Glacier-clad volcanoes
Glacier-clad volcanoes
Glaciers in an Environmental Context Natural hazards in glacierized regions: Glacier-clad volcanoes Contribution by Demian Schneider Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, April 2010 Overview 1. Distribution of glacier-clad volcanoes (worldwide) 2. Volcano-ice interactions 3. Pyroclastic flows 4. Lahars 5. Hazard assessment 6. Examples of volcano-ice interactions a) Mt. St. Helens b) Mt. Redoubt c) Iliamna d) Popocatépetl e) Nevado del Ruíz f) Nevado del Huila g) Ruapehu h) Vatnajökull 7. Influence of glacial retreat on volcanoes 1. Distribution of glacier-clad volcanoes Intersection of volcanoes/cryosphere Active volcanoes with relatively large ice masses: • • • • • • • • Alaska Rocky Mountains Mexico Andes Kamtchatka Japan New Zealand Iceland 1. Distribution of glacier-clad volcanoes Magnitude of volcanic eruptions USGS 2. Volcano-ice interactions How can volcanoes interact with ice, firn & snow? • Pyroclastic flows: Melting and mixing with ice/snow Lahars • MOST DANGEROUS! Lava flows: Surficial interaction with ice/snow Lahars (usually less hazardous) • Geothermal heat flow / subglacial eruptions: Basal melting, accumulation of subglacial meltwater flood waves (Jökulhlaup) slope instabilities / avalanches • Ash & lava ejection: In-/decreased ablation low short-term hazard; long-term reduction of ice & snow volume or conservation of ice (burried ice) 3. Pyroclastic flows pyr = fire, klastós = broken Nuée ardente („glowing cloud“) • Solid matter-gas dispersion (ash & rock fragments) • Velocity > 400 km/h • Temperature 300 – 1000°C • Vesuv, 79 n. Chr., Pompeji (~10‘000 victims) Mont Pelé, Martinique, 1902, Saint-Pierre (~30‘000 victims) Mt. St. Helens, 1980 (57 victims) Mayon, Philippines (1984) 3. Pyroclastic flows Pinatubo, Philippines (1991) Unzen, Japan, 1990-1995 PLINIAN ERUPTIONS: - after Pliny the Younger AD 79 Vesuv eruption (Pompeij) - e.g. stratovolcanoes (ring of fire) - rhyolitic silicate-rich lava - (melt-) water can enhance tendency for plinian eruptions phreatic eruptions 4. Lahars From Merapi volcano, Indonesia 4. Lahars • Definition: Mudflow composed by varying proportions of volcanic sediments and water. Lahars are the most far-reaching deadly volcanic hazards. • Grain sizes and water content can vary strongly: a) b) water > 50 vol % water < 50 vol% hyperconcentrated flow debris flow Concentration of fines in lahars usually higher than in non-volcanic debris flows: more viscous flow behavior friable/loose material on volcanoes usually nearly unlimited! • Velocities > 100 km/h • Reach > 100 km • Temperatures from ‚cold‘ to ‚hot‘ (not boiling) 4. Lahars – trigger mechanisms • Primary lahars (in direct relation with volcanic eruptions): a) b) c) d) pyroclastic flows melting ice & snow or mixing with water by basal melting of glaciers during eruptions by surficial interaction with lava flows by ejected/destroyed crater lakes Number of events 50 40 30 Pyroclastic flows, … Basal melting Cause unknown Surficial lava flows Ejected crater lakes 20 10 0 • Secondary lahars (at a later stage, not related to an eruption): a) b) c) by heavy thunderstorms on unconsolidated pyroclastic or ash deposits in relation to seasonal melting of snow/ice by lake outbursts 5. Hazard assessment Important points: • Recognition of possible interactions within the volcano-glacier system very dynamic environment • Ice-clad volcanoes present high hazard potentials for devastating catastrophies: Reach, Intensity and destruction potential of individual phenomena versus population density/infrastructure is critical (risk analysis)! • Consequences of volcanic activity on glaciers: Downstream ecosystems, water supply/agriculture, scenery/tourism • Between volcanology and glaciology: interdisciplinary, problem of missing expertise • Time-dimensions of volcanoes and glaciers / snow cover: often different (geologically, historically, at the moment/in future) 5. Hazard assessment Two main approaches for hazard assessments of (ice-clad) volcanoes: 1. „Past is the key to the future“: Assumption that future eruptions generally follow the behavior of past eruptions. knowledge of volcanic history: - characteristics & frequency of eruptions (explosivity, regularities?) - preferential flow paths - reach & deposition thickness of ash, pyroclastic flows, lahars, etc. 2. Permanent monitoring (real time): Prediction of volcanic activity/eruptions by seismic, geodetic, geochemic, thermic, visual, and remote sensing methods long term monitoring ~precise prediction of eruptions! Similar approaches for glaciers. !!! Detection of possible hazard combinations (process chains) between volcanoes & glaciers. Probability of occurrence (periods)!!! e.g. Jökulhlaups, failure of glaciers, favoring of plinian/phreatic eruptions through meltwater input… 6a. Examples: Mt. St. Helens (USA), 1980 6a. Examples: Mt. St. Helens (USA), 1980 - 400 m Mt. St.Helens, prior to and after the catastropic eruption on May 18, 1980 6a. Examples: Mt. St. Helens (USA), 1980 Mt. St.Helens, prior to and after the catastropic eruption on May 18, 1980 ~100 Mill. m3 snow & ice in the failing mass 6a. Examples: Mt. St. Helens (USA), 1980 2950 m a.s.l. 2549 m a.s.l. 6a. Examples: Mt. St. Helens (USA), 1980 …and the story goes on… March 21, 1982 February 22, 2005: new dome (‚spine‘) & crater glacier 6a. Examples: Mt. St. Helens (USA), 1980 Conclusion from the Mt. St. Helens eruption: • Consideration of ‚worst-case‘ scenario: sector-collapse • Glaciers were relatively stable against tectonic stress earthquake-induced fissures can ‚heal‘ rock is cumulatively weakened by earthquakes • Filling up of magma chambers ‚inflates‘ volcanoes oversteepened flanks Instability / collapse can be measured (geodesy, inclinometry, remote sensing) sign for possible forthcoming eruption 6b. Examples: Redoubt (Alaska), 1989 6b. Examples: Redoubt (Alaska), 1989 R. McGimsey T. Miller C. Gardner, 1989 6b. Examples: Redoubt (Alaska), 2009 Redoubt AVO/USGS, March 31, 2009 • Fall 2008: volcanic activity increases • 05.11.2008: „Aviation Color Code“ to yellow • 25.01.2009: „Aviation Color Code“ to orange • 13.02.2009: AVO 24h- / 7 day service • 10.03.2009: reduction of seismic activity & geothermal heat flow, gas emissions unchanged, „Aviation Color Code“ yellow again! • 15.03.2009: increase of seismic activity, „Aviation Color Code“ orange again, first ash emissions • 22.03.2009: series of 5 explosive eruptions, „Aviation Color Code“ red! Higher water discharge at Drift valley Lahars 6b. Examples: Redoubt (Alaska), 2009 AVO/USGS, March 21, 2009 AVO/USGS, March 23, 2009 AVO/USGS, March 23, 2009 AVO/USGS, March 23, 2009 6b. Examples: Redoubt (Alaska), 2009 AVO/USGS, March 23, 2009 AVO/USGS, March 23, 2009 6c. Examples: Iliamna (Alaska) 6c. Examples: Iliamna (Alaska) Fumaroles & enhanced geotherm. heat flow: Photo: AVO 2004 • Enhanced melting of snow and ice, generation of small-medium debris flows • Reduction of basal shear forces below glaciers ice avalanches 6c. Examples: Iliamna (Alaska) Red glacier rock-ice avalanche, 2003 Red Glacier rock-ice avalanche, 2008 6d. Examples: Popocatépetl (Mexiko) increased ablation insulation effects 6d. Examples: Popocatépetl (Mexiko) Activity 1994-2001: pyroclastic flows melted ice 6d. Examples: Popocatépetl (Mexiko) Hazard map Ashfall, volcanic bombs, pyroclastic flows, lahars ~30 Mill. inhabitants within 70km circumference (Mexico City & Puebla) Possible evacuation (information, organisation, panic prevention, routes) Problem with false alarms or too early warning (return) 6e. Examples: Nevado del Ruíz (Col), 1985 6e. Examples: Nevado del Ruíz (Col), 1985 • Nov. 84: volcanic activity starts • July 85: surveillance starts • Sept. 85: phreatic eruption (due to meltwater), no lahars • Oct. 85: Risk assessed, hazard zones mapped no measures by the authorities • Nov. 13, 85: Pyrocl. flows of a medium-sized eruption melt snow & ice (~10%) various lahars, up to 100 km distance destruction of Armero (70km from crater), >22‘000 casualties! 6e. Examples: Nevado del Ruíz (Col), 1985 Nov. 13, 1985 Gualí Valley, R. Janda, Dez. 18, 1985 Gualí Valley, N. Banks, Dez. 18, 1985 J. Marso, late Nov. 1985 6e. Examples: Nevado del Ruíz (Col), 1985 Armero, R. Janda, USGS 6e. Examples: Nevado del Ruíz (Col), 1985 Conclusion from the Armero disaster: • Even small or medium sized eruptions can have catastrophic consequences • Tragic example of failures in prevention and early warning due to limitations in institutional coordination (mainly on the part of local authorities & central government) communication & information (science – authorities – population) prevention 6f. Examples: Nevado del Huila (Kol), 2007/08 6f. Examples: Nevado del Huila (Kol), 2007/08 6g. Examples: Ruapehu (NZ) 6g. Examples: Ruapehu (NZ) Lahars from crater lakes & volcano-ice interaction Sept . 26, 1995 6c. Examples: Ruapehu (NZ) Endangering lifes, infrastructure and tourism Sept. 28., 2007 Some weeks after the eruption Sept. 28, 2007 6h. Examples: Vatnajökull (Iceland) 6h. Examples: Vatnajökull (Iceland), 1996/2004 Photo: M.T. Magnusson, Nov. 2, 2004 ice cauldron Tuya-volcano („Tafelvulkan“) Herdubreid in Iceland Grimsvötn/Gjálp (below Vatnajökull ice cap), Nov. 1996, 1998 • Geothermal activity large subglacial water reservoirs • At hydrostatic pressure point outburst (Jökulhlaup) • Inundation of sandur plain destruction of a bridge • Peak discharge 45‘000 m3/s (historic Katla-Jökulhlaups up to 400‘000 m3/s!) Grimsvötn/Gjálp, Nov. 1, 2004: • Drainage system open continous outflow of water no Jökulhlaup • Airspace for entire North Atlantic to Norway temporary closed 7. Influence of glacial retreat on volcanoes SonntagsZeitung, April 25, 2010 Ruapehu, NZ, 1996