strategic intent 2015 - Sunnybank Rugby Queensland
strategic intent 2015 - Sunnybank Rugby Queensland
STRATEGIC INTENT 2015 a place f e for everyone ‘A Place for Everyone’ is the motto on which Sunnybank Rugby Club was founded in 1969 and one that is still adhered to today. Sunnybank Rugby is one of Australia’s largest and most successful Rugby Clubs. Being the only Premier Rugby Club in Australia that started as a Junior Club and grew to provide a complete Rugby pathway, Sunnybank Rugby is a truly unique club in Australian Rugby. Since inception the club has always aspired to develop facilities, services and opportunities for its members of the highest quality. This active SXUVXLWKDVGHOLYHUHGFRQVLGHUDEOHEHQHÀWVIRURXU members, our community and Australian Rugby. In developing our Strategic Intent for the next three years, Sunnybank Rugby late in 2012 commenced an undertaking of consultation and planning with various stakeholders to guide the direction of the club’s future. Our 2015 Strategic Intent is reinforced by three core planning areas: 3DUWLFLSDWLRQ0HPEHUVKLS 3HUIRUPDQFH$FKLHYHPHQW &RPPXQLW\&RQWULEXWLRQ These three planning areas inform and establish the direction across all operations of the Club, lden encompassing the Junior, Senior and Golden shing Oldies Clubs. To ensure we are accomplishing ues and goals, proactively tackling emerging issues taking advantage of new opportunities we will taking frequently monitor our plans and undertaking annual reviews. ions Sunnybank Rugby will achieve its aspirations ches, where, players, parents, managers, coaches, rk staff, supporters and the community work ies and together, and where the club’s capabilities bling all resources support those aims, thus enabling members of Sunnybank Rugby, present and past, to be extremely proud of what their effortss have egic produced. The development of this Strategic n our Intent will both acknowledge and build on history and create a vision for the future of Sunnybank Rugby. Liam Gill nd Sunnybank Dragon, Queensland Red and Australian Wallaby PARTICI PATIO N Member Support Charitable Endeavours Governance Institutional Collaboration Quality Programmes A Strong Club Culture Culture of Continuous Improvement Research & Development CE & N A M PERFOR ME NT UNITY & CONTRIBUTION COMM IP SH Growing Participation & Membership &M EM BE R IE V ACH E enjoyment, teamwork, determination, respect, excellence. love of the game. the tradition begins “Sunnybank…. Are (sic) a product of the frustrations of Brisbane Solicitor John Biggs. When in 1968, one of Biggs’ soccer-playing sons became a perennial on the local soccer team’s reserve bench, Biggs did something about it. He had been observing with dismay that his boy, who looked forward so eagerly to the Saturday PDWFKUDUHO\PDGHLWRQWRWKHÀHOG+HIUHWWHGRQ the bench. The crunch came when, with the family on holidays on the Gold Coast, Biggs drove the lad to Brisbane, hopefully for a game. Again young Biggs was relegated to the bench. This time his father exploded. Recalled Biggs senior…..” I was totally fed up with the club’s attitude. So desperate were they to win they put their best XI out every week and didn’t give a damn for the rest who consistently turned up for training. And these kids were only about seven or eight.” “I stormed out of the ground declaring I would start a rugby union club in which every kid would regularly get a game. I think those soccer people thought I was a bit of a ratbag.” Frank O’Callaghan Newspaper article 19/9/93 john biggs participation & membership GROWING PARTICIPATION & MEMBERSHIP MEMBER SUPPORT GOVERNANCE STRATEGY STRATEGY STRATEGY Ensure Participation structures are inclusive and focus on enjoyment Provide all volunteers with a quality induction program Support each volunteer with a designated committee member as 1st point of contact Promote the club, its programs and facilities within the community 6XSSRUWDQG)DFLOLWDWHWUDLQLQJDQGFHUWLÀFDWLRQ opportunities for all volunteers Respond to all volunteers and members in a timely, factual and supportive manner Promote and support a coordinated network of Satellite Junior Rugby Clubs Promote and support an endorsed member protection policy Communicate regularly with volunteers and members using a broad range of mediums sunnybank ladies support group Sunnybank Rugby is proud to have the support of the Sunnybank Ladies Support Group, which was born out of the Ballymore Ladies Support Group. Without the tireless work of the Group chaired by Debbie Dunne, Sunnybank Rugby wouldn’t be in a position it is today to provide the medical services for our home games. For over 10 years the Sunnybank Ladies Support Group has worked to establish best practice for the treatment of injured players at Sunnybank. 7KHSURYLVLRQRID0HGLFDOFDUWDQGGHÀEULOODWRU are just two of the more noticeable additions the Sunnybank Ladies Support Group has delivered to the club. The Sunnybank Ladies Support Group continue their ethos of providing comfort, support and friendship to the injured players and their families and the participation of these volunteers is high regarded by the Sunnybank Rugby Community. “Sunnybank Ladies Support Group are proud to promote the motto of Safety in Rugby.” Debbie Dunne, Sunnybank Ladies Support Group Performance & achievement QUALITY PROGRAMS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY STRATEGY 0DQDJHDV\VWHPRIJUDGLQJIRUSOD\HUVIURPWKHDJH of 13 Provide a competitive 7s program as a pathway to Olympic selection for males and females Promote a staged curriculum of rugby skills and provide a range of associated mediums to teach and communicate them Provide a pathway for the recruitment and GHYHORSPHQWRIPDWFKRIÀFLDOV CULTURE OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY Establish and encourage relationships with external agencies with which we do not directly or immediately compete Create a culture of performance through encouraging the adoption of deliberate “action planning” behaviours Publish at regular intervals an internal technical EULHÀQJEDVHGRQDFFXPXODWHGUHVHDUFK Recognise and reward innovation and achievement Create a respect for goals outcome based performance the Olympics and sunnybank rugby With the announcement on the 9th October 2009 by the International Olympic Committee of the inclusion of Rugby 7s in the 2016 Rio Olympics reinforced Sunnybank’s commitment to the abbreviated form of the game. Sunnybank is the only Premier club in Australia with a comprehensive Rugby 7s program with the aim RIKDYLQJ6XQQ\EDQN0HQDQG:RPHQDVSDUW of the inaugural Olympic teams in 2016. Our programs have been recognised and supported by the Australian Rugby Union. This program has already seen the progress of a number of players through to the Australian teams, while the intensity and quality of the Rugby 7s program prepares players for the step up to professional Rugby. “The grounding that the Sunnybank 7s program provided, gave me an invaluable start to the development of my 7s game.” Matt Lucas Sunnybank and Australian 7s first class facilities 6XQQ\EDQN5XJE\VWULYHVWRGHYHORSÀUVWFODVV facilities for its members and the community that will keep it at the forefront of Australian Rugby. In 2011, Sunnybank Rugby completed the development of further Rugby infrastructure WKDWLVH[HPSOLÀHGE\WKHXQSDUDOOHOHG5XJE\ gymnasium. The inclusion of a 28 metre, six lane tartan running track, adjacent to the gymnasium has allowed Sunnybank Rugby to advance our off season development programs. Our programs provide a structured strength, conditioning, speed and skill curriculum to ensure our players maintain the highest standards. With the 400m² of covered internal and external space, Sunnybank Rugby is the envy of amateur and professional clubs alike. The development RIWKLVIDFLOLW\H[HPSOLÀHVRXUFRPPLWPHQWWR be unsurpassed by any club in Australia. The layout and equipment are purpose designed to support Rugby players achieving their full potential. It is the only exclusive club rugby facility of its type in Australia. Sunnybank Rugby is committed to deliver ÀUVWFODVVIDFLOLWLHVWRSURYLGHRSSRUWXQLWLHVWR challenge and empower our members to achieve their goals not only in Rugby but also their general day to day life. The combination of these ÀUVWFODVVIDFLOLWLHVDQGWKH5XJE\3URJUDPVUXQ by Sunnybank Rugby will see our club further enhance our reputation as a leading Australian Rugby Club. community & contribution A STRONG CLUB CULTURE STRATEGY CHARITABLE ENDEAVOURS INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION STRATEGY Sustain strong relationships with members and stakeholders through communication and policies that support club values 'HYHORSDQGPDLQWDLQPXWXDOO\EHQHÀFLDO relationships with Rugby bodies at all levels of the games, both domestically and internationally &OXEÀUVWVWDQFH Foster a culture of inclusion and support Seek to develop mutual partnerships with schools and schools Rugby organisations where there is a likelihood of player pathway collaboration STRATEGY Establish a charitable program that supports a FXOWXUHRIJLYLQJLQFOXGLQJERWKÀQDQFLDODQG human contributions, that develops humility within the membership Be vigilant to ensure that we act in a way that shows empathy for all members of our community, both general and Rugby MND and ME FOUNDATION In 2010, Sunnybank Old Boy Scott Sullivan was WROGKHKDG0RWRU1HXURQH'LVHDVH01'DQG his life expectancy was just 3-5 years. In spite of WKLVWUDJLFQHZVKLVÀUVWWKRXJKWVZHUHQRWRQO\ for his beautiful wife Sarah and his two children – Abbey and Charlie – but for other people living ZLWK01'6RKHKHOSHGVWDUW7KH01'DQG 0H)RXQGDWLRQZKLFKZDVODXQFKHGRIÀFLDOO\DW a massive fundraising event attended by 665 SHRSOHDW6XQFRUS6WDGLXPLQ0DUFK The registered charity now raises much needed PRQH\DQGDZDUHQHVVIRU01'6FRWW·VFRXUDJH and drive to help others despite his illness is an inspiration to us all at Sunnybank Rugby. “Sunnybank is like a big family and my life has been influenced from the culture, the values, the leadership and the mate-ship the club provides. More recently I have been humbled by the support from the club, when my family and I needed it the most.” Scott Sullivan Sunnybank Dragon and MND & Me Founder a place for everyone In 1969 we were established with a motto of providing “a game for everyone”, the club now provides active Rugby participation for over 1,000 members. Sunnybank Rugby is proud of this motto and realises the importance of the rugby club and the role we play in the development of the community and their people. The culture of Australia and their relationship with sport contributes greatly to bringing the community together to share common goals of a healthy, competitive spirit together with a strong sense for fair play. Successful sporting clubs are bound together through an understanding and sharing of a strong culture within the club where all the club members have ownership of culture. Sport also provides opportunities in the development of leadership which can mean different things to different people. Sunnybank Rugby encourages our members to be leaders in the community. Digby Ioane is one such example. Digby’s healthy, competitive VSLULWDQGIDLUSOD\KDVOHGWRKLPEHLQJWKHÀUVW player with a Samoan background to play for the Wallabies and is a leader in the Samoan Community. Digby is very proud of his Samoan ancestry and the support he receives from the Samoan and Sunnybank Rugby communities. A Place for EveryoneLVH[HPSOLÀHGE\WKHYDULRXV Rugby programs that have been established in the local community for both female and male participants. Along with these programs Sunnybank Rugby operated a pilot program for women’s 7s Rugby that was adopted by the Australian Rugby Union. 470 McCullough Street, Sunnybank QLD 4109 p +617 3246 2500