Featuring “ The Ooey Gooey Lady” Lisa Murphy


Featuring “ The Ooey Gooey Lady” Lisa Murphy
Boston Association for the Education of Young Children
The 17th Annual
Babies & Toddlers Conference
Saturday, December 7, 2013 • 8:00am–3:15pm
at BC High School
150 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
“ The Ooey Gooey Lady”
Lisa Murphy
About Lisa Murphy: Lisa is the founder and CEO of Ooey Gooey, Inc. where her mission is to assist in the
transformation of the industry of early childhood education by offering three specific things: one) the
best workshops and trainings; two) the most up to date materials and resources; and 3) insightful
conversations and connections through the power of social media. Lisa presents hundreds of workshops
each year to both domestic and international audiences on various topics related to early childhood
In this motivational keynote address Lisa shares the powerful story of her first day of school. Through
active and engaging storytelling Lisa brings you back to her first day, taking you on a grand tour of Miss
Mary’s Nursery School. And, in the style she has become famous for, she shares many
observations, lessons and anecdotes about how early childhood has changed along the way. Lisa will
share the sights sounds and smells of the place where, at the young age of three, she decided to
become a teacher and identifies the how, and why, that one day solidified her decision to become an
educator. This inspiring keynote gets participants back in touch with their personal how and why. It gets
them excited and motivated and it will get them thinking: If it WAS their only day, what will they
Conference Schedule
8:00 am
8:55 am
Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:15 am
12:15 pm
12:15 pm
1:00 pm
Lunch & Exhibits
1:15 pm
3:15 pm
Afternoon Workshops
Keynote Presentation by Lisa Murphy
Morning Workshops
SESSION A: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm
SESSION P: 1:15 pm—3:15 pm
A-1. OH THOSE LITTLE ONES!, Lisa Murphy, Ooey Gooey, Inc.
The latest brain research reminds us of the importance of creating responsive,
engaging and stress-free environments. Nowhere is this more important than
our infant and toddler rooms! While this session offers hands-on exploration
of many activities that are appropriate for your infant and toddler rooms, it's
main focus is on making sure the adults working with our wee-ones realize
that nothing, and we mean nothing! is more important than creating and
nurturing those strong bonds of attachment. Core Competency #5
A-2. Brains at Risk –Part 1, Jeanine Fitzgerald & Erin Fournier ,Certified
Human Behavior Consultants.-Core Competency #1
The brain is the CEO of the body and therefore, it governs our senses,
emotions, thoughts and actions. If we are to support optimal functioning and
a life of wellness, we must examine what it takes to enrich brain development
from the earliest point in time. This session will answer three critical
questions: Are the brains of children today the same as they were 25 years
ago? Do the brains of children today get the necessary stimulation required
for optimal outcomes? And, can a brain that has been disadvantaged by
genetics or life experiences be enriched?
A-3. I Spy: Upside Down Learning Visual Spatial Learning Naturally.
Johanna Booth Miner & Geraldine Mathieu, Live & Learn Early Learning
Center. Come explore an often overlooked mode of learning: visual spatial
learning. Gain a deeper understanding of why visual-spatial learning is
important and how the visual-spatial learner is often misunderstood. Explore
hands on activities that will support each child’s unique talents and abilities,
and ways to use the natural world. If possible this workshop will be indoors
& outside. Core Competency #1
A-4. On Being a Family. Understanding the journey of parenting a child
with special needs. Debby Broadley, MA Counseling Psychology LMHC –
Core Competency #3
This workshop is about developing empathy and awareness for the process
that parents go through as they parent a child with special needs. The
workshop will also focus on the inclusion process for children and parents.
A-5. Creating Supportive Literacy Environments for English Language
Learners. Eileen Kennedy, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Ph. D.
Welcome to Creating Supportive Literacy Environments for English
Language Learners. The population of Limited English Proficient students
has grown dramatically in the past decade in this country. In this presentation,
you will be provided with new strategies and resources for teaching literacy
to this unique population of students. Core Competency #5
A-6. Balance and Coordination in Young Children. Lynn Vaillancourt,
Physical Therapist-Core Competency #1
This presentation will review the basic components of balance and
coordination and how teachers can help children develop these skills.
A-7. Baby Signs, American Sign Language for Toddlers and Parents
presented in ASL. KR Glickman, ASL Instructor-Core Competency #5
Babies and toddlers can sign far before they can talk. In the workshop you
will learn basic signs so you can communicate Mommy, Daddy and milk,
along with lots of other signs, with your toddlers.
A-8. Poems, Rhymes and Fingerplays for Infants & Toddlers. Vanessa
Reiss-Vaughn, MEd. ECE Consultant-Core Competency #2
Poems, rhymes and fingerplays (P-R-Fs) increase children’s language,
listening, speech, and literacy development. Participants will be engaged in
learning and practicing new and old P-R-Fs. Use them to enrich curriculum
and daily routines: by helping with transitions, developing concepts,
enhancing themes, encouraging creative dramatization and just being FUN!
A-9. Guiding Behavior: Tantrums and Biting. Michelle Manganaro,
School Administrator in Duxbury, MA; Faculty at Massasoit Community
-Core Competency #2 Participants will review emotional growth of
toddlers and strategies to foster healthy expression of displeasure whilst
measuring progress of coping skills over time. The presentation will consider
the role of behavior planning, observation, and documentation as well.
A-10. Profesionalismo: Liderazgo y estrategias profesionales. Julia Mejia,
Community Engagement Specialist.-Core Competency # 8
P-1. Easy Breezy Assessment On the Go: How to observe and assess
Este taller explorara lo importante que desempeña el profesionalismo en el trabajo.
Los participantes explorarán los límites profesionales apropiados en la interacción con
los niños, las familias y compañeros profesionales, así como estrategias efectivas para
mejorar sus habilidades y liderazgo.
A-11. 指導兒童的行为及與其交流 (Part 1). Jenny Chin Lee Lio, CDA trainer/
adviser, ABCD, INC. - Core Competency #2 每個孩子的行為都有其独特
children’s learning outside. Johann Booth-Miner & David Miner, Live &
learn Early Learning Center. - Core Competency #6
Come explore the power of documentation and assessment in while on the
go. Experience hands on a method of using this tool outside & in. Come see
examples of how documentation is an ongoing process that entails discussion, teacher self-reflection and portfolio collections. Documentation can
benefit all the important adults in children’s lives, and is instrumental in cultivating a community of learners.
P-2. Brain at Risk-Part 2, Jeanine Fitzgerald & Erin Fournier, Certified
Human Behavior Consultants.– Core Competency #1
Please see description in Session A-2. You must register for both Part 1 & 2
for this workshop.
P-3. Use Technology to Enhance Communication and Parent
Satisfaction. Abhas Jain & Kelly Mittal, Director and Founder of
myKidzDay– Core Competency #3
Trying to increase parent engagement? Struggling to increase enrollment?
Overwhelmed by technology? If you answered yes to any of these questions,
you should attend this workshop. The presenters will showcase methods to
harness mobile technology to bridge communication gap with young tech
savvy parents, increase parent satisfaction, while saving you time and money.
P-4. Baby in Mind: A mindfulness Inspired Approach to Caregivers of
Young Children. Karen Seniuk, LICSW CEIS & Meg Hackett, M.Ed CEIM,
Thom Boston Metro Early Intervention.-Core Competency #2
Introduction to mindfulness as a way to manage stress for caregivers and
support young children in developing self-soothing strategies. Strategies for
teaching to parents, for using within a classroom, or for reducing our own
elevated stress levels.
P-5. Red flags in Motor Development-Lynn Vaillancourt, Physical
Therapist-Core Competency #1
This workshop reviews gestational and developmental milestones and how
prematurity may affect these. Participants will learn about red flags of motor
development and various techniques for motor stimulation.P-6. The Magic of the World of Science is all Around us even for
Toddlers. Lisa M Farias,-Core Competency # 5
Get inspired about science and young children; take away a number of ideas
to get started right away. Science is all around us even for toddlers. I will
provide examples and demonstrations of activities of lessons done with toddlers in my classroom. Discuss how being thoughtful with curriculum planning and expanding your activities to include more science even with very
young children can have fantastic benefits.
Accreditation Consultant-Core Competency #6
This is an interactive workshop for Infant and Toddler staff who are pursuing
NAEYC accreditation and IT will focus on the most current information
from NAEYC, shared ideas for meeting criteria, helpful hints in documenting
best practice and the actual portfolio process.
P-8. Learning How to Tell a Story for Your Toddler. Tony Toldedo,
Storyteller– Core Competency #5
We are hardwired to hear stories. In this workshop you will pick your own
single page folk tale out of 100 offered, practice it, and present it at the end
of the workshop. You'll be ready to tell it to your toddler on Monday
P-9. Music and Movement for Babies and Toddlers! Fran Friedman,
Ph.D., Children's Musician and Educator-Core Competency #5
Have fun while learning songs and movements that babies and toddlers grow
from and love! Understand how to organize music time for their optimal
experience, and learn songs that help ease transitions. See how to make toys
that encourage children's participation in music!
P-10. Liderazgo y estrategias profesionales. Julia Mejia, Community Engagement Specialist– Core Competency #3
Este taller explorara lo importante que desempeña el profesionalismo en el trabajo.
Los participantes explorarán los límites profesionales apropiados en la interacción con
los niños, las familias y compañeros profesionales, así como estrategias efectivas para
mejorar sus habilidades y liderazgo.
P-11. 指導兒童的行为及與其交流 (Part 2). Jenny Chin Lee Lio, CDA
trainer/adviser, ABCD, INC. - Core Competency #2 每個孩子的行為都
Boston College High School is located at 150 Morrissey
Boulevard on Boston's Columbia Point, near the UMass
Boston campus and directly across from The Boston
From the North:
Take Route I-93 (Southeast Expressway) south to Boston
Take Exit 15 off the I-93 expressway. Take a left at the
bottom of the ramp and proceed past the T station (JFK/
UMass) Take first right at the rotary onto Morrissey Blvd.
(stay in the right lane) At the bottom of the hill, bear right
onto the UMass service road. Proceed through the set of
lights in front of the Boston Globe Building (BC High is
opposite at this point) At the second set of lights (the entrance to the UMass/JFK Library complex), take a left
making a U-turn back onto Morrissey Blvd. Immediately
bear right onto the service road and use the second entrance into BC High. Visitor parking is available directly
opposite the main entrance of the school.
From the West:
Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to Boston
Follow the above directions from the North.
From the South:
Take Route I-93 (Southeast Expressway) to Exit 14
Merge off the ramp on to Morrissey Blvd. and proceed over
Immediately after the lights at the entrance to UMass,
bear right onto the service road and use the entrance into
BC High (second driveway)
Visitor parking is available directly opposite the main entrance of the school.
From the MBTA:
Located on the Red Line, JFK/UMass is only a five minute
walk from BC High.
Walk up Morrissey Blvd. towards Shaws Supermarket and
cross over the foot bridge. BC High is a few yards from the
foot bridge on the left.
Connections can be made to the Red Line from all parts of
the MBTA system. Visit www.mbta.com for more detailed
Exhibits will be available until 1:15 pm. BAEYC and
the conference committee assume no responsibility for
any statement of fact or opinion presented at this conference, nor does acceptance of advertising or exhibits
imply endorsement of product or service.
Two Ways to Register
You can register online by visiting our website at
Mailing a check or money order along with the registration form to BAEYC, 19 St. Joseph St Jamaica
Plain, MA 02130. Please make checks payable to
NOVEMBER 22, 2013!
Certificates of attendance for your professional
development portfolio will be awarded.
Questions: please contact Katy Gobeil
Continental breakfast and lunches are included. We are sorry,
but we can not accommodate special dietary needs. If you
have allergies or certain food restrictions please plan to bring
you own food. Thank you.
Registration Form/ Forma de Registración
(one registration per form, please/ por favor una registración por forma)
You may copy this form.
Name (nombre):_______________________________________
Address (dirección):___________________________________
City/State/Zipcode (ciudad/estado/código postal):
Agency/School (agencia/escuela):______________________
Daytime phone (teléfono durante el día)________________
Name of College and Student id# (if applicable):
NAEYC Membership Number (número de membresia)
This six digit number is located in the upper left hand
corner of the label of the Young Children magazine.
(Puede encontrar este número en la parte izquierda superior en el rótulo de la revista Young Children):
Please indicate two workshops per session in order of
preference./Selección de talleres We will make every
attempt to honor your selections.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
Session A
Session P
Pre-registration: (includes lunch)
Group: 4 or
more from the
same agency
Grupo: 4 o mas
de la misma
No Miembro
**Note: All BAEYC memberships are by individual (not by
agency). You must be a member yourself to receive the
discount. Note also that those in a group may pay different rates depending on membership status. (Todos los
miembros de BAEYC son individuos, no por agencia. Necesita ser un miembro para recibirla rebaja.)
Make checks payable to/ Escriba los cheques a: BAEYC
Conference. Mail to/ Mándelos a: BAEYC, 19 St. Joseph Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Completed pre-registration forms with payment must be
received no later than: Friday, November 22, 2013
Boston Association for the Education of Young Children
19 St. Joseph Street
Jamaica Plain, Ma 02130
Conference held at
BC High School
150 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Boston Association for the Education of Young Children
Babies & Toddlers Conference
Saturday, December 7, 2013
BC High School
150 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125