas Forest Parsons 1906-1922 4 & 7)
Daughter of J. E. & Maggie Parsons
(Dau. of Joseph Erwin Parsons & Maggie Balcomb 4)
(Olins M. Parsons;
son of James Edward Parsons & Lucinda Hamaker;
married Sarah Fanny McFall on 22 Sep 1895 4)
Wife of L. G. Parsons
(Next to L. G. Parsons)
(Parents: William Hamaker 1)
(Ophelia Margaret Hamaker;
dau. of William Hamaker & Ophelia Shields;
married Levi Greenlee Parsons on 15 Nov 1868 4)
Ala Pvt Co. B 2 Prov Regt, WW I
(Parents: George Parsons & Cathy Mayfield 3)
(Son of George Parsons & Catherine Mayfield 4)
(On same marker with O. M. Parsons)
(Sarah Frances McFall;
dau. of Joseph Newton McFall & Mary A. Reeder;
married Olins M. Parsons on 22 Sep 1895 4)
(Parents: Geo Parsons & C. Mayfield 1)
(Son of George Parsons & Catherine Mayfield;
married 1st - Zuma Caroline Cox on 19 Jan 1898;
2nd - Nellie Gray Jones bef 1920 4 & 8)
(Parents: J. W. Parsons & Mary Hopkins 3)
(Thomas Reed Parsons;
son of John Winston Parsons & Martha Missouri Hopkins;
married Nancy M. Vance on 28 Oct 1900 4)
(Son of Olins M. Parsons & Sarah Fanny McFall;
married Mabel -?- 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 33 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Parsons, Zume
Passeger, Marvin H.
Payne, Clarence E. (Butch)
Payne, Gladys Mae
Perry, Donald E.
Perry, Zella M.
Philyan, Mary E.
Pinegar, Elda J.
Pinegar, George E.
Pinson, Fred C.
Pinson, Hattie M.
Pitts, Maybell
Pitts, Willie
Poole, Noah A.
Poole, Olon
<no dates>
4 Feb 1905
16 Jul 1906
16 Apr 1943
21 Jan 2002
18 Aug 1916
5 Aug 1917
22 Sep 1927
3 Jan 2001
10 Apr 1930
2 Mar 1997
27 Sep 1886
24 Jul 1959
20 Feb 1875
25 Jul 1961
8 Nov 1898
27 May 1948
4 Aug 1919
4 Jul 1987
29 Nov 1911
3 Jul 2000
22 May 1918
19 Jan 1989
1 Feb 1915
27 Apr 1975
27 Jul 1880
20 Feb 1905
Poole, Roland
4 Oct 1882
20 Feb 1905
Poole, Sarah J.
Poore, Henry
Poore, Katie
Pope, James N.
Pope, Rausa M.
Powe, Barbara Jean Black
Potter, Maudie B.
Last Updated: August 2010
7 Mar 1864
26 May 1936
26 Jun 1885
11 Apr 1949
16 Jan 1889
10 Jul 1968
10 Jan 1979
20 Mar 1944
20 Aug 2007
3 Sep 1886
25 Dec 1903
(Zuma Caroline Cox; born abt 1873-1874; died 30 Sep 1956 2;
dau. of Jordan Perry Cox & Martha Caroline;
married Thomas Forest Parsons on 19 Jan 1898 4)
Son of Joe & Nettie Passeger
(Son of John Edmond Coleman Payne & Ella Celestial Jones 19)
(Obituary in January 23, 2002 The Birmingham News
wife - Janice Payne)
Daughter of Robert & Clara Payne
(Dau. of Robert Leroy Payne? & Clara Jean Morris? 4)
Married 2 Dec 1946
(Son of Fred Perry & Louise E. ? 8)
(On same marker with Donald E. Perry)
(Parents: Tom Gilbert & Tommie Edmonds 14)
(Parents: George Sloan & Margaret Taylor 3)
(Mary Edna -?- Philyan 8)
(Parents: William Pinegar & Eliza Wood 3)
(George Elbert Pinegar;
died 29 May 1948 77;
son of Elda Joseph Pinegar & ? 8)
(Fred Chester Pinson; 4 Jul 1987; age 67;
Parents: Mose Pinson & Mamie Carter 24)
(On same marker with Fred C. Pinson)
(On same marker with Willie Pitts)
(Parents: Vester Kelley & Rebecca Keller 14)
(Parents: Will Pitts & Susie J. Smith 14)
(Noah M. Pool; died 27 Jul 1933 77;
married Sarah Jemina Shoemaker abt 7 Jul 1878 8)
Son of N. A. & S. J. Poole
(On same marker with Roland Poole)
(Killed in the Virginia Mines explosion;
son of Noah A. Poole & Sarah Jemina Shoemaker 8)
Son of N. A. & S. J. Poole
(On same marker with Olon Poole)
(Killed in the Virginia Mines explosion;
son of Noah A. Poole & Sarah Jemina Shoemaker 8)
(On same marker with Noah A. Poole)
(Sarah Jemina Shoemaker; died 16 Nov 1934;
dau. of Hiram George Shoemaker & Elizabeth Adeline Higgins;
married Noah A. Poole on abt 7 Jul 1878 8)
(Married Katie -?- abt 1899 8)
(On same marker with Henry Poore)
(Betty Katie ?;
married Henry Poore abt 1899 8)
(Married Rosa M. -?- abt 1916 8)
(On same marker with James N. Pope)
(Rausie Pope; born 10 Dec 1901 75)
(Obituary in August 22, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of William Fred Black, Jr. & Dorothy Nance 4)
Wife of G. J. Potter
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 34 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Prince, Donald Ray
Prince, Mary L.
Prosser, Doris
Prosser, Phillip Edward
Puzak, Margaret
Rainey, infant
Rainey, James C.
14 Dec 1937
4 Apr 2000
23 Nov 1937
29 May 1935
8 Dec 2000
7 Jun 1890
11 Jul 1911
only date is:
26 Mar 1946
10 Mar 1917
19 Nov 1992
Rainey, Jesse J.
7 Feb 1915
12 Dec 1989
Rainey, Larry A.
28 Jun 1949
28 Feb 1984
Rainey, Lola Mae
25 May 1919
1 Dec 2009
Rainey, M. E.
30 Dec 1854
18 Feb 1940
27 May 1919
23 May 1981
21 Aug 1949
22 Jul 1992
12 Apr 1917
24 Nov 1973
20 Apr 1924
30 Jan 1926
12 Sep 1886
25 Feb 1957
Rainey, Mamie L.
Rainey, Sammie S.
Rainwater, Mattie Lorraine
Raney, Arthur G.
Raney, Beckey
Raney, Earl E.
Raney, Johnny Albert
Raney, Margaret A.
Raney, Sally Hopkins
Rawlins, Susan L.
Ray, Annie Rose Reeves
Last Updated: August 2010
28 Jan 1892
24 Sep 1925
25 Apr 1875
21 Dec 1956
14 Apr 1961
27 Dec 1961
3 Mar 1941
28 Apr 2003
U.S. Navy
(On same marker with Donald Ray Prince)
(On same marker with Phillip Edward Prosser)
Infant son of James & Mamie Rainey
(Parents: Arthur Rainey & Margaret Miller 14)
(James Claude Rainey;
son of Arthur G. Rainey & Margaret Miller;
married Mamie L. Keef 4)
Married 1938
(On sae marker with Lola Mae Rainey)
(Son of John Albert Raney & Susie Ida Scoggins;
married Lola Mae Lowery 4)
T. Sgt, U.S.A.F.
Lost in plane crash in Spain. Buried in Leander, Texas.
(Parents: Jesse Rainey & Lola Lowery 14)
(Larry Allen Rainey;
so of Jesse J. Rainey & Lola Mae Lowery 4)
Married 1938
(On same marker with Jesse J. Rainey)
(Obituary in December 5, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(On same marker with James C. Rainey)
(Parents: Clabe Keef & Mary Watts 14)
Married 5 Jun 1971
(Parents: James Rainey & Mamie Keef 14)
(Parents: William Holloway & Vera Scott 2)
(Parents: John Raney & M. Adcock 3)
(Son of Jonathan Raney & M. Eliz Adcock 4)
(On same marker with Arthur G. Raney)
(Earl Ellis Raney 8)
(Parents: John Raney & M. Adcock 3)
(Son of Jonathan Raney & M. Eliz Adcock;
married Sally? Hopkins? aft 1905 4)
(Parents: Wiley Hopkins & Artense Parsons 3)
(Dau. of James Wyley Hopkins & Artincy Parsons;
married 1st - Samuel Burchfield on 14 Oct 1894;
2nd - J. A. (John? Albert?) Raney aft 1905 4)
(Obituary in May 1, 2003 The Birmingham News)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 35 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Ray, Emma Kate
Raygan, Ruby M.
Reach, Nina
29 May 1931
9 Mar 1984
19 Jun 1925
6 Mar 1968
(abt 1949)
25 Jan 2006
Reeves, Robert Allen
(abt 1941)
14 Jul 2009
Renaud, David Alfred, Jr.
only date is:
31 Mar 1991
11 Feb 1921
12 Jul 2004
Rhodes, Alfreda L.
Rhodes, Alvie
17 Feb 1891
18 Nov 1964
Rhodes, Gersie
24 Aug 1894
20 Jul 1977
26 Aug 1909
3 Dec 1987
31 Jan 1973
15 Oct 1998
Rhodes, John Peter
Rhodes, Thomas Michael
Roberson, David S.
Roberson, Lena Parsons
Roberson, Thomas Floyd, Jr.
Robertson, Bradley David
Robertson, Brenda Lee
Robertson, infant
Robertson, Kate S.
Robertson, Peggy Jean
Robertson, Walter L.
Robinson, Teresa Kay
Last Updated: August 2010
29 Oct 1949
16 May 2008
<no dates>
10 Jan 1956
28 Apr 2004
12 Sep 1992
11 Oct 1992
12 Sep 1992
9 Apr 1993
16 Jun 1952
16 Jun 1952
6 Jul 1899
22 Sep 1981
11 Sep 1939`
17 Sep 1939
15 Jul 1899
16 May 1979
(Parents: ? Helms & ? 2)
(Obituary in January 27, 2006 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by parents
- James O. Pierce & Mildred Pierce Stone;
survived by husband - Bobby Reach)
(Obituary in July 16, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(Son of William Morgan Reeves & Ruth Earlene Rogers;
married Annie ? 4)
(Parents: David Renaud & Debra Lovell 14)
(On same marker with John Peter Rhodes)
(Obituary in July 13, 2004 The Birmingham News)
(Alfreda Lydia Tripp;
dau. of Arthur Edward Tripp (born Leon Arthur Tripp)
& Bessie Byrd
married John Peter Rhodes)
(On same marker with Gersie Rhodes)
(Parents: Joseph Rhodes & Mattie Price 3)
(Alvin N. Rhodes;
married May -?- abt 1910 8)
(On same marker with Alvie Rhodes)
BMC U.S. Navy, WW II & Korea
(Son of ?;
grandson of John Peter Rhodes & Alfreda Lydia Tripp;
per Alfreda Lydia Tripp‟s obituary 8)
(Obituary in May 18, 2008 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of George Parsons? & Catherine Mayfield? 4)
(Obituary in April 30, 2004 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Thomas Floyd Roberson & Cora Arrington 19)
(On same marker with Brenda Lee Robertson)
(On same marker with Bradley David Robertson)
(On same marker with Walter L. Robertson)
(Kate Satterfield;
Carrie Satterfield; born 6 Jul 1898 75;
dau. of John A. Satterfield & Frances/Fannie Cox;
married Walter Lee Robertson 4)
(Parents: F. Robertson & Ruby Franklin 1)
(Parents: F. Robertson & Fran Robbins 14)
(Walter Lee Robertson;
son of Festus Felaski Robertson & Nancy D. Young;
married Kate Satterfield 4)
1 Oct 1962
3 Jun 1981
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 36 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Roderick, Elaine R.
1 Apr 1927
13 May 2009
Roderick, George W.
29 Sep 1920
20 Aug 1973
Rodgers, Eugena
(abt 1967)
13 Feb 2006
Rogers, Scott Alan
Roper, Clark David
Roper, Earl Leander
Roper, Ethel L.
Roper, Gert
Roper, Grady Clarence
Roper, Harmon S.
Roper, Harmon Sylvester
Roper, Hettie H.
Roper, infant
Roper, infant
Roper, James W.
7 Jan 1974
11 Jan 1974
31 Aug 1924
3 Aug 1997
29 Jul 1896
8 Apr 1958
21 Jul 1930
14 Feb 2004
25 Nov 1861
16 Dec 1939
2 Jun 1895
1 Jul 1919
18 Feb 1921
2 Mar 2002
<no dates>
1 Nov 1949
1 Nov 1949
22 Apr 1885
8 Nov 1948
Roper, James W., Jr.
26 Mar 1921
27 May 1979
Roper, Joanna M.
6 Dec 1932
3 Nov 1973
1 Jul 1904
30 Jan 1966
Roper, John T.
Last Updated: August 2010
(Obituary in May 15, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of James Walter Roper & Mattie Deaton;
married George Wilford Roderick 4)
Missouri PFC Army Air Forces, WW II
(Parents: George Roderick & Mae Baker 3)
(George Wilford Roderick;
married Elaine Roper 4)
(On same marker with James Barnett)
(2 Nov 1938; age 78 1)
(Obituary in February 15, 2006 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by grandparents - Evelyn & Sam Wright;
Talmadge & Lois Rogers;
survived by parents - Gene & Sammie Rogers)
(Parents: David Roper & Sandra Luckie 14)
RM3 U.S. Navy, WW II
Married 4 Jan 1947
(Son of James Walter Roper & Mattie Deaton 7)
(On same marker with John T. Roper)
(Parents: Jack Berarden & Ann ? 3)
(Ethel L. Bearden?;
married John T. Roper abt 1923 8)
(Next to Earl Leander Roper)
(Gertrude M. Bearden;
married Earl Leander Roper 7)
(Obituary in February 16, 2004 The Birmingham News;
wife - Lydia Shoemaker Roper)
(Harmon Smith Roper, Jr.;
son of Harmon Smith Roper & Lucy Atchison;
married 1st - Mary Elizabeth Hinton on 28 Jan 1883;
2nd - Maggie Balcomb on 3 Jul 1910 4 & 7)
(Parents: H. S. Roper & Mary Henton 1)
(Son of Harmon Smith Roper & Mary Elizabeth Hinton 4)
(On same marker with Thomas J. Roper)
(Obituary in March 4, 2002 The Birmingham News)
(Hettie Hughes;
dau. of Henry N. Hughes & Miriam A. -?-;
married Thomas Jackson Roper 8)
Infant son of Earl & Gertrude Roper
(Parents: E. L. Roper & G. M. Bearden 1)
(James Walter Roper;
son of Harmon Smith Roper, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Hinton;
married Mattie Deaton abt 1919 7)
Sgt. U.S. Army, WW II
(James Walter Roper, Jr.;
son of James Walter Roper & Mattie Deaton;
married Mildred ? 8)
(John Taylor Roper;
son of Harmon Smith Roper, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Hinton;
married Ethel L. Bearden abt 1923 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 37 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Roper, Maggie
28 Aug 1872
25 Sep 1911
Roper, Mary E.
2 Jul 1866
19 Jul 1909
Roper, Mattie D.
19 Dec 1893
9 Jun 1980
Roper, Robert Lee
12 Jan 1889
16 Dec 1964
Roper, Thomas J.
12 Jun 1919
14 Feb 1997
Roper, twins
Roper, Vonie B.
<no dates>
21 Jan 1885
19 Jul 1969
22 Jun 1928
18 May 1920
19 Feb 1967
Sanders, Bernice Marie
Sanders, Floyd
Sanders, Herbert “Jack”
Sanders, (infant)
Sanders, James E.
Sanders, Mable
Sanders, Martha Elizabeth
Sanders, Mattie J.
12 Apr 1922
2 Mar 2000
12 Apr 1896
4 Jan 1969
1 Jan 1925
28 May 2002
30 May 1925
29 Sep 1998
7 Aug 1899
13 Feb 1976
Satterfield, Andrew, Rev.
28 Sep 1894
14 Sep 1964
Satterfield, Charlei
10 May 1880
16 Dec 1907
Satterfield, Charles
5 Aug 1935
27 Dec 2006
27 Nov 1917
10 Jun 1997
Satterfield, Edward A.
Last Updated: August 2010
Wife of H. S. Roper
(Maggie Balcomb;
married 1st - Joseph Erwin Parsons on 21 Dec 1898;
2nd - Richard D. Stegall on 10 Mar 1906;
3rd - Harmon Smith Roper, Jr. on 3 Jul 1910 4)
Wife of H. S. Roper
(Mary Elizabeth Hinton;
dau. of Walter Hinton & Louisa Essman;
married Harmon Smith Roper, Jr. on 28 Jan 1883 4)
(Next to James W. Roper)
(Mattie Deaton;
dau. of E. L. Deaton & Margaret -?-;
married James Walter Roper abt 1919 8)
(Parents: H. S. Roper & M. E. McClinton 3)
(Son of Harmon Smith Roper, Jr. & Mary Elizabeth Hinton;
married Minnie Miller aft 1909 4 & 8)
(Thomas Jackson Roper;
son of Harmon S. Roper. & Vonie B. Grooms;
married Hettie Hughes 7)
(Vonie B. Grooms;
married Harmon Smith Roper abt 1913 8)
(On same marker with Herbert “Jack” Sanders)
(Married Herbert Sanders aft 1945 4)
Ala. Pvt 3403 Svc Comd Unit, WW II
(Son of James E. Sanders & Mattie Jones;
married Mable Blanset 19)
(Son of James E. Sanders & Mattie Jones;
married Bernice Marie Coats aft 1945 19)
(Dau. of Martha Elizabeth Sanders 19)
(Son of J. W. Sanders & B. Martha Hendrix;
married Mattie Jones on abt 1 Nov 1914 19)
(Next to Floyd Sanders)
(Obituary in May 30, 2002 The Birmingham News)
(Married Floyd Sanders aft 1942 4)
(Dau. of James E. Sanders & Mattie Jones 19)
(On same marker with James E. Sanders)
(Parents: J. P. Jones & Eliza Jennings 14)
(Dau. of James Phillip Jones & Lizzie Jennings;
married James E. Sanders on abt 1 Nov 1914 19)
(Parents: Jno Satterfield & Fannie Cox 3)
(Son of John Andrew Satterfield & Frances Cox;
married Lillian Jones abt 1920 4 & 19)
Was killed in the Yolanda explosion
(Charles Satterfield;
son of John Satterfield & Sarah (1880 census) 4)
(Obituary in December 28, 2006 The Birmingham News)
Cpl U.S. Army, WW II
(Military footstone has death date as 11 Jun 1997;
Death date 11 Jun 1997 75)
(Parents: Jno Satterfield & Janie Garner 14)
(Edward Andrew Satterfield;
son of John Lee Satterfield & Jannie Garner;
married Elizabeth Ruth McCord 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 38 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Satterfield, Elizabeth R.
6 Apr 1921
Satterfield, Elsie
9 Jun 1927
21 Jun 1929
25 Jul 1858
10 Mar 1932
Satterfield, Fannie
Satterfield, Henry
Satterfield, Hester D.
Satterfield, Hixie L.
Satterfield, infant
Satterfield, Jannie
12 Jul 1867
3 Jan 1906
4 Jul 1904
6 Nov 1976
15 Aug 1889
26 Jul 1938
3 Aug 1932
3 Aug 1932
4 Feb 1897
23 Apr 1981
Satterfield, John A., Rev.
9 Aug 1857
28 Apr 1931
Satterfield, John Lee
12 Sep 1892
12 Mar 1975
Satterfield, John William
24 Aug 1887
24 Dec 1949
Satterfield, Lillian
2 Jan 1903
21 Apr 1987
Satterfield, Lisa Darlene
12 Sep 1964
12 Sep 1964
6 Jun 1896
Satterfield, Luvenie
Satterfield, Mary Ida
13 Jan 1875
9 Feb 1968
Satterfield, Maudie C.
15 Nov 1888
8 Jul 1895
1 Oct 1919
30 Jun 1943
25 May 1927
31 May 1983
1 Feb 1894
15 Jul 1965
Satterfield, William O.
Schooley, William Ray
Scoggins, Alpha L.
Last Updated: August 2010
(On same marker with Edward A. Satterfield)
(Elizabeth Ruth McCord;
dau. of Edwin B. McCord & E. A. -?-;
married Edward Andrew Satterfield 4)
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Satterfield
(Dau. of John Lee Satterfield & Jannie Garner 4)
(On same marker with Rev. John A. Satterfield)
(Fannie Cox;
dau. of George W. Cox & Unity Frazier;
married John Andrew Satterfield on 23 Dec 1885 4)
(Son of James Wait Satterfield & Luvenia Sellers?;
married Mary Ida McDougal 4)
(Next to William O. Satterfield)
(Married John William Satterfield 4)
(Next to John William Satterfield)
(Hixie L. Hyde;
married John William Satterfield 4)
Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. A. Satterfield
(On same marker with John Lee Satterfield)
(Parents: Bud Garner & Nancy Weaver 14)
(Edie Jannie Garner;
dau. of Napoleon Garner & Nancy Weaver;
married John Lee Satterfield on 15 Jun 1914 4)
(John Andrew Satterfield;
son of Wait Satterfield & Luvenia Sellers;
married Fannie Cox on 23 Dec 1885 4)
(Parents: John Satterfield & Fannie Cox 14)
(Son of John Andrew Satterfield & Fannie Cox;
married Jannie Garner on 15 Jun 1914 4)
(Son of John Satterfield & Naomi Mayfield;
married 1st - Hixie L. Hyde;
2nd - Hester D. Pearson 4)
(Next to Rev. Andrew Satterfield)
(Parents: James P. Jones & Lizzie Jennings 14)
(Dau. of James Phillip Jones & Jane Elizabeth Jennings;
married Andrew Satterfield abt 1920 19)
(Parents: M. E. Satterfield & S. Donaldson 3)
(Dau. of Marvin Eugene Satterfield & Shirley Ann Donaldson 4)
Age about 56 years
Wife of Wate Satterfield
(Luvenia Sellers;
married James Wait Satterfield 4)
(On same marker with Henry Satterfield)
(Dau. of Robert S. McDougal & Laura Vann Burgin;
married Henry Satterfield 4)
Daughter of J. & N.F. Satterfield
Ala. Pvt 172 Infantry, WW II
(Son of John William Satterfield & Hixie L. Hyde 4)
TEC U.S. Army, WW II
(Parents: Hobert Schooley & Talma Bolyard 14)
(On same marker with David Scoggins)
(Parents: H. A. Oates & Polly Scott 3)
(Married David Scoggins abt 1910 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 39 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Scoggins, Annie R.
19 Nov 1928
22 Jun 1999
Scoggins, Bruce A., Sr.
15 Jun 1918
20 Apr 2001
Scoggins, Curtis A.
5 Jul 1921
13 Mar 1988
Scoggins, David
15 May 1891
21 Sep 1979
23 Oct 1913
3 Jul 1960
Scoggins, Ernest L.
Scoggins, Gertrude L.
Scoggins, infant
Scoggins, James Calvin
Scoggins, Millard F.
Scoggins, Ottie L.
Scoggins, Patricia Ann
Scott, David H.
Scott, George Tate
Scott, Harriett Honeycutt
Scott, Janet R.
Scott, John A.
Scott, Mary Addie
Scott, Robert E.
Scott, Samuel S.
Scott, Sarah M.
Last Updated: August 2010
27 Mar 1945
27 Mar 1945
22 Mar 1885
5 Jul 1957
14 Aug 1890
3 May 1985
2 Jul 1933
13 Dec 1933
7 Nov 1860
30 Dec 1892
21 Nov 1902
21 Oct 1945
17 Oct 1899
25 May 1981
23 Jun 1865
26 Aug 1937
11 Sep 1865
27 Oct 1910
6 Sep 1900
10 May 1996
7 Jun 1913
18 Nov 1944
23 Mar 1882
8 Oct 1960
18 Jun 1887
3 Mar 1972
(On same marker with Curtis A. Scoggins)
(Parents: Calvin Parks & Frances Turner 14)
(Annie R. Parks;
dau. of Calvin Eugene Parks & Frances Elizabeth Turner;
married Curtis A. Scoggins 4)
(Obituary in April 23, 2001 Birmingham News;
wife - Celestia)
(Son of James C. Scoggins & Ottie L. Rainey 8)
GM3 U.S. Navy, WW II
(Parents: David Scoggins & Alpha Oats 14)
(Son of David Scoggins & Alpha L. Oates;
married Annie R. Parks 4)
(Parents: Newton Scoggins & Mary Gould 14)
(Married Alpha L. Oates abt 1910 8)
(Parents: David Scoggins & Alpha Oates 3)
(On same marker with Millard F. Scoggins)
(7 Oct 1984; age 92;
Parents: Square Higgins & Martha Wright 14)
(Born 13 Sep 1892 75;
married Millard F. Scoggins abt 1918 8)
Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Scoggins
(Parents: J. G. Scoggins & Mattie Kendrick 3)
(Married Ottie L. Rainey abt 1915 7)
(17 Aug 1892 - Sep 1968;
married Gertrude -?- abt 1918 8)
(On same marker with James Calvin Scoggins)
(Parents: John Rainey & Eliz Adcock 14)
(Married James C. Scoggins abt 1915 8)
Son of S. S. & Elizabeth Scott
Husband of J. B. Scott
(Marker broken into two pieces)
(Married Isabella B. Parsons on 21 Dec 1880 4)
Ala. Pvt 772 Mil Police Bn
(Parents: John A. Scott & Joan Rutherford 2)
Age 72
(On same marker with John A. Scott)
(Parents: Tom Scott & Margaret Johnson 2)
(Parents: James C. Simmons & Martha Kendrick 14)
(Parents: S. S. Scott & S. Milligan 1)
(Son of Samuel Savage Scott & Sarah Milligan 4)
(Samuel Savage Scott;
son of David H. Scott & Isabella A. Parsons;
married Sarah Milligan on 22 Jan 1905 4)
(On same marker with Samuel S. Scott)
(Sarah Milligan;
married Samuel S. Scott on 22 Jan 1905 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 40 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Scott, Sidney A.
Scott, Thomas J.
Scott, Walter D.
Seagle, Lilly Ruth Satterfield
21 Jun 1908
20 Mar 1970
13 May 1884
18 Jun 1928
9 Dec 1891
6 Oct 1896
11 Jul 1938
17 Jun 1993
Seale, Joe M.
2 Aug 1883
16 Jun 1970
Self, Stevana Danyelle
21 Aug 1989
26 Dec 1989
18 Jan 1922
12 Mar 2008
Shell, George Vernon
Shell, Malissia F.
3 Mar 1881
27 Feb 1956
Shell, Minnie Estoria
12 Sep 1910
22 Jun 1912
18 Oct 1864
13 Feb 1956
Shell, Rufus B.
Shoemaker, Albert M.
14 Aug 1894
10 Jan 1976
Shoemaker, Carl W.
17 Apr 1915
7 Jan 1981
Shoemaker, Charles R.
25 Apr 1926
23 Nov 1958
Shoemaker, Delores T.
Shoemaker, Doke
Shoemaker, Hugh N.
Shoemaker, James Hiram
Last Updated: August 2010
<no dates>
(Parents: Albert Scott & Letisha Shell 3)
(Son of David H. Scott & Isabella B. Parsons;
married Hattie Higgins on 26 Apr 1908 4)
Son of D. H. & I. B. Scott
(Son of David H. Scott & Isabella B. Parsons 4)
(Parents: Andy Satterfield & Lillian Jones 14)
(Dau.of Andrew Satterfield & Lillian Jones;
married ? Seagle 4)
(Parents: Tine Seale & Margret Allison 3)
(Joseph Moore Seale;
son of Constantine Columbus Seale & Margaret Adeline Allison;
married Ella I. -?- abt 1924 8)
(Parents: Terry W. Self & Barbara Hilburn 24)
(Obituary in March 14, 2008 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Rufus Asbury Benjamin Shell & Malissa Frances Weaver;
married Laverne Daniel 4)
(On same marker with Rufus B. Shell)
(Parents: George Weaver & Barbra Johnston 3)
(Malissia Frances Weaver;
son of George W. Weaver & Barbara E. Johnston;
married 1st - W. Luke Bailey abt 1899;
2nd - Rufus Benjamin Shell aft 1905 4)
(Died 16 Jun 1912 77;
dau. of Rufus Benjamin Shell & Malissia Frances Weaver 7)
(Parents: James Shell & Jane E. Mayo 3)
(Rufus Asbury Benjamin Shell;
son of James G. C. Shell & Elizabeth Jane Mayo;
married Malissia Frances Weaver abt 1908 4)
(Parents: Wesley Shoemaker & Margaret Nichol 14)
(Albert Moss Shoemaker;
son of Hiram Wesley Shoemaker & Margaret L. Nichols;
married Lillie R. Caffee abt 1913 4 & 7)
ADR3 U.S. Navy, WW II, Korea, Vietnam
(Parents: Albert Shoemaker & Lillie Caffee 14)
(Son of Albert Moss Shoemaker & Lillie R. Caffee;
married 1st - Nell Onita Parsons aft 1935;
2nd - Lucille L. 7)
(Charles Richard Shoemaker;
son of Thomas Richard Shoemaker & Virgie McLain 8)
(On same marker with Hugh N. Shoemaker)
(Delores Tachoir;
married Hugh Nelson Shoemaker aft 1941 8)
Veteran of WW I
(Oct 1893 - 21 Oct 1921;
son of James Hiram Shoemaker & Leeanna Vines 4)
(2 Jan 1985; age 61;
Parents: Al Shoemaker & Lillie Caffee 14)
(Hugh Nelson Shoemaker; 29 May 1923 - Jan 1985;
son of Albert Moss Shoemaker & Lillie R. Caffee;
married Delores Tachior aft 1941 8)
(Born abt Jun 1859; died aft 1910;
married Leeanna Vines abt 1883 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 41 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Shoemaker, Leeanna Vines
Shoemaker, Lillie R.
17 Dec 1897
28 Apr 1990
Shoemaker, Lucille L.
16 Nov 1913
(abt 1987)
2 Aug 2010
11 Nov 1896
3 Jul 1957
28 Feb 1902
1 Sep 1998
25 Oct 1883
20 Feb 1905
17 Aug 1949
6 Jan 2007
Shoemaker, Steven David
Shoemaker, Thomas R.
Shoemaker, Virgie M.
Shoemaker, W. W.
Sibley, Bobby
Sibley, Chris (Alice Christine)
11 Nov 1927
21 Apr 2005
Sibley, Thomas Albert
16 Jan 1919
9 Apr 2003
12 Apr 1912
19 Jul 2000
17 Feb 2007
Sitz, Charles W.
Sitz, Essie M.
Skelton, Bezzie Lee
4 Nov 1876
22 Jun 1977
Skelton, William A.
26 May 1876
14 Mar 1959
20 May 1890
13 Sep 1962
25 Nov 1895
17 Feb 1975
Skinner, Elizabeth Ann
Skinner, William W.
Smith, America Ann
Smith, Annie Vance
1 Feb 1882
11 Sep 1920
Smith, baby
Smith, baby
<no dates>
9 Sep 1930
9 Sep 1930
only date is:
4 Apr 1933
Smith, baby
Last Updated: August 2010
(On same marker with James Hiram Shoemaker)
(Leandress Vines; born Nov 1860; died aft 1910;
dau. of Johnson Thompson Vines & Lucinda Rogers;
married James Hiram Shoemaker abt 1883 8)
(On same marker with Albert M. Shoemaker)
(Parents: Thomas J. Caffee & Ellen McClinton 14)
(Dau. of Thomas Jefferson Caffee & M. Ellen McClinton;
married Albert Moss Shoemaker abt 1913 8)
(Next to Carl W. Shoemaker)
(Married Carl W. Shoemaker aft 1933 4)
(Obituary in August 4, 2010 The Birmingham News)
(Son of David N. Shoemaker & Brenda Kelley 4)
(Thomas Richard Shoemaker;
son of James Hiram Shoemaker & Leandress Vines 8)
(Married Thomas Richard Shoemaker abt 1918 8)
(William W. Shoemaker;
son of James Hiram Shoemaker & Leeanna Vines 4)
(Obituary in the January 7, 2007 The Birmingham News) (Robert
D. Sibley;
son of Thomas Albert Sibley & Alice Christine Downs;
married Susan ? 4)
(Obituary in April 22, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Alice Christine Downs;
married Thomas Albert Sibley 4)
(Obituary in April 10, 2003 The Birmingham News)
(Married Alice Christine Downs 4)
(On same marker with Charles W. Sitz)
(Essie Mae Norwood Sitz;
obituary in February 20, 2007 The Birmingham News)
(Next to William A. Skelton)
(Parents: W. C. Swindle & Mary Vaughn 14)
(Married William A. Skelton abt 1898 8)
(Parents: William Skelton & Mary Willingham 3)
(Married Bezzie Lee Swindle abt 1898 8)
(On same marker with William W. Skinner)
(Parents: William Whitehead & Anna Wallace 3)
(Parents: James H. Skinner & Leanie Hughes 14)
(Son of James Hagen Skinner & Delaney Hughes 4)
(On same marker with George Washington Smith)
(Born Oct. 1888;
dau. of Hiram P. Green & Hattie J. -?- 8)
(Parents: W. Hopkins & ? Parsons 1)
(Dau. of James Wyley Hopkins & Artincy Parsons;
married 1st - M. Jackson Vance on 18 Feb 1903 who died 1905;
2nd - Lucian S. Smith aft 1905 4)
(Next to Bessie W. Smith)
(On same marker with Lois Waldrop Smith)
(Dau. of Charles M. Smith & Lois Waldrop 8)
Infant daughter of Sam & Violet Smith
(Dau. of Samuel Smith & Violet Elizabeth Corvin 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 42 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Smith, Bernice L.
27 Feb 1919
21 Oct 1993
Smith, Bessie W.
11 Dec 1890
2 Jul 1915
11 Jun 1942
24 Jun 2002
13 Feb 1942
18 Feb 2002
9 Aug 1951
15 Sep 1967
10 May 1872
12 Mar 1935
Smith, Brenda McCarthy
Smith, Crann “Sonny”
Smith, David C.
Smith, Eliza Ann
Smith, Elsie
30 Jan 1900
20 Nov 1980
Smith, Elsie Hunnicutt
11 May 1919
15 Apr 2003
Smith, George Washington
Smith, Grover C.
Smith, Grover C.
Smith, John D.
Smith, Juanita
Smith, Lillian L.
Smith, Lillie E.
Smith, Lois Waldrop
1 Mar 1945
15 Jan 1971
19 Apr 1943
20 Oct 1944
17 Sep 1910
8 Jul 1975
19 Feb 1913
19 Sep 1930
Smith, Lucian S.
18 Mar 1881
20 Jun 1949
Smith, Marvin F.
30 Apr 1918
14 Jun 1981
Smith, Mattie A.
Last Updated: August 2010
(On same marker with Marvin F. Smith)
(Parents: Hugh Nicholson & Josephine Nichols 14)
(Bernice Louise Nicholson;
dau. of Hugh Nicholson & Josephine Evergreen Nichols;
married Marvin F. Smith aft 1935 4)
Wife of L. S. Smith
(Married Lucian S. Smith abt 1906 8)
(Obituary in June 27, 2002 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by husband – Crann “Sonny” Smith)
(Obituary on February 20, 2002 The Birmingham News;
wife – Brenda G. Smith)
Wife of R. W. Smith
(Next to Richard W. Smith)
(Parents: W. P. Vick & Eliz 1)
(Married Richard Walter Smith abt 1890 4)
(On same marker with Lucian S. Smith)
(Parents: Jake Miller & Rebecca May 14)
(Married Lucian S. Smith abt 1921 8)
(26 Nov 1938; age 20;
Parents: J. B. Honeycutt & J. Burns 1)
(George W. Smith; 22 May 1978; age 97;
Parents: W. J. Smith & Mary T. Bridges 24)
(Grover Cleveland Smith, Sr.;
married Mattie Parker 4)
(Obituary in April 17, 2003 The Birmingham News)
(Grover Cleveland Smith, Jr.;
son of Grover Cleveland Smith, Sr. & Mattie A. Parker;
married Edna Lucile Letson 4)
(Parents: M. F. Smith & L. Nicholson 3)
(Son of Marvin F. Smith & Bernice Louise Nicholson 4)
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Smith
(Dau. of Cornelius C. Smith & Alva Susie Harmon4)
(On same marker with William P. Smith)
(Lillian L. Smith; 19 Feb 1986; age 71;
Parents: S. F. Hale & ? 24)
(Born 14 May 1914 75)
(Lillie Etta Smith 4)
(On same marker with baby Smith)
(Lois Waldrop;
dau. of Joseph Marshall Waldrop & Virginia Mae Bennett;
married Charles M. Smith 7)
(Married1st - Bessie W. abt 1906;
2nd - Annie Hopkins 1915-1920;
3rd - Elsie Miller abt 1921 8)
U.S. Army, WW II
(Parents: Benjamin F. Smith & Alice Johnson 14)
(Married Bernice Louise Nicholson 4)
(On same marker with Grover C. Smith
(24 May 1970; age 77;
Parents: Jesse Parker & Della Meggs 3)
(Married Grover Cleveland Smith, Sr. 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 43 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Smith, Richard W.
2 Aug 1871
12 Aug 1955
Smith, Ronald Wayne
2 Jul 1953
2 Jul 1953
only date is:
Smith, Rush
Smith, Sherry Kay
(abt 1961)
24 Sep 2009
Smith, Virginia B.
10 May 1920
12 Dec 1975
Smith, W. J.
8 Jan 1832
20 Mar 1910
21 Jan 1933
29 Dec 1930
25 Jun 2006
3 Dec 1854
15 Nov 1923
Smith, William E.
Smith, William P.
Smith, Zula
Smithson, Elois Hulsey
Squires, John T.
Squires, Louise
12 Oct 1855
7 Mar 1921
Stegall, Richard D.
only date is:
5 Oct 1909
22 Oct 1906
28 Oct 1906
10 Aug 1908
30 Jul 1950
13 Apr 1876
11 Feb 1921
16 Oct 1877
9 Jan 1933
Stephens, Delora
Stephens, Herbert L.
Stephens, L. F.
Stephens, Polly A.
Stoker, James H.
Stoker, Vetras L
Last Updated: August 2010
Husband of Eliza Ann Smith
(Parents: Jim Smith & Levonia 3)
(Married Eliza Ann Vick abt 1890 4)
Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith
(On same marker with Zula Smith)
(1 Jul 1926; infant;
Parents: G. C. Smith & M. Parker 1)
(Son of Grover Cleveland Smith, Sr. & Mattie Parker 4)
(Obituary in September 27, 2009 The Birmingham News;
predeceased by father - Cecil Pennington;
survived by mother - Lorene Pennington)
(On same marker with Fred Black, Jr.)
(Parents: Fred Black & Julia Donaldson 14)
(Dau. of William Fred Black, Jr. & Julia Donaldson 4)
(Tim Smith 77)
(Parents: Geo Smith & America Green 24)
(Born 16 Mar 1909 - Oct 1986 75)
(On same marker with Rush Smith)
(16 or 26 Aug 1916; age 01 1)
(Obituary in June 27, 2006 The Birmingham News)
(There is not a marker for this individual.13)
(John Thomas Squires;
son of William Wylie Squires & MaryJane Coe;
married 1st - Nancy Carrell on 14 Mar 1881 in Florida;
2nd - Louisa Fulton on 17 Feb 1888 8 & 13)
Wife of J. T. Squires
(Marker broken into two pieces)
(Louisa Fulton;
dau. of William Fulton & Elizabeth Underwood;
married John T. Squires 17 Feb 1888 13)
Aged 45 years
(Married Maggie Balcomb on 10 Mar 1906 4)
Son of L. F. & P. A. Stephens
(Son of Landau F. Stephens & Polly Ann Bridges 4)
(Son of Landau F. Stephens & Polly Ann Bridges 4)
(Landau F. Stephens;
married Polly Ann Bridges on 28 Jun 1905 4)
(Next to L. F. Stephens)
(Polly Ann Bridges;
dau. of George Montgomery Bridges & Martha S. Mayfield;
married Landau F. Stephens on 28 Jun 1905 4)
(James H. Stoker; 19 Jan 1994; age 80;
Parents: James H. Stoker & Mary Lawrence 14)
(Born 13 Oct 1913 75)
(Next to James H. Stoker)
(Vetras L. Stoker; 16 Jun 1993; age 74;
Parents: Edward Cooley & Eva Harris 14)
(Born 3 Feb 1919 75)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 44 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Stone, Delcie V.
21 Oct 1919
23 Sep 1988
Stone, George
30 May 1912
26 Sep 1975
3 Sep 1947
21 Jun 2006
6 Jan 1891
26 Apr 1953
16 Jun 1932
19 Jun 2007
Stone, George Marlin
Street, Mamie C.
Stripling, Helen L.
Sullivan, Ollie Mae
26 Dec 1908
6 Oct 1985
Swindle, James A.
23 Jan 1890
30 Nov 1953
27 Mar 1946
4 Dec 1966
1 Sep 1882
9 Jun 1955
1 Aug 1867
2 May 1939
23 Aug 1892
22 Feb 1967
Swindle, Jerry Wayne
Swindle, Jesse H.
Swindle, Pernicia L.
Swindle, Virginia A.
Taylor, Evelyn
Taylor, Margrett
Teele, Jackie M.
Thatcher, Tammy Elizabeth
17 Sep 1926
5 Jan 1928
15 Sep 1920
5 May 1925
25 Nov 1935
4 Nov 1986
(abt 1981)
10 Nov 2003
Thompson, Elva Parsons
9 Nov 1885
26 Sep 1965
Thornton, Eugene
5 Jan 1935
6 Nov 2003
1 Mar 1884
24 Jun 1962
Tillman, Mary Justice
Tillman, Robert Fletcher
Trulious, Dee
Trusty, Nellie Mae Hughes
Tyler, Ethel Mae
Last Updated: August 2010
16 Jan 1879
17 May 1951
1 Mar 1885
6 Sep 1907
1 Aug 1919
22 Mar 1977
27 Sep 1932
29 Oct 2007
(On same marker with George Stone)
(Missouri Delcie Vines;
dau. of William Morgan Vines & Mary C. Donna Bailey;
married George Stone aft 1935 4 & 8)
(Parents: Chancy Stone & Sarah Freeman 14)
(Married Delcie Vines aft 1935 4)
(Obituary in June 23, 2006 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by wife - Carol Stone)
(Married James S. Street abt 1920 8)
(Obituary in June 20, 2006 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by parents - Doc & Thelma Martin;
survived by husband of 56 years - Carl Kenneth Stripling, Sr.)
(On same marker with J. C. Hill)
(Parents: Marion Justice & Lou Mayfield 14)
(Dau. of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield;
married 1st - J. C. Hill;
2nd - ? Sullivan 4)
(Married Virginia Hendricks abt 1914 8)
(Parents: David Swindle & Mary Sexton 3)
(Died 8 Jun 1955 77)
(On same marker with James A. Swindle)
(Virginia A. Hendricks;
dau. of Thomas D. Hendricks & Jane Hogg;
married James A. Swindle abt 1914 8)
(On same marker with Margrett Taylor)
(On same marker with Evelyn Taylor)
(Parents: Jim Taylor & Eula Nixon 1)
(Obituary in November 12, 2003 The Birmingham News;
husband - James Lee Thatcher;
dau. of Thomas G. Norwood, Sr. & Janice Elizabeth -?-)
(Parents: J. W. Parsons & M. Hopkins 3)
(Dau. of John Winston Parsons & Martha Missouri Hopkins;
married Thomas Joshua Thompson 1926-1930 4)
(Obituary in the November 9, 2003 The Birmingham News;
wife - Shelby Thornton)
(On same marker with Robert Fletcher Tillman)
(Parents: M. W. Justice & L. Mayfield 3)
(Dau. of Marion Wallace Justice & Lucretia A. Mayfield;
married Robert Fletcher Tillman abt 1915 4)
(Married Mary Justice abt 1915 4)
(Parents: Henry N. Hughes & Alma Brasher 14)
(Obituary in October 30, 2007 The Birmingham News;
survived by husband - John Tyler)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 45 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Tyler, John
Tyler, Mitchell Edward
Vance, A. J.
Vance, Beral (Red)
6 Aug 1938
13 Mar 2009
21 Sep 1945
28 Dec 2005
(only info is)
Died 1861
17 Apr 1889
13 Nov 1959
16 Jul 1906
31 Dec 1982
Vance, Clara
10 Jan 1854
5 Aug 1911
Vance, Dezzie H.
29 May 1887
10 Mar 1979
Vance, Hope Hampton
14 Jun 1920
30 Jun 1983
11 Jun 1882
20 Feb 1905
Vance, M. J.
Vance, Mary Louise
Vance, U. D.
Vance, W. M.
6 Dec 1916
9 Oct 2000
17 Apr 1914
31 Jan 1946
6 Jun 1858
8 Sep 1910
Vance, William E. “Bill”
21 Jun 1911
1 May 1986
Vance, William O.
14 Feb 1884
7 Feb 1965
Vick, William “Bill”
15 Oct 1882
16 Mar 1959
Vickers, Mollie C.
30 Nov 1879
11 Feb 1954
24 May 1915
Vines, Bessie M.
Vines, Dona
Last Updated: August 2010
17 May 1881
23 May 1964
(Obituary in March 15, 2009 The Birmingham News;
predeceased by wife - Ethel Tyler)
(Obituary in December 30, 2005 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife - Donice)
(Alva J. Vance;
dau. of William Marion Vance & Martha? Clara Phillips 4)
(Parents: William O. Vance & Dezzie Hopkins 14)
(Son of William Ollis Vance & Dezzie Hopkins;
married Mary Louise McClain on 25 May 1936 4 & 8)
Wife of W. M. Vance
(Next to W. M. Vance)
(M. Clara Phillips;
dau. of Henry Jackson Phillips & Louisa Eliza McCarthy;
married William Marion Vance on 10 Oct 1880 4 & 8)
(On same marker with William O. Vance)
(Parents: James Hopkins & Artense Parsons 14)
(Dezzie Hopkins;
dau. of James Wyley Hopkins & Artincy Parsons;
married William Ollis Vance on 27 Aug 1905 4)
(Next to William E. “Bill” Vance)
(Married William Elbert Vance 4)
Killed by gas explosion in Virginia mines, Ala.
(M. Jackson Vance;
son of William Marion Vance & Clarenda Phillips;
married Annie Hopkins on 18 Feb 1903 8)
(On same marker with Beral (Red) Vance)
(Obituary in Birmingham News 8)
(Son of William Ollis Vance & Dezzie Hopkins;
married Opal -?- 4)
(William Marion Vance;
son of David H. Vance & Eleanor M. Gill;
married Clara Phillips on 10 Oct 1880 4)
(William Elbert Vance;
son of William Marion Vance & Dezzie Hopkins;
married Hope Hampton 4)
(Parents: William M. Vance & Clara Phillips 3)
(William Ollis Vance;
son of William Marion Vance & Martha? Clara Phillips;
married Dezzie Hopkins on 27 Aug 1905 4)
(Parents: Back Vick & Cambron 3)
(Son of William Robert Vick & Alice Reid;
married Mollie Railey 8)
(Parents: Lou Abbott & Nancy J. Keller 3)
(On same marker with Wilson W. Vines)
(Bessie Mae Nicholson;
dau. of Thomas Andrew Nicholson & Ada Bell Franklin;
married Woodrow Wilson Vines on 21 Aug 1934 4)
(Mary D. Vines;
Parents: Jackson Bailey & M. Foster 3)
(Mary C. Donna Bailey;
dau. of Andrew Jackson Bailey & Missouri M. Foster;
married William Morgan Vines on 18 Nov 1903 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 46 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Vines, Ernest V.
only date is:
12 Sep 1942
Vines, Harrison
17 May 1924
11 Aug 1968
28 Oct 1946
4 May 1968
11 Aug 1940
12 Sep 1982
Vines, Lee Roy
Vines, Luther P.
Vines, Marjorie E.
5 Jul 1918
12 Apr 1994
Vines, Oscar W.
25 Aug 1915
25 Apr 1987
Vines, Wilson W.
2 Feb 1913
19 Mar 1972
Vines, Winford Lonzo
4 May 1937
6 Jun 1995
17 Oct 1945
3 Jun 1999
12 Apr 1926
9 May 2004
Wakefield, Patsy
Wakefield, Ronald L.
Walden, Bessie Clark
Walden, Joseph B.
7 Aug 1919
25 Oct 1985
Walden, Joseph Kelvin
15 Dec 1961
11 May 1996
15 Dec 1961
8 Mar 1998
2 Mar 1854
1 Nov 1935
Walden, Leonard Melvin
Walden, William
Waldon, Alvin V.
Waldon, Effie G.
25 Sep 1920
7 Mar 1991
14 Apr 1924
13 Feb 1994
Waldon, Elizabeth
6 Mar 1886
27 Feb 1952
Waldon, Emmett R.
12 Apr 1915
8 Jul 1915
Last Updated: August 2010
(Next to Wilson W. & Bessie M. Vines)
(Son of Woodrow Wilson Vines & Bessie Mae Nicholson 4)
(Morgan Harrison Vines;
son of Morgan Vines & Mary C. Donna Bailey 8)
(Parents: Woodrow W. Vines & Bess Nicholson 14)
(Luther Patrick Vines;
son of Woodrow Wilson Vines & Bessie Mae Nicholson 4)
(On same marker with Oscar W. Vines)
(Parents: Henry Corley & Savannah Cox 14)
(Married Oscar W. Vines 4)
(Parents: Morgan Vines & Donna Bailey 14)
(Son of William Morgan Vines & Mary C. Donna Bailey;
married Marjorie E. Corley 4)
(Parents: Morgan Vines & ? 3)
(Woodrow Wilson Vines;
son of William Morgan Vines & Mary C. Donna Bailey;
married Bessie Mae Nicholson on 21 Aug 1934 4 & 8)
(Son of Dewey Lonzo Vines & Lillian Richardson;
married Linda Lee Huey on 13 Feb 1959 4)
(Next to Ronald L. Wakefield)
Sgt. U.S. Air Force
Married 15 Dec 1973
(On same marker with Joseph B. Walden)
(Dau. of Rennie V. Clark & Ida Cox;
married Joseph B. Walden aft 1942 4)
PFC U.S. Army, WW II
(Parents: Jesse Walden & Lucy Thrasher 24)
(Married Bessie Clark aft 1942 4)
(Parents: Joseph B. Walden & Bessie Clark 14)
U.S. Army
(Son of Joseph B. Walden & Bessie Clark 4)
(William Henry Walden;
married Mahaila A. Martin on 27 Jun 1880 - who is buried
at Mud Creek Baptist Church Cemetery #2 7)
PFC U.S. Army, WW II
(Parents: William Waldon & Laura Garner 14)
(Parents: Isiah Garner & Lula Waldon 14)
(Dau. of Isaac Garner & Lula Walden;
married 1st - Melvin Dorris Donaldson on 14 Jan 1940;
2nd - Earon Harvil Collins aft 1944;
3rd - Alvin V. Waldon 4)
(Elizabeth Ann Martin;
dau. of Doctor Joseph Martin & Permelia C. Travis;
married Thomas William Debart Waldon aft 1915 4 & 7)
Son of T. D. & M. A. Waldon
(Son of Thomas William Debart Waldon
& Margaret Ann Satterfield 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 47 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Waldon, Howard L.
29 Apr 1905
3 Nov 1970
Waldon, Isaiah
only date is:
14 Jun 1907
2 Jun 1923
22 Mar 2000
14 Jul 1935
20 Oct 2008
Waldon, Johnnie (Faye)
Waldon, Leonard D.
Waldon, Lloyd Dwight
Waldon, Margaret A.
Waldon, Noney
Waldon, Thomas D.
26 Jun 1947
18 Dec 1992
27 Apr 1887
12 Nov 1915
5 Apr 1865
7 Jan 1912
17 Aug 1884
9 Oct 1958
Waldon, Viola M.
14 Feb 1905
7 Sep 1977
Waldon, Wilford D.
27 Jul 1925
27 Feb 1935
Waldrop, Dorothy Justice
18 Feb 1931
28 Nov 1981
Waldrop, Jennie Mae
28 Feb 1889
16 Jun 1951
Waldrop, Joe Marshall
16 Dec 1871
14 Oct 1953
Walker, A. A.
Walker, Rosa M.
Wallace, Annie Mae
Last Updated: August 2010
8 Aug 1907
6 Feb 1988
(Parents: Thomas D. Waldon & Maggie Satterfield 3)
(Howard Leonard Waldon;
son of Thomas William Debart Waldon
& Margaret Ann Satterfield;
married Viola Melvina Marie Smith on 24 Dec 1925 4)
Son of Mary Waldon
(Next to Lloyd Dwight Waldon)
(Dau. of John Albert Raney & ?Sally Hopkins? 4)
(Obituary in October 22, 2008 The Birmingham News)
(Son of Howard Leonard Waldon & Viola Melvina Marie Smith;
married Shirley ? 4)
PFC U.S. Army, Vietnam
(Parents: Lloyd Waldon & Johnnie Rainey 14)
(On same marker with Thomas D. Waldon)
(Margaret Ann Satterfield;
dau. of John Andrew Satterfield & Fannie Cox;
married Thomas William Debart Waldon on 4 Jan 1905 4 & 7)
Wife of W. H. Waldon
(Married William Henry Waldon abt 1895 4 & 8)
(Parents: William Waldon & Mary Martin 3)
(Thomas William Debart Waldon;
son of William Henry Waldon & Mary A. Martin;
married 1st - Margaret Ann Satterfield on 4 Jan 1905 ;
2nd - Elizabeth Ann Martin aft 1915 4 & 7)
(On same marker with Howard L. Waldon)
(Parents: Richard Smith & Eliza Vick 14)
(Viola Melvina Marie Smith;
dau. of Richard Walter Smith & Eliza Ann Vick;
married Howard Leonard Waldon on 24 Dec 1925 4 & 7)
Son of T. D. & S. E. Waldon
(Parents: Thomas Waldon & E. Martin 1)
(Wilford Debart Waldon;
son of Thomas William Debart Waldon
& Elizabeth Ann Martin 4 & 7)
(Parents: C. B. Justice & Estell Boyd 14)
(Dau. of Comer B. Justice & Estelle Boyd;
married 1st - Curtis Headley on 2 Jul 1948;
2nd - Bobby Joe Waldrop 4 & 7)
(Next to Joe Marshall Waldrop)
(Virginia Mae Bennett;
married Joseph Marshall Waldrop on 8 Apr 1912 7)
(Parents: Jack Waldrop & ? 3)
(Son of Samuel Jackson Waldrop
& Rebecca Margaret Carrington;
married Virginia Mae Bennett on 8 Apr 1912 4 & 7)
(Audie Asbury Walker; 27 Sep 1902 - 23 Feb 1990;
son of William James Walker & Martha A. Warren;
married Rosa M. Egger abt 1926 7)
(On same marker with A. A. Walker)
(Rosa M. Egger;
dau. of James K. Egger & -?-;
married Audie Asbury Walker abt 1926 7)
(On same marker with Robert L. Wallace)
(Parents: John Fancher & Margaret Brown 14)
(Married Robert L. Wallace abt 1927 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 48 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Wallace, Bertha L.
Wallace, Charles
Wallace, Robert L.
Wallace, Vernon A.
Ward, F. A.
Watkins, Andrew Preston
22 Aug 1937
30 Jan 1996
16 Jul 1894
10 Jul 1965
20 Apr 1862
5 Dec 1910
25 Mar 1906
17 Sep 1964
Watkins, Faye G.
30 Apr 1934
6 Jan 2005
Watkins, Hattie Pearl
19 Dec 1910
14 Mar 1987
16 Aug 1956
7 Mar 1957
29 Mar 1931
8 Jun 1983
19 Jul 1929
9 Mar 1994
Watkins, James Andrew
Watkins, Josephine M.
Watkins, W. Preston
Watson, Marvin W.
Watson, Rose J.
15 Nov 1933
20 Feb 1998
12 Feb 1933
10 Aug 1975
Watts, Anthony Raymond
23 Nov 1991
3 Feb 2004
Watts, Bryan Eric
8 Dec 1968
20 Sep 1995
18 Aug 1908
14 Mar 1990
Watts, Elsie
Watts, Fannie
13 Jul 1879
31 Dec 1950
Watts, Gracie
30 Jun 1902
20 Dec 1909
17 Oct 1873
3 Jul 1947
Watts, James Allen
Last Updated: August 2010
(On same marker with Vernon A. Wallace)
(Bertha L. Wallace; 29 Jan 1994; age 72;
Parents: Arthur Parson & Zudie McFerren 14)
(Bertha Loveates Parsons;
dau. of James Arthur Parsons & Zume McFerrin;
married Vernon Alexander Wallace, Jr. on 4 Jan 1943 4)
(Parents: Robert L. Wallace & Annie M. Fancher 14)
(Parents: Jeff Wallace & ? 3)
(Son of J. D. Wallace & Lula -?-;
married Annie M. Fancher abt 1927 8)
(Vernon A. Wallace ; 2 Jan 1980; age 58;
Parents: Vernon Wallace & Myrtle Drummond 14)
(Born 4 Oct 1921 8)
(Frank A. Ward; died 3 Dec 1910 77;
married Jennie -?- abt 1887 8)
(Parents: James Watkins & Betty Lovell 3)
(Son of James McCree Watkins & Ester Elizabeth Lovell;
married Hattie Pearl Crews 7)
(Obituary in January 7, 2005 The Birmingham News;
Faye Gober;
preceded in death by husband - William Preston Watkins)
(On same marker with Andrew Preston Watkins)
(Robert T. Crews & Lou E. Golden 14)
(Parents: William P. Watkins & Josephine Nilz 3)
(On same marker with W. Preston Watkins)
(William P. Watkins; 9 Mar 1994; age 64;
Parents: Andrew Watkins & Hattie P. Crews 14)
(William Preston Watkins;
son of Andrew Preston Watkins & Hattie Pearl Crews 7)
(Married Rose Justice 4)
(On same marker with Marvin W. Watson)
(Parents: C. B. Justice & Estell Boyd 14)
(Dau. of Comer Brack Justice & Estelle Boyd;
married Marvin W. Watson 4)
(Obituary in February 4, 2004 The Birmingham News;
parents - Dennis & Lisa Kennedy;
grandparents - Doug & Jackie Watts & JoAnn & Bubba Kennedy)
(Parents: Douglas R. Watts & Jacq‟ F. Pitts 14)
(Son of Douglas Ray Watts & Jacqueline F. Pitts 4)
(On same marker with Walter F. Watts)
(Parents: Ed Pate & ? 14)
(Married Walter Franklin Watts abt 1922 8)
(Fannie E. Gill;
dau. of H. B. Gill & Maggie Satterfield;
married James Allen/Monroe Watts abt 1895 4)
Daughter of J. M. & F. E. Watts
(Dau. of James Allen/Monroe Watts & Fannie E. Gill 4)
(James Monroe Watts; 17 Oct 1872 - 6 Jul 1946 77;
married Fannie E. Gill abt 1895 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 49 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Watts, Lewis E.
Watts, Roland Lonnie
2 Apr 1929
19 Nov 2005
Watts, Sherman F.
14 Jul 1926
5 Jul 1998
16 Jun 1901
12 Jul 1901
17 Jul 1897
26 Sep 1974
Watts, Troy B.
Watts, Walter F.
Watts, William Horace, Sr.
23 Aug 1937
9 Dec 2007
Weaver, Billy
11 Jan 1917
13 Aug 1921
4 Mar 1883
20 Apr 1954
Weaver, D. A.
Weaver, Doyle E. (Zeke)
Weaver, Editha E.
Weaver, Fonzy
Weaver, James B.
Weaver, James B.
Weaver, Jesse
Weaver, Lonnie
24 Jul 1944
4 Nov 1994
19 Oct 1858
19 Aug 1902
17 Jun 1913
20 Jan 1981
25 Jul 1895
29 Dec 1919
27 Aug 1923
<no dates>
7 May 1914
4 Apr 1985
Weaver, Lucille P.
9 Oct 2000
Weaver, M. A.
<no dates>
Weaver, M. Sue
21 Nov 1947
Last Updated: August 2010
(Louis E. Watts; 8 Jul 1976; age 72;
Parents: D. R. Watts & Fannie Parsons 14)
(Lewis Ernest Watts; 5 Aug 1904 - 8 Jul 1976;
son of James Allen/Monroe Watts & Fannie E. Gill;
married Lois Elizabeth Clowdus abt 1928 4 & 7)
(Son of Walter Franklin Watts & Elsie Pate;
married Nettie Jean -?- 4)
(Obituary in November 21, 2005 The Birmingham News)
(Sherman Franklin Watts;
son of Walter Franklin Watts & Elsie Pate 8)
Son of J. M. & Fannie Watts
(Son of James Allen Watts & Fannie E. Gill 4)
(Walter Franklin Watts;
son of James Allen Watts & Fannie E. Gill;
married Elsie Pate abt 1922 8)
(Son of Walter Franklin Watts & Elsie Pate 4)
(Obituary in December 12, 2007 The Birmingham News;
survived by wife - Doris L. Watts)
Son of Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Weaver
(Son of David Alonzo Weaver & Zanie Vines 4)
(David A. Weaver; 20 Apr 1954; age 71;
Parents: George Weaver & Barbara Johnson 3)
(David Alonzo Weaver;
son of George Washington Weaver
& Barbara Elizabeth Johnston;
married Zanie Vines abt 1904 4)
(Parents: Fred Weaver & Nell D. Corvin 14)
(Death date as 15 Nov 1994)
Wife of I. T. Weaver
(Editha E. Johnson;
dau. of Calvin Johnson & Mary „Polly‟ Ann Naramore;
married Isaac Thomas Weaver abt 1883 4)
(Parents: Alonzo Weaver & Zannie Vines 14)
(Son of David Alonzo Weaver & Zanie Vines 4)
(On same marker with Ora F. Weaver)
(James B. Weaver; 20 Oct 1977;
Parents: Thomas Weaver & Editha Johnson 14)
(James Bartley Weaver;
son of Isaac Thomas Weaver & Editha Evelyn Johnson;
married Ora Frances Sharrett aft 1915 4)
A Loving Son
U.S. Army, WW II
(Son of David Alonzo Weaver & Zannie Vines;
married Ethel Lucille Goodwin on 31 Oct 1940 4)
(On same marker with Lonnie Weaver)
(Ethel Lucille Goodwin; 1 Aug 1918 - 9 Oct 2000;
dau. of A. V. Goodwin & Pansa Mae McCombs;
married Lonnie Weaver on 31 Oct 1940 4 )
(Maulty Amos Weaver; 25 Sep 1891 - 22 Mar 1973;
son of Isaac Thomas Weaver & Editha Evelyn Johnston;
married 1st - Alma Bowen;
2nd - Lillian Manning aft 1930 4)
(On same marker with Doyle E. Weaver)
(M. Sue Atchison?;
married Doyle E. Weaver 4)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 50 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Weaver, Melinda Sue
Weaver, Ora F.
Weaver, Thomas
20 Sep 1968
8 Jun 1985
3 Jul 1899
19 Apr 1976
<no dates>
Weaver, Zanie
22 Feb 1886
16 Aug 1967
Wensel, Brendan Dale
8 May 1998
8 May 1998
15 Jun 1944
29 Nov 2003
(abt 1962)
13 Jun 2006
Wensel, Myrazann
Wesson, Billy Wayne, Jr.
Wesson, Bonnie C.
West, Larry W.
West, Teena M.
White, Chester A.
White, Faith
White, Hope
White, Jim W.
White, John O., Sr.
White, Margaret E.
White, Margie K.
White, Wanda J.
Wilder, Georgia M.
Wilder, L. E. “Slim”
Williams, Ernest Wayne
Last Updated: August 2010
22 Apr 1941
1 Oct 2006
29 Oct 1965
14 Nov 1969
28 Mar 1991
24 Nov 1905
1 Feb 1940
16 Jun 1977
16 Jun 1977
16 Jun 1977
16 Jun 1977
27 Aug 1878
7 Aug 1966
7 Sep 1953
5 Feb 1875
4 Nov 1951
21 Apr 1896
5 Jul 1972
9 Jul 1953
20 Feb 1928
3 Apr 2004
20 Sep 1918
30 Jul 1997
14 Mar 1947
17 Nov 1996
(Next to Doyle E. (Zeke) & M. Sue Weaver)
(Parents: Doyle Weaver & M. Atchison 14)
(On same marker with James B. Weaver)
(Ora Florence Weaver;
Parents: Rob. Sharrett & Fran. Nunnally 14)
(Dau. of Robert Sharrett & Frances Nunnally;
married James Bartley Weaver 4 & 7)
A Loving Father
(Isaac Thomas Weaver; born abt 1862 - died aft 1900;
son of George W. Weaver & Margaret Ann Cox;
married Editha Evelyn Johnson abt 1883 4)
(On same marker with D. A. Weaver)
(Zanie Vines;
dau. of Eli Vines & Sara Jennie Meeks;
married David Alonzo Weaver abt 1904 4 & 7)
(Obituary in December 2, 2003 The Birmingham News;
parents - Harve & Vetras Stoker)
(Obituary in June 15, 2006 The Birmingham News;
survived by parents - Billy W. & Bonnie Wesson, Sr.;
& mother of his child - Christie Denney)
(Obituary in the October 3, 2006 The Birmingham News;
predeceased by parents - Louene & Leonard Vanderslice)
Married 23 Nov 1984
Married 23 Nov 1984
(Parents: Kenneth Quinn & Regenia Halmark 24)
(On same marker with Larry W. West)
(Married Euline G. -?- abt 1929 8)
(On same marker with Hope White)
(Dau. of John O. White, Sr. & Wanda Joyce Robertson 4)
(On same marker with Faith White)
(Parents: John White & Wanda Robertson 14)
(Dau. of John O. White, Sr. & Wanda Joyce Robertson 4)
(James W. White;
married Margaret Elizabeth Barker abt 1895 4 & 8)
(Married Wanda Joyce Robertson 4)
(Next to Jim W. White)
(Margaret E. Barker;
married James W. White abt 1895 4 & 8)
(Next to Jim W. White)
(Parents: John Kendrick & Molly Lucas 3)
(Next to John O. White, Sr.)
(Wanda Joyce Robertson;
dau. of James Menasco Robertson & Edna Pearl Herring;
married John O. White, Sr. aft 1972 4)
(On same marker with L.E. “Slim” Wilder)
(Obituary in April 5, 2004 The Birmingham News)
(Leonard E. Wilder; died 29 Jul 1997 75)
(Parents: Ernest Williams & Marian Buchanan 24)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 51 of 56
Additional Information
Information without parentheses is from tombstone
Information within parentheses is from outside sources
Williams, Robert Lee
Wilson, Charles R.
Wilson, Grady Rodney
Wilson, Lucile M.
Wilson, Wylodean Waldon
Wooddil, Jesse Carver
Wooddil, Joseph B.
25 Mar 1934
16 Feb 1995
15 Jun 1932
9 Nov 1933
3 Mar 1930
27 Aug 2005
2 Aug 1912
3 Feb 1945
(abt 1931)
3 Feb 2010
22 Sep 1902
14 Sep 1972
20 Oct 1874
14 Nov 1963
Wooddil, Josephine C.
2 Oct 1874
23 Jun 1945
Wooddil, Theamster B.
17 Mar 1912
12 Jul 1943
1 Aug 1909
8 Sep 1939
26 Aug 1904
4 Jun 1962
Wooddil, Washington G.
Wooddil, William C.
Woodham, Uldine Scott
Wright, Doris Juanita
18 Jul 1915
16 Mar 1978
19 May 1927
23 Jun 2002
Wright, Evelyn L.
22 Mar 1920
9 Oct 1979
Wright, Sammie W.
13 Jan 1912
6 Oct 1963
Young, Johnnie M.
1 Mar 1935
11 Feb 2009
14 Mar 1938
13 May 1998
Young, Suzanne W.
SSg U. S. Army, Korea
Son of G. R. & M. E. Wilson
(Obituary in August 29, 2005 The Birmingham News;
preceded in death by parents - Louie & Leona Wilson)
(Married Wylodean Wilson 4)
(Margaret L. Wilson 77)
(Obituary in February 5, 2010 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of Howard Leonard Waldon & Viola Melvina Marie Smith;
married Grady Rodney Wilson 4)
(Parents: James B. Wooddil & J. Causey 3)
(Son of Joseph B. Wooddil & Josephine Causey 7)
(Jesse Wooddil & Laura House 3)
(Son of Jesse James Wooddell & Laura House - note that surname
spelling was changed 7)
(On same marker with Joseph B. Wooddil)
(Parents: William Causey & P. Brazel 1)
(Married Joseph B. Wooddil 7)
(Parents: J. B. Wooddil & J. Causey 1)
(Son of Joseph B. Wooddil & Josephine Causey 7)
Pvt. Co. C 11 Armd Repl, WW II
(William Causey Wooddil;
Parents: Joseph Wooddil & Josephine Causey 3)
(Son of Joseph B. Wooddil & Josephine Causey 7)
(Evelyn Woodham 75)
(Obituary in June 25, 2002 The Birmingham News)
(Dau. of Howard Leonard Waldon & Viola Melvina Marie Smith;
married 1st - Arthur Milford Jordan;
2nd - ? Jones;
3rd - ? Wright 4)
(On same marker with Sammie W. Wright)
(Parents: Sam Bell & Lizzie Weaver 14)
(Evelyn L. Bell;
married 1st - Sammie William Wright aft 1936;
2nd - Tullis H. Wright aft 1963 4)
(Parents: Will Wright & Ethel Waldrop 3)
(Samuel W. Wright;
son of Joseph William Wright & Ethel May Jane Waldrop;
married Evelyn L. Bell? 4 & 7)
(Obituary in February 13, 2009 The Birmingham News)
(On same marker with Johnnie M. Young)
Burials by Jacobs Funeral Home and Huey-McConnell Funeral Home compiled by Fred & Christine Shaw
Ward in 1995.
Last Updated: August 2010
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 52 of 56
These individuals are recorded in this book as being buried in the Valley Creek Cemetery but do not have a
Death Date Age
Jacobs & Huey-McConnell
Bostic, Prince *
25 Jul 1928
Brown, David O.
3 Mar 1922
Burgess, son
Caffee, Evelyn
28 May 1925
26 Jan 1937
Caffee, Floyd
23 Mar 1914
Caffee, son
Cox, Jerry
4 Jan 1947
27 Mar 1937
Cox, Marie
17 Nov 1935
Cox, Milton
18 Jun 1932
Dorsey, Robert *
Fancher, Mrs. J. W.
1 Feb 1927
8 Jan 1915
Fancher, P. Eugene
Green, Herman
Griffin, Henry
Hassell, C. Eliza
Hassell, C. J.
2 Aug 1923
20 Feb 1920
31 May 1921
29 May 1917
4 Mar 1919
Hudson, Edward
19 Jan 1919
Jones, Bernice
Jones, Bobbi J.
Jones, I. W.
Jones, infant
Kelly, William
Kennedy, dau.
Macklin, Richard
Martin, Pauline
Meigs, Samuel J.
Miller, Dora E.
19 Mar 1937
1 Jan 1948
8 Jan 1916
24 Jul 1918
8 Jul 1939
4 Jun 1923
14 Jun 1916
10 Dec 1921
10 Oct 1916
18 Feb 1940
Miller, Mattie
Moore, Saline*
30 Dec 1942
7 Jul 1921
Moore, Tom*
Morrison, Levert
27 Feb 1924
7 Nov 1931
Morrison, Sam
11 May 1924
Parsons, Mary
Parsons, Melissa
24 Mar 1915
20 Apr 1917
Parsons, Robert
Pope, dau.
10 Oct 1919
9 Feb 1928
Last Updated: August 2010
Will Bostic & Susie Young
(Died Jan. 1928 77)
Robert Brown & Betsy Taylor
(Married Ada -?- abt 1894 8)
Guy Burgess & Gladys Cox
J. H. Caffee & M. Hallman
(Dau. of Joseph H. Caffee & Maggie E. Hallman 8)
J. H. Caffee & Maggie
(Son of Joseph H. Caffee & Maggie E. Hallman 8)
L. L. Caffee & Flossie Hatcher
Albert Cox & C. D. Hudson
(Son of Otho D. Cox & Connie B. Hudson 8)
Albert Cox & Corinne Hudson
(Son of Otho D. Cox & Connie B. Hudson 8)
Otho Cox & Connie Hudson
(Son of Otho D. Cox & Connie B. Hudson 8)
Jack Dorsey & H. Lipscomb
Jim Brown & Martha
(?Maggie?; married John Fancher abt 1900 8)
John Fancher
W. Ansely & Mary
G. W. Hassell & Cora
(Curtis James Hassell 77)
L. Hudson & Alto
(Son of Lemuel P. Hudson & Alta V. Pitcock 4)
Isaac Jones & E. Bridges
Thomas Jones & Doris Weldon
Wilson Kelley & Jewell Watts
Pat Kennedy & L. Weaver
N. P. Martin & B. Kennedy
George Adcock & P. Centkime
(Madora E. Miller 77)
E. H. Miller & Jesse Nixon
T. Sullivan & Mattie
(Died 6 Jul 1921 77)
J. Morrison & M. Champion
(Son of -?- Morrison & Martha L. Champion;
married Sarah Ann Martin abt 1912 8)
H. W. Morrison & Hula Hobson
(Married Sue -?- 8)
(Mrs. Melissa Parsons 77)
A. Parsons & Zuide
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 53 of 56
Death Date
Robinson, Clara
8 Jun 1915
Roper, infant
Roper, infant
7 Apr 1915
17 Sep 1913
Satterfield, son
3 Aug 1929
Scott, Rosa
19 Jan 1921
Smith, Hazel J.
Smith, Lena
Stocks, Ben
20 Oct 1944
24 Jul 1916
8 Apr 1928
Walton, dau.
Walton, son
Watson, Tentie
30 Mar 1937
30 Mar 1937
26 Apr 1921
Wood, dau.
12 Aug 1943
(Died 7 Jun 1915 77)
H.S. Roper & Maggie
(Child of Harmon Smith Roper, Jr. & Maggie Balcomb 4)
A. Satterfield & Lillian Jones
(Son of Andrew Satterfield & Lillian Jones 4)
(Mrs. Rosa Scott 77)
Ben Stocks & Ellen
(Benjamin W. Stocks; married Mary -?- 8)
Herman Walton & B. M. Garner
Herman Walton
(Fentie Watson 77)
J. A. Wood & J. Cardwell
Jacobs & Huey-McConnell
Angwin Mortuary Center of Ensley, Alabama compiled by Fred & Christine Shaw Ward in 1996.
These individuals are recorded in this book as being buried in Valley Creek Cemetery but do not have a marker.
Death Date Age
Angwins 1906-1975
Melburn, Frank
6 Jun 1917
Squires, J. T.
Worthy, infant
16 Nov 1923
26 May 1920
B. F. Melburn & Lucy
(Frank Melhorn 77)
W.W. Squires & Mary J. Cox
H.C. Worthy & Edna Hooper
Burials by Browns of Bessemer, Alabama 1952-1974 compiled by Fred & Christine Shaw Ward in 1993.
These individuals are recorded in this book as being buried in Valley Creek Cemetery but do not have a marker.
Death Date
Age Parents
Browns 1952-1974
Bennett, infant
3 Aug 1954
Caffee, Maggie E.
31 Dec 1972
Carlee, Ray J.
Little, Edith
30 Aug 1972
2 Sep 1957
Melburn, Frank
16 Jul 1917
Nicholson, Hugh, Rev.
3 Mar 1959
Pearson, Vernie
Pearson, Walter M.
27 Jan 1970
18 Mar 1970
Putman, Roger D.
Vance, infant
Worthy, infant
Wright, Ethel
9 Mar 1956
24 Jun 1960
26 May 1920
4 Feb 1972
Last Updated: August 2010
George Bennett & Lillie Norwood
(Child of George Nelson Bennett, Sr. & Lillie Norwood 8)
Jessie Hollman & Mary Goodwin
(Dau. of Jesse N. Hallman & Mary M. Goodwin;
married Joseph H. Caffee abt 1910 8)
Floyd Carlee & Ruth Lovett
H. W. Morrison & Hulda Hobson
(Edith L. Hastein died Tuscaloosa County 77)
B. F. Melburn & Lucy
(Frank Melhorn died 6 Jun 1917 77)
John Nicholson & F. Caldwell
(Son of John Jason? Nicholson & Frankie Candace Caldwell;
married Josephine Evergreen Nichols on 4 Nov 1906 7 & 8)
David Pearson & Mattie Adams
(Born 14 Jan 1890 75)
William A. V. Pearson & Willie Ferguson
Harold Vance & J.A. Farr
H. C. Worthy & Edna Hooper
E.F. Waldrop & Ova Hopkins
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 54 of 56
Death Date
Browns 1952-1974
(Ethel May Jane Waldrop; born 23, Jun 1892;
dau. of Elisha F. Waldrop & Ovie Iley Hopkins;
married Joseph William Wright on 28 Jul 1909 7 & 8)
David Reed (
13 Adam Pierce (
14 Burials by Browns of Bessemer, Alabama 1975-1999 compiled by Fred & Christine Shaw Ward,
January 2000.
These individuals are recorded in this book as being buried in Valley Creek Cemetery but do not have a marker.
Death Date Age
Browns 1975-1999
Armstrong, Doris H.
2 Jun 1974
Armstrong, Myrlle V.
30 Jun 1977
Bennett, Nellie G.
16 Jul 1982
Brown, Minnie K.
Caffee, Joseph H.
21 Jan 1986
6 Dec 1974
Caffee, Lonnie L.
17 Jul 1995
Dunn, Beckie R.
Helton, Lucille R.
15 Nov 1980
12 Jun 1998
Lawley, Eva L.
14 May 1992
Lawley, Fred C.
9 Mar 1977
Nabors, infant
Norwood, Johnnie G.
4 Apr 1979
16 Oct 1989
Simmons, Mary A.
Singleton, James W.
10 May 1996
20 Jun 1975
Schwab, Goldie M.
16 May 1979
Taylor, Eugene C.
16 Apr 1981
Taylor, Virginia S.
10 Sep 1983
Wright, Tullis H.
2 Jun 1982
Last Updated: August 2010
Robert Armstrong & Mary Switzer
(Born 10 Aug 1902 75)
Hugh Nicholson & Josephine Nichol
(Myrtle Virginia Nicholson; born 19 Jan 1908;
dau. of Hugh Nicholson
& Josephine Evergreen Nichols 8)
Ike Jones & Mary Nunnelly
(Born 28 Jan 1886 75)
Will Smith & Ann Currence
Tom Caffee & Elen McClinton
(Born 24 Feb 1891;
Thomas Jefferson Caffee
& M. Ellen McClinton;
married Maggie Hallman 8)
Joseph H. Caffee & Maggie Hallman
(Born 16 Dec 1914 8)
William Kelley & Lulla Maddox
Sandy Rayborn & Fannie Grumble
(Born 3 Apr 1903 75)
Alvie Rhodes & G. Canterbury
(Born 11 Dec 1915 75)
Walt Lawley & Ellen ?
(Born 22 Mar 1905 75)
Robert Nabors & Ann Crocker
John Norwood & Valeri Hartzell
(Born 3 Nov 1958 75)
Jas C. Scoggins & Martha Kendrick
James D. Singleton & Vera Woodard
(Born 16 Nov 1950 75)
O. C. Dunn & Katie Maxwell
(Born 3 Oct 1904 75)
Jess Taylor & Lucy A. Lawson
(Born 28 May 1912 8)
Oscar Sudsberry & Tommie Johnson
(Born 23 Feb 1919 75)
Will Wright & Ethel Waldrop
(Born 20 Jul 1918;
son of Joseph William Wright
& Ethel May Jane Waldrop 8)
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 55 of 56
19 Lois Arrington Perry (
24 Angwin Mortuary, Birmingham and Bessemer, Alabama, 1976-2000, compiled by Fred & Christine Ward,
January 2000.
Death Date
Covington, Kathy S.
Honeycutt, Harriett
15 Apr 1995
25 May 1981
Leroy Waldon & Ethel M. Savage
David Scott & Jeane ?
(Born 18 Oct 1899 75)
Angwins 1976-1999
25 Shirley Fields Parsons (
75 Social Security Death Index
76 Federal Censuses
77 Alabama Death Index and/or Obituary, online obituary index
Last Updated: August 2010
Valley Creek Cemetery
Page 56 of 56

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