request for proposals - Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce


request for proposals - Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce
City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
Soldiers & Sailors
Memorial Auditorium
and Tivoli Theatre
Sponsorship Program
A program to engage sponsors of the City of Chattanooga’s civic facilities
City of Chattanooga
Department of Education, Arts & Culture
Due Date:
March 7, 2013
4:00 P.M. EST
Table of Contents
PART ONE: PROGRAM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................ 3
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Civic Facilities History and Mission ........................................................................................... 3
1.2 Selection Preferences ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Presenting Sponsor – Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium ..................................................... 4
1.4 Naming Rights – Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium Interior Features, Including the
Community Theatre Stage .................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Presenting Sponsor – Tivoli Theatre ............................................................................................... 6
1.6 Naming Rights – Tivoli Theatre Interior Features ........................................................................... 6
1.7 Logos and Signage ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.8 Proposal Consideration ................................................................................................................... 8
PART TWO: PROPOSAL INFORMATION..................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Proposal Format .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Inquiries .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Corporate Social Responsibility Statement..................................................................................... 9
2.4 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 9
PART THREE: PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ..................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Proposal Review ............................................................................................................................ 10
PART FOUR: ADMINISTRATION AND COMPLIANCE ................................................................................ 11
4.0 Award Administration Information ............................................................................................... 11
4.1 Business Requirements ................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Equal Employment Opportunity ................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Conflicts Prohibited ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.0 Introduction
Through this Civic Facilities Naming Rights and Presenting Sponsors Program, the City of Chattanooga is soliciting
proposals from public and for-profit entities, non-for-profit entities, and private individuals who wish to sponsors
the civic facilities of the City of Chattanooga to enhance their corporate social responsibility activities.
1.1 Civic Facilities History and Mission
Chattanooga’s Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium opened on February 22, 1924, created as a living
memorial to Hamilton County war veterans. First proposed at a Kiwanis Club meeting in 1918, Memorial
Auditorium was designed as a municipal auditorium and all-purpose exhibition hall. Built by the City of
Chattanooga at a cost of $700,000, Memorial Auditorium was designed by renowned architect R. H.
Hunt. The Auditorium was also equipped with a rare Austin Concert Organ, with 5 remaining
worldwide. It serves as Chattanooga's mid-sized theater and concert venue.
In addition to the mid-sized Main Hall with its large stage and seating capacity of 3,866, Soldiers &
Sailors Memorial Auditorium also offers the more intimate Community Theatre upstairs from the main
level. This 800-seat proscenium stage theater is accessible from the main lobby, and is completely selfcontained with its own restrooms, concessions and lobby area. The Community Theatre has been used
for children's theater productions staged for school groups, dance studio recitals, church services and
spoken word programs.
The Tivoli opened on March 19, 1921 following two years of construction. Construction cost was close to $1
million--a lavish sum for its day. The Tivoli's interior reflects the Beaux Arts style popular for movie palaces of
the 1920s. Its high domed ceiling, grand lobby, crystal chandeliers and elegant foyer were designed to
transport patrons to a world of richness and splendor. Designed by the Chicago-based architectural firm of
Rapp and Rapp, the Tivoli was built to accommodate both silent movies and live stage productions, making it
state-of-the-art for its time. More innovations followed. In 1924 a $30,000 Wurlitzer organ was installed.
Throughout the 1920s, 30s and 40s, the Tivoli reigned as Chattanooga's premier movie and variety theater.
However, with the emergence of television in the 1950s its patronage declined. Forced to close in 1961, the
Tivoli narrowly escaped demolition.
After two renovations, the Tivoli reopened on in 1989. In addition to a complete cosmetic overhaul, the
Tivoli's technical improvements included new dressing rooms to accommodate up to 70 performers,
new state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, a hydraulic lift orchestra pit, and new "green room"
and rehearsal facilities. Stage depth was increased by over 14 feet to meet the requirements of today's
concerts and theatrical tours.
Both City civic facilities serve as multi-purpose rental venues and as living historical records of
significant civic events for the City of Chattanooga. Their joint mission is to provide affordable event
facilities and gathering places among the City’s broader offering of venues. The renovation and
reopening of the Community Theatre within Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium addresses
increased demand for smaller civic performance spaces.
Sponsors who wish to present Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium must present a detailed design
plan for signage on the building’s exterior (see Figure 1). The signage design and construction plan
should include costs for any exterior improvements. The design plan will be reviewed by the City of
Chattanooga and is subject to approval prior to construction.
1.2 Selection Preferences
Proposals that meet pre-screening requirements will be reviewed by a Selection Committee. The selection
committee will then score each proposal based on the point system described in this RFP.
Preference will be given to proposals that have a high degree of match with the City’s positive reputation. The City
of Chattanooga has built a positive reputation around the following factors:
High technology manufacturing and services (“Gig City”)
Environmental sustainability and conservation
Unique, historic arts and cultural experiences (“Jewel of the South”)
Outdoor sporting and adventures
Applicants may be asked to present the details of their proposal to a City representative or Committee within 30
days of the submission date. Applicants will be notified of the Selection Committee’s decision within 60 days of the
submission date.
1.3 Presenting Sponsor – Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium
Preface the name of Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium with a name of Sponsors choosing, (i.e.
“ACME Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium”)
Design and install signage or other graphics on the exterior walls and/or roof of the facility, subject to
certain conditions.
Presenting sponsorship will be recognized in all media relations, correspondence, and news media related
to the facility.
1.4 Naming Rights – Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium Interior Features, Including the
Community Theatre Stage
a. Main lobby, housing the Chattanooga Veterans Memorial
b. Inner lobby
c. Main hall stage
d. Community Theatre stage
e. East and west meeting rooms
Figure 1. West Wall, Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium.
Figure 2. Main Chamber, Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium.
1.5 Presenting Sponsor – Tivoli Theatre
Preface the name of Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium with a name of Sponsors choosing, (i.e.
“ACME Tivoli Theatre”)
Design and install signage or other graphics on the exterior walls and/or roof of the facility, subject to
certain conditions.
Presenting sponsorship will be recognized in all media relations, correspondence, and news media related
to the facility.
1.6 Naming Rights – Tivoli Theatre Interior Features
a. Naming Rights to the main chamber and balcony
b. Naming Rights to the main stage
c. Naming Rights to the Lobby
d. Naming rights to the Assembly Room
Figure 3. Outside Tivoli Theatre.
Figure 4. Interior features, Tivoli Theatre ("Jewel of the South").
1.7 Logos and Signage
a. Company name placed prominently on information pieces and collateral material. This may
include, but is not limited to, media advertisements, postcards, newsletters, program guides,
press releases and general City events/publications.
b. For naming rights to fixtures and features, company logo will be displayed prominently on or
near the feature.
c. Company name or logo on EAC event brochures
Please include in your proposal requests for other benefits that best meet your needs. The City will
consider all reasonable requests, but is under no obligation to approve any benefits other than those set
forth above.
After the proposal submission date, the merit of each proposal will be evaluated, compared, and
selected based on the City of Chattanooga’s potential brand match with sponsors. Each proposal must
identify the category of sponsorship desired (i.e., “presenting” or “naming rights”).
1.8 Proposal Consideration
a. Applicants may be nonprofit entities, for-profit entities, or private individuals. A nonprofit
applicant must provide documented proof of current 501(c) (3) nonprofit status. A for-profit
applicant must provide a valid Certificate of Existence. Applicants are encouraged to establish
partnerships, though partnerships are not required. The partnerships must be evidenced by
Memoranda of Understanding and/or agreements that define the roles and qualifications of
each organization, and any related funding or compensation.
b. Applicants must be fiscally sound. Applicants must provide the organization’s most recent
financial audit and a current operating budget. The same should be provided for any partnering
organizations. The applicant must be in good financial standing with the City of Chattanooga.
c. Applicants should state their qualifications and experience in engaging in corporate social
responsibility programs. Newly established organizations and organizations with little or no
experience in social responsibility initiatives may meet this requirement if they work in an area
directly related to the arts and cultural goals of the City of Chattanooga. Adequate reputation
and brand match will be determined by the Selection Committee.
d. Applicants must be in good standing with government agencies, regulators, etc. Organizations
must be in compliance with labor laws, city codes and ordinances, and related areas.
2.1 Proposal Format
Applicants must submit all proposals in paper format. When submitting a proposal, please provide one
(1) original, seven (7) copies, and one (1) electronic copy. The original and copies must include all
required forms, certifications, assurances and appendices. Originals must include appropriate signatures
from the lead agency and partner(s), if any.
Please observe the following guidelines when formatting proposals:
a. Brevity is desirable. Wherever possible, create lists or bullet point information and limit
narrative descriptions to the most salient points. Text that exceeds the page limits where
defined will not be reviewed.
b. Use white paper, 8½” x 11”, 12 point type, 1 inch margins.
c. Proposals must be typed. Handwritten proposals will not be accepted.
d. Number all pages, including appendices, sequentially.
To be considered as a civic facilities sponsor, proposals must include each of the required items in the
order requested. If an item is not included, please provide a brief explanation as to why the item does
not apply. Refer to the sample agreement when appropriate. All costs directly or indirectly related to
preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP or any oral presentation required to
supplement and/or clarify the proposal shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
2.2 Inquiries
Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing no later than March 1, 2013 to:
Sharon Lea, Buyer
City of Chattanooga, Purchasing Division
101 East 11th Street, Suite G13
Chattanooga, TN 37402
(423) 643-7009 phone
(423) 757-7201 fax
2.3 Corporate Social Responsibility Statement
Include a description of social responsibility programs already in place, a brief description of key social
responsibility principals, and examples of media collateral for such programs.
2.4 Appendices
Include these documents with your proposal:
a. Resume or key qualifications of executive director, owner, or manager and number of years in
b. List of principal owners or current board members and positions (required).
c. Copy of 501(c)3 designation is required for a nonprofit, or valid Certificate of Business
Registration is required if a for-profit entity.
d. Copy of applicable licenses, accreditations and awards.
e. Memoranda of Understanding, Agreements, or Operating Agreements with program partners, if
any (Partnerships are encouraged but not required).
3.0 Submission Deadline
Proposals are due by 4:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on March 7, 2013. One (1) original, seven (7)
copies, and one (1) electronic copy must be delivered to:
Sharon Lea, Buyer
City of Chattanooga, Purchasing Division
101 East 11th Street, Suite G13
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Proposals delivered after 4:00 P.M. will not be accepted for consideration. No exceptions. To be
considered, proposals must be received by the above submission deadline.
Awards will be made only if funds are available. All documents that are prepared by the applicant in
response to this RFP shall, upon submittal, become the property of the City of Chattanooga.
3.1 Proposal Review
Proposals received on or before 4:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time (EST), on or before the due date will
be accepted for review through the following process:
a. Pre-Screening - Proposals will be reviewed to ensure they include the minimum information
required in order to be evaluated by the Selection Committee. Proposals that are incomplete
will not be evaluated by the Committee. Proposals will be reviewed for capacity and feasibility.
Those proposals that do not demonstrate appropriate applicant capacity or economic feasibility
will not be reviewed by the Selection Committee.
b. Proposal Review – Proposals that successfully pass pre-screening will be considered for funding
by the Selection Committee. Finalists chosen by the Committee may be asked to make an oral
presentation prior to final award decisions. The Committee’s recommendations will be
presented to the Mayor for final approval.
c. Notice of Award – Successful proposals will receive written notification following approval
during the Review/Selection Process. Any proposal may be withdrawn prior to award of the
The City of Chattanooga and the Selection Committee reserve the right to:
a. supplement, amend or otherwise modify the terms of this request for proposals.
b. request additional information from applicants.
c. conduct investigations and background checks necessary for adequate evaluation of submitted
d. consider proposals at a later date or request proposals at a later date under the terms of this
There is no guarantee that an agreement will be awarded as a result of this RFP. The City of Chattanooga
and/ or the Selection Committee reserve the right to reject any and all submittals and/or to waive any
informality in the solicitation process and to re-solicit proposals.
4.0 Award Administration Information
All sponsors will receive a City of Chattanooga Facilities Sponsor Agreement that identifies the amount
of sponsorship, the terms and conditions of sponsorship, the effective duration, and a request for
specifications of public relations collateral.
Sponsorship funding will be monthly unless otherwise specified in the Agreement.
4.1 Business Requirements
Sponsors are responsible for complying with all licensing requirements and associated business
regulations whether Local, State or Federal. It is the discretion of the City to determine the applicability
of any rule, regulation or other requirement.
4.2 Equal Employment Opportunity
Sponsors must affirm that they do not subscribe to any personnel policy which permits or allows for
discrimination in the employment, promotion, demotion, dismissal or laying off of any individual due to
his/her race, creed, color, national origin, age or gender or physical handicap.
4.3 Conflicts Prohibited
No persons who exercise or have exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to the business
of the City or who are in a position to participate in a decision-making process or gain inside information
with regard to sponsorship agreements may obtain a financial interest or benefit from a Sponsorship
Agreement, or have an interest in any agreement, sub-agreement or agreement with respect thereto, or
the proceeds thereunder, either for themselves or those with whom they have family or business ties,
during their tenure or for one year thereafter.