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Click here - Malay Heritage Centre
MALAY HERITAGE CENTRE Programme Booklet 2015 JUL-SEP CONTENTS EXHIBITIONS Exhibition: MARANTAU 02 | Community Dima Bumi Dipijak Di Sinan Langik Dijunjuang 08 | Exhibition: Seberang Tambak 09 | Travelling Exhibition: Hari Raya Aidilfitri Exhibition: Malay Pioneer Series: 10 | Travelling Teachers, Writers, Activists SPECIAL PROGRAMMES 11 | Hari Raya Open House & Racial Harmony Day 12 | Warisan Kita (Our Heritage) Mural Art Workshop 13 | Aliwal Night Crawl & The Gamelan Circle 14 | Bulan Bahasa Programmes REGULAR PROGRAMMES 15 | Neighbourhood Sketches 16 | Yok Sembang Gendang! 17 | Let’s Play!: Traditional Malay Games Galleries Alive! 18 | - Traditional Malay Music - Traditional Wayang Kulit - Kampong Gelam Tales: A Dramatised Tour 19 | Community Learning Fund (CLF) 20 | Guided Tour EXHIBITIONS | 02 MARANTAU: MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION OF THE MINANGKABAU COMMUNITY IN SINGAPORE DATE 17 May 13 September 2015 TIME 10.00am – 6.00pm VENUE Gallery 1 and 2 ADMISSION Free Co-organised by the Malay Heritage Centre and the Singapore Minangkabau Association, the MARANTAU exhibition presents the Minangkabau community in Singapore, whose ancestral homelands are the highlands and coast of West Sumatra, and their heritage. Featuring artefacts ranging from rich gold-woven songket textiles to traditional instruments, the exhibition highlights the marantau tradition where young men are encouraged to leave their hometowns and seek their fortunes elsewhere as well as matrilineal system of the Minangkabau society. Accompanying the exhibition is a host of exciting cultural programmes from music, dance, craft and culinary demonstrations to public talks. What The Logo Represents The MARANTAU logo depicts a lion-headed ship carrying the Minangkabau ceremonial flag (marawa) to represent the migration of the local Minangkabau community from West Sumatra to Singapore. The marawa is shown here on two levels: firstly, the shape of the coloured ‘sails’ allude to the buffalo horn-shaped roofs of Minangkabau houses, a quintessential cultural emblem. Secondly, the tri-colours – red, yellow and black – symbolise the characters of each of the three main regions: Luhak Nan Tigo, Luhak Tanahdatar and Luhak Limopuluah Koto respectively. Together, they stand for Alam Minangkabau or the Minangkabau world. SEMINAR The Minangkabau Legacy to The Malay World DATE Saturday, 25 July TIME 2.30pm VENUE MHC Auditorium SPEAKER Tan Sri Dr. Rais Yatim For this Distinguished Speaker Seminar, we will be inviting Tan Sri Dr. Rais Yatim, a prominent political Minangkabau figure in Malaysia, who is currently the President of International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). Rivers & Footpaths As A Motivating Factor of Minangkabau Migration To Malay Peninsula Until The Early 20th Century DATE Sunday, 2 August TIME 11.00am VENUE MHC Auditorium SPEAKER Prof. Dr. Gusti Asnan This seminar by Prof. Dr. Gusti Asnan will look into the factors that motivated the migration of the Minangkabau people to the Malay Peninsula from the social, political and economic aspects. Tadarus Cinta Buya Pujangga DATE Sunday, 2 August TIME 2.30pm VENUE MHC Auditorium SPEAKER Akmal Nasery Basral For this seminar, writer and literacy figure, Akmal Nasery Basral will discuss his novel, Tadarus Cinta Buya Pujangga, which is a fictional book that traces the life of well-known Indonesian literary figure of Minangkabau descent, Hamka, or also known as Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah. * In Bahasa Indonesia 03 | EXHIBITIONS MARANTAU: PROGRAMMES EXHIBITIONS | 04 MARANTAU: PROGRAMMES Prominent Minangkabaus in Singapore: Zubir Said, Yusof and Rahim Ishak DATE Saturday, 15 August TIME 2.30pm VENUE MHC Auditorium SPEAKER Assoc. Prof Lily Zubaidah Rahim & Puan Sri Datin Dr Rohana Zubir This seminar will give audience a special glimpse into the lives of two very prominent local Minangkabau figures - Yusof Ishak (first president of Singapore) and Zubir Said (the lauded composer who wrote Singapore’s national anthem). Assoc. Prof Lily Zubaidah and Dr Rohana will be talking about their families. Dr Lily, being the niece of Yusof Ishak will talk about the lineage and legacy of the Yusof Ishak family. In the same vein, Dr Rohana, daughter of Pak Zubir, will bring us through some episodes in his life that portrays Pak Zubir as a son, as a husband and a family man and friend; as a worker; as a mentor, and above all as a musician who was single minded in his drive to achieve the very best, and to do the best he could, within many trials and constraints. Talk/Demo: Koto Gadang : Sulam, Tenun, Renda dan Keunikannya (Koto Gadang: Embroidery, Weaving, Lace & Their Uniqueness) DATE Saturday, 22 August TIME 2.30pm VENUE MHC Auditorium SPEAKER Sita Dewi Razai Rich and luxurious textiles are often associated with Minangkabau culture. This lecture will highlight the different techniques of embroidery, weaving and lacemaking (or edge-making) which are characteristic of the Koto Gadang region. There will also be some demonstration of these techniques at the end of the seminar. * In Bahasa Indonesia Matrilineal Society of Minangkabau DATE Saturday, 5 September TIME 5.00pm VENUE MHC Auditorium SPEAKER Prof. Dr. Puti Reno Raudhah Thaib This seminar will talk about the matrilineal Minangkabau community where ownership of family’s property is passed from mothers to daughters for generations with Professor Dr Puti Reno Raudhah Thaib from Andalas University, Padang. *In Bahasa Minangkabau with English translation PERFORMANCE Minang Songs & Dance II DATE Friday, 24 July TIME 8.30pm VENUE Bussorah Mall PERFORMER Sumbar Talenta Don’t miss out on a musical evening with Sumbar Talenta as they bring to you various traditional Minangkabau songs and dances like the tari pasambahan and tari piring! Minang Fashion Show DATE Saturday, 25 July TIME 7.30pm VENUE Bussorah Mall PERFORMER Sumbar Talenta As part of Aliwal Night Crawl, Malay Heritage Centre presents a Minang Fashion Show which will showcase the rich Minangkabau textile tradition like the songket. Textile and fashion lovers out there should not miss out on this parade of colourful traditional costumes from the various regions of West Sumatra. Barayo di Rumah Gadang (Hari Raya Celebrations at the Rumah Gadang) DATE Sunday, 2 August TIME 5.00pm VENUE MHC Auditorium Celebrate this festive Hari Raya season Minangkabau-style with songs and dances that are sure to uplift your mood! Dance-Theatre: Sauik Randai Manjalang Rang Rantau Mandakekan Hati DATE Saturday, 15 August TIME 5.00pm VENUE MHC Auditorium PERFORMER Indojati Enjoy this unique randai performance by the Indojati group from West Sumatra which combines songs, dance, drama and silat (traditional Malay martial arts). 05 | EXHIBITIONS MARANTAU: PROGRAMMES EXHIBITIONS | 06 MARANTAU: PROGRAMMES Rambun Pamenan DATE Saturday, 22 August TIME 5.00pm VENUE MHC Auditorium PERFORMER Tuah Serantau This randai (dance-theatre) tells the story of Rambun Pamenan, a chivalrous young man who faced many challenges in his effort to save his widowed mother, the beautiful Linduang Bulan from the clutches of the evil king, Raja Angek Garang. Tari Sumarak Rumah Gadang DATE Saturday, 5 September TIME 2.30pm VENUE MHC Auditorium PERFORMER Giring-giring Bambu In this dance, the important role of Bundo Kanduang (or Mother) in the Minangkabau society is highlighted whereby all activities under the roof are managed by her. This section will also feature other dance and musical performances uniquely from the West Sumatera region. *All information is correct at time of print and registration is required for the above programmes. To register, email us at or call 6391 0450. For more information, visit us at About the Se-Nusantara Series The MARANTAU exhibition is the second installation of an annual exhibition series at MHC. Each year, an exhibition featuring an ethnic sub-group of the Malays in Singapore will be presented in partnership with a community partner as an exhibition by the ethnic sub-group about their community for MHC visitors. The title, Se-Nusantara, which means “of the same (Malay-Indonesian) Archipelago”, expresses the series’ main aim to discover our shared heritage, culture and values through community-created exhibitions as a celebration of the rich ethnic diversity of the Malays in Singapore. About Singapore Minangkabau Association (SMA) The Singapore Minangkabau Association (SMA) was established on 31 August 1995 with a mission to preserve and promote the Minangkabau culture in Singapore as well as to introduce and educate on Minangkabau customs and traditions to Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans. In 1996, SMA was the bestowed the honour of the Custodian of Minangkabau Culture, Traditions and Customs in Singapore by the Governor of West Sumatra, Indonesia (the homeland of the Minangkabau people). Comprising an executive committee and three sub-committees (Women’s, Youth and Culture), SMA has built a network with Minang and non-Minang associations across Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Terengganu in Malaysia and Riau, Batam, Bandung and West Sumatra in Indonesia. Currently, SMA has more than 250 members including support from local Minang-run businesses such as the nasi padang restaurants around Kampong Gelam. 07 | EXHIBITIONS MARANTAU: EXHIBITON EXHIBITIONS | 08 SEBERANG TAMBAK DATE 25 April to 12 July 2015 TIME 10.00am - 6.00pm VENUE MHC Permanent Galleries (Finale) ADMISSION Free Admission This exhibition takes on the dynamic idea of being a Malaysian and being a Singaporean. From being under the same political entity known as Malay and now, two separate nation states or ‘next-door neighbours’. Hence it is inescapable that both countries share much in common like our love for food and preferring the English football league over other European leagues. However, with the modern nation-state framework i.e. post-1965, being Malaysian or being Singaporean seems to increasingly suggest an unsurmountable gulf. It seems like we are geographically side by side but mentally further than ever before. This exhibition features artists from both sides of the causeway and will travel between both countries. However, rather than just an arbitrary SingaporeMalaysia selection, most of these artists, if not all, have been involved in one way or another with these two countries. Either through migration, working, education or even having familial ties across both sides, this exhibition is ultimately about a conversation between two countries – a conversation which we both used to have more often, not too long ago. Artists: Yusof Ghani | M. Nasir | S. Amin Shahab | Rizhar A. Rahim | Ahmad Abu Bakar Mohammad Din Mohammad | Latiff Mohidin | Yusman Aman DATE 12 June to 20 July 2015 21 July to 16 August 2015 VENUE One KM, 11 Tanjong Katong Road Malay Heritage Centre Hari Raya Travelling Exhibition Did you know that Hari Raya Aidilfitri is not the Muslim New Year as the festival is held on the 10th month of the Islamic calendar? Find out more interesting facts about the festival and the month of Ramadan as the Malay Heritage Centre presents our Hari Raya travelling exhibition, which showcases the journey from Ramadan to Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Learn more about what fasting (puasa) is all about and the preparation which leads up to the festival itself! *For enquiries and further details, call 6391 0450 (Tue-Sun 10.00am – 6.00pm) or email 09 | EXHIBITIONS HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI 2015 EXHIBITIONS |10 MALAY PIONEER SERIES: TEACHERS – WRITERS – ACTIVISTS The second instalment of the Malay Pioneers Series produced by the Malay Heritage Centre highlights four distinguished writers and two pioneering organisations from the Malay community who, at various moments, wore multiple hats as teachers, writers or activists. Hiboran Issue No. 522, 13 August 1957 | Malay Heritage Centre Collection Although this modest exhibition can only foreground these six, they are by no means the only examples to take note of and serve as an introduction and glimpse into one of the most intense periods of Malay development. In fact, it was the contributions of an entire generation of creative and passionate people, geared towards self-determination of national identity and governance, which helped paved the way to decolonisation and the eventual independence of Malaya, then Singapore. The Teachers-Writers-Activists exhibition was developed in partnership with NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, and Tanjong Katong Secondary School whose student researchers conducted interviews with representatives from the organisations featured and also contributed to the selection process of archival materials. For more information on the travelling venues, visit or call 6391 0450 (Tue – Sun, 10.00am – 6.00pm) DATE Friday, 7 August 2015 TIME 10.00am - 6.00pm VENUE Malay Heritage Centre ADMISSION Free Admission This August, the Malay Heritage Centre will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Racial Harmony Day in a one-day event. Together with Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and the Indian Heritage Centre, 2015’s celebration hopes to highlight the inclusiveness and harmony of Singapore’s different ethnic groups. There will be cultural showcases, craft activities and games that are commonly shared between all the races in Singapore plus a unique performance by a multicultural choir. Do also sample food items from the different communities and learn how every race has learnt and borrowed from each other to make Singapore a truly multiracial and multicultural society. So come and celebrate Hari Raya and our multiculturalism with a whole day of activities! For enquiries and further details, call 6391 0450 (Tue-Sun 10.00am – 6.00pm) or email 11 | SPECIAL PROGRAMMES HARI RAYA OPEN HOUSE & RACIAL HARMONY DAY SPECIAL PROGRAMMES |12 WARISAN KITA (OUR HERITAGE) MURAL ART WORKSHOP DATE 12 June to 9 August 2015* TIME 4.00pm – 6.00pm VENUE Malay Heritage Centre In conjunction with the Golden Jubilee SG50 celebrations, the Malay Heritage Foundation is excited to present a series of mural art workshops. Join us and learn from experienced potters and ceramic artists who have been trained by 1988 Cultural Medallion winner for visual arts, Mr Iskandar Jalil. The theme for the mural wall art at Malay Heritage Centre is, “What does it mean to you as a Singaporean, given our various cultural backgrounds.” Like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that eventually form a beautiful picture, each of us plays a crucial role in contributing and enriching the multi-layered tapestry of our culture and heritage. Be part of this collaborative art-making process to express Singapore’s rich and diverse cultural heritage! *Limited spaces available. To check on the available dates and to register, contact 6299 5503 or email Organised by: A Tribute to Yasmin Ahmad DATE Saturday & Sunday, 25 & 26 July TIME 4.30pm – 11.00pm VENUE MHC Auditorium Admission Free with Registration In conjunction with Aliwal Night Crawl, Causeway Exchange presents “A Tribute to Yasmin Ahmad”. Starting off the evening will be an “in conversation” with her sister, Datin Orked Ahmad. The session will also feature screenings of Yasmin Ahmad’s films such as Mukhsin, Talentime and Rabun, all well-known in both Singapore and across the causeway. Limited spaces available. All information is correct at time of print. To register, visit THE GAMELAN CIRCLE DATE Saturday, 1 August PERFORMER Lianhua Primary School Saturday, 8 August Evergreen Secondary School TIME 5.00pm – 6.00pm Javanese gamelan music is an art form that has existed for about a thousand years. From the empires of Medang and Majapahit to the sultanates of Surakarta and Yogyakarta, gamelan has been performed in courts, rituals and many other official events. Gamelan can also be found in the region of West Java as well as the island of Bali. Until now, gamelan music has always been a form of community activity for people to come together to play and appreciate gamelan music. For the month of August, Gamelan Asmaradana will be presenting a series of open workshops to highlight and share this great music tradition. Participants will be exposed to the instruments, playing techniques as well as learning and playing cultures in gamelan. We also invited various gamelan ensembles from the different institutions and organisations to be part of this Gamelan Circle! For enquiries and further details, call 6391 0450 (Tue-Sun 10.00am – 6.00pm) or email 13 | SPECIAL PROGRAMMES ALIWAL NIGHT CRAWL SPECIAL PROGRAMMES |14 BULAN BAHASA PROGRAMMES Join us for the Bulan Bahasa festivities at the Malay Heritage Centre as we present a wide array of programmes, ranging from wayang kulit and sajak (Malay poetry) workshops to dance, drama and dikir barat performances! Projek 3: Garisan Masa DATE Saturday, 18 September 2015 Sunday, 19 September 2015 VENUE Malay Heritage Centre Garisan Masa allows the audience to experience a wonderful journey via three stories, bringing them to different eras – 50 years ago to our modern Singapore after the separation between Singapore and Malaysia. The Rising Star Project DATE Saturday, 26 September 2015 VENUE Malay Heritage Centre With the aim of developing the innate artistic abilities of youths via a dynamic learning process, The Rising Star Project (TRSP) will be featuring music, dance, drama and dikir barat performances. For more information, visit Set along the vibrant esplanade of Bussorah Street, visitors will get a chance to sample the rich Malay culture presented in the style of street performances. From martial arts to songs of worship, Neighbourhood Sketches will have something for every type of culture vulture. DATE 28 & 29 August, 25 & 26 September 2015 Last Friday and Saturday of the month TIME 8.30pm onwards (Performance will commence after + prayers) conclusion of Isya’ VENUE Bussorah Mall The dates and timing of Neighbourhood Sketches will be published on MHC’s website and may be subjected to change. Kindly check our website, Facebook page or Visitor Services for more information and updates. 15 | REGULAR PROGRAMMES NEIGHBOURHOOD SKETCHES REGULAR PROGRAMMES |16 YOK SEMBANG GENDANG! ‘Yok Sembang Gendang!’ is a monthly community engagement avenue dedicated to sharing rhythms, grooves and drums of the Malay Archipelago. NADI Singapura welcomes enthusiasts of all ages and anyone who wishes to participate and to experience the unique vibrant drumming style originating from this region. DATE Saturday, 25 July, 22 August and 26 September 2015 TIME 5.00pm – 6.00pm VENUE MHC Courtyard 1 For enquiries and further details, call 6391 0450 (Tue-Sun 10.00am – 6.00pm) or email Come and learn more about traditional Malay games at the Malay Heritage Centre! Learn skills you will need to play capteh, main lereng (wheel spinning), congkak (traditional Malay board game), batu seremban (five stones) and many more. This 45-minute session will also invite participants to use their creativity as they invent new and fun games with new found items. DATE Every Tuesday TIME 10.00am – 10.45am & 3.00pm – 3.45pm VENUE Malay Heritage Centre For enquiries and further details, call 6391 0450 (Tue-Sun 10.00am – 6.00pm) or email 17 | REGULAR PROGRAMMES LET’S PLAY!: TRADITIONAL MALAY GAMES REGULAR PROGRAMMES |18 GALLERIES ALIVE! Watch the Malay Heritage Centre’s permanent galleries come alive with live performances of traditional music or enjoy a wayang kulit performance as our dalang tells the stories of Sang Kancil and his adventures. DATE Traditional Malay Music : Every 3rd Wednesday of the month Wayang Kulit : Every 3rd Thursday of the month TIME 10.00am – 10.45am VENUE MHC Muzik Gallery Kindly check our website or Visitor Services for more information and updates. Kampong Gelam Tales: A Dramatised Tour Take a peek into the lives of several historical figures through this interactive tour at the Malay Heritage Centre. Join us for the Kampong Gelam Tales: A Dramatised Tour and be captivated by pieces of Singapore’s history. Visit for updates on the available dates. Calling all teachers and students! Do you have a project, programme or performance that will complement or showcase the heritage of the Malay Heritage Centre’s permanent galleries or promote Malay heritage and culture? If you do, submit your proposals to MHC’s Community Learning Fund for funding support of up to $2,000 per school. For queries and applications, please contact Mr Muhammad Qazim at Muhammad_Qazim_ 19 | REGULAR PROGRAMMES COMMUNITY LEARNING FUND REGULAR PROGRAMMES | 20 GUIDED TOUR Join our free guided tours of MHC’s permanent galleries and learn more about Kampong Gelam as well as its significance to the Malay community from our museum docents. DATE Tuesday – Friday: 11.00 am Saturday - Sunday : 2.00pm* VENUE MHC Permanent Galleries TERMS & CONDITIONS: • Registration and starting point for free guided tours are at the Visitor Services Counter • Tours are conducted in English. • Tour duration: 1 h 15 mins. • Limited to 20 pax/tour. • For groups of more than 20 pax, it is advisable to book your tours 3 weeks in advance. • For corporate or special needs tours, please email your request to *The availability of the guided tours is subject to the availability of our volunteer docents. ABOUT MALAY HERITAGE CENTRE Officially re-opened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in September 2012, the Malay Heritage Centre (MHC) showcases the history, culture and contributions of the Malay community within the context of Singapore’s history and multi-cultural society. destination of historical and cultural significance for both Singaporeans and international visitors. MHC is under the management of the National Heritage Board in partnership with The Malay Heritage Foundation. MHC’s permanent galleries focus on the history of Kampong Gelam and showcase an interesting collecting of artefacts from the National Collection and the Malay community. Through its exhibitions and programmes, the centre aspires to be a vibrant Organised by A Heritage Institution of Supported by In Celebration of VISITORS INFORMATION ADDRESS: 85 Sultan Gate, Singapore 198501 OPENING HOURS: Tuesday – Sunday, 10.00am – 6.00pm Closed on Monday Last admission at 5.30pm GETTING TO MHC: Nearest MRT Stations Bugis (East-West Line) Nicoll Highway (Circle Line) Bus Services 2,7,10,12,14,16,32,33,51,61,63,70,80,100, 107,130,133,145,175,196,197,961,980 CONTACT US AT: Parking Aliwal Street, Kandahar Street, Pahang Street, Textile Centre, Sultan Plaza Instagram: @malayheritage +65 6391 0450 All information is correct at the time of printing. Free entry for Singaporeans & PRs.
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APR-JUN - Malay Heritage Centre
to play capteh, main lereng (wheel
spinning), congkak (tr aditional
Malay board game), batu seremban
(five stones) and many more. This
45-minute session will also invite
participants to use their c...