Old tree morphology in singleleaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla)
Old tree morphology in singleleaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla)
Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Forest Ecology and Management journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/foreco Old tree morphology in singleleaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla) Peter J. Weisberg a, Dongwook W. Ko b,⇑ a b Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Nevada, Reno, Mail Stop 186, Reno, NV 89557, USA Kangwon National University, Institute of Environmental Research, Chuncheon, Kangwon-Do 200-701, South Korea a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 25 May 2011 Received in revised form 23 August 2011 Accepted 31 August 2011 Available online 21 October 2011 Keywords: Old growth Semi-arid woodland Canopy architecture Tree morphology Late-seral attributes a b s t r a c t Singleleaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla) is a long-lived tree species that dominates montane plant communities over large areas of the arid and semi-arid Intermountain West, USA. Although old-growth forests are widely valued by society, old trees in pinyon-dominated woodlands may be threatened by active management against woodland expansion on rangelands, particularly in the absence of knowledge concerning old tree morphology and crown architecture. This study, which took place within a 15-km2 area in central Nevada, used detailed field observations of tree morphology and dendrochronological measurements of tree age, in combination with principal components analysis and multiple linear regression, to identify the distinctive attributes of old P. monophylla trees that require long time periods to develop. P. monophylla tree age was most parsimoniously quantified using three linear combinations of fieldmeasured variables, representing overall tree size, crown diminishment with age, and ‘‘stubbiness’’ (i.e. the combination of short stature and wide girth). These composite variables were derived from just five types of tree measurements: stem diameter, height, diameter of lowest branch, crown area, and an index of bark texture. The three composite variables have intuitive meaning and do not require precise quantification to aid researchers and natural resource managers in developing more accurate visual estimations of approximate tree ages in P. monophylla or other cembroid pines characteristic of arid lands. Old tree attributes identified in this study are likely characteristic of long-lived conifers growing in arid and semi-arid regions, and are expected to provide important elements of habitat structure and complexity for diverse taxa. Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Singleleaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla Torr. and Frem.) codominates the pinyon–juniper woodlands of the Great Basin with Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little), and is the dominant tree species in most central Nevada mountain ranges (Bauer and Weisberg, 2009; Greenwood and Weisberg, 2009). This species can be extremely long-lived when not killed by fire or other disturbance agents. Maximum ages recorded for P. monophylla and J. osteosperma are 888 and 1350 years, respectively (F. Biondi, Univ. Nevada Reno, personal communication; Floyd et al., 2003). Old-growth woodland comprised of these species has been an important component of western North American landscapes over past centuries to millennia and is commonly associated with less productive sites characterized by thin soils, talus slopes, rocky outcrops or other landscape features that limit fuel loads or otherwise act as fire breaks (Young and Evans, 1981; Jacobs et al., 2008; Weisberg et al., 2008). However, old-growth woodland may well have covered greater areas during certain times in the past when climatic condi- ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 33 250 7318. E-mail addresses: dko@kangwon.ac.kr, ko.dongwook@gmail.com (D.W. Ko). 0378-1127/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.08.048 tions were less conducive to fire ignition and spread. One recent study suggests that the relationship between site productivity, apparent fire risk and the current distribution of old-growth woodland is relatively weak (Weisberg et al., 2008). Old-growth forest and woodland types throughout North America are widely valued for their role in maintaining structural complexity and biodiversity at the landscape level (Franklin and Van Pelt, 2004; Kneeshaw and Gauthier, 2003; Ziegler, 2002). Characteristic old-growth attributes have been extensively studied for Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific Northwest, and silviculturists of that region actively manage forests to accelerate development of old-growth characteristics within younger stands (Franklin and Van Pelt, 2004; Tappeiner et al., 1997). Key structural attributes of old-growth Douglas-fir forests include diverse diameter and height distributions, heterogeneous distribution of vertical foliage, heterogeneity in horizontal canopy cover (commonly, aggregation of smaller size classes), and abundant coarse woody debris of varying size and decomposition class (Spies, 1998). Waichler et al. (2001) identified the following characteristic old-growth attributes for western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) woodlands in central Oregon: large asymmetrical crowns, abundant standing and fallen large woody debris, lichen cover on dead branches, and open canopies. Similar old-growth attributes have been reported for Pinus 68 P.J. Weisberg, D.W. Ko / Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 edulis woodlands (Floyd et al., 2003; Jacobs et al., 2008). As a result of such structural complexity, old-growth pinyon–juniper woodlands often support a rich diversity of understory plant species, microbiotic soil crusts, and numerous avian, mammalian, reptilian and amphibian species (Floyd et al., 2003). Despite their ecological importance, old-growth pinyon–juniper communities have been relatively ignored (Waichler et al., 2001; Floyd et al., 2003, 2008; Jacobs et al., 2008; Weisberg et al., 2008; Romme et al., 2009), while recent expansion of pinyon–juniper woodlands into other vegetation types has received considerable attention from both scientists and managers (e.g. Blackburn and Tueller, 1970; Miller and Wigand, 1994; Weisberg et al., 2007; Bradley and Fleishman, 2008). Since settlement, there has been an estimated 10-fold increase (from 3 million ha to 30 million ha) in pinyon–juniper woodland area within the western U.S. (Miller and Tausch, 2001). This expansion has been associated with negative ecological and economic effects (Davenport et al., 1998; Gruell, 1999; Miller and Tausch, 2001; but see Belsky (1996)), and much resources and labor go towards reducing tree cover and establishing understory vegetation. Effective management of conifer establishment at the woodland-sagebrush ecotone requires differentiation of persistent woodlands from expansion woodlands. It is essential that current efforts to reduce woodland cover on rangelands by thinning, burning or otherwise clearing pinyon–juniper are able to discriminate old trees from post-settlement trees. Unfortunately, there is surprisingly little information on the distribution of old-growth pinyon–juniper woodland throughout the Great Basin. Old woodlands are difficult to recognize and map using aerial photographs or satellite imagery. Older pinyon and juniper trees differ little from younger ones with regard to tree height or crown diameter, and generally require field visitation to distinguish. A major limitation for accurate, extensive mapping of oldgrowth distribution is the lack of an objective classification for determining old-growth structure in the field. Bradshaw and Reveal (1943) identified four maturity classes of P. monophylla based on attributes such as tree height, diameter and overall growth form. However, their broad classification resulted in widely varying tree morphology within the same maturity class, and lumped all older trees (>100–175 years) in a single ‘‘Class 4.’’ Use of increment cores and dendroecological analysis to estimate tree age is generally most accurate but time consuming and expensive, and often impossible because of rotten heartwood. An improved understanding of old tree attributes is needed for P. monophylla and other cembroid pines (Pinus subsection cembroides) of arid and semi-arid landscapes. Few studies have quantified old-growth attributes of pinyon–juniper woodlands at the stand level (Waichler et al., 2001; Jacobs et al., 2008), and we are aware of no published studies that have rigorously quantified structural attributes of individual P. monophylla trees. Our primary goal was to identify those aspects of P. monophylla tree morphology and architecture that are distinctive attributes of older trees, and hence require long time periods to develop. A secondary objective was to identify the minimal set of field observations needed for distinguishing P. monophylla trees on the basis of old-growth attributes. 2. Methods 2.1. Field and laboratory methods A total of 50 P. monophylla trees was sampled from within a 15-km2 area of consistent terrain and climate, located within the Simpson Park Range of central Nevada, USA (longitude 39°220 – 39°340 N, latitude 116°440 –116°530 W. The study area ranges in elevation from 1980 to 2675 m, and is predominately volcanic in lithology with extensive Tertiary andesite, interlaced with silicaceous ash-flow tuff formations (Raines et al., 1996). Most precipitation accumulates as winter snowfall, with mean annual values ranging from 200 to 350 mm. The study area consists of three major vegetation units: a shrub-dominated community at the lower elevations and adjacent valley flats, a mid-elevation band of pinyon–juniper woodland, and a shrub-dominated community again at the highest elevations. The lower elevations are dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & A. Young), planted crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.), occasional native bunchgrasses, and abundant cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), an exotic annual grass. The mid-elevation woodland is a mosaic of tree-dominated and shrub-dominated patches, with occasional small wetlands surrounding seeps and springs. The arborescent component is dominated by P. monophylla, with J. osteosperma co-dominant on xeric sites. The high-elevation shrub community is dominated by mountain big sagebrush (A. tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle), snowberry (Symphoricarpos spp. Duham.), and low sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula Nutt.). Sampled trees were selected randomly among strata defined by 10-cm diameter classes from within the mid-elevation woodland, such that a range of tree ages from 23 to 381 years (dbh range from 4 to 54 cm) was ultimately selected for analysis. Sampling occurred in 2007 and 2010. Twelve morphological variables were measured on each tree and used for analysis. Both diameter at breast height (DBH) and diameter at root crown (DRC) were measured using diameter tapes and proved highly correlated, so that only DBH was retained for analysis. Tree height (Height) was measured to the nearest decimeter using a stadia rod, whereas crown area (Crown.Area) was estimated as the area of an ellipse using field measurements of the longest axis and its perpendicular. Crown eccentricity (Crown.Ecc), or the degree to which an irregular tree crown deviates from a circular shape, was calculated as: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 b e¼ 1 a where e = crown eccentricity and a and b are the length of the elliptical crown’s major and minor axes, respectively. Crown eccentricity ranges from 0 (perfect circle) and asymptotically approaches 1 as the shape eccentricity increases. Crown asymmetry (Crown.Asym) was measured as the horizontal distance from stem base to the ground projection of the center of gravity of the tree crown. Percent dead crown (PC.Dead) was determined by ocular estimate to the nearest 5% from multiple perspectives around each tree. The number of forks in the main trunk (Fork.Num) was counted. Bark texture (Bark.Txt) was classified using a categorical scale ranging from 1 (smoothest) to 5 (most deeply furrowed). Several measurements were taken of the lowest live branch, including height above the ground (LB.Ht) and diameter at the intersection with the main trunk (LB.Dia); the number of nodes or vertices where the branch changes direction (LB.Node); and the angle of the projected line from base to tip relative to the main trunk (LB.Angle), such that a branch parallel to the ground is 90° whereas branches angled upwards are greater than 90°. Each sampled tree was cored at the base (just above the root crown) for age determination. Increment cores were processed using standard dendrochronological techniques (Stokes and Smiley, 1968). Increment cores were visually crossdated using marker years to a pinyon reference chronology assembled from the Shoshone Range and two nearby mountain ranges Ring widths were measured to 1 lm precision using a Unislide ‘‘TA’’ Velmex measuring system, and COFECHA software was used to verify crossdating (Grissino-Mayer, 2001) to the same reference chronology. To estimate tree origin year for cores that did not reach pith, 69 P.J. Weisberg, D.W. Ko / Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 we adjusted ages using the concentric circle method (Applequist, 1958) and empirical relationships for pinyon early growth from Bauer and Weisberg (2009). 2.2. Data analysis Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to assess the strength of linear association between tree age and the various tree structural attributes (Table 1), as well as to assess patterns of inter-correlation among the structural attributes. A principal components analysis (PCA) was then conducted on the tree structural attributes (i.e. predictor variables) to reduce the data to a simplified set of uncorrelated components (PCs) representing underlying, latent dimensions of variation; the full set of PCs was subsequently regressed against tree age as the response variable (Graham, 2003). Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) was used to rank the effectiveness of alternative covariate models for fitting the data, given the number of parameters included. For pairs of candidate models with AIC differing by at least 2, the most parsimonious model was that with the lower AIC value (Burnham and Anderson, 2002). Principal components regression analysis has the disadvantage that it cannot readily be extrapolated to a different data set, for which a PCA would result in construction of different PCs. Therefore we used loadings of measured variables with the PCs found to be important predictors of tree age, to guide construction of meaningful, linear combinations of the original, measured variables (Ramsey and Schafer, 2002). PCA loadings describe the coefficients used for the principal components transformation (i.e. the weights used to construct each PC as a linear combination of input variables). The resulting linear combinations were interpreted as composite variables describing particular, uncorrelated attributes of tree morphology associated with tree age. Multiple regression analysis was used to predict tree age as a function of the three composite variables found to be important, and visual interpretations of scatter plots and partial regression plots were used to further interpret the relationship between tree age and tree morphology. 3. Results 3.1. Relationships of structural attributes with tree age Several of the tree structural attributes were highly correlated (r P 0.6) (Table 1). Attributes with positive correlations included DBH, Height, Crown.Area, and Bark.Txt. Lower branch diameter (LB.Dia) was only moderately correlated with these variables (e.g. r = 0.51 with DBH), but was highly correlated with LB.Node, Crown.Area, Bark.Txt, and Fork.Num. Tree age had strong positive correlations with several of the structural attributes, including LB.Dia (r = 0.65), DBH (r = 0.65), and Bark.Txt (r = 0.63). Correlations were moderate (0.4 6 r 6 0.6) with PC.Dead, LB.Node, Crown.Area, Crown.Asym, Height, and LB.Ht (Table 1). Correlations with tree age were weak or non-significant for Fork.Num and LB.Angle. However, relationships were typically nonlinear even for structural attributes exhibiting the highest correlations with tree age (Fig. 1). The relationship between DBH and tree age showed a strongly saturating response, where DBH increased linearly with increasing age for young trees, but then exhibited a flat trend with high variability for trees older than approximately 200 years (Fig. 1A). Bark.Txt and PC.Dead showed similar relationships with tree age as DBH, although the functional relationship did not level off as strongly (Fig. 1B and C). All trees with smooth bark were less than 140 years old. The only structural attribute exhibiting a consistently strong, linear relationship with tree age was LB.Dia (Fig. 1D). 3.2. Composite indices of old tree structural attributes in P. monophylla Principal components analysis identified 12 components representing uncorrelated dimensions of tree morphology (Table 2). Model selection procedures identified a parsimonious model that included three ecologically interpretable principal components (PCs 1, 11 and 12) and explained approximately 67% of the variance in tree age. PC 1 was positively associated with tree age and showed moderately positive loadings with all size-related variables (Table 2). PC 11 was positively associated with tree age and showed positive loadings with LB.Dia and DBH, but negative loadings with Crown Area. PC 12 was negatively associated with tree age and showed negative loadings with DBH but positive loadings with tree height. Composite indices were then constructed to represent PCs 1, 11 and 12 in terms of the original, measured variables after the latter were zero-centered and normalized to standard deviate units (i.e. z-standardized). Size Index, as interpreted from PC 1, was constructed as the mean of z-standardized DBH, Height, LB.Dia, Crown.Area, and Bark. Txt. This index represents the tendency for older trees to achieve rougher bark texture and greater dimensions in diameter, height, branch thickness, and crown area. Crown Diminishment Index, as interpreted from PC 11, was constructed as the mean of LB.Dia and DBH, minus Crown.Area. This index represents the tendency for older trees to lose crown area due to the accumulation of mortality factors over time. Stubbiness Index, as Table 1 Matrix of pairwise Pearson’s correlation coefficients for tree age and 12 measures of tree morphology. Only significant correlations (a 6 0.1) are shown, and correlations P0.6 are shown in bold font. Variable abbreviations: Age, tree age; DBH, diameter at breast height; Height, tree height; PC.Dead, percent of dead crown; LB.Ht, height above ground of lowest branch; LB.Dia, diameter of lowest branch at intersection with the trunk; LB.Angle, angle of the projected line of the lowest branch from base to tip relative to the main trunk; LB.Node, the number of nodes where the lowest branch changes direction; Crown.Area, projected crown area estimated as the area of an ellipse; Crown.Ecc, crown eccentricity, or the degree to which an irregular, elliptical crown deviates from a circular shape; Crown.Asym, the horizontal projection distance from stem base to crown center; Bark.Txt, an ocular estimate of the degree to which bark is smooth vs. furrowed; Fork.Num, the number of forks in the main stem. Age DBH Height PC.Dead LB.Ht LB.Dia LB.Angle LB.Node Crown.Area Crown.Ecc Crown.Asym Bark.Txt DBH Height PC.Dead LB.Ht LB.Dia LB.Angle LB.Node 0.65 0.45 0.91 0.56 0.47 0.46 0.42 0.34 – – 0.65 0.51 0.41 0.38 0.36 – – – – – – 0.52 0.34 0.28 0.53 – 0.70 – Crown.Area 0.49 0.81 0.74 0.40 – 0.66 0.24 0.43 Crown.Ecc Crown.Asym Bark.Txt Fork.Num – – – 0.23 0.40 – – – – 0.47 0.38 0.26 – – 0.45 – 0.34 0.38 – 0.63 0.74 0.69 0.56 0.27 0.69 – 0.51 0.80 – 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.39 – 0.35 0.69 – 0.49 0.50 – 0.25 0.59 70 P.J. Weisberg, D.W. Ko / Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 A B 5 Bark Texture DBH (cm) 50 20 4 3 2 1 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 Age (years) C 400 300 400 D 0.6 20 LB.Dia (cm) Percent Dead Crown 300 Age (years) 0.4 0.2 15 10 5 0.0 0 100 200 300 0 400 0 100 200 Age (years) Age (years) Fig. 1. Bivariate scatter plots of P. monophylla tree age as a function of selected predictor variables, (A) diameter at breast height (DBH), (B) bark texture (Bark.Txt), (C) percent dead crown (PC.Dead), (D) diameter of the lowest branch (LB.Dia). Table 2 Principal component loadings, eigenvalues and cumulative proportion of variance explained (cum. var.) from a principal components analysis of 12 variables indicating tree morphology. Only loadings exceeding |0.1| are shown, and loadings exceeding |0.5| are shown in bold font. Loadings are the coefficients used in the principal component transformation; higher values indicate a greater contribution of the measured variable to the principal component. DBH Height PC.Dead LB.Ht LB.Dia LB.Angle LB.Node Crown.Area Crown.Ecc Crown.Asym Bark.Txt Fork.Num Eigenvalue Cum. Var. PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 0.37 0.35 0.27 0.18 0.36 0.21 0.22 0.34 0.22 0.54 0.26 0.28 0.50 0.16 0.19 0.28 0.29 0.39 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.12 0.55 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.58 0.50 0.23 0.15 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.29 0.25 0.23 0.30 0.23 0.19 0.13 0.68 0.12 0.17 0.18 0.75 0.17 0.45 0.14 1.32 0.58 0.33 1.10 0.68 0.28 1.01 0.77 0.36 0.92 0.84 0.22 0.80 0.89 0.29 0.37 0.22 0.39 0.29 2.29 0.44 0.18 0.39 interpreted from PC 12, was constructed as DBH minus Height and represents the tendency of P. monophylla trees to achieve an upper limit in stem height within the first 100–200 years of age, while continuing to grow in diameter. The three indices are summarized below: Size ¼ meanðDBH; Height; LB:Dia; Crown:Area; Bark:TxtÞ Crown Diminishment ¼ meanðLB:Dia; DBHÞ Crown:Area Stubbiness ¼ DBH Height The three composite indices from measured variables were close approximations of the principal components (R2 > 0.90 from simple linear regressions of index values vs. PCA scores) and provided a model with greater explanatory power for predicting tree age (R2 = 0.73) than did the model using PCA scores (R2 = 0.67). The multiple regression model for the combined influence of the three composite indices (in standard deviate units) is: PC7 PC8 0.11 0.19 0.57 0.31 0.55 0.18 0.27 0.34 0.63 0.92 0.49 0.34 0.12 0.34 0.34 0.23 0.25 0.52 0.57 0.95 PC9 0.14 0.39 0.21 0.15 0.34 0.17 0.48 0.15 0.10 0.49 0.33 0.51 0.97 PC10 PC11 0.36 0.29 0.49 0.35 0.19 0.10 0.14 0.45 0.15 PC12 0.69 0.65 0.21 0.76 0.10 0.70 0.10 0.41 0.99 0.13 0.30 0.99 0.17 0.26 1.00 Tree Age ¼ 170:86 þ 71:06 ðSizeÞ þ 62:26 ðCrown DiminishmentÞ þ 73:42 ðStubbinessÞ Of the three old tree structural indices in the model, the Size Index and Stubbiness Index were most strongly associated with tree age, with the former showing the most consistent effects (Fig. 2). The Size Index is a good predictor of tree age for trees younger than about 200 years but requires the other two indices to reliably predict tree age for older trees (compare Fig. 2A and D). Conversely, the Stubbiness Index does not predict tree age reliably for younger trees, but does so for older trees (Fig. 2B). The Crown Diminishment Index is only weakly associated with tree age in a bivariate sense (Fig. 2C) but is more strongly associated with tree age (R2 = 0.30) after accounting for the variation explained by the other two indices (Fig 2F). Taken together, these three components describe independent dimensions of tree morphology that collectively predict tree age for old-growth stands of P. monophylla. P.J. Weisberg, D.W. Ko / Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 71 Fig. 2. Bivariate scatter and partial regression plots: (A) Age vs. Size Index; (B) Age vs. Stubbiness Index; (C) Age vs. Crown Diminishment Index; (D) partial residual of Age vs. Size Index, after accounting for the influences of the Stubbiness and Crown Diminishment indices; (E) partial residual of Age vs. Stubbiness Index, after accounting for the influences of the Size and Crown Diminishment indices. (F) partial residual of Age vs. Crown Diminishment Index, after accounting for the influences of the Size and Stubbiness indices, X-axes are in standard deviation units. 4. Discussion The morphological variables measured in the field were highly correlated with each other, and several showed nonlinear relationships with tree age. Our analysis defined three composite indices based on the linear combinations of these variables that collectively describe attributes of tree morphology (i.e. Size, Crown Diminishment, Stubbiness) that are (1) independent of one another, and (2) when used in combination, strongly predictive of P. monophylla tree age across the range of ages sampled (26–384 years). Although P. monophylla trees can live to more than twice the maximum age of trees measured in this study, it is unlikely that the observed trends in old tree attributes would differ strongly had 400–800 year old trees been included. However, future research should address old tree morphology in this species across a broader age range. Old P. monophylla trees are: 1. Large with deeply furrowed bark. However, this generalization diminishes as tree age begins to exceed 150–200 years. 2. Larger in bole and lower branch dimensions than in crown area. As portions of the crown die back over time, stem wood continues to accumulate. 3. Stubby in appearance. Old P. monophylla trees thicken with time as they quickly reach their maximum height potential. Site potential for height growth in these semi-arid ecosystems is very low, so height growth soon saturates. The practical value of our research lies not only in describing the three composite variables that explain over 70% of the variation in pinyon tree age, but in identifying the minimal set of field observations needed to distinguish old P. monophylla trees on the basis of structural attributes: stem diameter, tree height, basal diameter of the lowest branch, crown area, and bark texture. The three composite variables themselves have intuitive meaning that can aid researchers and natural resource managers in developing more accurate visual estimations of relative tree ages. Even in the absence of precise measurements, managers and ecologists should be able to distinguish old trees by carefully observing these attributes. The resulting improvement in the ability to detect old trees should, in turn, limit the likelihood of old trees being inadvertently removed by landscape restoration treatments implemented to reduce tree dominance in expansion woodlands. Attributes of old pinyon trees are similar to those reported for other, more mesic forest types in that older trees are generally larger in stature and most structural dimensions (Franklin et al., 2002; D’Amato et al., 2008) and have diminished crown area due to senescence and partial canopy mortality arising from periodic disturbance events (Spies, 2004). However, the relatively early cessation of height growth results in morphological forms with proportionately thick boles and large lower limbs (i.e. high ‘‘stubbiness index’’), that are likely characteristic of long-lived conifers growing under conditions of extreme water limitation in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. In particular, we expect our results to be 72 P.J. Weisberg, D.W. Ko / Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 generalizable to other cembroid pine species in North America (e.g. P. edulis, Pinus cembroides, and Pinus quadrifolia) that have similar life history traits. Similar canopy morphology attributes (furrowed bark, crown mortality) were also reported for old-growth western juniper (J. occidentalis) woodlands in central Oregon, USA (Waichler et al., 2001). Further research is needed to determine whether oldtree morphological forms reported here are typical of other Pinus species in severely water-limited environments (e.g. Pinus halapensis). Representative P. monophylla trees of different ages are shown in Fig. 3. There are several ecological implications arising from the structural attributes of old pinyon trees described in this study. Strong negative effects of P. monophylla canopy cover on cover and abundance of understory species (Tausch et al., 1981; Tausch and Tueller, 1990) may become ameliorated as trees age, due to thinning of the crown and a concurrent reduction in tree productivity and use of belowground resources. Old P. monophylla trees are likely to provide distinctive habitats for arthropods and other invertebrates, in that they have deep, furrowed bark and relatively open crowns, allowing for a mosaic of high-light and shaded microsites. Hosting an invertebrate community that differs from that of younger trees will likely favor a distinctive avian community structure. Cavity nesting species, that tend to be insectivorous, are also likely to select old trees for nesting that have a greater frequency of cavities (San Miguel and Colyer, 2003). In general, thick lower branches and an open crown provide valuable habitat for a range of arboreal and epiphytic plant and animal taxa (Floyd et al., 2003). However, the habitat values of old pinyon trees (P. monophylla or P. edulis) have been but little studied. Old-growth forests are highly valued worldwide from diverse perspectives including spiritual and esthetic values, biodiversity conservation, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and a variety of other ecosystem services (Wirth et al., 2009). In most parts of the world, old-growth forests are scarce as a result of forest management practices that have emphasized earlier stages of stand development. Where old-growth forests are especially scarce, there are efforts to recreate or hasten development of old-growth attributes through forest preservation or silvicultural treatments (Bailey and Tappeiner, 1998; Bauhaus et al., 2009). However, information on old-growth attributes that has been developed to date applies primarily to mesic forests, with little information available for forests and woodlands in arid and semi-arid landscapes. Studies of mesic temperate forests emphasize an increase in vertical and horizontal structural complexity in later stages of stand development (e.g. Spies and Franklin, 1988; Franklin et al., 2002). Our results support this generalization for singleleaf pinyon pine at Fig. 3. Representative photographs of Pinus monophylla trees of various ages, that were used in the study. (A) Young tree of 61 years showing a symmetrical, full crown with little mortality; (B) lower portion of a 140-year old tree that has developed a forked stem and thickened lower branches; (C) a 286-year old tree showing crown dieback and thick lower branches; (D) a 307-year old tree showing extensive crown dieback, thick lower branches and the ‘‘short but stubby’’ growth form. P.J. Weisberg, D.W. Ko / Forest Ecology and Management 263 (2012) 67–73 the scale of individual trees, but further research is needed to quantify structural attributes of old forests in arid lands at stand and landscape scales. Descriptions of old-growth attributes developed from mesic ecosystems may not apply in severely waterlimited forest types where productivity is low, tree height potential is greatly limited, tree regeneration is highly episodic, and tree species diversity may be quite low. Acknowledgements Todd Granberry, Julisa Edwards and Walter Weisberg assisted with field research. 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