Catalogue of Wiss: Shears, Scissors, Tinners` Snips, Pruning Shears
Catalogue of Wiss: Shears, Scissors, Tinners` Snips, Pruning Shears
CATALOG UE OF WISS SHEARS, SCISSORS, TINNERS' SNIPS, PRUNING SHEARS, E'TC. . ( Complete Index 011 Poges 47 a11d 48) J. JI7JSS & SONS CO., 33 LITTLETON AVE., NEH7 ARK, N. I. Guarantee This is to certify that every article bearing our Trade M ark is guaranteed by us to be perfect in material and workm anship. Wiss dealers are authorized to exch a nge a ny defective article. ]. WISS & SONS CO. F. C. ]. Wiss, Prtsident QUALITY WILL TELL In I 848 Jacob ~Tiss, a S\Yiss instrument maker, opened a modest shop on Bank Street, Newark, :..!. ] . lie began to forge out surgical instruments, a 11d a fe\Y pairs of shears-a trade he had learned thoroughly in Europe. He worked slowly and with infinite care, and presently people began to say 'Viss Shears were the best they had eYer used. There \Yas a good reason for this appreciation, for !Viss Shears \Yere so well made that some of the first pairs ever produced are still in exis tence, after more than 7 5 years of service. :::; cc 0 0 a· u m "c Cfl N ;;: ~ Slowl y the \Viss enterprise grew, and in 1887 a small part of the present factory was built. This was devoted exclusi vely to the manufacture of fine shears and scissors-and it was soon crowded to capacity. Toda y the factories of J. ~T iss & Sons Co. are the largest of their kind in the world-and the reason for their prodigious growth is a firm adherence to the old policy of Jacob Wiss to produce nothing but goods of the high est quality. ~ <n v; ~ ......, c "' .~ c i 2 0 ,__"' 250 STYLES AND SIZES For \Yhatever purpose you require a pair of shears or scissors there is a Wiss of the correct style and size. Dainty Embroidery Scissors Light Serviceable Sewing Scissors Strong Household Shears Dressmaking Shears Tinners' Snips, for metal Pruning Shears and Orange Clippers In 1848 a dog-power treadmill was used WHY Showing lVISS Sltear Blades iu mrious stages of de<•elopment . Showing how it is p~ssib!e to twist and beud th e haudles of lViss Shqars <t~'thout breaki11g lit em. + SELECT On Sh ears a nd Scissors a coat of shiny nickel plate may hide many defect s. Some are made of cast iron , w hich is b r ittl e and easily broken-other s are of soft cast steel-but all shear s, good an d ba d, are coH red with a coa t of nicke l, and it is difficult to di stingui sh bet,Yeen them , and to kn ow what is und ernea th . The simplest ''"ay to be certain you r shears are of satisfactory quality is to insi st on the brand of a reliable manu f actur er. \~T i ss Shears and Scissors are made by a manufacturer with a 75 -ye ar rep utation for goods of th e highest quality-and eve ry a rticl e branded with the W'iss trade mark is guaranteed to g iy e sa ti sfaction. TAILOR SHEARS, "N" PATTERN Heavy Pattern Japanned Handles Polished Blades Num be r SN 6N 7N 8N 9N ION llN Numbe r 5 \! L.H. 9:-J L.H. lON L.H. Length of Cut Full Length 13 in. 6Vs in. 13)6 in. 6Y.j !n. 14 Ill . 7 111. 14Y, in. 7Vs in. IS 111 . 7§i in. 150 in. 8 in. 16 Ill. 8?4 in. F or use with Lef t Hand Fitted with Steel Screw and Nut 2?4 lbs. 20 Ibs. 2Y.llbs. 3 Ibs. 30 lbs. 3Y.j lbs. 4 lbs. Length of Cut Wei ght Each 13 in. 15 in. IS )1 in. 6% in. 7% in .. 2 )i lbs· 3 )1 lbs· 3% lbs. in. "Steelforged" Weight Each Full Length 8 UPH OLSTERERS' OR CARPET SHEARS Polished Blades Japanned Handles Full Lengtlr Nu mber 10 ~~ 2 I.S. 3 I.S. 4 I.S. in. Weight Each 5 in. 1 lb. 1?4 lbs. 10 lbs. l Y.l lbs. 5)6 in. 6?4 in. 6;6 in. 11 ?4 in. IZ in. 12)6 in. 5I.S. Lengt h of Cut UPHOLSTERERS' OR CARPET SHEARS "Steelforged" With Raised Blade TAILOR SHEARS, "N" PATTERN Light Pattern . Japanned Handles Polished Blades Number 3 N 3Y, N 4 N 4Y,N Full Length Length of Cut Weight Eac h 12 in. 12)6 in. 12Y.l in. 13 in. 673 in. 6?4 in. 1Yz lbs. 1§i lbs. 1Y.llbs. t U lbs. 6Y, in. 6% in. 6 Fitted with Steel Screw and Nut Japanned Handles N umber 3 N.I.S. 3Y, N. I.S. Full Length Leng t h of Cut 12 in. I2Y, in. 6?4 in. 6 7 in. Weight Each I Y, lbs. I )!,i. lbs. BENT TRIMMERS BUTTONHOLE CUTTER Heavy Pattern Raised Blade With Japanned Handles and Nickeled Blades Bauer's Paten~ Interchangeable Parts Full Length Number Length of Cut ?OW 21 Weight per Doz. 10 in. 4Ys in. lOY, lbs. 11 in. S;Vs in. 12 lbs. Z2W 12in 6 in. 1634 lbs.. Fitted with steel screw and rout at small addi. tiona) cost. w Full Length Weight per Doz. 9%in. 140 lbs. ~ ~ WISS "FACILE" SCREW-BOLT TAILORS' POINTS Solid Steel Japanned Handles and Nickeled Blades Number Fu ll :--Jickel PlatcJ 174 175 l75Yz 176 Full Length Length of Cut 4 in. 5 in. 5Yz in. l%in. 2 in. 2%in. 2%in. 6 in. 8 Numoer Weight japann ed per Doz. Handles 13 oz. 1Y2 lbs. 1% lbs. 2 lbs. 74 75 7SYz 76 Shears fitted with the Wiss "Facile" Screw-Bolt can be easily adjusted to work w ith greater or less tension. A small wrench is furnished free for this purpose. The shears ca n be taken apart for cleanin g " ·i thout effort and reassembled in a few second s. The Screw-Bolts are particularly made for use with trimmers and the smaller tailors shears, when used for extra heavy work. The Wiss "Facile" Screw-Bolt will be fitted on all shears ten inches or over in length at a slight additional charge. (See price list.) 9 BENT TRIMMERS STRAIGHT TRIMMERS "Steel/orged" "Steelforged" The handles are so bent that cloth or other material can be cut lying flat on the t a ble. \Vhenever this is necessary or of advantage th e Bent Tnmmer will be found ideal. Used by professional cloth cutters, dress m akers and others. Bent Trimmers nine and a half inches or over .are m~de with two sharp points; smaller stzes wah orre sharp and o ne blunt pomt. "Steelforged" and finished in either full tllckel plate or with japanned handles and nick-· cled blades. They are smooth cutting und staYJ sloarp. Number Fu ll Nickel Full Plated Length 126 1260 127 1270 }28 1280 129 1290 120 Length of Cut Weight per Doz. 6 111 . 6)/o in. 7 111. 70 !n. 8 tn . 80 in. Number japanned Hand les 20 in. 2 lbs. 2%in. 20 Ibs. 3Yii in. 3 lbs. 3% in. 30 1bs. 3%in. 4)1.4 lbs. 4 111 . 4% lbs. 9 111 . 4;4 in. 6 lbs. 90 !n. 4)1.4 in. 80 lbs. 10 111. 5 in. 9 lbs. 11 in . 5%in. 90 1bs. 12 in . 6;4 in. 13 lbs. 13 in. 6% in. 17 lbs. For use with Left H and Japanned Handles only 26 26)/o 27 270 28 28 1, j 29 290 20 21 22 23 Generally known as the household or dreS$·· making shear. The most popular pattern made. A perfect cut ting shear of unusual excellence. Straight Trimmers, ten mches or over, are made w ith two sharp points; the smaller sizes have one sharp and one blunt point. "Steelforged" and handsomely finish ed in either full nickel plate, or with japanned handles and nickeled blades . The properly designed handles and perfect adjustment make it possible for one to use them for hours without tiring th e hand. Number Full Nickel T'ull Plated Length 135)/o 136 1360 137 1370 138 138 0 139 130 50 6 60 7 70 8 80 9 10 11 12 !n. m. ~n. Ill. in . in. i.n. Ill. 111. in. Ill. Number Jap an nell Handl eS Length of Cut \\'eight per Doz. 20 in. 2};1 !n. 3 111. 3 )4 in. 30 in. 3Ys in. 4 in. 4)4 in. 4Ys in. 50 in. 6Ys it1. 1% lbs. 2 lbs. 2)4 lbs. 2}:j lbs. 3 )4 lbs. 4)4 lbs. 4% lbs. 501bs. 80 lbs. 10;/olbs. 120 lbs. 35 ~::; 36 36 ;-i 37 37 ~ -i 38 38 j-j 39 :lO 31 .32 Made for use with Left Hand Nu mber Full Le ngth 20 L.H. 21 L.H. Length of Cut Weight per Doz. 10 in. 11 in. 4%:n. 50 in. 9 lbs. 90 1bs. Number Full Nickel Plated Full Length 1370 L.H. 70 in. Length of Cut Weight per Doz. 30 in. 3}i lbs. IO II Numbet japlnnec Handles 370 L.H. STRAIGHT TRIMMERS No. 999 Solid Steel-Oval Pattern Simplified Design Full Nickel Plated Finish Only A specia l pattern which sells at a lower price than sta nd ard Wiss Shears. Made of so lid steel with full nickel finish and excellent cutting qualities. The low price is the resu lt of si mplified and improved design. W 'eight Length N umber Fu ll Length per D oz. of Cu t 2% lbs. 999 7%-in. 3~~-in. RUBBER SHEARS "Steelforged" Full Nickel Plated Finish or with Japanned Handles and Nickeled Blades With Steel Screw and Nut Extra heavy and especially hard tempered to withstand the strain of rubber cutting. Can be used for an indefini te time without tiring the hand. N umber Full Nickel Plated 139lh Full Length Length of Cut Weigh t per Doz. 9%-in. 4lh-in. Sibs. 12 Numbe r japanned Handles 39lh TIRE TRIMMERS "Steelforged" Double Ring Handles Jap anned Handles Curved Blades Polished Blades Number Full Length Len gth of Cut Weight per Doz. 02 9 in. 4in. 61bs. HORSE CLIPPERS OR FETLOCK SHEARS "Steelforged" Trimmer Handles Curved Blades Japanned Handles Polished Blades Numbe r F ull Le ngth Lengt h of Cut Weight pe r Doz. 01 9 in. 4in. 6lbs. 13 CANDY SHEARS Extra Heavy \Vide Handles and Full Length rollz-in. CANDY SHEARS Straight Pattern Japanned H andles with Special Bolt and Nut Finished with Nickel Blades Japanned Hand les Length of Cut Weight per Doz. s -in. 12 lbs. Nickeled Blades Fitted with Screw a nd Nut Full Length Le ngth of Cut 11 in 5;4 in. Weight per Doz. ! J ibs. With One Serrated Edge and One Knife Edge Japanned Handles Polished Blades F ull Length Length of Cut Weight per Doz. 8-in. z%-in. 6%, lbs. 9-in. 3-in. 10 lbs. 11 - in . s%-in. 12 lbs. HEAVY DUTY SHEARS Same as 8-inch Belt wi thout Serrated Edge CANDY SHEARS Heavy Pattern Japanned H andles Fuli Be nt H andles Ni ckeled Blades Weight Lengt h Leng t h of Cut per Doz. 120 in. 6% in. 17;4 lbs. ELECTRICIANS' SCISSORS Solid Steel Number Average Numbe r Full Nickel Full Length Weight Japanned Plated I7SE Len gth S-in. of Cu t I Ys-in, IS per Doz. H andles 2 lbs. 7SE STATIONERS' OR BANKERS' SHEARS Full Nickel Plated Finish or with Japanned Handles GLASS SHEARS "Steelforged" Japanned H andl es Number Fu ll Nickel F ull Plated Length Nickeled Blades Blunt Points Full Len gt h Length of Cut Weigh t per Doz 10 in. 11 in. 4Ys in. 9Yz lbs. 13 SYs in. lbs. 189 180 182 184 9 in. 10 in. 12 in. 14in. Length of Cut Weight per Doz. 4Ys in. SYz in. 7Ys in. 9 in. 3% Jbs. 4Y, lbs. 7 ~ lbs. 10 lbs. Number Japanned Han dles 89 80 82 84 PAPER HANGERS' SHEARS With Japanned Handles Full Length 82 Heavy .. ... ..... ...... 12-in. 84 .... .......................... 14-in . No. L e n gth Cut 7Ys·in. 9-in of w ·eig h t per D oz . 9 lbs. 10 lbs. GLASS SHEARS Full Nickel Plated or with Japanned Handles and Nickeled Blades " Stee lforged" Japanned Handl es ~u m b er Sharp Points Nickeled Blades Full Length Leng th of Cut 11 in. 12 in. 5Ys in. 6Ys in. r6 Weight per Doz. 9 13~ 1bs. lbs. Full Full Nickel Length Plated 198 199 190L 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. Length of Cut Wei ght per Doz. 5 in. 5}4 in. 6}iin. 2~ 17 lbs. lbs. 3 ~ lbs. ~% Number Japanned Handles 98 99 90L WISS BARBERS' SHEARS The success of the barber using Wiss Barbers' Shears is only limited by his own skill. From the time they are forged of finest crucible steel until their final inspection, none but expert hands touch them. Wiss Barbers' Shears are ground to the sharpest possible edge; are scientifically tempered to insure long life and so cleverly adjusted that they cut just as well at the extreme points as at the base of the blad es. In finish and design they reflect their fine quality. No barbers' shears can be better. BARBERS' SHEARS Solid Steel French Pattern Nickel Plated Handles Number 4460 447 4470 448 Full Length 60 in. 7 in. 70 in. 8 in. Polished Blades Length of Cut 2% in. 2J4 in. 3)4 in. 3%in.. Weight per Doz. 10 lbs. 1J4 lbs. 2 lbs. 2~1bs. BARBERS' SHEARS Solid Razor Steel One French, One Yankee Pattern Blade Made of Razor Steel BARBERS' SHEARS Actual Tests Gave 1,000 Hair Cuts Without Regrinding Number 1000 Length of Cut Full Length 3 7)4 in. in. Solid Steel Weight per Doz. 2 French Pattern lbs. Full Gun Metal Finish WISS "SUPREME" BARBERS' SHEARS Solid Razor Steel No. 1001 Fancy Handles Length of \Veight Full Length Cut per Doz. 7% 3 in. 214 lbs. 18 Nu mber Full Length 34460 3447 34470 3448 60 7 70 8 in. m. in. in. Length of Cut 2% in. Weight per Doz. 10 lbs. 2~in . 1~ 3)4 in. 3Ys in. 2 lbs. lbs. 2)4 lbs. BARBERS' SHEARS BARBERS' SHEARS Solid Steel Solid Steel French Pattern Le ngth ol Cut :-lumber Full Length 2446)1, 2447 2447% 2448 6)1, ~n. 7 m. 7)1, in. 8 in. Nickel Plated Handles 2}"8 in. 2*in. 3)1,\ in. 3}"8 in. Weight per Doz. 1 Y, 1* 2 2)1,\ lbs. lb s. lbs. lbs Numbe r 346)1, 347 347)1, 348 Solid Steel Full Lergth Length of Cut 6)1, !n. 7 111 . 7)1, !n. 8 Weight per Doz. 2Ys in. 2* in . 3Ys in. 3)1, in m. 1)1, lb s. 1* lbs. 2 lbs. 2)1,\ lbs. BARBERS' SHEARS French Pattern Silver Handles Polished Blades Polished Blades Gun Metal Handles "Stu/forged" Gun Metal Blades American Pattern Serrated Edge Number Full Length 7446 )1, 7447 7447)1, 7448 6)1, in. 7 in. 7)1, in. 8 in. Length of Cut 2}"8 in. in. 3)1,\ in. 3}"8 in. 3 20 Weight per Doz. I)!,( lbs . 1Y, lbs. 1* lbs. 2 lbs. Number Full Nickel Plated 147 1477-f 148 148 7-f Full Length 7 in. 7 );2 in. 8 in. S~in. Length of Lut Weight per Doz . 3Ys in. 3% in. 3% in. 3Ys in. 1);2 2 2)4 2 );2 2T lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Number japanned Handle s 47 47 X 48 48 _1,~ BARBERS' SHEARS LADIES' SCISSORS With Trimmer Handles Solid Steel Full Nickel Plated Extra Fine Finish on Cutting Edges Extremely Light Pattem The Finest Ladies' Scissors Made Solid Steel Jointless Pattern, Full Nickel Plated Smooth Handles This pattern is made to meet the demand for fine quality barbers' shears at an extremely moderate price. In cutting quality, this pattern equals any solid steel barbers' shears made, with the exception of our own No. 1000 and 1001, which are made of special razor steel. Number The simplified construction of this number permits economical production, which is reflected both in the low price and in th e fine quality of the crucible steel blades. Number 407¥2 Full Lgth. Lgth. of Cut 7lf2-in. 3-in. 22 . 336 336)1:l 337 3370 338 Full Length 6 in. 6)1:l in. Length ~ r Cut Weight per Do z. 2~in. 1 )l:l lbs . l .y,( lbs. 2 lbs. 2~ lbs. 2;/;, lbs. 111. 3 m. 3-Vs in. 7)1:l in. 8 in. 3Ys in, 7 3 ~ in . Weight per Doz. I% lbs. 23 LADIES' SCISSORS Solid Steel Light Pattern Full Nickel Plated Extra Fine Finish Full Number 8130 814 8140 815 8150 816 8160 817 Length 3;/,in. 4 in. 4;/,in. 5 in. SY, in. 6 in. 60 in. 7 in. Length of Cut 1}'8 in. 1;!4 in. 2 in. Weight per Doz. Y,lb. ;J-4 lb. ~ lb. 2~in. 1 2;/,in. 2;!4 in. 3 in. 3y,; in. 1Y, lbs. 1;!4 lbs. 2 lbs. lb. 1:4 lbs. EMBROIDERY SCISSORS Solid Steel Extra Fine Finish FuJi Nickel Plated Full Number 773Yz 774 7740 7750 7760 Leng:h 3Yz in. 4 in. 40 in. 5;1, in. 6;/,in. Length of Cut 1~ in. 10 in. 1}:\ in. 2;/,in. 3 in. LADIES' SCISSORS Solid Steel Oval Pattern Sharp Points Full Nickel Finish '0 lb. ;}41b. ;J-4 lb. 1 lb. 1;4 lbs. Full Number Length of Cut 1~ in. Length 76l~ 3Yz in. 764 764% 765 765% 766 4 in. 40 in. 5 in. 50 in. 6 in. 1% in. 1}:\ in. 2 in. 2~ in. 2y,; in. Weight per Doz. }:\ lb. 1 lb. 1~ ibs. 1;1, lbs. 1}:\ lbs. 2 !bs. LADIES' SCISSORS Solid Steel Ring Handles Flat Pattern Number Full Number Nickel Full Plated Length 1540 4Y,in. 5 in. 50 in. 6 in. 60 in. 7 in. 155 1550 156 1560 157 Length of Cut 2 in. in. 2Yz in. 2}:\ in. 3 in. 3;4 in. 2~ 25 Weight per Doz. Japanned Handles 1 540 1~ 55 550 lh. lbs. 10 lbs. 1}:\ lbs. 2 lbs. zy,; lbs. 56 560 57 POCKET SCISSORS Solid Steel Swedged Pattern Full Nickel Plated Extra Fine Finish on Cutting Edges BUTTONHOLESClliSORS Solid Steel Full Nickel Plated Light Pattern Full Number Length Weight per Doz. 44 4~in. lib. BUTTONHOLE SCISSORS Full Number Solid Sue/ With Set Screw and Lock Nut Full Nickel Plated Finish or with Japanned Handles and Nickeled Blades Number Full Nickel Plated 14 Number Full Length Weight per Doz. japanned_ Handles 4t4 in. 1)4 lbs, 4 26 364 3640 365 3650 366 Length 4 40 5 50 6 m. in. in. in. in. Length of Cut Weight per Doz. 10 in. 1 ly,j in. 2 in. 2)4 in. 2)4 in. 10 lbs. 2 lbs. 20 lbs. 1~ lb. lbs. LADIES' SCISSORS With Trimmer Handles Solid Steel J ointless Pattern Smooth Handles - Full Nickel Extremely Li ght and Dainty POCKET SCISSORS Solid Steel Finished in Full Nickel Plate or with Japanned Handles and Nickeled Blades Numbe r Full 1\:ickel Plated 164 164;/z 165 Full Length Len gth of Cut Weight per Doz. 4 in. 4)/z in. 5 in. 1y,( in 2 in. 27<1 in. 17<1 lbs. IYz lbs. 1 lb. N umb er j apa nned !I a n dies 64 Number 306 306Yz 307 Length Full L e ngth in. in. in. 6 6Yz 7 of Cut in. in. 3% in. 2112 2Ys Weight p e r Doz. 1% Jb s. 1Ys lbs. 2% lbs. 64)/z 65 LADIES' SCISSORS Solid Steel POCKET SCISSORS Solid Steel J ointless Pattern Full Nickel Plated Light Pattern Full Nickel Plated Extra Fine Finish Number Full Length Length of Cut Weight. per Doz 463 463 % 464 3 in. 3%in. 4 in. 1 in. Jl.-;( in. 17f in. % lb. % lb. % lb. 28 Full Number Length 104 105 4 in. 106 5 in. 6in, Length of Cut l y,( in . 2)/z in. 3 in. Weight per Doz. y,; lb. 1 lb. 17<1 lbs. SCHOOL SCISSORS EMBROIDERY SCISSORS Joint less Pattern Solid Steel Full Nickel Plated Double Sharp Points Nickeled Blades J apanned H andles Jointless Pattern Fu ll W eigh t Number Lengt h Lengt h of Cut per Doz, 703Yz JYz in, 178 in. Yz lb. Full Number Length SSA 5 in. MILL SCISSORS Full Length 7004 4in. 1~ lbs. O val Pattern Double Sharp Points Length of Cut lYz in. Nickeled Blades Japanned H andles Jointless Pattern Numbe r 2Y, in. W eight per Doz. SCHOOL SCISSORS Solid Steel F ull Nickel Plated Le ngth of Cut Weight per Doz. ~lb. Full Number 64A Length of Cut L ength 10 in. 4 in. 31 W eigh t per Doz. lib. PROFESSIONA L CUTICLE SCISSORS Solid Steel For Professio nal Ma nicur e Use Onl y C urved Blades-Needl e -Fine "Propoints" Light H exagon Shank s MANICURE OR CUTICLE SCISSORS Full y Nickel Plated -Extr a Fi n e Finish Solid Steel F ull Nickel Plated Curved Blades Extra Fine Finish Weight per Doz. Full Numoer Length 573 3 573 ~ 574;4 in. }B lb. 3 ~ in. y, lb. 4;4 in. ~lb. Special cuticle sc1ssors with very fine needle points. Designed for professional use in manicure shops fo r extremely light and dainty work only. Wi thout question, the finest and lightest cuticle scissors made. MANICURE OR CUTICLE SCISSORS Nu mber 583!fl S olid St eel Full Length 3ifl-in. \'V eight per D oz. 4 oz. Full Nickel Plated Jointless Pattern Curved Blades Full Number Length 503 3 in. }B lb. 5 03 ~ 3~i n. ~lb . 32 WITH STRA}GHT BLAD ES Weight per Doz Needle Fine " Propoints" N umber 533t,6 Full Length 3ifl-in. 33 \'V eight pe r D oz. 4 oz. NAIL SCISSORS Solid Steel Curved Blades PEDICURE SCISSORS Full Nickel Plated Full Length Numbe r 663 663)/, 664 3 in. 4 in. 3Y. in. Weight per Doz. )/, lb. §i lb. % lb. Solid Steel Curved Blades Full Nickel Plated Full Nu mber 623)/, Lengt h Weight per Doz. 3Y. in. ~ lb. NAIL SCISSORS Solid Steel Straight Blades Number 633 633 )/, 634 PEDICURE SCISSORS Full N ickel Plated Full Len gt h 3 m. 3)/, in. 4 in. 3+ Weight pe r Doz. y, lb. Vs lb. ~ lb. Solid Steel Straight Blades N umbe r 603 )/, Full Nickel Plated Full Length Weig ht per Doz. 3Y. in. ~ lb. 35 WISS TINNERS' SNIPS "Steelforged" Regular Pattern Number 13 BEST BY ACTUAL TEST Leng t h of 7 12 Wiss Tinners' Snips may be tested to cut 2od wire na il s without marring the edges, and then cut clean the lightest of ti ssue paper. This test shows the fine adjustment of the W -iss Snip, its strength and toughness, and its wonderful, keen edge. Wi ss Sn ips are super ior in quality and construct ion in shape, in cutting edge, in st rength, in tests, 'and in fin ish. I n th e industries, where they ha ve proved their superiority by .actual demonstration, \ 'Vis s Tinners' Snips will be foun d in greate r number than a ny oth er br and. F ull Lengt h 11 10 9 8 7 60 m. 8 in. 90 in. 11 0 in. 120 in. 13 ~ in. 140 in. 15~ in. 2 2 Cut Weigh t Each YJ lb. 0 lb. m. in. 2~in. ~lb. 20 in. 3 in. 10 lbs. 2 30 in. 4 in. lbs. 20 lbs. 3J:i lbs. 301bs. 40in. REASONABLE WORKING STANDARD FOR SELECTING WISS TINNERS' SNIPS Gauge Galvaniz ed Iron r8 '9 20 21 22 Regular Combination Circular Pa ttern Pattern Bla de Nun1ber 6%-7 8 9 IO IO 2+ I I 25 12 N un1ber 17 17 r8 19 r oo roo roo Nun1be t· CIRCULAR BLADE PATTERN 61;2 7 "Steelforged" 8 9 IO IO II 26 13 The cutting powe r of a Wiss Snip is only limited by the strength of the in~ividual usm_g it. Therefore the above schedule IS not a maximum te st of the powe r of Vli ss Tinne rs' Snips. Numbe r 12 11 C.B. C.B. C.B. C.B. C.B. 10 9 8 7 C.B. 60 C.B. Full Length Length of 8 m. 9Yz in. 11 ~-j in. 2 0 lb. 2~in . 20 in. 3 in. 3Yz in. 4 in. 40 in. 12)0 in. 13-}4 in. 14)0 in. 15~ Cut Weight Each in. in. 37 ~ lb . 1Y, lbs. 2 1bs. 2~ 3 3~ lbs. lbs. lbs. WISS TINNERS' SNIPS "Steelforged" Combination Pattern AUTO SNIPS Will cut curved as well as straight work Number 100 19 18 17 Full Length 11 0 120 13)/, 14)/, in. in. in. in. Length of Cut We ight Each 20 in . 3 in . 3)/, in. 4 in. 10 Ibs. 1};\ lbs. 20 lbs. 2};\ lbs. A Medium Priced Snip for Auto and Household Use Numbe r A 13 Weight Each Len gth of Cu t rull Length 7 in. y, lb. 2 in. REVERSE BLADE PATTERN "Steelforged .. Number 9R Full Leng th Length of C ut Weight Each Reverse Blade 12)/, in. 3 in. For Household Use Number A9 Combination Pattern 19R HOUSEHOLD SNIPS 2lbs. 3 in. 12)/, in. Handles fit either right or left hand. AlO 1% lbs. Full Length 121;2-in. 11 1;2-in. Cut 3-in. 21;2-in. 39 vVeight Each 1% lbs. l~ lbs. DENTISTS' and FLORISTS' SNIPS "Steelfo rged" Fitted w ith Screw and Nut Japanned H andles N ickeled Blades Full Length Length of Cut 0 7~ 2 1 8 Number in. in. in. 2 ~ in . Weight per Doz. 4 4~ Jbs. lbs. Made to order for use with left hand at a dd iti onal cost. DENTISTS' and FLORISTS' SNIPS "Steelforged" Japanned Handles :-<umber I.D.A. DENTISTS' a nd FLORISTS' SNIPS Full Le ngth Le ngth of Cut 7in. 1% in. ''Stu/fortld'' Japanned H andle s Nickeled Blades C urved Blade P attern- for circular cuttin;! Made with right curved blades Numbe r 0 C. B. 1 C. B. Length of Cut F ull Length 7~ 8 in. in. 40 Weight per Doz. 2 in. 4 lbs. 2 ~ in . 4~ lbs Nickeled Blades 4I Weig ht per Doz. 4Y, lbs. WISS Nos. 109-V AND 110-V PRUNING SHEARS Forged Ste el Volute Steel Sprin g A nti-Rust Gun-Metal Finish All P arts Are R eplaceable Number 109-V llO-V Full Length 9 in. 10 in. W e ii(ht per D oz. Forged Steel Brass Lea f Springs. Full Polished Finish All P a rts Are Replaceable 109-B 1JO-B Full .Length 9 in . 10 in. Forged Steel Vo lut e Steel Sprin g Anti-Rust Gun-Metal Finish All Parts Are Repl aceab le Nu mber Full Length 309-V 9 in. 13 lbs. 1514 lbs. WISS Nos. 109-B AND 110-B PRUNING SHEARS Number WISS No. 309-V PRUNING SHEARS \\'e ight per Doz. 12 lbs. WISS No. 309-B PRUNING SHEARS Forged Steel Brass Leaf Springs. Full Polished Finish All Par t s Are Replaceable Full Number Len~t h 309-B <J m. \\' e i ~ht per D oz . 13 lbs. lS Y-\ lbs. 43 W e ig ht per D oz. 'O Ys Ius . WISS No. 209-V LIGHT PRUNER With Volute Steel Spring Full Length Number 209-V PRACTICAL ORANGE CLIPPER Wei g ht per Doz. ~ 9 in . lbs. Nu mbe r Full Length Weight per Doz. Cl 7in. 3 ins. WISS FLOWER AND THINNING SHEARS Slightly Curved Blades A high grade drop forged tool, designed for picking small fruits, thinning out blossoms, and for removing inferior grapes from large clusters. Also used for cutting flowers in garden and greenhouse. Useful in th e kitchen for dressing vege tables. Number C4 Full Length Weight per Doz. 7Y, in. 3*B lbs. ~ .1 IMPROVED PRACTICAL ORANGE CLIPPER Number Full Length Weight per Doz. C2 70 in. 4lbs. 45 INDEX PAGE KYLE PATTERN ORAN GE CLIPPER Full Weigh t ~umber Length per Doz . C3 6in. 37:{ lb s. WISS "SAFETY" ORANGE CLIPPER Nips off the ste m closer than is possible with any other cl ipper. The large strong, spr ing is compressed very nearlv in a straight line. Has large concentric ring bearing. Blades are easily taken apart for sha rpening. Bowl and cu tters a re heav ily nickel plate d. Handles d ull nickel fi nish. Number C·5 Full Len gth 6·in. +6 \ Veight per Doz. 31/z lbs. Auto Snips ........ .... ............. .............. ... ....... .........39 Bankers' Shears ................................ ................ 17 Barbers' Shears .................................... ........ 18 to 22 Belt Shears... ........... ...... ...... .. ..... .... ........... ....... .. . IS Bent Trimmer s .... ........................ .. ...... .............. 9 Bent Trimmer s, Ra ised Blade.. ...... ..... ........... 8 Bent Trimmers ........ ...... .. ........ ...... .. ....... . ........ . 8, 10 Buttonhole Cutters .. ....................... .......... .... .. . 9 Buttonhole Scissors ........ ...... ... .. ... ............... ... .. 26 Candy Shears ............ .. .................. ............. .. .... .14, 15 Carpet Shears .. .... ...... .. ................ ...... ...... .......... 7 Circular Blade Ti nn ers' Snips ........................ 37 Cloth Cutting Shears........ ....... ........ ........ ......... 8, 10 Co mbina tion Ti nn ers' Snips .............. ....... ....... 38 Cuticle Scissors .. .......... .. ..................... .............32, 33 Den tal Snips .. .... .. .... .......................................... 40, 41 Desk Scissors .............. ............... ............ ...... .... .17 Editors' Scissors .. ...... ...... ................. .. .. ........ ..... 17 Electricians' Scissors ................................... .... .15 Embroidery Scissors .......................... ...... .... 24 . 30 Facile Screw Bolt ......................................... ..... 9 Fetlock Shears ...................................... ............ 13 Florists' Snips ....... .......................................... .40, 41 F lower Shears .. .............................. .................... 44 Glass Shears .. .................................................... 16 Heavy Duty Shears............................................ 15 Horse Clippers .................................................. 13 Household Shears ............................................ 11, 12 Household Snips ...................................... ........ 39 Ladies' Scissors .................................. 23, 24, 25, 29 Leather Shears ........................... .... .......... .. ....... 15 Left Hand Bent Trimmer s............ ..... ... .......... 10 Left Hand Straight Trimmers .......... ... .... ... .... ll +7 PAGE Left Hand Tailors' Shears ...... ..... .......... ........... 6 Manicure Scissors ............... ............................. 32, Mill Scissors ..... ... .... ...... ... ....... .................. ........ 30 Nail Scissors .................... .......... ...... ...... .... .. ...... 34 Orange Clippers ......................... ......... ... ...........45, Paper Ha ngers' Shears................... ....... ... .... ..... 17 Peoicure Scissors .......................... .. ..................35 Pocket Scissors ............ ..................................... .27, Pruni ng Shears .......................... ............... .42, 43, Reverse Blade Tinners' Snips....... ................. 38 Rubber ::,hears .......................... ........ ................ 12 School Scissor s ..................................................31 Scissors (G eneral) .......................... .. .......... 23 to Stationers' Shears ....................... ... .................. 17 Straight Trimmers ............................................ 11, Tailors' Points ..................... ................... .......... 8 Tai lors' Shears ............. .......... ........................... 6 Thin ning Shears .. ....... ...................... ...... .........44 T.inn ers' Snips ........... .............. ............ ... .......... 37, Tire Trimmers ..................................... ............. 13 Trimmers', Bent and Straight .............. ...... 8, 10, Upholsterers' Shears ..... ............ ..... ~ ............... 7 33 .J6 28 H ELECTROS We can furnish electros of all cuts ap· pearing in this catalog-either with or without accompanying descriptive matter.(Thmare wood Cf!IS suitable ror printinE on practically all Erodes of paptr. ) 50 12 38 We can also supply half tone electros, for printing on fine quality paper, and line cuts for printing on newspaperillustrating: straight trimmers, bent trimmers, ladies scissors, and other widely used patterns. ll When ordering, state number of the shear or scissor you wish to illustrate, and also what size and stvle of electro• type you want- for instance: 3 inch Half Tone Electro, No. 136 Straight Trimmer. P-rinted in U. S. A . bv R. B. Gaudineer New York City
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