Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro
Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro
P1347. 29th of August 2008 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes Draft Report prepared for Voith Turbo Wind GmbH & Co. KG DIgSILENT GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 9 D-72810 Gomaringen Tel.: +49 7072 9168 - 0 Fax: +49 7072 9168- 88 e-mail: Please contact Markus Pöller Tel.: +49-7072-9168 57 e-mail: Prepared for: Voith Turbo Wind GmbH & CoKGVothstr. 1Germany, 74564 Crailsheim Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -2- Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2 Description of the 2 MW Wind Turbine Model including WinDrive .................................................... 6 2.1 Wind Turbine Model ...............................................................................................................................8 2.2 Voltage Controller and Excitation System..................................................................................................9 2.3 WinDrive and Drive Train Model ............................................................................................................ 10 2.4 WinDrive Control.................................................................................................................................. 12 2.5 Pitch Control and Aerodynamic Model .................................................................................................... 13 3 Verification of the PowerFactory Model............................................................................................ 15 4 Wind Farm Network........................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Test Wind Farm with HV (110kV) Connection Point ................................................................................. 17 4.2 Test Wind Farm with MV (10kV) Connection Point................................................................................... 19 5 Requirements for Connections to the Transmission (HV) Grid ........................................................ 21 5.1 Active Power Output (Section in [1]) ......................................................................................... 22 5.2 Reactive Power Output (Section 3.3.8 in [1]) .......................................................................................... 22 5.3 Behaviour during Disturbances in the Network ........................................................................................ 24 5.3.1 Transient Stability after Short-Circuits (section resp. in [1]) ....................................... 24 5.3.2 Oscillatory Stability (section in [1])....................................................................................... 25 6 Requirements for Connections to the Distribution (MV) Grid .......................................................... 29 6.1 Network Disturbances........................................................................................................................... 30 6.1.1 Steady-State Voltage Changes (Section 2.3 in [2]) ............................................................................. 30 6.1.2 Voltage Change due to Switching Operations (section 2.4.1 in [2]) ...................................................... 30 6.1.3 Long-Term Flicker (Section 2.4.2 in [2]) ............................................................................................ 32 6.1.4 Harmonics (Section 2.4.3 in [2]) ....................................................................................................... 33 6.1.5 Commutation Voltage Drops (Section 2.4.4 in [2]).............................................................................. 34 6.1.6 Impact on Ripple Control (Section 2.4.5 in [2]) .................................................................................. 34 6.2 Behaviour of the Generator ................................................................................................................... 35 6.2.1 Transient Network Support – Low-Voltage Ride-Through (Section in [2]) .................................. 35 6.2.2 Short-Circuit Current (Section 2.5.2 in [2]) ........................................................................................ 36 6.2.3 Active Power Output (Section 2.5.3 in [2])......................................................................................... 36 6.2.4 Reactive Power Output (Section 2.5.4 in [2]) ..................................................................................... 37 7 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................... 39 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -3- Table of Contents 8 References ......................................................................................................................................... 40 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -4- P1347 1 Introduction The purpose of this study is to analyse the compatibility of the DeWind 2MW (D 8.2) wind generator, which is equipped with the Voith WinDrive system and synchronous generator with the technical requirements of the relevant BDEW connection conditions, which are: • Transmission Code 2007 [1] for wind farms with connection point at 110kV or above and • Technische Richtlinie, Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz [2] From 2009 on, these technical requirements will also be the basis for obtaining the “Systemdiensleistungsbonus”, which will be introduced by the new version of the German Renewable Energy Law (EEG). The studies have been carried out using a • 50MW wind farm for connection to a HV (110kV) connection point • 20MW wind farm for connection to a MV (10kV) connection point The technical behaviour of these wind farms has been analysed for different short circuit levels at the connection point and benchmarked against the relevant requirements of the technical standards. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -5- P1347 2 Description of the 2 MW Wind Turbine Turbine Model including WinDrive WinDrive Based on information provided by Voith Turbo Wind (models inclusive routines based on the control software of the wind turbine D 8.2), an updated dynamic model and routines of a wind turbine including variable dynamicallycontrolled speed gearbox and directly grid-coupled synchronous generator (2 MW) is implemented in the simulation software PowerFactory. The accuracy of the model is chosen to be suitable for analysing different effects of power system stability problems. The model (delivered by Voith Turbo Wind) consists of the following components, which are modelled in detail: • Synchronous generator including voltage control (VCO) and excitation system • Multi-mass shaft model • WinDrive - variable speed gearbox (simplified) including complete drive train • WinDrive and guide vane control • Speed control • Pitch angle control • Aerodynamics of the turbine model Voith Turbo provided a Matlab model including the complete drive train and its control as well as the turbine characteristic and pitch control. This model has been transferred to PowerFactory into a DSL model. The Matlab model also contains a simplified generator model. PowerFactory supports a detailed build-in generator model, which is suitable for transient simulations and which is used during the investigation. For this model of a 2 MW wind generator with a rated voltage of 10kV a set of electrical parameters has been provided. Table 1 and Table 2 lists the electrical parameters of the synchronous generator model including saturation. The rated frequency of the wind farm grids is assumed to be 50 Hz in all simulations. As the PowerFactory generator model has a different behaviour in comparison to the simplified Matlab model, both models have been compared by open loop tests. The verification of the model is shown in the next chapter. All data has been provided by Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -6- P1347 Table 1: Parameter Definition of the Synchronous Generator Models Parameter Description Unit Generator Sr Rated Mechanical Power kVA 2222 Ur Rated Voltage kV cos(phi) Rated Power Factor Pr Rated Mechanical Power kW 2000 n Nominal Speed rpm 1500 fel Nominal Frequency Hz 50 pz No of Pole Pairs ra stator resistance p.u. 0.0076 xl stator leakage reactance p.u. 0.072 xd (total) d-axis synchronous reactance p.u. 1.52 xq (total) q-axis synchronous reactance p.u. 0.996 x'd (total) d-axis transient reactance p.u. 0.152 x''d (total) d-axis subtransient reactance p.u. 0.116 x''q (total) q-axis subtransient reactance p.u. 0.192 T’d d-axis open circuit transient time constant S 0.208 T’’d d-axis open circuit subtransient time S 0.022 S 0.011 10 0.9 2 constant T’’q q-axis open circuit subtransient time constant Jgen Rotor Inertia kg m² 109.0223 Ta Acceleration Time Constant (rated to Pr) s 1.36968 Table 2: No-load Saturation Curve Parameters Terminal Voltage Unit Value Field Current Unit Value V0 pu 0 Ifd0 pu 0 V1 pu 0.5 Ifd1 pu 0.45 V2 pu 0.75 Ifd2 pu 0.69 V3 pu 1. Ifd3 pu 1 V4 pu 1.15 Ifd4 pu 1.37 V5 pu 1.25 Ifd5 pu 1.95 Table 3: Operation Points from the Capability Diagram at u=1p.u. P / MW 2.00 cos(ϕ ϕ) 0.9 Q/Sr / p.u. Q / Mvar 0.436 0.969 -0.436 -0.969 0.710 1.578 -0.580 -1.289 (overexcited) 2.00 0.9 (underexcited) 0.00 0.00 0.0 (overexcited) 0.0 (underexcited) Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -7- P1347 DIgSILENT 2.1 Wind Turbine Model Frame Wind-Turbine: u speed_Gen Pitch Adjust ElmPit* beta_ist vw Turbine ElmTur* M_Blatt1 beta_soll M_Blatt2 beta_soll M_Blatt3 Pitch Control ElmPit* ve VCO ElmVco* pt Shaft/Gearbox ElmComp* SyncParallel Generator ElmSym* M_Abtrieb SyncEnable WinDrive Ctrl ElmComp* Href GVP_Start omega_rotor WinDriveSpeed Pact Figure 1: Schematic Block Diagram of the Voith Wind Turbine Model Voith Turbo GmbH provided an updated model of the mechanical part including gearbox, clutches and mass-shaft models as well as the WinDrive control in form of a Matlab Simulink model including a set of parameter for a 50 Hz turbine. The model represents a simplified representation of the WinDrive model, which is suitable for analyzing system stability aspects. This model is implemented in the simulation software PowerFactory using block diagrams and the internal simulation language DSL. A benchmark of the PowerFactory model against the original Matlab model has been carried out to verify the model used for further studies. Figure 1 shows the schematic structure of the model including synchronous generator, excitations system and drive train. Turbine aerodynamics and pitch controller are not included in the model because it can be assumed, that wind speed and thus turbine power is constant during the simulation time. The results of the model verification are described and shown in chapter 3. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -8- P1347 DIgSILENT 2.2 Voltage Controller and Excitation System vco_ESAC5A: 1992 IEEE Type AC5A Excitation System usetp 0 Vrmax u 1/(1+sT) Tr ur - du - duo {K/(1+sT)} Ka,Ta duos [1/sT Te - uerrs Vrmin us ustab 1 duo1 uek (1+sTb)/(1+sTa) Tf2,Tf3 K Ke vx _sTb_/(1+sTa) Kf,Tf1 Se(efd) E1,Se1,E2,Se2 Figure 2: Schematic Block Diagram of the Voltage Controller Model (VCO) ESAC5A Table 4: Parameter Definition of the Voltage Controller Parameter Description Unit Values Tr Measurement Delay s 0.01 Ka Controller Gain p.u. 40 Ta Controller Time Constant s 0.1 Ke Excitor Constant p.u. 1 Te Excitor Time Constant s 0.2 Kf Stabilization Path Gain p.u. 0.05 Tf1 Stabilization Path 1th Time Constant s 0.35 Tf2 Stabilization Path 2th Time Constant s 0.1 Tf3 Stabilization Path 3th Time Constant s 0 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -9- P1347 Parameter Description Unit Values E1 Saturation Factor 1 p.u. 1.96 Se1 Saturation Factor 2 p.u. 1.06 E2 Saturation Factor 3 p.u. 1.47 Se2 Saturation Factor 4 p.u. 0.71 Vrmin Controller Minimum Output p.u. 0 Vrmax Controller Maximum Output p.u. 10 DIgSILENT 2.3 WinDrive and Drive Train Model Triebstrang Frame: M_Blatt1 0 0 M_Blatt2 1 1 M_Blatt3 2 M_Hauptwelle 2 omega_Nabe Rotor ElmRot* 0 3 0 0 Antrieb ElmAnt* 1 0 0 M_Antrieb omega_Antrieb 1 3 Href Clock * 4 0 cl SampleHold * H_soll Hydr_Antrieb ElmHyd* H 1 1 GVP_Start HSC ElmHsc* n_WD_in 1 2 2 3 3 1 M_Abtrieb omega_Abtrieb 0 5 speed_Gen 0 pt Shaft HSC-VBK 1 ElmSha* 1 2 2 n_Gen Figure 3: Schematic Block Diagram of the Multi-Mass Shaft Model of the Voith Wind Turbine including WinDrive Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the complete drive train including WinDrive. This model represents the mechanical spring-mass system of the shaft system of the rotor and of the shaft between generator and WinDrive. In PowerFactory , the generator inertia is integrated in the synchronous machine model and is therefore not modelled separately. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -10- P1347 DIgSILENT The model of the actual WinDrive hydrodynamic gearbox is shown in Figure 4. HSC WinDrive Model: rad/s -> rpm M_Antrieb 0 1 M_Abtrieb 0 M_Abtrieb_neg -1 omega_Antrieb 0 1 omega_Abtrieb WinDrive 1 z_Hohlrad_UG,z_Sonne_UG,J_Tr.. n_WD_in 0 1 2 2 2 omega_Turbine M_Pumpe M_Turbine 3 0 0 nue Nue 1 0 Torque Converter T_Wandler,rho_Oel,D_Prof.. 1 abs_min_omega_Pumpe 1 2 2 3 H 0 GVP_Start H_inc 1 Figure 4: Schematic Block Diagram of the WinDrive Model The parameter sets of all components are provided by Voith Turbo GmbH. The parameters are taken from the Matlab model “WinDrive_Tauschmaschine_Cuxhaven_Data_Rev08”. They are not listed here in detail. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -11- P1347 DIgSILENT 2.4 WinDrive Control WinDriveCtrl Frame: GVP_Start 0 0 Rotorkennlinie1 ElmRot* Psoll H_vorst 2 0 0 1 WinDriveSpeed Pact 0 0 Signal Vorfilterung1 ElmSig* 1 2 1 n_WD_in_fast 2 n_WD_in_slow SyncParallel ElmSyn* 3 Pcurr_KPP H_Netzbetrieb SyncParallel 0 TVSActive 0 1 SyncEnable 1 Verschliff ElmVer* 4 GVP SubSys ElmSub* Href 1 2 2 H_Sync 3 SyncEnable 2 speed_Gen FDelta Calc ElmFDe* FDelta 0 SyncMode ElmSyn* 1 Figure 5: Schematic Block Diagram of the WinDrive Control The WinDrive controller is providing the guide vane position (“GVC” or “Href”) to the mechanical WinDrive model. As a feedback the speed of the WinDrive “WinDriveSpeed” is used. The parameter sets of all components are provided by Voith Turbo GmbH. The parameters are taken from the Matlab model “WinDrive_Tauschmaschine_Cuxhaven_Data_Rev08”. They are not listed here in detail. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -12- P1347 DIgSILENT 2.5 Pitch Control and Aerodynamic Model Pitch Control: Schaltbedingung 0 D_pitch D_pitch dbeta 1 90 beta_ist 0 1 omega_rotor n_rotor_soll 0 rad/s -> rpm n_rotor Schaltbedingung n_eck,beta_grenz - Select n_rotor_nenn,n_ec.. dn 90 Rotor Speed Ctrl pitch_soll P_pitch_pos,P_pit.. beta Limiter beta_soll 1 0 0 DIgSILENT Figure 6: Schematic Block Diagram of the Pitch Controller Pitch Adjustment: max_geschw.. beta_soll dbeta2 - K pitch.. yi Delay pitch_Totzeit yi1 Limiter yi2 max_beschl.. RateOfChangeLim 0.001 yi3 1/s beta2 dbeta - K KVrea.. yi5 1/s beta_ist Figure 7: Schematic Block Diagram of the Pitch Adjustment Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -13- P1347 Table 5: Parameter Definition of the Pitch Control and Adjustment Parameter Description Unit Values max_beschleunigung_pitch Maximale deg/s² 60 deg/s 5.5 0.05 Blattwinkelverstellbeschleunigung max_geschwindigkeit_pitch Maximale Blattwinkelverstellgeschwindigkeit pitch_Totzeit Totzeit des Reglers s pitch_amplification_factor Reglerverstärkung p.u. 13 KVreal_pitch Kehrwert der Verzugszeit 1/s 10 maximum_pitch_adjustment_speed deg/s 9.5 n_rotor_nenn 1/min 18.6 n_eck 1/min 18.193 beta_grenz deg 3 P_pitch_pos deg/rpm 5 P_pitch_neg deg/rpm 6 I_pitch_pos deg/rpm/s 0.5 I_pitch_neg deg/rpm/s 2 D_pitch 5.7 Table 6: Parameter Definition of the Turbine Model Parameter Description Unit Values R Rotor Radius m 40.15 rho_luft Density of Air Kg/m³ cp cp-lambda-Characteristic 1.225 see Matlab model Pitch angle control and turbine aerodynamics are not taken into account during the analysis of the steady-state as well as transient and oscillatory stability aspects. Due to large time constants, these models their influence the simulations can be neglected. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -14- P1347 3 Verification of the PowerFactory Model In this chapter the model of the Voith wind turbine, which is implemented by DIgSILENT GmbH in the simulation software PowerFactory, is verified by comparing the results of a simulation with the results obtained with the corresponding Matlab model. As the Matlab model is using a simplified synchronous generator and no network model, the verification is carried out using an open-loop test of the model in Matlab and in PowerFactory. To do this the results from the Matlab simulation are fed as input signals into the PowerFactory model. These signals are the generator speed “n_Generator” and the electrical power “P_Gen”. The output signals of the different blocks of both models are then checked to be identical and thus to verify the dynamic response of the models. The simulation is performed in PowerFactory and Matlab using the following sequence: • Initialising the model with all rotational speed equal to zero. • The model is settling to a steady-state operation point at Pgen = 0 MW. • Start of a ramp onto the blade torques M_Blatt1, M_Blatt2 and M_Blatt3 at t=50 s, where the value is increased linearly from 0 Nm to 330’000 Nm with a gradient of 20’000 Nm/s. • This will in turn increase the electrical power to a value of Pgen = 1.8 MW. The simulations are carried out for a simulation time of 100 s. A fixed time step of 2 ms is used for both simulations. The results of both the PowerFactory and Matlab are shown in the plots on the next pages. The following variables of the models are visualised: Drive train: • the rotational speed omegaAntrieb and the torque MAntrieb as well as omegaAbtrieb and the torque MAbtrieb. • rotational speed of the generator omegaGen and the set point for the guide vane control Hsoll and H. • torque of the main shaft MHauptwelle and the rotational speeds omegaHauptgetriebe and omegaRotor. WinDrive control: • WinDrive speed and outputs of the signal input filter. • Outputs of the rotor characteristics Psoll and Hvorst resp. Hgefiltert • Guide vane control setpoint and output MNetzbetrieb, GVP and Href Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -15- P1347 The plots for the verification are shown in Annex 1. The results from the PowerFactory simulations are shown in red (solid curve) and the results from Matlab are shown in blue (dashed curve). The plots show that both simulations match very well. The model implemented into PowerFactory shows in the mechanical part as well as in the different control modes identical behaviour compared to the Matlab model. Thus the model can be used to be integrated into a detailed wind farm grid, to analyse the realistic behaviour of the wind turbines during disturbances and faults in the network. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -16- P1347 4 Wind Farm Network For analysing the compatibility of the Voith wind turbine concept to the German requirements for the connection to high voltage (HV) [1] and medium voltage (MV) [2] networks, the behaviour of a complete wind farm is investigated. The behaviour of the wind turbines with directly grid-coupled synchronous generators and variable speed gearbox is analyzed on the basis of typical wind farm layouts, which are described in this chapter. 4.1 Test Wind Farm with HV (110kV) (110kV) Connection Point The steady-state and dynamic performance of a wind farm is analyzed based on a wind farm layout with a total rated power of 50 MW and a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. The wind generators are arranged in 5 strands each connecting 5 wind turbines with a rating of 2 MW each. Each generator has a rated voltage of 10 kV, which corresponds to the wind farm internal voltage level. The wind farm is connected to the 110kV connection point by a 10kV/110kV step-up transformer. The distances between the turbines on a strand are assumed to be 500 m. The different strands are 1000 m apart. The wind farm configuration is shown in Figure 8. There are three different cable types used in the wind farm network. All cables are XLPE cables with a rated voltage of 10 kV and the laying procedure is in a flat formation (row). The cable types used and wind farm topology applied have been agreed with Voith Turbo. The cables are selected based on thermal considerations. For the connection of each strand to the main substation, two parallel cable systems (6x240RM) are used. Cable data is based on the DIN/IEC standard and is taken from reference [3], the data is listed in Table 7. Table 7: Characteristic Values of the used IEC Standard Cables [3] Cable Type Ur kV Ir kA Sr MVA R1’ Ω/km R0’ Ω/km X1’ Ω/km X0’ Ω/km C1’=C0’ µF/km N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 10 0.546 9.77 0.0754 0.701 0.180 0.293 0.456 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir 10 0.303 5.25 0.286 1.087 0.215 0.555 0.283 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 10 0.453 7.85 0.125 0.751 0.180 0.293 0.456 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -17- P1347 S1G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S1G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S1G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S1G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S1G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S1 10.00 kV bb_S1G1 10.00 kV bb_S1G2 10.00 kV bb_S1G3 10.00 kV bb_S1G4 10.00 kV bb_S1G5 10.00 kV X_S1 cb_S1_G3G4 cb_S1_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S1_G4G5 cb_S1_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km S2G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S2G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S2G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S2G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S2 10.00 kV bb_S2G1 10.00 kV bb_S2G2 10.00 kV bb_S2G3 10.00 kV bb_S2G4 10.00 kV bb_S2G5 10.00 kV cb_WP_S1 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km S2G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G X_S2 S3G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S3G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S3G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S3G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_WP_LV 10.00 kV S3G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G cb_WP_S2 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 1.50 km cb_S2_G3G4 cb_S2_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S2_G4G5 cb_S2_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km bb_WP_HV 110.00 kV bb_S3 10.00 kV tr_WP 60.00 MVA 10.00 % cb_S3_G3G4 cb_S3_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S3_G4G5 cb_S3_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km S4G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S4G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S4G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S4G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S4 10.00 kV bb_S4G1 10.00 kV bb_S4G2 10.00 kV bb_S4G3 10.00 kV bb_S4G4 10.00 kV bb_S4G5 10.00 kV cb_WP_S5 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km Voith DIgSILENT PowerFactory 14.0.506 X_S4 cb_S4_G3G4 cb_S4_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S4_G4G5 cb_S4_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km S5G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S5G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S5G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G S5G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S5 10.00 kV bb_S5G1 10.00 kV bb_S5G2 10.00 kV bb_S5G3 10.00 kV bb_S5G4 10.00 kV bb_S5G5 10.00 kV Wind Farm Layout Voith Wind Turbine Modelling Connection to HV Network S5G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G cb_WP_S4 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 1.50 km S4G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G 110kV Netz bb_S3G1 10.00 kV bb_S3G2 10.00 kV bb_S3G3 10.00 kV bb_S3G4 10.00 kV bb_S3G5 10.00 kV cb_WP_S3 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 2.50 km X_S3 X_S5 cb_S5_G3G4 cb_S5_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S5_G4G5 cb_S5_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km Project: P1347 Graphic: WF Grid Docu Date: 8/7/2008 Annex: DIgSILENT Figure 8: Wind Farm Layout for Connection to HV-Networks Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -18- P1347 The electrical parameters of the step-up transformers with tap changer are listed in Table 8. Table 8: Characteristic Values of the Wind Farm Transformer Transformer Type 110 / 10 kV YNd5 Tap Changer Sr / MVA uk / % uk0 / % 60 10 10 Add. Volt per tap / % Min. Pos Max. Pos. 1.5 -10 10 Copper Losses / kW ukr0 / % 200 0.333 For all investigated cases strong wind conditions are assumed, e.g. all wind generators are operating above nominal wind speed, thus all generators are providing rated active power of 2 MW. The total power output of the farm is about 50 MW. The power factor at the PCC is controlled to 0 Mvar in steady-state. The results from the load-flow calculation for the base case are shown in Annex 2. 4.2 Test Wind Farm with MV (10kV) Connection Point The German requirements for the connection to the medium voltage (MV) network are tested using a smaller wind farm with Voith wind generator technology. The wind farm is connected directly to the 10kV distribution network, without any step-up transformer. The performance of the directly grid-coupled synchronous generators with variable speed gearbox with a rated power output of 2 MW is analyzed and the compatibility with the requirements in the “Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008” [2] is shown. Therefore a wind farm is used based on a wind farm layout with a total rated power of 20 MW at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. The generators are arranged in 2 strands each connecting 5 wind turbines with a rating of 2 MW each. Each generator has a rated voltage of 10 kV. This layout and electrical components used are identical to two of the 5 strands from the 50 MW wind farm described in the previous section for the connection to a HV network. Figure 9 shows the wind farm grid used for the calculations including cable types and lengths. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -19- Grid Codes S1G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S1G2 10.00 kV S1G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S1G3 10.00 kV S1G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S1G4 10.00 kV bb_S1G5 10.00 kV Voith DIgSILENT S2G2 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S2G2 10.00 kV S2G3 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S2G3 10.00 kV S2G4 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G X_S2 X_S1 bb_S1 10.00 kV bb_S2G4 10.00 kV bb_S2G5 10.00 kV PowerFactory 14.0.506 cb_S2_G3G4 cb_S2_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S2_G4G5 cb_S2_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km S2G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S2G1 10.00 kV S2G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G cb_S1_G3G4 cb_S1_G1G2 N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir cb_S1_G4G5 cb_S1_G2G3 0.50 km 0.50 km N2XS2Y 1x70RM 6/10kV ir N2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km 0.50 km S1G1 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G bb_S1G1 10.00 kV S1G5 HVWI804D_WDG81 ~ G cb_WP_S2 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 1.50 km cb_WP_S1 NA2XS2Y 1x240RM 6/10kV ir 0.50 km DIgSILENT P1347 110kV Netz bb_WP_LV 10.00 kV bb_S2 10.00 kV Voith Wind Turbine Modelling Connection to MV Network Wind Farm Layout Project: P1347 Graphic: WF Grid Docu Date: 8/7/2008 Annex: Figure 9: Wind Farm Layout for Connection to MV-Network Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German -20- P1347 5 Requirements for Connections to the Transmission (HV) Grid For the connection of power plants to the transmission network level in Germany, the German grid code “TransmissionCode 2007” [1] published by the VDN e.V. – Verband Deutscher Netzbetreiber defines the technical requirements for the generators. In this chapter the different requirements are analysed and the compatibility of the wind turbine concept using a hydro-dynamically controlled gearbox (WinDrive) is investigated. The corresponding calculations and simulations are described and the results are shown. The layout of the wind farm with 25 x 2 MW wind turbines is shown in the previous chapter. The wind farm is connected to the transmission grid at the 110 kV voltage level. Each wind turbine is modelled in detail, as described in section 2. For assessing the dynamic behaviour of the turbines under different network configurations, three different shortcircuit levels at the point of common coupling (PCC) have been assumed: • Strong network: Sk’’=1000 MVA (SCR=20) • Weak network: Sk’’=300 MVA (SCR=6) • Very weak network: Sk’’=200 MVA (SCR=4) In a previous study the behaviour of the wind generators during different wind scenarios has been analysed. As a result of the simulation it can be concluded, that the strong wind scenario (wind speeds larger than nominal wind speed) is the worst case regarding the stability and fault ride-through of the turbines. Thus all calculations have been performed assuming full power output of 2 MW of all wind generators. For several of short circuit levels at the connection point, the following stability aspects have to be analysed according to the “TransmissionCode 2007”, section 3.3.13 “Requirements upon generating units using renewable energy sources” [1]: • Active power output • Reactive power output • Behaviour during network disturbances Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -21- P1347 5.1 Active Power Output (Section in [1]) Section describes the requirements of the grid code regarding the active power output of the wind power plant with regard to deviations of the network frequency from its nominal value. The wind generator must disconnect, if the network frequency is outside the range of 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz. If the frequency increases above 50.2 Hz, the active power output has to be reduced linearly. Also the transmission system operator must be able to reduce the active power output using of the complete wind farm in emergency cases. This ability has to be implemented into the control of the turbine to comply with the requirements. 5.2 Reactive Power Output (Section 3.3.8 in [1]) The requirements concerning the output of reactive power and voltage control at the PCC is similar for conventional power plants and for generators using renewable energy sources in section 3.3.8 in [1]. Three different figures 3.3a to 3.3c are defining requirements for the steady-state reactive power support of the plant to the network at the PCC. The values of reactive power output at rated active power are depending on the voltage at the PCC. The TSO can then select one of the variants relevant for its network. Figure 10 shows the different curves of the reactive power output in p.u. depending on the voltage at the PCC, where the dashed curves indicate the requirements according to [1]. The reactive power output capability of the wind farm has been tested using a series of load-flow calculations. The voltage at the PCC is set by the external network and the individual generators are controlled to provide maximum and minimum reactive power output according to the capability diagram (see also Table 3 in a previous chapter). It is then checked, if the reactive power value at the PCC is matching or exceeding the requirements. Because the requirements according to section 3.3.8 of the TC2007 [1] can be seen as requirements for “slow reactive power control”, it is assumed that the required reactive range must be covered in the time frame of minutes, hence with the support of the on load tap changer of the step-up transformer and possible with the support of mechanically switched capacitor banks. It can further be assumed that the range of the on load tap changer of the 10kV/110kV is able to maintain the voltage at the 10kV main bus bar at around nominal voltage. As a resulting curve the reactive power capability of the wind farm with the generators at maximum and at minimum reactive power output is shown in Figure 10 as a red solid curve. It can be seen, that the wind farm exceeds the required reactive power range for underexcited operation (consumption of reactive power at PCC), whereas the maximum requirements are not met for overexcited operation (support of reactive power at PCC). The reason for this are reactive losses in the wind farm internal distribution network and reactive losses of the 10kV/110kV step-up transformer, which are not covered by the synchronous generators having a rated power factor of only 0.9. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -22- P1347 140 130 120 Figure 3.3b Figure 3.3a Figure 3.3c Q_WP / pu 110 100 90 underexcited overexcited 80 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 10: Requirements according to [1] and Capability of Wind Farm for Steady-State Reactive Power Support at P=PN. In this case two solutions are possible: • A generator with high reactive power range (and therefore higher rated apparent power) should be used. Instead of using a generator with a rated power factor of 0.9, a generator with rated power factor of 0.85 or even 0.8 should be used for compensating reactive losses in the wind farm internal network and the 10kV/110kV step-up transformer. The resulting curve is shown in Figure 11 as a solid violet curve. It can be seen, that all three dashed curves from [1] are inside the capability curve. • An additional capacitor can be added at the main MV bus bar of the wind farm for shifting the complete reactive capability curve. In this example a 7 Mvar capacitor has been added at the 10 kV substation. The yellow curve in Figure 11 shows that the wind farm meets all reactive power requirements according to [1]. Depending on requirements during partial load, the capacitor bank must be switchable with different steps. • Option 1, using a generator with larger reactive power range, will be the more cost effective solution in most wind farm projects. It is therefore recommended to reconsider the size of the standard generator and possible go towards a generator with larger MVA rating, at least for projects with HV connection point. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -23- P1347 140 130 120 Figure 3.3b Figure 3.3a Figure 3.3c Q_W P / pu Q_(pf=0.85) / pu Q_W P_Cap / pu 110 100 90 underexcited -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 overexcited -0.2 80 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 11: Requirements and Capability of Wind Farm for Steady-State Reactive Power Support. 5.3 Behaviour during Disturbances in the Network The grid code is dividing the generating units using renewable energy sources into two types: • Type 1: a synchronous generator directly connected to the network. • Type 2: any other generator technology. The turbine using the Voith WinDrive technology is applying a synchronous generator directly coupled to the network. Thus for analysing the behaviour of the wind farm after disturbances, the requirements for generators of type 1 has to be applied. These requirements are listed under section 3.3.12 in [1]. 5.3.1 Transient Stability after ShortShort-Circuits Circuits (section resp. in [1]) Most grid codes require that generators stay connected in the case of network faults (low-voltage ride-through capability, LVRT). It is of particular importance to transmission system operators, that wind farms stay connected in case of faults at major transmission levels leading to a voltage depression in a wide area, which could lead to a major loss of wind generation if wind farms were not equipped with LVRT-capability. Therefore, LVRT-capability is a definite requirement for all larger wind farms. The main issue of synchronous generators with direct grid connection (without power electronics converters) is their ability to remain in synchronism during and after major voltage sags. The corresponding effect is named “Transient Stability” in literature. The main parameters influencing transient stability are: Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -24- P1347 • Rotor inertia/turbine power during the fault. • Depth of the voltage sag. • Duration of the voltage sag. • Short circuit impedance of the grid to which the generators are connected. The transmission code requires LVRT for two different types of faults at the PCC: • Solid 3-phase short-circuit with 150ms clearing time (0% remaining voltage) • 3-phase short-circuit for 5s with large fault impedance (85% remaining voltage) According to the requirements a SCR of 6 should be analysed. To assess transient stability of the turbines more thoroughly and to get a better overview of the performance of the generator concept, simulations are carried out for three different short-circuit levels at the 110kV connection point (PCC): • Strong network: SCR=20 • Weak network: SCR=6 • Very weak network: SCR=4 All results of the transient simulations are shown in Annex 3. Table 9 summarizes the results. Table 9: Results from the Simulations for the Transient Stability according to [1] Fault Strong Network (SCR=20) Weak Network (SCR=6) Very Weak Network (SCR=4) 3ph Short-Circuit, 0% stable stable stable 3ph Short-Circuit, 85% stable stable stable The simulations show that the wind generators are stable for all combination of faults and short-circuit levels analysed. Even at very weak networks with a SCR of 4, the generators are remaining in synchronism after the short-circuit. Thus in all cases the transient stability of the wind generators is ensured. As shown in a previous study, the layout of the wind farm grid has a substantial influence on the impedances between generator and PCC and hence on the stability of the generators. For this layout the minimum short circuit level is Sk”=180 MVA or a SCR=3.6 for a solid three-phase fault. 5.3.2 Oscillatory Stability (section in [1]) After large disturbances or also after minor network disturbances as they are always present, such as changes in the voltage due to switching of lines or other network components or load changes, oscillations between the wind farm and the main network or oscillations between the different generators within the farm can be excited. This can already be seen in the simulation from the last section “transient stability”. Especially for the very weak network with SCR of 4 and the three-phase fault with remaining voltage of 85%, an oscillation of around 4-5 Hz can be seen, which is damped out within 10 s. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -25- P1347 The effect of these oscillatory modes and their damping can be analyzed using eigenvalue analysis. Using this analysis technique characteristic modes of a system are obtained in terms of damping and characteristic frequency. The behaviour of the generators and thus the damping of possible modes is depending on the operation point of the generator. [1] requires the analysis of modes in all possible operation points of the generator within its capability diagram. Thus for each combination of short-circuit level at the PCC (SCR=20, SCR=6, SCR=4), different operating points of the generators are investigated: • Operation Point 1: P=PN, Q=0 Mvar (at PCC) • Operation Point 2: P=PN, Q=Qmax • Operation Point 3: P=0 MW, Q=Qmax • Operation Point 4: P=0 MW, Q=Qmin • Operation Point 5: P=PN, Q=Qmin Frequency and damping of each mode is calculated and analyzed. The results of the calculations are visualized in Annex 3 in form of eigenvalue plots containing eigenvalues in the complex plane. Additionally the participation factors are shown for two eigenvalues with the lowest damping. The results for these eigenvalues from the eigenvalue analysis are summarized in Table 10 to Table 12 for all short-circuit levels at the PCC. Table 10: Results of the Eigenvalue Analysis for SCR=20 SCR=20 P=PN, Q=0 Mvar P=PN, Q=Qmax P=0MW, Q=Qmax Mode No. Period Frequency s Hz Damping Ratio Mode 00576 0.183 5.47 2.750 1.654 Mode 00578 0.171 5.84 4.526 2.171 A1/A2 Mode 00576 0.184 5.44 2.796 1.672 Mode 00578 0.174 5.76 4.568 2.212 Mode 00507 0.190 5.27 1.539 1.339 Mode 00509 0.186 5.38 2.796 1.681 P=0MW, Q=Qmin Mode 00452 0.198 5.04 1.841 1.441 Mode 00454 0.200 5.01 2.139 1.533 P=PN, Q=Qmin Mode 00578 0.161 6.20 4.103 1.937 Mode 00626 0.178 5.62 2.406 1.535 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -26- P1347 Table 11: Results of the Eigenvalue Analysis for SCR=6 SCR=6 Mode No. P=PN, Q=0 Mvar P=PN, Q=Qmax P=0MW, Q=Qmax Period Frequency s Hz Damping Ratio Mode 00575 0.171 5.84 4.524 2.171 Mode 00583 0.189 5.29 2.286 1.541 A1/A2 Mode 00573 0.190 5.26 2.303 1.549 Mode 00575 0.174 5.75 4.567 2.211 Mode 00494 0.193 5.18 1.014 1.216 Mode 00496 0.186 5.38 2.796 1.681 P=0MW, Q=Qmin Mode 00454 0.198 5.05 1.564 1.363 Mode 00486 0.200 5.01 2.139 1.533 P=PN, Q=Qmin Mode 00624 0.186 5.38 2.044 1.462 Mode 00575 0.161 6.20 4.100 1.937 Damping Ratio Table 12: Results of the Eigenvalue Analysis for SCR=4 SCR=4 P=PN, Q=0 Mvar P=PN, Q=Qmax P=0MW, Q=Qmax P=0MW, Q=Qmin P=PN, Q=Qmin Mode No. Period Frequency s Hz Mode 00574 0.171 5.84 4.524 2.171 Mode 00622 0.192 5.21 2.155 1.513 Mode 00572 0.193 5.17 2.167 1.520 Mode 00574 0.174 5.75 4.566 2.211 Mode 00494 0.195 5.12 0.810 1.171 Mode 00496 0.186 5.38 2.796 1.681 A1/A2 Mode 00453 0.198 5.05 1.416 1.324 Mode 00486 0.200 5.01 2.139 1.533 Mode 00575 0.161 6.20 4.100 1.937 Mode 00624 0.186 5.38 2.044 1.462 From the eigenvalue diagrams in Annex 3 it can be derived, that there are oscillatory modes in different frequency ranges: • around 2.6Hz inherent mechanical mode of the drive train and low damping, no participation of generators. • 2.4-3.3 Hz local wind farm modes representing oscillations of combined generator/turbine inertias within the wind farm and of the wind farm against the network. • 5-7 Hz oscillations related to generator inertia within the wind farm and of the wind farm against the network. • 30-33 Hz torsional modes of the drive trains. • 45-46 Hz torsional modes of the drive trains. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -27- P1347 These results are similar to the results derived in the previous study. An additional torsional mode at 45 Hz is occurring, due to the more complex drive train model. The modes at around 2.4..3.3 Hz are oscillations related to the combined inertia of generator and turbine. The mode with lowest damping indicates the oscillation between the wind farm and the network. The local wind farm modes representing oscillations between generators and groups of generators show higher damping. Generally all modes are very well damped. The lowest damped mode at around 5 Hz represents oscillations of the wind farm against the external 110 kV network (first mode listed in Table 10 to Table 12). These oscillations show a good damping even at low short circuit levels at the PCC, where the ratio between consecutive swings is around 1.1 to 1.4. The minimum is reached at low power output (low wind conditions) and at weak PCCs, although the damping is still sufficient. The other modes in the frequency range between 5..7 Hz are related to generator oscillations within the wind farm, i.e. groups of generators or strands oscillating against each other. These modes are better damped then the “wind farm mode” described above. The mode with the lowest damping is the second mode listed in Table 10 to Table 12. Annex 3 also shows the participation phasor diagrams for both modes. Here it can be seen, that the generators are oscillating against the network resp. against each other. Oscillatory modes at higher frequencies are torsional modes of the drive trains. These oscillations are always present in case of wind turbines. However, they are not causing any interactions between the wind generators and are therefore not critical. Additionally it can be concluded that oscillatory modes around frequencies of 0.5 – 1 Hz are not present, thus periodically excited frequencies in this range, like the tower shadow effect, will not result in persisting oscillations. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -28- P1347 6 Requirements Requirements for Connections to the Distribution (MV) Grid For the connection of power plants and wind generators to the German distribution grid at medium voltage level, the German grid code “Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008” [2] published by the BDEW - Bundesverband der Energieund Wasserwirtschaft e. V. defines the technical requirements. In this chapter the different requirements are analysed and the compatibility of the wind turbine concept using a hydro-dynamically controlled gearbox (WinDrive) is investigated. The corresponding calculations and simulations are described and the results are shown. Here a wind farm with 10 x 2 MW wind generators is connected to the distribution network at 10 kV voltage level. The generators are assumed to operate at full power output in all calculations. The wind turbine is modelled in detail, as described in section 2. A step-up transformer for the wind generator is not needed when connected directly to the 10 kV voltage level. For the simulations three different values for the short-circuit level at the point of common coupling (PCC) have been assumed. These values are chosen to be typical values for strong and weak MV networks: • Strong network: Sk’’=500 MVA SCR=25 • Weak network: Sk’’=250 MVA SCR=12.5 • Very weak network: Sk’’=150 MVA SCR=7.5 For all listed short circuit levels at the PCC, the following stability aspects have to be analysed according to the “Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008” [2]: Network Disturbances (section 2.4): • Steady-state voltage changes. • Transient voltage changes due to switching. • Flicker. • Harmonics. • Commutation voltage drops. • Impact on ripple control. Behaviour of the Generator (section 2.5): • Transient stability of the wind farm (behaviour during large disturbances). • Short-circuit current. • Active power output. • Reactive power output. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -29- P1347 6.1 Network Disturbances 6.1.1 SteadySteady-State State Voltage Changes (Section 2.3 in [2]) The steady-state voltage change is depending on the layout of the medium voltage network, the strength of the network (short-circuit level) and the point in the network, where the wind farm is interconnected. Also the steady-state voltage change is not depending on the generator technology but only on the rated power of the power plant. Thus this issue has to be analysed for each individual wind farm project and can not investigated in combination with a simplified network equivalent. 6.1.2 Voltage Change due to Switching Operations (section 2.4.1 in [2]) Due to connection and disconnection of wind generators the maximum voltage change shall not exceed the limit of 2%. Compared to asynchronous generators, which might use a direct start-up method having a large impact on network voltage, the direct coupled synchronous generator uses an offline start-up method and synchronisation devices. Thus the analysed wind turbine concept will only have a minor impact on system voltage during switching operations. According to [2] a simple way of estimate the maximum voltage step change is to use an approximated value kimax, which is defined as the maximum switching current rated to nominal generator current. For synchronous machines this factor can be assumed to be kimax=1.2. The voltage step change can then be calculated ∆u max = k i max S rE 1 = k i max < 2% , S kV nGen ⋅ SCR ⋅ cos(ϕ r ) where nGen is the number of generators in the wind farm and cos(ϕr) is the rated power factor. It can then be estimated that for wind farm with 10 turbines with 2 MW each connected to a weak network with a SCR of 10, the ∆umax is then 1.33 % and thus below the maximum of 2 %. A more exact method to assess the impact of switching operations on the voltage is to use the maximum “voltage change factor” kU(ψK) and the “flicker step factor” kf(ψK), which measured at different network impedance angle and at cut-in and rated wind speed. The values are provided in the data sheet of the turbine. The maximum voltage change ∆umax is calculated as follows: ∆u max = kU (ψ K ) S rE 1 = kU (ψ K ) < 2% S kV nGen ⋅ SCR ⋅ cos(ϕ r ) Thus the voltage change factor for nGen=10 generators in the wind farm and rated wind speed as well as cut-in wind speed is derived and shown in Table 13 and Table 14. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -30- P1347 Table 13: Voltage Change Factor and max. Voltage Change ∆umax for different SCR Values and Impedance Angles for 10 Generators and at rated Wind Speed. ∆umax / % ψK=30° ψK=50° ψK=70° ψK=85° Voltage change factor 1.03 0.74 0.38 0.14 25 0.458 0.329 0.169 0.062 12.5 0.916 0.658 0.338 0.124 7.5 1.526 1.096 0.563 0.207 Table 14: Voltage Change Factor and max. Voltage Change ∆umax for different SCR Values and Impedance Angles for 10 Generators and at cut-in Wind Speed. ∆umax / % ψK=30° ψK=50° ψK=70° ψK=85° Voltage change factor 0.21 0.14 0.06 0.04 25 0.093 0.062 0.027 0.018 12.5 0.187 0.124 0.053 0.036 7.5 0.311 0.207 0.089 0.059 It can be seen that in all cases the limit of 2% is not exceeded, when the wind generators are switching at rated or cut-in wind speed for realistic values of short-circuit ratios in the 10 kV network. Additionally the data sheet provides a value for the maximum “flicker step factor” kf(ψK), which is also caused by switching operations and is again depending on the network impedance angle. The long-term flicker limit Plt,max of 0.46 should not be exceeded by this effect. Plt can be calculated from the flicker step factor and the number of switching operations within 120 min in the following way, if all turbines are of the same type: nGen 8 Plt = N120,i ⋅ k f ,i (ψ K ) ⋅ S rE S kV i =1 ∑ ( ) 3.2 0.31 = 8 ⋅ (nGen ⋅ N120 )0.31 ⋅ k f (ψ K ) ⋅ S rE < 0.46 S kV Thus the maximum number of switching operation N120 are: N120 = 1 nGen S 1 ⋅ Plt ,max ⋅ kV ⋅ S 8 ⋅ k ( ψ ) rE f K 1 0.31 = 1 nGen 1 ⋅ Plt ,max ⋅ ( SCR ⋅ nGen ⋅ cos(ϕ r )) ⋅ 8 ⋅ k ( ψ ) f K 1 0.31 According to the IEC 61400-21 standard [4] the value N120 is provided by the manufacturer. If not given, it can be assumed to be 120 at cut-in wind speed and 12 for rated wind speed, indicating an estimated 120 resp. 12 switching operations in 120 min. The tables below show the maximum value for N120, for which the limit of Plt = 0.46 is not exceeded. These values are then compared to minimum numbers for N120. of 120 at cut-in wind speed and 12 for rated wind speed. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -31- P1347 Table 15: Maximum Switching Operations within 120 min for different SCR Values and Impedance Angles for 10 Generators and at rated Wind Speed. N120 ψK=30° ψK=50° ψK=70° ψK=85° Flicker step change 0.25 0.18 0.11 0.08 25 33786 97490 477415 1333624 12.5 3611 10421 51031 142551 7.5 695 2006 9822 27436 Table 16: Maximum Switching Operations within 120 min for different SCR Values and Impedance Angles for 10 Generators and at cut-in Wind Speed. N120 ψK=30° ψK=50° ψK=70° ψK=85° Flicker step change 0.21 0.14 0.06 0.04 25 59293 219301 3373352 12476649 12.5 6338 23441 360576 1333624 7.5 1220 4512 69399 256680 The results show that for all SCR values there is practically no limit for the number of switching operations due to very low flicker step factors of the generator. 6.1.3 LongLong-Term Flicker (Section 2.4.2 in [2]) Changes in wind speed or turbulences as well as effects like tower shadow can have an impact on the active power output of the wind generators. This in turn will affect the voltage and can cause voltage variations, which can disturb other customers connected to the MV network. Therefore the long-term voltage flicker Plt is calculated to assess the impact on the network. The data sheet provides a value for the maximum “flicker coefficient” c depending on the network impedance angle for values of 30°, 50°, 70° and 85° at a different wind speeds. The long-term flicker value can be calculated as follows: Plt = nGen ⋅ c ⋅ S rE 1 = c⋅ < 0.46 S kV nGen ⋅ SCR ⋅ cos(ϕ r ) Thus the flicker value Plt for nGen=10 generators and for the worst case of a wind speed of 10 m/s in the wind farm is calculated. The results are shown in Table 17. Table 17: Long-Term Flicker Value Plt for different SCR Values and Impedance Angles and at rated Wind Speed for 10 Generators. SCR ψK=30° ψK=50° ψK=70° ψK=85° Flicker coefficient 3.98 3.47 2.81 2.21 25 0.056 0.049 0.039 0.031 12.5 0.112 0.098 0.079 0.062 7.5 0.186 0.163 0.132 0.104 It can be seen that for all cases and even at very weak PCC, the long term flicker Plt is with a maximum of 0.186 far below the limit of 0.46. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -32- P1347 6.1.4 Harmonics (Section 2.4.3 in [2]) According to the data sheet the harmonic currents Ih are given in % based on the rated generator current for one machine. These values are compared to the limits given in [2]. These limits are given in A/MVA. The current values can then be calculated for one turbine: Iν ,lim = iν ,lim ⋅ S kV = iν ,lim ⋅ ( Pr ⋅ SCR ) Table 18 shows the measured harmonic currents Ih as well as the harmonic current limit for different SCR values up to the 50th harmonic order. Red values are indicating a violation of the limits. It can be seen that for the 5th and 31st harmonic, the current limits are slightly exceeded for very weak networks. As the distorted currents in the data sheet are derived from preliminary measurements, where large power electronic devices are connected within the vicinity of the turbine (DFIG and full converter wind turbine in Cuxhaven), these measurements should be validated first to draw conclusions from these results. Usually synchronous generators have a very low contribution to harmonic currents in the network, esp. at low frequencies as the 5th harmonics. Table 18: Measured Harmonic Currents Ih and Harmonic Current Limits for different SCR Values Harmonic Order Measured Ih/Ir / % Measured Ih / A ih,max / A/MVA acc. to [2] Ih,max / A for SCR=25 Ih,max / A for SCR=12.5 Ih,max / A for SCR=7.5 2.00 0.100 0.128 0.030 1.500 0.750 0.450 3.00 0.300 0.385 0.058 2.900 1.450 0.870 4.00 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.750 0.375 0.225 5.00 1.300 1.668 0.058 2.900 1.450 0.870 6.00 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.500 0.250 0.150 7.00 0.500 0.641 0.082 4.100 2.050 1.230 8.00 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.375 0.188 0.113 9.00 0.000 0.000 0.052 2.600 1.300 0.780 10.00 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.300 0.150 0.090 11.00 0.300 0.385 0.052 2.600 1.300 0.780 12.00 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.250 0.125 0.075 13.00 0.200 0.257 0.038 1.900 0.950 0.570 14.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.214 0.107 0.064 15.00 0.000 0.000 0.022 1.100 0.550 0.330 16.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.188 0.094 0.056 17.00 0.000 0.000 0.022 1.100 0.550 0.330 18.00 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.167 0.083 0.050 19.00 0.000 0.000 0.018 0.900 0.450 0.270 20.00 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.150 0.075 0.045 21.00 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.600 0.300 0.180 22.00 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.136 0.068 0.041 23.00 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.600 0.300 0.180 24.00 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.125 0.063 0.038 25.00 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.500 0.250 0.150 Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -33- P1347 Harmonic Order Measured Ih/Ir / % Measured Ih / A ih,max / A/MVA acc. to [2] Ih,max / A for SCR=20 Ih,max / A for SCR=6 Ih,max / A for SCR=4 26.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.115 0.058 0.035 27.00 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.463 0.231 0.139 28.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.107 0.054 0.032 29.00 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.431 0.216 0.129 30.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.100 0.050 0.030 31.00 0.100 0.128 0.008 0.403 0.202 0.121 32.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.094 0.047 0.028 33.00 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.379 0.189 0.114 34.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.088 0.044 0.026 35.00 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.357 0.179 0.107 36.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.083 0.042 0.025 37.00 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.338 0.169 0.101 38.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.079 0.039 0.024 39.00 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.321 0.160 0.096 40.00 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.075 0.038 0.023 41.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.220 0.110 0.066 42.00 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.071 0.036 0.021 43.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.209 0.105 0.063 44.00 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.068 0.034 0.020 45.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.200 0.100 0.060 46.00 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.065 0.033 0.020 47.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.191 0.096 0.057 48.00 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.063 0.031 0.019 49.00 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.184 0.092 0.055 50.00 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.060 0.030 0.018 6.1.5 Commutation Voltage Drops (Section (Section 2.4.4 in [2]) This issue is only applicable for gird commutated converters and is not valid for the Voith wind generator concept. 6.1.6 Impact on Ripple Control (Section 2.4.5 in [2]) Synchronous generators can generally have in impact on ripple control systems by lowering the network impedance. This can lead to higher required ratings of ripple control systems based on parallel infeed and to lower ripple control signals in case of system with serial infeed. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -34- P1347 6.2 Behaviour of the Generator 6.2.1 Transient Network Support Support – LowLow-Voltage RideRide-Through (Section in [2]) Similar to the requirements for wind farm connections to the HV network, the “Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008” requires a power plant to be able to: • Stay connected in the case of network faults (Low-voltage ride-through capability (LVRT) or fault ride through capability (FRT)). • Provide reactive current during the fault. • Have limited reactive power consumption after the fault. The voltage profile according to the grid code is valid for synchronous generators, which are directly connected to the network (type 1 generators). These are obliged to stay connected during typical network faults that show voltage profiles at the PCC that are contained in voltage shaped shown in Figure 12 [2]. The main issue of synchronous generators with direct grid connection (without power electronics converters) is their ability to remain in synchronism during and after major voltage sags. The corresponding effect is named Transient Stability in literature. Figure 12: Requirements for Low Voltage Ride Through Capability of Generators according to [2]. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -35- P1347 For three different short-circuit ratios (SCR) at the PCC different short-circuits short-circuits have been calculated to analyse extreme cases of faults according to Figure 12. These short-circuits are: • Solid 3-phase short-circuit with 150ms clearing time (0% remaining voltage) • 3-phase short-circuit for 700ms with 70% remaining voltage • Voltage Step at PCC to 90% The detailed results of the simulation are shown in Annex 4. Table 19 summarizes the results. Table 19: Results from the Simulations for Transient Stability Fault Strong Network (SCR=25) Weak Network (SCR=12.5) Very Weak Network (SCR=7.5) 3ph Short-Circuit, 0% stable stable stable 3ph Short-Circuit, 70% stable stable stable Voltage Step, 90% stable stable stable The results show, that the generators do not face instability in any case. The behaviour is also dependent on the actual layout of the farm grid. If for example a step-up transformer or a cable is connected in between generator and grid, the total impedance between generator and network is increase, which will have a negative effect on the stability of the wind farm. On the other hand the generator provides a high amount of reactive power during voltage depression. This voltage support has a positive effect on the terminal voltage and thus on the generator stability. Thus the individual wind farm layout has to be tested for each project. All power plants are required to provide a reactive current during the fault. As shown in the simulations in Annex 4, the synchronous generators contribute up to 8 times its rated current as reactive current to the network during the solid 3-phase fault. Thus the voltage can be very well supported in the neighbouring MV network. 6.2.2 ShortShort-Circuit Current (Section 2.5.2 in [2]) A synchronous generator will provide relatively high short-circuit currents to the network compared to other wind generator technologies. Thus it has to be ensured, that the ratings of the switchgear in the connected network is not exceeded by the additional short-circuit contribution of the wind farm. This issue is depending on the design of the medium voltage network and the individual substations. Thus it has to be analysed for each individual wind farm project and can not investigated in combination with a simplified network equivalent. 6.2.3 Active Power Output (Section 2.5.3 in [2]) These requirements are identical to the ones described in the TransmissionCode 2007. These are analysed in detail in the previous chapter. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -36- P1347 6.2.4 Reactive Power Output (Section 2.5.4 in [2]) In contrast to the reactive power capability curves at the PCC shown in the TransmissionCode 2007 [1], the requirements are that the generator should be able to operate at a power factor between 0.95 (overexcited) and 0.95 (underexcited) for the complete active power range. According to the capability diagram of the generator used for the Voith wind turbine, the machine is able to operate between a power factor of 0.9 (overexcited) and 0.9 (underexcited) at the nominal operation point at P=PN and increased reactive power output at partial and no load conditions (see also Table 3). Load-flows for four operation points show the reactive capability at the wind farm PCC. Table 20 and Figure 13 show the resulting power factor and reactive power output at the PCC of the wind farm. It can be seen that the wind farm is able to operate at a power factor down to 0.9 for overexcited and underexcited operation. For reduced active power output the reactive power output can be increased and thus the generator can operate at lower power factor values. Also if taking reactive power losses in the wind farm network into account, the required power factor can be easily maintained. Table 20: Reactive Power Limits and Power Factor of Wind Generator at P=0MW and P=PN Pgen / MW Qgen_max / Mvar required cos(ϕ ϕ) cos(ϕ ϕ) 0.00 0.710 0.95 (overexcited) 0 (overexcited) 0.00 -0.580 0.95 (underexcited) 0 (underexcited) 2.00 0.436 0.95 (overexcited) 0.906 (overexcited) 2.00 -0.436 0.95 (underexcited) 0.886 (underexcited) 1.2 P / pu 1 0.8 Q(pf=0.95) / pu Q_WP / pu 0.6 0.4 0.2 underexcited -1.000 -0.800 -0.600 -0.400 -0.200 overexcited 0 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 Figure 13: Capability of Wind Farm for Steady-State Reactive Power Support at the PCC and required Reactive Power Output in p.u. based on Nominal Active Power PN. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -37- P1347 Additionally the wind farm should be able to change its reactive power output from the maximum to the mimimum steady-state requirements within a given time. Thus the power factor has to be able to control from 0.95 (overexcited) to 0.95 (underexcited) or vice versa within 10 s. To show this a dynamic simulation has been performed, where the voltage setpoint of the voltage controllers of the wind generators is changed at 0 s in a way that the reactive power output at the PCC changes from +6.5 Mvar to -6.5 Mvar. Annex 4.4 shows the simulation results. It can be seen that the response of the wind farm is fast and the required change in reactive power output can be carried out at least within 6-7 s. The behaviour of the wind farm to voltage changes can be seen also in the simulations to the transient stability. Here a voltage step to 90% nominal voltage at the PCC shows a very fast increase of reactive power output of the wind farm within 1-2 s. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -38- P1347 7 Conclusion In this study the steady-state and dynamic behaviour of the Voith wind turbine concept with variable speed gearbox and directly grid-coupled synchronous generator is analysed. The main focus is the compatibility of the performance of typical wind farms with regard to the technical requirements derived from the German grid codes: • the “TransmissionCode 2007” for connections to the transmission (HV) systems and • the “Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008” for connections to the distribution (MV) systems. The requirements of the “TransmissionCode 2007” concerning reactive power output at the point of common coupling (PCC) can all be met. Transient stability has been investigated for different short-circuit ratios (SCR) at the PCC. Low-voltage ridethrough and high reactive current support to the network can be ensured in all cases, when connected to very weak networks. Eigenvalue analysis has shown that oscillatory stability is no issue at any SCR value or any operation point of the generator, thus even at low power output the generators will provide sufficient damping of modes for modes within the frequency range of 5-7 Hz. For connections of a wind farm to the medium-voltage network at 10 kV the different regulations according to the “Mittelspannungsrichtlinie 2008” have been analysed. It is shown that all requirements are met and all limiting factors are well complied with, when the farm is connected to a sufficiently strong PCC. Also the specifications regarding low-voltage ride-through and reactive power support can be exceeded. Only the harmonic currents injected into the network are slightly exceeding the given limits at two frequencies. Because it is very much unlikely that a generator concept with directly grid-coupled synchronous generators causes any kind of harmonic problem, the harmonic current measurements should be verified before drawing any further conclusions. Grid Compatibility of Wind Generators with Hdyro-Dynamically Controled Gearbox with German Grid Codes -39- P1347 8 References [1] TransmissionCode 2007, Netz- und Systemregeln der deutschen Übertragungsnetzbetreiber, Version 1.1, Verband der Netzbetreiber –VDN- e.V. beim VDEW, August 2007. [2] Technische Richtlinie, Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz, BDEW Bundesverband der Energieund Wasserwirtschaft e.V., Juni 2008. [3] Power Cables and their Application – Part 2, L. Reinhold, R Stubbe, 3rd rev. edition, Siemens AG, 1993. [4] IEC 61400-21, International Standard, Edition 12-2001, Wind turbine generator systems, Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines, December 2001. 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