Squamish Rider`s Guide
Squamish Rider`s Guide
Squamish Transit RIDER’S GUIDE Effective February 1, 2016 Welcome Aboard Ticket and Pass Outlets Pass Programs Your local transit system runs seven days a week. Buses serve the Squamish area. • Municipal Hall, 37955-2nd Avenue • Brennan Park Recreation Centre, 1009 Centennial Way • Walmart (passes only), 39210 Discovery Way • Quest University Canada Book Store, Fares Transit Pass Tax Credit Cash Fixed-route service – scheduled service to major destinations and residential areas. Low-floor, wheelchair accessible buses make it easy for everyone to get on and off the bus. handyDART – door-to-door, shared service for people who are unable to take the fixed-route service. About Your Transit System Funding for your local transit system is cost shared between the District of Squamish and BC Transit. Decisions on fares, routes and service levels are made by the District of Squamish based on public feedback and information provided by BC Transit. Buses are operated by Diversified Transportation Ltd. Operating costs are met by a combination of farebox revenues and joint local and provincial funding. Contact Information Customer Information 604·892·5559 Lost and Found 604·892·5559 handyDART604·892·3567 Webwww.bctransit.com www.squamish.ca Address 38928A Production Way Squamish, BC V8B 0K4 3200 University Boulevard (tickets and college monthly passes only) Subject to change. For an updated list of vendor locations, visit www.bctransit.com Transfers A transfer allows travel on any route in any direction for 90 minutes. Request a transfer when you board and pay your fare. Show your transfer to the driver, face up, with date and time showing. handyDART handyDART is a door-to-door, shared transit service for people unable to take fixed-route transit. handyDART operates five days a week, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. To use this service, customers must first register. Registration is free. The Government of Canada offers a non-refundable tax credit if you use a monthly pass. Save your pass and receipt as proof of purchase. For more information visit www.cra.gc.ca Tax Exemption You do not pay tax when you purchase your transit fare. Transit fares are exempt from federal and provincial tax. Post-Secondary Students Adult students in full-time attendance at a recognized post-secondary school can travel on a Student Monthly or four-month Semester Pass. Simply show the bus driver your valid student ID card when you swipe your pass at the time of boarding. Government of BC Bus Pass Program The BC Bus Pass Program is offered by the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation. The annual bus pass is valid for the eligible rider on any fixed-route transit service. The pass is non-transferable. For information on criteria for eligibility, visit www.buspass.gov.bc.ca or call 1·866·866·0800. handyDART fare for a one-way trip is $1.75. subject to change Adult Senior* Student* Child, 4 or under $ 1.75 1.50 1.25 free Tickets (10) Adult Student/Senior* 14.50 12.00 DayPASS Adult Student/Senior* 3.25 2.75 Monthly Pass Adult Student/Senior* 39.00 20.00 Student Semester Pass Semesters are Sept – Dec, Jan – Apr, or May – Aug handyDART Passenger/Companion (one-way trip) Ticket book (5) Attendant Call 604.892.3567 for more information or visit www.bctransit.com, under Squamish, Rider Info, handyDART. 80.00 1.75 8.75 free * Reduced fare with valid I.D. for persons 65 or over, students in full-time attendance to Grade 12 and for students in full-time attendance at post-secondary school. If you have comments about service in general or suggestions for improvements, contact the: District of Squamish, 37955 2nd Avenue, PO Box 310, Squamish, BC V8B 0A3 Phone604·892·5217 Emailinfo@squamish.ca Holiday Schedule Sunday service is available on the following holidays: • New Years Day • B.C. Day • Family Day • Labour Day • Good Friday • Thanksgiving Day • Easter Monday • Remembrance Day • Victoria Day • Christmas Day Plan your trip! Visit: • Canada Day • Boxing Day Transit Trip Planner Transit Trip Planner BE PART OF THE SOLUTION... Transit Info 604·892·5559 www.bctransit.com Plan your trip! Visit: www.bctransit.com Subject to change. Check online at www.bctransit.com for special event service. Riding the Bus Bike Racks Most bikes can be accommodated on BC Transit buses. If you’re considering travelling by bike and transit, instructions are posted on the bike racks. Before your bus arrives, make sure that saddlebags, antennas, child carriers or any other item that could interfere with the driver’s vision are removed from the bike. Visit Rider Info at www.bctransit.com for an instructional video. Pets on Board Only small fur-bearing and feathered pets contained in secure, clean, hand-held cages are permitted on the bus. Cages (hard or soft shell pet carriers) must be small enough to fit on the owner’s lap. Passengers must hold on to their pet’s cage at all times. If there is room, the passenger may place and hold the cage beside them on the floor. The cage should not block the aisle or restrict other passengers. Assistance animals that are certified are allowed on public transit at all times. You may be asked to produce your Guide Animal Certificate. Fare Checks Request-a-Stop consumed on board provided the beverage is carried in When it is dark, customers who feel that their personal safety is at risk can ask their driver to stop between regular bus stops. Ask your transit driver at least one bus stop ahead of where you wish to get off. You will trip! location Visit: closest to your request. bePlan let offyour at a safe Please contact your local transit office for details www.bctransit.com and any time restrictions. Plan yourcontainer trip! Visit: a sturdy with a lid that will prevent the liquid from spilling. Open alcohol is not permitted on the bus. www.bctransit.com Take your garbage with you when you leave the bus. We appreciate your help keeping the bus clean. Safety The Bus is a Safe Place Transit drivers can contact local police, ambulance and other emergency services. Transit drivers are also trained to assist a child or adult in need. Tell the driver if you are concerned about your safety. BC Transit’s safety and security practices uphold the British Columbia Transit Act and the B.C. Motor Vehicle Act. Be Safe and Be Seen Sometimes it is difficult for transit drivers to see you at bus stops, especially along unlit roads. Wear light coloured clothing, wear a reflective strip, use a flashlight or use the light from your mobile phone to signal the driver that you are at the stop. Please be courteous when your driver checks your fare, transfer or asks to look at your pass – it is part of their job. For safety reasons, please place and hold your luggage, bags, sports equipment and other belongings on your lap or on the floor where they will not obstruct the aisle or other customers. Hold your hockey sticks, snow boards, skis and poles (tips down) in front of you. Do not bring combustible materials, such as wet-cell batteries, propane tanks or gasoline containers on the bus. Transit Info 604·892·5559 www.bctransit.com Transit Routes and Schedules Here are some courtesy and safety tips to keep in mind while travelling on the bus. Always ✔ plan to arrive at the bus stop a few minutes early ✔ have your correct fare ready before boarding ✔ take a seat as soon as possible after boarding Courtesy Seating ✔ be a good neighbour – yelling or loud music on the bus can be distracting for the driver and other passengers BC Transit serves everyone on a first-to-board basis. Courtesy seating is the front accessible area of the bus and is especially vital to: • customers who use scooters, wheelchairs, pediatric strollers or other mobility aids • customers with a disability or mobility issue • customers with baby strollers Your mobility aid must not exceed 2 feet by 4 feet (61 cm by 122 cm). If your mobility aid is larger, please contact your local transit office for an assessment. Mobility aids include scooters, wheelchairs, baby strollers and pediatric strollers. ✔ hold on while the bus is in motion Never ✘ stand in the street or sit on the curb when the bus approaches ✘ run after or hit the side of a moving bus ✘ allow your children to stand or kneel on the seat while riding the bus ✘ enter the street in front of or directly behind a stopped bus – make sure traffic can see you ✘ use offensive or abusive language on the bus Baby Strollers • should be collapsible • must be positioned in an unoccupied wheelchair location with the brakes set • must be held on to at all times. When wheelchair positions are occupied or required by another customer or if the bus is not a low floor bus, please store your folded stroller between seats. Hold on to your child at all times. bctransit.com/ridetogether Transit Tips Accessibility • must be kept clear of the aisles Parcels www.bctransit.com This guide is printed on environmentally responsible paper. Food and Beverages To keep buses clean and safe, any food or drink you Transit Routes bring on board must be in a closed container that and Schedules is spill-proof. Coffee and other beverages can be REUSE YOUR RIDER’S GUIDE. Attendants Customers using wheelchairs or scooters, registered handyDART customers or CNIB pass holders may travel with an attendant. Please let your transit operator know if the person travelling with you is your attendant. Attendants travel free and must board and exit at the same stop as the customer requiring assistance and help to load and secure mobility aids on the bus. Your driver will ensure that the securements are properly fastened. Courtesy Counts! Thank you for being courteous and respectful of your driver and fellow passengers. • When the bus is full, please move to the back of the bus to accommodate as many passengers as possible. • Do not stand in the doorways. This is for your safety and so customers can quickly enter and exit the bus. • Seats are for customers, not bags, feet or wet umbrellas. Place and hold your bag on your lap or on the floor where it will not obstruct the aisles or other customers. • Be mindful of your belongings as you walk through the bus – you may be accidentally bumping into other customers as you pass. • Please keep your cell phone conversations at a reasonable sound level. bctransit.com/ridetogether 5268 – 8K Sunday and Holidays 7:37 9:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 1:24 2:24 3:04 4:18 4:49 5:49 7:12 7:41 9:21 11:06 — 9:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:38 3:18 4:32 5:03 6:03 7:24 7:53 9:33 — — 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:20 4:34 5:05 6:05 7:26 7:55 9:35 — — 9:29 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:29 3:09 4:23 4:54 5:54 7:17 7:46 9:26 — 10:00 11:55 1:45 3:35 10:04 11:59 1:49 3:39 10:07 12:02 1:52 3:42 Sunday and Holidays 11:24 1:17 3:07 4:57 6:17 11:27 11:32 11:34 11:39 11:43 11:48 11:50 11:24 1:20 1:25 1:27 1:32 1:36 1:41 1:43 1:17 3:10 3:15 3:17 3:22 3:26 3:31 3:33 3:07 5:00 5:05 5:07 5:12 5:16 5:21 5:23 4:57 6:20 6:25 6:27 6:32 6:36 6:41 6:43 6:17 c Combined Routing: from Mamquam at Diamond Head, trip continues as 2 Highlands to downtown. 8:39 10:09 11:02 12:04 1:02 2:09 3:02 3:49 4:04 5:09 5:34 6:09 6:34 8:17 9:59 10:22 12:17 2:07 3:57 10:24 12:19 2:09 3:59 E BRACKENDALE Judd D Eagle Run Plaza Saturday 8:25 9:55 — 11:50 — 1:55 — 3:35 3:50 4:55 5:20 5:55 6:20 — 9:45 T Limited service 4 ov ern m ent Sunday and Holidays 10:10 12:05 1:55 3:45 10:16 12:11 2:01 3:51 on Pom PP Garibaldi Highlands Elementary Intercity Bus Depot Garibal F li Sky TB Boulevard Quest University Canada Wa yS . Sk ne 2 h Hig Q GARIBALDI HIGHLANDS la n ds C yli Bra Garibaldi Village Shopping Centre Diamond Head Mamquam Elementary School em ar Sq ua mi sh Riv er ds lan di W ay ne c 8:37 10:07 11:00 12:02 1:00 2:07 3:00 3:47 4:02 5:07 5:32 6:07 6:32 8:15 9:57 Depot G 10:34 10:38 10:42 — 11:15 11:19 10:30 12:29 12:33 12:37 — 1:08 1:12 12:25 2:19 2:23 2:27 — 2:58 3:02 c 2:15 4:09 4:13 4:17 — 4:48 4:52 c 4:05 c 5:29 5:33 5:37 — 6:08 6:12 5:25 c Combined Routing: board 2 Highlands from downtown. No service to Timbertown on this trip. c 8:31 10:01 10:54 11:56 12:54 2:01 2:54 3:41 3:56 5:01 5:26 6:01 6:26 8:09 9:51 Brackendale Art Gallery Axen w Vie 8:22 9:52 — 11:47 — 1:52 — 3:32 3:47 4:52 5:17 5:52 6:17 — 9:42 Brackendale Elem. Sch. Perth 8:19 9:49 10:49 11:44 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:29 3:44 4:49 5:14 5:49 6:14 8:04 9:39 6:54 7:14 7:39 8:19 8:44 9:44 10:09 11:09 12:04 1:09 2:06 2:44 3:14 3:44 4:09 5:09 5:31 6:09 6:34 8:17 9:59 r cie Gla 8:15 9:45 10:45 11:40 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:25 3:40 4:45 5:10 5:45 6:10 8:00 9:35 6:52 7:12 7:37 8:17 8:42 9:42 10:07 11:07 12:02 1:07 2:04 2:42 3:12 3:42 4:07 5:07 5:29 6:07 6:32 8:15 9:57 a c 6:46 7:06 7:31 8:11 8:36 9:36 10:01 11:01 11:56 1:01 1:58 2:36 3:06 3:36 4:01 5:01 5:23 6:01 6:26 8:09 9:51 1 loch c — 9:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 1:33 2:33 3:13 4:27 4:58 5:58 7:20 7:49 9:29 — Saturday — 9:02 10:02 11:02 12:02 1:02 2:02 2:42 — 4:27 5:27 — — — — 6:40 7:00 7:25 8:05 8:30 9:30 9:55 10:55 11:50 12:55 1:52 2:30 3:00 3:30 3:55 4:55 5:17 5:55 6:20 — 9:45 4 Don Ross Sec. Sch. Pit c 6:37 6:57 7:22 8:02 8:27 9:27 9:52 10:52 11:47 12:52 1:49 2:27 2:57 3:27 3:52 4:52 5:14 5:52 6:17 — 9:42 S N. c 6:34 6:54 7:19 7:59 8:24 9:24 9:49 10:49 11:44 12:49 1:46 2:24 2:54 3:24 3:49 4:49 5:11 5:49 6:14 8:04 9:39 3 s Ros ay c 6:30 6:50 7:15 7:55 8:20 9:20 9:45 10:45 11:40 12:45 1:42 2:20 2:50 3:20 3:45 4:45 5:07 5:45 6:10 8:00 9:35 2 W 7:34 9:21 10:21 11:21 12:21 1:21 2:21 3:01 4:15 4:46 5:46 7:10 7:39 9:19 11:04 6:47 7:50 8:33 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:37 3:38 4:13 5:05 6:05 7:26 7:55 9:35 — Brackendale Highlands Valleycliffe Tantalus All routes 1 A Hig h 7:29 9:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 1:16 2:16 2:56 4:10 4:41 5:41 7:05 7:34 9:14 10:59 6:45 7:48 8:31 9:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 1:38 2:35 3:36 4:11 5:03 6:03 7:24 7:53 9:33 — B Downtown: Chieftain Centre c — 8:57 9:57 10:57 11:57 12:57 1:57 2:37 — 4:22 5:22 6:27 6:52 8:37 10:17 6:40 7:43 — 9:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 1:33 2:30 3:31 4:06 4:58 5:58 7:20 7:49 9:29 — K Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley 7:26 9:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 1:13 2:13 2:53 4:07 4:38 5:38 7:02 7:31 9:11 10:56 Saturday 6:36 7:39 — 9:29 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:26 3:27 4:02 4:54 5:54 7:17 7:46 9:26 — J Squamish General Hospital 6:31 7:34 8:23 9:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 1:24 2:21 3:22 3:57 4:49 5:49 7:12 7:41 9:21 11:06 I Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley 6:28 7:31 8:20 9:21 10:21 11:21 12:21 1:21 2:18 3:19 3:54 4:46 5:46 7:10 7:39 9:19 11:04 B Downtown: Chieftain Centre 6:23 7:26 8:15 9:16 10:16 11:16 12:16 1:16 2:13 3:11 3:49 4:41 5:41 7:05 7:34 9:14 10:59 A Downtown: Chieftain Centre 6:20 7:23 8:12 9:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 1:13 2:10 3:08 3:46 4:38 5:38 7:02 7:31 9:11 10:56 Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley 6:20 7:23 8:12 9:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 1:13 2:10 3:08 3:46 4:38 5:38 7:02 7:31 9:11 10:56 A Discovery and Commercial (Walmart) 7:26 9:13 10:13 11:13 12:13 1:13 2:13 2:53 4:07 4:38 5:38 7:02 7:31 9:11 10:56 B Brennan Park Rec Ctr 7:21 9:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 1:08 2:08 2:48 4:02 4:33 5:33 6:57 7:27 9:07 10:52 W Mamquam and Diamond Head (Canadian Tire) — 9:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 1:04 2:04 2:44 3:58 4:29 5:29 6:53 7:23 9:03 10:48 R Garibaldi Village to Downtown 6:15 7:18 8:07 9:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 1:08 2:05 3:03 3:41 4:33 5:33 6:57 7:27 9:07 10:52 MD Brackendale: Ross and Depot — 7:14 8:02 9:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 1:04 2:01 2:59 3:37 4:29 5:29 6:53 7:23 9:03 10:48 F Brackendale Schools: Government and Ross — 7:12 8:00 9:02 10:02 11:02 12:02 1:02 1:59 2:57 3:35 4:27 5:27 — — — — E Brackendale Schools: Government and Ross — 8:53 9:53 10:53 11:53 12:53 1:53 2:33 — 4:18 5:18 6:23 6:48 8:33 10:13 Brackendale: Judd and Government Brennan Park Rec Ctr — 8:49 9:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:29 — 4:14 5:14 6:19 6:44 8:29 10:09 Garibaldi Village to Brackendale Discovery and Commercial (Walmart) — 8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:25 — 4:10 5:10 6:15 6:40 8:25 10:05 Mamquam and Diamond Head (Canadian Tire) Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley — 7:07 : 8:57 9:57 10:57 11:57 12:57 1:54 2:52 3:30 4:22 5:22 6:22 6:52 8:37 10:17 S Thunderbird Ridge — 7:03 : 8:53 9:53 10:53 11:53 12:53 1:50 2:48 3:26 4:18 5:18 6:18 6:48 8:33 10:13 S Tantalus — 6:59 7:52 8:49 9:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 1:46 2:44 3:22 4:14 5:14 6:14 6:44 8:29 10:09 D Sea-to-Sky Hwy. — 6:55 7:48 8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:42 2:40 3:18 4:10 5:10 6:10 6:40 8:25 10:05 F Ross Downtown: Chieftain Centre MD Cottonwood c R Hope c W Squamish Monday to Friday ent nm c B 3 Valleycliffe er Gov c A To Downtown Monday to Friday ry 1 Brackendale Valleycliffe: Spruce and Westway To Brackendale Monday to Friday Vista and Northridge 1 Brackendale University MD Mamquam m ua mq Ma Gov ern me nt Timbertown Trailer Court c c cn Sunday and Holidays c c c c4 x Loggers Thi rd 7:11 8:01 9:00 4:20 5:06 5:56 Skateboard Park and Youth Centre Ba y nip nd a eg B See inset map Seniors’ Centre Win A a g ond Main Vis ta Station Square Mall Chieftain Centre nipe Vic Main and Clevel DOWNTOWN tori Plan your trip! Visit: www.bctransit.com Win Adventure Centre Capilano University Howe Sound Secondary Squamish Elementary ile Municipal Hall Library Plan your trip! Visit: www.bctransit.com Pemberton Cle vela 7:09 7:59 8:58 4:18 5:04 5:54 B Sec 7:04 7:54 8:53 4:13 4:59 5:49 ey ond A Pemberton J e 7:00 7:50 8:49 4:09 4:55 5:45 Transit Trip Planner cn tori ridg 6:55 7:45 8:44 4:04 4:50 5:40 Transit Trip Planner c Vic Cedar Valley Waldorf School Valleycliffe General Store ay K Valleycliffe Elementary stw We 3 er hrn Be Sea-to c 11:13 — 11:39 11:43 11:48 11:50 11:06 11:11 1:08 — 1:32 1:36 1:41 1:43 1:01 1:06 2:58 — 3:22 3:26 3:31 3:33 2:51 2:56 4:48 — 5:12 5:16 5:21 5:23 4:41 4:46 6:08 — 6:32 6:36 6:41 6:43 6:01 6:06 Combined Routing: from Highland Mall, trip continues as 4 Tantalus before returning downtown. Express trip routes via Hwy 99. Combined Routing: from Highland Mall, trip continues as 1 Brackendale before returning downtown. Combined Routing: from Highland Mall, trip continues as 1 Brackendale ending at Mamquam at Diamond Head (Canadian Tire). n No rth 6:51 7:41 8:40 4:00 4:46 5:36 Sunday and Holidays c B Sec 10:30 10:34 10:38 10:42 10:47 10:50 10:52 10:58 11:03 11:06 12:25 12:29 12:33 12:37 12:42 12:45 12:47 12:53 12:58 1:01 2:15 2:19 2:23 2:27 2:32 2:35 2:37 2:43 2:48 2:51 4:05 4:09 4:13 4:17 4:22 4:25 4:27 4:33 4:38 4:41 5:25 5:29 5:33 5:37 5:42 5:45 5:47 5:53 5:58 6:01 W Bu 3 I Hospital rd Guilfo Valley c R nd vela Cle Chieftain Centre 1 2 3 4 Hwy. x Industrial 2 4 ckl Downtown Transit Exchange Walmart -Sky c To Downtown MD y we Bo nd 8:12 9:37 11:12 12:17 1:12 2:17 3:12 4:34 4:43 5:42 6:37 7:26 7:55 9:35 — W Monday to Friday T 1 ile A vela 8:10 9:35 11:10 12:15 1:10 2:15 3:10 4:32 4:41 5:40 6:35 7:24 7:53 9:33 — 8:01 9:26 11:01 12:06 1:01 2:06 3:01 4:23 — 5:31 6:26 7:17 7:46 9:26 — Ba Seniors’ Centre Cle 8:05 9:30 11:05 12:10 1:05 2:10 3:05 4:27 — 5:35 6:30 7:20 7:49 9:29 — 4 Tantalus Saturday 7:56 9:21 10:56 12:01 12:56 2:01 2:56 — — 5:26 6:21 — — — — 6:51 7:41 8:31 4:00 4:46 5:36 6:26 Thi rd 7:53 9:18 10:53 11:58 12:53 1:58 2:53 3:58 — 5:23 6:18 6:53 7:23 9:03 10:48 Downtown Squamish Montessori School Routes 1, 2, 3, 4 Tantalus 7:51 9:16 10:51 11:56 12:51 1:56 2:51 3:56 4:36 5:21 6:16 6:51 7:21 9:01 10:46 Saturday R Brennan Park Recreation Centre Pioneer Downtown: Chieftain Centre 7:46 9:11 10:46 11:51 12:46 1:51 2:46 3:51 4:31 5:16 6:11 6:46 7:16 8:56 10:41 cn Mamquam and Diamond Head (Canadian Tire) 7:46 9:11 10:46 11:51 12:46 1:51 2:46 3:51 4:31 5:16 6:11 6:46 7:16 8:56 10:41 c 6:34 6:38 6:42 6:47 6:30 7:24 7:28 7:32 7:37 7:20 8:14 8:18 8:22 8:27 8:10 c 3:22 3:26 3:30 3:35 3:18 4:29 4:33 4:37 4:42 4:25 5:19 5:23 5:27 5:32 5:15 6:09 6:13 6:17 6:22 6:05 c Combined Routing: board 2 Highlands from downtown. T Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley — — — 7:37 — 7:43 8:47 8:52 8:55 8:57 9:03 9:08 10:27 10:32 10:35 10:37 — 10:43 11:27 11:32 11:35 11:37 11:43 11:48 12:27 12:32 12:35 12:37 — 12:43 1:27 1:32 1:35 1:37 1:43 1:48 2:27 2:32 2:35 2:37 — 2:43 3:27 3:32 3:35 3:37 3:43 3:48 4:12 4:17 4:20 4:22 — 4:28 4:52 4:57 5:00 5:02 5:08 5:13 5:52 5:57 6:00 6:02 — 6:08 6:27 6:32 6:35 6:37 — 6:43 6:52 — 7:00 7:02 7:08 7:13 8:37 — 8:45 8:47 — 8:53 10:17 — 10:25 10:27 10:33 10:38 c 7:53 8:47 10:02 11:12 12:12 1:17 2:12 3:12 4:20 4:45 5:42 6:37 7:26 7:55 9:35 — MD Brennan Park Rec Ctr — 8:43 10:23 11:23 12:23 1:23 2:23 3:23 4:08 4:48 5:48 6:23 6:48 8:33 10:13 c 7:51 8:45 10:00 11:10 12:10 1:15 2:10 3:10 4:18 4:43 5:40 6:35 7:24 7:53 9:33 — R Discovery and Commercial (Walmart) — 8:39 10:19 11:19 12:19 1:19 2:19 3:19 4:04 4:44 5:44 6:19 6:44 8:29 10:09 x 7:46 8:40 9:55 11:05 12:05 1:10 2:05 3:05 4:13 — 5:35 6:30 7:20 7:49 9:26 — Discovery and Commercial (Walmart) — 8:35 10:15 11:15 12:15 1:15 2:15 3:15 4:00 4:40 5:40 6:15 6:40 8:25 10:05 c4 7:42 8:36 9:51 11:01 12:01 1:06 2:01 3:01 4:09 — 5:31 6:26 7:17 7:46 9:26 — W Brennan Park Rec Ctr 7:37 8:31 9:46 10:56 11:56 1:01 1:56 2:56 — — 5:26 6:21 — — — — Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley 7:34 8:28 9:43 10:53 11:53 12:58 1:53 2:53 3:56 — 5:23 6:18 6:53 7:23 9:03 10:48 B Mamquam and Diamond Head (Canadian Tire) 7:32 8:26 9:41 10:51 11:51 12:56 1:51 2:51 3:54 4:38 5:21 6:16 6:51 7:21 9:01 10:46 Downtown: Chieftain Centre 7:27 8:21 9:36 10:46 11:46 12:51 1:46 2:46 3:49 4:33 5:16 6:11 6:46 7:16 8:56 10:41 A Tantalus 7:27 8:21 9:36 10:46 11:46 12:51 1:46 2:46 3:49 4:33 5:16 6:11 6:46 7:16 8:56 10:41 Downtown: Chieftain Centre Government and Mamquam School 7:24 8:18 9:33 10:43 11:43 12:48 1:43 2:43 3:46 4:30 5:13 6:08 6:43 7:13 8:53 10:38 A Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley Garibaldi Village to Downtown 7:18 — — 8:13 9:27 — 10:37 — 11:37 — 12:37 12:43 1:37 — 2:37 — 3:40 — 4:19 4:25 5:02 5:08 6:02 — 6:32 6:38 7:02 7:08 8:47 — 10:27 10:33 B Discovery and Commercial (Walmart) Mamquam and Diamond Head (Canadian Tire) — 8:07 9:25 10:35 11:35 12:35 1:35 2:35 3:38 4:17 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:45 10:25 W Brennan Park Rec Ctr Perth and Pomona Way — 8:04 9:22 10:32 11:32 12:32 1:32 2:32 3:35 4:14 4:57 5:57 6:27 6:57 8:42 10:22 R Riv er ce Spru — — 9:17 10:27 11:27 12:27 1:27 2:27 3:30 4:09 4:52 5:52 6:22 6:52 8:37 10:17 C Discovery — — 9:13 10:23 11:23 12:23 1:23 2:23 3:26 4:05 4:48 5:48 6:18 6:48 8:33 10:13 F Ma mq ua m a Se kley — 7:59 9:09 10:19 11:19 12:19 1:19 2:19 3:22 4:01 4:44 5:44 6:14 6:44 8:29 10:09 MD Monday to Friday y. Hw Buc — 7:55 9:05 10:15 11:15 12:15 1:15 2:15 3:18 3:57 4:40 5:40 6:10 6:40 8:25 10:05 PP Perth and Pomona Way PP Thunder Bird Ridge and Glacier View Quest University Canada TB Mamquam and Diamond Head (Canadian Tire) Q Garibaldi Village to Highlands MD To Tantalus Rd -S -to Queens Way F Government and Mamquam School C Brennan Park Rec Ctr R Discovery and Commercial (Walmart) W Downtown: Cleveland and Buckley B Monday to Friday Downtown: Chieftain Centre A 4 Tantalus ial Monday to Friday To Downtown nn 2 Highlands t Governmen nte To Highlands ky Ce 2 Highlands West Coast Railway Heritage Park Stawamus Elementary VALLEYCLIFFE Transit maps show transit routes, exchanges and relevant landmarks to help riders use the transit system. They are not complete street maps. Transit Info 604·892·5559 www.bctransit.com
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