ATLAS Tutorial for Students - Cours Municipaux d`Adultes


ATLAS Tutorial for Students - Cours Municipaux d`Adultes
ATLAS Tutorial for Students
How to create an account and register for a course. Three steps:
Create your account on the registration website of the Cours Municipaux d'Adultes (CMA)
Register for a course
Save your request
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
 In the online catalogue,
click on:
Se connecter
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
A. Create a student account
In order to sign up for the Cours Municipaux d'Adultes (CMA), you must create a personal account on the registration website of the
In order to create your personal
account, click on:
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
 Enter your true email address. i.e.
Enter it a second time to make sure it is
 Choose a password for your account.
Enter it a second time to verify that it is
 Fill out the fields with your personal
details (Titre/Title: Mr. or Ms., Nom/Last
name, Nom de naissance/Maiden name,
Prénom/First name.
 Select in the drop-down menus your
date of birth and your country of origin.
 Fill out the fields with the rest of your
details: Adresse/Address, Complément
adresse 1 ou 2 /the rest of your address,
Code postal/Zip code, Ville/City,
Téléphone/Telephone number.
 If you can't read the captcha, click on this
link to get a new one.
 Click on Suivant to fill out the rest of the
* Mandatory
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
 Click on this button to confirm the
creation of your account.
You will then receive a confirmation message which
will be sent to the email address you provided
How did you find out about the Cours Municipaux d’Adultes*?
 Town hall
 Internet
 Friends / Colleagues
 Posters
 Social media
 Other
 Previous
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Atlas Tutorial for students
* Mandatory
If “Other”, please specify.
Create your account
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
Your account has therefore been created.
The image on your left shows the kind of
message you will receive after you have
created your account.
In case you don't receive this confirmation
email, remember to check your spam folder,
as the email could be there.
Add the following e-mail address to your
contact list:
Make sure you keep this email because you
won't be able to access your account if you
lose your login details.
Username & password
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
B. Register for a course
You have already created your account (p. 1-6
of this tutorial).
Next step: the registration of your course.
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Atlas Tutorial for students
If you are already logged in on your
account, your name will appear here
(You can then skip to p. 9 of this
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
 Il you are not logged in on your account,
click on Se connecter to log in:
Enter the email address you provided
when you created your account.
Enter the password which was given to
you in the confirmation email that you
received (p. 6 of this tutorial).
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Click on Connectez-vous
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
When you are logged in, your name appears here.
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Click to browse through the different
disciplines offered in the catalogue.
You can also use search terms (as for
example: photo, web…)
You can search by districts and by schools
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
 Click on a course (level) to
choose it:
 The course description
will appear on the right side
of your screen.
 You will find at the end of
the description a list of
schools, as well as the days
and times for the classes.
 Choose a course, then click
on Inscrire dans mes choix
(Add to my basket) to
select it.
Warning: if Inscrire dans mes
choix doesn’t appear, the
course is not opened for
Warning: A course is defined by
a title and a level and a school.
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
After having clicked on Inscrire dans
mes choix (Add to my basket),
(see also p. 10 of this tutorial), an
application form will automatically
 Fill out all the fields of the
application form.
Warning: Further explanation on these
fields is provided on pages 12 to 13 of
this tutorial. If you don’t need help to fill
out these fields, skip to page 14 of this
 After having filled out all the fields,
click on the button
Enregistrer temporairement (Save
temporarily) to continue.
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
Fill out all the fields of the application form.
Situation actuelle = Current
situation (select one of the
following items):
Êtes-vous bénévole associatif ?
= Are you a volunteer for an
Lieu de travail pour l'année en
cours = Where do you currently
Lieu de travail : Arrondissement
(Paris) ou Code Postal
(Banlieue) = Workplace:
Arrondissement (Paris) or ZIP
code (Suburbs)
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Atlas Tutorial for students
 Salarié = Paid Employee
Catégorie = Category
 Ouvrier = Worker
 Employé = Employee
 Cadre = Executive
Type de contrat = Type of contract
 CDI ou fonctionnaire = Permanent contract or state employee
 CDD = Fixed-term contract
 Contrat aidé = Subsidised contract
 Intérim = Temporary work
 Stage = Internship
Domaine d’activité = Field of activity
 Agriculture / Pêche = Agriculture / Fishing
 Industries = Industry
 Énergies / Métiers de l’environnement = Energy / Environmental Services
 Construction / Activités immobilières = Construction / Real estate
 Transports et logistique / Distribution = Transport and logistics / Distribution
 Information, audiovisuel et communication = Information, media and
 Informatique, nouvelles technologies et télécommunication = IT, new
technologies and telecommunications
 Activités financières et d’assurance = Financial services and insurances
 Services aux entreprises = Business services
 Administration publique = Public administration
 Enseignement / recherche = Teaching / Research
 Santé et action sociale = Healthcare and social action
 Hôtellerie et restauration = Hotel industry and catering
 Arts, spectacles et activités récréatives = Arts, shows and recreational activities
 Artisan, commerçant = Craftsman, tradesman
 Profession libérale, indépendant ou chef d’entreprise = Licensed professional,
freelancer or CEO
 Demandeur d’emploi = Job-seeker (Depuis quand = Since when)
 Retraité(e) = Retired
 Étudiant/Apprenti = Student / Apprentice
 Sans profession = No profession
 Autre = Other (Préciser = Specify which one)
 Oui = Yes
 Non = No
 Paris
 Banlieue = Suburbs
For example:
Paris: 5, 17, 20
Banlieue (Suburbs): 94140, 91220
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
Continue to fill out all the fields of the application
Warning: You can tick various boxes.
 Sans = None
 CFG = Primary school diploma (12 years old)
 CAP or BEP = Technical secondary diploma (18 years old)
 DNB = General secondary diploma (16 years old)
 Brevet professionnel = Professional secondary diploma (19 years old)
 Baccalaureate = General secondary diploma (18 years old)
 Diplôme d’enseignement supérieur = Higher Education Diploma
(University or other)
Diplômes déjà obtenus =
Diplomas already obtained
Pays d’obtention du diplôme le plus élevé =
Country where you obtained your highest level
 Jamais scolarisé(e) = Never went to school
 Scolarisé(e) jusqu’à 11 ans = Went to school until age 11
 Scolarisé(e) jusqu’à 16 ans = Went to school until age 16
 Scolarisé(e) jusqu’à 18/20 ans = Went to school until age 18/20
 Études supérieures = Higher education
Niveau d’études =
Education level
Si études supérieures, précisez dans quel pays =
If higher education, specify in which country
 Changement de métier = Switch careers
 Développement personnel = Personal development
 Évolution professionnelle = Professional development
 Expatriation = Expatriation
 Installation en France = Settle in France
 Recherche d’emploi = Find a job
Objectif recherché =
State your objective for this course
Motivation de votre choix =
Motivation for your choice (max 250 characters):
Seriez-vous disposé(e) à suivre cette formation
dans le même lieu à des jours ou horaires
différents ? = Would you be willing to attend this
course at the same place but at a different day or
Accepteriez-vous une inscription dans un autre
établissement ? = Would you be willing to be
enrolled at a different location?
Avez-vous suivi le niveau inférieur de la
formation demandée dans les 12 derniers mois ?
= Have you done the previous level of your
selected course within the previous 12 months?
Si oui, quel certificat, attestation ou titre avezvous obtenu(e) (s) ? = If so, which certificate or
qualification did you obtain?
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 Oui = Yes
Si oui, quand ? = If so, when?
 Non = No
 Oui = Yes
Si oui, où ? = If so, where?
 Non = No
 Oui = Yes
 Non = No
 Attestation d’assiduité = Certificate of regular attendance
 Aucun de ces documents = None of these documents
 Certificat de compétence/Attestation de demi-niveau/PIM (Passeport
Internet et multimédia : pour les cours d’informatique) = Certificate of
qualification / Certificate of semi-qualification / PIM (Passport for the
Internet and multimedia: for the computer classes)
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
After having filled out all the fields, click on the button Enregistrer temporairement (Save temporarily) to continue
(see also p. 7 of this tutorial). You will the see the following message.
Click on OK after having read the
comment in the dialog box.
Your request will be saved in your basket
where you will be able to modify it at
any time before you save it permanently.
Do not forget to save it permanently in
order for your request to be taken into
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
You will then see the following screen. You are in the tab "Mon panier" ("My basket").
The following screenshot shows what you will see. You are
in the tab “Mon panier”.
Your basket shows you a list of all your applications, both
those that have been fully saved and those that haven't.
Warning: The application still needs to be confirmed.
Every application must be confirmed by clicking on
Enregistrer définitivement before the application
deadline in order to be taken into account.
Warning: By saving permanently, you will no longer be able to modify your application.
Click on OK to continue, otherwise click on Annuler (= Cancel)
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Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)
DASCO - The Cours Municipaux d’Adultes Bureau
Warning: The "Mon historique" tab doesn't refer to the courses you've just applied to, but to those you attended previously (which
required an online application).
After your application is fully
saved, you will receive a
confirmation email. Keep it until
you have received a definitive
Technical service & help desk
Atlas Tutorial for students
Registration procedure (English version)